HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-09, Page 3If • tpense of one to is the father chtidren. had oy lumbering ot the house - I the drollest rday nisht be see and retired nal. with the. • might go to - was found at througk the al dressing tie, rance at this• ly slipped off rer, more than freir pew -when. thitag Int bait * ./‘_ vac* tau& -3 - church-. can! be more- ea--trellfetts suffering. wide . you ex for the - tick though t *re one dol- e work t Ota tor do On Vourr twoyears este Air.aggetima 6'1 tr4P half els work -and oty fiver contir..3, . 0„ getout r MOS lOLL.' Office. OF Ides 1 LSE ,OFFICE- Erm-9.. &TIONERY, kTES. TICE. 4 e'ement of 211d. voill =asunder: t -% inform those accouats, with lxiouxto brin as soon as accouats FAIR & CO. sw71 & Cala oti X MISR, instant, or itheir large ..elethiags and NUM - thet FE.F.Se JIM atinoon.. two good. and is the sum of of the cone bind the tee Booth, Es own Clerk. aw69td. ' • awn -it' CraTirtio Se ett. Pox. -It is asserted that there are a few C1S29 of small -pox in town. Parents should attend to the 'MC- ciirttion of their children. gar The shares in the Tecumseth. ad- vertised in our columns, wer9 sold on Saturday last to the Messrs. Kay, of this town. As before rem irked be believe the investment- a soundone. BLACKWOOD'S' MAGAZINE for .April opens with a continuation of Miss Majori- 7'6nks, a tale of English social hfe.,' The -7" number containsa warm-hearted sketch -of the career of Leach, the artist; "Pic- cadilly" a hit ateome of ,the convention- alities of the present day, another some- what tame O'Dowd paper, a reilew of - Lord Derby's translation of the -DAC' . very readable article on Dress, and a voritinuation of the papers headed -Earl Russell, together with other interesting natter. -1. Scott & Co., New York, T. J. Moothouse, Goderich .- How SHALL WE CELEBRATE THE "ATE ?- if there is to be any demonstra- - A ZEALOVS MISS4OKART COLLECTOIL-TWO young lady missiouary eolleetcrs entered a hotel in a town not fifty miles from this plaoe, a few days ago, and appealed to the better principles at a couple of bachelor strangers who happened to be present, for a contribution-- to their nnssion enterprise. One of the bachelcirs begged to be excused in the most respectful English he could coin- mand, while the other, with jocular intent, offered to contribute a quarter of a dollar for every kiss the far collector would imprint on his (callous) cheek." The offer was promptly accepted, and brushing back her bewildering curls, the plucky little Christian proceeded to make 'impressions,' while the hystanders kept count, and only ceased when $7.50 were added to the .treasury. -Kings. tort American. A., MAX -TIMArED BY A WOW. N. -The Brampton Times of Saturday has the follow- ing :--" This moromg as Thos.' McBroy, or this town (the per4m who was in Toronto, at the assizes just closed, for cotnmittinoea rape upon a little 'girl about ten years of age), while passing the 'door of Mra. Brown, the ehild'imother, she " went out and .struck him with a big stick: liter breaking two or three sticks over h s head, much to theam, usement Of the bystanders, who kept up a constant cheer ilurg the proceeding, 31d1- toy, thinking- the tigation he had received was sufficient; wreeted the weapon from the hand of Mrs. Brown, and dealt her a severe blow onthe arm, ;inflicting a -wound from which the blood flowed profusely." - 0411110.• , HARD ON Tne.J UDGE.-An American .Tudge wits once forcea t sleep witinan Irishman at lion in Goderichort the Queen's Birthday, a crowded histei, whiea the following conver- worthy of the occasion,' it . is high time sation ensued :-"You'd have been a lone that the matter were taken :In hand. Oilier while in the old cuntr3r slept with a judge, ouldn'before you'd have t you Pat ?" "•Yes - towns. and cities are alive, to their own interests in this respect, and we think that most of our. tosmen will concede that it is very 'desirable that • we should have a crowd here on the natal day ofour beloved Sorereign. Wotrld it not be well to have a public meeting'. calledatonce to devise something to create a stir 7, Themilitary will, no doubt, Ais their share, but civilians should not be behind them in patriotism or publie Sfe have only a little wmore than,a eek for preparation -la us take action immediately ye r honex!r, saat. arid 1 think you' have been along sane in the 'ould country before you'd hay.: been a judge, too.". Tag LANGraGe lady hitely receive companied by the Mary, -1 cend yo .bi the bay- a buekett of flours. They is like tni love for u. The nite shaid ineties kepe dark- The dog feninrienes I am your slave. _Roses .r4 and posh 'pail; my luv for u shallrever.fals." ft)s' In Detroit, substitutes; are bringing $$00 to $925, with an upward tendency. ' or Ft.owzos.