HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-28, Page 2� . . — — - . , --- . — - - �_ _________�7_ ________Z1==!=_� I . . . 2�� I - I THE. SEMI-WE.EICLY SIGNAL41 . � . - _____ - � -_ - - - --.-.. . -_ . I - I-- - - ��._ I , - ,_ Till* at six o'clock, but I Puppose I mistook falt his hand passing over my head -it rested the road side, about half way ons influience, and to pecularly favorable to percent; closing at 23 to 25, wbile the Fede. , &&�. . I for I have been wandering about on my shoulder. 0 agony of agontes, It grazing I . ftited Statils. t Nsft MIDertifimcnIx. the rQ4 - 0 between tie city and Mr. B's house. wbilet a any form of billions disease. , ..W%...�.-.%,�%%-.,�%��--��.".�— �.~~ rai securities exhibit a decided improvemen the woodB ever since.' had found out my ran, and wits about to kill few yards off lay the corpse of his m4ster. Thare are good fiscil itiet; for hunting, fishing BAN FRANcisco, April 25. ­The military 111. Central shams 63 iO 64 i. FWe 36i to 37 ; I ,-"�,�,,��-1-�.%N�-%'%.�%%�-%-,.,.",.�.,%�w ' ; I - � I You are fifteen miles from C0111116rTillS , me I My whole body was bathed in a cold * Now, as I have said in introducing tbx and bathing i especially is this true -of the two have a' in Selons U.S. 5 20's 64J- to 65J: 1 - � nested twelve or fifteen men i �_. said the uncle with a Q of leer. perspiration. storyi it is no fiction; the circumstand" latter amusements. The speckled brook trout and Caluss, ceitnties for rejoicing- at the as.. . , Many English journals condemn the ' 13 XT �V IL 10 it F,�e I You do not belopg to this part of the Suddenly -1 heard a heavy thud on the bed, happened as here related; and an account.of of New England are fonnd in all the streams sassination of President Lincoln. Upon the judge's ruling Ju the ca of the St. Albans � , . - � , ­, country ?' saidthe banker's clerk. which was followed by a groan, and then till it was ptibli.jhed at the time. -but the copies !"be vicinity, and parties from Buffalo not receipt of the news of the President's death at raiders.. . � - t3, - . "It ZUST AXCZ M.9 & L&lt(IX STOCIL op , I No,' I replied, I I am from the State of was still. The blow had been struck, and I were bought up by the family ; two or three unfrequently take the cars for-Goderich, with Greeuralley,. jalena, a number of secession- I �:- -- -_ a � Vir mia.' - was not the victim. A pause of some mo- however were preserved, and the narrative special reference to the fishing kiducements ists met to rejoice over the event. I . " . � . A body of Tait Empnr6ss OF T9z Farsm' A COXPOR- I . I %st is your business V -� � ments ensued, and then I heard the uncle has been reprinted.. I res"ntedid ,. * - troops was sitivio break up the meeting but 1TOn.-The Paris correspondant of the Globe MWOMMAD f XWX - L . I M .' - ascending the staim. T hey wrapped t � tbuse . aillan I Of the says: -Ad Emprqu Eugenie has paid a visit - I I am collector for a ho,use in Aichmond.' he t e hotel nicely located near the as they approached, the ringleaders - I I should have. taken you- for a Yankee,' body - of the unfortuivoite Bi:f in a.sheet, and . - ,bank of the laka, the- British Exchange on secessionists fortified' themselves in a house Lot encouragement to the typographic work. . . ; rOKSof 00 I - said Aw ' e U It,##,, '§ j911. I the public square, and the Huron hotel, are and fired at the soldiers, woinding two of shop of Clichy, wliere a nuniber -of feipale I . ,young ,man. convey d it at once into the garden. They �IL ,7� 1 i I No,. indeed,' I replied, with an attempt to had no sooner left the house, than. - I leaped -A a. all three -good houses, allrarding substandiil' them. The fire was repturned by the soldiers compositors are empldyed� tbere' 'being, no � - � - otrAWOMAW40 - . 0 . smile. . out of bed and ran to the window. They A) I fare at very moderate prices --say 85 per and several of the secebsionists were wounded, longer on the par; of the printing operaityes "W.A.Mala The un6i .e and nephew now left the room, had evidently not discovered their mistakey — -.-- - . — week Canadian furids. : V,--&-.P:E1::�A1 - - ' � - — . - . The whole party then surrendered.1 any serious opposition to such co-partuerabip - R&dks, PervV& � - � and I could hear them whisper to -ether in for the body -was already in the .-rave pre ar- - � lace is accessible by raiLvia The Grand The ship Bacchante for Hong Kong takes in :thvir craft. Iter M * t -to k the moat OTA, To.,� 144 .4**hs4l6 1 P . � 1 � A . � I a a ajes,y o TChdrch S'eivices, 11 ­_ % the next apartment.' Still I did n ic I for it, and they were fill ing it I 6- T.T.11ke ana Buffido and Lakelfuron Railways, a 3mill tits: - - J� - o t feet aVy ed a ' GODERICH. G. .',V.l APRIL, 28, 1865. , � ­ rter of a million of dollars. livelTintereat In -altthe,detailsof the prdgress, . . - � . . I f- - ct 3 . . . . c 0 morning Vilgiv YoiiKp April 26. -The steamer tj and tried her own hand, not only at case� but -tlueasiness,lor I relied on theta 'ibaulwa I lost not a moment to put on the rest of - --- - ­­­ th'e ars liaiin,; this c'ity - in tlie early A el AILAFUMLS, SATC"Im unknown to the absconding clerk. Tfiey my clothes, anJ creeping ouietly downstairs, � � got througli at hajf-past -threp P. M- iFwg- from Fansuief 16th inst., has arrived. ��Be- in th-6- other aepartmetits or-minipfilaiiOn. . - EL-EM-Ni- � . - � I _�. � Lddie4l Comptmosix,r .-_ 0 four dollars, greenba � is also a yond the circulation of idle rumors of fresh The result of her Petformance was a stanza 0=1 — I . soon returned to the apartment where I sat * esc,T6,d through the- front door. I ran an A REPVTAT]ION SPOILIE. . cks. There - - � � � 4 Wi bare only one room, in the. hoillip't fast a I possibly could, and -by chance the - . . - : . . . �. - Arect Railw".communication- with Buffalo, revolutii)nary.uprisiagakeepi6g'the tijbid in � -B' . . . . � - in old French.1hei;ype,,.1)f which was firstl WORK WA � I I I I I I 1. .1 - . said' thit uncle as he entere(t; I ifyou-will not ri--ht road. - great y . - In w . -distant 160 ' suspense, I no - truck off on � the 2 z t March. 1 1566, .by the - . CONCRITitt4i, ;� . Im - - I . _ Im less than an hour I was at A man ma commit verv- grave fro ' hick' pface Gdderich is thing boa occurred. , . 0-0. - . mind aseeping with a son- of mine yoil can Parkville. I roused the. whole village, and " 'and a militar leader m , ay, *J miles. -. While many perso . A's, perhaps the. From Central Ame-ica we lea.' that the' . � . � - - .- I k1unders- - , � . - M - hand of Marguerite de Valois of Nar. ! - . . ; t kaye part ot -his bed. 9 . . . . in, ii few burried words,. told my story. . A I y . - Jp larger majority, will prefer to.visit-the various death of Gen-. Carrira� President of Guate- arre on the oc i ,.Queeii ALCIC�l , Imm4mwo; �. . ! . 1, ofcourse- im � mediately consented glail large party of Wen - i . mmediately set Uff for Much fame, and -at last suffer the extreme . . I ­ . - . f casion, of her visit. to The print- I I P , � . I � . . I - places of interest oil Lake 'Superiort..it in. mala, - was expected and a crisis was e ted, ing press of the famous Robert Etienne. I'- And various other artie" � , - . . � � a P x c . I Oes,allcuqs - - � - I I . - enough to find,'any place where I coulh'* , n 'of the - tragedy, scaompanied by pains - and penalties of'public. obloquy. thought thAt.others. will prefer to seek., the to follow the event. Carrem wa reTdent (Robertus Stephanus). � . . , - :.I . . . I . � I . I � . . I . � . . � . -_ - , . mywearylialbs. ' - . . myself. � - e heal.thful advantages nearer home- - - � I I . 1. I . . . AT , - ,- Poor General 'Sherman notwithstanding sam ,,and for life, with Dower to name his'succeslor. - . BUZAM __ - After 4 pause Of& few minutes, I pulled When ive entered the house. we found the - . ) � .within reach. of telegiaph and the railroad.. . I � I � Goderich Aprit28-11M, -- ­ — -- I ­ - I ' - - . He has namea Geri Cam, late Governor of -- _. . . — I A � . - I I I . . . - . � � . I " . . . I . oe upied by- the uncle and his- " uAparailele'd " 'march across a cOun- And;as there are* no I Per passport mstric. Chi - In - It was thought Carrera's death . . . . . I out my watch,- and imid I -should K -e to go to front room still c . . 1. . I . I . ong ulmu . . - . I - , Whe'n they-.3aw me they turned ad thereof Ei feelium of-rinewed wo Interefting Items.', - . . . 11 . � bed. I noticed at ther time significent looks ne-pliew. try unMended by -troops, and his glorious . n I I rl . I — I . ' - , - . . - ' tions, but.inste 4 be the sional fdr�General Barlos to re- — I I I - . -uncle and inepliew wheri. deally pale,and I really believed they thou -tit . . fr' iendshili rapidly-,- devel ing,'no national 6w his,slaims to the Presidential chair. � � . - - - pan between the . _ " . 0:�- Janston'sanny is eatimat at -30,- - r I hey d -achiev:ments on the Atlantic coast, bw .' . . - - � they saw my watch. It was a fine gold one- that'I'had risen from the grave, for t ha - . considerations should = adirersely on - � I . - . - . � -_ L- I . . . �ope_ e - The President of Honduras had issued a '' I I I � I , I . .1 000 strong. '. I �' "'LL - I .1 ' I , been presented to not yet disc abne *;and clone it at last.- - He has dero. an;iulind. - with Costs Ries -for _ - .1 . il. Is real Cooper-an.4 had' . . overed'that tiley. had a.terificed' , . I -, - ­ deiree of non -intercourse � - . . I . , - . I _ I - sue by an importer *Fwatches. for services I'lleodoreMun'sel's son. When they siw tbat . . an4 - 1,Mi_hty eare 131, hi - . 9 . bheriff-'s Sale of - � W I ated Id himself the Vi6h _o 4 those w oBelieve. that Ahe a.To ' 'L are stiu 0 to- . . I -ty . C3 ­ � 1 15 � . � . , ant - - . riling Barios.an asylum." - _ � I 1"&P� , -&-live, they assumed an time is not very far off when, throqZh the con w& convalescence. - I I . which I had tendered. . I wiis r'eally - . air of' 0 . , ' - BALTImoltic, April 26.---n­Tbe steamer Mas- rr The Sewardi; I - I � L - bad only come -to powers of the Executive, the ,Congress,.. ­ I .� L . . . � ;, . United Counli�s 0 , I I ' L . ee, Vesditiosiftpowis-sa ' I , � I � & You will find M'_ so -it -next the wall,, saia bmvado, supposing that I I I inter t, C"hada sAchusettv, with a load. of soidiers, the gres. 'I::)- They are raising a subscription- for Huron and 1;ru r 3y "'m of a writ *I I I - ' - LL y'. � . quests of peace andinutual ei a ter . - _ - . To wit: , - - i . I � � . . the uncle. I You will have the -goodness not arrest the clerk for'the bank robbery. Their and the judiciary. of the United States,. will wiihto unite her destiny. with ours., . part� of"whoul were exchanged and paroled Cobd ' - � Freri Faclaslor rmdae, . 0, I . I � I _ � . �, . � to waken `him for he has been nick latel�, dieim, however, was -soon dissipated, for in I . . 4 ,;'; - - en's family in England. , d. I - - P 7 . - I . � . A second'Napoleon iti. war he thought a � . - . � . : prisoners, collided with � a steamer -named the - , , - I writ orFteri,racies k,.d out of Her K - '1k - . - I I ) � siest - . . and h is to get up yery early.' . .a few moments the.L body of the - murdered - k � - - p - 0::)- It is now suipected that- lt6oth has Coun,YCOuft Of the United Cou or jlllmia� at . ' ' � I , . - - _ I I - . niks I - - . . . .. . . � 1, replied that. I w- svoidL wak- utan� was exhumed, and they were'confronted there was 'no earthly teation. wh :he should I... DUNKIINYS BILL. . , . Blaelc Diamond, a small . barge ropeller in iiever loft Washington city. � I c,dhwfed against the lag& - . Ould I certainly L . - _ . I . y - I � � , ­ . and Biuce and to in , L . - . , L - the Potornae'river om lack. . - � . , , . . I and tenementsor Jkliton i I . . '0::)-- -- Jefferson Davis is iqoiied -to r -Uy Halikitis,itithe�uitg,DrAllen.s.yi,w,:j= , - . 1. I . in- him. The uncle took up a, ctuidle, an,d with their bloody work '- - I . I not he�a Talleyrand In' I 14ice ) abil,'conses, � ' The people *of � Ki. ngston- on Tuesday , ,' oue-mile fr the B M. 311irrsad F I I - ' - ' _ - . � �tone Island, - which ' was acti . ng there as A � � �e C. Detlor, I have. sersed and falreff - . si0owed me to a room up stairs ; it was the It was'shocking -to see th-a unele's sapony voted upon theAuestion WLhether Dutliia�x on oard a uard of some crossed the Mia3iiiiiipoi Rl '' * . ­ � " - 0 quently, when a'fe:w 'days a -or Ge' ral .. . . ." picket boat and had. bi 9 Tor.i - � - in s2ecutieft "I . only. habitable sleeping ioom iti the house, when he' discovered- that his son. had Ueen . - 1, tie . w slen. The Massachusetts struck the . ­ - thG following propert . I - I . -ohnston. evinced -a desire to'surrende ­ . - certain Parcel or trait of land a 11 . . % , - . . her otthe crii -i . -prohibitory bill should become la in that twenty I . -1 - 8:JFa Kirby Smith is disband his - Y I all and . i a& I . , and was situated over that, in which '-we hatt.murdered. '_Nei�t ninals attem t, J . - . - r on . , - . . Black Diamond on the port side, near the I - lug , &my, nA .- , . . I - . --J-r" —_ _,P - been, seated. Cautioning me to-put'out the gdanydefefice. Three months -'a S43 city cirnot. They decided a,gainst �it by, and his men are homewatti-bound. lying and being, in h - b I . . I -_ 2 .terms -similar to tho'se agree . upon on boi!er, sinking her in about threp minutes. � - t e village of. , I . - . . .. , . d_ . : I - . . cOuutF-df Huron and Frovipce of Can a I In -1be I . '� 1. light as soon as I was in bed, he left me. they were tried, convicted audexecuted. . I I � - I - . � . -he t6ok -a .vote, of 243 to 78; - -Our Hamil , - � L � . the eapituldtion. ot General Lee, . . . ­ ton cor- 16 the excitement attending the collision of . 0:3-- All persons not -connected with the inj by admessureaeut �oue hW acm of laud. lw I I . � I - � . t I found myselfin a room,- the exac7t coun- - - . .1 I � i .1 - the two boats, ma4� of the soldiers- became army are prohibited'fro � -the sarne more or Usti. being zmposs& of 4WV . - I � � . A Remarkable Dkeam. - upon himself the res nsibility of patching respondent.says.-tke clucstion will be sub. . . - , m goine to Mobile. . . . . . 1erF4rt -of the one below, exceptitfg, that this , . � . TO , I 0. . . .panic stricken and, beyond the control'of dis. ' lots Dumbirs fifty --six and sixty-five, 4weig" 46 I one contained. a bedstead. Snorincr'oq the " . . . ted. to - the ratepsyers& .or that "- The residence of Chief Justice Cha *S(Md AM WeU � - -- I - I . 0 up an armistice with a, vi6w-to establish. ml� . 'O ad jumped ' . _ " Mary street, Oran . Ington, stred .1 . Some ninety Years ago, there flourished in .. . - - . � I � - . . CitY-t - ; cipline'. sind seized plauka, &c.1 a is -now under the- care of a - in the 11i V*Utainlogtogejber�o I � bed next the wall was &"man soine years 0 � . I - . � - military guisid yi1fsX0 Of -C, int011f - . � . las,ow a club of young men, whicii from incp a basis for d return to peace. In fact day.-g[Leader. .. - . - . overboard,.,and many of them -were - - - � . * balfarre offs d ore - - , " - - . �thus .. I � . a I . I s4id together wAll dw I If . I younger than myFelf. I cautiously broualit, P -, . � . . . . - - .as ar . . . a fli& - � drdwiled. . Capt .H61mes-of the 3rd veteran . I a::)- The coasting trade of Chili will -be privilegeof tanking sufficient water tos"T"tio - - . � - : * � . d't ' Esq - , a � mand of open to vessels - "Of every nation' , the light. to, bear on -lib. fnee. The'firstibing theextrernepro gacy of its members and the terms offerf -ci Johnston wereso'ver . - - - - that struck mi 'was i that t . he man belovi had the- licentionsne . is,of their - omies' I I- . . y ADOLPHUS YrIFFICS' reserve corps. w. 9 ,the offider in com ;. 