HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-16, Page 4FARM for SALE. IN CHANCERY • FOR SALE, East half of Lot No. 17, con 3 Township of WA WANOSH. comprising ONE HUNDR,ED ACRES, • no clearinee. 1 erins liberal. Apply to the Executtirs of the Estate of the late Wm. Harris, bungannor P. ,0- Dunga3ti1'a. 10.1'464. w37-tf • TAILORING" . k X) AA. • IN THE MATTER OFIPARTITION BETWEEN PATRICK EENNED-Y HYNDMAN AND HENRY COWPER HYNDMAN AND OTHERS.. TO TUE HONORABLE, TUE frri)GES OF THE C0 UR T OF CITANC'ER Y: • THE humble petition of tlie above named Patrick Kennedy Ilendin-in, co the Vflime of Exeter. in the Cousuy of II-ron and Province of Canada, Provincial Land Surveyoti, sheweth as follows: 1. Henry Elvnernan, late of Lundersfon, in the .Townshtp of Colborae, in the County Of Hu- ron and Province aforesaid, was at the tune of 11Q1 ETURNS. NIOSTINCER E THANK e .h $ death the owner of ',be fee simole of Lot11. s forthe. verv flattering eocouragemeni he has Numbers four and five, Lake Road. East, in the. recetvedshico lie commeneed business in (lode- town -hip of Colborne. in the Comity of Huron rich, noepeing able to execute over mit-Anil 6 mut Provititsi aforesaid, and or the ease rly hair .the.ordetahrought to blin last season.; having -of lot Number i vu, trout ot Maitland Terrace, • . now secured-facilitietfor west olNortn sfreet, in the to sin of Croderrch, tit hertkise•k now n a; running .11 flintier four hun- dred and ninety three of the -town plot oftioderich. And the said Henry• tivpdirom was tikeWise at- thc tune of his death eqhitably entitled to tf.e fee simple and intieritanee ot hits numbers nine. ten and eleven in the eigeth concession. Western DI i-io ot the said township. ofqothorne. - The:trod Henry tipidinarrtlepattel tha life On or absto- the nineteenth day of Semeiotic -1'7m tht-year ofOur Lord One Thousand Eight Hun- dred old Forty-FOur, hitting, -first duly mae and mild sheS his laSt I 'Rand test ailment itt. writing which t in the words and figures following-, that is to 'lay: " I, HennHyortinan, of .Lunderstoi. in- the Oottlity of Huron District,. of 'London and Proei- ice of tipper Canada, do make and publish this my last sr ill and testament. I do -hereby. lippoii.t my dert Oche. Augusta Harriet- Elizaibeth flyndmaii ny.Sole execotrix and . scle -guardian to or ir ebilirren,ind '! do te rep), direct thatin the. first place nty excentrix do provide- tor the pay- metit ;trail My hicyfrit debts., and itt. the next pla.-e -that she do -1 akeA suitable provision tor my dear Carrying an 0113.111033*Extusivett am( employing •none but 6rst-class tradesmen A ad as D. A..believ.eshts exnerience as Cutter t second to ilium in the Province. having carried On 'bu•oneszk extenigveiy and suet -es -sloth- in !fermium prinelpailvairst-einks etc:towers-- aria having beet entior in one of the Prineipil Establishmen s ri Seotland. he fearlessly states to -discerning pirlsiie that , CLOTHING CAN BE NADI „ • • at his establishmentequaitothe best Establish- . meot in Toronto eir Montreal. Coderksh.Pei.30 863 sw17w40-1v; - To Rent or Lease: OTS five and s'v in the First Concession mother, Mrs-Sarah•Elyndinan, equal to thelite township; of Colarirne IV. D , about tivo 'annuity ot .£.50 sterlinsr. renouneed in my lavor and tl:e liter nt ol the farm of lirszositle, :es parish -of Largo and Coil ty. of A yr, in Scotland. Uitelt-Sold ity her and ire to John Blair Hy ndina n, Esquire, to my dear wife on cenditioir of her renotoreing lag -right of dower. 1)eave for her. life the lots No... 1, 2b3, Lake road east, township ot Colborne, Westelin Division, with all houses, buildines, furniture, plate, books, linen, ferming • stock, eattle and titen.ils.'ot hir,bandry- which may be on the same a, the time -oral y death ; all ether prop,nity. hether real or personal,.I direct to,beequatly divided among my children;share and share -alike. and give and bequeath the said ntiles front Goderich. Amity to - • . • MARY EfENLEY, Lientlionse st.. Goderic h. . December5th. 1864. w45ti FOR SA 80 ACRES of.c...it No. 321 East Lake • Roitti, Ray. D t lots No. 1. 2e3. Lake Road East, with thehous s FIRST RATE- LAN a and buildings -there -iv aller the death of My dear wife to 'we eldest so t. Lastly.! leave to my dear • Terms; easy.ap.tly to . 1.J wife the power of diViding arnong our childreti - DON -AD SETHERLAND-,1 . . iis she inay thud,: proper the furniture. plat-. Sz on the premises, or i e., of which she has the li e rent and reserve'to iny- , M. C. CAMERON, . • , Godericn.