The Blyth Standard, 1947-07-16, Page 1THE ,_�_s_„�- - .ter..-. .-.a_ • - VOLUME 57 - NO. 45. LATH STA DAR Auburn Community Holding Gar- den Party To Aid Hall Fund -0- In Aid Of Commnity Hall Fund The Auburn Community is holding an old-fashioned Garden Party on Wednesday night, July 23rd, in aid of the Community hall fund. The need for a community hall in Auburn is urgent, and the Auburn Conlntunity hlall Association is planning several activities in aid of the fund. 'fhe Gar- den Party on the night of July 23, will be an outstanding evening c f enter- tainment. A splendid supper, spon- sored by the Auburn W. I. will be served in the basement of Knox Uni- ted Church. This will he followed by an outstanding program on the Ang- lican Church Grounds and Dr. Weir's ,lawn. So that all may. hear with case, an annplify:lig system .IS been engag- ed, An added feature will be a hard- ball game between 'I'ceswater and Au- burn, at 7 p.m. Plan to attend this outstanding event, and lend your sup- port to a worthy community cause. v Morris Township Council The regular meeting of the Ilullctt Township Council met on July 7th in the Community hall, Londesboro, at 7 p. in, The Reeve and three members of the Council being present. Mr. Leslie Reid being absent. The minutes Friends here will remember Kather- of the last regular meeting of June 2, inc Liddle, daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. and Special meeting of June 4th were Charles Liddle, formerly of Blyth, as read. a winsome, studious little girl, Ac - Motion Tiy, Wit. J. Dale and \V, R, cording to a clipping from the Kin- in his 64th year. Ile wiles born on the cardiae News, Katherine is still excel- issued by Agricultural Office, Clinton farm now owned by Cameron Walsh, Jewitt, that the miti'iitcs of the last The cherry crop in the County is regular meeting of June 2nd, and Spe- cial meeting of June 4th, be adopted as follons; "If Katherine Liddle ui light but pricent s a havre eye raood. delay cehtion of two years in the west, in as read. Carried• ter of M r. and \frs• Charles Liddle of the Ilelgrave community. Funeral ser - Motion by Jewitt and J. ira Rapson, Rivley is inclined to make the most of in haying operations in various parts vices were held from his late residence that the Road Supt. buy 50 lbs. 2, 4, d'.the summer vacation period b y just of the County, but have been very hen- sunuat Belgrave, Wednesday, Jlily 16th, at and that we hire Jack Little to apply plain "enjoying herself" there arc eficial to spring crops and pastures' 1.30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Moores those who would be inclined to say Recent communications concerning of It 'grave United Church. Pallbear- it at $4.00 per hour, Carried. the delay of the arrival of Western Motion by Jewitt and Dale, that we she was deserving of the holiday. Ire- cr> were, Edward \1'ightutan, Jame:; Gently Katherine tried her entrance harvesters are rather vague, hut as- Walsh, Gordon Walsh, Wilbert Proc- itypay a grant o! $100.tM to the Conunun surancc has been given that the Hall Board. Carried. examinations after completing the giro quota of workers asked for Will on - tor, Herbert Wheeler, and Jos. Dun Motion by Rapson and Jewitt, that work of grade seven and eight in one bar• luteimciit for brother and sister year, The results showed her well up be coming without any further loss of was made in Br °don cemetery. the Clerk write George B. Eberhart, bnc. coming the men were s of Re- His letter of Jtutc 27th. as our in the honor list. Aside from her One brother, laugh Camphc'.I of By_Law 1947-1 reads that we pay .06c school work she prepared and success- tiled to arrive in the Count) (luring Franklyn, Man•, survives. Tw•c ether full passed grade one theory and the first week of July. To dace oil)' brothers arc predeceased. A. R. Tas- per yard for gravel, the Council feels )' i 11 western men have been placed in that it cannot pay more, Carried, grade eight music examinations. kcr, of Blyth, is a nephew. Motion by Rapson, and Dale, that --•-v- e--- the County, and there is still a very _______v - we list of farnicrs Wafting for help. w'e place our Road Insurance with the Watches Progress Of Town A number of Junior Club meetings,, Continental Casualty Company for Londesboro Gets Revenge With Interest were helot throughout the County last $10000,00 and $20000.00 and 2000.00 Pre -week. The Blyth Baby Beef Club met Blyth dropped their third straight mm of $100.(X) Also Fire and Theft Mr. and M rs. William Hcfiron and on Tuesday evening at the farm of me intermediate fixture on the Londcsboro on the Power Mower. Carried. family of Noranda, Que., are visiting win Woods, of Blyth, with 11 ntentbers ball diamond last Friday night. It vas Motion by Jewitt and Dale, that we with relatives in this district. Theypresent• The South. IIuron Junior their final game of the regular sclted- insert an add in the Local Papers ask- follow with interest the weekly local Farmers, numbering about 100, spent tile, and Londesboro Won quite .hand- ing for applictions for the job of op- happenings as reported in The Stand- a very enjoyahTe clay at a p'c•,'c in ily by a score of 20 to 4. It was sweet crating the Power Mower at 50 cents aril, and remarked favourbly on the Queen's Park, Stratford, on \Vednes- revenge for an earlier defeat suffered per hour. Also asking for Tenders for progressive spirit which has been evi- dna) last. The Seaforth Swine Clubon the Blyth dimond by the Lond,es digging the Tile laortion of the Yung -dent here during the past few years. members met at William Turubull's koro B. A. boys. bluff Drain. Applications to be opened Bill is a Lion and regretted very ouch farm, at Brussels, on Thursday evening Londesboro took an early lead in the Tuesday, July 15th at 8 p. in. Carried. that there were no regular meetings July 10th, with 15 in attendance. The game, and clinched it with a 7 -run bar - Motion by Rapson and Dale, that we of the local Club while he was at home. Clinton Grain Club, sponsored) by the age in the seventh, Errors were num- write W. Archibald and ask hint if he Mrs. 1-Ieffron has been, and still is, Clinton Junior Farmers, met in the Ag- crofts and costly for Blyth, who were would undertake the work on Munici- actively interested in a Hi -Teen Clubricultural Office on Friday evening;' ably to score only 1 rum in the second. pal Drains. Carried. in Noranda. Referring to a recent it- with 13 members present. At each of two in the fifth, and .one in the sixth. \totioq; by Rapson and Jewitt, that em in The Standard on the snow found these club meetings, instruction is gin- 