HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-06, Page 1" I
4 Our Credit System,
11' 'k. NIL.
Canada is the only civilized country in the
ULL 'L 1) P -1 F,
w( -t Id where trust is given for purchases to
r) &fly great extent. One would suppose 1mr
-1 -rople were superior to all others ever Irnown
t. for honesty and punctuality in anet, 1,I,
1) iLj,, thrir en-a-rements and hence their now
V a r
L!,'CR'c %,V 13:4o- 1 v J bounued credit with every seller 6f go%*
F , 134
Hurat e tery retui i merchant, in every- wift of tnuk
a2f. lbas
C -1 N. U N 'a, I h ich cr%-cL-"t is possible, Aflhougb we do
P Lj(;t %vbli iu speak disparagingly of outselvee ret the fiveLOM ven UY-0'ur farmers and
G utit; r., i_ W. ladjo-erh'tu us any extent witbou 1equir.-
in- unv immediate deposit, has wore evi
lip is
than lu,i!are topay. It engentlem ,depen&
I, the fill
ATE ol "W. T. COX. r, litor and Proprietor. The Greatest rossible Good to the Grdtes r ure producom of -c
t ossible Number." ro s and
L iubor which may never be retlize ; it fff a
lu v rospecti%e taX 011 'the best eneigm mf uW
T) T huilea fitrmer-,a burden ton, bb
hopesiand all ever accumulatin, -druinoii Jig
jLN7. - P R AN' N X A D 1 0: An-ERICH, C. W., TUESDAYAUTNE 6., 186105. --N
aL Aga n, i man -itever vares agmvalh
I Deke
VOL. 36 0 791'
nhe 1-mb _illvp And-
-hub lor;!oittil. about.on the m das.
1W pet - ib
llai- quar4cied since this puieliase
'neurird -I w liabi ities not-aul, ttA
ip s re
'GINGS AMAHA timt imie of the enAa -ut.,
d.;ALjjV_aV$ U.Clined first to itiet-i the Alemand
TRo-'Ni 4- ets. ptll io This is bumann re.
TZ Chant Tailor,
I IV S U R &N Xer
11, malr Ut ltoo,% 4ishouebt butilar, na-tuM loif
'SQUARE, NARZEI 7 Ott it is, udvve must deal with XMOM
vl4a4tl A +
A WE k g g f u k \xr!, co MPA NN17 Z:Lu Of fjP,,es
l4ell ub l -for p;,tr- Brlti *h In en tw tjraniveMyntp HA -them. 1his intaijili
i caA an ; Read
tles:rzng It, purchase HAS ONT A _e find ly to
Offices Torofacl -ireandLife.f. uraces.
K) I eul
Ito dt-wre Vr
Well-ASSOrt stative-tu pay. Fwancial and -
M-.' . A V ;'U st %; FY C(tXV FY. edon favqrabidt :3-- oflice in S. B. ed
STOCK ,OF niurality falis -to S AIL In".
'k,;. of tailor, bliumaker,
or I -M
JOHN BRET whidow Sh deLS T -I
-tj i Goderici-h. Nt%v.24-.JS(;r.. iu-ldl"d with-eerlairi'degm* :cf-bmiraft;
';Ti' Sh! T C"H L
A T 111t I 14T F. -Z. Dipper Smi h.
use his friends and Idilarea
C Z`x ul#oll a, long account, -Ila
EGMONLDVILLE Q avuld toe Aulls-bl' creditors, as e*ftL i4es
AT-THE91 e _10 am
-rhe extent -to
C9 M I ra
C omi) _11Y. d Aud a varlet . V ot k an cr Arneles canied jLn I 017T 4 Stoves, C uan
Kira 5V
t IRS' e C
"WAN -
Dcn at saw
Y(W T 1% iaUkg8e. kis. -It thil
'C i r
tsiC611ars', Neckties Paps
otcr - vioqs e, Godil7 i ch moht perilic iclus in its effies-L% "1t ji U -a
r, by iell()W b Wlitil YOU must hon6t Tj " YOU
Nr%-- CREMIst -&'.-DRUGGIST' Mich he i s reprre t:afl t pily a. &W D I ;N A -fide debt b t inimma.
