Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-02, Page 3the FEF.9
at noon.
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Rooth, Esq.,.
wn Clerk.
'Post officer
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heafeirosktic tat -
,uth 90 acres cif
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is 29th inst. After
de"positectia the
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24th Aprit,
_ sw68-2t.
rt num & Crmudito
POSTPONEMENT.—The sale of shares in
the Tecumseth has beenatill farther post-
poned until Saturday next, at noon.
rerWe would inviteattention to the adv. ot an
Ruction sale of the Furniture of our esteemed
townsman, T. Mackie Esq, who we regret to say
will shortly leave us.1
ser Read the adv. of Messrs. Fair &
CO. Their stock is large, skillfully selec-
ted and admirably adapted to the wants of
the public of Huron and Bruce. Great
bargains art promised.
REstovAL.-The Agency of the Bank of
Montreal has been removed to the building
hitherto occupied by the Bank - of U.
on West street. The rooms are spacious
and elegantly fitted up,: and the situation
via be mucii more convenient to the com-
menial community than the old stand.
W. Cox do their statute labor on the side
road between lots 20 and 21 on the 6th con.
Moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded by Mr.
Ford, That Henry Young, Joseph Young
and Geo. Stanley do their statute labor on
the side road between lots 30 and 31 on the
1 Ot h and 11 th concessions.
Moved by Mr. Patton'seconded by Mr.
Weston, That the Reeve deliver up the late
Treasurer's bond. --
' The account of M. C. Cameron, Esq., for
law advices and making out deeds for the
corporatien amounting to 821.
Moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded by Mr.
Patton, That 11-r. Cameron account be paid.
Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr:
Sheppard, That the Treasurer pay no money
order unless signed by the Reeve.
Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded by Mr.
Ferd, That a by-law- be framed for the pur-
pose of levying and raising the sum of two
bundreddollars to relieve the indigent of this
• township.
Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr.
Sheppard, Thai the Sum of twenty dollers be
paid Henry Youeg (for extra services) for
collecting Absentee Taxes for 1864.
Moved by Mr. Sheppard,-seconled by Mr.
Ford, That the sum of ten dollars be paid
on account orindi,:rence.
Board (or at least, have very recently retired)
whose spheres of usefulness have been most
scandalously circumscribed by this "family
compact " of nationality and sectarianism.
Fearing that I have trespassed upon your
space, I subscribe myself yours, awe
The house in Buffalo, occupied by ex -
President Filmore, vilts the only one upon
the block on which no emblems_ of mourn
ing were displayed ou the reception of the
news ot the President's assaisination. The
outraged people covered the front of the
building with ink.-
Merchant Tailor,
Large &Well -Assorted,
widow Leav-
Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded by Mr.
Weston That HenryYoung be Collector for -
the current year, and thatlhis salary be fifty
'WHEAT VERMIN.— On, clearing outj dellars for collecting school- and township
one of his wheat storehouses, (the `al t t
11re Council then adjonried to meet again
Gymnasium) a day or two ago, Mr. W- on the fast Monelay in May Unless previously
Xe- Savage discovered that some ingenious convened by order of the ye.
nscal had bored a large hole from be- Townshio-Clerke
neath the flooring, and by keeping a plug
itt it; he could draw off a few bags when-
ever the depletion of his exchequer or the
wants of his wife and sweet _Cherubs of
children rendered it necessary to take a
grist to mill. How long the operation has
- been going on is uncertain, probably all
- 4
TOW& Council Meeting.
Local Superintendents.. _
To the .Editor Of the Ella SIGNAL:
Permit me through the pellet:ins of your
valuable paper to . give publicity to a few
thought s which ba'. occurred to me. Haring
been a resident of thesecoutities for the last
even years, I have not been an inattentive
spectator to the progress df education, the
'manner in which it is ecinducted at the
Board, and the class of teachers turned 6 -it
at said Board �f Education: - It must be
admitted that there are unquestionably some
excellent teachers in _this ..ctiunty_ and there
are alifi
so as incciente on*. . iit it is not my
provinee t
to eulogise on - 1 ose- who merit
praise, neither is it my- intention to speak.
disparagingly pf thosewho. are not as ae
r. -
cotnplished as they might be, yet it .is a. fact_
patent to eery mind that there ie.!. great
disparity in the qualifications of the tedehersi
and yet they hold the same ft,rade of certificate
and, iedeed, IA manyinsiances the inferior
teacher has die higher grade. . What doei
this go to prove? evidentlyi that the Board
is neilectingto attend strictly to their ditty.
kis obvious that the difficulty tests with- the
member a of the Bolird anchhere are several which would natullly- lead to this
conclesion. As the-Educa opal Board is in
a ;treat measure -composed -of a certain class
of plereymen-of which the public are fully
itsquainted . without .f-urtlier delineatiou--_-
mighti they not have - sti predilection, tor
• favoring the teachers embracing the doct hies
tot -distinction . to
aith, or, perhaps,
t lead to a BMA ;
-Friday evening, April,."48, 1865.
