HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-02, Page 4110,401C • FARM for SALE.1 rifolt SALE, Eaitbalf �fLot No. 17. con. 3 Tovirtiship of WA WANOSH: comprising ONE HUNDRED ACRES no elearance. Ten mn laberal. Apply to -the Exessors,ofthe Estate ofthe late Wm. Harris, DuOganion P. 0 Deegaanon, 011,..1io. tett: w374f TAILORING .46.11:, „ALINE _ 111011.ET0RNS HIS MOST SINGER ETHANkS .s..‘ fntheveryflattering e ncouragem ent he hio reeeived *Owe he commenced 'business in -Gede- tick; Rot being elites° execute- over one -haft o the oidere brought to bun teat season; hiving . • now secured facilateafer Catrikoa Dusinessixtensitely sod entplOying none but tirsteefass -tradesmen _ Arad -Stir D. A.. beheyeshis experience as Cutter is seebedto aonata the Province, hayingya med on bailees' extensvely andsucceasfully in Haninton, protemallytirst-elass custoruers,anil baiting been Cutter litoite of the Principal Establislimen .s in E-liubrirgh", $cotjand, he fearlesalystates to a ..dfsetruing public that CLOTHING CAN BE _MATT Valuable Piece_of Land. .roxt O4ZIM? ' favorable terms of payment. The fol- lowing pronerty, viz : "North half of lot nu ber 30, on the 12th COD* of Goderiet 1e to nsbip, containing by admeasuretnent 40 se s, more or _less, upon which there ars tit en acres cleared; This land- is in a fa orabie situation, hem within five tniles_of t town of Clinton. Also, i valuable prpperty in the village -CA' Rtnburn. one half sere et land, a good farm house., shop, slid itable on the premises ;This would be a good situation for a tailor or sadd:e and harness e gl in4atther or storoods at whoesale price is there is none in the vicinity: wal -be *takes for either' ' of the- above place's.. . ..-_ • :- • , . JAMES. STALEY, . w12-tf Constance p. o. , *ski, establishiaeoteivaitothe hest Establish- zwelitis Tarotto et Montreal. , • . ' Coder's-1.0:4.30 K63 _ _sairl,w40-1v -to Rent - or Lease. TpTalfive and ex in the First Concession, township of Colbeene, W. A„ about -two miles from Goderieb.• Apply to ,s ' - MARY HENLEY!. • . lighthouse It., Godeneh.-- Diiinther 5th. 1864. • -- ir45t1 FOR SA -LE. Q A ACRES. siglbt No.. 32, East Lake kiv-• Road, Hay. FIRST - RATE LAND I Terms. easy ap,ily to • DONALD SUTHERLAND tbelreraisier; or M. C. CAMERON, • r Godericu. ea. +aerial, April 39th,1884. W14 -ti A? 30 INT W. S 7,11:1 Dr.. PH EJLIPS, SITRGICAL & MECHANICAL DrNTIXT, (sureeSsOr to 'I'M. Moat - 6 tifkie gomery4tioueneh, C. W. it4-- - 'Booms over Mr. F. Jordan.% Drug $1. -..ore - .3aaultry 13111,1465. ' 'sw3S-yly - °SPECIAL NOTICE. • . EFERRING to our advertisment of 2nd instant, and in order. 'to avoid misunder- -srding. we beg reepectfully td inform those. o nur.customers Who have had eccounts with I us hitherto that, at we are anxions to bring- t eur present business to a" cloaescion as 3 „„..ime. we must diScontinue all accounts • _ from'this date. - . - • • . &e., will be: Sold- cheap for CASH or In exchange - for Dairy .Produce. JOHN Goderich, 9tli May, 186FAIRsw71 A CO. ."As he ints to devote his attention .