HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-09, Page 21 THE SEA-II-WEEKLY—SIGNAL. • -- I.mm•mmmtvI.Na• • could be found to prepare the soil. has been seeded, and the crop now looks finely, giving. deli promise of an abundant .harveat. The return of thoniands of soldies to their homes • will cheapen harvest labor, and insure a suffi- ciency of help to gather the crops. In view of those prospects, we submit that it it reicher Win for Western farmers to retain.. theirtinimente atocks to spoil stid further, not for -railroads to impose almost prohibitory burdens in the way of frershos Still less is the rising market for the few, days past, ex- _ eusablit in the price of breadstuff. Kirby Smith hits starte4 for Fraece by way of Mexico: His wife hes arrivtal at Memphis, and is goiree acrossthe- oe ean to join hint.. • St tni-rii)tchti 9i gnat, 'GRIDEKCIL JUNE 9118654 1 pEiERR14Awrierat,..-Tba length of our report of Co -unties. Council pro- teedirngs renders k neee.ssary to lay over several articles prepared for this issue. , COAL OIL. -.4 Company is being form -- ed in this town for the purpose of sink- ing a test well. Some sixteen or eighteen hundred dollars have ,been Subscribed already-. The indications- are such that no doubt whatever is entertained of ulti- mate sueeesi.. Mr. Kimball is. pushing the matter on with his usual energy. Sue.cess to the enterprise. . • Smalls Poxitxxxist.-Dr. McDou- gall informs us that the small -pox remelly- mentioned by our Ilay correspondent may be had from the druggists of this town; and that he has ised it with much success iD several ares.. THEFT LAST NIGHT. -.-Some pershn , or, persons broke into the Market liddse last night by prying open a. window, and stole a considerable quantity of wool from • Mr Sloan,. some meat, die. The building is very nSecure and, shall- be attended top - the Council without delay. ger- In our police report of last 'wick - read John- Dougherty instead of &din Durnin-, the latter being a mistake:. ---- Young Shannon, on a charge of stealing a enw,hai been. amt.- up for trial at the Ses- . 1110115. e- ,44 }lard times is now on every hip, - Aral breathed troin every tongue % „ Most of our readers, no doubt, remSm- ber this poetic effusriedt which is so apppli-. cable at the present time when every person feels its truth. It is a, melancliply fact that most of our citizens, of all cla s'es and whatever their profession, -trade or occupation may be, have Iess change -in their pockets .this year . than for inimy years past, and why is it so? Are -we SS a people more slothful in business than formerly? .Or have We in former, yars united more capital with more labor with &greater degree of activity than at the- . present, and are - thedull times now attributable to this fact ? We find that _some towna and eitie.s even- in our on Province ars rapidly accuMulating we dth • while the Wealth. of others has for years IIIARD astonished physician will denoun.!e our Banks and the balmy air of " Old IIu- ron " as being "disagreeably healthy," reminding us of the old adage that -" Na- ture does the cure but the dostor_ gets paid fikr it." _ We have a few visitors • already- ninon:: whom we are pleas .d to mention Richard Hawley; Esq., who has lately. brought his family and a number of, ids friends we understand, from Detroit to spend die sammer in Goderich. Mr. Hawley has a magnificent residence a short distance from the town and, judging from hisfost horses whieh we every ninoruirig see in town we are convinced that he and his family are enjoying lite, that they - know how ta enjoy it, and by comingto •goderieh. they show that they _ know where to enjoy it. • We want a few more such familiesin our midst to make our tOWI1 attractive and to give it •that rep- _ tation which it is entitled to as a fashisne able, attractive and recuperative Watering place -and that it will become suth we have no doubt -if our -citizens will endea- vor to make it so and -to increase its grow- ing reputation in this respect, by which means we will be the better •ible to work through the hard tunes and to regain for Goderich that reputntion. which she foriu- erly bore -as a pleasant and ptosperous Town; and we niay _then .hope that- she wig in time be looked upon as the -"-Siira- toga " Western Canicla.-Coassis. that as a whole they are an improvement upon the Rolls of former years; but still we find that several of them are deficient in not having the various items on each coluilln added up, and than afterwards recapitulated and_ added up in one grand total, which, ifproperly attended to would save your committee a great deal of un- necessary trouble.