HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-28, Page 30 lig c saves ojr fzfAxg' 104611 Yr/We:1r Et*Miks _ gef IUhindee ohs. 7f:ratlf 1_,. • Ne.04SEO cn§ifisit. i2 cheap. 1.tinra.e' ktIldft.. - of a writ a Ezpoias sod - Nn• retodue, and Her Mojestyll Met Of Hasfoir mew the Iambs s -and Foster Kistaer and John ra iaexeentioir el singular that treinise.ssititate, r1zutonr. m the 7anada,contsda. cre /and; loosed of tower ee,, &misdeal en 'ellingtort street together-oee *ether with ✓ to supply tlee a the epilog or rat the „corner .and ofeooduct. any moat ccut-- tea tot, WItIOTX: Waite at usy own of Getter.' d day or Stay-, eock. aeon. ..1)6NALD, _Sheriff B. _ wit [arida. 11 writ et reit& imuedeut gesty's: County inou and Bruce mos stud Mit of tsbfield, 1 haver the right, title is and to- the the oiod coo - 10 tostaktio of (.-ontainiag one :semen's! Phan out the first day • twelve ot that :DavALD, ierifft.de wit LAN. of a vriit et mission/reel out jest?, Coat ot most the Iambi ward Atknistwe stantake,„ars• rot f on/ Stan. 'her next friiin4 exiecutioa the said deice- aurrobst eleveu er mins& which heads ee at my officer Godetsch- ext,st.the liege 0141ALTf, erif L& . w14- WM& of a writ it Familia wear Eajesty, ecoinity awe snit firtiee„ NM& and tem- !ult. a was.* eXecetiom r matt &tautest* E 9th roacessicas ng 200 scree; e �Inver. eentaiiling 34 1 shall firer for nt tlie town day of August - lock, noon. ' seriff,b11.te wt4 lower Of Sal* rag. lOa" bki ge Rinaban, ie County of tat part, sad of eoderielt, swhieli said sail mods blmea fo Y. ti d Town of the Bank at iid 2111Ortgag* Ceded ict • Goderiek the dee coy - having Sega to notice ea he sold by e lotlx Iemafl or wn et Go -- stia to say of and in all, * thee the - DWI, -afore.- itingeler and wise tippet 54W'. Mg. itais Thom* atcRiv4id= I.Viedneeday ;intit THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. Earn CountitO par The, Town Otil m is—iee to -nig t fbr the transaction of general buainetsi. Mir Attention is directed to the ad- Yertisment of Mr. Butler in another col- umn. gar We are informed that Mr. Crabb has received a tender for boring a test well lkom a gentleman in Saginaw. ISPECIA.L TELEGRAMS. We have a report that Booth was shot yesterday, 27th, which we publish as w receive it, for what it may be worth. STRATFORD, 27th.—The Rifle Co. left to -day in fine health and spirits for Wind- oor, where it will enter upon frontier duty. law ny-reference to our advertiidng voltimns be Seen that, the Mortgage 'sale of shares in the schr. Tecumseth has been pontponed till to -morrow evening at Vo'clocIr. - The non -arrival of bidders by train YesterattY neces4ated-Ple PesVone- .-ment. We consider these shares, pur- chased at a reasonable rate, & &ageless investment. 24th-ltfAz.--We understand that the rtoderieh G. A. Co., now learning .r.t. • ig- gua drill," will be prejeitd. tii firia Royal -salute on the Queen's. Birthday. The least. the town can do -is to ijarnish the !circler, which will cost :Void $20.00-.-- Somecivilian should take up a subscription to raise the money. The members of the tarps have been at great expense already, and it would not be fair to: saddle them with thiaiterr. NEW GOODS -AT, Mrssns.• 3. V. Drr- &fait & Sott'a.—This: first-clasa establish - :omit hu been refilled by a very large stock of theifinest, newest and most sale- -able goodsz purchased in the best Markets arta which, ire have no' doubt, willsive as much satisfaction as any ever introdueed by the enterprising proprietors. Their advertisement wilt appear in our next, but in.the meantime parties wishing to" come out " with the -earliest blossoms,would do *cell ta "call round aid eitiminee• "' -•' - THE CROPS.