HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-06, Page 3THE SEMI-WEE.KLY SIGNAL. Police Intelli-ence. 99 t 6 Queen's Bench To Wool Carden,. &c. B-ISTER TERNI. 28 VICIQP.TA. 'Cl A c3se betwLen two parties living ill jr-A A Good Opening! iriNLARGENIENT 1. ksbfield was tricd before C. Crabb, Esq., In the matter of eompen- T (ITLCI is ...... C.Sewhere , I - I -it sation for i i -,bt of N on onday morning. The particulars'- lierehv given HE at do-sia-cetf ig desimux of forminfr a o -d stand. I rr 1_1 :2 _�S,E LL ING qFF the Buffilo and Lake that - tbe 'BuffaloT busineft ckwnecuop with some JWZMA Vd- te wil" 6e 'I VOrtiOr- o`I . - are. these: -O.a Wednesday, 31st ult.1' Huron %tilway Compary- and 1ake Huron 1. ling lo.tru into lbe Wool -Carding -and Cloth -dr, S&- Applicant o -find d,)u t -lie will t 11obert Graham and John Daruin" had a through lots No�. 85, 86 flailway-CumpanT Londo n- Advottiser, I .-art cani:&, and Tne sVbwz4beir_t)kepv6iDr 4A d Wave paid into the -b,,e dispute about the sharing of somi lumber bullut Jig, bnth of which are in equi-P!cte readintwA. and 8' in the Mai I ,I)HIrl. Cour of Queen s w E\LARGFI) TO A ot the is a splendid tioortuslitr* for any cbpatpie bich the latter -was haulin- to town.- -h. ia 9�e Bent kt Toronto, 'Fnun osve of The tle.st ship of Goderi( tse- the urn of five in Canada. Apply io, n -r A -r -Ill. -o,, sr Ilucsc� Go"."cal Finding wo�ral, suasion was unavailiner, �1 28 ­061umn Faver, county or H a ron. the -every lawful eveuiu at 5 hundred aud ninet-r-six dollars a6d sixty-five 31ATTHEW RODERTSOM. 11. AT THE Gralin i kiced Durnin -in the leg and i S published Six modths- -e� .W. cents bein& the conivetisation and we;: .'I,. u 1.1he ive oVock, and cumains the latest Telearrams. s�izing hifnb the throat nearl k on, az be ra;d for certain Apr W cho ad interest there reed t R 11.h, 1944. Mf oae- of -h;i &-rreeatke Cunce.zs prior ta his Sum News Paragraphs, &c. -Family arkets, eeing some, Reading, Editcrials, &e., caiefully prepared lands for right of way. -being parts. of lots tr:�,. IL be�n Court tniz.. those from th the poor fellow to death. S me v, on I and selected. nuibbers eigIlty-five. eiirbt md eigbty one appronelling be then- left him lying Courar will have an. cilpor, unity to hgar h,m The Lo.�DoN EvEm-,G ADVERTISER .]has a seven, in -the- aitland eonveoi6ii of the ev circulation averatring I I, 000 per week, which the Co0ify of Hzw;ll toa assusted by Gentlemen Amateurs: I the roid beneath hisor'ses' feet and tuade' township of Goderielf, The case ilein proven, is More than double that of ally Huron ; rnder an Y,'Q 'for the Wooagi. Cr othek dnilv d -bv VZ*tue'of a certniu deed jmll he4ring date the ei- published west of Ha or- z�r, There4as no truth whatever in I;ilton. It is agreein o ppe 'I Mr. Lefroy, wb a ' ared for Graham PaP BEAT ulated on the str4ts 'fier tbe'manner of eleventh day of' May', in 160* year of Our the rumoIr afloar in town that r. to I eliLc -A - .. - - - Willin�n FYatid adviscde 1 int to accept of plff.'s proposa the -Montreal Witness, and 'New York and Lord 1853, and execuied by Rr and Henry Ford Of the said township of Ill-,6ig -0celban had been impris or con- Settle the case on the. p:ayment of all costs: Buffalo papers. Advertisers at a- distanct ht for :Porft an M"t ihore.9f r G6derich, -and made under Lake Huron, G