Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-02, Page 4".71 4' TC L_ rl ,Y, " W C. T11EJ SETAIII-WEEKLY SIGNAIJO - - - ------- Burro- I GODER1011 "IFAMig ii�i1jr4,J1 MIRE po �­jl� �Xap W, U; i_�V In'Her J 0 r --sr -V I C our Tni iuz V - -1 -a I � M I gate the it AND .-IEIb' OFIVAT111TION IXI 11EMAY 77 U -BOTWEEN JN ted Counties of Huron 1p-timp JUVFMLE BOOKS, -B PATRICK RENNEDr IlYNDSIAN A BY'LAW andBruce FAMCY GOODS PUBLIC Nof ice is hereby given thst at or E SUBSCIIIIIIER BEGS TO INPUR]ir; - oon after the expiration of 1wetity days TR the inhabilaits of the Counties cfHuro;; ITESPY cowrl"REIVNIIN101 A\D 0 y of-' Loan the swm of To raise by wa and Bruce that he i3 still Manilfhpluring, and hal Twenty Thou'and Dollars for t from the,date hereofapplicaftonvill he made. on hand a au;hberot his TO - T11'17 11 ON,') RA 1? 4. IL, - TH E irrl) rr E8 s to this bourt to appoint, Jane Simpson, late In Large. Assortments! !)P TUE CU URI'COF C11.4.N CE R Y.. ff Cra rposes therefn 2n-entioned. Jane Gemmill, of' the Town -ship of Tucker - JAI Suitable tor i1oliday. Gilts for hoth old an.�l Pu SUPERIOR FANNING M K HAS OF THED A"AINI smith, in the County of Huron aforesaid. tkk� & PUMPITV4 Yl!" -)l tilt! you"g, just received orit'* Kentleliv I I tit, of till- � 4 I-ITHEREAS the Corporatian of the United guardian o0fary Gemmill, aged ten years; ot E'xeter It tile Vowi,v ol'll- ron and Pr-,rnwe He *otild parf icularly dravr �aitfflltwn to hi# it, A Coutitie%of-Buron and BrucjQ b4 'rues Gemmill, aged eir)jt years; Jane r , X I Cana 1A, P;ovinvial Land ' Suvvvvur, sheweth s re- A Wlis.ashewill warrant thein to Irre, Wi�at- r,�� '4016d to Gr,L.le,_ 6 ravel uyid improve certain G -kle, dhespt, &e- - -PuJiPi WS44o -old AT THE CLINTON BOOK STORE s tollo A ; *, I emmill. a!z ed six- years, and James Gemmill, onts. eoc GE0. LAYCOCK. T H E %1z.3` -U B 0 R 131 F. R (Ionds and ffig� s, with tile net essary alz�ed flour ypars, infant children of The said and arranied. 1. 1 Ivm V 1! X-11,%lian. I tit: (if Llinflers'on, in The : ToWnAop' *)­rae, lit Ille vouniv of Hit-_ Ps for the same, within the said touifti :lane Simpson and her late husband Gemmill, FactarywL Nelson,#, letweeMr*Pria,iiee z CLINTON, 19th December, 1,qG 1. .%)1' Col. l3rid . . . I il rZa !ou, ani Pro% itive WQS at, file little W ,G,�4 to -n-hi^ -public -genera and Camb ' Road. r j n fort s old friends and the lly that 'he gas of ft7uron. deceased. it s ti.-ath ow owner ut' the fee.sinvile of' Lots ments are AN I) -AIMPSON LAYCOCXIS B RE -OPENED in, WHEMEAS ihp sid improve Nnniburlourand fire, 1,,iL.e Road Ea -t, tit the JANE ALso, agent -for thesale of lilorginli prenni6not - in the county of fluron entirely y-itWin tWe C-ourit bf Huron,,Aud -.the. by berattrney J. B. Grordon, one &e. anil patent i ITLTI V-Allio.ft - whji*j2ba0 never ye I t expe the 8; use of mali, n ime is to lie defrayed fairl4d"to giv ilDated -at G.oderieb. fais 14th day -of A -1 edefte�al-taticiaetibnlotfarm.e;s, - er I vv, trut tit N.auland 'f Bruce t . lie oa em. Fa-rmU6 M, '119h, by the- said - County