TheTown council met- this evening.
His Worship the Mayor presiding. --
Present, Messrs. Gibbons, McKay. Clit
. ford, Runciman; Smith, Hays, Booth,
Horton, Longworth and Daney.
• Letter kora � Crabb stating that he
bad caused to be prepared the title deeds
of his property in accordance with the
terms of his agreement with the Connell)
and demanding a definite answer as to the
course intended to be pursued- by the
board, this being his last application pre-
vious to an appeal to the courti of law.
After a good deal of conversation, it was
resolve& on motion of 3Ir. Hays that Mr -
Crabb be infbimed that the Council did
not intend to take action iir the matter at
present. -
A. petition for improving the -drainage
of Walnut street was referted to R. ti B.
Mr. John HisIop was allowed $10.00
for repairing the lower end of Nelson
Several accounts forrelief furnished to
sundry indigent persoias were read and
-ordered to- be paid. .
Aletter from U. -Hutchinson, of Lon -
Jen, asking for n reduction of taxes on
I II non-resident lots, being read, it was
resolved, on motion of Mr. Hays, that the
nutter be referred to Court of Revision.
-rhere was a manifest willingness on the
part of councillors to, make a'reductiOn of
20 per cent on the aggregate amount of
taxes in question; but as the 1:weep-dent
thus established lead to -trouble, it
was deemed better to dispose of it as we
have stated. -
The boancil adjourned for two weeks.
ZE lin
And a variety ot r ancy Articles, suet ae
Shirts,Colltrs, Neckties,Caps,
-- &e.
Which he in prepered to sell Cheap for
Cash. '
Got:erich. April 12.1865.
Piton A etS. PER ROLL
. -
At the- 'Signal' Office.
f- -17:41:7A
The Staunch Propeller
TILL make weeely trips between Goderich
and Chicago during the season on naviga-
tion in connection with the -
-Whido* :8b.ade. 11.
The municipal council. of dodench town- . .
the ,Consolidated Common School Act that
ship, met at HoImeiville, on Monctiy, the
it was never intended that they should fill
24th of April, 1865. Preseut the Reeve and
of their own church in co
those professing a different
a feeling of nationality" niig
lar result ; this -may be considered a narrow
view of the case, but -I think the experience of
throughout the
atement "and this
a number of the teacher
county will endorse this $
is turther strengthened iI he fact flan the
-teachers who are most. successful at the
Beetd (not in the school room) are invari -
ablydevotees to this faith;1 Now, Mr._ Edi
tor, I do net wish you to, consider me an
'enemy to thii or any othel class of niinisters;
far from it, yet 1 meat say with with ell seri
ouinessohey- are .out of heir element, they
are bartering their 'high - ecclesiastical pro--
ieseioafor a- few _paltry. I oilers; I do not
wish to prohibit thememir could I if I. did,
-on the contrary I am• anx ons to have them
Visit the schools and- to have them visit more
frequently than eliey.poe.sibly could officially,
and give such., instruction to the children . as
is generally given by ministers, but not as
local. superintendents. Indeed, I think it
would, not require mach logic to -prove from
' Yon wArr - • '
At •
13 TT JB
Toy Books, Prayer Book.,fall- kinds,
hurch Services-, Hymn Rooks_
Ladies' ompanions;
Grand Trunk R. R.
Steamer Huron
For Saginaw.
Fur freight or passage apply
(koderich A pnl. 25, Ineti.
G-rapo Vine- s for Sale
rpfiE undersigned will have iin hand. for sale, about
olithettilTiloinwidindi;voarrAiergeits lir" st°4-?f "Pe Tilles
10NA, the earliest -and best grape known.
Also, a large stock of very- fine Plum Trees. (20 different=
Varieties.) Standard and Dwarf Apples. Dwarf Pears -Se!
Siberian Crabs, (5 varieties.) ••
Parties dei mg.any of the nbove-would. dp well to
forward their orders at once, pr end upon the undersign -
et his residence,. East Street. Goilerich.
-DART] ES desirous of obtaining First (Mess
J.- Cedar for F and Be itch ng purposes can
be supplied in any quantity, and on reasonable
terms, by apiiiying I o
. - J. W: ELI.4IQTT.
Goderich .Feb. Oth-.1864.. • w2
TN CONSEQUENCE entre death ofMr,M.M
WEATHERALD. ikle bUSitICSN heretofore carried
on iinder th- name and style of -
the office of superintendent at all, otherwise
all the councillors. After revision of assess- .
it would not have constituted them 8;11°61
-visitors. But, perhaps, some maybe anxious
to know- why they should be excluded--; I will
give two -or three reasons. In the first place
their duty as ministers disqualify them to fill
the office, because -if they, attend strictly to
ment roll and hearia; appeals, the council
!nest weatinto township matters. '
It was moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded
e by Mr. Ford, That the sum of , fifteen dollars
be given James Evans for the purpose of
getting medical -assistance as. he is in danger
of toeing his eye sight, anu the reeve sign an
- order for the same.