'Flumes'and Pollard hurled for Blyth. the accounts be paid. Carried, by the Radford Construction Co., in en in judging of livestock or grain, Carter and Tarts were on the mound. Motion by Jewitt and Rapson that t he Thilermory district, Mrs. 1-Icf- tvhich ever the case may be, and do is_ for Londeshoro, Glenn Atkinson look - we do now adjourn to meet Tuesday, frou remarked that they had a mixture cession is held relative to the ►prti- ed after the catching duties for Blyth. July 15th at 8 p m Carried of show and rain at Noranda on July ularproject.Umpires: J. Cowan and G. Cowan. SOME FINE CROPS The crops in this section of \Vest - ern Ontario are described by travel- lers as the hest they have seen in their travels, and anyone who has clone any travelling is Inclined to agree with them. Proof of this fact was brought to The Standard Office this week• Last week we reported some fine hay on the farm of \tererlith Young, Sat- urday night Boyd 'Taylor brought some stalks of Timothy and !Ironic Grass to the office which Were conservatively measured at 5'2 feet. Joseph Shaddick of Ilullctt brought in some oats that were well headed out, and measured 4 feet, 7 inches tall. Pete 1.ittle of Iiullett, who was in the shop at the time said that he could produce hay as high as the horses hacks. All of which speaks well for the local feed situation next winter. has travelled extensively. She has And still they grow taller. On Tues- made 16 Atlantic crossings, and just there, but for the past twenty-five da • night Mr. Ilenr • Gloushcr brought before the war she went to visit in South Africa. She remained there )'cars had lived in Clinton. She Was in some bearded wheat. The °feeta member of the United Church. Fun- ing stick registered exactly 6 feet 1 seven years because of the inability to eral service were held on 'Tuesday, inch to he tip of the beards, procure transportation home during t I the war, and returned to Canada a July 1st, at 2 pin, from the home of ago. Mrs. Glennie is her brother, Htinry Campbell, Bel- year-ands-halfd , I grave„ with Rev, G. H. Dunlop offi- POl'nlel Blyth Girl Showing Icaviut, on the Queen Elizabeth in Sep - Ability As Student tembcr, and plans to spend) the winter .'"ting. Pallbearers were John Tas- ker, Alpert Tasker, Gerald Campbell, Hugh Campbell, Charles Elliott, and Joseph Dunbar. Huron County Agricultural Henry Campbell, also a son of the Highlights late Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Campbell, was BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1917 Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Outstanding• Pipe Band To New Industry To Be Built Fall Fair Prize List Will Include Be Here For Tattoo A new industry, The Huron Tile Cu., The Highland Light Infantry Pipe with rive brothers, William and Dan Band (2(1 strong) will be one of the I Riehl, both of Blyth, as owners, will feature attractions at the monster hand shortly make it's appearance here. tattoo to be held here on August 13th, The Riehl Bros, plan ;o erect a build- r., Fair Watch for further announcements ing adjacent to Blyth, and near the 11111 Booster Adverbs -I This year's annual Blyth Fall Fair and advertising pertaining to this gut_ site of the former Brick yard, and have ing Being Solicited Prize list will include an amateur standing event for which tickets are! already secured the necessary equip- Local and district businessmen and class for amateur needlework. Any_ note on sale from any member of the ment for the manufacture of Concrete farmers, who advertised in last year's one with 25 entries or less are eligible I11yth Lions Boys and Girls hand. A Drainage Tile. It is hoped to -have annual Blyth Fall Fair Prize List, are . for this new class, tvhich is meant to great evening of IIImsIC is in store for building operations started in the ion- reminded that the time is again at encourage new exhibitors, and from all who attend. mediate futtre. hand for compiling the 1947 prize list, which so-called professionsIs will be y v--- and the Fair Board are again soliciting barred. The class includes prizes for Brother And Sister Die co-operation from all those desirous of the following work: Handmade lace Mrs. J. Glennie, Point Clark, placing an advertisement in the prize I dinner cloth, buffet set, 3 pieces, van - Is World Traveller A brother and sister, Henry Camp- list. it is an excellent medium for ad- ity set, 3 pieces, baby's jacket and bon - A former resident of Blyth, and a Uelf and Miss Minnie Campbell, died vertising and is widely circulated. Any net, knit, baby's jacket and bonnet, widely -travelled lady, Mrs, J. A. Glen- within little more than two weeks of one interested is invited to contact The crochet, luncheon set, 5 pieces, runner nie, of Point Clark, has heen visiting. each ether, Minnie Campbell, died at Standard office, or J. 13. Watson, both and 4 place mats, chesterfield set, 3 this week with Mrs. k. M. \Ichay Clinton on Sunday, June 29th, and her of Blyth. Do this at once. pieces, pair of fine socks, ladies knit - and Miss Olive McGill. Mr. and Mrs. brother, henry Campbell, died at hi, --- ted gloves, pillow slips, embroidered, 1 Glennic resided here in 1911 when Mr hnine in L}elgravc, on Sunday, July 1,3. Glennic was bank manager here. '\'hey Muth were children of the late \I r• and moved from here to Lucknow. For' Mrs. John Campbell. the past number of years Mrs, Glennie Miss \Bocce Campbell, who was in her 61st year, %vas a native of East \Vawanosh, She spent her early years Amateur Class c Accounts 1st. v The 131yth Midgets won a home Medical Welfare Board, rebate $1.68;. - V game last Wednesday night against Geo. W. Cowan, stamps, 4?5 ; Geo, W. Showers Bad For Hay Listowel by the score of 16-5. The Cowan, part salary, 70.00; Com111una) Morris Township Council Freak showers have been the order Midgets did a good job in this game. Hall Board, grant, 100.00; Lavis Con_ The Council met on July 7, in the of the day in this community, and it and are well up in their group stand- struction Co., bulldozer, 108.50; A, Township (fall with all the members is definitely not helping the heavy ing. Waymouth, grader repair, 1.80; lL M. except Charles Coultes present, The hay crop which is ripe for harvesting. The Blyth Girls team lost a tough Campbell, grader repair, 6.00; H. Em- Reeve presided. Many amusing incidents have been one on Tuesday night to Momkton by merson, tile, 3.79; George Good, grader The minutes of the last meeting reported, one of them being where the close score of 8-7. The girls had repair, 3.00; Gordon Radford, gas and were read and adopted on Motion of a farmer was forced to stop work I one had inning when Monkton scored oil; 134.19; J. L. Bell, washout, 5.00; Joseph Yuill and Sam Alcock, as the result of a heavy shower, while 6 of their 8 runs, but in spite of th's, A. McClure, culvert. 