1k -p
-TWO. -MILLION DOLLALRS. d to scl.I.CIMP -flut oub. aredciesmitiedto"
R you woht
ritih AXnerjeatn. DiN trance C-0 TIE -0
S 3 ou honestly owet. a
terot OF d - Ap 12 eb:-ie tcd fitlim. TI -a
Accunuttated FYnd.an htin ),000000 1, W .. , U I N-' -E Ij V G S you by
le- i6 Lots nimb.
Mewilne De
.0 6bthe-bu
eis us ujili ILt Sellells. latter, When
partm ent,. y
they get u t-usltmer in their stmes . *e
5 0
Eun, $-2.- 09,00
Xultual In
motif 'al
Jy ull heirirts to him to aitli.
out, in -ing aten A
Wj"i too many instaneft$ !equ%
F R 4 TE
M I . HE WITNES-111 i.-tabout totitern its 20ih depusi oil uccount-offlie price. Ue lwr
British, e Co. T Year ii _ a, c'andldate ii)r pabl'
le i'v'r ']It- flulteltd ky the attentions urid- pr6eesiumd
11j, WjjjVh 11 -et out it., 2311-
& K-ARIN=7 same' -orts of the
O-VTTLE tiude U 1=10
vurith settt . aridu ing argejy, he te - day
jo 17'N L rrors of the mvil
A z.: r, T A D_ PL.4 T; 7.1 L 0 It It il A &_C 7 Ile- de 'ail Q jllt 'j I -distant future tl
1C AR D E N S.E SD S.,
%v 12' . WAV into it
it very man whose short sig bted *icy witl men. p -
rip -r
bv ti leg unetual1v attendewlto -
Britih and AuWrican palers-, D. Wilso Ross, B. A.., ith6Ut a, res ' art baiade to sd&r. ff. e;tcusw
Se+thd V P
statin-, that hE-uuisi Push his bu4-
T? zx,r-j. kw. orid.
Ir Ili -be outrun R.-fareno o t aBoard d.LD* 6cto coull
-by' jaldeparlinent * 1
14A4 have -the irame :tjf doing, a smdl secoudiass
443 It
a. Land Age= -eb curreni, reviews of the ina eib, d &rc,t pri( an
C. J - - - .. . . . I
b Tills is a inistak- - -The true
X46ne-v to Lend at Ral 1kr9pertly. The depi"irtinent-di'Farnitv llead'-ng contains -a oun 1. of success in. bulaitless is-Ahe iigt su'r
LIGHT LIGH LIGH!r CD_ selection. oi instructive -:aIid inte
coplotlIq b v u have at the end -of the,yeafi,_
L mancr, poeur)% liot the numl. er ot bad debts And ge hr-
HISS I "Ir in our,
Valuable Agriculturalanij 11orLicuitturaiartiele-s' or' oods old tutired
rLS t T -07
ofth 44 ers are 'more P1 Tiie'Advertising-4 paru.Acnt ha. iba i el -s bcitutie their, xt bus'
T- inativ uteful
, , T
but udin- -euders tnem ab
-tan, Its nullc le to giiin a ov r -am
-Ins'aranicf. C;o., Burni Fl id, .13
oils'. CD
a it uninoraj or i9jui tou, lendenev.
