HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-26, Page 3I ......... 0111.0i THE SEMI-WEp ...... K L Y W -I I G N A L. t'urii0V* (.huin UEN. �%IIE!*.MAN —Tht: Waiiiiiii-ton co -i -t- J. F.,CALSsADX JL C, - ­ I Tbf pundew. ti- t.-.. Nt.%v 1'urii, Timeh says Ger in. D*9 , C "Gill (.;WJ 1pr t L% -,,rduc� receir-ir has iwer "extra IYSRIAN. tre, Mon ten §1:R'GEoN- -it, C AND AC. -.1, t Palillu. sto"le�w d,�r-)u CHIET'iL. 0 At the. D, EDOGATION 1. OF DK71 9! Gela. Sa-ma, to ()ffim� Duitgannois, C. vision Court' "111C, L. A Ni A I W.X. late Superhile-adent 0 Sefioju icnniwo' art in r!­ji.at r% 1: X-EET31,Nd 11'ro-.14 1'. Wl luuntiv(I ol. - niarr er-at met tit -iv, WIL, art fac'. Nvtler, GeI.. ,,w N4 , ­.'. � * - — z ; LAR having ("la -'806 ill Godrri�h during or TIM ank, --&— , Furnmer month.- commej einsr Ist Wev Pext. -M. _itt'bbt re,"".Zr 11. it,:-Ived at Peters0m-,- rront ILW,1­11. ITO W-001 �c GE STOCK 0 niat c. rd' it, I '1*hum_JftV,) and Fridar- % tv l,t1**1%-. 11"'aec, sent wo I - C. ';rn "oladay' ident it. R ch !COUNTIES' COUNCIL. oi- ont- Ili! four olcicwk, their *11, bee a rip" f,�- na prophet ;,, P.. s. f h.u. tl".t* tit, 1.ae s -Lured a rez U A: -000d 10penmig 1;-k reiding 'with quest' use a-- :ur!! a,,* his ionri,. roou% joppo .A. anc Luchs.11 Grammar. Hisl ..t Ut.l. tit,) 1, U :.), It:.- � " - I Ory. Ge-ogrophT ,u -,d lit, it, ";.Ie at.d ten- and W-hintrife, Th--- will Ie a 4 � desimus of lormitir- vow chanc* lor iae 11E C()ullti4.q1*COun*il for-t1le United -tee b some Tier -on wil- atIL V- c e wlt" maY vrJLKh to finish theireducal T wit thus Coutives of H It r9r. Will n1pet It, 111r. WOO X3 -dr- r - flrokl F It a% rding and Clod .jai r -:ted curu and.11'ruce. till,- it, zti in V, Gull Wedne-May and Saturday. also frnm aft#j lo,im. God c�n I * to find attd adding' it: ibe Court 1, erich, on 'fuesully. I in- 1)1lIne!_ it, (joijetIA-12.' 'F -he a pph e till four af!*inooij. lbeire -will be "ek a t.- Z1. rtifft ed cat, _.b .1'. 1., , - ' -a isat for I itm;- 1# _­ G. -P. we ermth da ul Jul)e neN�- It!ard,. &S and tur tLubscriber The power and ii"Ilks DI b" 0 -ted Arnold's Furst 11.o6k-, andBarl-_7 L hii I id I na. both ot wit I (It a rie I a 1,0211P etr read I tie. 'Thi� leddid opportunity for any ehliatile -econd -B66k.;*pd flam 1hepian 10 1& , -ton two. li.d ex b PETE11 ADAMSON. i is u -up rd. it 4 belit7red, that 'IV a* tyn,. %%QL.0 I Ili,, one o -of lite Lilid, It"11 application..2, nat-, -,&N L at -e tu. Counties' Clerk, Huron& Brucir. inan wi.,. f t1te best opelllug�- �11111wlef;gr of- The Ian 90a guage wentv vea" Ay be a S in diiap 017 1 - cqui44j* M 'I'i* t. f: 4(. It In (;anaxia. Appf� :_tle rlalid­.ir: becausf, he (11alieck-) had , Couf1ties C, Or s ce. 4 - sr MATTTIEW RODERTSON. uWk- For I he Etjrlz.