HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-25, Page 3War.
aication from
the London
B. M. Consist
ary of State
beets received
he Whangato
i -y. Lieutens
with a.force
atolara river.
ok place with
t Nukuolthar,
the camp in
a Toss or, TO
4 _unknown.
.s Lieutenant
7 uSsrstant ad..•
[;nded (since
1th ztgiment,
eat regimente
anct gok
'‘u'T Wee
the teff
edi orv-.
the father's
iseese listory
LP' Sir Walser
be eats.
Lorder Chie
roe* Geeler)ch
I� est amnia.
Puh;ie, Wen.
ohne.. -County
,vN vr12-.
lotto Donoeir
_ •
in any •
• e notice.,
tiff* ft.& JS.,
'lkored against
or -
ettes he hand*
ire e, dee 1st
by Franc* -
Filnee smotmr.
oa. a due hilt.
Woe, *motor. -
w13 -.St•
in a
eenth day
ado betwn
of Asbfield,'
Part: thethhir-
*4 Asehibalir
rt, and
oder. ch, irs
oC twely.
rthira day
nd. premwere:
verse m tee
vision of tare
he the =unit
• Wilt of --
Expose" and
s Bere
es of -Timm
nd Archie
Benet. •
tor AR&
k leads saw -
()Wein the
rets Tues.
ff.& at
.1 To Wool Carders, Szc
S Ocergersere-.1 fearrul accident has
LIL.O1V-II .Traultiai !:edtter:i;\,:vi,,,lit;r1,14tsnttont;fthie,rhitileci-helsys e!ttent:ttut
On M.-ttahly he went out to Hi/TOWS/111th Ma
lieht bueev. and on his return to the city, he
gr A.n article from The Poor Young
nin,t hav...b....n eaten With souse kind of a fit
Man,is crowded out. • • I bow, en litry-a-!4, and Gienvale, for his horse
Stir We have a telegrephic report to the
effect that the. az,sti,sin Booth has been
se- Navigation is now fully open on
Lake Huron. The -6,w-tables .:of the
s.teamers, &e., will soon appear in print.
thtl''' We can only say to our esteenml
flientl L. that his copy. of tho S. W..sekly-
is mailed with unfailing regularity.
IrtZ** Mi..Saunders has sent us for re
'view, a few of his excellent smoked white
'fish. Aia realfast disk ihey are Un-,
surpassed in the fish line.. is open.
to receive orderafrouidroeers -and.
• •
1./D..NDON Arrit num-
ter of Otis beantiful book has been sent
ib7 Ws*-Pbeitettl; Co., -Toronto.- It A Eheeritre the -last -meet
is ar 'fiet -.4-Fern way and .we of 'TO P-erth e..itr.ay C.:Qum:II a sin.rulae
Per t•-• discIoeure waa made, ;till pee -that involves
'glat-1* that it is growing, ill faxt)r i tee slierilf of that count: y, Mr. hloderwell, in
3/1 siorpt.t. C attt r p ace
ott the side of the buggy with his litee On the -
11; who found Mr. Wm. liudston lying
are and suleleriber the power and
A Good Opening !
rr m de-sici_ed is desirous of forming a
I business connection with some person wil-
lin:: to 11110 nit WoOl-Cartling and ith.drt ss-
ing iii Coder telt. The applicant to tind
1 hind wheel, which had "fearfully injured him, . !I k i ng, hoffi-ot-which are in comp:ete readiness
1 lus is a splendid opportunity tor any cspable
, so much so, that what with the loss of blood man wishing one of the best openings til the kind
' fr,.in the ini eles• he reeeiyed and the el1ect4
of the lit, hi -1 !Ile was (Pspaired.of. lie was
brought home yesterday morning axceedingly
ill, hut we are lefooy to say that last night he
was better and able to recognize hie- family.
-Kingstan Whig ,..,....191,1t.,. , _
A4 ExaNYit: or PEnsEVEitANcE.—Edward
Livingstem, iter a labor of two years, Val
prepared loci the Legislature Of Louisiana a
teSsuelete code of criminal laws m -both- the
riumbei 30', on the -12th . eon-. of -Goderich
Ene!issh aa I- French- Um ,int•oes. --One -night'
0 0- township, containing by admeasurienent 40
.he retired. after sittia4 up !ate to give thelast
welch to: his- work.' -An elarru.of tire awake
Jinn arid he rushed 141;i his,..Stia4 to; find 'his
Iwork redaded to ashes. He wae.sixtY years 8-f
but the next enneniire, nethieg sdaueted,
. e
he sat -dewn to b--4-11'. again. `.:111- two -yeara.
_mere t t - 'reewee.tiettAll /X .a14 Lif al e tt. —a
pheaix of what_li id [Rem tlestOyett-
in.Cauadit. Apply
Goderieh, C. W.