- We would also impress upon assessors the duty" of assessing pro- perty nearer its actual value, as by com- p -ming the assessed value With the eqnal- ized value; some townihips have been increased More than 100 per eaL over the assessment of 1864. • We would farther impress upon. asaessors the duty of hefts; more careful as to village pro- perty, placing their value in the proper Octants, , as they are at present, may of them, scattered all over the Rolls, render- ing it almost impossible to arrive arthe true value, of such propertir.. We have also Sound a great' laxity in the -assess- ment of personal property,-- several miani- eipalities having little or neth hie; of such property, while it is itnpossible that there can be any municipality without such property. We _have still :to particularize the Rens of the. township' of Bruce, in whielsnine Or ten coluinns have been • left COUNTIES COUNCIL. unfilled. After careful examination an coniparison, your Coalmine have arrived • GtatiERICB J-une th 1805. • 6 • at the result in the following schedule : The Milted Counties Council met to- day for the transaction of -general busi- . DOSS. •— • •. ' present the Warden, Robt. Gibbons, Esq., presiding, 'Messrs. Mallagh, Dal- ton, 3. Whitehead, Spence, Piper, Ford, McDonald, Leckie, Sioalie, --Snell, War- wick, Gibson, Perkins, (in olace of Mr. Strong, deceased) Elliot, Donnie, C.. Whitehead, A. Brown, A. Johnston, C im- on, Sweet, • Parsons, Sproat, Messer, Bishop, Creary, Cniiie Farquharson, Lumsden, Brocelbank, Wilson, Fisher, Hogg, Schciales, ltoss, Valentine, Corrigan, It. Johnston,,Martin, Millar, J. P. Mcietyre; 'Staten, Purvia, Wallace,- Adair. The minutes of last day of last session , being read and signed, • The- Warden Addressed. the. Council, • Municipality. Acres. AarVill val. Increase. DIP- lug. vat Tuckersinith.. Stantry 17"derich Ustairtie • - Colborne Hallett Stephen Hay : WIC:1110p Morrii • • • • they II ick Turnbull,' •. Giult-rieli town Clinton viIiag •• Total 1ln Sangeen 60036 3480:31 A rriii 54835 220130 410300 634730 Brant., 10900 413415 :349114 '762629 Carriek.,59620 3'11583 • 289055' 621638 58095 • 363200 228800 • 592000 • 589019 618109 - _548343 434906 516933 17360 _130000 _ seopo crew, -41236 .$569555 231411 • 801996 45231 - 592320 ' 215605 195925 51308 101425 • ' 140575 • 849006 43373 614162 11-4394 • 128656 33740 .331873 206430 541161 53765 613253 22.'1185 . • 841038 55593 396492 392338 778830 53396 511219 ..-230417 •-7'71156 52593 • 509597 -265942 • 70109 81000 689035 41-1565 1094000 55333 :361331 361044 122376 61110 437117 295783 - 122960 55400-.7 344749 336617, . • 681396 • 61387- .353570 '285789 681359 35259 201209 148911 • ; • 372129 • - • 905755 •... • 280765 620000. . 231761 - •21761 210000 ron $11,980 212 .36510 301041 416943 301528 649562 Elite rslie 51117 232691 336333 12rnce.. 66122 343543. 371266 Iliiron 58335 246917 .301366 • 44583 • 244668 190138 61595 181404 392534 • Apiabelik. Alb.14182 46701; - 311.59 u: Kaarable Vil 111850 18150 Sontliampani• - 13440• 1666 Total- Brace.. flacon . .. $6.104 131 He said it was his sad duty to announce . -it-060,212 ths death. ot a niember of the board since . 518.681,919 IRA tueeting,--Wm. Strong. Esq., Deputy Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Rieve of Ifolvick -e-who was much re - Wallace, That the report-. Of the &mall- peeted his fellow-cmincillors," and zation Committee .now , read be laid over whoie loss would be deeply regrelted. The Equalization Committee appointed until to -morrow evening, and in the mean - by the ouncil had met at the regular , ttme to be open for inspection -Carried. C MOved , time end their report would be liticlbefore be Mr Lumsden, seconded by - the Board. He Could only say, as one of Mr. Adair, That. the Warden be respired to communicate, with the Commissioner of the Comaiittee, that every. effort - had been made use of to do justice to the Crown Lands and request that the sant of ,. MunicipalitiesThe Rolls had 1000 -granted .by government to improve various . been - exaniined more carefully than eser the boundary line of Arran and Ameba before, he believed, and the quality be be with as little delay as -possible placed in the hands of the Counties! Treasurer, soil, present situation and position with so that the parties who have taken con - reference So Market of each township was a fah. tracts on said fine of Road may . be paid carefidly consislered. He thought when their. several . centraets are co conclusion had been come to, beginning with Tuckerstnith and ending with' Turn- Pleteci= Carried. . , berry. Ile had no doubt, however, but, Circular from the Warden of the Coen - LS usual, some parties would thiok their ties of York and Teel relating to 'petition- is - stood statiOnary and in some instancet it , constituents had not received justiceing the Legislature on the subject of en - has. diminished. Under which of these would --be for them to show whersin in_ couraging'a more fruitful systein of Agri- .- heads cast Goderielf be classed? Are its -justice had been done, at the'preper time, culture, . &es was read and referred .to . . .'.-14°11.e.,aesumulating wesIth-n- t: -are they and if it could be showthat thero. was special committee -standing stationary or is their wealth any grievous 'wrong done it would,- of Eight accounts were referred to am- - diminishing? ' We; don't like ' to think course, be iectified. In the nietter . of mittee• . . -_ -' that ie are retrograding, for we believe- the Itodgins lawsuit he had to report that gayest by Mr Sproat, seconded by 1k . that Goderich posSeases all thenadiral nothing had been done in the way- of a Vibsou, That this Council pass a liy-laaw Advantages requisite to make it a large final settlemmt. -. The Gaol Inspector had authorizing the Cos. Treasurer to pay and fourishing town, and all thtai is visited the County Gaol and reportedthatover to the different Municipalities the wanting,- is a tittle mom capital and !that - the people should nourish those eleinents 40t success with which they are or oitsh,t io Joe endowed: We are told. that-" The i - - hand_ of the diligent maketh rich," and F -"Seest thin' a man diligentIt' in his iisi- ineiabe shall stand before Kings, he hall - trot stand' before mean men." That,some,of our citizens do po she proper elements of industry and -ester- ' prise,- there it no doubt; for notiith.