Moved leyMr. Shepherd-, • sticondedbf Mr.
Ford, That A. Bay, 'Esq.,' be instructed to
survey the side ro ny.between lots 40 and 41,
-- On the 7tit and 8th coo, to the .9th: aid 10th
The accoant of Robert Sterling for assistang
in running (or surreying). side rctetcl between
Iots35and 36, on the 81k and 9tIt cone certi.
ffedby Mr. Bay, amounting to four dollars.
Moved by Mr.. Ford„ seconded by Mr.
Sheppard, That Robert Sterliug be paid the
...aunt of fofir dollars.
Moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded by Mr.
'Ford, fiat the prerniisory notes of James
Lomas and William Elliott (for the purchase
-*film deviation_ roadallowance on the 4th
.eon.r) be handed aver to the township treat
*Ter foreollection. when- due, amounting . to
$15915 cents. "
3foved by Mr. Ford,' seconded by Mr.
Sheppard, That - Roberti Acheson be paid
itrty dollars, part of his salary as asseuar for
.the current year.
'The account of Emboli lc Lulie, of
Cliatoa for repairing a scraper
• fink' dollars. • -
Moved by Mr. Ford, 'Seconded' by Mr.
rattail, -That the . account *alba -&
„Leslie be paid...
'Korea by Mt-. tar& seconded by Mr-
.1illiepperd„ That pigeon cupboard the
,property of/he-corporation be given to John
..kelisecons.tiiwnahip treasueer;for, his use and
The account of Wm. Masa for putting in
culrert on the 7th -Ion. certified by Mr.
Patton, amOunting: to five- doilies.
Moved that the account of Mr. /tcRea be
paid. - -
Moved by Ur. Feld, seconded by ,Mr.
Weston, That the Clerk purchase two -mini.
cipal =mugs for the WO oreounal.:
.Miaved by Idr. Shepparct seconded byMr.
retton, TitatIleartSteep, Charles. Mid-
dleton perform their statute labor in the side
read between lots forty mid fortyone On thee
Mk Co& •4 - ,
Moved by Mr. Sheppard: seconded by Mr.
Ford, That Otos. Cos, David- ecx, and .,.r.ofm
Robt._ Rudman & Co.,
-must be closed on or before the -
11ST.1 .
All parties indebted to the above firm are here-
by notified that all notes and book accounts over
- - due on the • -
• - •-- :
I st day 'of FEB'Y next,
will be handed' to tbeir Solicitor for collection.
-- The stock on hand Will be sold
It consists of a large assortment ofPlought, Culti-
vators.Harrows,Straw Cutters,
their pastoral charge their time will be fully
occepiede. A minister is like a doctor in this
respect.' Time with them is everything, a tew
hones might beim late ter them to render
that assistance *high their ministerial yowls
makes obligatory upon them, and thesethings
should not be disregaided for matters of far
less Moment. "Paul and his brethern fit the
ministry could.not neglect their duty to iserve----
tables and the daily ministration," and there-
foreappointed deacons that the work of the
Lord might not be hindered. But the Minis-
teis of our day can not only attend to all their
ministeriat (Rudest but superintend the schools
-ofs-two, four, liz townships, or indeed, as
many as they can secure, and this is evidently
the cause of the ichools.not being visited :at
the proper teasou of the year. The law
makes it obligatory_ on superintendents to
visit the several_schools 'under their charge
twice each year ones between October "Lust
April and tieta versa, Is this -done ? in_ceer
tam eases it is, but in many instances it 18 not.
lhe very same teachers Who are so fortunate
at the -Board as to secure high grade certifi-
cates are alio equal'y fortunate in having
their schools visited by. the superintendent at
a time when they (the teachers) can show off
their pupils to the best possible advantage and
furthermore they are invariably informed of
the tune °flu& visits, white "bowlegs fortun-
ate (or more properly lege favored) ones have
an unexpected visit from tits superintendents,
sometime When the reads are almost' iiiipassi
tee, and alao when the larger and more ad-
vanced 'Cholera have all or nearly all left
school en attendto their daily , avocations in
the led, and left nothing behind but thine
smaller children -who are generally sent to
school because they are of no use at home
and certaialy theyare no credit' to a teacher
ai a Spring examination. Is this just,- is it
tight, isthere no eentedy ? Have the teach-
ers no redress?' Not in the School -Act, but
they inay resort- to the:Press: Were I a
teacher 1 would vindikate my rights. But,
I thinkihia might -be remedied very easily,
let the applicants to the office of superinten-
dent undergo as ngid an examination as the
teachers haveto undergo • and see 'whether
they are cirminutastiagy, physically and
mestally adapted to fill this responsibleoffic--iet thaieouoy Council take the Matter
into contemplation ind I think that -they will
Sea that ministers are out ot their prayer
spheressof inefulnets sa suporiatendantsr end.
will thereforediscootinue their services as
such, thereby making way for msn who will
give their timeand:tatent to the work, and
such men are not wanting. eveo in the present
• And -various other artless, all cheap. -
12 13 0 ZMI%•7*,, NM -VV" ST-W*1_4M,
-At the Glasgow House.
