HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-16, Page 3• ••••••••••••••••4, 3 new sell ;oug t, of t. 1he' S laid no me, are g in that costs oec Stanton I's el war who oified their ko.e. to the ess to be r prisoners ifinerre exodus of :zed Statey ao of the li«rino ;arograpa orers of a; great re ok,aviag edo of , o.antles of iatioa,iz [t sections effects of, lost ober. ammercia/ extensive: ia this kribeyond rrobohly . • .:,7.thera de - mi extent, season.-- - England, eredttary tdreosecl * ry pretty, of charity retrained' -sbou:d. Port- ,ot.latiUg to Juba pooatoes, the said OTON., w1V3t ce Les, Et FFICE WC+ [(WRY ES. Land - ▪ Sale a -by Jarnes oh. io eerger John- l'op, in tbe to (default meta thee - on of May, zy, *titer A rit of Gode-, r. us zay I or tract and being tae County Oa, being ,ite of Lot [concessi containing d, be the . Deed ofeltatott eoce and. D, e w16 -2t Hamra. the 15th. -ve Logs,. ver us re - oak oast said tor . w154t made berm Will he day eslooriag anct is, tie weate.or • Lan & krAuntio THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. re- The Council on Friday eveuing, for want of a quorum, adjourned for oae week. fO:ye I little gut in Hanover, Co.Bruce, died in consequence of eating half a dozen eggs on Easter Sunday. 13:5- The weather just now is truly mag- nificent, and under the influence of a hot sun vegetation is making rapid prngress. Mexteo ts ntoose,-,Sorne ofour Goderich boys have taken service against Maximi Ilan.. Ile mi ht as well abdicate at once. entasca's Jouaxse fur May, bas been received from Mr. Moorhouse, Every article in the .floo- is well worth perusal, -which is more thanwe can say for alb the magazines we get. It is also- very- cheap. ' ittsteest'4 Ihrth-1114- :Celebration 4•1•1••••1111M. A Meeting presided- Overby the Mayor was held in the Town Halt •a" Saturday evening lest, to consider the steps' nedeisary to be latk-en for celebrating Htr Majesty's .Birthv day in thiS town. After same discussion, the (ollowiug . committee yrrato appointed to take op a subscription and make - pre- liminary: pieparatioes for the demonstra- tient yier--Meisrs. A. M. Ross Jae Wetsott tnierChant)„ Hugh John:Stone, 3. it. Dark, - D. tarneron, W. M. Savage, and W. T. Co-. z The meeting adjourned until Thursday ovening next, when the CoMtnittee Will -re- port and farther arrangements he made... The Cotitreittee are meeting with tolerable ouccess, eansidiring the hard -times and. the void -water influence Or- those whet are too practical to sanction the expenditure of *few dollen in such a way; andwehave no doubt that the celebration will be the best we have had for some years:. A iiiimber of visiEns 6 are expected from Saginaw, and,. et . course; large numbers of our country friends will.be on hand to witness the sport. _ The programme odd be as.fallows, as `near- ly asthefuads contributedwill.perinit I.. The Independatit order ef Ca.lithiimpi- ant (on: their own boak),. in the deriiing betweea eight and ten. - . 2. A Royai. salute by. the Volunteers at noon. . 3. it racing. - 4. Athletic sports,' &c. 5.. Terch-ligh proaesston„ Fire works, ic., in the evening. If "this order can Be carried ont pretty elosely„ every body will have somethinocto see or hear that will contribute' to the plea- I sure of the day. We hope due prevision will 4 be made for maintaininz, good order., - A (tweet.' Confidence Oaixte !,_ - On Friday last Oederich was favored with a visit by two gentlemen, a. lady, and- a little boy.. One of th-e gents. prossed to speak French, principally, the ether 'Was most at - 1 home in_ German, .nnd.the May could talk - well and pretty :fast la either langliage.- Although the party bore a very respectable . :appearance, they let it out that they were - soraewhat hard up. They put up it Dark'e Hotel, the Frenchman; as we will 'call him; reaistering his name illegibIloand giying Lollisville, Ky., as his point of departure. - They had come here from Owen Sound Way. Oa Satertiai morning stepswere taken to . raise -the wind. The Frenchnien tient to , Rev.. Mr. Schneider and told his story: . He was a political refugee, had* brother in Ilaiailtert, and if he could get to that city a I. would be well and money plentifot,--would the Rev. Father lend him zoost von leetle len dollar." The becevoient heart Of the priest open and he , did lend the poor fe'.