%l �exrreh% M i May 1"Ith, j,465. wl A"W". er;� -flizi.i.1'r rie-iu all un m mo , and it' ti - Godeneh, nib �elter. "., " i- r 1-he-Latal Three Doitn' K.,L. U_ . - Ir I I that he April IlLb. nlo'lln-1. be Paid ind, ance. Teafaj,*'-dr 11WEISure P. r and Mort a bale. of. 9 ge . DERL and by virtue of -a 1)6wer.-of Sale -rt_.t r zw ltortgage.tuade lt� arnes IMFEMED A -_1.krGF TOM OF cot I f I". ff rt.of the Townibip o - awano V�at ms* a in the. e John a lio-SlIt W. re- orm RD ron tiomim. irrAND, I-Sc//00 .2 Tile- of the 16wriship of McKiltor-.' iii be i Gage n 'Gen'lerna' (a0fault __e -01, Ru'ro tl t,-:, C-6111111 de -in the duf� there - i havirW been in A-actiou on, y STATIONLR J U ST A R. R. I V'. V tw-u- tFrIday, the Twelf(h day' of N 0 tA. noohL at tile) Mi 1$65 it t Ir �Nulvl A t rt 111a Of nral t:.. L SAT C I I- X -11s, -F -n- -Toivii of Gode.' crr e: in the larl, -tSqu r MCI! rtititi pare LES, WRITING< 0' Wit, Uid sitwite lVilix and beimi I , F� j— r v, priverrr.-filat is' ar: i TRUEMANy- ,OR' S' -LE C H -L SrClI As tu y -lav watifsh.,in tile Co ntv i of Hu -o.%. n t IProvince ef Canada, Louri-ge.-t, BUTLIER'S. Number Forty 'Viiis, Aim I' cra rl I a" df the notf ew;t quarter f Lit i kool,- 0 I conip It TableA, LT- -t-0 I. AT' -T,=. WaZli Stands* and containing Prom). z o -mention. Ail _L A, be t1w It b -adnipas;uk(i en tIn 4 or less: Terms c L... Dued uader _nW11WAC;� Air. It. respem 'V; 0 JOHN P. is -utock. Lerial and worlrmansbk,. Yeittlor's 66licitor i priceQ. Call and eowart ZY. TT. R - TPi4strotied. I I -[!v I G _i-3- CordwoW -and s a- -t.-- ion or 1# d v:e; T-, an. Wareroorn vit Elgaill. -#d A�odrrlrh_ Nlarrb24th. -RD: F ".. Ihiiz vandwou NCERY 1' 1 A ITE5. E Mort w IN 'CIU ze Sak-of LaR4. LOR to Z -!t- t event te 9 CH ..DET SOf I' T)EAL-1-ir th..6% th� Provin!ifa 40T luf Tio*er of th- NDER ai?d tirtile of A v manner lit whiell Mi' Ca ad denture -of Wort- cotained in a certain In GODERICII, jidl J-8 ily Bernard Daly f April,, =ade t. Ao' DX twellih4lay of. P I e in in the -C, aunly of Egirriond T: n ter Df the� tti�rrohip MUCH U in. idle year 91 our vban� to Felix- Thompson, ()fRuljett. i -sdld.c unty, Esquire, imif I~- the-*�:�%diers, who Lviu . . r. , . - - - n 0 ViLt-iii tioage % ing, date thia fifleenth dav -of Waf Di- DETWER- I%. tile --r0und. will be ol _t, t rw -t:.Q G t Z I� it sabil fiv Da it] Bit han.and-lbe a d by Puf)iie Auction at )r: aCC I sir suctiow- room$ f Trueman, In v, !'a-, e cividans are laintifis. -0 aitu now ri in the 0*,unty iqt Euvw4f own of - God1e ch �e-, t�,f wt. 10. AYCOCIL on Frid.. eil-litli fifty of -June,' 1W "M A' -VD �%Villia in li itchok-k-. :D 1,2'eclock. oon -oe�i - L. - - - the allowing lart'd AM t is adiixld -t=L m. rf "&er sereAr Defendant. lot sum RPR14 IN in.t JPON the application of thti Plaint- . - I T11 4. 61 wLst. lgde -of sftreet� Ue W. t-im, e or a, IT& and it arpe.