rrespective- -of tile PT1 wC.St oiorin trect, in the to&ii�o( Uoderich, 0 e County L Ct3- Price 15 ci�ntaper dozen. wheri.,t- known zt� rimilina .111intler 1:,m litin- paid by the said- Counly of Hur6n,;and the i - - BLOC kit till lltl�ulllei r I ItFee oft tic town plot of G tidt-i i 11 ,_rARSONS3 -1 be ruised -Aittl if Henry 11vildillan waS likewist: It; at ]let inaller mentioned wi ... ..... solely ullun 't�e rateablepropert witliffi-the- y AT 9. CLIP Tun tilt- deach t cil.itably entitled ft, me fect 're. re-' eWtything' said CQErtit (;f Il aron A.nD nA xt door.to Mr. BUTLERS.30OK-STORE, ivhe WHLREAS 10 3Book Store d i 0 �md C'.1eve-a in tile We_ -,ern carry into cffedt. -t1w'Bal, -evited objectil TOT 1. -did Corporation to ry fo.i 1 e s �f -nae tor.Fartuers litere ill bit iecessit The most, Vse III Alm. e �Jw - . raise tile MIM of Twenty Thc usnd Doildes, is published. t c6utaiti*a space for -nii-mbr ron oy ub ill, I- litil da tit lit: r i it W1 ketilt-s a:nd piher�a dus, alt the lit, t Eve AND T11 t ltin the manner here after le ppan audains for every d*a'y in the yqa.-,. idc.i, in goodorking first duh.- Ruct resp c-, W'ilE,-;.EA"s. itiq�expi-dient. to.deb e er, ii V T10 Much valdable inrornit.ition, such as wn. of Ai. e arnounts ta.be expendt d oil eaeb Line- of &c., will be sold ch e-ap for Ot�S rt or - iw- excbange� for D a i ry Prod Mce. Rbad irte . lided to' . e improved bef itne-g1v t tit -it i, lit ill- roilowing, itiat b tor sale on teaisonablelerins. Ti i -' I - pos, O.ffl; -R. ulations jW, 1, Henry t1vt ijuan, (yt* dti T. 1 it ititends -to devow his atteiffl n. pr neipall' 4o the -re _tifyi.ng of, - expended as set ouvin flia Sc-liedule�, at. the,- -Ilt�ron. I -or- most ot the -Itaso lit lite( oui;iv of A - Tequi pure Af re - SA -A1,111 Du- TIES, end of'this Bj--La�y and forining yart of- the. Alma it-. la i vill. an.4 te. anient. I clo I A M Bame. -%vill- require the. sum f 0 0 0- IRE A AO Three Thousand: Two Hundred Dollars to'. tid it- reby direct thai ill the I With tqrtls suitAble for c�qnezal work AD v ir ri r t I be ialsed Atillually-by )ecial fate f�l the plCasli—balance oWtime. I . AN WEIFREAS it Wy 1Wp lliv dear k liaeliet Ehz,it vita Atlgu'�la t�HSTS. OF. _BAAJ�S. . I "" I a:1 111V debt.-; -wid lit flie.next lfl:we payment of the.s--ii(I'Lo-an -or Debt ind inter- a prcipmfift will. be old separatcflyjt'ad� �,:,t, - 0 e Judic.lary &P rl'amentary Lists S 0 Ecery armer Aare tine. A -i file for ill X* r est *,is arso bureii.uffin otentiouedl, at two ihirds oftheir value.,, A goo& v#p1-,, t equal lo tt.e life Tlier6hy enab.ling'him o se.11 ,it -S -amount fthe whole' (Y-bouse attached to h AND WliEREA 11,16 in _11-ky We K. Ill, C er 6. E, C rateabie property :of the said 5lunivipality "Ply to IWON a1*111. In 1 - .1-1 Ite llft�r tit of tilt- 61 -til of Ott, 113di December, I ifie irres vitse Ili tie son iy future inci ILI: IQ I S MY derive'd from the emporary investateno of-th sinking ul r an!, Lay tit Coi: kit nek W; fill; L renotitwiliz. lit. of ower. I ted've xr--�tvr I -itioned o I t -v tstracal tre