- tow $10.0Q, takilig his note-far:it. So far so livid. Frenchy came back to the hotel, grilined„shrugge_d hos *boulders, and' told of is luck. Then the lady sallied -forth. • She went straight to theprieses house, proclaim- ed herself,:- no doubt a Catholie4or saintly Vir- tue, and. said that her hasband, was in Quebec, that she was quiteont -of fondilend if the good father would lend her twelve dollars her earthly happiness would be complete.: Mr. Soluzeider's benevolence began to.. shake a. _little -he thnitglit it queer that two strangers %basilican oa such an errand so soon after each other., and he plainly expressed his doubts. On thii the _woman &dared by all the saints- that she was telling the truth. - Shelled a fiir rings, eic., given by her dying 'mother, and these would be left behind a an 4iairaest al her honesty. The good priest ,coukl stand it no longer. -Unused to the wiles of aiyrenlbe threw his suspicions off and 'handed over $12.00. Soon after her depar- ture, holvever„ he determined .to make some enviriesi and on proceeding to Dark's Hotel, was informed that whether the facly's ' hasba.od lived in Quebec or not, she had, on 1Fri4ay ;tight, roomed end slept with the: Ger- off. The accused were ably defended by Messrs. Cameron and Moore, and the County Attorney watched the case in tbe interests of the Crown. Immediately on their discharge the parties hired a carriage and started tor Clinton in hot haste. . The fact that they are suspected of being coecerned in some raid or something of that kind, does not add much to the meagre proofs of their innocence, in our opinion. To the E laor of the Huron signal. Man Sia, -Permit me to direct public attention to the manner in which persons visiting your beautiful town are treated, - Travellers from Sneinaw holding through tickets by boat and G. T. R. R. for the East, on arrixing at the wharf here, as fourteen of us- did this tnorning, are compelled to walk to the hotels and station or pay oat of their own funds the charges of the Omnibusonen. This is an injustice which should not be allowed by the Railway authorities and which does not tend to enhance -I -lie interests of a route in which you are more or less ion. cerned. I atti.infprined that the imposition complained of is a new dodge? -and I trusts it will be removed at once; lam, sir, - Yount respectfully, . CHRISTOPHER HCLO WELL, • Bay City, Saginaw. Goderich, May 16, 1665. SPECIAL NOTICE. -DFERRI.NG to our advertisment of 2nd 4.1$ instant, and in order to avoid ntieunder- standing, we beg -respectfully to inform those of our customers who have' had accounts with us hitherto that,as we are anxious to bring our present business to a close as soon as possiblewe must discontinue all accounts from this date. • • JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th 3fay 1865. 5w.71 JOHN FAIR & CO. HAVIS.G DETKKJEDIKD ON :C.L0 S.,:" NG T. IT .13 - anon of the party. By tbs. time the- qua badidparte&furtheita4fl.T Chief dtle rndaer, after cons Itin hurried to the Station, ant afrrv le too Tate for the Frenclt:. tt, rata - Mayor, in time to ho had gone fans the early train. The mart was there, and was persuadedo-ls • tunable' generally persuade people, to arch to the priest's re- - aidence. There e fell- upon her -knees,- bagged and• ed for pardon -and mercy, and diagorg her HI -gotten booty, The reverend gentleman gave her a piece of his° told her to get away out of his sight, she wet only_ too glad to do. She went to the Station and with the Ger. Aiwa, her bosom friend, started for Clinton, ite try perhaps, the -same dodge on some liethodist preacher. The woman before her- -, 4derrture professed a desire. to slap the ,g‘ +-ad chops of some of the.cab-drivers, oand evinced a thorough acquaintancewith tete technical terms used only femalet of Tiling. PRESENT BUSINESS IN GopERICH, wits., ON Thuisday next,. the 4th instant, Commence to cleaiff the whole ot their large and valuable stock f Dry Goods, Clothing, and • Groceries, at an ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES, GOderich, 2nd May, 1865. ABRAHAM SMITH 'Merchant Tailor, KARIM _SQUARE, GODERICH HAS ON HAND A Large & Well -Assorted STOCK OF n'APMGOODS 1191t1NV- And a variety of II ancy Articles, SUCh as Shirts,Collars, Neckties,Caps, &e., &e. Which he is prepered to sell Cheap for Cash. Goi:erich. April 12. 