HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-26, Page 47.
rF 1 11, 1 W-, . T"UX4 Y SIGN XTde
114 S: 1,
1 for
t. `44 Hayfield Gravel Roadq Stanley,,, GODERICH FAxNING
[,,,I No. 17, (-(,It 3;
]U"'ump T"nctlo
..N'O CE! A BYlitiLAW OF 3ry
31flitary Schools HE SU BSCRIBER BEGS TO 117FOR31
% YALUA E 117
To raise T the i"habita.ots of the Counties ef-fluron
by 10119 of Loan the suni of and Birtice that he is still Manutileturing, and has
414-a'.1 it. e. lvrin� lj!ivial. Aplil%- it) fit,-
t!,r coinall--ows ill 010. C. M. Trueman
I.. X t.", it r, i it-, to te L, I L fit- 1;'l 14! %A III' 11.1 1-1-lic, �i�: e)lly Aous,titd Doltal-s for the oil hand a number of his
s therein menlionll;d. S -instructed by tne I�roprietor4 Mr. cot n
!,I,i I: wi, 111.0 q I Litton, to sell'by I ublic Auction, on tbe,
%%37-tf I .
s "0 V% "0111
Ail, "'k.1 d. 4 o :4 or o, i�* J b
ip im'ivr t t 0w St ot %it itaiv; 0 1 C 14A. NEIU I
HAS OF" __AG 14""' premises, on SUPERIOR fANNING MILLS 86 PUMPS.
l"struction, are requi.l[L.l tj tila-w ailp', i at"'ll jj'IIERE,kS the Corporraiin of the United
]VEDA1EsDAY,51hJLrLY, 1865. 1.1,e would parlicularlk draw attention to his
i it %vr I n �C t r -,. -.1 i I p,jr,, oe. t,)it)ti h thli: r, G I I Counlies of Fjurc�n aiid Bruce -has r lit Awk. all he will warraurthetrit to hre Wbeat from
e of thic di % 1-1 in ii� he. t V t-ifnmenciug, at One o'cl ick, p. ch., RL very
116--atle, mAjo" T A I L 0 Rl solved to Gr.&.le, Gravel wid'improv ' cei tain als, cockle, chesm. &c. Pumps fnade to order
- -a -17 Bavtielii 1 G . .
Valli i3le farm, being lot 21, norift ti it and warrdnied.
T HE %So mR It' a Iloac:, township of'dia-fley, hall'a little froill I e
U S G C RZ 13 12-" Ito:.ds and Hi hAva so With the ilt essary
A �,plii--Itlts 11111,:t st-At, t';.4,*' a.:", P -11C4,4
11rid r -1 1 of Clinton, and 8 of Faeliory ojL lVelson jr., bifftbee?i
01 Its -2- ,,,a for the saine, %Aithin the said Couittv illage of V. Oa, 6 li
-his old fri6nds and the public geiterally that he more orless, about HO acres
Posi otrice a ItIld 11.1tive cou'AVV. 211( E inforni has f Huron. aud'Cambria Road.
--B NS I I T -z I N E Ii
tr. rult. with tht;Ir. e, B ic AND wttErtHXs 'he said im'provemenis aie of which re cleared. 0n the prenuses are a
It E- 0 P E N E D 411
or tna!istraioein the loca.; for fit-! very llatiering lit- ha- i e . %
in entirely within the Cl,uoty of Hurot., atid tire rupertor finine. barn, a It)- - house and -voung I ALso, agent for the sale of Alorganl*'- #rAd1bjfifij
orchind tit about ido treeSo t eniCli ULTFVATU�. wbieh has'Iiever vLet
cXpense of inatchig iliti s,tme is to loe defrayed This fitrin io; ill a fill .1 ot'l fie (;()UjltV. oil a railed tc) gi"'generaliatisfaction to rarthers litity
It'll, iiot abl Lo execute cver 4)iie - I . lial 44
Lhe lit its him by the s;iid CounAy irrespei-tive 617 ilie adiag ;r -a e
lie sl)ilvfll-e best illialify, have ust-d Lherft.
e. I vei road, t
1). A. 1.2 U_ now sectirctil 114flitli. z for County at* 11ruce. the Louij or Debt will lie and milirellmrit-s'to I e sev4o, Ile appreciated.