harn isely, consented, -an , - C te!ppt ofCurt., That,gentleman arrived d will fi-d it to tbLir. advanta-,e to- insert tbei the Act entittid deft'. �a Air Act,iespecti --ther hi - Railways," and fui bus;.Iess notices in 0. coluruns. I a t' oir F iday evening last looking bein, dt least I I - I - .. I -f wu- I -pai some, 93.00 or 9.00,. Ii friven toull pevsons:en Wed to the THPI r�AST SIDE V.H-M STEA3= juct as ev�er. - All we bave tO twice vilia thaIumber was.Nvorth'. ail.11,Advertiser. (per azinum) $4;00 said lands or -to any -part thereof on,represent- il..D e e Advedite'r kperannum') ing cr .ting partEs so I%av- v, that tee are not res for the W isband� 4fliy. to file their - c aims inta one Joseph Shar�iou entitled Ilia said All 6inmuniWions addressed to . I - �, C> JOHY CA_NlE1-'0_N;, Court.to-the slll�. compeii�alior or jiny. �pats lbroti -ht befo 'Mayor ChArz�:,ed with hay. thereor afid All such.ciaims''w-ill.be'ir�coir-ed ia- sto!�n a cow fr4r Mr, IN!m Arthur. D Editor & . 1'rolori.tor; 'by ]�LwflvrooD._Tb� �Tay a atid, ':adjjudged upon the. ild -Court' London May 23 request. of Mi Mtx.s dc-fi'i counsel,'the case I pursuant to the Statute in��t'hebalf, T Cap�til one.w­nat tm, heVvy for �the- Warm a Of )I4 �ed." until �this afteruoo at 41 Ilatedthis,17thday 1865. CAIM D. BOWANO -weather - ,in I - rwt light. unto- traihinew. "ra" postpo L (Si fned) H Clerkof the Ebony -shoull be, Ju. the a w17 -3m Crowu,ind Pleas. Co mander, wi!l'zmu betweert.- nds of evOry We Danald - Mclunes, -a half nr-l-ed crea- f 1?` SAEL AND .8 -lover of Literature pure a nd uti 1jul"e, Te,getates about 0 864' OUTRAIMM -olvent A ot, f Izis4veni Act- -of 1M For snde, at the' Siqndl Offibe N. DA defiled. kno�kinz &Y 'a an -d rnRltie-_-t;n- permittin). tirice e C� 'I furt no -tL-' - her ' tice. Leaviti Rhen.yL ick AV -AS Bned'.0'12.00 and cos s or o ALEXAAWER HK -creditbrs oribb midtimigned are otifia uTItI ae k the matter of Skti7w 4very OUGL.ASS-, an nsolvenh T to meet at the law tjtljcc� of James� Shuw Monday and Thars4iy morning 1 J - d*,'-, onth in gap. Donald wi,1 probabliv V .4, Monda� .e., t SinclAir, in The town I [be. Bayfield, Gothticb, Xincardine. 1iiverBut%m, Ruilway COMMu.nisliation with s. ncxt, at twe ve 0 clock, 'Southampton. Ret�rumg vrill WItbL Mr Rob - - 1. HE creditors of te insolvent are rl�tifitid: Port Do - . .1 ! _e4san or the next four week iuteutt, day-oi June,- .1 in, I the I`Wla-e of -P of receiving --tatenjerie ol meet ut ,mv o&e in fekthep-itrOW, leae Southampton every Wedninda =d Southimptdn,- in, the cout.ty- of� J ruce, on vaimillIF all assignee to whom bt .,It ahov� ports. -e Fite Press tho sixteenth day of June.nex, -at tell .7. eanab .1 ouvre Act. A Ra%fielt! Tn z z I 1, S AT Worr,..-The, Dublin. Frid signu vat under the a ay JUHN REEVE. Freight by his route can be, delirered c0rresponde.iit thus wtiti!s io* the London 0, -examination of quicli,er than by 9ny ber, and at =tes under.tlie. dLte ay clock, A. 3J..1ar the pubUe JR C e I a n the in solve t 6 f - �the sit Merchants and Shippers. been Crolerirh, -Solicitorfor, Insolvent. For frehilal Times on' th'z Sill inst. A F and to r :01*6 oi�deiin 0 I am surpris�ad thatsorn,& effi;rt haa not Was he'd- ve�:ferday evening, on the aTairsoftheestate enpralir. i Clinton,_Mh ADril, 1865. wi&`* and pwsage apply to W. Seymour & Co made bv the intli:eutval men of London to ull.w-Tb ' ' 7. - - I . . I -Ir "a district called the B. a 1 A. SPRO.ST, - t of Clatar . i i . Agents, -Gloder4ch ; Robt. Camplietil, Age cout' Mue t'lle, railroad -.11rcu-zh to, BavEe:J.