—lie. this locality Most of .our farmers are through with their Spring sowing, at least a month earlier than last • year, add the braint where it begins - -to allow presentsa fine healthy appearance. " The fall wheat was somewhat . injured by the weight of last winter's snow -in places but we have seen many -fields that prod: !sea large return for The bme and. -labor -expended upon .them. The CrOP prospects .are decidedly good.1 In a . few weeks we expect to have a. full account of the state of the crops from every township in the counties. If to . late frosts occur there will be a very heavy crop of 'Ifruit of all kinds. sairThestatinch little steamer " Bruce" is now makingler trips from Southam - ton along thi coast. We believe that she will . bi. 'rim only between Goderich and Southampton, calling at intermediate ports, which. will ensure miach.'more regu- Iii trips than -ever' before_ Fier time- table will appear in a, few days., The "Bonnie Boat,t' is also, running, but we &ay. no information as to her ‘! time."— In our opinion. there must be a vast in- crease of business before both boatscanbe inade to pay on this coast. Competition is not,always the life of trade, as we fear the °watts of our coasting craft will soon discoier. - MAYFIELD. We -are grad tonotice that the spirit of eaterpr;Se which bas always eharactetized the ashabitamt of Bayfield is net doninint not- withstanding the cry of hard times. At a 'Irieeet Teeming jt WU decided to decorate the Market Square, by planting trees all around. The Mira Deputy Reeve- has tendered his yearly allowance granted by the Connt7 for attend meetings, kc.„ amounting, we believe, to upwards of $20. as ',ell as _conniving liberally from hiapriTate fundi" We are nbt aa(onishe(at. this act ofliberality on the part of Alex. Ciuneron, Esq., • who his always manifested a spirit of ItheralitY when -any ifatritpriire is going on. geneittl$-'••.teaci = Biltow "Of Sinn. ctitsick. -ThelAVititd!cir..-9r ItOrsetand. hulls. Ian Fretful:air lest was . the 'pobiest we hare yet seen, considering the fait that it was in connection with the. County of litiriviAarkeikna, 3b0 horses shawls were- Mr. Joseph rabies it Hard Fortsne," *really spIen- 44nninsal, brought into the Cow* At a heavy. expense '; Mr tidier's. horse "Ti.. silent:Isome little animal, Mr. Thos. Onod's .ft -Loudon Tans," a Aron; ma* _admired ereature,:and Mr; John Eptrrissa al sir-Willia:??Vralee,:t aji.) Veilire 2116.B44t*Intsie Mr. AfineWs fme,two par .0/4 ". Claude," Mr. John Eadkalcre -" Marquis," and. Mr. k. Niovell -"Nitta WU" be jute' Awarded tie 'prim Mbar" :—. 4003xit. „IOC twiSs; NeePh- Bieher, 2tut !de); Theitai Dodd. * anzs. tot 011ie, if..Snell, 2nd .do, Thal* itag & Isrge aWndatioe of ruin- i'n.rald Shull** %skip atm of Ise's. troops hare vjolated th•ifileteer by *wins:up ',a tra, ek near Bicknood _ Cr". The Niagara Town Council has voted $50 towards a farewell entertainment to Vol- unteer Co. No. 1, 19th Battalion. The Mail suggests that a subscription list be passed round so that all the volunteers may partici- pate. THE MARKETS. Pall Wheat, .43°1:1"1"' April 29tb, 1865.- Spring do . .30:85 ®, 0:87 0:77 0:80 Oats, 0:374 00:4600 Barley 0:55 Peas 0:00 0:75 Pork .... 5:50 0:00 Beef, .........F ... 3:50 4:50 Lambs •2 00 0.00 furkies, each 0-45 Geese, do 025: 00:5 000 • nickens, ef.pair - 0:20 Ducks, do 0:00 •Hides (green). • -2:75 Butter . ...--. 0:15 Potatoes ...--0:35 'A obd ..:....... ,... 2:00 t . 0.08 Apples . , . . ........ :.......-0:40 flay, ip ton _ ..., .........13:00 Straw; per load_ ...: :..T. 4:00 0:00 0:25 0:00 0:17 0.374 0:00 0:124 0:50 .14:00 - • 5:00 ABRAHAM SMITII Merchant Tailor,' KARKS1 SQUARE.-- GODEB.I031 HAS ON HAND A _ Large & Well -Assorted STOCK OF MD GOODS DINER. And a variety ot tancy Articles, such as Shirti,Collars, Neokties,_Caps, • . - - 'Which he 4 prepared to sell Cheap. for Cash. Gui.arich. April 12. 