Fur'ber PAjtI4_ ulars call belind on applicat'ion to *R:EN:RY DODD,,.
pidby-the said COutily.of HUroll'Llud the
Or ]rA ��L -C R. -SONS- I
barritter, Godei jeii, or to th -
A. LE F ROY., Esq.,
Rate �hereiijafter rifentiotil-d wi I fie rnisC-d
. -1 - . I . auctioneer.
Jr[JIL117 O1i. I j_j j q' solely uji'al- tfie -operty
t id le PI wit Illi the
U Tprins liberal and will be 'made kno%
Next door -to Alr'. BUTLER"S 300K-ST0RE,.,-,vhvre everythin- in. Vu time rtSilid Cot-bity -(if -.A.-;i) wumtmAs ro-j oj..,ale.
-ited olij!-ct ij I My tcarM ijito� vilect the. said rt.f W151
cusand Diollars. Sp rP11E.
foll6wing Landii-are offiered,.f�111vto o* Y -virt Ile o - Wri t Air file, said Curporldion to
n -,cl or
rL iett Favia� i,-uctl out. vivill l'i'llift. r tW,, suart (it' Twetiy Th*
t;laee, �' IL I- aise
ro it ter 0tistrt of,, prult-1101ky '10 at a Ve
it-) the trimitier hertit after mentloi,ed AN'D
P i b iej:ess. B&Tgain. �L ry idv.��Iageous Rure-t all
'"hnvery and to jile, all onz. of I lie Est In, define
I. 'Xis it is expedient. to -the resliec-
and iene'llent.,4 3aile Fot, Etow Id Aticto-wit, tittliar-h, lie -xpend d oil each Lini.- of HA.'r-valuAble and ebiribly it laied vToperw
ive umtju�wis to bet rn'mi MU NE
41 v ON L.
jo.'Ili iti-Outilne4. nil ar& AV fl I 1).e heap for.*CAS11' or. i I' for. D 1 ry Produce- Road imood,-d to be impto%ed it sliali be T it: the '6wli of Goderit-b fron
-lie i tent* pall 10 tj)L ifyin,, c)f e.ipet dt!il'as set out in .-she SeheduleL at the 'Hous
A to. d v4t e his a I ion prinvi Y I - alla -for eighteen yva rs'knon as
11141"itt.117. e.nd-.0f ihis.131"Law and forming paLt.of the- :C
�t IWN�hialellt t"'i lie best E.,aa[i HA _110 .
-1111 . L THETARXERS", INN,' r
like 5131 14 C1311 AT fill 01 dant in and ii -Is t!t til; ',xt Durhm:whit-h tinie it ba, enjoyed one or the
owill Torittuor.. -tbe sti'm of E
)n AN FtEAS it 1011 require
tit Vie tourth ck u-6 of .(I;t largebt pQrtiqns of' thAi';bn-ciiie�; in the ow.
Thilee. Thous ijd To Mildred D�llats :fO with the h� a gt�jjera I -tor.e. ' rhe
the C-oijljt�v f
and I i, I . lill be rats d am uaily� liv the le are-builfli, ione aitd brrk, 47 :4 37, ilixte Nine Equal _Unual Instals
e S I' Haw. for .0
I tilt, 01% ories bih..and commodious 6ellar -S fi�eudeep, "rcent,
t;ie-.s*iicl Loati: or DOit and inter- with litterest at 6
at,%' To--Renb or LeMse. -ilisalwo- -ytftame d welling
; ^11dened to ike hot lot
eat as also melitioned. 601.qe. _'* C
r OUtLhotiSeq,
W vt1althet. Thi-rell 'enablib- hirri o e-11 tit
Y ItEAft tlle� uniosint of the whole
about tivo wuk . --;U -
IAL, -A jinall fann of land T0 W Njjj:LP OF XbRjtjS
tea iro, i -ty im I i t'v bandsouiely lo�-atecj 71 01
juitc., h:,out, G dvt ifli. A ra I* Wet of' thp sa�id �luilli one i ile firvalk -odeiich
0 Illiv afelelear of Acres
saine; and in estjeQ�e of'aliv 111come to toe Cultivaticin, well (enved. 21 of% I ' South A 8. In I
f fil the South a 7 in 14 con.j acres,
flie Bayfie7id..Roal, 30 avres. in god swe of
-at icon., Pro
-stumps, witha heWn 16,-, 110U--�c 30 ;4_20� and a South I I in 24 con. I OOF acres.,
-tit -X v-. t- del lved from tli'e� teinp. fll f
ftiber th, I �,6) 1. )If cedarlogbartiAOX 24,--hetl' &C.,
slithimir",faiid her'.cillaft�t rnei,tioied -or -an v ALS(3:-In the-village!of Part Albert I aere South j 21 in 3d 10 0 . udel ry ts r 1:c e. S t1jeL laSl 4. L S t North !0 in 4h con., 100 acres.