• , . Goderieh. ApriI30Sh. 1864. w14-tt -1- •. .13 ]K1NT PI Sr1:411..N7i..', .1 Dr. P 111 E L 11' S. SURGICAL & NIEQH ANICAL DkaTt-r, (SUCCeSSOf Til T. B. Moat, gomery,) tiocierich, C. IV'. 1 Booms over ItIr:r. Jordan's Druz S'ori :self the right by any writing Uncles My. hand to add. codieds to this my laio will and testantent -to. make special bequests as..inay appear to -me emu officio time n cessary. In witness whereof I have hereunto -set - my hind at. Litinferstoir atoresaitLthe nineteeritii ofJrnie F83S; before the witnesses William •Ross and 'A lexander Douglas. my thrin servants. - (S-sIgro-d) • - ; . H. HYNDMAN. (V) WM. ROSS, Witness. . [Sri] - ALEX DO OLAS, Witness. 3: The said late Henry livnduain had . eleven childrers, nainety 'Vont petitioner Patrick 1.vn- ...nedy Hyneman aridthe said 'Henry owpei .Hentlinan) of 8 pritieAide, West-Kt-111.We, in Ayr January 1301.1855- • • sweS-ity - shtreaa that nail ot the Kidgdoinofsireat Brieon and Ireland called Scot land,:dar.a Caroline H vnt17 male ot the.same Mare, spinster. Isabella Farm in Bosancitet FOR SALE eiz r_rt) 14-urr • "FRE UN-DERSIGNED offersfor sale or to let L tot 20, 12th 'con,- township of flosanquet, Counesof Lanibton- Thecarin censistiof ONS-TIVNDLIED ACRES-, -sixtvof which are cleared. and situated neat a station ofthe G.T. Railway. . There is a LOG " .117WELLENG irobisE• AND FRAXE BARN on the. lot. -- WET L , • TtlittERED.& WATEIt'D For partieularsapply thas lor dower out of -the said lands. to - - land . who is intended to be and it; • 31. C. GORDON', mad„ a party to this petition? and .Robert 81tir nst 11111. . -Goderich P. 0 ;Hyntlinan and Arthur Hyudinan; who have dince Att 1864.. Ve4t1 died leaving no-Li:sue. , • 5s in the year one thousatureignt hundred and !fitty-six the above named Henry o-wper Hysid- Iman paid to the Canada Companyon behalf to ' himself and the other:co-heirs Rodeo heiresses at, ,La o fthe said late Henry yndinan !ialancie tor the purehase money oi4he said lots numbers 'nitre. ten and eleven in the eighth concession. Wm -tern Division, orthe said township of Cot- 'lhorne, wirereupen thesaid the raliadir Octoroon) 'executed roriveyances (Abe said land to the salt - Henry Cowper lipid:flan and the said tither co .man.Of the saine plaee, spinster, Elizabeth Mary. 14 yndinan, ofthe- same place, spinster. .and Anna Louisa Hyntlinan, of the town otStratford, in the Coon le of Perth :and Provinee eft/resold, spinster. • Aegusta •Harriet Williams [formerly Augusta ;Harriet Elyndmanl no tv the w.te of Ruby AV ot the same`plarie, John Hyndinan, of the Village ot Exeter,in Phe Comity, of Huron, ato-e.said. 'George %Valiant liyadman, supposcd to be. now re -Wing In Australia or New Zealand, who art all otage, and Kober: Bla.rHyridinan andArtbui Hyndman,, now deceased. •• 4. The said late Henry. Headman left .him sur- viving- Oar tielitioner and the sal.: Henry Cow- per Hyndukan. Maria earotina .1.1-raamail,tss bola Hyndman, • Etizabeth Hyielman, Antra Lru.sa Hyntim in, Angrista Harrit Wileams [fOrmerly Augusta • Harfiet .11vntlmaa] John. tlyudiean, George Hymbium, heirs and heiresses-- at - law and. • his -widow Atieusta Harriet Elizabeth -Hyndinan, who e NEL ifigis J:IIVENILE _BOOKS, - FANCY GODS. . heirs and eozneireNses-at7law, and be and teet • •• -Iv;%zi are entitled to ati-the rieniementioned premises as w sly • tenants in common eacii eing entitled' to an equa. ite Sze • ac / -1 '.proportton thereof In Large Assortments v‘ h ol the said late Henr Y.- 3' • kre y Suitable tor flolidliy Gif, s. for both old ant 1 of. the Estat younz, just 'received • 6 e -Said Veer Cowper Hndinan - a Hyndinan in respeet of the amount eo paid. fine as aforhe esaid to the said tCanada Com- pany- - - - 1 7, By deed poll -baring date the ts*reitty-first day of September one thotisand , eight hundred isntl sixty -tour and executed by t.lre said fiaby 11,Villiatits -and Augusta -Harriet Williams, the interest of the said -Augusta 'Harriet W illiarree•rir all of the -aforesaid lands :was charged with -the avinent ofthe sum of six hundred and seventy • • AT THEILINTONBOOKSTRE - GEO. LAYCOCIC. • CLINTON. 19th December, 1864. Lik.'rcacicts Cariad1i 1 muie 31 Faim3rs! A .m.ana " dollars and interest to Sael ..3treet Fu'leor (It iishel:ertovnhseogfiteletrnat"gtoitt. rieuotlitenGutedmeaat!poitfFrti3erritho "rohit: I,'- Price .25. cents. per dozen. -rep, • petition. AT THE. VLINTO - Book St-oire I - The most useftit Aluvriae tor Farmers there is published. It contains space for memor enduing for every day 'in the yeart I•esides .i, much valuable information, such as . . maintenance ot your petitioner and thesuid Othei 'co-htlress‘e.s-at-law ot th - said lute 8.