HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-21, Page 1Freemasonry Among the B men. X I INIr. J. NI'Donald Stuart. in his " EWorall C I tions III Ausiralia," just published,,sufts that L Z 'I fl... termi-lation of his fourtg ,journey was Aiq A by an attael- of the Intives, whose LJ� but 'n­ra­.-,S Whistied nad whizzed past Lbe Wa! uars with an unplea3ant rapt3hy 113.1 -1 x - A shower of these priminve Irek-ow S in the orthodox method at attaw; I k N. 1: i N Lm c ai'd, wiiidsi vulling * I _, jumping daucing,..Iud gri in aci it z, I hoy endeavor 14" overawe the "L.J. V. 11"11". �N- R 10 -1 ra re to the grass. 'The A 1) 11 tT R 0 N. A N 1) B R'U C E NDVERTISE 11 uger by setting S' "Vo, Ix 1 7 scene must be very suggestive of pandemoni. 1111% C'c-le. (trn' 131 iz:ng earth. a stifling, atmosphere, a i chorrs of sere i i A 1'," The Greatest Possible GoA. to tho Gra Aost Possible Numbor. aming imps. and the figures of - Ill- 'W T G0X,E1it:)randP-oprietor. V. L R.-. kNlr.' l*..�r. ler:�tCre .)d rt�ing fiends in the midst of thetableu&. -'7 fiiendsb;p may be made wiih* th!!se children of the desert. on !`*very visit - DE A. WORTHINGTON T with whii+ Mr. Stuart was -honored they dial mii\ 0 played thievish propensities. E!rer Ip AD1 -1, APRIL -21, 1865. ;L y portabld 50 P T) G ERICIL C. Ur ii i FRI 1) A I VOLS P te') irt, ca.arly.t.,.; 'ea-Nt, of ax --d �ur-;ca, i article was in danger. At Ketwick Foudsy III J1.11e, I i-60, he -discovered a Freemason ZV� r nmon;rst in an old hushm&%, who At to be . communicativeijidtould only for SALE For in Bosanque Aispoi-ed FARXYLL it IiI7 C!�15 33-i'ectorPip Ousillos. Dircdon 13 -Ei i in, Dircdorn. M Coliver-se in ttigns. Mr. Stuart wented -inf e or mation 11bout wate but eoifl4get.-nothigg ri oR sAj,-h -- r, -ou -, OR SALE, E. - alf cif Lot No. 17, con. 3 'Aftersome timei and 1 L tv'v. a I.] So" 'r-ift-Chant-c-rr.. CountV v,7I t of him. Ji1q.S7UJ2&1JCE. -lunned *nd iip-of W&WANO-414, comprittiri, 11.41 cq�r. s two sons, be I \7, CO`T7RT Or, -F Tt;wI - isl confeired with-.1ii caart 11,.;� RUGS.)-- -'DRTJ'GS (luren's surprist-A roe hy giving -one of Xtisonle AlAns. TERTERN A991711 kNX-CR (`0 11 P A.\rY- L ONE-'HUNDR d d. tv,.vn Lots, for$ale,- p1ii.;- ED An mry k- of' 'Farin aqd T ACRE r-1 HE U�NDSRSXTX&D oirersfc�r saleart6let I look -pd al fiim stfadilT; -berepeate I Head- ­71ar 26i -12th vou,. lowjichip of Bo-72111quet, so-didbis-twozoins. ltheniotutneditmbi& 4 purvI I 411!Si1`1119 to Iaz,01. Terms liberaL Apply fo�lhe 0 C-untj�ofl,,ambton. Thefirinconsistsof- -h-a - Ahe c' will vLL f ro i", w, CoN .y Av.! `x6enttirs, orthe E-,taie of thie .1 t� '-W -Harris, 'm F 1J, t 17, ell vtedonfitA�or. seVined-to -p se -utu- b, the DId vnir 1). MIJ �W 44 ' A inost marvellous' Dan.- iniii) 1, 0 t%;94. 