HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-02, Page 24 TH,E SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNA jp.V1grt1Kl Tra e!.y at La- petroleum. 'i Ill. -All perfiona-who have been eq$ageg in ru -zeal for the cause of his erce of the P e W most dan-er. him in which over e�7cofnn� be thrown the his 41to . destruction Of th"' j1y paoricssaft W. v. orxXING. bich would " 91 W.All countryp or desiee to take revenge for 9 villa"" ringing through the house, and its echo was -d Sllitii nPon the high seat *agedyqeeui ous elements of'discord. Low as our or the temptation of the devil, led U.nitl e Urfited *j""11trd to be King. His oily Injuries, e niade raids into th About belf-pilst'-teu o'clock on Petrolemp has come quin males d cotton a deep groan from the cellar bottom Ellould hardly. hiLU to commit himself to so foal' a crime. Pet&Ous who h`v been engaged in of Larrairie ty 16s dethrone ould show himself, suffrage is at present, we States from Canada, or r ed-AlezigUo i left We114 df Ere the second robber c ter himself have died. Unitea Sunday,. A farme natn Morton came rushi Into the room with a became He-badbet commerce of the his house for chureh-widt-Ift- 111fe, son nod Pennesylvanis alone yielded a revenue in 1-864 in GODERICH, JUNE 2, 1865. destr.)yinff the - like to see it extended until it a Tarate ffi S;ates upon 1he lakes and rivers that st 0 ited Stqjes�' son's wife, leaving, en home two female ser- of fifty inilhoull'of dollirs" Oveftop0mg do revolver in impossible for.-ineu of honor t . hold -o ces -Vr0Viu.;ei firom We Un mblaid W101L sponsibility—it woild e - e Britit valits, 4e 26, and the other 12 years old, as revenue from cost and ir6nvi) I What is it V he cried. A, I.NE. XATION. be 'Eurol) aw., Xev,04, nt,'Ahe� thrie w1teh any produce of nature becomes such a I` a Polly, pointing �O 12. A[ periong'L 9Tbere I gaRpe vace lookill- face f tri st and re udiciary, tkciy seek to obtain lbe benefits hereof by also &"child two years old nAd a bob tothedoorway, wherea sa- 0 to the difficilt to convince us th .1, our j ribed, are in military, Shortly ifter sl* farmer slid his party had left, troling force in the aitairs of en, is -oballem. Tar, subject of Annexation Arrival OU11,111ke pe"ia. takiner the oath prese ne Baresuil, formerly a servant in the house, ges attention to- its origin and hislorys AS well lhad just presented itself. e as pure and illdepen civil confinement or custody, or 0 lmnt Morton hbd been long enougJa used United States is gradually but surely" if elective, would b ox -but-latterly,t0y 61ficerin, the American army., -as to its-economicam. zw Yot(zi May 31. ry, or naval. 1: to dan'er not to waste time in conjecture,and shape in this; Province, - and ere dent as at present—it would be - hard to under 66nds �fitl6e�civil, milita I entered the house.' 116 witi asked U takff Many intelligent persons think of petrolepw� who f.11 taking hich authoritiesor agents of t�e -United States,, "hot the villain dead? anCF6 Of Civil Tile Roy Persia, w eat but refased saying he Was as a nelr thin- under -the -anti. Butitstistory imizediatel, Ing it will, in all probability, have prove that a periodical ch at ulftil steamship as prisoners of war or persons detained or something to ek Z a very remote period. Thw with.& heavy squild upon the ce,R%r bottom. d 0-00 oof the house. The -oldest servant re woes ba 71 he Asked-, cockin our leadincr- officers from Governor dOW-n to village left Li'verpool. at 3 o'clock on the aftern obos a 0 - e was Asburned such proportions that o wn on the evening e abse *�ringa any.kind, either before or after master -�co of the S .of Is is Baby l0ai% 'Which a offences of plied in sth famous Are there any more conviction. r'e hit pistok.. uides ot public opinion constable.. could induce hon sty where of the 20thand queenst thin drew a, revolver from - to -day werefimous to the buildersofBabylon, ar- r� bareati L 13. All pers r1ly p waste ile she held ill Tbe-pitch or it by. Ahew our1f., statesmen and the r' dispensably necessary, and of the 21st May, arrive4here at nitle o*cl6ck ons, who have volunta Lis breast wh e eUsed 0 0 . and fired at her, called on -to --TW give meV remarked &uerally -will �e YP,.--, --take, sides..hQnesty is sa in ticipaftd in -said- "bellion)-AB4-4he estimate -bUll-pagged- 1111700.k masons was-petirdled,61 whichikilWtodwithi t Ad& so You meant to -e a6art-ddhilnij day when -our la -night. h?r -value of who e taxable properi is ov6r twen- in her firms. for. or against the m Hodge of on thi 19th ty her cheeks. bhe ruo, Lat�d. ovement. The times would g, -oar gtan In -the 19d into the next iroom its ylati inluters 17' -ration. the earlier, as Polly be$' d ar i3iiiiis usand ithe-child.- T-biliend Egytians Usedsoothei form -of '- _trolsuin in Ide. the Yes. yes -1 dido yes, that was it.' or- the unmasking of loc- houehold god h,siked L64 Pa- Ob is', &-tten- ty ih and felt ion (Vo;Nd �*:Al Geiffit Uffi rho hiie late! 