HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1947-08-06, Page 1THEE LYTH STAND VOLUME 52 - NO. 48 Provincials To Police Blyth Monster Band Tattoo Ex- pected To Attract Large Crowd \Without a doubt, the enter- tainment event of the season will be staged in the Community Park, Illyth, on \Wednesday evening, August Lith. The event WC have re:erence to is the mammoth band tattoo being spoil.. sore(' by the Myth bions Boys an I Girls Band, A. C. R hin;on, ( f London, leader of the hand, has stra- y(' neither time nor expense In pro- curing solids of Otttatio's 0111 lallditi.-t hands for this event. All 'n all ten hand; will participate in the evening's program which will get under t v at 7.45 min., when all hands will para' front Ilanmt'e Service Station at the north end of Queen street, to tl•cr Community Park. The program at the park will c ntncnce at 8.I5 p.m. Ten great hands will he present :unl will include the tollowiloz: the South Essex Association Band, the Highland Light infantry Galt Pipe (land: Ac- ton 1"•-\Icn Bot•; and Girl. hand` Irespelet• Police Boys Hand; St. Tho- mas Legion 1)rutn and Ihtglc Rand: Ingersoll Pipe Band; \l ilverton Red Seal (land: \\'ingham Citizens' hand: Clinton Citizens' Rand, and the Illyth Lions Boys and Girls hand. The South Essex Associati it 13and is the feature hand of the evening. it is under the direction of F. 1.. Robin- son, a brother of A. C. Robinson. 'Phis' ban(i is several times Dominion and Provincial Champions, Their latest triumph was at the \\'aterloo \Iusical Festival whose they won first prize in juni:r competition, and placed se- cond competing against senior bands. Toler the direction of 1?. L. Robin- son they will he featured dtn•ing t he evening in several numbers, from the Rand Stand. Another outstanding feature will he the drill performances of the St. '(hostas Legion 1)rupt and itugle Band. This is one of the show bands of the Province, and their illumination drill perfornianil is said to be worth the price of admission alone. Supporting .-.! _ _-1..... BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEI) NESDAY, AUG. 6, 1917 0.00 ..y Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Council Looking For Town Foreman By September 1st Shown above is a photo of the Blyth Lions Boys and Girls \Band. This organization is comprised of boys and girls from this community, They are sponsoring. the Monster Band Tattoo to be held in the Blyth Community Park on the evening of Wednesday, August 13th, This Is Polio Month ' Auburn And Teeswater To Londesboro Ball Team In Play On Blyth Diamond People of Myth are well advised to (toil all drinking water, eliminate flies by burning garbage, patching holes in screens, using fly tox, keeping screen doors and windows closed. Check the first signs of colds, headaches, tonsilitis with your duct( r. Avoid crowds, and keep children and babies off trains and buses, , The above advise is released by 1)r. I). C. Draper, Friday Night Deciding Game of Ilard•Ball Semi -Final Round :\ real thrill for hardball fans is com- ing tip this Friday night, when Auburn and Teeswater play their third and (de- ciding gitine in the septi -finals of the \\',O,A.A. hardball series on the 13lyth diamond, .game to continence at 6.30. Each team has won a game by (me- rlin margins, and the third game should be a thriller. Three kcal ball players are in the Auburn line -tip, Bert Gray, Gar. Doherty, and Jimmy Lockwood,. these two feature bands will be eight Parents And Friends Enter- I The R1yth' diamond. will he in excellent other fine bands as named above. Nott the least of these 1)y any means, so tained At Scout Camp far as kcal interest is concerned, is 1'arcnts of the t'ri'os buys who our own Blyth Lions Boys and (;iris were encamped at the Blyth Scout 'Band, who will play along with other Camp during last week-old were coy Junior bands present in massed band ;illy entertained on Sttti ay night, as numbers. some sixty of them accepted an invit- Professor C. F. Thiele, of Waterloo, 'tion to visit the ramp before it bolas will act in the capacity of Master (Y Ceremonies for the evening. Prof. Thiele is Director c .f the Waterloo Banc. President of the Ontario :Nola- and :wound this the entertainment was yrs, \William, Robert and James, and teur Bands :\ssociatioli`Past President staged. Various contests were engag- two sisters, Nettie and I3arbara. They . etl in by the Scuuts under the direction lived on the property now occupied by and hounder of the Canadian Rand plasters' Association, a member of the 'of Scout master G. R. Hurts awl his 'Thomas Noble. shape, and a good game is assured. V Visited In Blyth Another former resident, \Irs. Ad- am F. Gierke, formerly Mary Anne La- mont, was a Blyth visitor over the week -end. It is 62 years since Mrs. up Monday morning. Parents were Gierke left here. She is now residing invited to inspect the camp, and after- at Grayling, \licit. liter father was wards a huge camp fire was lighted, Joseph Lamont, and she had 3 broth - American Iran, tntastcrs' Associat'n, and General Manager of the \Vaterloo Music Company. ile is a distinguished musician and his services have been precured through his friendship with NH.. Robinson. :\niple roost for parking will be available for cars at the community park, which will be well lighted for the evening's performance. Those at- tending will be able to either remain in their cars, sit in the grand stand, or just amble around the park and enjoy the. music. An amplifying sys- tem will be used so that all announce- ments and speakers will -be plainly heard. Refreslune•''s of all kinds will be available at a large booth en the grounds. Those who wish to dart e, may do so in the Memorial 1-1all, after the Tat- too. Programs containinq the variotts numbers to be featured during the ev- ening are now on sale in lift. Blyth stores. This is an 'attractive 24 -page booklet, and will he sold for 10c,' The programs are all numbered, and a draw will be made during the evening. Get a prograu, and wat-h your umber when the draw is made, You may be the winner'of one of the valuable cash awards. Support year boys and girls w•ho are members of this Blyth Lions Band, 'n this their biggest venture. 'Pickets are also on sale from any hand member, V- LIONS FROLIC ARRANAGE- MENTS NEARING COMPLETION Arrangements for the Blyth Lions Club Titled Annual Frolic are nearing completion„ and indications are that this one, to be held August 21st, will he the best one yet. (lie of the features will be aerial bombing prior to the night -0f the frol- ic. Lucky dodgers will he dropped on all towns, and $50,00 in cash is being offered to the pers^n who hrings the dodger with the lucky number, to the frolic. Watch for the aeroplane and get your share of the, dodgers, assistants. Musical entertainment was also provided, and Stanley Sibthorpe led the gathering in community sing- ing. The Scouts served welters and rolls to everyone before the gathering dispersed. :\ vote of thanks was tendered Scout \lastcr Harris and Assistant Scout \taster J. L. 11. Henderson for their hospitality. Rev. Ileuderson closed the meeting in ceremonial fashion with a Scout prayer, The rump Was held on the \iaitlanl River bank, 011 the farm owned by Harvey 1tcIowett. Special thanks is due King Scout Glen Deacatiff, a stammer visitor at the home of \I r, and \Irs. Kenneth Taylor, for his assistance. Relieving Manager At Blyth Bank Branch W. 1. \tuurchcad, of Goticrich, is relieving ut:utagcr at the local Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Ile assumed his duties un Wednesday Tough Spot After winning the series opener in decisive fashion from the 1,ucknosv Se- poys, the Londesboro B.A. softhallers have dropped tw•o straight daring the past week, and are now faced with the task of winning the remaining two games of the series, if they hope to become group champiels, Last Thursday night a Targe crov:d of l,unrlcshoro rooters cheered 111 Vain its the Sepovs set than down to the tune of 22-5 00 the Londesboro dia- •ntoid, Again on 'Tuesday night on the 1ucktoty diamond, the 5epoys w•on' the second gam' by a Q-3 score.' '1)tte to space difficulties this tveek we are unable to give a full account of these game;. The fourth game of the series will take place on the Londesboro diamond to -night (Thursday). in the event of a fifth game, the time ati•I place will be (decided later. Bill Leiper Stricken With Appendicitis' Bill Leiper, outfielder for the Lon- desboro II -A's was stricken with an at- tack of appendicitis on 'Tuesday morn- ing and was taken to Clinton hospital for an operation, where he is reported recovering nicely, This was a tough break for Bill, as well as the I...ndeshoro team, coating right in the midst of the group -final series. Rattle Snake `Rattlers' On Display In Blyth Th, men of the Radford Construe - morning. N. \V. Lyle has taken leave- tion Company are always coming up u( -absence for a month, clue to ill with sonic new tale of the northland, where they have been busily engaged I during. the summer crushing gravel BIRTHS 1 111 the 'I'uherntory .district, Recently 11 \RNtY ;'I'ON'-Jnr. and \Irs. Janes! NI r. Radford had a race after a Targe black hear, but on the narrow crooked 1'. Harrington, are happy to au - inutile() the arrival of a daughter, •it roads, the hear WOtt the race, and St. JI:try 1111.19 ital, Kitchener, Jul} 'ttttitled oft in to the heavy underbrush I947-\la•ia before he could get ;t good to -l: at it. Last week while Harold Cook was busy rtitning the crusher, he noticed a large sdtake close by. it turfed out to be a 3 -foot rattler. and Harold cal- led on Roy Smith, an -they employee, who engaged it in battle with a long - handled shovel. The rattler showed fight, all right, hut succumbed finally (t the superior fighting ability •(f his adversary. The rattlers were brought horse as proof. We always pictured than in our minds as being as large as a ladies bracelet, and encircling the snake. so that when Inc moved he rattled them. Imagine our dismay when Har- old (Took brought the rattlers in. There wcrc seven pair all joined to- gether. and the entire string was not over an inch lung. d: • -"• of rat- ters were ;,boort the size of a hc;ul. The snake measured 3 feet. understand all the wind'ws and doors are now closed at night around the camp. health, 30, Anne, PROFESSOR C . F F. TIHIELE Distinguished musician, who will act in the capacity of Master of Ceremonies for the Tattoo Program. ' Going To Parkhill 'M r• Walter Mittel' Ieft on 1Wednc,• day for Parkhill where he bas taken A . C. ROBINSON position in a dairy owned by Mr. 1:c.bert Coc'hill. Walter's departure Of London, Blyth BandmaS- front the village will he ,generally re• ter, who has made u11 ar- gretted by many friend. His tine rang'ell encs for the even- sinliitg void' will be greatly lltisse(i in this community. and as a member of ing S Program, and has se - the Myth Male Quartette he was ;id- C,•red some outstanding ways ready to lend his services for any occasion. Bt:I1dS. Executives Agree On Community Park Following. an ..exceutive tweeting of the bions Club a few weeks ago, a mating of the three executive bodies of the Myth Legion, Agricultural So- ciety and (.ions Club was held in the \tensorial hall Friday evening, to dis- cuss a community park project. :\ good representation of all three executive bodies were present, and S. P. 1 talla- hai, President of the Agricultural So- ciety, had charge of the meeting-. \f r. 1 t tllahan explained the purpose of the meeting, wlticlt was called to discuss pooling resources in ;1 concentrated effort to improve 'the present Agri cultural Park, 'with a vdett• towards flaking it a community park, \I embers of each organization ex- pressed themselves as in accord on the scheme, and a committee of the presi- dents of the three organizations \vas appointed, with JI r. 1 lallahan as head, to svork'out details, and to call anoth- -cr meeting at a later date. :\t that tweeting it is 11, -ped to have as special speaker, J. A. Carroll, of the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, who will be in a position to discuss just what can be clone til yards stak- ing it a community park without in- terfering with the Agricultural So- ciety's grants, which are an important item of revenue to the Fair. The present sight of the Lions Park, which adjoins the Agricultural Parl:, Mil also be retained, Sang At Morning Church Service The Myth Male Quartette sang two much -appreciated numbers at the morning service in the United Church on Sunday, NI embers of the quartette are Messrs. \\'alter Ruttcll, Tates Lawrie, (,lens Rechnie, and Irvine \Wallace, .1. A , COWAN GIVEN 30-I)AY NOTICE Applications Wanted For New Position. The regular monthly meeting of the \1 uuticipal Council of 11i) ut was held •fuc.I.,y night, with 1cet'c fiaintun, and (', uucillors Mc•Nall, Radford, Robinson and \ Vat son present. Minute- of last regular meeting of July 7t11, and special meeting of July rail and confirmed on motion of Councillors \\ atsont and liobiitson• Carried. Communications: Letter received and real frau Coun- ty Engineer explaining that calcium chloride is in short supply and that it was impossible to :rd' i,e if and twhen Illyth could be supplied. 1 ;!c 1. L(tter receivel :un1 read from the Salvation Army requesting a grant for the year 1917• \lova) by Councillors Radford and Watson that the usual grant of $15.00 he given Salvation ;\rnty. Carried. \loved ht• Councillors Radford and \lc\all that Bylaw N.). 5, 1947, as now read three times in open council to appoint Dr. i). C, Draper Medical Of- ficer of ilealth, for the \Tillage of Blyth, be finally passed. Carried. Bills and Accounts C.P.R. Co., freight ..... 2.03 Ilaruld I'.Illltlet•soll, tile . 5.50 (fen. Radford, gravel 198.50 Howson & Howson, 2 barrels.-._- 2.50 County of Huron, re indigent _.- 12.35 John Simkins, labor 5.50 Ed. Sillih, filing sats .75 Bob Henry, stowing grass 34.00 Wm. Thud, July salary- 45.(x) J. A. Cowan, July salary .. 80.(10 Blyth Hydro Cont., st. lighting230.44 Illyth 1lyrlro Cont., pump house 2.00 Blyth hydro Cont., weigh scales 2.00 Blyth Ilvdro Com., Myth shed._. 2.00 Charles Agar, overp'nt't taxes..__ 6.00 1tarvcy Lethertand, July salary20.00 of Moron, re indigent 22.35 JI oycd by Councillors Robinson and \IcNall that accounts, as read, be paid. ..Co..Gavial, . : \loacd by Councillors Radford and \Watson that John A. Cowan be given thirty ;days notice that his services as Constable are no longer required due to the fact that the Ontario Provincial Police are now policing the Village of 13lyth. Carried, Moved by Concillors Robinson and Nadfot(1 that an advertisement he placed in The 13lyth Standard for a full time town foreman for the Village of Blyth, duties to continence Septem- ber 1st, 1947, duties to be as outlined by the council, at an annual salary of $100.00 per month. Applications to he in the hands of the Clerk by August 25th, 19•17. Carried, Nloved by Councillors \Ic\all and Radford that we do now adjourn. Carried, Gordon Elliott, Clerk. CONGRATULATIONS C'k)igratttfations to Kenneth Wayne \IcGowai who will celebrate his 2nd bithday on Monday, August 7th, Congratulations to Kenneth Scott, of Toronto, who celebrated his 8th birthday on Tuesday, August 5th. Congratulations to Arlene Richmond who celebrated her 10th birthday on Tuesday, August 5th. Congratulations to Marilyn June Kechnie who will celebrate iter 6th birthday on Saturday, August 9th. V ---- Baptismal Service A pleasant baptismal service was conducted by the Rev, W. J. Rogers on Friday, evening, July 25th, at the home of \i r. and \lrs, Keith Webster, for lain Douglas Schaeffer, infant son of Mr. acid Mrs. Elmo Schaeffer, of Port Robinson, Ont. Mrs. George Hol- gate of Hamilton, beautifully tendered the baptismal hymn, "A Little Child Lord Jesus Came," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. \I crv'yne Lobb, of Clin- 1,11. I Blyth Girls In Play -Offs The Blyth girls are in the midst of their septi -final group play-offs. They, carnet the right to the fourth play- off slot by defeating \lonkton last week. On Tuesday night they played their first game against Walton and were rather badly beaten by the score of 33-3. The series is the best two - out -of -three. Goderich and Brussels arc meeting in the other half of the semi-finals. OLD-TIMERS TAKEN INTO CAMP ' The Old -Timers have suffered two stinging defeats during the past week, Last Thursday night they were defeat - in the rubber game by the Blyth intermediates, and in a It liaay fixture on Monday night, the Stone School House teats defeated them 22 to $ on the Myth d: rtaond, No announcement of further games have been made. The Quality Tea O:1;AMGE PEKOE GERALD NliPsIs ('Il.1l"1 Cut , \VIII: 1lon:tevy drives up nn,l Lrua,;u, l>• L,Lrs "rel. 110 hent, Ihwnt all inside the m: nsmo. '1•het'e they d,N- covla' That the maul In sailor's uniform Is St milli n iti.g''h,tc. The uniform Is a Ini del n,n; I.