67h the lot tsur,ery on xaid lat sixty fro frogatbe s"g,W _ m ! - - " as com - _. " . � . � . 7 1 I I , . � -springs'ou lot number eighty-four on thi corner i - deceived me whe. u- Le -bad told .me hiss6n was monly called the Hell Club. B'esiwdes their" favorable � that, the press of'the North, now �. . I � . the troops, and from a statement t0lade by of May. . � - . . . . I . .. . - , � A- . . Of Widlington and Orani,e streets, wed oreondud. - . I I I - sick. I � . � ' - held bne contends' that t1te -tran ciion- � beaM.the � - Dr- A _POOK YOUNG MAN. . I him it appears the loss of lilie, as nearly I - ,btly or weekly meetings, th I sa' I � - as � He was undressed,. and wore on -his ni,, . � ey . � Notwithstanditig Sherman% Munder ing su � � - . . . � . . - ­__ - . c tie ­ - I . I ., A water is pipes across any nice con- � � - - � . o- . - ,r , a ly prosecuted to'-& venle? I , Wkl& � - I . -grand annual saturnalia, in.which each tried . an be aseertai i d at present,. will ,exceed twot will be viocirous I I . I ' I . lead a nightcap.' I , - appearance o!'a surrender by Sherman It -the in . - . I ; It Part of JwC'd last 'mentionea lot I I - . . -Let me introduce to land& and tenements.1 s6all-ofier for asli at . � . - . ^ a- - �to excel the.other in drunkenness and blas- - � - I Pis' readers.of I The night was clear, but dark, there termination. . . . . . - . phemy ; aiid n these occasions there. was no . � e'which,:it is fiftyg no mo offiee in the Court - ainess crept over . . oic ' � Oy 4 A vague senmior. of une a Confederate f -asserted, the ftnal a 'younig genileman -rejoicilid, in bein oil.- It is inipossible to say at - Souse in the iows of Gtiasj� I I I � . - I . Anf. I iegretted. having intered the'house, 0 . ' ' d. hive'va tured or -de ' d - � . --a ijpmsent where the blame .for, this. dimter is to - , OF- Mosbyl the guerrills, - -h a '$50j060 Ich on Tuesday, the twenty � and looked round -'the room for somiff menus star amongst them lwhosS' lurid li-Ait was he coul I Mhud ilay A -W Jolay. 'I � a . � a I p 800yd at the. ,name at the head .of this" article. He . . next, at the hour oftwelve of the ct#W, voon; - � . 4 6 . of exit. - . � more conspicuous than -that .bf yousig Me . '' . . .- -_ . I ­ . rest. - . I . . ,-. . � worth of tobacict which he wants to exchinge . . � . I I There was Only one door in the . any moment. The iddi,g;nat:.on_ of- the . an.instifutioq, if not a p6pular one; he bus, Nzw'YORK, April 26.-Advices-frcm New for greenbacks.' - . . . - . I J011N_-XX0D0,bTA1Z, - . . . � . , . I I . . room, that by which: I ,bad entered. Oppo- Archibidd B. who, endowtA with brillinni - - _ -ton is 6 ' I I - ... - � The city was � 1. - I . � - G,)ver'nment ashin 1: __ cr talents and A, handsome person, hid held out I at W, it, it h6 ha's no- " local habitadon,!� and bern to the 22nd are re6eived. . 0::�- -Wilson held Macon, G�.,­on the 30th . 0 , x0eme. a nam . I . - - � Shoriffif. * a � site the door was a window. I -walked p to I .. � - . - . . , - I - - By S. FoLLoexp Depo - 11 , . . - - . - outside V - e m . 9 I I . , , -to peer into the r 'an's act� are' declared ' - and- n . - blushes unseen, an I Ira meetin was held alt.? but Cm prisoners vlaimed the bnl.tfit, c -f .- Sherifi-Is office 'Goik - h i , . -eat promises in his baillood 'and raised 'Sh null , . I - d wastes drapedin mourning, d -a _ty Sheriff. �. - 't it, and endeavored . I I � . - I ,he as ma, y a rose . - ,,,,v,,,. rip . � . � I I I . I . I � - I that day to give expression -the public sorrow the armistice. - ' ' . - - _. 22nd A I I : I hopes which had been cOmpletely 'frustrated ordered to - a.qsdme the offetwive -its sweet s_k on' -the desert air,"' he - inig , - . - . .- . I 2 - - - - I darkness, but could'd:stinguish n6thing. - -is sternly. . ''lit � -1 �wd� a- .qe �� - . - - I tried to, reasoa awny my fo .by his iubsi-quent reckless dio-sipationsi I . � .. . , . . !for the death of President Lincoln. The reboditigN and . . . i . Om- � .. - Numberi of Stite-representatires are - - - �. I . . . - One'rao nin. . . - - at once. Heimaydo-so,but,ifw ' pb9sibly receive bat a pan ng notice fr an Standard - rogress papers, conducted by " � . Sheriff ts Sao ot I . - r -, after returning from --ibis e ar6 to - . . - . . . - � . I ; I I � succeedid oing tent. 0 � unapprecistivo world,. were- he -not.immortst- their old proprietors, appear in mourning and moving for Ifie-reatorationol'North Caroli4a - . . - � . � - - I : - I began to pre - I annual festival, Mr. -Archibald B..-, haiing credit -the te�egraph, Johnston has stolen . - to the Union. �1 . . - - �, I ' f JY -virtue - of a *M �0 1 -,, � , pate for' bed, ,tnd. had alieady . . . . a � - - - ' res dent " - � i . ired to his bed, , dreamed the fi)1lowitig ize'd -iti solemn prose., Let's see, what our Lincoln was the beat friend tbi United Counties -0 t and waistcoat, wl . - amarchu nhimbymovin-offth . - . - ` I ton alld.nruce, _I . I I . taken off' my coa I hen I- fan. .ret - - � . _. : � . . . - �0 e flower iend Tiffica looks like : Hi' 1:0yu tpb C:J- Placards are posted all over New York Hu , Fied Facias isipsoilons I . , - i I . dream : .1 . � po - . . . . - � young .fr s Phir. I had, and that the South suffiers wore in I - . cled I heard a step'oh the stairs. imme- . f his army, to*. South' Carolina, ev as � I w'th the irords II.Deatk to TraituMll slattike, .to wit.- Mer Wiestra . - � - - r * -mounted ,c) his death than thei North. The ratification. If" I - Cou"y diatel extin-aished . the' .Iig* 11 He fancied that be himsel was I . is by no means intellectual,. except in his own Court of.the,United Counties of Huron &ad lk . y a lit, and waited - - en - . . I . abolishing no mori'parley,l &e. - � � 1. with breathless anxiety; the d on a favorite horse that -he al*ways rode, and � Lee is -said to have -sent off his best men h I of the 'constitutional amendment . . _ � and.to me -directed .against the Ian& **a lo!t� - - ooir faintly' - - �. . I .� i - estimation� e has -a blighip - 'very,, slight, - I . I � that he was proceeding towards- his o,wn . . . . - . " slavery is regarded as certain,. rhe -desire t76 - 0:�- Mr. Vandelhoff has written an ode on mehU of Charles Kfaiks At- dw � 24ft of 'the . , .6pened, and the uncle icautiously tnrust for- . . . I before his capitulation,. or whilst its terms is - ' 4' muotache-his- liair is`parted return t the Unio ' � . , � _� . house, (then a country seat embow-ered- with : . - gingery . . . . q . . n appears general through- the assatisination of Mr. - Unc6iD CorpdtationoftheTownship ofAilifield IhaT& 0 h . . . - . . . ­ � out t � . ' ' -_? whi�,h he . 0 - - -w" his he*&, In the glo in of i e chamber - -state.; . - - . I seized and taken in-executi6k all . he could not perceive me; and finding the trees and situated upon a -bill, it , entirel ' were 'under- considenition. The hero of down the middie-the space - betwee he . : . ca Is " Treason"s 31aaterpAece.7-' the light, title , .1 I ow jr I , 11 . . I .. n his � '_ . . � - 11 - � . and intpieg of-lbe said &h ant in ,and �* ag I built over by ,he city)i when a stranger. whom - I i - - Gen Shermitils army isin Crinp awaitin � light extinguished, I suppone. he thought I yesterday, if he -reads (he. publio'� po us orbi and the roots ofhis odoriferous 9 #:Jp- The d*ntists-o !Znd -atid P tie" are - w" halfut lot aumber seven in the 0141 ciii; I pers, beauteo. . . . , e ; � � . the answer of government to the Confederate 1 1 _f on- A , P - . : . � very *Softly ,the darkness of the' night prevented him __ . " - . rehead is ing large quantities idf-tdith� 16m 'the mssioii Eastern Division of '*e.tOAaahiJP of I was in bed, for he clostd the door . a deal � h I i .� heir is very limited - and the sweet-fo . � . . Inporti . . � j . .. I . . .. . � I - - - . - . � I � I � . 161110- - . lis- horse � . � Aolifield, in the it;ounty ot Huron costaining ons - . . . tly seeing suddenly seized will iee' in them- a -rest t at 4" unlo . - I propositions.; - - . American battle fields. � 6 . and descendcd the mirs -as ' I distin.c s 0. I, I � .1 '; u MI massive � I � - . . I a - in exclaming J -You mutt - with me.' : complimenta or worse. ; He is accused not inarred by an Psee Y , �I!W- The steamer Columbia' briogs Havana . . hundred actes, which-J&a&aW ten* I I . 0 , - re I ga - TY) . . , . - . . . , 0 1 eats I *W ; : V I was now worked no the highest pitch o � � . ' -his teeth are as, shiny - with prof. Chris Is advices to the 24th. - The intelligence of the t:)F- Another fiae loe WAS ofier,for sale at my offwe in the. Coiw moves * 11 I f i And who are you ?'- exclaimed the Young of having boen - all along -too ldnder of � - ­ ,% ty I . .omoelve turned , in . : - - I ­ � - . � _. ,excitement. I 'feli c;rtain that , something man with a volliy of oaths - as he a - . . I - . . I 'his che 'in' scion ot I President Lincoln caused our last weeir from the Grand, Tmak Railway tht town -of G64rich, On Tuoidiir-PIthe *4 � 11 I - . truggled to It So"Zodout as rm. g Vran'ch Calis are-- ask2asm I - of Augue next, ,at tie bout at twelve of I was -_ a rebels" and. their pr6 erty' slai6 and , - much ex , - nt St* Chailes. - - - I . I � .. I � I .�4 of' " beat'cake blackinty.7 . About7his delicate citement and cast a deep gloom . � � . I , I - ,,oing to happen. I remembered my free himself. ' . P clock, moon, . . . . ' I - - . , - . � . lonely situation -the inquisitive questions of i you will know that by and by,' returned' otherwim, aind th ' i it . . � .0 . - American, residents, By way of Afatilmor" wo are h.appy to hesi,that the Lock - - DON4LD 1 4, i . -ere is a no very covert- ' - ' __ JOHN MAC I - � __ . - . � . throat is wrapped a neat but not gaudy. paper it was iiported that C-ortill" had 0::�a . � - , the men below. There was no possible means , declared - . ii6;41i.* IL - ­ r - � . the other in a todd-that excited unaccoun. insinuation afloat . that,he is ,at.hOar - collar-, and �over that again a- nice' -colored ,agaiust the em ire. , _ Out in the Tion Astrieto of EhSlaud has ter B 9 POLLOCK, , .' t MO . . - � for m1i to Ascapei excipt in going through table terror in -the youth, wh6.- lunging his � - ­ ' I . . . I I . - -_ .,_ I ..p .- � I . I - . i* Deptitysberior. _. � . - -anod . . - p thin 'half rebel himself. - The &W York si�art (1 think they call �� it) ra . Itened, -with a - I I minated satisfactOrily. - ' i , Mrs 08ce, Godgmk, - - - . - I . spurs into�his horse, attempted tG sca. - � .1 —_ __ .— — I . . . � SKC 26thApril,111165. . t I �. . the room in which. they were seated e ' pe, tut - .. _ - . , . . - I . ­ 0:1-- There is a gorid simif K71tehe' I - - w1d . . each a course I knew would be perfect mad- in vain. 'However fast the animal flew, the 'Herald, which sang loudly in bb prai-se a gold. pin w'a'shed whb� brass.. 'His.' vest is of, - a Garden I I 4 - . . . .. . - ­ I - � - . . � - urope= ..News. near London, Englawd, , is eigkt SHMI"98 SALE � - -r- � - - . ness. I summone4up all my philowphy,and stranger was itill. beside him- till at lenoth . " - . ..,.----Is , _� . - 1.� 02 LANM , determined. twwait the denoisment ard tried in few days ago, says in its issue,ofTues&y the 11 gorseousestIt and is -not pald -for yet. I . I . . - I - . . � . . ­ I . his efforts in eicape',,the dileewas thrQ;7 . - . . � , I I . - I . . - . I - hundred acres. principallp - scoving - . � � . ­ He possesim, a chpap 'ziih, attached � - . cabbs%e. . . .1 . . __ . I � . I I* persuade myself my fears were groundless. Dut instead -of being dashed to the' e' ", i last :..;- � . . "I � - - silver we - . . arih as . - . �. . . � ­ - - . � - HALIrA* . � 11 �1 .. United Countle?,of 'DY virtue ,ous Writ at I - - : ­ . . � I .� But whon'l thouglit of ibe signiticant look fe I' . � - nd-chain ( * material. as the pin) , Aprilt: 26. -The steamship,Africa, - . .- - . � I - - � id B � - . I - S he ezppcted, he t himself fs1ling-v falling, General Sherman . hu ,spoiled a great to a gra " . � . isme - Capt. Andean, -from lAverpool at, eleven * Muron as -ruce., " IriCUFSP*jWfta 4)Vt­ .., fiat passed betwee en they Mw . - -,C::)- Ina few. weeks. it * confidgatly' exo , T,� Wit _r . � -Miftlyte 'COM44 , I . - athe men,wh failing still, as if through ,'the bowels of the - J. to which -am attached -I charms " in the shape o'eloelk, a mq of'the 15tit, via Queenstown coted. that Great Brii 3a Aind'Auatralia wA Chanc,ery.s of Her . I . . - I . name by a great blun4ar. " Wit& Genei. . , . I � &I I nd I* M Affected 6gawd "*Aasillii � . 11 -=y gold watch, I musi confess: that the- effort ground-. - - - ' " of little. sh;l1@,'4c- ' &a., Ilia pantaloons on- 16th, arrived, bere'llit five o'clock -this within 22 ilours_of each other, by leti- and tene r mats owl Ja ePord. Edward Atknoter � I ­ was a.fallure. . And thou the thod ,lit sudden - . � r, ientont, assitining thi i�thciii�j of ille . . . � ­% I - I . - . - eing . � . �, .,. belong to the pog le fisp� lady killer evening_i . . I . . - es"Irad William Stastako -me, . ., - At len,gth, it, period - b Put 'to th!ir Presia i9p,,-doub ' witb-61 passengers for this port� and graph. John Mccuinli - . . - - - -me, ifi after alli the clerk. had re , i - ent,, isafiedhis.emancipation p--6cla � . _ . . - . - � - � . - . ly� struck - - mysterious descent. he f�uudbioreath to inquire . . I i . . 62 for Boston , Her dates -are three days , . defendents, at the suit of hlai�f Ann Ford &X � ­ coxnized me, he Would n6ver let me les*e mation in Missouri- h - ' uasion-and-a g "Irly-tied up to the ep A- Secessionist was killed - on the lake by John Mitchell the younger hersixtrIk"'. . - . of his companion, wh - i , e committed a per$ . . re re . ­ * I - . - O was still by b.is side, I I ­ 'later thati'those already receifed. , - . i - That place alivie. � Five - lonj minuites PiLL"d 'whither they were " oine. �-, Where am I ? blunder; when General Hunter under- b9d-'post at night lost they should oil loose street of Wiashingtou on 8 tturday, for is Plaintiff, 1 have strized andtaken in .exem" I- . _ , ­ . � . . . I ,. At that moment I ' 9 - . . � jr � � ' * .The news ofilie isil-of Richmond created pressing, his _j�y at the death of Pmsl(;,1j 81! the light, titlieAbd litterr.Vt *f AS joid ..,Oetesm. . awiti, &W I heard nothing som -dam L to. -the landlord's crocii. -intense excitement in England but it arrived I - d ' � I � . Where are you taking me,?-'. hesexelgimed. -took the same experiment in South -0 -and do e agge' - I . ­ � - silight fleshed before my windoir�. Iwentto � A - . Cam . ...� 1, .. . . I Lincoln. , - 11 � ­ . ant in and to theAmth halt aflat jt*iniwre-wn .. __ . I 4 To Hell V replied the strange�_.- a-nd lina he was guilty . 