'iig a a rot If the noble woma 'was S - are propitious f Our­6veryq1aV1t.Paiid �mAe. of 14.0 All Rersods m y innues, tita0in AM And as soon as' El opinio S.. Our politics. being proudtc6s,� tion had beed drawn. to -a. procl#matiOa Offer. h ef a cribed in the Presi- followed arid fired again, seiidi abihei ball preparing, tan n zPte, one- ered she told hical the whole A liqrished cast away, or oat mnesty as pres through the child's mouth- Theyouncergirl. they procured it fr6aa.j cieutly rq n', and. must be broken up) 10 aation 6f ffeteml�e,r 81 *A. D.I. scattered to the four winds of heave in& 6100,00 reward for the apprehensi a eat's proelau. n with the infant in e ds.. -This�waodeocriheil o r an oa -k storyr. j�modeled'to suit the fan or Whiln' Of A Imis, -an4 whether British. Ministeiii 1863 tff of alle-istice to the Govern ra her arms,; want t6 wliere of tb �qniza islan blorton expresse(I thanlia Ps beat he J.,the natural ten& ficy of the Confederation Ney Jeff., D e murdered wonfan find child warei and loo Herodotoo. �wastioiritigiiilisdayf,aud4ig ads 'ment of the- te -,e dates of th of his n b iv 'Tto' make an represeAati UA d State$ sibe the A �by a jon, of e moisture ild- for generatio a e ere prepare,, - y refuge pUder the table near the bed. The' is flowing stilL It is now OJMe �& could;. butt after' all, (b ' �have ed men' 'Ili people -whom. it *0 -Govprfime Ohave not theneq- he ball- WiS64 Boston. ­Tbe world moves. The munmW e the changin n- discussion turn 8 tid tes nt in ref and wl I . $- - irey fIL Of his con d, to t6 Uni �ta said proclamatioh, * - demohaov� fed at her "but the same, invio- 'deadl AndLL the' infant wwas 11hamohs are borzied PA fuel to delve '146 all,yaage' to ical and govern fori�ard kepi -and maintained e . Id r&.tioa of p6lit nient- impo ible- to-rq# -as Other th16 Our 11L app, aMse very lack 0 di - I - . . , . her. Ae lay as if. meat of the, Southern lead.; a sp I 'livin. touance, ai -come, over, ana- ence. to the treat late-.6provide th 't W ic, n -may through Egypt' Anit,the Zautealp-, OU n on by it o3e Lo n he only reply he 60 made to. the Preside by r- iben went Spring wh es rd it was dee Xa­ ere �d.Palmersto said t at lor pard e. The mu ere redthbro, is bongbt, more -thin words: c Id have done. g valid excuj� is given to I , Silent, 0 he suppoied none were now stes ided that a cliRng -an . co, querors. of th�m, left in the. After due. deliberati -Jo contem-, dia'ns that. So. mv� ging to the.-,. excented closes, wete Viose w Hir Majesty'i Mob belon Vfireyland ,�o�yeyed it' by a stranger from a land which to Ostia ho, are only too willin:i Re I stivuld'remain where they cou14 give f6y ill be:liber;lly eiteride * into. the hon: t66 the bodic ,ri r�adj, to Con those, high. 0 any and such clelliel ossiblti alldp6r- tte boilies were and would have seemed A AewrodA b" Until. morl]. cellar door was'shut te s of attemptin to -of the. ad St� the p a tinexation 01 U P ment 'have� no intentio with" he * fhe under 'he bed wb 'e �onr rless er -as may.be coLngistent ey- prepared' Hie Jotal 4ffairs 6f;he edid la e',where the 2 obr bolted, and then ill' �sirable contintyency.-' A few "short c6alli- �W iaerfureice ifi_fhe idtetnw dl)rui�y of the Unit then- he probe. Ine et I I . I - - ok .0 - . . . - . -- .- ­ .. a ed 1�42. and - Peteolount Wits -cho: to fetire - but for the�rest forefathers I eme, slid the pitace'ski)d money WAS ki-A and to 'in SP)d in orsprings 00 Me of' the 4nps.d more. patriotic received with once, �Mo the reform pirt- Was worldly. or United StAtes. -This- was Stsitea. - yi�dj the- efteef di �ot-Ahe the boirdersofthe9=06. 1110iag.leno- u. =Ade his bed on the Hour of. a ears 8,110 Ball . �: - night Morto retain iutq�t Whbre -of Sta b ish rules. -will esta I tharge e -of- the Motnitir I iiii ieictrd- ing, -!�Ist as theL carrier was . hat ssinir residuum igr a blAck; pitchey m 1known AS larfire ll with lo4bk-to-Washinoton proe'liVi- and blekto cheeFrg. -,.T4eS-cretary war-,er girl aroxe and rushed -out Bare- to the air, the volatile tsesespe, the - room. smoke: the J( %V hed in t Paiiseorr sp6iident murderer cro -halt. It flearS ing. the s1hid amnest oath, ties if one- of sirtThel 'd ifS 'of In the�morni its leaders,dared to hint. that: is the old -of 171k as to iusur housq. re So Ioud rap upon the door,, aidj�ibiaglietd.' She went to the nearest- Asp AS a -tbick,7 Oily zedin ON 41re4sed: the w vates from all'the th6ni American Herold asserti that 'the news of openin re.. 0 f -death 'hi' water dark) h6a . I r knew -full soj)le of the institutions of _the Republic year, dele. and benefit -to the peopL ;Lridguard, the g9vetu A ied by a voice which he . V � io,. in New York d then returned to the house the sea, and makti aCeomplin d in Philadelphia to form cruiting offi6es, for MOX 4 house,qm 'to ope -door and inst fraud: ' - ­!- . . - d the fire. The vol L -of Trtnidv4 there -lie hastened n - the ously grafted upon our States,assemble ment'so-a I ., -Ainuishe unteersin add vile. In the ifiland. "Washington, created immense sensation. The a e are springs e The'hun- - Uni6n: subs Irf'�:Btimouv whereof, I have hereunto Bet a wa of whick lave- iow*d nee to Jacob arnAP­ of. the equently con is tent in scarch' tho mAsei IF gave.entra f traders -st Lewisburgo, polideal system, and thd man who wotild the. b-asi is at Isioil to bd1he seal 61 the,.United Par' iwniie rerr�ins Xrom ny alit iy liaad:aid cans I re to -is begin a undred, acres in -area, sa at, a phrty o e;ned to. be z1oregone �it. The general inipressilon-is that Napoleon Him r maitied About theliduse. in ter: hati in kills to them, thus advo ntion summated it se e affied.