- Thereore no other debts or assets of tin said late den ry 11, ndinan. nor are thersan rne.ins whereout rnir pt. tit loner and thesaid ot co heir-. and io-heiresses-at-lanr. of the. said lett Henry Flyndinair cap b stipeorted save out ot the Proceeds of Inc said lands. - ;. 9, The said premises are to a great exten* tin pa•oduetive to their present state and iteir eannot be conveniently or ajyantageously partitioned. 10 It will be advairtageotTs for all parties irt- terested and neees-ary tor tlie support and os 0_ el Regulations, 1he,drem ises *tumid bt . STA3IP DUTIES I • !You. petitioner thereetre prays 11 -41d and theproceedsdivided bet ween and applied fd 1 r the benefit °tall parties entitled thereto. .OF B AN KS 1,[1] That ihe said ffernises may he -Sold and the pro- , • roes paid to andopplied fur the benefit of the parties " AND • interested therein. -12] And that -our petitioner may be paid his share °I • indielary •• &:Parl imentary- Lista." the'proceertcoistich.sale. fal..And that theorists of such sale and or these Pro over-yfainter .mataii- have ime. c tings.a.s bbtweensolicitor aild client y be paidou; he said roceeds 4] • GEO -LIYCOCK ° P 1 Ann thatthe said premises maybe part t oned. . Clinton, 19th December,' 1864. Ewi9 51 Anhe And for tpurpnitesneiresaid that all proper dir- - ons may be given and El4VOMIT‘taken. SHERIFF'S SitLE OF LANDS. , United Counties of itpt Irvine o( i. writ ot Hurtand Bruiv. Fiat Failas issued out To wit: - of Her Majesty's County Court oldie uited flounties Huron and Brum and'fir Me directed against the lauds am" tene- ments of Wilitain, Harrsou. at the su.1 of Alex- ander Wright, I have -seized and_iaken execution all the right. title and interest of the said iletndant tit mato lot number nine, the fourteenth concesssion, Of the rowirship of Car- , leek, id, the County of Bruce ; whiek leads and tenements shall offer for sale at my office in - the Court House in the town of Goderich, • slaw that your Petmoner may have such furtherand other relief as shrill in the ptemises seem meet. [7]. And your eetitioner w&ll ever pray- ' EDWAR.D BLAKE. IN CHANCERY, in re ilynclmair. -PETITE/VI( ake notice that this pennon wi I be presented to the Co irt ofChancery on :timidity. the 29th dayof next May at teuofthe clock in the forenoon. Yours. • . BLAKE2 KERR tit WELLS,' t - Solicitors fur.Petitioner. ' tated15th Febraary.1865.- lo Henry Cowper tlyndruan. Maria Caroline Hynd- men, Isabella Hyndman, Elizabeth Mary Hyndman. AnktaLcmisa tipuhnan..Auguoa Harriet iltiams-Rahy williams. John tlyintman. tieorge Vi1hani it'll/MIMI. Augusta Harriet Hyudman and to all others having or cliaraingan nterestin the estate ill Question. er41-34)'-' • Tiiesdaythe Eleventh day of fuly, next. at 4 lel • hoot 01 Twelve oftae clock; noon: - .Sheriff, &B.jail& b_fACCONALD, I ity-.8. Pollock," Dewheriff: Sheri'. Otficeit* erieh, 1 1.1.t. April, le6.5. 1 wie sHERjr,s &ILIA, or-,A.x.D. Military School. United r Countiesof 10Svirtue of. I writ of I Huron and Boise:, 1-.1- - Fieri iramils re-id-iePANDIDATES for, COM . M1139i0eir in the _ - To Wit: . issiied mit or Her Stony's- V Service Militia desirous of Obtaining ad • county court of the County of Brant. and to ,file - mission to either of the Seho*s of Military directed aedinsttan& and tenements of 'Waiter Renwick, it the snit of William Mar in Instruction, are required to make application I have seized and taken in Exee t Ilth i It a ma a er g ts in 'ivriting for such :purpose, through the tide and interest of the- sild defendant in and to Brigade Major of the division wherein they lotnaintilr one in the -tenth concession south et reside. . Humor Road hithe Totir-iship ot Tuckersmith, in Applicants moat state their age, residence, jobanedbitor seem, mr,,,seela the courilioutie Post office address. and native country, and in the Tatra oftinidench.on To, oily, the sixth tratuunit.. with their application, a certificate. •da r ...r Ju" allni'st the hour o( iwelve of that from- n clergyman or magistrate in the Ideal elock, soon. - . _ . ity where they livels to moral character.- - JOIDT MACDONALD, . IV... POWELL, Lieut. -0o1. By I: PaLLocr, rehsruturif' j1"*. ' . D. A, Gen. M U. C.• Bisailse °Bees 27th inn. 1865.. 1. 