- '2 endprincipally to the rectifyine.of 5. .,- • - . - •., - - voCrr syt ar • .,,s• THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. NOTICE • S OPENED AGAI THE SUBSCRIBER EGq to inform his ol&friends !Ind the publie-generally .that he has RE-OPENEDia Next door to Mr. BUTLER'S 300K -STORE, 'here everything in _ BaySeld Gravel Road, Stanley.' GODERIMIAMMGr, 1,044; AND A6TION SALE A VALUABLE FARE To .rase by way of 4,opnthe, sum. of ' . . C. M. Tr(itirrian ' Tiei.ipt purposes IlTohosesusta4nati itill, nil enlecrtios nfeodr . the . Ts inetniete4 by the. .proprietor. mr, 301n riell_prbeyrnisePtl:Icn Auction, on 'the . Be -Would particularly draw atteallen .10-qis , ['THERMS 311.e. COtp.oratilireotthelliAed 11 Cowie:1'0f. lauron end _Bruce has re, . , , , . WEIOESDAY,51.1t *MI1; 1865. • _ 01124.caocalakeleavil. clewaCie.sitth?tainuna-topf;emeo-W:r 9•f;rdoz Roads and Highways, with the bete:sett valuable Win, being lot 21, north .of 13ayflehl Cernmenciug at one o'cheli, p. -ni., that very .. - . _.. solved te Gnide, ravel -and improve certain Rime.; township of Stanley, half a mile frona the -tillage of Varna, 6 miles of Clinton, and 8 ot- Factory on Nelson ;C., -ftetocen TrictoriaOreet- and warranted. • Bridges for the 'mime, within the said County _ of Huron: - . ' - Seatorth.-405 aeres9 more Or less, about 60 acre. and Catnbria.,Ittait. : AND WHEREAS the Said fulf/rOVelpents are of which ere cleared. On The .Prenuses are a superior frame barn, a log house , and- a riung At.so, ;agent for the sale of Morgate_$ premium entirely withie the County of Huron, suid the orchard of about 100 trees,,ectinntencinete bear.. and -patent ,CULTIVATOR, whit+ has never yet .expeuse of maliieg the ea* is to be defrayed :County of Bruce, the Loan or Debt* will he andbnot requires to be Scent* be appreeiattal. by the 844 Ceunty irrespective. of 'the ceding gravel Toad, the soil. of the best quality, _have used theiu. . • , . This farm is in i fine. pa Hof the County: on a • failed to giveA-gpeur einta2Insda.t.islifaoctlipti t.0 farmers. , ware; - -RENA DODD paid by the siad County of Huron, and the Further perticulars can -be had onepplication to !, - = • -, Rate hereinafter mentionedsuwi iillibte;Aoissleod 1 A0:84711 -said County of Huron : -A soleli upon the rateable property- within the _au yeiewripneemirhe* - 0Y. , Esq., barrister, Godench, or to the Goderieb ral and -Will be "made known at :time carry into effect the said reeited 014 -et il GoderiebtMaY isl.1866. -W1514 . will be necessary for the Said Corporati in to - - • "pump 11a tor . es TALE SUBSCRIBER-ft:IS TO INFORM `the ibliabitsiataci th*Venntleit'of Huron and,B111cathet heirstillIllaeu.9tcpri* and hat on hand a zumbet Of his • ; SUPERIOR FANNING -MILL& PUMPS. lank ci* in Bosan FOR SALE \ CM Pc. lintr. ri HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale er to iet _ tot ,20,- tab, .con,..tosenship Bosauquet, Count:Icor Lambton." The farm -consists of • • = ONE HUNDRED' ACRES, sktV of-whtclrar& cleared: and' situated near a station of t he G. T. Railway. There- is a LOG DWELLING HOUSE= Aly -D FRAME DARN on tae tot. .1111r ELL TE WIEIZEti t WATER'D ;For `parcieularsapply to • M. d. GORDON, Goderich P. 0 Au tnit 111441864, - - _ BOOKS, TANCY GOODS,. TOYS, ac , 8c04 In . Large Assortments • Suitable for Holiday Gifts for both- old and young, just received, IT THE CLIETOWBOOK STORE: . - GEO. LAYCOCR. . CLINTON. 