Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-05, Page 3- ro.-The follow- pectator of Msy very disgraestut ml rear Toronto week Mr. Junes iley, a fanner of rep at a short o requested hies :epted, and after seized him by the he Inanaged :g with him. RE resumes that tie when he came mer on the Take. e_ized by a coupie their. prisoner, where be imsdoz._ ;ed es being strange to. gay, ie whiskers arid :'.'ocitha ib. ex. that the wrong :thou -4i he• had 'was given only Consol Sersarry Vit!, dliocu:ty :Ay The' zi...igracefal cries ve,beett further his rifetinin 'id ratters- Werer taby the rait-- the hope that indace hit cow. , tti=d have timed= he Ira* absent -A-boilk **OS the house wao alarks tip= it, Le- mast lave Dt which shatda ind the parties of kidnapping Lake Hu oa the I5t1s, cre SalriLog4- e owner is. re- p expenieslaIXT ea within oust 4 bv sold byt TOrNG 1865. ielS4t It Stanley 'an 4ovi, Mr. Mast uctiott, on the - that rerr Hayfield rade from the tton and gof ab4et 60 acres remises lire * r sad a Young !scree to -bear. t! County. eit a to be -quality,- appreciated. . appikation to elicit, or lathe . .41.10k at slew w1514 (1864,. T.Lig0.34 air nt are notified .it ot his estate ime.the under - wed tofuesnak ere with their it hold, if say, nee the fact ; the troecioni TSQ Aseigneet 1864r 1 ars- notiffitf sty °Moron, troistitor. ity, at tweors reirsag state" ▪ assugsfe to. at under -the R.. ROSS. : that itaY' w15 -2w, - alai- =der - Verity, of sr this day . odebtea IMMO. ACW Willleaa t or be till receive PsY said' • anger:dents, be peid bw [ and notes. -- Sanders.- AZON, EMIL 1 a • ty Wawa den* coo - elves nodet. Fousclit.. ed liberal" of le Ix' Of Selis. ✓ of Mort. riliage °E- w a. Mel"-, townshiP., ind bear. .L. in at the.- LEIst this. roCaa iiht- Ifueori 18156* at land sad w treswer, of lettnitelo - - a -a — ise Ewa eintatio ser There is a rumor in town that Mr. Brydges has been superseded by Mr. Walter Shanty in the management of the THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. two centuries, which constituted a great part of the Irish epidemic i 1847, and which about the same time was veiy prevalent in Upper Silesia and in other parts of Germany. The Russian disease corresponds with relapsing fever in every particular save ore -viz., its great fatality; but the difference is apparent rather than real, and is attributable to an ad- Gratid Trunk Rahway. mixtere,of ordinary typhus. The A venir National, of Paris, gives a CAREY. report of the opinioes of the French Acad- emy of Medicine: "Every: year," it says, "the return of Spring brings with it a typhus epidemic in European Russia, and especially in Siberia. The typhus is Merely the result of this. crowd- ing of living beings -cattle and people -dur- ing the snow season. Ths year the exceakve severity of the winter, and its long duration, hare had the natural consequence of causing a more extended, and perhaps more deadly epidemic than usual ; such appears to be the sole orieio of aTil those sinister rumors repeat- ed by the public press." The same fever has been Well known in Ireland and Silesia-; in both countries, as in Russia, it arose from the poor quality and want of food among tbe poor and in Sr. -Peters- burg the same cause has prticlueed,- the same result. Thereis thus. far, therefore, not the least reason for anticipating something worse, as, according to all aCcoutas„ the video= is VOR CHICAO-0.-:- By posters issaed on the decline. yesterday ttisznirounced that the staunch.