'of the same fbily, and ery. His cost, or'-�aliide. garment, -is. com- too late to admit of the papers gederally cow- � - - . ,in the fourth concessio Vr � digging in - . � Stephen. in The -county of Huroij, wiiwx As& :� I . a I __ � n of tbq toV-q*,p i ' � I it, and saw the uncle with a .1atorn imm'ed* tel , inteiminable echoes repeated when General McClellan � ventu d u n posed,oif some grvAsh materiAl, and is made menting-on i,t, and as, most mets . "- General Sir J. W. Guise; Baft., Col. . . I - la 4 l 1 1 - the garden. I witched him wifli earger . . I - . . I . C-1 � . I I -shall o4er for safe at my Aw I I . - . war - belt. all r bad osed 66m the 13th -to the l7th, the bnel of the 80th Foot,4s dead. -He 'entered and tenemen . the fearN sound, Ito hell!. to. belk I � to the duty of regulating th(i -tailed . � in the Couri Ron", Jet- thd jown- oreadehek on I . I . ' . I . . '. I . - I . . , _ liey bob and, with a cloth . Dund - . I . eyes; he was digging a holo'aboilt six feet bell 11 . � - . a 0 i _ _: � - - . � . � I e0ct of the new's cannot- be fully developed the army. iii 1806 snO -served milli distinction Tue sday, t he 9 ni't 4ag(August a . *zt,* - _ _ - in a lei or 'of; under which the �pppar. part is tuckq4 in � . Instiu: .1 � . I � �. - -administrati6a ! . I ­ . " V i ion �tbree feet Crund. . " Atleaph a li,,ht appeafed, which soon the * I . I . ., until they are open. , - in Egypt and the Peninsula. -- ot twelve *1 the cloe 'zoon . -$*be J** , � . . 1. - I � - ttz a . - . � - - . . . � - . � . God r. I exclaimed-tolayself;'* he inicreasdto a blaze ; but. instead of the crilmn tions, he assumed -the function of, Con- recrul&r . . . . . I I . . .. . . I . .- ­ - 0% . pleats. ThAC i' a Mint. 'Vi6turo of � ', The &ndonJUily News say that the-irmy. 11 Why Bridge . 40HN MACDONALD -- I _ . Iia diggi F . . I . . . " i General S I - . . . d or. � I - . 4 Ing my rupe. . � ,;' gress ; bu , 0 sai h ' 4unklrew- who . . - . - .1 I and- groans,.*nd lamentingsi which -the. te I � hermah, in his North Adolphus. 'You "ve atet himlor.io_ me of his of Virginia, so long.. deemed invincible, the wished to rally ilie-glet, lot theamusement of 11y,S. I suris H. Z B, . . - . . - . , . . � I - I - - I I many . relations in an . . C o7mamenting � " I - - - - . room below to prevent . � ,y -.6f ct - I C 2 , . - ­ � I my -nothin- but music, and mitin, and jollity,s�nd at once upon the powers .of both President -troInfedamcy, has been not only - beaten but ot's huge pie---" Why Brigiti did you do it?" . MS. I I - __ - - . ., ''I , � � . . . . I now -felt certain that the youal man , had, rified traveller -expected %60 heai,'there was- Car6-lina, peace 11 uem'orandum- 1' .'seizes ide, We -hope, the centre, the, citadel of the I POL1.00K Do t 811toriL I I . . beert I*ft in the - � a . ­ - ur toiins7itir cities. - � her company, upon the fantasti - sheriffts =X= , , ; - . - . � - �Iescape. - Batt determined --.to satisfy m ' ' , that Toil. hR" .vilfted, and can -supply for i N 25th April. I ,wit . . . 4 . Yselfif he'found himself.at the entrance.of a superb .'and.- Con'ress, - find sets -them -both ailde' I I _. shattered. 'The Davis' governmelit is MOW You're qiiite an artist; how . . I . � --- - such were thafacfounaL .topenedthedoor In ,� '. yourself any deficielieps in my 4urried descrip. I . did you'do it?" I . building,- far exceeding any -he had seen con-- He'dow-this too not upon- one measure -tion. � - L grant 'and ftwitive. :Ric - hmo.nd, which of Indade, mum, it was - myself that did ivs z SHEMY'SBALB-AF: LAXM * I - , � _. . 3 .1 . I - . noislessly anct stole cautiously down the stairs structed by human'bands. Within too whit dolphus is not, as &'leniral gt received it &ad ga*ve it -zdrf, is time a dig . . . � . � . ­ I . . A . I - . . thin - ", Rity replied -.---"-- , - , - , �_ - 34, My stocking feet. I glanced- through the- of principle of policy, but upon every point . - Bridget. 411sn't it prott.7, mum ? . , . � - . - A - :. - - , - P a scehe? No amusement, employment, or __ * - popu!ar amongst bUmasculineac aintances, which it could never have � acquired - while -it I did it with our -false tee Utiited-Co'notas Of * -4t a WAt * - - .I- . " tell p. at issue between the government and'the . 11 . `vi" 1, . . keyhole of the do wh o ened into the-' pursuits'of in I Ku . ly - . thi.-mem 11, * . . ! . - . . all on earoi but was carried on � . by whom he is set -down as half muff and the rov-sined among - the cotton plantatiolii � I - . - � I # � I Huron and Bruo*,IB Fieri� Fseiw/_A@q* ,a ' , _. , ' . � , 1, W �, room, slid SSW -that my suspicions c - e . whe're it had itsilse, kas set on fire by * its I - in .a 'bertain . To witt IL C-ONW I � .. - wt!re well them with: .a vehemence whi'll excited his rebellion, and on the sid of the rebellioni. balance p6 . es he is, - - . At a large dinner partyj ontafflerMajesty*s . . , - f ;I . - . . � able amazement . ; � there the Y'oung aw General -Sherman,- in this 'untortunate. . , . , -"departing guests. That the Confe&.rate city lately; ,_66 frosty westhir �hxd Court of1he IfultedCovatisso(Mmossaill Arse�@�, founded, for -the absconding clerk -sat beside utter. , ppy,, but he is, or f6tica , - . _ , I -a "I - a tiLble with a -revolver already cocked within lovely still awam- thiough the makes di. the reatly in favor with ace- fain 'clan or young s ;;jy foi,,ht wit . , � . and to me directed -against tee .him& *ad tow . "business, doubtless thought be was dolin- -9 - � I I I r 0 � It all ifs .old t_enaei and done vonsiderable-doy in supplyirig co . � �, � : - . - . . . - 0 - , . ty . 11- 'Wests'arj weim loo.thiss - -at the, a" of V 1 - Witty- - Small, I have seined wO takon _ - . his reach. I-retumed-to the bedr giddy dance; there til panting steed still - " Jadies. He glories in iheir.s To. en- elan we cannot doubt, but it has beeit In2imi" V I. . well, and that hisTame as a leader in war 1 . 1. - broken venation, -when a very plutop, ,b ' ­ .. - I ; � � . . . I � all) k- - - . - * 1. - ­ - - . U,e� in a morning's small talk�w-awful small up by men who, as we have often been tol I - PY4160 the right,litle-and inteled -bt the adow - - .11 � i " � - I " 91 ._ I . t - � I agaia took my position at, ihe,iwind'aX!-R_' bore his brutal rider through the excitements would be enlarged -by his glojy, "maker 9 -ac . . ' lad ' -a 'k -to lot � . . . . -Fire minutes more of- agorAlzinap suspense of-& gotided chase ; themoTor the midnight . Y L * is in worried y. made -_ remar ­ , - . � 0 -'pall:-the manl occupa. a __: Da - " � � . . of peace. He his fatally, 'blunderedi Wlk--;,he- will give -0 were the sweepin ,a of Northern cities. 9 it about in and a lettoft 94" Diu Ai 91b i.�� � ! I ensued. I had ui�tbio" wi't'h whic'h' to defend I bowl. the intemperate Still drawled oul . � for � I I 'via obld feet. SurelT."' said Of InIft I*Wethip 40fBMCC,-oORt9isiegAQ0Ao"J . i . % - . 0. - . - . - I L � the . I - I I . beaun the - wae b -Ly declaring -he would carry - . ­ . � a -lady opposite, 2 in thii'vills -Uvvr� - � . myself, and was completely at thelr.=�rey - with a few unlucky strokes of his pe"n' he tione and pursuitspeculiar to met! of,his ag,e.. it 'where fo;a for the�i Mrs, yon are not also it! site number 44 - � .- - ­- wanton sono or maudlin-blasphewy; . the . . I - . . torch swaited Southern I - � troublgd- with P go ' , , , A sudden calmness now took possession ' a I . nd bus blut'r'ed h1l the triumphs of his sword. Having but'litt � - - . . ' I - hUron,-Jn said county .of Bruce, ,iimtsialuff S4 . t - - of gambler plied forever his.7endleu game, a - - le bmins,'he.ddes not require anni cold feet ?-1 .Amid .an wful p I � I - . I I I . - . I ies in piopulatid cities, but the -attempt to .stiae,_ she acres, whish IaAcls and tenements I AM - for - : , . - , � . *Mig I , . m!- I "a Ose it --was the calmness of des!. the Sialrea of Mammon toil throuch -eternity He is a great- -soldier h. fine scholar 8 to wrAste much tialo'cia-thieir cultivation. 'Ile, burn New'Yokk enjed in, nothing but an c0atively AUNWer64, '6 Yes.A' I a 'r sale Rimy sirlee in the Court House -in-tiketows - , . but w2tbal I ,a .6 - I - P . . ­ I --04Q � 0 - . (:OJ*ffe% Lou TO tt. . S j"p1L " I L ­ , t� %i � I Pairs I - - my faculties were perfectly their bitter task ; whil8t all the. magni conce brilliant writer;'�but ia'dip Of . 0 lomao� - 6 has fi is execution,, whj10 Divis sit his-. borrowed ve iA ' utAhe're_' _d nds'-somie ry much. troubl b - " - sy the arm& !112] jbf A' VMK - , .girl i e en6ugh, to 'endure b not ray - . 60� ,N I --' - I . . a - _____ I - - . I 7next, atthehou, Wtweh qO0 0 ,_Yl dear, and ,J, turned over a bundred- plans to L of earth paled ,before that which now met e capitol in flamek and decamped. own I" . I I ri pi � . . . i . .1posed the vulnerable -. heel of "Achilles, - ' . . - . me ngless presenct. and -� he he It � - - maps- the -doom thatewaitid. Allthistime hisvi ,, , L� . ­ - ani _. . . .unts er, � . . . I JOHN MA A t I � . I . ­ I - - . . . iew., I ), . and Jeff. Davis :hag L . . The Morniqg Advertiier says the further . . .� I - . - , I . - . . . - I 1: . . brought him . down - - - . � � � S 1*116 . ­ . "Gale I soon perceived that b -her a bees of this heavy . : . ­ ., - � __ - . I was i r1i -watching the. actions of the . f haunts tother her ffiber, hill, groom, (if ­ � � , - ..� � -, . . . . He e was amongst . � ­ I I . circumstancots shil c"onseque I ;, . - . I . uncle. and hap run off, chuckling at his success. By S. pot.r.ocl, t r. . . . a or - 0::)-- The Sarni&LOburkr learn - . I . I ��.,� . . . L - . a that on Sherill's 015 '" . .. . i, . ___ old acquaintan�es whom he knew to be dead; . � . I � . � � �_ � _ - he haft - one'.) his emrriage,.41ten not ctecupie4l blow will be looked i' with intense ,anxiety 1GGG"*':_1e , . ? � . . - - , 1. _ . I . � . . . . L , � . I The soil was:very light, and he soon suc,- -and each he obieried was p Monday evening ajoung man named John , -- ce , � . I i. I - urszing the ob., " - � He is guilty of a -mean,. low-lifis subserviency ar the close. of the ws;�. or the inaugil�atiou of . ,,, - -1 *U,b Z -it 19610.7� t ,� � - - ' 1� - - veo&d-in *Zipeuin- th* hole Ao at least four ject which had formerly. -ep I - ATLAINTIOMONTHLY40UMAT.' -The I I- , - � L new 'and wi&-sp � re4d guerilla conflict of un- Hickey,_-ealployiA-W, -6 switch"n 06 the — - - 1�n . .- � � . - . a I . , . . -, � - I . � - - � � - � - 'L whick sh'ifitelligent, io.UA clad fhl,,mer.s boy a - L - - ,* I i - - ftet. He -then ihmir down bix spade and L whatever it was.. When- fi!�iug himself contents of thii-po I 0 kuow,fi duration Any springfrom.the Gr,%D4TrankR*lw stPoint3dwardtir-viss i , ­ conflict.. W1,15V , , i , is tt�a L . ,&_ I I I � e - 0 L . . . martea corn in son ,.and he lack& thex ly- -.0dier- p*pel are silent -as yet poll I killed I was SALK, . . I i vatered the houw again. I expected - everT reli' ved of ,the presence of his- unwelcome .pular - A I - a ,'Magga. would- a ' *- Mi' - I " � $,-w It SAM n g a _ X �GAII GE , i � . I - . moment to Uar theii caiicending the - ptairsi conipanion, he venuired to addres& his former zine . for MAY are: With Che.0irds; Gold. first element lofellaracter re i I - I I I 0 1 a a stranger at Point Bdwa* having only I ORT. I Au � � I . . . I : _. I . ' - - - . .,� _. . ,.qutre-d by the inan .news. .- . I . . . : or i, - - . - 4 j � J, - and rA&d*L Up My mind to sell iny I;fe as dear frien Egg---�A Dream Fanatasy i' Out of the : who it. pre I rived them from iQdboarg j! few dayi before "' 4 1 d, Mrii. D.i whom he saw sitting, as had- , 9 . pared to- entee. LiWs vast - areas, ---,The London I imes has an edlitorial. ro,iret. a' ' 1 - - . as possible. when a - urritti.r. a?und-attracted be ' 'he - the'lCeident., � -_ � . I . - p en r w:)nt on earth, absorbed 61 'loo - eager and willing to strivei.foriume prile that ting'that thii peuple'of Melbourne should � . . 16 ISHARES At ANCHORS, . --- 11 I" . . . . Sea; Afy -Student Life at 40wyl - The I . � - . � . . - . 1. , I .1 . - 11 I attention. . _LZ � - - I _ I - � - .& � is worth . 4 - - -Xiaorro, Ae.. m � - . . � .- requesting her to rest from. the game and L the possessing. - - - - b h, I ly, m i I hy with the . Gzx. 1: TO VISIT I HiNALTOX.-:-If * - � L ", � . . rst time -Ahat th -'Ice and E * . the . kave displayid a - 0 mu - PA � - _ . . - L - now perceivid for the fi L- Grave by the. Lake squimaux. "f - i - � I . i le_ introduce him to the pleasures' of the place _ - I - 9 beautyand purity ofAdolphas' hands eri the Shenindoihi who iiere enzared LIS re : I . . 1. � . - lig'htfrow below penetrated thrtitlik -several io . . V. L . . . I . that Alhis iows . not, neither doth he �in' the destruction' . of ships . .- - , ported i'a the city . I - wh h appeared,to be very unlike what 'he Xotis% of a Pianist. III.; Diploptacy prove . _'that Gen. Robert E. Lee - . I . ' M � r ) I '* lug upon the guest,chief1tain of -the Southern ConF I I Ohicks in the floor-- I laY down On the had eipectedi and indeed un extremely ofthe Itevolatio - .- s the drone of the social hive-- errands of pea" -to their -ports. , - I ed. mwdw� � . .- - � - ' . � a ;' Oari Battle Laureate �' .80""" He' ' I . � � . . ' w - _ ground and looki,ig through on.e'af the cracks ageeabli:one. But with a i g I I a nonproducer,', and, sfingular to rel4te, ho , The Times h-gs an atficle strongly condemn oracy, him' ' ind"on -that h4 will . - ----"-- X - . sound that, I could- perceive everj ' . . gles' � � Fthing 111-AhO 'she answered that there was no peace in bell, Doctor J61ms. IV. ; The OhimneyaCor- .1 arrive in Hassawn next week, for the :t UNDBU 4mpd by-Virtso,of a Powqw of. . . I . . I I I .. eems.to prosper end -fatten while thi .real ing the conluct of Judge Smith, of, Montrea,� I. I I 'i ., , , � , apartment. On* of the men was sharpening pose ofpayiag-a brief visit to it new contat in a eel - t . _ I - -and that they must forever toil lit those very ner. .V. ; .Needle anti Gatden.n T-, .. Cas. ,workers can hardly,- by- the anverest toil, keep for his' ill-considered and dangerous charge � . u;4 -Wu *Ortgass .11 � ' ai L ... � - -Ever I 1 � he. � �,._ S �..i, - - � Itive -residiril, here. If the, announcement Thomas B. Van y and- - , a large knif& on a. grindstone, iind it was this �plessurea; and innunierable-vo-ce's- echoed tie'a; F t Policy; Re- the'walf from their docirs.: 'With all his Plirade, ,bri the saWJect of the St. Alban's raiderill. " , . . . � .. r PIV - t Bes should prove amd4atli --- h.,* -L I . . � 1 .� Do'A - I . - that made ths, puril-ug -sound which. .I had through the interminatile vaults, -I there is no . I - and bluster,' and loud sweaniag, , g AL.Thiers,declared him. Ifadverse to the - - 14* At' Oetl- of.the Town of God* mmeh, in C."My -At 11 � beSid. , - I ." - I . . I jffeLfeltlho edge, and finding it sharp - iWrary Notices, '�Tickfior & riffies'accomplishas littl * , ­ ­ receiv by oi I 10i I I - peace in bell 11 while throw;ng -open his vest, views and Li � e. - He ' eral will be cordially i od'' mi'citizensj Zurail, .ForwardaM. ,of dWfird I . - coulame" unliy� 0 Jtalyf- '113 -which be says lbere, is . - . , , . , who would be gratified at ,& sight of the PON odd Town Of , - enough - discontinued his employment.- each dis' os - bosom. an everburnins Fields, Boston. We have also Our V ", .�, il& bi;mwWng danger and ho utility - to - Fraricei ,, He - as. I � . - � Cl odin his f 14L li*yeils cle;k iqcf 6 * - rt Gibbons, of . oang . fair Y. m __ . � - � . . . � 1W inaster x us 16- , ; . - they said, were- the -pleasu drinks ttiihind.i bar-he'dasbes -off ai'&�`mer-. (ended the Paial goveirdment and. favo ` 'by the FAquires of second 111rhWit They then began to couverse. I could I hew fisme. Such, I , . military-- geni deve 004 and i , . I � " Folks for the. ixicomin- mouth from' the I p ' I . - � � � - sivery word they said. . I . . I �� a . � reu*-an American war.