vis --d will, dwellitirilouse anakables
re &c op of' the
lie North !1121 in 4h cori., 100acres,
-beniz; for I Vilar one si tavern z;tand� ill t4 a place, one Wis lung
Rolls, be,
..1,Hrr I -d all([ sixt f.,ur was b.--eit kept as mi( I.
F jnA L E th usitild ei fit, huti'die Nor h 23in 4h con 100c
ther6in Ilo -.'vell A0 gi ve h i iii. a, cal 1. ons 14(�Iiui dpd and E ighty ei - I- t purcliasers.. For further
D b
Y) ir vorl-ML Ora X X - . 1 -1 .
particulars allply to
ix hutidr,�4tiujtj -i'mety eix-dollars: TOWNSHIP OF. EI0*1CK fluron. and j-'Zt* 4t; j,�;It It kit# C,, 0.. A It L�it No. Eas-t La1z
e thumand .1, B ORD 0 Np E sq.
ANIj Wilf11H.AS I'dr- l'iaidii, th i
call and settle e3 w -interest -aiid
ty W tit Iler -d pi-insp Lots 2 1 .3 and 4 inl!ith,con., 100 a
it'. i -Thos' ndebt ires&4 j
equal or A%jDREIV DOOGW Proprietor.
nnul - Sjukin Fund- foi
at once -oterwise costs must, be in' cureed. I ay,nis tho said oin f' Twenty ThlousaiM -TIJW'-\TSHIP :OF REY
N. B -All those-Intlebied 'to ine either bynote
daixt.at iu;�, oa of Da, e' F31OST ATE L or loofhi'ai-edunt -are reque.-ted to settle the same o- 26 -in Ist.con. ILOO acres,
without dely in order Ito sav,?osts.
lu..syl to 4aOn.,L_1'00 S it will require all equal 91)('Cial Ijt6
four fewhis ill% the Dollar in ail tj 6 -con.7 a lif,
T Y.- S. inalK of 'GtKIuri'h,.;kprt1 31st; 1*,64� W9 ta -Lots 4 and 35 in
.1) A L D S 1 T 11 L Lois 41 and 32J
er llllere�it tit'llike
h_t!f.11fto%V.jj.,j t M A R. K I .-T s,Q Ur I\ 11-F G OAC I It h .11 aic' 1-1 1 SG5 SIV53