5.50; Bert IIog- Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- his neighbour just a few rods away carte within an eyelash of winning the gart, culvert, 6.!;0; F. Phillips, tele- ed by Joseph Yuill, that road accounts went merrily on with his haying op- game. They play Goderich here to - phone line, 23.00; Wm. Carter, road as presented by the Road Superintend_ orations. The writer came from Clin- night (Thursday). Supt., 48.00; George Mann, snow, 7.00; est he paid. Carried, ton on Tuesday night where the wreath- V Henry Glew, snow, 7,09; Ed. Craig, Moved b • Joseph Yuill, seconded by er was fine and dry, On reaching', sncw, 7.00; A. Craig, snow, 7.00; At Sant Alcock, that $900.00 be deducted Blyth it had rained heavily, and pools No "Over" In Printer's Copy drew Craig, snow, 7,00; James Handy, from the assessment on John T. Mc- of water were lying on the roads. Newspaper editors arc probably the snow, 7.00; H. Johnston, snow, 7.00; S. Caughey's buildings on account of the v most criticized people in the world, Collins, snow, 2.25; Theo Dale, snow, house being burned. $150.00 was de- CONGRATULATIONS source their mistakes are often the 2.25; James Freeman, snow, 3.75; El- ducted from Robert Biggins' assess source for many a laugh. It is the one gin Dale, snow, 2.25; 'County of I-Ittron; ment for bush exemption. Carried. Congratulations to Mrs. Glenn vocation in which you cannot retrace snow, 16.00; A. \Va)mouth, grader op., ,\loved by Harvey Johnston, second- Kechnie, who celebrated her birthday your steps, and cover up your mis- 103.20; Wm. Dale, car expenses, 4.00. ed by Sant Alcock, that Court of Re_ on Tuesday, July 15th.takes. Once it's printed, the jokes on George W. Cowan, Clerk. vision on the Assessment Roll be Congratulations to Mrs. Frank Whit- , the editor, if there's a mistake. With - closed. Carried, more, of Goderich, who celebrated her out exception, editors usually cuss un- . Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- birthday on Friday, July 1101. der their breath, but grin outwardly CCIr cd by Sam Alcock, that a grant of $30. Coneratulat'ons to Mrs. A. R. Tas- when a mistake is drawn to his attn.he given Blyth Fall Fair. Carried. ker who celebrated • her birthday on tion. M Moved by Joseph Yuill, seconded by Tuesday, ,July 15th. One thing we would like to bring to O . ; Sin Alcock, that the meeting adjourn Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. the attention of the public is that to meet again on August 5th, 1947 at 1 Iflarvey McCallum who celebrated there is no such word as "over" in p.m. Carried. their third wedding anniversary on printer's copy. By t'••'' mean, do Accounts Paid: Tuesday, July 15th. not write on the reverse side d.t a sheet Pearson, Edwards Co, auditing 210.00 ; Congratulations to Norman W. Col- of paper when sending in news. \Ve Advance -Times, advertising, $3.30; clottgh, of Goderich, who will celebrate have forgotten, and will forget to turn Municipal World, assessor's supplies,' his birthday on Monday, July 21st. I it seer, and thereby will omit items -_V 14.92; Richard Alcock (Laidlaw Drain) I Congratulations to Mrs. C. i.• Burn- which w•e want. Another t ting, please BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July 20. 10.15 a. in.: Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.: Connnutnion Service. 7 p. tn.: Evening Worship TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH $258.60; Jack Loewe, spraying $614,50; side. of Bradford, who v'i11 celebrate write names of place( and people 7th Sunday after Trinity I Clarence White, -spraying $64.50; Chas. her birthday on Sunday, July 20th. , plainly, particularly if they are strang- 11 a. m.: Sunday School, ' Contltes, repairs to township truck, 2.0(1; \1 ers in the connunntnity. thereby help - 7.30 p. 1n.: Evening Prayer and Ser_ Riverside Motors, gasoline, 54.46; John BAND PLAYED FiNE CONCERT ' 'lig us to keep our mistakes to a mini - mon. Rev. H. C. Jennings, L,Th„Falconer, wood for relief, 43.en; Jack 1 AT MILVERTON mom. Even if you do all this we still Rector of Morpeth.\Nilson, relief account, 20.15; Bill Cele- A large and appreciative audience will make enough for the odd good TRINITY, BELGRAVE man, painting sign on track, 1.00; heard our Blyth Lions Boys and Girls laugh. 11 a. ni.: Sunday School. Hfoward Clark, supervisor for spray- Band from the band stand in \f ilver- 11.45 a. 111,: Morning Prayer and ing, 81.50. s ions last Sunday evening. Many local BIRTHS Sermon. George C. Martin, Clerk. citizens followed the hand. Under the ST. MARK'S, AUBURN -V I baton of A. C. Robiuosn the band gave 11L\I.\•-in Clinton Public Hospital, 9.15 a. nt.: Sunday School, Mr. George Johnston, of Niagara a splendid concert, and were attentive- I on Saturday, July 5. 1947, to Mr. anti 10 a. nn.: Morning Prayer and Ser- Falls, spent a few days with relatives ly received and roundly applauded by i Mrs. Sarto Mealy, of Blyth. the gift anon. here, this week. 1 a large Milverton audience. f of a damsloer-Donna Marie, Decoration Service, Sunday pair, pillow slips, lace trim, 1 pair, The annual decoration service for the initials or nlonagram, towel, embroider - Blyth Union Cenletc>:y will be held on ed, towel, lace trim, bath towel and Sunday, July 20th, at 3 p.tn. face cloth, hooked mat, braided mat, The address will he delivered by Mr. lady's costume slip, work apron, lady's Moores, of Belgrave, and Rev. W. J, nightgown, lady's pyjamas, ia,!y's pull - Rogers of Blyth will tss,st over sweater, embroidered cushion, A cordial invitation is extended to lady's knitted scarf. everyone to attend this service. Good prizes are offered in this class, v�_ ars! it is hoped that all those who have nes, been accustomed to exhibiting will ATTENDING MASONIC GRAND tante advantage of this opportunity LODGE SESSIONS For further information get in touch Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Philp and fail- with the Fair I3oard Secretary, Miss ily are holidaying with relatives in Lena Livingston, Blyth. Toronto this week. Mr. Philp is in at- , A fine list of prizes for the school tendance at the Masonic (*;rand Lodge children has also been released, and Sessions. all those interested in competing are ""`-r"" also asked to contact the secretary. SELLS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY M r, Harvey s1cCallunt Inas sold his P~`-...... residential property on Queen Street, PERSONAL