HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-21, Page 3away. tee pereneeer need,. : e. es lost. bia:72Ings des- eopie train tiaero pros-Le:one. .icaned. Petweete me. et,nameratee n'y tere or theee Three Rivere Tut peopie ot receibie. Sube a imeetue_f waz S..tiatt -On the. Z.ltb -.of the Londort feeling pleb. we,e ef t actions'. 'on the . ters.- !'he efttglhi - aer4 said tlii7 prosecutiori raS• charged for I the itith- id• ale& • exan upon* * /Irma the same rmcL With - acted it? and ad with. reape..-;:-. 'agreed. he -dal at • r U1( : not iniend Be tan* pre - 2 -own, te assent 'land ont on caes EL re he aaked his next, LIad seen, -the Kota. - Haring _ led in Abe Raw on of „justice to masathing casest.,, isating•rmard c the riot_s_ the propty. the ..were not rt "or ire saw; wa4-, tottely wee tqlested the _ rea§ett tver tie Z; He rout aer ▪ ten IV! 'CO tadetatie *Low,. i rigut raktatz open The woman I ane while -the deatt -hien 4ilk. neck. The washinte rite ovedi f.Q be ner- • ME f�rDIX TOWL Pio: of. ur... nuterzatt. e i Limestone -` Trade„,„ welt net eteutraetera for each MTh.. "ce! ISOM tagel4er communications; ice wit be taken BIL 13w3t ATIO1Ri ATM- teltEli CZ D Aisorted, f• narfiteltf 77_ THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. . A saw filer it. New Bedford; whose pmtice is u To Wool Carders, &c.,1 Townshp • of Grey. e_Dirn eraurtit qit:- extensive in doctoring dull saws. puts i COURT OF REVISION. Sear ...file St. Crt,:orel s Society Dinner THE utdersizted is desirous Or -forming a t tees off at tin 31ait land Hotel on Mon- J. k ts7 ASst zete---Arraenaturr ArEtTNNT a business connection with some person wit THE ' • News Lt-TTEn... --- Belfast. Tuesday. 4.1..\ evening next. - line. to co into the Wool -Carding and Uloth-dresb- - • 3.1arch 21.- Mr. Batt, Q.C., thee momine aie , ' _ _-,- r , . mg business in Godetich. The appfit.cant to find plied and obtained an attachment against tie . cards, are_ and tne subscriber the poWer and COB.RECTlivs.-A e regret very mach - , Belfast Pews Letters. m consquence of an , butkb ng. both of which are in comp.ete readiness. that amencst. a large batch of corvespon_iarticle published in that paper this morning . Thu is a splendid opportunity tor any ebpable - c' • . , man wishing one of the best openings ot the kind pondence an item got into Our Semi_ relatirt• to the juries it, tlie cases of Davidson I me. It a. A ppiy to Weekly issue of the 18th inst.. reflecting and Laverty, tried for murder. The jray in ! upon - a Mr. Bimer, who, we learn since; its article. points out the fact that in the case! both eases disagreed. The New Letter, in; MATTHEW ROBERTS:72:f April rile 18&5. Goderich, U. W. 'of Davidson (Catholic). charged with shoot- : ' is a village p m. and not the.kind of ine a Protestant nine of the jury were fora l i ValUable Piece a Land person likely to get into a bai -room row- t conYiittion and three for acquittal; the jury ' Roman Catholics: ifid that in the case of PQ1:t S.A.I...g. Our attention being directed to the rather ' -being; composed of nine Protestants and three incoherent item as probably- offensive to . , - Laverty (Protestant). Charged with shooting (IN favorable terms ot payment. The fol. kr. B., we at once gave instructions to - a Catholic,* ten were for acquittal and two for %./ lowing property, viz : North half of lot ,-- . : conviction, the jury being eomposed of ten nuniber 39t on the 12th con: of Goderich keep it out of the weekly paper. which were complied with and it circulated only -ProteStants d Roman ' di . _T township, containinc, by admeasurement 40 case for the murder of Millkkert is now pro- acres, more or. less, upon which there are in town. We are very sorry that ri,thIng l ceedipg. fifteen acres cleared. This land is in a 'favorable situation? bemg -within -fiie miles of ttf the kind should appear in our cOlumn, ' the town of •Clinton. Also, _ a. valuable is air constant:atm to suppress what- i . - lit M.I-5- . . . property in the village of Rinhurn, one half ; - `vr- •-• - acre ol land, a good farm house, slibP, 'and feelings of ot•hers, but enir brother -editors .•"e lf,fe "Peter ki,„sher,-.Eset.