-A young a bouqust of flowers. ac following _note :--" Deer n. ---The present year is {he 600th :nu& versery of Parlimeetnry goyOnment inland. - WRIT AGAINST STITATroftp.- We The discontinuance of.the drafting system :--understand that on Saturday last; the will relieve rom. ditty a force of persous esti- - - - mated at 70,00. i h• eritt. receivect a writ to collect tle am- • The 'War_ De-paitinent has ordefed the ount due by. the town of Stratford. j',. nntin of blank anscharges'in stillicient num- P g IS65 to the Municipal Loan Fund, under bers to include tiezirly all of the army. the five. cents inthe dollar arrangement l'he sum thug in defitalt,;as it is termed, Dazistimr„-A. 1 d', in London, .England. is 82f..)-33:15 and was due on the- is recentiv - lost a watch and dreamt that - n 1ABRATTAIII SMITH ; • ---------- -s - - - - THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. Insolvent Act of 1864. In the matter of _HENRY WILSON; an Insolvent. rrH b. creditors of the insolvent are notified _L. that he has •nade an assignment ot his estate and Olt cts nutlet the -above Act, to Inca he under- signed assignee, -and they are required to furnish me within two months from this date with their claims, speenying, tne security they hold,. if any, and the v.alue of it, and it none stating the. fact; the whole:attested under oath with the vouchers in support ot such .clauns. Wm. W. WATSON, 1 Aosignee. .Seaforth, 21th -April, 1865. S. G. blcCAUGHEY, Solicitor tot Insolvent. w15 -2w IMPOR1ANT AUCTION SALE , Or Superior Household Furniture, ke. • • • . G. X. Trueman, IS Instructed by THOMAS MACKIE, Esq., -I Agent Bank of Upper Canada, who is about leaving the Province, to tell hy AuctiOn-the whole -of his superior Household Furniture, tbc , at his residence, West Street. Goderich, on -‘ TIIVRSDAY, llth day of MAY, 1865, Commencing at 11 o'clock, a. in., _ coms . . . prisms in part one supertot Brussels Carpet, o.. it quantity of other carpet of various kinds, a lot Of Pictures,' Ventre Tables, 1 Telescope, Dining Table with three slides, 1 Cheffionere, Side Tables, 1 Easy Hair Seated Chair, 1 Sett Hair Seated Chairs, 1 doz. and it half Cane Seated Chairs, 2 Lounges, -..1 pair Wmdow •Cornices and Ring -s, 1 Whatnot, :Cloaks, it quantitrof Books, Fire Irons, Parian Ware, • Hearth Rugs, lot- of Crockery and Glassware, Lamps of various kinds. Cooking And Box Stoves, Stove Pipes. Ake . one Meat Safe, Met -al -Dish Corers. Tram Bedsteads of various kinds, one Large Bath, Children'a Bath Foot Bath Nursery Clia'r Bureaus. -1 Superior But eau with glass on top. Loaf:int Glasses, Feather Pillows, 7 Toilet Setts,. .Toilet Stands, Work Stand, Mattresses; Child's -Cot, 'Wheelbarrow, Child's Carriage, 2 -pair Spurs; 1 Cutter, 1 ..ett Superior Har- ness. 1. English made Saddle, 1 do Ladies Side Saddle. 1 ;English mede. While. 1 Buf- falo Rabe, Fishirij. Rods, 1 Double Barret Gun. Lae. 1 Iron Bedstead, she : ishole of the Kitchen Furniture, • and sundry other articles. T,rms. of Sale*. Cash., Goderich: May 1st, 1863. - sw69td December. 'The writ be.ars date April- nei young. lady, wife of a con -imam ial .21erchant Tailor, T had sto'en it, ;and wrapp:td it in a black shawl with reit st.'ipes. -Next day shad her arrested, and charsed her before the magistrate with.stealing the isatch.. The mag- istrate at once disehareed the young lady. remarking tjmt she left ths. courtwithout stain on her character, and that tile prose- entrix might find dreaming an expensiie ' _ _ 26th. Our'readers are probably acquaint- ed with the mode of proceeding- in each a gARKE1 SQUARE, GODERI 6H `` • HAS ON HAND A Large ,& Well -Assorted STOCK OF case, as we unfortunately had occe:sion to describe it once before. • On' receipt ofthe writ by the Sheriff, a copy of it is served on the Treasurer, with a demand for pay - latent, and if this denand is not acceded the Sheriff to strike a rates on the assess - of untusemea t.