1865. er12 PAPER KiNgiligs raoit 4 cts. PIR BOLL - • . M Ahe 'Signal' Office A LARGE SUPPLY OF Witliplicades !! ATTHES1GNALOFFfCE Mer17.311M1 1,175n,J71:- SCHOOL BOOKS 0, STATIONERI .. A? ' REDUCED RATES. TOTS 13,674 to 13,77, neer the RAILWAY -U STATION, Goderich, for $150 each, At,_ Five Tears_ Credit Ichiger --Appli to " IM -.C. CAMFLRON. -Dederick -4firiPth;-1864; -0424111 til.,WVIZER8iMPS INUINE.CANADIAlif PATEXT MACHINES Haieiakektike.First Prlzej jc.T THE Pfit0TiloCIA1, EXHIBITION held 2I:714,Monpea4Septeniber 14thOtsth, 16th, and 17th, 1863; . over all others; sind also at the Pro- sonetat Exkibitioe held an giogiK04:-'80eMber I2ed,23rd, and 23th and 23th, 1803; Prizes of a *ironer character were also awarded to we at the Proved -dal Exhibition held ia Toronto n 1862,aad at the Provincial Exhibition held at London In 114174,1 bee # 1611#4. Red-Well:4 . -.14* 11.7' ANzira & co _, • ' Z*4! Agent, East..Side Market Square •:Godbriab..141.ireictli SWI4442 , GODERICH & CHICAGO. The Staunch Propellor NIAGARA! WILL make weealy trips between Goderich and Chicago during the season ol naviga- tion in connection with the Grand Trunk R. R. FOR PLACES EAST, AND Steamier Huron ! For Saginaw, to " For freight or ps,tssage apply G. RIJMRA.LL, • Agent. Goderich April 25,1865. Wl?tr -Grape Vines for Sale rrHE undersigned will bave on hand, for • sale, about the -'middle of April, a large stock of Grupe Vines, of the following varieties: JON, the earliest and best grope known. 1811AF:1.W, CONCORD, ADIRONDAC, HARTFORD PROLIFIC -DELKlira RH, DIANA. • Also. a large stock of very fine Plum Trees, (20differentI varieties.) Standard and Dwarf Apples. Dwarf Pears lc Siberian Crabs - (5 varieties.) Parties dewing any or the above would do well to flovr:24ardistphelice, ir7astStrders at once, or eall upiiii "the *undersign - at ha resfikEeet, Goderich. CAMPBELL. CEDAR. DART' E.S desirous of obtain in g First Class .1 • Cedar tor 10 and Building purposes'can be supplied in any quantity,„ and • pn reasonable - terms, by applyinglo . J. W. ELLIOTT. • Goderich.Feb. Oth.1864. sy2 ORT'NT NOTICE TN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Mr. M. M WiATHERALD. the business heretirfore carried on under th name and style of _ _ . . Itobt Runciman Sz' Co., 1rOUN-DERs,. niusi be closed on or before the 1ST DAY OF APRIL 1866 .M1 parties indebted to the above Ann are here .by notified that all notea and book accdunts over due on the 1st day. of FEEry next, will be handed 'to their Solicitor or collection: . The stock on hand will be sord .EA)Wr 14'0.1-1, CASEY: „Olt SHORT C11FDIT, It consists of a large assortment of Ploughs, Culti- vators. Harrows, St raw Cutters, THRESHING tviA01-11N.ES pot -ash and sugankettles, waggon and pipe . •-• boxes, ' Cooking, Parlor it Box Stoves, A good second-hand tiiiIMEIALM•38:111VG1-1 antra lot of -lachinery for Grist and Saw -Mills. • All parties requiring the above!: art;cles would do well to call and inspect -the stoek at once. as they well get barefoot. , R. RLINCIMAN. IN relerence--to the above, IL Runciman will be prepared to carry- on the business of THE HURON FOUNDRY and contract for the election of all kinds ot Ma • chinery as usual, and will supply •• AORILULTURAL_ IMPLEMENTS 'Stoves and caitings,at masonable rates,for CASH cr short. areciit. Godefch. Dec. 21st. 1864; sw32w48 For Sale -Cheap. lrOT8 G., 8th con.: Bruce: 20, -4th Kinloss; 22, JL4 9tbf. con. Huron. Applir to _ M. C. CAMERON. Goderich.October 28, 1864. law18 House and Lot for Sale. -A BRICK COTTAGE on the SotithetlY por- Lion of Lot 880,: . HAMILTON STREET,. - . WITH GOOD - • ROOT-IIOUS- :and 011T1lITILPINGS; at present Occupied. lir Thos. Weatheiald; Esq.; . price - TWELVE sisnN Dig ElIVIDOLLAIIS For further Datticulars apply to - • , T. WEATHERALD, Ooderkh,' or WILLIAM' PERCIVAL, Esq. ' _ • Am berstIsland. Goderich, October 17th, 1864. 5w134f • D. 