'Pn.the rftlulii I ditiol.. to fl other rii us-itfid taxes to be levied
ises, r Lot 26 in 8 con., 99 -acjrjaa�
ear. Lot7-32.in .8 con., 100acies,
C. Goderic Be. it ifit-ree6re enactcA by the Corporatin Lots 33and 34 in 10 co,h. , I acreavach.
T1zG4. 04 'of the Miked
of. fluran and 13�uce,
didbis V TOWN9111P TUR1:BERP.Y
JWv ne-va, at iiae Lvur twCilve ot tie el qode�icli, Apri 300 RLD 1 G
t 'OOL A 1: 1113t it'.Sh,411 'be J.L�Vfcll for e Warden
the�liniie heinr ot 04'said Ia&t m6titit'ined arnae or. N 43 in I cc . .50 acres. noun. Fact D
Cor1wration. to'
ay t.f Loan from
ny person orj)e1So$6,,. )o y or Wxximn,Esq. tGod ri
I d bodi,,s cori-o- Applyto CalLIA:5
eb C3
rate w1lo to.advatice th same a to the owner,
L r
upoln the.creait oft.h'
e Debentures her THOMAS GALT, RsQ.,
me, ney it-)*. exceediult in
WS C It 11 E RS w o a I laer to inforul sto�mvis fid the ipublic t.bat1jis new prein 4fj*AArL . . 13 _'vlont- III G - d his. -cu itiont-cf, a spin of L w _43n
Sj1E.-_R1WF1S AIE OF I AN: -b, ises. ou East Strt.Lto, the who�e tile play Thousnd-Doi.-
_oms over X4 FL - o ars, nild'to cause Me s4ineto-he paid
o rdan't Druz. S'ore I - I -
H R.Ir a sqr,er-:of the D
D- 0 3 R 3 Pn OPY1 T A Rl E Ci)uoiie§'_aforesiid, for th-
Tren oIfa, A of the
Huron, and 1B olit &
IT purliusea and with AIM
I lie oflj�et abuve reeited..' ANUFAUTURERs
(`tlillrt of file T'n"tV -1 1. es If flitron zltl:t Jww. or tr;VIS3cIi.1,,t the Woo]:C, ti -din z, -Cioth Dlres.iing nd f z-fi, t ff do
TO Wit- (of [Irr i -it. shall he - lawful for ie anid &ovex, Ploughs and' Castings off -.-�evefy.
flrt�ee, to -ne the a 'fill Ilis WOOL� FAOTJT�Y -it-ription. (�o
Farill ij� Bosa _q'" ' "I * - J) L T GH. 'r I EoU S D t9 t. W� -C - -
.110 catise'apy nuToer 0.f` --be ?per and -Shea-fron Vaivtaj
-theStbyeDepot, AN StriectI.,Goderich, 'Ail A in "Ilie. above bu.4,4 ��Jli jepulketuld ly itendilid io. Liketvisea vai est
lety of 0 ail W alit-, e, r sueli.*,�jm. ol
May be
1 114%1,41, in vv -equircd; wit- 4ess'-wun' Pile Hu e 4,
rr11E-SUASa1tfBE ft wi-slies to.Teturn lbactla.-
rj�thc, tIlle-4t ILJL 4 lurs eavliii and -that Rie sit'id, Dbt-niuresi'sha I JL_ to-thepub"ie foe past flavors received at their tCoal Oil Lumps,
OM j c
he wal,(4 with tite s-eal o� tho said 'CorL.oru iaids.andivoutd-be to intimate t1fat bo -is deter- took-lilig, Yar
d- fi C S e� Us) or -the tawn-li;p of in t _. - I ) I I � .1 per, Brass, itags and sheqpikius mke
tion; unned -to -ill waggo is a ja ex_
-irl:i offi-ri rl ii E k;--, mN en rbl� ai-d V I
t y the suid, N' urdett'.1
ear another Pelieninves shll "be
a -foy olice in the Cotirt 'totl�-e ,,kill be kentmi hAlido for Havitli thisy t. the said :CH -E
le !iel U. tr - EV
fo r at t 1 III. Tic AFER THAN ER.
, tat" ill, of Th.6 fll�jll 01, payable -in t6a yeorsat ft;rtlwot, frvill
town ndav 61 next, at ffie hour of Twe"Ve of the d A
C wi se 3roireawa--on-erimpete or
c oon. 1r1r -1 . ec oth
IES L;&%%, 10 'Ike of -t either tolidon it� EI* cashioudal a tion, All work CEL
CLA I lie- to le SI 'jitit
J, I;Lijd,
. 1. - I I,, - lie will he prepared. -te farm .,a
b;s establishment, to axecii I w.oyk to anv re.-isonable extent
P). are� �ilnated n en r -1 1 `1 - . . d
�n r tory shein ' 't �ioiebaflbitures. aiid afhaji hav Wnrrnted to give S,
coin- tMt 11 1 e - -
a 17a, .1till t)e IlrocnriVy . e ded to
i * a or the pay�qeifl 'All kifidsofFarming,. Implemenil
D I I IL- 1, 1 N G 110'U,14 E, A _YD F ffA �11 E i - il I be paidtlit tbose frum.- al. istarill-le wishig their order U. those indphied he
tia-A '11,to, t6w d fl
made to- to -John 11 'W eldon.*
w10 o I L't Ist April, N oil the lot eite8t. q late of ihe� of Iv'� - -L?D WAT WD -0 r k Y _ _. ]D 0 L 'r
IV F, L r4E's 'n4Coi"' Goderieli J a n. 9th. 1865. W llownAip of Wilwatin
L -TI 11111EIZ 10L 413 ll.;Ldti- Oit. itli 'r eleliutr" &W.3 osh, an hidonditir
)ns dl be 4 - r
Iebtor erit1lit or otheirwise are
X-4110111 cW4 S For particular,5 apj;,1v
otill �r Pli)ifii ial cur -174116v of this P
-1.111-1711i I t;hP iLr(jn;t_rc, f rormer vears in thp above- litisinpqs "Ile nol
A or tp
y the.samie other-wao
riff is Sale of �L 'nd
t, tie oijitin. the said 1361 s
M. C. GORDON otieej ,
wa"t wid 40,ri no exp(mse in- ifieetim, tire thn _�V* hall into -,tl)is r. e.