„, ot a daughter. stable- on tile pretnises: This wonid he -a good Situation for a" tailor or . Saddle and harness' out a sigr. re the form of a hand -saw, with the words 4. aaw dentist- painted on it. A Good Opening ! I ToTIcE is hereby given that the Municipal . ever may be unrtecsarily _hurtful to the t . - At inghami -on Tuesday • the 18th inst., __ ban testify that it is 1>eiond human_Wis-: '' 4 - --- - --.."----r"''. . s maker as . there is none in the" vicinity Tilt. "SIARKET3. _ . - "ion to attain perfection in thii particu:1 Leather or store, goods at wholesale prices ism. From Igr. .134: - i . wilt : he taken --fer! either . of the abOve ' ,..6ees . own -lips, we ' ' . 21st.' -, . have a distinct declaration that the state- ; Fa.1!,. OtGODER.E.-LitA.nril1865. ea•t.. ........'.2...i0:85 la 0:14-7 .- P7ace'L _ -- inent of Our corrpondent wa-snot corr' ect. -3pPorirxircti: ...1. -". - -.---' 12 tf Are wfsh tc say . npw. poesible,±-thart eve:r, that -correspOndenfs ., Pa-. 4....,- „.., ...., ... o20-0 - ta : 0:7z,. ; 4 .. . ‘ , • , , • atSt '..t .. ,.. 4.....= ......... 4... ff, • .t::171 t a 0:40 ' . ' , 5:50 Qi ' 000 -' _ . Vessel 1)r-operty-fot Bale . .. snag esehew.strong: personant,else their _ - - - 3,-50* to: 4:30 Ilk sultseriber is iostritated fa offer for:sale :letters wiIi r...„ro into the waste basket -along'. Lan.io _ ,,.. _ _ - - 2:00 - to.. 0:00 i1 by Public. Auction at -the Conimercial Sale ith hundreds of others or the saint. ?sort. - run-kie,-- each0 - - - • .... 45 (a 0:50. iiii boonis, James Street, liamil tote -on 7 bursdiy, • &T.: -..... . ..,.. 02:*:-, ta . 0:00 liate.2-71ft day of -April. instant, at 12 o'clock. . IlEA:1". - t-Liickelisi -11 pair '.. .--._ 0:20 (a , 0:00- st noon,- thirtv-two sixty-four shares or one hall' • ' hicks: - . chi ,. . tvci in 0:25 1:,, intereetin tile schooner "Lily,Dancy," and . . ... . Om . • ,_ ,. . ..,8. few weeks azo-, whee$ te1ing you, a the •J1-4tei.: ..(zreen). _ _ _ ..,..._ q: . o t il lf:0_u '',i-etght sixayefour.shares Or one eiehth interest *cane en,ed kid -gaunt' ar nearatice Of th,....-a.ni, -1:-iutter!- - - --:- - --I:. ---L-..;..," 0:1:i i a -0:1 , . in the ichooher " Jennv Ritriliall,." now lying . , - mauls itt tix township ..1- oan;.intied_ i by, sayinz.i., 1:etatz{-7S . .. _ . . .1 b:35 : ci:37A.! at the Port ell Goderieh. 2:00 to 0:00 .1 _ The.,_ taie beiteg under a power conta'ined in-' - tat al- .l. we crailit tie., was'-te- hope -and pray for F aaLl" - - - -- ---- -"' - , 0:0E-- t -a- 0:12A i, a Mortgage matle-bj iVanevery,& Rumball'Ito warm rain and sunshine -it 4.,,pr.i'..- ...Our ' .A.pples-: 0:40 - ta 0:50. l Messrs.' Young &- La*, will he peretriptorY prayers have been heard and oar-most:sari- i flay. -1------------------------15:00 ta 1700 i 'and fOr cash. For paiieulars apply to Messrs.- - - - 4:ft0 fsi -100 i c.1-r-ioba:f.; La. w;_tt Co. ri.i.tnilton, or to the subS- __ -pine hopes realise:, ; for. se far, it, 'hail been '-... tra'c,:Pfl- '• i°a--- - - )- - the finest Spritz I rave seer.- in -the :country ! • ' ,EAroitipir -41tit-K-crirs, . 1 ...-.: , ... ,--%. , - . ' - T. N. BEF-T,*, - for twenty v.irs.. True. -14- hate. -had .souie - ' I . . hard frosts. cold windi; gra .i.4. whitening Of -: [..R. eP°11,,tc: au - 1)1.'7 ''''Si4N41-. ti --1'‘ (7.°71-e: :11'13"gar.4-- c.' -i! - Hama tart. 13.th April. 1:I. .-sA'vru6c5twi°1112eted:n now: but a.inenth ago -vegeta -flog ;astart :-.- i SNA:FultIll. April Illtia, 1,ettZi. i . .6o (--0 4:50. -i SELECT 801100L _sufficient ti.--,, keet, the -needy- creatures ,alive.,- Fleur ?'-ii beerie:) „ „ -. _ _ _ $.4: - - - - Seethe; ts We et : same - fartners. berv Fali Wheat-. Tet bushel . 1 .. _13000 Q,..t_ . 0:Iy' ! . .. nesri_ through. *bile I write„ or at present, Spring :Wheat: 11 busk. . „ . 'tfts2 (ft 0:-..::e. t. miss, s iumriantiu CS .., ' Oate ' - 40 ' 'a 0-00.--L '- • • - the ground ,'.6- in fine tri f.or- the se4.4.1-thf.-- . - • - - - - - -.- -, - -- - --- - D._;___t, - . 0(1. lasI WILL re -open her school,- on iVedneSdaY , ; - 11-41'14.,v!-- - - - - - - -- - -----,*-- - • t 9 tr.' - '''' , th April, inst., after the Easter vaca w las. ' t fiiintil ao g from ,... brrws. ..atn lii.g we never I oat . , _.... _ _....,.._.; _ 0_ , , a , (;,,.,0 .. sat year., Fu.E,-.. Wites.t.---in general,ionks _ Tio.tacoes .... -,......... - 0.13a., ,,,, 0:::w.v ,, tion. Puriis- instructed in the hsual English wei; i_;,partl_,.cu7,ar,41 4. e. whtrr it waz_Ls p.; iL las Hay, (1,, tuo. , ..-.__.,,,,: -. -L.