-ritig by AffL L *-davit L SU Y CHEA P Ing one zhc. premises, viz. 11 SMITH. t� h. it Li the, enc. a a GL I Bowl dville, contami -a& irseet, iz-t t m �dle liliuen--e Deten arms aarit eannot be found to served Adere of land, .*.ore or.1 --,,T L'r. Tt P, �1. the Plaintiff Nerchaht Til of "the -Glas Iffanse. bui in. or with ;Ln u . - -a ifiereon i"default rJLK� id, -Bill' ip tit Ik cause. It J. -IL 154er;ed mat TIM in im Juanut fhwtbl�' CH the z�;.Iid Detendant do on or before the .!he payment first da,�-of.June-neit.�nsvveio�denatir see. l -SQUARE, rrODERI U !y 70, T I E wis a the !beat tue new ainnes v wl� leN atCo ey&nwUu4�rPoner%R0d,"W- _Ml of ND -A ordertid that qo�derich, 7ihApril, 1865. HM. 0\- HAA, a,- the Buffalo to tile said. Bill,and it is th tit. en �.of%-tfii-ordtrtogether T. & SINOLAM PY.- U Well -Assorted' Large 'notice nrkoull —,.Xrixf- au�.Irvon 1-11- requrtad hV. the General. Order Itailw-ay Compa in -if, 'T zhrou rh tou .TOCK OF t Ints CourT. be ptibliAed e Da thisAth da -T mf May. A- 1866. pd. of�mer. �Wtland hat into. the -pub- �o�t H tea and '17 in � ihe re paid 0" 1:1 fi-shed fit the ToNvit orCnderich, art the. - In Countv r Huronqnot lesw t p-ri, six (;f J11P J the -sum otfivel wee ob' k;bet6re immms isAim or !A f al'1011,111(le- 30 due to C-harie, V11. o� Frattee: 14; Town Court of'Qu�ea's W154t once in earh tize corps 4iext, and be.riontinited the livery o'�the captain o. until the_smd day. Y virtue of a *wt of te WLw hundre dollars' and sixty-five � i S W -And it is --' , I t, which they hei6nged, that the, dand eeL . . ! . 3OX83 417 United Counties,or) V -Ve itton' rther oMeredthavitri office eopyof =L nd , vion" And *IS. sarren ents bein-, the coin and six m;nthL 000 ffuronand Bri", Ali be kn-vwF. (11scow-e'red i-�'-Uliw 0! 'b* paid tor. certain -�zt th-eal., a"ref'fi t i e the Plaintiff'.- Bill taigether with a Aar xekidaww TO will Fien FA ;r eoats e. -2 such as of the -va, - ia or' wni-.i. varrijip� ta nter( 04. 1- is! And a rarit?'tv Of It ancY AltIcks co -Ir of,tl.ii order- be served ppon 6.d ut c majesty"s cocritty*c4mit, jam nds for rlz'ii'. t-F,�av' bdifiri parts - 0 , - . r . I H �htv-fire. e;i-tav six -hemk,-sain of the 0 britamented wit� approp:rizate, J. JEw Braids, fthe Countv.116;tnaia Ana court at X010- rs, Neckties, Caps,. ov,,c named 131in-le-ndaicat.tand further z- _ ' . . F - L- - Shirts,Col [a 11� 131ack And W at the -a. tre, syslern - a: wearing of the =013 Pleas, n, *b d to me 4direetd Agaillwt-11* mailed and be%m. est ne in the- CjAntv fa wralch the 4. Of that it eoJ)V of this otdt4r The r to the,said De&-ndatit 'at- Lysich N-ftlit,10-ft. Enoch C- D0T1k ur addressed mg sod 116 'rine of a certai repe the Cash. P red to -sell Cheap f6y Eu! ean rcIu In til�' cOlitit T I hy 111 *44 940 , Which he is and New York. CTilmour,authe anitsof Isaac A. liew date-) : . GOW USIE itiec The 'T-Owaslaip of Eoin4ir J Entered .