HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-23, Page 3E SE_111-WtEELY SIGNAL.; N1 rut, I R a i I a 111 c i oft I it I IL IL, tlE _Y -t CA%`%AD1_. 'R. Do. C. M. SH RIFF's SALE OF LANDS. EDUCATION, the LAl.o.IF L --in Y %':r1lit, t. niat, P IF* -B I*iri. Favia� t,sur�; oul —A*, tile Dit NA11,\. late "Itendent of &-hoollit, I JUAD "-,D SC1100,1 11it'!lIds liatla- li=rl. in Goderich during Poo W -it r: I RAF -1t.1131w.1 I ae Sulaillet warmer cing Ist Wav vi ere h Is illr: I. III,, i,r,, I.. land- Hild n monday. Thurt4my PAPER A LARGE STOU"K- OF . , and Firsday- ir-d. The 1:10, C .,t riot:. ,I'. rile mia Ul Lutivirl Irt.111 olle tit. tour v*clut-l­ here will be a class for 'OOKSOTE Mortgage Sale of A iw; :.: vnt7A, ft 1 1.111. 1 11.1ve ­ Z.- lit e\,­(-l1l1(.j, P t; lj'kwiz reAthric owitfi questions, roots oppoo n- r10A ER Y, 4a IdWiCA'ACY" SLA .1. I'Ll" 1:141 jlljef-t­! 0: 111%- 'It' ell V1.1 _hV lZe., allot Ln�:;j_t. (�ramujar. History, Ueogripby U and br r S 0 1:., it, and lu lot nti...1ter 3-.4 in t!it- town ot a qd , W A rii.h liter ite. - Th tiii wil I be, a slow chance for dcrieli, in tire t,t,itlll% (,I. lilifoll. W1 I h ld lw-e witu tuay wulb to finish their education so a t.1, d­ach- -ne. h. -r Janfv� alld icklellient, I %ijalt u.tl,-r ior ;to, lill ,,­'!' "a;,"J", lar. U.* Ih,- 114' ld", 0! a*all"s It! 1ll­;-l1,14v Cmirt House. in djetomn_uf i. _(l t, 1*.l C.!i. ') 0 On Wedtiesr�­ and Sawrday, zim -flooviOn-e (IT-. T,v Prdve, Book, 1 :Ij- 1". a: kit 7, A' crTT Criarcti, Itivulil liuu ("ounty o: Huron, ILoman. to Ge I - C f _\ , A, . "ZI 9�1 Lo orgre-Johi, 'I*ut-',d,'% - the wit-unti, dai it; Au ­u, lih l'onr afternoon. theic will he" clam for Litin, g next. a,, [lie 1. Z. 1'(jWjt'�jlL_ GUZe7. 0.' 11( Killop. ]it t;lt: i Lutir oi iuri%e to) tiff - Z tit ly- uaed �,rnoldls First Book, andRarki, c"! 1.3"Ill 4P 11.1 U,v A 1, 13 11 -NJ s Sald Count'. 0. 111117611.,* Gell -I oj(Jjj_%� .11ACDON-ALT) A.TC1 lCularl. (,lefau - 1YF,"*:3reond 134k)':-nd from ffie plan tube fedlow- illade in t;lfl d 1. vol" (701112pasions. UP I,rv,,d Illat with aPplication. a good -P3-., Lie otlliaCtt kl W vm, pa- ent thert. k, no. aff.t.-- it, Deputi-Sizer ff, _!!e or the :augtiage may be acquired in - I Kv q. por.1.4,c vt,:i be hoid bv Auction on WORK -B aq SI.f -In . �r. I :Suer III,.% blijkle. GodenciA, Tureniv four 1,e--oilts. OXES, WRITINO-CASES' TERMS- Fbr Ill- Lissilish exerrises. Two L�lnf_ 'Friday, the Twelfth day of May,` W16 c"CMRTlXA,%,; 1"N6 - wbere th- car rzt*sta and &.1wils or -Z-'-__' ­_ L. I" lars a nionth, and jor the Latin Three.Dollama. at tlie man. h- to be I 7t L; 11 XMI A D.- 1.