HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-06, Page 4• FARM for SALE. VOR SALE, East half of 1.i5t No. 17. con. 3 Tewaship of WAWA ,N OSH. compriaing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, no clearance. Terms lihe-al. Apply to ttir Executors:sethe Estate of the late %Viu. Harris, Dungannon V. 0 Dangannoa, Ts'. 11w37-tf64. . T A I: I_ OR I N G, •1:".. 'ALI:, . , To r ETURNS yrs MOST SIN:Ckit g THANKS forth? very flatteriog eacouracernent he h•d,. reeeivedsince. hecommepeed business in Gede- rich, pot beiny, able to- execute over one -halt a the eiders brouirht to bun last season ;. having Inow secured faciluitafer Valuable Piece of Land oa s.A.T...m, nN. faeorable terms of payment. The fal. levrinz proneriy. viz:- North hell of lot numher 39, on the -1 2tb con. of Clodericl township, containing by admeasurement 40 acres, more or less. upon which there are fifteen Imes cif -sired. This land is in n favorable situation. being within five Tiles of the town of Clieton. Also. a vattiahle property in the village of Kinhuen. one half acre ot landi-et,good farm house. shop; lied stable on the premises. This would ben itood situation for a tailor or sadire• and iharness - maker as there •is mum in -the. vicinity. Leather or store zooda at wholesale price* be taken for either of the abovs places.. w12.tf • ,MMES STANLEY, Constance p. o. Carrying -on Bustnass-Extansuly and einplotIng none but first-class tradesmen Anda.'D.k. believes his experienee as Cutter I 7 Fcit: Sale Cheap. • - second v.', none in tne P'rovinve.havingearr.ed on bdsinessextensively andsuceeSsfutly in liaineten, t prireppally tirst-elass customers.and h'% inir been Cutter tootle- oflihe-Principuf Establishuieun .in Elitibuegir,.Seottand, he fearlessly states to a diseernmg publicthat CLOTHING CAN BE 141A1)T. at his establishinentequa; tot he best Establish- mentin Toronto or Montreal. • GodVet.30 863 aurl7w40-1r • •To Rent, -or *Lease. TOTS five and sTx . in the First Concession' ! -La tilwaship or Colborne, W. D, about two1 I miles froin Goderich. • Arady to - . '- MARY 111.1NLtY, - -- - Lzrzlithouse nt.. Goderich.- December -5th, 1864. *451f R S-A E .clot A ACRES of Lai No: :.3; 'East 'Lefie. I" Road, Hay. FIRST .- RATE LAND! Terms easy,stp,sly DONALD SUTHERLAND; on the preraisest or . M. C. CAMERON, .• .Goderieh. Goderieh; April. 3611-,..1804. w14-fr NOTICE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. TAKE NOTICE! • KIRK HAS OPENED AGAIN, • THE SUBSCRIBER 11EGc‘to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has " RE -OPENED in - JOts(4.,Sth con.. Bruee; -20, 4th Kinloss ;.22. , 49 -th con. Huron. Apply to- ,. -• .1 -M. C. CAMERON. Coderich.October 28. Ina. sw16 &e., will be sojd cheap -for CASH or in exchange for Dairy PrOduce. As he intends -to devote his attention principally tO the rectifying of a Next door to Mr. BUTLER'S BOOK -STORE, where everything in • 6PECIA.L NOTICE. 4 Rgr, ERRINg tir our advertisment of 2nd instant,i d -ann order to avoid inistuider. standing, we beg respectfully to inform those of tint- customers who have had accounts with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring our Tfiesent business to a close i's soon as possible. we must diseontiatie idi accounts from this date. JOHN FAIR& CO. • Goderieh, 9th May, 1S65. sw71 kt IL LL those indebtedto Wm. E. CRC}, bv_. note or booknecount, will please AND SETTLE - . The sante without delay. • Office on Lighthouse Neal to Andratir: Dintogh` ••111111,- ror saie /00 11111193 SALT $1.25 PER BBRIA. A QUANTITY OF IRON! Assorted, at $2.50 PER' 100 POUNDS' • Wai. E. GRACE. Goderieh,December 226d, '864. sw3241 Farm in Bosmiquet - FoR SALE fart TC) LA-Urr. FiS UNDERSIGNED offers for sale er to let 1 tot 20, llth con,. township of gosantmet, Couatarof Langston. The farm consists of ' ONE HUNDRED ACRES, sixty of which are- elpared. and situated near n station of the_ G. T. Railway. There is a 1.0G DWELLING MUSE- AND FRA211E akszr4:.11 din lot. 4 WELL itittiss11E!)-4t,WtTERD Forpar&mlars apply to • . M. 0:GORDON, tioderich •Ltut ilth.1S64. se.27t1 uraturs SALE. or LANDS. - - Unftedeountieset Top ir 'virtue c=f a writ ..ot t Huron and:Bowe. _LI Fieri Facias issued out • To wit: or Her MaiestY's County COW/ ottbe United G rapines of t-1 units and Bruce . and to me directed against the lands and true- meuts of, ttkiltiarn Harr t4�n, at the suit of Alex- ander Virtghl, 1 have wized and taken in eXecintOts all the right, title and "interest of the id defendant tit and to lot., number nine, in the fourteenth cvneesssion, 01 the lowly -hip ot Ger- rit-14,in the County of Bruee ; which lands and tenements 1 -shell otter for Sale at my effice in the Court House' in the town ot Coderich, oa Tuesday the Blisielith day ot . uly, next, at ue ‘ hour ot Twelve of theelock, mein. , _J WIN' It.IACDONALD, • Sherill,..H. 8r --H. By S. Poi loot, Deputy blieptf. Shenifl'ithfice,Uoilerieh, t 1st April, 1:45. - h Ayla.- . • _ SHERI:fp% SALE* OF LANDS - irened Counties of lal I" virtue of a W.rit -et - . 1 'ot Her Majesty's Court and -Brtice., .L.Ilierr Facies issued Out 'To Wit : ofi,ommon Pieis, and to me directed againnthe lands -and tenements-. of Joseph Gilbertdefen- dant, at the suit oF.Darne Elizabeth Bragg and John F. Jane,riaantas.1 have seized and taken vit Elevation all the equity of redemation - apd other interest ot the d•feadantm la na. to the north half oftown lot nuatherone; on Clarendon Street, * in, thevillage or Southanuaon,ie the County ot Bruee.• Which lands and tenenjent. t shalt offer tarsale at My odive in the Court i'iouse,,-: in the Iowa ofGodench, on. Tuesday, the feurth,day ot July next, at the hour ot twelve -of the clock, • won. , JOHN MACDONALD. ' •'• •SizeriT, 11.4st Br S. i!OLLOCIL, Deputy Sheriff.. Sherift'athfsce,Goilerielt • - 21tb 2darch 1S6&.- • . W91 SHMIIIT'S SALE OF LAIfIS United Counties of lit Y virtue Of a vim of ' i Huron and DrueS, .12 Wiwi Facies Issued "out To Wit: • - Pt' Her Majesty's County.. Court of the:17rated .Ctilintiei of Huron -and braeistand tit me directed againet.the Jandaand tenements at -Robert- -Greer, at the suits ot Rauwous- W. Adanis, Robert Leech and .1 ane Pidgin, I have award and taken- in execution meths nght,titte and interest of the.said defendant in- aad to; tot number five, in the eighth concession 41 the IeVnIfiltP °i. Howislr. An the Countir pf Karoo fp. whiettlandiaad tenements I shadoffer for sate st introit:tee in tbs• C.O.orl itOnse- in tite town . id qedifrielt. On Tuesday, the Eleventh &vat lull. next,at thiahour of Twelve- of the -olock.noon. ,JoittAtwp 9$ T Aux -• "Ity iiisii, /1.1.'4* ' , - - -line ST 5..POI.T0OCED iklIfir•01110900 NIlleAtlida MS, rich, t JOHN FAIR 86 CO. IrAvrtiti DaTaaltiNED on' C s N._ .:G P THEM! raESENT -131ISINESS IN GODERICI-4. WILL,. o:i1 Thursday next, the 4th. instant, conmoente to clear off the Whole ol their large and valuable-stoek Of Dry i, --roods, tlething, and Groceries, at an - • ‘• • . Thereby enabling him to sell at Dealers therein will do well • hayfield Gravel Road, SStanIey .