HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-25, Page 1a Sharp Piracti ce. 1\LXHAI'ST­lBI.E Olt. WELLS. r 1-G MILL )m I l.e Titits,',:e 11,poritr giv*s particulars k7\ 1; 1-: 4, 1 1 1, V 1, 11 P 10 1 N. of all enui tuOt S S%% it d e practis, d by a pair ot tivar Fratlk!ill, oije day last Wek. It aippenris that tLe parties had been bit.hin, a neil near the botou%eh, u'lid calling, oil ert-in I arlies it] towni they Etated that P 13: to they hitff sit tick oit, that their well was yield. ef Hurou it)--oue hunared,burt-cls per day, and that and hat thev would sell out the whole thin for$75, 000 cash. A couple of gentlemen were dis. il y -i-I c I P patchd to look at the well, and on airriving & Pum-ps. A N H IT R ON AND BRUCE ALDVER ISER crotwi-wh.c- W. --------- t represented, -the there f',utid evPtythint, a. macbine:y in perfect operation and I,,) his I veU.It"t -ink a very good quality pumplag itito a huge t. madel,x ATE OF W. T. COX, E I it 3r and Proprietor. The Great6st Possible Good to the Greatast Possible Number.." of ofll at fully the'Drate indicated. L yo -j Itead. (Mr.Thwaite�*sfklrmerStorc.. visitors agreed to invest, but wanted a JUIV 1, 162. 40 ........... 7-- few hours iturdetiberation. They accordingly Mt. A. WORTHINGTON1 - rftijrtipd to Franhiiii, and-ionsulted some of 0 PE the bebt 11 oil men," to useettain the value ot aYz51CIAN., SURGEO-N, &-c-, will at- , R ANN. LN AD i -'ODERICH, C. TUESD.-kY. APRIL,20, 1865. IVOL. 3.--TN0F6"1 has rever Vet $2.5 0 Isuch a investment. and were P tend, particularly. to diseases of and -is. -td tbal it uld he vo,th -,Qi300,000 at operatiollf upon theeve. settled the queistion, and the bloWICIL VILLAGE. tjl!C� 15- [w47-!1 buyei s hurrit-d back to The well 6wilerselosold A GOOD FARM MARAII-SMUL' IODDO V, U, -q BUE1111109 -nirectoril. r"H i'lle har-ain, ld i.hed the cash, aind prepated 3S to mahe il�eii fortune i%ithut delay. 'D nt Tailor, The next d. -y it s il�und that the old e I FO 0 I I k BS1,4aw, County INSU_ qCE. :npnV --outers _Z&, - ployees of the cu- had left, but RE -C D Containing 140-AcreB I-MAMI WUARE, -GODERICH 1we -p t! a' \T DRUGS GS ulptly i.siall d', -Ae pumpin urawaxttorney Goderell, aaad&W 0 U-19tT 0. 11 4(f re rot lid - the sston sbulient -ot the a Coart, IltyuSe. atiber, - MjATED- on th- London Road, -tdjpinin- A Y MPANY iesunik. .1�-dge HAS 0N.1141ND A L 1- .617 Farm. a If To ME CO3 Oil the aljove tztry kept It NVII Lots t'or Sale; pa r� it k N British Atn&tea kssurance Company; Head the Village. 6f'Exete�. u oil discovering that, notwith- p �end Cull pl txtifais- tow of E, will please -Large- WeR-Assorted- standig -ttlie--t-onti 1%x. C- C%ilneron, ties hairmq-IDts�fooaale,or desiring -to --purchase L oucez,,roronto, ATarme, Fire a tid Li fe-hisurari(�Ies there is a nod nuid �lna And T 9 %.T rot �ted on favorable teri -er 9:9 elle olf.itAidillil sein the 'lank -0 40 171 . P HOU3e, an-dr-parn TOCK OF fb indications of -a bi B- C.