1865. w12 _13 -1[1, "T` ER. HAS -JUST /MEWED A SARGE STOCK 07 STANDARD elf SCHOOL . OOKSNOTEPAPER FANCY STAMM-Re& -P.A.1::)M7762 Toy Books, PraVer Books of all_ kinds, 1. . Church Services, Hymn Rooks_ ALBUMS, SATCHELS"! Limbo" Ceaaparnoes, ; WORK -BOXES, witITING-CA.SES - .ALCCICOPILMMODITIE11, And venoms °the r aineles,ad dwarf:. • • ATIOUTLER'S. ,Gmierica April 16 1661. SHERIFF'S SALE .OF _LANDE- United Counties of}DY virtue of a. Writ of Huron and Bruce, D Fieri Fames= issued out To Wit : of Her Majesty's 'County Court of :he United Counties of fliirott and Brinte and to me directed neatest the lands and tene- ments of James Clarke al. the suit of:Robert Thoinpson, I have seizefli and taken -in execution .alt they:Oil, title and Interest of tile said defer'- . dant in and to- lot nuo.her 324 tit -the tosYn of ' Goderich, id the county 01 Hewn; which lands and leder:tents t shaft ,o'ffer ler sale at my oflice in the Court House, in the toss n of Gpdertch, on Tuesdar. the fifteenth day et August next, at the hour of twelsf t's tb; _ -s.:s 51ACI4DijOeNnitAHL.Dar, B. , . - BY.S. Pot.t.eca,,Deputy Ster;ff, - • ' . Sberld's office, Goderreh, t lout May :156.1 i . . MICE TO RATEPAYERS OF THE. 0 N 411 OODERIOH THE.. Alphabeticel Roll for the examination J. of the Ratepaiers is now open for view at the Town Hall fr es ten o'clock in the -fore-- noonltill four o'cl ck in the afternoon. The fint sitting ot the Court of Revision will be held in the Town Hall on . 1 Friday,. he 19th Inst., At 2 of the cloc . All :notices of appeals according to Stet te ought to be the hands of the Clerk on or before the 14th inst. 'JAMES THOMSON, Town. Clerk. 10th day of May, 1865. w16.2t INSOLVXNT' ACT OE 1864. - IN INSOLVE ED -COUN 'BRUCE. - w16 Lisolvent Act of 1864. In the County Court of the United. Counties of:Huron and Bruce.- - Nov INCE or CAN.ADA. In the Matter of Coutey of Fluron one. [CHARLES W, Flex- or, the United Counties f FORD, an luso!. of Huron and Brace. j vent. VonCE is hereby given that the ander: 11. sioned hus filed in the office of this Court, a deed of composition and discharge exedut- ed by his Creditors and that oil Tuesdayothe eighteenth des; of July next, at ten1 of the clock in. the forenoon; or as soon 6 counsel cae be beard. he will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmation of ,the dis- charge thereof effected his favor under said Act.- ; • CHARLES W. PICKFOR,D,' By JAMES P. WOOD, _ • - - His Attorney. Stratford, Mey-lOth, 1565. • - 6w2in ,Wool Carders, &c., A Good. Opening! 'THE urdersigmed is desiroes of forming a • A business connection with some person -wil- ling to go IMO Inc Wool -Carding and Cloth -dress- ing business in Goderick. The applicant to find cards, drc.. and inc subscriber the power -and budding, both of which are i a compete readiness This is a splendid opportunity for any capable man wishing one of the best openings ot the kind - in Canada": Apply to MA.TTHEW ROBERTSON. - _ • Goderich, C. W. April_17,11, 1865. wi2tf - List of Lelers EMI .ANING in the Goderich Post office, lst May, 1865. Armstroog Hugh McMullen Arch . Andrews Michl &Wm McKay Catherine , McKenzae uhristina Besaw Mrs -Amelia McKinnoreDonald Bourke Jno (2) McCallum Oeo • Barr James McDonald Jessie Blake Jos _ McCullough John Bicker Capt John Mackenzie J Bedford John -.McLean Murdoch Burke Peek McKie Thomas Berry Thomas t2) McPherson Wm (2) Blair Win Nolan James Nagele `Joseph Craikshanks Chas Campbell John Christie john Oald Abigail Carter Jonathan Owen (2) Cottle James (2) Oagin John Clarke john - Clark -J PierottrAmbrogie Cidliton Luke • Pratt Geo Corbet Mary . . Patton James! Carmichael Mrs Thos Pratt John Campbell Mrs Rachel Pethiek jos - „ Deagen Hiram. Donely Sarah Ellis D G Ewer& Mrs E Ellet Mi (2) EllioteMts Olive - Golden James Ryan JOseph (2)._ Ross James Reid James Raiille Louis ' Robinson Mrs Robinson Wm Roberstson Wm Smith Geo Stroud -John , Hefremen Frank 'Scott John Hainstock Geo Sheppard Jos Stewart John Stuard J -• Stanley John Strang John Smith Mr. Smith Mary Jane Sullivan Michael Smith Sarah G Mrs. sBliauanndeerssaltouil . Smith Sidney Stinson Wm Thynne Elliot Trout's.