'Wilson Bess B • A . IPARRISTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor -tit -Chancery, Notary Public, Gen- eral Land Agent, .Ake., &c,, Kincardine.:Colutty Bruce.. - vI8 w12 -1v Iylor%age.S.01.0.1. BY virtue of a Power ot Sale contained in a Mortgage bearing date the nineteenth day of tanuary, A. D. 1864, and made between Donald MeNivernikd the township of Ashfieid, in the County of Huron, of the first pail, Cather- ine his wife of the second Part. and Archibald Campbell, of -the town of Si Thomas, in the County cf Elgin. Esquire,- of the third pan, and which said mortinige is recorded under number 324 tor the township of Ashfield. - ' -There will be Offered tor sale by Pu him Auction at theCourt'House, in the Town of Goder.ch, in the County ot Huron, at the- hour of twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, the twenty-third day ot May next, the following lands, and premises: The -west hair of lot -number eleven, in the seventh concession of the eastern &vision of the Township of Ashfield, Mermaid,containing-by adineasurement one hundred acres, be the sante more or less. • . , Foifunher particulars application maybe made te the undersigned, or to A. Campbell, Esq., Commercial Bank, St Thomas.. , " C. D. PAU4, Vendor's Solicitor. Rifted at St Theorini, this 151k day of April. A. D., 1865. . w1341 COURT. OF REVISION,. THE Court of B.evision and Appeal for Ash6eld, will be held at Dean Swift's, Dungannon, on Friday, the 12th of May next, at one o'clooli: in the afternoon. JOHN COOKE, Township Clerk: Ashfield, April 141h, 1865; wli SBLW2 SCHOO. MISS 13KitlikrAINCSI„- 'VI7'ILL re -open her school, on ‘Wednetiday," TT 19th April, inst., after the Easter vaca- tion. Pupils initructed itthe osaal branches; Music Mianofortey-and-Drawing.. `Godetieb, April IOtli; 1865. • iv11-2t• HOOP_ SKITS! 12 3DOZE, /NTMW ST- TaM, SURPRISINGLY CHEAP, At the Glasgow Houge. D. KERB, JR -1 & CO. Goderich, 7th April, 1865. Tv) ak'nz-T- ariX-IELM3 .LS..EIMM, is4ses', Girls', & Childrens% In Black and Wnite Braids,. at the LASGOW HOUS D.„KERRI JR: & - • Goderich,c7tli Atiril 1865. OfOUr Spring Order of ' Is t� • hand, the THIRD will follow next week, the Glasgow House. Goderich, '7th April, 1865. ,ENED AGAI: -THE SUBSCRIBER EG S to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has RE -OPENED M Next door to Mr. BUTLER'S BOOK -STORE where everything in - - &c. will be sold cheap for PASH or in e?cchange for Dairy Produce. As k *wilds to devote his attention principally to the rectifying of IISILES-OF Ili 11 S, Tht.rehy enabling him to sell a , Those Irtdebtd to him will Please call and settle at once, otherwise costs must be Incurred, ry Dealeriiherein will do well to give. hiin a --call. J. Y. S. KIRK MARKET SQUARE, Goderich, 7th March, 1605. sw53 illotgage- Bale of Land Notes Lost or Stolen. ALL parties -are hereby. eautiered against of negotiating vivo .n otes ot hand, one drawn by John Bayne in favor of Charles Milne, modunt $274.00, and • interest,-.. doe 1st March, Ii661 the ether drawn hy Francs -Anderson in favor of Charles Milne, amount $33.00, due 1st January„ 1866. 'Also a due hill ' rom Edward Porey to- Charles Milne, amount' $18.50, tis the same have been lostor stolen, and -payment thereof is StOpped.• : * CHARLES MILNE- • • - Goderich. d Apr_24th, 1665. w134t IL 0' CONTRACTORS, trENbEitS Wanted to BORE for OIL -1./ within half a mile of the fown Plot of Goderich. -Contractora blind all .materials; She, baring will *commence in Limestone; _Rock within 20 feet frnin surface. not to exceeit 1000 feet in depth: Contractors to state how much:pee foot for each Bim. dred feet in de*, and size of 13ore, together with terms of payment. .All comumnicationt must be Postpaid Or410, Widen will -be takew of them., - - • ' . C. GRABB. Goderich April 13th 1$65 - --13nItt r1 'HE Court oftevision forhearmg appeals tr against Assessment wig ,be held at the house of Mr: Alex:Tindlay, -.Lot 18, cob. 