- 27ma. ­ 1. * ' ' � 2151 so" I . was llo.*.V their arry,&- fortune, puts alliance witb Austria. The debate. was -ad. - . . :edui sol . offiell ; their choice an .earth, . chanN clerk, seeks to = . I xOnsage was. . : I I __ - - - I Are ym oertaidt; Charles, that Wills the never ending doom 1 In -the mi st 6 some establishment. 'The book it' fi I led' his f I - ­ - . � - � . - I - over by the : 2! 916 A' L � 0 . I . - d . ot the - . . oot in it, - and - ends - �y makin; OJT. .;o jourued. . .� 1 - ' � I I . . - I I . I . . I I - . I L . . ­ ., - 40 __ : I - . . deteetivet said the uncle. . - . horror this scene- insp-red, his con'ductor re- -with interesting - matter. . - .. - Buiraloi Yei� Adolphus. is- -known to the w :POPOV01119111111S to'Canada,, Wolferstaq Thomssi'd -6-0 ilkid T of - I , � , . � * . - - . - I .-Adviiellifiout Algitirsasy that a visit of the I — . . , � - - . . - a Portectlia'artain,t returned the clirk- �1 turned, �nd, at his earnest entreatyi restored - :-- . ­ Z � . � . - 1. - . _ , Gdderichl'TAquiro, agent -oU t": Ck I I . — , _. . Aarling pisblic, . anil happy 'is the merchant Emperor to' that ecilony -s("' still . considered The Now -fork Herald - ` i w" "a . . � . . - '. I - . . . - I k1[O`1iRM=pi011 as Well as I know yon? him again upon earth; but im he 4uitted him.' Go4eirlielk - as IL Place �01 Sualneir who mines his custom' and the taildr, jeweler -probable. ' . - . . � . . - Of MOU4Y "Is - Monwealt, in sald towl-4 . . I I � - - . � � . I . �. . . . 11 By late foreign advices we learn ifiej ,it is 4 ti'mout .- 4 fi, e;id I I it is tiertain he must die then. I suppose heLvaid-t-Remembertin- yearandwdaywe . .1 I ­ or perfwner--who is -not to bs'persuadid in ' roe � mod SUIL 4"Md , �4j . 11 . . -9. � . Res -ort- ­, - I - . � to " A. talogwii from Ro says --it 'is asserted J , Cus, � , . � . � I � . I � V- -1 I - reported, in h! . broad . . . � % I . ­ ;- . �, . . ' the pleasing fictiqn that his father wilt OV ' .gh Catholic circles a thai tio, - he has Plenty Of m0noy with hi besides his meet &,a -in.' � , Ff 4 7ort of (1�, w gold watch.' . - � . . I . ___ _,; , .,-, ..., ,��. .. � . that tho Count Do Satalges will -shortly be like Pope will come America. ond'ilialke (def&u1t h^vin - been ma& id'jhg I � � - � 114 610 % At itis -crisis of his. dream,. the. sleeper - A ge-ntleinsurosiding. in Detroiti, -who h his 141ittle bills'." .. I - *withdrawn from Ro�@,.aud that .France' -will Montmai his I I - � - I Yes he must be well Prori �; � - I - I � � � � . � . future resilience, letters writ. � ; --- - ,_ -f ,e and, whether'from -i - - ". � . _!., �__. . . be ndqqo . � .I. ded wi h fun'lar awoke, evirish and ill - ' I . is. and is 47frierld to . , � . only be ivptt46nted by a Secretary Of 'Lo * Aen in that city have found their wxy into mout tberoodf - 0! I MA his business - here is evidently to urest f - . . -himself paid lis miny visi . ­ . . I . . ,the effecti 0 his dream cr his previous orgies, I -_ Although it is somewhat iiTelevant - to- the ti4A u til t 'e difficulti ' served oi� 91 tioll "titled to , , . - I . - . . . a b es of Rdme are'settl:r-' r . � ae. . � .the Euglish'iteimpapertt expressing a similar al - I - . he unwell'as- to be obllia�d t,0 Zeep GodeAch has written and p4blished the f9119 ' li6i speak o the _ The � i - J*9dsW.)' im - . - - � . w' subject in f t of the London belief -tbe addltio statement � � , . WPS a o . a � I � , � hslid,'l mould wish - . with w W requi,med by ix - __ ; � I I - i - I - I � - . - . - 'Come *k Lot -us finisli !be business -at bis bed sey ' - durin As � � - says tilrbances at Madrid -Romija 0&jb*lk_,]�Shb# 0 Oat _ the, , Publie 1eictiou - 't � eral d a, - which period 'he ing letter, which. ape . fo�.'itself:­�a ; . y 0 1 1 . r yd.ullpr lady who has put in �priut her good Times thitt this dis - . _ , ( - , I I d * � I ke many- serious reflections The -Editor of Thi Ntroirlt;W`Press : -1 - of the -literary ability .4 -your .humble �- to morer--seribus "thelf heretofore stgtid. � a Romp,'aud .. I I Akmtr,"l is, 1111101F � i . f - . - d'in a resolution to abandon � � I . I 1. � I I I is a- soot wl -cc, ,ft, I -_ , Sam' said the uncle. . ' had time. to ma a . opinion ­ Do you think he is ssl"y yet V returned which te' ina�W � i Ly tifik-ted 'with - a_ 00 , . —, . T111 16 your imsue-of to -day you have an stticle servanL 0,_ to enlist ..the good will of the lan,the e"ninff of the 12th inst. an AW1111. the mo'Vetnouv'�_,T6-6 *of t6 Iditiop . .1 - . of _ A.&Y .0am. WI&- ,. . . the eJje& _- ' L . . - - t -_ " indeed I - I Wair - . the club and his licentious companions alto. suggestive of the advantages the wouldaccrue ladies I That is ,happiness . Will bl�qe in the streets was suddenly 6ispersed liontrealls, visit to -Ron* mrj* V - � . . I . . . ' I � � . - . . 'No ull�dter ifhe is not, he'll sleep. well ' I � . . . � to the buisuess'iu�erests ofibU city had- your lady dpr. send her icture (in c. . " '. To 0 - f Ailliketol �. The troops 1r6d -from,tU ,hr ndrsiow � I . 40 -A - . ­ - - � . . � -&tea I , "Fe.a I am sure sWis ban -some, . l6vot.7 I- _ * � , ... , onough afterwart* anyhow,' . � gethor. , I A I 11" � At twel4ta eAdo* Aso* At" pactim, - -He _" V 9 I ., ,� eh,*6 Uke from the . � , I I was no sooner will, however than they suitable IS nay 11 9 - , , "fil � - , 11 rol�o* � Ark dd - . ., 4 1 - I ' ki ,mei- malrin4 reiru Ar,trips too the - � - aft. . Naveik w o was going to montr1w - I . � � Tbe'alwk isagited-hideoul I th ht . - . (;Suj:g Of XCWUY-'w-lirlt is ,a6d . '_� Ong - flocked around kim, -bent - on recovering so to 4n.g. that skirt Ike 'ea& hbrie � � of - Lake ,Will you ask whither she likes tosit.--butte-red We'Oasin was killed.. -Anothbr gentleman th&t Bipbog Boa - * . - - I , � -will you�d% 11j, , - , . - - I rget, Pf this dinmium -twid � decigei ZL.WUO—. � 'Ai mid -the valuable at member to theit: society ., -a ?, If say our tast are-� similar, who'was wounded died in � a fesr,- min 'q)- - - to - Maika . - - - - - I , or - shall . . , ;. and Huron, From Saginaw Chicago and Sarni _on both sidL es Of , . , Upplow. - . . P 11.11 , _" ­ -1 11 - lit"- not obtain a di tisati6w-'fross *tbi # is . - . f I - having wirung 4rom, him a confession'of the r,ucb communicatio, a - , - it " she *17 Poor 791WOil 4*1 - fifteen erect Cathol . . - a" . On -Abe sqm � mud V*wA ... . I kept J , ­ - - ' * __ - - G ' a has Wert: regul i whPAriowsbO sit, . Some qphjr�pe -. killed Md, - - * - . - " your&% )F, but be sort YOU 111111110 no -'eslaoie of his dejection, which. as may easily I � a , - - , gson were � I 0 University. in Noetrillal, and VA* _PV �kdi . . � I - � I up for sevend_ye&*'4qt' heboaf-du . � me 0.)re - to tl6e followft . 9W% ;". Bilz , , arly , eiotalyl . , e- ah .t thil latter inight;*14sk in i --Aiiiont 14,11shin6of'A woun'do,id; so or lium sti't .. The - tl�&t IN authorities Ofliaisl- Unliversity who * - - . - - � I the wall; be _ Is bee u64 , too-, , small. - an " . ­ was no provocatiou'liven -onThe part 61 the opposed thiiFtchope, have, neverthwi . - 4K I * I you know, lit* &est. supposed appeared' to them eminently: route (the Bru�4yh 11. �fo beoutiful wim '- In love 7 �':` . - . . Sixtem undivided,wMir" or?". - . � I - I - - 1111W . . I U has, a nightcap iin. the detective has none, ridiculous, they soon contrived to.makii him " L' ' - - __ � ­-, . - Ivalry -9harged .t1iro *h th de L ossp 1111- that ,cow aw do TociissiJ4, . - I � .1 - This sesson,it iwsaid, that another boat -will, . � . - , I � people. The es a e -P,--'V— !`�_ - I - I - I I . ,.F�� i i _' �_ � rtaken.to establish,& tranch of their astab- ­ pf VA�suZrllry rulbt,, a" , . . D'Arcy - Ned res.' . - I - rt -1 . __ I . I ro-M ' � . - V_ . . I ..j _ �, ­ - i. ­ =prl,, , .0 01 ' . - Leave the light 6utsiderAbo-door forfear of hamed,ofliaggod molution. �Hejoiued, co 'me to her aid' -'but one good boatetteniling. t1s; � 4 , I . w4in 'Beai be quick as . - I I , The Hoii. Thus. A left streets and used sib' lighwent be � � , � I - ----- - ... � I _ - - , - , 'i * ! - - Z . Wton ; =4 above . all them again, resumed his old course of habits, her trips* to this city is what is really oeeded. Montreal for Dublin -via Portland on Thuts- ---There W been -no corn- market since the - - - ­­'� 4:� ,low 111119- at !he 'Pt*t - , ­��_ " �� . . L - I - . . . . � - - I r bout it. � - . - - I Atiturnalis came around, - ,r ; ,— —. -, --r,— - - - Af6jewd, togelbor withall sod 11114-owks-W. . a I . J 111�� 'tira . and when the annual � But we took' up our pea to iiall site 0q. - -.Before the,de0artare ot the, ti**tn'-, Nut Cit I - . I - . I - . � . X- ; b, - sagbois,rilifins, Inuio I . - , .M tacku 04 � . . � I 1� - . Ithd benefit thA -would flow.to�66'r4itize-na dier. thi ]�6 aventurestation he � r6s6hted with qj4L- ady, except floun which is ..; , itallAts. , . I.: . ; i - in -Y ,of Washington wled. -Brimmlouffs - , , . .$ ; * wMam"t f0r014d­ Bill he . � "lion "to _ � __ ,� I � ! r M � V* fut ad** I ,"y turned b,m over to found himself with -his 7 glass in his hand, It L. -1 - � 746 P, - _ � ­ __­_�nd_ ate_ - �. I ­ - WN %dim 1. I ; � in' -say. �* , y , - : I . . . - � I " 1, 4bom-ente belmllth Appeck - I Petro. ; , 100 �W - L I ; I 'UWL MUWS- a the b ' - rising- to make'- the ac- lag the hQt season'frodi ,Ihq: inangurstion of an 7" - . _ " . _­ I I.- 7 , � .. . when tle president I address. t and steady-. - is. � _; I%bd:,- I - - - . � . . . qb&t P4*i .. . . 1, � � and pulli off hi - 'ho I - ­ I � � , � �­ a � . it, , ; I h I Is cin'tomed- �' Commenced by sayingr, ,,inch s, Ii ofthitkiWid adyad: �-' - ' ld bW"fiusd - other i6rlWet - n!0V - - . r � 210tca - "_ - I L tie. growiqr 6ut­ ­ . I ; I - - " 4 . .- 1", . - r . . � L - I � - - . I . L-_, * * . ­ 'L I . � I � . . I 1 - ,. P L . -, , , , 1� - . - �. 1: . , year, - - ,to * ,upchanged.. . .. I .-, . I IV I _ , t r .4. _ of acce . .. . � , _ " "' It" : hear i tons q1" � �� I � . I I _ WIA. 1 4 . I V. - P, put it on nit ovi Wad. - - 1114 I Gentlemen, ibis being I it 4& A I= U�91VJEIQ 0 -.1 - L , op, � I - , . etip taggs presented.by the.tovib 6f Godiiichiw a - -The Printiesi o - Wales 61 - , X , I Fm- d- � F, I f - is g ' I *MtML I . , ­ L . - . _Wolf , I I 1A , , - - -, - 15, ( - , . .W— -, . . I ". �� ­ I . 240- mW-.6mau - . . i I . � . . Ptkbod this wittiout4skifist BilL I then. year and &Asy funce our lag anniversary,' L transpired . - TxJtftO]6 ig) - The' rail of i , * �� � � - - Solicitorfarl - - Thollash, f ; liandood � ,place'of sUmmer M . The town a si.tuatpti -stiother --baby. � This f�ct:, has . evdnif L I I Y laid"myself in bit place new tl* Ac., - 40. � - Ilk werds, strilik , - * _ I . . , . � . � . L 611 the 'Young diri�ctly�� f %=, i6d_,-8-NM10#1l6-1 -, � -- Ric lmoud:ji "& ut6eisal took he- . 41, , Al , -4 -, 1W4WW:, , � . ; I . r - ,ro � gent,94 __ , I Mau. The "T of the . tie utes was, . -1 �&rui&.L . A ' ' IL 'this; I my*riom and almost, "Mi.. ,I I - - to -day,.' The . � br-lritss.i6t the, %ranck or aw Bank � - _�_ __ r .. I and. - � I- fiaLtAA , , -21, thi ism. Alter A* F" 1141, ISS. ; a , � I I am s jils&�-wiltbo rJ9@@d�4x&J*h - "r� " L- . . , - greatly -el , t date - - I I __Q 1. . - essinesti to the jL' _ _0fb, 'd , ", - ,_ ­ pu I flon'-thil - _ . , . � oesse poso big un is, COM 0:T ` Ibi-ca � i(iai`mu-� � ated it ­ , . � 4 � . - xt� 'Min 'a oar like a*knell; but'ashAmed. to ex- &bore Porti.Hisron It:occppies an bi frisn& , e. 23 , 4* 1 . ibteaso-�mv bairt .seemed, ma4y t6 mat* I I I- 0604, whicV_ _of 14 -,North are rVade , 4--i- __ , L� , , , - sers __ eley UncIm ,44L *_-_ .- L %beL lba Partiortitting rsoftoy*"R�itia the "I � - �_.o - .0ii.-_0010 _ �,_ ­ . , � of . one h _ , twelity reet -' I __ and -m - � - ialwillauwa 1, _. - i.. #2 basltilgt't- fbeVdL& Step On the'Stairs; it ad_ ' . - I - 1!4�7 M % ce to world wiih . . - =110_01� ite strengthened, ' I y � - .. _- - _,:�� - -1:1 - thdL 'donvi 0. th - � Z, - � .1 i.. #2 P&Diousi heL i% ­*plying b' I ,.'1- - L- 14 19ank will . Ow "me -an spel 1, sat ant the even . � ' ___ '_ " " � reeciia � Tint P the I . -,:, - '_ I'— .. _- � .: _. �4",� . �-_ � flu L heL _ _ , . L lm- abolielhe level of Lake Hiiibn, and in its si , . , - I _, - , it 'the'llina t i Mph Of, the, Toronto Wanch. -� . . . .is"4100-0411 .. - " , L � W �_ , � - �, - _. , - - - _ _,�� * I , � I � ._ . � , � I 11 � f AsriLi�a* " _� ,* ­ - ____ � . _4 t 41 W - f. �� T V046d *it1lV*e.,wejgbt of a hmwy tre im a Mor ': li&�- "Thti-'Aver � . , - - , I _1 i - ' North -a' nkirr` Even ihosewho,'havd. alani- -, I * ' ­ a :7 .1`1- � __ - - - JIL . V646114 on 4Qor-%***d softly, S" it MPGM"ty I t, Theabovelwe I - flocir self -with wine eve a liberally than much.resembles Cleveisillk 0 !1P vie - - - ad-- - _ . . The. ra iched the bodr I - could, #: ,&4 " � , _­ '_ - -t CASSEW" I .1 ­­ _ � - al;in order- to drawn hii ititrasive thouxiltir, Maitj&udi'�6rm liondi theCuyo T * ,ssis- It( The- U41 Cfa� lost4"Atro-gaestj the -Co . .- -, map& r Aluirm I - is s ifg to hag&. 6 . , "& �� , . , Sf!4eiWe . - ­_ 2 L ___1 -1 I - V. � �Njl,j*, IML bA" ota L, - I . 0 I -- B I I I I -1 I I I I 'I I I . I I I DW Ze. *rX I IT 'Ji I n" � � I umm, -I �rtr a a �tw. ullw"_40_41 I I 0 in; be 8,60 X 4� SaWbIll 4 lai%a on , WW . I - 1"An. ' - UA911 - r iti tj 11 1* 46, gaw. - I * I .I.- - I .1 I ­ . L - , - _- - " C;u i:k. I � _._1 . - . L '.I . 1 � ,r .- �� � �_ I 14 - , - Kpid i1A * I - `%.- - , Cibeek. ._ I b"L pre. illil me 0- I b -qm , I - ­ � - * 1- - - - 1-0.r W. . , " _- A oratTlil -a It- the Ilth nit. cause isu%ea wesus of'de - � ­ '�W­l rl� 411ither Pa- 4H ..�. . � , Sal in tie glocial'of, SwIn"fia L. Mort . _aith ill, ., - iillgi he ds;A!i4Ummer;ap-.abo%ton degr"s-ect r IwAism j- , -, iih6*­uuin ;__ - --alove W - �tg ts-are.inver, aw -_ T - � ,,.:?I - �L_ - . . _.- _ ,- � - Ind - - h6f - W* ridt. %one-. � - ,%=�e slian lwi* and ihe�ni 1� " `­ ` -, �, __ - 111111111i d ' , - ­ ­ - . . Vodcrr Irl, , Wards 5 04tiX r, *, %".. . Alk. my' emitted bi se, . _ gle __ I _ . - *", - . I retfffbe r ingins 4 God save the Queem! I -1 . :1 � 1111alk of Upper caiidi4� cb, Ntt�k 4A 2" init I ,at *nse of]fln' .enou;h to imitMe a imore, I hours af, 6*� 8 ' Am t _ ___ ,I I I I .- � *wthelorse was found q . uiett � Tile cl V . *.. .1 . 1- � 'boat 61 1*5_� . - , 0 .- � . , ,*;.". � .7 '� .. I - . . T oppressivo. imate is ftie from milad the men io I i in the lutcb� ­ . I - .1 . eave . The Confederate loan has declined a . '731865. � L . . . . I I � . . . - . � - . I - . � L. - . � . -1. I - I � . - I I . .- � a . AprIA . , � - 11 - � . I � , . - � I I . - . . _ . � - . I I I . - / . _. . . . I . .� . . ,� I .1 I . . I I . I . 1. � ­ "I . _'? : L . I - . L .1 . . - � .1 . . - I � . . � I '. . '. - - - I - , .. - . ­ I . I . . . . . - -, . -1 � I I . � L . . 1� I . � . .- . �, . _. - . I . .1 - . . �. . __ I L _ * . . � . . L 1, . I .. __ .1 . - I . � _ . . . �. ­ . � � - . . . L ­ I I �_ . __ I . I - . � / - - i' . . L . - . .1 11il � . I � - . . . ­ - . I . . I , , . . . . . � - . . 1. - . I . % . . .. . . * . L I I . . - - - —L-,--" . ___ __ - - - _., . __ ____ -,- - ­ ­ I— - ' �'--­-­­­'­--­- ­ � ­­­ - --- -'-"-' ­ - '' L - '" L --- �­ � -­ � '' - , ' ' , � , _ - - - - I - . . - ! .1. i - I N * . 1 - J� I : 11 A .,I � . 4 . � � 11 I ; 1; �, I I - - I 'A . , - - I . 1k, � � A V Is V In * �#ri , ,313 I I 11 a 'L 4 .0 - is I111 - 4 - �� �- -, .i W. f � - . . _ __ __-.