-65, at tweive (I clock, nuou laid in advarice. ­ W Mart of M Irafalgar Ntreet. 12w4t . Ins,olvent Act of 1864 -a -Su A ud varv�u* Other, S. Ing'. Ad. anicies., all i1avel.. we.r me.- RUEMAN,! [CtORCE M. T loop lr-hoi I[Aondon *.*e -A-MMUTLER's. In th e County 0. ourt ofthe United Countie.,r NATT iv,, T. E�kxderiq'jt Aprit l% I -V-n tire Market Square. in the Town ol,(;Udt- A 0 ron al"nd Bruce.. ,f Ulu he, g7vatatiq* ar.d; :I;m rich, the -4ollowing prope 1,11r. that is to FaIr thu wtinnk� is p All r ."PROViNVE oP C�xAwt. Jn the mntter A -a* Y.; Inc r. ha:i and siii, ular tnat .-ertairl, parcel or tract '11uron. o i . te . Ci I _k P. i. j IV' a,cciA. '.Nii-Lins ef-doliairs. It 6lij 'r Tr. ^ - M in 0 1 e CoulitT, on. I -the-.Provi llee Cart. '"o u vent,."' 7 + LL hat after, I r)f Hur n r an so remwn- -monsar herehruotified.t t F. A Lf ada, being R] (1, . , Piet o1z -NoTICEtt- JL of land and'premiseis situa PUBLIC. lV - I -county of- ust been pzarti��"v com 'et.-(, -n Landi-m. at. e Lvinz and it. A _ - '-.- -_7, . - I f in -the- To'tv�ship of 1Y h - , 0 ��r4 'r f tw awar osi Unit.0 Counties Wr lioilw'd pvserf respon. d of -the tlorill� eam-, lq�ua ell Ilse r-rde­ to dove !:4.11111hritive t"e 1'6� W xte�� -of-.Lif, - OTICE is heri6bV giien,'that, the under 'S�u 1R:m­1skt 0:1,virri. soores (if 'acres. ter T*orIr-tvVfl in thi- E e acpssiiin i-N-jaiimed hasflied the-officetifihi�Court. �Velltilco, of, r . wileallon !ziixotitair 1 rr.: Ir -S Veard;A-4t..tout it.,- arze 'ec.0 eXtin- dt�izert( d lia!(4' tOlvikLip 6. ".1t, diled my -_bcil and o illon and diself, ex f Fittv,acn-t d bt "ed ilv Im. Ur tnCl!'r ae, cem IhAvt &-en C, ar.' 4V -tilp . I �, . �-dit!_ir-; an tbat on .1 uebdaT., tl' AY! e.. t" Ah Miw 1= Ene, rnt,. e, �on lesS. cas�jj i Clock it., Ow"for -assuo__ s.eouj,s(� -T'r 61 sre:1-hel o day of np�zt,- ar tell - of -t to, etwori, or n ;L V, Wfl_ C"'Snv 3. CO. t' - � 1, J U -S T -A R- I V E D Wive he.ow.an T I - - .- , . , . I �. - - - - WANU, A CT JOHN, D4VI1q0X�,_ A N 0 4j& A" Id7 A argt tht tz- b- rt Uex o, va- -tvdt�-.- call be -lit -aril. -he will apl ....... ....... )1v to the+Jud -;r'a c ritirthation of W or a Solicito, t1le slild C.Ait-t i( 0 iu� f� -iating unward v4l - * ,z car. ix-, at Moh the dis .!�y to- !Lend, rnFLAL_ KINDSor wnward W� charge iliereof effected in his favor under liaid. ve sale -is IloostNned -tin. rri. ct.- PON- lay A' aud tai�tinj: thc air - T Arply to Ii. Shad 4V -aus I -q. 4. SUCH',A$ _or; ; u-'_ Lot. ttorney. - , L, L . - I .;. . k nxona'� iri.­Xtw.�L re- . - - (I f. .1 0116D ee. over 3" �BY:JA' 'S P. --w w heo� wants 0: sere UL 0 K t, TF M -- -, R& E 1, e or n sede =tl v �i zar - ti, an:ze: ullenext. a' add� to the' GuderiA. J FO R 81 A LE LAP_ 4 U. W tile woms by May 10th, js65.