- . standing the hard times they are energitie. As a proof of. this, in several parts of the town we can see slops. and dwellings being erected with a rapidity whi li is snits, refreshing this het weather: • wen. horn our own sanctum we" can the welcounasound of the trowel and banamer laying thi foundation an erecting -the walls of those buildings. lately destroyed by the devouring elaient.. This its so far, encouraging; but we ant Something fnrther to makus more roe - prow and to dispel the- gloom cast .over 'us by the hard times_ of which we cora- - plain.. We all know that among all places an Canadafor healthful recreation Gode rick stands foremost. No place i11. the rsashatie, eanequal it in this respect; yet whet him we done to make this the re- sort ot °strewn people*, a distance_ or Of to Seawth eDrillShed) was refOrtOd to Finance Com. Communication front the Warden of Perth, referring to our indebtedness to the Municipal Loan Fund, was rend and referred to Finance Com. Moved by__ Mr Lunisden, seconded -by Mr. Sutton, That a spe_ial committee of seven membere _be chosen by ballot to examine and report upon the Assessment eud Monietpal Acts now under the cop- siderutioh of the Legtslature. The aoignilttee was declared to 'consist of blessrs; Lurnsden„. Sutton, S., Whitehead, ear the re - non-resident taxes -Carried: state, but some few improvements' had his office for. respective sums that have been paid -into it was now Veri-nearly in a satisfactory The Council then adjourned until- to - been Suggested and wOuld be brought morrow. morning, at 9 o'clock.. befere the att,enticin of the- Ceuncil: - The Warden closed his remarks by stating WEDNESDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. .. that he had attended to the various mat Messrs. Dobbin, Nicholson, and one or ters confided to him, and, alluding to the two others • were present in addition to finances of the Counties, which 'were, on those composing -the Council yesterday. the whole, in a satisfactory position. :___ After rout:ne account of 3 tr. Cox was . . Certificate from Township ' Clerk of -referred to finance corn. Howick that Mr. James Perkins- was duly Communication with accompanying ac - elected deputy reeve, was presented, and count was referred to the finance com. Mrs Perkins was requested In tako his Petition of Geo- Parr and other of Sin - seat. - loss and Culross was read and referred to b tweett ainabel and Arran, was read and referred to the It. and B. coni. of Bruce. The 'Council then stdjourned. THE GRAVEL ROADS 11Y-1AW. At 3 o'clock, p.m. a special meeting was beta for the purpoe of takitt the vote upon the gravel roads 'by-law published in our columns for the past three months. The by-law having beeu. read, and several meni bers hailing spoken pro and con, . •- It was moved by -Mr. Stiell; seconded by Currie,•That the by law now read be not passed. The toiloWing vote Ives then taken :. For the motion, Messrs. Cameron; Ford, Utak McDonald; Farquhars-on, Spell and Elnott.-8 - Against it, -Messrs. J. Whitehead., -Sproat, McDougall, R. Brown- Parsons, -Sinillie, .1weet, A. Johnston, .StIts, Creary,_alatiough, Messer, :Bishop, Gibson,. .Perkins, -Piper, Downey, A. Brown, Whitehead. Dalton, and Spence.---; 21. The By Law was suntairied by a majority of 13, when it was again-sub- initted to the Council and passed, amid ap• plause. . . ' The Coaneil then adjourned.: THURSDAY'S. PROCEIMINGS. The Council met at the uanal lour. The Warden in the cask. - - Moved by Mr. 'Messer, seconded by Ma. Persona,- That the Counties' Engineer. be and is hereby instrilated.fOrthwith to advertise for Tenders to proceed with the extension; of the Gnivtr Roads as described 111 the schedule annexei to the By -Law adopted, and that contracts he let -in mile or half mile 'sections --reTerred to the Greve! Road Committee. - Moved by Mr. A. Johnston, seconded by .11r. Catneroia That this. Council -pass e By Law prohibiting persons front throwing. old rai's, prupings of trees, rutibish, &c., into the ditehes .and on the -siaes of gravel roads througanut the COMities-referred to G. R. Committee. - - _Moved by Mr. Smitlie, seconded ay - Mr. Whitehead, That the County Engineer be in- stracted to have the approaches to. die bridge across, the Bay.field 'River ou the Gravel R'd eolith of the V illttge of Clinton, teneell in on each side as the emaanliment is dangerous- Citrried. . . - Moved by Jr. ,aurcsderi, -seconded . by Mr. Nicholinm, That whereas the-suin et $150 was _granted at the January meeting. to repair Eloltries' bridge on the Owet. Sound road in the Townaltip of Arrau, and iv is •found that said semis morethan sufficient for the pur- pose required, be it resolved that the Reeve of Arran be empoweted to expend the -surplus from the grtkot -in iniproying or. repairing the before mentioned road where he may consider .most necessary -Carried. . Netted by Mr. 'Seen, tteconded by Mr. Sproat, That the toivaship of Millen be -.credited- ;-the Counties' Treasurer for the amount raised for. Boundary line purposes for the year 1864, aa tlie amount has been paid bp the municipality out of township funds-- Carriad.' _•- The . +(eyed, of Inspector of 1Veights and. Measu. es was reed it'd et dered to be fyltd. County.