••••111•10.•01==. AUCTION SALE ALU,kBLE FARE • ifinallanni, • C. M. Truemanl TS instructed , by inc proprietor, Mr. John 1 Elliott, to- sell 'by Public Auction. on the • premisei, on WEDNESDAY .511t JULY, 1865. Commenciug at one o'cl p. ni., that very value ole farm, being lot 21, north of Bayfield township of Staeley, half a mile from the tillage of Varna, 6 miles of Clinton, and tt or • Seatorth-105 acres, more or les; About 60.acres of.which are cleared. On the premisei are •a superior flame barn a log house ond a young orchard of about tOdtrees. commencing to bear. This farni is. in a tine part of -the county.. on a eading gravel road, the soil (tithe best miality, and out y requires to he sere to he appreciated. Furl her pa medlars dean be had On application to t,E, VW! Y, Este, barrieter,'Goderich, or to the auctioneer.• - Teriosliberal-and will:be" made known Engine •of sale thiderich, May 1st. 1865. •. w151d - .GODERICH FANNING MILL • AND 1E -34 -imp Factory THE- SITBSCRTBERBEGS TO INFORM the inhabit -Las of the Counties ealuron tnd Brnce that he is,siill Manufacturing, and has on band a 'number of his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS &PUMPS. He would -pardonlarly draw attention to his M uls. as he will warrantihein tame Wheat from oats deekle. chess, 6te. Pumps made to order and warranted. Factory on Nelson st., between Yietoriastrest and Canaria Road. ALso, agent for the sale of Morgan fs premium and potent CULTIVATOR. -which has never yet failed togive'eaneralsatistaction to farniets who hive used them. •- 'HENRY-DODD, Goderich APri122nd. 1P64._ 39• • . LANDS- :FOR TIM following Lands are offered for sale on very advautageoui terms ONE - TENTH. ONLY! 'OF "TIM MACAU 103111 C.1311 AT TOW -OF PURCHASE - AND TUE BALANCE IN • -Nine ;Equal Innual Instalments, niteroLat 6 per cent.. For Sale at a Bargain. rri HAT valuable and eligibly situated propertv ie the Town ot Goderieh fronting the Court Hous quare, and feeeighleen years known -ea • • THE F'ARMERS! INN _ _ _ . During whieh time it has enjoyed one ot. the largest portions of that busines.s in the tewn. Coneected with the hotel is a geogral store. The , whole are bUilt of stone and brelt; 47 >4 37, three stories hich. and commodihus Cellars 8 feet deep. •At tacned to the hotel is a two story fra me dwelling house, outhouses, . ' 1_00 . the noyfield Run 1, :a0 acres in aond state of ndsintie I oea teden ni ile from :oderfch on . ALSO: -!i small fartn Of excellent land. Cultivatien, -welt feneed. 2i Nl hieh are clear of stumps, with a hewn log • hoill.e 3044 20, and a cedar log barn 40 X 24, sfied..,"&e.„ ALSO -In ilie V 'liege of Port Albert 1 are •to give him a call. With d Netting. noose and staples, aze , ore of the besmavern stands in th it plice,ane has long 'Those Indebtf,c1 to -him will Please tall and settle Wen kept.as sueh. - . at once, otherwise costs Must be incurred... _pal,:ttu„isalistp,,,p14tt.:.s.ttit purchasers.- For furthet J: B. GORDON, Esq... - or ANDREW DO SOGH, 1EIrofirietor: MARICET SQUARE, Goderich . • . Y -S 7th March; 1865: sw53 KIRK. AR 111 • • Ce 0 .• . - . . witelot.nboloiourso.tososo 0000000000 uri.01.0*.