( I.•Ir The black handkerchief Is nusamg from I1. obviously 11 Is (Ise Naue arty.!, that 1L'f',,b• Gnat In the trunk. Viae, a art,tys. Lal:,, nl the suuuat:un, and Chapter XXIX "1'nt all right," \lcCalc said, "hut I'm :till wet and \ ery, very tired. ' "'Then you get into dry clothes right away. Rocky, you mix hint a highball while I make coffee. While you're getting the liquid in- side of you, 1 want to hear about everything. If you think I'm going to tuck you in and go home be- fore l get the whole story, yott are sadly mistaken, if you will go out chasing a murderer all night ,with a hole in your side, you'll have to take the consequences. I'm going to ask questions if I stay here the rest of the n'ght." The three of them sat a long time over brandy and hot coffee discussing the case. After a leng- thy resume, they grew silent. Mc- C:Ile finally spoke. "The maddening timing about it all was the motive, you see. Every- one who cane under suspicion af- ter Veronica was more or less cleared had a motive. But not dif- ferent motives—they all had the same one." * "What do you mean?" Ann ask- ed. "Well, they were all in the plot to get Curt married to Veronica and in charge of the Bigelow mil- lions. Then when it was discovered that he didn't intend to give them a share after all, they all had the same incentive—to keep him from getting control of it, When it was clear that they all wanted him out of the way for the same reason, it became more a matter of seeking out the person with the character- istics most suitable to committing murder," "]fright lad," Rocky grinned. "It's a wonder you fumbled as long as you did." \lcCalc scowled. "Oh, I know the old one about everyone being a potential murderer, I had to nose a little closer to the ground than just accusing one right after time other. Some of then, had to Have a stronger motive than just money. VALLEY OF REVENGE By Jackson Cole Mr. Cole, widely known for his colorful and thrillingly told tales of the West, has never writtei a more exciting novel than this story of a fearless young Robin Hood, riding the trail of venge- ance over the mountains and up and down the desert valleys of the Soot lowest. READ THIS THRILLING STORY BEGINNING NEXT WEEK BROWN w.N.0 FEATURCS "Gall it jealousy combined with passion, Laren was the 'femme iatale,' of course. 1 think she knew from the first that Stephen did it. She didn't give hint away, though, not until tonight. She'd even thought of helping him to run away again. That's why she drew the WO. But tonight when I asked her if she knew why Sybil hadn't !icon killed instead of stunned, she didn't answer. However, as 1 went out the door, sire began to play the Lullaby from Joselyn. It was her way of telling me about the mo- ther fixation Stephen had. He could not bring himself to kill her, even though he realized she had gone to the attic to see if his sailor suit was still there—and the gun," "Oh, that's what she was look- ing for." "Of course, Funny, .\11 the way along the litre, everything pointed to the sailor angle. It wasn't until I found the black silk square in the attic that I realized what I had missed. It was a kerchief, you know, the kind sailors wear knot- ted about their necks, \Vhen I re- alized what it was, the whole puz- zle fell into focus, There was a sailor lounging near the gate across from the house on the af- ternoon of the murder. Then Miss 13igelow had told me that Stephen had once run away and joined the navy, I -Ie even mentioned the fact himself, 'Then tltcrc was the pic- ture missing from Shari Lynn's wall. The only sailor in all those uniforms. Stephen's photograph, of course, The picture was taken years and years ago—not a very good one—but if I had given it more than a cursory glance the night I saw it at Shari Lynn's, I think I mvould have recognized him." "Lord. The whole business was out in the open all the time." This from Rocky. "Uh 1111, That's where he was clever, It was almost too out in the open. Stephen told no lies, IIe admitted being jealous of Karen. Everything he did was logical, you know, except attacking his mo- ther. Ile shouldn't have done that, because he couldn't follow through on it, Ile didn't have the heart to kill her, It showed that the killer had a fondness for Sybil that kept him from destroying her. That de- finitely put the finger on Stephen." * * * Rocky said, surprisingly, "He was lucky about the false clues, too, boss. Ile didn't try to leave any himself—false ones—to point another way, like most murderers do. There was the red wig and ever) body being in the same lo- cality at just the right time to conte under suspicion. 'Those things just happened, All the con-' fusion it caused was lucky for him —for a while, anyway." "That's certainly right, IIe al- most got away with bumping Inc off, too," "He'd never been caught if he'd killed you," said Ann. "011, I don't know, Donlevy's smart and Ile would have plugged away until he got the right line, no doubt." "Maybe." She sounded skeptical. "Good heavens, It's five o'clock. Rocky tilted his bulk front his chair, saying, "I'll most' along, too. Come on, Ann I'll drop you." Duke," she ordered. "1 hope you're "Von get right into bed now, going to he all right. You aren't running a fever are you." She put her hand on his fore- head and, bending over suddenly, gave hiss a long kiss. "I'm fine," answered \fcCale happily, "but if you want Iny tem- perature to go up, you're certain- ly doing the right thing." (THE END) This Is Terrible Earl Wilson !ells of the panhand- ler who slopped a man and asked for a dollar. "If'liy such a large touch?" the panhandler was asked. "Well," answered the panhandler, "I'm trying to put all my begs in one ask it." ISSUE 32-1947 Planting Enduring Peace—Plantingthe sapling which -orale clay will grow into the nighty tree of enduring world peace is the theme of the prize-winning poster for ,which Henry I:veleigh, Montreal, ,won $1,500 in the 1.'nitcd Nations poster contest to promote peace. The twinning poster short's a pair of hands planting a young tree whose leaves are flags of the 55 nations which bolting to the U.N. It will be reproduced in every language and distributed throughout the \world in con- nection ,with the fall electing of the Cameral Assembly Sept. 16. ANNA '1PST +-�— Fa*Wifly \ ped ell V "ter 'A Good Daughter Makes Good Wife "DEAR ANNE IIIRST: \lust I let * my mother pick my boy friends? * Anne 1 -first cries an angry girl * of 17. "1'n1 going steady non' With * a boy that she won't have in the * house! She hasn't even met hint, * but she heard some gossip about * him. He is 20, and a * She doesn't THIS IS a 11 fraught is nice boy, even trust 111e." loo -common situation. with clanger for the St oiSsl'ail m:artyrrd ;, tini of gossip, and is determined to .chow him that she is a friend who will stand up for 17, she feels old ('notigh to choose her own friends, and she bit- terly resent1 what she calls INT mo- ther's interference, 117iat she does not /rote is that many a nice -mannered buy is a cad at heart. This one probably assures her she's a "good sport," and she revels in the role. Seldom can a lad with decent instincts respect a girl 7(110 defies her parents, even though he gains by il. When he coot's to • marrying her, he is apt to remember that "a good daughter makes a good cif,. A MOTHER'S DUTY * It is a sad pity that a young * girl doesn't appreciate her par- * cuts' protection, They have lived * long, they know the world. It is * part of their duly to see that the * girl goes with nice young men * who have a good reputation; if * she refuses to listen, how can they * guard her against a nnarmiaae that * might spoil her life? * A smother docs not object to * a boy friend of her daughter's * just for the fun of it, or to show * her authority. How much easier * it would be to let the girl go her * way! Yet that sante girl in trouble * will blame her parents for not * warning her, 1 fundreds of such * girls cry out to me, when it is * loo late, "liow I wish I'd listen- * ed to 111y smother! Hitt I thought * 1 knew hest'" * A good mother lawns III:It het• * most precious possession i; her * daughter. She will brave the girl"; * resentment and ill -will, rather than * let her cultivate the wrong boys. * She will agonize through sleepless * nights, praying for time girl's safe- " ty; she will accept abuse humbly, * hoping the child will come to her * sense,. But she Clare not close her 4' eye, roe still her voice a:ainst het• girl„ apprehen- sion for her mother, and bad feeling all around. 7 he girl may be doubly attracted to the boy h,,0use she'.,' been for- bidden 10 ,ere him. She pic- tures him as the * daughter's dangerous cour..t . If this piece today wire the last one I \write, I would \vrite it about this situation, I would plead with young girls to heed their parents' counsel, to realize it springs only front a greater love than they will ever known again. The pity of it is that if a mother's advice were given by any other older woman, the girls would listen to it ! To ".'i.I..l,": 11 is the part of wisdom to seek one's friends among members of his own church. Then neither the lad nor the girl invites the eomfusion which sometimes at- tends friendships belweet two people of different faiths. Mothers are wiser, and more fair, than perhaps you think. If )'Cl are at odd.' with yours, tell Anne /first about it. Write her at 110.1' A, room 431, 73 Adelaide Street, Wrest, 1 or- onl,'. Your Handwriting and You 13 1 Alex Sy Arnott Crude, heavy, excessive curls in handwriting is an expression of m'ulgarity. From the writing, you can picture such writers to be flashy and showy to the extreme. Their clothes may be of loud splashy material with an assort- ment of contrasting colours, cheap jewelry, an a display of unnec- essary trinkets. 'These 'indicate lack of good taste and refinement. An example of this meriting is il- lustrated below. Such writers make ungraceful, heavy whirls and loops in all their letters. In many cases, hooks begin and end the words, showing the person to be abnormally materialistic with a love of self-indulgence in eating and drinking, They go beyond the average person in their living habits and become excessive 111 everything they to. Harmony and spirituality is not part of their character as they do not believe in refinement, good temper, or good judgment, \\'ritiug which apoeat's to stand straight up, as in the first exam- ple, shows the nature to be more reserved than the nature in the second exanmpie, which indicates the person to be openly vulgar in speech as •ell as 'winner. 61''n1 62, Gpiat 00 a o Cogis V Anyone wishing a more complete analysis please send self-addressed stamped envelope to ling i3, room, 421, 73 Adelaide St Wrest, laronlo. Their is I:a el::',,.• .,,r li.•s CONTAINS vITAMINeI Alen ESSENTIAL* MINERALS, St1ILthy School Lesson Purity of I-Ieart and Life 1'r,1tt rl 2: 10-17; 1: 23-27; Imo 1: 13-1:1 t;,lltt li lea 1, - 1;„','p thy /wart 0fl difgence; jot 0111 of It ,int 11:x' uallr.7 o/ life,- 1'r, ,.rrhs •1: 23, fo the ‘vise ratan among the ;mei( 11 IIebrctt. the heart \vas not only the ('ante' of ratan', ph) si- cal bring, but it Inbolized also the centen and suture of his moral and spiritual life. Inc thought not only t', ith his mind, but with his heart. ”:\s a ratan tllinkcllt in his heart, St) 15 he" ; "`,•arch the heart, for out of it are the issues of life,' Purity of heart, therefore, be- calm. the supreme and necessary cont.ition of a good and whole- some life, as much a, pure blood is the rendition of a ht:dilly body, * 4 \\ Mat docs it mean 10 he pure in hr;u't? '1'Inc common enders- cy is to think of "purity" chief- ly, if not altogether, in terms of sex; but purity of heart means a great deal more than avoidance of what Saint Peter (I 1'eter 2:11) has called the "flesh,' lusts that war against the soul." Parity, loo, must he considered on its positive side. It is not enough to resist the temptations of evil; it 's necessary to be noted by the impulses of good, and the power of love, Purity means strength, rs well ,t" freedom front taint. * * * 1'tu'ity relates to much than >r .u.lt conduct, Kul that docs not mean that purity in that regard i, any less vital, The Biblr, al- ways a hook of realism, is ,cry plain and outspoken concerning right relations between man and wonm;ut on the one hand, and evil associations on the other. It com- mends the virtuous woman, Who will do her husband "good and not evil all the days of her life," and it %tanns against the "strange wo• men" in 1y hose lures are the way, of destruction. Ancient counsel still holds good. And 15 other prizes of $5 CONTEST #2 — Which sentence Ir correct? WILSON'S FLY PADS HAS KILLED MORE FLIES. WILSON'S FLY PADS HAVE KILLED MORE FLIES. The Ant 1B correct answers drawn will win! Contest *2 closet August 27, 1947. Winners names will be published In September, Send your answer along with tht top Rap, label of target from any of the Wilson Products below or reasonable facsimile lo: CONTEST *2 — WILSON FLY PAD CO., DEPT. Q HAMILTON, ONT. WILSON'S RAT DUST INSECT REPELLENT, ANT TRAPS, INSECT POWDER, FLY PADS, MOUSE TREAT more "All es reliable as Wilson's fly Pads' Wool Blankets tar's' Nult, (lulfy', p1(1'e. C,1NI,11,1 mune 1n netrrat colas. we manu- facture blankets from your told wad - lens at a c•onaltlet nblc Having to you. Write for price Lst and catalogue: Midland Woolen Mills Ltd. order Inept, '7, I1us 885 11rg,n\n, (INT. SWEETER TASTIER WILSON'S ' ANT TRAPS Sure Death to fat and wait eatiry ants, No fuss or muss. Only 25c, ask for WILSON'S 3 WITH THE RED WHITE AND BLUE TARGET White Tread RECIPE Put I c. lukewarm water in bread bowl, add 1 envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and I tsp. sugar, stir: let stand 10 min. Scald 2 c, milk, add 5 tbs. sugar: add 5 tsps salt; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast with 1 c. water; add 6 c. silted flour: heat well. Add 5 tbs. melted shortening and 6 c. more sifted flour, or enough to make easily handled dough. Knead dough quickly and lightly until smooth and elas- tic. Place dough in greased bowl, cover; set in warn place, free from draft. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down In bowl: let rise again until about j as high as first rise. When light, divide into 4 equal portions; shape into balls. (.over with cloth; let rest 10 to 15 ntin. Shape Into loaves; place in greased bread pans. Cover; let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Bake in 425` F. oven for 15 nun., then reduce heat to 375° 1'. Finish baking about 30 min. longer. ('1 1.. "Ah fair Juliet, thine eyes are as two bowls of honey -golden Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "They're made for tlmce to feast "In truth they give thee carbo - upon, My Romeo—as Is the malty- hydrates for energy; proteins for rich nut -sweetness of Post's muscle; phosphorus for teeth and Crape -Nuts Flakes!" bones; iron for the blood; other food essentials. And on each pack- age are enscrollcd fine recipes for such good things as cookies, muffins, cakes." "Good night, good night. Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes I'll beg or borrow— and dream of Them '111 it be morrow!" "Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes are wondrous good, I swear it. Two golden grains do make them so: sun -ripened wheat and malted baI'- }ey, skillfully blended, baked and toasted." TEEN -TOWN TOPICS Hy BARRY M1URKAU Well, the summer holid;ns are half gone and everyone is looking fm\\ill d to Ret - Barry Murkar tine back Io school - what a laugh' Ilow- ('let• Coln may be thinking a little abut fall plans and won- dering that the football line-up will he like this terns. ilut this is still summer so we'll make the most of it, while we irate it. Can You Top This? \\'e are in receipt of ;I 11ttrr this >tiuek, folk \\iu;; a paragraph bast 'Is- sue on pen -pals. I(uth Gillman of 11rongharn, Ont, sass: ')'hanks for the swell column for teen-agers, 1 have just finished reading \mite arti- cle, "(correspond—It's \\'orth It". I have been writing to pen -pals since I was eight years old and after nine years, I write to exactly 'I52 differ- ent people. 1 write to pen -pals in Ja- pan, China, ('nba, Philipiues, Jamai- ca, Newfoundland, Hawaii, \falt.i and naturally U.S. and Canada. Iiow about more articles on pen -pals? Al- so for anyone who is interested, l \vould be pleased to Rite them ad- dresses or send (heir address to some of my pen -pals. Can anyone lop my record of pen -pals? 1'd he very in- terested in hearing.—Nath Gillman, Brougham, Ontario, 'rlianks ;t lot for the interesting letter, Ruth and hope to hear from you again, if any of you kids out there want a real pen-pal,--v:cll litre you are. News of the C. N. E. Seems like a Tong time since we Pushed our w'ay down the midway at the good old "lex", lint it's here again and they sure have plenty of inter- esting things for teen-agers. In the automotive building you still find a section for teen-agers only. They have a record bar, fashion slow and (here will be teen-age broadcasts conducted from there daily. 'fhc midway will be bigger and better than ever, and cyte\ moment you have can in taken up with seeing something different and something interesting, Boys and girls who have an overdose of freckles can get in the freckle -faced kids competition and maybe win a little green stuff. If interested in any of the compe- titions yon Mundt{ get your entries in early. Ne -placing the nightly pa- geant which has hecn a feature of the C.N.E. for years, will he the famous Olsen & Johnson comedy team with the New York cast. Ow- ing to a mishap at the grandstand, the nightly pageant lead to he sus- pended this year. He Tells 'Em. A clipping of an editorial appear- ing in the \loorpark Enterprise of Ventura County, California, came in from a reader the other day. The editorial, headed "\\'hat Need of It All?" concerns the present teen- age centres that many municipalities are building, or drawing up plans for, at the present time The writer nays, and WC quote—Twenty-five or thirty years ago teen-age centres and places of recreation for youth did not exist and the youth of that clay grew up as wholesome and well - ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY' FURNISHED $1.50 up IIOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA GALLS OPP, — C.\.11, S'I'\•1'111, IYoung Actress I ■ ■ HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Pictured child 1 Tangle 2 Operatic solo 3 Send in payment 9 Peruse 5 Et cetera 13 29 hours (ab.) 19 Duration 6 2000 pounds 16 Skin disease 7 Individuals 17 Mercury (ab ) 8 Perf 9 Aristocectrat 18 Pointed a 10 New York weapon City (ab.) 20 Rob — 15 Send forth 22 Point 17 Encounter 23 Relative (ab.) 19 Food screen star, 11 Exist 12 British school 24 Palm lily 25 Near 26 Tungsten I (ab.) 27 Negative 29 Standard of value 30 Age 32 Bargain events 34 Listens 36 Os ,37 Dislike intensely 140 Sneer 42 Beverage 43 Smell 31) 44 Born 45 She Is one of the youngest 45 of---- --=- . 1 4 3 11 14 18 N% iittiil for Indust 1kttth11161V II le as the munbv-pmnby, shiftless and 1,1ayboy young'.ti t s of the present d;n and sin on. Ile says that build- ing such places is only admitting (adore to trach ;mut control children, and that the handling of the child is an irkesome job --so let someone else do it. ltrother )1,11 have some- thing there. (I'll probably hear about this one. flans are in the staking for a centre heir and maybe we could ',..,ve chos(n a lrtur time for it- or mold \cr'r It Could Only happen to Us Tv,,, \,,1, L•s ;1;;11 \s' comntr,l 12 nrist;his in our column, made up of typographical errors and nus placed lime s Either the weathi:r It as too hot or the compositor and the proof- reader were eliding off with you lin \V what. CHRONICLES OF GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke This is the > ear I've been \vaiting for—yes, this it; the y'rar—With ber- ries in the bust, flanging red and ripe whichever w•ay one looks. \Ve haven't had such good picking for several 3 cars as We are hat ing tight now. And believe nuc, I am malting the most of it. Everything else is being neglected, or at most reduced to minimum requirements. Any time now I am expecting to )tear sound: of exasperation ir,l lay menfolk because 1 ant afraid the it supply of trended socks must be just about exhausted. .Probably they Will say ---"1 tarn those socks' —in which case I too, tray say those sacks" only not quit,2 with the 5a711: meaning. Of course we are enjoying our usual run of summer guests ---and I mean enjoy --but they, too, are being drawn into toy scheming toils like helpless flies in a spider's web --toy web being the raspberry patch to which they are enticed and given a pail and a pair of overalls I might acid they are rising to the magnificently. * $ Last wee): my sister-in-law and 1 made our first visit to the bush. 1t \vas more of an inspection tn.r than anything else as 1 tvasn't at all sure that the bevies w'cre really. So We wandered around itt the hush quite a bit, picking here and thele, but with no intention of staying very long. At ten -to -six 1 tho'.tgnt sse had better head for home—a.rr•I that's where the fun began. Do you think 1 could find my way out of that bush! '1'o make mattes Worse the sky was overcast so that we couldn't even tell where the sun should be. :\s looking didn't get us anysvherc we started 1i•,'c Wring. \Ye could hear a tractor goitt>; not too tar away and then the heard a car, so w'C headed ho 1:1.1 ly to- wards where we thought the car had passed. Eventually w e tet out but quite a piece from where our car teas parked so that meant a nice little walk for rue to get it, + * • ocrasiou (lf course when 1 related our ex- periences at supper time the sten scoffed at the idea of our being lost; ridiculed the suggestion ;Teat we really had trouble in finding our way out of the bush—and :71 any case thought I was completely crazy. During our wandering I asked my sister-in-law if she were scared and what she would do if we were really lost. "Nothing at all," she answered, "I would just sit here until some- one 'came to find us. And 1 cer- tainly was not scared." 9 * Since that trip there have been AiotWer u) Previous Puzzle D iiVjl S t QN EN4.ci SE.NI)RN4.AI_ F" 4-'T 0 57',A_C AIN - L i' 0 ;,:,,LT is M 1_©E�.5 tN ;•r+E or ONERS C®NT U.S. ARMY T E`!Sj DE 80'' T,13 HACP DVISION RIF DES E\':ADIM RE ALTSRO MA'; AN R E A''•:EC PSALFI f�•NIDMARE< connoisseur 21 One who trams 26 Story 28 Verbal 29 Saddle pad 31 Sports stadium 32 Individual 4 5 b 1 song 33 Performance 34 Flock 35 Soothsayer 36 Exclamation 38 Excitement 39 Also 41 Things (Latin) 31(1:;111 i3 8 '1 10 i?b 30 31 r 3Z 33 W44:34 35 ',1�sy 31 3B 3 rp40 41 71 44 14 1las '�,lty' Lock --Sacra act- ress I\yic )\lar)-)nuuell guts rat tlic gold standard as she mod- els a two-piece bathing snit (1f gold metallic tftrca(1 in \V( )0(1. The .Sttit is not just (err sand -lounging either, as the elasticized fabric is guaranteed water repellent. othrts. 'l'tvice John came with me and 1 Was relieved of all anxiety— also the job of rallying the lig berry pail. 'Today Second Niece and i, along with a neighbour, went picking on our on n. And what a great picking we had. 1t rained nearly all clay yesterday and 1 im- tuagine most people thought the bush )could be wet as only once did we hear voices, :and they were children voices, 'l'he hush wasn't really wet all. I suppose the dense- ness of the undergrowth keeps the t round front getting soggy. All this activity has netted me twenty jars of berries—to say no- thing of the number we have eaten —and the prospects are very good for still more pickings. Thr ques- tion is which will give out first— the berries, the susar or my en- thusiasm! Partially Pleased Friend: "ilullo! 1'mi don't half look pleased with yourself." Prospective Bridegroom: "1 teas. Bre just been half prosli.ad half a house." . TABLE TALKS .. Vegetables Fresh F Y01m The Garden 11.1 In„ne rrnnonli,t, r,t the ('onsmuur' �'ertion, I)nnrinion 1)r'- p;otunnt of :Agriculture suggest s(\ evil amen;;l wen, co s1 re suut- u11r \rttrt;,hlrs, If 111'1' new potatoes, hot and buttered are sprinlatt; with fresh- ly chopped mint Ica%rs it chilli - nail , making print sauce to serve with tllr least 1,i lamb and they ut rl.1 oily good too. Hct String Bean Salad 11 lbs. string beans, cut up (4 cups cooked) 3 slices bacon, diced 3 minced green onions tablespoon Cider vinerir 14, teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon salt 1 teat;roon sugar 1 tea'tpoon dry mustard 1 large bunch lettuce 4 hot hard -cooked eggs, sliced Coi.1: brans until tender; drain. Sant( bacon until I'risp. Combine next h ingredients. Cut up greens in bowl; top tvith hot beans and 1gg5. four seasoning and hot ba- con with hit over all, 'Toss serve .1 Marcaroni and Vegetable Dinner package elbow macaroni (1% cups) 2 tablespoons fat 12 cup fine dry bread crumbs ?i4 cup fat 113 cup flour '4/2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt ii teaspoon pepper 2 eggs ),:1 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard 6 whole carrots 2 cups cooked butter beans 1 cup cooked green peas Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender; dram. Melt 2 tablespoons fat, add bread crumbs and brown. Add cooked macaroni an mix well. Keep hot. Melt VI cup fat in top of double boiler, blend in flour, and milk, salt and pepper. Cook stirring constantly, until it thickens. heat eggs, vine- gar and mustard with some of the hot mixture, return to double boiler and cook 3 minutes. Ar- range ( egetables around macaroni on a serving platter, pour sauce over macaroni. Six servings. Stuffed Vegetable Marrow Cut a small marrow in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Place marrow halves on a greased• baking sheet and fill with the fol- lowing mixture. 2 cups soft stale bread crumbs 1 small onion IA teaspoon salt %s teaspoon pepper 1/3 teaspoon poultry seasoning 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 tablespoons melted fat well. NMI COATING for Screens, Garbage Cans, etc, 'Reed Trade -mark )11, 5% DDT Varnish tr KILLS THE FLIES—LASTS FOR WEEKS It's difficult to spray a wire screen with DDT— the deposit is not sufficient to do the job. Now Green Cross brings you a product specially developed for this purpose—a colourless liquid coating, which can be easily applied with a brush. CCRTICIDE brushes on easily like a clear varnish and dries quickly. It leaves a 5% DDT deposit on the screen sufficient to kill flies, mosquitoes or other insects lighting on it for months. Also suit- able for garbage cans, baseboards, verandah fur- niture and woodwork, etc. A GREEN CROSS FIELD LEADER PRODUCT Made in Canada bye CERTiCIDE 5%DDT . VARNISH 6REE l s i' CROS' THE CANADA:PAINT .CO, •1(MITEO • c THE MARTIN SENOUR CO.. ` 'LIMnfD` THE LOWE BOTHERS. COMPANY (IMnfn, :)a' THE,'SHERWIN•WILIIAMSCp. or CANADA, LOAMMEO. - rah( 'for 1 hour in a liloderate (sen, .1511 degrees F, Six servings. Canning \\'lira canning fruits by the Cold Park 1111 thud, for each quart seal- er allow: ) to 1 cup sirup for such fruits as blueberries and saskatoons; 1 to 1!; cups syrup for such ft nits as raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, cher- ries and peaches., 1!, to 2 cups syrup for such fruits a, apricots, puns, pears, rhubarb. 1\ hen can- ning fruit by the Hot Palk meth- od, use the minimum anaaints of syrup suggested for Cold Park. Herman's Problem - .S,Ii11 a handsome young heellN1 ri,inid llrranta. ly're's a thin+) 1 i,:uld to: , r de- termine: When 0 !int tcrar.r ury rum!, She's a htdv' of not,', ifut Olen l wear ury root I'm jn{t vermin Y Sure Protection )lore than good general health is needed to \card off the communic- able diseases. Doctors say that, al- thouelt dtsrnse is less likely to at- tach a healthy person than one in poor condition, such protection as in- oculation. saccinatilm and other forms of immunization is essential, pal Cicala] ly .for children, As children p1, back to school this Fall, m1 dial authorities count oft parents ensuring their safety by tak- ing til\:image of all the special sell mifir pt„teetise mt. acmes, Sou 11.111 I:nip,, hl,1 ((g Al The St. Regis Hotel 1'l)ltO\1'11 • 711Ir) Itoon, with Bunt, Shaorr and 'I'rleolome • Htofile, $.:.50 nu-- nuuble, 113.110 1,u • Good road, IGnlnR and Mooing SIghll)' etherhoorne al (uriton Tel. 11 A. 411N INERCOMEREEMEEMIMEMier SEE ITATTNE 3. A. SCYTHES Pre 'idea ELWOOD A. HUGHES G4aeral Monroe REG'LAR FELLERS—A Wonderful Element DIDJA OVER. THINK CV HOW U5EFUL, WATER IS FIDES DRINiG(N'' j By GENE BYRNES / t "-HIS F15HIN'ts JUST ABOUT TO LW5T USES PER. WATER CAN I1IINK. 1 \ - OF.' Tkeir PAGE 4. 4.41+144++++++++++++ ++44++ +++ J+e+A+•« • ++++++ +0.•+++++ ++ 41 THE STANDAR!) Newly Weds Given Public Cook - Garrett \1'ednesday, August (i, 1917 ;; ■ ?. IZCCCp1iO11 :1 w'rddin f Intal interest, took es aHaveThem t. S 1 III \\ eallrs.lat evening, .1 lily 2.1r11, I'!;Ict.-home of the hal C u C t1 x. 1.11,11,1) I:u neighbours and enls, NI r. and Mr,. .\IVall,ey (Jarrell, . :• _ !s =,i mi.. ;Hid mi -,\lark ('ardlii, k. R,' \u, 4. I,uarrirh, on Friday,:\uq ;; Walker 11'01'1( ('loll)(`,'+ .t. ,I•„':111 !1.,l in the school ro 1n of S. S. use 1,1, \t hen their d; ughter, \larun «t \,, .t• (Jl t t , I,' t 1'rilal2 limo ,,n (hell' Christ Ma Garrett, ,tits tin'le!I ul mart •.• 1Vill1iltn'S 1''llle Oxfords and 11'OFIt 'loots. 't., i -,..,-,,it l rtl;,t,,•. 'Tie ctcNval.in� \er;;lge 1„ Clarence Russell Cook, , . t ' A quanlily of I�•inch pip'ng, puce fillings, and a conttlete line of 1.4 • slit in ,lancinti ,lull heiore lunch wa• of 111. and Nlr,. Leonard (•,,'k, It,k) , � '' .? rl\,'I NIr. an Nlr•. Cardiff were cal 1, lil�1'' The double tint cele Pump )2epairs, Etc,; I set of Masesy•Ilarris Double Discs, new, 7•fl.; B/ 1-) Shirts, all colours, an(i i) jamas, 3; !eel 111 11.1C 1.110111 wn Ily Mr, Stanley. nwny as pet -forint ! 1 the lawn- Wolsey I)lll e wool Socks l I'(:Ill England. \, J ..It t. \r.. 1 !„'i \\•1111.!,,,- then ai the 'Ionic 111 1111. b,;de's parents, 1 6•(111.1 one•way disc; 2 good used binders, one 6•(001 and owl 7•(1111►; :,,,,I (iv IA1, 1611. ;Iddre.•: before an arch of evergreens ;tilt!Manure Carrier Bucket; R01:c, all .lies; SI'ng Chains and Pulleys. Sterling 131'(1;:. Boots and Shoes. 11, u' 1 1dol,( ,,:I,1 Nl:lch: lollyhorh a2 3 o'clock. by Ihe lei. ;i; ! n'011.1I •,'011.1 ;aril;a;,, it's trio' NIr, \\•etch, of London. 1 - Ritchl(' I3ooa (ti lld Sh(11�,i, 1'',11 ,t ',It .tou're called 1,i1011 1„ d,.1 The charming young bride nits 14” colly- DEALER FOR iMPERIAI- OIL PRODUCTS. jlust t,.1 U \\r'\e a-IC,•II iii ',,o 11111i'L11,1 in III;Irriag,• II,' her ialhe1. the nits. C D1'. Scholl's Foot .Aids. I t 'r1 iu'rr, right 111 plain >1,111 gowned ill \\hits silk -jersey, Ili r Gasoline, Motor Oils and (;Pease'. .t. \\",'', e,rr,1,„ ., 1,„,i, at pots length, \\'dill finger-tip tell. and a' r t , r t r,r, , t Penn1an'S 1Tn(Ier\\'c;ll'. \Il,l tile•, ti ere 111, here t,,,, 1111 et.