Olt te e -,e ire,,r,.;. -, - . -i � I � . - - I r C. ) e er h,L ppa.b ' y : 1 ; .1 -h U,k 3 n warlis �hhc
of L-.I'v-e ffj 'Goderic' P. 0 rec(,iv silizire of CDONTALD
oflorivh,� 0 st flih. IS 4., wis i-tist o ffi e -es, t o t i I I e JOILN MA
n thi- 15111 -All U -(tiobt 1C.
I LO ltefore*'ia�i A -sum; thifted C oun" le
6 -se ull lies rr of a Writ of
et, c d duor:�r -a not exet-ed'ah
't, . quautitv' 9 -pswia -s, aud they, shall- �H'
of A PrIlL N% of Pine'. Saw Of Twetity Tiu) n ittid Brucei
.11,11ai Vendifioni Exponaii-tin,
-LOGA1N. d -ia
beal, hatt-jest I- a. ultPr, tht- rate. of six pe -i
-ed 1. id F near is. Ke- THOXAS
ridark p., IV. Th6 ow' To wit: FieriFa( 4iorresidne,.vil,
-i, ut -onerty. pay- expense.4 ard Writ oi'Fiefl PRvies L -sued so of: Her Maj; -styli -
prove p -Per rnium,. whith iijiterest 'sliall 'be-
(Pip;3 Godericb, April 19 . -iY12* y Court -of the U -tiff -dr GounCes f flurou
muwar. irnnt claimell llay:Nle oil the ffist da� 01 JlIUaI4 ud first il and idyie directed agaikisi the landr.
lav bl'Julv, in each.. durilltr -iiind terenenisor Amto. H. Starr and Fopte
moltith from. this date 'thtY' Avi'l bt: soitil bv I. I p C I Flakifis,atth -tiitso(AlleiiS.-i�i%fier-andJtihI
%Pac U _VPIT) YOYN� r. 'CLj)ejL[or I si ized unit taken in -xiectitiol
tere the-,Debeutures are In
1he. following. P'Lopdrtv: ifIl and sitigu'lar Iiiii.
p0reel-b 'LL 1:
tie' aoderiet�foLTnsliip,,�l:ty'.r�th, w 1-54-t �__.',Y- GOO& A Nii T -T V. That.'for Op., 9
fl&peb of' foi a r n tyina andiern ip [be Village Cil Qlinlan, in lilt
Zk 'ror 4hef 1paylgent'of tire said �Ount 411urm, and Piovinve ol,Canada,c,)'hiajr,-- Sash'Door ind
wid A,
unit if,& interesil-at the -rate in,-, by adniellsure-rient one balf aere oT landl lot
-DY or I(
i3i and boutided oj
lotj� 1111111bi.s flity-ta
-eon all 9qu the qattie more or being voinpo..ed 'or to'Alirl
_C"Ar az M7, - begowe
n Large rate of I iof Doll
F 'E LIM rj'!Fra Maritsireeto. )r.-ilge-sireetikud 'Weil mg:�L)nstrevl-
Yu i, uSt rpceire I ,hill it. dditiou tul all-ath tea and taxes. in the villabe of Glicitau,- eoniaming t4o$e1hvr (in,
er ra
be raiii-A leviied will in each Yeau Ito Wavle ofland as afores-jid togettier With III, JohnX0DonQd
InTsotittf iy WWlill. orviletreoitaki-i-stiffictent Witter 10L�dpljy tLric -0
faurery- 011--aflid lot live firoin Oct spting tr
OLD 7$TRN0, poll all the. rateable prbpeLj-
the 4A
d ie couttau
ance, afsid debeiadi-es brn4 uf them. -I WP red to take i -a Wd"s;
-Ilinattin aPdA ItLaftre sireeLs,aTidoteteduo CL I N_-
-Re f;pringk oil lotitimber etub[tv-loirr on The co
th e P*� ri' IS &4
ing tich Witter in to aiv From ang experumcv
W. That this k% L;iw shall vike efreci U
-pipes across any, innst.con
atidlinving-ex urpill-vtoorkmen,*nd a
venictit port ol'.-aid last nit ntion. j whic-i
�afld come ;,)ttj
la of J uoe, in I - he _11tiuse in th'
xet of To
Itiuls and fiene.mentz.; I shqll cli for sale at In% nj arbitnery, they fiaticilhoupwilrep
yeae -of Ou'r-Loid Out. 7
Ha 7 r ffice An the Court C town of Goder that they' a t10 a.a.