­- thesodie mouiy f disposed of all his in those 41�ays OPOI.V to *nte e a in treid h aula enter im- wi direof the French squadrort i yesterday ater- It is fiterall a "Of asphalt C0111211111119, is bibs his jourrity six days earlieithan be. f, Parliainent. or -throug conalusi n th nada, wo out five. O'ClOch cep�i States to 1) Von arried at ect in depibl Add filled it with in the Muse'- 6- io -Ditdd al 111143" citY'-Of 9 A; finis u The: Pad LisbIngtoft, 'the 29th ',of murder bza�snticlpated compact. See�L reinforcements for J arez 9 --J . ay% n Ilion gallons stand in mediitely into the.Federal� o6ispondeii tir d" 'of M�y, in Of or Lord, one nooti-q.Corod - ones4efttoA o.h9K a Li estimated, three -hundred Edi the country would 'a of, the Times sa 8 this matt Ser 0 er er husband'.4 bosom, the Press -6f re cruagil. The wells of Rarigoon,in Northern n eftt6in omlres the t - an d and.jiXty-five inquest. The murilerer*aslastsee . o - - va'soon Uporth E ai'liresii Regen Ythe Ministers thougand'eight ban in ogs. he bad told h rY- Morton lmmiiient dinger�- of social. Pre0ription 'tioa, 14 %f the artiolis of agreement pro -0 irie.� - The volunteers Asia, pour Out four hundred thong" 11 is own stoi ror from iif thi Independence of th United States t i Lapka and when of Iastdic�bt'z adyen-: -the long for the retaraL f the. Empe e L e a bush eas o earliest ng that a vided qpt� I'Cana4a, ,acceding V rrollevery yiesir. From the gave him redulou lit And public 6bloq 1 .. a -ninthi add,&' bag containing eteen'bullets, newly lies& of 'I f these wells has been used in ail account Algeria. Strange rumours were :gurreot at the eighty (a n i�� L e c to die, te, times, . t was at - first ine b -ELS.] -. � ANDREW JOHNSON �eas e of cosmell - e he dy tw*.,. Jacob -years has wrou.101t in the s iiit 11:110onlreaeration, -and joining inthe mea-,- if, Stock Excha London, on. the 19th, t, pie Vitatograp as when he had been &own And seen. the bodies, pr e at ii ihe, biisli- A to relievs�pe�qlo when ew short 'United St ol jick combustible 'to um- �the. unconirmed L had a- somewh . By the President. fi-d -another illustration sures dr.. ates shall be aild -the. OR and as a " f - dre&m is bu tratt of the Assassin is in th icestation. they are he was satis e 0 our- mt Tha most promi- W. H.�SkwA-nD, -See. of -State. pot into and be entitlea to, th I . . 1. L. - i . 41e. Min Polly, my jew.et, 'he said pl9cing-hisarm vihicb an idea:i o ce "itamitte(I e depressing e 11% We&VSfLmUst& he, them when they Wid Wnu oyou 07 'of th tie h appe e rapidit-Y with nt wag that'Napoleon 'had. -been urgently arance c cum is do -around lier rijet, am pro the' Union!, tut the pros- ratb6i wild I;D�kmg - and it is supposed that But the classic ground of peto ud- 'take 91 adirdnikfacs or -ousequence.of the 's 1�9 5 . re ed. to� Paris, in c eaty and IS of .0kestra,',whia juts into 60 or every, day I find more afloat,.. gatbe strength a 0- - -elproelty-Tr i r -business to the little -peninsula; TKeRe impiii he asi been in the cr. you more Ana more, f et its Ahe in tiicrues pea of'Americarf agression upon Mexico; h it" bf AtS - W-16te: And then. turning to. NUorton, he ns, the lldrdmec 'Tb Convont On'& Caspianses. Travillars Aesetibe wo-find staidi-sober temptatib sho erid ofithe war. d6finite sha. aximilian had Wen- 1:11 e lobe also; that M -f the g —rocky as Spit the child have since most orVidding spots on added e us;07 of werb unavailia.-'T 'was a The elder servant -Strom, without tory journals such as the Galt Reporter mid Bourse on the 19th - flat' t 67f 45e. The� and desolate, it'h at Is t What do you:think Of Stich wife 7' -resorted "to' in. after -,-d.-a pamphlet �Fron the Netv V�rk W, JVL� A' Duke dC.Petvigny had issuo E4-OnoM*) Ma -V "i) diel. W11fnI tree.. 'th guest, with deep- feel- Adibeating nnexation, while the. fordible �mesar a,verdictof �ut the rega is saturated W) 0it. I Ah returned the open gliall W6 vorable Ao.ltaly, 4nd.declaring his -A An inquest wai held, and- B;rV8U:L He whiCh S Alluding ta the Conventi6h to be held in had such a wife'he of A prove xecreant ? hi Itly fa trea surfww 18 if poor Lant Morton years 'cononsist says murd4 was brous nd' o- at Itlilian Uri&yl July nexl� r in. defence the L ht 'in againsi Globe buckles on its armQ onicti n th is -now- firmly Detroit believed he oi ozes out frOm the *1& Of thy of the c -a has, been acceptect- Yy was itched to Nan's d, and. is pvrce&'--'T woutda% be a titail carrier.' t so many Shall we prove ono.elves an,wor established. that the in-vitAtio ra 'a 6p .tt- e, brave that7 e to Montre "7ho monoy has, been the mountaini, andeollects. has fb WJu in reservoirs lewn When. Mo ton left he was directc&r tb st old flag At. s of thirty. Boards of Commerce, in r ofifiddrice'. of th ioi e authorities -in, Breitdituffs ­41oar dull slid negl cted. pward te to th6-officers c I uric din the- vanguard of c m Boston, a eat'in more cren r at the first settlement a -d sta ent s. been carrie a al demand'at full prices, ork, nd found.' I -set nire, Wit' eluding those of .,.Ne'i Y ADC espo �n L - - 0 . -it is poured int the Cas on what had. happened,and he� promised tOL do 401 tivilization, aranting us the'- boon of r -3.