- . Propellor Niagara will leave Goderich for Chicago to-mbrrow (Saturday-) morning; She is to be tindeithe able command, of Pvt. Charles 'McIntosh. and will make weekly trips during the season. We hope she will meet sr:th ,good freight and fa - wing breezes: Parties patronizing her may depend upon it that the captain and offieerawill neglect nothing necessary for their comfort and safety: . air r 'Superior Hanka -Furniture,-.4e. * e lern that Mr. Wm. Grainger, a respectable farmer of this township, was instantly killed on Tuesday last (2nd) by a fall from his wagon. Deceased was 55 ----years of age. A Tuatrrr LANDLORD.—lh a back town- ship of Upper Canada, a 'magistrate, who kept tavern sold liquor to the people till they gordrtr anind fought in his house. He then issued a warrant, apprehended them and tried them on the spot, and besidea-fiaing meg tblIgt treat each other to. make up. the 2saoraaystheludlor& holds- .out on the Durham. Line, Co. ofBtiloo.—Ezi. A young man of fnmity in Eland, whose relatives have -all died ofan hereditary 'milady .before thirty, recently- addressed a letter to a- young- lady at -family, very pretty, and neked her to become his sister of charity for two years, he being then twenty-eight. and worth bait a 'million. What remained of his fortune at his death, at thirty,shuld be hers, at least, such is the odd report. •• IMPORIANT AUCTION SALE 1 : . • The- owners of. twofast nags- in town - determined yesterday (.4th) to test 'heir Illeetneis by 'a Mile trot. Accordingly, ils6ut tour, p n, the animals, were -taken to Monto<a tavern, and a large crowd of Then and boys gathered at the winning post, which was a scratch across' the road a little on this side of 'MoLeocre cabbage 'plant depot. Bay and Sorrel, the horses, whit& were, fastened to li;ght buggies, were drawn up in order, and at the word go the, - Tehit's laid 011 the gad, The way they eta dust was somewhat of aCaution, but it soon bccatne apparent that Bay was to - much for his antagonist. for- he took the im Iead and kept it; co' ming over the scratchl-Stxel !Sfrririous ktuds, Cooking and Box Stove Pipes. Ike , one Meat Safe at least a hundred yards in advance. . Metal: -Dish Corers, Trays, Bedsteads ,of _ eutimis kinds one Lag e Bath, Children's -amidst the plaudits of the multitude We Bath, Foot Barthrse , X rryChao., I3ureaus, 1 j not.tisnettexactiy, but should judge Superiur 'Bureau "wit' uhzlass- on top Loo'-• that the mile- was trotted by Bay in about Glasses, Feather: -Pillows, 7 Toilet &Int; Iwo minutes, thirty-stine seconds and Eye - eighths, " be the same more or .1e& We rather -guess .it _will take a' mighty fasten*" to beat Bay. on a trot. The own- er of the winning animal- took up the Gun, I ,fron Bedstead, the whole ot the *takest and fund that his. opponents. had Kitchen Furniture; put tif a confederate V. Wow the 'affair * and sundry other articles. was settled our reporter could not learn. . Terms of Sale Cash •••••••=. . G. -M. •117rueinan, IS Instructed. by THOMAS MACKIE, Esq., 1. Agent Bank of Upper - Canada, who is about leaving the Province, to sell' by• Auction the whore .of hissuperior- Household FuruitUre, ate, at his' residence, West Street. 'Goderich, - THURSDAY, -litirday of-MY2. 1865 Commenciag at...11 o'clock, a. in., coni - prising in part.one superior Brussels Carpet, a quantity of other carpet of various kinds, a lot of Pictures, Centre , Tables, 1 Telekope, 'Dining- Table with three slides, 1 Cheffinnere, -- Side Tables, 1 Easy Hair Seatecl Chair, 1 Sett _Hair Seated Chairs, 1 doz. and a hall Cane Seated Chairi, 2 Leaves, 1 pair Window Cornices and Rings, - I Whatnot, Ci-Ozks a quantity of Hooka, Fireirons, Paden .Ware, Hearth Rugs, lot of Crotkerv and Glassware. Poiret Stands, Work Stand, Mattresses, Co; Wheelbarrow, Child's rarriage, pair Spurs, I Cutter, I ett Superior, Har- ness. 1 English maie Saddle, 1 do Litdies Side Saddle. 1 -English made Bridle. 