HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-12, Page 1r'IILL INFORM ron aad has :PUMPS. .ots to bi* a," heat Irons Lfe to „order •,:oria street preininnti rev'e -who, zatt: *iv kd ill., riven' airecL Terms.• edgy acd ted dwel- try. Atie PON, .lericht.? s54-Irte tants, ee ft -es ear4 a eachr eee ft -a* :S. 7oronto and, !Ile fele . If of lot. :;ederiels ment-40° Lee are is in a miles or valuable tuft haif 'op, mid ea gooel harries* e pricea k above EY, o. writ or" csued one County ad Bruee tette- r1/1/u,. 1 have: - gilt titre tE) LOW tr? aea that cer-. s as the - k traet et btebythet as. Town, id Turn- *ounclaly et Malt- mayb. East as . which. ite at my ot Godet. ge welt. 'Arra ot - seed out Cour* sing:the mkt *0 id takaa tosi and ite-nortis a greet iatl�misty_of er ia the S day et s Clock* tot • met Otte Costatr oft aria ukt sod wit* ot James rec..utrinr *Mane seesaws matr ef eviel Wier Ise tke :levee's of the* • • Business Director!). 1--"A. McDougall (-IAN BE rJNSULTED CI' TO 10 V at Ills- re-43denee on North Street, next door Rooth of the residence.) Rev. Mr. Etw.00d. 10:1 l_Slitto no HYSICI N, SURGEON, &c., &c., GOD 1. Nitwit, ('. W. 13:40-1y Thos. 14% Mc Lean. NI. P 11YSIC1 AN. SURGEON, &c., (Late House •Sur.;eon. Kingston Hospital).- Orrtes -A t Arthur's Boarding House., fsw60w91 Gotten,: h, C W. 1.1r. Cole, T ATE OF STINLEYe-CLINTON. /11.' 14 XON ROEICI• (Mr. Thwaites'sforiner Store July 1, '62. DR. A. WORTHINGTON; DuisrcrANr, suRGEoN,:ike:, win at- A.- tendyparttealarly. to diseases of and surgical operations uponthe eye. . Rowidit VlittAGE.Dec..13.1S6t. fiar47-iv Iralioxv•siz. n...k Rat ST Ey/A N D A.TTORNEY-AT- ae, Law, and "sseheitor-In-Chancery, County Crown Attord C;otiertch,•'-lanadaWeit. (*Rice a Court Ho se. v14n40 z ALC. Cameron, Jr/MUSTER, A.TrORNEY.. eONVEY. ANCIlt,Sce.,.„Kingston street,Cy'oderich, Sinclair, 11)to &MISTER. SOLICITOR, CONVEY- ANCER., &a- °Ace, oVer the %Store_ of 3. V. Dettor & Solt, Godertch. 141 euryI.SleDerinot, BRAIP•rsrE ft, • IT r 0 RSTE Y --AT ;LAW Notaries Public, Jr.c., West Street, Goder *kJ 10:1 John Daihsigre, • FDI ARRESTER. A,T r ItN EY, SOLICITOR th Chancery, ikat Office, Market Stymie, Corner ofKingstOnStreet,Gederich. 9:42 Letroy Sk. Vatterzson, IQ &MUSTERS, AT roliNEYS-AT-L A 11 Notanes, Conveyancers, &e. Office Me isles corner,. West Street.tlecterich. 9:42 John IL Gordon, A TTORINIEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 4-1 Chancery, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, e., Sac., Goderich, Canada West. Othee--on a * South side of West Street, thadcloor front the surt-House Square. Williarrs TTORNEY-AT-LAW-, SOLICITOR IN ir I- Chancerv,Notary Publie,Converaneer,&e. t4 *clench, C.W.-thfice, over H. Gardiner & Co's t1 erdware Store. Y15n29 • WORRY' to Lend on Real*?Prriperty. - •Iata.cie tSrcsocling,„ TTOR.NEY, SOLICITOR., GonE.- rt. Ricif,c. W. -Orrick : trip Stairs Watson's Bleck,West St.,1 entrance First- Door west of taa grow House. . • 'roma Jia: Moore, yTORNIES, SOLIOITO ode A. rich, C. W. Office- GRABB'S NEW . -BLOCK tiA T*11C4 LEWIS C. Moctit.X.. (eodertch.Aueust 27th, 1864. sw-103 31 _ - El. L.. Dayte, • : A RSOLICITOR & OFFICE w Mock, Goderieh, C. mr. v1-5swn5ty N", I ZARRISTER, AT-rORNEY„ CONVEY ‚J ancer,dre., Clinton. . 