INTEREST South, to Mr. Thomas Mason, of Suml- nteritill, who gets possession July 25th. Mrs. A. Brigham and .Miss Enid, V spent the week -end in Brussels. Engagement Announced Rev• R. M. Weekes of Glencoe was Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips, of Blyth, a visitor here on Monday. announce the engagement of their old- Mrs. Orval McGowan and Kenneth, est daughter, Anne, to Garnet Ernest and Mrs. Laurie Scott, Bobby and McCreary, M.A., of :\ones, Iowa, son Ronald, spent Tuesday at Bayfield. of Mr. and M rs. W. J. McCreary, \\Ford has been received that Dr. D. \lerrickville, Ontario, the marriage to G. llodd has arrived safely at his des - take place August 9th, 1947, in the tinction in Harrington Harbour. Miss Edith Lockhart, and Mr. and Blyth United Church Mrs. Stuart Robinson are holidaying ^V 11 a cottage at Hunter's Beach, north Lions Frolic Date, Aug. 21 S Goderich. The date for the 'I'hird Annual Blyth Mr. and Mrs., Finlay McGowan, Lions Frolic has been 'set for Thurs. and Marianne, of Fergus, day, August 21st. spent Sunday with Mrs. •Alex. Mc- cottage plans for the evening's Gowan. affair were made at an executive meet- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stewart and Miss ing of the Club, held recently over Marjorie, spent Sunday at the home of which the new President, Lion Bert Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox, near Brus- Gray, presided. Tickets for the annual sets. raffle, are now on sale, and a total of 1)r. and Mrs. H. A. McIntyre, Miss 22 good prizes will be drawn for. Fur- Dorothy and Mr, John McIntyre, and ther arrangements for the Frolic Will M r. Gerald Nelson, all of Clinton, vis - be made as the elate draws closer. In ited with Miss Josephine Woodcock the meantime, get your share of the on Sunday. tickets, and keep the date open, Aug- Miss Annie Lyddiatt spent a few list 21st. Remember every cent raised days this week with her grandson, by your local Lions Club is expended Gerald Lyddiatt, of Niagara Falls, Ont. for the betterment of the community, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P"""' A. Barr were, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. 111. S. Meeting Barr, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen- erfhc Women's Missionary Society of Finnigan and family, West Wawa - nosh, Mr. and \Ers. Kenneth Cunning - the United Church held their annual haus of Camp Borden, and .Mr. and 'Mission Band meeting on Monday, \frs. Courtland Kerr and family, of July 14, at 8 p. nn., with a good attend- Betnntniller. mice, In the absence of the President, 111r. Andy Kyle, of St. Catharines, is Mrs. Rintoul took charge of the Meet- spending two weeks' vacation with his 'ing. parents, N. W. and Mrs. Kyle. The meeting opened ,with prayer Mr, and Mrs. Orval Cook and fant- and a welcome to the Mission Band, ily, of Mitchell, arc visiting relatives 'in then Hymn 249 was sung, and Mrs. thts community. Hodgins read the scripture with Mrs, tMr. and Mrs. Roland 'Vincent spent \Vightinleading inprayer. After last wreck in their cottage at Bogie's the minutut es of the last Meeting were Beach• read frs. Phillips sang a Much ap- Nils and M rs. John Stewart spent predated solo, and the offering was Sunday at the home of Mr. \V. J. taken, Cockwell, Donegal, and attended the At this til11e the meeting was turned Memorial Service at Donegal Ceme- over to Mrs. Falconer, who is presi- tery on Sunday evening, dent of the Mission Band, and she said Mrs. S. W. Sibthorpe, and Donna because of band practice there wasn't Iean, spent a few days last week with as many of the Mission Band present friends at \fcaford. as might have been any other night. Mrs. A. Fawcett is visiting in Dun - After the Call to Worship, hymn 251 clank. was sung. Scripture by Howard Tait. Mr. and Mrs. James Hay of Eg_ Prayer by Mrs. Fairservice. Ann Ru mondltille visited on Monday with Mr. therford and Carol \l;u•ks gave a cute and .firs. Duncan McCallum. little recitation. Janis Morritt sang a Miss ' Irene \icCallum spent the solo. Peace herald be Beth Powell• week -end with her parents, Mr. and Instrumental by Miss Mills. Recita- M rs. Duncan McCallum. tion by Marlene Walsh, also a reading Mrs. Alice Brown, of London, spent by Betty Tait. Watchtower by Joan the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Har- 1lodgins and Rese Marie Whitfield vcy Brown. gave a reading. The plain speaker of \[r. Tltonnas 'Wallace of Newark, N. the evening was Miss Clare McGowan J., is visiting with relatives and who gave a very interesting talk on friends in the community. "Giving". She went on to tell how Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Wallace have just one penny put with a lot more returned after an extended and enjoy - could help so much to buy Bibles for able vacation in Newark, N.J. China, India and Africa. She told a \irs. S. Cunning has returned home true story of hew people of China had after a visit with her daughter and heard about our depression away back son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Brad - quite a few years ago and how they ley, of Fort Frie. gathered enough money to scud one Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taman of hundred and five dollars toSduthern Saskatoon are visiting with Mr. and Saskatchewan where they hadn't had Mrs. J. 13. Stewart. a crop for ):ars, ands they 'did this by v just giving their pennies or as mush as they could spare. Then she also HOME FROM HOSPITAL asked the children, or hnnyone, to save all tine used stamps as she was saving Mrs. R. H. Robinson returned to them to make money for missions. her home in Blyth on :::`"rc''•ty follow - After this very instructive address ing a long period in the Clinton Public there was an in,trumental by Rhea hospital. Mrs. Robinson was, taken to Hal and hymn 587 was sung, The I,the Clinton, 1•,o. Mod on March 27t1t, nte:ting was closed with the \lission i with a fractured hip. Friends arc very Band prayer. I glad to see her inolre e ;aia. TEA a 0, lb/ SYNOPSIS 1'1!.11'1'1 II \\w• ?Ic('ane goes to Hsu tuv anti rumm.,ttt.s in the lrunic. ]lo . naps uPo" a I:i ilte black silk handker- t h!, t. Soatl. my 1le('alc seems 10 100 14; the hand kers hw( Is the key to the whole p, st. r> . CHAPTER XXV "Very %sell. You don't talk. You d.., !moss %shy the murderer did not Lill Sybil this afternoon." He was ;.sate that she draw away from hint. "'That was a mistake, wasn't it, not finishing the job:" She set her 11101011 in a hard line. Ile looked his c\asperation. He shrugged then and turned to the door, 1\ here stood a startled .hiss 1 igclo\r. 111 the library called his assn w crcd. "You dope," she said at once, "where are you: Of all the crazy things—" "Deep it," Ile grnoled. "Rocky there, Pot him on," He waited a moment, tapping his toot impatiently. "Hullo, boss." "Diel you get those pictures? A list? head them off," ,. ,. 