�W- N1 J. B.'4090ON's LawChain Fr' ri th f, in 'I fi iv. A ffood- well'and I% upyoung w0rds ace, 9 VA All ne tbeie.,weie surl and An baid­�- -It, will' be sold vefy cheap. Tue pum Cite Cl -V ROT -91f -GODERICH v.24. I 86C JORY FIALWLN, Jr., Agt. -.air ma ARRjSTE11,,-S0L[Cfr01t Ey�- jUTUN cav-stion �cciultljejllted a lbe.-t6e ol the ot Goilerich. No land ia of thebes �y, loam anj well im T C> X --t; X:]P'ja q. A jew feet be.low a sm B 0 - it ver.tite Store WD aller tailk Was 4 bered. 'od rich. E 110-91KEIL -P11.0PR1-1.,T0R. THE qa, G jr I fout-Id, Wi e ct r"[Z th 0 . ther by a J. V,L if by 000S Ternis,maAe kno4n: oauplicationj r p. -o.j or .oil was eona let.tt+ Vre-paid'. to -the flaibdr COM -P ]1�y " " -L - L - , - - _ - I 0 ducted. Fivin !he, lCwef Ulik another. ube on - the on r4it T L Gr( ar'd And a varietfol ranqy Xrticles, such as, IL ri EL -1 I to' Zt, kT 1118 IN C 9 AaCCO N�r 'LL dt,steiided Aiagonally to bewell about 18 (;Qtler Itural Walk'; Boird $1 Ihealard t a still lower 10 ps 'Feet btlow the I IV Wl-tr Sj.jrtS,00LI'[�rS, Neckties, 0a FIRFj Al'fD LIFJ�- Ate ith the ell was ll'u-,gedi TbisOlevicefer Fii iexhaustibleelil D A Which he is prep, -red to ell Clicap for o H 9� E L;. zg StYLMIT DRUGGIST ut A6 victinf7s -1 DOLLARSs )ING CHEMI-ST III I oved. B Ca.A. CAPITAL 'TWO MIL110i NOTIC Co. h v wentb-ick to be 9. -WROXEER. see it. P. ..42 Pe�aleri and linporteroll :�z �w12 -s, blit III April 112. 1 isf& -sh;trl,e. u of the� on runnng 'in Acc'-unutlated 17ands, hand $5 000M0. f-latserb*d decamped,,. l"L L I - ' L' �- - H'Whee to orle mt e indel?ted to John and up to the' resent 11mve not north of LL thos Idon. ben wriesud, p GEN U 1E T4 E ID R, U A Ute� of the wbereit leads oil7to aly Otte Vrav XCeell $2,500 elelis in tile 6301)ERICH- Xii ual I itcoale E Townsbip Of M.I.Wal6osh in "�otarte-3., Cliewirals, PerAtmetv, -G —"HOW * IIAX;GIN A- RKSBAN 40 you neco-Unt- or, otherwise, west. -:tree f rx I. --e -WL- Sqib:impton, . —­ f � - I - alle r I Belmo� -0 Such bt Or,; ljy book. nianwit, ur 'p a sixes!! hereby notilLd -not to pay the e elbe LOWE-S7 istea --L -W-+TE'5-eoi t -With -safe WAGN -bLaiv -11btnith. A -�sur dt job In Jw iv. wi-1 IiAd at 4fij f t ar.dir t Is in ty- -joranyptacte 0 ePAINTS OILS, COLORS, DVE STUFFS, 11 AC .--s TALT) TTORN %oLjC'jToP. DON- Yin a twitch backwards -bel;'Nou want him, Life"Insurance'-Imple, See, ity. Slter�T]1.4; B. & CA.TTLE NIEDICINIL�S- For instance,, you see I HAND derielt, Canada I.-Ve-1. HGV,,8E ALWAY5 OX cinde I - cake io make. We Shoriff*& Office. r ch� door frqui Elie I ll�id A h af t)i -11 do you UTE 1)r Z 7 ills' LARG EOV", AND 1, falrEli th�Feb. &C., I . - 1. . r L uf)pcse becaut .&C. i ie my 'body is ititbeiasti It U 11joSTIEN LIS11,OFFICES- ARDENSEE r0orin, tily-st-ul must b -a e there t<io I N f bit PlAt. I tim -Ainkin—of All sorts O celft- it-Fishing Friend -9 Lrol Orden,--from'Medma: men punctualir atte d0to 3 -Promptiv -Settled -WithoUt- at'Lowest�'rrade tj _Whil KVGS Vo Now' Groa'ker Uss Losse to N.B.