4 titte-a. &A -doors north of the Post Offide. MONEY Tr) LEND. , William. F`rtiser, kTTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohaacery„ Conveyancer. Ike- Trake:-Ionl tio at Bruce. , v166.15yly . - Frederi* Proudfoot„ ATTORNEY-AV-LAW,- VoTARy PuBLic,&c. Seuthimptcn, Co. brace. f;v42:6m* • -- Thomas Went herald. I 'CIVIL EsTGINEER IND PROVINCIAL .o Land Surveyor. Chace and Residence, I ba eilltoriStreet.Godene... _ v15u3 IA.. flay. . YROVIsrcrit, LAND SURVEYOR AND - CiriiEneinee-,Clintlin. July I, 161. Harnlin., • rtIVIL ENGINEER. AND SURVEYOR kJ Land Agent and Conveyaneer, Kincardine A.N.1 S S1-1 r_., ARCHITECT 0 rAtfs. Id ings &e., got up in a neat and. correct style. _ yrtthice-at the Huron kuctton Mart, King fsw vlailyty n. Street* qotlench. :xi. rr u 1ST -A_ a.NT Limo AO -ENT, • ktarket Square, • -Goderich. r ads Cnnerox every Wednesday,froin It a.ni • ID. 81:10 THOMSON & HAZLEMIRST, (LAXS *MAIL". St- Tit 03150:4) Auction & Commission Merchants, Casiseran's kock, Kingston- St., Goderick . And neat Door to Strong's Hotel . sic A.wortp .I-1 _ tIALES•LIIOusehold Goods Horses, Waggons, &c LI at the mart, every Saturday at noon. eaructilaz- attention ;aid to the Sate of Bankrupt Stock, Farm P weft, &c. Cashadrancedoagoodsleft OIL COMIrnigShiltr _Cissiods appraised, debts millected. landlord's Narrants - itteented, mortgagestoreclosed, houses rented, Division rattrt Businessattended to. Safes tithe DranCh Atm.: glati Mart;8eaforth;every Thursday- • (Tentisty Site's quota -est to rearonaide terms Goetertett, 4u1s-12th.1884. w22.1yr I). McDougall-, • .T ICENSED AUCTIONEER,. BAY -FIELD, .L1 Dainty of Karon. Sales in Village or country parictaallyattendedto. w9-lyr$0 - Alex. itimdley. T _ICENSED A.UCTIO-NEER niv HURON and Btu= Sales panctually attended to.. ress. Bettlevin P.O. wb0-4yr$o :John Campbell,. GENER Al? COMMISSION: -AGENT . . _ Commissionerm Queen's Bench, rot taktng Itadavits,-Convevancerote.,&c. Officcon Broad way. IfiltageofKineardine.C.W. 9:9 - . Peter AVECae. ._ poRwARMR, AND COMMISSION .I: Merchant, INVZIIMURON4 C. W. Notes and decants collected. Business of any_ kind en- zustelita him will receive prompt attention. - w40-1v$osx - NEW MIKE WORKS ',gain Street, Exeter. _ p.. ea A. IvrpOisTNEL- L. MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES,. P4mitss Ire-, of every - descriptina and style of workmanship. furnished On short notice, and at the lowestpnces. Liberafreduction made for eash. ILE Wad rlinTEILLT MENDED- TO. Desiensof Monninents Etc. may be sees attha shop. _Exeter, October Ist.1864. w12.4Y A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SACE. 1000 A.orea One Block, t 'LlieSLY IMPROVED and coasteruently situated Al stover *slant of the Riverillaitlaud.oppositethe troderiefeatedthe Gederiek Station of the Buf fraoatill Lake Raton Radveity. O. . Apetytitaylestsrgostpeuto - LB. GORDON, BSQ, illorautar. Goderitilt AND H1TRON AND BRUCE ADVERTISER. W. T. COX,E iitor and Proprietor. "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest -Possible Number." $2.50. PER ANNi • IN AD I Business Director!). n(*Ni-i.§.