t-, llyndnian, samej. and irres ectiveofally ir4onid-jo be I Goluity of A vr, i of Lar;zo a -it FIT ��cot;alld, pe6tive of �al Y 'Tu id liereinufter met ti, lery 11 COS * 1, .1 ND LA .,s I. fit .111' Aisqssment Rolls - heintr fo r Ili tfell. fit I e yepck one -as 'Vitt-t'le alla tat 1! i'-; (it 111d'- 1, it 1 eight -biludl.el, HE fbffo*m�,, Imnds'are.bIrbiva &yaaW ejf,- AT 8 PER CENT! Allousail I and sixty our A lie on the Little of 'Dealers therein will -do Akeli o giv� bin a call;. U, ight millions'14 -drEdand Eighty eight er a fl- - o but viliethi*r ivat or t 19illetv thousand Six hundred'and ars a jln� Vst and -Up L1_ - lt -11 P11% call 'and &ettle, -AIND WIIJ�UYAS -for ayi �;Ihi! intei -d "0 hiM Thdo.e Indebt L g anequid annual -NE �LJLL J. F.. GORDA tious & i - . -creatin'. in, Fund. for at once, otherWize. costs rn.ust be in'' t -d' outred p. but7t, itiller ttte� 6L. tit Tim ar t iyrne-, the said of Twen Thousand 1.) lfli� clear i D if my e14, ,t I ry I t,,;; twife* til(�, PoAlver tit 'D TT it if I require,an equal an u*41 Sp ate -a AL J. ecidl oftliur-t�nf6& of. a mill ill the IYollar in aid� "D TnE SAT_4LkCS IN of hieft has lite it e t enE i. Lid rc_-�,L ve 0NE T MARKET sQUAR-Ci Go'ddri'k-.7th March 1865�--- mzw I,' any writ. g . ituder7 lit%- il.�:lld, it) I- SW53 ditilim to ll 6ther xates aut1 taxes to belevied 0 L E F2 D y C I I I ­Nlite Equil KTL . kl;� . &Ilk i 2-3,17c to lt,�Iaawi.L t�r! in 6aeb year. lite Be it therefore enacted. I;y tile Corpdration Wifil Interes as ft W ­ ti -till little to talle n, of -tile -Unit d C - des f Huron and'l�rutee oun itile tit' J 1111c; I. l'ilat it $111.111 be lawful for L tor.tho time 1) igg of the said A. TV W _N SjLP Ruz.*' mentiont any person or peisons,'.hdy �rb6di,,s w)4)0- 'a All aise - way 7 in Ut coo., DO atfe% _y GLE Soot 8 iii Ist c6n., 0 acm 0iie fluiidred.;,Do"-1ra aud u ',rd 6 b -..f Lowi, from orporation t Cib, UIAUT -ilfilig aavat -tit- South 11 in 4)d n.0 In iir'� o may be %v to lice � ralewli -Sobtb A 2.1 in 8,d-cun 1.00 gertsf, 'I he credit7ofjh6 D-elientares- hereit'lafter SALE upon I a 1? fit), exceZ-dfn- VoRl Min 4h �on 1W y -EW B L rt:ittiriv Yutir i�t:utioner- "IT"'SUBSCRIBERS w�cjuld-beg­ to c new prem xnentioni6d, suin of mnn' in, aC RAB B A N 1, ttr A- I qll�_ ilAorm, his 11stbiners and the �public tbat In 100 I 'it �thev_ le� ill' sum OfTwetity-Thousand Doi- Goderich, Sept. Still, ISC4. is,-s'ou East st-met, id into h tit Wrsu- �e in -Avr- e the stime to b A 23 in 4h con., w33 if JOHN -FAI &.0,01111 11rs, and to calls L ;on thep t pit A I lit- S. ille 4a 14- hr ilie Treasurer of United _U AR Ft r. Ly U I -with To Tirws H I I,,, io F -.0hinties #40 sid, fuvthepurf�uses uric RE SELLING OFF F 10 TH NOIL'ICEO -e,, P' -t �kiza! --ut th A Stock�of. Lets and 4 in 15-1th con., 10 1 mull. tit the �.litne pat - w vr, 1, e objet-abuverevItO. ll'ill be opened on the n e. firqt of* Ja e for trtis.1 -Z t ll kv _-Wbria all Groper 001 Cloth Di qsit, V a9d 1.1- That itshall ie lawful'for tile saiii Dr ally flum )etiflureq in 66tinection -Vith- his y Goods, LL, Vipse inebtedto Wut� E_ G RAC Warden tit cuttw A -e aftl Ca aNter, 0 �Li wise Lti-'- littY.Or to ade fill- such ra ag may be - note or bo6L w rk-.i 26.in I sl c*on. 100 acres ills. (14 Entin iJAis.31 -and 2 in 6 can;,J66 a:br .