--ellreered ,heated het headset.! _ :1 I L:1S l IRI+�� :1N1) 13,'1 I I I+�It1it,S. Tht.v" Ie11 u• that your spirits •lith; film iarr.r:l a haulnet nl I'crrlu. iti..'1 o "� ' ' 'T� ' T t 1 •; ; , , I�.LI�(J 1 RIS' �k A(,(. I 1 LI(�1� 1+� IVLLI)li\(-r. Currie',, NCCI\\\'oil!' 1111+l .'1Cl'eti'' l ll'I(";, \\e 1"iIr 11 1, i, tt,•'rt' tickled 11'111; , ,r I cost, _ All Work Ione on a (;uaranlec(I Basis. To g;uber herr to extend to you NI Nine Garrett, sitter i he' i . 1 1 , ....,,IA!Rr'e�'r,.....• ,,+..+d ,,. •a.l� t�L.,:.1 .,44x,.1.+.-wM... 't+ ( Ile ,' ,II�1';It II I'tl121ll, ;I e,) \\l,!1,', tole• l.l'I,Ie, 11;1, 'tI'nIC,t11;11, I, gu11'lll'(I III I 't 3; \!:I u," lilt Ida tun anal !CIp;1� ,.lid net over l;,f;r:;I, flour-Irn,Il,, will!' I-IAit EIS� a � �IALIPS?' +TEWAR' JOHNSTON 1r'I re Ind r 1,i r n ever eel I n .n;l'.py. i�'� Il.l,cr•I' 1 \ rtl headset of 'weld `Itr ;; I t'r el udl, ;u, bound, al tune,, t'\\onldl ;an:.(' a h to 111.1 of Joanna 11ill roses.' & , tnhhe Corner i'it(11'e", I?�\'tr), (�llt::1'10. eat NIr. kap \'luteol, 1,f .tlyll, 1111 the Fol Prompt Efficient Service I'holle 137-2, 131yth ,:, a'o In,u 'hi- • Inl,!line of I•'scs young le,: In; n. '.+++4•+++ +it. ++ ++++++1+++•: a1.'I :,+ +; + + +y+.:•+ ++ ++++:.....+0 +++ +++ + *:.err;• Sri ++ di t"1111, L,.lcugr;n s wedding march, wa •,1 ;11'IICti'. , , wl'ul,•„ anti jll,t won') ' p1•1ce,1 by Al !);dr, Illy Martens. of ,', ('r 1 i"Il 1, I. 1111 ^ . :\ ,!net w;t; euntrihnled by 1,1,1 ,' I feel that ion have 111 fight, and pastel 11ink nylu,l arc +t ttra, r,,,,tr cream 111'1i,h1 rl+,es Il {O O ���p�C��-^�C�t: OC(O I \li>.e; :\nr;l ;111,1 :\Intl 1'nrnhull, of 11'11, . ii;lll it out. bol );,+ "lar . kr a:; f,ir;uul Ik•ud.'I'lcy wets• (ire,,,••I alili • cicely, entbn,;cd will rolorc,l t. ,rets, 'I•lr gue•t, In'e„'nl were fr 111 1\'at(r- ves 1 ;,.....,:,.,,s,„1„. n1l 111 ! Il,'\'el' C21IIle In h!,?\\'<, ousel \11(11 11n'ltlre Iwits, ;Illi! ell. \v 1,1,,, 1\11(•Ilel„',•, 1,,,IId1111, sl, 111,,112;,<, eet ... o v.'n 1.w2r het t210 re.n'!I ;ul l in, beige ere; e. with ul;itching ;tree": Ir- Icn'111 nlitt> „i .elf 111l;tri al. I iu y les. 'Their selection \t'as ":1 Nl;n•1iagti (ioderir•h, 1\Illtln•u and \\'cstfIcld. ()11 •n i1 life's poen! Prayer." r;u rie,l b1111nrts „f pinli earn;,lions Ilei. roun'n NIr. ;uul 11 rs. :\!1.l w i!I O A A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS Pres.nt••a by the Blyth Ju•,i • Far-ners aid Junicr In4!itu'.e IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL, ON THE EVENING OF Frisby, August St STARTING TIME (1:15 P,ivi. \\,', 'i! 11,.1 r+'Ire 1 'tt'n ;11111 t;I!1. '1'11,111,;1 alai yrllutt- reside 111Si. 'I'h„nul,, Ontario. h,,!U. Follo\v;n; the e,',cn111n: ;t wcd'lill; \ reception "hi,','r,!Ilr p 'treaklna \1 a, ;:1)1 1 1111 Ihe I;ann In II'r1.uun, t,, her alai ria);, the bride �y \\l'rr IId11d111"1 \'�dll !I 1'l'1'el' 1;1!11' .Ilea h;lrlll Ihl' 1g111:::111:11.1:1::11".1.112..... !11 -(sill':', ,\Ir. ilii1 ,`Il Ihl' ,1;111 del Ille Ilr,l111111(,I1 !'.ICelfdl- the ul,epl;. \II'•. Garrett, )1l1wl1rd1 ill 1 l tbani„ K. I., Campl.e,l, ;ul l NII,. Canl;durl,, Itonn•, i ii,..„•ner, ret,,:re11 a prescnta- 0 1 1'r i1) w,"II'.I he w+','dill eircn111 royal blur crepe, with white 1 nrt1..s, 1 1\'e;llir!d. Thr bride', 11111 1 r I',, d v, t I n,isr1.11ancnn,' ;2,, and wearing a tors„ge of white lien, it :n Ila' `laif ,u ,1;1I!('1' wearing a hl'Ick and white irriey dry-• simmers ;11 1Site',leni'r, (iudlerich, ant \1'r kn2\a' 1,111, mad,... a, ;1 1;1112 h,,\•, Killarney rose•, received, as,I<ied 1„' (oh 111a,Ii anal whit1. ;,'•e- orie. 1„,11 her 12,011, 1 llnmmlit\' of \\'e,tficld and .-\III! \1e \\:1111 lull. Ike, to 111 111!1 of Ihl• 2-I'uulll; 111'111('x, Nlrs• (',deli, wins, 1'111',;1 'L of ,Illi: awl w11111 1';Irl,;1 11•' was gottmed in raspl('rl'� ,Illi, 1r 1111 '� I .\II'tIII'll. lilt' );rl,l,lll's mother r ,wore a 111'1'•; ,1f — ;AST CI: CHARACTERS — 1)i e''Ilse, Ib"re'• bound to he tares while acccsnrie;• She also carried a 1 nllsre,Luu, u, -hater Wil, held rn navy hln1 ;beer with nnitrllil : acct.— '1'itnr,dar rr, ning al "kisrrll;,l1. Farm., corsage of white Killarney ruse;, The Filly 712..1"1• t!larl,, Ihigl:aa p ble,•orie, and corsage of Minh and unite ow !111111' 11f me. ;Iasi Nlrs• Kennellt o I111'..121„71:151,,11.:1,1.1‘,"5 ill 111 ,\\' Ilrnl a,ray Ilk(. I,ri'.e's loll,. was centred -a kit a be;nl rarua1li(ll }lank Evans NI;n1'i:c ilalln!latl 0find-three-storey wedding cake. :1s- Campltell, in honour of \lis. Iran Tcs,ke I leinlher,:er Irene I.,,� a Loretta 11 are Nl:oi,,lir NI "1'it;ic The:, •;n if work you never 11111 •',;til'; in 11'15111 wrr1. girl friends of The 1)(1(1,1 In,,e5c,,n was .erv(11 I'y Campbell, isn't to her marriage oil .\lis \fare I ';ntk \„l. It I'ro.perity is holm, Ir. 1i11i Ihe lr;de, Misses ,121;111 Cossey, Lon- girl (rico`!s of the !rifle. The lahle Saturday. The friends . 1 the enol- Cuddlr'• La k Iran Carlwrigitt \\•;thin y21nr ,;1;1,11, s l;nnwing you (1011, 11 111 11 11;1i1,y, 1"111111=Ill, 11ernive being cen1r1,1 hs 1 11 \\e,lding Gila, Inanity !net and ,„'111 ;1 51111 1 11llle Io• Kiss I'nldt nee 11hint ,y je :n l n1,gllut' NI ac Laren, I.f'nd'-n, and Lucy \Inn- ;21111 pink tapers, other decorations were vethcr, lean \vas invite'' lu the din- 1CIl,!III our heart i11 pin!: and 2511111 The toast 1.. the InL roan 55 here lite beautiful and use. Ann \\'h;l r. NI11,1'•r,1 l';u•t' p \\,• know r, 11'11 ahsati, 1111 \, lu hart. oinks, (in(lerit'!1. Olaf :'..u'•' n \1'11111.1. I'cll n lriflc ts;ls given !y ker. .\• li. Ilew• fu1 yiil, l(as' Idre,elue,l. The ad,Ire-' \I r•. 'T'ulr t. n 'I'i1w, 'i,cr 4i'; ! IJ •(ti all the Illinus 5(1. Might wilt for you Immediately following the reception A h:, 'ford ill, to which the groom res;lenllc'I. w';1- 1,1,'2!;1111111:•v ra(I bs 1:ilern 'Taylor, s:1) t nn he- Uncle 7:l.,liah %;U •1rr, 1J.'rl! n (''atter 07. ; Good 1211111 \cal 1111 111 the most '11 the happy yolnll couple tell for a NI r. and 'NI r. ,\bel left for Nln-Bolla It of 1111 r,,lnntnnily 1\tend('d );1101 Q :\('11112!11)\ I CENTS .\\I) CENTS true. honeymoon ;11 Grand (lend, For Irl. ilial other points in Northern Ontario, Health, ha'1lpine,s, pr, s 2(1115 Ind lo. c. ening the hri 1( chose ;2 powder 11, 1 tc;>he, fur a lent and !appy marril d AUBREY TOLL, SOLOIST BETWEEN ACTS. \\'hat 1111111 could the ;mgt.!, wish \t,,nl ;ail, with while aree..11ries, ;ntd tilt !rifle lrav, Ilio in a p21\\„er l.lnr life. Ir;tn ns;ule ;a suilallle reply, LENGTH OF PLAN' 2 AND•A•QUARTER HOURS, .5,1;1, cherry red shortie coat, It.:th Mach thanking the friend. for their )t'fts and i ;above: a e.rsage of I:Maruey roses. 'Tiley THIS 15 A SPENDIDLY CAST PI.AV, COMPRISED OF WELL. I Ail ti,,,,,, wr .;openly w;•h Irne, have since rt•tnrncll and !la'e taken KNOWN LOCAL TALENT, LEND YOUR SUPPORT. 0 1 ,\n,l ;1s 1;1111100'rpr, ,.f We brim.1 21122 211, residcnrr in East 11'aw;uu,sh, on I _. ___-__._—.. __._. _.:•.0► 0'. +Olt10r ,01=10'. ,0=101=, 1 r you. ! I.R. Nu. 3, Myth. Ctl['t,” . ;11 0.... KKKt4KENSCOCC KK'Rli[tlKtrttfteXIC1C4tEIdKttWOCKUCIORKW Nlac they ,\•,r 111 yon recall, Friend, were' prescnl (11111 London. Friends an 1 nc;gl'''k. M one and ;111," , I l;eke,', ill li K n, lildin , Grand Mind, Elliott INIr. Ii'ahat \fork, NIr. tiaul tiwcrll• 1 \lit,hcll, l'linton, lilclh, ;lull IJdcrirh• � n r ON Agency r� ..J.JJ..JJ.JJ.JJ.JJJ.• ty 111111 little \;IIIcy Campbell 111a.it the—\r----- J BLYTH— liCations Wanted 2 roopre,enab ,1),t l;u;il ,\52(1 m rtot',, l\"I';' --- �� room tall, lamps, a wall mirror, ('orn- IFM2r �111,IeIS and a pllr;,' n) melte,•, tj \Ir. Cardiff f 111111 thanked the' friends, Nit.. ant) Mrs. Neale Robb, of Bell - FOR OR IIII POSITION r tION OI' 1011'N 1' .OR,i1'IAN, t on bchali of his wife and hinl,c!f, f r I vine, visited last creek with Mr. and � Ihe lovely gilts and licit good \1.i -bac Mrs. 1laurirr Bosnian. ' NIr,, Cardiff was fnriiirrly Nli,; \)r. and Nlrs. Norman \Icl)ow'ell Duties (as outlined hr' the Council) to COn1111ence $ 1'h('im;l l•a11 - 11. rind ,hildrrn. \II% NI,I)uw'cll, tis \' iled on Strttday with M 2. ; 11,1 NI rs. Septell11)I, 1St, l x)17. ; \\`,r,le: St;,cklnn,e, If Iirucefiild, Mrs. J J. H. Phillips Enter- 1 NI rs...ester Falconer of Culross vis- 5ALARY - •$100.00 PER 1IONTII tains At Trousseau Tea ilea ten 'Tuesday with NIr, ;and \its• i NIr.. I, II, Phillips, assisted by Mrs, Maurice 11,.loan, ,'\ nulnler front 2111. lack Phillips, of Nlonkton, entertained , dpi?11Cat10115 to be in the hands of the Village Clerk at a 'I'rousscau "Tea on Saturday alter- 1 Coder,rll visitors on N111n .lay, August 25th, 1911, I)y () P.M. Z ,,nun, from 3 1.� ; o'clock, in honour 11 :\iia Phyllis Cook spell' Sunday with Mt.,. P11;1111„ oldest dan,h,tcr, Anne, ; Nl;ss P (1 Pearl Jamieson, of Loudon, s \rho ;s (11 be married ;n the Illyth 1' ii- I .1 1. and 11rs. an lohnsnn, iVI visiting, X18-2. Gor(lon Elliott, Clerk, i ted Church on Saturday, :1nt 21st 9111. 1 and Tommy, of Toronto, are visiting, Mrs. (�• R. Harris and lits. 101111 with NIr, and Nlrs, lied Cock, Village Of I31yth. i N11.'d rI',ired the rural. at the door, NIr. and Nlvs• Nelson Clay, 11f 'I'i- NNNNJJJJJMJJJJJJJIVdJ1.JJJ.I.MM.IJN..J1.J..JJ1 .J.M.JJJ.J , Nle' Nlacli Cardiff, of sat c'<, ;cud onto, wand Ir Saturday y tt;t Clay, and Nils, Shirley Phillips displayed the .NI''''. Fret l'onk. 1Stewart-Warner 111'..\. }':. Cook, 111 Myth, l - �,f�iril - Sparlou. `—•- --'-- trousseau, and afterward., ;ra tut, sent served !y Nlrs• lir, C. D. Kil rtlrick, \1.1114x\' with Mr. and \Its, F. Cook, i NIr, and Mrs. Dc11'\l 5cccr;lec• lire have 011 hall(1 One New S ntrton l3attel' ni 1,1dowel, and) \IN. N. 1', (Jarrett, Shan: n and loan, of Metro;t, \l's, 1. '.1l y A. A dainty lunch was also served by Mrs,Radio, priced at $29.65 , �� ��� .I I,arid .1lnlcr•nn an.: NIr.. i':Ili:ll I' 'ells, (la Fortl, of Comber, Mrs. on Tttcs- A Smooth Ruck balls, a former colleague day with NIr. and \les. frank Camp "'bell. 11rs. Fund remained for an ex- Also a Goodrich Car Rad 10 (1�llill Unit, built by i M i>. Phillip;, on the C)tl;nta teach- ';' int staff. .\s the guests departUl they tended visit're Victor) i)1'ICC(1 at $64.95 The Huron County Home Cotnnlittee request ;. ‘were ;asked to sign the register. 111Ss ABEL—CAMPBELL tenders for the supplying of 100 tans of stoker coal ;: l'aige Phillips and Miss Joyce Phil - was United Church, Auburn, was ' for the County l'IUtlle. +_' lit„ were ;n char)!, of the register. IZd(11U Service - All Makes dill, 'I�ypCS. ' •• tic scene of an attractive event un ♦i+ 1)tlrin, file sallle 1\'clll;lg, (rout ; t21 Batteries - A, B, A B Packs, C 1+rillneS Prices t(1 be quoted for coal delivered 011 the •_' O o'rlurli NIi.S Icssie I'llilllps and .Miss Salnroa, afternoon, Aug(1a ?, when tracks at Clinton till'lo. .. ut1, 1 hlllips receiver) Icon Alberta, y tinge!. (laughter of Mr, , r i ! ) ;le°.;, at the and Flashlight - Fill Your Battery Needs Here. '_' door. Serving was ;Itlrnlc,) to by' and Nies, 1\'. Albert Caulpbcli, of Analysis of the coal to he suh)llltte(l with the :i: dooms ervi by Poplcstonc and NITS, • Auburn, was united in -marriage to Same + I;. A sun of NT and ,\Irs, GLENN KECHNIE _; \lacl: Cardiff, Nlrs. )', Ilaiutnn and Samuel \1'. Abel, of tit. 'I'1) 1111 On- ,'�. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk,Mrs. George Caldwellown put r'ecl tel. Hewitt performed the c..coria. het, .1. (i. ,i, (iu,'�Is were shorn only the bride - i ceremony before the altar, which was 4A Goderieh, Ontario, not later than Tuesday, Aug.12. 'i' 111 b1.', tri naeau, No gilts w'crc Bis- t+ .. beautifully decorated \rill w'h'te 1)w• ,i, played, :�48-1.( i drangca, blue delphinium and pink K; N N. W. Miller, Clerk, (,ounly of Huron. ;i; i';aide deroraticllts were pink roses, ruses, with lark growl!! of ferns and '4 3 bine elelphinlunls, pink and white' Can evergreens. The traditional wedding +++++++-N••�++++4,. dies, \rit11 the w'cdding Hide a; a gen- music w; played by Miss Vivien Stratlghan, while the gttcstoloist Mrs. Guests were present from Slratfold' Emerson Rodger, sang, "1'11 walk 'tc _istotrel. .ucknmt', M(1111:1011, 1Iarllstcaal and side you,” Burin;` the signing of the } register, ,\ most enjoyable (11111 Was spent by 1'111. bride entered the church un the all these wlo had born 1, 51(11 10 at- I arm (f her father, and \vas preceded tend. ')own the aisle by her sister, Mrs, Ar- thur Spiegelberg, of \Valerin11, as Prior to her departure iron] Ottawa matron of honour,, and \liss Maureen i\liss Phillips was 1021007111 by vitriol's , Knox, of Limerick, Sask., as brides - groups. The staff .f Connaught I plaid The groom was supported by I! School, of which Nliss I'hdlips had Ni". Leonard 'Thompson, of Kitchener, been a member for four years. enter- I :':; best man, while ushering the guests tainted at a picnic at Rockliffe Park. int" 2';1. pew, were brothers of the .1s a gift she received a 1!,vely silver I hr•,'.• ;Ind groom, Nrr• Ronald Campbell Ica tray. 1 of Tori Dalhousie and :,,:. Lawrence \Irs. Everett I,cafton and Nlrs, I.ud- i' Ahcl of St. Thomas. Ian; ifaw'Icins entertained several of 1 'I'hc hr1(Ic was gowned in White nylon 1111,+1111^s of children 111 Miss 1'1111- - marquisette embossed will' lily of thh lip's class room to a buffet supper,,.t i valley an!I losers knots, os'er taffeta, which time she was the recipient. of fashioned with portrait neckline, sh:rt a silver casserole dish. puffed sleeves, tight liodlce with full Nlrs. R. H. Eagleson and Mrs, Hugh sk+rl, caught al the hip Zine. The lrotsnlee entertained in her 11' Hour he;Idllres': was composed of a !minivan ;at an evening function. Among those of sill; net petals with wreath of (1r- 1,re+ent were NIr;. V. 11. Pray anal ange blossoms. 'Tile long enlbrcidered 11iss Phyllis !tray circular veil, ended in a shirt train Mrs. Sal \lax entertained) in Nliss She carried a shower 'toque' of Briar- 1'hillil2s honour at an afternoon tea, cliffs roses, set ;n cream glal'i -li, with and the pupil,. of her class honoured ' streamers of white carnations, her with miscellaneous shower of I The matron of honour and briar -- laid wore pastel green nylon organza :In(1 hlne aceessnric;, 1ler corsage \115 (.4.,,2,11 t\i,he,. +.J.JJJJJ.JJ.J.JJJJ WESTF IELD ',' 1 INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. 1L R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence I'Ilone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. v 111)01)?lloVIDIR 12,)tal]IDIDat)(21318,.N0121:t2, retia21DMIN:1;2t)(D121212t011212t212t21At Blyth Radio Service NEW RADIOS -- tender. Blyth Electric Shop FF1`10E CHARGERS ANi) BATTERIES (OIL BATH) PUMP JACKS. c ' i•lt;housc, Stromberg Carlson, I)eForest radios Agent for Universal Cooler Commercial Units Westinghouse and Frigidaire Refrigerators and Ranges - Will Be in Soon. A full line of Electrical Appliances always on hand. Westinghouse. Battery Radio - 5 -tube, in Stock. WILLIAM THUELL - PROP. '1'clepholle 5 • Blyth. Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. • 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ,,. ,. 1 . i Y 1 1 1 MJJJJNJJ•410.4411,4,4sJJJN'1,41, JJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJe,I,•I .JJJ.J.. "BEST BY EVERY TEST' - WE I-IAVE IT - Lowe Brothers White and Ivory Enamel EDITH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. 1 . . 1 , . , . , 1 .. 1. 1 11. .11, .. . ,•. 1 1, I I IY ;It +44-014+++++++++4.a..++++111++.t.+++++:•++++1+H+++Ij+1+11++++•s•+++_+++++ 1 .i+.1 HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. ,i. •w EXCELLENT FOOL) - GOOD SERVICE• i' Meals at . All ' Hours. .4 FRANK GONG Proprietor 4 .. +4 ot. :+ A;-4 114±:.-9+•++. 1^311+4:++:1~+1++•-? {+•.+•+i ++ ++44-++++{«♦''+ +•:.-++'+8 1Nf+'I .:t+i .t+.4 +~ 1i' Wednesday, August 6, 1917 Binder 'Twine. Granery 11t tat. :Metal Ridge Roll. Al Good Supply of Lumber. . Roofing. Universal i\1ilker, also Spare farts. ('eluent ,Mixer. New and Competent Operator in the Planing Mill. Always a Ready Market For Milk. PATRON YO('R LOCAL CO.OP. Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 - BLYTH. Dead and lsabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Scaforth 1.5, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. 