1 "Okay, coming through..:\ couple of football players; some guys in a canoe; a petty officer; a jockey (no horse); a marine, hind of dejected looking; an army lieutenant; and whoops, an acrobat!" "1'uu fascinate nu, chum. Go rnl. 'That's all.' "Sure?" "l'ositivcly.' "Uh uh, lint \\ hat i thought. Okay, flop on over here." t'\\'here are wo,!:" "Oh, I forgot to tell you The 11i,gelous. :slake it snappy. This is the kill." He dialed headquarters, asked for 1)011levy "Donlevy, l'nt tt the Iligelow•s'. Can you get own- here on the double quick? I've solved the Vallaincourt- l.wttn basin s5, Proof ? Of Course i've got proof. Yeah, in twenty min- utes—sooner if you can. Goodbye." it came—as he meld the receiver a moment too long at his car. Ile heard Uottlevy put do1sn his instru- once more, 111 cCale number, Ann ate • Make with the needle, Juniors! 11fake this bustle-frock—it's swoon material! Pattern 4659 is a cinch to sew. Top and skirt are each ONE piece! Flirty back -cascade may be cut hip -length if you pre- fer, Pattern 4659 in Jr, Miss sizes 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13, 3. yds., 39 inches, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, 'I ororn- tQ, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, meat, 'then, BROWN w.N.0 FEATURES so nearly after it that the sound was almost simultaneous, carte another soft click, as SotilCote else carefully cradled a receiver. \IcCale and Miss 13igelow were in the library, He leaned against the mantle and spoke in a soft, ruthless voice. "This is ,,ie end, Miss Bigelow. It will he alJ over in a few minutes, The police aFe on their way." "Strange," ' he said. "Both you and I saw tlic murderer the after- noon of Curt'. \'allaincourt's death. Besides that,, all the clues have pointed in the saute direction. 1, at least, should have remembered the complete picture -of that afternoon." "Clues? Pointing to—?" She shook her head. "Yes—a figure in the dark outside the house that afternoon. Sybil bathed in sherry in order to drown out %what she saw. A vis0 by Daren to The Abbey Club the night before, .\ picture missing from the collec- tion of Shari Lynn's admirers, A 1evolver in a family, where, to es eryone's knowledge, a revolver had never been owned, and last, but not least, not at all the least—this." 11e drew the black silk handker- chief from his pocket. 11er brow wrinkled, "But—I2ut 1 still don't under- stand," Ile went on, softly, inc.surably, ,. . +. "The tluuble in solving this crime lies in the fact that in the failure of the original plot, everyone had a motive, \'ou arc aware by 110w of the plan to gain control of the 13ig- clow millions through Curt \ allain- court. Stephen met Curt in Chicago, through Victoria or vice versa. Curt and Victoria had an affair, even though he was married to Shari Lynn at the time, 1 -le and Shari probably had some sort of arrange- ment, for the only business Val- laincourt practiced was preying on calth)' women." I\liss Bigelow's chin came up. She seemed to be steeling herself for what she knew was to cone, "\'alaincourt probably intended to starry \ ictoria until he found that the Bigelow fortune was con- trolled by you, to be passed on to Veronica at her marriage." "To Veronica's husband, Mr. Mc - Cale." "Yes, yes." Ile held up his hand. "How he obtained this information is theory, but not illogical theory. In view of the nonchalance of his character at that time and the open, too worldly outlook of both Victoria and Stephen, it is not wrong to assume that, in a moment of rail- lery, they told hint, Possibly they mentioned that Ite was barking up the wrong tree—that while you al- lowed Vicky and Stephen generous allowances, the real gold bags were Veronica's, with )'our and Sybil's approval, of course. Yes, the whole thing must have hatched before Victoria and Stephen carie house to prepare the way, for in the mean- time Vallaincourt had to divorce Sl.ari Lynn, no doubt promising that when he got his hands on the stoney and salted away a few million, he would renege and remarry Shari." * * * "Ilow horrible." She shuddered. "i3ut Stephen and Victoria? What would they have gained:" "That's where the real Machia- vellian touch came in. Victoria, no doubt, thought Curt would starry her eventually and that they would live on Veronica's money. You see, there were two w•onien Curt fooled." "Fooled?" "Of course. But to go back a bit. Victoria brought Curt home as a friend she had run into in New York. Ile wooed Veronica, who for- got her childhood romance with Christopher Storm overnight in the excitement of the biological spell \'allaincourt was able to cast. Everything was going fine. The wedding over, a few months for Curt to manipulate the Bigelow money, and Victoria would have Curt. Stephen would have—he thought—Karen." (To Be Continued) • Down the Hat —Jost as we eat hot dogs and ice cream cones at curbside sl,'tds, Hollanders eat raw herring, product of the catch that makes the little nation world's third biggest fish producer. Here Dutch women, faces skyward, enjoy a finny snack -10 cenlsla fish, and they sometimes eat five at a ses- sion—at Scheveningen Harbor, near The Hague, where 110 fishing boats haul in the day's catch. ).NNE FIRST y� rte, eeA_ Woman -T o-Wornan Basis Is The Best YOU arc a widow with a responsible * position, and a daughter in Iter * 20's. Since your husband died, * your life has been lived to stake * her 'happy. She went to college, * she embarked upon personal well- * tures at your expense. You sup - 'r plied her with a fine social back- ground, a smart wardrobe, a * generous allowance, trips when she * wanted them. Yet today she is * your Problem No. 1. For the past few years she has withdrawn herself in o r e and more from you. She Inas shut you out of her personal life. You've planned vacations t0 please her, and at the last Linin- * Lite she has dashed off with girl * friends who knew her intentions * all along. 1ler dates are with nice * men, but aside front introducing * them, she tells you nothing in her * heart. YOU raised herr to think for herself, * 30%1 standing by with guidance * when she wanted it. why now flocs * she shut you SO completcly out of her private life? * MOTHER OR FRIEND? 