­___4;�­­_� __ , , 4W.Y- . � I . . :f, I I . S � �i � - , 1 � I � 91 I - � i I - I I , - � I - I : � � . � . . — — - . , --- . — - - �_ _________�7_ ________Z1==!=_� I . . . 2�� I - I THE. SEMI-WE.EICLY SIGNAL41 . � . - _____ - � -_ - - - --.-.. . -_ . I - I-- - - ��._ I , - ,_ Till* at six o'clock, but I Puppose I mistook falt his hand passing over my head -it rested the road side, about half way ons influience, and to pecularly favorable to percent; closing at 23 to 25, wbile the Fede. , &&�. . I for I have been wandering about on my shoulder. 0 agony of agontes, It grazing I . ftited Statils. t Nsft MIDertifimcnIx. the rQ4 - 0 between tie city and Mr. B's house. wbilet a any form of billions disease. , ..W%...�.-.%,�%%-.,�%��--��.".�— �.~~ rai securities exhibit a decided improvemen the woodB ever since.' had found out my ran, and wits about to kill few yards off lay the corpse of his m4ster. Thare are good fiscil itiet; for hunting, fishing BAN FRANcisco, April 25. ­The military 111. Central shams 63 iO 64 i. FWe 36i to 37 ; I ,-"�,�,,��-1-�.%N�-%'%.�%%�-%-,.,.",.�.,%�w ' ; I - � I You are fifteen miles from C0111116rTillS , me I My whole body was bathed in a cold * Now, as I have said in introducing tbx and bathing i especially is this true -of the two have a' in Selons U.S. 5 20's 64J- to 65J: 1 - � nested twelve or fifteen men i �_. said the uncle with a Q of leer. perspiration. storyi it is no fiction; the circumstand" latter amusements. The speckled brook trout and Caluss, ceitnties for rejoicing- at the as.. . , Many English journals condemn the ' 13 XT �V IL 10 it F,�e I You do not belopg to this part of the Suddenly -1 heard a heavy thud on the bed, happened as here related; and an account.of of New England are fonnd in all the streams sassination of President Lincoln. Upon the judge's ruling Ju the ca of the St. Albans � , . - � , ­, country ?' saidthe banker's clerk. which was followed by a groan, and then till it was ptibli.jhed at the time. -but the copies !"be vicinity, and parties from Buffalo not receipt of the news of the President's death at raiders.. . � - t3, - . "It ZUST AXCZ M.9 & L&lt(IX STOCIL op , I No,' I replied, I I am from the State of was still. The blow had been struck, and I were bought up by the family ; two or three unfrequently take the cars for-Goderich, with Greeuralley,. jalena, a number of secession- I �:- -- -_ a � Vir mia.' - was not the victim. A pause of some mo- however were preserved, and the narrative special reference to the fishing kiducements ists met to rejoice over the event. I . " . � . A body of Tait Empnr6ss OF T9z Farsm' A COXPOR- I . I %st is your business V -� � ments ensued, and then I heard the uncle has been reprinted.. I res"ntedid ,. * - troops was sitivio break up the meeting but 1TOn.-The Paris correspondant of the Globe MWOMMAD f XWX - L . I M .' - ascending the staim. T hey wrapped t � tbuse . aillan I Of the says: -Ad Emprqu Eugenie has paid a visit - I I am collector for a ho,use in Aichmond.' he t e hotel nicely located near the as they approached, the ringleaders - I I should have. taken you- for a Yankee,' body - of the unfortuivoite Bi:f in a.sheet, and . - ,bank of the laka, the- British Exchange on secessionists fortified' themselves in a house Lot encouragement to the typographic work. . . ; rOKSof 00 I - said Aw ' e U It,##,, '§ j911. I the public square, and the Huron hotel, are and fired at the soldiers, woinding two of shop of Clichy, wliere a nuniber -of feipale I . ,young ,man. convey d it at once into the garden. They �IL ,7� 1 i I No,. indeed,' I replied, with an attempt to had no sooner left the house, than. - I leaped -A a. all three -good houses, allrarding substandiil' them. The fire was repturned by the soldiers compositors are empldyed� tbere' 'being, no � - � - otrAWOMAW40 - . 0 . smile. . out of bed and ran to the window. They A) I fare at very moderate prices --say 85 per and several of the secebsionists were wounded, longer on the par; of the printing operaityes "W.A.Mala The un6i .e and nephew now left the room, had evidently not discovered their mistakey — -.-- - . — week Canadian furids. : V,--&-.P:E1::�A1 - - ' � - — . - . The whole party then surrendered.1 any serious opposition to such co-partuerabip - R&dks, PervV& � - � and I could hear them whisper to -ether in for the body -was already in the .-rave pre ar- - � lace is accessible by raiLvia The Grand The ship Bacchante for Hong Kong takes in :thvir craft. Iter M * t -to k the moat OTA, To.,� 144 .4**hs4l6 1 P . � 1 � A . � I a a ajes,y o TChdrch S'eivices, 11 ­_ % the next apartment.' Still I did n ic I for it, and they were fill ing it I 6- T.T.11ke ana Buffido and Lakelfuron Railways, a 3mill tits: - - J� - o t feet aVy ed a ' GODERICH. G. .',V.l APRIL, 28, 1865. , � ­ rter of a million of dollars. livelTintereat In -altthe,detailsof the prdgress, . . - � . . I f- - ct 3 . . . . c 0 morning Vilgiv YoiiKp April 26. -The steamer tj and tried her own hand, not only at case� but -tlueasiness,lor I relied on theta 'ibaulwa I lost not a moment to put on the rest of - --- - ­­­ th'e ars liaiin,; this c'ity - in tlie early A el AILAFUMLS, SATC"Im unknown to the absconding clerk. Tfiey my clothes, anJ creeping ouietly downstairs, � � got througli at hajf-past -threp P. M- iFwg- from Fansuief 16th inst., has arrived. ��Be- in th-6- other aepartmetits or-minipfilaiiOn. . - EL-EM-Ni- � . - � I _�. � Lddie4l Comptmosix,r .-_ 0 four dollars, greenba � is also a yond the circulation of idle rumors of fresh The result of her Petformance was a stanza 0=1 — I . soon returned to the apartment where I sat * esc,T6,d through the- front door. I ran an A REPVTAT]ION SPOILIE. . cks. There - - � � � 4 Wi bare only one room, in the. hoillip't fast a I possibly could, and -by chance the - . . - : . . . �. - Arect Railw".communication- with Buffalo, revolutii)nary.uprisiagakeepi6g'the tijbid in � -B' . . . . � - in old French.1hei;ype,,.1)f which was firstl WORK WA � I I I I I I 1. .1 - . said' thit uncle as he entere(t; I ifyou-will not ri--ht road. - great y . - In w . -distant 160 ' suspense, I no - truck off on � the 2 z t March. 1 1566, .by the - . CONCRITitt4i, ;� . Im - - I . _ Im less than an hour I was at A man ma commit verv- grave fro ' hick' pface Gdderich is thing boa occurred. , . 0-0. - . mind aseeping with a son- of mine yoil can Parkville. I roused the. whole village, and " 'and a militar leader m , ay, *J miles. -. While many perso . A's, perhaps the. From Central Ame-ica we lea.' that the' . � . � - - .- I k1unders- - , � . - M - hand of Marguerite de Valois of Nar. ! - . . ; t kaye part ot -his bed. 9 . . . . in, ii few burried words,. told my story. . A I y . - Jp larger majority, will prefer to.visit-the various death of Gen-. Carrira� President of Guate- arre on the oc i ,.Queeii ALCIC�l , Imm4mwo; �. . ! . 1, ofcourse- im � mediately consented glail large party of Wen - i . mmediately set Uff for Much fame, and -at last suffer the extreme . . I ­ . - . f casion, of her visit. to The print- I I P , � . I � . . I - places of interest oil Lake 'Superiort..it in. mala, - was expected and a crisis was e ted, ing press of the famous Robert Etienne. I'- And various other artie" � , - . . � � a P x c . I Oes,allcuqs - - � - I I . - enough to find,'any place where I coulh'* , n 'of the - tragedy, scaompanied by pains - and penalties of'public. obloquy. thought thAt.others. will prefer to seek., the to follow the event. Carrem wa reTdent (Robertus Stephanus). � . . , - :.I . . . I . � I . I � . . I . � . . � . -_ - , . mywearylialbs. ' - . . myself. � - e heal.thful advantages nearer home- - - � I I . 1. I . . . AT , - ,- Poor General 'Sherman notwithstanding sam ,,and for life, with Dower to name his'succeslor. - . BUZAM __ - After 4 pause Of& few minutes, I pulled When ive entered the house. we found the - . ) � .within reach. of telegiaph and the railroad.. . I � I � Goderich Aprit28-11M, -- ­ — -- I ­ - I ' - - . He has namea Geri Cam, late Governor of -- _. . . — I A � . - I I I . . . - . � � . I " . . . I . oe upied by- the uncle and his- " uAparailele'd " 'march across a cOun- And;as there are* no I Per passport mstric. Chi - In - It was thought Carrera's death . . . . . I out my watch,- and imid I -should K -e to go to front room still c . . 1. . I . I . ong ulmu . . - . I - , Whe'n they-.3aw me they turned ad thereof Ei feelium of-rinewed wo Interefting Items.', - . . . 11 . � bed. I noticed at ther time significent looks ne-pliew. try unMended by -troops, and his glorious . n I I rl . I — I . ' - , - . . - ' tions, but.inste 4 be the sional fdr�General Barlos to re- — I I I - . -uncle and inepliew wheri. deally pale,and I really believed they thou -tit . . fr' iendshili rapidly-,- devel ing,'no national 6w his,slaims to the Presidential chair. � � . - - - pan between the . _ " . 0:�- Janston'sanny is eatimat at -30,- - r I hey d -achiev:ments on the Atlantic coast, bw .' . . - - � they saw my watch. It was a fine gold one- that'I'had risen from the grave, for t ha - . considerations should = adirersely on - � I . - . - . � -_ L- I . . . �ope_ e - The President of Honduras had issued a '' I I I � I , I . .1 000 strong. '. I �' "'LL - I .1 ' I , been presented to not yet disc abne *;and clone it at last.- - He has dero. an;iulind. - with Costs Ries -for _ - .1 . il. Is real Cooper-an.4 had' . . overed'that tiley. had a.terificed' , . I -, - ­ deiree of non -intercourse � - . . I . , - . I _ I - sue by an importer *Fwatches. for services I'lleodoreMun'sel's son. When they siw tbat . . an4 - 1,Mi_hty eare 131, hi - . 9 . bheriff-'s Sale of - � W I ated Id himself the Vi6h _o 4 those w oBelieve. that Ahe a.To ' 'L are stiu 0 to- . . I -ty . C3 ­ � 1 15 � . � . , ant - - . riling Barios.an asylum." - _ � I 1"&P� , -&-live, they assumed an time is not very far off when, throqZh the con w& convalescence. - I I . which I had tendered. . I wiis r'eally - . air of' 0 . , ' - BALTImoltic, April 26.---n­Tbe steamer Mas- rr The Sewardi; I - I � L - bad only come -to powers of the Executive, the ,Congress,.. ­ I .� L . . . � ;, . United Counli�s 0 , I I ' L . ee, Vesditiosiftpowis-sa ' I , � I � & You will find M'_ so -it -next the wall,, saia bmvado, supposing that I I I inter t, C"hada sAchusettv, with a load. of soidiers, the gres. 'I::)- They are raising a subscription- for Huron and 1;ru r 3y "'m of a writ *I I I - ' - LL y'. � . quests of peace andinutual ei a ter . - _ - . To wit: , - - i . I � � . . the uncle. I You will have the -goodness not arrest the clerk for'the bank robbery. Their and the judiciary. of the United States,. will wiihto unite her destiny. with ours., . part� of"whoul were exchanged and paroled Cobd ' - � Freri Faclaslor rmdae, . 0, I . I � I _ � . �, . � to waken `him for he has been nick latel�, dieim, however, was -soon dissipated, for in I . . 4 ,;'; - - en's family in England. , d. I - - P 7 . - I . � . A second'Napoleon iti. war he thought a � . - . � . : prisoners, collided with � a steamer -named the - , , - I writ orFteri,racies k,.d out of Her K - '1k - . - I I ) � siest - . . and h is to get up yery early.' . .a few moments the.L body of the - murdered - k � - - p - 0::)- It is now suipected that- lt6oth has Coun,YCOuft Of the United Cou or jlllmia� at . ' ' � I , . - - _ I I - . niks I - - . . . .. . . � 1, replied that. I w- svoidL wak- utan� was exhumed, and they were'confronted there was 'no earthly teation. wh :he should I... DUNKIINYS BILL. . , . Blaelc Diamond, a small . barge ropeller in iiever loft Washington city. � I c,dhwfed against the lag& - . Ould I certainly L . - _ . I . y - I � � , ­ . and Biuce and to in , L . - . , L - the Potornae'river om lack. . - � . , , . . I and tenementsor Jkliton i I . . '0::)-- -- Jefferson Davis is iqoiied -to r -Uy Halikitis,itithe�uitg,DrAllen.s.yi,w,:j= , - . 1. I . in- him. The uncle took up a, ctuidle, an,d with their bloody work '- - I . I not he�a Talleyrand In' I 14ice ) abil,'conses, � ' The people *of � Ki. ngston- on Tuesday , ,' oue-mile fr the B M. 311irrsad F I I - ' - ' _ - . � �tone Island, - which ' was acti . ng there as A � � �e C. Detlor, I have. sersed and falreff - . si0owed me to a room up stairs ; it was the It was'shocking -to see th-a unele's sapony voted upon theAuestion WLhether Dutliia�x on oard a uard of some crossed the Mia3iiiiiipoi Rl '' * . ­ � " - 0 quently, when a'fe:w 'days a -or Ge' ral .. . . ." picket boat and had. bi 9 Tor.i - � - in s2ecutieft "I . only. habitable sleeping ioom iti the house, when he' discovered- that his son. had Ueen . - 1, tie . w slen. The Massachusetts struck the . ­ - thG following propert . I - I . -ohnston. evinced -a desire to'surrende ­ . - certain Parcel or trait of land a 11 . . % , - . . her otthe crii -i . -prohibitory bill should become la in that twenty I . -1 - 8:JFa Kirby Smith is disband his - Y I all and . i a& I . , and was situated over that, in which '-we hatt.murdered. '_Nei�t ninals attem t, J . - . - r on . , - . . Black Diamond on the port side, near the I - lug , &my, nA .- , . . I - . --J-r" —_ _,P - been, seated. Cautioning me to-put'out the gdanydefefice. Three months -'a S43 city cirnot. They decided a,gainst �it by, and his men are homewatti-bound. lying and being, in h - b I . . I -_ 2 .terms -similar to tho'se agree . upon on boi!er, sinking her in about threp minutes. � - t e village of. , I . - . . .. , . d_ . : I - . . cOuutF-df Huron and Frovipce of Can a I In -1be I . '� 1. light as soon as I was in bed, he left me. they were tried, convicted audexecuted. . I I � - I - . � . -he t6ok -a .vote, of 243 to 78; - -Our Hamil , - � L � . the eapituldtion. ot General Lee, . . . ­ ton cor- 16 the excitement attending the collision of . 0:3-- All persons not -connected with the inj by admessureaeut �oue hW acm of laud. lw I I . � I - � . t I found myselfin a room,- the exac7t coun- - - . .1 I � i .1 - the two boats, ma4� of the soldiers- became army are prohibited'fro � -the sarne more or Usti. being zmposs& of 4WV . - I � � . A Remarkable Dkeam. - upon himself the res nsibility of patching respondent.says.-tke clucstion will be sub. . . - , m goine to Mobile. . . . . . 1erF4rt -of the one below, exceptitfg, that this , . � . TO , I 0. . . .panic stricken and, beyond the control'of dis. ' lots Dumbirs fifty --six and sixty-five, 4weig" 46 I one contained. a bedstead. Snorincr'oq the " . . . ted. to - the ratepsyers& .or that "- The residence of Chief Justice Cha *S(Md AM WeU � - -- I - I . 0 up an armistice with a, vi6w-to establish. ml� . 'O ad jumped ' . _ " Mary street, Oran . Ington, stred .1 . Some ninety Years ago, there flourished in .. . - - . � I � - . . CitY-t - ; cipline'. sind seized plauka, &c.1 a is -now under the- care of a - in the 11i V*Utainlogtogejber�o I � bed next the wall was &"man soine years 0 � . I - . � - military guisid yi1fsX0 Of -C, int011f - . � . las,ow a club of young men, whicii from incp a basis for d return to peace. In fact day.-g[Leader. .. - . - . overboard,.,and many of them -were - - - � . * balfarre offs d ore - - , " - - . �thus .. I � . a I . I s4id together wAll dw I If . I younger than myFelf. I cautiously broualit, P -, . � . . . . - - .as ar . . . a fli& - � drdwiled. . Capt .H61mes-of the 3rd veteran . I a::)- The coasting trade of Chili will -be privilegeof tanking sufficient water tos"T"tio - - . � - : * � . d't ' Esq - , a � mand of open to vessels - "Of every nation' , the light. to, bear on -lib. fnee. The'firstibing theextrernepro gacy of its members and the terms offerf -ci Johnston wereso'ver . - - - - that struck mi 'was i that t . he man belovi had the- licentionsne . is,of their - omies' I I- . . y ADOLPHUS YrIFFICS' reserve corps. w. 9 ,the offider in com ;. 