4 INIIJIIIIIINIIII- LYCEUM THEATRE, WINGHAM -- TWO SHOWS SATURDAY NIGHT -- Thursday, Friday, Saturday - August 7-8-9 "Home Sweet Homicide" Peggy Ann Garner - Randolph Scott - Jas. Gleason 1'Icnday, 'Tue`;(lay, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - August 1.1-12-13-11.15-16 --- SPECIAL --- 1. CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME •..Js SWANEE YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU J‘ MAMMY J1 WAITING FOR THE ROBERT E. LEE ✓' APRIL SHOWERS I WANT A GIRL .1' RAINBOW 'ROUND MY SHOULDER J' 4 IIZA°1 RO(KABYE I YOUR BABY ✓' BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILV'RY MOON ✓/ ABOUT A QUARTER TO NINE ✓1 FM SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD TOOT,TOOT, TOOTSIE THE STANDARD GROCERIES Red Rose Coffee Toilet Tissue Iodized Salt Spic & Span Per lb, 47c 3 rolls 27c per carton, Ofic per pkg. 23c Certo, Certo Crystils, Fruit Jars, Sandwich Cookies, Hip. lite, Jello, Raisins, Dates, Prunes, F gs, Canned Tcmalocs, Peas, Spaghetti, Sauerkraut,Tomato Juice, Fsuit Juices Fresh Fruit and Vege:abl2s Pioneer Feeds, Roe Feels, Shur Gan Feeds, Calf Meal, Oyster Shett, Chick Grit, Howarda Intestinal Medicine For' Poultry, Bug Killer - Arsenate of Lead. Try a Brick of Durward's Ice Cream Always On Hand. A. L. KERNICK GROCERIES — LOCKER STORAGE WE DELIVER --PHONE 39. GROCERIES FRUITS AND , VEGETALES, • • • VIIIIIINII NI INII II INI*MI • .�� PAGE 5 I NIIII NNNIII 1 ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON.GODERICH• BEAFORTrI. Now Playing, August 7-9: "Ron- Now Playing, August 7-9: Walt Now Playng, Aug. 7-9: "Trail1 aid Reagan and Alexis Smith in: , S rest", with Randolph Scott. "Stallion Road•" Disney a Uncle Remus story: "Song of The South," Mcn., Tues., Wed., August 11.13 I Mon., Tues., Wed.,, August 11.13 Mon., Tues, Wed., August 11.13' Ronald Colman, Peggy Cummins ' Joan Crawford, John Garfield and Oscar Levant. James Cagney, s itnabella and 1 n,n i ,11 b.t:1,.t :f t t:;i,: !',. Richard Conte. 1 reilimy , ;1,,;r,ln i;.;•'; :, ,t„rlu:. I ell ,1;: .l ,!r,,ul,lt:r -t r_1 „i the flip- ! ,Itn,t;, -1.1 ire .,nil !ht. nl,•ntt,:r of a "13 RUE MADELEINE" "I�11MC1RRSt tJE" n,.tori I!, b,iisr, and Vanessa Brown. .\ 11e,ltritiI ;tnrl dr nia of pian who 11, ultl not admit that !It' 11;1, "THE LATE GEORGE APLEY' Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 14-16 "CLAUDIA AND DAVID" Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 14-16 Jon Hall Victcr NicLaglen and Rita Johnson. Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 14-16 Rcnald Reagan, Alexis Smith and 1'�I �Irlolen, l t ! Ie toucllin6r, t Zachary acharly,' Scott. Rex I,n'!: 't"'". in ut rr thl ilIt lleatt\\armin6til. pun Rose Franke?! t bark tai ,t,iecc,,.lc.t IIC11 t1ht,)fur s thrilling nt ;leturr. slur of yinng married 1o0,c. 1 1t thcnl. Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young "MICHIGAN KID" "STALLION ROAD" and Mary Astor. Coining August 15.20: "The Locket" starring Laraine Day, Brian Aherne Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m IIN•IIN Coming, August 18-20. In Techni- Coming, August 18-30: Susan Hay- color: "Carnival In Costa Rica." ward in "SMASH UP." Mat., Wed., Sat., holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sal. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. „'p,4.4.4,�.4,.gu4.4, $�r4.••t POULTRY°! ELLIOTT _. Real Estate AgencyWANTED, =.f 3. ,t, Magic White Soap Powder, 16 oz. pkg. - Wares Fruit Acid . .. . ...., 2 for Paula Sugar Substitute Palmolive Soap . ... .. _ ... 3 for Zinc Rings ...,... per dozen Glass Jar Tops per dozen Small Pint Jars . ., . . per dozen Q. T. Pie Crust - 2 pkgs. Tilbest Tea Bisruit Mix ...2 pkgs. DRYGOODS Men's Work Boots, Overalls, Work Shirts, and Work Pants. Dyola, Sunset and Amp:lina Dyes. Newton Yarn, 2 and 3 Ply. /1'# I NINIIIIIIIINIIINNINN 20c :: LIVE OR DRESSED 27c I .' 52c :' HIGHEST MARKET 23c " PRICES PAID 25c , 25cI;. 1• 89c f0 35c I ;, 35diHens Broilers. Our Truck Will Call at Your Door. • r * * STEWART'S ' Borden Cook GENERAL STORE. . Phones: 176 atter (� p.m. Day 39 >+-s,Ilimg frith „'iter ;it table.; drive WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 BLYTH, ONT. ;; shed 28x(10 metal; mill: house frame 111x10; chicken itnuse 20x18; silo 13x40 cement. This property is now operated as a dairy farm w'it}t handsome annual return. \Vest V Int 39, concession 5, East \Vawanosh, c utprising 100 acres. C)tt the premise: is situate 11/2 storey frame dwelling 26x28 or. stone Ivan; frame barn 48x711 on stone iottnrla- tion with hater in barn; frame drive shed 20x6(1; frame pig pen 20x20. The land is clay loath particularly suitable for grain or hay crops. :\ number of other dwellings and farms listed. Particulars on appli- cation. Very desirable rc•idential pro- i perty in the Village of \\'alton. comprising one-quarter to one -hall acre of land, on which is situate •t i I!. and 1 storey frame, shingle clad, tectal -roofed dwelling, with full basement: ills• combination stable .unl garage. This is a good buy for immeiliat e possession. Part of Lot Block 17" situate on Our Agency has the proper'y listed for sale; rdl airs tams llithin 1 mile t f the \•II!auc of Blyth; two ,farcy in'ui brick -t lad ,111 elliug, '11x31, and 1.1x 11; Irani; barn 51)x71), steel and shingle roof, cement stabling; bel; house 3(,x14; windmill and 2 maidhells ; water supp.y in tile barn: 211 acrd ploy ed, 8 acre new ml seed- ing. Sell farm, or fa melt ling st1'ek and implements complete. Al- most hum ert dit1 pu session. 11,2 storey frame dwelling on the south side of Dinsley Street, Myth; ')ne-eighth acre of land, llydrn, \Veil. 142 acre faros ideally situated on 3: Ilighw';ty -1. 011 iii s 61.111 is situate =4 a (rause sl \yelling 33x24, hot \Vater heating with two baths. Barn frame 9)1x38 with wing 32x(itt, stone 10110%6116 LONDESBORO .4 ,.,4.4.4g4;,40,J• 44444.b.4..� 4441..•OP+4414.:..1..1•41 'NI rs. Ilarry Durnin :nut \Iervytl FOR SALE spent the wee(: -end with Mr. and \Irs. young ducks, dressed and delivered, A. Kerslake, Exeter. 30 cents a pound. Apply to G. Nethery, \I r. and M rs. John Fingland arcs phone I6-8, Blvd). 48-2p, visiting with their daughter, NI rs. _.� a Grierson at Sunderland. FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. N1'111. Corie, Auburn; 28 pigs, six weeks old. Apply to M rs. \I. Melville, and M r. ,l int 1 [es- Wm, G. VanCanip, Belgraye, phone selwood visited with sl r. and Mrs, 15-15 lirttsscls. ,lack 1-Icsselwotid, Sr., on Sunday. 48-1p. I \fr. and \frs. Donald Duncan of 'FOR SALE Paris, NI TS. King and Miss King of . ;\ frame building 121/2 it by 181.,. ft. Toronto visited with Mrs. I„ \Vebster Apply to T. 11. Edwards, phone 178, and Jack, on Sunday. Blyth. 48-1p. \Ir. and Mrs. Bill Riley of 1Iensal visited with Mrs. N. \\'atsou on Mon- FOR SALE Clay. holstein hall calf. Apply to \\•alter Mr. \\'illiant \IcNiely and Miss \Ic McGill, phone 11-10, I3lyth. 48.1p. Niely, of Hamilton, and M rs. I. \I el- FOR SALE ville, of Toronto, visited wit(, NH's. \I 1 Holstein row: 1 part Holstein andMelville, on Friday. Durham cow, about 1100 lbs.; both; the cast side north Queen Street, Miss Margaret Crawford of i't milking. .\ppl} to Cicu. Haines, phone j Blyth, lvth frontage ..i 2/3 feet. r ly cltener, spent the week -ens( at the 11-13, myth. 18-1, I.;u-gc brickdwelling in good state ; A` ailable %i Deln et home :f her mother, \Irs. \I. Craw- of repair. Fuller particulars on ap- ; fort( FOR SALE Alit ition. :1'1'11IiN'I'ION' .\n ;int• requiring Buiitling tater al,. -ut lI a- In -til Prick Siding, \\•ool In,ulat,on. \I (lid Barn Roofing, attd t,all,ulii,,l \1•;ttcr Stuck Tank,, Pluntlt- int; tiu1,1)11t', and Fittings, Deep and �b:tllolt \\•ell Pomp,. nthct l'nntltr, and Pipe and llTt i gs Consult or Phone L. 'i rin!gcnnr t\ Son, phone 30, Blyth. 44 -If, FOR SALE L'eatty pump, and 23 feet of 2 -inch piping, 1vith 4 -inch cylinder, practic- ally new. Apply, (;. liisback, phone 18r4, Blyth. 46-3p. CERTIFIED RASPBERRY PLANTS 75.4 Campbcllford, Ont., for illustrat- ed folder and growing "know how. Don't delay. Supply limited. 1""A:Caitil R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH • ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience • NN•NNNNINI NNJ•NNrN•II+1 :GENERAL TRUCKING _ The belt itt trucking service al- ways at your immediate call. All Loads Fully Insured, Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .I. H. CAMPBELL For the present phone 70c9, 13rusesls, 13-tf. - i SMALLEY HAMMER MILL Mr. and \frs. lint Meader of 1) A Purebred red roan Scotch Short- #444444~".."#""."~"#"###4 trait called at the hone of \Ir. and AI rs, Fred Prest un Friday, 1)r. and \irs. Leonard \Vhitcly of Gerrie visited relatives in the village on Sunday ,Mrs. \\T. 1., Mair spent a few days recently with \Irs. L. Webster. NI rs. Rohcrt Townsend and miss Dorothy Little returned hate Satur- day after a trip through the. 1.`nitnxt horn bull, serviceable age. -\pply to "1..7- Edward Edward 11. Quinn, phone 3.1-19, 48-1p. ALMOST NEW. DENNIS C. DRAPER, M.I) 1 USED 8 -FT. TANDEM DISC WESTFIELD ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 USED 9 -FT. STIFF -TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 11 -Inch POINTS \I r. Jack Reid of Toronto, visite(' Office Hours - Daily Except Thursday ( POWER LIFT. recently with Mr. and \Irs. \Vat. \fc- Vittie, and Sunday --- 1 :30 to 5:011 P.\I, 7;00 to 9;11(1 OLIVER REPAIRS Mr.Albert Nethrry of Hamilton,ALWAYS ON HAND. visited last week with \Ir, and Nil's. Telephone 33 -- Ttlyth, Ont- ( FLEURY PLOWS AND REPAIRS States. ['red Cook. 47-12p' \I r. and Mrs. A. Knox and family of \liss Tliclina Snell, of Stratford, vis- MORRITT t`'', WRIGHT Kitchener spent the week -end with itcd with her cousins, Misses Norma I FLEECE•LINE YOUR HOME IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR an:! Ha Tayl:r, and other friends• Blown Rockwool applied to walls OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Mrs. Ivan Kerlutie visited last tecek, til ceilings of homes save fuel with Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario with her sister, \Irs. Walter Cook' more comfort and [ire protection. Our the fot•ttter's parents, Mr. and \Irs, Tont Knox. Mrs. Parker, of Toronto, spent the holiday week -end. with \I r. amd \Irs. Sidney Lansing, and children, of Kitchenet, visited last estimate and terms phone 136 Blyth, .1 Z.4�4,1,t••ked,,•4'+4'.�C•Tt +T•►T+i+ri!d!d\• :x!'1'1 M rs. (learn, of 'Toronto, spent the! wccl< with Nil% and Mrs. Kenneth or write Rowland C. Day, 5 'Thornton 33-10• �, SCOTT'S '• \Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Speigleherg track is in the district now. For hes past week with \1r• and 'Mrs, George 1 C;unpbell. Avenue, London. • \[not• \I r, and .N1 rs. Olga \I flier, of Gude- \Irs. Wm. Breen of London visittil rich, were guests on Monday at the ,= Custom COMBINING POOL ROOM with her parents, Ur. and urs. \1'nt• hunts of sl r, and \frs, Douglas Camp- r Griffiths for a few days last week. bell. +ti' " The Ainnyell Mission Circle will t 'There will be no Church service at � hold their regular monthly meeting at \\'e ' tfield on Sunday. +t4 °# e • 2 r the home of Miss Bette Brunstlon on i Misses Marjorie, DorothyDorothy and Ro- ;,SMOKERSr SUNDRIESsc1 Tuesday ev, ming, August 12th, at 8 Berta \IcVittie were Niagara visitors +i% Done With Massey -Harris. o'clock, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,Q t and Other Sundries. WALTON \Irs. \V. J. Zoeger, Toronto, Mrs. Emma Clark, Hollywood, Calif., visit - cd their brother, Mr. F. Miller. Robert Holland, Jerry Ennis and Donald Wilson were London visitors. Nit-. and \Irs. A. McNichol visited in Dunnville. \frs, Laura \\'ilson with her mother, Mrs. I). Hoy. Davit) 1larkwell with Clarence Dtc- Nichol• \1 r. and \Irs. j. Lamont and Ken- neth, Mr.' and \Irs. Kernaghan, IZae aitI Elaine with Mr. and Mrs. L. Por- ter. Rev. R. G. llazelwood who has been in Port Carling for a month's vacation, has returned and occupied the pulpit in Duff's United Church on Sunday morning. He chose as the text of his 1 sermon, "Ile \Vaca Good Mail", re- ferring to 13arnabas who helped Paul when under suspicion, gave relief t•, the Christian Church and gave his all to the missionary cause. drs. 11, Sntalldon sang "\lake \Ic Kind." MA'T'INEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2 P.I1 The girls' softball team .defe•terl .I44.NII..+4,,,em +I+^ ►+"���" " s444 s,,II.4•9- •••• , III Goderich girls on Blyth grounds Fri- day evening to the tune of 9-6. over the week -end. \frs and Mrs. Milton Hooper, sl r. and \Irs. Gladwyn Hooper ansl child- ren, of St, Marys, were guests on Sun- day at the home of dr, and Mrs. \V. E. Campbell. Sir Percy and Lady Tomlinson, of London, England, \1r. Douglas \lacin- tosh, of Kitchener. visited . on 'Thurs- day with \(r, and Nits. 3darvin Mc- Dowell. NI rs. Lillian slacintoslt re- turned to Kitchener tvitlt Nit.. 'lacin- tosh \1r. Donald Campbell, of Toronto, visited ,lith his hrotltcr, \I r. Kcnnrth Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. lodger and (laugh- ter, of Renfrew, are visiting \f r. and \I rs. Emerson Rod:;er. Self -Propelled Combine by ictor Campbe THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Phone 10-7, Blyth 48-2. FIRE INSURANCE CO HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT, children, of Colborne 'Township, visited on Sunday with \Ir. and NI rs. E. Roll- Officer. ger, President, F. ,McGregor, Clinton; Mr. and \Irs. Norman \IcDowcll, Vice President, C. \V. Leonhardt, Brod- \Ir. \Vin. \IcDowcll, mt.. and \Irs. hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man - Alva \IcDowcll, were London visitors ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors on Thursday. \V. I. Archibald, Scaforth; Frank \I r. and \Irs. Arun,' Speiglcherg. "lcGrcgor, Clinton ; Alex. Broadfoot, of liitclic„er, visited on Tuesday ,lith Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- \liss 3dargaret \1'ightntan was a \I r, and \Irs. Frank Campbell. holm; E. J. 1'rewartha, Clinton; John Stratford visitor on 'Thursday. Mr. and NI rs. John Gear, and Mari- L. Malone, Seaforth; John H. \1cEw'- ing, Blyth; l-lugh Alexander, Walton; \Iiss Maureen Knox of Kitchener, lye, of Kitchener, were week -end S. il. \Vhitnu,rc, Seaforth; Harvey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I guests at the home of \Ir. and Mrs.. Fuller, RR. 2, Goderich, Kenmrth Campbell.I I. 1.. \IcDowcll, and \Irs. Thos. tit. Agents NIL.. Norman Rodger, 1 St. Father- Miss Fdna Smith, f Kitchener, was John E. Pepper, Brune,field; R. F. ines, spent over the week -end with \I r.. a week -end guest at the home of Mr. \icKercher, D1lblin; T. F. Prueter, and \frs. Emerson Budget. i and \Irs. Gordon Smith. I3rodlta.gen; George A. \\'.tut, Blyth. \I r. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell 1 ' ir. and \I rs. Charles Smith and Parties desirous to effect insurance and children, visitedon Sunday with I cli'ldren, \Ir. and \Irs. J. L. Niel) ,lel( or transact other business, will be NIT-. and \Irs. Russel Good, of Hullctt I \I •. Gordon \IcDowcll vi-itcd on Sun- Township. ;t'h•coded to by applications Township. da with Mr. and \Irs. Lorne Snell, to any of the above named readers I addressed tc their resp-ct• e post of - I Mr, and \[rs. Mansel Cook and I of Mitchell, fices s Home Run By GEtO\'rat Ill?IMAM .1;art's cyt s had ht cn oo.ittus as Matt turned to go into the club- house and he knew she was going to say something, lir didn't want to listen, but be waiter!. "I wish you would quit baseball end go into business ttith Father," she said, twisting her glotes in her long ftltgr'r•, "\\'c'vc I,tlkett arbour tlti biter%, darling, 1lundt'L tit (torts. I thought it \\ as a closed sub cit." "I'm rola it, Matt Pt( worried sick night after night." "\1'1•'l1 talk about it ,titer the gauze," he said wearily" and the old anger gray large in his %bust. \Vh). this again! 