��ibl ­ov 0 the ever onward'march of and" in some cases holders demarid an.ad- P11iladelphia, -arid the second Tuesdq of -341y usive BobberV y bgkt. elves into Exte Of IlPfiele* sud sea and a'V wein is a blow of Ave WQM Sliall. we. thro 0 rs cental. -06 time of meeting. He once afore blessed thpbr i 'crenerally. vance; winter red. 8s 8d to. 9s, per has b as: I in the- freedo 'afid human progres! ernment een Agreed upon -At the -southern extremitTof 11141 ientins M sae(I hiq life, and then* met out. Late a s cial vodoano- which -may, ders-Ask-.an a d.crn firm� iind hot dvnce of - 3d The British Provinces are expected to b -arrived' at the cab'i',L otion of ours - but -we the V, rter of 0 - - I e -$2 00J AB6T9A0TZD laox- A BAXILT011 SAYS. 'aftertoon two., officbm -Prhps ii. is only a n d represctei 0 - the occasioni i� the zasstreams -up in a pTiramid ecked b I n "The, etornal to. e- land-,vith perquarter whicheh US netig; false. fully and abll -twenty feet high E' of Asku" and re ibown the dead bodies.. in a 9, - 8, &m, a -he When they, v(e. eriod burst forth agai ndflood th re oft t e - think- that there never was a p ness a movement that will SaI56 robbeirle9l'burdarie 29s -3d tLt. t9s 6d.'. oft n We are glad to 1wit several vases, burns � to -day, roceedt-d to' remove them- Andy Why need we give. UP - 0 Guelph —ttere it -there, it Was, I afford an opportunity*, for remedying the Un- racre at at. once p n- untold horrors 1Avgju-ooL, Saturday E "iii.fr M4 20.-- es present. At Zoroaster Therit -,O�e ere tb6 week had passe when, Utilitan is rs the. repeal thin the last few Jdays, burning Wur' Provisions Be cou e of ongiess -in votill, whole gettleebents an' m ex�rcised su& a co red i'sfitatidngy 0 li COM- Bread6tuffliquietibilt veiy firrfi� have b�en n6ticed w e. for thi work- she sse of -nan- our-time-liono n w) blemed the Border -iolian, ip -Heroin trolling, infiaience over. thb ma . a ge, but lard Is active �0617Tvaty far this and 4aite a number various parts -of the *onder of the early. Pers" was exalted to generally without How a eart clings of the Bee* become Ud done. thing / which the, h dce. The following account from the rorship, And fluni t that the 'lure,. every to ­ � - with s�ales at 6sver.centar- Convention may be intended to coereCt.that Provi dnt. It is no and a,,ain dearer, There.th e tkind.as at prer . 1 .0 - e -poor Gheber still gets -9 it * for a bubble. that ris -correspondent of the L�ddon s soothe to. the. -A- -Deil ke ith ilovin-, tcaac, The I's blunder, ke are, not in rormed but this much Harniflon -Times, Add. r, S of cli urns d&,v and ae teif year ject dicates dizpbs,ition to ocrat. struggle f6r bread is -any crier -tv o fied the sacred Eire w1d k beiMme a Dem re L,itL us be Tliiaes. says, that thord'Lare two sub is certain, 64 4 tend Strau a deWm t now J . formerly Oil tJi& dontrary, -a. thousand woujaburst bdo mpress and'the C the night on th� altar. disqni�t whidh - make� the E tinue a 'reciprocibl, commer- a with - our i rSt Land list, to i;Ake.=- col et ton can , e At aearly. hour last eve fi lu most bigoted aiid- unreasonable to material Vre11th - and in-. men -and. no dhildrei b i�h of Morris O'Connor; on �Kipg new avenucs I unthini LNIjuisteri long for. tip return of the erprovincial neighbos. if measures uteers estubl . ment some party as ye -Z -ub. 'of idulstry—fire'.worshi and nammon-yor- J k -be ktadlY These are therecruiting. offices for volu iatisfactory to the Cana Streit Saiial ever met, with wa& a. find big frthav6been sewre4ed out -by modern us wait.oq Providence�,who way- suggested, mutualli I Iwas enteredy abolitionist, ed in towns- of the . -ftelvesi for's foader eemmerce - to -the E.. jsck�was a red, hot I'aking the 15 us --a season Or frilitfal- forNdkico said to be open dians find on tioney imouut of 82, knownland r act as very pyoslority enjoyed disposed to grot oposition of the huAdred chief pleasure seeined in n sciene% but the- United States find he :oniplete reciorocityof exchanges Silver, and done aud a more i Msin notorious bte. His.. fi��nds, nd r ness, which -will- do EdOre to restore -confi- e Chamber to the alienation. e: present treaty, All the -ages, was takeinfirdin Vie safe and. -A Cft as Rossi to blur sul blot the spi it of patriot Committee of th than exist under tli dollar pacli Nd friend in an state rd 'StA. of coi merce he ci re a ms tan d seems better. arn - ces of the aVir with, one consent, pronounce . L past, , b d me and, contentment th �all the writing of the would. c off. it --in. -times. 11 -to dencei . I - .. . I , ' . -1 . - .-. - . ML .� -nuisance. to the substitution of the present treaty by one Srd. luito re, ms may 30F. Jack a borel.-and a, Qiii tha I _oun itarkable if ste hardly "n be do - by all the editor's in*- _r and Faryoz AjMRTI lofty idtaa of hational honor and national ae- -guilty arty can escape- Oner-day ack met it the boost- Of A friend, that c Fitilt more ady pous We hope; howeirer, -the act -about *-,dozen a- Last night at Alefth 0!C11 ants, possibir that to chariT a youn, personal beauty. and a�- *ion of 0anada.