-t;zott t'"10 ---L„:-0:t-i i branches", *.M.esie trianolortel and .1/raiving ouId Iree--heine very little- aviraer-iiiIted. rerk (1-1. hundred)... . - - : 11:00 . t a 7: Of. 1 : Goder,ielil April lilth, 1S65---- - - iv11,-.2t• --: - -- -- • kit. . = ii - --' - llide4 ' .....__, 3-f50 ia 3:50andIwnet. I; was )mi. -. *l'eu-'"-17. ra-IP-c".• -'ast* iluttE; .(17?- 11-.4-- - ....-.,0;14 rti . 0:00 Mortgage Sale of - 1:00 (a 1:00 L -.-- - .---- ,.: -0:00 (-a - 0: / 0 NDER, and bY -Virtue of a Power -6f Sale) ------- 2-0U (a 2:30 t -, contained in a certain IndentureOf Mort _ _ 0,30 t,±-,' gene g.a,ge made -by Coliti Sinclair, of the Town. Of , JAMES STAXL_EY, -*Constance p. .0. Ilepot the whole, the prOpect for the farmer sheepskins ia a-crood oi*. It iSca glean.' of. comfOrt in '.Eg,..:t.:-. (714 doieti). - tier gelatin: of these -hard times. - * . -- T:Mothy Seea- . It appears as if vrerrwer#. unetererding rather r,:(4'1 -:.,_ an extra amoun. or affiintior i, -the wis oc' .''"er a '`e. . - --- 9:09 to 9:00 ' - Goderieh, 'hi the County :cf Huron, Butcher, te. Charles --Welts, of the-same:place, Innjteep,- aickuess in this towwship this arrin'T. . 'What - --... - er, and bearing date the First day of July A. ie knotre as the '• irsborne disease- -made • ,- D. 1862, Will be sold by cansiderknie -Baeoe imangst rue children ii. - 00tN- Ty ' the southeast part a tae own in- the - C.):17: -FEU R 0.1.N - - 1 iiti- BLIC-,AUCTION • 9 ' At the Auction Roomsof G. M. TRVESIAN . _ in the town of Goderithf. in the County o ..7-.-., - 3 Laron, '. 4'.•% . ..... - . 0*Erulay the --X2th 47 otMay, 1865, , - Af, --12 o'clock, noon e the following land End " .• 4: • - .. IfARPUILIIET. ,.,--• 7,-... ..,. , ..... - premises, viz': The North half aLot Num- _ _ her :Five i'n the Fourth concession", Rtitern The Spring Show Of the Harpuehey Ilmnci. ' -.: T -i-'''''. Division, Ot-fhe -shid Township of Colborne, . . Societv.was held oa the 14th inst...., t'ne, drty 7 * _ -..t -.."- ,- containing fify acres of land,. be thesame more ot less.,-, -default having 'been made. fin - -- --was al! that eorad be:desired, and the rnmber ' - AGRICULTIM Alt soaTITy payment ef the moneys. thereby secured. -- of couxpetitors and slectatirs wus DtryOutt - , - "s : Conveyance under Power ,in 3.1ortrrate.' • J. S. SINCLAIR,- Solicitor far Mortgagee. Dated this 13th day of ?, April A. i-.:).- 1865.. .5 w -12,4t . early -part ot tin year : and now tne sea4 pox has broker, ant in the west part, and it, _ raging with, a poi,: den; of viralence-severa. dealbs being rePorted. Some of the scliooi. are closed in consequence. aay thing we have..had iteretofOre.: Tee I. AN EXHIBITIO-Nr • Home§ and Ave Balls were -exhibited. the - , • . - • . -.. • . , - Couttertett wall cue above Sortetv . of• IrlajOrify .0f. w)lieh wotf.d be no discrecat to - - -. . . . - - STALLIONS- & BULLS any show it the Prov -ice , Melanges were ,., : . . 1 John Templeton. Jas .utherland, and Thos-: - _SW!. take -Mare. at Goilerfelt on 'Wednesday, ,.re.ve ,,, _ ___ „ „,,._ _ , _ _,._,.:... ___.,,., .„‘,..; ! '2titii day: vit.:: orb i.16.5. waen the foiiowing prenn. .. Ix X_ r ragf13-1 .anu Enu. 1?1“-111.-'o.. 7'61..4.1 L''-' mos wit. awaroeu ;...--best Stallion kir ,•eneral satwards„ viz:--,• 7 - . f - , ' <- - .4 purposes-SW.0U: 2inl hest do 1.-.)-0Q ; be-st Bull of Best draught Horse. Joseph - z---Isner ....nt-, -.tie sia lions takuig pr.e.miLms must trusei „ E ,..... ...,.. , .„, an, tia,‘.., 40.....t.si...-no pest tn. 4 ut! " ' .... ./ r., . .11., 4 1 • . ,. . .....„.• - --___ t _ , , , doJas, Johnston. - . • • - - ; wition tile limits onthe tsolititt SOriett- and stop- : _ ; .. Ta ataInc tollownisr ptaees net late`rman ivery ninth Beat Horse for general purposes, William • -„ , dy, r.t,: Gedete.-h Town, Porter Hill; Hain:tee. jj -.T OTS 13.67. to 13,77, neartlie RAILWAY throughout tile; season as alioke: • - 4STATION,:Goderich, for -8150 each,: ' -_-: - - Baker, 2nd do Thos Downey. . _ . - 1 -die.. Clinton. Manetitee,„ and s_notbisLiii4and .) d ) continue. • Best. Bull over two Tears old H, Snell, -n , _ . . . At -Five Years Credit, do lt, R. Carnoclien. ' Goderichi Feb: 131h, 1865, orlonger if required.. Agply to • , Best Bali wider.. twa Tear tiid W. COwsu. .. - - - _ rwi.2td - .1 - ' : - ' M. C. CAMERON.: . . -... ' - . ° . Goderichl Arwil.8th„ I86.4: ."