HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-12, Page 3lay. the 1 I th Esq.. aged 73 p'ac'e from his urday the 13th and set -Wain- a 4.) attend with - 7. /2th, f865'. )5 Q-4.7 1:00 fe 0,90 (it. 0:40 oSo Q.2. 0:60 ke, 0:75 0:00 .cr• 025 cif 4:$0 0.00 Ca ik50- : 0:00' !0`, et. OztIe' • 0:25- i5 ka; MO' r.71 ra,„. 0:1221- r5 6.a* • ko elec Is *12 'a ta, a:40 - o a• 141:00.- 4 "5:00 o.. - geof Wager. laniTOIST• VY. INST., eon. e notice and F.. READ. V Sge C/irk. w16 -2t GP' ISM • rHE UNIT- CRON AND Piaix;tzf- Defen&lot. ry:ed aud upon venained wet:114 of the sibove named ake place 1e-- .1,..aw Office a &moult; at ederich, its the' rc.waties, Fin 01/1111e, - k in the fore - their advice. dicial assignee PER. ent t "Croce.. -1r1G-2t A RS IERIOL. ,pen fur view it in the fore. fternoon. Tbat. evou will be, 41 on h lust cast of appeaLs. - le in the hands. 14th inst.. IONSUN, 'Town Clerk; - 16 2t 186C- ,itect coitntie. the matter •of Lt.a.es%V.Nee- is. an Itisol. hit the under. ,e of thi.s Court,, .efiarge execut. o Tpesday, the at ten of the r -ion' as counsel a the Judge of - on of the dis. &TOL' under mild 'IC1tFORD, DOD, . Hie Attorney.- latrZen Virr..N1-› Lake Huron* cb, on the 15tle de Sew Logs, e owner is re - y expenses and ed within one iU bo sold by rotaia,Zi. ,i865. w15 -4t= F LAZO& - of a Writ of WAS iStnseit -out ajestyis County tures and Bruce and* and tette- suit of itobvrt anrinexecinton the raid in the town Or • which lauds too at my Office of Godettehs on gull pc -0,U Mit ia.. DONA LA- - 81teellf1L&M. naudi osier of alai' *id* - - Assist leek - 4.1 therewiLl tar dent Mart of deck. noto• Am- reesheolitorliet is 40 *In° aste bemire& ia 1114W iet-• sauce ei some& in sea 4t."74=4 r v.4 THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. trazi erantio HARD FROST. -Last night, (11th) we had a very heavy frost. It was keen enough to form ice in -water pails, etc. - We cannot tell yet what harm has been done to fruit and young -plants generally. LONDON Socirrr.-For May is to hand from Messrs. W. C. Chewett Co., Toronto. The number is fully equal to any we have yet seen in point of sprightliness and elegance. This is the prince of English Magazines of the lighter order. 'For sale at the Sagizal office Book Store. Th prcacHlssi's Mag. for May, contains a number of very cleverly written artioles,and should -meet witk gest favor from educated Churchmen. Chewett Co.,. Toronto; T. J. ifoorhouse Goderich. - _ Acknowledgement. ikt the Annusil Congregational Meeting -of Xnees Church, Goderieh, held. on Monday evening last, the tonoirrig ;resolution was unanimously adopted„ viz. That an ex - .pression -of gratitude be given *through the local press to the ladiesand others of the eongregation, as welt as to many kind friends froni otherchurches, for their noble exertions, and kind co-operation in assistiag at, and contributing se handsomely- toward Our late bazaar. The stim of $.3$5* was realized from thikeffort.. D. CAMEkuN, - Clerk. Godericls, 1.0th May,,1865. . _ _ • POTACE: CO UlftT. THE DISORDERLIES- On Wednesday morning last four girls, named respectively Esther Forsythe, Mar- garet CIark.Elizabeth Valentine and Isa- bella McDonald, were brought before the .Mayor and S. Pollock and W.: M. White, Esqs,„ on a 'compound charge of keeping a house of ill -fame and ielling liquor with- ont lieehee. Forsyth admitied that she • was guilty of keeping the house, and said the others. were only inmates. .It was therefore unnecessary to call witnesses to prove the fief; much to the satisfaction of a large number of young mem who had Fgottek. Written for the &gnat T E 46 VISION.” • "'What of tilt Vision, thoa false Sea?" What of the 'Vision, tell to me 1 That dared thy placid -looking breast When thy waters were at rest. What of the Vision, that spread her wing Over thy waste ?