67h the lot tsur,ery on xaid lat sixty fro frogatbe s"g,W _ m ! - - " as com - _. " . � . � . 7 1 I I , . � -springs'ou lot number eighty-four on thi corner i - deceived me whe. u- Le -bad told .me hiss6n was monly called the Hell Club. B'esiwdes their" favorable � that, the press of'the North, now �. . I � . the troops, and from a statement t0lade by of May. . � - . . . . I . .. . - , � A- . . Of Widlington and Orani,e streets, wed oreondud. - . I I I - sick. I � . � ' - held bne contends' that t1te -tran ciion- � beaM.the � - Dr- A _POOK YOUNG MAN. . I him it appears the loss of lilie, as nearly I - ,btly or weekly meetings, th I sa' I � - as � He was undressed,. and wore on -his ni,, . � ey . � Notwithstanditig Sherman% Munder ing su � � - . . . � . . - ­__ - . c tie ­ - I . I ., A water is pipes across any nice con- � � - - � . o- . - ,r , a ly prosecuted to'-& venle? I , Wkl& � - I . -grand annual saturnalia, in.which each tried . an be aseertai i d at present,. will ,exceed twot will be viocirous I I . I ' I . lead a nightcap.' I , - appearance o!'a surrender by Sherman It -the in . - . I ; It Part of JwC'd last 'mentionea lot I I - . . -Let me introduce to land& and tenements.1 s6all-ofier for asli at . � . - . ^ a- - �to excel the.other in drunkenness and blas- - � - I Pis' readers.of I The night was clear, but dark, there termination. . . . . . - . phemy ; aiid n these occasions there. was no . � e'which,:it is fiftyg no mo offiee in the Court - ainess crept over . . oic ' � Oy 4 A vague senmior. of une a Confederate f -asserted, the ftnal a 'younig genileman -rejoicilid, in bein oil.- It is inipossible to say at - Souse in the iows of Gtiasj� I I I � . - I . Anf. I iegretted. having intered the'house, 0 . ' ' d. hive'va tured or -de ' d - � . --a ijpmsent where the blame .for, this. dimter is to - , OF- Mosbyl the guerrills, - -h a '$50j060 Ich on Tuesday, the twenty � and looked round -'the room for somiff menus star amongst them lwhosS' lurid li-Ait was he coul I Mhud ilay A -W Jolay. 'I � a . � a I p 800yd at the. ,name at the head .of this" article. He . . next, at the hour oftwelve of the ct#W, voon; - � . 4 6 . of exit. - . � more conspicuous than -that .bf yousig Me . '' . . .- -_ . I ­ . rest. - . I . . ,-. . � worth of tobacict which he wants to exchinge . . � . I I There was Only one door in the . any moment. The iddi,g;nat:.on_ of- the . an.instifutioq, if not a p6pular one; he bus, Nzw'YORK, April 26.-Advices-frcm New for greenbacks.' - . . . - . I J011N_-XX0D0,bTA1Z, - . . . � . , . I I . . room, that by which: I ,bad entered. Oppo- Archibidd B. who, endowtA with brillinni - - _ -ton is 6 ' I I - ... - � The city was � 1. - I . � - G,)ver'nment ashin 1: __ cr talents and A, handsome person, hid held out I at W, it, it h6 ha's no- " local habitadon,!� and bern to the 22nd are re6eived. . 0::�- -Wilson held Macon, G�.,­on the 30th . 0 , x0eme. a nam . I . - - � Shoriffif. * a � site the door was a window. I -walked p to I .. � - . - . . , - I - - By S. FoLLoexp Depo - 11 , . . - - . - outside V - e m . 9 I I . , , -to peer into the r 'an's act� are' declared ' - and- n . - blushes unseen, an I Ira meetin was held alt.? but Cm prisoners vlaimed the bnl.tfit, c -f .- Sherifi-Is office 'Goik - h i , . -eat promises in his baillood 'and raised 'Sh null , . I - d wastes drapedin mourning, d -a _ty Sheriff. �. - 't it, and endeavored . I I � . - I ,he as ma, y a rose . - ,,,,v,,,. rip . � . � I I I . I . I � - I that day to give expression -the public sorrow the armistice. - ' ' . - - _. 22nd A I I : I hopes which had been cOmpletely 'frustrated ordered to - a.qsdme the offetwive -its sweet s_k on' -the desert air,"' he - inig , - . - . .- . I 2 - - - - I darkness, but could'd:stinguish n6thing. - -is sternly. . ''lit � -1 �wd� a- .qe �� - . - - I tried to, reasoa awny my fo .by his iubsi-quent reckless dio-sipationsi I . � .. . , . . !for the death of President Lincoln. The reboditigN and . . . i . Om- � .. - Numberi of Stite-representatires are - - - �. I . . . - One'rao nin. . . - - at once. Heimaydo-so,but,ifw ' pb9sibly receive bat a pan ng notice fr an Standard - rogress papers, conducted by " � . Sheriff ts Sao ot I . - r -, after returning from --ibis e ar6 to - . . - . . . - � . I ; I I � succeedid oing tent. 0 � unapprecistivo world,. were- he -not.immortst- their old proprietors, appear in mourning and moving for Ifie-reatorationol'North Caroli4a - . . - � . � - - I : - I began to pre - I annual festival, Mr. -Archibald B..-, haiing credit -the te�egraph, Johnston has stolen . - to the Union. �1 . . - - �, I ' f JY -virtue - of a *M �0 1 -,, � , pate for' bed, ,tnd. had alieady . . . . a � - - - ' res dent " - � i . ired to his bed, , dreamed the fi)1lowitig ize'd -iti solemn prose., Let's see, what our Lincoln was the beat friend tbi United Counties -0 t and waistcoat, wl . - amarchu nhimbymovin-offth . - . - ` I ton alld.nruce, _I . I I . taken off' my coa I hen I- fan. .ret - - � . _. : � . . . - �0 e flower iend Tiffica looks like : Hi' 1:0yu tpb C:J- Placards are posted all over New York Hu , Fied Facias isipsoilons I . , - i I . dream : .1 . � po - . . . . - � young .fr s Phir. I had, and that the South suffiers wore in I - . cled I heard a step'oh the stairs. imme- . f his army, to*. South' Carolina, ev as � I w'th the irords II.Deatk to TraituMll slattike, .to wit.- Mer Wiestra . - � - - r * -mounted ,c) his death than thei North. The ratification. If" I - Cou"y diatel extin-aished . the' .Iig* 11 He fancied that be himsel was I . is by no means intellectual,. except in his own Court of.the,United Counties of Huron &ad lk . y a lit, and waited - - en - . . I . abolishing no mori'parley,l &e. - � � 1. with breathless anxiety; the d on a favorite horse that -he al*ways rode, and � Lee is -said to have -sent off his best men h I of the 'constitutional amendment . . _ � and.to me -directed .against the Ian& **a lo!t� - - ooir faintly' - - �. . I .� i - estimation� e has -a blighip - 'very,, slight, - I . I � that he was proceeding towards- his o,wn . . . . - . " slavery is regarded as certain,. rhe -desire t76 - 0:�- Mr. Vandelhoff has written an ode on mehU of Charles Kfaiks At- dw � 24ft of 'the . , .6pened, and the uncle icautiously tnrust for- . . . I before his capitulation,. or whilst its terms is - ' 4' muotache-his- liair is`parted return t the Unio ' � . , � _� . house, (then a country seat embow-ered- with : . - gingery . . . . q . . n appears general through- the assatisination of Mr. - Unc6iD CorpdtationoftheTownship ofAilifield IhaT& 0 h . . . - . . . ­ � out t � . ' ' -_? whi�,h he . 0 - - -w" his he*&, In the glo in of i e chamber - -state.; . - - . I seized and taken in-executi6k all . he could not perceive me; and finding the trees and situated upon a -bill, it , entirel ' were 'under- considenition. The hero of down the middie-the space - betwee he . : . ca Is " Treason"s 31aaterpAece.7-' the light, title , .1 I ow jr I , 11 . . I .. n his � '_ . . � - 11 - � . and intpieg of-lbe said &h ant in ,and �* ag I built over by ,he city)i when a stranger. whom - I i - - Gen Shermitils army isin Crinp awaitin � light extinguished, I suppone. he thought I yesterday, if he -reads (he. publio'� po us orbi and the roots ofhis odoriferous 9 #:Jp- The d*ntists-o !Znd -atid P tie" are - w" halfut lot aumber seven in the 0141 ciii; I pers, beauteo. . . . , e ; � � . the answer of government to the Confederate 1 1 _f on- A , P - . : . � very *Softly ,the darkness of the' night prevented him __ . " - . rehead is ing large quantities idf-tdith� 16m 'the mssioii Eastern Division of '*e.tOAaahiJP of I was in bed, for he clostd the door . a deal � h I i .� heir is very limited - and the sweet-fo . � . . Inporti . . � j . .. I . . .. . � I - - - . - . � I � I � . 161110- - . lis- horse � . � Aolifield, in the it;ounty ot Huron costaining ons - . . . tly seeing suddenly seized will iee' in them- a -rest t at 4" unlo . - I propositions.; - - . American battle fields. � 6 . and descendcd the mirs -as ' I distin.c s 0. I, I � .1 '; u MI massive � I � - . . I a - in exclaming J -You mutt - with me.' : complimenta or worse. ; He is accused not inarred by an Psee Y , �I!W- The steamer Columbia' briogs Havana . . hundred actes, which-J&a&aW ten* I I . 0 , - re I ga - TY) . . , . - . . . , 0 1 eats I *W ; : V I was now worked no the highest pitch o � � . ' -his teeth are as, shiny - with prof. Chris Is advices to the 24th. - The intelligence of the t:)F- Another fiae loe WAS ofier,for sale at my offwe in the. Coiw moves * 11 I f i And who are you ?'- exclaimed the Young of having boen - all along -too ldnder of � - ­ ,% ty I . .omoelve turned , in . : - - I ­ � - . � _. ,excitement. I 'feli c;rtain that , something man with a volliy of oaths - as he a - . . I - . . I 'his che 'in' scion ot I President Lincoln caused our last weeir from the Grand, Tmak Railway tht town -of G64rich, On Tuoidiir-PIthe *4 � 11 I - . truggled to It So"Zodout as rm. g Vran'ch Calis are-- ask2asm I - of Augue next, ,at tie bout at twelve of I was -_ a rebels" and. their pr6 erty' slai6 and , - much ex , - nt St* Chailes. - - - I . I � .. I � I .�4 of' " beat'cake blackinty.7 . About7his delicate citement and cast a deep gloom . � � . I , I - ,,oing to happen. I remembered my free himself. ' . P clock, moon, . . . . ' I - - . , - . � . lonely situation -the inquisitive questions of i you will know that by and by,' returned' otherwim, aind th ' i it . . � .0 . - American, residents, By way of Afatilmor" wo are h.appy to hesi,that the Lock - - DON4LD 1 4, i . -ere is a no very covert- ' - ' __ JOHN MAC I - � __ . - . � . throat is wrapped a neat but not gaudy. paper it was iiported that C-ortill" had 0::�a . � - , the men below. There was no possible means , declared - . ii6;41i.* IL - ­ r - � . the other in a todd-that excited unaccoun. insinuation afloat . that,he is ,at.hOar - collar-, and �over that again a- nice' -colored ,agaiust the em ire. , _ Out in the Tion Astrieto of EhSlaud has ter B 9 POLLOCK, , .' t MO . . - � for m1i to Ascapei excipt in going through table terror in -the youth, wh6.- lunging his � - ­ ' I . . . I I . - -_ .,_ I ..p .- � I . I - . i* Deptitysberior. _. � . - -anod . . - p thin 'half rebel himself. - The &W York si�art (1 think they call �� it) ra . Itened, -with a - I I minated satisfactOrily. - ' i , Mrs 08ce, Godgmk, - - - . - I . spurs into�his horse, attempted tG sca. - � .1 —_ __ .— — I . . . � SKC 26thApril,111165. . t I �. . the room in which. they were seated e ' pe, tut - .. _ - . , . . - I . ­ 0:1-- There is a gorid simif K71tehe' I - - w1d . . each a course I knew would be perfect mad- in vain. 'However fast the animal flew, the 'Herald, which sang loudly in bb prai-se a gold. pin w'a'shed whb� brass.. 'His.' vest is of, - a Garden I I 4 - . . . .. . - ­ I - � - . . � - urope= ..News. near London, Englawd, , is eigkt SHMI"98 SALE � - -r- � - - . ness. I summone4up all my philowphy,and stranger was itill. beside him- till at lenoth . " - . ..,.----Is , _� . - 1.� 02 LANM , determined. twwait the denoisment ard tried in few days ago, says in its issue,ofTues&y the 11 gorseousestIt and is -not pald -for yet. I . I . . - I - . . � . . ­ I . his efforts in eicape',,the dileewas thrQ;7 . - . . � , I I . - I . . - . I - hundred acres. principallp - scoving - . � � . ­ He possesim, a chpap 'ziih, attached � - . cabbs%e. . . .1 . . __ . I � . I I* persuade myself my fears were groundless. Dut instead -of being dashed to the' e' ", i last :..;- � . . "I � - - silver we - . . arih as . - . �. . . � ­ - - . � - HALIrA* . � 11 �1 .. United Countle?,of 'DY virtue ,ous Writ at I - - : ­ . . � I .� But whon'l thouglit of ibe signiticant look fe I' . � - nd-chain ( * material. as the pin) , Aprilt: 26. -The steamship,Africa, - . .- - . � I - - � id B � - . I - S he ezppcted, he t himself fs1ling-v falling, General Sherman . hu ,spoiled a great to a gra " . � . isme - Capt. Andean, -from lAverpool at, eleven * Muron as -ruce., " IriCUFSP*jWfta 4)Vt­ .., fiat passed betwee en they Mw . - -,C::)- Ina few. weeks. it * confidgatly' exo , T,� Wit _r . � -Miftlyte 'COM44 , I . - athe men,wh failing still, as if through ,'the bowels of the - J. to which -am attached -I charms " in the shape o'eloelk, a mq of'the 15tit, via Queenstown coted. that Great Brii 3a Aind'Auatralia wA Chanc,ery.s of Her . I . . - I . name by a great blun4ar. " Wit& Genei. . , . I � &I I nd I* M Affected 6gawd "*Aasillii � . 11 -=y gold watch, I musi confess: that the- effort ground-. - - - ' " of little. sh;l1@,'4c- ' &a., Ilia pantaloons on- 16th, arrived, bere'llit five o'clock -this within 22 ilours_of each other, by leti- and tene r mats owl Ja ePord. Edward Atknoter � I ­ was a.fallure. . And thou the thod ,lit sudden - . � r, ientont, assitining thi i�thciii�j of ille . . . � ­% I - I . - . - eing . � . �, .,. belong to the pog le fisp� lady killer evening_i . . I . . - es"Irad William Stastako -me, . ., - At len,gth, it, period - b Put 'to th!ir Presia i9p,,-doub ' witb-61 passengers for this port� and graph. John Mccuinli - . . - - - -me, ifi after alli the clerk. had re , i - ent,, isafiedhis.emancipation p--6cla � . _ . . - . - � - � . - . ly� struck - - mysterious descent. he f�uudbioreath to inquire . . I i . . 62 for Boston , Her dates -are three days , . defendents, at the suit of hlai�f Ann Ford &X � ­ coxnized me, he Would n6ver let me les*e mation in Missouri- h - ' uasion-and-a g "Irly-tied up to the ep A- Secessionist was killed - on the lake by John Mitchell the younger hersixtrIk"'. . - . of his companion, wh - i , e committed a per$ . . re re . ­ * I - . - O was still by b.is side, I I ­ 'later thati'those already receifed. , - . i - That place alivie. � Five - lonj minuites PiLL"d 'whither they were " oine. �-, Where am I ? blunder; when General Hunter under- b9d-'post at night lost they should oil loose street of Wiashingtou on 8 tturday, for is Plaintiff, 1 have strized andtaken in .exem" I- . _ , ­ . � . . . I ,. At that moment I ' 9 - . . � jr � � ' * .The news ofilie isil-of Richmond created pressing, his _j�y at the death of Pmsl(;,1j 81! the light, titlieAbd litterr.Vt *f AS joid ..,Oetesm. . awiti, &W I heard nothing som -dam L to. -the landlord's crocii. -intense excitement in England but it arrived I - d ' � I � . Where are you taking me,?-'. hesexelgimed. -took the same experiment in South -0 -and do e agge' - I . ­ � - silight fleshed before my windoir�. Iwentto � A - . Cam . ...� 1, .. . . I Lincoln. , - 11 � ­ . ant in and to theAmth halt aflat jt*iniwre-wn .. __ . I 4 To Hell V replied the strange�_.- a-nd lina he was guilty . 