- (" Of 91 or di -ed -poli beariag G egistrar aution �L]Lthe r4bf, t11t:,r the 'yeur"of 01r Exe ------- W�ba.ans wore tal, -da,7 Ot Apr;! (S!d) J. -J.- bare =!'wd to' I to moTers. ' , - - - 'title and interest artLte -.aid deltlidalift. ill And :.,*A -53. and ecuted. by- Willi tire em, I: the I "t a Park- J 0re 1� Uot No. 15,Lot W .'S.- And to thim:k 111111" fu-ni;be4 .e WaS VPrevalzing na, fo. n.. p of IT6 that t1voll ID .440F ALIPA N' G� East side of Qut*u street No* xd fien--y Ford, of the said (Qwnshi ILLIA 'ofLot o 0- Iwf- Itli. d -k zreer or ru:sget d -s -a a u ider the Act entitled do, nof awswer ordelnur to -the bill ptirsuant o Godeile'll, 7t'h Apol, 1865. ordet, the Plalfitiff InVy olmuin an order bein;! subdivisions ofPark. LotWo. 4 an the mil - the above ZIS tinguished th-- infaritry,- while -3=rlet c'koas 'oath kaLil iof 122 on the FSK Ct TCSlieCtlIlW iiiiiwaTs..,k* and further Paiskn, INSOLVENT ACT OF 18649 totake -the bill as conleserd agg#i�st you, "and the Lot No. and ere worribirthechmAtrv.. A naralk uniform e de notice is -iVen to all pei:sons itutled to The Court mav -rnt- the P.lainii&.� such rellefis they i " of Queen 1§1rissit8outh Faisler. I*srk ji.Norih side -or Citrnbrjdpr.street.� Btock;,6 ilcomm-2incemet, said lal-Aht or -to any part. thiareof. or represent- S1VCJr 4.M maLir beentitled to on the;ir oWt, Now . so, W11 00 141 -West sideofQueen. Street,Noro. rw� den, ftirthe 'nottii4'df the hiint, k lite 1, m i In the 7na n# tury _ . ' Q1 any parties. kreeeive any satith side and 13 and 14 North* rr beln- the hmbau. in= ideoff' ambridge 1. � 0 - ra . , - I . . . I . I, of the �sfioWing' &nd proeeAngs in thismusi-.' TALMENT dowl" vat4 -;uis int the i�iid -N0r1hha1lA()fl01 11-JEA101- Oille0f �Ontit'ed. to il e ir- cl-.% street, Paisley _SP 0111 or any otifi CROOKS KI -ACII, .. . rtl NGSM-ILL - CATTA tiuronstreet,'gu;thampt6nW*et*itiw AM4 "isritu-m. "i -The eviden Cou.t to the n of the Insolventare 'n e� e part at Joi Nb. 4, North iside of gmen at� d HE Credito, Orow Order will, be ree nek At the law offi . ce of iesslelir!, o. rile -a' Mo-%* t' ami U4 Sftli c to I Tor nto,:15 AprilTIZ65- w Southampton, 1ots29 AO -on -the fAimth *ME -att. Her.h.) d 4 the said Court 7 Tom, & flieTown of- Godetich, on- 0 goore, I' use,was a,.a n-. rendon street, East CIA a renikzoasot 1160th,- HardR.- and th. - - hum telftfir day Of- June. aay, t le vae.01 d Oat I.e. Dated ih da the 11anacat--d ones-. And it i,,- fletaii-, of 41af. e i a the oon for 22 South *ide -of Louisa stmet- Sottrillimpt", An Itert Of tbe-.C�lo reTI Bruce s w , hile lawls land Uma - it � of he insolvent,.' L." and for SHMIFF'S SALIE. intheCouttly*of wat awfure shwitir,- - irous aitd suzU, (Si tied) Public examinatio 'in The - - C, - . I I shall 61Wr to- Ask At 10'k 0Z ierk �f tll� cro-u anct'Pleivs I � I - . .. ... ce oTs beinz stored Ili a waysitte, rivern. for the, wl,7-3ru of the affifirs of his.estdte trener tne ordenag r_ Town -es, of Y- virtue of a Writ of -c6urt H(M.4, in the, use arl tth and -11aroid. it, Unite.