11,5 ctAdjutant General's Office; / oethect, March 4th,w7-3nt 1865. 5 - " . 18 the Counteof Huron, vrhteh lanisand tenements THE SEMI- IATTEKLY SIGNAL. TAKE NcYlICE IRK HAS OPENED AGAIN, TH E U.B SCR I EI.E-R EG I' to inform his old friends and the pUblic generally that he has RE -OPENED in.- . • - • S BL Next door to Mr. BUTLER'S 300K -STORE, where everything in A BY-LAW To raise by way of Loan the sum Twenty Thousand Dollars for th purposes therein mentioned. . WHEREAS the Corporation of the Uni 11 Counties,of Buren and Bruce has iolyed to Grtt4e, Gravel and improve certa Rmids and Highways, with the net ess Bridgic forthe same, within. the said Cou .,fHuron. . • ASD_WHEREAS the said improvements entirely -within the County of Huron, and t expense of making the same IS to be defray .by . the said County irrespeetive of ' t County of Bruce. the Lean or Debt_ will paid by the -.Said County of Huron, and .t ,Hato hereinafterinentiontd wi I. be ritis solely:upon. the ,rateable property within I said County of Huron : .AND .wHaREAs of 0 - ted re- in ary uty are he ed be he he ed Mortgage Sale! DY virtue of a Power ot Sale contained m a U Mortgage bearing date the nineteenth day of anuary, A. D. 1844, and made between Donald Me eivern, of the township of Ashfieid, in the County °ilium. of the °first part, catner- ine has wife of the second pan. and Archibald teimpbell, of' the town of St Thomas, in the County ef Elgin. Esquire, of the third pan, and which said mortgage is recorded under number 324 tor the township of Asnfield. There will be offered tor sale by Public Atiction at the Court House, in the Town of Goder ch, in the County' et Hirron at tho hour of twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, the twenty-third day oi May next, the fonowing lands and premises: The west -halt of lot nurnber eleven, in the seventh concesslon of the eastern &vision' of the Township of Asbfield, fig/resat& containing by adineasureinent one hundred acres, be -the saint more or less. • For furthet particulars application maybe made to the undersigned, or to A. Campbell, Esq ComarerciaLBault; St Thosea-s. - C. D. PAUL, - Vendor's Solicitor he Dated at St Thomas, this loth day Aprih carry into effect the •said recited •objcet, owf I A D. 1865. " to • 3 I i „,_ in the manner hereit after. mentioned : AND Will be necessary for the said Corporation to raise she suns of Twenty Thousand Dollars, 2 wHe.i.EAS,tt 19 expedient to define the respeo. Hayfield Gravel Road,. Stanley; , ........,....... AUCTION- SALE- tive amounts to be expend' d on each Line of .4 • . Road intendt-d to be improved, it shall he OF expendel as set out in the Schedule at - the - end of this By•Law and forming part of She , sa141es. 4e WHEREAS il will . require the sad of Three Thousand' Tyre -Hundred, Dollars to be raised annually by Special Rate for the payment ot the said !Joan or Debt and inter- est as also hereinafter mentioned. AND WHIREAn• the amountof the whole rateable, property or the said Municipality irrespective of any future increase ' in the 16- -es y. sinking fund hereinafter mentioned or any detived ilom the teinperary investment of the same," and irrespectiveof any income to be w part thereof, according to the last revised . -Assessment Rolls heing for the year one will be sold cheap for.CASH; or in exchange fo.i. Dairy- Produce. As he iutrnds 10 devote his -attention piincipally to the rietifying of • BEE Thf-2-7-rehy enablino• him to sell at tiller Dealers therein will do well. to give,him a call: thousand eittht handled and Sixty four was Eight millions 'Iwo hundred and Eighty ei.tht 1 thousitnd Six hundred and Ninety. six dollars: Thoselndebt,dto him will Please call and settle AND wnsness for 'paying the interest and at once, otherwise cost; must be incurred.• creating an equal annual Sinking Fund for paying the. said stim of' Twenty,Tht emend - Dollarsand interest cis hereinafter mentioned, it Will, require an equal annual_ Special Bate of fourtenths of a- mill iti the Dollar in ad ditiou to ail other rates and taxes to be levied in eacli-year. , • . , 'T'HAT valuaole and eligibly situated property th Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation J. ie e Town of Goderich fronting,the Court I I of the United Counties of Huron and Brute, Hots:- Square, and for eighteen Years known as. G ., ,i- 'L Thnt it Shall be lawful for tkeWarden c for the tinie tieing of the said-tast mentioned. THE FARMERS' INN' J. :Y. S. KIRK. -- MARKET SQUARE, Goderich, 7th March,' 1865- sw53 