- t pres' eut of il:e -a.-;embly -occupiptl a ditch,it n c. 7- Kincard mes Batwsuih, Ageat, Zouth w MT-memaryserrea me faithfuk' the Hop. i,eu of a el�ai T'_w' 6qtensible Weet of , the Dated.ht Southam RIC11- June Ist- 1865..� i tpri aforesaid. tppfon. n XaiczAlru Came was to exi THOS. SWMANDs, lfVQ4 ��ul�athv with .231d .:�6, s W w- 1 8 passed for a ron. had a bill ap!e of t"e 1 -tilted -C E,D' the pe but, theleut r. ORR; !road- from Fo; t Stalilef to thence I 4 purpo--e- seems -to have been to -ive vent to a, astern division Mimilton. to Seme port en 1ake Iltiron,--stIpose �aj- lit pA quantinyofsedition, andt0adl,isethe workipa IM V,8 des �f obtiming First Class iros Cednr for F. c,agalfil. Bullilirg CHO London. it ha- el.as-,e U . rju,. f ]c -P field. From Port Sm-nlev to it- -t to i,,in their. eilunt;ymen in gnm- -i h' bestipplied-In any quantity, aua oil rea4vitable. been runninz, but the re -A 6f 'the bAl a lq;vul w�-llc',,-.ne t -'i, the: Prince of Wnb s. e -i 'by applying to Ion tc us, huavat-been; carriedOut. . Wecaasllremem- PC 1p' a u i 1 itqftt The advire with. conitern pt. 317,ST 1.JL!:GF- bTOCK OP! ELLIOTT. bar the nial from'Goderi -h ta L incton ri.e. t1611zed of ilautilIz ihf- green fag, J� W e W2 ZAMARD _y was an&striles on thp Irish spi" witti S11100L a each D is tbe E' of IA�e Miron, -es -has thst, trade- go -net now do Sannd-rs, to OF.- Mortga Sale of Unds. 7" about 3-iniles from GoUricb, -on 20th of But tber wou.'d tarwnx w;th rep!enish te, the help, of the. A me; jPER stel but where re�nembe4 " I -STO C K. has been on i ia 'April -titsti a q it is lc�ct for want of a dakle energy. Pu,.a!wbatP.�e4.i.dentJoh.'s,,itI uIlkity ofFine 1,ogs, ivarked 1. P� and F. The owner is requested to r 'D --a of a Power of ac&,.-sa the map from London, to 'R and bT Tirlue Sale reatest -of, a 1 Will lie b6 13ay, fie!4 and you, wou see thut the road tile ft , rWe propel tyl palxpellm, wId- take illem U cOntuilied in a:ceriain IndentuKe of MU wo,--'d -,a -,s ehe htst in, likeir to wm.it traitors? The wen wlio It not.elaimed ithin one :menth from "Po Mide I)y Bernard Daly of the villae o id.5 OY by the - Toy Rpvl;-s, Nayer Boollf _r afl, kindsi -they will be soldby Auction. ta.'ie f ir tl 1i -ru th� wo uron. 1&r. "his4at .a al.d in-trav fine YM es-'wh. I -Gounly of H Of LinclAn. will be -as od:uus t, T (.'nuren 8:ervaoes, f4iii-a Putkx Llvnoza'dville, in t.he a0runz Up mw.v STEPEW SHELLY. o Felix Thourpson, of lbe ov% n There Aintt�-ieausas ta A X 1711� mifelfro;n r4road com ittuication. said ount%�, Baqnir Godeiteb, May 18, 1865. W17 31 Iof Hulltt. in c a, and bar. --d a A.- D. I C at %be. fifteenth dav of Alin -7-77— Barfield itself chn boast lL_Mieb �., -hel th are, e Itzlitest in .1 be sold by Public Auction t t 1864 wil ufa harbvur sime repairs,,wou!dT Iaucti'* r -or ? W- ORK-BOXE-9, WRITING- CASES. oil oq;ps of G.-31. Truetnanf in the 1�e secoud to, nolle on the Larke where larze- men. 0. 