5, - on Saturday, ,the 8th of April, -at 10 -o'clock . -ALEX..FINDLAY, - 8iir3t1 ° '1* - Township Clerk, Morris. , The Court of Revision has been postponed till the 20th of May next. • ALEX..FINDLAY, rp Clerk. tiloreis,,Aprii 19, 1803.:,'‘ • -'13*3( . • To Wool Carders, &o., A Good Opening! itrderstIrted-sitr-desirets-oriormitior A business connection with some person wil- ling te‘ go ioto the Vi-ool,Caniing and-Cloth-Aresse ingbusl,e4im;Poderiehr- Thee licant to -find eardsp &rp.:andiie subsci•itawmihe power:1%4d build' ng, both -of which ara in compete readiness This it a Splendid opportunity hie imk, man, wishing one of the best openinp orthe kind twee -nada, - Apply _ . 31-*TP:1-7.4"-Gleigg°A;i. APri1.17th, 1805, TINDER and by virtue pea Power of Sale 1•J contained in a certain Indenture of Mort- gsge made by Colin Sinclair, of the Town of Goderich, in the County cf Huron, Butcher, to Charles Wells, of the same place, Trutheep- er, and hearing, date the First day of July A. D. 1862, will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, - At the Auction,Rooina of Cc M. TRUMAN, -in the town of •Goderich, in the County of : ]term] On .Friday, the 12th day ot May, 1865, 4k12 o'clock, noon, `the_following land tnd premises, viz f The North half of Lot Num- ber, Five in the Fourth concession, Eastern Division,,of the said Township of Colborne, containin..8* if), acres -of land, be the Same more or less ; default having been made in payment of the moneys thereby .secured.-- Conveyanee uuder Power in Prfortgage. J. S: SINCLATR, Solicitor for Mortgagee. Dated this .13th day al April- A. D. 1865. 5 1r1 -2-4t EDUCATION VTR, NAIRN, tate Superintendent ef Scheols, 1.111 intends having 'classes in Goderich during the Summer months, commercing 1st May next. On Monday,' Inesday,..Thursday, and Friday from one till foul. o'clock, there will be a. clam for Fifth. Book readingwith questiqns, roots oppo sites, and English Grammar History. Geography and Antlunetic.- This wiltlett.r000 chance for those. who may wish to finish their education So far. . :.0a Wednesday and Saturday, alio from one tiff four afternoon, there Will be a .class for Lelia, Books to be used Arnold's First Book, and Hirk- fleas' Second Book; and from the plan to be follow- ed,- it is beheved-' that „with application, a goiter knowledge of the language may be acquired in Twenty four Lessons. TE11.143-•"eor the 'English exercises, TWa-D01, lars a Month, and tor the Latin Three Dollars a month -to be piud.in advenee. *Trafalgar Street. 12w4t SHERIFF'S SAAA. OF LANDS. - United Counties of- D It virtue Of a writ et I litiron and Bruce, .1.1 Fieri Paola* -Wooed out " To wit, of Her Majesty's County Court of tbelTnited counties of Heron and Unice and to medirected against the lands and tem- -113MS of James Stewart, at the 'Lao! John V Deffor and Samuel H. Detloril have /wised and taken in Execution all the right title and interest -ofthelnridtletendrint itt and Idiot number Wig in the -eleventh conegssion of the TO,U !Whip 01..001. cnbOoucT;rrte:Hr%,,,V),„ du. House v. ,ieni_ nothi.lett_hel...0 decto:tvocaknotr,nirGo(so:if .rrefirirocuhr_00:::47rzoesich. day the, Twenty-ifth_dap of Jti_y -next, at ;tali lands -I shall offer for sale at my office int the , Jogx MA.CDONALD; ilz S. Porzoce,,DepiityShirirt. .-• . - - SheririOdiet,GOderll.4 . 