ere Ill. icon in l -lib great
Rali bv OdWe'111 _%1r. Gordon!,, Law Chambers. For aillit. -a d i azid want of.disciet
tion tifilic bezi on 1114.111t lilt
Mass of country
G derich_ t6cls pot a tin --emedir in th ir owo hands. '1k-1 th
Jr., 501-
ratit, to a elid; sit icu.7 -it- is Ae- -tail tfltir un,expenses oflitng, 'and they
-ILL Jan. 17;lhb9. U2
A %C Jr. 14X9. voted to Al,ralitv an all- itv&ell -cheaper and -;iait 1*
Gth;erticlL. OntoN!r is. I SM Education, Glaid
-eandAgriculture* _d ird ouger
forhe custow that -will infultibiyj romt,_*nd_
_t luently, -is allowed to iieethrough WFL.OXETER ble to.meet their ri"gazem4fis
they iWill lie a
.. CDL what littlee thel get will be cash
'F T 7 CF - alri.4
ruamna froak. xOn Y t TL614 YN ---!* 0 ' - - (' TEAV T 1, NT
_Cta3L , j tr -f*. W- - -
C chi. I rompT remittaucest
_W 1") 't
"LV re onable terms.' Al,p1v,-to-
v ati! a -TV. ulic ir.v- verr as
A N D Alot;treal %Vjtne.,2- -wee], %ill
This is t1i -ktep Illein n famar 1wa
to 0
t ol t merchant. -b thhlJ. F. CAS -SU V . 0.. C W-11keirt-mr Somhqmpton, -L. DOYLE, W'd iudumiuus, honest inteu tion t9get Alone
IDA Wit -)i. -6 f
t au itritorant desite to mak ortull;
k 40 r Crahb-Ls tl w Canadian Alebseng r. 23ct,, per annum.
at firz! FOR SALE
HYsWf.iX A('- in av of yitars, and Tezim" -to
in ai revevL ,-
..tv it into some:other business
P D.vis.vp. Vour: ('"roderich, 9th Jun. -186,5. r.0 1 -yr,
in _&d Live4e
pushinrl .(jjLoafaiu
ohe copy g - ratisinevellvacefor2cub ' lea, to attain this end bT
Apply io
ous extent. We
a by t4t vow= a
Ti' lvtiod. Iouttl a-Rixed Cluh be wit I, rut
T11 E & , CRA CE. -ded -r- will be 'I
ntj' lb the: vaju. clundatin
Full, fit's 0 10.Papeni. will tbrwai
-aid for indiyid=4 And
CK (:0. w4t-_ -W)p 4 rno I - ntli of reinivance. shortty thereby, for national jz6xperity, So
B If __ -7 ' I
U., ra n -11146 -onus - . I - . . C+ med 1jD Mon - which we arel presen
0,000, qtz.; A ceirm tit All runiniumLai.on, to b .3ddre,
itness.or t strangers.
p al X NO, ated Pan
mngash Curiog
in T, vnnc"*
Brittaniit'Life Assulal!t C-0, of Londol) . I Y: S. The.Par Vallue of lardlus.-
'ON- '. - - L '!here is a autio 'a V-
1. T,
tin pretm
IT111F untio-rsizu 4 p604 I , a
y From the Philadc Norlb AmeriaL. Englatid, -for the vure of -Dratilituafts,
Airet -lit by
Workin d
rr(., oacvcr. nil, 11 Firvill , -CD as all oldinary hatid in Phila el- wbtvb ljjotj tj& AA* wAitt In ve n AWAA-
phia shiplyaicl U -a inan
_Ildl vety recetilly, ivas
Pralarich Podfoot"
.-ed in- recoi
PL-culialitY eame into notoriet Pt
as tb. t., whi-ettiers of his cluss were at uie
AT I- W A. \1 A A ret Invest 1, T Il- -p-T-6p
)dc jobtiville -B*14 _cumm=auder of the 0
houses, or indul6ing it, jollification, be vas Eusle'
in'steumship. Be bad intosu&
itictssaildy enga,til in studing upoin mech- babi 44 Arunkentlessthat his jnost'. mrjwft
Thiq iF thf- Gudori'cb Sent. 1-3" '4 iicie embitic
atiLns. 0up of his cumpatticilis
Ul -effdris to reclAim himself proved
LL iecuredda poodle dock u...d spent sxnioths
in teaciling the qua-druptd, to eecule. -a j Z
upon his hind le. -S. Knowlton h h
"A: I" itithfu 11 for an
-i same pert hat, iinie- he huff lostl d" -for
W III discov'ertin, some. ruwhud by yh . tllff ()I-
wliicji lie could saw citiv-ship-limber in " flquddr. a though' he had beeLliftira&ftyliftes
UUMN A L LAN 1) will
cwi -t j.. rit ca . . beveled form. The th-st. -mail tau Ia. III& dog -CDt- L w
to dulice j'Knowltn in the salue'thuci d The receipt which lie
afterwards law"ek
afet-hanical. comi)ination tht 1 tid -by wbich so maii.T drunkaiidsUvs Sftn
cuveret u
e-aubltd-him to do in two bours the
CiVII., th
]BOOKS ork at assiif.ed to reform is ait Jollows.- 16 46"& of
I . '
%vou.d occupy a d6zen men, sow und
iii, e grains, inag-nesia, :g aiusi pep-
TCY GOODS. provess. all enthe d;;i,. That raw erinint mat r, eleviin rauhras t Ar,uuta
is now in wie in
11 the obil)-yardsofLhe me,- - one drachm, wice
'his Prep&.