§-r(NfrIvt COURT OF Queen's Bench, Conveyeither, &c: A Reg earl- kept of Farm and. Town Lots for Sale: par- ties -having forsale, or desiring to purchase, will please send full pat Leedom. - Ditre:an nen, Feb. 1:.,57. • . .9:9 JOHN BRETT, Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith, GODERICH,. C. W., .E.R1 D AY,: MAY- I 2..:1 .18• 6-5. my putr wife d weans fore< neentletecorne? • .4. • •••• 1 A Good Natured Magistrate. of the Police Court vit chatzed with tsapgo IA` poor man made peranee at the bar being drunk and dieorderlyin the eireet, when, after a patient hearing, the presiding Bailie, who seems to have possessed more of the ruilk of human kindness than orthat firmness end dignity, which , are by foline, deemed essential for the magisterial 'office,* cirdered bile to pay a fine of 15s, ' Fifteee shillings 1' lvoliferated the man, with _more points of ad- mitation in his -tone -than se can spare room fori -‘ Fifteen shillings, Bahie I Ye're snre- 'ly no i.i ea: ne: t. Bleseye, wli win I I5s. to gtle ?' 4 Well,' said Ihe. diti , ' I 11 -make it hallet-gainea, .and bot A- far lung less !' • 'Haifa -guinea, Itailte 1 if ye fins me in halfeequinea, What's io--come Business Director!). _ . - • BlI9111C95 ntrectorn. INSURANCE.' ESTERN ASSUR %SCE COMPANY, DRUGS, DRT-JGS ! British America A.ssurance Company; Head - Otlices,Toronto •Marine, Fn -e and Life Insurances eflected on favorable terms. ;Er Office in Mr..T. B. Goinozes Law Cham- bers. -- JOHN FLILDIN, Jr., Agt. Goderich .Nov.24. - EGMONDVILLE -CW.-Re rim -VI; ..._3" CO 1.-. 13 . . toies,. Cultivators, &o., for Sale. . .1(Successortolt.fi.11eynolis) [ ' - Repairing fDone at Short Notice. - Insitrance Comp'ny - -' - • . NEedictal. Ha,1.1, . . MARINE INSURANCE. rum AND LIFE. .cour.--Housesqual.,,Gode,ich, - British. American Inaiirance Co CAPITAL -TWO -MILLION DOLLARt. DISPENSING CHEMIS-T & -DROGGIS-T Geiderich,April 25ths 1P,5 t • Marine - Depart -1;n ent. • - GENUINE- ID cr s _ GEORGE.fRUMBALL. Annual Income Exceeds $2,500;000. „Agrni. Fr:E Accumtauted Funds on hand, $5,0.00,0.00. Dealer; n,and importer°, - Cltemzrats, Periumet v,- _ .Ervitirances effected at the LO IVEST !Isar rooth, and Nail 13rushes ! •• • British American A sstiranoe Co. RATES consistent with safetx 'FIRE Life Insurance -impIe Sec Irity. JOHN ESSON Aeent..- Bavfield C. VT Mil 180 w12 . • - - eAINTA,OTI;S, coeotte, DYE srirEps, 110 I.ISE krt: CATTLE MEDICINES •CAR.DENSEEOS, ate.. &C• Orden‘froin Med-punctualliattentletho r _ D WilSon" Ross, A., • . int ARRESTER. ATTORNEY -AT L -W,. Schieitor-in;.Chaneery, Notary Public-, Gen- eral Land Agent-, &c., Sce., Kincardine. coinity Bruce. t ' 1.-18 'w12 -1v • MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERIE p HOSE -EFL PROpRIETOR. - THE above --.most pleasantly Situated rin an cuattience 120 Melt high. oVerlooktIlZ the Harbor' n ti ke I I e ro n k-itood Orcnants. (4-arcieris and Rural Walks:at:felted. Board $1 per day; single :ueal,,,or Reds. 2:1 eents-. - v15u1.0y) . • saAwrSti. HOTEL, WFLOXETER • Is situated onthe Gravel Road running from Seaforth -cluthitinpton, one nide- north 01 where it leads off -to Wroxeter, and any one tray- , eting ,to WAkertan, Southatpton, • • or any place that wia find aecommo. dation Nue% as he oak, expects to lied at first etas cite hotels,in alLreveets. ICE ALWAYS - ON -HAND FOE: - Trout -Fishing Friends! TFtg13171i.DEVOS COVEn A LENGTH OF 1 IIUNDltED-1ND FIFTY FEET CHARLES -DAYS, 't Proprietor. esseismercialflotet;MitcheIl-C.W romv HICKS, Proprietor. This is . the t/ targeseand best Country 3 tote' in Weeern I3anada, and ehar'kes as moderate as any tl mile in Mitchell. Stake Proprietor.. Good stal-ding for _100 Horses. Horses arid Carriages for Hoe, -on -he ShoriestNotice-- , .14-7 C4-03DM'ELIC313C CABINET WAREHOUSE (THE. OLDOST IN THE COUNTY. D. GORDON, -1.1.A.13I I, VIAL' Xi ATIK IR. AND UNDERTAKER, Manufactures dna nes now on heed a complete assortment ot Furniture, at his Wnrerooms, -- WEST STREET; GODERICH, SUCH As . . Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads,' Hair, Cane and Wool -s ated Chairs, Gilt Moulding 1 and Lookin Glasses,•in variety, et ' Rome . Manufafture and Imported ! ! D. 6. ball alwak.kon hand a enmulete art- sortment of 00 FINS. Also, HEARSES TO HIRE. . 13:5e Lumber a d Cordwood taken. in ex -- chancre for Furniture. ,. - - Godeirich. 27th 0 L.1863 w27. RIFLES, SHOT GUNS ' W'IST _ MADE J.. C. PPP'S AND 0 ORDER,/ BY INTOSIL te the Market. .fe5e. All kinds o reea-tring done- on moat reasonableternts. Goderieh, Ann t 2n, 1864. aw94 FOR SAL • LOTS 13„67, to 1 ,77, near the RAILWAY .14 STATION, G for S150 each, ears. Credit, d• APIA, to . CAMERON. Goat:trick Aprillth? 1364.. At Five or longer if requir • LAROE Bnv us AND RATES LOlfrER THAN - 'MOST ENGLISH OFFICES. s Losses Promptly Settled* - Roferenc-• to a Board ofD CHARLES FLETC Without irectors HER Agent. Goderieh, May. 1864. North British and Illortantile- Insurenee.. Co., °like in Mr. Gordon's Lay Chambers. JOHN IIALDAN, Jr., .A.eree.e. Geaei-;ch.Oetober 13, 18i3. sw12-1vr Money to Lend - 9 ON very reasonable terms. Apply to - B 1:101YLE,- Crahb'e new Block. goderich.:9th Jan. 1865.. w50.1yr . - MATT.ROBERTSON, r 1011101111111161001000111P I (.01 jOrsb' AN'U FACTITRER OF II1XDS oF §UC• I- I AS - 1Infeaus Sofas Lau ri ges Bedsteads in end.ess yeller!, wardrobes, Book t;ases, Matt rasses, Center'fables, [Jinni:: Tables Breakfast Tables, roiiet Tables, 'Wash Stands, 'Chairs, and manv other articles too numerous to mention. Ail kluds , NYCJC)1) ',11: UR 1ST 7N. Promptly attended to UtinoLSTERY. n at tits bram:hes - UNDERT AICVNG, Sre Mr. It. respectfully invites an exarnination_oi his stcrck. Warranted to be inside of the best m a- ierial and workmanship. and at greatly redireed prices. Call and compare, and be saLsfied before twine c.sewhere. Cordwood and all kiadspf Farmer's Fro- dueetaken in exchange, 8 W59 rr• Wareroom on Elkin Street. Goderich..March 24th. 1863. -TUE LIVERPOOL dz LO D 0 1% FIRE k LIFE INSURANCE CO. - 2,000,000, Stg4 Accumulated Fund, $5,671,72ti.. - Brittania Life Assurance Co. ofLondom undersienei having been appoin.tec Agen I fat- the above highly respectable Companies,ieprepareetnaccept both Fireancl Llierivirs,at moderate rates oi premium. G'Oderfch Jilt] at-Alts.0119.11°Sg ••••• • • .o c„ GODERICH r..) O 4 " --111AREILE WORKS) elt, 4.) .41 W C TRELEAVEN CT) m- - cp . CP "1=t © ' = = . nu ilead- ..r`A =.. m. ill . ments stones .-. .. , 7et: eer_ ees, Tombs, Tablets,- Table- itc. GODERICH, VV. at Lowest "Trade rttees. ' -. • . N. 11.-Phy4ician's Pres.criptions -carefully dlr- . [Mused, , Goilench:Jan.-10. 1858- .49 - LIGHT ! LIGHT -LIGHT; ROCK &-; COAL OILS, Burning Fluid; Lamp or Sate _ F. JORDAN. • Godench, Jan. 17,1)559. 50 ISAAC FREDRICK XLMIVIC/017307.":1 TO F. NITSC4st OLD STAND. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER • WEST. GODE4ICH, Next door West of Uri:Stotts' Saddlery; . . emits - . WATUHES,. CLOeKS AND './E_WELRY . REPAIR ED. ON .A HORT NOTICE, • In the bestStyle 4- Warranted.