‘ 4soloothei....n.eses etigiesenstesetsisersokossitelsos.s• THE S CBSCRIBERS would bog to inform his custoiners And the public that his new prem. ises on East street, , ,THREE: DooRp FROM THE'SQUARE, will he openedon the first of June. for trinsactincz. the Wool Carding, Cloth Dressing And Manufacturing business, in connection Nith his WOOL FACTORY, where all orders_and work in the above businessvill be punctually attended to. Likewise a variety of ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRIOESE Goderich, 2nd May, 1865. - - Cloths Blankets, :and Stocking Yarn will be kept on hand to exchange for wool. Having this year added another _ FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE to his establishment, be will be pfepared to execute farmer's Work to any reasonable extent on short notii:e. Customers -coming to the faetory themselves will henroinptly• attended to as formerly; and,p.srticulaire-tterition_svill• be paid to those from a distance nriihing their . „ VW c•rk . IFIx.p.o'clitiottly II 6 ii.e' ! • , .. . .. - kN. B. --While tlinnkful tor the lineral pntronage ot -former years in thh above ' business, the subscriber hopes by it riet 4itention to business and sparing no eXpense in meetiug the wants of his cestomers; to still receive a share' of thr same. ,._,_ , • - • 0.,- Remember theplitee-- East Streeksecond door from CRABB'S BLOC*. . - • . . THOMAS LOGAN. Godericli, April 1 -9th, 1864. . w12 ' -• 11Gir *LIN 11EID JOE 111 a• Gt,addrr- f--(1'il.- Zrattglit 101 Zlito :'p.e STEAM LE NaINE-WOR IC St R. RUN -CIM -AN .-& 00.,- Manufacturers of Grist- and Flouring Mill ----- Circular, Malay and Sash Saw -Mills, BTENNI& ir3DIVERB N. B --Ali those anCebted to me either by note or book amount are requisted toSettle the saine without delay in order to save ',Jests. • Goderteh, April 3Ist, 1864. - w9 td . • Carriage Factory LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GOD.ERICH rr HE SUBSCRIBER. Wishes to.retern. thanks to the pubge for past favors received at their •btinds. and would beg to intimate that he is deter- . nene,d to sell waggons CHE-APERTHAN EVER.. I will sell yon a vraitgon. -Complete for $55.00 cash, and -all other things.ur proportion. AU werk Warranted to. gye Satisfaction. - Al! kiads of Farming Implements made fo order. - • • JOHN 'AL:PHERSON. Getlertel; 9t1i.'1:465,- ersee37 WAGOiD861AGE n'13 rn, t x07- . THEsubscriber would annrinnee to the public 1 oil -Limn and Brune that he- has on hand and -will 'hake to order Carriages, Wagons, Har- ; rowsidre.,-which-will be sold cheap for csish or approved credit. On- hand and for sale cheap, SEPERATOI1S 'AND- 1101SE POWERS, Mowing and Reaping' Machines, Wood Saws, TC:015, C31-11.1%TC4 IIMACYCTGI,13,3, brass Castings mottle, and Blacksmithe work done in a itest and sibstantialmanner, _ Castings of any descriptior.rina_de`tworder: Also, ail kinds Of Machinery . . . repaired on short notice. A large stook of .. . . . , ._ COOKING, - - PARLOUR • AND 110X STOVES, Always an hand, Sugar Kettleti,_Wagon and Pipe Bl- xes. As our patterns Of the- above are Of the most apprOved kind; we would solicit an inspection of our stock' before purehasing ' elsewhere, as we are offering the above et the lowest remunerative prices for otish, or or ap proved Credit.. Old raetal,'Brass, Clipper, aud all kinds of .nrOduce taken in eachange. . Goderich. October. liigl - • ''. • •=w29 wi.waticrumr) 1 TO F. litTSCHESP OLD STAND.! WATCHMAKER dr JzwFunt 11PEST ST.. GoDEztick, Nexf door West of Hr. Stotts' Saddlery, WATullES; 'CLOCKS AND -JEWELRY' REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE, SHERIFk ';.4 LAPLUS. United Crainties or