CARDIN cfc a A 'VALUABLE FARE - C. M. Trueman TS instructed by tne proprietor. Mr. John' Elliott, to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, on -WEDNESDAY 5th.JULY, 1865. Commencing at 011P m., that very valimole fartn, being' Irit 21, north of Hayfield Hoar:, township of Stauley, half a mile from the t illage of Varna, 6 miles of Clinton, and of Seatorth-105-acres more or less, about 60 acres of which are cleared. - Olt the premises are a superior flame barn, a log house and e young orchard of about 100 trees, crimmencingto bear. This farm is in a tine part of the County. on a ending gravel road, the soil of the best quality, and only requires to be seen to he appreciated. Further particulars can be had on -application to A. LE MO Y, Esq., barrister, Godenchr or tothe auettoneer. Terrnsliberal and will be made known at time ofsale. •Ginlerich,May 1st. 1865. wI5td For Sale at -a Bargain, GODERICH FANNING MU. AND Factory I I THE SUBSCRIBER -BEGS TO INFORMI the inbabitalts of the Counties of Huron" Hid Bruce that he is still Manufacturing, aad hae on hand a number of his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. He would particularly draw attention to Mae Mali'. as he will warts nithent to free Wheat front oats, cockle, chess, Ace. rceePs wade to order Factory on Piston it. ▪ Senses* rictoriastrisr rad Cambria Road. • anAdtw.soat,raangeinedt for the sale of ids;rgaals premium -- iniipatent .ITLTIVATOR, whieh has neeer yet ailed to give general:satisfaction to farmers irk* nsve used them. -• - HENRY DODD, Galeria dtpri122nd, 1P64. 21 POT 18111ND SOAP ,JITITil 5 kettles and other apparatus, el in good working order„ Situated ut the.. -Town of Coderich, For sale on reasonable terms. Time given% for most of the purchase money if required, Also; a , - COOPERAGE! With tools suitable for general work. Termst part Cash -balance on time. The properties will be sold separately and! at two thirds of their yalue. A good &rel. - line house attached to each property. Ain. ply to J. 13..GORDON, Goderich. Groderich, March 9th. 1865. sw54-1in . FOR SALM HE following liana are offered for sale 0111 very advantageous terniat ONE TENTH ONLY! Or TX* 10311 nu or mum ARD TIM SAWICZ IN • Nine Equal land listainentsj THE ' S . UBSCRIBERS would beg to his customers and the p. uhlic that his new prem nes ou East atmet THREEDOOR- FROM THE - - SQUARE - • 9 will be opened on the first of June, fiir transacting - the W•tol dloth Dressing:and Manufacturing business, - in connection vith• his WOOL FA TrOlj,Y, where all orders and work in the above business will he punctually attended to. Likewise a 'calmly of Cloths Blankets- and. ,Stocking Yarn, will be kept On hand to exchange for wool. Havitig this year added another - FIRST-G'LASS _ DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE to his establishment, he will be prepared tc4xecute larmees work to any reasonable -exteron it short Customersceming to the factory themselves tie promptly attended to as formerly,'Tand particular attention will be 'paid to those from a distance wishing_ their 'Vt7 k- - - ]Di p e o u 1 -Sr IO! thankful tor She liberal patronaze of former years in the above‘blisinesS, the ;obi° iher h•••pes by 31 rit:b•Atteiition to. husinegs and sparing: no expense in -meeting the wants )1: his customers; to still receive a share of thc. same. - • cz Remember the place--2Enst Street, second door from CRA.BB'S nr.,ocK. THOMAS LOGAN., Goderich, ApriLlbth, 1864 w12 41C:ei 11r.M1 JED _MC. Kitts. it AC - 111-0k-fij41*-4- '''1WA- "FRI, ' Le • 7-Thir .rara. !MU 11111111 1,114, , „ INVIR '11" 11.111111( ; Pit,ISTEMICE NGINE- WORKS% 11,, R-UNCIMkN & 0 Corporation to nose by way t.f Loan, from During whieh time it. has enjoyed one of the any person or persons, -body or bodies corm lar.est portiOns of- that business in the town. rate who may be willing to advance the samr --e. ,(onected with the hotel is a general store. The whole are built of stone and beck, 47 e4 37, three Upon the credit of the Debentures hereinafter stories highand commodious cellars 8 feetdeep. uientioned a aim of money no' exceedino in Altacned to the hotel is a two story frame dwelling , . the whole the sum of Twenty Thousand Dol-°lrs and to cause the stone to be paid into house, outhouses, arc . . AL80:-A. small farm 'of excellent lan-d. , , the 'bands of the - Treasurer of the Milled handsomely located one mile from flocierich on Counties aforesaid, for the purposes and with ethulte nrittliofinel,dweRolularednierd. 