'Cork" 'wer .7 Town of Goderit.b. in tlie,,C-Ounty Ot Muror�, N, OTICE4. qwntities o fits azi(l iou-. - -kir but in, En'; -iday, the nintif day of'Juila, .1865, at are caught i lLrge Sevdatid, me of Avr on Fi Yetizent wareh6use4;, some fire. or sic stareh Ia-wj. On t, er th4ric. ale It titer _A laud arad ME L TJ ON of deleptes AtAd lefidink Le riv -the' arlicltk$allebe 12 o'clock, noon. the f A CON L fq tLeL. there. lage lot bumber seven,. Ahat would be 110'iUctedit to the btst town-' ad va' ous r All. I I . . premises, viz- vi.. -ry 1--empe men:oi uli co a will be six or seven tsverus�, some Vest side of Cqntre-street, in the villa,te ol held 4t CIllifort, o t7andd, so u Wednesday. the ?th of a April 29 IS ondville, contining one quarter of an io-P,iobsider the propriety,efiftitag the Teasper- in or ,pthet a re .zk L Z,% -rt blacksmiths, shoemaker- r I oge.ther with thi! utl�4 tanders, breirets, c lin fact, eve -v am P ir -tree or fouff inakers,_ ;is marfy, g an wilors, been in Th*s- rrvirninX� �at S r G A r F.T. .�buildiugs ibereon default having ad'a '_Nr -the -mone thereb imdesmea that- -Dea taL =ake up a a - ' Goodai . in.- the payment of 3 wlsft othe late WUVWn- F. -d P. YEW d. esi ence. A he funeral wiii� uil e, p'ace4rotn th,,- r ce -r-in Uoi t -age. I 'CL veyan und.erPowe 4t Con 41 a .3. at 3 01,W]TOR X CITAN. ATTOR- J. S. SINCLATI� i *4u[ ' 'v).morr .,c.-: ffudne.,day) r� hell f. icilds I S XEv, 3;OTARY, C0_XVEYA%CLR, &c. -Office, Elm uvw Ro.,,t-otfive, Go&rich.' swl:9 So"citor fur Mortgragee are irvi-ed to at,whol- 7 ,vver HERIf ri ME -Affl, L UDS; Lv_=w. s. �­,Tolin Gravdeltrered it b ted tbi' 4th -day o.f -May., A. IL, .1865. a is w`154t - or a - oUnited Coftnt!es t.1 y Vnite I Lecture oil Bunvan MARKETS. Bpi i% s of a.] al-ir, 11M -0 and Bruce, J0 Fsert Facials Apiedout is. Pil he[ RID OF. THANKS@ to wit:- '0mity, and h __-rim7s littely, in t of Ht!f Alajot@ty-'si. * -b6 Court Of the United Countiesqoltillroll'and Bruce Jue Gth, I, )5. .awnia Hal. His --xt lecture ' 11 Wi SM]MJF.V1S SAIM 0F IA' U and, low .124 flICITARP-T-M-TA ESQ.- ad to me d4rected against the law 1 013 <d, But Its, Us faults and --his ments oi Willian Wilson. at ike suiv of jamest ct ntl"t6vinc:.all-sul-an'ee�Co.,Clt:.Ilt,)n 1:20 k a -levenson and Aichi -United C Y �Virtue. of a VMt of &)xwell " bald oilk Suilier DFAII. SIR.' ( --etlditioniExparialf and land, I have seized and taken. , tign all the in, ihank thf- Prc5 in!ial annif m 0 a execi) virtues' :4j v -Tbe, aurolil B W. --At and Brluc,j V d (11 G. (I 1) C tir-raliv Of Cand a illrouzli. vou ril­nl!� titf� and interest .of she- sikid defendePt ilk resi ue. zia�- A'1c cture er. the causc-4 and effeets 1`0 wit: .FiersFacAao, Jor a" ve,--v boriorab'e,marfn f 'H(r majesty -s 'County Uourl nd toL the sAitilth balves *floss numbem tbirteela er thiti lssu4d Mut C of th-e --imeric-inVar,iq Seafoith. on thd ................ --isfir-d tur eaini upon it, for ofthe County of0ario. ana Couit of' (!016- and fourteen in the ninth concesaiianftbelown- anrai,v - ba s. sa JU S T ARR I WE D A N -D Morris. in the County of Hition) rWA leas, e airected', against the C�nipbell, -resrulted in Park 4,.; -5:5_0 (a. `nagos to my ptintirl'o materials by retroval' moth P, and to in "i ' .Aale at N -T. ti� in 0 dai 4atYand tenements I shall o&rjor ...... 