&C&Inti week oil ally. oul hth ay of Febru&7*0dC4 Att ILI) VIU follow_next flizht after the murde.-. 1t at C. C&A.M. U.to b9nd, thi THI JaviliTwrilv-Eig Of Ito". t Fler.Maie.-I 's thZ hour Twelve y tave, r; all od nties of Huron and'B $he United C _OU'.f 'E. e 'tandr. and tene- '10 (')rL and� to tyke dire� flrokc; cal4;ed 0� �T cled ;st rnst, th asgow At the.... G . h nit of RA*r( T%e*,V8UWXt rAan a, a carb.re =4. -t Glark�, at 1 4! s �wo bottles r1t031 A cts. PE ROLL -Sciiicitors tor Insolvent. en Tht;mpso.n -e itei in execution. I hat + at! jue i.,glittiale a- ty.190. 4. i.tiber- .424 in lown-or.. Office G odefic - h,. C - W 3 --fay 18th, ISG5.' w1i� 2L ,d 01 thfi said -delen D 2"tti.Janua LU the in and to lot 1111 *1 'Th -T _V_ in the -mitatv 61 Huroij, which lands Godeeieb "I th Aliri uim� LL oderich. sale is politponed and tenement.; I &�.r for %sale' at my WPM of A�� verft A Ct '861. 4th da.T _rPLy I- Ov the tyrew. Nve';v.-ru IL-ti,wuy A �7� . OF , I . A the Tiw, manaa, 'T 0 of I wetych, on in'tbe Coiirt 14ousei -in the tovM 017'G vzit, U ill nnnii have P the trai4 L t Tut4sday. tile fitteenth day of August neil'. at trie n,. flu- lug Super Ars' -_'-zes. tfle�uzitai­(I.- as or-tweliie- 61"' tile cio4, hoo is hour h a E) S whilh palade cars. I. tit- n -?w fittet& If;, -SA=- OF Tuesdwy-the nott- c HNT MACDONALD, Sill 1AT f'Ray nier - 1W11 creditors of�the undprsim 'r- rvrk of i C HEAP FOR CALSH Frede -Slieriff'11. 4- B. -ex e,�. and a num- rie . de bt:,- im new =ir V Of' ff, y �viyrtl ill. fiedtCmeetat the offici� of lie of jL tt. attorl cia a rs HAL (wl )n Xondn Sberiff's offiec, e at lavE in the � vill _8. PoLj,6C ,�Depnty Sher. t1nited Co, ;4 is!sued IV C, ox S E: Q a -ove sale is 4 r C4FF�-%ONW nton. Ili t e eount5 of Huron Goderich� I �B We_Axur.n.&aD. the _busiat!iss the 13thune.. 1-865 J _ - - Wj6. ooul of Her eo= iiieni t�,e woq- court. llAla" lock y restdt;tm I ieo, of-li ur0h jind Rruet� oil ufader th �wajne Ad Skvj� of tine fift.h dy of June next, Ili one o c Courtoi the I luited Count against In 'Sheriff 'B 'SZIe 01 LU X12- �X W3��CNi­ the uftern"n and I-- me diTeizied for the purpose of e Ja rialb lie be tound um.n the -coati.nent. T ht- new statelawnt.of his Uffairs, at !lie--* -MT AM 'Or- 1864 -taken in execution air St C04k and of 1112. nit of William .4obt. - -e au, u altached it, eve -v e_xrire�_7 SOLV3 low d aik-nimee to whom he May mal, assig, N mith, I havt�*ized. and Counfirit of V *1 ?A WfA -of the right, title and int.ei est of -anti- 1, ciala momemma or. Time�.' ?.B goinz cmar t6 roaLd,--1[Hamftt' heL above Act. ilie said i:lefi4(fF9It I S(1�00L BOOKS &STATIONERY olsiellers, andDialtheStli . nelp"'Olv-ll ! nit -tit u., -Ider I in and to I urr 1W&jt%.tV1A1 1960"Ity I ated attlie vil -r;NnX8O:LVE AT D. of Clintor.,An the- NC FOR THE 'UNTIT- 200, e, ejalaining cres, of tile township offlrw over- mrst be closed on or before the-. lit- c Count urot, this eig nth day of May, .