'lmy h;ul been mariad less than a year and it had been the sante story since sprint; ttaini 1'. `tui he had been roil v to get hit, or tvas it lucky to marry aeirl tvitlt cool million' The cheers of the et cud that greeted the heti Legs w hen the teals poured out of the clubhouse teas nt:sic to his ear,. il(s Ri;l1 and four. they had one eon- aroning interest oud he S11111'01 d shot interest. Basch111 ;,'u.s 1;i;;!) fn this square of grass tircicd by stands and myriads of faces. The game rocked along as a pitcher's duel. \latt worked a ast (rouble play in the top of the eighth to nip a Green ie rally and the stands went wild, Matt glanc- ed at Mary, but there was no sign of elation. 'i'he Red Legs nccded this win to move into first place, but the outlook was dim when the first two batters swung three times and then carte bac(( to the dugout. )Hatt chose his bat and took his place at the plate. Mary was still on his mind and he watched the first ball slant in and faintly heard the umpire call a strike. The next pitch was a 'strike and Matt gave the bill of his cap a jerk and leaned closer. Slow burning anger boiled up then and he was eager for the next throw. He wanted to hit it with every- thing he had, wanted to hurt the ball because he (vas hurt, 1t carte and he swung. The solid crack of the bat told the fans and they rose as one to cheer. Matt looked over his shoulder after touching second and grinned, :\ lunge run and the ball game. Ifs noticed the two girls sitting nem to Marv, on their feet and cheering. Mary %vas awaiting for hint at the clubhouse. 1 -le wanted to hear her say it was a good hit, but iter face was clouded in thought. She took his arum and they walked to the gate. A mass of humanity stet Itfatt, and he had to halt, Ile au- tographed the ball and then books, tickets and anything else they shoved into his hands, A tousle haired boy standing on Mary's side turned a freckled nose to the boy standing beside him, "Boy!" he murmured in awe. "Matt Johnson. That's what I want to he --a hall player llle Matt." They ate dinner :uul conversa- tion was sparse. Matt wasn't happy, not with Mary feeling this way. It looked like a choice -Mary or baseball lie knew it would be Mary, but he loved baseball. The bank job with Mary's father would drive hint crazy. If only she could understand! As he pard the check he heard a man at a nearby table saying to a woman in a turban: "That's Matt Johnson, one of the greatest second basemen in the game. That guy is n credit to the game and to the country. !really a clean sports- man and the idol o/ a trillion kids Hatt took Mary's arm and they departed. Ile didn't want to hear more. In the car he made up his mind. It would be better to break with the game now than later. Ile knew it because he knew himself. "Mary . . about baseball. , She put her finger over itis lips and kissed his cheek, "I've been a fool, darling. A selfish fool, 1 realized it when you hit the home stn and when the farts wanted your anlolraph.:\nd the way they cheered. 'Those boys by the car, wllrt they' said, and the man in the Frill. You can't leave baseball, Matt. You are baseball!" Fair and Circus Time Again ---1 Int t aeant lots on the outskirts of town and in city parks, fairs, carnivals and circusscs are doing a land office business with the younger set, another of summer joy to ttlake the long holiday S speed atvar•. llidwar' operators, an t yc to the opening of the Canadian National Exhibition, proclaim thi, will be their ,greatest year in Canada. Australia's Great Barrier Reef Is Vast Showplace Sritnlisls call it "one of the ma - ;My wonders of the globe." :\%tisk describe it as a place ttlterc "motive has allowed herself to lint riot.,' The aim:toe Australian, less articulate but just as appreeiatitc, simply re- fers to it ;:s "tutnd(rful," Its official name is the (treat Carrier Reef. :\ formation of nnllti-colored coral is- Innds, it stretches for 1,2(1(1 miles tiff Ow (2tn t !island coast of inn tlt'astei n Australia Tit t treat Barrier lCrt I has al- ways batt a mecca for beauty --lot ing Australians and current suggestions in giournment circles are that it may be Noel up with rnou h cnnveni- uu't s to slake it the Common- wcalth'- showplace. :1 year-round, warut s.eather tc- sort, it draws all types of visitors. Among the most famous was the late no%ylist Zane (trey, who loyal it for ill( drug -sea fishing it offered. Tour- ists like the trips in glass -bottomed boats Io Watch the marine life, in- cluding, the odd shark. Another no- velty is watching the natives ride turtles, After the turtles come up on the bt aches to deposit( eggs, natives hop on their backs as they slimly jog out into tletp hater. The actual reef is not populated. )(tar -round residents Arid visitors set thcrosch es up on small islands which lie I&twecn the reef and the conti- nent. Most of these atolls are pro- trusions of sunken land though some are coral. The majority of the is - Agricultural Sr. cieties' Fairs and Exhibitions, August Aug. Ahnontc ...... 258-31) Arnprior 2;-27 Canadian I.al.e It( ad E' hil}ition (Fort \\'illi:un and Port Arthur) 4-9 Canadian :\ational 1':\hibition, Toronto .. 22 -Sept. (, Central Canada 1':vhibitiou, Ottawa .... ., 18-23 Elmira 29, 30 & Sept. 1 Ento ...2h, 27 Harrow 28-311 Ilymcrs Aug, 30 & Sept. 1 Kenora 21, 22 Kinntount 20, 3(1 .Minden 20 Nat an .. 30 Port Perry 10 & Scpt. 1 Rainy River 28-30 Ridgctown 26-28 Sutton 7-9 September 1 6 Sept. Apsley 3, 4 illackstock 2, 3 Brighton 2, 3 Chesley S (t 2, 3 3 Chestcnillc Clete Delta .. 1-3 Dryden S 6 Durham 4, 5 \iilverton 2, 3 Orillia 4-6 Orono 5, 6 Parham 1 i'erth 5, 6 Russell 6 80111 Mountain •l, 5 Sturgeon falls ...., 'fat ictocl: . . September 8 - 13 5, 6 Si pt. Ay Inter . 9-12 Myth 10, 11 Iluthw"cll's Corners..... .. 12 llracehridgm 11, 12 Centerville (:\ddinaon Co.) .. 9, 10 Charlton .... 1)) Clarence Creel: (1, 11) Cochrane 9, 10 ('oeIfill 9,111 Coldwater 9• 10 Comber 12, 1.1 1'oolayillc 12, 13 Denbigh 111 Dresden 9-11 Emsdale 11), 11 Fergus 12, 13 (;c•orgetown 12, 1.1 t',raml Valley11, 12 llam)vcr 1(I, 11 Lanark 11, 12 Lansdowne-ltt Lindsay 9-1.1 Lions 1iead 10, 11 Lombardy 12, 13 \lerlin 11, 12 .(fount Forest 8, 1) .Murillo 9. 11) Noll,- Hamburg 12, 13 Newington 11, 12 Orangeville 9, 10 Oshawa 8-10 Port Elgin 11, 12 1'orlttis Junction 11, 12 Rcu f rely 9-12 Riccville 9, 10 Richmond 11-13 Ripley 11, 12 Shannonvillc 12, 13 Shcguiandah 11, 12 Strathroy 8-111 Sundridgc 11, 12 Trout Creek 9, 10 Upsala 13 Vanklcek I[ill 11-13 Welland 10-13 Wellesley 9, 10 \Vikw•cmikong 10, 11 \\'oolcr 9, 10 September 15 - 20 Sept. lleavecton 19, 20 Binbrook 16, 17 Brampton 16, 17 Burks Falls 18, 19 Calcdon 19, 20 Christian Island 16, 17 Clarksburg 16, 17 ('IiI ford 16, 17 Cobden 16, 17 1)eserontu 18 Dcsboro 18, 1') Drayton 18, 20 Dundalk 1 16 Embm 15 Englehart 16, 17 Exeter 17, 18 I'lurcnce 18, 19 Forest 18, 19 Galt 18-20 Glencoe 15, 16 lluntstillc 17, 18 iron Bridge 17 Kincardine ]y, 11) Lakt'field 19, 2(1 I.ta11IiItgton 15.20 Listmvel 17, 18 McKellar 16-18 3dagnetaw'an 16, 17 31anitnw'aning 18, 10 Maxvillc ] 6-18 Metcalfe 111, 20 \liddlcville 17 .(Midland ] 8-20 Napanec ] 5-17 Neustadt Norwich 16, Oro ]';tislcy' 15, 1'arhhill 17 l'ctrolia 15, Piston 111, 1'ow as: -aim 16, Providence Bay 16, Rosscau lu, Sea rah 111. Severn Bridge 1S Shedden 17 Shelburne 16, 17 Sin ithville 14.1, Spcuccrville 16, Springfield 16, Stella 17 Stirling 1g, 14.1 Stratford 17-17 Suudcrl::nd 111, 17 hweetl 16, 17 \ al 1 iagnc 1 'Warren i 1\ iarton 1s, September 22 27 Abel -Coyle 2", 2I :\ ilea ster ltthur 2", 21 \shwor(b 21, 27 ltwootl 20, 27 ltotmore 1y'ton Bar River 21 Ilcachlurg C:.' 2 Ilellcvillc 2'1-21 L'obcaygeon 20, 27 Bolton 20, 2; Bonfield 21 Bruce Alines 2 21 Cantphclliord 2'!, 2271 (:1 11 20, ('ollin , wotul 2=-27 Drumlo 2 I)unchurch 24, 27 Dungannon 20 Elntvale 22-2 Fcvershaul 24, 27 Ilarristolt 27, 26 Holstein 21 27 llderton 24 Kumble 2" 21 Fitt};sluff 25-27 Kirkton 24, 25 Lnckntavt' 23, 24 McDonald's Corners 25 24 20 17 17 10 10 20 1; 17 17 20 20 17 17 is 1!1 Mal erly \larktlale 22, 23 Massey 23, 24 Mildmay 22, 23 Milton 26, 27 Mitchel 23, 24 Muncie (United Idian) 24 Oakwood 23, 2.4 Ohsweken 24-26 Owen Sound 27 & 29, 30 Paris 26, 27 Port Hope 26, 27 Rarnona 24 Rodney- 22, 23 South River 25, 26 1947 Sprno:d;ale 23, 24 'Para . 24, 25 'fltorndalc 24 Til1sonburg ., 23, 24 Tiverton 23, 24 1'ndr-1- t 23 \Vallaretown 25, 26 Wyoming 26 September 29 - October 4 Oct. Acton .. 3, 4 Al"inston 1, 2 Burnsville thee ton Brighton Brussels Burford Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Caledonia 2-4 Chatsworth 2, 3 Dorchester 1 Fairground 1 Gorric 3, 4 Langton 1 Ittark hant 2-4 \l arntora Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Meaford 1, 2 Melbourne 3 Odessa Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Palmerston 1, 2 St. \lary's ticpt. 30, Oct, 1 Strcctsvil c 4 Tcesw'atcr Sept. 30, Oct, 1 '1'hcssalou 1, 2 Uxbridge 1 \Varkwort h 2„3 \1';ltcrdown Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Williamstown Sept. 29 -Oct. 1 1Vcodstock 1-4 Zurich �t pt. 20, 30 October 6 - 11 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 1, 2 1 2, 3 Oct. L'ayficld 7, 8 Belmont 8 1)ctm,re, is lilt 8 Erin 11, 1.3 lligltg;tte 10, 11 Ingersoll 9-11 \ladoc 7, 8 Morasi;uttuwn (Indian) ,,,8, 0 \imint 1;:l dg( .,., 7 Nom' cd 11, I3 Rocl;lyn 7, 8 Rock It.tt 11, 13 Rost rtcatlt 9, 13) Schmidt( rg ill, II Simco;• 1 sobeli; Comity) . 6 9 Thcdfford 7, 8 \\'alslt 11 ''11'altcr's Falls ', 9 \Voodhritigc 11, 13 \\'alkcrton 1)rr, .2-1 lntcrnat;on:;l Plowing Match, 1lentlt.cl; Park Farms, linpston Oct, 1.1-17 Nov. Ottawa \\'inter Pair, Ottawa 11-14 lh val \Vint( r Fair, 'Toronto 111-26 \Vingliarn Morse Show) .. h Britain Still Leads In New Shipbuilding The success of Britain's bid to to regain world ship -building pie - eminence is 111 heartening contract with the difficulties and disap- pointments the United hingdo'n is encountering in other lines in her drive for industrial recovery, observes the Sault Daily Star. Britain's output of new ship construct on in 1946 more than equalled that of the rest of the world combined, for the first time since 193(1, it is revealed of Lloyd's Register of Shipping, the authori- tative source of the world's ship- building figures. British output for 1916 was 2.15,• 000 torts more than in 1915, an in- crease of 26.2 per cent. Canada, ins;dentally, I;utketl third in figures of tonna'3c launch- ed outside Brita'n i t 1!, with ,a total tonnage of 71,8';:l. lands bane small coral tests ttltieh 11(5 tot sli;ohs flow conning too close to Some of rbc islands are occnpird un (P)year Icares by persons who lead lits s as lonely as Iigblhonsr (,repots, \\herr ships go by, island faunilies tout Writ to trate table- clulhs doilies, or jtlst their ;ibis in salutation. + w Although pt rmanrnt residents of the (treat Barrier Ittof district man- age to malt( a bare lit ing', their mode of life is hard, The principal industry, asidt form the tourist bnsi- lass, is fishing, or hunting for the pearly shill of a clan) knout n as the troches Is is used f1)% 1111111)11 110(11tl factilt e. fhc rrri, snl•Incrged at hit'In tide, took nature au rslintatcd 1,000,000 gats to build. It is still yrotthog both in size and in importance as one of :\ustlalia's natural :twat: - lions. Not All Maniacs 11e hear roan) \tails 1)f indigna- tion front the poor pedestrian wlto is forced to pick his hazardous way through this high-speed age. hut the Automobile Legal Association of Boston semis Is an urgent plea for jn,ti(e to the maligned motor- ist, who in 3!llli traveled 201,0110,- 000,00u miles in the l,'nitecl States, yet 1: Weil only 0.7 people per 100,- (00,eu0 1(111(5 of t chicle travel, This dispo es, they say, of the fiction that every harmless pedestrian be- comes an irresponsible maniac the mono nt he gets behind 111e 1\11(el. Concrete Freight Cars Cast reinforced concrete frtight car•, ;tie being trade in Germany, it is reported: ;ill parrs are case concrete except wheels, springs, and zke`,144e drawbars. For constant Smoking Pleasure !t 54414 mt 4(4 IV Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE IN s POUND TINS Police Chief is Hero in Dramatic Rescue INS IJOWAWARD RCCH DF 4DEWAULT OF COATICOOK, QUE. braves strong current to enter submerged car The automobile careened craz- ily and plummeted into the Coaticook River. Only the top showed above the water. Then, as horror-struck spectators thronged the bank, they saw two men break clear, and struggle frantically in the current. In a few moments ropes were brought to their rescue. But still trapped in the near - submerged automobile was a third occupant ... only staying alive by pressing his face to the roof of the car, and breathing front a scant one inch sir space between time surface of the water and the roof. His strength was failing fast when Chief of Police Roch Dandenault dove into the icy water. On reaching the car Dandenault had a desperate underwater struggle to open the door against the strong current. But finally his heroic efforts were rewarded. Ile forced his way into the car aril dragged the man to safety. \Vc are proud to pay tribute to the gallantry cf Police Chief Roch Dandenault, of Coaticook, Que., through the presentation of the Dow Award. TIIE DOW AWARD is a citation for outstanding hero - Isar and includes, as a tangible expression of appreciation, a Seco Canada Savings Bond, Winners are selected by the Dow Award Committee, a group of editors of Icahn., Cnntnl4ut daily nnospnpet., A man's life was at stake! Chief of Police Roch Dandenault did not hesi tate. Ripping off his coat, he "love into the river and swam to the car. After his courageous rescue, Chief Dandenault and the three victims were treated by a Coaticook doctor. Rainbow Corner is Start of New Horizon—Rainbow Corner is open again. .\ former military club at 1'icathlly, London, has re -opened for interviews of some of the 7,00( Britons who will fly on priority air passages to Ontario, tinder a new scheme just announced by 111r. 1• S. P. Arm slrOng, Agent-( icncral for the Province. Called 'Operation New Horizon' the plan provides specially' selected immigrants with all arrangements to fly to their new homes. 1iopeful immigrants are shown \\'riting• out application forms at Rainbow Corner, beneath the badge of the Province of Ontario. Sports — And One Thing or Another 13y FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Professional basketball has been tried in the city of 'Toronto—tried, and found wanting in just one vital essential. 