15th" MIL 1865. .1 w12 . . _ - Township of Grey,. COURT OF_REVISION MOTICE is Yereby given that the Municipal II Council of the Township of Grey will hold a Court of Revision in James Tuck's Tavern, Townplot, on Monday the 15th day of May next, commencing at 10 of the clock, a. m., to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township of Grey for the year 1885. Pathmasters 13ouncliceepers and Fence Viewers will be apppinted the same day. WM. GRANT, Townlihip Clerk. Ainlaysville, April Ilth, 1865 12w3t Court of Revision-. - - THE Court of Revisioir and A•ppeiti for the 'L township of Wevanosk will be held at the residence of John Tfsdalef lot 2-T, eon. 8. on Friday, the 12th, day of Marriextrat 10 o'clock, a. m. JAMES SCOTT, - Township .Clerir. April llth, 1865, I'll St • • NOTICE. - THE Court of Revision for the Township 1- of Usborne, will meet tn the Townahip Hall, on Tuesday, the 2nd of May, at 11 o'clock a. in, for the . hearing of appeals against assessment and revising the assessment roll. . • WILLIAM EDMOND., Township Clerk. IJsborne, April 10th, 1865. - wiltd Revision Court. Tr HE Court for Revising the Assessment of the Township of Tuckersinith for the. present year, and for hearing anddetermining appeals against the same will be held in Loyd's Hotel; Village of Seaforth, On Friday the fifth day of May next, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon. • ' W. MUIR, T p. Clerk. Tuckersmith, 11th April, 1865: -wil 3t NOTICE. - ri HE Court of Revision for the Township of A Hay for the year 1863, will commence on Tuesday,. the ninth day of May net, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, in the Town -Hall of snid Township. WILLIAll WILSON, Township Clerk. Township Clerk's Office, Hay, Ilth April, 1865 wl2td British American Assurance Co. FIRE & MARINE.- - JOHN ESSON Agent. „ Hayfieldf • C W April 16, 1865 w12 IN CHANCERY : .C11.411fBERS. . THE CHANCELLOR,. WEDNESDAY the twelfth day ofApril, in the VV twenty-eighth year of the reign of Her kajesty Queen Victoria, and in the year of our Lord la65, . - BET WEEN. • -Francis Harris tieward, David. Buchan, reedit* Canada Agency Assamation, limited. pliff" aintE., AND- • - WilliatirHitubcockDrnda , PON the application °er teh.ePinatt- ti tills' and it arpes ring by Afflitavit that alter due diligenee thesaid Defen- dant cannot be found to he served with an office ecpy of the Plaintiffs in this cause. It le ordered that the said Detendant do on or before the first day of June nextamswer ordemur to the said Bill, and it is ordered that r copy of this order together with the notice regured by the General Order of lent Court be -published in the 'Huron Sjgnal» newspaper,- pub. .1shed in the Tosin of Coderic.h, in the County of Huron, not less than sis weeka before the first day or June next, and be continued once in each week until the said day. And it is further ordered that an office copy ot the Plaintiff's Bill -together with a copy of tl.ii order be served upon Sergeant J. Hitchcock, son of tbe above named Defendant, and further Entered. tshca_twayn:rPkY: tignhisedorder be mailed and addrmsed to the `said Defendant at, A. GRANT, J.J. Registrar Stamp stamp %Timms Hyrencocx,-Take Notice that if you do not answer dr .deinur to the bill pursuant: lo the above ordei, the Plaintilfmay obtain an order to take the bill as cinueased against you, and the Cduit may grant the Plaintiffs' sueb reliefaa theb. may he entitled to on their own showing, and you I will not receive any furling- notice 011ie future ROOKS, KINGSMILLpLiCifrAsTTs0AhNeitA0Cr8H. proceedings In this cause C . „ Toronto,15 April, 1865? w• To 111 whoii it may Concern, NOTICE.* Tg consequence. of serious losses in mu A business of late, we are compelled much against our wishes to resort in future .to the CASH PRINCIPLE inthe sale of Ale, RICHA.11D BUXTON, { Beer° lc. : Maitland Brewery. Signed CHAS: DEAN, ., Hamilton Spring Biewety. Goderich, 12th-Apri111865, sw65w12-lio Insolvent Act of 1864. In the ;natter of EDWARD FER- OUSON, an Insolvent. - TEE Creditors of the Insolvent ire notified thst he has made an assignment of his estate and effects, under the above Act, to me. the unders-go- ed Assignee, and they are required to lomat) um, within two months fisim _this date, with their claims spiecitying the security they hold, if any, and the valueot it, and if none,--atating tbe tact