9-40 dOrina tile hate firp ill Clinton. by, which Landsand tenenientsoPSlephen L).CrawfordF-Ii. va -7 Stalinto 'fin and Foberl 01fire iss the Court N"96 150mething ver -1 like a ieneraf,�roir. At ria Hotel) a, Enoch C. DOW - adjoining Innu tart] r L se tramphvll'sV.icto. of N. �How , nud icb,'on Tuesillaylbetiv =tr, sit the stfftl� ext, atbe hour oftwelve of b c uslaft- this Idte data we thitik it would be just as 0:45 was burned t6th-e--erottud. iship -of EftleraCeO the Corporationof The Towj N MACDONALDi Wvrl 04 0:00 Sir, to Exeem w6U to let the War 'He in abey- 'da U have seized iLud u floss Ul tfie right, fill and Inlosesi orille ,aid -deleudantsi in ao4 to e he.soutlitialf a '0:00 -Yours resne tf'nl' anug COCK Pztrk LotlNo 15 -,Lot Bn. 8, andtQ ai'vIk I . - - I L L - Lst, side of Queelk. stir"It XQrsh, 10tsf M&F, 1-S65 ,W] 'Amer, 2:-,5 0-00 of Lot No� 6, It L -4 in the vit- .er Ll being liubdivisions of Pirk'Lot No. 5 �,Vn riatDc t4 Mill an 0:1 - L agLe Of FAt*)Vy;L south hall East his Grealuck C -n 1p_� _L . - - ��e Vvur 4- 0:00 (a 0:2,3 .1 �17-'Irn G EO. LAY vA- ff 7E V 1A)t 22 on the ,V.d At, ft 0.45 isicy. Ilaik Lot So. southpa -ST-OLEIVO -OTES L0T OR "!ft.ket st etntaitAmf fift 1 moci. w N Ics or -:00 16 Nortliside of Cawtvidge -strtvto ac -C "orth P;thsley, J -tit 13 We side ofQncen $treet,;\ Eixty ars. Kitt� LcLeQd of I ........ L cia 'Sauth iae and 13 and 14 North sideof C ambridge. LL pafties -are herebf c"d6n4k "Shot uggy at the tirad of` the Apuralmsing 4 negouating two JWW5 4 was also in the b street,- Yaislev; North fiall of lot - . %. L , — MITH . . . .- . i -orth ABhAHAM..S 11reet, _qouthampton, 50 feet orthe -N wad lot -P 31 Huront upset and 'had her arm- br5ken- SLEALF0 LT -11 ARIKET bviill dran ia f4ior ofsuit; Joh�, tit LotNo. 4_,'North zode of Hi9ffk-.*:11reet9 part Southampton, LoIs29 and .30 01! Tailor, -I 1863. and payable tea (10) he North side 6ni'lersigned', bath dated ibb It Atfe. 1,7 ivy Currie, McDougaK 030,1 Xerc'hant. 'butharaptan; Lot IS Eas - of Clarendon stre 4terda�W.-- THE ..of -Ribbert lost a e et -book kween. i AT side ot.NorfolL raon, Lots2l and Tl�e&stow or $1.6.910.. given �by., Null . p June 6tb ISG5. ll eh tene- H. Curr e's - d telt lands and ' Is ;e". 3 MARMT -SQUA", -GOD 22 South side of txmisa street, Southampton, q1I ; Antl The secoudy i an Wah !s, cokainifig, fro barrel.) 4:50.' tv of Bruce; wh IS ON HND A - intheCoun Flour 594:00. , - ne foi;Si.50, Xi ...... ffice in the 0 vewby J'ames M Guire j1n4 1-20 ments I shali olkr tw sale at my o fort Ye y. to Afty- ddars -offers a ireward -'It3 th on Tu"�- Johin MeDprmott. The --said noteit hz�re Ibien uarge & --Weli-�Assorted eourtHou-4e,intbt-'TowaorG"dt!ri1 of 85 for its discovery. Spriu.- W- heal� V husk- daythc�Twq�ijty_Eighth dav,of Februarynext, at to 1:00 - - * Ich or lust, A.d Pa 'TOCK OF yment. AheFcaf is sop (44- 0-00 EX.ciDUS. -This neighborhooil is: al- I 0 -Its ............ I _0r40 tkehour; T­elveb rALD, 'ST mAcDo'-N AMtS JOHN -ON, 0-00 0:60 ........... M en. In -soma (if. 0:30 -Lot 26, South Boundarrtgunley- By- S. POLLOCK. 'Of Ost deserted Iiy 'YounO M st �ie . Y15ihxay,1865.� -,w -4 instances . three., out of- one house ip' ... ...... 0:30 Shprdl ss otfiec.G.6derichs- a 16:00 .%,03M hd �Sttcs to seek- employ. 25 t. ra,,Wc�r)* of have ton�_ 4. . 0-60S .1 h Januaiy" 186Z 0:1 -a to f 3:,50 0 U -\l trle sama hundred) ...... 6-00 C�; i.00 Thp a gal Altbough labor is dull -now there will be� ilidc 5 0 ove' 6 is postildn . ? I ad tiP Tuesday. Qt()6 Aud a vanet of 1-ancr Articlea;such as a -reat searcit of it in th6 har Better .......... 