- Burleaus, Bedsteadsin'vadilftw Book Cases a rZ the 14U. e Steam er CHANCERY soesit 7 7 A la-ze number"of f Ceniei`fahle�. vininra' Bri okskialst Tables, Toliet TtLblel.q: Wail Stands, -C-hair-.4 -and man and szteti. i cper_Qun3wewpr­__ent.=id THE CHANCELLOIL T OG1 C�,ilders, c Aeda: the offeasieni. Is - -, t6T. -bid "t perst-m- neznt.i rlm a. ine ubse rib er to Juhul T. T= V, ATVn 'Mr Unt, for twent vo of pwat,�"_. t . he - Itth dayof April. iii the ,Go6d, -.Openingj -A A atur- year ol tile reign da-- iss, Suo. as e Frompt�yAttendedri- -UPH01,$TERY,jualjft# Ott;,- th. HE: lit tie-�,Rwted is, desiriu. briinches. th- mentreal" inwd f. r;a* land In li�f v 'T the ar t ear of 'ur art. Lo -DETWEE, 4-W.f; t. - ARIN0, & I - R. respectfully invit es an examinllrom Fran -i, NVarrantedto be made ofthe best vii- 'lil&han.aad The i-ara, an -k lite th, ilon the t Ae' ri e power n artvil _Mree Wws wh'Xi: wemr- ilk I- bnth ot vvijj�h are in vornp.ete rLad 11 flv redur�d _-L0$T: OR.-STO"LE'N.'ra opportaillty .1or any atsfied Eo Call and compare, akd lica -betwe NOTESL price, -where r _e li 11v cautioned �z�ihse Williant, linell . cov kt. A lit of t1je k-jit qu- t T 6d 0- p Y kludsof the. A ------ r J'urcaas;n, or n 1tes: M A Mat T7P' pijjrnt�. tLe Warterpolinfun we�re re ad P`ivWt)loFo On (IM mritithsafterdatio'. 1:1,�, CAW -S. W;-; tzrned, tc� tne, datit eantt, he wiltia -to,, lie se, J.'V. -S .,%Vltft all 8644..' UV INSOLVENT ACT. or i e w i to Z -.d -.ti Mu- age an awl the off. d' o 'Sahli orr1ere&. float ZiTi th. over to Z-`-50 given Jattiie ReGuire and tile Dt-1 HE -�GODERTCIEI FOU To W d In viirtuie of a Power of Sit T! e ia; have L V E C Y' _�Y 4" 12 UN n or t llerem 1!� a-- to ila-w ve CA A -\-.D ied in a �Of Motto. ilder, contan ertain Indenture 'II- bed-- er vv;lli t;ie I . � . _�.: � . V CE. ice requlrtii ;.v iTagr, =iide by Bertriar"Fil A. f 'the village or (it ints 'CIDUU t44; �ra-,er ;4iVt- their E,:m j in The ' tv ofEluroll', Mer - f t hf� iliant, to Fplix Thompson. hie towra 1P CRARLE15 n LW 2i.. Stint N!, a V, 0 's w 14 3t et ount�y, luire, and bw& SOHN ina date the �-6fteejith' dav f April-, A, 0, J i t L -ontini W&S-Very muah traubied w h of L-alids 1864, will be sold by age it ra iii te -of Bull' t. in said e :0 Morto wet�k lint. sale uay. And it j.s reading e-affitjay.j,, fyie Ruction rooms" of 19. Tfte *jh dand a Tlatmi oroerd itiat an totrwe c(opy-ol r__ V %T' S rX Town of in thii Set an P th the Attorne v- f(ij flic for catchinz trein watiouti success - t-1 4. adaut-el