19th December, 1864.: -. • 'JOHN FAIR & CO. - HAVING DETERMINED ON CLOSING UP THEIR PRESENT Bust NEss IN= GODERICH,_ Thereby enabling him, to sell at 1 Thursday nett, the ith instant, . _ Commenee to dear off thewholeot their large and valuable stoek of Dry Got;:ls,3'iothing, and Graiperies, at in • ENORMOUS' REDUCII04 IN PRICES._ Goderieli, 2b6 May, 1865. AYC 0 S -CLINTON Book Store! The most tisefur Almsnae tor Farmers there is published. „ It contains space for themor andums for every day in the year, besides r telitatge informatienteuell aa -Post Oftle Regulations, STA3IP. DUTIES, - - 'Jiffs OF- BINK.S: ! . • EtierWlsrasit -should- haveone. - GEO. LAitocK,, Clinton,. 19th, December, i864.. [wi9 SHERIFFS SALE. OP LANDS. ., finitedq_oop_ttes,Ot Istir virtue of a writ ot t1 .1, e r, Nara a* We. 'LT Fier' f Acta.. issue& out _ -. To wit: ' of "11-tr " Stitettylte VOnnty r.'„,- Court of the ireitedaulloters.6( Huron and Bruce - and to me.direeted iigainst: the lands and tene- aipi- el Willa% lifarratie, at the suit of Alex: T Wril t, 1 _Ilieee wised- and. talc& - in . . executiowattate-right, ti itle aud nterest of the . aeitidefentlint in med te. lot number nine, in the foiirteentli.eaincessiion, ot the fownship-,-ot -Car-=' riek,'111-theCennty of Bruce; -which lands and viiitnosact tow oder .for,pals at my, °flee le -the I:olitt-liduSe 'it 'tie toseri iii-Vedericii, on' ' Tuesday the Eleventh day of uly, next, at t le hour Pt Twelve oftne clock, noon. ' • 7 - '== - -- e. -;41,,f1i'N JAA.C_Q NA 1,Dr • - • - • - ' Sheriff, H. at B. , By S. Pollock, Deputynheriff. ' -- ----Aireidirl"Itb.**1 --' - • - - -" laia; A " ,="ita.. a ...,... _= _ .-, No 0 r uk. 1.61441.tir. United Counttes of)tpi virtue ofa. 'writ Of . -.1-1Wiert Facies issued out To Wit ot tier -Majesty's -.Court • Coininee:leai, and to ine directed against the !Inds era qehentents of Joiteph thlbert. defeis-- . dant, it (fie Ina Of Dawe : Elizabeth. Bragg and Y: fee trf,saike. R1141044 it,voteizetkiind,taken. ,blegittfott aft the equity Of a-edomokitin and nftef ifitereito Skiadefeadenttnamed. -to As north . affialtiivriffbc nninterune, on Clarendon street, )11C.-e.nirat4372a htnaitii:dtiVailltoTgt feafteseltiiiatiliseescrateeCtotiSt adireatte ia the OVID ofGoderieb, cia Tuetiday, the fourth do of at thel'idhr =er twefire TIP Clootre 10011* JOHN MACDONALD, Sufic -H.4 r 3. FOLLOCIL,. Deputy Sheriff: iierili 's Ofrt‘1400rlell .27th March - _ , ISAAC FREILRICK Dealers therein will do %veil to give hiin a call. raise the..suin ot Twenty Thousand 1)ollari, in the manner hereh after mentioned: Aso WHE‘EAS it is expedient to define the respec- tive amounts- to biexpehdid on each Line of Road intended to be unprovedt shall ,be expended as set out in the Schedule at the end of this 11J Law and forniing part of -the. 11-.a.) en% -14HERitiS it -- will 'require the sum All01. Three Thousand Two -Hundred Dollars to be rased -annually by Speciar Rate for the payment-ot the said Loan or Debt and inter- est as also hereinafter mentioned. ' AND -11111ERRAS the amount of the whole rateable _property of the said Municipality irrespective off any future increase in the same, and irrespec,tive of any. income to be derived from the temporary investment of the siiikin& fund hereinafter mentioned or any _ part thereof,according, to the last revised 1 Assessment Rolls being for. the year one thousand eight - hundred and sixty four was . Eight millions Two hundred and Eighty eig,ht thousand Six hundred and Ninety SIX dollars: I AND WHEREAS for, pi ayng i the nterest and - . • Those Indebt,d to him will Please -call and settle at once otherwise costs must be incurred. - - MARK -ET SQUARE Goderich 7th March, 1865.