2sicresofv!leghoitit:le eistae4ter oof the-ohjeet above :veiled. - stuinps, with a hewn log. house PAC 20, aid a IL That it shall be lawful for the said ea" Ing barn 4"4 24' stied' & I O../ 5 i wiAllir'Sda?el-rinlen ittioletiseVillaaSstiff317311, atbr-ortreiolliftbree Hitt place ane has long Warden to -cause any number of t)ebenture. , to wade for such sums I in . o eney am may be be required, not less titan One Hundred Dol- slaulti!dhs. in i . 11L That. the .said Debentures shall be islesinuakveeprtnas lars each; and that the said Debentures shall he at with the seal of the said CorFora tion, ai.d sigiied by thatiniii Warden. : made payable in tea years at furthest, front grim ate,reat at it persems., TOWN 1' OF -MORRIS* South 7 in 1st eon" 50 acres, South 8 in let con., 50 acres,1- South 1 11 in 2d -con.. 100 acres, South 1 21 in 3d con!, 100 *creel: _ North 20 in 4h ton., 100 acres. North 21 in 4h con" 100 acres, ---- North 1 23 itz 4lt con., 100.*cres. - 'TOWNSHIP OF 110WICK-1 TOWNSHIP OF GEFIrt • o. 2-6_in lat con.; HO acres, Lots 34 and 35 in 4 con.,100 &cies ea*, Lots 2 3 and 4in 15th eon. 100 acres emit Terms liberal ; to suit purchasers. Foz further particulars apply to - J. B. GORDON, Esq. or ANDREW DO NOGII, Proprietor. : N. B -All those indebted .to Inc either bynote Fang the day -hereinafter mentioned for this By er book secount are requested to settle the same •Law to take effect either in London„ in land, or some place in Canada -to he desi mat- witNotit delay in order to save sosts. Uroderich, April 31st, 1S64. , w9td ed in the said Debentures. and shall have attached to them Coupons fer the paynient of Interest.- . , IV. That the laid Debentures and Cou- pons shall be nide out in !either Sterling motel or Proiincini currency of thia Pro vince, at the option of the 'said Warden so that the whole amount -of seid Debentures shall not'exceed the before mentioned sum of Twenty. Thousand Dollars, and they shall bear interest at and alter the rate of six per centum per annum, which interest shall he payable pn the first day of January and first day of July, in each and every year during the continuance of the said Debentures at : . . I the place where the Debentures are -made payable. V. That for the purpose of &relief a • Sinking Fund. for the pityment of the said Debentures and the inferem at the rate ifcre- said to becinne due thereon. an equal special rate of four tenths .or a mill in the Doller, shall in addition to all other rates and taxes, be raised, levied and collected in each year solely upon allthe rateable property within the said County of Huron, durtlig the confine ance of maid debentures or anyof them., - VI. That this By. Law shall take effect and come into 'operation upon the Nineteenth day of June, in •the year of Ohr Lind One Thousand e Ei•ilit Hundred a -d Sixty -Five - - • lanufatturers of Grist and Flouring Mills' Circular, Nitlay and Stsb. Saw -Mills, STEAM igHtIVTES ,iaD11).E118 1m1N E- NEACIEIENES, -EP.11,1T01111 AND HORSE . POWERS, _Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Sawa, CIT-TXITI17 Tcxt,GEALIVC1- 1:1"1.401C7CiirliCSS, brass Castings made, and Irit.eirarniths' woik done in a neat and subatanti.alnianner, CdstIngs itt any description made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery_ renal ed ou short notice -y A large stock of loOKING, PARLOUR - AND BOX- kSTOVES,- livars en hand, Sugar kettles, Wagon and Pipe B 4013. As our patterns of the above are •ftle: Moo aqproved kind. We would solicit an inspection of our .stock before purchasing laewherRas we are offering -the above at the lowest remunerative prices fol. cash, or or tip 'roved Credit. Old metal, Bratis.Coptier;and all kinds of -Produce taken in exchange. lloderieh. October. 136, ITIERIFPS SAL.K' 017 I.A.1,40S:- ___ United Cosinties or By virtue- of a Writ o . Ctourt of tu- Coed Counties ot Hurpn and Beals 1 :Iiiron and Bruce, Fieri Fames issued ou To sv.t_._ . of Her Majesty s .eount And to me direetetragamin the lands: lin4 lent •nents of Jaines Stewart, at the POI! of John V Detlor end Samuel ii. Del'or, I have seized and taken in Exeeution all the right title and interest of the said detendant in and to lot number one in the eleventh concession of the Ton risbip ofC01:. 'untie, W.D , in the County of Huron, ivhich lands r shall offi4 for sale it my °Mee in the Voert House in the Town of Codorich, on Ti es dav -the Twenty-fif h da i of Ju.y next, at tae flour of twelve of thd elm. k noon. f, Ir. 4..8. . JOHN MAC.DONA LD, - By S.