- to within 30 days, if becomes the duty " meat roll to cover the amount, and set the collector to collect it in the usual way.- • LStratford --Beacon. • -••• Giini:itic it, 3Iay I465. she Editor ,,Che tleitov SilaN 4 I.. ; TIIZAR stiri--1 think it is. high time some- Vilag WAS dna tOWAFh makia. the coini-ig • nth of 31ay privitions. %Witt nut ot.i- viorthy 1.1yor call a in ,eting or wi I no oho s'isse thair e teen'. Do not let fiode'rich behinl this •Rtin.2-nber there is wily - about twenty iltys inure. Will youoblige me by thii an insertion in your valuable columns. rEit41,- . . e - - - Mie..teeneree Aecniesr.-A rn;ist melan- choly event occurred in Welland on Fridav evening last. Miss Elizabettl Wiltsurt, dangli- - ter and only child 0131r. John Watson, was. • in company with her father, reclining home (rem the village, and whilstrOssing- the aqueduct opposite the house, she missed her fo4fing and fell into the Chippawa creek dully 20 feet below and where the current. is stron. The night was very dii-rk, and the -distracted rather could render no assistance i . nor was the body of the girl eecovered until Sunday. The deceased was an amiable young girl,. 15 years and six mouths old, -St. Catherine's Jour/sat «me-- • • Tile Citows` IA:1D SALE AT Ssasts.--Tbe Sarnia Obsercer says :-" The sale ef Crown and Clergf Lands in this country and Kent, ' Advertised to take place at Alexander's hotel, rate -d iye took place in the town hall, notice oefthe change being given by handbill's dis ;tagged through the town on the mornidg of ;he sale. The sale was conducted by Mr. G. Stevenson, under the superintendence of Mr. Hector, of the Crown Land department,Que ;bec. The attendance was less numerous than ;might have been expected,comparative few buyers from a distance -being present. .The sate ii going on as we write, but up to this time the progress made is as follows: -Brooke .erAll the lends advintised la this township were gold et prices ranging.from 15c to 55c per- acre, with the exception of two lots-, one -which sold at $1.10 per acre, and the other at .$2.30. The bulk of those 'sold averaged 1 About 25e per acre. ,Down -One lot iii the township sold at $3.50 per acre. The rest a the lots advertised sold at from 25e upwards, averaging from 50 to 20c per acre. . Ennis- hillen-Of the clergy lands m this township, one lot bronght as high u V 10 per acre, others ranged from 55c to $5" - / _.a. , The darkestscene we ever saw,' WAS a .41arkey ins dark cellar, with an extinguished -candle, looking for a black oat that wasn't ihere ! .. - .-. TAM. hs- residence, in the -town of tioderieli. - AND . aRtirbgn OD on the 6th inst. aged t-yeiirs..John Vorter, Auit a varietv of r alley Articles, such as pilre. Timid .ceitied was a native of the town of Darlington, county of.Dnihain, land, and.though a resident of this tewn foi less than two years had_ vine& the resnect and 'esteem of all w linty, and Wilt be deeply regretted by his hiends and acquain t Francistown. Foundry. Tpartnerthip hitherto cendueted un,kr -I- the mime of Drabazon & Verify, of Franelstawn Foundry; 11E13 been this day mutually dissolved. All partii;s indebted ts the said tipui, by note or book acconnt(are requested to :all aud arrange with t‘illiain Sanders, •Postmaster, ,E ' xeteC on or before the first day af June next. who will receive all debts due the said firm and pay. 'said creditors according t� previnus arrangements, excepting tavern bills- which will be paid by said Robert Brabazon. The books and notes a -re made (net to the said William Sanders. The following is the verdict Of a negro jury Whe de imdersiened, being a koo nor's jury to sit on de Cody- ob, de nigger Saud*, now dead and gone afore ps., had bin Ada' on de said nigger aforesaid, did on. de night ob de fusteenth of November cense to drif by fain' from de7hridge ober de riber, itt de saidriber, war we find he was subsequently drowo, and sierwards -washed on de _ribber side, wbar we s'pose he war froze to def." ."Now, To'ne." said to printer of a ROBERT 17RABAZON, WILLIAM H. vEnlry. Dated Exeter, 18th April, 1165. - EXETER FOUNDRY. WILLIAM H.: VERITY hereby informs VT the public generally that ffelntends