- es53 _aC C3 • - CSC artiels'Woonsele.**Purnilifun.04.0 444 i • •olageotiololi~i014"80404404"/WWitiwelori•WROWWWW16.1. • • creating an equaVannual • Sinkinw ' Fund for paying the said' sum of Twenty Thousand .Dollars and interest as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equaL•annual Special Hate of four -tenths of a mill in the Dollar in ad dition to all other rates and taxes to he levied in each year. . .- .: Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation • of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce, • I. That it shall be lawful for the Warden for the time 'being of the said last mentioned 1 Corporation to raise by way of Loan, ', froni.. i any person or persons, NWT or bodies corpo- .;. rate who:may be willing to adyante the same ,upori the credit of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding. in the whole, the sum- of Twenty Thousand Dol- lars and to. eause the Same.to be, paid *into the lands of the Treasiirer of ' the United THREE: DOORS :FROM- THE.- A QUARE, Cr? un ties 'al ores.iid,' for. the purposes and with the object: abOre reCited; . -- • - II. That la-- Shall be -latiful_lor the said Warden to -cause any number of bebeatures to wade for such Sums of money- as, may be required, not less thaurOne Hundred Dol-: lars-ea.ch, and that the said Debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Corpora tion; slid signed by the said Warden; --- - lit- That the Said 'Debentures shall be made payable in ten years at furthest, from the day hereinafter mentioned for this By Law tit) take effect either in London, in Eng - land, o'y iionie plate in Canada -to be siesi2nat _ ed in the Said ffehentures. and shill- have attached to thein coupons . for the payment of Interest: . -IV,: That the said Debentntet and Cou, Pone _shall- be made out iti _ either Sterling- mOiry.. of 'Provincial currency of this Pro ' yip:eel at the option of _the said 'Weirden so that the iiibole amopot. of said Detenturei Shall. net _exeeed the before merititined. sum of Twenty Thousind.Dollars; and .they' shall bear interest at and after 'Ire rate of six Tel eenturn. per annum, which interest shall - be payable en. the first day of Jaituiry_ and first day Of July, in each and .every year Arttring the continuance of the said Debentures at the place where thw'rlebeetitres - are made payable:'' .- - • ---7- '. . ' -..'' . V. That for the purpose of formie r a ,Sinittng Fuqd lof. the -,-payment'cif the said Debentures andtheinterest at the rate afere- aid to become due thereon. an equal special- ratetif four tenthaof a; mill in the .Doller, shall in addition to all other' rites and taxes, be raised, levied and collected in eat+ .year solely upon all the rateable property _within' the said County of Huron, during the contiatt Awe of ittld debentures .or -any of them. _VI. ,Thafthis py-Law shill take effect and Come into operation ttpon the Nineteenth day of June, in the year of OurLord One Thotieand Eight Hundred and Sixty -Five. '1111E SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform his customers and the public that his new prem. ises on East strtet, - • 111.11171eC01731EXP -- TO F. NITSCliES' OLD STAtilDt will be opened on the first of. June, for transacting the Wool Carilin=c, Cloth" Dressing _and hlatinfiteturing business, in ,connectiun -with his WOOL FACTORY, where allorders and work in the above business will be _punctually attended to Likewise n.iariety of - . . Cloths, 131ankets, And Stoo .ng Yarn, 4 will be kept on band to exchange for wool.