-" that tiny thing ;" The man and boy, that lonely few, And dog, that did make up the crew. What of the boat, thou moaning wave? That sadly sighs in every lave: Thou roltst along the boundless shore. Are they deeP in thy caverns are they no My boy looks up in my tearful eye, fasore ? And says, " Oh mother, mother, why Does not father and brother come Back to our fond and happy home I" And I turn from his gaze, for 1 dare not tell Him.the truth that I feetand know so well, That they are sleeping deep in the ocean's bed, irthe grave 4f the countless,numberless dead; Bat my bleeding Simi thou must weep and moan Till, we meet amain in our Heavenly home. Bat oh, what of the Vision, thou treacterous deep? Hest thy hurricane Minstrels -3r lull'471 them to sleep? ., -- fti * The "'CIs'n " was the'name of a small craft ot only 1 tons. that started -from this coun- try for Europea bout .12 inenths past, aud has not . been since heirn of. 'PAPE FR At th A L Wind ATTH 3E117 SCHOOL HANGINGS 1 3I 4 cts. PER ROLL 'Signal' Office. RGE SUPPLY OF Shades!! AP FOR CASH SIGNALOFROE iztlriM.1311VC.:4- YOU WANT IN boa' & STATIONERY At REDUCED RATES. - SEE IAL NOTICE. • . been subpcenaed toattend, and some of DEFERRI$G to our advertisment of 2nd ,. whom, we hear, found it ' desirable to t ib instant, and in order to avoid tnikunder- UP fishing. excursions . tarDungannon, of our customers who have had'accounts with Sharp's Creek, &e The The Court sentenced Forsyth to irdy a fine of $50.daand'costs: and, through the mayor, informed her that ' it was Only by an oversight that the ia- mates had not been included in the; infor- mation. Ms Worship said the town a4- thoritieiwere determined to put down the horrible Tiee which these girls were spread- ing in the community, and they would be taken up again just as soon as dridence could be obtained agaigat them. He also - Added that the intention was to proceed - ion the next occasion- against thd irdung men frequenting their haunt, so. that all might' be punished together. - Forsyth also. acknowledged to. the selb, ing of liquor without license-. The Court inflicted a fine for this off3nce of $20.00 and costs. The fines and costs aniounted altogether to $91:40,- and we think if our. -, authorities will continue' as they have bc- - On thy wilreeon rid . the town. of this tribe of brazen strumpets. . The Court was crowded' during the trial,. of course. - We nay mention, in tbis connection, tbot "Alcoholic James "and Ins set have • skedaddled to Saginaw. ,-0.....-.....- ttsteen7s Birthday--Pu.blic RtectIng_. - • - ge standing. we eg respectfully tolinforin those as hitherto.that,T as we are anxious to bring our present business to -11 • close as noon as poSsilile. We Must discontinue all accounts from this date. •- • ' .• JOI)N 'FAIfit CO. Goderich, 9th May, 1.8q5. We are happy to_annotince that. steps are about being taken to have a grand - celebration here on the 24t1iinst. „From the following document, it will be seen that our worthy Mayothas called a public meeting for to -morrow_ (Saturday) evening at 7' o'clock, to consider the -steps necessary ,to be taken. We, trust there will be a large attendance. It is a public matter, and shouldcall forth the public spirit of everyone interested in the town. 210,1011n V Detlor, Esq., Mayor of tbe Tornt of Goderich. .. We,request that at the earliest moment you call a Public. Meeting of the inhabi- tants of this town, for the purpose of taking into consideration The proper man- ner of celebrating the birth -day of our beloved sovexeign. . • May lith, 1865. R. Cooper, * James Watson, W. M. Savage, Robert *Kay, Isaac F. Totns, 0. E. Archibald,. • John R. Dark, . - Es R. Owen, Thomas' Dark, . J. Y.S. Kirk, And elitist fifty 'others. Itt compliance with the above reqUisi- hereby convene a Public Meeting of the inhabitanta of the town of Goderich, to be held in the " Town' Hall to -morrow at the hour of seven o'clock. JOHN V. DETLOR, •Mayor. Goderich, May lith, 1865. _ Tx, Bono? oillmids nr PARIS -The &Melvin extract of i letter dated Paris, Aprit.