th- above'I�Zpold roon. the following -land a9d T - I - iai (I th, TXT the eihth day a rlwetinZ.. of. th­ 4 duster er ;tiWot lite e JIL CHE -a ef-lidaut o iake JL_ premises, viz. lot vuui�lr sevm4 'every place, be. __RP -is 'U- Jo. at pill Friday. e J - M­-lict -k- tredit rs ofth� abov hiled 12 Welo� - 0 'Aj In n it- ?6v fir ita'. mo. 1,11, tj let W ­V7 e 'e it the ha West siat df Ce tre street t6:� titere w... _LW flite ot tiddrit a., -E one itlawter,,of ad 1JCIL t-ni.ond0le corfUjiling ui-8 Tuxs.1 Moj6pF, at 0 vv at -Go ;Lig e A P ouse.,111. acreof j rith and, V-dre or less, togetber--in iI ain informed - - A- GR buqter cium the -.V,. own: of (illo.derich. in the- -best aee� oDn default. having bm TiD build t G h _kPrij, 180;j.L LIU t of the otie da a f2n wa., revinar revoali, ode rich, of see, fir L a olat- atindre ak twas a-rit T. Q0 A*. D, ten o. 'the th -in the fore wireyance under Pbwer in C_ it: b e. L��tw). but the �`-11 11114i'l, *Wn cinnOt rnwce Out t, iia;: -an ,rtt C. -lau 41"'t thr P1 fOf tile purrPte of th- he number i r, ad PC . . . oMor tth� day 0 Jtxy,, A. D.; 180, 'Daied ttiB Soliciltorfor, is tc� nu Z z 'a' lhev- under ttle dbove. act.- e, iza." or t -A -SX -1- - t- tze to (in u _-C 0 -0 1"DIL W- 11, C a And tile- 'urintt theAp:-ohitmen't of an"official a e tocateh ra4;; 1�jti- I,r a" v in tm� e. -judge Huron -ce (!an! att,d t r C D pit" (7,AT th.-, T K K I ny lot t A-. VIttil 1 1 Tronto. 15 A, A. _2� :67 _I WIG a Ms;- tAhe 21 - . . United day of -Huran and I Iff-Vend 011latte.0 L rai �To wit ti issu -6d out. cf Ht 7 20jesty"s C oof the County of Ontari& and �Coujf% -,,a C the Gther 1,r te fa -,E onf t:,i! E;, Pien, and 11D ililt d HO &.7-94o Landiand teneruentsflSiephen &C=w1brdFjL 0(=tQ of Sta- mion. J7 R t �rTj � r T r �n Y Wa :0fthe..&cc f00 the Corporation of the God th A bar seized -mud taken in Executionll Um r4k, ericht ` pril, title and interest ofthe �aid Zefendants.inand to eta -4. being sailtdivisions offl"r). Lot No. 4 ja the wA- Ah�ente L IL, -u- �_r. tia*y', rear -it; 74a*.-_qce o -1 h C 2 Viv M. "t,�ss, Absentee List. for anty ,ties j 4 olit. iko, 13 lage-of Pailey-; outh hallrolLot22loontlicEast -:the �Sitle o f Queeh 2 1 ree I san tb Fa itler. PAU* lift Will. Zb ve und STALM fil T.'. e said .15 Xorth,_Ride of Cambridge street.and. Zieck Ciezv 24-1 Street sky, Jot IS V_;j� b 1� =4r.i4 f _�r� ir, West sidefQueen -"Xonh Psi vf­tt . J 79A 45 ;,�Of _ -0 12, 1',)ads jill'I PS t A� (i S11th side and 13 and 14 Our S Qrder of street. Faislev. t"ALS, wr fdeL* a%u Line _N Nuilli halfflat L E*K ojife of aT ron B'a In e partl Lot ho.'4, North stide of MA 7 S' i -el dt�td (I to ...... .00 --qtinthainpioirLots29and..40-on;ke fiogth 8t ivroughl_.; ---------- hi 25 A- aij nower ef an 6-rr'-. exze�,t- A L'_'s&7 Coov' 24� 00 v ad ;c-' 2 A jurt .