t --to uturvcil shapem & &C coutitiT. It cuts a beua tonic and
--mill sw rips up plirlially
ARCHITECT9, tb* accuitonsed
M' In --.L-arg Assort pp L lies iite I
L treents
and -1rm tivw- e. 61 hi. plank. Kno.witon continuvil hir liquor land preven" that Absciluse
e for flu'iday G old. and
ta4l, quron Aactroa art, - . 1. .1 . He tuolt no pwrt III parades or
- :. jt l;xpeawents alid. nsurul pioallration that follows
r )St. ro.ceived urgei ShUuLill., and in sho
0 -in - In the use of
rt. titne. atter
breali bff ' to
patient f achiije ',hat, f ks tAm; Paper.
turnt, any matetial *hatever feLiiy
-Ty. A
C 0 UN re ddu
To 'ba, Table, I iu
ivuld lit: secured a
Tonsi C. Ill U11
spheiieuifulin. lie sold a portiou of Lis LAKD ACENT, t piv"n't 4=*
-"GOR . ; :4 - - - U D. DON AnT
St 'TUN, 19th D-atlegiblir, 1564. It for -a 211111 th"t U f iv -e
j.Ua.,.E .. _ CLIN -or-
--at el e u - tit to A: L f
7 L. . P mat iy perso us of royal ranir. Is"
-NI - S GODERIGH C. IV 1--ic turie.
I he inat-bilie is now In Werhtiva in Aliert Was a _.,goW do, I
L4eanistir oir canhou balls for.the guir- cion ow,.A LAYCOCRIS thislty
t W A
----------- -4rom I Plintesg lor-prussia ------ the ball fur- Crown
uace itssurfacelsiticrusted utidthe'vi'divar
oflier watim-color drawints... & -tt ut FurniturS, at his Wareroom
process ot 81HU0111ing It Wax SIOW and weari.- pru * j
-Cana aD im.
Bela s -an exce cut *ngraval, andL
h0.' machine alm
kL&TE llUtlll TILOX q') C
WEST -GODFRIC4 C.:tl - -Price2i. cents r ozen. 04 In all Instant, f the Germt
an princes 401
rat r"ent, at
the I neta th Portti-al, is au- excellent sauhnor *un&en-
Auntion & Gxn:nission- lei bhnts, y _T the surtAce o . . . e same
SM -11 'elk and. Willi Ii,nitheniAtical.aect; i cy. peel"L to Fe ando, fathet, of be
And s, T sle,-.. Bedsleads. .1 siniiUthilit, Dutiatly deviiatlo"s from Ifie perfect
ne= Dom to Strong rat irraver. The EmperorNap
0 IT TffE.- ON plow is
D"A note 'i S F " I- aNT
13, vul B ish:Perjodicalt -gad
a 'St 6016rudlai - form Withill a few drys the draughtsmitu and drawer of`=xjww_A--p huajy
anil Wo-iw.se, tt-1 ook are
-1 and L )o'dti qhtsses, it.' variety. of TIZ ine oriz*
I;Ialll,,Uaa"U 'llirtilallh sitiv utedu t.