—Pli-ysicianL':i.L:pr"Cr�L' BOOT S H UH lial all e e. lie ors.. - roland at V JIM DRED VNI) FIFTTEET Rafereno, xBokd of M. ec�t beels, and SMABIX-Fopt Goderich.JanAo. 185S. 49 Wil in tbe midst of- verial - CHARLF, FLETOHER oLt tidwart!, Store. CiIARLE S DAYSy- Ln W -by ast-in., me Ale prive*f ittgar,1 flights, in "S'll,* lVell vou me. it IQ:KT LIGHT t C3� x-. 1(eal Prop i6tor. L 23 x0noy ta Lend on ___�Sjty Propt Age drives me.frautic, ISM LIGRT ST It ECEIVEDr AT and �w n I -wg)�e V rninz and isaw tha Y ik" Voin.inercial 11104et.-Illi 10101 C -%V. S e.S.Go Wda niftneeto the e public this udo orm, 1 Inew I bad ginrow- my TTOL r wou n ight thathe ha's on-liand hati'sis foei heda-y,. lanlessl utiiingeil n i d C' K & COAL -us st, RO T %M We. -Waplis, liar- so I .5aid that I hoped NWe.4t,;t.; erxtraue�� Ai;t 1�oor and will make"ordri arriagrex, he-wouildt- fu tt n KINGSTON ST., GODERICU w1mMi will be -old'eheop (or cash or Pniprietor. This is hsi.iracc Co., 11.0umIng Fluid, Lamp Oils, & catch biS dea'til � 013 weather I -dw i be- ms be -CASH, - apIvroved credit. (;nand and for sale cheap., itt cal.uble of -taking cam ul'bimself, I should. v. ii4tet in Wextern & For Said b LaNyChambers. it jbr jj;fjj 01, r F. JO RDA! "CALL S')[, . ­ (' (�)4e nd-cliarges as o ra -I Qffiee in M r. Gordon's t any i ate he wuA noto, -out, TTOR\ tit de te ,.,any lljltsc lUe -'W I - A CUTTERS a d SLE1 — GkDWS L or uood %;,ablin. i - - n H-8. 3 -eq foi o jjN� H Goderich, Jan.. 17. 1h,59. 66 oitli I Mil biB'ui�brella and Indiarlilbeus.-t- and Cdrriag Oil of co-urso, he.wj!5 righ$ up fju oz - JOHN VA st as I Vri-toria Street, Gode A I in less than ten mintiteslie was strisk- 12 1 r An, i; 1911r. 1 M. - uk the strt�Aett the rate -,of -ten miles 103-.v3l Goder er 13.18F3. , - 'ALE FARMFOR S i lall bour I You -see III ere Money to Len TS T M A 6 Ho S. womanAboulT rroas&Y- souct'rotic. or, nef. P1111 I F', L F�fl, WI)Sllir Of ']1,3Wieli, demstanding liuman nature. No 9 -: To I -tihe J ATr )T'3i Con. A., p be tuarried fill ihoropgillyposted in �thil NTI AT, to T L E 1N kAIT sonab RGI CAL. & N LImpleirom Wr IDAYPT— Ideriull, C. —Alply to GABINET.W-- REHOUSE r re. le'tei*ms. ECITANTCAL oXeler, oil 1TSl brtich of D B. Afont. RL 'ouerich, C* W., gouieiy,) tv 'The' Ainerai B. 4 1 - MjjrrTLag,6'Xajr- kg. Pravet go�)ksjr all 'kinds, HE, - ES DOYLE). - R - THE GRAVEL ROAD OY .Tov go I b's new oOms over Xr. F. Jordan's Druz Store. -VEY 'Crab ill oct Si�rvlees. Jantilry'1131h, 180. lo-- house bam, 65.. .50 Ivr -9 Matelmonial adver ments'.fire Becoming - t. Y, gL-%Vt)O Godrieb. 9tb Jan. I A'I'40HEESI l9TACRES 28 CLEARED Ladies'- C onipli-ition more and more comusou in England. 0�6 ?they at e found to-stieftedf ,k. at uxe Pro- Apply tw Itilstippose tha WORK -]BOXES, WITING-CASI;SL 'Won .