1 Buf fald.Robe, 'Fishing Rods, I Double Barrei ' ICl/ANVERY S1TTINGS. Godench; .May 1st,- 1865, sw69td • The spring Examination and Hearing -fetid commenced here on. Tuesday Iast.- /lis Lordshlithe Chancellor presiding. - The following eases were disposed of:- . Gibbons vs. Hutchinson -BM filed by - the -Executors of thei late -J. Wilson for "laic of property mentioned in mortgage. . Decree for plaintiff!, sale ordered, esual *mounts to. be taken, infants costa" to he paid by phintiffs. Mr. Toms ibr Mr. Hoskin forleft. . • - Gordon vs. Gordon -Bill 'filed to 'set aside a release of dower as having been obtained by fraud. Decree for plainti;_ except as to defendant Cameron, against' whom the Bill was dismissed with costs Mr. Hoskin and Mr. Toins-f3r plE - Mr. Boar Q. a and Mr. Macara for clefts.- Burrolies is. Kiio:c -Foreclosule snit. Usual decree; no- coifs against Dennison. Mr. Roaf, Q.C., tor plif. Mr.- flpskin for Knox. Mr. Tiims for Dennison. Bank IL es. Wagace - Hearing azpon Petition- -4udgment reserved.. Mr. Boat; Q.C., for plffs. Mr. McLennan :fir the Trust Loin Co., Mr. Tanis for Wallace. - HONORABLY DISCHARORD..---gotne ex- , eitement was caused ia thistown a few weeks -ago by a riinor that Mr. Nellany, -eRpreMt MeeSpitger, had been apprehended Braniferd for ersInPing, and that be :had escaped and fled to the States. The -facts as we now learn them, are limply as follows : -Par. Nellany - was accused of something of the sort, and avoided,. -the trouble- and anxiety of trial by going on to Buffalo but, feelinz that he was lane- ecnt of the charge laid against him, he, by the advice of his friends, proceeded .to Brantford and demanded a full investiga: Aloe. The- trial was had before a bench .of magistrates, from whom, after z rigid examination of all thatappeared in the Ivey of evidence, he received a certificate -ortilscharge, there being no proof what. ever of bis complicity In the nefarious irintpiag operations which, it is suspecTed aeveral officials along the line bad a band Mr. Nellany's character has stood -well thus far and we are glad to know .64 ha is inmost- of the crone alleged -against him. aaja:to take hilold posi- tion- ntexprese Messenger. 1••••.•••L•••••• ,Aseenzt :to -be conclusively -settled now Aar the rote strati lir Marone by the ePi., sums at St. 'Petenoorg nd etsewhire •szikuszeuitegroundteme The_dieesee is seitigirc per seitheig in the- adore of thewe.ealfed " *gee" of -former tiles. Its eiesaitn,atorearari.proves40. have been eb exaggerated Pr. Murchison, phisiefee WS* teltdoo4lIsi-lifespitalt Trite* to Ate 14otoninsteir'-' 4.1IVhspdettia &misled by foreign Ow- _ siebtas aititabit relted eri„ st is net a new pest whit* imitInvided -dm-world, nor has ths dis- alml,„alfir011iifitieiniiiiveittsAiiistie cholera. Tb. ask* Lie; skeidentlyrelapsing lever, end* different trolisnatioat.les UM/ inn botiffe in Brit* aarl reerivIrot leOry FOR SALE. r °TS -8 209, range 8, m the township of 1.1 Stanley, $20 per acre; south 90 acres of' he 29. Lake liore, Aehlield, $6 per acre; East 25 aeree ofs lath easterly- quarter of let 2 in Inc 91h on.. W.. D.. Ashffe!d, et per acre; and 20 Town -Lots in Goderteh, price $30,0) eacb. sna upwards, • Apply to • • I ruos. W EATHERALD, w3 -t vdensh.. WC, rrIEC TS hereby given that the branch of the Bank 1. in thts pleat will be closed on 29th inst. Atter that date parees havirig paorte*d-pmersi in the Sank will receive the sante on applying to the Toronto Brandi.- • ROBERT CASSELS; Cashier. Rank of Upper Canada, Goderich, 24th April, 1665. sw68-2t ABILAHABISTETH Merchant 'Tailor, MA1ICE1 SQUARE, GODERICK • HAS ON HAND A Large & :Well -Assorted STOCK OF 7. InasZE MINE 00 And a variety -of traney Articles, such as Shirts,Collars, Neckties, Caps ac., &c. _ Which he is prepered to sell' Cheap for Cash.;. Get;ericit.April 12. 