--.1*62wIl - til -Is there any perceptible iniproveraent .. in a caterpillar when he turns over a new! IN CRANcElty , . . , . . . : - . ' L.N7 l T A 1'. Very good, 'bat rather too pointed,'"/ ' ' - , - . , _ • C1REPS--- • - -- as t* fish said when he ,wallowed .the bait.... TTITI CHANCELLOR. .- - - tj-DiVille in$tiCe -steals upon 'ta softly . _. --, ° Iffihinthii:°°len feet!: but strikes at las-t-, wh . itiron .,--Xx'aNeES1)1g.A11:111eartheyin.efthe liotii daY urre-AigrtPri,lo'fRe inthe vtwrtw-er _ ,_ ._ _., ..,. . Majesty Queen Vietoria,:and tn. ,the year of our -0,-- wAteatne nutter marries . the- house-. Loom:KJ, • , _ -: . - i • - keeper, may he he said to lead lier to the: ' • BETWEE EDUC- A -T.10 -11i. . iiikyh mesiatalter 1' ' . " • - • ' - .Francis Harris Heirard, David Bueliaa,and the is 1:3...The leastirat. should hummu us, brit- Canada Agency A.str.,exation, bmited. . - - - .. R.NAIRN, late Superintendent ef-Schools, we koala never permit .even. thegreatest to- Plaintiffs. •iL . . - . W..illiasi:-H7D-Itehr.- ' -- h Bninmer months, ecirnmeiteing lst Mar pext. intends having closet( inciodericti during etn..1'. aquae, Inesday, Thruway, and - Friday. t3P• " Although you count youMelf a brig& . ., _ 3 ' ter fellow than me, yet 1 elm come- round ivreenith oBiteoettl I fr.eaourdio;:loemn.kt-Ithgeure(10-ivioill!lsbe, roots leasoppolor . . .. . Defendant-. _oar as the earth said to the sun. _ T1 jPtiliZ_ 4,:de,,at,pial,ifepe.atiorinar•ofbIth.Ae frlciiiainvit-t -:tiiteS, and English &minium- History, Geography • _ 4 - that after due dilinenee thesaidDeten- and Anthmenc." This :wilehe a rood chance for ttlee, Swam -had been whiPped for stealirg ,-, Wet master's onions. One day he brought ni" dant-tannet be. found to. bt. ani.ved those. who May wish to finish their education so, with an Office- ccpy of the:Plaintiffs -tar• - - - • • a skunk in fns iron '; Says he, ' Masser. here's Bill in tins mese. It is ordered that On •Wednesday: and Saturday; also from One de chap dat steal de oniCias: Whew l-sinell • _ _um. sfticipotendant doon or before the till four afternoon, there will be a class for Lithe .laint bre r , . - . - - t rst day -of lune itrart,e-nswer-or demur -BinikS to be used ArneklIs First Book: and Karl- - 1:*- A Friend :in---Sontit Anierica wiite8 to the Saul Rill, end It is ordered. tha-t-a '?e ---4k-----' S‘'e6)-1(1B(Kik;aniffuienithillaeolipilitiaali ttiiialien;f:le174-, . - . cop, 01 ' this order together with the ed" it is believed that - Vv ler who ownia thousand miles of pasture, and. cit Ints Cohn be published- in ieo Twenty four Lessons. • , _ . - Antiwiedge -.of the language reay - ha acquusk in that he is now spending it month with a farm- notice requred by; 'the General Order , fodder for them in a Selcano. Trafalgar - , - _ he basso Many cattle that he has to boil„lama month, and tor .the Latin Three LoIlant a . - - i • - ". . Street. i2w .- _ . Tagats•-•,rof the English eXercises, T.ws. D4ot I: the month -to be paid inadyanee spat& of corn larger than Scotland, while ,t Huron Sigoal” newspaper, pub,- fr,”-- 'Sid he not. make several.- visits after . !. _ the patient was out of danger?.'„ warthe ques- lion-in cross-examining - a_ witneis culled' to _ prove a doctor's bill- 'No„! replied the Wit- ness, 'I thought the patient was in dinwer as long as he -continued *visits.' . ' Council of the Township of Grey hold a Court of Revision in James Tuck's Tavern, Townplot, ou Monday the lith dav Of May next, commencing at 10 of the clock, a. m., to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township of Grey for the year 1885. Pathmaaters, Poundkeepers and Fegce Viewers will be appointed the same day. 'WM. GRANT, Township Cerk. AmlaysviIle. April llth. 1865 12w3t Court 'of Revision4 .1 THE Court of Revision and Appeal for the - township of Wawanosh. will be held at the residence of John Tisdale; lot 27, con. 8, on Friday, the 12th day of May next,at 10 0. - .nt: - .1.1.11ES. S003 -1T, Township Clerk. _ April llth, 1863. wIl 3t _NOTICE. THE Court of Revision for .the Township of lisboroe'will meet in the Township Hall, on Tu-e-sday, the 2nd of May, at 11 &clack a. in.