37-tf -ACREE�j in y. bei't I I .6i .1. . - trokin -low J� ��--Ujli tiiit M r. 1. B� G �Dlrngantiort K 0. patii me ouifiesboulderAnd-s 4 T. -HUNDRIED ber*-­ V W iK -Jr.1 L 4 Is'(0 J01IY r1.\1DA- , d wben did these ikborigines 'ITLAND 1110-1`Pul,� DDERICH IRA 4:10v 61 wbieli are cleared. and 41ttated me �ktation.iyl the L G. T. eif I eUr1oLssVb Inge - r -MM 315'4a. 1S ere investi-ation,for some Railwav- There is a LOG, -E- Yr- -110USE­ AJVD PH LLf I d meW�er of the b WIL�Zf-IN. PzZill E ri);T I 131-asons 2 Tbe answer may afforil v or the me F A IETOIL TI1F; 0 R L kit, Inious ana.-learn ­;t1V qi - I e -.1 � t- IWIle( I BARNon the -lot.. 1'bo6d t-rer-o-irknrz V-,-ellar"Lot 3. of Lot:NTo.. Etist. Lake cup -n -v 80,.ACPI1 A C t 0,11 so jisuran AT 'I- �J Ce WE'LL TERBEBED -WAIrEWD-1 I A, IL X a- -Ws "FuEDERWIt-111Z�G16 IX For parliculars apply:to 411R. CARI. fL rd d I ra, W-,,kt� k:lw, 1. U�I,t !Jr 111:1 'Vltea�, r ill!"411. �5 cents. C, DON, 0 conc!uding volu e of thp- 4� History of bdeiiteh LAN -T -R S RATE by w4siSquaie.G iLe 'Great, -AND LIFE FIRE urt.!T F1 k *T Goderich P. 0 Fiedeiiel, ThOAAS tiv-- p . ­� -bet Alf ust 111bi 1864 -1 it vhh' TA -1 t le,,� ijave m lssuzd. The *a os'es c P11 - Terms e y. ap A -y o- -S 'D'AY ITOTEL-ol C7 IL11 wl 10 -- - - - - - - 1 1; - guTlir WLLIOM� 4JRLA'1%1D - I- - - -- - MIN -C 'is 'L -B ITAL—MO. D-01LARS2 -.01SPE HEMIST &-:DRUGG1S,T DONALD to .1 WFLOXETER- ;thd-premises- or inyself as hitherto th6 lAws of The KUp - .9 A vii iporterot rtirninz from, 0calerlit.and in -nd $5 000,000. -be is a very lono-questi S at Girw t -fcctw ulatt (IT, tih(.I* an. hit l m. C. GA31E RO N� T 110t".11-tv - , ) 2 when the.next will wai Cx U.� IN U -2 7 U,, �'D It I 5o. en IPG4. I -il 30ih $2;500-000.' at the 1,01FES2 F4 ap. INOTICES at lin�t LL'tlioe indebted1to, n- 11:1V e-ldon, LM nsarance e Se irit h1I0 0TTLE %i E D' 10IN S ]at,-- o� theVill. -lens ICE, H ANI D A � t -ye of SL H ei Z ta'e in' the Absconding �EAR G 0 P 0 X VS A.V1) R LOWER TW-- N Townsilip of 11'awanrrbsh, an ..CARDEN SEED�S,'�&C..,&C' qcc, dnt or o0lerwise, are book -t-;4-,+-1 inty.. Frimnds Tr� Mi 0. . --frorw T bemby-notified not to paj the tue o.werwise Order., -N edica: inen pit ith I -Se d: W-itholit lat T-ir LEX.4T1I 1)F L 9 s Prompt than inito, this offi TT*�,V `Z Y - - k -*t)LICIT01t T,% T -rirporls... -1 :,D. -A carefullv dis- J0111� MACDON XIM -D F -1 -aL en -c.. a Boafd dDir I 11V, IFTY FEET 11. t er - 6 ectors Sheriff an. 10. 185 49, CHARME& FLE, TCHER,, t t rl -ea r CIIAI�IJ9 DAYS,'_ Shoriff's Oace, Coderia., J I tOr.- - . . - - - alidex 9-' w4l;-T.-. PZ -0i rit� A t 25th Feb.. IS63. 14d IIGH1 LIG 1T LIGHT -ell e t i n Hre: .3 C r OCK-I& jOAL-OILS- LIND'S-, F R SAIE 1 5ii MR. Thiq tie uranct Co., ud dns lnds for on verr itd r 'Ali he'�l 1: in T vaptageouste. irs: 'For S -ale by. TTLX1 F.'JOADA iy 71 J-01IN �r­' -xoderich-, Jan. 17; 1h59", 50 -:ON-I `7 ONR -.TE-V.TH o107 -THE PURCHASE 10.19T IN CASH.AT1119 OF FURCHISS ne 110 y to Lend., BALANCE IN P C a IA it 'rm P 'Nine Equal. 