•Ist, received by one of the 4sialiscribera of the Toronto Wachmifs. from .a, friend of his, at present residing in that ammitry„ will interests rimy of our readers : 411ty-the by, the Bisbopof Huronpreached is. ow Ruttish: thu& here in Paris, oil ilandaT Wit: in behalf of the Huron College, timidity wsarather wet bat, there viere 6.00 or 490franeseellected (betiveen$I2Osiol$140). Oa the -following Tuesday I went to a recep- tion at Lady Harriet Cooper's and the Bishop -ettliarog and Archdeacon. Helmuth related some a:Goan tales about the conversion of several- *ad Indians, wide; interested me 'exceedingly.. :About 700 francs more were collected in. the drawing -room, for the "- : Too HOXIMIAIV 10R MRS. LiNcour.- - Pittedelphis, May6.--The sabscripfiona to ptossato &mottos& to Mrs._ Lincoln are not 410mling $5 sack, so tbat all, may have a CUM* JO. contribute. The statement tbat theywere to * $500 each as mentioned in deeptOlt, was isprrect. • JOHN FAIR It CO. itswito nsTnaNtIsErs on • C LQ.S. INQ,U THEIR • rassENT BUSINESS IN G:ODERICH, WILL, ON • - Thursdaynext, theAth instant w commince to clear off the whole of their large and. valuablestock of Dry Goods,. Clothing, and Groceries, at an - • - ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES.: Goderich, 2nd May, 1865. . . • ABRAHAM. SMITH Merchant _Tailor, MARKE1 SQUARE, GODERICH HAS ON HAND A Large & Well -Assorted STOCK OF ret9MGODOS CIONVEGI -And a variety of 1. ancy Articles, such as Shirts,Collars, Neckties,Caps, ?zc., Whichle is prepared to sell Cheap •for Cat. Garich. April 12. !865. • wl2 HAS ItTaTtitenivIlls A ALICE aTocN 07 STANDARD G SCHOOL OOKSNOii - I' A NOY SIAM ivrht WJIa PAPE, rroy,, Toy Booki, Prayer Books of JL Church Services, Hymn Nooks; . AILBU.MS, S,A.TCHt1.4S I Ladle" Ceaspaineas. • • WORI,BOYES WRITING -CASES - SO ASA And various otivertvtieles, all cheep. : ATABITTLER'S. Goderica April 16 16‘11. t • SHERIFF!S._SALE OF LANDS. United Countie.s of' By _virtue of a Writ of. Huron and 13ruce3 %rendition' Exponas and To wit: Fieri Facies, -ibr residue. titr isscd out cl , r Majesty's" County Court Othe County 'of Ontario and _Court of. ;COM.. nion 'Pleas, andt* me directed • against the Lands and tenenrentiofSteptien O.Crawford,F.H. LynehStauntoft; Epoch C. Dowling and Robert 'Gilmour, at the suits of Isaac N. Howard and the Corporation of the:Township of Eltlerslie, 1 have seized and taken in Esecution ill thg right, title and interestofthe said Aelendants,in and to • Park Lot No. 15,Lot No. 8, and to -the South hall OfLot No 6, East side of Queen street North, being siibilit Isaias of -Park Lot No. 4 in. •the vil- lage of Paisley ;:. South -hall 4.1 Lot 22 on the East -side of Queen Street!_zouth Paisley, lark Lot No. la IN °rat side of Cambridge street. and Block 35 ‘reSt side of (Ince ii Street, N ort h Pa isley,1 -ot 13 South side and 13.andT4 N orth side 'of Ca to bridge Street, Paisley; North hell °flat L East side ol I Burnt) street, S.outhampton, 50 feet ot the -North ' part of Lot NO. 4, North side ot High Street, Southampton, Lots 29 ani_il .10 on the North side ofiClarendoe street; Southampton; Lot 18 East side of Norfolk Street,- Southampton, Lots 21 and 22 South side of Louisa street. Southampton, all in theCoutity. of Bruce; which lands and tene- ments I shall otter fir sale at my effiee in the Court' House, in the Town of Godericli, on Tue.s-- day the Twenty -Eighth dal: of February next, at the hour e Twelve of !he clock, noon. • ••• .. 2 - • JOHN MACDONALD, . , - • _ sherif , if 4. By.S. Pottocx, Deputy Sheriff. • -. Slieriil ?..s Office. Goilerich, e . - • 25th Jahualy,1885. : i -awl : The above sale - is postponed till Tuesday the 4th day of A_pril next. . • • , . . The Above sale is further peetponed till Tnesd4 the 9th day of May next.. • -•`• :tell The above sale is further postpcined till Iiiiiielay; the 13th June, 1865. . •, List of ENIIANING in the 1st May, 1865. • Armstrong -Hugh Aadrewa Micht &Wm Besaw Mrs Amelia •Bourke Jno (2) Barr James _ Blake Jos "Bicker Capt John 'Bedford John Burke Pat'ic Berry Thonkas t2) Blair Vim - _ Craikshanks Chas Camphell John -ChristiO John -Carier Jonathan Cottle 'James (2) - Clarke John Clark - Calton Luke Corbet-Mary ' • • Carmichael. Mrs Thos • Campbell Mrs Rachel Deagen Hiram Donely Sarah Fraiciistown Foundry.. THE pertnership hitherto conducted" under the tienFrancistown Foundry, has been -this day .t of of Brabazon & Verity, , mutually dissolved. All partiea indebted to the said_firiu, by note or book account, are requested to eall and .arrange with Witham Sanders, P tmaster. Exeter, on or before the first day of June next, who will receive all debts due the said firm and pay said creditors according to previous arrangements, excepting.tavern bills which will be paidby said Robert Vrabazon., The books and notes are made over to the said Willial Sanders. • ( ROBERT PRABAZON,, WILLIAM H. VERITY. . . Dated Exeter, 18th -April, 1865. tER EXE FOUNDRY. Ellis D G Etrards Mrs. E Ellet Mi (2) Elfiott Mrs Olive Golden .Tames - Heffernen Frank Hainstock Geo • Heeney John - Rawkes Mrs Hewitt Simeon Hussey Thos M W H (2) Johns Arabella Johnson Mary - Johnston Wm (2) Johnston W F Kerr John jr Kerr Mag KerrMAI Keifer Wth (2) • Lowry Alex Lawrence Jas F -Lowry Rob -i • Leachen Wta Mann F (2) . Moore G May John • Morrison John Letters Goderich Post Office . ; McMullen Ara McKay Catherine McKenzie uhristins McKinnon Donald McCallum Geo = _ McDonald Jessie McCullough John - Mackeezie J. - McLean Murdoch -- McKie Thomas McPherson 'Wm. (2) Nolan James Nagele Joseph Oald Abigail. _ Owen G (2) Oagin John - Pierotti Ambrogie Pratt Geo - • Patton James , Pratt -John. Politic Jos Ran Joseph (2) Ross James. Reid Ray ouis Robinson Mrs Robins 11 Win- :- Robers on Wm Smith Geo - Stroud John Scott John _ Sheppard Jos Stewart John Stuard Stanley John • Strong John Smith Mr Smith Mary Jane • Sullivan Michael Smith Sarah G Mrs - Saunders Rebt Swane S'aml • Smith Sidney Stinson Win Thynne Trouse Luke Urauhart James - . WhiteC.. White David Wright George Wittian Jacob Wilson John Winters John Watson John • Wilson James Martin John (2) •Wheeler Mr Martin Isaac Williams S Marriet Mrs Isabella RWehIon,S Micklejohn J Wigginton Thos Moore Mr WatkineThoi McFarlin Annie - McDonald Angus Yearnan Wm A JAMES WATSON, w147 Postmaster. UTILUAlt H. VERITY hereby informs VT the public generally that he intends cos• ducting mad business in a its branches tinder the -name of W, Verity, Exeter Fonnda, and- hopes by strict attention and liberal charges to Rate * late' stare of public Patronage - Dated Exeter, Ittlt April, 1866. w15 -3w • , • A LARGE STOCK_, PLAIN LITIO) r • 27 N., NOT Spring and Sum SC 0 JUST ARRIVED AT THE A N .00DEEICH;.'May lgt, 1865. t V DETLOR &SON. w 12 • i2 DOZMIST, WMIIAT ST"`211,M, . URPRISIN GLY CHEAP, At the Glasgow -House. I) HEIM, 1111-, & CO. Goderich, 7th Apri1,1865. • WIMEI.M.30 In Black and Waite Braids, at the SGOW HOUSE. Goderieb, 7th April, 1865. D. BE4R, M.& CO. Of Our -Spring -Order of to 41141 the THIRD will follow text week, the Glasgow House. D. Kerr, Jr., Goderich, 7th Apit, 1865. los:OW*4 in tlieniatter of HENRY 'WILSON, an Insolvent. • - • MM. creditors of the Insolvent ire --notified ••that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects under the above Act, to me, the under- signed assignee, and they ere •required to furnish me within two months from this date with their churns, specifying the security they hold, if any, add the value of it, and if none stating the fact ; the whole attested under oath with the vouchers in support of such claims. , . Wx. W. WATSON • - Ansignee. Seaforth,24th April, 1865. . . S. G. McCAUGHEY, - • . Solicitor lor Insolvent. w15 -2w S :11-ERIFF'S.SALE OP LANDS. United Counties of)DY Virtue of a Writ of .littron and Bruce,}- 11• .Fieri .Facias issued To wit: out of Her Majesty's County Court -0th. if Sited Counties of Huron and Bruce, and to inc directed againet- inc lands and tene- ments ofJames Lothian at the suit Of William Smith, I have Seized and taken in execution all the right, title and intesest of Inc said defeadent - in and to lots fetters -0 and D in the 9th concession - of the township of Bruce, containing 200 serest aiso mill site number 2 in the village of lever- huron, in said county of Bruce, containing 34. acres, whisk lands and tenements 1 shall offer for sale et thy office in the Court House in the town of Cotherich; on Tuesday the first day of August next; it the hour of twelve in the -clock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD,' _ - - '-'--- . - Sheriff, H.