con acting- said business in all its branches under the name of W. H. Verity, Exeter Foundry, and _hopes by strict attention and liberal charges to have a large share of public patronage. W. It. VERITY. Dated Exeter, 19th April, 186. • w15 3w Insolvent Mt- of 1864. HE creditors of the underoigned are notified to meet at Seafortb, in the Vounty °fad roil,' at the office of S. G. McCaughey, solicitor. on Thursday, the eighteenth_ day of blay, at tweve 'o'clock, noon, for_the purpose of receiving state- ments of hio affairs and of naming an assignee to whom he may make an assignment .under the above Act _ JAMES R. ROSS. - Dated at ttleaforth, County Hinon, this 2nd day of May. A.D.,_1865: w15 -2,w S.G. McCAITGOEY - Solicitor 4or Insolvent. WE:VET.INI20 POUND On the beach of Lake Huron, about 5 miles trona Goderich, on the 15th of April last, it quantity of Pine Saw Logs, marked W. and F. The owner -is re- quested to prove Property, poi expenses and take them away. If net claimed within one. month from this date they will be sold by auction. - .RICHARD YOUNG; Jr. Goderich i0wilehip,.Mity 5th, 1865. 1015 -it Bayeeld Gravel Roads Stanley. IkticTIOBT SALE .country newspaper in giving directions toinc• - .apprentice, "put the 'foreign leaders' into .the galleys and, lock 'cm un -let ".Napoteon rbiie a. large head-ecliatribiite the. 'Army in the East' --take up a lie. and -finish the Bram,* Muisters'=arovethe. 'Kerry Hunt °Qt or the thase4-tet your stick and centlade tbe tong murder' - that I began last -night .."-wash your hints and o. toils to dinner, and :glen ue.that ell the pi is. cleared up." `9utemetes.--/Por Ike Ladies. -A. Tea - piny withoot ficandal Ls like a knife; without aikandle. Words Without. deeds are Ile the husks without seed& Features *ithout grace are like it clock without a face. A 'Land without, the laws is like a get -without- her claws lolfe without cheer is ' like it "cellar - without beet; 4 Mister without a -cane is a like a rider without the rein. Marriage with- out:meats-is like,. horse without - his beans. A Matt without. wife is like& fork Without a knife. Agearret without fighting isilk° limit:ler without Ii4htniag..-- Punch. A ViA,11.10(ABLE FARM. , Mr& Trueman •-• TS instructed by tee proprietor. Mr. John I Elliott to sell by Public Auction, on the . premises, on _ WEDIaSDAYr 5th JULY 1865. Commencing at one o'click,p. m., that, very valuable farm, being lot 21, north of Bayfield Boat; township of Stanley, half a mile from the tillage of Verna,.6 miles of Clinton and 6 of Settorth-105 acres, more or less, about 60 acres of which are Gloved. On the premises are a superior frame barn-, a log house and a. young orchard. of about 100 trees, commencing to -bear. This fermis in a fine part of the County. on a eliding gravel road, the toil of the best quality, &adonis, requires to be seen to be appreciated. Further particulars can be had on application to iu.ebtote.Rorr, Esq., barrister, God. erich, or to the st Terras. fibera_ anaivili be. made knownwait5tti:ine .oruie • Goderiati,llay Ist. _ Shirts,Coilars1 Neckties,Caps .&&.. 4V.T. Which he is prep red to sell -Cheap for e'('-:41.:.;:rien. April 12. ''h("5.. • Wi2 4 rill CIL'. hereby given that the -branch- of the Bank I in this plac • will he closed on 29t1, inst. Atter that -date parties 'wing money sew: id in - the -Bank will receive' the Salne • en applying Ao the "roroitto Branch. . _ ROBERT -CASSELS; • . cashier; flank of Upper -Canada,- Goderieh, 24th- April, 1s65. . • •sw68-2t. • List of Letters EMIANING in the Goderieh Post Office, • Lst May, 180.. - • - Armitrou„is Hugh McMullen Arch Andrews Michl &Win Melitly Catherine . McKenzie chrietina Besaw Mrs Amelia- McKinnon Donald Bourke JnO (2) McCallum Gen Barr James McDonald 'Jessie Blake Jos McCullough John Bicker Capt_John • Mackenzie J Bedford John McLean Murdoeli Burke Peek. McKie Thromas Berry 'Primes (2) McPherson Wm (2) Blair Win Nolan James Crnikshanks Chu Nagele Joseph Campbell John Christie John .0ald. Abigail Carter Jonathan Owen 6.