- ide of rrol Ginnipatrne�_.--�- ThIfL -vlock -m-ar tease 10', _104 -00r -o MA S NO ]DO AN,01 illiam Grant, alary'alid �ejeetjjj;, 1.,r' *idtoo 22 ors_ inlie County of Brace; which Uj 83 00 avernment sluty an Icenses. . � Is to hand, the T1TIrjD w next *M-4_ vjU foho pW. on.—The muad4i aud yeafstnu3t curiti C: 6 - 8 8 88 Plour-for widows. (i jb;� to-mleat in ON" .bi -10 W L .21 "ourt Hoe theTiown-ofG neh OR Issioto, r postalze IT- liti tiui' K�S.60 2 w"ty-Eigblh van Stiff innery H I Daudd Scott fo 8 9" At the, ao�gaw �hehourol T*elyebf*Jie4_ ack, jison. 114teg defined ttmiirtie taw -as ro ,F, . . I __ ­­=.. _: . . 17* 90 9F - _�. - F � L- .. . !, ed proclaimj� i�, 20 '60 & jr law inx ef- Jouathan-Carter, Esq., for plank. N r* D 1�err, _ C I . 00- Depa", erW lect th* is. 0 Orler o11Jj Shium 25 . pmxbm. Val' er*s lea J�Uri. S ratice. M Tr;easurer's -Sal .7 - - -� - . I I - . ­ , - 50 00*_ Charitabie purposes- 7, A±&AHX -hi' abl"lloo age- is MO. tM 47 6144 T -A -powd Tooft udftor:� ...... of .1.0.00. -�es remitted oWilorgiven. th 4th da ApAl nezt� fees. S-1MI1T-S SA=E 1ANDS. Xemboant.: T, Affor. 25' 87'. 'John Leckio, Esq -..for aildid ng -DY virtue of ii� Mr R011- Quntle, of I 12-00 'tThlted -r, rit :of Tlw, abOve sale is fortimr wdpo� I do, QUed_ G (l D for assortin ibmry.. . 'Hai;on and' Braces 'Fieri Was IN M 00 ORT I T T -WL Ttles"T the ft dikY of Ifal Tavern InspecVZor' e I of Her Polsieity's-County n=L es. EAN.-Il -A CONSEQUENCE oftbe death of Assessor Salary and selictin(J"Jurbra. t e United Vountieloof Hurrin ind Brfjtc�; 3jo M_ :11r - ­ - , ..!. _.. . . - .68 cOQ i: and to medirecterl a th __nbo*e further Pes"wd 49 ll�6 Ilk -ainst -ine-landis and'ienc- iol firusiries-G heretofore carried - the 2ith of William On naMeL eof Wen oUS lualafice on. aud Fekruatyi 186 nients 617 Jarneg L undek Tueistlay, the IllthJunq, 1M 580 95 othiaw at the so. fid styl mith'ay I have seized -and takn in execution all STOCK OF R., ERT 1he ri I, title and inter est of Lne said dereadent, SbLeriff %'ASIGe Of X&MdS. & C A V,449 51 in and tu lots, let lie 9tij concession obt. Rbu� oterg i. and D in. I cim .0.) ;814�9 acjrm so inill site number 2 ju the- village at, United C101111ift" 0 Y virlue, We hereky cettif have ex4mipe ed'ounts 'bel&iin- uron, in sat county or Brucv*, olitaiiiing 34 Eaton. a Fteli Facol" ismado" r that we the abi:iie a 6uc'h� - 'd and- ra It d r stated. .,to the ShmeL and find them correct �B above. munt be -elosedn or before the... whiah lapils and. tenementi`1 hall offier for to: of - Hvf . ere". otr 'it tile Court House irk,me t6wit Court of.