& B. Dv S. Poixocit, *Pay Sheriff. Shedd's -Office, Oodeneti. I . wit .25th April, 1865. _ Insolvent _Act Of 1884ii THE creditors of the undersigned are notified to meet at Seaforth, in the County ofHeron, it the office of S., Gr. McCaughey, solicitor. on Thursday, the eighteenth day of -May, at-tyreisi o'clock, noon, tor the porpoise tif receiving state. ments of his affairs and el naming tin assignee to whorit he may make an ateugnment under the above Act ' JAMES R. ROSS. Dated at -Segforth, County Huron, this 2nd day of May, A. D., 1865: . w1 -W- 8. G. McCAUGIIET, Soliciter•ler-Invelveell Notes. Loat or Stolen. LL parties ars hereby oantieted against pure asing er asgetatieg two notes of hand, oae drawn by Joan Hayes hp favor of Charles • amount 1094.1111, sal *tarot, due lat March. 1866 ; She other draws by Francis Anderson 3favor ef Charles Milne, amount O33.00, due I st January, 1866. Lt.o a due bill tont Edward Foley to Charles Mase. 'amount $18.50, as the sausehave beat lem,,stolen, and payment *erectile stemma ' OltAKLEB MILNE Goderich. April 24th;1865. 1.13.3t :EDUCATIONff MR. NAIRN , late Superintendent of Schools, intends having lasses in Goderich during the Summer months, commei cing 1st May next. On Monday, lueeday, Thursday, Rod Friday from one till four oiclock, there will be a class for Fifth Book reading with questions, roots oppo sites, and English Grammar, Hisioryr Geography and Arithmetic. This will be a rood chance for those who may wisk to finish their education ao tar. - On Wednesday and Saturday, also front one till four afternoon, there will be a class for Lrtre, Books to be used Arnold's Firat Book, and Hark- ness' Second Book; and from the plan to be folio's" - d, it is believed that with application, a good knowledge of the language may be acquired in Twenty four Lessons. ,Teams-4or the English exercises, Twe Dol- lars a month, and for the Latin Three Dollars a month -to be paid -in advance. Trafalgar Street. '12w4t TO SELL OR TO LET A •Good Fein lot within seven miles -of the -173- Village of Southampton, forty acres I cleared and fenced, with. a good log house and barn. Terms liberal. , Apply (if by letter postpaid) to -- JAMES A. BURW ASH, Southampton. Or to J. D, -BLACK, .... Goderich. - Goderich, C. W.. ;an. 31 1805-. wltt oRTIT NOTWE . TN CONSEQUENCE ofthe deatii-of Mr.*M M WCATIIERALD. the business heretofore carried on: under Ib -name and style of _ DART] hS desirous of ()blaming First Class 1." Cedar for F. c.ng and Buildingpurpotes can be supplied in any quantity, and on reasonable terms,by applying to - J. W. ELLIOTT, • Godefielt,t0= 00.1864 • " Robt. Rundintam& Co., . 0 TY N. 13 IC It must be closed on or before the: : 1ST DAY OF APRIL, .1865. - - - All 'parties indebted to the above firm are here- by notified thit all notesand book accounts over due on the C) C r1 'HE Court of Revision for hearing appeals .1 against Assessment will be held at the house of Mr. Alex. Findlay, Lot 18, min. 5, en Saturday, the 8th .of Lpril, at -11 o'clock, n .m. - ALEX. FINDLAY, 8w3t1 Township Clerk, Morris., , The Court of Revision has been postponed till the 20th of Max next. ALEX. FINDLAY, T'Ir Clerk. Morris ,- April 19,1865. . 13w3t For Sale Cheap. O_T8 G., 8threon.. Brace; Si, 4th /Cullom ;31. 