-Wise their vi.2n47 F, -W. TfI0 vould.isovineftase AT" RD abet BERTSON MAS Esq. _Jin; Godeirielt, Fv'N Z's-fidoes.'In ibis, as in my '01bez -�T t,\ TIM C t�TY- - h Trans atlaritics ead of it* -T (TH respectsIx e Ali in l'-62'aad And various other articles-, all chLeap-; v-ry suit-- G"lleery., Comveyancer. Z able for oldeotllllry� atrimony i1sef a -not iso cdm- A, Q:& Ina BEAUTIFUL ESTATE f Ok SALE f HOLIDAY �GIIFTSI e -fa in C>ne'llltoch amount 01 domestithy to be, smared j[iy 1000 A-cr sidnce in u buge hotoo, cont*Iii- 0 �Y. Redue( J Fred 1-.j alting, I lie bank of Ithe -Rive r11 aftl jng 1000 -or 15 CCY arick Proudfb6t,- AND URDER"910AKERV Ell V ul 919 00-touls, cannot be very gmt. & to jeridllalf,� of ATT0jtN 0 1taj � � . well ladell witll AU VIrof t 1110 te But rried- L ha . nd a. complete derieb - lid if ma life. lier 1bus Wasting The ke fluron flailw&v. C. "'. A Presents -for the L 4ite its earlier �. 1 -pose wbia -coustiti i.jC;KK NOTA�vF"UBLIC.& ManufactureSf-alict ilas nowtin rtioatid I assortment ox Furniture, at his Warerootri, bipalc ..o ittle- Folk,S' 0. Apply,if 4.letter por quiet and it soIjt;ia,,%ipt,a,Gty. Brau&. J. B. GORDON. F -Q tharmswith us The preliminary 1prOCeMi ACTURIER W49 Itheitar- Go-lerich 0. th 'at least aj"40 -jitilgid -.AT BUTLEWS- disiegaid for what -old lashmed a WEST G..jDFRICH,, MANU jirear vi agento aFi:T., x ENDS OF,- ,vu,tig N - -or L&,asO' Goderich Dec. 18. TF641. look- Upon 013'a in suiph att To -Rent e. liket Slum' SoriLs Bureaus-, Tables, -'Bodst ds, 11ir, tile F irst Col essl 'h h -to mrATY and OTS live and S?X n ie i on inI - Lr an,whofinds himself ric #.noug, r. oLt will walk but some. 'aftesvomij, *Ad w4ch AM_ swt4w52 'I. L Pift J Laftl survevor. 01111C. I -seated Gi't L twosl!ip of Colborne JVL D 'ab"ut two -to of 13 C ne �and XV -o,) ainOf Loo"citly-Glasses', a lifiles firom Gdelirell Apili thentiatep _,one Of the 0 G 41y ifloma-11-anufactue and�� 101Prted P4 S�P R IN cy articles for ladies, Apd,when he-mes a -C rL) Slj-R'VEYGR' A.11[y Urhthotise st.. Gderit h. toVr\ N -0 - B�d.�tead in end;es, TkT, L 4kN ra. Bureis, irkwith a face atjd�njanfier whi plex'se >. - I -. I I Hook (;ii,-e..A,. W 61 gi 9 nd. , crilllltilet6 as.- van -Decernberftli. 1864. aftly the merle in the gfeenv"d-ui. n ng, -biff 1. be vnteis the -store,, /Aijd fm J181 r. has a] wars on ha I -fast Tablvsi. alvie her. is rn Ing. D. C C The 1ork-s6erry voice iti tbe -wel4in '19' LblC,%j Brflal, - - -1 - ["Sort j0F.FjffS. Also, HEI.RSES- naits, xind'illaliv tjlg a ate Of ilie case. if the JS already S )rtment of I ToiietTaliles, C. L 'Wee,bf-11 ty the furideis eell, -e 1lA-LrntA,- _.IljS TjeLSjiAwdrap1s .1 -eat Dmisioil JCS Loo�nlfmer to ineiftion.. All engaged, or does not Ilk . its lookst She Aells 0118 -overt TO. HME. oulier artie -owaii peep.