4uid thle little Frince 14perial 3145 35 10=7.
rhe m -m use 11-1-1;HLY REVIENVI. __ ,.that w" test# -d -in the pres -uce of decide -
clure and 1*9rted I Fu i niZe for F ar rs. there' THE LONDON QUA _d . je - III in this line k&epi4 IM -CH
Hbme lanaft -, 1
hed. ft contains e etriar eu u few days go. uslmte W"'=emwS_-
-tcyi m 'VIE P44d lo'lAf, spac RGH R 'kil. 0% llig.). number of'scie4fifie irlid to ill
It bored at the rate of
tug gooi6icnon f, andum for eVery'day in -t -he yearl. TdL tAventy. two inches an the ]Emperoes ambition isto beemne a aseint-,
ic h 'Will, a ber iuflfie Acadeuio and it J6 *e1jeT" Afint
dc;n, C,Iheetd- laud;ord -D C Tlas a -.f)n- hand a enmitlet lls mt r (Fret-Uh cb.) k of airAllitie,
_ I.,- . valuable it fb ull;itioii such aj hour- through a No
Po Ilds - jLuz; sortment -of COFFIN& Also',, HE AR&TES u relies for hu glectiort -an Ilk It" -#r
gulation L9 '13L.kCICIVOODiSEDINjst;RGIIAI-,kGAZINE(Tory) e
A euleman preseit ffred Win f7b"t thiee. hundIQ
-T Po'k lo tile dlill,
C:J-Lamber and Cord*6od tiken, in ex-
The.Ameriean Publil;hatistoutinue to reprint tbe- above Di4sand dollars upoij the spu Wr u art
Fumiture* STAP., DUTIE, 81, nar6l--dpeiiLcheals,ttstusihr-cusz4ot'.I)rLfttjiig.ba5doubkd.. luteret it t1w steamboat
"t:Tteil. jul[ ; 136Z. yr i the ilivelltioll ill Europe, wd ille U,One br acell 10
-chanze f
price ofrEper mar.y treUil.wid iazeb.dutt'
-h" t
G4*ilerich Vall Oct.. 1863 VV27 offer was atcepted ou the spdL Themora n the American rivers, W hi et ,largt:1*4iicreased. t4my tire compolItAint.advAttee. -ho on study- -barrels of rasin- do
T r1_(jNEEt. gALYFIEL.
_D LIDQWQ :0F BANKS ple ii vaiiied for twil, vitir
X 1 p I&S , All this is pe
T nsu V to licuip zol"elhill 31r. ur"06% w9llyr4o _UN8
Sales in village or count SRO I CT ','TERMS. F01t: 1.865i.' -
a ti id. person dff red hiiamell foribes"
K,:(l*iLon'doesu!t tontider imse:f by .111IT
plary Part entaT 'Lis so
Judi iam *sson Joe*
lu,,ja- iuean bri hillit, bat with all aud was accep , as he
y t his
ninny out ofthe #.oj - -1 k it into Reviews .... $4.W pera. he it unu. e forUft trwards stated. that miimee
rMe. for
WE r slujuld: have om.., r ally to & the heriews ...... ide tursues
or aity three fthe Revielvls ...... moo jhap- - - if everybody would follow he w"s #UrO to be safe
alld 11MUCE Sales putictualtV attended tty. GEO. L..&Y . . rat]-fourof-Ate Reviews moo . . 1_ j
to L -[ . wI9 woow WI) rid WDIM Addresi, 1Wvrtu, '*Lk)-tyrso Clin w, lfth'Di cemt)e'r' 1864. r Black be less filled Lwitli idlers. For Blackwtxld widoise Law" less arumblers And mat
.00 nd the strati
Forhiackwoodand any't of tlitl BURGUPiS AT -!61X= 40ampbell, E SALIE.11 . ....... to- 00 madeiarj$on Tuesday alorniq by -a
A BEAUTIFUL ESTAT bg IU I to opett dhe W&
-or-Mackwood and tWree of the Re-
Of ry -vie
Commissit3nerin Queert's Bench, tar taking 1000. _4.,cr,6Vg n C>nei Mock -1flothing -teaches palierice like a- thek
ForMaLkwood andt'lle four 15.00 9 roen. Bret.,
0a -and conveniejilly situated $a1weribers in the Untifil Prminee
RL Nd"its, Gonvepaaeer,, AMMUV Ilk s wifiretniinidai-. 'You may w-0. round and' vigtan the oitening Mill. They captured two w-
jCd huid. oppilsitei te .4tohde