-Mlc United Counties of Huron &W alat I ice I -ETS ERG i's udito'-s. ay the first dii N of August- Q Alitt Lo ine dirtoltled 4gaijist the hLb" Arsd 'A=d*v8r1etV Of -Pancy Arudes, such as CAN F 0 A' Of bloileifch;'on TueA T _DAY.01F APRMY inept* Cil XOHN-- W.'-SHIEL., next, at he. hour onweiveoi the cioLk, at t1W Oak of I All parties if) o The bove Arm are COrPoral ion of Lbe Townshiii Shirts Cioillars Neckties, Cap delited t bc of AshfieM; I *sllie ST it cc - Skherffi; IL& B. by -notified that noti--siand book 11562jda n d I a k�p me Ve _XeeajjQu all The right, sitle P0LT,0CK,'1)epUjy .8lierifil dueouthe and mid Aelmdant in and to tin awe" Sherill's'.0ifice, God W )of' "niber&evn juthe -1hir -oji,- 4'. 1. _day of - FEB"Y ne. ced9ol, East"n Division! al Ike joAme ip 40 for April, WhIcli lie to_,sell.qheq� d t A$hliekl Wcovirtkt, flarou -T A$ R, OH cash. 'M Will be ti�aflded to their Solteftor -for collecuola *updredacrev;l wWcbLxjs&,aXdjV*eXicnt48 _WjAMI it. -The-sweir-on hi:rd will be *old- _0&r for saleal nry offiee in the Con L m !be JoVnj of Toftdtir�*, I've j6ft J" 4 clock a 40*7 :OR SHOW ZRFDIT'- ent or plouihs, calti. IL consism ots jargeasso-tin 'G Of Augaame3a, 4"'Ijo JkMr. of I IN-SMVW ACT 11 f COLIN- JOHNAACDO ALX�L PARTIES desirous of obtaining Fir* It fMI nag[ V�Xt 'Oro lid Sy S_ OLLOcjit; C and Sildingliur 25heri Is Office, oft t viass, vat MOW G Tu�balance dq hand'at. last audit- tsup tied in any. quanti&, aud.on reasquable HE. Creditors of th- liaolveut liosftan. TH'RESHI'N MACHINES alifllying to Fbi-ash and sti-ar-kettles ifiea Count T b are not, ------------ $762. 624 lay. Catfh 'Paid in Cash -fro - m4ohn- G�ifmon, Wiec reRSUT*r'- to meet at the --law office lessieu, for for 1862 273 55 Andiliet -135, 131 m�, in the Town ofGod ouncil W TOM A Of 3 David 3le(aii(in _'jjoL -Roads and Bridges. ELLTOTT. erich,.8n 00 Croderich.'Feb.' Oth IWA..� w-2 -4 C06&in PArjor&30xSt C, lots feii& Frano%tomm ]Lod& Riehatd Wall do 1864 ------- 38 91 - twelfth day of Juneo, 08 i ovestf� Irt - - I , -- l5chool Sections rQX AndreTf -Die= spector,�..:_' 99-00 -its _6f L.�.. . . L - ., . .. - Ift of 1j,& _&'7ift ihi. faM-ioon 'or th'-. y,-Tavern.In 2285 51 kgolVelit 85 42 A -goed 7=,oad-hand f ......... 268.38 otthel6solvent, and 'or 'AM part"riMp bitbedo seadnew the name, of Br&bLWn 1864' 4 the Qr&:Zibg f the aw ----------- 40r3=97M L rs of his Fines 7 50, 4 96 12-00 19 sit - Setecting J&ors vdtified Cre4itors oi thl od Favatdr Treasuter. ountv 19084 iind ololl iff -.-at-himery- ior 4rijtan4.