DY Virtue of a writ ot --. Heron and Bruce,- .1-.1 Fieri .Famas -limed out ----To wa . • of Her Ceurt of the United Counties O -Majesty s Conley -1 f Huron and Ilreee 1 and le me chromed agitinsil the lands and tene- ments of J.tines Stewart, it the suit oflohn V Detlor and Seinuel H. Dettor, I have seized and taken in Exeeutirai all the right title and intere4 oldie sai'it detendant in and to ha number One in. the elevenih conees.sitin of the Ton nship ofCol- W...D., in the County of Huron. which lands 1 shall offer tin sale at inv office in the Cm.rt House in the 'rown of Codeneh, on. Ves divihe Tir‘itty-fit Iv de j- orld,*'heat, it tie . DOW or lwelirsi at1h4 clock neon, t - •T. ' .. ' JOHN MAseliDeri0;;AHL.D4., • BY S. Per:west, Deputy Sheriff'. - • - Shurifi hs Office,Goderieh. / - '. . 15th Ari1.1.8. 65: 1 •wIS . • . 110EXINTIFVY DEPARTMENTAL Parliamentary Agent, In the bestStyle & Warranted. cyCrinismicl • - . _ Atsookeoon aravrisrzav or Pirated 3 ew-elrre Watches Clacks*. icoi` ar.c. painstantIyaikine sail we:ran:8dt° be aarapressr.ris - • face, money refen4ad. . • Geibriels Spiv twte. VW. • vision Land Scrip for 8410 - 3 OR A LIBERAL- PREMIUM GIVEN on payments whieh eau' he made -to the Crows. Lands Deptrenent In Land Scrip.. Seeeard in another colunut, HENRY GRIST, •quebee: . CrOderieli. Dee. 4. 1867. ifteksw27 TRANSACTS -BUSINESS-WITR TTrx L .Czowri Lands an& -other Covernmeat _De- • tartmontis Takes outPatents for Inientiona..... Drifts and takes ch g of Pi rte Hilts during tlie Sessaion, &c., -s dr.e..deef • forParties residing:a tinoerCanads. or elsewhere.. rale• - 001) FARM og: Containing 140 -Acres RITUATED on the Gordon Risid,:adjoining k.P, the Village of Exeter. 0q, the above - there is a good V." Frame -House .t.and Barn! All new. A Ina'. well ;and ,a Eno young orchard. It will be Rold'very cheap. Tile land is of the best clay losmsal well tint h-1 • -• _.- • Ti'rmp niWI. Itsioirri on entification, if by letter prepaid,to:E4eter p. 19.# ir on the premises o - • " A MedONNELL, wl-Of 4 '1141/ter• CUTTERS and SLEIGHS JOHN PASS MORE _ VeitoriaStreet,Goderich. Atoll list, taSs: ' w4.9 tint • ' Sheriff's Sale of Lands. United0ounties of DT virtue of a writ .01 Huron and Bruce, ' 1..J1. Flea -facies issued nut - . To Wit. s. of Hess.. Majesty's County Court oft he United Co-inties of Huron and -Bruce and to inc directed against the lands and tene- ments or Nesbitt Biggar and George Big -gar, at die suit of Oliver s *clam, John Thomas, William 'rang, jr.. and lames Necklet'', 1 -have seized and taken in Execution all the right title and interest ofthe saiddelendents in and to Lois Numbers 48, 113, 114, 115. 116, 117 and i•5. in the. S diage of Bluevale, also -that eer- .tain part -el or tract of lands known sus the Milt Block, and also that certain parcel or :tract ot :lands which is eoundtd on the North side bythe Ri-er Maitiland,•on the Southside by the 'nein line between the Townships of Morris and Turn? berry. and on the East side by the West boundary line of Lot 11910 be extended to the !liver Mait- land, with any water privileges nr.iieh' may be derived trom 3he River .1 ahland nsler -East as Clyde street, all in the county Of Huron, w,hicti Lanus and Teeements 1 shall offerter indent iny offiee in the Court House in the ' own ot Gode- rich. on Tue.dier the:thirteenth day of -Junin -est at the hourartwelve of the eleeknoon. - • - - JOEN. MACDONALD, - - _ .: Slieriff,11, & s . Sheriff's Office, Goderieli, / • .. 