- for the hearinc, of appeal against assessment and revising -the assessment roil; 7: WILLIAM' EDMOND. _ Township Clerk: Ushome; Antt 10th, 1865. ' wlltd Revision Court._ rr-HE Court for Revising the'Assessment of 4. the Township of 'fnetersmith- for :the preSe at .year, and for hearing reid determining appeals against the same will be held in Loyd7s Mittel, Village of §eaforth, on 'Friday the fifth day of May next, at the hour of 12 n'eloch, noon, - W. M17111, rp. Clerk. Tuckerstnitle Ilth April, 1865. wll 3m - NOTICE. THE Cntirt of Bevisioh for the Townihip of 1 McKillop will be held in Montgoinerf s Inn, Se-afarth,,nn -Saturday, the 29th iday of Apra, at 10 o'clock in thes-farenooti. VIM -JAS. SIIAN.NON, . S-65- Tt"thi' v" -d hcliP1 tCl7k prilI! OXEN FOR .SALE, - '1111t Subsertber ofiets for sale, Tiro 1..nce Five Years old Llien,,in o•tiod condition. - - GOdericli tow -wain 5IU-relt 30, 186a. .w9ii NOTICE. ri HE Court df Itevisicra for the TowtiOlip Hay for the year 1865, will commence on Tuesday-, the ninth day of May next, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, in the:Town Hall of slid Township. • . WILLIAM WILSON; Township Clerk. Towttship Clerk's Office, " Hay. llth April, 1865 wl2td- British American Assurance CO. FIRE- & MARINE. - _JOHN- ESSON Atrent. Bayfield, C. W., April 16, 1865..- wI-2 ,Starap: bathed 111. the Towa of Coderich, in the County .of aurtm, not less than six weeks before the first. day of June next, and be continued once in each week until the -said day. And it is . rarther ordered that a.ri office copy of the ETainti 'a Bill together with a -copy of tLi4 order be served upon Sergeant J flitchcock son of the r&ve tt5mei Defendant„ find further that a copy ct tins order he mailed and addreseed t the said Defendant at _ New -York: ' Entered. • (Sie-rieti) A. ORANT, iS/d) J.J. -Registrar. taft-,Three thieves on 'Monday • -entered the - bank of A. Bland„1..ouisville, Ky.; and after robbing the safe of $45,000. lacked the bank- er ic. his own safe and decanmed. After three Iowa inearcenttiou, Mr.. Blind Was icut out by a blacksmith. ' elp, The Fire mardtal elf -New York states ihe abo do not answer or demur to the bill pursuant to -.Wir.r.an HiTcncticu,--Take Notice thatifycnr "that an investigation of manv kerosene -lamp Ito takeg e eibillie as eonssedagainst you, .and the circlet, the Plaintiff- may obtain= order • ,explosions convinces him thit earth oils are Gout t Mar grant the Planitiffs' such reliefasthee frequently sold without being properly refin- 1 may be entitled,to on thew own showing, and you - - -ed. He recornmends the adoption of anI will xi°t receive any furth.#r notice ofthe. filtu pr9eeedings in.this collie; .., sercletimee iteonfereating petroleum in cases whem this mportant precaution isneglected. immtonso.-A -young woman;'- tie ...wire of Mr Joseph Card; of Enterprise. Ad- An:pm, was instently killed on Tnekday last by a: pistol shot in tkeleft breast. It appears lad was *put with the weapon. Andlie psalms* ofMrs-Cistl, not knowing it and she. rectuested bird to put it. assde. Instead of heeding herwarning, hoW- afar- playfully pointed the uistrunient " &wilt& her *Ed' palled the trigger. Mrs C•• felt mortally stounded.--Mingston American. Dams ST BillItNING.--On the nal a -young woman, daughter sf-Xfr Alfred C014, of Stanbridge,' was attending to the boil* amp in atupgar bash, when her clothes THE Court of Rensf-tm for ' Ithevete- g_ the eidr,tallt took itre,,andshe was so severely I Asiegiment Rolls of the Towiehip- of hersiu irartait, *ha rrigf,!kfter:„tuifferin, frir 12 or. stE807z.vwsla,Aoklaailzmfiount-daysittinthge-iiii: thfrurd:r oaf -An Irialtpairer pabrulfas the folIoiring item: May Ocatl at 111, (rte.** a-.1113-- • - , A 'Sloe mint timed-T*4 was run over by - JOHN' ESEION, , • $lonmegP"ravr. netrainwsa!wdzajared_kill3:4-. zoniumilivedziegalliar IwTy Barifiewl, ntit kyrill mu: °wash, Clerk. a'rlAr. ago.' SitERIFFT BAsart* OF LANAIS. _ United Counties of DY virtue -of a --writ -or Huron and Bruce, .1/ rieri -Facies issued out - To wt . of Her Nlajestyls ' County CourtofthelJnited Counties bf Huron and Bruce and to inedireated against the Janda- and tenez nients or James Stewart, at the suit ot John T. Detlor and Samuel 11. Det1or.; I have seized and taken m Execution all the right =le arid intereet ()film said detendani in and to lot number one M the eleventh notacession of the Toss nehip of Col- borne, Nir. D., in the County of. ilUron, which lands I -shall- offer tor =le at my office in the Court House in the Town of Codenah, on Tees day the Twenty-fifth da?