-,s eat-It,-atid thal Ifie S-Ald Dob-clitures sbtil ERMLY OW PRI -020 i � I I . ''I - .�J, . �4 0 hle, sit ed.wii It tile seal . or the said Corpra. 99 aeres., Ar an I St T do t u,0'e undre.'P an GALL''AND- ths, Bl' liets� y ce Willikin Ityi.titnan, d it. ise N atA sig led by die suia Wairde I n., tion, T maL room for alterations in heii prem- Lot '32 in -8 con-, 100 aeiesy ir tb ise aradde �cp.f gr 13n Se 84-, re Wing ia Ait,,trail.0 orNi-w wiia vre, III, Tbt 66 said Debeniuies sliall e� befoi Li OtQ nd $4, in; ID C011it; NO iLc Office. o.n.LLrhth0.0 �Will he kept Oil haad to exchan ze for wool. 1. 11a be i e d atither Next to 12- A.-&&eur flylithila n, now dect ilsed. in Fk e. jll Aell-yea, ' rst furilles froill Goderich,2- er -mentioned for _4th JAn, SW67 frow 91111P �op _TU s -By --;ai-; litury ow A 9 MITO MAD 7.. Law to -take elrea eithel. in London in, Eng 4. Tile-. -aul late Retiry n It -it him stir:. �^A Y rivine yonr tietitioner and Elie N. 43 in I toll., .50 acres. kior Sale tier Carellln., ; �i to, 1;is est;ihl Wt nient, be. will be pre pait&l b- P "Ceirute frrPer'S -work. f o Any re.isonable extent --a rich, l6n.skior e t uv flat thefai�to,�v themselv's4li'l)e P;miintly' a-tendedi to -11 h -ave ffvn&iary, Elizubeth. Ilyndman, A ed -ill the smid Debenture and s:j Ap q a t Ir X.0 e L; -sa ll�ndinjn, AuL attached to thi- C is, for thepayn.e.it rriet.. -iidin- paid t oulio artoPh 0 u6r,' ALT T If% lit]' distan" .1 200,. BARRELS' S s, [fortnerly Atizu�ta Ric �li as farmerly, and. llirticulak alLentiou will be b those from a cc wiqhi their AT 'AIAS'G ITHOo �Tj Z - y That tb& said Dtbentt*iis*an-d Con 42& r ti�', 6- d i t n- C�, IV I ILth . Fivildnian, wl.o pons'slitill be'Made ouiiii vitliiir Sterlivir ha'-'aclahn for dower out ill ifte -s�ifl Wild* ----------- D PER Hit oll^y,- or. Provineial vtirr�nev -of thiza Pro - n, ra in the husiness,.the Vslitable Ffi*a 'Of- I -And I I (I who ii. - intended "-to � in,- and is B.--url ile pMrona10_o( tormer. Yea abovit A Q U -A NNTI-tY 6F- Milli- a-partk t6 thm petition. and 11obert, 11! iir er bi�p( in 't-eLi' vwce, at th -option of The said W-er'dell so rib -s by if -i,t tLte ttiri 0 h _111—sal rino no eponse m fig the. ants a tuit of a'd DeLenturips -d u, 4% who have slace Hyp in -an. and Arthur tlyticli -ustotncrs'to'SiMrep,(+,e L share of thr- same.. .,that the whole ' mo )f Ills 2 001 not exceed.. e C::�?-Itumeaiiber fhe place— East Stre,,t, secoad duor-from C111IMS BLOCK. th' before,113entiont-d. sum, thurdied and' of Tiventy Thousand Dotlws, atid they shall 03T favdrable t lie aildve tiant I R 0 N, 1 - ed nry t ower Hyii& OGAJNT.. bear at itTid alter the rate '01 a wid t(I lite (.' olllpilltr oa li_-ijalr uf THOMAS L Ix per' lowiri& pronorin -viz Xprty per annun I interest- shall bt- -lie 12th cou. Ao pr Nell. eri dodericli, A 'il 10 number 30, on I [Assorted, at hill sell and the hetretw- at- 1S64 o i;ou Into,- i�' a -PER 100- POMorDS! 