'of the same fbily, and ery. His cost, or'-�aliide. garment, -is. com- too late to admit of the papers gederally cow- � - - . ,in the fourth concessio Vr � digging in - . � Stephen. in The -county of Huroij, wiiwx As& :� I . a I __ � n of tbq toV-q*,p i ' � I it, and saw the uncle with a .1atorn imm'ed* tel , inteiminable echoes repeated when General McClellan � ventu d u n posed,oif some grvAsh materiAl, and is made menting-on i,t, and as, most mets . "- General Sir J. W. Guise; Baft., Col. . . I - la 4 l 1 1 - the garden. I witched him wifli earger . . I - . . I . C-1 � . I I -shall o4er for safe at my Aw I I . - . war - belt. all r bad osed 66m the 13th -to the l7th, the bnel of the 80th Foot,4s dead. -He 'entered and tenemen . the fearN sound, Ito hell!. to. belk I � to the duty of regulating th(i -tailed . � in the Couri Ron", Jet- thd jown- oreadehek on I . I . ' . I . . '. I . - I . . , _ liey bob and, with a cloth . Dund - . I . eyes; he was digging a holo'aboilt six feet bell 11 . � - . a 0 i _ _: � - - . � . � I e0ct of the new's cannot- be fully developed the army. iii 1806 snO -served milli distinction Tue sday, t he 9 ni't 4ag(August a . *zt,* - _ _ - in a lei or 'of; under which the �pppar. part is tuckq4 in � . Instiu: .1 � . I � �. - -administrati6a ! . I ­ . " V i ion �tbree feet Crund. . " Atleaph a li,,ht appeafed, which soon the * I . I . ., until they are open. , - in Egypt and the Peninsula. -- ot twelve *1 the cloe 'zoon . -$*be J** , � . . 1. - I � - ttz a . - . � - - . . . � - . � . God r. I exclaimed-tolayself;'* he inicreasdto a blaze ; but. instead of the crilmn tions, he assumed -the function of, Con- recrul&r . . . . . I I . . .. . . I . .- ­ - 0% . pleats. ThAC i' a Mint. 'Vi6turo of � ', The &ndonJUily News say that the-irmy. 11 Why Bridge . 40HN MACDONALD -- I _ . Iia diggi F . . I . . . " i General S I - . . . d or. � I - . 4 Ing my rupe. . � ,;' gress ; bu , 0 sai h ' 4unklrew- who . . - . - .1 I and- groans,.*nd lamentingsi which -the. te I � hermah, in his North Adolphus. 'You "ve atet himlor.io_ me of his of Virginia, so long.. deemed invincible, the wished to rally ilie-glet, lot theamusement of 11y,S. I suris H. Z B, . . - . . - . , . . � I - I - - I I many . relations in an . . C o7mamenting � " I - - - - . room below to prevent . � ,y -.6f ct - I C 2 , . - ­ � I my -nothin- but music, and mitin, and jollity,s�nd at once upon the powers .of both President -troInfedamcy, has been not only - beaten but ot's huge pie---" Why Brigiti did you do it?" . MS. I I - __ - - . ., ''I , � � . . . . I now -felt certain that the youal man , had, rified traveller -expected %60 heai,'there was- Car6-lina, peace 11 uem'orandum- 1' .'seizes ide, We -hope, the centre, the, citadel of the I POL1.00K Do t 811toriL I I . . beert I*ft in the - � a . ­ - ur toiins7itir cities. - � her company, upon the fantasti - sheriffts =X= , , ; - . - . � - �Iescape. - Batt determined --.to satisfy m ' ' , that Toil. hR" .vilfted, and can -supply for i N 25th April. I ,wit . . . 4 . Yselfif he'found himself.at the entrance.of a superb .'and.- Con'ress, - find sets -them -both ailde' I I _. shattered. 'The Davis' governmelit is MOW You're qiiite an artist; how . . I . � --- - such were thafacfounaL .topenedthedoor In ,� '. yourself any deficielieps in my 4urried descrip. I . did you'do it?" I . building,- far exceeding any -he had seen con-- He'dow-this too not upon- one measure -tion. � - L grant 'and ftwitive. :Ric - hmo.nd, which of Indade, mum, it was - myself that did ivs z SHEMY'SBALB-AF: LAXM * I - , � _. . 3 .1 . I - . noislessly anct stole cautiously down the stairs structed by human'bands. Within too whit dolphus is not, as &'leniral gt received it &ad ga*ve it -zdrf, is time a dig . . . � . � . ­ I . . A . I - . . thin - ", Rity replied -.---"-- , - , - , �_ - 34, My stocking feet. I glanced- through the- of principle of policy, but upon every point . - Bridget. 411sn't it prott.7, mum ? . , . � - . - A - :. - - , - P a scehe? No amusement, employment, or __ * - popu!ar amongst bUmasculineac aintances, which it could never have � acquired - while -it I did it with our -false tee Utiited-Co'notas Of * -4t a WAt * - - .I- . " tell p. at issue between the government and'the . 11 . `vi" 1, . . keyhole of the do wh o ened into the-' pursuits'of in I Ku . ly - . thi.-mem 11, * . . ! . - . . all on earoi but was carried on � . by whom he is set -down as half muff and the rov-sined among - the cotton plantatiolii � I - . - � I # � I Huron and Bruo*,IB Fieri� Fseiw/_A@q* ,a ' , _. , ' . � , 1, W �, room, slid SSW -that my suspicions c - e . whe're it had itsilse, kas set on fire by * its I - in .a 'bertain . To witt IL C-ONW I � .. - wt!re well them with: .a vehemence whi'll excited his rebellion, and on the sid of the rebellioni. balance p6 . es he is, - - . At a large dinner partyj ontafflerMajesty*s . . , - f ;I . - . . � able amazement . ; � there the Y'oung aw General -Sherman,- in this 'untortunate. . , . , -"departing guests. That the Confe&.rate city lately; ,_66 frosty westhir �hxd Court of1he IfultedCovatisso(Mmossaill Arse�@�, founded, for -the absconding clerk -sat beside utter. , ppy,, but he is, or f6tica , - . _ , I -a "I - a tiLble with a -revolver already cocked within lovely still awam- thiough the makes di. the reatly in favor with ace- fain 'clan or young s ;;jy foi,,ht wit . , � . and to me directed -against tee .him& *ad tow . "business, doubtless thought be was dolin- -9 - � I I I r 0 � It all ifs .old t_enaei and done vonsiderable-doy in supplyirig co . � �, � : - . - . . . - 0 - , . ty . 11- 'Wests'arj weim loo.thiss - -at the, a" of V 1 - Witty- - Small, I have seined wO takon _ - . his reach. I-retumed-to the bedr giddy dance; there til panting steed still - " Jadies. He glories in iheir.s To. en- elan we cannot doubt, but it has beeit In2imi" V I. . well, and that hisTame as a leader in war 1 . 1. - broken venation, -when a very plutop, ,b ' ­ .. - I ; � � . . . I � all) k- - - . - * 1. - ­ - - . U,e� in a morning's small talk�w-awful small up by men who, as we have often been tol I - PY4160 the right,litle-and inteled -bt the adow - - .11 � i " � - I " 91 ._ I . t - � I agaia took my position at, ihe,iwind'aX!-R_' bore his brutal rider through the excitements would be enlarged -by his glojy, "maker 9 -ac . . ' lad ' -a 'k -to lot � . . . . -Fire minutes more of- agorAlzinap suspense of-& gotided chase ; themoTor the midnight . Y L * is in worried y. made -_ remar ­ , - . � 0 -'pall:-the manl occupa. a __: Da - " � � . . of peace. He his fatally, 'blunderedi Wlk--;,he- will give -0 were the sweepin ,a of Northern cities. 9 it about in and a lettoft 94" Diu Ai 91b i.�� � ! I ensued. I had ui�tbio" wi't'h whic'h' to defend I bowl. the intemperate Still drawled oul . � for � I I 'via obld feet. SurelT."' said Of InIft I*Wethip 40fBMCC,-oORt9isiegAQ0Ao"J . i . % - . 0. - . - . - I L � the . I - I I . beaun the - wae b -Ly declaring -he would carry - . ­ . � a -lady opposite, 2 in thii'vills -Uvvr� - � . myself, and was completely at thelr.=�rey - with a few unlucky strokes of his pe"n' he tione and pursuitspeculiar to met! of,his ag,e.. it 'where fo;a for the�i Mrs, yon are not also it! site number 44 - � .- - ­- wanton sono or maudlin-blasphewy; . the . . I - . . torch swaited Southern I - � troublgd- with P go ' , , , A sudden calmness now took possession ' a I . nd bus blut'r'ed h1l the triumphs of his sword. Having but'litt � - - . . ' I - hUron,-Jn said county .of Bruce, ,iimtsialuff S4 . t - - of gambler plied forever his.7endleu game, a - - le bmins,'he.ddes not require anni cold feet ?-1 .Amid .an wful p I � I - . I I I . - . I ies in piopulatid cities, but the -attempt to .stiae,_ she acres, whish IaAcls and tenements I AM - for - : , . - , � . *Mig I , . m!- I "a Ose it --was the calmness of des!. the Sialrea of Mammon toil throuch -eternity He is a great- -soldier h. fine scholar 8 to wrAste much tialo'cia-thieir cultivation. 'Ile, burn New'Yokk enjed in, nothing but an c0atively AUNWer64, '6 Yes.A' I a 'r sale Rimy sirlee in the Court House -in-tiketows - , . but w2tbal I ,a .6 - I - P . . ­ I --04Q � 0 - . (:OJ*ffe% Lou TO tt. . S j"p1L " I L ­ , t� %i � I Pairs I - - my faculties were perfectly their bitter task ; whil8t all the. magni conce brilliant writer;'�but ia'dip Of . 0 lomao� - 6 has fi is execution,, whj10 Divis sit his-. borrowed ve iA ' utAhe're_' _d nds'-somie ry much. troubl b - " - sy the arm& !112] jbf A' VMK - , .girl i e en6ugh, to 'endure b not ray - . 60� ,N I --' - I . . a - _____ I - - . I 7next, atthehou, Wtweh qO0 0 ,_Yl dear, and ,J, turned over a bundred- plans to L of earth paled ,before that which now met e capitol in flamek and decamped. own I" . I I ri pi � . . . i . .1posed the vulnerable -. heel of "Achilles, - ' . . - . me ngless presenct. and -� he he It � - - maps- the -doom thatewaitid. Allthistime hisvi ,, , L� . ­ - ani _. . . .unts er, � . . . I JOHN MA A t I � . I . ­ I - - . . . iew., I ), . and Jeff. Davis :hag L . . The Morniqg Advertiier says the further . . .� I - . - , I . - . . . - I 1: . . brought him . down - - - . � � � S 1*116 . ­ . "Gale I soon perceived that b -her a bees of this heavy . : . ­ ., - � __ - . I was i r1i -watching the. actions of the . f haunts tother her ffiber, hill, groom, (if ­ � � , - ..� � -, . . . . He e was amongst . � ­ I I . circumstancots shil c"onseque I ;, . - . I . uncle. and hap run off, chuckling at his success. By S. pot.r.ocl, t r. . . . a or - 0::)-- The Sarni&LOburkr learn - . I . I ��.,� . . . L - . a that on Sherill's 015 '" . .. . i, . ___ old acquaintan�es whom he knew to be dead; . � . I � . � � �_ � _ - he haft - one'.) his emrriage,.41ten not ctecupie4l blow will be looked i' with intense ,anxiety 1GGG"*':_1e , . ? � . . - - , 1. _ . I . � . . . . L , � . I The soil was:very light, and he soon suc,- -and each he obieried was p Monday evening ajoung man named John , -- ce , � . I i. I - urszing the ob., " - � He is guilty of a -mean,. low-lifis subserviency ar the close. of the ws;�. or the inaugil�atiou of . ,,, - -1 *U,b Z -it 19610.7� t ,� � - - ' 1� - - veo&d-in *Zipeuin- th* hole Ao at least four ject which had formerly. -ep I - ATLAINTIOMONTHLY40UMAT.' -The I I- , - � L new 'and wi&-sp � re4d guerilla conflict of un- Hickey,_-ealployiA-W, -6 switch"n 06 the — - - 1�n . .- � � . - . a I . , . . -, � - I . � - - � � - � - 'L whick sh'ifitelligent, io.UA clad fhl,,mer.s boy a - L - - ,* I i - - ftet. He -then ihmir down bix spade and L whatever it was.. When- fi!�iug himself contents of thii-po I 0 kuow,fi duration Any springfrom.the Gr,%D4TrankR*lw stPoint3dwardtir-viss i , ­ conflict.. W1,15V , , i , is tt�a L . ,&_ I I I � e - 0 L . . . martea corn in son ,.and he lack& thex ly- -.0dier- p*pel are silent -as yet poll I killed I was SALK, . . I i vatered the houw again. I expected - everT reli' ved of ,the presence of his- unwelcome .pular - A I - a ,'Magga. would- a ' *- Mi' - I " � $,-w It SAM n g a _ X �GAII GE , i � . I - . moment to Uar theii caiicending the - ptairsi conipanion, he venuired to addres& his former zine . for MAY are: With Che.0irds; Gold. first element lofellaracter re i I - I I I 0 1 a a stranger at Point Bdwa* having only I ORT. I Au � � I . . . I : _. I . ' - - - . .,� _. . ,.qutre-d by the inan .news. .- . I . . . : or i, - - . - 4 j � J, - and rA&d*L Up My mind to sell iny I;fe as dear frien Egg---�A Dream Fanatasy i' Out of the : who it. pre I rived them from iQdboarg j! few dayi before "' 4 1 d, Mrii. D.i whom he saw sitting, as had- , 9 . pared to- entee. LiWs vast - areas, ---,The London I imes has an edlitorial. ro,iret. a' ' 1 - - . as possible. when a - urritti.r. a?und-attracted be ' 'he - the'lCeident., � -_ � . I . - p en r w:)nt on earth, absorbed 61 'loo - eager and willing to strivei.foriume prile that ting'that thii peuple'of Melbourne should � . . 16 ISHARES At ANCHORS, . --- 11 I" . . . . Sea; Afy -Student Life at 40wyl - The I . � - . � . . - . 1. , I .1 . - 11 I attention. . _LZ � - - I _ I - � - .& � is worth . 4 - - -Xiaorro, Ae.. m � - . . � .- requesting her to rest from. the game and L the possessing. - - - - b h, I ly, m i I hy with the . Gzx. 1: TO VISIT I HiNALTOX.-:-If * - � L ", � . . rst time -Ahat th -'Ice and E * . the . kave displayid a - 0 mu - PA � - _ . . - L - now perceivid for the fi L- Grave by the. Lake squimaux. "f - i - � I . i le_ introduce him to the pleasures' of the place _ - I - 9 beautyand purity ofAdolphas' hands eri the Shenindoihi who iiere enzared LIS re : I . . 1. � . - lig'htfrow below penetrated thrtitlik -several io . . V. L . . . I . that Alhis iows . not, neither doth he �in' the destruction' . of ships . .- - , ported i'a the city . I - wh h appeared,to be very unlike what 'he Xotis% of a Pianist. III.; Diploptacy prove . _'that Gen. Robert E. Lee - . I . ' M � r ) I '* lug upon the guest,chief1tain of -the Southern ConF I I Ohicks in the floor-- I laY down On the had eipectedi and indeed un extremely ofthe Itevolatio - .- s the drone of the social hive-- errands of pea" -to their -ports. , - I ed. mwdw� � . .- - � - ' . � a ;' Oari Battle Laureate �' .80""" He' ' I . � � . . ' w - _ ground and looki,ig through on.e'af the cracks ageeabli:one. But with a i g I I a nonproducer,', and, sfingular to rel4te, ho , The Times h-gs an atficle strongly condemn oracy, him' ' ind"on -that h4 will . - ----"-- X - . sound that, I could- perceive everj ' . . gles' � � Fthing 111-AhO 'she answered that there was no peace in bell, Doctor J61ms. IV. ; The OhimneyaCor- .1 arrive in Hassawn next week, for the :t UNDBU 4mpd by-Virtso,of a Powqw of. . . I . . I I I .. eems.to prosper end -fatten while thi .real ing the conluct of Judge Smith, of, Montrea,� I. I I 'i ., , , � , apartment. On* of the men was sharpening pose ofpayiag-a brief visit to it new contat in a eel - t . _ I - -and that they must forever toil lit those very ner. .V. ; .Needle anti Gatden.n T-, .. Cas. ,workers can hardly,- by- the anverest toil, keep for his' ill-considered and dangerous charge � . u;4 -Wu *Ortgass .11 � ' ai L ... � - -Ever I 1 � he. � �,._ S �..i, - - � Itive -residiril, here. If the, announcement Thomas B. Van y and- - , a large knif& on a. grindstone, iind it was this �plessurea; and innunierable-vo-ce's- echoed tie'a; F t Policy; Re- the'walf from their docirs.: 'With all his Plirade, ,bri the saWJect of the St. Alban's raiderill. " , . . . � .. r PIV - t Bes should prove amd4atli --- h.,* -L I . . � 1 .� Do'A - I . - that made ths, puril-ug -sound which. .I had through the interminatile vaults, -I there is no . I - and bluster,' and loud sweaniag, , g AL.Thiers,declared him. Ifadverse to the - - 14* At' Oetl- of.the Town of God* mmeh, in C."My -At 11 � beSid. , - I ." - I . . I jffeLfeltlho edge, and finding it sharp - iWrary Notices, '�Tickfior & riffies'accomplishas littl * , ­ ­ receiv by oi I 10i I I - peace in bell 11 while throw;ng -open his vest, views and Li � e. - He ' eral will be cordially i od'' mi'citizensj Zurail, .ForwardaM. ,of dWfird I . - coulame" unliy� 0 Jtalyf- '113 -which be says lbere, is . - . , , . , who would be gratified at ,& sight of the PON odd Town Of , - enough - discontinued his employment.- each dis' os - bosom. an everburnins Fields, Boston. We have also Our V ", .�, il& bi;mwWng danger and ho utility - to - Fraricei ,, He - as. I � . - � Cl odin his f 14L li*yeils cle;k iqcf 6 * - rt Gibbons, of . oang . fair Y. m __ . � - � . . . � 1W inaster x us 16- , ; . - they said, were- the -pleasu drinks ttiihind.i bar-he'dasbes -off ai'&�`mer-. (ended the Paial goveirdment and. favo ` 'by the FAquires of second 111rhWit They then began to couverse. I could I hew fisme. Such, I , . military-- geni deve 004 and i , . I � " Folks for the. ixicomin- mouth from' the I p ' I . - � � � - sivery word they said. . I . . I �� a . � reu*-an American war.