- ALAO.: A G i.POD 4.315ORT-MCNT-OF tiold dc-Pi:ited:Je wel 17. Watches, clock*, Are , aDe i• • Constantlyonhana and wairanteclTo he as represented - f thn. mooey refunded. G.:clench July •271h. Ifing• "rign31 - _ • . • 0 PCS - o . _____-__ . __ _ . _ __ -- --.PL A NING , ill.ILL 1 - - . • - - (.1-octevie.a. - : - . . . ' I B TS A D -SHOES sPRING-AND SUMMER Wrillt 1. _______. __ _ . 00 ,, JUST RECEIVED ATE - 4: , -- SUITABLE von , N - tishe a. we: king man I' I. WO; vi -ell," says , Wer . Oh, Bailie, think %bat a $um Ts. Zd. - notla fete'rt bin.* ra-grain o' meal in the bout -e, nor se bit 13' - 1 theihaltV my tveeka tvages, :Slid there's no ' w -must sterve -or beg." Well,' Says the says the sell unettisfied-uffeeder, „-' tluit7s_just ieleintilor Bailie. 4 Fil. nnikeit Ta. iii„ii, mid sa: the offer der, in a most Ing;u1niotia tone - we ruust.juet.:st dere, there ,seae i titer way 0 t. ' !goodnalured Alagietrete, 'I'II lisalte It . e less,!' " Seven- rind .Sereetice l' 'i:t 4i't eiregilelo • -• ,et , 5s., etnd not a farthing less thoitgle ye. e'e es James uoilins den eq. the king on the throne I'll not -mike It less 1' John McDonald & Co. / a -. 4 Wiel - weel, Bailie. I and 'Mary ned the Factory, are now prepared to take in orders _ to any extent. From their long eirperienCe in the ITED.IBrcould hear hi41-1.413.1essedisIe th-ist Iwisely doth the po'or Iran's oese eel -leder.' 3 Sash, Door, and VOL. 3. --NO 72 eau tit mate it ready wi; even thetigh there' - KINGSTON ST., GODERICII. t ' s . wca s, mann kist submit. said the knavish. - culPtit, affecting to weep, al, the same time HAVD.IG: COMPLETED THEIR --4NEW- CAL IS SOLIC -. . s. ,m, as if to himself et so loud as the bustness, and having experieneed workmen, and a • first-classset of maelimery, they flatter themselves • • The .Ballie could not stand the silent -appeal ; that they can di) as R M %VANIER &PEPS ?., traits. titesrt li! apt.quatet_itinTlre Iiii, Int, ade. Asanv EstailiAmitIn gattorla. Partieshaving .4 GENUINE CANADIAN PATENT i i JI WI wel , againsaide Bat ;es. F make ye wpre my ain beater I sou'.dita male .% SEWING MACLIINES CP Ci CI 767i7Corilm, . • it lelfe-erown, and as eure's de ath, thounh .vork would do wel to -Kilmarnock. Journal. - 4r216 -`111 -1r -'1E-4. Have taken the'First Prizes Thereis also aey quantity. o: AT THE PRO\ IN CIALEXH111ITIQN held SASK. DOORS & MOULDINGS Li Monti -eat., Z.4epterillier,16th, and 1 7t1i,1S63, over ali others. and also it the; Pro- vincial Ehibitioa held In -Kingston, September 7 2211d, 23rd, and 23th and 2.511). 1863: Frize4'. of a similar character:were also awarded tri us at the PrOVIIICial Exhibition in Tortintu'in.ibiil,and at the Provincial Exhibition held at- London in 1861:' AI.J.1 KINDS ON HAND* "%ey also oiler To Carpenters &Butilders - A -- LIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR WORK. TERMS, Without Distinction n-iiet IA) CASE. I'lletriembertheplace:/ 'prosttftli.,1 pia, 1419. A:Fill - " (.4 odefich .26th August. IS6T. 30 Prices, have .. been Greatly Reduced ! ragyil A NZER & Co., Hamilton. ABRAIIAN SMITH, 4gent, EasV.Side Market Square qc•deri(-h. Pry.. f7. -Firblviti2 .-Qn• .ACRES lof NO. 32 East Lake ROadi Erlly . • - FIRST- RATE LAND! Terms ensy..401y.to - • . DONALD..SU.THERLAND. on the premiss, or • - - M.