'l.'he advance ballyhoo \vas ot•nate and gady; press and radio support most generous; players were of the All Star Variety although, at times, they (lid perform as though they hadn't been properly introduced to one another. Just one thing was lacking—namely, cash customers in sufficiently paying quantities. * , i * Putting it baldly, the whole thing Will a promotional flop; and while it's easy to be wise after the event, there were those of us who pointed out to the promoters --or tried to --what a mistake they were making right from the start. They overlook- ed the fact that, 5vhile 1000 custom- ers at $2,50 apiece put just as much dough in the cash -register as 5000 at four -bits, it is by no means the sail,' thing in the matter of building rap a following. Instead of making sure that the joint ivas packed—even \VIlk dead -heads -- for their first half-dozen games, they acted as if all they had to do was open the doors and have folks cone a-crow'd- ing, cash in hand, And there's no- thing as chilling as a couple of thou- sand people trying to sound enthu- siastic in a place built to hold seven or eight tines that many. * * * DISAPPOINTMENT. nen' is said to /tare been great anticipation. among the black flies and mosqui- gilitoet of Northern Ontario at 111e news of the eminent Gypsy Rase Lee visiting those parts. Some of Modern Rustlers Travel by Truck Saskatchewan ranchers' action ill posting standing rewards for the arrest and conviction of cattle rust- lers provides an interesting remind- er that much of Western Canada still is pioneer country, although the old "wild west" is gone, says The Edmonton Journal, Present day rustlers (lo not face the prospect of being hanged to the nearest tree if caught, but posting standing re- wards of $100 indicates ranchers feel the need for vigilance in pro- tecting their stock, '1'hc money inay bring in information that will assist the police in rounding tip the thieves. Stockmen admit rustling Inas de- creased following ihc•nostw'ar boon) in black market beef. But they 1 claim enough livestock still is stolen to w'ar'rant the payment of rewards for rapture of 111e thieves, Stalin Draws Plana For a New Moscow . I'1'ime \linistcr Joseph Stalin has personally (raw 11 up a plan 10 rr- huild \10SCo V 115 a "harmonious ar- chitectural creation expressing the noble ideas of Communism," radio Moscow said. Quoting an` article in the Sot ict newspaper lzv'cstia, it said the urn city \roil(' contain avenues, squares, and parks grouped ;wound the 1\rcnllin, in addition to monumental buildings and "beautiful modern houses" to be built over many square miles of ground. Nestling around the outskil is o; de city would be cottages surround - td by gardens, '1I r. Stalin has plan- ted. 1 Mem were ever: rumored as trying to inns Bach's "'lir for the G- / tring" as they honed and stropped their stinger's. 1311), alas, Miss Lee, He a good trouper, keeps profes- sional costume for professional ap- pearances, and so presents no softer target than any average camper. * * * A reverend gentleman has re- cently come out with a heated blast against wrestling and wrestlers —one which we think is somewhat unfair. Haying been, in our time, mixed up more closely than most folks with the — sport, business, racket, call what you like — of wrestling, we feel in a position to speak by the book, And while we have seen wrestling fans, male and female, stirred by excitement to actions that were hardly either po-, lite or elevating—well, we might say the very salve regarding what we have witnessed at, say, a Rev. Billy Sundae' Tabernacle. * ( M :1s for the grapplers personally— take them by and large, the quietest, dcerntest, best -living bunch you'll find in any line of physical endea- vor, Wrestling two, three and four tulles a week, they haven't the time, even if they had the inclination, for any real Cain -raising outside the ring. if some of their antics verge on the crude—well, as Shakespere said, "the drama's laws the drama's patrons give"; and modern wrest' ling is all of 90 per cent drama. Anyway, we are proud to count a large number of wrestlers, as well as many Ministers, among our per- sonal friends. And if we don't happen to attend wrestling matches as often as we used to, the sante goes for Church service as well, * * Looking al some 'berries priced at $2.00 per basket not long ago, we overheard an old-timer say to his companion, "1 can remember the time when we could 1 io' cherries like those as low as 25c a basket." Then, after 0 pause, he added, "l'es; and the two -bits was just as hard to flet hold of as the two dollars is no adal" „ * * * Swimming from Ireland to Scot- land a long-distance swimmer re- cently covered the °5 miles of tur- bulent water in slightly over 14 hours. if yott have any Scots friends, suggest to them that if herd :mum the other way his eager- ness to escape would have probably made hint cut the time in half. Then prepare to duck, but fast! * * it. I?I11(..1�.S AX/) L(r,111iih O,\•/.1'/ /t is reported that our Provincial (;o...en:went has been inforating prn,,peclirr' s'1ilers front Britain that, here in our beloved Ontario, they eon expect 10 buy comfortable homes for aroinrd $3000 per copy. 11 such is the case, 7('r do hope they I(r•e, they 7,otld probably lla7'e lo do ;core also 1(11(1 that, at such (1 fig - ell the c.•r •s. r'; 1' ./!diet' personal - 1 v. When your MK ACNES... Backache is often caused by lay (cidtl:y action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Titen backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested, popular, safe, non -habit-form- ing. DemanDodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue bog with the red band. Sold everywhere. 114 apanese Beetles Tour by Airliner --'rhe Japanese beetle, since its arrival in New Jersey some 30 -odd years ago, has given evidence of be- ing much pleased lvitll what it Ilan srcn and eaten of this (7ouut'y in more than Il score of states, says the New York herald 'Tribune. The ambitions insect is well aware of the value of air transport in get- ting around a land so much larger than its origin;ll home in the Pa- cific, Every Sumner it stakes use of planes, travelling as a stowaway or hitch hiker, and corning aboard clinging boldly to some traveller who may be munching linea bean vines in Ohio a few hours later. Now the Department of Agricul- ture's Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine has employed five girls to serve as inspectors at La- Guardia Field, with the duty of hatching for outbound beetles at- tached to the back of a gabardine suit or iridescently ornamenting a wash frock. Whai Scienct: is Doing Ccsei-i Bristles isalt', 5•'1111 to he tn;luint; Iotilll,l; 1),11111•. 1.1,115 tr:tls 114;11, such bristles weer u',',I in I\ :itches until disp'arwl by 1111. hair spring 111 Meal. 1111 for a low; lune the 1111{! 11':15 M.. undisputed I,•:nl'r in the produc- tion of livahll Ini••Iles (ol paint brushex, t5 rite., \1. 1', K. in The 1111SIi,u1 Scums' \I„ni11(r, Itoting the 55x1, hl,lteter, the was forced In tall' ,a hack seat by the appcatance of enthetic bristles 5;Irions kind,. And now there is a Ili•11' 1111( 11 111 hi. foliner Inoliop- oly. ,1 int\lull• of (•,a, Ilio obl,liiied floral skim mill, ,1n11 haler is 1•\- 11-uc11'd through a suitable die and then subjected to finishing opera- tions The resnllinu bristle is 1omit( in Cross section and black 111. hair or or (Irina pig bristle and can be produced in any leneth or diantrter desired. The casein bristles aro said to be particularly well adapted for use ill paint brushes bcc:ul:,c they are 11- sistant to oils and organic mil \ cats, 1n defense of the local hogs it probably should be mentioned that most of the hog bristles used here conte from China and 1':uropc, not, we hasten to add, that our domestic hogs couldn't raise nice bristles. 1t is just that lie local bristles are not long enough, (Inc to the fact That American hog raisers do not, as a rule, keep boars long g cttotlgh to grow bristles of the desired length. $TOPITCN of insect Bites—. Heat Rol Quick) Stop Itching 01 insect bites, heat rash, memo, hives, pimples, 0(;,Ies, scabies, athlete's foot Ind other externally caused skin troubles. Use quick•acdng, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless, stainless. Itch stops or your ttnneyy back' Your druggist stocks D. D D. PRESCRIPTION, NOME NMifYouieNGRVOves On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of Montle! if functional monthly disturbances cause you to suffer nervous tension—at such times— tide is very effective to relieve such symptoms; IYDIAfe PINNNAMS COMPOUND HEMORRHOIDS 2 Speclal Remedies by tho Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy No, 1 le for Protruding Bleeding I'llee, and is sold in Tube, with pips, :or internal application. Price 76o. Mecca Plli Remedy No. 2 is for Paternal Itching Piles. Boli n Jar, and is for external usn only. Pries 600. 3rder by number from your Druggist. It Sor• fl WI FLIES 'AWNS 1,05001O1 7 ANiS ROACHES SEW" IDIT THS r ioDDT D CE INSECTICIDE SURFACE Lasting z WITH 5% D D Y Stainless' Year Ose'h^s�ob,1 SURFgCE INSECTICIA '1.11E SURE, KILLING Spm MIS Ssalon 3.47 11141 111111, 0,101141,Ill Ar la w�t5�EN10kEfUNp 0, M0 l�� MOs0Un011, ANtt• aje"Iy4 a Guaranteed by ` Good Housekeeping ,_ Ir Dlrlr?IVI 00 - . '1 10 o, nrrgo, Gueu meed bye Goo 1101136e. ping b' ' enlu,l, eel' DI DIT..doad 4 ue43- Rieke & 1 ee• Classified Advertising 51.1.'1., 15.1\11.1' OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Iu0' 04.Jln I:urlr,c Penn 1 or:0oih,,, Iluvse 11101 Po, )1 r,L11, 11,,,,1 1'o ,I , ,' , air Ucalete 11001e,1 (1111' l'.',,Ion 1,11•:1x,• 6 D,1 Limited. Tor",,1„ IIAltl (1111'10 3.1-! 1V1 I.ii oil poll. is uiimeimae d,•I11.' ) .\ 1 I l• 1,,, n",L,' 1' no 0,'111 r) k) '8'I'. 11", a d,�n�• yod 1.I :, ,,.,n 55e Ir,ve s (0011ed mia,1 X11 111 ,1:11, 1 (4 11x11 l,,lr 0,,w fol ug u,' `•P' 1h., Ln Itis)' Il:tl'11eo. 130 John \ , Ilam long, ('111.------ ----- --- '1'11', 1 w LEE 117' 111,111,•,1 , 1111 he: Bared Coy I,s, 11 11 imp:Miles, New Hampshire I..ghl ;-,nnn,•x X New 1Lunp• nhln' 11111 v, 1•.,1 1.-, 9 ,, 1111e4a 14 95. Anent ted II, s.5 b1 -els 11 '0., rules 17.03. 5\'fills L�I;lwn P,Inte 1."Ghnln 7' purred Itork, Itln, l; ,t nxn,IlwP 7'. 551,,1e Leghorn pullers , fed ‘1-1 I.,ghl Pullets _7.:', 'Ihr,•,. v:.•.•6 01.1 add :,.uo pl' hundred. 1 ,: - k 061 .odd 10 110 Ise! I, ll ti'd. hhlpped 1' I 1 11 .1111„ 10111'1 , ,v,•(7 11,•.1,4 to l i ll,g. '('rap :•0,, ,'bol„•l,.•s, slur Iph, (nliarlo. 11.1/1 NE \1.1'I'1.1il.51, ('1.:11:..'1' o,•r pip• ,411 a;yploc ('heeled ,(1) h•a,•, ,I I;I 1), Long 111,11101, OIlslo S,•1c T. 111.ulu 17_I. 11( 91NLti OI'1'(11t'11NEI 1L.S .\ t;l'.-1\G a t51>„ur r.V11 for only $:4. Intl,duce tour r'e„lin,nnary Patented (rouse - hold peeexs,ly, 55 )Ito fur full rarlloulnrs. I;o% 110 Adel,' oi w'. 'Toronto. 0—I„er to, lo•IP you sell That in- (' 11 ,0 or Men. I'It,•ul,' ( ur unpatented. our ur•.5 olelho( Is unique, 55',' contort bun•he11 of t,tu,n Il'llcul,' for gond Ideas. 51 rd. 11,1101; ,1 5 4eney, _G4 .Keen Mtn Ale., Tor nu t,,. DYEING AN -1) CI,1:.5NI\(1 11AV1L YOU en)'thmg needs dyeing or clean- ing/ Write to us for information. 5Ve are clad to answer Your questions. Department ti, t'arker a Dye SVorka Limited, 791 Yon,ce Street. Toronto, Ontario !ARMS FOR BALI: (3(1 1 )) (Clea )sell fen'e,l and drained, 3„ung orchard begriming' to ben r. All build - Piga In excellua corplit,on. John 61cNa,r, (1 ilo .'Is, (11,ta 110. 1'01t SALE, good grain a:,d dairy Cann, 130 acres, over 100 11011,01,1e, Ines of running tenter; good buildings. N110, fences, Nagar both and evaporator; *mall d„tut p'ay'ment, balance arranged; Hell with or without stork and Imph•menls; 12 11111.'4 north Belleville. F. 1:IIIo1L, \Vest lluntim;dun, 100 A('It1 S,high and low Enol all (Olitbie, buildings In fair shape, 10.('11. 20 miles from ((Mase, off l'res,ont 1Ilghn•nl'. w'1011 110 101111010 atmk and cquipmu•nt, App1Y Sterling Rohm, Ears, 1t.lt. No. 2, Ontario. 4(111 5:\1.1: AIRFORCE SALE r•: I e dream boots—V.00, t. 1' I. Il) s New 1 C.A. r II.C.A.1'. new ralncuals-14.93, Army pants (new) -02.93, Illnnkets-13.93, Write for Free Bulletin, Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St„ Toronto. m9AI'1'1(1L Black Corker Spaniel Bitch Puppies, Uhamplonslilp breeding, Win make exceptional Kennel mimic. Write or phone Jack Merritt, 20 .Runes South, Hamilton, for pH( es Mal pedlgreoa. LF.AU'rlFL•LLY marked Beagle hounds registered, Bred from imported alre. Promptly elated and shipped. Phone or write Peter Porter, 280 or 3351 Burford, Ont CLET(t.' C caterpillar tractor with 8 ft. bull- dozer, hydraulic Ilft. Apple• (leo. 10, I'ol- lnrd, Brussels, Ont. !'hone 56 r 13, ENGLISH pointer pups, registered, laver and ohne, good show and field prospects, Alrs. Windsor, 11 Nognunsh P.d., Toronto. FOR SALE—Ayl:hiro Bull, w'Ynyato 1flgh- land Prince, 3 year old. Robert Bucking- ham, 15.12, No. 2, Russell, Ontario, FOR 5.51.E abort G11 acres of Umber con - ending of Beech, Ample and 1lentlock suit- able for lugs, ties and Lolls, very tall clean tree(, Reasonable for quirk sale. APPI}' Belt Osls"o. Shelburne, ural. FLAGS ALT. sizes Union Jacks or Canadian Ensigns, sewn wool bunting. Special offering on 1'a and 6 foot Union Jacks. Fast dye sewn cotton. Discount for quantities. Brighten your conn munllY or hong by flying n good mutiny ting, John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington St. \''eat, Toronto. (illUD Festa}' need 3 (1 (01Y 55(0008, 001atble for farms, lumbering, muting and contract- ing. Also five lorries and 2 bob clelghe. Writ', for particulars. Percy J. Borbrldge, 3161 Plaza 111dg.. Oltenia. GREAT DANE PUPPIES WELT, MA 111;17D championship stork with exceptional blood lines, Fawn with black masks. 363 Broul:dall Amine, 'Toronto, 11U, 6118, HASTINGS C()l'N'1'5•,2 miles from Highway twin No, 28, 1 utile (ntlake, covering fatuous summer resort, halt mile to 0(11001, new 7 - room house with water and furnace, prac- tically new barn, silo and large cattle and plg barn, n,prorinttely 200 acres, 00 acres cleared, also ndditionnl 200 ael•,'9 without buildings [routing on lake halt tulle dletance, 50 acres sown to oats and seeded, 12 acres corn. Full Into Of machinery, new or In good condition, Apply 15', 1, kla•tin, Ban- croft, Out, 1'1:DIU1ti7i'1 English Setter pups. Adan Lnnal, 15,15, No, 1, \'inemumnt, 3 tulles East (:1frida, IiIghway 20. TIRES 600X10—$5.00 We are overstocked at the present of good used trade -In urea (guaranteed to be In ex• cellent shape). All order's shirred C.O.D. Speclal equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires, BEACON Punt corner Queen and Volk Ste., Hamilton, Ont, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED T1IIE SHOP Dealers wanted A4i1':NTS Il'ANTED HAIRDRESSING LEARN hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acnden)), 137 Aver nue Rondo Toronto. 11181,1 WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES For 5larkdale Private Hospital. 1100.00 intuit!' and full maintenance. Apply Dr. 15, 1,. Curefoot, Siarkdale, Ont. U115I1t',5'I'I: 1011'01,9. A001). to ;0000 intend. CM. IClrlland 11111 1,041 102 110901101, Kirk- land Take, Ontario, IRA N1(7LIN 'ronnahq', 11,11 tea, here „anted. Protestant, for modern up -I0 -dale schools. Duties to commence Sept, 2. 11:11049' 11,100,00 with recognition of 1'I',' (' 0 leaching experi- ence, fifty dollars per Iwo' 110 to six years. Slate qualifications and telephone number. :\PPly 31t. Arthur lloolhby, tier, -Ti e:4 , fort Cutlnitlgton, U1,t, MUTT AND JEFF—Well Jeff Can Tell Girls he Was Once A Life Guard Anyway BUT I CAN'T SWIM, PEG! NEITIIER CAN I CAN I GET A BUT WE CAN TRY! JOB AS A COME 1 INIoN t.IFE GUARD : IERI= IN HURRY? WILL, I DUNNO! CAN YOU SWIM? SWIM?-ERLNO! BUT, 01.1 BoY, - YOU OUGHT TO SEE ME WADE! , 111.1,1' 15 ,1 \'11.11) e,P,•nI, ed faun 101,4000,0 11040 1110,1,014 age 90 to 40. w Hood healtk. 4111)' unable ('11 11,•'1 011,1! Yearly Ho-. d4luer,l. Good 1V.110': 'I'h,,o. Alnalta, , Ih'a1 vl ",01 I':rl 111. 12 12 Ns. 1, Urals• 11'11, Out. A1EDICA1. Ito\"1' w'.41'1'- l:,alp sof fere;- u( Ithuunlatls PaII,N„I..eoro.3 should fly Names 1 , tluluu'n 1111)1; :ore, 733 EIg(a, ' 1nwn,1 I'nnl pa,I 11 110 1111;III.Y 1;1:'' 0l\l1.N1/111, - 1:4113 sufferer n( I;he;una' n I'n'ns or Neill iOs about./ try Diaun'n 1;'14'.15, 5lnlo'n Dong Store, 136 111tav,.,. forst paid 01.on, ^_ 4 411' 1111('1' 1' \ 1'1115* 41111 88'4131 I7 DE A HAIDRESSER JOI:, CANADA'S LEA 11('11000 Urea u 4,00; ti nity''Lea rn Ilalydr,•neing ('canon? dlgnttliA profeewon. good wr•ges, lhnusauIa eure,esful Ma 1 e1 gl'aduatea, A nmeiica's grim teat nynle111 1)1unurste( C010- inguo tree Write or Call 31111 yEI- 11AILDI;I;SSING 11('U)( (.1 350 Riour St w', 1111100 Brant MA 44 King SL, Ila milton & 74 ftIdea u Forel. (nous PATENTS 1'1.'iht1:It5•I'v\Al CII 6 Company nyI'atenl Solicitor, (81(1 'dished 172.0 14 King West- Toronto est.Tnronto (01151,•' of Inlroma 'MI on request. l'IJRS(IN %I. (J1 1'1('1,51. 01•,1 Nab !Emory 1.7 It. A, Jeffery Po tiding hl eli•h,•rt.htp ume Dollar. write: 001(Nul, Il isoinral A ssoi,at11111, I'olyel, (000 I'IIl ('1041(.5 ('111 NC 55',IY Pipits 1',•I vies uff,•rn >uu the latest In p1olo (armhole. Films developed ane one deckle rratr print of each 1c00l1*0 coin• pl'Ie 111 spaPnhul album 30c. R0prinln 4c. For biller "molly and tarter pereuual service send your films 11 Nu Way Photo Service, 1rtio0 A, Dept, (', Toronto. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS all uter Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You got finer "snaps” arid prompt aervna from Ulla big, reliable studio. ANI' S1/12 1101,1, (, I r 0 ex prom reS DI:5 ELOPED and PRIN'T'ED 30e Reprints (00111 your negatives Ig. 8 mounted enlargement. 