(2) Cottle Jame- (2) • Oagin John Clarke John ' Clark .1 • Pierotti Ambrpgie', • Culliton Luke Pratt Geo - - Corbet Mary •PattonJames Carmichael -Mrs Tilos Pratt John Campbell Mrs Rachel Pethiek Jos • •Deagen Hiram Donely Sarab Ellis to -EwardataIrs E Ellet Mt, (2) Elliott Ma -Olive Golden Jamei Heffernen Frank fleinstock Geo • 'Teener John Hawkes Mrs Hewitt Simeort Hussey Thos Hall W H. (2) Johns A-1%1mila .7 •Johnson Mary Johnston Wm (2) Johnston WF • Kerr John jr Kerr Mag Kerr hi A Keffer Wm (2) Lowry Alex Lewrence Jas F White Lowry Rohl •- White David Lerichen Wm • Wright George Wittian Jacob Mann F.(2) Wilson John • Moore G F Winters John May Jobn Watson John Morrison John Wilson -James Martin John (2) Wheeler Mr Martin Isaac Williams S h.tarriet Mrs Isabella Weldon S Micklejohn Wigginton Thos Moore Mr • Watkins Thos 11cFarlen Annie ' 3.1cDonald Angus sTAM• EY:searnwaknTWsomNA., ir14.1 , Postmaster, Ryan Joseph (2) ROSS James • Reid James -Ravillie--Louie Robinson Mrs - Robinson Wm Roberstson Wm • Smith Geo.- Stroud John Scott John Sheppard Jos Stewart Joint Stuard J Stanley John Strong John Smith Mr Smith Mary Jane Sullivan Michael • Ssinauinthd_eSrsarhRoabGt Mrs Swane Smith Sidney Stinson %Via Thynne Elliot Trouse Luke • Uranhart James • •=/•••=•••••••./. A LARGE STOCK OF '44 ILINTD FANCY Spiing.. and ...Sib]. "S. a JUST -,A RR IV ED AND AT THE • tiODERICH llt-ty 1st 18(15, J. N. DETLOR 84 SON. w12 -12 mozmi•T, INT m-viar str-Va.im, RPRISINGLy- CHEAP, .At the Glasgow House. D.-ICERE, JR- Goderich, April, )865. • _ TO SELL OR TO LETE AGood Farm lot within seven miles of the Village of Southampton, forty acres cleared and fenced., with a good lug house and barn. Terms liberal. _ Apply- (if by letter postpaid) to JAMES A. BURWASH, Southampton. J. D, BLACK, • Goderich. Goderieh. U. W.. San. 31 1P65. witt or to! -THE Court of Revision for bearing appeals 1 against Assessment will he held at tlie house of Mr. Alex. Findlay. Lot 1, con. 5, on Satuiday, the 8th of Alin!, at 10 o'clock, ALEX. FINDLAY, 8w3t] Township Clerk, Morris. ..m••••••••11.0 The Court of Revision has been postponed tilt tbe 20th _of May next.- ALEX. FINDLAY, Tri Clerk. Morris, April 19, 1865. 1:lw3t FOR SALE,' GODERIGH & GRIMM§ The staunch Propellor NIAGARA WILL make weeely trips between Goderich '1and Chicago during the season of mango - tam in connection with the _ Grnd Trunk R. It FOR PLACES EAST. AND. Starner Huron For Saginaw, For freight or passage-epply to - G. RUMBALL, - Agent.. - Goderich A prd 25,1,S65.. , IOW r ars S and 9, range B, in the to wniihip of• II Stanley, $20 per acre; south 90 neres . of • Int 29. Lake shore, Ashfield, 56 per acre ; East • 'I t tne 9th con.. W. D., Ashfield, at per tune ; anti 20 Town Lots in Goderich, price 530.00 each ani upwards. Apply to , f 110S: WEAT HERALD, • we -t I Goderich. 25 acre. of s bin b eabter:v quarter oto in • To Wool Carders, &c *3 A Good Opening ! Fr ma 3L-1 HAS JUST xacerrab A LARGZ 31.42c* Or STANDARD cSCMO OOKSiiiiIi FANCY .STA770/YERY 1. W.4`k.X.ai..a' P:A.PEML, • T°YToy Books, Prayer Books cf all kinds's- Church Servives, Hymn Pookte A 1.-AtAJ-NIS, SATCHELS 1 Ladies' Companions. WORK -BOXES WRITING -OASES: CONCEitTINAS; THE us de:surted is desieltis 'of, forming a . -busineas connection With oime person ling to tro meal lie I.V.00iXarding and Cloth -dr; ing business in Goderieli. The applicant to finsl ; cards, ,&e and tile -subscriber the power building, both of which are in coMp.ete.:readiriess -This is a splendid opportuady .1111*. any chpable man wishing one of the. best openings -4a the laud -mean-Iola. • Apply to _ • • 'MATTHEW ROBERTSON. - .Goderieh, C. W. • • w12if , April 17211, 1865. OIL WELLS ! TO CONTRACTORS, TENDERS Wanted to BORE for OIL . .1- within half a mile of the rown Plot -of Goderich. Contractors to find all materials. The karin; . wiil commence in Limestone I• Ruck with in :20 feet frrincsurface- Weil. not to exceet; 1000 feet in depth. Contractors 1 to state how_ mueh • per toot for each Bun- . dred feet. in depth, and sizfs oT13ort,‘, together with terms of payment. 411..eommunications must be post.paid or no notice will be taken of them. • • • C. CRABB. . / . • Goderich, April 13th, 1865. 13w3t reC-JT-3 $c), 2S iS ‘`./ lei ri-g3E3C.IEt.MM In Black and Virnite Braids, at- the • GLASGOW MOUS D.:KERR, JR. & CO.- APril, 1865. !,,... j fr, •Of Our Spring Order of S AN 811 • Is to hapd; the T-HIRD will follow next w eek -,-- At the Glasgow House. 1).