'La o i tlie.z�ard late Ifeary yndin ayable oil the first day of Ja' ana -first' -Jess, - upoa, of the purchze nioney or the maid ]ills nupilieri SaV of J ti ly-4 in each 'a i i d,"a"v e ry y�ar imeres, -more ior W.V. E GIIACE�. nioe.lell lit i6 th�'colithivanue of tile a -did Debenitires-ut tw . LA 14110eu imres. cl W�,Iern (ft- I, i� said of Col- eared. This Japid Go4eri th Deben_tilreft Made b -with* kh, December 22nd, 1864.' sw,32-tf. borne, wtiereupon the,,mid tkeCa,rnia lucitntiany tile place where. o., favorable situation,_ eing vi'9ve hiileir6f' 'the owfi Ilenry-Gow-perityr!tlinan and We.qaid,ollier co- perty IJI. fu -Xialift, 0 IQ ..V. - Th4 for the purpose of formin .0 ptkv zsatd land to the.,aid �kb 1p. of Clitatin. AU6­4 !%%Ufb pro e of �00 fl;h SHERIFF"S SALE OF LAIVD& e. etttedt of Elie. be nd tl�vy or tile paymet -gZod U, of the srdid t lind, farm houmN jibAP,,-4Ud 0 _-N FOU L e. Sinlctn�,, ittund are entitled loatt the virtue or a writ OIL -S" This United Counties of) Y' until!!, in colunion each i eill;,tilititled to an equal NbLeniures and'tlib interest at the rate are vo64be' "A 0� , _ ia CLZ# �idttibeciiwqi e"iltekeon.'aneclul'special 4� d oHuron and Brime. _U Fiert 6ut rot 01:11. thert, 11 ) ion v& To, wit: ot fler NLfRje.;tV_'8 Coulltv, P 6. Tht�. said. venry o - wl,er Hyndlnjin L 13 fi r;ite of'-fo6rtenThs f a mill in tile Di5ilerl. Maker as there is Wbbe in -the -vicinity. C6urr ofthe lJoitedreounties of Hurtin anti grut-l' 4c-reditor of the Et I ate of tilt: ,mid itlate flenry h -ill in a4ddition t' - al l'otlier raies and ta);ell, Letatheit or storo �-goodi" �xnd to, rde directed agaiu;t the land* atid tene- HvnJti the aniouut st)',p.`11d i)e rais-d, levied aud co.1lected in- eat -h year will be taen for -either of tthe imboye -by ments 6f WilliamFlarr *oil at the AlcxJ lit' 11" as 1%lbre:,aid to -the said the Lanada Volu- ander Wright, I hve� wized and -i'll p solely tiptin all the rtealife propf-rty witilin places. execution, all the rLght, title iiall interest of tht� 1.� Bv-deM poll b -zring date t' *.,It" fir.,41 the liaid.0111lity of Hdroil,._.dultn tile tontinu 5TAXP)r1- saiddefendailL ill itud to Iot nutifWr nine. ill the of-eeptentb6r one th-iti,ind eig lit' hundred Ance ofsaid debeiatines otany -Of -them. *12 fourtee.uth coneek-.4iof ol'the i*owsiship of Gar fiv ti -e, H -16y, vr.� That this -13y La fTect riek-, iii the (;0U!lEy or Bruce; %v htt-h la.A.-. -avid -and Earriet Williani-.7, tile WiNanis Augu-ta 11 -unie .[)to -be Ninev.-enth teptements- I Phalt offer tur at niv - -e in lia-roct. Willims ion uport I the j:otirt HouN-e ja the toWft of C cif Julle it I ar of Our Lind One *Tuesday the Etevei"th da Q 61y, nexf, at- -T le ThQusitid Ei -lit Hurldred'a-3d.8imy.