4 x 6" 26c. ICn- Iargen,ents trained 7 x 9” In Cold, Silver. Walnut or (Slack Frames 14c. 11 picture colored 94e. Prints and enlargements made from prints of Mat negatives. Dept. AI STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE IID[ 1"0. I'OS7 OFFICE A, TORONTO WANTED WANTED—All kinds of dressed poultry. Toe prices for lop birds Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2051 Danforth Ave., Toronto 1. Me do custom grading) SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH from F11RF. and TI111c1'is, Wo here a size and type of Safe, or Cnbinet, for any purpose. Visit us, or svelte for prices, etc., to Dept. W. 0.6cJ.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 14S Front tit. 15,, Toronto Established 1851 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest I-Iarness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods arc right, and so are our prices. \\'c manufac- ture in our factories — Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads. Horse Blankets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods an(I von get satisfaction Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., Ltd. 42 Wellington St. E„ Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Qualify BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves 1 The only Cigarette Paper MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 25% Sae 4' ,f ,"s' 11. KIDDIES WADING POOL gtfl"' ISSUE 32-1947 By BUD FISHER . ;r -1 i x,• •. - — .r. LC, -14 � y Alooma • 4 I AU THE STANDAR!) ‘0=0: •0=0 - PERSONAL INTEREST 10170• \I r• Robert Newcombe is a patient ill \•i,totia lIu,I.it,ll, London, \Iis, Salk N, IL of Seatorlll, alaine )with her cousin, al "Kcw•alea,' \I r,. 1 ,cot'ec Garrett of Londeshoro „0 visited I; .t week visit Airs. J. Pett.. LI' NIL ,lnil \Ir,• (gorge 1I lights of C \Wo, d,l, ek, \isittd last ‘week visit thl•il• ,*III, \I r. Carman IlO;)gill>, 1114 Agents For International - \11, II„de11 Harvester Parts & Supplies \li•, \lar 'I'nnnry of Brantford has Wlute Rose Gas and Oil. relnrnr,l houu• after h„L!:aying aitII .Illyth :urs \Vest field Eclat lye, Car Painting and Repairing. n Nil,' Elizabeth Iloifnlan and It,mnie, RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS o , i \\' o.;hli ;tr, wi itis+.� with M I. EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES -, and lir-. J. S:;Iple". SIZE 600x16. J. IIn,!cin, i. \'nuts With hrr _-_-- ' gr:nuln;.'ther, NIrs. Annie Mountain, of ,^,....... St. \la:•,s. • , i Patricia Lyn Ellington of d'rllerwilll• ? TASTILY PREPARED CANNED 0, i; Il Ii � Iv 11 with her ,r;ln,I,.arenl,, S MEATS FOR A QUICK DiNNER (1 \I r. ;u, I l; r,..\. C. Kt'llllcLIv. AT HOME OR SUMMER *-�OC70 1°1=1)..\li' 1lclen l'larke 1)l I.ondun, i; COTTAGE. 444hod•�. VI itieg her aunt mud nncte, \Ir. "old t WEINER STYLE SAUSAGE ^ ♦.♦....P..,•.P,,r+;..;.r,0•:.0.•,:.�Q•r:..Or;..,+0.0,.;..;•.•i,+:rr;.•.••.4+:..:••:�q•.t..,0.�r;•.�,�•J.i •:••,. IV S \I r,. Leslie Inhn,l, n• (n Brine) '• \Ii• • Jo•c, Rine \Ionnt.,in vi tit. .-, ,,Isley,, visited last week \w II her si.ter. \VEINERS AND BEANS J ND,. C. Ilu',Ir,, and \I r. Iludt;:n•. Mr, and Mrs. lo'In Stewart spent BEEF STEAK and ONIONS Sunday and \Ion.L'ty with frietels al 1.C.1,41..1 CON CARNE . ' 1)ouct;al and Britton. Summr Sale \1en's rhl'opiCill Trousers, Regular `,t ,;10 - Sale 82.9 5 Men's Straw Hats Regular $2.9 - Sale 81.98 Men's ('amp Shoes Regular 81.9;) - Sale 81.00 Men's Canvass Boot, rubber or leather sole Regular 8,1.50 - Sale 82.75 live cGile Doherty cos. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. • Carna'i ti Milk Velvet Cake Flour Newt:rt Flurfs 2 large tins 23r. large 5-lh. bag 'ttc 5 qt. big 19r.; 8 qt, bag 'L c (With Free Premiums) Cooked 5,•at:hetti Bab•O - '" Dr. Ball rd's health Dog For d o: Royal M -nor Cccoanut .” V-8 Vege•zlrle .tutee GI p-le'rntt ,bice Aylmer Strawberries 1. Paula Artificial Sweetener ..: Gillette's Blue Rev.: Bla•:es :w • Life\1u y Shave Crean( CANNING SUPi'LIES—Canada Splti; Vinigar, Canada Cider Vine- „ gar; Spices for the Pickling Seas:n. _ u FRESH FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS 23 oz. lin 12c 2 lila 27c 2 20 -oz. I,na 31c 4oz. ph23: L-•nz• tin 17c 2 23 -oz. t'na 25' 20 oz. tins 43 4 -oz, house 3'c pk3e, cf 5 25: . large twee 29c e Deliver. — E. S. ROBINSON, -- Phone 15ti y.y..:.•:.y.:. 41141:•y.•0.4+:..0.:, r;••;. J,••:. r:•+:•.'.C9:.p.�-:111:111:1•::•. :•'i-:. '+�aNII1MN.IJtII/J<LItI+NrNYrrrLN11I11.NJINIII.J.IIJININPNI I*, IPI \Ira. I'tnles Crawford, \I r. Hlnu'r Pollard and NIrs. Frilzley Tent the week -end with :.Ir. and NIrs. (;erre\ Fritztey and family of Burford. They were accompanied by \I r. and NIrs. Lorne Richt and chiidren as La as 1.1)11(1,)11. r. anll Mrs. I). O. ('olclongll of in- nerkip, ,hent sew('rul days wins the s , forttler's mother, NIrs. Annie Col:lough and other relatives. NIrs. \lice Fawcett ;Intl Miss Gladys Fawcett Ict•t en Wednesday for Cleve- ; land, visiting, NIrs. Potter, \irs,, l aw•- iett's daughter, 'They flew from Lon- don, ._ \I r.,.\rr,t n and son Darr", 'n, ; I I ib1I:AT BALLS f Tor, nlo, are vi -ilial; \whit I`•1) form- KI.IK! KAM1 .t r • nu other, NIrs. -\. Tic; nay. s' \lis. EileenRobinson, of Torino FRESH and COOKED MEATS. S, spent the heel: -cull ww'1111 her l�ar''Ill \I r. and \I r,. It. II. Itobius.ul. •� \I r. Austin tii•afior l of \\'()O,Islork rare on Mr. and NIrs. Samuel l'reieh- ton, and other tried, here, \IMtrt•11`. NIrs. \I. Olive I;il,hls, of Detroit, i• \is tine her .i,lrr. \Its. ;1• Mall Mr. IIm1I. \l ,r r brit, ;11111 hhr;l •� \Ir•• -\Inca Rockett of \Vin'so', i• • spendin. two necks ho'iday, at the hems' -1 her ;parents, '.',. ;I.II NIrs. 4' I A111,11 St( rid. ;I \Ir. and \1r. \ltlrtin I:irhn1ond of +t. Sslskatrho\w;ul visit\ l las: \\'cel: 16,11,. Mr. and NIrs. L'. hall, and other '_' friends. \Ir. and \I r,. !lecher' Crawford and •, Betty t, i Isnit;lllrr, tetra. and \ Is; •:••: Crim ford, of London, returned holm' Lifter boli tabus at the 'mime of \Ir. AND GRAVY PRIM! SPORK! N. McCallum Butcher. We Specialize In Home -Made Baking Of All Kinds. FRAN.K'S NOME L3AKERY it \Ir. and NIrs. 1. J. Sims and Linda, f Myth, Mr. and NIrs. A. E. Bender, of 'Toronto, returned home Sunday after a wcelts Vacation at Musics \Irs• Laughlin, \lissc; I.att••cl Laughlin, I?lizahctlt \l ills and NI ('1da McElroy, left on \\'Tdueday on a mo- tor trill 10 \Iidland and Parry Sound. Misses Marlene Walsh, Mlle;, hall, I (ilctn•ce Itainton, Joanne Hodgins and I' W41IM/INI.NIIINIINIIIIII•I+IIN I.IIIINIIIII N.fINN NIINN • PAIN I N NNIIII.IIPIIININI II INIFNIINN'I,NINIIN. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON • ONTARIO. Register for Fall 'rum Starting Sept. 8th,191 i Authorized under the D.V.A. for Training Veterans, COURSES— Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secy etarial. M. A. STONE, Ccmmercial Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice -Principal Principal. Phone 19, Blyth. 1)eliverie.s EVERY DAY 1 Perhaps You Are Con- templating a Job in Decorating AND NOT JUST SURE WI -IAT YOU WOULD LIKE. • • • Xia Wednesday, August 941 We're All Ready For Flies, Mosquitoes, Etc. 1VIiy not start early to keep ahead of the insects and hugs, by using some of the following products-- D.D,T, Barn Spray - Bug Killer . Arsenate of Lead .. -. • 2 -Way Screen Paint . D.D.T. Household Spray . . 2 4 D Weed -No -More Tomato Dust Garden Guard for Vegetables -.. Darley's Fly Spray for Cattle . 6-12 Insect Repellant Ilalf Lb. 60c, 2 Ibe, $2,00 5 lbs., 30c, 10 lbs., 50c, 20 lbs., 90c 4 Ibe, 88c 39c and 78c 8 oze• 25e, 16 oze. 43c 75c 30c 35c .... per gallon $L15 R D. PF-11LP, Puma B. DRUGS. SUNDRIES, WALLPAPEi,--PHONE 20, *At itikte ittsig+@+4ldt*iICri,4'filiti4 IIu1tS+atwtltt6l5tte.94 rirmAtginibmgtiveturogry END YOUR WORRIES 1 ' giving me a call. 1',,u will b(t assured the job ‘Fill he done 0•K., and the fine -t nr•Itetials used. \Whether faint or \\'all raper., FIRST COME FIRST SERVED . F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LOiIDESBORO BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Painta and Enamels. 1 11 A Clean Sweep- BIG VALUE IN THE GOBLIN `ACI;" CLEANER , Lvery woman wants a VaR1111111 cleaner, and ev- ery woman wants a cylinder type Goblin. The very latest in modern design and engineering perfection. Housewives who knew the value and iicrfor- Illance of Goblin Cleaners Before the war, will be thrilled with this fine new model. We invite you to come in and inspect this Cleaner, James Lockwood SUCCESSOR TO J. 5. CIIELLEW Furniture and Funeral Service — Phone 7 or 69, Blyth. 1,117014 AtDMOAND4)04717101)tDti Wi :alert?laiND*>140:711)M7h#111)01M40f7111DIPIN)* >g1t111 Janice \torrid, returned ' home last ( I week after a ‘week spent at Sunnier \lr. and \Irs. 1l;u-old clime)), and Camp near (;,idericlt• sons, Bruce and l;lcuu, were in Blyth\Ir. and \it's. Irvine S. \\'alh,ce, Ir- on Sunday visiting with the formcr's 1111 and Beverley, left f r Sault Ste. \larie on Ntonday, having, been galled sister, firs. F. Metcalfe, and \liss El- la \letcalfc. there due to the serious illness of Mrs. a \Il'. il \I r,, Drank Smith an,! Wallace's sister, NIrs. \\'1)t. houticdi.'. (Plug(., a, Margaret, and \1r. Grant 1)r. C. 1.. '1'011 is home cher his \Icl'Icllalld, of 1,ondrn, visited on harassing experience aboard the \wreck- Sunday with \Irs, NI (Acidic and Miss l Liner \ascopie, k'uking none the 1?II;I. �II..�I:I.INV/I.ICI+.I.N.INI.+..I..r..+IN+.r.++II.�..r horse tor his experience. t01o0:. 101Ci0( 101Q0• 101©0. 10070 i \Ir, and ,Mrs. Leslie Rutledge of T( parents. \Ir. and Mrs. F. D. Rutledge da). with Mr. anti NIrs. T. 11• led and \I r. and NIrs. I. 5. \Wallace. 1wwards and other acquaintances in \Ir. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and Illyth ; also Mrs. \\ atchcr and iter little son, Paid, and NIrs. Ogle miner, grandsull, from \Woodstock, spent 0„ 1(,f (: lPrict1, wvere \\'cdncsday visitors Monday with \I r. and NIrs. Edwards, with \Irs, :\nnie Colclongll• 0 1 \'i,iters over the \\Telt-end with \Ir.�. \I r. and \Irs, Earl Kelly, Isar) and; ;\Icx \Ir(;o an were, \irs. Julia Scan• Doreen. of \lorris, Mrs. 1. Caldwell drett and Corinne, of London, Mr. and and \liss 1)0nna Regan Stratforrl, I NIrs. \1'illtaul Skelton and I)- -nnie, 1f \largarcl and Mrs. 1). Craiw•ford, silent l.ucan, NI r. and NI rs. Milliard NIc(�ow- Sunday at Eugenia Falls, ; an, of Tomlin, \I r, and NIrs. Finlay \I r. Everett \Walker, of Iianliltrtl' \Ic(iov;u1, \largttrct and NI ;tritium:, of spent a couple of days this week at the home f \i r. and \I rs, J. Il. Stew- art. \lr. and Mrs. J. F. Ray of \\'indsol are spending a couple of weeks with the latter's parents, \I r• and NIrs. J. 11. Stewart. Mr. and \Irs. Ed, 'Taman of Sas- ' katoon, Nit.. I. ll. Stewart and \liss Nlarjory Stewart visited friends in Itrnsscls 0n NTonday. !\frs. Susan \loorc and Hugh Moore, of Detroit, \lick., at1 t Havel \Webster, of i.urkrn\v spent' Sunday with \I is;es Kale and I.IIa 1Ieffron. 1)r. Charlotte \VIlitlock and MINI 'Marian Atkinson, I'h.il., of Chicago visited with Nlisses Ella all? ('athrine I-I1ffron on 'Thursday last week. \I.. Allan Stewart, of 1,ucknnw sane two nracll-appreciated solos in the Ci•.th linked Church. Sunday, July 27. This item) was ntittcd last week. ND.. ;old Mrs. \Walter Riddley ;Ind Monster Band ttoo COMMUNITY PARK, BLYTi! Wed. Aug. O p 10 GREAT BANDS—FEATURING TI-iE SOUTH ESSEG ASSO- CIATION BAND, THE HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY GALT PIPE BAND; THE ST. THOMAS LEGION DRUM AND BUGLE BAND; THE BLYTH LIONS BOYS AND GIRLS BAND; ACTON Y's•MEN BOYS AND GIRLS BAND; HESPELER POLICE BOYS BAND; INERSOLL PIPE BAND; MILVERTON RED SEAL BAND; WINGHAM CITIZENS' BAND; CLINTON CITIZENS' BAND. —BANDS TO SUIT ALL MUSIC LOVERS, Parade of Be,hds up main street 7;45 p.m. Program at Park 8:15 p.m. Secure a Program. Mammoth Booth on the Grounds. DANCE IN THE MEMORIAL HALL AFTER TATTOO. In t!.r .3 (III of rain, program \611 he held following, This event hetet meter auspice- of Itlytli (.ions Il vs and Girls il;uul. .\•Io,ission: Adults 511:: (_'!;i:drett 2.5c; Cars Free. GIVE THE BAND YOUR SUPPORT. 0 i0Cz0• ......- --- �Ot©0,�._��_�Oleat>'r .110=10....- --_-_t0®6 -,... ... ND.. Austin Spafford of \Woodstock, ' a former resi,:enl of Myth, who is runt() spent the week—end with their ;1t Lion's 1 -lead, spent Mon - 0 il 0 0 0 q 0 PERSONAL INTEREST' ; down is Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Petts and , who caner danghters, Carolyn(' and Sharon, of best. Niagar-rt Falk have returl,erl honk a ter spending part of their vacation with the fortner', mother, Mrs. J. Potts, Fergus. Mrs. Susan \loorc and soft, Hugh \loore, of Detroit, \lich„ visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Newcombe, and other relatives. NIrs. Moore's fattier, the late John Newcombe (W01!t the properly on which the Union Cemetery is now lo- cated. Speiran's Hardware BI YTH EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. Complete Line of Basco Tools - (,guaranteed. Plymouth Red -Top Twine - While It Lasts. Tricycles and Wagons. New Lightweight Therinex Jug Excellent For Picnics. Coraco Ironing Boards - All -steel Construction. _ Compressed Air Sprayers - `Spraymotor. & Smith'. YOUR FRIENDLY 1)E LAVAL AGENT 'III#NININ N11NNrf+INItI11/MI/N." 1 AUBURN \f r. and NIrs. Bert \larsh of Peters- burg, \liss Helen \larsh, R. N., of London, \i r. and \Its. Gormley Thom -son, and son, Bobby, of Bramp- ton, \Ir. and NIrs. \lauding, of I,cn1- ' d n, we -e w((k-end visitors at the hone \Ir. and \les. herb \lugridge. \l;•. and NIrs, 1.toyd 10111b3., Gurdon 1 ;old Paul, spent the w. '''(-end with Mr. and NIrs. Taenias 'Taylor. \Ir. and NIrs. Lorne 16'111, of London, Miss Isabel Fox, R. N,. of liincar- spent a 11-1irlay neat Jamestown, N.1'., dine, :.Itss l,etite Fox, Hamilton, anal and in Northern Ontario. Do their • Mr. John Phillips. of Whitechurch, return they spent a few days with Mr• visited with Mr- and Mrs. E. Phillips. one et the western farmers Elmer Pollard and Mrs. Fritztev. \I r. and NIrs. Lewis \Wagner and \f r. James Scott of I'oront., family of Ohio, with \Irs. I. \Vat 1)l l and Donald \fall, visited ai the a"' Llnrilr• I Mame of Mr. Len \Vast over the week- Rev. 1)r. J. S. Short, an (' -nu:' r- end. ator of the general assembly of the Margaret Crawford, Kitchener, Mrs. Presbyterian Church, n:w• living retir- 1. Caldwell :u rl ({rami -d ntt;lltrr, 1)1)11- , cd in IC,incar line, occupied the pulpit Reg,an of Stratford. visited '•ver 1 of Knox Presbyterian Church here; east to assist with the ltar- NIr. Jame; \e\yl,,nthe, who I1as been a wcicowe visitor around town during the bast 101011, has returned to his Bread -Cakes -Pastry Have our Delivery Call at Your Door Items++ Ji - I I .1.,. . ,. 1 - 1 , . The IIOME 13AIiERY Blyth, Ontario H. T. Vodden, Proprietor ;INN.NIINI NINII~IMI /N'I+II"ICN'.I•IIIMNNJIMNNI•MI MI•I0~.0i, home in Newark, N.J., after wlsittmL ,1a -lir. I'rerl LiiI Ii rlo\wn of :\Ilorfiel,l, it . brother and wife, \I r. and NIrs.' the holiday with NIrs. 1). Crawford atld Old St• Audren•'s, Illyth, 011 Sun- Mrs. James Logan returned Monte on Ferguson, of Toronto. Mrs. Ferguson Sask., is r.s istir.z \1r, Orval McGowan Robert Newcombe, and ether relatives and J_hn. 1 day. Next Sunday Rev. John PollIcl:, aturday after a visit witli her sister, an' daughter, \tedelene, ac_- t-anied with the summer wwr.rk, \t r. Lambs- in the community. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Chow•ea, ':::d lately of Ailsa Craig, will preach. I Mrs. I. 13rowwn, and Dr. and Mrs. J. G.1 Mrs. Logan house, and will visit here. Are You in the Market for a Paint Job? We are ready at all times to attend to your painting jobs, exterior and interior. We use the best of paints, and our workmanship can be com- pared with the hest. Let Us Estimate On Your Next Painting Job. TAIT & HIRONS Telephone 56, Blyth Decorators 611,1111,. iaWi3Ciliiinl 1.I IghlII