- Hoeing -this -year added another' . • FIRSTiCLASS. • DOUBLE CARDING - r - tit his esfablishment, he will be prepared to execute tanner's work' to any reasonable extent on Anil notice." Cpstomeis tinning to the faeto-rv. themselves will he nrornptly. attenderto ' as formerly, wad particular attention will be paid to those fromhi . a distance wishing th ir - .. • - Wrk 1-4.: xped c• u. :4 1 • 31_? -:0_13. N. B. --While tleuiliful tor the litxril Intro.:nage of former years in the a -hive -business, the subscriber hr pes by it riet •itte.!ition to bu-iine4s and Sparinir 110 expense in meetingthe wants of his customers, to still receive a share of Hie: same. Betnetitber the place- test' Street, secoud door from CRABB'S BLOCK, THOMAS LOGAN. _ • • w12 Goderich, April 19th, 1864 • zra R N D. I ,M A *it 0 - ManufaOurers Of '.."121tist and Flouring 116 -Circi1ar, M.tIay ancl. Saali Ss. w-htills, TEAM IltrfilB a.DELfir3 .WATCHMAKER & JEWELER WEST ST., GODEhICH, Next door West of gr. Stotts' Saddlety, , ALT: 400.- oF Vitjt;HES; CLOCKS . AND )EwEtrit REPAIRER. ON ;MORT' NOT-1C1E, is the Keit style Wi.rranted. • alio, a GOOD Asowriatiqeii • , • bliddlfs Pissed JessrelrytWaittaseey • Cioctie, ate rag,: - Censtainlyonhandind war:meted eo he trireptesentert fitor,money refunded. . .G.edertell Jule kith. feat = - 'lasts ALL Visite inclebtedtit E, GRACE, bv LI.- note or book account, will pease-- 11,SE -r Sante TlattlitAtIfiglittZ Offisit ett‘loihthouse St. - Next fd Mr 200 *Or soe X. QUANTITY OF .k Xassatted; )2.53 PER 100 POUNDS! Wu. E. GRACE. Goderieh, December !Nei, '884, -sW32-tt •i „c.g. B HORSE PO ovOiig and Reaping Machine"; -Wood fictive, _ crtrzezrry-,- mic:)xi.S; 0-4k.mircyk• _Praievcrariza, brass Castings inside, Owl -Blacksmith's' i•votk•doge itt a neat and substiFitial Monne; . Castinas of any desoriPtionlmade..-te order a Alsis.alt kinds of machinery ...1 •- . , repaired on alert notice. A large stock �f COO PARLOUR -, AND BOX. STOVEa Alwoys in hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and PipaBoxes. leant pattns cif the above are of the,' most anproved kind, we would solicit -an ihspeetion- of our stock before purchaeing elsewhere, as we are offering the above at the loweit,-"einutteratii.e . prices for cash,. or °tap prOviclOtedit.. 014 Metal, B,rMlliqopper, and .0.1 ds °reduce taken in exchange. • •. •••• r abdarich. ()Moho': tagit ; - " .; 149 For Sale at a Bargain; . THAT valuable and eligibly situated piopent hi the Town Of tioderieh frown* the Venn House_tmiere, and :for eighteen years known as 'TRE FARMERS' INN" During Which tittle it ban enjoyed one of -the largest portions of that heftiness in the town. Connected with the hotel is a general store. - The whole are built of atone and br.:c Ir, 47 a4 37, three atones high. and Commodious milers S feetaleep. Attic:tied to theito;e1 is utlyo storyfra me Al welling house, outhouses,- arc. • • ALSO:=A- small farm of excellent Afotd. handsomely located one mile from eloderieh on - the Barfield Russ", 30 acres in food state of cultivation, well fenved.