1.4 9th con. Huroa. APPLY 10 M.: C. -CAMERON; - oderich • October Mi. 19t44 lb To Wool Carders, &c., A Good Opening! ✓ rH,E urdersigted is desirows of forming a • A business connection with some person wil- ling to go into Inc Wool -Carding audClssttFdft ss- ing business in Goderick. The applicant to find cards, aro.. and the subscriber the power and building, both of which are ia eomVite readiness This is a splendid opportunity for any capable man wishing one of the best openings of the kind in Cenada. • Apply to MATTHEW ROBERTSON, Goderich, C. W, April 116., 1865. wl2tf- OIL WELLS! TO CONTRACTORS, MENDERS Wanted to BORE for OIL within half omile of the Town Plot of Goderieh. Contractors to find all meterials. The baring will commence in Limestone Rock within 20 feet from surface. Well not to excemi 1000 feet in depth. Contractors to state how much per foot for each Hun. dred fee) in depth, andsize of Bore, together with terms of payment. All communications must be post-paid or no notice will be taken °f them' C. °BABB. Goderich, April 13th, 1865. 13w3t Mortgage Bale of Lands. UNDiR and by virile- of a Power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort stage, made by Bernard Daly of the village of Egniondvillet in the County of Huron, Mer- chant, to Felix Thompson ef the township of Rune% in said county, Thompson, and bear- incr date the fifteenth day of April, A. D. 1864, will be sold by Public Auction at the auction rooms- of G. M.- Trneman,in the Town. of Goderich. in .the County of Huror, on Friday, the eighth day of Jane, 1865, at 12 o'clock,- noon, the following land and premises, viz. : video* lot -number seven, west side of Centre street, hthe village of Egmondville, containing one quarter of an acre of land, more ce• less, together with ibe- buildings thereon, default baying been made in the payment of the -Moneys thereby secured. . - Conveyanceunder Power in Mortgage. J. S. SInLAIR, Solicitor for Mortgagee. Dated this 4th day of May. A. II, 1,865. •••w15 -.4t INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. Charlest. Archibald, Plaintiff; John Dowel, Defendant. • A 'WRIT of A ttachment.:has Issued in this 11. cause of which ail persons interested in the estate of the defendant and all persons :laving in their possession, custody, or power, any portion A the assets °film defendant or -Who are in any way indebted to'hini are required to take -notice. MACDON.ALD, • • Sheriff, EL & B. Deputy Sheriff. .0 By S. Pipo-r-Loc . Gaderichr _ -,403-2w 180. 1St day of FEWY next, • Sherifils Sale ox Lands. will be handed to their Solicitor. for -collection United Counties of BY virtue of a writ of • to wii of Her 'Majesty's County Court of the Trnited Counties of Huron and .Bruce and to me directed against the lands and tene- ments ol Charles 'Black, at this suit -of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, 1 have seized and taken in execution• all the right, title and inteiest Of the said eleferfdant in and to the west hallos lot number seven in the third eon - cession Eastern Division ot the toanship of Ashfield,m the County in Huron containing one. hundred acres, which lands and tenements 1 Mall ed'er for sale at my office M the Court House. in thelown oftioderich, on Tuesday', the first day of August next, at tan hour of twelve ot the clock,noon, JOHN MAsChetra. DONriALar,B. By 8. Potr.ocx, Deputy Sherif. SherifPs Office, Goderich,• 26th Aprd,188b. L w14 The stock on hand will Witold Huron *ad Bnice, Fled Facia, lowed out 140W : FC0t.Ft CALSBE• OR SHORT CRFDIT, It consults ot a largeassortment of Ploughs, Culti- vators.Harrows.Straw cutters,. • THRESHING MACHINES Pot -ash and sugar -kettles, waggrin- and Pipe boxes, \ ' Cooking, Parlor &l:lox, Stoves, A good second-hand NOME3.49.31ti' T3EMCWIM-111 and a lot of gachinery for Grist and Saw -Mills. Ail parttes requiring the above articles would do well to call and inspect the stock at once, as they well get bargains,. • R. RUNCIAA141. • IN reference to tbe above, it. Runcunan will be prepared to carry on the business of , THE HURON FOUNDRY and contract for the *erection of all kinds of Ma ehinery as usual, and will simply Stoves and eassfings„at reasonable rates,forCASH cr short credit. •• • Goderich. Dee.21st. 1364, siir32w49 • FOR SALE. r ()TS 8 and 9, reap a, in the sievonship of 1.4 Stanley, $20 per sere; south 40 acres Of lot 29, Lake Shore, Asbfield,O9 prof acre, East 25 acres ofonth easterlvquarter of lot A in the 9th e.ott, W. D.. Ashfield, St per ;eta; ! arid 20 Town Lotsin Goderich, -price 930:.00 each an] urkards. _Apply to - . r40$.