- Etigineer'a- Report was readand referred ao Finance Connnittee. - By -Law No. 5 t� pay Over the non-resident nioniea tvas read over and passed: . • Plan of NOV ltogiStiy. -.0tRee was referred. co Finance Committee: • Moved by Mr. 'Messer, iseconied by Mr.. Currie, That the Engineerbe and is hereby iesfructedlo liavesik inches* of gravel laid on the - ad*. embankment at the end of _the Wingharn Bridge in Turuberry, to prevent the earth. from washing- away audio enable - I parties tosg t t� the gravel. road from the West, the dis red to G. It. Moved by Fisher`, That. !Ince beirrg-sixty roads- --refer- • - Mr. Adair, seconded by .Mr. he St1111 of $100 be granted for .the Purpose 'of improkint that portion of theElora line throughlhe township of How - ick aeid sum to .be charged to the general funds of: the United Ceunties-referred to. Finance Committee., • " PASSIM -1f THE,: EQUALIZATION Rieder. The debate on pasiing the Equalization - Report was.opened in Committee of the whole at 11 o'clock, Mr.-at/1'68am in tile cheir.ee_ This being the most important dOcurnent sul)e. mitted to the Council duangahe session much' interest was manifested in the discussion that ensued; I 7 _ WOS mc-i-ftd in amendment to the Report by, Mr. C. Whitehead, seconded hy Mr. Currie, That the tellovting reducttion be mirtde.4 IVitwanosh'50,000;- Martis-30,600,11cKillop 21,000 and Gi•ey 30,000 dollars,. - Mr:. Currie said some of the totanships had been raised unjustly. Wawanosh had been increased. this year $76,800 -from last -year,. while Ashfield had been only increased $20,-' 0Q0.. Ashfield had mere, facilities: and yet occupied a lower positron In the Scale. 'They had a fine block of land in Wawanosh, cer- tainly, but it should -bp remembered that the Means of in,gress and egress were extreniely deficient,rnany Of the farmers; having to go a great round to get on traek of any kind, to say nothing of gravel roads. This rise in the equalization Of Wawanosh had been going On for some -years, but -es -it it Was sent up by the committee,. it was the erase that the land was coaling down in real value, vihich seemed - absurd, Ashfieid had the Lake on one aide and a gravel i.end On the other which iiita certainly an adeariiaee. „Morris bad received a good hoist too,_butt net. equal to Wawa nosh.. (Laughter.) I - - certainly been dune Kinloss in tbe matter of years ago. it is therefore undesirable to personal and vtllage property and that justice enter into such a scheme when not asked for snould be done. r. by the people concerned. - Several gentlemen._ while they admitted Alter a spirited debate, the Report was that Kinloss was' too highly assessed, thought passed, -through without amendment, and was it would be unfair to repair the -error by confirmed, when the Warden resumed the chair, by the following vote saddling the township of Bruce. Mr. Sutton thought it might be well for the For the Report,: Messrs; Kribs, Watson, Broeelbank. Hoeg, Sutton, Settle Miller, reduction to be. matte as regarded Kinloss. Mr. Fisher said it should be added to Kin- Fieher, Scholes, Ross, R Johnston, -Cirrigan, =dine - which; he thought had been Martin, McIntyre, McKinnon -15. mule or pony in a- Chinaman's employment reduced too much. (Laughter.) •- Mr. Stitton said a very wrang system of den, Nieholsote Gillies, Vateutine, Pobbin, . Against it, Messrs. Wallace, Purvis. turns - but found the same rattling, cheerful pace assesaing town and Village property had been tuaintainel over heavy or light g,rounii, by _ 4 quiet, at unchanged rates. Breadstuffi ket is inactive, but steady. Provisions cedes and easier, dip eH1NESE TREATMENT OF A:ilium-They never punish, hence a mule that in ttib hands of a foreigner would not be only uselegs bat dangerous to every one about it, beer:duet in the pcnisession of a Chinaman as quiet at JO lamb and as tractable as st_ dog. _We new beheld a runawav, a jibbing, or a vicioei pursued in past years, but he was glad to know that there- was now .disposition to- dea fairly in the matter. „. aluved by Mr. Lumsden, seconded by Mr. Wallace; That the reduction from Kinloss be THE . DETROIT CONVENTION.7-The great Convention of ddegates from the various Boards of Trade in the United - States and Canada meets a----.eroit !early means of a • turr-r or "e1uck-k4 -the beast turnine,* to the right or left, and stopping with but a buit from the -mine. This treatment is extended to all the animals they press into their serviee. Often hare I admired the tact _added to Greenock. . , Mr. Corrigan said it was very like a trick' 'next month` and We would urge the ne. eexhibitedee pi n tghertotui nggh a tlhaergen, adrrr oov: ocfrofriwedhedt - I - and he Wa3 astonished that a ffentleman . - cessity of Goderich being, represented on ,streets and alleys, by ----1aving a Intle havina the ability, experience, appear, _ . b of *these boyto lend one of the quietest the ock a ance of Mr. Lumsden. would condeseend te -the occasion. The interests _ front; the others steadily .followed without it. (Laughter). .• Counties are intimately connected with the aid either from yelping ear or -creel Mr. Lumsden said it was well-known Green- ock was rated too low. - Mr. Valentine remarked that ir was verv Mopes' to argue that because Kinloss the Convention pais over without some rated too high. Greenock should be too livor. Moved by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Ilr.