-25 of hich ate clear of stum pi, with a hewn log house .30 X 20, and "a (miler log barn 40 24_, ghedb, kc., ALSO -Itt theV diage of Port Albert / -acre with dveelling house and -Staples, &c., ore ofthe best tavern stands in- tb it place, ane has- long Wen kept as such. • ' Termsfiberal ; to suit purchasers:- For further paitieulacs apply to .J. B. GORDON, Esq. Or ANDREW DONOGH, Proprietor. N. B It those indebted to me "either by note er book accouotare requested to settle the same without delay in order to save 'tats. , Godench, April 3184, 1664. w9 td . • SMEILIFk 'I SA us OF*LAIVIA United Coenties of la V innue of A, writ el 1 Auron. and Brude, 11 Fieri Fames tosneeout, ' To wa . • ' - of.- Her ..." Majesty's County Court atm- United Counties of Heron and Bowe , 4lietinie directed, avants!the lands and tene- Mentebf JunesStewatil,-it Ilion -nil el John V . Detlor and Sa °net H. Det!of, 1 have wiled and aiiteii- in Exasiiiition- all the righttatleaind intefest. o(!he said defendant in and,tif lutaminber one in . the eleventh concession or the Tontiship of Cok• horee. WAX; in: the County of Hurtipi, which lands I •Oluall effee. tor Mali at *Inv office in the Court House in the Town of Gederi43 °I 1:3" dav the Twenty4f h de/ Of Ju_y rtext, at . tie hper of:twelve Of thZ? Clock -000n. •-; -; ,::, ,--J.:9!.1„,/k! M AsCArfe 2,Na A/IL. Tt. ,4 B -1 Br S. Pef.l.ocx,,Deputy.Bherilf. - .*:shF,ris,s Office, Goilencla.- 1 ." i Oth ‘Arit,1$65.„ -_ , I - w12 , - . • *--k:.`.1%t JELV''''01:1? ESP. DEPARTfaittirrAf,. , -Asp: .., - aritam Agent, ,1,/tritasiiii•ti plussAcTs -Btrajgg§s.Nrrn,, THE. .8. Crown Linde and Other Cidireininetit De -- amens. I -Takeo out Patents for Inventions.-- fte and take. ehorge of Private Bills diftnig I be Ranieri, 6:c.,/ze....ese • for Parties residing in rarereatiada. erelsewhere. . . inr105 Land$cripfor Sale, Oa A. LIBERAL:fItEMIUM. GIVEN' on • payments whien ean be made td the Crowe reandoiltepartMent in Land. genii. 'See card .tti another column, • - fIENBY GRIST, Qambee. Goderich. Dee. 4. 186Ps r es4li1w27 YviA:111:, , - Containing 140 diLterea • TTUATED.on the Lendou,Rned, adjnining the Village of Exeter. On the ..'shcive. • tbere is a g Frame Nouse 'Ail new. •'A Sood well and a 6n. young ;orchard. . Tt7wiltlie ;SON- very cheap. Tile, food is of the the. beat loam au I sell- tibk• tiered- _ • r..T • Teams :ssid_s, knifsiios. Sup11;stiOrffif by letter pre-poid; t� Exeter o., or on.Jlie, premises to , A_IfeCONNELL, tr1.4 - -Exeter. • ittg$RicEp TO IN THE - GOING: ' Seven Thousand Doilars to be exp-etided on•the Colboroe and Ashfield Road, com- mencing at Twiern, going North- - Roar Thouaand--Dollars on the Mail Road, Stephen, between „Lots Ten and Eleven, commencing at the Lniidon Road. • One Thiiisent-Dollars „on the Extension of the Hay Gravel Road. : -Three Thousand -Six Hundred Dollars on the Seaforth Road, commencing at Dare Tavern, going North te.Belmore. . • TiftiThOtsand Four- Hundred -Pollan on the Iniebetween th&Eighth cessions of • Ildviicl4 ern:Sheik-nil' it 'Day's; Tayern. • Tab Thtifilinibollirrott itte4alinton aid :Wingintsi Esiad,-.iheauet Lots Twepty-Three end' Twenty lhotbncialcirii Line be- tween the • Eigthlt sfld Ninth, and theziciis> 41. :the -Side L:ne.,„ between Lots Twilit y an4 irweety'Otte; itid-ttirenee along wad Side Line to the Boundary Line ot, the County ofBroce Within, the said County t?f Aaron. WIRT AS- IG -11;a- SEM BIT [AND rriage_Factory LIGHT-110,VSE St.,GOD.ERICH HE SUBSCRTBER wishes, to return -thanks Lo the public for past favors received at their_ hands and would beg to „intonate thatlto os deter, nond4o sell Waggon*, - S -POI', rimrt:t1;:tttglied (03'614 41AN * . • ONE -TE* my( *OT TAR • "` MOM 10311111 CAfl I! MI a mutt - .4D IAZ **MANCE .121 nit glad Iisialseattry witu iateresiat R per -cents. -C tiflk PER TH A N gvut. • 1 Wilfsell 'friira geed! coTil$the" &IN -4)6 cash. and all other things tn proportion. All work Warmest -6-d ts give Sattisfisetion. All kinds of Farintng Implementstnade se order. JOHN McPHERSON. Ocidencli, Jan. 9th. 1865,, . .wsw3/ :HE above Is true copy "of a proposed Op haw -to. -be tak.effiints.:6Onsi4tstation by the Muracipality..of .the United Counties of „Huron and 13,tecc At,the OQIPItY Convi,41°"' in the iown- Of dodetielf the"Coitylty of Huron on the Seventh day -cif June,- , 1865, at the hour of three o'clock) itt the afternoon, at whichtime-and place the-niem- biyior :thrteoteii itreihpreby, ',required to attend lierisowiitrovi•stid.,15°L " ----P-prza ADAMSON, Counties' Clerk 41V , p County Office, Godericki 220 Feb.; .;865..I 4 td gott-t onmkog fis,"33u.Zaa t swIr • PHEsubscriberivoulil announcelo the public - or Iftiron and Bruce that he bus on hand and Will Make to order Carriage'', Vagotot, Bar eowe, 4m, which will be sold -cheap for cash or -approved credit. t)jj hand and for --sale Cheap, OUTTEEISlancratrieliS JOHN PASSNORE,.. 3 e AriztorieStreet,Holitrick• 'Atoll 1sta 1863. w49Sm - a --comemmuspEss TOWNSUIP MOREIS: South 4 7 in 1st con; 50 acres, - South [ 8 in lst con„ &0 Imre!, South 411 in 26 eon*, 100 acrek South 421 ira 2(1 .con., 100 acres,: North 4 20 in 41; con" 100 acresi North ' 21 in 4h eon 160 acres North 23in 4h con., 160 acres. TOWNSHIP OP HOWICKI Lots 2. 3 and 4 in -1.5th con„ 1-00.acretettel TOWNSHIP OF GREY: o . 26 in_lst con., 100 awes, Lots 34 and 35 in 4 con„100 acres etch, Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con" 100 aereseach, Lot 26 in 8 non., 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 con" 100 acres, Lots 33 and 34 in 10 con„ 1.00 scree e,at • - •TOWIsTSHIP OF l'ITRY,BERRY 43 in+con:„. 50-aeres. ••;•• • Apply to CHARLES WIDDER ;Esq. ,Goderieb or, to the owner, - THOMAS GAIT, ESQ., Ye 43n Toronto ST" Olt" *MAI/IS .lypNITFACTURERS .A.N.D iDY.AlsE.E.5 IN _ Stoves, Ploushs and Castings of every de- scription. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Ware, at - Itthe etove Depot, W Street,Godenek. .1-, .1 CO •11116 -1:3-1,0*/ oil lAnsio4r.e.05.re. 4;!tid Ironf.Cop- per, Brass, Raga tind,_ -Sheepskins talien'te ex- ehange. RR T Tiic, ,i, ,,o , , , :- . 4 LL those Indebted b 7olin IL Wheeidnit,__ 3 late of the Village of St. Helens, is .the - Township- of - WaYlanotsh, an Absconding debtor, by book -occontit. or - otherwise, are herebyziotified not to pay_the same othervn.se than utto this office. * -JOHN MACDONALD* Sherif tt Sheriffs Office, flaerieb • 2.5th Feb.. 1865. 141; •.(jr-StsolSatemaX PLANING Bash, boor, and Sheriff's Sale of Landai ltrited0Ounties of)101'' virtue of it Writ VI Huron:end .fifacer J.3 -nen Facias issuedout "'" ' IV %vita.-- • of -Hem Malesty's Voenty .Court orate.,1Jnited Co.t roles of Huron and Bruce and to ineilirecte4 against the lands and tene- tnents of Nesbitt Biggar and George Biggar. at I he suit of Oliver .. M aeklem, ' John 'Thomas, William Erving, jr.. and Jernes Mackie's, I 41ave mired and taken. in Execution all the right title and interest of the said defendants in -and to Lots' Numbers 118, 113; 114. 