April,17ili, 1865. . w12tf
Valuable Piece of Land
PO -1-1 s
nx favorable terms of peyment. The fol.
h./ lowin properly, viz :- North half -of lot
'here; _It. can be ordered: rthrough Mr. ' a rather Scrieie 'Owes. .1.1e...ehea appropiehtted
Noorhouse at any tithe. ` . -_ f -the in )211,-..s -re ceil'ea: by him oe accotert- of
. ,norere-ileet - Iliad titees te- his- cern: use.
r .y.tAa., is aiso .1n.. ottiduntia:g. to S19,fify3 : and wheel called uptie -
ee_,... sem ) the , t.
acres, more or less, upon which there are
fifteen acres cleared:, This land is. in a
favorable situtoion; being within 6ye miles of
the town of 'Clinton, hlso, a -valuable
property in the .village tof Emhart!. one half
acre °flan& kgoba fiirM hoese, shop, mid
staltle an the premises. Thig_,would he a good
situation - for a tailor or saddle and harnese
maker_ae there- is none in the vieinity:
Leafher or at51010ehods at Wholesale prices
with, be taken for - either of the above
'14111Ces. • _
124F - bonstanee p. cs."
Vessel ProDerty for Sale
hand from thpay or
e same 'source, laden with Ito - the eet • t steerhe 'I - ,
linable to' do so. if .olias plrere4I security for 's IIE subscriber instructed to -offer for Sale
-things witty, wise, and edifying,.
ite pavMeet, hue it es dee hied whether he i.- by l'u uction :It the Connuerhial Sale
--- • can real& pay. it at all. The matter inls
- 'Tut TRADE: caused cOnsideruhte thecomay.
in regular_ receipt --,hr the Trade Berew,
.published by 31essrs. W. B: Corditir
St Nichola -s st.;. Siontreal. . is ig,'as its
name denotes, deVo.ted to Commercial in-;
tereslarawl is' very-AbIy edited. Being
_Welt patronized by advertisers, laIWays
:lire MIA it- will bib. Most usefill: to the litt
siness mien of Upper Canada, who are all,
more or less connected With 31ontreaI.7--*
."The "get up"- of the Itexiew is highly
- creditable b the printing estAliAnnent of
Mr. John Lovell.
Court of Vhaneery.
y_kr.rnaarst VS. COI -.1C -TT 0'1" MUTE
,.‘ _ * . .. , and 'rid -were idaviii e tiai little Ito a eleot
The pumas in tole case made hue applea-
. - of s:yen iears orf74re - I'm I got hold (i'l a. lar es thin. 1' aei-s lest reeled in -the usual English
tint for an injure:than, to testrain the Prevision. e- , , , ,.,...,1 . bilttleh../i, MlIs:C. alianofolt6) and _Drawing.
milt -ice& oorse prz..tol, w hihii had heenehia41
at COulteil front. expending -meneees on the whh Leahy dues shot and left where it was . Goderich, Atoll- 10th, 1865. sv11-21`
- • - , .. sfruetion or county bat:dings at WaIkerten, aceessibIe te the child1 who in sume way di-
. ty
,T '.
Reome, Jenies Streee, Hamilton, on 'I hursday.
Ihe 27th stay of -April; instant,: at 12 o'elock,
nOon tlarte.e sixty-ur shares r One ci
, . , ..te
t ,eielo, sixty-four shares or one eighth --we i est
ree in 'ilie schoor.er -"Lily Dency,”: ,and.
iateheste4 itf tile Vamps diseteseions on sheer' in the schooneh "Jenny Rumbled,'" now lying
and woolo.-;-hieh have tecently appeardd in -the ;It the roes ,,f ch:deri, ii.. - -
Fanner. I ho )0 rhenext move will be to
i get a veto feirtlA/ WOOI4r(Y:VeiS egainet wash:
1 mg &beep. Economy in labor dem:aids its ,
%Ye are -lad to kith v that therpeactice of not
washing sheep is gamine favor among fitrinere
-, 'ZIP sale being !soder a power . contained la
-a mOrte-a•re made In ' Vane -very- & Rumball to
Meesrs. Youn e.,St Law, will be peremptory
end fin- -cash For -particularSepihy to -Messrs.
Yoorei e -Law & Co -I Hantilton/ or letkd subs-
- - .
throughti-ehene entie
eStote, itud-nope it wilt ere: lo - - • • - :
beeeme aeh thit4 of the pest."' _ c. - • .
I • T. N. BEST,
. • __
sh,-)eking. aceiA:ntr. re- Hemil tete 13th 2tpril, 1865, sw65-wl2td •
stlittne in the .oes -of hie,. has Jest occutre!
withi111alf a mile of the. tillageTerEnterprise SETECT. *SCHOOL •
111 the coeety of Addis...ton . -Mithala .
tyife ot Joseph Ca; 4. Jr., was in her esnal •
heeIth atid attendine toenier- LTA:held duties' MASS mm1%111\148
rt tlie 11.0.1 itist., ana up hetes,
-teri i,
where twa heighbettre chi:then-a de lee-
11 L reelier Jelled]; creh-Wedilesil
lhth Ap 'after the.Eashei- vaca-
r .
ands-mu:1st Mr Elliott the contractor, from ettar.fed ttle weapon. a:77,0ting el s • Ca. J ildortgage Sale -of Land
ecving money from the Cofporitione •aiid the breesh41 from .whiell she diett $1-b°ut
✓ -
from proceeditt ° with the erection of the I=I11t/t7'5'
• heodeeee...ehaeuhergemerit far o. fortnight was
1.1r:r, A Bailie -mat paper si,es that -a leash
granted to defendant on -an Andertalzing• that ba,inuo, which was.-Ieloheil ifhtlee .rraitind
no money should be paid or reeeieed itt the .rittrt Stunn.1-..sx ot 1, 41. al; qat the ;law ttti.t teir ha.rles Wers of tl e• I- I -
TINDER -and by eit tue of a Power of Sale
coetaieed in a certain 11 denture of Mert,
wirre made by Colin -Sinclair. of the Town of
Godetieb, in the -County cf Huron, Butcher,
.., eame p ace, nulteep-
. s -arch wa, ma.le by tee viiiitety anthorihies er,
meantime. Mr. Eliott 17.ay -2,13- on -with the hearine date the Ph st dav of July A.