Goderich, 7th April, 1865.
• mIsX--XELM3M
issee, Girls', 86- Chilarene,
In Black -and:-Wnite Braids, at the _
Giklerich, 7th April, 1R65.
• 0 fOur Spriiig Order of
. Is to band, the -THIRIl will follow next 'week,
the .Glasgow House.
D Kerr, Jr.., & Co.
Goderich, 7th April, 1865.
Notes Lost or 'Stolen.
ALIJparties are hereoy leautiored against
• perchasing or negotmling tWo. notes of hand,
one drawn by Sohn :I Ayne in Invor _of Cliarles
Milne • aniount $274.00,. and interest, dee 1st
Mareg... 1866; the -ether drawn by Francis
-Andericon in. favor of Charles - amount
$33.00, due- rst J an na ry, - Also .due _hill
rom Edward °ley to Charles Milne. amount
-$18.50; is the same have been •lost or stolen, and
payment thereof is stopped. .
_ .
Poi -ash and ougar-kettles, waggon and pipe
boxes, . -
Cooking; Parlor tt BoX Stoves,
-: A good second-hand •
and a lot of .1achinery tor tirist and Saw:Mills.
- All parties requiring the above art;elec would,
do well te eall and inspeet the stock at price, as
theitwell get bArg-iins.• • -
IN reference to tlie above, It. Itunciman will
be prepared to carry on the business of -
:and contract for the erection of all kinds of Me
chinery as usual. and will simply
Stovesand clistings,at reasorable rates,for CASH
eregodhoertricterhe.dDit;c. 21
1864, • sti32W48
Goderich A prit2S 163. -
Snbrift's Bale of Lands.
United' Counlies o.r • la y- virtue pf a . writ of
Huron and Bruce, AL/ Venditioni Exponas end
To wit,: Freri Farms for residue, and
Writ of Fieri Facies limed out of Her Majesty's
County -Court et the United Count!es of Huron
and flitice and to mg directed against the lands
and tenements of Milton H. Ste rr and Foster
Ha skins, at thesuits of A lien S. Fishar and John
C. Detlor, I have seized and taken in execution:.
the following property: all and singular Abet
certain pareel or treet of tend and preminessituate,
lying and being in the village of Clinton, in the.
county of Huron and Province ot Canada,centeir-
ing by admeasurement one half are -of land, be
the sante more or lets, being composed of, town
tots numbers- fitty-six and sixty -live, bounded on
Mary street; Orange street and Wellington street
in the vininie of Clinton, eontaining together one
half fiere ofland as aforesaid together with the
privilege of taking sufficient water to supply. the
tannery on iaid la sixty five from the spring or
springs on lot number eighty -lour on the cornet
of Wellington and f Iran ve streets, and of candiet,
ing such water in pipes across any mest con-
venient part of said last ' mentioned lot; which
lands and teneinents 'shall -ofler tor safe at my
office in the Court House in -the roVin of Goder-
•ich on Tuesday, the twenty-third day of May
nexteat the houeef twelve or the clock. noon.
Sheriff ii. 4. a
By S. PotIocx, Deputy Sheriff.r.
•Sherifl's office, Goderieli
22nd April, 1864, •w14
Sheriff's Sao or Lands.
April 24th, OW
• tvoclerich.
• _ w13 -3t
, .
United Counties of llepY virtue - of 'a writ of
Huron and Bruce, .1.3 Fieri Facies issued out
-to wit : of Her. Majesty's County
Court of the United Count tes.of Huron and Bruce
and to me directed against the ?ands -and te e-
inents of Charles Blaek, , at 'the suit of • the
•Corporation of the Toveaship of Ashfield, I have -
seized and taken in execution all the right, title
and inteietof the said defendant in -and to the
west half ot lot number seven in the third: con-
cession Eastern Division of the to a nship of
Aeldield, in the County ot Huroa containing one
hundred acres, whieh lands and tenements I shall
offer for sale at my office in the Court House, in
the towa of Goderich, on Tuesday, the first day
a August next, at tae hour of twelve of the
clock, noon,-
- • • Sheriff H. & B.
• SYS. roi.T.ocK, Deputy Sheriff.
• Sheri Fs Wire, Goderich, 1
26th Apri1,186b. - , ,L
SHERIFF'S SALE OF -LANDS. Commercial Bank, St Thomas.
to the uedersIgned, or to A. tampuv", sq.,
.• FM? Sale Cheap.