1 nual lnstalmon%� n WWT -11,0-TCA 'i NTCAL .0.\ vert reasonah e'ternj5'­ A. pIV to T,'1L--.MECE1A ST Tit o'T. B. tii.tateret at �6 IjOYLE B pery UM C. W. -,,,'r r; ra-b -'s iTeiv, F000s owr li's bria S; IS: Tt) _7 rf KVEY. C b 19r. IF. Jdrda' Z :ore IVNSUIP OF 31011111 sWZ T -r A. Gr Oderret,-,9th Jan.- South 7 in'!Acoa.. 50 acres South S in'lst con Wacires, or S 6 ti fl) 4 11 in -2d con.1 adres. 00 acres ii in,3d con.1 I ;;T Y- T1TE CO -th 11 20 ih 4-h con., 4fta fft RUN I T- Y, Nor G n. h,con., 100 acres Norfli A V- i 4 4h. Too acres. n D. th 931 0 0 WNSIRP OF HOWICK: T Lots 2, 3,and 4 in i., 100 -acres ea - -tr L ANa Uf%Dr0.'-R711r*AKERy I 5th col wick Pro! bot, 7Fraat TWSI1IP OF GPEY noW AW, AT fO R trt,r,)o* ol-,26 in Ist con. acres, A Ga WESX� S T ODFR!Clff� 34 d 35 �n 4' con.,100 Acres eaQ. Lots a Lots 3 2 acrbseach, 99a MANU3FACTUREA Laiid "' in 6 eoti;�100 'r�- Lot 26 in 8 con.. ores,- �Loi 32 in 8 n-; -10OLacres,: t a -ie a-1 W9 G It a a in 10 6on; 100 4cres t 0rwa and -e C, aad L-Ailur in-varietv�dt- Lots 3' t J�j T -TOWNSHP �QF TUR BE41R-r 'N. 11. 3in I t rAYar- Civil D. G. has on ha ­1 1% c. mT ete.ai- c ds I n e d e Q . ..... Q Lnu� ni iriDmt -,Godeiich, S. [91 a re a u 3 i ApolytaMu -EsW .Esq. tarub dz,!, or TO 1111'. And G-t)rdivo,)tJ-t TITOMAS PIALT, C:j- Lim772n.; aken: In ei. -a,-ft and mr; lilac c1theraru w 43n "ror I on 0 of h o -A. 3 NY- 4v. IL H R 1 .8 T M'A- -6 aewled to in itilits r bran., hes- HOLIDAYPRES ew IFICAX 0'; GUNI ENTS a at UtOd-, C.:, r UNDETITAKIING9 are R re.�nevffiilly invlte� am ex Tov Book, Praer Book-, of all kihds ri to :kod grtatly ter fied berore -LAND AGEENT9 t.J and bu ies' Companions, ial a Lad' Square, Godarich. vrwo�)l and all :kitid-1c,. FarmiEFsPro iW ORK-BOXES WRITING- ASIES Cm N -17V Ware,,,O�Ll Oil n ;q' _VCF NAS;, iW� S -FO'R & 711 IE 141Vi.H.P00L W vaDaus oter iirlip!e "all c4eip 1, 1�p Aod, AND &LIFE able 'Jor. gel HOLIDAX 01FT81- C4 iii X, -3)E--.To A .01-3DER tial, X1,000 -4 G 0 r St., G Do tO -$t -ng�s --well With - lid !16M -Or rc -n'p - ;. - Assuralice Co. of London. rittania Life -h Little -FolkS. presents for t a ------ - OR S, A L Wa OTS 8 and 9L, ran j�-e B; in tfie -1 o -wnNb 4* 4-4 -,ne"' Iva-vir V heen-appoiniee of ip. k at the M t', .Jy at it *-I. vArt:va'3r 0, the Market. -t h,- ab Itiahly resnectable ac ri�s of pttill -4.ae of TRI-entfo! t cive 10 &T BUTLEWS. orn1fai d C - w -hore, -A� ztcl�k &::. les.i�,prprare to ccernt)(Ith'Fireand lot 29.,. Lal; $6 per acre; East My ')3 -lot 2 retors1utbca,4tee.v:quarWr ot in tne Goderich Dec. 18. IW.� on. most Liter sks,at moderat( rate,.a I r, remi urn. in eon W s. D A It 0 8 S-'; A a J. Au rms. .0 3� 40at resoflot 61, con., of the, Durham "aa -A rt;S 'Tiff) SW9 -,iJ 2n2i dollarc.per acre, ca t� 4L fload.tourn GOD ERICH rust jue n L T"Tw Apply to W1, ONr f SO& ATHEPALD WE '12� S;'T V-6&erich.