„ gentlemen from this section having a , e Vattle pies a IX are egos d 11/ those of the Western- States and W th. k 'mad' eat overspa.. ,„ cared for.- [Travels on Horseback in Tars - it would- be a very gr 1.1"' '1•P tarp Sills, That Kinloss be reduced $1u,000, voice in its deliberations. Immediate Clinton $8;000, and Glaris+ town $10,000. - Lost on a division -by a majeritdy of 19, action is -necessary. - Moved by Mr. Gillies neon ed by !Jr' Brace County TOWIRs Dobbin, Dint the -equalized valne of the •township of Elderslie be reduced $10,000. Mr. G. argued that it was grossly unjust to With reference _tothe action Valentlne rate his township: higher than townships vs,. Bruce we find tnat the following &- hating superior facilities: Lost on a division. Cision has been rendered ; The report was peieed through the Com- mittee Without amendment, and finally . acclhoaiprted, ,Wheu the .11'11i -deo resnnted the FRIDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. - The Council rat nine.dclock, the ;War- den inalte chair. • After routine A petition from Inhabitants Of Wawanosh, asking for improvements on Shannon's Hill, was feed and referted to RI & B.: Com. 'The report,of the Co lay Auditors was The Use of Tobacco.. !1•11.11,11MMION., The Presse-,Saentifique eontains14 iter' esting article, in which_Dr. ,Joly's late re- searches on tobacco in a bygienie point ot- view are nnalyzed. Dr. joly is a 4ieciared enemy of the 41 fragrant weed," and Rime of his arguments are certainly tolling. Taus he shows that while the tobacco Of the Le- vant, Greece, and Hungary does not contain any nicotine, that of Arabia, Brazil, Havana VALENTINE TS. BRUCE. -An injunction was and Paraguay contain 2 per re -eat. ot that yesterday granted in this case t,o. restrain the deleterious base, that of Maryland contains payment of any further moneys for the 2.29 per cent., that of Kentucky 6.09, and erection of comity. buildings, and an order thatof the departement of the Lot nearly 8 "was made for the payment of $3,500 (part of per cent while the sorts of Alsace, the a sum of $6,000) auto cart. The contractor Pas -de -Calais, Ille-et-Villaine and Virginia is not restrained from going on with the are not far removed from the two latter buildings if be chooses to do so at his own figures. It is evident, thereforetthat tobaccta risk. Mr. Blake, Q. C., for plaintiff, Mr. is noxious in piopertion to the nicotine it eon - Strong, Q. C., and Mr. tiattanach for delete tains, and that it tbe Turks,- Greeks; Hun -- dant. ' (radar's and Brazilians smoke with intpunity from daybreak to aanset, it is because their read. The auditors stated that they found This decision is, of course, - to a certain the books of the treasurer well and correctly extent adverse to the action of a majority _ ' kept, Several valuable suggestions were em of i the Pro Council but we very much bodied in the Report. Refened to fin eom. . , mistake if it will stop the erection of the Buildings at Walkerton. We are assured; and have good reason to believe, that a _Moved by Mr. Mallough, seconded by Mr. Leckie, That the sum of $20.00, being the portion accruing to -the Cunnty of a She im- tobacco either contains no nicotine at ill, or at best very little,. Other hationg Smoke very innocent herbs, such as hops, teas, aniseed, _ &c., and hence theavery different opinions held by medical men concernin.g, the effects of smokner. 'Nor is the. mode of -Smoking indiffezenreither. John Nicot,10 order to posed upon T. Anderson for selling by atm- promote the custom of smoking, imported a tion without license he sre_mitted. 'Mr. Mal -I fresh vote of the Reeves- would leave the of tne apfanents of the present settlement in a quantity of long hollow reads from labors to which he attached a silver bowl, not unlike the hard,ship 017r4rihedex. Plailled now in use, made est tneersckaum or far greater minority than 'ever before.- those n Moved by Mr. Parsons sec. by Mr. Sweet, clay- Dutch pipes were introducect next,. That in the (-vent of the Co. Council tit the The people_ of Bruce as well is to over - County of Middlesex - at their next meeting whelming Majority of theirrepresentatives passing a by-law for the purpose oft:timing the are heartily sick of this everlasting Co. stun of $200 towards assisting in building te 0 then the long 'Caliente ones, &c., but the most noxious of all are -the short ones, while the cigar -is the least_objectionable of _ Napoleon did not smoke, and -01zethe says the bridge over the Sable Rivefon the boun Town affair, and when Parhament meets ) t'bat a man: of- (reruns cermet cultivate both - it is not apprehended that there will -xi his science and -bhis pipe together; and that if there: are a few illostratious exceptions _to dary line liete;een the township of.Stephen in , the rule, still it is certain that there have alvtays been more learned men -taking snuff than su.o'cing. Accordina to Dr. Janes Johan m, s_0u.,00,0,091 of men smoke differ- ent sorts of tobadcui 401,000 .srnoke opium and its compounosa 300,-000 hemp arta haschisch, 100,000 - hettl, and 40,000 the Atuerican plant coca. the County :of Huron and the township of McGillivray in the County of -Middlesex, the Cos. Engineer be tied is hereby instructed to adverose for 'tenders to. build said bridge.