- Vnit thitt our boards 'of trod 710 t sy fordacion,'Mr. O'Can. toy of gri�at I bp her loveliness, - indepedenc�. to the partial exclds ha' not hivited.their detec T6terd- young men and bosussemWd the key, 0 his --ho Was compliihinents. Attracted' --nei�ihbours scross the border merely to reiter nor utt�nded chureb, and lift ri narried Joseph Marabs' -W e in, the, �,pockp of 1, is youoy ma intellivencef, -he became thosewney conside,-a tioAt. that stand out 4ut the ne d;hiisafe key of rhiis h (U a6d captivated by her muesty Proe ate to -them all the nous age ab store sn. arried on -the Queen a lo%. ii� -Dilliblin EX98 A -his bed- m _y) X§d jW in his. ttent" -for &white re �toie "nix, whichvere hi a loriot eplus. ultra of our politics,natiotial we Of the 70 sent treaty tha [11110 up as the n The. Prine at -IN �turned fromlis wedding todr. Xr11111ink or-/ his Frit rited residence, o what, e a has been circulated room at Is El- the c dered them offbut they would zid so, IN lciplei,!' and without enquinno hibitiOn sty 29 in pitupblets, . reite oraer of 'Henry m Ilene in by En�,lish W hington, M of hislallp and unicipd. i Congress. The' Just before gg)in-- - so'bed -him Itoberts might boL the political preference - L aited states of Aifir rica: by The press and echoed it L and'Vltlin�streets- red a ibot guni L;nd gli,it Jo propoied,*ak aeceptedj� And usain- By the President qf the V fault in toproc icists in calmly disc Rond be writes e existing treaty. is that, oil hewent-tobi ure the fronfdoor I imprudently orators and publ 1 -6/0 tli - down andilied in a The corres elit Of the* A PROCLiVATION, a pants only 0, -h IL ain- bril- 0 ul -k% 1, -ire the samein charge he-bogb who fell Von self married.- pos ibility ot maint eni the Prince of . Wales ).many articl�s from f hisstorev.to ibey were ihe desirability 0' For thi mom dent of, the: United 6 'th sides, it 'ixcl 64 to, % a - - i ' ew minutes. Mr. Marsh -has _4i him Oth o was i -the habit of redding, was over, the guests bad de-� b !ai, The Presi of S.bo wit a a a, the t will-lw- C t,, demand that it I— -it )ther Wherc A. D fre interchangi. --The true interest of b t L 'he authorities. AU fique The i I ti7e happi pkir'had retired. to ing the,. -Colonies inta Ill reception in Dubliti absor s' all 4 e 0 -t .-of Weembe Stittes on the, 8th day 0� admitting All the products, of -and thei discovered that -UP in in reei and on i * eye . o parted,and such maitk- topics�, AV hatever discontent mayclurk UdL Sixty countries. lies hop in. the morning, held this rkiw, a The body. 'snugly. itiobLeen-hundred a th Dre ensconced monstrated whether iL -- free Of duties ; but Unror. -and -safe keys- were: ilifir chamber; and w4 11 shall, be de . . . i of Ireland ; however D. e ghteee hu - vach otherentir�ly ljoth ri'eto,re tion WAS e. course of a quiet con.- the *estern reg ofts. -the 2Gth day0f.Mar6h, n in the coonee bad - whea Jack- tenance will. prove pecuninxily remun,�raw [th a bare bused, their The-neFt p Wify ittiould there be 'more marrug"' im Ir in th til . object t4 lunally bothLGovernibent With hiSL -wife, un,4ittifigly alluded allsmay disport. theinselves-.on dred. and sixt y4ar, did, wi u'ies, , �rhich r and Airs. Kit ve;&��o-n revenue largely upon �castoms d t who kee -subject,, 't e.. If so well and Brittannior" shall much the.Feni' k-r4ehellipity to' induce fill' miide b M winter tan summer T -by casualty Speak -lug. IV h6wever great a st e existir ­ . I I -n ly, suppres It sto;e ajjoinf�g O'Conno?s groce e- decision re OF L Vt. r stori man reclu to bit favorite the plains of Cl.ontarf;, and and to both sidoi ivesrisetodifficulfies-in mak. 61'th,nL 4P Otte pre comforiers, an* still "rule the V tyr�niiis,. Pursalis �o " turn their uppe -sege elf as slFtt:publican rave if th -equ LT -We truit our 0 es of slip. buildirigg. Beeau of him& tait-han the rootto�.' sic -ScUrp ing, the reciprocity a. A reside in the i irity -of the nited States ,09 what F exciaimed his twife, tur !.euted by men who 4 -on returning Jr, n esrequire -=uU - log Be U OUS,y restore the� atfthc rade will rq'p'tje These partie! one� .'i ' tdry.,point or has made boardsf t Om church i you. is aff adverse in a mo, w ch.Wilkes BOO - il, I- e proclamado .8 offering ainnesty- -and fori ly'andsuddenly toward -him, Are o'the Unitrd ad that the back -gate of the for- ever, may prove in ilie'wider. Issu e. es t the even�b. In -� who had. directly nod rstand that the adyiInta vie the C61onies may o wl�erever they �morable trUitan Rated -in the said b or by implicaiidn�. t not W a pardon to certain persons, or jxports to 'the L common -by 0 hi sister ise- there an wit partici States AM notconfined to o lard, which is occupied it th - e Is repliect Jack. am: reggmla� d like. This kind of talk has soured the diStricts Gf s., - That is ohe of the exil6ded two ts. bad been Unfastened- at. doubt that -the heartof Dublin pulsates Province en, d twisted in Sri ors er invi rear min ;say. persow 4o. en--. iconothy left.opdn.L Oil furth au"n&- ater, double dyed British 4nadiaas, and. Joyal. feeling and that the- youth a6d jinia. rebellion : and,, err It is important to asti-ration ibe 1, Who had I W00121 as 6f Whereas, M. open toi ell r; was found to LICITORS� 'CON- -cheir apparent have'cArri0a the -jhd is- us that the Provinces shbuld.�be Jb,6Ui6?2 xto FR -9,'- 90 rebellion,' litive,'Bince, he "hard times" tib vbich- topuriaterest to- purchase A!9 J double and twist Vourse!r Out f t we are sub- wliq of the d said aj h' door-of'Mr.. B AUIRI-91 A ter lust. capitat.