- E - - I - Court 01 Usittal coguileo of Hurta; iijndHrur�- of 1J ahio mill site, number 2 1 lie lataw atkT le, AN 34� nd to. we d -4aagainst I -1 da, atte i0t V,zwidi a Ch. azo .,btee D cor it the village of I ilREDUCED RATE -90' Ice, voittainillir 4n.said county of Bri AFRM. ed ill lChicaz,. by -ai; ind vidua� w. ho a -h lands and tenements 161141111. _Y lTownship -of bovie t;z recezitir Wstem.-.1, IST D L_ -At tho Mwit Id lit; A. -D., B U CE harron, oflei f6r i uwi to Of CHA�MBS DIAAIE-NT. iu;i un;form. A .4ale at mv o ill theCblltt House indtite tow" -seiied �blhtj lial.,vs jai 4 The i*bt, title AL alrCilderfah,on'ruealarthe'firtt dRV01"Augus" parties Irm are It, Ail indebted talhe above A Llh Plailitf fi� -rles Diamptit. rAJ . JIMES , Z_ ARHIP niniticir-of Itte $Rid Arenialm ill and 10 This a6 'T Att e�.v 1"K hW1 oj lot rumber twvea -in lite Tird -a-wo- letter froxii r. 0 *a, th .1.;:. itfor.Cba Vs nbxt3 -at the hour of twelve* of -1he 00L It. due oil a forged delil�tatcll JOHN: AlACDO-K&LD, - 4on Defendant, of for ::P03!LS, 0'11 Aidifield,us the VOunty oi F19st shom PUBLIC from W Goo;ce. wer- hrou:rht U� hear.o'n th.t.. -NOTICEW jbmv. 330110GH, UTI i st day of ii- was owr di-ceived for a suo- 3?zaight -and te"Vnx-n _B�,.S. POLLOdX; Deputy -Fher it iwjitts� w-bioll land,& T1 PON. Office Goderich, 'their Sobliftor lo,� eollertiop oik-r lors-ale'at iny-orsee icThe Got , Mw. L9ke. Ruron. -tyled and upon. si,, W banded to tinie by tht!6 tim-ado the readin- the affidavi' ria art LL persoiiR.ure bereb* notified WM ITW town of Turtslw, The iw jwv- S�DENVaEEL STEAMER f res V itearin- the A venamed :wt& finw UIV. A ill I -not hold -inysel non ttorney,for'theabo The stocir an hand will be sood ti-,:Wl W of Au..nst neu, AL, tie holff twelv* vi !11;i in Plaint Order that A rue�-tinz. of the sMe-for a -debts' doilifteted br y iff I do Irk t:ae. A.-mv t�kare Ara sonic, creditnm of the above. ttamed, u'r m bed and k, slart-ays, she havi deserteC. v XT CRFDTTI rlier� Willi c= r6ad ^and' write, 39.000 e eirdani do, take ke OR SHO wift.i x ae 11 ju ovoc.1tilln, d f --at tile Lft, PI -1 consistst a .71mentorf`lonh� Cult!- - - F�- bca�d without st cause or pr . I - RV *S, '%+Cr_-C3a read- not write. 