*:Vr. OR SA LE a,lohgth6 bank ofthe- RiVir.-Mait I tion, I(; diese prices twenty-foill, emus a -war for. Blailk- -- I V
way. Villa:fe ofKincardineX -daT
ts. its own were it; the office and threw daim the
I own of lJoderielfand t
he Widerich Station-ofthe Buf %vood anctiff4calisa yet Cd ,r udf in - -tody; but.it uk then,
lion iind Lake 11pron. C, W. U. S.Vosta-t;. 'Hie ge it an -iso tbe,
rr for each Re to ve the 0 1 b
=11eter faster - than precipice, and youcanuot ur, -stid su ist,uew
M I)e* printed , -t will.
Apply lfbyIClLc!rportpaid.tv The woliswi Ud it is only turu to pieces, OuL-W, &ors vifOa *&A. 'wilmm Owr wom
J. R. GORPON. F -SQ, d aie Ifforced.
MerchAnt, W Notes and C%L, duced in size -a
1) comO" -TO 0 Go-lerich citheradvauced !it price or're h3d vii - IN -Wow
k"'O" A XAME AID93MI 'wig, papenan -All the best resulti of' "A -gaiden like tho& i Aurm4-und fled -at the a &
FOR` I - _ pprow Ot
-but rpoularlyprog4euive. . Lbj- I
0anv kind eu gh' aithful eopies of.life; are slowly o who -bad b"n artntsed be noise 4 the
receive prompt atteatiom. ty a aU the rilauer -coistaiijed in the rusteA to hini will' W4 t45urpresern prices Ailliloc round as 6heap. for the* With
co rMiUarebein viisde hisli
w;[O-Ifsos gogue -who, inusterit' the bnrX'ku&
-A ped-. pr("pects to arrest
01ou amer reLess ked a
petingPeriodicalsia"i ouritry. scholars after the Sut as
_X) Mi.71 TV rip IV jELY Comparcidwith the coa oftfi briginal'tditions. -hich little boy his nume. Tom, sir, -replit &thtl . THj; F
at the preseut premiurn ell gold would be about #100.a. zAva Cjwt-,,-T-hc B . L ta&ftjM
Opposite the M - ark -et. in otfr prices ($1 urchin. Tvwj bot Thoutas, you ihou'd JLkourival says that thereo good raw
yet ss)srecz rWixrZy low. Add in this Not'.
slothe laiiiiiih mail, said the sclipelmaster; believe that the from of a V"k
R 1E L rA ar the-inct that v -little
All Puljlishe'rs for early wmetsand oipyAght in gov-0.1 all ze ing another'
sURGIcA kinds of rpnairing' done on.. most U114. youngster who, re- have estrojed a rnspecis for* gic"d twp,
T, NECEIIN Hit osluigms at thi:; tiinaf4alt.. I&A 60 in c4a-
S_ emberin-th -vea to tW its,. of early fine
DvxTL-.r,(,4mwce&4&rtoT.B..Mojii reasonableterm g7 rmtbes, and that the
a -1894.- aw94 xv I be Oursubse rlbprs and,the gare ofsttiwbern4 Uowneh, C* W. -entirelyjils
Goderich, Atigmust, 2 reading Public
-re-, also z ered. Tbis wM U 1w
0 -s in the "at thsWPeriodieals to Antermli readers
4W' r Xr;l Z. XardaWk Mrdr S' re, f r cointritsmot The
raw - of )btairi'llir Ad i,xatberinereac-edihandimiuished by llicArticles ihey It came out in a- ease Wore thl :- Wan jovers of thw_ delicious V"*
cnain 011our Civil %X7ar.&fld.Ihb1lgh sornetintc-_ tutired worth .Police 0ourU oll Friday we6k tbA*t- S
MjSSIon I t1wittetblossomed in amooft
'Aools of. - 91litaiT witilprejudice. they way go. roatsideriog their great
rs to their slaouragin'g,
fustruction-,-irre required to make upplicatioii
abilityana--thedifferent staild-poinistront 1hey bf 6`9;4 ral ingivectar"WArthe most
FARAI FOR SAI Mervice Militia desi
o either ofth)e
Ri- 0) )K AWAN deli
MW Maki WWW are. wduen. be readzild studied with admutage, bylke 1171,Wreil from irlovijugr,so as So enstireadWitlys
in w 'tim, -for- such . pur ose; through the htfid character.