1012 S'liVlil('.Il. I'L,ll S you've lived on the sidelines, :no7wiug noth- ing that occupied her real thoughts, Your Handwriting By and You Alex S. Arnott What indications are there in handwriting that tell us the %%niter can be secretive? when you see letters tied with a small bow or knot it tells Its the writer can keep his own counsel, Ile refrains from being too frank. Any letter tied in this way is a good indication of this, particular- ly in the letters "a" and "o." How secretive the writer can be is shown in the number of times the knots appear in the script and also in how closely the knots are tied, A very tight knot in- dicates more secretiveness than a loose knot, When letters "a," et " el „ ,1 „ O o, f, y and g'' are tied twin.'% a knot you can be sure the writer is also persistent and will seldom admit defeat. If the writer should be compelled to give way through force of circumstances, he will return later and continue where be left off. ANor Loose TicHr Anyone wishing a more complete analysis please send self-addressed stamped tnvelopt to Box E, room 421, 73 Adelaide St, 'Vest, Toronto. There is no charge for this service. "HRH 1" Princess Elizabeth has just ac- quired her first automobile, which she will drive herself. Like all other cars owned by -tete Royal Fancily, itis a Daimler, although lighter than those used by the Kittg and Queen, and bears the license number "HRH L" You've g1 'ern up all personal desires. 'You could live with a woman friend and 7101 be lonely, but you felt you must keep up the home for your daughter's sake. Well, your girl is spoiled, for all your careful training. TO her you are only the giver of good ,%huts. She has taken all your sacrifices for granted. She has come to ser you more as a father who pat's her bills, to 7wh0ut she owes 710 filial con- fde111.. 'I'IIIS you must change. !lake a * life—not apart from her—but for 1 yotn•self. Visit your friends as you * please. Make your own dates. l'1an the vacation that pleases you, and tell her she may conte along if * she likes. Don't question her any * longer about the future; you know * she is self sullicicnt, knows Iter 1" way about, T11E.\' grodually she will color to look upon you as riot especially a mother, but another U.0111a11 with a responsible position — an independ- ent individual 7(ith a life of her own —whom others enjoy and respect. As you 'withdraw more and more into your ott'n 7c'ay of living, site will overcome her first astonishment and accept you as a person young enough to arrange her own life and enfoy if to the full. 7 hen she will see you as her friend of friends, one tc•Ifo is illter- eslcd itt everything she does and thinks. but 7010 does otol intrude. 11er consideration for you will in- crease as her r•espt'cl inrr•rases, anti you both will be drawn closer together, 7 his is the tear it usually works out—when a mother slops being all - mother to her only daughter. * * * "TIIE SILVER COED" only Separ- * ales most parents and children. * Break it—and learn to be their * friend, Write Anne Hirst about * it, at Box A, room 421, 73 Adelaide * Street \Vest, Toronto. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can 1 destroy the odor of perspiration on the body? A. By bathing in warm water, to which has been added two tablespoonfuls of compound spi- rits of ammonia. This will leave skin clean and fresh. :low can I stake a good furniture polish? A. Mix equal parts of turpentine, spirits of wine, v:tt'gar, and lin- seed oil. Shake well and do not use much at a time. Q. Should milk be hot or cold when used for mashing potatoes? A. It should be hot, Lukewarm or cold milk will make the po- tatoes pasty and heavy, Q. Iiow can I prevent tennis racket strings from breaking? A, The strings should be cover- ed with vaseline before putting away for the winter.. This will prevent them from snapping dur- ing the time the rackets are not In use. c.>. Ifow can I remove the scorched top or bottom of a cake? A. Grate over it lightly with a nutmeg grater instead of scraping with a knife. This will leave a smooth surface for the frosting. Q. How can I stake sweet peas bloom NMI? A, When planting sweet peas they should run north and south to make them bloom well. ISSUE 29-1947 Sunday School Lesson The Problem of Suffering Job 1:8; 2:7-10; 19:7-10: 42: 1-5; James 5:11, (;OI.1)i..V ll;\'7 - 1.0Jure ne.\s, as a !in/hi s,eLlarr u/ l,'ta, l htisl - 2 Timothy 2 .1. At the outset of fol', snlferin! clruacict appeals ether that the tlnee principal sp,al,ers, I•aiplrtr, llildad, .nd %oph,n. It is lob's \vile• and her words are in telae; 1) and 11) of t1:' second chapter. 91anv wives hack. Ieecn a supput to Ill , ,tads in 6,10,-6, 55, at le,t,1 giving helpful sympathy, and many husbands in a similar situation hart' been of great help to 111 it svieec • But lob's t\ifc v;,ts no help in fact she seems to have added to his trouble:: by her uns.mpathrtic and nag;iny altitude. * 1 4 App;urntly tvilhnut any \il;cl faith ltersclf she virtually taunted lob with his own faith, sa%ing to him, in effect, "Now, where's )our (Ind? What's the use of your faith, when you're covered \with boils from head to foot ? You'd better curse God and die." Job surety was justified in losing 5O111C of his patience, and telling her that she was speaking like a fool: "Thou spcadeth as one of the foolish women spcaketh," There were times \vhcn job's faith and patient endurance were not so strong, \yhen Ins suffering seemed greater than he could bear, and when he felt as Jesus was to feel on the Cross, as if God had forsaken him. CINUEI BVLLETIN Warn Entries - Soon To Close For 'Ex' Tests You don't have to actually come to the Canadian National Exhibition to take part in it. 1VItile it is located in 'Toronto, the C.N.F. is a national event which benefits Canadians everywhere. In the farm house, the church basements, itt the itltlnicipal halls, the city apartments right across Canada, quitters have been at work since February, creating an original quilt map of Canada. In the public .and high schools, students have been designing space saving fittings for the home and pre- paring all kinds of other ex- hibits in wood working, gen- eral shop and home economics. Young brides-to-be are still working out their budgets for the $100 special prize entry. Student drivers are practising up for the safe -driving tests September 4, when they will be supplied with shiny nets 1948 models to compete in the high school "Roadeo," Entry forms must be filed by all competitors, C N.E, offi- cials point out in a warning note to would-be contestants. While some school competi- tions close earlier, most of the contests in cooking, sewing, handicrafts, special contests will close July 25, Entry forms must be