23,000 * whQ tan , - - 1, - 00 80 fole me ffice of BAYS, Val roraociL. T)nmtr fheAIT. nOlititer read. noc- and 9,00t, whose edu-, dwkw; Zbe T*p oi Steph( w14 in the. 26th Selluo wl_Mf e TO% a Of. (Oderich THRES'HING MACHINES' F. F.._ esiiieur� Toms &X001M SAMU JN� -P Law D b agglip. Ma Pon esu 19 Stam. said U, iiiied Counties, -. on. rot�avh and tugar- c- Boll.m- I -kettles, lrjagpm -inad ppe. , , - - 1. r.ur�dred last Vea­ ot Tie, boxes, 7. Vloey to Leindi 111oi.day ilte-Vifth of Juheli� )ARTIL-15 druvrous' of ,obtain _r ir.sij. Glass I WAN., calk qGokiug Par -.,but their �M_2 A asuperfitifty 6f red,tape. [I PT 'D.. RO S-hade of the glock jif 'thi� fore Cedar for F,c,n-ixLatl B"dingpurposet 1CW&33aXtoverx., between 'Z Mort-agei. Apply to D. A D 18651, at.teu In an tiantity, '&no �all, re0*00able Conimijuder. W e -purpot biisupplied y q A oi�id set 4 -hand Hu.-parine 'An-ap-_ 'of Aalrice- It ie it Advice rsLup licitor. office :.o -v r for The 9 in!Z, So terms, by iplilying to ./ - - _IA -.AND -9. mentaf an flicial #sqigne.e the maine of Budlawn I - , . . - 1MOTTA- 7eek - - AS — 3SX-30 e 6aelt vil, i . - Folladry. bus fileeri IVJs the ffe#-r,, V �USU-ID they Wit— -iw74tf under the above act. od % -.1 r . . at - -1, Bwithts -store. upon- the a0ain W Thereim-e now =000 an&- tLir twic Goderell, 11thAfay'-1865 erich Neb. Oth. 18" Francistowrt in- IS Td arhinerv!or Grist and $aw-blills -urtber ritice avin. qaruia , -R. C()OPE-R, �jnutuallv dis"ved. A-11 Parties- Web" 'to vanni unti' f _n lie I P`aT4le.%Teqoirinjr. the above Artk;clefts,wo"uld aud Th _jrsday mornitter C;i!llllz- Judge Hur Bruce. wir ,do well toalland insWel, the stack at onee. JCtncarjine. laverburorr. 41.11 imil le MUM Vwell ger barVias.: e id aj my Ithan.bei ad" the I ILeturnin- Dat q Trish was2�lutt, nz a� mvi e ur vlas7s Pc�rt Et i n. ` Sout hia6itplon - Z 7dejZdP;psbn"ter.,Zxeter1t an -W jb� Tqwn�of -6oderieb erais i1th IL daT fJunt: nex L -and to forbid any erson -,negoVistinar a -A. of MAY' whim a roorn. ' a was stana 16ave.' every Wed 1) 65'.- w16-21; 'It.3 a window tie a the first ji, V110 will Taceive 0 04 lace -Note ..given by tile -ubkriber to John d A. I "s . 117 in,*bv. be,an joking Mal, telanz Lim I Ind lug e, I Fur" In s 01"Ut debt due the d.ly, mo at above por%. imid firm Ani said to the above, It, Runciman will e can be- de'livered Whiie for twe�ty two bushels 'of -.pota-toes, U91 put in pkeul� Zf Putt.T� IrbP Irishmall 'Freight by this Tout cneditatt Aftard, topromm rb e sai e -countl - proixtre Is vilich-` Ill be paid by a re the ba6er' for some tinte.- but M -March th '0� a 0, of WAS in A 7.6ouilofae-Vaited Coun��s d xtitrzy an The-onatinegiliof #xceF)U �iber and at rates to and'heatr- wdafe, ith, 1866 a ziteaeeii ilk twoo-ator rrigh noi*, be ON ofwuron and Bruce. FOUN77-My said RoUrt Brabazon, I b and ates qum `URO he octim si ind Shippers. For -freig Note is over paid T A _'R kEllit Merchants -GTM W. Seymour & Cty-, TAyF8 SYIN N. PILOVMdE OF CINAmA. I In the mafier�' dU And edratmej fdr.fbefflectian4au kincuu are mude over tot1ae=WW?1rmwf*udftM 16d T147;0-- !)U -t i* in yer Ilead pamge- appit to, ( Chillery AX - and virtue: of,a; Power of9ale- one I CHAItLES NV. aasJW and *01 *UFV4y Canipbelli A--ent. Collic- ifith'.1865. W16*4t.