• - fto artne in the hatele of the seerse-eaetts • , ,g7 •
0. 1. U.a, Will ee soie oy
builliaeo a his own tieloif he thinee proper to h • - • -
ihroned withhut
lice" diecovered en tee- premisee
-Lidiectu-thti rio -.of Celan Na. I38- GreenniourrOavnee
e, -thee ao-o.
the Corporation. or tour feet under the surfnce, cot:ere-1 ae At the Anctien floorrist=f TRUEMAN,
ia the toW11 Goderich, in-ehe Ceuaty of
Mr. S. II- biahe for plaireiff ; -eies t Pik or Ix -ehld ehrlid;'
lluroe -
On' Friday, the 12ta day ot Bray, 1865,
Township of Grey.
IVOTICE is hereby riven that the Municipal
Council_of the Township of Grey will
hold a Court of Revision in James `fuck's
Tavern, Townplot, Monday the 15th day
of May next. cominencingat 10 of the clock,
a. w.,, to revise the Assessment Roll of the
Township of Grey for the year 1885.
Pathinitsters, Poundlteepers and Fence
Viewers will be oppeinted the same day.
Township Clerk:
Ainlaysville,April llth,1865 12w3t
- Court of Revioion.
THE bort of Revision and APpeal for -the
'township of. Wawrineshe will be held. at
the residence of John Tisdale, lot -27, con. 8.-
on .Foday, the' 12th day -of Mayhnext, at 10
rs.ore. . .
• ..Township. Clerk.
- wil
_April 11 th, 1865.
HE Court.of Reviiihn for the Tininship
•of-Ushornef will meet in the Township
Hail On: Tuesday- the _21id of_May at 11
-02C10:Ck. a. m., for' the -hearing of appeals
aeainst aeeessinent and reyising the assessment
roP°. - - • •
• - , - Town -ship Clerk,
Ushorne, April 10th, 1865. - wl Ltd
Revision Court..
HE -Court for Revising- the Assessment of
the Tohnihip- of Tuckereinith for, the
present year, and forhearing:led determining
appeals:, egitipst 3the same will be. held in-
Loyd's Hotel, Village of Seaforth, on Friday
the fifth dayrof May !resit, at the hour of 12
o'clock,- noone
Tuckersmith, llth April, 1865. 'wt.] 3t
. _
CoOrt of Revision for theTownship' of
3.1cKillop be held in Montgomery's
Inn,. Seaforth, on Saturday, the 29111 day of
April at 10 o'cloek io the forenoon •
.1.'ownship: Clerk
April 10,18.65. * .wl 1 td "
THE Subscriber offers for sale, Two Yoke; ot
. Five Yeari old Qxen, in o-i3od
Goderich to-ernshi March 30, 186a. W9tt
_ .
HE Court of Revision Ceti' the Tosineliip, of
Hay for the yeitr 1865, will commence on
Tuesday, the ninth 'day of May next, at 10
chelock, in the forenoon, in- the Town- Hall
of Township. • .
Townsbip offi•ce,_ .,7;rown,sh.i wp iC1 iefir
. Hay-. 11111 April, 1865 2
nach fordfenda•tt-Gishe.
• ,••• The Mitre leeiehiture has -reale en.
oeriation of twenty theus•trid dellateefor. _
- At 12. o ceek, no the followitrir land end
.Iii-ne an athlitifin V') the State, Iiisane. As -
menthes. viz : -The North hall of -Lot Nut:s-
um-at -Auguista, in order to -give better - . ,
• her 'ye in the. kentrtle conceesieh, Eestern
troole,o, ialte :LE oaaaaserarimmis 4MIliE6011916:72.1101111011% - Di: hem, of the seid Township: of Celherne,_
more or leo; defiialt haying been made in.
Triere. ir)-WeiVr7. f,t4 t;.1.7ft iks*:, raix.wr.z. who.
TI. • co- welt C:e Smittee
Brawn ho the exhffr.*:cm of Lt.:ire tior-e- aetbium01.4:0i1S.
-hist • It ,.'arpried F. 11 tor shows,'
ea -wet days at Viima. -We 4,et.::4 Taittt Pi:EWE:ft/W.:
c‘j F Ohm- pic.m.-.ot of the. therieys thereby .secured. -
a -reared th4::4 ta.:t a t 'so .= it t.e taan ...*e wee 0.. ea. - • , _ ,
I th- 1 V-
conciet-Faaett for bv 1.4c ti, at
• . • d I IL D.. -.sianeheeeee,ee sea„ Conveyance under rower in merteage.
from Vie frac v.*arnt ra!!:t is -414.c
kospeet_' the animals shown..with heee - - Sidieitor for Mortgagee.
watt pool ahato Tre wi,te eight eishies of Itozsts.
and three of Dated this --13Th day Of } •
corainahig y 'acres of land, be thehame
_show pat tir a fif.e afterftwat .etat.l'ett "i..