-C.-CAIdERON, • . • • - Goderithe filoderich,. April 30th, 1864. 7e-1 4-tr 'STEM 'ENGINE.: AND BOILER FOR SAL E - 1.1PCON Apply 13 • - • • - W. E. GRACE-. Goderich, N6v.7th.1864. :w4,1sw19 • FARM FOR SALE N WAWA NOSH THE undersigned' offers fir sale the follewing pietnatm, situated on the -Gravel Road in --,the TownShip of Wawanosh. • Within 11 Miles of -Goderich 1 containing 103 arres, 50 of Which are cleared.. Oil the premises theee is good Frame Barn 36 by 52, a good Frame. House, young oreliard bearing. • A good creek rtinnagg through' the farm Appiy to -. HUGH Lot .3, 4th 'con. Va'anosh.Jsn;3O, 1 . 265. . _ 1 m T AlLORINd 3. .a..x) ETITII,S'S EITS MOST SINCERE THANKS It for the very flattering e.ncomal.._r'ement he ha* received sine" he commenced business in`aode- rich, not Wing able to execute- nye? one -halt' o the orders brought to 'him last Ileason; having • " • now secured faeiltheLfor • • . . Carrying on Business Extensively and employing- none 'but first-cfass tradesmen. And fig D. 4. believes his "elperience as Cutler is second to noneenthe Province, havingearried on business:extensively and successfully in Hamilton,. principally nrst- class customers, and having been Cetterenene of the *Principar•Establishmen 8 in Edinburgh, Seotland, he --fearlessly states tor a discerning public tEat" 'CLOTHING. CAN- BE MADE at his establishmentequaitotbe best Establish- me.-nt in. Toronto or Montreal. . Codervih. 04.30 863 _ swl7w40.1ri , . 13 E rX1 -917 P E GP BURG:ICA:4A MECHANIOAL DYNTtir, (successorto T. B. Mont- gomery,) tietiench,--(.; • W, Boerne over Mr. F. Jordan's Drug' -Store January 13th, 1865. . sw28-14V . Joseph. Williamson, 1-710MMISSIONER in B. ft.. Agent Dzvision _ - --Coutts, -Conveytuner, t -- BUILDER and CONTRACTOR (For wooden structures) will! furnish plans and specideations at moderate charge% and warrant the same to give sstignettoh. All letters on busi- ness must be post paid- and if answers are wgeted.eontain one Canadian Dollar, marked. money, else not released. The above named atill attend DO n ea.niion, Gode rich, Cli ken; rparhey and Bayfield Courts, (health peraiittin g) so long as hein4'exiloYldapnadtritonissihpeitya.ppeals confidenee; to cid.Nree• ist-nelrizia 2 intending ones, ' Addrese Dungannon P. 0. untilfurther notice. • ttaatadeos,Dee.1911t, 1864. Farm in Bosanquet 'FOR SALE 011. To: I.AE.Arr ri HE UNDERSIGNED, offersfor sale er to let Ili la 20, 12th- eon,. township of Bosauenet, County of Lambtan. The fann eonaists of , • ONE 11UNIMED ACRES sixty of whichare cleared: and situated near a station of the G. 1'. Railway. There is a LOG .DWELLIArG . 1101ISE• AND .1? BANE BARN the lot - • WELL TIMBERED _ik-WATEIVD Foepartientera apply to • M. C. GORDON, . Godevicle P.0 ' writ(' . An est ittha.1864!- .3.41BONIILLEt ERS LEATHER -IFIKDINGS GODERIC11.-- C. February 12.1804. W. • ‘47•Tve To Relit or Lease. LOTS five and six in. the Firat Concession, township of Colborne W. D-:, about two ogles from Goderich..