li�ausatld Ei lit -Six Five
8 M tindred a :d ty Ch oil �_!rnef ov, the -twenti-third day -of j4a,
M E N G M U- 'A
a al next, at the hoUrLQfrWelV. ockno-in.�
r tire C.]
CX -
priep, - cantsper.11azen.
YVE_D Partieshal-IJIS
11 ... . *, I . _. . I � . flheriM 4�
t-.Vork-, woul
L f 011, -1 M_
VTF137 GoDr. LiCH By S. Pa,.Locx, Deptity d_%IQ Well to
FEARED TO. IN THE -F ORE- 712111d 1pril. 1 w14 Ir,
djor !Yesfof Xr �tolts7'8addlny,' st:)re -of an S64. ON A
Mr. X IN 1) 11 0 F
Seven Thriumnd Do be expended PIT
oA:ahfipli. Road
-a rin--the Colbbrne an aim
WATUHES CLOCKS- NDL R"WEL1-Y saluy 'ad Bast. S-fiiw--Xj.11s
t . . . . . . 1. . . .. . 9. - inencini, -at A� 3ASH,, �DOOR
-VIRF.11 UV ill' REV watd. GOD 0 ad.
'TOP v e e
Of ations, 91pplien,- to li-"`� LotaL ton '1)�; ON- r Th 'u�and Dollar on the-3fail Ro
It V;LIU; L ible ial'ormatioii, jr <
-b Wa'r ruliel , i ,, I ,
tn the -as-t Styl-a & r' Mod.
Atqf). AL GOODA:, WIGION 01RIffliolk
rjr aT?, cumtrie-licinga06 L-111dot ad. -
001d P11 ttoll j P tv- elry. W.'atch,eR, r low
L -4
One Th oxten also offeir
qn, thq Sion
Hay havel Road L
Ce-pu4tantlyoahafi4.t.idA-arr.vit�,.txp of ilie Xb Oarpenters:&B
refunded. Threq Th(itisand.Six Vtwdre4 bollars on Ufldem
file Seafurth lo;�,d, eFoinineucing,
A% -D
ut Days'
Tavern, going NiYrth t; Be more.
Jadielary, -ParF, M07itt g L1.
n ites Wood SaWs, Two Thousand -41undr6d on' I IBERAL DISCOU T FOR THEIR WO
Eiqd 'Re
veryfai -shijuttl 4a vl� one. on r Dollars
the ff ne bet we� It j�e Ninth :Con
pf "A, roftimentin. at Dy -s.
ce sic )tjs Hm
NO Tav i
Cli ton, 19th i ecember,.1861. -n.
'Without 33istintion wnet be 7-. brags 68tiffirs made "Irld-Blacksmiths' done. in a meat and I mariner.
LT, 6ese indelotedttor Win. E. GRACE, -I;v I -: - I - . . .. . I _ . - . Two Thousand Dolli ® on the Clinton d
_,scriptii' i n- 'n6 hi
o n�de it little to order. Also,. �0. inery h Lois Twenty Thre
A o r Avill foleaz C3� SH -LAD
rE OF 1AS Win -h. Ri'ad. 1. 1
rpiriaired oil short notice. IfLrcye*sioc-q of Foul- to EL'30 XX :rVL 40 t alld the'Concession Line bt:� A4 4j �7�1
tween the t1rh aiid XInjLh
06tinues' Y virtue of a" -writ ot -nee r%HEOulisc,-nberLVVOU[dannotinecto -291
T 'OUR, AND' -BOX 010 vi, the Si _ de Vne b'
GILL D'AiTTLE United 'all. )B Out AR nni s-tid Lbie, and th(
Ifuron and V etween
4 Bruee�t6t hi b ati; n linno
our p�tterni ofthe abo are and -their(.(- and will ma ke to ordre Garriagp!k, Avagollp,fl ar- -wit: of Fier' said 6ii Sold
It spectiolf of o4ir'. stock before'purehasi ul tur cheap -1breas P.