Heavy Fortime.,:e J. J. own-, April A., D..le65. w12-41 -
PROM 4 ots. PLO, 11.01..re -
. •
er-Coaioniev-loinig Roma Itotat,” eeRh. ttaf*:
"You:Ag g--aX -
of wa±fr :5-tainia :vile. Bruer held. .-
ra,A.zsaidli;`-i'r*ta.:,.: of 11 a,c11.'"*-
s11 n; =Wm
;St;„!ti.;i:c1;., Smhh-y.,„.
• tie.) .Xetterson, fr.4tainek.`thorolKrit
Uttli;e of Vieve.and,,i-Akike.r.04.Evlott.
Tu• eliersmith. tirade; stakjey.,
littivr-, is aelearcet to be it ilairough extent iatitit.
the eitageeetessee ereeenerate tesheica see .1feteir1
Ilay,nad Vetere -41u tt,e
prizes-r-Ist Bard urane- SutiYoneig. Wax, :Worii,
tienerai purposes. tst 11." Lane's
Voting ROOkingrcaffi. •
1:11:4"-.-,Tiatrough Lretl, 1s1 Dug1a5slgutile71n
ClevelazA 2nd Bilk
Of the Horses shown r caao‘t spent toCtiliglay- they' - NT- .77j
were ail hue animalssomof- item p'r''
they are patronised -4* they (*.tato he. we will tit a few • " - . yor _ - •
At the Office.
Window Shades
12 13021E1•T, 1\1 m-vir STI -AE,,
2it the Glasgow House.
D. KERR, JR., & CO.
Goderich, 7thApril, 1865.
63J QA1.5
8v Ch'idrens',
In Black and Wilite Braids, -at the
GApril, oderich 7th 1865
0' Our. Spring Order of
Is tnband, the THIRD will follow ne# week,.
the Glasgow HOuse-
D.Kerr, _ Jr.--& Co.
Goderich, 7th-.Apri1, 1865.
rill': undersigned will have on hand, f� gale, *boat
1. the middle of April. a large stock of Grape Vises, -
of the following varieties :
I ti N A. the earlieet and best grape known.
1.411AE11,1, CONCOR
Also. a large stock- of veq fine Plum Trees, (20 diferein t
varieties.) standard and Dwarf_Apples. Dwarf Pests &
Slherian OrabS, (5 varieties.)
Parties dem- ing any of the above would do well to
forward theirprders at once, or call Oita the uudersigu-
at his residence, East Street, Godericb.
w9 418p WM. CAMPBELL.
EG -A to infohn his old friends and- the public generally that he has
ext door 10 Mr BUTLER'S 300K -STORE, where everything in
:OTS 13,67. to 13,77, near the RAILWAY
ST$T1ON; GodLerich. for $150 each,
At Five - Years' -Credit,
or Ion e'er if required.-- A pply to
_ Goderia April 8th, 186&1. sw62w11
years. have re:lisp/a to be pioad -riA our teams,. 01 this • -
part (Atha county. The peop!e &weer owed to do- Snoo
better-au,n wav or.a.lt:.*. 'They should he.rthie to show -
more thorough hredi. The taa.t drat Will' introduce a
thorough, hrtd _\i t. huh hue me fowl:ship- wtadd
be canned to an extra prlie. atid Laa tLs Andeisou's
Gallavi-ay looks well, wito ipethars: as he.t, as- at the
Ilamiltott ,gmhibitiom hat targetmore symnitIri .1 at
hatshedhlte: if he. ttii he ai.iears at
London next-Septetat4er.ite i&tli e o more emit laaintwa
hispast position -a h1rly-140kai4 iedow-i wack
Tess. -Nothia,,nntbataltook'Placedurmg the day. Tlins,
rain caused raCire liquor to be &auk, Out nte
was.by. the nioderat Vtlia b ti Mai -Jute sinialliEnt
silent drench. sit*k.Wwwheato-iokil, Aa
re- when your coirespoadeat KR, dm &moll-
ies. had either reit or kotked, under. and Pence and
,quietriest reipted in the Temples of Bacchus- ;
Selling LitjuorsWithout -
- License. -
The following Bill, relatine,- to ehe-Piehish-
ment of persons selling- liquor without license,
was introduced by Mr. T C Watibeldge,
last session and is now Taw.
An Act for the:Puttishmeot of Persons' Set-
' lin.. Liquor Without License and for other
purposes therein mentioned. _
Her Molest:, by and with the advice and
tansent_ of the Legislative Council and
Atietibly of Canada, enacts as follows :--
-if any person shall, without license
Ady issued by the coratent authority, sell,
.or cause to be sold, any_wineehrutn, brandy or
-other spirituous liquors beery_ ale,. cider or
,other &muted liquor; ta be drunk in any
ale house beer -house or other house or place
- - - -
-or public eafertaintnent in_ which_the SLIMS
are sold, or shalle hewithout such license as
aft.resaid, sell or cause to he sold hyeetail
any Buell liquors litany shop, store or-plahe
other than an inn, ale house,. beer house or
- other hairte or piece or puhrie entertainment,
or if-an:person being duly license& to seil
intosieatifig liquors by wholesale or retail,
or cause to be, sold any such liquors
contraveaticio of the law, every persoa so
offending shalt incur a penalty of not less
.thart eendollare, nor Inure thanfifty dollars,
said:Lewis, and may be -convicted upon the
Oath of one Or more credible witness or- wit-
-news, before any Justice or Justices of the
ikeste.e baging ijarisdictioil- in the place in
Ivrhichsueb offence is coniiiiittedi and it shall
wast relay be lawful fonsucli-Jusriee'er,lustices
rrENDEtts Wanted to BORE - for OIL
4. withiu half, a Mile of the Town Plot of
Goderich. Contractors to find all materiale.