- frae its It of green. d III e lea] Ali itber The dool of dir %%,it e e ofdwo'd taken in ex- -7: IN T" wcaiingawal is . -- - him so, and fio bat d&ne. , H Ir Uvnl)FIir ad C DEPARTME AL 901013 away -a Us - dinner 'with appitai-le =16- 117� boteml a' chatire for Fu rqit ure- rju IT il INT I 7 Ar:idl'pring jUCT0]&j A. 0 bac7liaeboshnisu ti.aedl oi- be, Tpinuilis On. -the fill XQMe -louded bvvare. n, 27t h Oct- IS63 P Still. fjj�nd the bliht 61 e W _,Dj r and tp allge - ' f tA 13 U -P1410 LSTERY. I n. al I its- nip ,he deslittir.- -e dr more Itiaid all at -Parlia ifta A eiit more it 'illing A�d Warrant braiielles this is than -be rohnnns oftbe dily C T -T: But vain to.the W-iont hope s rar t ate theordinx-ry aawwitr% are, Build- 0. -ARCRITECT9 -- JU LANS RIFLEZ� 'UNUMITXINN. , L -Alay Spring birds tbeir lays it -the greanAtivipaiakern - A t GT NS 8 B L I -N E 58 WITIT TITE I , .jmoUy for a large vlais -of Ameli-� up ja a n j -re mvite.;- exanithation 01 SACT, road 10. llp tj j! �Pe( -Crown Lawls and other Gaver'llilent De- As vaiiil� flir wild -fl 4SM8yvje,. ro" kaiii- T.heir mairitnooiall litiriture, ow 13'1! r wo. skamed. alit at t1le C C k to be,i- de o. tile be, Ina- ?Ilwoft qtAr%)u A. tart 1, Ili eye. Take, out Pdtj�,,�I,-� 1j.,or lliventimiN.- -Aiid wa-te their Zil withams, for 2 ever. will tiot compurp t liw workjna.-..qjjiP* r -.I at] t Pri%"�rerilillSLdiiriti'rilib' w wit.e moinitain in purivie way oinpare., and basat-sfied belbre e ,z horl­ e o f The l.ro Cd!�c :on- for .1-yarlit!s residingin Re fiectilig its fluies bllle fountain bLelow S ris Pro - It _,NJL _AZ Farine B t4 an Ro4liab rex4er. WHO 113 ut nae.frech image b,jok they iinp& IL k. Vord-wrood and all kiudi.oe ol a' Wae-afl&eit heam let ducetaken in To the ciuld gloomy tiqe y 9 Goftrieh- -p3- �Varervoni jn.Street. Ligjpt - i, the eift lireezel; fan the green mountain R-T.—AS the to r tive papRr -Cd:arj0t SqUarf". I OTICE ev f r olintailli -10 The hocks gaily froliek, Lliy kiiewe. holin and n -6e exact itnage, cast b 61. or. -AL y Ahe sun, Tf I -� - affl-OVI L 0 f DO OX 4") 1 I � - - go ineniory Teceives'aud reltios-an The bee buiris bf ladnt-��,j lIyl)atik a�nd by -brae. SAI the -deeds -the wordit F R FIRE 1lFF INSURANCE CO. !-iN the -AjidillItUTC78111IL-aill heatijitibelmn #16wovAlay- tpokon'. *%be - -the toc w.1 jintiver are fast di awin, iligh, thOU"Llits hich-itirred, 'jht T118 - iit WHe ved to the buildit & H"ISHURSTJ - L I . i . -- ist MAY,� the BANK OF Itives Wb n1ox'so L -AND The glories op ti7 . ich (WALTE ,.i(Amt. TaOx$ox') Into Ice hou r :1 Accu ulaied Fun 42 )ER shutit.g ilk heart toparta initsjoy, Mild with atkaory, webeart to 4er $5,67i,729.' t pre. it.o,C64iled by the-13ank of UPI ke orat thorn, to the future the coatAe"i of sy th4t giezraplure at e - the, present in To br enelilirtlyfausenialice eentorn. I hire ate, AL Aw,,tion & amission Merchants, 3WIA])E TO 'ORDER Ilk ji cd, easti, that ha G&de . tored within V4 IM ..rgCjt' - L - res TROUA5l 'BY t K BY! tftnia Lif(-A�surance C6. of-Loidom. :7=�-4 F. W. hildhood anirs, of yutl -ent. But vainly.1he Suninter witbellittyrand plessure of -c v Streng's souv &nd next Door to forms I hat ntiw, afio I . we catil ne -or-Aft. artell, IF.65. s:W59 Appeals to.tbe heart reft.ol.htypels every treasure, APIA, S IE �Zk V 01: TLW110 �J` 6'ern appoint�c Godarich, 171 h,),T liitf I-JUE un Ot -py Andsorto-W, of WINTOSHIL. nectablf T -Ii. echo way anwer thetickoolys hid tiote, i Waggonw. &c Aaely, fort It.