-W.NAtitrbil1ALIN q-Oeraels. SIIERIFF'S SALE or LANDS. - ItlinuritertndusBtrieute°,1 1DIP.L.PTIrrerluFeite7asr aissuWelliteul To Wit: of Her Majesty's Court Sot Chanceiyandlo me directed against the -lands and tenements of Jane Ford. Edwani. Atkinson?. Joha MeCnittleel rnd Wilham Etanlake, are defoodoll1s, at the snit ofMary Ann, Ford Stan - lake byJohn Mitchell the youtiger her next friend, -is Plaintitl; '1 have seized and taken in execution all the right; title and interest al •the said does - data in *34 10 the .south halt of lot somber eleven in the fourth, eimeession".of the township of Stephen. in the county of Homo, which lands and tenemen ir 1 shall offer for sale Et ray office in the Court House, "bribe town °Modena) on Tuesday, the firet day ofAugust next, at the hour ot twelve -010e clock,noon. JOIELN MACDONA LD, . shpoir H.& ; By S. Folsom, Dej:kr Sheriff Sheriff'S 00100, del!, • ;,5tlt IN CHANCERY: .IH CHA-VBER,..7; - THE CHANCELLOR. ITEDNESDAY• the twelfth day of April, in the V Y twenty-eighth year of the resgn of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and in the year of oar Lord 165, BET WEEN Francis Harris Heivardi David Bechan, laths Canada Ageney Ass.iciation, limited: Plaintiffs. *RD William Hitchcock, Defendant. '11 PON the application. of the Plaint - T._) tiffs. and it a; peering by Aff.claiie that after due diligence thesaid Defen- dant cannot be found to be served with an office ceriy of the Plaingfis Bmll m this cause. It is ordered fhat &any first day of 1 un d riext,onswer or demur tne said Deiendant do on or beiore the to the moil Bill, and11is ordered that a tequh.oisreddrolr_fiteett:thelp.pgueuGeti:stenreedratrititwatbeirar ellooft lYclne°ifsre -"Huron newspaper, pub. lished in the Town of Coderich, in thir' County of Huron, not leis than tit - weeks before the tbst-day of Jute next, and be continued once in each week until the said day. And it is. runlet ordered that an oaks -toffy -of the Plaintiff's Bill together with _ copy of -ibis order be served upon' Sergeant J. -.Hitchcock, son of the' above named Defendant, and thrther that a Copped this:maw he mailed and sddressed to 4he. said Defendant at - Entered. IC- elY YcrIE: (Signed) A. GRAtTriuti- .. (SW) J.J. Res WILLIAM IIITencoca;--TakeNotieetbat ifyore do not answer: or demur to the bill pursuant ter the above ordet , the Pliuntiffiney obtain *weirder to take the bill as eonierted against yon, and the Couit may grant the Plaintifits" such reliefs* titer may be entitled to on their own ribovnngotad yOtt• will not receiieany further no:5Mo of the future proceedings in this cause. CROOKS, KINGSMILL & C.&TTAN_ACII; ' • Plainuffs'. Solseitora. Toronto.,15 April, 1866. (w12 -6W" kEolvent _Act 01 18,64, ?rliE Crednors of the undersigned are notifiedl 1 to meet at the aw °dice of James ;Thaw' Sinclarr, in the town of Goderich, Setuiday,- the twentieth day of May !loll, at tifeffe pfeleek? noon, for the purpose of receiving a staletnent Itis affairs and of naming an asSignee to whom int may make an assignment under._ llie. above' . • Act. -JOHN REEF& J. S. SINPLAIR.• ' Uocterich, Eolicitor for insolvent. .Xlinton,ltith.April, 1865. • nr1Ael may ton.corii, - NOTICE. • TN Consequence of serious. Tosses IV business of late, we are ,compelled much against our wishes te resort in future to ib. CASH PRINCIPLIE in the -sale of Alef Beer, &c. RICHARDBilX'EmTONL Maitland wer4: Mined 1 CHAS. -DEAN:, Hamilton Spring Bowery., Goderic14 12th April, '1865. sw65w12.Isa • _British .!),,,zei-r,.iodicals. THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW.-.- , THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (1111162 THE WETE STMINSRREVIEW Tas• NORM/ BR/T11511 REVIEW (V lireti.) AND 131:A.OKWOODISEDtNBUROHMAGAZIIfE(Te)) -The American Publislienycontbmetortmriottlie thieve named perk/Nails, but asthe cost ofprinung has diro51e4 theprice ofysperneeirlyrrebled,widtaxes.dad aces, largelynicreased. they Are cranpelled *o9.dvaaca their terms as follows; • TERMS FOR 1865. Forany one oftlie$41.00 per annum* For any two ot the Reviewis . .. . . TOO . " For any three of the Reviews. 