---Apply•to 4 : MARY HENLEY: Lighthouse pt.. Goderech. • December 5th, 1864. - *45tf FARM for SALE. . " . • VOR SALE, East half of Lot No..17, con 3 Teweship of WAWANOSH, compiltaing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, no clearance. Terms liberal: Apply to the Executors oltheEstate ofthe late Wm. __Raffia, Dungannon 1)ulttlannone'001. Ist.1964. .1r3i-tf aen - _BOOK BINDING. r_TAViNG made arraneemenrs with Mr. D. McGREGO,R,-Book-bnider and Manufac- twins Stationer. :(who has lately returned from Phila tibia with a large stock Of Binding and *there tterial), 1 ani.prepired toFurnish 'Plant -- Books of all kinds. size and styles with and with- out Printed Headings, atten' net cent cheaper Than Toronto prices. AID:Inds of Bi nd enr.t.' givin g satisfaction will 'm repaired free of charge. sw46w21 , JOHN BUTLER. , • • • Little 'There is something about Utile Otis -which is est -A.0114 ree able even their ellfullete ugh- ty %rep see in utterly void of evil when they - are so soim followtd 'Ity_the sueet penitmee that ovetflows in such Copious shower/. Yeur boys are great, uolble &flows,' gestwoue, love ing, aid full .good impulses -but,thsy are !misdeed demonstrative, and dearly as you love hem, you are glad their place -ie. -out of door . But Jennie, with her bght Alt p, always beskle.you. She brings the slippers for p fa, lied with her pretty, dinipled fingeis unfo 1s the papers for him to react,i she puts Tiithme ver aisktinilhlt.ttl; m „biyteerliothur t ralbaii.tnya'anedndi "dollieinAs," fills hp ismer1 rdeker lirmare- Ina. With a seend&ful essempion-ol wineauly dign*. And 'ho shall tell how he bare thread of epriel that BOWS WjIll Snell -$WCet siJvery ligbiness from Those innoeetit twirei iteeir Peued tbeemother:s heareenever torns , not even ellen the dear little fliee is hikarzung thedhisies, as so inauy Mothers klinv. CIlierish, then, the little darliniis, who tear their aprons, and cut the teblee cubeentreat the sugar, and ere them- selves the Enearted ta1i ot lite 3 Lw the m ess aild -undies/ their sten; batieti to their 1 e:4.114 ronteet. Auseer all die funny ques- tions they ask, end do tee make' fun] of their baby theolcgy ; and when yote.musti whip them, 116 it so tuat if you should remember it, it would net be welt tears, 'for et veer' mat.y little gr s lose'their bold Suddenly belbre the door Vern- which' they have jt;St..- (seeped in shut a id find their way back to theaneets. -11orrilhie I,ea.14 of Three „void, ' Diggers Irvin -Thirit - V2 „ An 4ustralaan paper •contqns *lig :follow- ing I .sboit titne ago- a ka-iy: or fotit left Clertnopt on a prTespectitik toitC'104tlie= west. -- . ward. The leader of Alto- ifittrfy.leatarted DI =mond, professrd 1(r...11,1=344140 with the co41try, and to have disverea; ishile in the sertfice of a Aentlenian lett tlieelleljoando Bente vitry .aiiriferotts ground: TI*Iparty hail but one horse among them, ,and were eau- tkoned efore starting as .to 'the' extreme scarcity ol- water in the -region ihither they were bo ini: After a few'. days! Titievellinge weter b !tame alai min-ley:Bearer, mid No the dismay �f the party theilleader coilfeased not only to eing *tenant ofAlre retbereitkdies of the Tich round he had. started (40 , sent of, .but alsoito the.uay to W/lteti or su,y human habitatin-n. -Ltst among the' itinger;iiithout a droplf Water, the wretched ittesieli hi said, wandeFeit ithout for twelve .days„,„ thee4victima of raginiAblist. The leader, Driiiiiiiieed;was the first to succumb .4:id was -neitsierily lett -to perislir The survivors killed ,,their*dog, - 1 and foun1 temporary reepite front