- of J my next, al the hour of twelve of tluT clock noon. , I.- ...JOHN MACDONALD, _ • ' ' "Sherif, H. 443 - By S. Pomona, Beputv Sheriff. CROOKS, EINGSMILL it CATTANACH, Sherill'oa Office, Oodineh. 1 ' _Plaintiffs' Solicitors. * 16th AriL1865. i TOranto,15 April, 1865. - [w12 -6w . . 0017.131.T. OE REVISION. THE Court of Revision nod- Appeal for . Ashfield, wilt be het& at Dein &FIR'S Dungannon on, Friday, the 12th of May next, at one ecloicEin the afternoon. - - , aurx cook -E; Township Clerh. • Ashfield, 1411, 1865. wilat Muxdcipal Notice_. -W12, INSOLVICATT ACT° OF 2864, In the iustter of JO$EPIE COPA LAND, of the Township of Insolvent. TPHE creditors of the insolvent -ire notified that he mide an assicr0nmeitt of Ins estate and effects, underthes.bove Act, tome, the umlersigued assignee and they are reqtured to famish me within two months from tlikt date with their claims, specifying the securitythey hold, if -any, and the value of it, smd„ Ifnonelststing-the fact, the whole attested tmdee oath _ with -the -vouchers In support of such -claims. ROBERT LEECH. Township -ofilotriek, Gernep. o.„ C. this lout day ofApril, 1865. vill 3m To MI VillOM it may tonc-errL NOTICE. I IN consequence of -serious losses in our business of late'we are coMpelled much against- our wisliesto -resort in future to the CAS'il PRJNCIPLE .in the sale of Ale, Beer/ ke- • -RICHARD BUXTON, Maitland Brewery. Signed 1 CH1S. DEAN, • Hamilton Spring Iftewery. Godeiieb, -12th April, 1865. isw65w12-1-at • Insolvent Act 01 1864. • T tlse -imatter of EDWARD • FEB. ,GrigOiVi an insolvent. ' Fr ME Caiditors of the Insolvent are nOtifiedihnt he has made an. &alignment of his. estate and effects, under the *Uwe Act, to me, the undersign- ed Assignee, and theyareteAluired to furnish me, leithiatwa. months from this date, -Nsith their claims specifying the tsecurity they hold. if any, aad the -mimeo! it, and if none, stating -Hie tact; theirhole attested under oath,vnththe vouchers inangport ofenchultuma. DeteclatSouthanipson„msionCortatyof nsuee, his 13th day of April, 1865: ' - A. PIKIIMFOOT, sirfo5-4ty12. Assigaee, HOOP SKIRTS 12 IDCDZ'El\T, 1\TMW S SURPRISINGLY CHEAP, At the Glasgow House. 1LEBB, JL, & C. Gaierich, 7th April, 1865. g d 'AT i' 111131=1.MM P"1"11% istes', Girls', & ehildrens', _ • In. Black. and. Wnite 1Braids, at the: .W :ROUSE. . irx,E7tut, ;Lit..co GOdericli "Ith April 1865. 11 Our Sprin,g -Order. -of GOderteb 7 Is te hand, tIt.e.TIIII1,1) will. foliow. neit, iveck, the Glasgaw House. D. Kerr, Jr., h 441, -1863; KE-::sussomic-ER FAS to inform his old friends,and the public generally that he ha; RE -OPENED in - Net door to Mr. BUTLER'S BOOK -STORE where everything iti &c., will be.sold cheap for CASH or In exchange for Dairy. Produce. As heintendsto devote his attentidn.principally to the rectifying rif ' ------ • = Thereby enabling him to sell- at Dealers therein will do well to give hint a call. - Those indebted to him will Please milt and settle at once, otherwise costs must be incurredk J. -17°. S. -KIRK MARKET SQUARE Goderieb, 7th, March, 1865. 5w•53 OF 16 SHARES & A-NC-H0,13S; DIGGING, tk.. IN - TERME ITXDER and by virtue ofi. Power of Stile U contented in a certain Kortg:agi Made by Thomas B. ViiiiEvery and George Rumball, of the Town of Godench, iik,•-• the County of Huron,e. Forwarders, of the firs“'part, And Hebert Gibbons, of said Town of Godetieb. Esquire, of the second part, and Which said Mortgage was duly sold assigned and- made over by- the said Robert: Gibbons to F. Wolfeistan Thomas of the said: Town of Goderich, •E8qulre, agent- of the Bank: of Montreal, in said town,whiali said *mortgage and _assignment are duly recorded in the Custoin House of the Port , of poderich, (default having been made in the -due pay anent thereof- and due. notice having been saved on all . Parties- -entitled to notice as required by said Mortgage), will be -told by Public Auction - On . Thursday, the I.6th claY, oflitarchl Next, At twelve o'clock, noon, a.t the 'Auction Mari of George; M. Trueman, On the Market Square in -said Town of God- erldh, the following property, that_is to say: Sixteen undivided -shares or parts ofantfin all that vessel° called the l'ecumseth, then the property of VanEvery and _Itumbally afore- said, now lying at the Port of I