The baring will commence in Limestone
Rock_ within 20_ feet frotii,surface. Weil not
to excehti 1000 -feet in depth!' Contractors
to state hew !Leech per foot: foOtteh Hun-
dred feet in depth, au d size of Bore,: together
with terms a payment. All communications
must he pOSv. paid or no ietihe Will be taken
of them. ' •
Goderielt, April 1307i-1865. 13w3t
-7-eN te" eier 16,1
tee Court of -Revision for hearing- appeals
.1 against Assessment -will be hAld at the
house of. Mr -Alex -Findley; Lot 18, con; 5,
on. Saturday, the 8th of April, at -10- o'clock,
at. . .
. _ .
8w3tj ' Tewnship Clerk, Morris.
The &tuft Of-jlevision hes been. postponed
till the 2,0th of May next.
ALEX 1.1 NDLAY, -Ttp Clerk.
Morris, April 19, 1863. - 13w3t
In the "nuttier of JO SEPTI 00 PE-*-
LA.N_D; of the roirriship of froudok
'Insolvent; - - - . -
rpnE. creditors of -the insolvent are notified
-L--that he has made an assignment ot his
eto-tsaue *warrant of distress to any Coasts, estate and effects, under the Atm Aet tome,
44e -c)rikeitee Officer against the gbods audthe undersigned. - assignee, and th y - are
.4h/titers of the said offender and in case lee:* required -to furnish -me within two months
teufficient geode be found. to, 'satisfy such pen -
laity and costs'', then it . shall and may be
lawful for the -said Justjce or Jtstices, ti),
.. order that the person so- convicted be
•joned inany eonstnnitigaol in the totinty or
..city in Which such Convietion takes place, or
Any taint not less: than ten days, nor More
then thirty dam unless the amount of peage
timid costs be sooner paid; and one half of
the said penelty shall go to the inforiner, -the
ether half to the rotinteipaity.
21. The pray/gloat of. the Aet respecting
satires of the Peace,. %Consolidated -Statutes-
- igen** _chapter One hundred one three,
- sbsfl apply ,to proCeedinga nadir AA Act,
-except man far as altered_ by this, Aet.
a. Act shall linty tc_ !Wet' Canada
from this date with their. ciliate, specifying
the, security they holdz if any, and the value
of it, and, if none,statinfthe fact the whole
attested under- oath with the .vouchers in
support of such chums.
- Township of Howick, Germ C. W.,
this lOth day of_April, 1865: *11 31
THE Court of .Revision and Appeal for
Ashfield, wiiI be held at Dean Swift's,
Dungannon on Fiiday, the 12th of May neat,
at one &Igor& in the afterhobtr..
Township Clerk.
Ashfield,..11 ril 14111, 1865, w1.2 at
Sonietk, Of •
Will take place at Goderieh on Wednesday,
aith dak.of April 1E365, when the following plead.:
Umt.4 will be awarded :--best retattion or general.
purpo.zes 530 00, 2nd best do 15.00f beet Bull of
any class 1100 2nd' bt.st ao 4-00.
„ The Sta.lions taking-. premiums must travel
within toe ot the County Society and stop
at the following plact's not later than every ninth
day, Goderich Town, PortiT Hill, Holmes
vine, ell(' ton. 31 a Ilene:4er, and Smith's Hill, and
coetinuelhoeighout•the-seasen as above. -
G. M. T13.U.,EhlAeN
Goderieh, Feb. 13th. 1665.7 . foll2td.
- -
1:11-.',YAIRN, late Saperinteralent of Sehools,
11 intbnds havrng classes in Goderieh during
the Summer Months, contrite' eing,lstlinv next.'
vn 'Monday,.Iu€sdav, Thursdny, and . Friday
from one tiilfour o'elock, there will be a -class for
Virus Book reading wuth questions, roots oppo
sites, and English Gramtnim, 1-1isiory,9eography
and Arithinetai. This will bea.pood I:ilsance for
those _ who may wish to finish theiredueation so
On Wednesday and Saturday, also from one
tilt four afternoon, there.will be a class for Linn,
Books tOlri used Arnold's First Book, and Hark-.
ness' elecontiB'ook; and from the plan to be_follow-
ede it is believed that with application, a good
_knowledge or the language- may be acquired in.
Twenty four Leieono - . •
TERMS—Yor the Erigheli exereises, Twe Dol-
lars a inonth, and tor the Latin _three Dollars a
month-- to be paid in advance.
. Trafalgar 12seit
• ..