- AIRRIALTD �0, T T% -T GODMICH -7;ED- U Vr.�FP., RAYnELD J" UsiaSIF of Siat* in ilts or qoAntfv- A_ no ING -W im Cd - mi Roll 9;- fin _A1e.c. Fliri(ll( 6 for 1117TV h jN1 V 1) N G rhade arrangenieAts wit Nlan trae wea im the W- C. V E -N Pavatest. all -TRI ELEA nWW -,i;- AV' - -turned t* t _y S jeh- Adltvs-%. flo- .0, 'Xiijur'Staiioner- (wht -IL rL rom 001 Pitila Vhllf with a tarze of -Biodiw-ra-nd Time --lies -terial), I-ain prepired Jo n commiss ors XN: A f� RX T ATESL for in 11je NDID- 3ut Printed at tea Der cent cheaper [IA ft 1% desirpus"of obtainin a G Comaxisisioneila H' ad-,. .-Service d n e 0 r_V . - 01i6eanBroad -of the Scho-, Is of -Aliita 'EL 23�LLX:fZL C,- t 4=� haft Toroit V1 t A(W iiiiissio 3e rep harge'. -n,- are equired, - C L , � =, - - a . - .7 . - . —1 C 0 aired free of J�W in- writimr for such -purpose; tbrough t ie 'rPHEtubseriber would anno To. -e lies I �neeii6- tjAblic 'has e iliat be on band a roe Brigade.,Majorof tho divisionberein rI _I nd A Ir 41111d d-es� Wagons, flar. and will make to arriag J. &.J1,-.3EEU011hLE4! L -.-E - R. LEATUR - FIVOINGS W.. GODEl"'Hil. V roarV 47wo AND i 04-riviace factory i5NW! 51113SCRTBE rpflr Rwisbes to-Tetue'n4bani-�'s JL -to the 011blie for Past faV&.Ar' creived - at their - _ rie bajid$-and would'beglo intiniate that be isdeter- Pinned -.to waggii as. CKEAPER THAN- EVEtR'. I will sell you - a waggon cothliletie� " -Iiir 955.05 eash.anda o1herthw-s:in*P' ortio X work .Irr,auted togvie Satis&aeflon. All kifids of Farming4iii-pWmenisma-de to order. Jr� 31cP11EP,$ON­ Ooderich, J an. 9th. 1$65. w:,w37 B0 a TJ S T-8 --'AND: an K SPRING; IND S'--­--R..1ff-11U JUST RECEIVED AV vile ka-GSTON ST., GODERICK. A-.. PAU IS SOLICM-1). A'B)'�- XerChgint Tan or, XAR=L t-QUARZ, GODELRICH R 'S, ON '11) X A !i4r,90, Mell-As 6ortied �STOCK 0F., ' TIME And a vai'letV of 14 811CY Anicle�, such As Shirts'Coll'arS, Neckties, Caps') �Whichheiis pr4r-rod to Sell, 'Cheap fM Citsh. G,i,--6Cft.Apii1 12, 11W5. IN file- Ist NIAY, tl e c Rim6yed to thebuilding, TBE AL will t - . n -UPFL at present ocedpied by the BafIL-Vi., IR ;4ZADA. - -TH031ASy Agent. Goderich 17thMa G-4 OD TA RM -oak i�. But it seeins tomb as if 'Natio . - I -to, . till Xti,iqns. 'bs and by, in lheirdes,14ir --blindw ed. swallowf-d Me Jouab. in isuch a wlkaw-s bAdilly.of ibin-3--biutish wastei Abaiiinable- yo; is �not"Iuariby,. as the Rule - of. what U13aser over what is Nobler, ilie one- life*,i MTStery worth complaining at, afiA, in I fl�e abomivation. of, abominauons Sprigging froiii avd Producimi- all others whatsoever 71 - ar- iftlhe natons universally, and-Englsndtob ih -holdon, way more ;�d vore-beth" themselves;of gg-Kh a Man, -avid � his Fifibeti6d and Pprforinnnee, w . Ah feelifigg farvibert*4 krepossibleatpresent. to,say of Min is finished i that io% it seems; was 4i bit of work appointed to. be 4oaqi— Adieu--ood readers;- bad, alsoii *di6­v.