V=f to 1jr, A,fd- .' .1 and t-, the di rig
d a-ain-a the lands and tene- of I a poroved credit. On hand and. for saleho�sp, -itig the boyeqt LUND
Al son hand, Sn7ar.1tettles, wzon an Pipp TW6hty and Twenty -One;
'uittd notivitiesoflitilron -P
tholise St'-' co,Irt t?fthe L nd. Brut d kind. we wA)ild- * licit all 'in ie Li e io tile Boundary Line of rows.
i Pela DOnorIes 'Me.111,; or willian Ihe u-1. 61"Al . ex- IsP%0 . iere, as we'are offe, -the lowest 'remn'ierafive prkees for insh or -6r ap t;xeCot*'ntyLoi'Rr.,ut.6-.wit4in the" . aWid County Y ht� have e r on. "D FARMS
4-ized-'aud �f re , (A.1wr 011 7kPWVb
aken in Old ni tal. Biuss.Ctipv and all kind 9L taken ineichai g
proved lredi.t
'ekeedt.tin nothd i�ht. title alld interest of the �CUTTIERIS and.LSLEIGHS
or -Salo, l4aid defendant in ac'u. I to. lot noritlin-t- tiliie..in Ifit; W29 A T 8 P19R I
fee' KtioacestAson01 the l6wil.-61P of Car-- -ram
rich-, in -the ('4inty of Bruce h- ',and 'NOTICE "N "Ass"
Some to Divest -in Tim
oi -el S-AiA 1 14; 0 - F L 'O
SALT, our Ikt IjL otVr for le ai my otri,
-2,00- BARRELS -
the courr in - I he town of C larich., oil Seri f
L E ab'ove jr, a rueteop -B
'r of a proposed . . L L , , 0 0 RDATTjo
ITINI .'GTV N -to beL 0 Ttie*lav the Elevititith.day of . til, n"L. L a' tle Uni1jpd Co.altieft v'irtde, %it a: wr;t' or _RFjjeri Ficigs: iistiod out n Law". - take Ols
H;;;r� : 01 n, ini" i4eration bi
raour ufTwitilve oftn elit;ek, rioi;�. uron.and 91
T)'DPU .7b"DDT Tcy wa 11*011111.3- pqVinents Which eciti I �iit;, made to the (3rowril 04 -bluisreipality. o
YA ML CaL (I., L
P2 XJ )DAU -40H 4 MXCUO'. ihe-Umted Ccuntie -of
d- QitnUuiedCiiuntie2C0ftjt n-andlimce it�rip. See Sept -IW&Zz
LIBI-i M-pirt nent, in Lanj S -ui:e ..at the C�uijtv Court Room A QUANTITY OF Sheri :tnd lo mediFevied- airainsr the land-,-. airl Ienc- -anothercolumil-, - r Huron alid Bi Sheriff Is Sale of Lands.