X% ri people oflhiscowury.,6fi6veryeretfditud party,;,*
having -A baby to attractcompLuion, by feed -
'Mai" fftm4lrl"ter. r of the division *herein, ther
rpjjE utderx4ned oftr for. sale the folio Brizade Majo. 4 @r vw m In the zase 1 - wl"f "reside. _'The 'PoUr me ing them withgin. The
D . A. W0 PletuLll's, Situ - on thp -wrav A few lippies of the -above renudn owhancL alul wil -Cou rsold was-Stuntid so price-dChread.
i(ted . C plicants mst state. their a --P *rm'dli'nee rl, A 4-1i Id fou ry*ea'
the Towiishi I Ap - a I . L Im spIdat #5 than four months. ME X460211 vt mew
-with Mr. ul of Wawanosh. and Mati to the whosefour, or*21brany vne.
rTAVIN'G made arrangeme is nd' As nat to jLppea
n* h Post office address. ve country Wealso publi& ih -
US transmit. "R GMIM at Vienna. typhoid few an
with theirappikiiation" a A fearful inarde
Boolc--binder and Manufac:4 Within 11 X11es of Goderic
[turinc.'statione-r. (-iiho ba4s iately returned -from
-gayman br vi
PdfiU,&;*_j,Df4V0fV P. which areicleared. from of-,- An artist -of 1U mw of F4wyx&
of,] i tiining 103 apres -,50 of -the local By TIT . ;IRTS I -rzm -S.- of, M-inburgh. and L tbe'late J_ P.
ndinvand coll a cler, aristrate in maket.plafte le
it -lank is a 4;uw Frasue Harn 36 WX Ow ?Ad&
on the ptefnifts the. ete w of 11jr jeweller was itow istoiildl
preparied taflurni,4h ' ity whem,th#y Five asto moral charg C,_ Norroit. of li;alD 0611.6 bustlill.- the wif
..orehard- -ge. 2mols- i1toyal- Vent 16 0
ShGA 413tim, andat lim lowest pt thert -wrial), %Tsgsa ou6d Fram-e-Houft, young inlitatinz the Ilift Valli I& rtnjP=_.A
:siwatfd styles with and wittL In. -
lAblad reesetion ntade for v*sh. Bwks of all kinds. are runii;jxg thr4ugh 1he W. POWMI.41hetti. 'Col. iaiiriereiAtid-.fAOOO worthof...
bearing., A good ek Ck; 0-Tior --by AWI-posti-045. sad'.. Us
caper in WS zolrel
(;0. A kAh__6f`Z e wad. to
at1en Der cenf a
t Prin ed'Headinq* D.A. _ON _Sjb OTT j -t the bar,
&TH, . - r 4011kimm" few lhd&
1U., nm_ 117nal 'To, ou farm, APPIT-to .TARD
LhanToropto p 'Adjutant _Gener&Vf Wice, into the shop, And 16="d,
-'Agen kivIngeatis-fa "Wit,
Lot 3, 4thon.
tf attift ho A
nd It
ffll, Ift P4 v%