* AN KIND 0IPSlTVEa-W4xr-­-Azntd -its U "Vew Yerk;the rag;e for itovelty i I I ten vp avei y pretty device, which is.d "as a ;uIr-lim-re for silverumi-6, It A Jon notion* -and is said tolook- very fine. It vered irlawmre. The -)s - made double.. and the interstice between is filled -up with a sikvei- Ii -preparation, which whenitcoo*-adhem-- closelytothe glass� tasking the vitside.sad' Outside vpiideifully resemble polished Q*f,- As w�sbi�­ th&glass oply inakei A* 'Wverll' look brirlfl�r, withoutDf eattme Iftiffoviagmtty Cf -it Y-0111.1be ware;ihistlids aver A sJdeiiVunii There are.vases, goblets, pac6h. -bowls; tea -sets, zalv4irs, fruit -dishes. lawpv -�L-tc., all fasb;oned in Ais way$ und they i et li 1-� e 11, e -rea I ihiogi, -,th a ug1t they- are -a 6 more rbstly then- ordinqryjilass. go. trell: - body can have pretende(I klvir 3-f, 1hey -eft"Ot affoid real- f 'X�ie, The vase v0t11;wh"`4* cliasim;" can'be executed -10n gl =tlatln them to ornament theseartielesmW vlab&.r atelv and:6iarvases, titd to i i b qu�f cei" holders, et-,., -are bonce'rendered very liand some.. What shall we tome to next? When shall w.e. beable ta4lisainiinate befwftn, I real and.unreal-?" lotm Wd -before the Parliluent of N�vsi Sbfia V90 -0(1 - mo, of offers from Mr. Bryd;es of ibb -4 M;,;i f and X W�nli, ATr. Iteekie, for hi _r. Brikiso sev. and Mr. Livesev representitg iL' V -t a d- a f 'Blitish Crtdif *Mobilier "o*oob. 'All tbe3e gentlemen are ready to buildneither Ae Interco"Jonial road'o r- the ioeal r ­Province4 Jt.ap- - '1bvttXr.1A.v"Wsc pears - is conclidered by -the Government AX the-- beit w It' h h been Sabmitt6d to it, altCl t Ic as vincial Secretary-1as, Alter-efore, infiWoced totbe House of Atisezutly a molution. adth-, onziog ;hft 31idlptem to entdr, into Van to ccm�lete the railroad L from Tftr6 -ib AU borderg.b a Ia. ­ , fNe*RrgaSWjck—tb t'- *"- - -tiaily -to put RAllbax jate�qonnietim�with St. Jdhn,aud, when the Baligon is made with ill the coittibent Upon wring.n.otless fdvorable A.an thoof of Mr. I.Jvesey i and;9so, enter into eouUngUan 41m same terms for Ilie Toad frav� Wlidsot td Annapolis, by which'HodifiIix T.Athe put liftd Commitnlc�,Uon with the 3extreme-via w of As �1 -Nova.Scatian PeausuliL ' The tervu of Mr. Livesey arc, 4per � cent� guar L inteed. -upon an oul!avof X10,000 per MifeLlorAo rwA- frds Ti:qr; to 1he borderI, -smd en at soft X6,000 per. miile for the Weilem Proviuce . . moreover _ -was to falre stock 111i an 40 the Camp _T_ the'ex-jento V90 -ow. *W - to pay 14 liole cost vf bridjiro, the A�� -tjp�-Xr. Cardwelfau FMay introfteea'--A- most, important weasure.