-ICerr, Jr., & Co. • Goderich, 7th April, 1865. nYvirtue Of a• Power ot Sale contained in a, 13 Mortgage bearing date the nineteenth dor sof =armory, .A. D. 1864, and made between Donald Mc Sivern, of the township Of Ashfieid, in the Cetintv of Huron. of -the first -part, Cather- ine his Wife of the second part. and ArciAalci Monpbell, Of the town of St Thomas, in the County ef Eight, Esquire, of the thirst part, and which said mortgage is recorded tinder number 324 lor the township of Asnfield. - There -will be offeredlOf sale by Public Auction at the Court House, in the Town of Goder_eii, in the County '01 litiron, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, thetwenty=tbird day otAlity next, the following -lands and premises : The, west halt of lot- number eleven-, in the seventh concession of the eastern division oldie Township:of Aslifield, aforesaid, containing by sichneasurement one hundred acres, be the tame more or -less. F,or further particulars application May he made to theundersIgned, or to A, Campbell, Esq., Commercial Bank. St.Thomas. 'C. D. pAr.14. - Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at St Thomas this 15th clay of April wl3td A. D., 1865. _ • _ TN-CONSEQUE NC E of the death of Mr. 111. M 1. WKATHEICALD. hip.rekitorC carried on under th nameand otyle of R,obt.:Runcun' & • , mast be closed on or helve the .1 1ST DAY Or -APRIL, 1865 All parties indebted to‘ihe above *Mare here- by notified that all notesand book accuunts oVer • • due -on the ti 1 st day of FEWIr next, will be handed to their Solleitor for ,eollection ' The stock on hand will be St d - r.ow FOJR, CA.S411. OR SHORT CRFDIT, . It consists of a large assortment of Plotighss-Culti- • . vators. Harrows. St raw Cutters. THRESHING MACAINES EDUCATION.' . Pot -ash and sugar -kettles, weggon and pipe WI. NAIRN , late Supenntendent of Schoole, 11.1: intends having claoses in tioderich during - the Summer months, commei cing ist May next. Monday, -Tuesday, Thursday,' and Friday from one till four o'cloCk, there will be a dais for Fifth Book reading with questioqs, roots oppo sites, and English Grammar. History, Geography and Arithmetic. This will:be a good chance for those -who may wish to finish their education so ar - • On Wednesday and Saturday, also from one "till four afternoon, dime will be a class for•12 Books to -be used Arneld's First Book, and Hark; nese Second Book; and from the plan to be follow- ed, it is believed that with .app!icotion, a good knowledge of the language May be acquired in Twenty four Lessons. TEams---For the English exercises, Time -Dol. '1 tars a month, and for the Latni Three Doliars-a month -to be paid in advance. . 'ft afalgar Street. 12w4t IiTiost or Stolen. ikparties are hereby catioored against pure. aging or negotiating two notes of hand, one drawn by John 1cayne in favor Of Charles Milne, amount 5274,00, and interest, dee It March. 18136; the other 'drawn by Francfs Anderson in favor of Charles --Milne, amount $33.00, duelst January, 1866. Also a due bill rom Edward holey to Charles 'Milne, amount $16.50, as -the same have bt.ea lost or stolen, and payment tlserece is stopped. ' 0.1i4./t1.4g$ tiofferieh._ •April'440,, 1S652 • w13.t3t. . boxes, Cooking, Parlor & Box Stoves, . • A good second-hand amirmantr-mig-Gtaav-m and a lot Of "laehinery for If 'rig and Saw -Mills. All parties requiring the Above artielest would, they well get barglinis. r do well to eall and inspe.ct the stRO:NcatiacitceAiN.. as: ---0 Is reference to the above, it Runcithan Will be prepared. to carry on the businestief THE HURON FOUN DRY incl contract for the election of all kinds of Ma „ el:finery as usual. and will simply. A0,131(;:ULTIIIMAL 1 ‘IPLEITIE NT% . toves and castings,ats easonable rates,forCASH cr short credit.' . • Goderich. Dec.21st. 1864, sw32w48. .. - • D A - • DART' k.4- desirous of obtaining First Class 1 Cedar for F e.ng and Buildtng purposes ran be supplied in any quantity, and onreasonable terms, by applying o W. ELLIOTT. GoderichSeb. • 0111.1864. Mortgage Sale of Lands: UXeit:nEtrtnitied in a certain bidet -nitre of Mort -and by yirtue of a Power of Sale etere, Mude by- Bernard Daly of the village of Egmondeille, in the County of Huron. Mer- chant, fo-Felix Thane -son, of the townsbip of Hullett.