KPollocir-, -o
1�,q A pril, P-65 W.10 Detlor anti Sainuel H. Detlor�.-I fi-iye stlfzv oil, H rot oil the United Countletrot DY rfue of
VI 0
Br, -lients-Of Jd!nt SleW.Irl, at- 11 -flit 01 Jilfill V lap. "4 in the I'QWn Of Godetich fit t6e Cunty f
d - I BY GRIST Hu ron and'Bru . ee, It Wnt 0 2. DE cffl"Roa
-1i ISOV -jr4bsw2 ji. eri FiRdias issued oil I . , A
la it Execution all the ri-slit t fle,and inteiti-t Godcricho 1114c. Fit 10,
I RGN -of 'June, - To r 11jebiyoti (;ojhltA N & I
to- lot nuniher one in SeVenth' ay wit of A , M
the.- Court.of.lheU Co-inties9ftlu
lAsaortecl, RtL fit irne, W. D -fit. Wt� t%%nlrtv,' '0f.j4jtIj%jn whi-14- - 1865,,aL -the h.out; of three. 1cloek, in- the rifted con and Bruv;
and 19 me directed a
ahimt the - lands and tene-
IR sfial(* o0;4 for la li� at in%, tillie�e in file, afternoon, at which time ind.place,I14 mpm. A
$21,50--. PIR 1,00 PIDUND ndtl� I inenut of Nez-bitt Bigar atid 'Getime Bigrar, to
F -P-3 SALM iat t1ott-e in the�'lk`owh hers of the 100_ua�-.if-are hifirehy. required to tile suit of* Oliver vaCkletnii JL4)bn- Tbamas�
OF 1AND-. (;o William rving, jr...-and Janie's Maeklents I Whvv
detv.the Twntyfifli daj of Ju V nex r
-Attend for the purpos6 afpro-said..
0,90 twelve of III - Clock lkW k -en in cution Rik --the right title
U1111111 er
t4endants in and. tit, Lot
Adroit Fierl 'Facuts - re"Id JeL 0 1]8,�113, 114. 115. 1,16, 1.17 ard
s4el 1j. 4; B Y A, G
Godel!144, December 22na, 1864- &W32-tj, - , , 1 -0 A R IWI Pwrkit-A DA 11 SON,
I, at tue
V - 'hour A 14po fiieizied and -ta Ex
UnitedCouraiell"r -By' "Tifife Of R wrif 'Of )OXAL1Y,` C es' CI
Countv C:erlc's Office k. "I'd 1"t -reA or the said d
hiimed out --of fler Al BY S. POF.'LOCX, Deouty'Sheriff. - -of. 131 nivate, also 1hat cer.
�_5. in 'th itiatta
S ch. L-01 or tract of lands knwn- �u the
*4)tl"?V Court f the County of Brant. and o '06ntkin"' .4 1(1
t� - I Slitaill" Ojllcei(Jbtl�n
dureki .-a A -6k ei a itakip liar,
-.190111 . , - itiiffiNot-ki
st7 tile Iftilds an * ut.�ertahl WA -bic
ti terientents of eind 91so-ih -or trot.i.,of
n- C ro Attifult -the w4wh *131409017
imar in.
]am I Is which lioundt d on the..North srde byth ors in 4WAIIK-6011 With IhC Ij - I . outh Stale I
-the A"bdye, )v the Town,
L.- M q1=1 t'eL t haVesei 1i V1lh;,g9'6f On RI
III e and interest ofthe sa I defendant in and to
line -between for liti-Into r otip4a t4e tgnk sou thOre 4s a good the.Wtii
-file GO and
Lffili94 44 n&tl It' tl'Lfi RV�
univ orlfii�i W'hieh 'ladd, tQACI it boundair
tit -of- lrdT`olrtbe 9
]EIGHT PE CENT Had atd Pabi Orsud Ti IL
I . i1i . I . I .- L ndi �with any w- SUM5Z or- )a 'ater. privilleV. w
A )o&� well slid a in- youniz.. AND 4r
at juro6cein the bart .1 $hall 11 new. -Fa.-t i6cth -'Tt �Atiill: �be- flold veiry-_pheap. ile
ry the Cumity'of"fluror4wbick &Aj1ll
�jje at
ofthifil besj *y- l6im well tim:, i1nd f for 0
own j)f Gode;
tj For 2 Fat *eltht or pumle &V41.
Out -Amiket Daflars-j"IfiLl'. d -ay, 41"June at-the,,hour-of of trioL T
I d"
lament De *Ub
awl titherp-,ove Y
4 - on'Ttle -
JOHN XXCVM�,kLD FOR 84 '611 Ada W9,10irleerithsy o0jine n
T03fS go (iltm T-ttiWiniaiiI
P, n
aid 146 Ez*eter p
kirtnikkints.; Tlikt:i� Odt i liventions, 4w, or h IKN MAC110NALID. 'RUMAM
oclk,71�j6lys erl J91
A Ont-
B 0 K
mlsen t9. ly
ZI-4 111W BLI CK, P
. w (or Parties
SE 10com y
Uf GodqrjchpNer. 7tfit-1#04