-.Re,ropom to permituny colory-whieb deserves it to aeaft and man u fbel; --ar even it neceftery 1to 'bine wrliotlierrolanies1rar iui-* -64a - . - VIM "I AJ16W Tht: plan-ado-pted ni !a k0JW*y.4_ establish a vivy�,oa tbes�hetne *I J16 Rqpr in 1110 iveni z-%Iav4l ltesprve,. vbiel� nivt -Will of war belbeld. under IDe Crown, but tlft&j�. ed atthe discretion, appamallyt- of 4be 19W for exaniple, jw J U Uditw yed.TEe Austra4smi r'. I itappears,wish tery much to,croMe A tmfti And Canada, when united, WIN: 1"'balAy kj-' ie Inrlova'Sob WHt t" low the example greatly to teduce the turden 4" Oreat Hrjlaii! ZCCU- 010. W - dcawiks--ft iwfs e even at Sea, and mems to Uve lb Mi designit-4 up�a solid and- 10expeiialva pripei. If elitain'Amorio-4 and-1fieCWorfies should Over be-eome- hearty A111014.. M" i much slore possible than �Ve*a nbe qply read teleirrams thimic, the Alo-gaxba race would 13�,uuftuttd.mastom a 11W But or W11TIAARAWAL OFTOX Saiict T9kV'M-AWWW . THF. TiticATY or 1817-1v--TJw Lob"-A6W of Maychi,;,4th-MysJ—Thi Lf*11qw1r& 144. -�Ma! f -1L.2 Xv (Virapinc Gitspawn ZrO Ithe L ,]LOX teq . I- . - -rows- -ash or oed dwel-t Ac any allU Teside. &e.,whitihWillbe soliip�eap'fore Wai nee To':nb3i,'�Tablats, T Applicants'muststa &Ah.etr age, rest IL apprOvederetlit. on hand an Ip" n viff retdby Mr. PardwO in' con 'Able-" t d fbi sale cheap W ra-s use 0 add 8 itud native '6�utitrv, afid T07L%s st )fflc�,e -; = I a it I Asa bad to� hilm irill recelvevrompt attent, ii)a FOR S"J&1LX no a us li s, a ruste Or I tmaItinit, with the rapplica Cate .41 ilr &" W 1 'C(int a J 40 A61relS 1,cheeriog Tlie & Cd- a Aining -w --- I—- - � CUTTERS nd SLEIGHS KS e -in life loc�l oring Inc- *4 his sor"Awle" 60&1k� ­ L F E k . %v4 Ike U*A. ISAAC ikift In S S31 ORE -01TUATE o MUM 330- GODERICH- C.. W-, 1ey live a lo m6 0A D in lbe Condon Fined* 4E witsh otice farThe Oro.-&-- �EWLJ_W fro t cl�rcpyman a ward inf ity- where t Is ral character -r� ar c h. e Village --Of Ex intends -to iitbdra won V1::toria8treet,c th eter. -On th eat w-.: PGwELL, Li6it 'Ca d 'y of 1817. (epamraing Xiin ere is a goo n of the tr ptaii iEftreet, Zxeterr, th. -the P D., A.,G tj -LB bowis on thpAukesi) And -64 A"Por$ en -31 ek J Wit- AWLEY PARN111- Adj'afani General's Ofti t TH G �"H e ind glM sy.tent -will edase imme4i A. A I` C 0 N r-, 1, Frame 4, ce, - - Q - . - nd young Pi4t* 4*X The e in erich- on- the Hairon Qu4be re.h. 4tb,� 1865-� -w7-.3tn A good well A -a fins -- ­; - . -- ' It will �be sold ve�y cheap;. The Mir R SALEA11 new. - S fro dod" C. 9� MILE FARM ry T T OX P; T 0 X 03, of - I� I .- 1. . .- Z . . . - - - -�­ L orchard. us article on 6* bad =14kwanoip 10 Ft*t,4, "�ECf., of aid DIV land is of the best clay loaini afil vell ti m Frdfieh infla k� OT3 -e6n A Towns every desc�riptioa -SELL01 SIM -DAVIS -of H6w'1ck,.' bered. Taenfions thrA 15 �W styl orkmani!xip. fqrftl�hed ion '.T0--LET-CrR 6y, e of % if by- of vartrid4w vere used -at -lowest ptice 80&rm; -to . s- NLTFACT In W eter,� on Teims madeAnowlii onanplicatio! 