18E5. w12 N. CO PICE rHE 'Court of Revision -for hearing appeals against Assessment wilt be held at the bona of Mr. Alex. Findlay, Lot 18, 'eon. 5, onSaturday, the 8th of April, at 10 o'clock, ALEX. FINDLAY, 8w3t1 •- Township Clerk, Morris. • The Court of Revision has been postponed tilt the 26th of Mae next. . • • ALEX. Ma -ILLY, T'p Clerk. Morrie, April 19-1865. liw3t TO SELL OR TO LET A Good Farm lot within seven miles of tbe 4-1- Village of Sonfliampton, forte acres cleared and fenced, with a good kir, house and barn. Terms liberal. Apply (ifbylitter postpaid) to . JAMES A. BURWASIT, -.-Southamptn! or to! BLACK, Galerial. Goderieb..U. .lan. 31 1865. prItt To Wool Carders, A Good Ope TENDERS. TENDERS will be received for the FEES 1 for the GODERICH MARKET, Up to 'the 10th inst., at noon. All parties tendering will name two good and sufficient Sureties to be bound in the sum of $400 each for the due fulfilment of the con- tract. The Committee do not bind them- selves to accept the highest Tender. Tenders tO he addressed to IL' Booth, Esq., and marked Tender Pr Market. JAMES THOMSON, _ Town Clerk. Goderich, May 2nd, 1865. 1w69t4 _ . *JOHN FAIR & CO. - - RATING DETERMINED Uri LOSING P THEIR PRESENT - BUSINESS -AN GODtRICH, Thursday next, the 4th instant, Commence tO clear off the whole Or' their large and valuable stock of Dry. Goods, Clothing, and Groarnes; at an . ENORMOUS REDUCTION INPRICES. r Goderich 2ndMay, 1365. List of LetteOs . MEANING in the Goderich Post Office, • .lit May, 1865. Armstrong Hugh - • Andrews Michl &Wm Besaw Mrs Amelia - Bourke Jno (2) 13arr James Blake Jos Bicker Capt Job" Bedford John Burke Peek Berry Thonias(2) . Blair Wm :Cruikshanks Chas -Campbell John Christie John Carter Jonathan Collie James (2) Clarke John Clark 1 CUlliton Luke Corbet -Maq Cartnichaghlrs Thos 'Campbell Mrs Rachel Deagen! Hiram Donely Sarah Ellis D G •_ Ewards Mrs E Ellet Mi () - Elliott 'Mrs Olive Golden James Heffernen Frank Hainstocli Geo . Heeney John Hawkes Mrs Hewitt Simeon Hussey Thus Hall W (2), Johns Arabella :1 Johnson Mary _Johnston Wm (2) Johnston W F Tinbusiness connectioa with eo person mil- gr let *geed &wrens foiramg hog to so into the Woe -Card` g and Cloth-dress- I:Agleam:am Godertelt, • applicant' to fled eards,, ko:. and the • her the power and Widest, both of wh are in complete readiness Thai is* spleni opportunitr /or any capable sail wishing of the best openings of_thOkind kinEtzvi ROBERTSON.. 104,1865:. Kerr John jr Kerr Mag Kerr it A . Keffer Wm (2) Lowry Alex Lawrence asF Lowr ht. McMullen Arch McKay *Catherine McKenzie -Christina McKinnon Donald McCallum Geo McDonald Jessie McCullough John Mackenzie J Mebeani Murdoch McKie Thomas - McPherson Wm (2) Nolan James Nagele Joseph Oald Abigail .1 Owen G (2) gagin John Piexotti Arrablogie Pratt Geo Patton Jnmes Pratt ;Tram Pethiek Jos " Ryan Joseph (2) Ross. James Reid James Ravine Louis . Robinson Mrs Robinson Wm Robertson WM • Smith Geo . Stroud John -- Scott John Sheppard Jos Stewart Johu Etnard J. Stanley John: Slrong,Jobn Smith Mr - Smith Mary Jape _Sullivan Michael Smith Elarah,G Mir Saunders Robt Swane Sam! Smith Sidne Stinson Th « ne Elliot ' rouse Lake Erronhart James - White C White David Le •en wm Wright George Wittian Jacob' Mann F (2) . Wilson John Moore 0 F Winters John _ May John Watson John. . Morrisorejohn Wilson James Martin John (2) Wheeler Mr - Martin Isaac S. Marriet Mrs Isabella Weldon Micklejoha J Winiet90 Tao - Moore Mr` • Watkins Thom MeFarlen Anal! McDonald Mini' rearnae Wm k - TAMES viriasov;. " Pallas* A -LARGE STOCK_,OF PLAIN AND r •d7.1 NCI?' ring and Sum g2 JUST ARRIVED AND AT THEM - _wgromrty • Govgiuott., AfaI J. Vai. DE -7'40k & ISONa , 1-2 riOZMIST, INTMIXT RPRISINGLY CHEAF'- At the Glasgow House. D. KERB, & CO. • Goderich, 7th April, 1865. 