$ -16. Fr roWngh ea., UM -re aw-M, - - be=. ........ qfj -Ws wmk �mntual ip officers 2-21,00 to me -et .the I office f-Jaiiies - Shaw- �dissqtred-: All pwlift -WejwAr2jk TH liriug the above law le CRAB% -3Z 41 avr do, well toall and nisjwct thesttick at 06ft'. the Y inainteit of SinclairAn. the to Goairidhi on -Satuidiiy 29L 00 d HAW" of th well get barg%ius said firm, by note or bool, *Aft4ft Wn AdvLcad 0�-T(6 6;aer ...... .4 child 87,00 t efi etf y orKar "-pested to -ad] and wraspa vj& *grow L *TO3f,% a -MOOR% idi Pt '20 0 his affinisand fl- law posts. irpose of Solicitors for Is", I sandera, PmiminileT,, Emew. on M. -C. Zamero rtlje R, namaigan assm.pee to w 0 ar be C. W. U the iont &Y of T lam blaal-'s Mortgage.- -42 '79 uray Inaki an ass'U TWIL will he 190. 211 oft W=. who Vill P -1; er pilment nd iffie. above Ixlx4erence tothe ab�ve. it. Run Act. wg] All debts Aw the maid filmi a4i Carry 136 piepared to on the bumblew -creditofs accordo' . . . . . . n",CLAT N ot -Gbd exceptia-, taverit rXils Wbkh Nil he Paul �h' an&c4ictract fgr 1h eric !Sbyh�itor: tor Insolvent. =id Roliert Broibawitoo Tim b90U mid MMW M Saijiw& 053-9 61, jil are made o r �or tkemj4 Vglis qTE credftm ofthe =&rg- aAW 1j1CVvfftiiml, _d d 6e Tioe&mmea f DI -V sioiftan W1IJJ1AX]EL VE -21 A fied to meet at the oT xe whit4 alftbroeystlaw,' in the W -w the m*mig" , 4v irig exam* ImOunts fbir ISU an& found suffictel'it iouchers for the game� certffy MIL it cr Mort rnwit" -h Ursa, bbe a traA corTot -11TOt the count.1 of EL 0n; Audiiori; for the Totvrah�p of _Ask- Gli)(ferch. bee ! June isftl� Argio r Use isrA fiddAr -the par HE CourfteRevitqonfarthevillt&4.of t; parpow ltntol� will how fts fm sittings in the T* 'D ;n&r FOR SAA-diLiv 246ML Md of T X"010 ITA S3988 94, H. TER= the toamAil) At .1 JA&Wd Of, OTS lgiiid *1ic *"Maly aw fia "WWI 6 i-TIE'23rd IAYI�i StRu1e_V,, =per *ere south 90'ae st pf dacting, awd basi*w in an laimm dai CM wilfism O'Niii's Pon fOt 1860- 104 86 Exama&W aVer-Liabiffirim-lo 47-35 11T . . - TUESDAY _W t -T of Hairso, *'WigmeentA Mali -T Of V& 'he aiwoe -of W. H. wft, 07 Lakii Nh -A. ut io 6& b4kitofi CourL _309.59 A"eld, S6 W sleye East - t CHAREdW -Amit6unt-of xoftl.H�S�Taxes_ i. All -parties -ift arstit 2 in the, 42M2 -06 -rested -1will take notice ud *nd bopea by K T K� --Law HOES Z 000S_ N RE URE DIA",NT- - W. D., Ashfield, *4 Rdwl�afa TOMMhip Trea 662 -Tow, o"T" to h&" a js�r SUM. *f j4"s 90*ru themselves Aceordiugk.' W Acre tod W&%T, L Goderialt, pn" SWX�sjg 2 _ t L ' t- - . L ... L. 1 -1 . I . I . . _. ­ OrCb&rIWD R-USSEL 1L READ. IVWX 0 S - W I K&TM, "D. - -2t W. ZOW, 19th Aprili IN5. *16*w