--. Carded. s. . , By Law for establishing two deviations -of road's in the town:hi-a olArrea and Amabel was read and passed,.. - Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by .Mr. A. Johnston, That this Coupcil do petition Government throngh the Wardensand Clerk to grant $20000 towards the completion of Bayfield Harbor. Carried. • The Report of the School Com. was read and adopted. Moved by Mr Messer, seconded by Mr Whitehead, That the appointment of Rev. Mi Ferguson, as School Supt for Morris and Terithaary ae Confirmed, Carried. •REPORT`OF THE. IfOAD_ AND BRIDGE 1:0)13i. O7. any difficulty in obtainsng a Bill legaliz- ing the action of the Council. -The mat- ter should DOW be considered finally set- tled, and the construction of common- sense Gravel -Road gone into.. By this mean's, the County will' at once- begin a career of progression and development Letter from Bayfleld. •DBAR 810NAL :-Your paper is getting very popular now, and it well deserves it the opinion of the Brucefiekl Canadian in your last issue to the contrary notwith- . standing. Is he one of the. Stanley Erni" Baum . grant Agents who, in order to rain- popti- Members! Mestscs- Br°e6b"kr Va. laity, has been exertior; himself to an - TheRoss Cortaran Adair and Suttor. :5 • The following is the portion of the Report crease our ,population this year. We are recommending, a schwee of Road and Harbor Improvementa:- In the matter of road and harbor imeroae- ments , for the County of Bruce, your Com- atittee after -careful consideration and with a 'view to the geuerat reeqirements 'of the The modon was lost son a division. by a majorfty of 27. • •' Moved by Mr.- (3. Whitehead, secondedshy .Mr. Brown, That the personal properly of the township of Morris be reduced $10.000. Moved by Mr. _Gibson, seconded by IL ond B. corn. of Bruce. mr: Whitehead said lus township had not Mr. Sproat, . That Mr. Perkins be at- Petition of feter Robertson and others lseen dealtfairly with in this respect. He was pointed to all the COmmittees which his of . Colborne was read and referred to not posted in. the standing of all the town- _ . predecessoiswis upon. -Carried. •Finance Com. _ ' • shins. but -taking Hellen as a criterion mani- TWo letters from P. O. ,Department Moved by Mr. Sweet, seconded by M.. Cream That -there be no treasurers' come with reference to mail route between niiision raised in, the counties of Huron and Goderich and Saugeen, accompanied by 65 but everytownship pay petition from T. Welsh were referred to Bruce for 18 . their own treasurer -Carried.- IL and B. Com. - Moved by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Mr, , Three offers of lots for .the purpose Brocelbank, That steps be . taken towards - a new Registry office, were getting up a gravel road scheme for some of ;building referred to Finance Com. . ._ the leadine roads in the County of Bruce, as . e - Letter from Catit. 'Coleman, referring well as for the improvement of harbors in said county, and shat the same be referred to i the It, and B. com. of Bruce.-Carned - . Several acaounts were referred. „ our American cousin who year afteryear tuns away from the heated city to " Sara- toga." or some other favorite waterins place --to find rest and relaxation front th; teila of the year? It is encouragia4 to bow that Goderich is gradually beetuning, estd.we predict for her that she will event - *ally lemma; quite as fainoua as " Sitra- toga' or loy_of the faahionable springs in York State, for a *Summer retreat and for- reeuperatioa. Stilt the thought su4gests PAW and .we ask thd question How many Canadians** there now pacing 19 their ; ai trunks and otherwise making prep- atiou to-spehd the summer months with us in ' Goderich? Do they desire to make our cwit omintry Alamos, or will they eontri- . bate por 4fter.itsr. to the wealth and inae rif our neal,shbors and thenleOros Brocelbank, Gibsoa,. Bishop and • SProat tarosi OF THE EQUALIZATION COX- - ilITTsz. • n of hard times at. tome ? t 'Members, Messrs. Mallough, Spence, Nasty swages Elmira "Gales R111." I Near, Sproat, Bishop, Snell, Parsons, Gibbons, Gibson, Valentine, Sutton, Fisher, Adair, Brocelbank, Johnston and liumsden. Yoje Committee lieritig carefully ex- amined the Assessment Rolls of, the Viol and Pisgursci hit cheek thatii his /various inunicipalities,_are happy to state will foe hours walls araugh ir Hooker's riess‘re Grounds" NA admire itgasstasai beauties together with the _ delightflil /lank, et*. River Maitland and then *urn. bone 110,illTig011tted and withi suck of health thrilliug through 'his Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. ifilloughs That the award made between the townships of Biddulph and MeGilliVray at their separation from the County of Huron, iu which a considerable sum of money t be paict into the funds of the United Counties, oughtdo be taken into consideration. by this council, so that a fair basis may be arrived at. as to what share each County should re- ceive of the( money accreing from said award. Referred to the. special comtnitte on the asses.smeneand municipal Acts. , - • -Leiter.from the County Treasurer accom- panied with several -schedules, wile read And referred to the Finance Com. . Milved by Mr: Gillies, seconded by Mrs McKinnon, That An order 1* issued on the Xreasurer for the suin of $400 in fatvor of P. and D. Sinclair, contiactors, said sum -having been granted at last meeting to assist in the erection if a bridge across the Tees - water, on the Elora and Saugeen- Road, the work having been done anda 'passed' inspec- tion- by the