- fNDE R and kv Avrits, Goderi '.h Robt, rne, Xa:v Cocky or'Huro'l ROBERT rRAHAZON. i2cintainedju�a, -cekain Xort&age made kgen� South- 'led Counties James Ruirwasbi, -f the Uu4 LIAM Z. TFSJXY--- acrdine -Gf be taiva".,oi Goderiefix 0 Vent, ArAt4airt, , I ­_ L I of -Huron and Brace. J 'Wxu t jjariag b 'S Bli t6ker.,of w - Pated Exeter, WIL � Ir tim. NVTES LOST -:Gk�_ TO -LM _18th Aprili, I"& is_ -.here, 7 lie -unded b givep- that- t lfftiter in Onece a Week is r' -cr short ible for 1 Goderw4Dee.41st. IS64. SW32W48 tied Api. L 1,L parties 'are hereby cantio bursdiLy the first- Adav N made in7the Chat- at Jh6icof,) them will be Wj sold by Auction, lock$. neolii, at the followin- statement:_ti It may be isioui: Hami rais. �t twelyt; o -1c onA t put tir-rietrotiating two, votes of i tine, A D IS Eastern div lion. A a deed..of lit the Marr tbd*1ttnae=ne -Freight Supt., the the Nuctioll Mart ofJa11W&l5MAlll1 k ed o hisXmIlitorssed. lbsitt F0 Tames Squam* inz'the WWII -Of U0d=ch, tl he ratid%, -But lhbive k- -a- , -on T-i"Y, t Time- h d,_draimm favor of - 'tn"L iLt ten (if labonmr &inlc fr) -quarw 1-st dZITAtf *2:vi- nrJuly __ 1N landw-aW pt�mv %one favadmal-tvil'. ei-,h)eenth day ILLIA IL T= .110rosy underti-&nedf. n I I 1&l0ek, in the. I �6f cider in it daV. I aske . r oreno or 4B SOM 4"; a thiss ma�, -what n(10) months eighty eat the Sib' sLU tbo Sefterw1yL Hurout id pavab e t eigtiviind orliflupdredAnd. z It ad - e woulA &'if Jie were thefiTS 0M given. t iii will APO� iw Jed -we of ship ot -to become o�r�f,Goderiuh- eontaihtng� togetheri it -be he ift D.it the Beach of T m,;for $1-6-901L I ca iWJ& ---a— D- an the" "I* 1X Perm ur 20th of- �jli and the AeCond measuneulatlwl�. acre 'it lii!14. more -or -the said Coi fi=efim mit dii. &a ere - -sAwk jm oeires -vir ducting 11 -ift and: - *ihk ztIbr aR - 1: about Z jr�jes lroqi Goderieb, o# . Murner and John +0 Ouim-and less. &T0ruu&r AN4, j4t 19. Like, -kore, Asbfield, S6 pet acre; FAK the =Lwe at W. H�0 BMW 'char rie:­ 1-1 lajitl a 4pantit of rine Logsl markd -viven+7 JitmesNe Se thomf in the AsTwhen I could u*it rd e -T 9 - W&Wk A�. -or sereit of s -v *bin T4. Joho'XcDermO The mid notes. have -been r ROwqr and 20 rharps ted to t at mer k requft Ahmof 43 �Stop- pil�ed culler Act--. AAge!d ha to noes. anti them siqlendi los� Aud pAY - ynft 00.Wiwa si X�a; said Xm PartitigtGa, hdvr do they prove per�.vj 7,"pe In m.ent of pro m Mortgage IBI. JA"S p. woop, ait Auglot find 66i tktajl�an - t tylied In on fro lketweleu the eldrth and away. If no JOHN DAVIKS Gh'ftW theyoun- hopeful, fthiy this, be ld by Aucti ' JAMIM J01 for3t T AOS Mw -@d Exeter,, Ift !DCTS AND. S-`_H-C�E� 4 1 t2 A. Dsp 1865, lGid quarter aftbe t*tsnce� X�y 4111V or gnud=T of qt i I&Y 16w2m and then rAtis fjoift ft an "15th. W mqitl)�,y bv -Gode 18 0. 10. L