6:14 the Uh d4y of April iiext- ML 1_00 JFHIS is to f o" -While.31r. Campbell i Sheepgkcins Drbidau Zw "CAL voor. x9rolxx, persou Be Shifts,.Coflaln Neckffes,Csps, 0-00 iponed till. .1 Note givei� by zile subseribor to JA& dozen) sle The is further pos was, lee on, F#daj ni�giht a thief or T of�h Seed 2: ;�.2:50 10N* a day--- f May next- ra I I White for twenty two- buxhelt of potatoei;l, t._.1 _0Ua;;bcr turiing, (ro (6, Tuesday th Va. OET40RA ils ese, -.W 1 thieves were helping himself or themselves wool h'& he is prepzrod, sell Cheap f6ir and bering date Xu6h Sthj 14365 -th, wod in, Exank -Seott:i hain- 9r:00 Cash Tfie -is'. further postponed fill ,Zte is over paid. A�li P:cver Seed siboie see or wl AMF t116 Mh June, ibo,3� -f5.23 to 650�' MA. -crier -April w 12 Tuesd that ggpntleaWs wool was. stolen except a To -Flour %r - r I.j;& - . CoMcrue, May',Mth.-1865. M1603% 'prir -do C. -to,- L 1.20. W i* W beat 1. 25. S G 'd b few ft--ecqs he had In May I at' ODERICH -Wool. not reported. -,Oats.. 4700. so PUBLIC W-0 HAY.. ereby notified afler Wheat 61.7 9; 1.)atS 5'ie td 60el. -NOTIM UCTION- SALIE partiorill 4M THE CROPS.-YO6 siatecV, lately that you r PiZza0e cor­. -Sheriff o Lana. W NSE�o IN (nN _UENCE ofthe death of. this date I wiH vet IwU tryadf leSPON. SHIMIFF"S businims heretofore arried -hopedsounto, hear bow- thecrops.were in a ite sible for aur debts eo"wicted MY- n under tit. wime anti stYlt! Of .-his W, every. township in the county it *ould be L U i j4W, 1,'o U' n t r Y of WLnt- Of ,slasry Bays, she haiin deserted my A? SALE OF LAMS THFICALD.; the RINGS: U y virtue a I i"o L rots' I� ciais �Ruron and contained. in t Fie6 FA DER and by virttle ofa Power Of sRle United Gets o., Caw i"ued B Fied Fac -ail issued out boakdw aijust =use -or rrevoeat6w.----- ts. PER ROLL ..de HU and Cousify tbe . . interesting indeed to have short. We;kther Fiton 4'c bree aeviiWIMortgages ma tH ;rulz, i - RUM I - . byAtiguite De St. Aubine, Mthe.townsnip of To vv otItof)HerMiiestV9('ountY to wft: of Her Maje d Crop from relhible 6 rL OrWisce, Yeoman, and Courtl thelhl�ted Couniieg a Robt _01mall'. & persclus -throygghput tNe c' diiiing, the gFowin- -At th all-_ Office'r Arma',lis rthe CoUntl fluimind&.6cv, Coilirt of thu United Cointftw� -of But n and Brut4- V P' W"Ault na"r-K ou Janet his wMe. (as t'4 bbr. nr dower) mad6 I A and to. me directed against tne lands- fund tene- and to me Jiected -'against the lanits anid te C_ of -Swp '�, C�- i(stron. to the Canada Perma suit 'Of 14i arles Black, sit'jiliw-sult :of. the ,I, W, tio Ifirtnt seas4d. All w� me'to, make, a start and bet- nent. Building Society, 2nd mcilts ell 0. ken 1wexecutiotf 4111 ment. f Ch ftheTownship ofAstilield f have inu tic, closedon or have se zed addta 4.Corporat beforelbe A �a-RGE SU PPLY OF to.Jam Stitrk fthe said township (it -Arran, Am,th, I i ion o OF I. ttwsevelalt le 'Jonkeeper, and 3rd toi John Ja Lelin the right, -title lttiff, lam� SA OR ,artexamp t &,-oo&x cob dinseleit.oftnossid defelidealt seii6d. and takwo in ex ;-ulion all the z riterstion ar least. en.and elt'll I ; I I by,- will -be. old -fir Public �in�si Lien, t and Vin tkv 9tb concession Alid intewest iifthsi saidsiolendaut. and tq the- 1ST 865. Will am Benry Ru nd to lots lei I have been wandering a littilt lately A I ' los*nship of eclock, - DAY �_gRZ 1L Lot nulr�&_-r acir" ; wea Wilf'of lot num her seven in the Ibird cost- uotiin on Sf&ldair, the.3rd day fit J uly. next, �at L of Im BruceJ canta) n I ng Dfted.Count' ollY irktue of Mdow bn(%d'e I re,t, in Atid-� throiti.