proper pent,. Referred to Fin ance Corn. *port of the special committee appointed to superinted the outlay of the Government tied Countiesignnt given to build a bridge at Penny's Mills, in the village of Souteampton, and open out as a road. the beeedary line test injustice had been done. The latter had been settled for 18 or 20 years -some of it. fornearly 30 years, While Morris, 13 years ago was in the bands- ot the government, nn - sold and unsettled. Hellen - showed -att average clearing of. 45. per cent., While Mor- ris had only 28.. The assessor of Morris had returned $90.00.of personal proPertf,the asses- sor of ifullett $6000. He didn't thitos either came fully up to the mark, but what they wanted now was a • jest equalization, _He didn't expect to be able to break. up the re- port,- and it might be recorded 108t on. a Mr: Currie said he did not like that way of doing business, it being in his optnion absurd to have it printed in the minutes that sato tion was last on a division, when in reality there had been no dirision. That course MIS pursued list year when Mr. W. moved with. reference to the indebtedness of Wawenosh. Mr. Whitehead said the less -said by Mr. Currie about that the better, it being a shame that his township should, be $6006 'behind, whilst Morris was paying up in hill. Mr. Currie. -That shows the snpenor ability of Morris to pay its debts. -(Laughter) Mr.. Snell remarked that a .greaf part 'of Hellen was held by the Caitadw Company., and that the stoppage of the sale of lots had ranch retardedeettlemeni. _ There was also. much -nonresident land in the township, which Would operate against the accumulation of personal property. Bulletin's, morseover, a much smaller toenship.. . Mr. Whitehead said he knew one men in Hallett who owned half as much personal property as the *hole township was assessed for.: He did not wish to be personal, but if Mr. Snell wished he would mention tali -wig. (Laughter). division." a noble class, sir; Look at the Initiates' of council ptiblishect in your issue, of, the 1st inst., nearly one hundred nanies swept off at the . Court -of Revision as •having, County Would recommend the fattening been illegally. entered. What in the natne scheme of improverbents:- of wonder does it mega ? Could any an, possessed of . one ounce of common' Roods to be Graced. -The Road from m Huron street in 'the Village of Southampton sense, believe for one motnent such &Rog running along High Street to the Goderich and Saugeen road. The Godeach and nail gem Road froin Donuts through the tbwnships Of Saugeen, Bruce, Kincardine and Huron to the. boundary line between the counties of:Huron atal Bruce, And the road rennieg through the 'village of Kincardine, viz: Broadway, . Queen Street and Kincar- dine Avenue to the said --Godench and Sine geen road. - The Elore road front the boundary line be tween the tps of Carrick and llowick to its Junction with the da`derich and'Saugeen.road , - in the. township.' f Saugeen. - --• The Durham •road front the boundary line between the comities of Grey and Bruce to lot JIinthe township of Brant, thence along the Durham Road 10 its junction with the Elora Read ; thence West along the Elora Road -h-etween - the 2nd and 3rd concessions, S. D. It. the town line df Greenock, thence riKloinntirtdheine.Durliain Ilo.nd to. Ihe Vtgage The Kinloss Road from the Durham Road through the township of;ICinloss, between lots 10 and 11 to the gravel road at, Lucknow. • The Culeoss road from the Durhdm road through the townithip of Cultoss-betweetelots 15 and 16 to the boundary line between the townships of Culrossend Turnberry. The boundary :line between Arran And Aniabel from -Denny's' Mill to its Connection with the Owen Sound Gravel road, Ort the line newly survevEd. Improved laadi - That the sum of $2000 be expendedin grading and improving each Of the following roads: - The Mail Road on the boundary line be- twein Bruce and Kincardine continuing on the -line between the 12th and 13th cods. -of Road.; ,pasv Pinkettou's Mills' to Elora_ • The Mail Road and bouudery line between the townships of Carrick and CulrossS• „ The Road between- the 10th and 11th cons. of the township of Brant. • 1 .The Mail Road between the 6th and .7th cons: ,of - The Road between lots 30 and 31, Arran, from Invermay, to' the boundaty. line between Amabel lminadii ARrradn: be' •tweea lots 20 and 21, township of HUrbit. • The Mail Road between the fith and ..9th cons. of the township -of Bruce 'to the boun dary line - between Bruce and :Greenock ; thence along said line between id and -2nd eons. of Greenock" to Paisley. -That the...1mM of $2000 be expended on the following Roads in the townships. of Aniabel: and Albemarle Line between Amabel and Keppel, the line between sustaltel and Albe' osarle; the. Sid &Ins. of Albemarle and the HI5arthhosir8de:road- or.1,.A7ahel. Aid for the Icaprovement of the 'following Kincedire Harbor.... t , $10,000 Inverhuron- • . 