filed by that datte. They may he obtained direct from .the Women's and Educa- tional Section, C.N,E., Exhi- bition Park, Toronto. It is not the mood of the moment, but the attitude of mind and hear) -- and trill -that is the essence of faith, and of host in God. I'l • lliblr teaches con:.isi;•ntly ili tl the good and upright are scenic. in (fact's kc•cpint!, no mallet' trhat may befall them, but it dots not teach that they ;it immune from Uuublr, The prophets held their faith, and were trite 10 their mission, thiougb deep persecution and suffering. Hilt %then ('atil had listed all the troubles that could befall maul, and all the forces that could \,ar against him (Romans i) his conclu;inn was that nothing eound sepal ate him Rota the love of (iod. That i, the New TesLutcot 1crsion of Ihr 1:oo11 of tole. Eight c; las oust be c tttoi to get the energy value found io a (Wail of milk. 1'1''ZINGS '1111'. BELL when yon serve Maxwell House Coffee for breakfast. This delicious blend contains choice Latin-American cof- fees specially selected to give you extra -rich flavor. .,. And 15 other urizes of $5, CONTEST A 1 — Which sentence is coned? WILSON'S FLY PADS ARE DEATH TO FUEL WILSON'S FLT PADS IS DEATH TO FLIES The first eighteen cooed +rower% drown will wilt Coaled #1 closes July 27, 1947. Winners names will be published in August. Send your amwer along with the lop flap, label, or target from any of the WILSON PRODUCTS below or seasonable facsimile to: CONTEST #1 — WILSON FLY PAD CO Dept. 0 Hamilton, Onl RAT DUST INSECT REPELLENT ANT TRAPS INSECTPOWDCR FLT PADS MOUSE TREAT WILSON'S INSECT POWDER onwiSir(wa� KiLIS FLEAS, TI00, LICE, IiED- 110S, ROACHES, ANTS, SILVER. FISH, WASPS AND CRICKETS. "All as reliable ea Wilson's Fly Pads" ask for WILSON'S 2 WITH THE RED WHITE AND BLUE TARGEF CRUMB COFEE LANE Recipe Aad 1 envelope Royal Past Ris- ing Dry Yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar 10 th cup lukewarm water. stir and ler stand 10 minutes Scald 1/2 cup milk, add R tahlespot,nr shortening, t/z cur sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt; cool to lukewarm. Add 1 cup sifted flour to make a batter. Add yeast mixture and 1 beaten egg Beat well. Add 21/2 cups sifted flour, or enough to make P soft dough. Knead lightly; place in greased bowl. Cover; set in warns place, free front draft Let rise until doubled in hulk, about 2 hours, Roll out dough to t/," thickness and place in greased shallow pan. Let rise 711 warm place. free from draft, until light, about 11/4 hours, Prick top with fork and brush with 3 tablespoons melted shortening. Creast 3 tablespoons butter or shorten- ing. add 3 tablespoons sugar gradually. mixing well. Add 1/4 cur sitted (lour, 1/2 cup dry, fine cake or bread crumbs, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon; stir until well mixed and crumbly. Sprin- kle on top of cake. Let rise again in warns place about 1 hour. Iiak" in moderate oven ttt 400°1. about 20 minutes. 1 CHRONICLES OI GINGER FARM „,Parrott 551 111 owl a ft w utiunl4 ago to shut op the chickens. \\then he rent! 11141 he said -"\\'ell, I guess 1 just raw' stone of Ito-( flying cancers!" ( looked al hint, startled --"I don't Ibelievc you -you didn't See any- thing of the kind." But Partner's expresion was inscrutable as he motioned—'1\'411, what I saw cer- tainly answered elle deeription of the "saucers." They were bright, luminous 4lbiccts, travelling at a terrific speed until they finally (li.,- appcaredl from sight. 1 cs, I think 1 could be -quite ('chain they were Wing 4,111('11s except that I rec_og• nixed the na as fireflies!' And tvith that closing remark he grinned. That roan ... as long as 1 have lit4(1 with hint I still can't tell from his cape, ssinn whether he is scl- icus or lidding. e 4 Here is another little story, only in this case it happens to be true and made me wonder how much of what happens—or doesn't happcn— depends un pure, unadulterated lick. Partner had been out over the -a,, -creek coiling hay. Ile started at -- the far end of the field so that if lie didn't finish be would not have. s far to go next time. This even- tually brought hint to the bank of the creek, on the other side of which the cattle were grazing. Ile heard heifer -bawling and went to in- -)estigate. The heifer was all right 1 tit further up the creek he saw one of the cotes lying in rather a suspicious way right on the edge a f a deep water -hole. flurrying over Partner saw that she already had a new-born calf. ;\s he ap- proached the calf was struggling 10 get to its fret but was unsuccess- ful and was gradually slipping clos- 41 to t cdgc of the water -hole. Inside of a fete minutes it would surely have fallen in and been drowned. Of course Partner res - 4 tied the poor little thing and car- ried it to a safer place. lint it was -riot only the calf's life that had been in danger, there was also the possibility, had the calf dromied, that the fact of the cow having 1al ed might have been overlooked, in which case the cow wouldn't Lave been milked at the right time ail might have developed milk fever And died However, they say 14101 of the troubles in life that the worry about arc the ones that never happen, so the cow and calf incident is certainly another one to add to the list. 1 e C11,-01;1111: you very mucor for your kind letter with its information about the birds. I shall look for the bird book you recommend next time 1 am in the city. 1 also hope 10 answer your letter personally in the tory near future. And regard- ing your question—I can assure you d ant not kidding! For the sake of my other readers away I explain what 1 mean by that reference to "kidding"? Aly torrespondcni, "C:.11." compliments OIC on 10)' powers of observation in regard to birds and then adds—"Or arc you just 'kidding us?" I was puzzled over that question for awhile but finally cants to the -conclusion that C.B.—and possibly ushers—could get the idea that for the sake of "-copy" t might read tip e4oniething or -other ou bird life and make a story of it, Believe mc, that is not so. Anything I describe Regarding :Hills or anything else for that matter is what 1 have seen or 'heard \vith my own eyes and cars, U. S. Governor 1 HORIZONTAL 8 Networks 1 Pictured (anat.) governor, 10 County in We Won!--'hhey could hardly wait to phone the tnlotl nest's home! Velma Richards and Sedli'y ?Jackie, Toronto, were two cul the 1(; models selected from 350 applicants at the nldclline; auditions ilIr the round of Cfutadiaul National Exhihition fas'1- ion shows. The models will receive a concentrated three week model training course at no expense to themselves, ander the personal direction of Pasquale 1)':\ngelo, '1 nr'utto School '11 Chatrnt. ThENTOWN TOFS — — By BARRY MURKAR Since last week, sunttncr (atal- ..itics have soared to an alarming degree. 