-Ix this townsh II1311olet in'the' illage­ofSoutn-� also� r 2 In the, illage --Division of the foiA sishila'o' parties ind4*ted to [he above Arm are hem ip, aud find that- Fall . mill site numbe SH moon, at Smil V' �y anlplon� arm containitir: ne by, noiffied that all -notes a beatt killed out a -reat C=AP -FoRr CA lot.NT. 3, in flie Uth concess in stid- coottly of Br-tice., ,V niaining -34 A.�hfivld,-zn the-counwortfurdit' nd book am,ants over Huron -and r1ca, Fie" Pact&& M&W 40C deal more tha 'huron, Ion f all offir for T Wit: of r1jer Majest x. or le4. rrtaining one =WZ YOS Ole was -ex"uted at &v time. 0 aid township ofArrani co Whiall, lands and t4nemen ts I *h dred acres, which7lands iind terseinents I -ohall -due on -the Line town 1I#Ur Mt oft �be 'rt:rmsr cash. &i day a sa c. of sale at mv,office in the Court House. In Conn ofile United Countiess,offlarowAsid Bnwjw a whaf uied to -Rale at ih� ollice in the Coast House viler r and io In d* - led R41he us& A" Temew best- -wheat -AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. acres. . - - A J nextr the tars ap Tuesday iht� 66 day (.11r, August the iown of G04j]!IC�, on Tueulis* Ibe­0nt_d.,iy day of -.FE81Y Por Dirticts . ply to 4ACodW6h2 off I the clock, nbou.- - t hour -Vt '.ZWCIVC A01 the ments of James Gl= of the swk­d. Robert ac" FREDERrCKPR0rUDr'0OT n ' oC Auglist uexI5, at _,�_ - L,. . ext, at thehourol"twelve 0 SoftRAor for co- 't r-07 F&IL Wheat clock noon, ;Rection. Thompsoo, I havve seiald.and taken ln;tmecuuaji�- -D The stack oa bird IV ",(I the !I�a ADAND. is look -in -g. in general, Nery, thin avid delica _40 mtpre or less- JMX r . Ba rrisier, Southampton,;C. JU.E[-N 31ACDO-N aLD, Avill behanded totbeir riZ, till'sind llittviO4 of is. - .. -, - - - - , I 0H.1 MALDOYAL Towards the Load5a &;�d 'them' are some May, WIML YoU WANT IN Dated. this 26th day of., 1865.. iT. SheriM& X. dial ill a0d to 4ot ob..bar -2ft, is iiii, Iowa -vC yery,gtxA pieces, and alt tb�- L ocK, 1*0uty Shert Yc> N --v -P4:>XL- C-Afg]EX. tiew B S P0LLoc1J,1)ePat'frL4;be_T. i(iosle'richt in tile Cowatvor MaroltirmbichalAk I Shan :C;&r for sale t my, am w14 14011eirift-lit Odice, C"der". 1: -011%FM and lookasplendid. That spring, crops hive SGROOL BOOKS 4 of Golk"It Notiee iis" here by Given �&h Avrshl 1.80, On -SHOR jut _tl; h .r L on r L -w flite appparanc�-j 0act -and a while you ISO. he _Man Rome. AT 26th April. w-.14 it gonsmsof a large i*50Itmelit of Pion], Tumilav;sbv awimibday of Auguat.sext,, a". dome across somesym touia of griIbi, 11,1HAT after twenty-one dRys from ilit- date ---------- vato=.Ra=.WdS1raw(;u11ca; p but -REDUCED RATES toUl'la are limited to. -the sod and t of th5 ad. dotice application, will be MaAe to L _df _SPA -N oMer of IRstia AVe hav& Is" h4n weather for the lait few 'the Judge of -the Surraggate Court for- the THRES. 1-140 MAC H] - ES 1_,rioo 'Ir - - , I lt� - Money to Lendl, Thoolvent Act h, 'United Couhtift of Efuron and Bruce, at "­ pot lid ng �_ash and suzar-lettles, 7wagqn a pj* gr the S= rising iindtaottl red, witbL t Z01h of the untiett 4AeLc"00&r'tb Huron. ot brazed sky stuck to us so 110INT M�ii-,* 'Apply to; D.L Sh -Gode6ch for. 