- above Iii-ah1v rels no�t,t snatches of song, strains of half re#Wmlmvd Tile cushat 4 &LES of t1ouiehold 1;4).W oth ireand �s-goft w-ail-dowit the green giade way Saturttay at novin- vartic r T dfip� ddivii th valley xrjajr- peal. lit's wrbich',xe. must ever ltswei- atthenrtrL every rh shepherdys Ida niel�ody. ld tu opposite the Market. ecer'; I) Farm -Piprel id to, the Sale of atinoderalt fate! n Stttentioll Pa PU 5 And the san-o"Ilie-allik ith-the lips Iliat sung-, Illew, &zjock &c. - - & 'but which spent Their gage-sf)reAEised. homes rented. -A N1. capent tweatil which -made us trew -1 debts cle J.'ashaldva A. NT- R -03.S - AL and Vill ar,6; :vaisea appraiRed twidlo'rdlf� Varralit:, All 1,-ind of re,.­Airinp�'doae on most 1:11- w4st-h , we -t S, A its reasonble term$.- 8 19 ran,;e 6, in the ton.stip only their echo - tut e Iea%ing us; .0 OTS an( W idle Ju ilgitit, Za �'.1804. i1th, 90 aores. of - loderichi -5, fj Staulev, s2o per acre; SO November 2 SC car- hevor inventory e enUrei-tuf 4. re -A� Goderw.h. Jul3rl2th- US&L 25 acr�14 of!s luth ea,,ttt-r:� quarter of ;per acre; Kast, GODERICH E A. - L lot 29. try -has 'Athtie.a,.�t per acte; Wester. ILS, ClVrGossi P.—I have known a cotill bi'll WAS PJ.A4VlZ,—A:1J BUM 4V 40 at res� oll'tot 13 1, etll. -'W"Lli, �of the Durham D Sociel' U 0, T acrei, UK - e - N td bir Vie repored AppeltrAnge-of T 1pmsw 1toad,township of Kincardill Zi dollars per which witheted away abeen alfsruiei JLj C�&Uat]r AND to riendships, 1hp of tlarot'. -S�Pklezi ig, -village or country At Cd . -Y ot g6ssil, only. F Siberian pligue -,ti St. Pelterabil�,g antroo, Apply U)dei the di *9-ly WEATIJERALD, at Wt all purictualtyatteudedta. as gianite, d7lst614d-to jelly,and d n 'towai-d The 1rOT1 i" 41ii,ce as firin va ga h. IM-13INDING11111 'rHo c1odene to ater. oil y ielipgram fro BOO 7D W. C-.-..TRELEAVEN E-;� W"3 -t . LEATHER F11,1INGS- then iuik uwtty I in bt. YetersbUrg silates tbat -it is I - - r �- - -- - . - . - I - J0r izie4 afature' as eudi.rilig as It 117TAING- -Made arrangements with Mr- 1) love, thai ler and Manufac- beavotiand ai stable 4i trtit% evaporated returitsms-tf)tbeniito+w-rotvmb 3 We AdtO c It 21e s Ti Patictuatty attendeitt to. AleGREGOR, Boo-brilt mat B a trso. - - . (who has lately rettirtied from. nalig inist that turnt-d td -a ludv;z iretbercoased: A wuli offittial pr%= of the W Address. BDdvrin P 11TT Ik ars a Russilan govern e correctness it lairue stock of aindinx and C I this father a (f a It 1phia with