Croderich, - aforesaid, together with all and singular the anchors, ri,craing, furniture, tackle and apparel thereunto belonging or in any wise apper- taining. Deed under Power of Sale. _ - ---_ IRA _LEWIS; . Solicitor for..F. Wolfenstsunamasy Ment and Assignee-moresaid. Godench, Fee. 23rd, 1865. wbul Thenbove sale is postponed till Wednesday, 26th of April, inst. i Insolvent Act of 1861 Milk. Creditors of the underslived re -notified A. to. meet at the law office of James Shaw Sinclair, in the town -Godeuieli,. on Satutilay, the twentieth thifofiday -next, attwelire o'clock, ncein, for the purpotte,.afteeelking a itatement hisailanstuld °foaming/in titaiDtea to Who= he may make an assigement ander Ike 'above . Act. TN CONSEQUENCE ofthe deith orbit.. X.11 -L VVEATHEILALDthe bitsiness heretoforearried on under tit name and styleof itobt. Runciman _it Go., 3B" "U.NTE0311C 33 S. must be elosedotVor before the. 1ST DAT Or Ann, 1885. All -Parties indebted =the -above firm welters - by notified that all notessed book zecounusover due on tbe et day - of FEEI'Y next, • - _ will beheaded Satchel". tor eallestron Thestoce on hand will he seal - WIVVT Olt SHORT -CRFDIT, it -Consists of a. largeassortment of Plonglit,'Calti- . • vators,llarsolrs.,18traw Cattail, ..Pot -ash and sugar -kettles, waggon and pipe • boxes, •_ - Cooing, Parlor it 'Box Moves, - geed second-hand -• and a lot,otaisehinerY or oriatiinct Saw-Mla. Alt parties requiring theabieve art;eles would dowell to call .and inspect 'hemlock mt. mime, as therweligetbargains.-- MINCII/AN- Is/reference tothe-anovex R. leatticknati twill be prepared locality -on the ontineseof 1-113.11014 FO-LTICDRV and coritract for the erection of all 'andel* Ira chinery as usual and will simply &OKILULTUUAL .11119LENE1ITS Stoves and eastings,Streationsble ratesjorCASII cr short credit. . Goderieh,Dec,..11,4 1864, arr32ir413 emon• I) AItTJIsS netarOns of obtatning -First Mos_ s Cedar for F e.ag-and Buddlagpsrpoaebcafl hesuppliedin any quantity, awl on reasoaahks ternis,hy applying to J. *. ELLIOTT. Tioderieh.,Feh. Oth11864. wit Bale Pheap _JOflNEEnV1 1 OT8G.,St1iettii. Bruen; le, 4th Ifinloss;12, *noon -Huron, Apply to - M. C. CAMERON.' 1W1:2111 Gaierich.OotOber 28. 1884. Goderich,Soricitor for Insolvent, Chain, Ifah April, 1865, _ GrapelrinesforSaiO 'MI: undersigned null have on band. for sale. ain't . A tit.- anddie of Aprilmare, sloes et Grime Vanes, _ 01 thl tolkowlitg violates :- IONA. lit, earhem and brat_nape inewii. fs,nal:1.I.t CONCORD. A titRoNoAC. HARTFORD PROLIFIC Lik.LEINARE. DIANA. . Also.a large stock of very fine Plum Trees. (ID different ranrites.) Staudt:4:nd Dwarf apples. Dwarf Peers a :saner= Crabs. valienes.1 forward Men- ardeis at once. or an noon tile Parties 405:- mg raw of the above "maid au wall at kus residence, East &met. tioaerich. w9 414 WM. CAMPBELL. JOHN BRETT, Tin, Skeet:Irk and Copper EGIvidisiDVILLE, C. W. - Stoves, dulatera, icc" for Bale; 31epair1ng DON) atiShart2rotioe. "Wilde and Lot Itv Sule‘ A ?BROM VOTTAGE °lithe Boothe& tion 8914 l'itArVII4T6t1 STftt wriit Goon ROOT-410USE andlitriBultiMalk- at present optapie'dbr7pfos. Wi pnoe TWELVE ISENDIIED*-41ILLAMIX For lert1Fersarticalstreipply to - . T. WEATZIERANY, or WILUAt MOIVAL, Esq.) Amherst Waal. rrodericli, October 176;1864. atr134( TO SELL AUL' LED A Goad Farm lot within seven soles of lb& .13"- Yillae of Southampton forty twos restedatfd Ieneid, With iood log boolis. and ham.- Terms liberal, 41313; kitty letter p6lipag7412. • JAMES A. EURWASIte Southampton: - or to- . Z. D. ELAM Ooderieb; Goderich. C. W., Zan. Z1 1865'; _ *VC - For Sale at Eargiiii. rrIligr +reside and -eligibly situeted IL the Town oftioderich, fronting tbeGomt House Square.and for eighteen aeistrainto*a - . *.fir.ki F.A.101XlitEr INN' During -which thne it hasenjoveil tie , largest potion's of that konsitteei ia the toirat. Connected svith the hotel is ag.eneral store.Tb ililwottactiolitrioleoiees:daliontitrizsmirg4.1dioesmiltilloi fote.eemitttctojnethods..:iwlidiaiaolrrtestors,vtoik,oiuwo47rsrfret7...,.7. ALSO .:,•=-A small -farin of -excelleat load. ' handsomely located tape anle HemGcd.ri ca the hayfield Read, 30 Itemititt goad aline el' coloration, we11tbneed.15 ofaineir are denial' mumps, with a ham log la 3014 "mad a. .tedar Joe barn 40S4 14, shed*, ALSO -in the Whist Of Pori Albert j mere with dvreiline house and statures, dre. ore of the beet tavern SUM'S ` th4tigmesalIZI bi. ifibt IerienrkmepsitiZeSraistr;h.10suit perdsmers_. For fertile Paitit'ulars'A*1111::::1)0N j. B. '44FlProPrietor. 