-Five. al' tif the afi)reNaid- M dits ivas �hargecl witli ihe ia pavalcut of the -suln of ix Ittirafred aud,�;tl i(enty dollars ad,[ interest to !Sainuel - Strt-ei Fu'lur,,ot Ah .1, T _'n TALD 'Strdtrord. iNthe E; lite It!wn of ouRty of Perth who, Is in (-:)n_%rqteme, thereof intde a party to thiLi rl ilate of thi r e 4LDf S Vit Ing t� e -R_ U N 0 1 M -A N--&- 0 0 WDSL 3P of B fi.Pollock, Deputy-blittrIM. To h" ra,��nuosb Car 8 There are -no othe debt,' or ftsRets i;f The -UL E *t yf delit -RJJ RJ�J) T 0 i N T HE .0 -4,iii1lare.tietiry nor are -theina tr, F FO r, by book vemunt or eiblefulfet r4re I.,st A p s6& St Ilerib�f libltified not to ptyiha Bame.9 ulverS �0 ny Manufact f i Md. �-Flourin 1019 S wheretilit Y-lulr pt -tit ioner andltllf_w sid ther Ilite 'th#(vintoi Eli, SEMIFF19 SALE OF tMmli S Henry Hyndinatiedii 1) stip,ioried ,ave out of -tile lite . ,ato a Seveo'-ThousandOArars to'be 4!i�pended vrat.c n he siid reillises.areto A Ernited-C of Y virtut- Ora wr t of t greavextea, un- Cireulw, . and. Sa.-AWS on -the Colb d - shfielillbad, c'!m- "I'MuccotMieri Faeia& issued --it P,roduetive tit theii pre,ent siatt, and if- Allen' offleel T Huron. and, L ot Melteitiv at A. -s Tavern, going North- L:c r% b. 1$66. -ril 'I ward' 0 urt of ille ITaited (*ounves of !lit -ii na 16- It wilt lj� ft) a r ro r It parties ill:- 7 jt� d. fie and -it it tlie'llail Road. Bru awJ tot ule directed agniinst t' -tere-ted atia - nece-mry iorthe Four Thous ipliort and Itafilsoni W. Adanv— eo-lwirs and co-Ilt -To Witz -of ffi�r Gallntv� lie volivelliently or alvaittatzet)(i.stx.'I)artitioLned. f�61. irr ( r, r CID tenements of Robert GreeLr, at tilt, �ui i1interanceol yoirrpetitioneraiid thetaid other -Stephen, betepn J.,ols Tell a'ad Eleven Robert LeeA -alld larne� (if Ih.-.;aid Shiflffa Sale bfU C�otfimericrnr at. the Londoti Road. Ferlan-4; I have seized and taken in 141yid4utin th ']Ili Airetili.-es _�himld be' all tile, eight, title and tntew-�t o6he said def "llelly t 0116L aud Dollars 'on the Extensio U _,f do fies.of 7 *n t or tit, P.) led -Thous, entitifif d e proveed." divided bet ween -a lid a' I n 'rav oa 1xiii Va e i" of tile. Hay G ULei aran and -he ('ountv ;f _'T wit f "OL t4 towt;Aio of.' HawtJ-k, ia I .1u. petillaller t %VhivAl laudz�ancl teuenlews 6frer tile ,rtid premi.4es may liecild and :the pro-' Threo Tho S'XL Hundred Dolia'ra oil rP11R, 15USSCRIDER wishes. -16 Tiqtvri�tiiiiakx ID. .00r. Mitje�tyw, ounty tappliedfurthe ut�nefit v pxrties -af l3o4d, ui, Days' It ourl o I i t 41 11, 11nion indto tot number live, in tku* eigh1h, -for the betiefit.ofall I-wrtie.4 entitled theret. el It ` a . - - , t :1 - - ii�iihliqjrorpast fa sredbivc, f6r, itditi-at niv;ofllee 4 thii ic�d`ir (Jouse ]a -thill recas paid to -tilt :S( Qrth, )4C 0 er- - and ft! irte igainw; I ha nds. and 1votild IDe -)ya *W)*ae_ iuterestrill thercill. to hittifillte that be'adf Tikviirn, oin- Noi;th'io BeIrfore.