-Poi.roCit, Deputy Sheriff. - Sheriff's Office, Godenc14 ? . . i - 15th Aril.1865. ' C w12 _ 1-1E.11ST tale .G-.R.I.S•Jr. - DEPARTMENTAL • - w39 • 11 .ndScrily. for Stile, .. 1 11 A LIBERAL PREMIUM GIVEN on Y ' payments which efse be made to -the Crowe:, _ Lind4.0epartnent in Land Scrip. See °aril in - anothercolunur: • -• - • LEENBY GRIST, . Quebee. - Gederich.-Dee.4. 1849. - w4bsw2, AND . Parliamentary Agent . - . c?xrlomincl, TRANSACTS BUSINESS' WITH THE * Crown Lands and _other Government . partmonte ; 'Takes outPatents nit Inventions. - Drafts anti takes churge of Private BillSduringthe easion_ , dtc.",4ce,.-dsa , for Parties rancho/an trrsiereanade.nritliewhere. _ - ew101 • GOOD Et SALE, Containing 140 ACret 8ITtf %TED on he LondonRoad:. adjoining - the Vinege .of Exeter. - Onihe-.*bove • .- there is a good Frani liouserand.Barne -All new, A goodwen and - a 'fin. youat weber& It will be gold very cheap. The land h of the best city loam anl Welt liar Trm letteeirpres.npautiddk ,i-tollowzx:oo Exeter p. pl:Ploi.elott.tn oit,;nif, t bh y 1 e .. 1 premises to MiCONIIELL, wI4f Exeter. .REFERRED TO IN V.:* FORE- • ' GOING. . Seven Thousand Dollars to be expended on the Colborne ited -Ashfield Road, °ion- mencing at.A. Allen* Tavern, going North- ward. FOur Thousand Dollars on the Men Road.. Stephen,. between Lots Ten and Eleven, commenciiii at.the London Road. • Ono Thousand Dollars un- the Extension orihellay Gravel Road. • Three Thousand Six Hundred Mara on the Seaforth Road, comniencing, at Days' Tavern, going North to Belniore. TwO Thousand Four Hundred Dollars on the line Between the Eighth Red -Ninth C011- colisions of Howitdr, commencing at Day's Tavern. • - • Two Thousand Dollen; on the Clinton sod Wineham Road, through Lots Twenty -Three and Twenty Four. to the Coneeision Line be- tween the Eigthh and Nint14. and thence along said Line _to_ the Side- ne between Lots Twenty end. Twenty One,i and thence along said Side Litie to the Boundary Line of the County of Bruce within the 'said County of 'Wren. NOTICE l'HE above is true copy of e proposed tip 1 Law to be taken into conaideretion. by -the Municipality of the United ICOnittiell of Huron and Bruce, at the County Court Room intim town of Godetieh in the County of . Huron on the Sevfmtli day of June, 1866, at the hour of three o'clock, in the afternoon, at which time and place the mem- bers of tbe Connell are hereby] required 10 attend for the purpose aforesaid. PETER ACTIotlint8Ves°*Ndlerk.- County Clerk's -Office, .? GoderiCh, 2214 Feb.k.1865. I - 4 td NOTICE. rittUNTIE.SI CLERK'S OFFICE-v/0ft% ope every ttrednisidaviencl.fer one week atte each meeting ot the dountielConneil.• All coin, to Bayfield:Post - muaieatimei AnaheCounties' Clerk tbe directs - PATER ADANSC/N, 1Countiee*Cferir. 1 1110117 AND Carriage Factor LIGHT -HOUSE -0- . . HE SUBSCRIBER-. wishes to return thanks to the public for past &Vora received at their bands and would beg 10 intonate that he isideter- mined to sell waggons - • CHEAPER THAN EVER. will sell you a waggon cotnplete for $55.00 eash.and a 11 other things= proportion. All work _ • _ Warranted to give Satisfaction. All kin& of Farming Implementsmade to. order. - JOHN MePHERSON. Godench, Jan. 9th. 1865. wsw37 .,. Sheriff's Salo of Lands. l/nited Counties ofI ID 1' -virtue of s writ of Huron anti Bruce, 1.) Venditioni Exponasand - To wit: Fieri Facia* for residue, and writ Of Fieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Coun yCourt of the Uritted Cr:runt:es of Huron and Bruce and to me direct*" against- the lands and tenements of Milton 11, Stem -and Forster _Hawkins, at the suits of A llen 8. Fisher and John C. Detlor, 1 have seized and taken in 'sect:lion the tollowing property t all and singular that certain pareeler tract of land and,prei cigtosean,n-incelitoaie lying and being in the village e countyof Huron and Province ot Canada,contaic- ing by admeasurement one half acre of land,: be the Uwe more or .less, •betng composed or town lots numhers fitty-six and xi:al-five, Wooded on Mary street) Orange street and. Wellington street in the village of Clinton, containing -together one halftime °fiend as aforesnid together with tilos _privilege of taking sufficient water - to anpply.the Inticery on 'nod lot sixty five from the *pont 'or springs on lot numbereighty-four on the corner •ot Wellington' and ()range streets, ani OmfnatnOluiellolit log such water in pipes lieralS i venison- part,OfAilif lait istentionra.,lot,gartuch Iambi and tenrmentsi Anil oar' ter sale--at*my office JO the Court House in the town of fihoder• 'eh on Tuesday, the- twenty-third 'day of May next, at the hourof twelye of the clock, noon. ,JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff H. 4.1 • By POLLOCK, Deputy..Sherdi. Sherifl'soifice, Godenek 22n4Argo -VAL I w14 GODERICH Wain , . B/C 111. 