° Luke • Uranhart James Keeney:John Hawkes Mrs Hewitt Simeon ussey Thort.B1 Hall W 71 (2).* CY FOR THE UNIT- - S OF HURON AND Johns Arabella S Johnson. Mary - ' Johnston 1V in (2). - ..extremely loose fittino virtue. ' ' --- Johnston W F proper authority, wept -down to Clinton and .. W." .. • Kerr'M 1 - . Kerr John jr 1 Ake, pity of plrg the game we have de - On Sunday, Mr. Tridner, soma. with the CKA4-LESZ 4BCRI3ALDi Pk!ilaitr• -succeeded in bringing back titbit him. the par- JOIEN DONNE, Defendant. Kerr Mal ,. ecellototaboie. .. *chief -constable deserves UPON reading the affidavit fyled and upon Kefer Wrn (2) Plainuff I do artier that ..i meeting of the creditors of the above named 1 ".••••••••-•-.. I tfendant do take place be - 30 -30 j fore me at the Dior raffice of F.R. Messieurs Tons 4 Moos.; it I Law the Town of Goderich, in the Stamp. said United Counties, on ' 1......w.."6'. - Nadal', file Fifth ofhne, ri A. D. 1865, at si of the clock in the fore- noon, for the peso Of giving their - advice upon. thi apnoratesent of an official assignee under the above act._ R. COOPER, - Joirtilieweili tan -VA, „ Dited at say bere in tbfl , Toms or this jith } --- -71iillay;4.. D.1865._ j w16 -2t -much praise for the clover manner In which hearing the Attorney forthe above named :- le managed the affair after it was put Into Jar hands. 'Lowry Alex Lawrence Jas F 'White C - Lowry Rota; - White David Leaciten Witt • Wright George Witban Jacob Wilson john Winters John - Watson John . Wilscin James ' POLICE vOITST.' Me parties implicated in what we have abewbere described sa. confidence game leeta brought before Robert Erabbotts and E. B. O'Connor, *up., yesterday (Monday) afternoon. Thelieviir Schneider deposed: as ,ta tiosisata ars Neva recorded, bit as be re- .telteta note, Newt:tier irettAteet, and jewe1- 4,:howevar total', for the moneys 'pail out &oft iionikilisurtcou1dnot do other than sibe,eekt. Thug;Were MI, *ad to baud but the rosiikotossiV ni)7!iertfrlet, A LARGE STOCK OF PLMII • " F 11211).. • ring and SUMO UST A R VED AND AT THE 43)1Etali -GODERICH May let 1865. V. DETLOR & SON. EDUCATION. MR . NAIRN , late superintendent of Schoolii, intends having classes in Goderich during the Summer months, commercing 1st May next. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fnday from one till four o'clock, there wall be a class fur Fifth Book reading with questions, roots oppo sites, and English Gramtuarritimory, Geography aild Arithmetic. This will be a rood chance tor those who may wish to finish their education so far. On Wednesday and Saturday, also from one till four afternoon, them will be a class for Le tin, Books to be used Arnold's First Book, and Hark- ness' Second Book; and from the plan to be follow- ed, it is believed that. with application, a good knowledge of the language may be acquired in Twenty four Lessons. /*Taints -rot the English exercises, Twe Dol- lars a month. and for the Latin Three Dollars a month -Lu be paid in advance. Trafalgar Street. 12w4t I1N 0 Or I C 7E rHE Court of Revision for hearittor appeals rl. against Assessment will- be held at -the house of Mr. Mex: Findlny, Lot 1!, eon. 5, 1 en Saturday, the 8th of April, at -111 oielock,- I a. m. . ALEX. FINDLAY, • 8w3t) ' Township Clerk, Morris. _ . The Court of Revision has bee" postponed till the 20th of May next. -$ • ALEX. FINDLAY; T'p.Clerk: -- Morris, April 14, 1865. ' 13w3t Mortgage Sale of lipids. 111*.TDER and -by virtue of a Power of Sale U contained in a certain Indenture of Mort rrage, made by Bernard Daly of the village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, Mer- chant, to Felix Thompson, of the township of Hulled. in said county, Esquire, and bear- ing date the fifteenth day of April, A. D- 1864, will be sold by Public Auction at the auction rooms of G.