- 27ma. ­ 1. * ' ' � 2151 so" I . was llo.*.V their arry,&- fortune, puts alliance witb Austria. The debate. was -ad. - . . :edui sol . offiell ; their choice an .earth, . chanN clerk, seeks to = . I xOnsage was. . : I I __ - - - I Are ym oertaidt; Charles, that Wills the never ending doom 1 In -the mi st 6 some establishment. 'The book it' fi I led' his f I - ­ - . � - � . - I - over by the : 2! 916 A' L � 0 . I . - d . ot the - . . oot in it, - and - ends - �y makin; OJT. .;o jourued. . .� 1 - ' � I I . . - I I . I . . I I - . I L . . ­ ., - 40 __ : I - . . deteetivet said the uncle. . - . horror this scene- insp-red, his con'ductor re- -with interesting - matter. . - .. - Buiraloi Yei� Adolphus. is- -known to the w :POPOV01119111111S to'Canada,, Wolferstaq Thomssi'd -6-0 ilkid T of - I , � , . � * . - - . - I .-Adviiellifiout Algitirsasy that a visit of the I — . . , � - - . . - a Portectlia'artain,t returned the clirk- �1 turned, �nd, at his earnest entreatyi restored - :-- . ­ Z � . � . - 1. - . _ , Gdderichl'TAquiro, agent -oU t": Ck I I . — , _. . Aarling pisblic, . anil happy 'is the merchant Emperor to' that ecilony -s("' still . considered The Now -fork Herald - ` i w" "a . . � . . - '. I - . . . - I k1[O`1iRM=pi011 as Well as I know yon? him again upon earth; but im he 4uitted him.' Go4eirlielk - as IL Place �01 Sualneir who mines his custom' and the taildr, jeweler -probable. ' . - . . � . . - Of MOU4Y "Is - Monwealt, in sald towl-4 . . I I � - - . � � . I . �. . . . 11 By late foreign advices we learn ifiej ,it is 4 ti'mout .- 4 fi, e;id I I it is tiertain he must die then. I suppose heLvaid-t-Remembertin- yearandwdaywe . .1 I ­ or perfwner--who is -not to bs'persuadid in ' roe � mod SUIL 4"Md , �4j . 11 . . -9. � . Res -ort- ­, - I - . � to " A. talogwii from Ro says --it 'is asserted J , Cus, � , . � . � I � . I � V- -1 I - reported, in h! . broad . . . � % I . ­ ;- . �, . . ' the pleasing fictiqn that his father wilt OV ' .gh Catholic circles a thai tio, - he has Plenty Of m0noy with hi besides his meet &,a -in.' � , Ff 4 7ort of (1�, w gold watch.' . - � . . I . ___ _,; , .,-, ..., ,��. .. � . that tho Count Do Satalges will -shortly be like Pope will come America. ond'ilialke (def&u1t h^vin - been ma& id'jhg I � � - � 114 610 % At itis -crisis of his. dream,. the. sleeper - A ge-ntleinsurosiding. in Detroiti, -who h his 141ittle bills'." .. I - *withdrawn from Ro�@,.aud that .France' -will Montmai his I I - � - I Yes he must be well Prori �; � - I - I � � � � . � . future resilience, letters writ. � ; --- - ,_ -f ,e and, whether'from -i - - ". � . _!., �__. . . be ndqqo . � .I. ded wi h fun'lar awoke, evirish and ill - ' I . is. and is 47frierld to . , � . only be ivptt46nted by a Secretary Of 'Lo * Aen in that city have found their wxy into mout tberoodf - 0! I MA his business - here is evidently to urest f - . . -himself paid lis miny visi . ­ . . I . . ,the effecti 0 his dream cr his previous orgies, I -_ Although it is somewhat iiTelevant - to- the ti4A u til t 'e difficulti ' served oi� 91 tioll "titled to , , . - I . - . . . a b es of Rdme are'settl:r-' r . � ae. . � .the Euglish'iteimpapertt expressing a similar al - I - . he unwell'as- to be obllia�d t,0 Zeep GodeAch has written and p4blished the f9119 ' li6i speak o the _ The � i - J*9dsW.)' im - . - - � . w' subject in f t of the London belief -tbe addltio statement � � , . WPS a o . a � I � , � hslid,'l mould wish - . with w W requi,med by ix - __ ; � I I - i - I - I � - . - . - 'Come *k Lot -us finisli !be business -at bis bed sey ' - durin As � � - says tilrbances at Madrid -Romija 0&jb*lk_,]�Shb# 0 Oat _ the, , Publie 1eictiou - 't � eral d a, - which period 'he ing letter, which. ape . fo�.'itself:­�a ; . y 0 1 1 . r yd.ullpr lady who has put in �priut her good Times thitt this dis - . _ , ( - , I I d * � I ke many- serious reflections The -Editor of Thi Ntroirlt;W`Press : -1 - of the -literary ability .4 -your .humble �- to morer--seribus "thelf heretofore stgtid. � a Romp,'aud .. I I Akmtr,"l is, 1111101F � i . f - . - d'in a resolution to abandon � � I . I 1. � I I I is a- soot wl -cc, ,ft, I -_ , Sam' said the uncle. . ' had time. to ma a . opinion ­ Do you think he is ssl"y yet V returned which te' ina�W � i Ly tifik-ted 'with - a_ 00 , . —, . T111 16 your imsue-of to -day you have an stticle servanL 0,_ to enlist ..the good will of the lan,the e"ninff of the 12th inst. an AW1111. the mo'Vetnouv'�_,T6-6 *of t6 Iditiop . .1 - . of _ A.&Y .0am. WI&- ,. . . the eJje& _- ' L . . - - t -_ " indeed I - I Wair - . the club and his licentious companions alto. suggestive of the advantages the wouldaccrue ladies I That is ,happiness . Will bl�qe in the streets was suddenly 6ispersed liontrealls, visit to -Ron* mrj* V - � . . I . . . ' I � � . - . . 'No ull�dter ifhe is not, he'll sleep. well ' I � . . . � to the buisuess'iu�erests ofibU city had- your lady dpr. send her icture (in c. . " '. To 0 - f Ailliketol �. The troops 1r6d -from,tU ,hr ndrsiow � I . 40 -A - . ­ - - � . . � -&tea I , "Fe.a I am sure sWis ban -some, . l6vot.7 I- _ * � , ... , onough afterwart* anyhow,' . � gethor. , I A I 11" � At twel4ta eAdo* Aso* At" pactim, - -He _" V 9 I ., ,� eh,*6 Uke from the . � , I I was no sooner will, however than they suitable IS nay 11 9 - , , "fil � - , 11 rol�o* � Ark dd - . ., 4 1 - I ' ki ,mei- malrin4 reiru Ar,trips too the - � - aft. . Naveik w o was going to montr1w - I . � � Tbe'alwk isagited-hideoul I th ht . - . (;Suj:g Of XCWUY-'w-lirlt is ,a6d . '_� Ong - flocked around kim, -bent - on recovering so to 4n.g. that skirt Ike 'ea& hbrie � � of - Lake ,Will you ask whither she likes tosit.--butte-red We'Oasin was killed.. -Anothbr gentleman th&t Bipbog Boa - * . - - I , � -will you�d% 11j, , - , . - - I rget, Pf this dinmium -twid � decigei ZL.WUO—. � 'Ai mid -the valuable at member to theit: society ., -a ?, If say our tast are-� similar, who'was wounded died in � a fesr,- min 'q)- - - to - Maika . - - - - - I , or - shall . . , ;. and Huron, From Saginaw Chicago and Sarni _on both sidL es Of , . , Upplow. - . . P 11.11 , _" ­ -1 11 - lit"- not obtain a di tisati6w-'fross *tbi # is . - . f I - having wirung 4rom, him a confession'of the r,ucb communicatio, a - , - it " she *17 Poor 791WOil 4*1 - fifteen erect Cathol . . - a" . On -Abe sqm � mud V*wA ... . I kept J , ­ - - ' * __ - - G ' a has Wert: regul i whPAriowsbO sit, . Some qphjr�pe -. killed Md, - - * - . - " your&% )F, but be sort YOU 111111110 no -'eslaoie of his dejection, which. as may easily I � a , - - , gson were � I 0 University. in Noetrillal, and VA* _PV �kdi . . � I - � I up for sevend_ye&*'4qt' heboaf-du . � me 0.)re - to tl6e followft . 9W% ;". Bilz , , arly , eiotalyl . , e- ah .t thil latter inight;*14sk in i --Aiiiont 14,11shin6of'A woun'do,id; so or lium sti't .. The - tl�&t IN authorities Ofliaisl- Unliversity who * - - . - - � I the wall; be _ Is bee u64 , too-, , small. - an " . ­ was no provocatiou'liven -onThe part 61 the opposed thiiFtchope, have, neverthwi . - 4K I * I you know, lit* &est. supposed appeared' to them eminently: route (the Bru�4yh 11. �fo beoutiful wim '- In love 7 �':` . - . . Sixtem undivided,wMir" or?". - . � I - I - - 1111W . . I U has, a nightcap iin. the detective has none, ridiculous, they soon contrived to.makii him " L' ' - - __ � ­-, . - Ivalry -9harged .t1iro *h th de L ossp 1111- that ,cow aw do TociissiJ4, . - I � .1 - This sesson,it iwsaid, that another boat -will, . � . - , I � people. The es a e -P,--'V— !`�_ - I - I - I I . ,.F�� i i _' �_ � rtaken.to establish,& tranch of their astab- ­ pf VA�suZrllry rulbt,, a" , . . D'Arcy - Ned res.' . - I - rt -1 . __ I . I ro-M ' � . - V_ . . I ..j _ �, ­ - i. ­ =prl,, , .0 01 ' . - Leave the light 6utsiderAbo-door forfear of hamed,ofliaggod molution. �Hejoiued, co 'me to her aid' -'but one good boatetteniling. t1s; � 4 , I . w4in 'Beai be quick as . - I I , The Hoii. Thus. A left streets and used sib' lighwent be � � , � I - ----- - ... � I _ - - , - , 'i * ! - - Z . Wton ; =4 above . all them again, resumed his old course of habits, her trips* to this city is what is really oeeded. Montreal for Dublin -via Portland on Thuts- ---There W been -no corn- market since the - - - ­­'� 4:� ,low 111119- at !he 'Pt*t - , ­��_ " �� . . L - I - . . . . � - - I r bout it. � - . - - I Atiturnalis came around, - ,r ; ,— —. -, --r,— - - - Af6jewd, togelbor withall sod 11114-owks-W. . a I . J 111�� 'tira . and when the annual � But we took' up our pea to iiall site 0q. - -.Before the,de0artare ot the, ti**tn'-, Nut Cit I - . I - . I - . � . X- ; b, - sagbois,rilifins, Inuio I . - , .M tacku 04 � . . � I 1� - . Ithd benefit thA -would flow.to�66'r4itize-na dier. thi ]�6 aventurestation he � r6s6hted with qj4L- ady, except floun which is ..; , itallAts. , . I.: . ; i - in -Y ,of Washington wled. -Brimmlouffs - , , . .$ ; * wMam"t f0r014d­ Bill he . � "lion "to _ � __ ,� I � ! r M � V* fut ad** I ,"y turned b,m over to found himself with -his 7 glass in his hand, It L. -1 - � 746 P, - _ � ­ __­_�nd_ ate_ - �. I ­ - WN %dim 1. I ; � in' -say. �* , y , - : I . . . - � I " 1, 4bom-ente belmllth Appeck - I Petro. ; , 100 �W - L I ; I 'UWL MUWS- a the b ' - rising- to make'- the ac- lag the hQt season'frodi ,Ihq: inangurstion of an 7" - . _ " . _­ I I.- 7 , � .. . when tle president I address. t and steady-. - is. � _; I%bd:,- I - - - . � . . . qb&t P4*i .. . . 1, � � and pulli off hi - 'ho I - ­ I � � , � �­ a � . it, , ; I h I Is cin'tomed- �' Commenced by sayingr, ,,inch s, Ii ofthitkiWid adyad: �-' - ' ld bW"fiusd - other i6rlWet - n!0V - - . r � 210tca - "_ - I L tie. growiqr 6ut­ ­ . I ; I - - " 4 . .- 1", . - r . . � L - I � - - . I . L-_, * * . ­ 'L I . � I � . . I 1 - ,. P L . -, , , , 1� - . - �. 1: . , year, - - ,to * ,upchanged.. . .. I .-, . I IV I _ , t r .4. _ of acce . .. . � , _ " "' It" : hear i tons q1" � �� I � . I I _ WIA. 1 4 . I V. - P, put it on nit ovi Wad. - - 1114 I Gentlemen, ibis being I it 4& A I= U�91VJEIQ 0 -.1 - L , op, � I - , . etip taggs presented.by the.tovib 6f Godiiichiw a - -The Printiesi o - Wales 61 - , X , I Fm- d- � F, I f - is g ' I *MtML I . , ­ L . - . _Wolf , I I 1A , , - - -, - 15, ( - , . .W— -, . . I ". �� ­ I . 240- mW-.6mau - . . i I . � . . Ptkbod this wittiout4skifist BilL I then. year and &Asy funce our lag anniversary,' L transpired . - TxJtftO]6 ig) - The' rail of i , * �� � � - - Solicitorfarl - - Thollash, f ; liandood � ,place'of sUmmer M . The town a si.tuatpti -stiother --baby. � This f�ct:, has . evdnif L I I Y laid"myself in bit place new tl* Ac., - 40. � - Ilk werds, strilik , - * _ I . . , . � . � . L 611 the 'Young diri�ctly�� f %=, i6d_,-8-NM10#1l6-1 -, � -- Ric lmoud:ji "& ut6eisal took he- . 41, , Al , -4 -, 1W4WW:, , � . ; I . r - ,ro � gent,94 __ , I Mau. The "T of the . tie utes was, . -1 �&rui&.L . A ' ' IL 'this; I my*riom and almost, "Mi.. ,I I - - to -day,.' The . � br-lritss.i6t the, %ranck or aw Bank � - _�_ __ r .. I and. - � I- fiaLtAA , , -21, thi ism. Alter A* F" 1141, ISS. ; a , � I I am s jils&�-wiltbo rJ9@@d�4x&J*h - "r� " L- . . , - greatly -el , t date - - I I __Q 1. . - essinesti to the jL' _ _0fb, 'd , ", - ,_ ­ pu I flon'-thil - _ . , . � oesse poso big un is, COM 0:T ` Ibi-ca � i(iai`mu-� � ated it ­ , . � 4 � . - xt� 'Min 'a oar like a*knell; but'ashAmed. to ex- &bore Porti.Hisron It:occppies an bi frisn& , e. 23 , 4* 1 . ibteaso-�mv bairt .seemed, ma4y t6 mat* I I I- 0604, whicV_ _of 14 -,North are rVade , 4--i- __ , L� , , , - sers __ eley UncIm ,44L *_-_ .- L %beL lba Partiortitting rsoftoy*"R�itia the "I � - �_.o - .0ii.-_0010 _ �,_ ­ . , � of . one h _ , twelity reet -' I __ and -m - � - ialwillauwa 1, _. - i.. #2 basltilgt't- fbeVdL& Step On the'Stairs; it ad_ ' . - I - 1!4�7 M % ce to world wiih . . - =110_01� ite strengthened, ' I y � - .. _- - _,:�� - -1:1 - thdL 'donvi 0. th - � Z, - � .1 i.. #2 P&Diousi heL i% ­*plying b' I ,.'1- - L- 14 19ank will . Ow "me -an spel 1, sat ant the even . � ' ___ '_ " " � reeciia � Tint P the I . -,:, - '_ I'— .. _- � .: _. �4",� . �-_ � flu L heL _ _ , . L lm- abolielhe level of Lake Hiiibn, and in its si , . , - I _, - , it 'the'llina t i Mph Of, the, Toronto Wanch. -� . . . .is"4100-0411 .. - " , L � W �_ , � - �, - _. , - - - _ _,�� * I , � I � ._ . � , � I 11 � f AsriLi�a* " _� ,* ­ - ____ � . _4 t 41 W - f. �� T V046d *it1lV*e.,wejgbt of a hmwy tre im a Mor ': li&�- "Thti-'Aver � . , - - , I _1 i - ' North -a' nkirr` Even ihosewho,'havd. alani- -, I * ' ­ a :7 .1`1- � __ - - - JIL . V646114 on 4Qor-%***d softly, S" it MPGM"ty I t, Theabovelwe I - flocir self -with wine eve a liberally than much.resembles Cleveisillk 0 !1P vie - - - ad-- - _ . . The. ra iched the bodr I - could, #: ,&4 " � , _­ '_ - -t CASSEW" I .1 ­­ _ � - al;in order- to drawn hii ititrasive thouxiltir, Maitj&udi'�6rm liondi theCuyo T * ,ssis- It( The- U41 Cfa� lost4"Atro-gaestj the -Co . .- -, map& r Aluirm I - is s ifg to hag&. 6 . , "& �� , . , Sf!4eiWe . - ­_ 2 L ___1 -1 I - V. � �Njl,j*, IML bA" ota L, - I . 0 I -- B I I I I -1 I I I I 'I I I . I I I DW Ze. *rX I IT 'Ji I n" � � I umm, -I �rtr a a �tw. ullw"_40_41 I I 0 in; be 8,60 X 4� SaWbIll 4 lai%a on , WW . I - 1"An. ' - UA911 - r iti tj 11 1* 46, gaw. - I * I .I.- - I .1 I ­ . L - , - _- - " C;u i:k. I � _._1 . - . L '.I . 1 � ,r .- �� � �_ I 14 - , - Kpid i1A * I - `%.- - , Cibeek. ._ I b"L pre. illil me 0- I b -qm , I - ­ � - * 1- - - - 1-0.r W. . , " _- A oratTlil -a It- the Ilth nit. cause isu%ea wesus of'de - � ­ '�W­l rl� 411ither Pa- 4H ..�. . � , Sal in tie glocial'of, SwIn"fia L. Mort . _aith ill, ., - iillgi he ds;A!i4Ummer;ap-.abo%ton degr"s-ect r IwAism j- , -, iih6*­uuin ;__ - --alove W - �tg ts-are.inver, aw -_ T - � ,,.:?I - �L_ - . . _.- _ ,- � - Ind - - h6f - W* ridt. %one-. � - ,%=�e slian lwi* and ihe�ni 1� " `­ ` -, �, __ - 111111111i d ' , - ­ ­ - . . Vodcrr Irl, , Wards 5 04tiX r, *, %".. . Alk. my' emitted bi se, . _ gle __ I _ . - *", - . I retfffbe r ingins 4 God save the Queem! I -1 . :1 � 1111alk of Upper caiidi4� cb, Ntt�k 4A 2" init I ,at *nse of]fln' .enou;h to imitMe a imore, I hours af, 6*� 8 ' Am t _ ___ ,I I I I .- � *wthelorse was found q . uiett � Tile cl V . *.. .1 . 1- � 'boat 61 1*5_� . - , 0 .- � . , ,*;.". � .7 '� .. I - . . T oppressivo. imate is ftie from milad the men io I i in the lutcb� ­ . I - .1 . eave . The Confederate loan has declined a . '731865. � L . . . . I I � . . . - . � - . I - . � L. - . � . -1. I - I � . - I I . .- � a . AprIA . , � - 11 - � . I � , . - � I I . - . . _ . � - . I I I . - / . _. . . . I . .� . . ,� I .1 I . . I I . I . 1. � ­ "I . _'? : L . I - . L .1 . . - � .1 . . - I � . . � I '. . '. - - - I - , .. - . ­ I . I . . . . . - -, . -1 � I I . � L . . 1� I . � . .- . �, . _. - . I . .1 - . . �. . __ I L _ * . . � . . L 1, . I .. __ .1 . - I . � _ . . . �. ­ . � � - . . . L ­ I I �_ . __ I . I - . � / - - i' . . L . - . .1 11il � . I � - . . . ­ - . I . . I , , . . . . . � - . . 1. - . I . % . . .. . . * . L I I . . - - - —L-,--" . ___ __ - - - _., . __ ____ -,- - ­ ­ I— - ' �'--­-­­­'­--­- ­ � ­­­ - --- -'-"-' ­ - '' L - '" L --- �­ � -­ � '' - , ' ' , � , _ - - - - I - . . - ! .1. i - I N * . 1 - J� I : 11 A .,I � . 4 . � � 11 I ; 1; �, I I - - I 'A . , - - I . 1k, � � A V Is V In * �#ri , ,313 I I 11 a 'L 4 .0 - is I111 - 4