- me"N 6f XV*bJ7II Bi orge t&gar, at owing towit of Goile riell, --on Tuesday, the Elev 11 And that vour petiti(iner Tilay be paid his share or and Re-0�-iagMi6hiiiesi Wbod U11130 -if to Twelyti of" the thel-romil fstich, I it I yer uk cuis t4rroUMI. nexts %I the hour.of e .4 wo Thotasand Vviir Hundred Dollars oil suit (31 Vad ta-At he cost, of ue-h !tale itud. Of these pro- C Ahe,hn6,betweerrthe 143ir ht tj e orthe-said Proceeds. ---- �eiiiiolls -of aj 'ick, !60 ein at Day*s 0(1 - a iL4 i ute rest olthe sa id de'40h, 4 91.9 p;f solicih-r aad ill eut may be paid out 30 - I _ht�h atid -C E A P Est ' , eized and takent 4"UXJ r 4�v , N.' ­ V'F- -in a MJE'%7 X TLX R "a w -T a% betwiteu 4�- T6; W filt J,will sell you: a,tvit'gg-on cobijilete, fbi $6. in -ay be partitimie -Tavern. it- brass:Castings mitile s h in a neat and �,uhs fl4 ­ 'I 16,X-] B ".Por.tocir, Deputy Sherillt. ek mit is' work done !"St4tithil aff othei-,thin Nun, bm J18, In [be -U7 -an&- u itbrou;&h Lots Tiventy-Three :1Wht16AWe4W I6--glive.-Sat 'M ill Bidet, and also Ill 40!_ A -at llst'April, 1865.. renaired clit ah6iit libuee. 5 Afictforahepurpw -safane.:aid thai all proper dir- rfion. All rk office4: e i its inay ta'ket Castings df u�ny description made to"order. .-Aiso',--all, kinds of machip.617, Two Th'6'sanc1D61lhfW on the -Clinfan a -,d b eriff Toderich, Anif thii1your Pelitictiter my have%tichfrtherand win, 1*rcel or tract of liti WIG AI esto�k of' th o -hair lit thii pienusesserm meet. ifnd.-T-Ayeiny Fou Jo t e� o lees L-71 At -will ever play, h C n sion 1�4;e 1 L- All kinds of FiLrming OX 8T,, Ninth, and.theirce , . � 1, .-. . W owa KE -Vkeefi:-the�,& ]ill -and 'priti wft to order. on Ili#, Bout S SHMLFF'S SALP, OF JAIMS. EDWA7ELDBU PARLOUR 'AND 1B '00MVG WL :111on,; said Line - to,. the -:Side L*ne- beltween XQP9zR9Q?T- 4111nubeiWeen -the Pfpe--l3,),%es. r paterris " - - Sugar Kefflos, - of1heal>oyeare L,jts_.T-0cnfy: -n'lfd-..Twen-t#Ohe 'add,tbeace G004cho4n-' - ------ MISNIC911Y, ill re FIVII!11-fail. nZon and A-s,�ii traited G -of a writ of PETITION. of th,: most n'riproved we solikir All line -of Lot 119 toie exten(led t( Ate Puntle5F0Q`DT virtue Prl, m said Side Liiie� io 1h413oui)dark,Liiie ot lid Bt Jj Fieri Fbenra re-itt ie Take undee that tis Petition wi I he pr�sejitvd 4o the ]and, with any wstvr :Priyllegft -W eTsiewilere, as. we -are ofiring the uveatthe�lowe.31, mutierative.-prices for e.jQ oil tit -re h Ut' IsoW out -of 11�r Maje-,Ik's e 20th (lay of nektray ^,r orap, tile. Co.UIIty.j)frRrUC6 WIL p1r_ t. e S�l utity f the clock ill the f� A. -Co at toll 0 orivMlilonVrhe -14Y4 Vd 4S AS irent)"'171.7 Y pro:ved -Credit. Old metal, Coppq�t' antIall. kinds of vroddlie tt% evi itreaCbh4i y of Briii lid of Itufou.- C-1y4e Wxvet, all in the- VJW)J I F"hty Cod# f tj (;btntt aity- ine 0, -1 uron . 1 -1 & wit; _yLff I dlfe�tti4 ardinst, Elie �d ten' euients ot Goderip.1j. October. 1.899 W:tg Lanus and 'Tueniejil, I shfin offid, it, W11riamsen W-41ter at -tile sint of Wifflikin. Munin, Datealeth Febru y.i865. Soli r4furi`e'tifftiner. 0.ulffi-, C6nvdyafi,2er me 1) 1 a in the tenth So JOEN MK10MN% L roline IT vita- ouiga lipittaialt. A' at tak an man fabt-lla Ilyntlr4an. Elizabeth Alary Hyndiiiati. at thq tour ul 1 9 16 e lit ' dto I o: flettry Cowsur i4mcittian. J11ilria 0 Wit Ot L=d Tti*iIii6t 19' florftL -Rol& p of Ttickerstuith, "I ERWS Z-)Fru0E:wih b- ope 1113:zboye is -a true -copy.. of 'a proposed By-, uSlbL A SberiPs Ofilce� Goden6j.' 161-14uron,-whii-ti [kinds 4nd tenei Harriet d5notalia'alid i�t ail whers OUN onj: -*6M'rEi' d"TOL an Wpek lie C iuverV Wedue-day, and -11)r, P-lplivatq w1vuh (!ail ly Law: to lie, tiken'. into consideration bv 6 inadd to the i��tiififtW& af-Irtodetate4bargelt, an&w.fatrap$ 2rid March, 1865. I (:.P-.I,l y at* 66 United Cc -s . - �. 