2nd -March. 1865, i wff • SHERIFFS SALE, in LAS, United Counties ot D Y virtue of "a Writ al Hum- and.Bruce, 1.7 r Ferias issued but • To Wit: • . of Her Majesty's court ot Chancety and to Inc directed against the loads .and tenements „is Jane Fool. Raw ird Atkinsen John 51cCuinnes rnd Wilhdm Stanlake, are delindentp. at the suit•of Mary Ann Fuid Stec- Inke by John Mite helhthe younger her next friend, is Ptaintitril have seized -and taken in execution all the light,title and interest el •thres saict d. t dant in and to the siiiith halt 'nfirst nimibe:r eleven in the 'berth concelision or: the townshfp of Stephen, the county of Huron, which lands and tenemen *1 shall offer for sate it my .ofbce in the conk' House, in the towa - of Oodertot on Tuesday, the-tirst day OCAegust nent,nt11to il•ur ot twelve-01;es efO,ik,n000.. T - JOHN. biAdDONALD. • Sheriff 11. 6t B. 'SYS. Pot.i.oca DejnaySherif: Sheriff's Otes,Goderieb, 26th April, 1865; 1•14 • TOWVS.tuP OF momust soutil 4 7 in lat con., 50 acres, • South 481inist con., 50 acres, South 1 lu 2d eon., 1 tancres, Smith 4121 in Hd eon., NO acres, - :North 3 20 in 4h •con.1 -100Iacres. Northi 21 -in 4h con., 1001acres, North 4 23 in 4h cm,. 100 Acres. TOWNSHIP OF 110WICKi ,-• bots 2- 3 and 4in 15th Con., 100 acres eattli TowNaffiP 01? GREY .: 26 mist con., 100 acres, • • • ,Lots- 34 and 35 in 4 con., 100 acres each, Lots t1 and326 con.,100 eseach, Lot 26 in g con., : 99 acres, , Lot 32 in 8 eon., - 100 acre!, - • Lois 33 and 34 in 10 can., ipo acres each, TOWNSHIP- OF_ TURrBERRY N. E 3 43 in 1 con, *50ems. • -�rAt_optittlyeX:wC:ekr• T:tHI.;E05:1.17E:Ai..ELS:::::9.dLe:i:Chl w 43n • •'• - _ - Toronto - STORY ez- DAVIS lITANIFFA.CTURERS ANDDEALERS 1N- 1,1 •Stoves, Ploughs and Castings et every de acription tin, Copper_ and Sheet iron Ware, at the atove Depot, West Street, Goderieh. . COAL OIL, IllieCoal. Oil bumps, eze., bre. Old Iron, Cop- per, Brass, Hags and Sheepskins taken in 'ex- change. - 4 49 _. • MONEY TO LEND A r EIGHT PER CENT IS RUNS One Hundred' Dollars and upwards: Apply to TOMS & MOORE, • Solicitors. Cft ABB'S NiEW BLOCK-. Goderiele, Sept, Bth, 1864. - w33 if - PLANING... MILL. • Sish,,.-DOOrra#d 613 - John 11,cDon.ald & Co. HAVI• NG COMPLETED THEIR NEW Factory, are now preparcd to take in orders to any extent. From their Icing experience in the I:neatness, and having experieneed worlimen,,and a first-class set of maehinery, theyfiatter themselves that they can do Da arc•c•cl. FAIlM FOR --ALE - T OT 3, Con. A, Township of Kovach, -1.4 mdC 'Tom Wroxeter, on THE GRAVEL ROAD. Log house and barn, 92 ACRES,28 CLEARED Apply to F. IV. THOMAS, Esq., 13. VC- , Goderich. Feb. 26. 1804. sse5swfil-If Asa -.&v Establiiionentsn Canada. Partied:taxing • . 'York would. do wel to - Amer, mirmadim. Ihereia ahio any quantity 01 GODERICH 111 CHICAGO,. • I .11E2 • the Stanneli ProPeilor- NIAGARA* 1X71LL make weekly trips between Gederiels - V V- and, Chieagolfaring theseason ol naviga-. ttoniu connection with the . Et. Grand. Trink P. It . • •OR 2LACII E.4T,,AND Steamer- Huron , • • Per Saginaw, For freig1ht or ipasilas'e apply to . SASH. DOORS it AIOVLDINGS - ALL KINi1S. ON HAND: nefilso offer To Carpenters &builders ,LIRERALIASCOUNTFOR,THEIR WORK. • - _ TERMS, Without .Distinction Flist be CiSH. KrIelifemisertheplac.e:Cppostteks iliWax. tag ./lfia. •• (Jam ieh.261h August. 1861. _ 30 . 7 " *R.