9GRDUKy y jag or ' ILE-All those indebted to ate eel* hymens or book atteOtIrlt are reqweeted to moieties/mat witheln eeloy Stonier toms -scoots. _ .tioderieh, April iist, 1864. _ Sheriff's Sale of liiids. . _ . _ , ,..• uniteacountiesot DT 'virtue of a arra Huron and Bruce, LP Fieri Facias inlaid' To wit: of Her Majesty/a -Cousity Court olthe United cosatiesof &WOO and Nom and to ritedtrected against the Janie Stud taw meets dr 111.0itt Biggar and George a,._., 4 at -the-Ana of Oliver illacklent, Jahn Mow** William Irving, it...and James Notkleas.1 leave .seizedandtaken 14 Nzemettati all the right age Itnd Interest Mike mud rleleadanst in and to lama filmujiers 118, 113, 114. 1115, MI 117 sod !in the Village of Bluevole, also that -est -min parcel or :tract of lanais knows as HA' MilIBlock, and Also that rertainparoder tramot lands which is botiaded ye thetiereknedetlett Itererilinitland, on the Eolith side * time Tinit listelietween the TowashipootNortisield Tara- - berry. and on. the East aidebythe Westlemendary lineocLot Mut Ire-exteliled to the Yew Mak- bind, *fib tom looter Ind/Meson which aleyris derivedfrom the Amer itsbeated as ler Swat al etydestreet, allin the Comity of Ihroa,l'ilsiek LantinitadTemernentts 1 shall -oar loraalestsny Dace in tbe Court Bowie in. the lm01 Bodo - rich, on Tucedaythe Ilatteentiariay of.fitaeliallt at the law* twelve ottke vionk saw . - JOEN MAGDONALV, _ . foketiffillaltW Ifilterftro Offee,rtoi- eneft, I Sad March, 180- 1 lini Mortgage Sale (elands TTNDEICand_ty :Into of it A*14 gelit imi tattlaufed In a ifortpign made by Ji. Hirt of the Towsiaip of Waimea* in *a County album- Ytroaa, to eOrge...1411 'Gager, Of fheIoiraship .of MeGliCalep, se lb. end COI:My ofRatrent tiontlenasee, -(ilareadi harjaz been modeles tile dee patemaattiew - . 01:,) will be *oily Auctioikoit Friday, iiie ?mink lay_ fif akri A. D. 1864 at twaiVe Webs*, Rion, ut taw ' - Alectitin Merl ef GEOfirs* On the Market flume, itt the leek rieb, the "ollosnog _property, ilat is *mast All and singelar that eertsia reveal ese lease - of lied mei retains shams lyis wed Wig iri the Township ofWawaaosb,in the Cossof of HAWN in the Province elViumithig cot:wooed of the north nest titsuder of Int Naarher fortt-two ID tipegieventir tosesserton of the mid township of Wassasiesliftisallinite by admeasureinent Fiftyaerns alai* belie amine nsore or kes. Tenn cask Died under Power of Sale. • JOUST DA w103,.. Vinegar's Solietitink. ° SIXERIET SALE SF ae alid cies Vendaaand United Countiesof t ionfreass 11QT virtue * twin ura . To wit: Iriertiramas, ter r..inmsd oat cf Mir -itajastes Cana Coe& -- ufthe Cosate of Ontario and Goan of Voin- - mon Pleas, *ad- to sae itseeetke_ ussinat_Iihe lianditamdleitenimatmoratepiteri Decntivientirat. Lynch Stinsatos, Esook-CDassAing_rand klieheett; Gilmour, at Die sant or lasac_Jil. BowilfRI liteCOrporation of Abe Tsierisal* eat Rhkalliee 1 -haft Ile-ised and taken in Examitssis J *a tight,,. tale asid interest ante asidsietreatimitarpia imit be Park Lot No. id,Lot No. tlyand toshellhenteiholl• °Met No. b, Host aide et awes Omit tlattior being sehdiirelonssofFirrit LoiM.. 4ast She eil- ae ofrisaley; South halt ollistSlato the Satill- side of Queen OtreetSnatit Paisley, Park Lit Min, mffilermakileofemsinedge ntrestiand illheedrife ivostokleofgatienstreet,Nerth Patialey,..init Mt • Honth liale and 13 aad 14Borilioneof0ambr415 otreet.ftioloyt North luditorlot I, Soot oldest TheronalreatoSeistleamplitett$10feeket.the: part of lot -Rio. 4, Ninth arrie at Hulk limessti seakampton, Isasitaa440 on the flank sills otOlareadoo street, Boathomptieet4 tot in Ian ',Wet Norfolk 'Street, So -*Qtailsolo*Lgrall 22 Sontitside of boasaantrest, binWeauepant, *II intirelknentrot Smoot *Wei look and taw smeatel shall -oar "lovaale at my .as sa tien - Court liouse,ni gee Tonentier Ilioderiehout Taw ;lay the laventy-Eigink *tyarrolorianyneitt,e1 the bow - Twelve ai Ike cloak, won. • JOHN MACDO Melt e By E. Poirens,Depoty5herilL IrtheriffisOillee,Goiarteisi Tirenbove sole is postrusd the Ailt /ley stfAysa as= , Mite *boils sile is farther -postronsi Tunis' the Jars* at May -------