115. '116, 117 .and 91, in . the village of Bleivale also .that cer- tain :pareet or tract of Candi 'known - as the St ifi Blork, and also that certain parcel or victor; taeilii which is bounded. fan the Northside.fffthe' &o'er Maithand,ain the -South sale by the Tow!" line between the Towashipa otMorrisand Tarn- - berry. and,on the East side by the WeiltbOundery, lineof bot -1 19'1**e:extended to the -Myer Malt - land, withi any water privilegea weieb may be. derivedituin the River ataitland- is fat Erik as 01*10 stet, till in "„the *gamy of Heronoelfich tends andifeneriwitts .Ishall:6MP lOteldell1-1113' .otfice in the Court -House- in the Town of Goilee". -rielt:,am Tu•Ocify.fliel hineenthday ofJeueneli at the hour se twelve of -the Cloak doom... ••- . s_,; JOHN MACDONALD, ; ' - .- -. , Sheriffs4:001 1"--Sherifils-Office,Godeisehyar -_ _. 2ndli(arch,1865. I .• , . f: ' . • ..- ,A* . , UDC' . ,-, ... :Ur' 1ST timi)irr-,- Apply ta ' ' W. E. GRACE. :Goderiek. Ifev.7th, 1 !U.-. welsw19 - - - 3,11101t127_ . , „ .118....a...: .iktt D.P.:LAN, :. DO. Utiftedbotnaties ot in ir virtue '43.f it .: Writ pi I Hurt* aneBramei. . AI trien Facies iiatied:, out :• ;TO Wit:. .of Her Majesty's' murt ot Chiineeryind to ins directed against the 1111Ide --, and teneineats al", Jane -Ford. Edward, Atkinson: John SitiOniAllei.ifid Milian Sillilialeei are :efeirtadinetuittz ilithathvee,sesuitaeat of:1Aadry:taAk:nn in.lordeiees:::: liikeittiohn Miteliell the youpeer her next friend, ellahe tight, title end interest at the said d ma- llet In and toil* aouth-hali ollelteunillsit eleYew in the fon-rth eenceaeion of the asfweale p of Stephen,. in the -county of Huron, which lands- end.teuenten tel. shall offer for Rale et Iiiir(Ace in the Court KOOSe* in the town Oft:Wench on Tuesday, the Ars day pf kunst nexi,.,at-the harlir .9( twelee.ei the cloek, noon. - - =---- 'JOHN VJlC. .MACDONAL D.- i . slr.r - By Sp POLLO, Deptty$herif. Sheriffs Odou; Gederiet,1- ' : . 20th.A.pral, 1865, • . - !: A ; saiona iraicsampaln JohnIKCDonak171tOM ITAVINGCOMPISTED THEIR.MEW Factorbure.now prepared to takela orders to any extent. feuialiteit loiagesperiettoe la the hew Daps, mid havingexperieneed work/nee $ arst-elasseet ofmuchnierp tiey Ratter ate YRS 'Chat they mai* air - - • - ���utt 10CrcorSc., AjosiiEstabtialessliOries &nate: Partieiduoring work wriaidd. w01 19 - isislig*E. SASH. D00.0 -It litpULDINfill To Carpeitterii&Enilderi! Atli: kilsiii)S:T014.11A1401. ., -, , 4 ,:. .:. -...7.he:yitlin.blier :: . . - ereisidso;n71,, . t7y. ill- 1; - Si , 4, ,:.,,.:-.,'•:::-"- 1 4--,- . - LIBERAL DISCONTFokillEIRAVARE. :'.!. lir/num .Distixiation•xteit be cies. . . berateplAes; ,C)oposstrtls; "A „Plea. ewe mat. _ 00deli011•2001,4AliA4g1110: SO y - 16.4COTTINT _ L'O UND; an tip, bench of take' Huron, ,lhoutfrtsoiletin Goderich, on the 15th of April q ntitytof-Pins-Saw TAM P,;„, F. Theowner Aileitetio take -them itWay44fnat:o1i1meal:witflin, One tsioikh from this datikatel':)."14' be fOki-Al Steam .7•. • • ilICHARD YOUNG;Jr. doderieh township, May 5111, 'Safi. w154t 9xtrirsefria 7.41RfN LT*8 PER CENTI _ rriforty4 °3 B. GORDAN; -Ilarrister„,ke.„ Godefriet. Sept 13,1864. - av144f _ mslio i,i.idy t�JS ktstesis WWI& VY and Clliellf0.4uriag theme,* jof-littifge.. tiORj*C�ntdtb01tk0 TPAMACAI NOTs. to,a„ „:„.; Itoderich Atoil 25,1855. •. 'Ximmer101 alth -"; '6 *Agent: - *It(