-by storta. aporary'. clou sup -in cr it� is be' wido -opeor &ad, �ft Amozz, are. d. -or -ns�rz proclamation; 14fle se- the popalationhen the Prince sit e� to�bjauything rong, it4rudd -Goilerich. wife; At Jkdor& th t/&cn.V7 interrupted his I 4ors driv ahead Irish, d thergbj an it s'that they- omething-- [istely jectea*hilst our nei, settled over �re reets in a closed iected to take ther. benefits. off than others. MCGI*jaltio aid w;II never sleep with 9i we- cau oder the: in che 0. profissinj the doctrine! you lc Many -pprions, Wflo hivi peed, t ere ny, IN ut -'hereas, n residence of 'Mr - as upon them tends to inducethOm tA:1 jump carria�,e sut . duce -1 the S AIIA w r beL 4rove the same zom �hea visited' Jack ather speechless -fro rlotjcW�' but :whenr On- to noul &Democm with. all'theL ehordidus'-w-4 debt heaped d 've throug,li.the cr�wded, st of DeteFtive. d r I �611:i v . ibusly shriink -from pulif" Anbe a thing -Ca�ada can sell to- us ith the circimstancis- -The -latter gentle - arid cheaper than *e:can:F -.-wife of his bosoi4 justly deprived. of.411 claim JYC Juststaiting out ipoqt� That.the very -the city-in.an open vetiWti the dis- modities ofii-seiveri-,letribtiling iimit out free.. him at the'conclus�On that Annexation is: All reason oftheir partici-m ect -.disco - ied the loss 0 X&J%.'We3P. rrible sh� thtough: enthusias"12- which, pardon thereun.dor b., for bi stich, 0 ' for his of :should prove it trait0j,'L was.hoi urchase we.effl sdirectly or b.� buil- * coptent gave. placd to- an- - ionp ation, Ili said, dom to. buy it: -1 --wag fou hit ino trited, bu ire -i Ord I - ad A that we. requ. in I er to irnotid bOr nd money -and econo- 1�a inspe d tAt' a savina of b mi must be. jesting. -He-. re as oilt Is . a on txa L tiou it %wA8L . r '. , - -and, iM knew no-boatids.. 0111'� that da,ibi 9te rebelliont And cont.inned hoslititi to: the 90P - "we' view too his'keys. tared - the store by the- frOnt. I -,b -*f Adl* to CPO - she *. should . y. 7aini; -trie(I persuasion, I Commerce. devolop our -resoi Wealth. - The theLhief haden =.Aa- - the Ca�iiadian department in the Exhibition, mise- "Mdo -left, h1 -6L ernment: of the. United. States since the -cost 1111MV99" I & one eprescritatives -die*Prbviuces. -fain ocked it; he then,opened, allied -.4aml , - - y alternativ i)f door, nnd� 4)# it, and the on 6 Ji Ich sing.Di. Adami St ii �01- Ae - iiowaaif of in earne hort, mAke every o y r and raCo�Ui son of- the tion,* now esire to'Apply control tbdir iatioa,�f his heresy oi 4 of said'�procllim0 'b-Qth RditiegAd aim n fiant Of its casic -by Avg f;;miin� itad "with gar in Really, the--gi6at, 00int for Arran, ill die Coawy of BrUCe* )rompt renunc -not be too sanguine re, d Cold' issiotiers for the Province, he -shoo f6iL and obtaim d �`a U thesafel;,An made zle, ower na-4o -lot par on. t in Which L they "wbich laro c6ij ento ng in silver separate bed in the othbr room. I Let us y bythe Wad, reminded- Win -of IL t &.mount be os iob�iir or hint cordiall "id-theend thjr�f6rej­tliat, the a tbori!y, at, is to cur te S.- = a" -eitkida Pern ip n. -entrance ifito a "Thatbeing. 14i the ria4dat BilillMn NO T jurd thb fits attending a d in Vy-gone --iapat thin at home. d for one swid townsf Jack did not hesitate. 0 81 to 1he bene, the ucquaiqtan�e, they-4,ad arnie )v6r�meni of the Unitea Stites may. pdrehave,gh AMR me to surreii 1, fib6ut the ex- bentirri established doctrines. of his parq� -rP mbered that exoress�d his persoaalleelings� of of the jq. securedt- Were need be to ir _�iso And na. 41irthoSe _16riolL4 p had grown "the Union:' Be it years, and . be restoiqd, alid-'thai 0.eace, order and frea; 1'." � . with ni-keexr and 3rd to john A9001) n tt - 1, L . e- for.-6tv. economy in e -tfib rear r .13 1 4 n6ples wch'on for' the loyalty -of ports buying in- tb t a e d1i Tilill 4y, will be ed With hEi the public aebt-d- the United. "States at t � and admira , iybe eStablishod, Andr w Solid- . - - .4A - . . K= . vith his growth, Am ompliment d In ---m able us all the bettl* ltfj3� iebbpf a y�wss il - - W 1. gtingthpa ' ited States, do lie to net- 0 cheapest - market willen -T an We bdy butt6 sell te, wag 000 ;�er­ That this was no mere c I . -i . price of 4 '.PreSident'aOf �the 0,616vWsAwan made In intbe v e� grant to to FPmPet oon, At aoll A h to the, mare whini and Ca Ahis -moment is about:0so.000, 'j�oved by 1:ti.s atfoudanceaAhe 11 o4se of QnJL -he lltbe-M us slid absurd,' wss p pioelaim aiid dettl4re that ereby by,which we7cih be id, &r1rWWNof I t tW- indirectly. &gal I Connection -tovimAlp -cept 'QU 9 -existing reb;elfiofi�; ix t --tifie' .8 the J10,A47to atodities cheap, is td ro� fact$ in` debates I slid the only way 166F - WOMAN WAS Mica% thir tW6 pricipal a ronti himself ".from the -bedi he qu ling, an4l that at the averagge, rate of inter- Comm "ndurinr all p!?0A8X directly or throwi, enabled tosell, com rpe - 2" me o -of ji it will require lea Oh oft as i1h thiligs *1ifi'seem 'tb indiests that he e Ion ih�p And,' all..tlie A nU est m per cent particip care cheap. There are t ire _e !T4 ift uothl% ereinafteii�icepted,'ainue-sly ih 'outi- uaililted-*idithe Ian oipoost.