-11. Trueman, the Town of Goderich, in the 'County of -throe, on Friday, the eighth day of June, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon. the following land and premises, viz.: village lot oumber seven, west side of Centre street, in the village of Egmondville, containing one quarrer of an acre of land, more or less, together. with the buildings thereon; default having been made in 'the [payment -of the. moneys thereby secured.= Conveyance under Power in Mortgage. J. S. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for Mortgagee. o Dated. this 4th day of May, A. D. 1865. wi2 t -a/15-U 12 1:;00Z1s77, INTMW CITE At the _Glasgow House. D. KERB, JR. & CO. Goderich, 7th April 1865. Diann F (2) Moore�F- May John Morrison John Martin John (2) Wheeler Mr Martin Isaac Marriet Mrs Isabella 'Weldon 5 Micklejohn J Wigginton nos -Moore Mr Watkins Thos McFarlen Annie • McDonald Angut Yeoman Wm IL JAMES WA.TgON, - 104 - Postmaster. In Black and-Wnite Braids, at the Asp -ow HOUSE. Goderfeh, ItlroApril, 1865. SHERIFF'S SALE or LANDS. IN CHANCERY :- CILANBEIg. THE CHANCELLOR. EDNESI5AY the tvielftlidalof April, in the" twenty-eighth year of the Terra of Her Nlajesiy Queen Victims, and in the year of oar' Lord le65, BETWEEN Francis Hune l3eward, David BnehanAind Canada Agents- AssactatiOn, limited. Plaintiffs. ' - William A me iiitcheocii, United Counties of)DT Yintie of a writ of Huron and Bruce, 13 VenditiontExponas and To. wit: Fieri Facies, for residue. issusd out el Hcr Majesty's County Court of the County of Ontario and Court of Com- mon Pleas,. and to me directed against the Lands and tenements ofStephen D.Crawford,F.H. Lynch Staunton, Enoch C. Dowling and Bohert Gilmour, at the suits of Isaac N. Howard and the Corporation of the- Township of Ehlerslie, I have seized und taken in Execution eIl the right, title and interest uftbe ,aid delendants,in and to Park LotNo 15,Lot No, 8, and to the South half of LotNo. 6, East side of Queen street North, being subdivisioni of Park Lot No. 4in the vil- lage of Parsley ; South hall of Lot 22,on the East side of Q,ueen Street South Paisley, Park Lot No. 15 North side of Cam endge street. and _Block 35 West side of Queen Street,North Paisley,1.0. 13 South side and.13 and 14 Northside of Cambridge street, Paisley; North hell °riot L ".East side of Huron street, Southampton, 50 feet ot the North part of Lot No. 4, North side of High Street, Southampton, Lots 29 and .30 on the North side of Clarendon street, Southampton; Lot IS East side ot Norfolk Street, Southampton, Lots 21 and 22 South side of Louisa street, Southampton Jill in theCounty of Bruce; which lands and tene- ments 1 shall offer- tor sale at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Gederich, on Tues- day the Twenty -Eighth day of February neat, at - the hour r Twelve of -the clock, poon. . JOH/CMACDONALD, - sirersyr, H . 4. B. By S. Pitt.AcithDeee,p4itoy4rhicebri,f12: ShaihJanuaty,186o. I awl D. KERR; JR. & CO, The above sale is postponed till Tuesday theAth day of April next. • COM Of Out Spring Order of Q. Is to hank the THIRD will follow nexteelr, At the -Glasgow Flopte: D. Kerr, Jr„, & C Goderich, Irth April, 1865. Insolvent Act of 1864. In the matter of HENRY -WILSON, an 1111 creditors of. the Insolvent are notified that he has made an assigpment ofhi estate and effecuj under the above Actito me, the under- signed assignee, and they arerequired- to fitrnish me within two months from this date with their claims;Specifying the.security they hold; if any, and the value of it,and it none stating the fact, the whole attested under oath with the vouchers in support of sueh daunt.