14A io Glcde-!� shatrnotiie; anilatthe A - L unlialro VRERS:AND DEA1AERSJV� rox ttbere rodurtion inade tor.'eash- The rirwill be let;otgold-on, very:: pre a_J_ or- 011L the �S'hoot,&WU�IV,00.0 Austlian xtae-ew-�­ tr C*e-hiLtR- above far I St rn -p4d, to Exeter p- oves'.Plou�,bs- and ,C stio-es of e"-ryJe# letter a -kA; We which Aow th ALL 011) ff ATTESDU 70, reasonable tcrms A wyolijin. Il'in, CQpW.'and eet-r" ET reiinises to Ell . �u futiru POV tov Sh a Ware, at JL:JJLd 0 at it to* 1500 Saws W&TCHNAXER THEGItAY ROAD 'rE T J. BLAKE, theStovaDe Xr Strectiti or DesignsorStonuments &Crmay oderich.' A McCONN -4 to kI o�naone i anand to "Praftft ST ST;.'GOE�F&l WE CH. �Pthous A' xate a wf 7iglItt6f 20tJ lbs. r seen at -the shop.. Haron Roa& ndbarn OIL -------------- -t4 er Ist. i�464. w124V tf -00AL X 6 qoaerich, March 6, IS65. lit Iron, Taim Or iT JGxRaii--N bamps, d 4- LEARED Ins -Act -,of 18fte -ofXr. Stotts"Sad4jery Next door -est W 9 ­ , 01 92-ACRE91 liT.'NuvDS '0 per,, 4 n -P Who* 4ey K Cutter- JX 41OCKS JEWELRY tg,* traleswAst. -hajngew -c 'd itors"' 'he unde"Ped 'are a,, an Brass, Ifav; �tnd Sheepskins !aken i -P to.., -AND" T"' M't'1111� Inn I learn com mun set -Am NGINE ­jftejat botified it'leiWay of edueidi 'STE I WATIMES -NOTIC 7., W. T1109A B 14 tomeet at itie nottri'ofianies Job i Gotlerich. Feb 26.11864, RISRURFMOX:�HPRT NOTICIE E Poft SAM ale vil L ETTAT Huev Am' the- learn some 'me rp ur I the Tow f A, ]BEAUTIFU at J 1 .1. -]IEL06 tADf Revision -fo inship a 7 t dws, the I -M2 in 10 Pima meetincr a 1_Q06. on oft, J eeiVI mi. X IL JG _A.0r,6. fLIt one JBI06k, -ease. forienoofi, fbi& the puy b4 beea est:Styte te AMY I - derich, will -hold its first - ng'state. 4e b & WarrgM A. -JL To Rent -or L -poseo? re fi;Ve *014 J t ed' nd IfIX C whom - 1,E*,rn to prefer honest industry to. a ofine I Room, H�Itgesville, on Mondayi, OTS t e -his a fr avieeto LAR(jslLy IMPROVF.D and conveniently sitnat ' - h First � oheession, oi airs and ofsarnin, f Vtownslilips f Colhorue,- W. D -j about1syo )r xtatelrP to. At FORSALE ALW, C-0100 Asi0j"kXT j"4 .-OPPOAItoelh m*L-0 sli meat under, Abe tbov I T - When joen fpd WON" 4 April next, f6r thep'urpoger 0 al6ng the bgitk 4 the River� 6 in eA 7 7JU jj& J?Iate-d- &O-wel y, afthregi the 24t TowaoftioUrichaitAthe6fid le sta 1 -06 h�ftden V*",-Mwb� i N eva SHAW -h. Act. 5Lh7 expeo to It lzell) e - ksse�srnent� &C 7, . VM14 nuft& apg C 'i hearing jeals against v fi*jdand. take Harfin Ifatl �04 miles from G.oderi� Apply -to .4 JOHN HE1KL'Ey:-,- Da _d at Iftu 'Ic village, -the I - of A04, -till the Apgy, to ya KARY. el -N =xrw Z -2t B GORDON. ESQ 11� 'Clerk.-, J, i-hthouie`st..�Go RENny C. PUGM W48 P_ deirich. ood. , I ­ 'W16 r , I. 1 .0 ­­ 0310"Y'r W8 3 -W4 w12 be' 5tf - Go w-41swl9 26th 1864 ee�aberSth; 1864. July Gounck T I "I L Lit it