-in saidcourity, Esquire, and bear- ing date the -fifteenth • tinv of April, A D. 1864, .will be sold by Puhlfe Auction at the auction rooms of G. 31., Trueman, in the Town of Goderich, in llie Ceunty of Huror, on Friday, the eighth day °Wine, 1865, at 12- o'clocknoon, the following- lend and premises,: eiz, : village lot number serpn, west side -of Centre street, in the village of Ezmondville, containing one quarter of an acre of land, More oe less; together with the buildings thereon; default having been made in the payment of -the moneys thereby secured. . Conveyance under Power in Mortgage. J. S. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor for Mortgage. this 4th day of • May, A. D., 1865. wi, t INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. Chluies E. Archibald, Plaintiff, John Donosh, Defendant. - . A Wit1T of Attachment has issued in flits cause of which ail persons Mere -sled in the estate of. the defendant and- all persons 'laving in their possession, custody. or power, any pOrtioo A Measles/. of the defendant or who are in any way indebted to him are required -m take notice. JOliN MACDONAI.D, Sheflit, IL& B. By S. Poitoca, Deputy Sherif!. Sheriff's Office, Goderfeh, e 24th April. 1865. - w13 -2w , Sheriff's Sale al.:ands. - . 1/nited Counties of Us It virtue of a writ of Huron and Bruce, LP Fierl Faclas issue.' ont to *ii': of Her Maissey's County Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruer d t Incdirected a ainst the lands ind ie e - an 0 g ments of Charles Blacks, at taw suit of she Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, 1 have s4ized and taken in execution all theright; title and intelest of the said defendant in and to the west ballot loi number seven in the third eon - cession Eastern- Division of the to A mobil) ot Arlitield.-m the County os Huron containing one .hundrediacres, which lands and tenements 1 shall ; to meet at the Law iauice of James Mum Slavin r, in the town of Goderich, on Satufda" thotw north day ofay -next, at twelve° clue -„ now); hu, the purposetifieceiving a statement lOsidlgiirs And of namitsgan -aasizneeiu whom he may nuake an ainfigunient under the above., Atli • JOHN REEVE, J. S.NINCLAIII, - 00eerich, Solicitor for Insolvent., wi2td ALP (":0X1-1:1111CYZITSW,,: .4in4 variousotherartieles,allebeap. . •AT BUTLER'S. "Goi!erieit April Zit- 1865. For Sale .Cheap. , - T OTS* (4.,8th eon.. Bruce: 0,4th Kmlosit; 2Z - ix% con. Huron. AsLipeC ly. loAMERON. _ •-eto.terich.October 28.11464. 0;1416 IN. CELANCEItY : - • Pr C11431REAW., - lit CHANCELLOR, ' .XliFIDNESDAY tile twelfth day ofh Aprit, in te tweinv-eighth year of the reign of Her , Majs•sly-Gtimen Victoria, and nt the year of our Lurd-1:6'53• • BET WEEN Francis Hams Reward, David Buchan,atal Ai Cana(' I ,-A gen i y .Aasaciation, hunted. Pining's, WilliareAtipitcheoeks UPON the -a: ppl• ication OgefitilPInnaiitil t- , • 4,3 otfii,"and it -al per ring by Affidavit that after due diligence the said Delta - /lint emoted be found lo bee s, ived with an office erpy of 'the Plaintiff, 'Bill in this eause. It is ordereirkthat- Jim said Defendant do ou or before the first day-oflune neittainswer or dem ttr ISta n;1 to the said 13i11, and it is ordered that a ..,• eopy of' this order together with the ., 1------1 notice requred by the General Order .1•i tnis Court be nub!' hed In the I lista 'PI --`14 Huron Signal" iewatPeper, ' pult, fished in the TOWA of Coderichi in the - County of Huron, not less than six -v.-erks betore the first day of Jure nest, and be -continued once in 'eaelt week until the Said -5,lay, And it nather ordered that Mt office eopy 10 the Plaintiff's Bill together with a reely of this order be served upow ,ergeavit J. Hitchcock, son of the • -above named Defendant, and tiother that a eopy oi tins order be ma Ned and: addressed to the said Defeninst a• t Eater xi. Selv Y°111 (Signed) A. GRAleT, • I egtstrar. 4 WI I.I;4:1H) tjT•cji:B coC,[1-Take Notice tbm Oloa --.. . . do no answer or demur to the ,bill pursuant to the a lee ordel, the Plaintiffiney obtain an Order to ta k the bill as conievsed against you, and the cowl may grant the PlaintitiP such reliefas they swilialvi nbeternetti.telie.i'dvi.01inoynlfteghoirr n-n-so.hiLwOntri-tiest. trate proee I ngs -I minis cause.