. Town.ship- of Grey..
kroTtcg flashy given that the Municipal
n Council of tbe Township of Grey' rill'
hold a Court of &elision in James Tadt's-
Tavern, Townplot, on Monday the 15t1i, day
of May next, cottimencing it 10 of the clioth,
a. m., to revise the Assessment Roll of the
Township of Grey for the year 1886.
Pathmasters, Poutidkeepers and Fence
Viewers will be appointed the same day.
Township MIC-
A mlarsville, Apni th, 1865 12wat
Court of Revision.
pat Cited of -Revision and Appeal fcir the •
/- township of Wawanosh, will be held **-
the residence of John Tisdale, lot 27, con. Si • -
ou Friday, the 12th day of May nutlet 10'
o'clock, a. tn.
• ,Toynshwipif
April 111h, 1865:
THE Court of' Revision for the Township
of Usborne, will meetin the Township
Hall, on Tuesday, the 2nd of May, , at 11
o'clock e. ine for the hearing of appeals
against assessment and revising the assimment-
Township Cierli.-
Ushorno, Aprit.10th, 1805. wilid -
Revision Court.
ifT,HE Court for Revising the itesessenait all "
1. the Township of' Tuckerstilith for tbe.
present yeareend for hearing and determining
appeals against the same will he held int
Loyd's Hotel, Village of 8eaforth, on Friday
the fifth day of May nezts_at the - hoar of IS.
o'clock," peen.
Mortgage Sale of Land
JJNM, and by virtue of, a Power, of Safe ,
contained ire a certain Indenture of Mort-
gege made by Colin Sinclair, of the Town of
Goderich, in the County -cf Huron; Butchery
to Charles Wells, of the same place, Iniikeep-
er, and bearing date the First dal of Inky A.
• • D.1862 -will be sold by
At the Auction -Rooms of G. M.-TRUEM AN,
in the town. of Goderich, in the County of
• Huron, ' -
On Friday, the 12tir day ot Kay, 1885,
At 12 o'clock, name the -following land and
premises, .viz : The North half of Lot Nnut-
ber Five in the Fourth -concession Eastern
Division, o1 thesaidst'ersoutdsof
To coNTRA ens more or less - default havine been made in
• Inlyraent ofthe moneys...thereby secured.-
• .
MENDERS- Wanted to BORE for OIL
.L -within half o. mile of the townPlot of
Goderich. Contractors to find all materials.
The boring will commence in Limestone
Rock -within 20 feet from surface.' Well -not
to exc.eet: poi) feet iu depth. Contractors
to state how much per foot foreachHun-
dredieet in depth, and size of Bore,' together
with terms of payment. All communications
rnust -be poet paid or no nntice will be taken
of °• tin' C. CRAI311.
Goderieh -April 13th, 1865: 13w3t
LStir eon.. Bruce: 20, 4th Kinloss, 22.
9th con - Huron. Apply to- • - •
oderich.Octofier 28. 1.864. - • :sw1-6
D. Wilson Ross, B. A.,
soLieitor--inrChancery, Notaiy Public, Gen-
eral Laud Agent, &c., Sze,;-- Kincardine. County
Bruce. w12 -iv
- -
THE Court of Revision ilk. hearing appeals
-against Assessment will be. held at the
house of Ur. Alex. Findlay, Lot 18, con. 5,
on Saturday, the 8th of April, at 10 o'clock,
8w3t] - Township Clerk, Morris.. '•
The Court of Revision has been postponed
till the 20th of May next. :
_ . ALEX:. FINDLAY, T'p Clerk.
Morris, April 19, 1865: •• 13w3t
_ .
BY Virtue.of a -Fewer ot- Sale contained in
Mortgage bearing date the nineteenth dav
of anuary, A. D. 1864, and made • between
Donald MeNiyern__, of th-e township of Ashfleid,
in the County of Huron. of the first port, Cather-
ine his wile of the second part. and Archibald
Campbell, of the town of St Thomas, in the
County ef Elgin, Esquire, a( the third part, and
which said mortgage is recorded under number
324 tor the township of Astifield. -- -
There wilt be -offered for sale by Public Auction
at the Court House, in the Town of, in
the County ot Huron, at the hour of tweire
o'clock, noimr, on Tuesday, the twenty-third day
Of•May next, the ffillowing lands and premise." :
The west halt of lot number eleven, in the
seventh concession of the eastern &vision of the
TOwnship of Aslifield, affiresaid, containing by
admeasurement one hundred -acres, be the same
more or less. . -
For further particulars application maybe made
United Counties�f .
BY virtue ofa+ Writ oi
Huron and Bruce, igen Facias issued out
To Wit: of Her Majesty's Court ot
Chancery and to me -directed against the lands
and- tenements of Jane Ford. Edward Atkinsen,
John McCuinnes rnd %Villiam Stanlake, are
defendents, at the sun of Mary Ann k ord Stan -
hike by John Mitchell the younger her next friend,
is Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution
all the right, -title and interest ott. the said defen-
dant in and to the south halt of lot number eleven
in the 'fourth concession of the townile p of
Stephenin the county of Huron, which . lands
and tenemen s 1 shall offer for sate at my office
• in, the Court House, in the town ofGederich on
• Tuiesclay, the first day ofAugust next, at the- hour
ot twelve of the clock, noon. -
" •-. - - , Sherifi*11.4r.B.