11, 1 -in the� lr6vra ofdoelerieft. oil Ti each friet-tintr of th ! 001111-11fe" Collneft All emn n,,Ii 15, 0 1 0 lit I n aa- i cuid it; ALI lettei .,Gp,bu t sda, tue ix", r the �,ajurlog day: of1itine, jIla;ai id. tilt: hour o! tielve of the f6Coa�iltivsl Ule�rk- to be dit'410 rroill o Lli&�Brut:O*,,it;ilieCotiritico.urtRoAm� ogsa ci`ll,,w a a Bayfield Post n a mu#t be. in the. Tow (j Qot tc r y _d .9P4X 4ACDONA1,I) 1110n,ey, 0 hillid will ADAM8021' PETER - W,111Y GRIT tai, one ant fail -af B. Cottat.taj rich. Dec31 '1190. J . wAGON I GARAU tledd -td ti l -to -ji day of­ shefiff Is Office, Gwedqlkll ;Dill W5 .1866 at the imur-of three 6' lie tooldpoomshe 4.ppWs�, A. B:AJTiFK ESTATE fOR'SAIE- -d- aftdrilooif. At whieb tim -at intgricitno, nes, V'ilL It &by: raitland. oplin F bers- of the CuVn re AG 1-1 potice. 1#.,creA4.&n One JR tOOO NALF1 OF LANDS ultingthe fitink ofthe ffirew-A R A,tww foe; epiiio ro f"'s P. 0.,.,UIIti1AWf?qr r'E' - n fr�liedbountjek rtue Vrm of titrJeriahjaudIrie filderich SON, iService, V0111111201t 184,%,sud,la rim direuted4tgOust the I 1�1 'Wmr4ous B DrX rug 4AL Huron anti M v1 'ofev taciattilLal: �%V Fiert Facias issued out F Apply bf- tier Alitlegy's, Court T6 4Wit: Of -'Or e S -tioicitor. Goderfelt il. Cotal io el-thd of U,k 6 d; 10 Q T thet, Lthi-kdwi R a i JoiningL dowtv, at the- nu- 'iR*k 11104 tetwWMA of -4,teplt QdLwrt. deka- �c - ­ 0 it- Of D4ne, 1511Lzallett, lmp,- 2tud e or ;J M A urposem It nj.�hd at)6Ve 3 riting for such -f ho i Johar.,46401 PlaultITS.1 hd0ez-ei76dul1d-I*ken tIF1 JE 2V r they C��L t moo -1 TA Claren . thin street, lee sio'nonneeto AIX and 041104lifAtladtia-ond to the n6rth D"ARTMiNTAL A � , _. arn public i' A "Ot S"Illamutunt iv the cou-Ity. OJ n 'All m 'd 4; UTI and �g a 9 Ap a.; and very c e-ap. e G n m aul well t rr Avilve in the Court-, ijouse. iq tile 'd is of,,the. best lou, -h Atir yieTUlt 11 afrer Went. I �Slia, A -aidtfard., It j,!v4iibe�sold-­ Tile! - olick lina,ttatene Brute.; he ba, P arliamon y _gent,. c: 10141 cheap (hpi-eashor clay, ipperdW She lociili _Orl 40 jK JtJiW _ _ _ hot% t� West §1reet, *d6tneg., , , , a RANSAC WJT�T THE Te ty at 4 fourth day of h ur v; t�r� habd and for --alti elleap, v,. e ty df the: bered. i1adi -k-n-6,WU, OW0012 'ALAN a y W, -POWE CG at De ill 0 Ze er- Croa Lands and .i1ther Goverame ip "'d 68 t e TTERS. 'nd,SLWC" long Ire cl �POADR M" IT. t I'AKE K ATIT H. 1i partillontov; Take,4; outPatents for" fmient' ;1 -C; twtysh rar premiops to -Coal Oil Limps, Old rou JOHN PASSNTORJ�, a -if Private BillsdutlIngthe. e Draft,,- nt.:tskeitchurgei ONNELL .4a's and M. It 4th, 1865- Qc- or Parties residing in per, Brass, F. W. THOMAS 27th. Msrc1t M. w9 Apt, W M& &e., &u: -449 -Goler�h.Fob 26.1864. !r4,"r5j�,tf -Quebec, 3.1ar v -2 -1