7 WJEXELJEM In Black and Wnite Braids, at the GLASGOW HOUSE. D.anat) aTR..8z CO. Goderich, 7th April, 1865. s .Of Our -Spring !Order of ._ Is to:land, the TIURD will follow next gieek, t the Glasgow. House. D. Kerr, Jr., & Co. -Goderich, 7tnA.Pril, 1865. .110.10.11gage- Sale!: - BYVirtueora Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage bearing date the nineteenth -day of 'anus ry,-,A.' in• 18114, aid made between Dornild 510S:trent, of the township of_ Ashfleid, in the iteinitv of Huron. of the first part, Cather- ine his wife of the :seeped part. and Archibald Campbell, - of the town of -St Thomas, ia the -County'ef Elgin, Esquire, of the third parr, and which said mortsrage Is recorded :tinder number 324 for the township of Astifield. - _ • There will be ofleredtor sale byliehhe Anetion at theCourt House, in the Town of %oder.ch, in the County Ot Huron, at the hoer of twelve o'clock, neon, on Tuesdity, the twenty•.third day ot May neat, the following lands and premises : The west -half Of lot number eleven, in the seventh concession of the eastern division of the Township of Ashfield, atinesaid, containing by adineasuremenf one -hundred acres, be the same more or less. • , _ For furtheo particulars application maybe mede to the undersigned, or to A. Campbell, Esq., Commercial Bana, .Th,oin.as. crppA Vendor's Solicitor, -Ifated at st Thomas, bis 15th day Of April. A. 11, 1865.; • " - wl3td EDUCATIO . X/T1L NAIRN, late 8uperintendent-01%54:1044 1.71 intends having Classes in Gpderieff dining the' Summer months, Commei eing lot 314v next,. • OA Monday, luesday, Thursday; and Friday from one till four o'clOck, there will be a eless for PIM Zook reading with questions, roots, oppo site., and English urraminar, Hisiery, tieugraphy and Anthracite. This- will be -a $'004 chance for those who May, wish to finish their education so far- -- -"On Wednesday and Saturday, also from one tilt four afternoon, there will be a class for tstin, Books to be. used Arnold's First Book, and Haft - nest' Second Book; and from the plan to he follow- ed, it is believed that with appliOtion, a good knowledge of -the languagei :may be acquired n Tweittv kw Leraoua. • Tal.m.s-etirthe Etittlish csereiseat:Twe1,) 1; hirs a Month, and for the Least Three Dollars a• month -to hevaidoi abrance.- Pefelgar-Street,,:• .12ve4t Ottelii—r----Lost Stoliali A IAparties are itereey tratitiored against. prireittaingor negonatingtwo noteeofhand, one drawn by Joint Itnyntr ie favor of, Charles MiJne,-innotint;.• $274.00, and interest, dee lot Mareh.1066 ; the other drawn by "'rands Anderson in favor - or Charles Milne, *Mount $33.00, duelstiiniary, 1863: Also a due hill rom Edward _Poky to Charles Milne amount 41040, at the mann have beta loot tirsiolea, and plfteetditstretifitt OM's& • - -Goderich. PrAtNikilleu_ 11WPORT'N1'111 CZ 'IN CONSEQUENCE of the:death -of Mr- 31-M J. WEATIENEALD. the business heretofore earned on tinder th . name and style of Robt. Runciraan & Co., _ -17.11 0 TY 1/sT 3E.Ii utast be closed en orhefore the . 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1865 LAU partie* indebted to the above.firm are here- hy- notified that all "notesavid book accounts over • due on the . et day of FEEPY next, will be handed to their Sohritor tor collection Thestock on hard Will he said ' Ft..)JEC, OR SHORT CltFDTT, it console or a large assminient ofPloughl, Culti- vators.Harrows.Straw Cutters THRESHING MACHINES Pot -ash and sugar -kettles, waggon and pipe i bl1rist and Savi-Mills- er 8.1' 1 -P .Cooking,arlor &Box Stoves, A geed second-hand and a lot of ilachnere SIP30311.