By S. Pot.i.ocx, Deputy.Sherifi•
• Sheriff's Office Goderich, /
25th April:1865. . (
• •
• •
• w14
United Counnea of)12Y virtue of a Writ of
Huron and Bruce, -.L., • Fieri Facies issued
To wit : out of Her Majesty% County
Cointof the United Counties of Huron and Bruce,
and 10 me directed against tne lands and terre-
mentaaJames Lothian at the suit of William
Smith, I have iseized and taken it" execution all
the right, title and interest of the said defendent
in and to lots fetter* 0 and 1)in the 9th concession
of the township of Bruce, containing 200 acres,
also mill site number 2 in the village ot Inver.
,htiron, in said county of Bruce; containing 34
'liens, who& binds and tenements I shall eller for
sale at my effice in the Court House in Inc town
ofCaderieh, on Tuesday the first day pf August
next, at tbe hour of twelve et the clock, noon,
Shetiff, if de lt.
Bir S. Potmica, Deputy Sherilrt .
Siletill's 'thrIcte, Csodeneh, t
i 25th April,. 1865, li
s. s
C. D. PAUI.i,
Vendor's- Solicitor.
. . . ,
Dated at St Thomas, this 15th day of April.
A. D., 1865. - 'syl3td
To Wool Carders, 4c.,
A Good Opening..!
THE ur derserted .is desirous of forming a
business connection With soine -person V'ill- the eleventh concession of the owns ip o inavbeentit
ling to go into the Wool -Carding' mid Clolk-drree- .horne, W. D., in the County ef Huron, which will -not reeeive any Antler notice eithe Mew-
ing busieess in Goderieh. The applicant to find latods r Phan oller for sale at -my office in the p„g.ekaings_in this cause,. .,
Tonnito,15 April, 1865. ' - twa4ligr
eeiTts, arc and the subscriber the -power and Court House in the Town of Ooderich, on 1' es
building, both 01which are coneeete readiness- day the Twenty-fifth -dal of Jul next, at tee Plakitateek Solicitors.
- 7
Conveyaece under Poever in Mortgage.
Solicitor for Mortgagee.
Dated this 13th day of I
• April A. 13.1865. 5 w124t
W. MM-
. • rp.
Tnekersmith, llth April, 1865. wil St
q HE Court of Revision for the Township Of
Hay for the,year'1865, will commence *ti
Tuesday, the ninth day of lilay next, at 10
&clock, in the forenoon, in the Towa Halls
of reid Township.
• Township Clerlie -
Township Choles Office,
. Hay. Ilth April, 1865
-BritishAmer' ean Assurance Co.
Bayfield, C. W, April 16, 1865. w12
VTR-NAIRN, late Superintendent of Sehoolit,
1.1.1 intends having classes in tioderich during
the Summer month, commercing 1st May next.
On Monday, luesday, Thursday, and Friday.
from one till four o'clock, there will be a class for
toilth Book rending with questions, roots oppo
sites and English Gram -guar, Rimers-. Geography
and Arithmetic. This will be a vood chance for
those who may wisbto finish their education $o
On Wednesday and Saturday, also from one
til[four afternoon, there will be reclass,ffir 12 tin,
Books to be used Arnold's First Book, and Hark-
ness' Second Book; and from the plan to be follow-
ed, it is beheved that with application, a good
knowledge of the language may be acquired in
Twenty font. Lessons.
Tzasts•--Yor the English exercises, TwetDat.
tars a month, and tor the Latin Three Dollars a
month -to be paid inadvance.
Trafalgar Street. . 1241
Th eltAMBERg.
larZEVESDAY the twelfth dayollpril, in the
V V - twenty-eighth year of the reign of Her
Mejesty„Queen Victorlassualsn the year of etre
Lord Isti5,
Francis Harris Heward,David Oneltanotad the
Can edit Agenty Association,limuted.y
Williain Hitchcock,
-611BRIFI4E sAix or LANDS.
United Counties of)BY virtue of a writ et
Huron and Bruce, Fieri Facies issued out
- To wt . of Her iSlajeety's County
-Court of tuella-ilea Counties of Huron and 13rns-e
'and to medirected against the lands and tene-
ments of JaHleS Stewart, at 'the tilit of John V
Detlor and Samuel ti. Detior„ 1 have seized
UPON the application �fthe Plaint.