M % GODERI only bicailse 61 n -11, Phila ared to Fu�tiish B120- 'theserep-irlsi w it am n re Set toot with the fiery bre9tb er, the )thert nd witti- .;.j 0 we Il' b. 1owey T unu of eool a-rAnt be. prep Books sizid and Styles with�a B N February 12.1864- 47*,, an uner that would never' in 'big Sj of A GE I gs at, wri ver dent 4oheaper )ut printed Eleadin Syr -beau _I anda-bus- ent has, WqAe, a6midiselonei irt 0- Illein only work. TerEwr oro Petersburglo examil-e ;a to, d' i&- of Buidiaz n6t givin.- sai6s'liction.-W il" j fe, sw r1h;k v, 0 STODV D I band.aud -his yun-1 W at olumissil "N�lue en',% Belich, for ta'--'RgL hart T nto prices. Bro milit slelloole 9-9 L Allkir R. r the ntu, 4d i 5 -the h Iiih which in the im"a iind rqrairttid fride of 0hargP VIS ithe 7.�Vncli� J06 J6 4 lea. e of tLe el- spi RN BUTLER. te jr -JQ Pam! w46421 been -the grolden b6ndap of a God4l sed govej)ttinent h" oid-rea Aa IWO& W- t"Etflie. -or Columissiots in the -NITFACTURERS ND V13ALERS IN 0 _a., CON US f A _JUT N.DIDXT - V; sai mournfU'lly -1 good i1wel Ing )VA& side of the grave from �.Iussja 14, pfttinqAWAWtW, - The, S S I WNT. d ca-�tings. ot'ev& de- lovo, -to T and Sheet Fron Wafc, at where nil their love. slid all their joyz lay: linpetial bas sell% irittroettiolia to tor U!j r of thi W the either -nd on' y beea e UVe seen n Rusbia 00 the r0ru G. W-1 �46tes ai;d To Mb3 T.Abl3t3t, Table Clge vi i lit ia desirous of�obtaiiI' the consuls F Merchant. 1. 0 Ice NVilitary -wription. Ti 11, ( OR leZ:tetL Busine-4 of- Lina To 3, ct mission -of t.he&hools� of I -1 e app f to mat; lication theatsveDej)ot, St ct, flisfruction.1 are required, doubt, hope Zks ugh the 11-sith 4eatieformed to a mean collect A the infomst, led to hija I receive, proinpL atterilion. = - -in -writir.& W for sue purpose, jr, L- 01L ul d a a jh,.- subj e et =d fo; ward it to C . I - 'in despair,'alld charity take jyj n wherem tr ev gIive 'lac6 to gti co it 0 ST :k C T age, residence Biass�,- Ita d She kell in eX-! all he'liat resided -epskillis .,,a ldond&y last,. af '01d I roh, Cop selfthe features- of l"et land. ISAAG l -E -08 -ICK GODERICH,- COA r. 9 - .� - Brit, auk ntalevplej Rajol!. of t d' S16 al Oil 6SMP%4 4re.,&C Use the WORS ApOicants must state theii 4�49 Of spell of -word's �17 scauddl, -E Post offi and -n! an TO F+ WTIS' MIT- I.D HtHA. W 4 Y Ce address. a id the ma­i� rA iterings, o.' gta- d n N EW tip.' Givat -tu, Danuffille + T r..Fjj;'&n, ofjordmil 141, his StreatXxeter. -at wnn,-,� and the, deeper home to atten& The fill 11ur -n transmit. with th6r ap'p0atiotil a certificate work.,grt, -11, life Ir.6in I neral ot kis soup' tuti Mc -1 LES 0 0 0 i,istrate in- the local ge I gy man ela f are hojily aftpr pitsim., Du vj :fr9m a Oer, nn We Road, -0 RL 8 E - L L, 1 character. in It 'r Tue 1D. & 0 from G derich on -th arm n Pt ei of hum o mor, F 0fialliqu p a ions - but w4ul at)rmo;t here they live s ilieun iiialt-6d tiragedie that friij 4. ion %dq iigalL he is Aippolleld t9i in-JOW Att avo bevu, $13 wd- 'tol prvvent. To Lieut. S, TO I%IiW lbt�.qE 8, much mo IN -zhim lox, Oct all zossip at Wx of everr deseript! d A. Gen. M LJ D 1- r shipwreck often made -of tjoble - natures and, his proceedinz ADU In' usbiP r 01se-114114 yte of forni:ihed ofi found The ab old omver e, ed'sa t, ove farin, will be let or s lifeles5bod was ices. 