- . Wu.W. WATSON Asiugnee. INFORT'NTNOTIO , TN CONS EQUE NCE.of die death of Mr. M. M WEATHERAII.D. the business heretofore carried on under th name and style of Itobt. Runciman: & must be closed on or before the IST DAY OF APRIL 1865 'Seaforth,24th‘Aprd, 1665. S. G. MeCAUGHEY, _ Solicitor tor Insolvent. w15 -2w SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Ut United Counties of DY virtue of a -Writ of Huron and Bruce, .LP Fieri Facies issued To Wit: out of Her Majesty's County Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruc:e, and to- me directed against tee lands and tene- ments ofiames Lothian at the snit of William Smith, I have seized and taken an execution all the right, title and inteiest of the said defeadent in and to lots ietters C and 1)in the 9th concession of the township ofEruce, containing 200 acres, ' also null site number 2 in the village, ot Inver.. huroh, in said county of Bruce, containing 34 acres, Wilful' lands and tenements 1 Shan offer for - sale at my ufileein theCoart Meuse 2'In lb Oiown of Codench, on Tuesdaythe first day of August next, at the heur of titelve ot the clack, noon. • t JOWL MACDONALD; '. , , . Sheriff, H.& B. By S. Por.r.ocx, Deputy Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t 25th April, 1865. i • .w14 DART!!e„.$ desirous of obtaining First Class cedar Ior F e.ng and Building purpoiles can be supplied an any quantity, and on reasonabje ;Aetna, by applying to - - - W- Goderich .Feb. Oth.1864. - w2 _ Insolvent Act of 1864. All parties indebted tO Ihe above firm are here:1 by notified that all. notes and hook -accounts over - ' due on the st day Of FEBIY next, will be handed to their Solicitor tor collection' -The stock on har.d will be eord. IAD --vc)xt- 1 - -le reference- to the above, IL Rencimin will he prepared to carry on the business of ' THE HURON FOUNDRY. and contract for the election of all kinds ot Ha . chinery a, usual, and will supply . 'AGFECICULTU.MIAL 1 311PLENIENTS Stored- and castingtoatieasenablerittes,fioaASII Or short credit. - Goderich. Dec.21attIS64, sw834,48 OR- SHORT c.ftubm, oonsuas ot a large aesonment ofPloughs, Culti- vator. Ha rrowe.Straw Cutlers. THRESHING MACHINES_ Pot -ash and sugar -kettles, waggon- and pipe boxes, " - Cooking, Parlor ikilok Stoves; A -goOd second -handl - 191TM.41-11traErZT431-1:00,Ell and a hob -I -Machinery for Grist end Saw -Mills. All parties requiring the abeve articles would do well to call and inspect the stock at once. as they welt get bargaint., R. RUNCLAAN. frHE creAttors of the undersigned are notified to meet -at Seaforth, in the Uounty ofHuron, at the office- cif S. aa.olafctlitugbeY,,sohcitere on ThuradaYi the eighteenth des, of May, at. twelve. o'clock, noon, for the potpie ot receiving state -- menu of his affairs and ot naming an assignee to whont he may .make misignment under the abalie Act. , JAMES= R. ROSS.. Dated• at teafinth, County ibis 2nd day of May; A.T):, ne15-2* S. G. HOCAUGUYi • Wicitonforinsolvent. Fp s ES r OTS 8 and 9, range 2, the township ot 1-4 $20 per acre t. south 90 aeres of lot 28. Shore, 110 per *ere; -East 25 "fermi ors -Inds easterly quarter ,of la in the 9theon., W. D.: Aildield„ per awn; and 20 Town Lots in Oodiineb, pricy $30.00 esch eau upwards. Apply to • • xaos. wig/TUMULI), w3 -t • • Godeneh - . ' • The above sale is further postponed .till Tuesday the 9th day -of May nett:. rwll • The above sale is further postponed till Tuesdey, the 13th June, 1865. Sheriff's Sale or Lands... Stampi stamp Defendanti- UPON the application of the Plaint - tiffs, and it al peering by Affidavit' that after due dilieedee thesaid Deten-, dapt cannot be found to be served' wib an ofllce cpy of the Plaintifir Bill in this cause. It is ordered OA( the said Defendant do on or behire thir first day of June nettainsiveror demur' to the said Bill, and it is ordered that a' copy of this order togetber_ivith t1f6 notice requred by the General Order ot lois. Court be -publiehed in the 4 Huron Siesto newspsper, pubr lobed in the Town- of Coderich, in did" County of Huron, not less than sit Week; before the first day of June next, and be cantinued once in each' *eek until the said day: And it if - rip -flier ordered that an Office copy of the PlaintifFs Bill together :webe copy of tllis -order . be served upose - Sergeant J. Hitchcock, eon Of above named Defendant, and furthee, that a copy of this order Ise mailed end' addressed to the said Dekndant *11 Ne w York: • Entered. (Signed) -A. 