- toneet erequirem ROUD In iffie- morning- she met him as -if ;Z0 th entg t Ai;6�sjjhoJ4 The Canadiitn.11ielegate.s� It roperty which Ooausda can p6duce c exper an or Udited cases "-a year. buiineal-and C. W. wi,�h',rpstoratin of all rig is of p -r. Connor. It is. had happened but whenever Jacirentured 100 -Add others which tW e11 service Por idex�ept in where mily.es, previi ezlieptas td slaves, Am in"a 'and the -ible, that the pus, there wait& Of. the publie L ir an thief will be. able to o e to the night pop up, to the' present -ijuie it Can' proatl6e -chespe, th C -Dosed 1W lan%.ter imp in. he with Ahe ad Voideatitri, oke her dort-' of ie 6f&fm betweed h besp dition of tMe alit li ei proress legal proceedini the laws of the United hardly Om r eye, w 1c; important States add in -the main piko have been, ra Providingior thevonfise.. d be�zo ad.fit of.,the� FAtmy- --- appears to --shoul jn couch and a secon 4bou.t-$14-0Q per antiunt anadiau -MinistrY to pay eeg Ot without h9pe that OSM Vier and extintruiahedhopeL Ye" up to, In i bellion 'have the two ion OYA -- Ve man ]British A erica the taxation would come ntries uential ortion perty. of persons engaged in re The 21 A, Seond time. he paired to. Ma Ion for. e -matterawhich induced 04 lift romoditteu in W�losdor, is prel - �j; dpAnitelyo ill e �slled on h ach 11notitudd.t but onhe - iondktion, never. unrqattleted intirchanie ofsach 9d d tim Ashovriilb ltiii*ossiblil�ii With CAVE to t�o suct -port, bin! in the*struggle, hich he flow S 'hit tf enemy, -in 0 *the C odifies are;'ood as There gre aron -ifice An ubne ejy jjch'p if shall take and pan, woma and culd in -.t* tre'eL The London eorre pendent J signed lot 4 in Ing 7-th eon., Downing a si�hsgribe the, 10�*Fng oath,`oraffirmation what Is 00 COMM 'lAces of all treat ilie afrects. Now -State and -he re Ative. than h was gatting desperate. ani changei in t I gre thot fo n etive of i p"r lenieudY pj�en, on fhe 24111-4f 1W Of itt -: and thii, too,. irre e Globe writes' -.-6,4 The . maintain' said coast ­ rob day wai'a repetWon e of Ah and thencefoiwar4l* keep and -Iwo countries, it Lee hu-stirrtindered, Kdbils -bas-11h , 0 tod a* -wow li(dl We secontl� nisteri and -the Gov . shail be -the produit.9 ssAwOon thir _ e 141 �haeft losh. The iD n. Entiance-, into the -betwen the Uanadian Mit an - . - 1.. 4001 bay, JW il ad a /which. *4.� 8 02 4 10 Ged. Jdhnsdn con rl�yl, pay qionoses MA 4*0 w­ th� subject -Ort muci�ipal� taxatio, oath, inviolat%',' nite'r-to `�nsure th " - - �i�in --al �rodrieto first, No allusion WAS to e to g6ing 6n, 5 -but so no decisive' p n ss and irnme�isre sti!1 I tered for permanent preservation,. -and becomes nece ho is, prove ropm sid quieba vastly increa(se fullest possible vantage, %ht the Northerm either There'wasa d, therefore, Mr. C�rdWoll- I people, whose mki0i union woul ie4r. made, re ect folllowing, to T a�k nent has'yat I -be of the t9a id mi i o not &VAy- w about his wile that e arrange or and eff that -nature already in el the subject -in the, Should tw Admitted to­� M,,,_,,Juterchaugo., ltza Aft6id tobo'magnminim6us, AS her the burthens� -of a public. all discussic With i0it" h neither belie sully. tWt *19togy y/4 sorely, and he -felt that all idea of d lie pro- Wit-' nNothing y IWO-% m6re �ertaiu 44 I at we that,he 0"diton, J11" Ist- 410)V: premature. 3 ;w6al of eratl�y._ toa, surreuder&must bt abandoned. placed upon ourpeople,. anct- it the feui Mino, do Weranti, *ll he partj*ill either buf from OF-41-eltb the otbe, doeds sy in t is, city 0 His trActed st -it :e of Allmikhty.God, that'l nee- eXt fo - r-9 !the third i�irght he was alone IV Am to be com present; advan�age i6 jhsj:� only good made very clear how we Utatives of Ci will-havt�the effect , t and defend- the Cogl; exe --x . flarns were' yet mo represe nada forth fahliftilly Auppor teure serious -than theprevious Igns reppecting it -result fiosqJintrestricted ights; what th t ley were, Of coat �as -oifly ' EaW. for tLis- 989timption' 01 respOnsl` Of remqvigg many jui ctinceptis n of thj."United States and the Ubion CO' : - sei pen, stitutio. be iliwithat will prevail in t to, result bilit before we court such ge :tho state at partisi, and the'va"ried lbases Vf in Thore'are men ]known, to. Vimsetf,. but. they seemed a total chan of -the states thereandery and that be poilposoid Of -rltiihi -thlineriew Acoming COUT844-if it I r, q'oi �They e Hke manner, Abide bf ly Support' nts of or at about middilit AunezAkop- .'Truet OR Dion compteh&jjAlle gimg1S&&.zJdime something decided i f at 1111TO-M suio6q 'our Ideding public ations wfi" have been is wifb's bout.- Mid proclaw lob no airwi is i grelt. Illffit, -a quen wiihout-coninmulicatil three distitfol: rape were m,%de * at eri 'slid rebellios'm political econo! 4ow. No answer. 'the signal wad'repeAted th ad Amertz. Fig mo6h,us1ral i o;ade duriug� the� ezistiuf r tent.* A. third n "i fruit to It e ;Important 1 formatiob" -Which WRL I smWipation Of7 derail, so in WAS si for onqgy in. develop f6onde Illi the sited -cans aft proverbial 11 - a l"r to Crop.Pri-o 1. Lraftor -their return toL the colony -0. -doorshook - 1ont attacks. bet m e- GW time the �Wilh- the Tio g of _the last two rr�onths tL_-r' cr ice resources of their couitry, ented from, wiltin of his ing the latent U rw a*. *z- 6, W46 Jr ied thir voi The foflo�ousc 01"ses *ifo, if arou"d -from i dee ale f we fail. to se fliat they w6d14 rush. Dr-W.-AluelLburilt . -the p �3� bu -The centiou p epr., 'tile re ?, ym ever have �sadly iu*Aid -with, 1. -7 A "A littk t4. �wst Democrat a with their gurpl capital- d6n:', row vill into iDanad C AloWrelst Gaz c, Ma 2!. -- j, -, I di &11T*11OL shalF haw --hoes ��rn jit:qvir' the or rim tended ei'vil Vdit' 'ot r. dfd me-,' th , inaiali Atineiratiton' �Wie � �ny. morer than bdore r -a F6,116#ftl�same ago Intlie.affidavit O(Mr, Cleal'yj� Southe pre- quzrtft� ORdA, of wt&01 cro COM Det and aineral lands- ire now 4iieAomestic or -foreign. 4�9. 0 -6 ihe v.��W*translato: iL Our. oil I . # . I .. he was resident, here. -for some., eRti of tho - =Z g i gentlemen w A SU anN the- fol lo win- de!palch from La,Mixefte - of I F secretary ofmr.