10,00 " For all four of the Reviews 12-00 l& For Blackwood's Magazine . 4.00-' '46 For Blackwood -and one Review:;.. IA For Blackwood and. any two of the Review's . 10.00 For Blackwood and three of the Re- views - . - 1600 AS, PorBlackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 Subscribers Mahe Britisb Provinces wthrenut mnaddl lion to diese prices twerns‘four eauss per for Black- wood and eight warn year for each Review 10 cover the U. S. Postage. The workswilltie prinledonagyerdeimpreeelOnlase ir:paper, and whiten:lady all Ameinim Yettodicele are either advanced in price Or reduced in size -and very generally both -we shalt continue to give faithful copies of all the inaner contained in the original editions.-- ence, our present prices -will be .found as clierip, for the amount 4d -twitter furnished. as shoos plan ofthe coupe petingperiedicalsin this POUZIM - • Compared with the cost ofthe original grille**, which at the presein premium on goldweski be about ipiOlVai year - our prices (916) are exteafingly lose. Add to This the fact tluitWe make our sumnalpayatenta lathe -British Publishers for early sheets and .copyright is sid4-41 costing us At this tune Pan.. 1865) nearly 92 50 in cur- rency -and we -trust that in iheacaile we have adopted wetill beentirelyjustified by -ourindiseribers and the " readiligpublic The Di/creator these P- eriodicals to American veadeth is ratherincreased than diminished by the suttees they contain on our Civil War, and, though sometime:schwa, with prejudice, they May still, einwideriag their great ability end the different stand.poinis irons whit* they are written, be read -and studied with'advitntage irribe people, of thiscoutitry, of every creed and party. The Four Reviews for 1883. A fey/copies or the above remain ort -hand. .it VALI besald at $5 for thewhole four;or, $2 for any ala. We also publish the FARMER'S GITIDE Ityllesay:Srerness. idEdiribursii. and ihe late 1.1'. Nonvorr. of -Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Octavo,' 16 0 . pagesand numerous:Engraving/4 • mice. la for the two volumes -by thel,poirspead,tai, LEONARD SCOTT . - Pablishere,, se.21 Wallow Sireet, Kew Nerk,,, - Montreal Ylitnest for 1865:. ffE Ninny gss fa shoot* to enter on its 201h. year as a esndidaets fot public favor *nth. sabethinegprioifnu4runliesib gWooitli readwhigneirg tnitasgrinntluttlivillawaiipattant with ;sectarian bitterness *stony strife. - The News department contains the latest flaws by telegraph, sumrnines of newsfrotn Canadian, British. and .American pipets; and selected ,arti- clesoncurrenfevents„from the leading jonraals ofthe world. The Conisnereiat department -comprises relia4e, priceli current, reviews of The -markets. Ltd financial intelhgence. copious selection 0(11140=6*a " •TateraritinC lit:erd,e:taoh:rtmpuetrient ol,Fouram.ilt,r adiz_ coif aina VaInableAgricultural and Horticulturalartieles... *TT° rePairt lercr.tlisri 14;1 iparonest° has many usefal and itoportaat odvertisenbenni, but admits noes *f.T*Uneungenrtnradilli:ritiVuesseri°unsgeriende/oonntacr*sning a Seise- . - don ofthe best and most interesting natter ofthe, - 6Withess,ispublished monthly etZde per saw- -= with one copy grans to .club of tem. IA is de- voted to itelenen,aleeslitv,Edue.retion,Cluldivis'a iseltagandiennagyy.Teismanoperanweac*atendrupsAgricurtaaltuthrerosgoint azios*-, Post.Otfice . Montren Nfri nem ) Th. tit 1.110 Daily Witness, OS annum, same form -that 11 hu cn since .the begianinf .2ITsetAtnitlyWnulni Wties. 9; w -renown, Canadian Messenger, 25Cla per imam. _ All C4sb. in A.41,74-400, •-4Jae copy gratisin sub oese fiir I daft 9111- 91 hould it Mixed Ptah be settt,with sot legs than' 10.-Papers*ill neforwarded gratisto the value f one.,-tenohsosf remittane. s - Ail communcationo e aidresed to Mon. treatYiteor • b ; ;GIP DOUGAIJL VSol, 1