'GRANT, - (Sid) J. J. - Registrar. • sat' n000e-Riectreoca,-TalreNotice tbaiifyod' do eat answer or demur to the bill- pursuant to the aboynordei, the Plaintiffmayobtain an order to take the bill as cauterised against you, and trie• cows ma'1. grant the Plaintiffs' anvil Mielea thet i nay, be entitled to on therrosvn showin, ftdy6a' will notrecelVe any further Donee of the futar‘ proi•eediegi in this caude. caooxs, KINGSMILL k CATTANACH, Plaintiffs' Selieitort. Toronto315 April, 1865. tw12-6si* Itisolvent Act of 1864, ImNam•degarro -THE .Creditors of the undersigned are niitifiedi 1. to meet at the Law office of Jetties Shall Sinclair, in the tosen of Goderich, on Sitipidsj9 the twentieth day of May next,at tiirerveteeleekr_ noon, kir the purpose of receiving a statetnent-if his aflatrs and of naming an assi.rnee to *hart hi - may make an assignment under the aborts Act,. = • - JOHN REEVE. - J. SINCLAilt, Giicterich, Solicitor for Insolvent. Clinton, nth April, 1865. . ir121d To -All whom may Cancer, NOTICE: . consequence of seriourr looses in out - business of late, we are compelled much xeainst _our wishee -to resort in future to the CASK POINCIPLE in the Ale of Alio:: Beer, &C. - United Counties of)laY virtue ot a wit ol Huron and Bruce, 1) Fieri Facies issued Out to wii: of Her Majesty' S County Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce and to me diiected against the lands and le.: e- inents et Charles Black, at the suit of . the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, 1 have seized and,taken in execirtioirlall the right, title and intmest of the said defendant in and to the west half id hit -number seven in the third con- cession Eastern :Division: of the to a nship ot Ashfield, in the County oi Huron containing One handled acres, whicIt_linids and tenements I shall offer for sale at my office in the Court House, in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the first day of August next, at fats hour of twelve of ,the _ • 'clock, noon, JOHN MACDONALD, SherifIlf.ds 11: By S. Por.ratcx, Deputy Shtriff. .SheriPsOtfice, Galena, i, - 26th Apn1,186b. , w14 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. United Counties of la Y virtue of a Writ of Huron and Bruce, 1) rim -I -Facies issued vet To Wit : of .Her majesty's court of Chancety and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Jane Ford, Edward Atkinson, John MeGuinnes rnd • William Stanlake, are defendents, ai the, suit of Mary Ann ford Stec - bike by John Mitchell the younger. her _next friend, is Plaintid; have seized and taken in execution alt ithi:rifgohutrt,htitleoe nacendstsniotenmostratfiltbe eic) saidwnsb jdavoll,(:)-f arm, in and to the South halt ofletaiumber eleven itt ot lwelve critic el joccokillomiln. cD9NA in the Court House,. in the town ofGoderich on ity S. OaLt.ocit, Deputy Sheriff. • Stephen. in the county of Huron, which lands and tenemen s I shall Ater for sale at idly office Tuesday, the first day of Auguatnext,ot the hour - ; Sheriff .6t B. Office Goderich -25th 1865. Sher s Francistown .Foundry. rililE partnership hitherto conducted under the na,me or Brabazon 4 Verity, of Francistown Foundry, bas been this day mutually dissolved All parties- indebted to the said firm, by TIQ1e or book ae,count, are requested to eall and arrange with William Sanders, Postmaster, Exeter, on or before the first day of June next, who will receive all debts due the said firm and pay said creditors according to previous arrangements, excepting tavern bills which will be paid by said ItobertBrabazon. The books and metes are -made ever tit the said Willis* Sandure. ROBERT' PRABAZON, . wmiatat R VERII'Y. Dated Exeter, 18th A.pri1,1865. EXETEERIUNDRY. RICHARD Burrobt, Maitland Breweryi Signed CHAS. DEAN., t. Hamilton Spring News:y.4 Godericb„ 12th April, 1865. sw65w12-In British eriodicais . • THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW. (Conserradve.) THE EDINBIJRCHREVIEW (Whi - THE WHSTMINSTSM REVIEW ( 4. ) TILE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free-Chureli.1 AND BLACRWOODISEDINBURGRMAGAZINE(Tary, TheAmerican Publishets continne to reprint the above pained perkdicals, but as the cost of:printing .131121 &vita, the price ofr.eper neatly trebled,rand tases.duturs,beeasesi etc..Oars-ell-increased they are compelled tolladvases their terms as follows: , TERMS FOR 1865. Forariy one ofthe Reviews $4.00 peranaidit‘ **or any two ot the Reviews...