- 11 WANZERtGOIS GM= CANADIAN PATEAT SEWING -MACHINES Have takesithi first Prizes - ,T. THE PROTIN(1414 E-21111BIT1091 held la biontrellAepniheilith, ifith:19th,and 1 7th;1863, over all others;.and-also at the Pro- vincial Exhibition held in Kingston, September 22nd, 23rd, tind 23111 and 25:11, 1867; -Mae/ of a ahnilar character were also awardedto is at the ProvineialExhibraon held in Toronto JD 1862,and at the Proxhiclal *Wasik held 14 London is 1861. Prices have .been Greatly Reduced R. 11,WANZEli ,liamitton, • - Agent, • East 'Side Market Square Qaderich: Mr. ST• )Ef3 ilg14•,§2 '4 E. Otb coo.. W. 0.. Ashfield, Riper sem. and 20 25 :re, siriailSouiray•d:utstf:1-tpellilrattr 1111100111...t99::: ede.2.447:titnocet lot 29. f.z.h'Ore, Ashfield,-•• per acre; "East' ToireLotiiin prge,$30.001114*aa pelotas. Appfyto ; 4244 • 'rEros. WEATHERALD 0. a ot: Ste-yerge.A. :01 e r t G. ItUlfBALL, w1P.f Goderkb .40125,1965. C.A.-3E1121u Joseph WI I liainsoni, rs0mms8101v_ER in B. 1., Agent Division- , '.1Courts, ConVeyalrer, - BUIL.DER and CONTRACTOR, (Per wooden structures) will furnish plans and specifications at moderate charges, and warrant the same to give satisfaction. Ali letters on busi- ness must be post - paidand if answers are wanted.eontain one Canadian Dollar, marked money, else not released. - The above named :Via attend Dungannon, cioderich.Clinton, Htrparhey. and Bayfield Courts, (health permitting)-solonga ma find it w ay To old patronshe appeals w!th confidence; to intending ones,• - C4-.1.Nre• . Titict.1, Add ress Dungannortk.p. untilfurther notiee‘ Dufigannon, Dec.19th„ 1864. " w48-bt DIATT.ROBERTSON, ANUFACTITILER 07 st.i. nIttns or RE I 141Cil is Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads In eadiess variety, 'Wardrobes, Book (lases, Mattrosses, Center Telges, Dinh= 'dahlia, Breakfast Tables, 1 ofiet Tables, Wash_ Stands, Chairs, and many other article.% toe numerouisio mention. Ail kinds • ' WO(T1) !j' WINTG- Promptly to. UP.HOLSTERX,inallits • /branches. UIVDERTAIIING,Itc.,tte- Mr. R. respectfully inyttes an exarainatizen os lussock. Warranted to be made ofthe best aus- ierial and workmanship, and at grcatly reduced price,s.Call-and compare, and:esiLafied before gointr-elsewhere. V.31 Cordwood and all kinds of Farm.er'sPro- dueetaken nt eat:bailee, Wareroom.em Elgin Stmet. -Goderich. IVIalch 24th . 11163;--- SW5/t BOOTS::ANLSIMIS. SUITABLE leint •SPRING AND SOBER WEI! illiBT REC,E1YED AT James s,Sen.'s "KINGSTON ST., OODERICH. A CALL IS . E.OR SAT4E.- OTS 6,6/4 to 13,17, ilearthe RAILWAY :'STATION, Goderich, for 1160 each, At s Five- Years Credit, . . or longer if requirecl. Apply to CAMERON, Goaerici April 8tb. 1864. sienwli i4-401:3741) roma) on the . beach of Lake Huron, r about -5 miles trim flioderich„ on the 15th of April Iasi, a quantityof Pine Saw Logi, marked I. P., W. and F. The Owner ra re- quested to prove' property, pay expense!' and take them away._ Ifnot claimed within one mouth from this date they will flu sold -by auction, RICHARD YOUNG, Jr. doderich township, May 5th, 1885. w154t - L8c LSEED ALERS • -IN LEANER- FII ! „ A GODEltieft C. Tebrnarv 11.1866: 447wi _ -10TICE . ILL those indebted ti John H. 'Wheaton. n 'late of the Tillage of. St. Helena; in the • Toinship - of Wawannbsh, an sibscosiint - debtor, by book -account or -otherwise, aim hereby notified not ta paY theism. otherwise than into this °SOO., JOHN MACDONALif. - 570317.11. /14, Sheriff's Office, doclenel, . 25th Feb., 1865. w5 -td- •.• _ 4 '-„J. sea And A1.1 at 2,•!idist• 4.49414 settle 6.40