the wboleattested under oath, with the vouchers in support of such clams. - OatedatSouthampton'in the County of Bruce this 131h day of Apnl, 1865: A. PROCTDFOOT. sw654t wit' Assignee. olvent ,Aot of 1864. THE thictitom et the andersigned are notified 1. to meet at -the Lase eifice of James Show Sinclair, in the town of Godstich, on Saturday, the twentieth day of May next, at twelve o'clock, -noon, far the purpose, of receiving a .statement et his adieus and ofesanting an assiTnee to whom. be may make assigninent. .uade.r the -above Act. • ." JOHN REEVE. J. S. SINCLAIR, Goderich, Solicitor forinsohrent,' Clinton, 181hApril, 1865. -121d TO SELL OR TO LET boeifFarrn seven miles of the Village gf Southampton, forty acne cleared and fenced, with it good log house and barn. Terms liberal. • Apply (if* letter postpaid) to , JAMES LW/AWASH, tiouthaniptun. ortel IMAM, 41-.1"" 31 1,865. ValuablePiece-of Lad FOWL- SA.M.1333, Ag6vorahle tern's of payment: The fol. - O lowing propertyi North' hat. �f lot ' nurnber 30, on the 1201 con. of Godeiiek townsbip, containing by admetsuresnent 40' .iteres; shore or lege, upon, which there are fifteen acres- desired; This land is in a', favorable situatfbn, being within Eire miles of the twin,. of Clinton. Also, a valuable.' property in the village of lEinburn, one half acre ot land, a good -farm house, -shop, and. stable On the preritiatt; This would be *good situation for a tailor or stow- gad. Iiiirnear maker as there is none in tbe _yicinity:- .Leather or store goods at wholesale- firiale! will he takett for •either •ef the above places. JAMES STANL&T; w 2.4 Constance p. " CAEN PORSALE, - , lINHE $ulwebber (Am for sale Two Yoke 1t* Years old triatt,in----good -7, WOKE& Goderichlownshi March 30, 186a. w9Lt INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864.,_ CAlialtrfeaREI-; Aorfeh4i:a4toitorchni::::::s.ciitoinissuedowirltosAtuDeseah.Dei:::. way indebted to hint are required to title notice. estate of die defendant end all persona naving ia their possessions custody, Ot• power, inty pernint- zx cause or which ail persons interested si thee theassets aline defenditnt or who are In any Defendant. HYS- Lt.:4fit7strAtinrimete,-"Deterudiri8651".17 ch811:1111rt;- .W14-211, - Municipal Notice. -1-HE Court of 'Revision for Revising the I Assessment .Rolls of the Township of Stanley. will :hold its int sitting in Turner's flote,l, Varna, on Monday. the loth dais* May'next, at 10 o'clock, a. to. - JOHN ESSON, Township Clerk. -Hayfield, 12th April, 1865. 12w3t Por. Sale at'...g-Bargalu. "FEAT vitluable and eligibly situated rifetsarflr - .1 it: the Town ofOodench. fronting the Court ' /louse Square, and for eighteen years know* as 'TRE FAIGIEltir INN During which time it has enjoyed one 01 the largest portions of that business In tile town. Connected with th e bate' is a general store. The whole are Wain( stone and brick, 47 )437, three stories highand commodious tellers 8 feet deep. - Attached to the hotelis ewe° storyframe dwelling house, outhouses, bre.. ALSOt.-A smell farm ol -eadellent leas — handsomely located -one mile from Roderick on the Bayfield Road, 30 acres itt goeffetate etatwittion, well fen.,, 25 of winch ate clear of stumps, with a hewn. log house -3004 110, ang cedar log barn 40 04 U, sheds, Ace:, ALSO-Inthe Village of Port Albert jacre with dwelling Image and litanies, tic.ore aim Etat lawn stands In thit piece, aa" has king ben kept as such. Terms liberal; to suitputchasatse tor tanker particulars spplyto " - J. -B. GORDON-, or ANDREW DONOGE4 ,Proptieters , 141.13-:Milhose indebted to me`eitherisynato ir hook Xi:count are -requested to settlethesasse without delay in order to save -costs. - _Godetieh; Aped illst,:1864. - Sheriff'sSate *Hands. fIlinewitoftla°a:dunfitielluct ' 2-21172virtiewiti Faciaser sissuodwritimilif ,Coeirtofthellnitedeolutiessiffluton &OEMs - ,. ' To wits . of Her Majesty', -Goody and 10 met-bre:died Ogilif114 the lands -a-ad tom= ments of Nesbitt Biggar and George-311pr, at the- suit of Olivet kliseltheei• iff,110.