-A-lit-3111MT431-11%T3E1 All panics requiring the above articles would t do well to.catif and inspect thestait AL once. as they well get barrens. • ' _ R. RUNCIalAN. 0 -7 - le reference to the shove, IL Rawlins:Iwill be prepared to CAM' On Ib? THE ,FlUliON -FOVNT,DitY and contract for the erection of all kinds it Ma -chinery, as usual. and will simply I AG WICIULTITIMAL 1111101.1BRIENTM . - Stoves and:Cilistilnpytt, I ease• eabe ratesoreASU ashort credit, .li sw32wrifi tiode " h. Dee.filst. 1864, . • 7".• 1,1ARTi b$ d'estram ol'obtaining First Orass 1. Cedir lei F ,e.ftwancl Beittlingarirpolessme he supplies' leen,' `itegiatitY! fed 99 reettetwe 44,411,41f*O.Vie_g1° - - - _0FonG4.k J. F,L41011'.- s.por.r.ock 1TroderiFh :Felt Orli.f8S4i: • :Ike, .$jtelicik - MORTGAGE SALE. 16 SHARES & ANCHORS, "'JUG MG, &C.. IX SOB, TEGUMSETIL TINDER and by virtue of Puwer of Sale coritained in a certain Mortgage made by Thomas B. VatiEvery and George Rumball. of the Town of Goderieh, in the County of' Huron, Forwarders, of the first part, and Robert Gibbons, of' said Town of G5dmich. Esquire, of the second part, and srh,ch said Mortgage was duly sold, assigned and made over by the said Robert Gibbons to F. Wolferstan Thomas, of the said Town of Goderich, Esquire, agent of the Bank of Montreal, in said tewn, whieh said mortgage and assignment are duty recorded in the Custom House of the Port -ot (Wench, (default having been made in the due nay went- thereof and due -notice having .been served on all parties entitled to notice as required by said 'Mortgage) will be sold by • Public Auction On Thursday; the. 16th _ day of illarch, Next, At twelve o'clock, noon, at the -Auction - Mart of -George- M. Trueman, I On the Mai tiet Square in said Towu Of Geo- erich, the following property, Ow is to say: Sixteen undivided shares or parts of and in all that vessel called the Tecumseth, then *the property of -VanEvery and Bimini!, afore- said; now lying at the Port of Goderich, aforesaid, together with all end singular the anchors. rigging, furniture, tackle and apparel thereunto belonging or in any wise tipper. Deed-nnuet Power of Sale. IRA LEWIS, Solicitor for F. Wolterstan Thomas, Agent -aid Assignee atoresaid. Goderieh, Fee. 23rd, 1865. w5td ..M0=Iim•••••• • The 'above sale is postponed till Wednesday, 26th of April, hist. The above sa!e is further pnstpaned until iaturday, 29th inst., at 5 o'clock, p. in - April 27, 1865. The above sale is further postponed tilt iaturday the 6th of May, inst., at twelve o'clock, }mon. PIPER HANGINGS PR031 4 de. PER IfOLL At the 'Signal' Office.. A LARGE SUPPLY OF Window Shades ! CHEAP FOR CASH ATTHESIGNALOFFICE 3111i7M111,1M1EICIATGir YOU WANT IF 30,HOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY REDUCED RATES. FO CONTRAZTORS, fIENDERS Wanted .tO BORE for OIL L within half a mile of the fain Plot ot ;Melia: Contractors to find all miterins. he baring_ will commence Limestone leek within 20 feet from surface. Weil not 4 escee4 1006 feet in depth. Contractors o state bow much per loot for each Hun- lred feet in depth, and size oPBort, :together vith terms of payment: All communidti ns must be post• paid or no .notice will ba en if 'beim : Goderich, April 13th, 1864. 133t -- 7 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. Charles E: Archibald, Plaintiff, -John *Dahosrli, Defendant. . A WRIT of Attachment has issued in dos VMS!' of which ail persots iuterested in the estate of the detemiant arid alt peniona navies in - their possessiou, custiely, or power, any pornon the assets of4he defeudiint who are in any way indebted to hint are required to take netitre, JOHN MACDONALD, - . Sheri'', H.& B. •Ily 8. Poi.r.ock Deptity?Slerifi. . • • Sheriff/a 0164, Goileneb, zitli April, 1s65. 