I.) -tiffs, and it aipesring by Affsdavie
' that after due ddieenee thesaid Wiens'
dint einem be timed to be served
with an office ecpy of the Pimiento
Bill inlhis cause. itt. ordered Hod
the said Defendant Ao_pti or before -the
--•••• first day oft une nextoinswer or denier
_ stamp to the said !Sill, and it is ordered that it
copy of this -order together whit ilte
.---.---1 notice requred by the General :Order
&will_..- 'Huron Biglial” :newspaper, pub.i
of lids Court be published is the '
f.- lathed in tae Town t)f Coderick, in *NI
= County of Huron, not less Meg Al
weeks before The fait day of June
oext, and be continued once it Elleit
week until the said day. And it fa
turther ordered that an office COpy a
the' Plaintiff's Bre 'together Ninth it
eoey of this order be served epos
Sergeant J. Hitchcock, sou of tint
above maned Detendaae, and riaialte-
that Keojiyoi thisorder be mailsolaial.
addroo .w to the said Defendant at
New York: ° - -
-peered. (Signed) A. GRANT,
(8,4 3.J. - litoilistier,
- i
.„ I fl
vilLIAAN niTCINCOCK,—Teke Netiee Alit ifyoe _
do not antevetor demur to the ,bill curstiant So -
bov ordet the Phuntiffmeyobtainastorder
of the sant detendant in and to lot number one in to take the bill as toinessed against you, stag the
Com t may rant the Pleintiftie suchreliefas dowv
taken in gxecetion all the right
theirowflshowing and you -
THE Court of Revision and Appeal for
1. Ashfield, will be held itt•Delin Swift's,
•Dtingannoneon Friday, the 12th of May uezt,
at one o'clock in the afternoon.
Township Clerk,
Ashfield, April 14th1865. - w12 at
. w14
This is a splendd iopportunity tor ans cepa e
man wishing one of the be openings of the kind
in Canada.: Apply lo
Goderic . .
hour of twelve ot the clock noon.
fflusrlf, If. B
Br S. -Pomace, Deputy Sheriff. •
rift 's Office, Goderick.
April 17th, 1865. w1211- f• ,- 15th Aril•186n,
SHERIFF'S SALE or LANDS. 1 Forlale ata 13Fgain,
tinned Counties or Y virtue of a Writ ot rrillAT valuable and eligibly situated properlv.
Jl ' • th ofGoderich frontingthe Conti
Huron and Bruce, Ji VenditionlExponas and
To wit:. Fieri Faenuo, ler residue.
issusd uut d itt r Majesty's County Court
of the Comity' lOntario and Court of Com -
. - —
Hoeft Square, and for eighteen yenta -known as
I,andaand tenements ofnite.plicit D.Crawford,F.H. ring -which time it has . enjoyed one -of t e
mon Pleaa,- and to me directed again Du
Lynes Staunton, Enoch C. Dowling end Hobert large" F°Tti°a-1 of that -bushier -0 is the WWII-
Cpunected with the hotel ;ea geueral store. -• The
Gilmonr, at the suits of Isaac ' N. Howard and -whole are tuilt of stone and brick,4'7 X37, three
the Corporatioti of the ToWnship ot Eliterslie, I
stories high. and commodious cellars 8 feet deep,
have seized and taken in Execution 1.11 the right,'
. Attacned to the hotel is a Piro story frame dWelling
title and interest ofthe crud defendants,m and to ..ouse, outhouses, &c.. .
Park Lot No. 15,Lot No. 8, anal° the South half n
Al4S0.---A. Small farm of excellent lend:
of I dsomely located one mile from Goderich. on
acres in good state of
L N 6, East side ol Queen street North, .
being subdivisions of Birk Let No. 4 in the vil-
sideof Qiieen Street South Paisley, Park. Lot No. the Hayfield Read, 30
stumps, with a hewn log house 30 X 20, and 11,
'age of Paisley; South -hall of Lot 22 on the East I cultivatien, well fenced. 2-t ofninch are clear of
15 North side of Cambridge street. and Block 35
cedar tog barn 40)4 24, sheds, &c.,
Went side ofQueen Street, NorthPaisley, 1.01 13 •
ALSO: -In the Village of Port Albeit 1 sere
South side and 13 and 14 Northeide of Cambridge with dwelline house' and stables, &e., ore of tbe
,_ t_beit tavern stlinds in Ihst place, ane haa long
street, Paisley; North hall oflot L East side of
Huron street, Southampton, 60 feet otthe Bonn
Southampton, Lote29 and 30 on the Ncirth side Ibsen kept as such. -
part of Lot No. 4, Korth .side ot High Street, Terms liberal .; tosuit purchasers. For Mallet
of Clarendon street, Southampton; Lot 18 East 1 particulars apply'',
side of Norfblk Street, Southampton, Lots 21 and - ,-
lulu re open her school, on Wednesdayi
Tv 19th April, mit, after the s..ster vaca-
tien. Pupils instructed in the usual English
branches, Music (Pienoforte) and Drawing. _
Goderich, April 10th, 1865. w11 -2i*
J. B. GORDON; Esq. -
22 South side of Lainsa. stmet Southampton, all or ANDREW DO NOGlie Proprietor.
in theCounty of Bruce; whicti lands. and tene- N. B -Ali those Indebted to me either by note
mental shall offer to* at My office in the
sr book account are requeetedto settlethe same
-Court_Houseon the Town of Gederieb,titi without delay inerder to save losts. -
day the Twenty -Eighth dayof February next, at
STA: P '
God It, A nl 31st 1864 w9 td
the hour Twelve ott he clock, hoot*.