� flicient our waters are M -F1 eapacity- 0 utter -9 poeo;illts Of largely helOy Americ tended -nder. the Win '�evioisly time, in A e 1v -, tat S" M,soa8)W0`1 4 who 9 ions;� of is no doubt Clay, we have for the first t! in. our yomh4 us Quebee. May.20.!--fris sitfil treely- used by thmi, aud.there Sti;'Liesy to' -iid the' liebelliomi.6. riantf'ffir the adme "_*O.n-, any reliable- tividen e -to-codnect also here, iliL circles generally well itifbimed.,- that or - uld bi glad to avail themselves 10% 104 tbejatWhand,�-� glowing but they WO 8lac i tended 'confederate Of tho, -f k6irn with"" a f. ,'The. Accounts. All who shall - hajo --.been -mi iL &-Fo6rattleteefives who came to,Canads VRorarfos have navia -ofocers -Of c6kpects�4 ]Other small It r -Georgian anal, said pre Accou f the Ottaa Bay V With which some of bur. confer of -colonel In the ond bkrley never .,of looking after Booth, be& 0 in roment, above the sank, grainf..'.-Whei for the purpose past been Iled have not our gove kt, Top oatst" -in, the courte me, -Weeks -fil . V - "glidant yield.- 41so idstructions n the uST to 4ound public OR' 10 of d be lieutenant )etter, and promi"'Ai lal n should, either, on, any sufficient stamp of truth iAL theni wrrdy, of* -yo. looked Inexation, and Attttlptq� it 4. All who left-%bsts in this Congress the op, of.-jil 11 be. grew constructed. Annexation or n Blackburoy t on the of &1 0 aunexa- Opim. 4tDr. But t�rjreatat his &tSll movement- its. toxet against. the cUracter 'rebellion.. Witl 10ore sueem were Nasib 'notift Of 'Uhited 6 therefore, -we, took Ad I led will be, doni Ameri�= will inye$t . V Sirplus. and, tied qr'tendsked. mips bef6rs attempt* �Iat�& to --iddho ililpods- thei y mois gumclletl *at direction.- The meant se ec abodrd fictions 5. ill -will he -cared was evor- mat them -than of many others of the _4 which. Will. cash. Im' Canada only in so far as tbq b a the orl. the-,establishnkent of a journal �od for, the tioas'vf t eir as I Which -have 501009 sorved. as splitar id Montreal., �E,4 openly-. the United Sft* o -siao. 40Y inl�l- Whilitfie small Crop Of QQVM ill d shortly fin4 it advant"us w. do go, and.we hold navy of efrom Great. Britain and an risiswig 1ho seboilion of the wtsott 0 MAN 1P, 40L- K; Vocato seliatlation, the bag crop for r hat it riberal trade - polipy' with. ji reej&. T WAY of lower prim ThoL Rao UM certainly of C hisp brea4 pozation with the United States. iniaccept4DrIllackb '6. Ali:'Who, ha,781"n orijaged in an t ia q�osuoa Vill, 1W Iftely salisidized by -the tablishMent: iti Trfttyj This evidence bei I"' I than - livifully: ri.111 and a Entire abundin of the. Welproe ted to in treating: of e -b*terp i0kr, V -must be hold guilty of having. atteme 40ilad, in, tho. Wigshington goernment.!". Tho.r Wlf gi at cause bt in ra of;&;, porstins- gd�ply 16f bjd4�0 �P-iezt year., L TO s AU'L -the materid -40"tages- Asinage, the Fedor own the.7�-ansCjjo, arid the troduclug yp�' one] soldi to 112' L - Union Withotit og ihe, Fiderals by means of States servicei as ,the sbovs is thruStinZ Upon pop -L low fevirlamOl 14) W proloolirs ofthis brilliant scheme to -&ten Of or.1 other-6ap ti, new P connot sci ies. '131 Such an 'act leboW. of Aft j'ab. L' M to, gho t th Di imerican yoke, Upon Cinadisn shouldorly �Iation fitical Institutio iguji infected rpd*i whi4$1 L-- tl ljobtdill-W %li. atih; . . a as ke p I W qia I W -0. 1 4!1 po, to war, -V All & his timej hav ormerly- of fo rroni'th Unio�� I Id to belong a par- st.Kirby Smith not 01111 marks thi Quebec Mr.. Bladkbirm f humanity, calling 40 and The surrnder ta'o* eireil fiabit andL batriai against lbeffion. the of the-ribdilitin rilliths for man P4 f siding the n 'in th the LL t anit kessrs. Cart' and 'Wilm. )so* Wo� boUld win _toe in Attempt Vi.lt ceivel the UP48091 Ozeiirai re *Jt4hd�.alsvO . 45 the kind. Ci#iliZodL *AriMpfin add in who,.wero.- aitid bY, over*ro union wi* &a States, ai rebel a toue!s while he Stal p V -r ba .40 tituabb sMaks froi #1 We W4001 kfeiiikill; but I tho milits, neithboring tow attilitpting in, hisi facademy lit go it M:le-T Si"'Atats Mr. G. c 1, pw dueovered iin 9. - All, persons wha� bold, dis 1P 144qei� andliud which 7.� tilt". Ms, 604 Otte dsy� liew by insidious 1 .7 V lot tateped then 0h dnb betanti and- *omen sAid Chill staw,ld mi111% V4 ]XI'Arve IDt Noiore Oftesiofso."Joers, of -r- that, adloldable both k tffaw, -]But. z12d.dh*pqg t. yj Rag ovi 11 d*ry-and sic Box. t I - . . & 1 :71 rolved tl* from a Sailboat.. i;Wch A'-farge Was in pmtioe, W All f6r:S0444 offince., ]For. b =416, trith4 Pr out, 'of Wing -oar- MA -human life 4o� b 4 virn ant dog isom 11"tViDn' f :ident of Xt r6tounal d' be wag im ims,111011 '^itL �jrhjaf -not be f th* th* a could a o in In th dtic ho, 400 110" fafty, o big itz Ut not swim. Even. then sysm that, flill from I , a rio ab Sharp a co to the lo_jam' no -k a y r pi UZZI for bitcl V.1td Jtift`�ftd NO at he COE; by.00. Catii- that Which Dr. Blackburn, came' f0i tbell him; Hot sdids diallytil(brZ9 **1015oiiid a position his'politens" didpot f0maks Phro*= con *ill you be -so as thk ovidenex W= slulitwY Um into t tociper is no Sued. giutler ind Y46* to L gq 6wp an isbyn-. tones--� Gentleme d.an peoplo r" yam roeth purposs ofaiding Ili's roOeUionf phLied b1m.. evil �Qw. -for But" klid AS to bolp me into thw-boat T. XY &At, a contict into h1A