'United Counbes or 110 Y. -virtue of a everit oi
Huron and Bruce, 11.:Fieri Facies issued out
-To wet . of Her Majesty's County
'Celia of the United Counties, of Huron, and Bowe
and Jo medirected against the lands and tene-
ments of James" Stewart, at the ,uit of John V'
Detlor and Samuel H, Detlool have seized, and
taken in Execution all the rieht tale and interest
ot the said defendant in and in lot_ whither one in
the eleventh coiecession ot the To% nship of Col-
borne, w. a, in the County' of Huron, *tech
lands .r shall other- tor sate at .0tY office hi. the
Court .House in the Town of Ooderich, on Toes
day the Twenty -fifth -dal of Ju y next, at the
hour of twelve of the clock -noon.--
- -: JOHN MACDOe_h_Tge. -.•
• - sherir, V. B
:BY S. PoreocereDeputv Sheriff: - . - • •
- Sheriff's Office, tiodersch. i
-- -- 15th ....Arile1865. (
_Municipal mute
THE Court of Revision,. far Revising the
.1 .Assessment Rolls of the Township of
Stanley, will hold ita first sitting in Turner's
Rote!, Varna, on Monday the 15th day of
May next, at 10 o'clock, a. tn. -
BritishArrierioan Assurance Co
Bayfield, C. W, April 16, 1865. w12
ATE lf0.NES DAY the- twelfili day ofApril, in the
V qwenty-:eighth .year of the reign of Her
:Majesty Queen Victoria, and in the .ykar of our
Lord 1t65, , • •
- Francis Harris tlewurd,Daval Buchan, and the
Canada Ageat y AilsJciation, _
--William. Iliteliceeki :.
Defendant. .
1.Jfig4N, atiihde itil•Pal-taatei-cirinng°-fhlybeAtnPILv't
that after doe chlieenee thesaid Helen -
dant cannot, be found ,to he served
with an office 'es py. ot thn.Plaintiffs
Bill le this- cense.- It -is ordered that
the said Detendant do on or before -the,
----- 'firit-day of Jane IleXfOnswer or denier.
stamp '. to the Said Bill, and it is ordered that a
---- : copy of. this erdeh together with tbe
--e-• •.notice requred by the General Order
ot this Cohn' be published in the
f Huron- Stolid" 'newspaper, Tub.
fished in thee.Town-of Othiencle ni the
_county Of Horon, not :less than 'six
-weeks before the firsteday ef June
Ilext, ntid be contained onc:e in each.
.week until the said day, --And at ta
- miller ordered Am an offiee oily of
the. Plaintiff's Bill- fogether with a
eery of this order be - served upon
'Sergeant - J. Iiitchcocek, sem of hhe
. abotte named Delentlaht, and -further
"that a entry of this order be -mailed and
- addressed' to . the Said Defendant at
. N-eir Yoill- - ...- -: 1 _ • __-_-__
_Entered. - (Signed) - A.. GRANT,
(S'd) 1. J. Registrar.
Viriti.tAm ItiTencoei4-TakeNoticelbatifyou
do pot onseher. or detnur. to the bill --persuant to
the.abov.e-order, the Plaintiffmey obtain an order
to take the bill as ooniessed against you, and the
Court may grant the Plaintiff;' suck reliefas they
maybe entitled_ to on their own showing, and you
will not reeeive eve -further notice: Of ehe future:
-pioceedirigs•in this eMihee
Toihnto,.15-AP;ii,:1865.431.1"intelsffs.::- eS-.61["1-1121".8.,6-wi
To MI whom it may Conceal,
e°niequence of serious losses in our
bbusiness of late, We are compelled :much
agoinst our wishes to resort: in fame- to the
CASH PRINCIPLE ia the sale Of Ale,
Beer' RICH,ARDlf
Signe CFIASMaitland Brewery.
-Hamilton Spring Btewery.
doderich, 12th AR/it, 1865. sw65w12.1in
Insolvent Act of 1864.
&c be sold cheap for CASH or in exchange for Dairy Produce.
As. he intends to devote his attention principaily'to-the rectifying of
hereby enabling hini to sell at
Dealers therein:_wili ;well to give hinia ea -11.
Those IndebtPd to him will Please call and settle
at once otherwise costs must be incurred.
J. Y. S. KIRK.
MARKET SQUARE, GoderiCh 1th March 1865. sw53
le' the niattei of EDWARD - FEB-
-GUSON' an insolvent.
9111 g Creditors of the Insolvent are notified thnt.
J. he has -made an lsenemrient of lus-estato and,
effects, under the above Act, to ine, the enderi.gn-:
ed Assignee, and they are required to furnish me,'
evithip twa months from -this. date, with their
claims, Ailed dying eke security they bold,if any,
-middle 'value ot it; and if 'none, stating the- met ;
the *bele attested_ under oath, With thuyinsuchers
1n -support of Rah claims, - _
Dated at Sonthatnpton, in the -County o. Bruce,
• .
Towns,hin Clerk this13th. day orApril, 1865. _
Bayfield, 12th A?rilr 1865. . PRQT.T.PrOOT.
eh. t
TN CONS EQUEXCE'of the death ofMr M
.1- WEA'rneam.D. the businesi heretofore cattle&
on under th name and style of
'NDEll-and by Yirteh of 0.- Power of Sale
, ,i
contaned in m
at -Olin Mortgage mede•by
Thomas 13. VatrEvery and George . Rumba%
of the Town of Goderich in the County of
Huron, forwarders, of ihel,firsi part, and
Robert Gibbons, of said Town of Goderieh.