'the appoigtment 6 -boxv, same, geg. of ohn Me t counlyicourt ofthe.uAiled co fl- Uf in ae on -last surnn;6�4.urizsgthe ion., droug,ht.' ��inley)- Esquire, of the township. of Startle fth may ISO. *16 S*d "glic-ftor'r -Office over IL Y, uroi qV_rd.&U_a9. 006Wng,Parlor &3ox o it �ow Qf to be hopetl that, we are.not in for vkh :it. the Count Of Huron; sts 'Gaariats. of &A 4 BootYS MGM PRdT1.,CCE oir CAVADA�. it the matter: of 00 xecou&hand 7WC_ XZ_ JEd Eleanor A ley Susan- and 311Frffi$- aspe4now,11putitisominoti� 18th �14y, 1865. swUlf [eZinfey, Mary MeNin' �12ammikW;. Ptex. INSOLVOT ACT OF18us. fint Ant coupty of it' ball McKinley, Lut-inda,.McKinley, hl*rgaret L Pox�-r am sdffy to, taT that t "C PU19H he --ties MeKinler, and Robert a -cou'll: 0 of :aa 11111501- 95VMM J McKinley, A HVA Ry 3 and &Iot'of VlaehmWyforrAG6J;t and Saw -Mills- Wilt li�_ -amia x ron M"Id i1rudd.. po - is stid Me. A fin& To*un, McKiWay minor children. of the late Robert- 0 Hit All -111- _--the-bove articles would YN FRE MTTRkOF JAMES hereby: gi en a pa ies requin g Ml -inleva OTIO -'AN M. woa= died, Ia$t. Week- _.*itlL. th -COAL COAL the'�under, '11 rd��All And tbsP"- M c;th� c_K -dC -- -- - iii kv.1br *ev t ara a ified Dated,aiGoderigh this 30.th day of May,. N h"giedIn thefoffics' of t1lis C-ourt! -4) &M'Ei Te= &,-,O I lia iLrd r rthe linsolTell f A] THE credtor& w18 3t, ll� ad 6fPotQP0s1tI6`l1 isch _-vjqMgqt,. o decided c4re for sama 'jag rge Co. that beinamadr— Ruxe Ttfm fit, hals qi_&&4w a*pMvM,*1VMAWAW - A LARGE W U the -and vffets under Alw, Albove 6 be ANTITT-OF - �'"5- .11, by 'hv estate ssdo-,41mizboftAw,1s:metb*LLL ec-i sCriditorsand thatoii'Tuev� yt a rietere I n 'lleu F304 V Notiese iteenih- sh�y- o(Jaly, iaexk. months IN ce'to the aboves It- Itatil!"dat, 'Will few % _: - I ' init1hisy-are a eigA, at- ten the-, mb, �the uaa6j�aifared assi m�e, MV IRLA=I= the� were r;i,_n'rig in. Galt rorenbop, br as1soon as .co�m"I required4o--ftiraLsa we ivW4.30'. on, The bu4new of tuesv*bm tW0VBDMhMt*0M Aoft 616ck lull I 40 I -to c&W =a Will tt4.a cWtat4ve t", . _# _; J_Oge: "o picifying, UJRdX, VbU��%J_ T�'My `1 saw au. urricle in so f from this date Tktie ot �,ars Jota of the 01M HAD �A with Their 'cwms. . 8 "g Gait papers can be a JMdthe 41sle 4"saw. vislit - tbe., plan�and ME into the. en mre f �he under- nwimous of ft� &a fg 4escribi A the cure. . 'If you I __ or a C.Onfirnistiop of -Ahe.,d)s-_ tb they.hq,Wljr� if Atnr, C _f jr 'the �!th the sIi1d'Co4rt iv_ 0 :E�" �9* , M� signed tot I c Ole WbL4e "e� 401er. M* or aur ofyourreastim knuwzari fi�jbru wd ning orlbis Stephen, -on I i9l'ills -oder of " gM it -none StAung 11 _Ig as 111teited WWelr 00 balLO The own,er vi Ck CWMS, me ht sueet, the e 'the CHARGES W. fICKFORDir, 6r lell us or�perhqfthtg in he 24th of last 'May, -a dark, b.-wi the *ouchars -in Y^ -Mm. W. VAMN�, 4f. so of year - Galf exet�angptj, x4d tb -W-h U11i her roperty_, pay expea"- ,W -the -t-A 0, efthr. give = - their, expenence., Anyth.ng prove p j W994- F stovil. JAMES be ble�&. �i . 3. . r - W18td ttroe�_ � �.: .. I I tULorould laud to wltik4b wout& Py T#Ob KOCA 'TOBIAS-FAHI-ITER. J§X.9Zqkr ST 6W3!W48 ing-tobizinartity f a.;, -4.4A it fatql au(I tratfo rsl,Mi�v: I Otb ��l ib; Clio ffa.Tit;f�l -:Q-- for 31vo GLASGOW HOUSE I T 1P Emllla& at -am" -P or