2) Al rim, t - , a l'IllEsubseriberwoeldamioniteele-tbe pablir 1 7 of/lures and Binge that he- has on hand and willmalre-to order Oarrims, Alrogons,Bar- rows, dee., which *MU nW cheap lefr cash or approved credit. On band and for -ale dump. CUTTERilantISLEICKS ;'.iourriNteatoz,L_IL issa. '''.-Tisterialit""' iGst""`4* ,-;-frosse. Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100acresettaa Lot 26 in 8 con., 99 acres, Lot 32 hi 8 eon., 100 acres, Lots 33 and 34 in 10 con., 100 acres earl. TOWNSHIP OF TUErBERRY II. E. 1 43 in 1 non., 50 -acres. •Applyto CaeliLeftWzramsrliisq.,Goderick -or to the owner,irrimus GALT, Est.* w 43a - Toronto Valuable. Piece of Land miozt, SAME. Alf favorable terms of payment, The -fol. ‘i lowing property, 'viz: North laalf of lot number 301 on the. 12th con. of lioderielt township, containing by admeiattrensen 40 acres, more .or less, upon which there are 4-fteen acres cleared. This land is in A favorable sittietiOn, bent:Within five miles of "the town of _Ainton. A.1so, o vaisshio properly lathe village of Inbuilt. DAD liplf acce et Iuind, agood feral house, slop, aad stable on the premises. This would beagood situation- for a tailor or saddle and Innen maker as there is none in the vicinity. . Leather or store goods at eholesale, prices wifl be .taken for either --ef the *bow. places. - JAMES STANLEY; Constetioep... Sheriff!sSate eilands. - lloitedGoentleset DT virtue of a. writ es , Court ofthe United Connties of flora" iteditaters ,liuron And Bruce, 1.1 nen Facies longed .as To swim of Her lenjestes Vanity., and :to me directed .agaiest the lands and .tone- ,„ menu of.Nesbitt Biggar and George Ilggar, -et " wtheinisuamit-inofingc: jfirr.e,ranyzjantlamet jita.1...!p ,._31hn Thoini bay., seized and taken DI Elteentioll SU the right bds and interest ofthe said defendant* bread la Leta „ Bunthers xI8, 113, 1114. 1151 int, 117 sail , -.- 85, in the b illag•e of Binevale, also that eeY., ' tain parcel Or tract- of lands bans es 'Simi-) Deft B19,45, and also that -certain west er trectot i lands which IS' heundecr on ib. Worth:ode bras RreerMeitlandi on the South aitio.by Aix neat - line between the TownshievelmeEis nod been berry, and on the Zest aide belie ' we/who:M*5T line.olLot1f9tofteextended so the Blur awn- • land, with any water privileges Which ataglii ' derived limn the River Maitland n far Seat Se I rich, on Tticedaythe linnets* day on Dna jattilS. - ibe al the tour of twelve of the &Kt noes. - ectiancifil:eoiltireetlditef Ge2nouelimen:BoCallsilDltiatilisiaberliowilknej::::100410..1"ke:: : _ 1 JOHN MACDONALD; ShairtiVice.1_004011e14.2 , 2nd Marek.11166. 4 , , vs . ,, SHERIFFS .0404.01.1447*/ iTtutedCounUea of DTlar; -virtue eta al • flefOR and Bruce, Mier; Fades iaescd out . To Wit: . 'of Her Mairsera of Common 1 taw, and 40 me dirietedapittat the , lands sed tenements of.Josepk WNW. ,thafiss• dant, at the emit orDeme Eb2alleth John F. Jane, Planstafsl hare seised 111 Execution all the equag . ef retkiiiption ailll otfier interest ofthe decedent In rind to the Matt ') half eflown lot ntsmhertuteseleassesdell in the Til lege of BouthamDtossie the Ceiloly Bruce. Which lands and tenements I shell format at Any" oillee in the Court Hassel la Slug town ofGodench, on Tuesday,the fourth itayof -I-- July next, at the hour -oi twelve Of 11* -4.4t,#4-' 'GOOD. • ' - JOHN MACDONALM, . Bberif4Sirikii , -_, By s.PoztosajDapatyllOgrif.. Swift 1.01rese,tliateriell• p / 27tit Much lli0b. i • -- - smourrisurz origami Huron and Bruce, rieri-FaCial United ainiftleit art! Vfitlit At VAIIL4ir: To Wit: Her ajoet Court of the AMO M" ,40( sea ct liiorolicaincy 11E14 gruee,-,u4 to me direoted_asonet the ode Aid tenements of -Eolsert Growl ..st the nibs of Sansom W. Adant*Otoliett Leech amt Julia - Perinea" f have sweed end Shp fi audio right,title and Interest orate sae amasses . in and to lot number Ivo, lathe eightkeneredidw of the town*, of-Ifoynek, Huron 4 natio landtasil Isenesstialiebe").. for sale at =yolk:elm tlio Cart sesei n TN* town of Codtvich ea Tiesiet, the41211raint. dayat Jule, seats_ itt 144 kfar - 014.4001. • 19 -