-. A 1.00, 41 For any three of the Reviews . .10.00 For all four of the Renews......... 1200 la For Blackwood's 4.01 For Blackwood mei one Review.... 1.011 For Blackwood and any 'tiro of the Reviews.... .... • . 10.00 " For Blackwood:arid' 'Sive ail; Ile - views .. 13.00 a For Blackwood and the four Reviews 1500 Subscribers in the British Province:wig:cant suede. tion to these prices stowity-fear cents. aver fur Blaelts' wood and eight casts a sear -for each Remarioeover ths U. 8. Postage. - Tito werkawill be printed one:reedy imprewslostalise: elpaper, and while nearly all Amencan Periodicals ars either advanced in price or reduced us size -and very. generally both -me shall continue:mete faithful essikii of all the matter contained in the vaginal aditioas.-• Hence, our present prices willbe found es elfeap;for die ainount ofmatterfuniished,arthose of any oftika ems- peting periochailsin this country.- Compared with Ms cost ofthe originatedithins. which at the present premium on gold would be about *100 year.our pricestgintare ereentingly kw. Add to this the fact that we make -our animal payments to the British Publisheis for early sheets and copyright ist ofdd--gi costing us at this time pan..1865] nearly 9260 tamer. rency--and we trust Mat in **seats we have "dopiest we shall be entirelyjustified by our subscribers and dot _ reading public• The Interest of Mesa Periodicals to American readmit is rather,increased than -diminished by die articles they contain on our Civil War, and, though sometimes tingef with prejudice, they may still, &moldering their great ability and the different stand.points from which dief are written, 'be read and studied with atinuttags byths people of thiseotuttry,of every creed and party. The Pour Reviews for 1863. A few copies of the above rennin _Ott band. end wiif beaoldat 95 sor tite wholefoursor.92for any one. We also publish she • • pAitrir.Ews GITIDE, - By Reims &repaints. ofEdinbargit. and tin tate J. 114:- Noes0m. of Vale College. 2 vols. Royal Octavo, 160' pagesand numerous Engravings. PRICE $7 for Me two volumes --by Mall,postpablign.•- • LEONARD SCOTT la CO., . -Publishers,. • No. VI Welker Street, New torte IITILLTAX H. VERITY hereby informs VI' the public generally that he intends con. analog said business in all its branches under the natue ot W. H. Verity, Exeter Foundry, and hopes by , strict attention and liberal charges to have a large share of public patronage. W. H.*VERITY. Dated -Exeter, 19th April, 1865, w15 -3w Montreal fitness for 1865, • FrliE WITNESS isahout to enter., its 2Dtlt '- a. year, as a eliodidate for pnblio laver** tile fame prinmeies with which it set 041 /10K1111 beingto furuish good reeding matter, untaiogied wohsectarien baternees oroarty Strife. The Nein; department contains the Iatestaews by telegraph, outruns nes of news from Cattadist4 British, end American papers- mad selected artis cies on currentevents,frout-lie leading joaraids ofthe world. The Commercial depatunentcompneesreliable, priCet current, reviews 01 lbw markets, mat financial ietelheence, expTihoeusdesepeirterentieonnt otofFamnistmetiily • Restrvis *la ineontaraitiesteitie ;natter, talet. poetry, . Valuable Agncidtaraltued Hortienkarglartiolaa e re,rephepAdiedvIoitonrom tigang runeettinle. las maxi yam and important advartieements, bit. awls Ions ofan immoral or injurious teadeiacy. sCanarhan ateeftgerJoontatitheg a settle_ lion ofthe best and molt interesting -matter tithe sWitness,' is publedied monthly at Wes per mot.. with or:weepy gratieto *club awe. it voted,to Alunditv,Education, Childreters. Reading, Temperance siall.kgricodtti re ; KJ1d SOS: lequently; isallowed to pass free through the _ Post-OSce. - • TERMS: same form that h has hada Suit* the besiege:sig.. saper Darlrasinn yWitleas, $3 per atuntm. Montreal Witneas (send -weekly) This ta the c.awelzinwmigweigernes.si.per251niumper..... Vasb. in;Actirst,noe, .bottklUnec"Tamized4nstisCliut ebilecligeeints"ititil.6r 111114.41.1q°1t111111411; - Is/ Papers eat imefontrarded grstisacothe tales f one-tenth of remittance. - A14 communications to be addiessed 40 - trial .W:itnioss,or JOU VOUGALL 41304