• CRO 11S,,,...KINGSMILL* eNTTANACII, Toro, 15 Aprios5.11. aintithe Sorwitiorsziw To COWL • ,•••••• NOTICE . X consequence of serious losees in oar bu tieing CAS guess °Elate, we are conipelled much t oirti-scishee toresort in future 40 tims PRINCIPLE in the sate of Ale, Beer, Lc. RICHARD BUXTON, Maitlaed Brewery. Siened 1'CHAS. DEAN; •l HamiltonSpringBiewery. Goderick 12th 461,1865, sw65w12.1a hEolvent Act of 1864. HJr creditors ot the underenmed• are notified fiTet fur sale at my office in the Court House, in .the toWn of Goderich, On Tuearlitv, the first day of Anirust neat,. at Lie hilur uf tvadve ot the clock, -noon, JOHN MAL DO ALP. - Sherif H.& B. By S. Pomoct, Deputy SherfT. SherifPs OIlke, Goderich, 26th Apri1,186b. . w14 - -Minim, lath April, 1S65. 1 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS =RAIFF'S SALX OF LANDS. United Counties of Y virtue of 'a Writ of Huron and Bruce, rieri Farina named .out - To Wit : - of Her Majesty's Court's! Chaneeiv and to Inc directed swains' the lands and tenements of Jane Ford. Edward Atkinson. John MeCuinnes red William Stanlake, are defendents,at the suit of Mail Ann kord Star- I•rate County ot Ontario and Court of Com - lake byJohn Mitchell tfie younger her next friend, mon pleas, and to me directed apiarist ths is rained; I have seized and taken in exeention Lands and tenenientsoftilephen D.Ctawford,F.H. all the right, title and interest et the said cl 1 n- 1.ynch Staunton, Enoch C. Dowling' and Boilert. dant in and tothe south halt °Clot nuniber eleven Gilmate 21 the stab; of base N. Howard and in the fourth concession of the townsh• p of Stephenin the COMA), of Hurn, semen lands and tenemen s 1 shall ofler for wale _Lt my office in the Court House, in the tovin of Goderich on Tuesday, the first day of A ugust next, at the hour at twelve ot the clock noon. - JOAN MACDONALD. Sherik 11 &B. By S. POJAOCK, Deputy:Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Goderich,„? 25th April, 1865. ( Irks" SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS . • . Ainommommom. linited:CountiesofDY 'virtue ot a writ al ' t Huron and Bruce,' Jllt VenditionlExponas sad! To wit; Fier* Pecos, for !colder. issusd ; oui el H.7 Makatea County Court Unitedpounties of ID Y virtue a it W'rit of } Huron and Bruce, 1..3 ' Fieri Facies issued To wit : out of Her Majesty's County Court of the !hilted Countiea of Huron and Bruce, and to me directed against toe Ian& mid tene- ments airlines Lothian at the suit of witliam Smith, I. -have seized and taken in exectition all the right, tide and intetest of Inc said defendent in and to hits letters 4 - and Din the 911a eonevision of the township of Bruce, containing VW ares, Kif40 Mill Aite.number2 410 the village of Inver- • huron, in Bahl crionty of Bruce, containing 54 acre*, whieh lands and tenements 1 shall offerfor sale at my office at the Coust House in the town of Codertch, on Tuesday -the first day of August next; sit the hourof twelve ot the cloak, noon. "the f.:orpsoation of the Township of Eislerslie, 1 haie skizol taken in Execution ',lithe right, title and interest oftbe .aid defeadants,in and to -Park 1,ot 11o„ 15,Lot No.*, and to -the South halt of Lot No 6, East side Oi QUeAlt street North, being aubdivisions of Park Lai Flo. in the vil- lage oftraisley, I Smith ball of Lot 2202 Ate East *kir of gueen StreetSouth Paisley, l'arlt Lot No. -15 North side of Cambridge street. Ind Block15 •West side Of queen Street,North Paisley, Lot 13 &soli aide and 13 and 14 North side of Cambridge street, raislevi East side of Huron Owe:Southampton, 50 feet oulie _North t ot part ofNo. 4, North side ot High Street, Southampton, Lots29 and on the North side of Clarendon street, "SouthamplOat Lot 18 Earl - side of Norfolk Street, Southrimplon,Lotstland' 22 South side of Louisa strtet, Southampton, all the-c,olinty of Bruce; which lands and true; tnentst shall offer for' *ale at niy soffits -s the Court House, in the Town of floderich,on Toes': day the Twenty -Eighth day of February next, _Yr the hour 4 TwelYe of ihe (dock, noon. 1 • JOHN MACDONADD - • islteilf,4 By S. poraaex,DeputySheriff. - • /spince.Goderst, 25th lituary,1665:. .s,w1 - ThP above sale is ji6stpolied till Tuesday JOHN MACDONA1,D, tlie 4th day of April next. - • -* Sherif., By F. POLLOCK, ,Deputv Sheriff. - a •••••••10111•11., . . •.• • -67r. .m..1,41:ttecrl. ay The 911t day -Of May pry, The tilrove sale is further postponed till • Sherill's Offiee, Goderie h, •