4 w13 -2w Sheriff's Sale 01 Lands. virtue of a -writ of Huron ;Lunt:Ire:urea, Fieri -Facies issued oat • . to wit : of Her Majesty's County Court of the United Counties' of Huron and Hruci• and to me directed -against the lauds and te e- t:lento- ot Charles Black, at the suit, of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield, I have seized andisken mreeution all the right, :title rind intesestofthe said defendant in and to the west hallos lot niiinber -seven in the third min- mwsion Eastern Division of the in -4'1344i nt Attbfield, In the county of Huron containing one .hundreiltierm. which lands and tenemental shall offer for sale at my calla in the Court House, in tbe town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the first tiny of August neat% at tie bar of twelve a th-e clock, noon, - JOHN MAL DO Alin. SherifT111.4 B. fly S. Porxricz, Deputy Sheriff: - Sheriff's Oak*, Goderich, I 26th Ann!, f8Str. vr14- ZgERLIT'S SALE OF LANDS. ;Jutted Confines ot -111DY virtue of a Writ .in Huron and Bruce,. .1..J eien feriae head out to Witf of ller Majesty's Court id Chanceiy and to me directed Vesinst the lands and tenements of Jane Ford, Edward Minns v. John MeCuinies rad William Stanlake, are defendant', at the suit of Mary Ann ford Star - lake by John Mitchell the youuger-ber next friend, is Plaintiff, 1 have seized mid taken in exemition all the right,litie and interest el the said 1 1.g - dant in and ft:the:loud' halt °not number elegar in the 'berth concession of the townsir p of Stephen. in the county of Huron, which leeds, and frnemen s I shill offer for sale et my ,othee inthe1.';ourtifouse, in the town ofGoclench on Tuesday; the fine day of Augus(nem,at the beer ot twelve ottbecloek,-. noon. - --° JOHN MACDONALD, She:Br-H.3c B. - By S. Pora.oms, Deputy Sheriff. 'Sheriff's Office,43oderielk, 4 = 2oth April, 1865. 1 ' w''.4 _ SHERIFFS SALE OF XNAN3S. 1Jetted of)Connites11:111T virtue of * Writ of Heron aid *nee, %Li Fieri Fames iseued . To wit: • ! Ont of Her Majesty/entreaty Court ol the United Counties ef Huron and Bruce, and"to inc directed against I/elands end -tene- ments onautenreithiati at the mit of William Smith, I have seized and take* in eXCVIlliOn *II the Tight; title *id ietelest of -*nevoid defeadeat in and to lots retters c and the 9th eoneession of the tinvesbip of &twos_ oetilltinittit =aortas gum sniff site number 3 in the village of Urer- Agnmtsill lold Aging, (.4. 4111/r-er ceshtiejois 114 licres,whishlit4d140a lettelliellwl eball *Ter 'Pr. - sale atm- AOrtee nt thf 4 tioase tatioeievoi of C °clench ; on T eliday I first day of Aterust ' ne#4,--,..-rr,tr*Iltr 9. irtIr4t1:34/211/ferlig 1 (•-• BODERECH &CMOs The Staunch- Propellor NIAGARA. WILLmn ike weevirsps hergrees Goma and* Chicago during theseasoe et- stripe connection with the Grand Trunit IL R. 101 PLA:CIZI Rasp, AMP Steamer Huron 1 ForSaginaw, For freight or passer appty to G. RUMBALL, Aleut. Goderich April *PT. -it TT. 117.T.4. 3M. T74, WAS IUSTEXChITZII A LAMM STOCK 011 ITAMARD 4 &WON 001(31101E . 121/CY 47A7701aRr '1'Q, Toy Books, Prayer Books( a11 *laded, Church Services, Hyiun Books. I ALBT-TAIS. SATCHELS! Ladies' Campeau:tee, 4 WORK -BOXES, WRITING -OASES 4,coaczarreas,1 . • .sfi.10.ti:1M331tC)3irage.. . And vanotei other_articies,affebeep; _ .AT Irosruirs. Goderich Aprll 28 1865. • For. Sale Cheap. T °TS G., Sth eon-. 