- Inehtiller- William Irving,-jr..afid Jacinto Mieithiso, I Oman Seized and taken in -Execution' all the right Mk and interest ofthe said defenditits :is sad to Lots Numbers 118, 113, 114. -115. 11 6, 117 sad 85; in-Ilie Wage of Blociate, illb that Ow - lain , paroel or tract oi lead! keeiva as the Mill Bloekrand also that certainpareeloot tract et lands which is bounded on the Beethreedebythe River Maitland, on the. BoutCside by tbe -Tema line between" the Townishiroillievris and Teism. - berry, and on the East -aide by theiRrestbeuradaii linebfLot 11910 be extended to the Rivet Mait- land, with any water privileges which maybe detived from the.,River Maitland -at far East as Clydestreet, all ip tbe County of Huron, widen _ 000eLandsinapdtheTcencertenieBouselits I stlitbeotreltioroi.ior seoletteo.ist awl ribh,OPTuesdaytheThirteelth day .erfielne IMO' at the hour vl . twelveof th'e clock nomi. ' J._ _ ._OHN,MAC2DUiserrirpARIS,410-= At Sheriff's Officeitiodench, I , • - ond March, 1866. Mortgage Sale pfLands TINDER and by Arta.- of la Power of Sala Ao contained In a Mortgage made by !lanes Hart, of the-Township-4;st Wavranosh, in the - Comity of Huron, Yeoman, to George Joh* Gager, of the Township of McKillop, la thff said County of Huron, Gentleman, (default having been made in the die payment there- of,) will be soldby Auction on Friday, lhelweifth day -if May,_. A. D. 18651 ittwelve o'slock, 0051, sitAlot A- uction Marc"of ' .CEORCE M TRUEMAN.- On the Market Square, ie.the Town of Gods, rich, the following propel -Sy, that la te say: All and singular that .tertain ear* ar Iran of land aud premises situate lying and _hales in the 'Township of Wawanosii, in the County of Huron; in the Province ef Canada, being' composed of the north east quarter of Lou, Number Forty-two in the Eleventh eoneeeltion, of the said township of Wwwsnosit,containiase by admeasuretnent Fifty scree of land, lettere same more or less. Terms *cash. Seedt under Power of Sale,- - JOHN DAVISIRIf w16,1 lrendur's s1ry4uFrissALt orziNis... United Counties of DDT sirsiier Of si writ ei 1 t Huron and Bruce,. 12 VeuffitiennExponsw and ,To • wit: rims 'sews, for moldier -. issued out cf MY Majesty's County Cant ' nt`the Connty ofOntarie -send Court of Vow- - mon Pleas, and ais nee directed against the • Landsmed tenemenieffiSsePhea aCrawfordX21, - Lynch Staunton, Saes* V. Dowliag_aisel lesheat.4 Gilmour's* the Mu* of Isaac B. /Jewett ined-i the Cotporstam ollbe Velrnitif$ AS Eigerdiei 11 have seized sad takes en Exceptional-1th, tights - - tole andiiiiieseit *Ake *aid defeadamte, iii and Io. Park Los SO. JkliOt 1o. SI mid tothe &MA hat Of 1401 N.6, East side of Qseea !Weft MAIN' being seblivisionsofPierk LotNo. 4 ri1 Ike "vil- lage of Paisley i Booth -kali- of Let A (Brae East sWe of Queen Street South Paisley, Park Lot New 15 North side of_ Cairintidg,e stein. ant Block lb. %Vest side ofQueen Street,North Peislett.hot 13 Smith side and 13 aad 14 Borthinde of Caisheldar street, Paisley; Nerd, hill -0-not 1. -gmt 44d6.1 Huroa street, Southampton, 50 feet of the Kort part of Lot No. 4, North side of Hitt Smelt - Southampton, Lots Se and AO oil the 6itil aide of Clarendpri street, litouthamptoa; .W.13. side of No4folk Stmet, &tgb*rnplo., Lojis 21 12,Antity *We *Mamas Aar" in wt.suetrot *soft wawa; milaistWieter- Atrial* at at Court House, in the Town of: G It; ma Tow Jay the Twenty -Eighth day ofFe wrath** the h&j- f Twelve ol the aloe 'AO - - JOHN MA AL By S: l'et.1.001, Deputy Sheriii2s011ee,43 24th hungry," , - F..- aralsb _ atk)" We '11 Pdarmed 44 ifyiewispt the4thdaytfApriipq;t. 4' . ' 3'.• *-'-i•-• ' • vir; infarthsr4asicenatiill Tuesday the Sth day allay aszt.-.;.