Esquire, of the seond part, and which said
Mot:wage was duly sold; assigned and etimde
. -
over by the - anid-- .Robert Gibbons to F.
Wolferstan Thomas, 'of the said Town of
Goderich, Esquire, agent - of the- Bank of
Montreal, in said town'whieh said. mortgage
and assignment are duly -recorded in the
Cuatom House of the Port of Godertch,
(default having been Made in the" due nay-
uient /hereof and dire: noticehaving been
served on :all Oau-ties .entitled to notice as
required by said go!tgage)-w4 be sold by
•- Fatale Auction
On-'-.ThurSday,- the -.18th-
*N t
. day cif,IKEtrch,- ex ,
,At.twaye o'clock, noon' at the Auction
- • 'Mart of - -
George M. Trueman,
On the Market -Square in said Town. of God,
erich, the -following property, that is to say:
Sixteen undivided sharers or -parts ofand in all
that vessel railed the -Tecumsethe then the
property of VanEYerrand Rumball, Afore-.
said; now lying at the Port of Goderieb,
aforesaid, together with all and singular the -
anchors, rigging, lurniture, tackle and apparel
thereunto belonging - or in any wiseapper-
taining. I.ked under Power of Sale. -
Solicitor for F. Wolferstah Thomas,
-1..Aseit and Assignee atoresaid.
-Godericle, Fee. 23rd, .1865; w5td
The above sale is postponed, till VirednesdaY,
26th of April, iust. •
- •
Itgolvent Aot of 1864.
PRE Creditors of the undersigned ite potiRed
1.-tcreneetodice of James Shaw
_ .
Sinclair, in -the town of Gal.:rich, on Sainiday,
she twentieth day of Islay next, atiwelve o'clock,
000n, for the purposeofreeeiving it siatement tf
his affairs and of:naming-ea non -flee to whom he '
may -.maks an- sptigamcst seder :the above
Goderich, Solicitor for Insolvent.
; 4
Itobt..Runclinan -8t.•
. • -
, irpurrpErts,-
.tuust ise•eliesechon or *fore the,
1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1.865:
All parties indebted to the -above Arm are herm
by notified that ell notesand book accounts over
due on the - •
• 1 st -day of OEB'Y 'next,
will be headed to thew Solicitor for collection
. The sitoen on heed will be sod
tesOW *FOIL -CA-8"FTe.
OR sgoirr ORFDIT;
It consists of a large Moo -intent of Ploughs, Culti-
' -vators, Harrows, Straw Cutters, -
l'ot-ash and sugar -kettles, waggbit and pipe-
Cooking Parlor it Box Stove,
A ,good second-hand
and a lot of *1 achinery .for Grist and
All pallid requiring the above art eles would
do well to call andAnspect the stock at once, as
theywell geri3arglin5. '
0— _
Dr reference to the above, R. Runciman will
be prepared to earl) on the business of
and contract for the erection of all k- inds el Ma
clattery ao usual, and will supply
- -
Stoves and eastings;at ieasonahle rateS,forCASH
cr- short 'credit;
(lode:hob, Dec.2141. 1864, w32w48
DAIIT1b$ iestrous of obtaining Firm- Glass
.I. -Cedar for F c.flgand Building purposes, can
besupphed in any quirptity, and on-reavonsible
terms, by applying to - • •• •
Goderieh -Feb. Oth.1864. w2
For Sale Cheap.
OT8t4_.,8ttt rens. Bruce:10,4th Kalossi 22,
.1.1.9th con. Huron. Apply to
Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper
Stoves, Cultivators, AU., for Salo.
Repairing Done at Short Notice.
Rouse and Tat for -Bate.
BRICKICK COTTAGE -on the Southerly ,
tion of Let 880, s
at present ocenpied hyThoe.'Weeth'eridd, Jr.so.;
For turthernarticulari apply to -
. • ' Arnhem ishismt
Godertelt, October lithe1S6h. sw1341 .
TO SELI, 'Olt 19 idEt.
A Good Fermi:It within seen miles of the
. of Southampton,- forty stores
clearedhnd fenced, with a good log home
and barn. Terms liberal.
Arply (ifby letter postpaid) to
0: 19
J. •
Goderieh, U. W., ;sae. 311865. *TM
NT Sale at a Bargain.
THAT valuable and situated proper!?
'lithe Tem» of Ceoderich. frontingtheamat
House :Square, and for eighteen years know* SP -
During *hieb. 4ime it has enjoyedone of an
largest poitions of that business in the tows.
Connected whit the Ilotel is a geheral :store. The
*hole are bilie et some and briek$47- 37, three
stories highand commodious tellers S feet deep.
Atteened to the hotel i$11,MOstory frame deriglitis
house-. outhouses, tke.
ALSO -A emelt !arm ot excellent land,
handsomely located one mile from Ofixtericli oft
the 'Hayfield Road, 30 acres in good state or
eutoymion, Nt'elLfeneed. 25 of loch are clear of
stump.s; with a -hewn log bottle 30)4 "sad- -a
ceder‘ing barn 40.X 24, Sheds, dros, - •
ALSO ;-,In the Village of Part 'Albert I sera
with dwelliuebonse and stables, IlizU,s 0100 Oftbit-
best tarots:- attarids in •th4 pliwe,sedanis losg
ben. kept as . _
leunsluberal, tosult purchasers. for tortioto
particulare applyto . •
J. B. GORDON, Esq,
or AtkIDItEW- DONOGH, f'roprieter.