'Appl! 'Adju-�ant General'* OffiC lo�ely lives by short notiee, atilt A fatierviWsand'd 3it the Fowest pr V 4W Mar - cl -So easy t I �l if big Walith f r reasonable ter rus. y to -196 . is ufal tider. !ay, yet so Uri Ltberid red 60,11 juader to 'eat, 146 tE ersfor saleertolet w a lie ueliec, ate for J. BLAIKE UNIyEft$IGNED ff o2(l, 12th col dii ove­�th wing an the innoteent. UELt A?jjjDjD To (;RXAI 'R wilship Of 0354-11111filet, . MF . r a,. ro bitIyl; ii -bee - I a - ­ 1. Huroa Road,`,,; k fir -141 tit d,olims, then sells It 40� o "raent& &C � L, ts. Go- a b the I urdelli an Stijin ILL Q1111it fU.I'? VAT rin 6 r demonstratittg� Th fa co 8 - 0 tIC]EE u ofam ton.- iStS d the -dollars. bow much d"16 =Ae De4n*of M an -,!n Y -GOD191 1865, w6tf"'� -0 b A -E fST. ST..: oderi6h, punishing 11.1liem as -Mails, intiveencp 41 WE I rid ei;/ the, trnnac -totier list. t-464 tv t ierr r f Lot NO# 32 eye -East Lake� ONE stott'-Saddlelty. UND11 if inflihIL -titriggs.4fey -n- 'but ho didu%' Can Y*&- tell D RES e to pluck out the iftelen 40114re ACRES ow gnu -4� -tb Xtext doww-est of M, 'eni olvent Aet, of Z%ep,. W4d t.) sil ce woi& as red. %Ind-'situated.neRr-a t and STIE, All IE RIP(ligr or six -which are ® ea Road, lffiY trof osgip and der are 1he deadliesl id 1h -a -LOG otj E Credit the ilfidel"Wrtied reo' n, rthe Q. T., 9APWOv- VE C._Ue.r - earons. for bl' brotheJ4 I the.midstA est aaAm-TU-NESt MS AND-' JEWELRY. ostation 4 -Rjunif' a A settle th, �matter-in !a a 41KELUAW row to 4 - . - 4a0FLT NOTICE T tro-m-et at theL HI)tel of Jal"t n FIRST- RWA� III LAND D ate Ydr loin f�f� Imaring, be AND REPAIROD ON te viliage,in we"Cout BARNotl the 10t Wavin r bl5r hand m i#hmml IF Ill keeperin Bluey Ilt 11 roy,, -ERD tates that on ap IT to UEUED&WA I the beist Style. Warranted. on Monda% L 6t MaV 1865, TerrnSea8y, WELL ItIM iving statenient n ligan's ueetowhorn: THERLAb ft Apply 'to f he C ilujaj ZUD4- iRke#t from the Rtaiians jj tomitnow,j, B01 R rrenooll, ttIi, the purpose olf ree ID Th DUNALD SU Oyj , "old, ilffjjr8 atid- of saini For 0 1 Jjd In that town. a I AWO, GOOD AilsoirruesT or orh GORID01 FOR do i& -eat under ihe above 0A the premisesit.16r- riterri efieft P- til"editrioin Tbrollto 0 an Oewelry an ass in God Watches* he MIY - mak fl. 0. t kis. _9 &a _k_ - - U ile Village, tbe'.15th ofApr .664orl - Of ( Bigev ­Atj. -1thil 1864.' indsofff" 40f 4;jj&rj99 Datzd W t,pa WUMO16J tor be ailrapr6seatted Aplftlie 40136thi 1864-o' onhand ilind w12 -2t HENRY 0. PUGH. �W. 13 w4law1g. MY