13rucer 0,4th Malan; II, 1.4 9th eon; Huron. Apply to • MLC. CAMERON. Coder'elt.October 28, 1864.' tewli IN MANOERT_.! IN CHAMBER& THE CHANCELLOR. ITTEDN-ESDAY the twelfth day ofiril, in the VV twentv-eighth _ year of the sego; of !Her Majesty QUcell Victoria, and in the year *tour Lord !h65, _ BETWEEN' Franc -Is Morrie Reward, David Bnclian,aed the Canada alifiency ASSOCNItiOD,111/11W41. ' lihildlOW - Waiiit:IniliditeliCICkfr '.1-7IVIIII-Pi afterlIS'at fin db t I ee lilt P-ddliPtilretrei.PeFeathinirithtng°1)erellaarrilidtile4"initPlilDefed•Itt. eat -rennet be fraudto bt saved, With an *Moe eery Of the !WIGS : teeBdisainidtteisiecitges. ndant el is ma-cuieluder belore"the first day of lune nextanewerordseter • I 18, „,- r, tothewod -Bill,sind it is ordered that is 4`-'" copy:of this order together with_the . = , notice reeured by the Genteel Order Istamp' as! Hiunronis Csonivrtaihen aptiewspabliehedier,iartir Imbed in the Town ofCcidersch, lege County of Huron, moiler thee sili - weeks- betore AC *It lay of Jens - . • next, and be continued once in oat* , sulortibeeek rs osrderedst -she rbigis.dan yomr... Assiropta .tis cothee;yPitiainttlifrissiorBdieril tizetberservedavaltio: fongeant• J. Hitchcock, son of .the above mimed Defentlantotad• further that aeopytediworder be isseffeditad addressed to the eaid Defaisdant at 0-,14:0"rj.r: (Vinod) A. GiesistratLEL Entered. - N4, Wituing Ilizeirc:ect,-TakeNoticethatevew _ do not answer or demur to the hill paratiaat ie the above urdet, the Plasitiffiney obtains* esther .to take the bill as conwased against yoe, awl the - VinoaTbet Iliesletitteedraiwitthe.on tiiPhiarinowtiffs'asbowntirsockvelief, maw towhee' will notreceive any further high* of the Mire proceedings in this cease. ' . CROOKS, KINGSMILLpi! CATTANACif; ' 'Torento,15Apri, 1665. in- •1•1111# Setti.irg.isr • 10111- whern-11 mi..Concein.. TN consequence of serious losses ia oer business of late we are respelled =OA azeinst our wisheisto resort in istara' to 4Ise CASH PRINCIPLE in the silo of Ale, Beer, Lc. • - RICHARD RIIXTAni, Maitlacd -1 'Signed • CHAS. DEM!, Hamilton Sprang' Meswiprf. Goderich, 12-JiApril,180. sw5w1341a, Ittolyent Ad: !or 1864. THE Creditors of the undermined ere isetliee to meet ref the 'Law *dice of James 15hitse.,_ 'Sinelair, ih the town of Goderichemi Sete • tits twentieth day ofMay neitt etterstived not's; for the purpose,of receiving *statement t bit a flans and of namiogas ItentIlltee to whom may make an assignmeat under the *bolt, Ate. JOHN ItElaird J. S. SINCLAIR. - Hocterich,Solieitor for Inialaier, -Clinton, Ibth April, 1865, skinarissmsoriump Unhitid COtttlIfell OU IIBIT virtne,.es a ems t Eturon,. And Brticer, Ji.s VenditioarEapeoerrema • i co' Irk= 'len PAM*, Joe said*. fumed orit cf Hie Majesty's Comely Poen ofthe County ofOutario Atli Court of Coos mon Pleas, and to me directed -mishit* the Landsand tenementsoftSiepheellXrawford,F.H. Lynch Staintort, EntiehV-Dowlinit_old 8/4"4 Gilmour,* the snits of 11.111C .81. tseirard 11.41 lite,COrp0flai011 Of lbe TOWntleir 01 Ehittrelihi 1 fraveeetzed and taken la EZO110110111 Ail Illefititt, title end lateral. Orate Adadefolitiowilt,ia and ito Park LatI4o.16,Lot Nruireed losbe43owth holt of Lot No 6, East - side of Queen street Net*, tieing stihdisuleins °CP** LotPluk.4 is the tril• .(age of rooky; South hitt itt lot it en the Zia side id' Queen Street South re:4W, l'ark Lot Set 15 North *deer Cambridge ateseti,and -Sleek Weit tiisle °Mama Sllet1,24014 raiikl's 44 Smith side and 13 and 14 North side 0(0 street, Maisley; North ball oflot' 14 Sorf side Huron see -al, Sotitbainplon Agfeet at the soak part ori-A*Pio. 4 North iiiile of Illik *reek side of Norikdk Street, et, , Lots 21 mei' 22 South:nide of Louisa street, halefitoss lin in i he Coen* of Brawlb which ' pi& ma irate meats1 shall offer kr Ale at Joy !Hee its TW lithlaWi in the Tows of Dex144411,0011. 4aythaTwessr-Ashth day tit febripirglie?Itlitt Al Itortrii Twelve of ,Ise cleat lore. - i I. Southamptog, Lag 20104 40 Os the ertk aft ofelarootlowitreetP 1 Ma4 1• MIA ILA • it/LI'PLIPT0/91.414 41 - Abentll stele*. - • The 445velletie *ca.* des of.hpritasst ibove isle fir* Ave ;1;7 Taesdaitlet 9th:der XL. zee t-4 •••••