14. R those indebtedlome eitherhyistitit
sr tioolt ancounfare -requested to Settlallasitsaliff
Without idelay in order tosavnic00, _
-.G.tiderfeh,,April 31st, 1844, • wIP Id
$hOriff's Sale of_Laiida.
ithiteaciountifs of v 'virtue Of a vett or
Huron and Bruee, JLJI Fieri Foci's issereclend
To wit of Her _Atajestfis County
:Court of -the United Cogntiesofileren end Bruce
and to medirected against "he lands sal tette-
inents ef Nesbitt Biggar and 'George 04...w,
the suit of ,Oliver 114acklem, John Thmis,
William Irving, jr,. and James 7deeitlerne 1 ism
asenidintliefiread taokleIlinelinEitEiLefindiXeCUI"nalttiinibeidnitigh_ VI -14,111141°
ISIUMbeill. 118, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 mat
85, in lite if tillage of Birsestale, also that vet -
lain. paroel or tract at lands 10119WR aiIhs
..51e113lock, mutate° that certain percel or moot
lauds whick is bounded on the tforthaale
-111-er Maitland, on -the South side by the Town
line between the Townshiprof Morrie/ad Twit,
berry. arid on the East siffehythe Westbound's,'
tineof Lot 119 to be extendet/40 the River Mak-
land, With any Water privileges which -nrityhei -
derivedliorn the River etaithina AS far East as
Clyde street, ill in the Vounty of kluroa,wisitit
Lanus and Teneinerns I shall ores florin% at my
roirlichce.,0innTthueemi•laoTutrit Be ilouseirteemia Ithelwuynorwajusiol Sadao;
atthebourni fwelve ottheelocknottilt:
Sheriff's Office, Gotleneb, 1
. 2nd March. 1865. -
Mortgage Sale' -o Lands
and by virtue of a Powerer Saltt
contained in it Mortgage uade by ;meg
Hart -,--of -the Township of Wawsnosh. i the -
County of Huron, Yeoman to Geom:oils
Gager, of the Township of9McKillop, .As
said County of Huron, Gentlenihi, (de(milt
baying been made ia the due payment there- -
of,) will -be sold -by Auction on
Friday, the T.welidi day
. _ .
A. D. is65, at twelve n'tiOCICi 11001Iy at tbe
- Auction Martial
On the Market Squaseehin te UW11 01439416- -
rich the "collowing Troperty, and ill to say*
/ I
All and singular .that eertaitt parcel .rr
of laird and premises situate lying and being
in the Township of Wawanosh, ise the Coeur
of Huron, in -*be Proinseee if Canada, belas
composed of the north- east quarter _of lot
Number Forty-two in the Eleventh coneessioe
of.tbe 'said township of Wawanoebleontairtin%.
by admeasurement 'Niter *cresol Joust be the
same more or leas. Terms cask. Dssd
underPowerof Sale. "
•••• Vendor's harnitora.
Sizt.BRIET,S SAI,E137 IdAtliDS
tinned Conntiesof tpy virtue 01a 11,111 01
Unron and Bruce,. A., Vendatostptposaa slat
. To wit: ' Fiat Poems* for reekie... -
iinstisd out zr thr wrijestvti c. misty Court
while •Coority al Ontario. Ana Court ot Coro-
mou Pleas, and to me tirected ageism As;
Landsand teriententsofStephen D.CraW1lad,?-11.....
Ifynch Staunton, Enoch C.0owliqr,ead-'110
Gilmour, Al The suite of haute it; Howard
the Corporation of the Township ot Veteran's -It'
have seized and taken in Exec- ;moo **the litritts1
title and interest orthedaid-defendantp,in ass to
Park- Lot No. iaitot No, it, and to the South halt
-Of Lot No. 0, East side of - -Queen street North*.
hems atibdikasionsilf Park Isx No. 419 file vi3•.
lage ,of Fawley; South halt 44Lot 22 .on the Ellat. ----
.2eof Queen StreeitSonth Paisley, Park Lot 210.
15 Borth lode of Cambridge *rem. and Block $
Weal Aide-44.421toeoStreet,Ifortit Paisley, Lot IS '
Smith sideand13 and 14 Northsde of Cambridge.
street, Paisley; North baltofka It. Eat* t ide IA
Huron street, Southampton, BO reet:01the kb**
part oLlot No. 4, North tads 01 'High '
Southampton, Lots29ond Kt oa_ II" Korth ais
ofeistrendon street, -Southampton; Lot 111- Eare
side at NorfolleStreet, Southampton, 1401s II aisi °
22 South side of Louisa strce-t, .titliiiinpion, 1111
in theCostrity of Ernie; rwhkb. Janda ast-iesom
mental Shan oar Ire sale* - my Oki -111 Km
Court House, in the TOWIllof ' 11,011CDowIr
Jiaty the Twenty -Eighth slitty,of robrintor snitlItsol
the. hour t Twelvent Iherrionkrnooll• - t- -
By -B,,s-h5thhisnits. uaDePoth'iy118657,beritshuife- •
The shove sale. is --poatpened till el'assturg
the 4th day ofA.pil next.
The. abovefurt_lier 611;