driel-rpg ite • blood b t at length -were driven' to opening veins in their own aims, and weeking-felief in swallowing the vital filtid, -Span _4401 this,- .: -e, and after i they had eotoe', to ra, road4 two of , them dropped al mem sitnaltittemndy,atuf died. The attrvivor, whose nam o tia ads -made -A mite . creoar:icidu.tii:bo.jetri....e hrooaddi,eswiwiiioth.htahrippiirribiartatiokervitet, habiaido . near 'Jur ey's Basle wherektriviao ittibly in a state of completerAhaustiod,3oetAtation sumnione all his remaining strength.to fol - iii . • , ODERICII & CHICAGO. -The- Staunch Propeller I GARA TXTILL Make vreeitly trips between Goderich 11' andehicago during thesteason of navigir de tton in -connection wi-the- ran r 1. , 70Z ?4C= LIST. AND Steamer Huron For Saginaw, For freight or putanion apply • _ 1 RIIMBALL, - Agent (foderich Apn1.25.?1861* wl3f I 1 * • t •M,sitr ' sees re ...........-fikmALL ookries;.e.:The number ot hingaages. spoke!) Is 464, -, The number of men is equal' to the number . of -' I woman. The average of human life iallbout 1 thit•ty-thre years: One quarter , die **fore 3- - the. age of -seven. TO ev,c9r one .1jetesatid persons cue rarely reaches, the see of one bun i redears, andeot more viab Obeli) five; . all:I.:Oren deem: rh 1.1,44b0,11r004,00e044in*tlit,atiCiLl he-Oref these about 31333,333, die evetrYeilit, 91,, 824 die every- tlay,47089. evely tour, and sixty every Minute. The lelasesarts-bulanced by an equed nernber or birthe.--The japAtrritd. _ are longer lived theta tke ' Alvin, - Ati, mitt live longer than Sheri (male Wenihave. more ehatiees of lifp previous totalreotge of fifty yews, lbtit fewer alter 4litatt meqt!, The number of i marriages s in,,prepoAtop of - .rfreeViletetYtittit°fikieliFelteldill;i4d.e2314144ng;i"rdAFtwi_iFilactills - months -of 4nne aud P*ember,,t, Thope 'bora in the spring are mete, rehu_kt Abate ,44Iferil. Births mid peatbssrkinpregreqint:Iwpight. thanbY &I. - : . :' - . .•,, A ttscEE ()Elie made Shot WitN;s:Ilutelt- tomitario totboakt loieir coatis lbdosieinse,r1lodithstintre.tebeToil!mmDutsechit. out on a table,„ when tlie Yaiiliee* coinmeeeedi operatione 6n bit big toe. 011eitilituft3 yon. 111 biting Inc." yelled -4e Doolnissiti, !_t Xottl darned old fool,".saidJahnlithae,„`_,' alai yew -1 tlkink I was going to swallow you vikilit;" I--,...i...o,„-....oe...--ee.e...,..t-... _ ") ayoliSucittigeacumgorufn:trri.IttsAdo.p-artAeeseAfitoddiths,oitson7iiinia,teittl*dOeciltlifiveafiinho.: ingly. 44 TalFe eire, that nitboar *fact/61,1es that volley; "No fear of tha"...„.setti,+ she, . innocently, "Ill- take it off:" AnOther ssf a medical stedent, who asked -biaiweitheat* ' for a kiss. "You can't 'hay, a -fir,!!; siki : she/ "I don't believe in having a.11eqprLa bill , stuck in my face. nohow." „ ' ' BRITISH Itr_FANTAT.-3 Xlic Ai* &lora - • has been issued, 'showing. that on the let of April, 1865,41terniiere 141 battnifolis df in. lantry of the British Army- (exclusive' ofFoo Guardeviirionita eArpoi et licine.'11 the_ wilouiPs, or An India. At borne there yore 42. ' battalions. in the _colonies 46 (five-tillthiew are under ordersto .return ;1Wyfe :fwei New Zealand), and 53 in India. ' , , , • „ ' 0,3... Barnum wasjhroWrelrom slinggy on laillrdaY.liet ;lerttnl'ir:44.)7x:;4-". fjg*ned A*o101;ie045111P3% lesebe putoiAibibitinA2 A fereai. .