3,000 Port " 3,000 could pass by the enlightened and intelli- gent ratepasers of Stanley. Thinks to the Untiring -exertions of one of the oldest settlers, it did not pass-. I tell you' what, sirabetween ourselves,) I would rather drive 10 miles through the worst roads in the Upper Province than -meet him as an opponent in COurt. Yet, Sir, he deserves credit, much, credit : his action in- that ease is honorable, to say the least of it He should be clothed in scarlet,' have a gold chain about his neck and fed On milk and honeys -all the rest- of -his life. I could say much more, but Madame Ru - ma. lays the end is not yet, so I shall defer at present, put on my spectadesand take for The - • Q iN THE CORNER. Stanley,' 5th June, 1865. United States. - Special to Tribune, Washington, .fithe-- The se,,pressed testimony, surreptitiously published by Ben. Pittman, has greatly en- dangered the lives of the witnesses, some of -whom are still in Canada. Dr. J. & Merril, one of the witnesses, is a cultivated aed well- read gentleman Of ezdelimit manners, a physician by profession, and evidently entirely truthful. Indeed._ after he conclude -1, his testimony before the court, Gen. Gnint being present rose and stated that he knew the wituesstand desired to vouch for bis Dr. Merril was besought not to return to Canada both by his &leads here sed.bis wife there, but he insisted on going to, settle up his buisnek, intending to return here immed- iately. .11e has not since been heerd from. _New York. June 70e -The Grand Sire of the United States Lodge of Odd" Fel- lows has issued a circular -re-Asserting the jurisdiction of that body over all the subor dinate. lodges of the Order in the lately in- eurreetionary States, and inviting Them to send delegates to the Annual National .Com- munication, to take place in Baltimore on the 1St h of next ;September. Secretary Seward attended the Cabinet meeting to -day, but was unable, to ninain through the sitting. • - General Grant has nleased from ill Old Capitol Prison all the rebel wounded willing to take the oath bf allegiance. ,Abotffsix thousand prisoners, who have already taken' the oath, will soon be released. Arrival Of the America. -Halifax,June 7s -The steamship America, from Liverpool at ten o'clock on the morn ing of the 27th, via Queenston 28th ult.; has arrived at this port. Her dates are too_ .daye 'later than Am Already noel -Vett Southampton gt . , 6,000 Prinee Napoleon has resigned. The Report Was considered in Committee The Post says that the pnnce resigned in of the Whole, tBruce,) Mr Corrigau in the consequence'or the letter of the Emperor. chair. _ - - The Globe says that the Once arse ettn. Moved by Mr Dillies, 'seconded by Mr wed for his denioemtic views generally, but Lumsden, Thee the Gravel Rol Report of Bruce be not adoptod, u the project named therein would only incur heavy expetires in taking the vote uponipthe sante without any Moved by Mr. _Purvis, seconded by Mr. menu on the Emperor's American policy. more particularly for uttering hostile eerttl. The 'motion was lost an a division. Corrigan, That $12,000 be taken from Abe The fret of Woodhouse, Sankt; * Co., equalized assessment ofdtudoss and placed aatisfactory result, ."seeing tha.t. a similar Illinab°11111Ues onif121.76,1100°111.3. ° hal- . auaradad' witil on the township of Bruce. scheme was rejected bra large majority of I - lererpod, Mal 27, Evemago-Coltonlalea Mr. Corrigan pointed out that injustice had I the ratepayers of said county less . than two, for two days; 8,000 bales; market closing • - (., • 4 . ele According to the last Anterinin venous. there were 74 tribe s of -Indians, numbering 268,079 souls in the United States territories.. The Califurnitettribes were -the most numer- ous and thesPottawatomies of "Huron, the tile former numbering 33,500 and the latter - only 50. e:7- There is a report that Dan Rice, the - showman, died at ,Almont Micht. fevrdzyx sett of accidental poisoning. - .• It is proposed to celebrate the Fourth of; duly at Richmond this year with zeal. enough to make up for the ounsaions of the - last four yearti. The amount of aisinthe drank at Paris with fatal tflect on the intelleet and nerves ic haitily to he calentated; Switzer- land -alonescut, last year, -T,500,000 gallons to Paris. - . ra. just now. is in a state of pertubation, over two vexed questions, - 1st, shall the price of lager beer be raised this surniner-2-and 2nd, shall coloured men ride In the ears ? . • (ts. .14-rijor Howell,in charge ofal party of topographical engiiieera, has started across the country from Washington to Richmond, with instructiott to reexamine and survey the battle -fields an the route. wetu iiibitextuieutints. ~MEI Ferguson's Concert Union Harmonic Pipes, Tuesday evening, Junel3ibt AT THE COURT HOUSE, GilliERIC111_ WHEN choice pieeei and songs will be- 11 performed on -the occasion, he will be - assisted by Amateurs rTickefa 25nfa, to bit had at the door; and the principal store* and hotels. Doers Open at 73, to -cowman at eight. sawSO4t EBY ARTICLE YOU WANT IN t4IADE Cau b;OPRIU'eallasd4aseR aCht ea? S ITIPS O1othiigEnuoriwn GurtARICElicii.Junc:41414.trAltr4- "Una- Wiwi/ FR011sorrel Ho with II white spot on lus W. Overts VOID: near BayfelcIN. forehead, abont 10 years old. Any persons giving such laforseation as will les4 tq recovery will be saitibly rewarded. Bayfield, June11h, UAL -- Iveut Act of 18fri w20 -3t IPHE crediting . of the undersigned stie 4. notified- to meet at the Auction Maltz of George M. Truessni:in tbe town ofOodeneis $, in the County of MVO; on liegday, the - twenty -Oath day of June, man*, at slam - of the 'clock, in the forenoon, for thepvrpose- of receiving s 'ternents of h* /Stirs, of +8 naming an ' -to whom he imay nate an aseigumeat al r *Above Aet.- Dated at Ooderiak in tbit ,County of Huron, this sevelethdai (XII*, AS A 18654 w2Ota GEORGE M. TRUEBIAIC,