- Siterilf,11
By S. Pott.ocit, Deputytherifl. .
• 25th Ja.nual y,1865.. * awl
The above sale is postponed till Tuesday
the 4th day of:April next.
The . above sale is further postponed till
Tuesday the 9th day of May next. • 1w11
Municipal Notice.
-TIM Court of Revision for Revising - the
I Assessment Rolls if the Tewnship of
Stanley. will hold its first sitting in Writer's
Hotel, Varna, on Monday the' 15th day el
May next, at 10 o'clock. a. m.
Township Clerk.
Bayfield, 12th -April, 1865-, 12telt
_ .
Charles E. 'Archibald, Platatiff, John Donosrh,
of Attach -meet' has /seed 'in ill's,
cause otwhich ail -persons Interested in the
estate cif the defendantt and all persons flaring iii
Tel tiarePistiliassee3 :PA eelidele fnde u3ka°iirt oPtivweliri19 any 1!°Iiirtirny
way Indebted to him are required _to take notice.
- Sheriff, de 13.
By S. Poi.r.olcs, Deputy Sheriff. „ •
"ShenaPa Office, Godefteit, t
tlth Awn; 18b5 3 w13 -2w
having been made in the due payment there- his _ ewboot. be
:for Ifortielh day of may sem, at tweiwelo ,
?aaidgeer, 40 °0 County it; eoTf Huron, GoefnMilecniKailnlildienfatullet the purporte. ofteceiving a vtalemeat st .
may make an assigement wager nes anew ,
Mortgage Sale ofLands
hem it may two
coneecteetee of ,serions lessee in ear
busiuess Pilate We are Voliscegeti sab
againift our wishes'to resort in iodine to des
Cil$11 11111NCIPLO 1n the sale of .
Beer, Lc,
mama, BIIX'rOti,
• Msitland Brewitti.
, Signed CHAS. DEAN,
, •Heinilton Spring Browery.
Goderich, 12411 April, 1056. mr/66ivrOas
- earl_
'UNDER and by virtue of *Power of Sale
LP contained in a -Mortgage made by James
Hart. of the Township of Wawanosh. in the
-County of Huron, Yeoman, to George John sinew jo to town of God.oioli, issoceotp
Insolvent Aot 18640
44e- matter of -4DWARI)
GUS014- l000lvott.
14HE Creditors attic Insolvent are 110t4414641
be has ;nukes Oho estate 5.4.
effects, under the above Act,tore.tkeislaellesIPPF
ed Aseignee, and they sire revised totemic* MC.
within two months from. this date, sLatii their
claimeiptscifying the neceinty fhey,loif, tf says
end the value ot it, and if float, stades Ms *et #
the whole attested under path, witlirthe Surelsere
in support of such claims.
Dated st Southsairoa, theCoeidY ot *Sees
thisrith day of Are, 19615;
aw6.5-4t wit • kesissiee.
1.12- olveOt Apt. Of 1864,
TrilE Creditors*, the wedenegeed nutlifted
L to -meet at tbe Law Asko Jegtes lAhaw .
, coxEs-rou sAzgl
i • , _______.
THE Subscriber tiffini forsake -Two Yoke of
Five refill eld-thLeni ill good condition.
Goderich Leered)! March 20.1865." w(J't
• of,) . will be soldby Auction on
Friday, the Twelfth lay of MTh
LD. 1865, at• twelve o'clock, noon, at the
Auction Mart of -
On the Idarket Square, in the Town of °ode -
rich, the following property, that is te ray:
Alt and singular that eertain parcel ir tract
of land and premises situate lying and being
in the Township Ortrawanoish, in the County
of Huron, in the Province of Canada. being
eouiposed of the north east teal* of -Lot.
N'ueiber Forty-two ID the Etereethconceolow
of tie said townehipof Wawaastakeontaining
by ildinesattrement Fifty acres of land, beeel)*
same more or km. Terme -ugh; Deed
under rower of Saie: •
affairs trod of naming art assignee to
eJ s STNCI.A1R, j°1114" RYIEV74.
Goderich Solicitor for iiielvearr
Clinton, 18thAprit, -
A 800d Pamela ariiiia *won Age4,1*
'LP- Village of ikratlyampsont fort, toms
cleared and *maid, witk VS Aft
and harn., 'Tams tibeng; •
Alp& AsibutitstP01049
• Ilogros A,INFIVW4110. -
sr tool
fisietrieh. _
. 4