1)vspite the continued warnings of pros and radio, young people—and older people -- in- sist on doing silly things while in canoes or in the water. Already it's been a record for summer trag- edies—so watch yourself and take the necessary precautions. We've Done It Again Following our article of a few v,eeks ago on education vs. in- fluence, we have had several com- plaints and have been accused of being pessimistic. \Voll, we w•on'l give in to anything we said and we still (cel that, when 1111 time COWL'S, those looking for jobs will find that what we said was true, Prove we are wrong then well change our attitude. Chillin, Chillin, How Could You? Tile tecners of the liracchridge arca certainly didn't win ally ad- miration from this department with their recent display of ga-ga over the two characters who fig- ured in the inquest held there. 11'e are referring to the bobby-sumos who besieged Kcttlewcll and Bar- rie for autographs when they left the court roost. It seems the babes must have mistaken them for something from 1IollywOod or else they arc not very particular about \vho signs their little black books. Personally we feel that the parents again are to be partly blamed for this display. As the crown said at the time: "If par- ents want to let then) conte, that is their business. To make heroes of two nun such as Kettle'ell and Barrie is nothing short of disgusting in our c stimation." if not, then i give credit where credit is due. I ant genuinely in- terested in birds and regret that 1 know so little about them. Pur that reason your information, C.11. is very acceptable and 1 thank you for your trouble. Not Fair ".1'a you deceived your husband!" e.relainted the judge. "A'o, your honor," was the reply. "11e deceived 10c." "L.rplain, please." "Ile said he sear going out of toren and he (101)11 gu." -- — — Texas 8 13e carried 11 Uncommon 9 Lamb 12 Symbol for 11 Rejoinder tantalum 13 Tapioca -like 14 Separate . food 15 Ile is gover- 15 Entangle nor of — 16 Genuine 18 Sewing 17 Type of nut implements 19 Constellation 20 Opera (ab.) 21 Shop 25 Ornamental 22 Kind of tide flower vessel 23 Royal Italian 26 Princes family name 27 Edit 24 Affirm 28 Wicked 31 Cognomens 33 Prattle 34 To one side 35 Brazilian state 38 Footlike part 39 Muse of poetry 41 Fashion 43 Frighten 45 Stellar body 46 Driver of a term of horses VERTICAL 1 Be seated 2 Enutify 3 Simple 4 Facsimile (ab.) 5 Exclamaticrs fi Harvests 7 Remove 28 Symbol for 36 Symbol for erbium actinium 29 Phantasm 37 Corrosive 30 Newspaper accretion paragraph 40 English ac - 32 Caterpillar count money hairs 42 Paving 33 Hard blow material (slang) 44 Print measure Correspond—Juts \Ve:-111 It Tern clubs in the C.S. I a\1. a lot of fun corresponding with eac11 other, which no (101110 can he In- teresting and a lot of fun. Throe many teen clubs in the stool, end of the province cn'1111 write to members in the north end, An et• change of ideas on chili prog;ram- mei and projects is well worth while, as you may find a real In- ierc,ling pen -pall, los, send your notes along{ to the president of the tern -club of the toren and they will be well rccei\ell--sye b4 tcha. 1-Ielp Those Service Clubs \\'e would like 10 sug;g4 -1 to your tern club that you give as•i•t- :ou'r, when possible, to the service club or clubs ii your town. \\'hcth- er it he Rotary, bions. I:itvanis 4 r 1�insnun they can possibly u•c members of your chub to good ad- vantage from time In time, Ity so lending a haul' In those who are t ying; to help others, your Huh will he doing a great srrvicc, and a little tvnrk along with the fun is often to the advantage of evcry- or,c---so offer your assistance 10 the local service club president. If by any chalice you take part to any scheme in your own town, let us know about it. Jack Miner and the L'irla \\'e have always taker an i.ttcr- est in the wo•1< 0•; the late lack \liner—and now of his son, \lanly 1". Miner. In 1922, jack \liner wrote a book called, "lack \Iincr and the Birds" and in lie wrote "jack ,\Iincr on Current Topics," Now \ve have a nu'nu\rial edition of Jack ,\liner and the Birds. There are twenty of Jack \liner's hest stories in this book and we think that every teener will be pleased to read it. The hook is j" 1 off the press and will no doubt ht in your library soon --so ask for it. \Ve think one of the nicest things ever said of lack \liner carte from our J ]'rime Minister of Can- ada: "Jack Miner has rendered our cc entry great services. The in- spiration he has given young and ole' of many (ands by his life and work will live after him," Dick Tracy Back on Screen 'l'hc square -jawed detecti\ r, Dick 'Tracy will be hack out the screen soon in the third of a ser- ies, woven around the exploits of the famous comic strip character. Appearing with him in "I)icl< Tracy's 1)ilcmma" will be his girl friend 'Tess 'Trnchcart, his assist- ant Pat Patton nal his pa!, Vit- amin lalintheart, the broken down olcl actor. The kids will eagerly await this one. A Mistake Somewhere A friend asked us the other day wily we didn't welcome letters. we were very surprised to hear this and hastily rectified any such idea. \Ve welcome letters of any sort, as we have mentioned sev- eral times. If you have a sugges- tion, any news or even just a friendly letter, we'll be pleased to (tear from you. Send your com- ments to this column at Pickering, Ont. One thing we have bccn try- ing to do, is to get news of the various clubs. '1'o date it has bccn a hard job. We think that we have hit on an idea that will work and will have it in order by fall. • R b TABLE TALKS ... Sour Milk, Cream Sometimes in summer when re- frigerating facilities are not what one would wish they were, milk and crcant sour. This soured milk or cream should be put to good use, not thrown away, because it still contains the valuable nutri- ents of the fresh product. Sour milk and cream can both be used in cooking. Sour crrani seasoned with a little vinegar or lemon juice, salt and pepper is excellent on salad greens, It alsr makes a delicious, rich and fluffy pastry and every- one agrees that there is nothing much better than sour cream cakes and cookies. Other uses to which sour creast may well be put arc to enrich the gravy served with certain meat or fish dishes and to snake sauces for vegetables. '1'hc home econo- mists of the Consumer `section, Dominion Department of Agri- culture offer the following recipes using sour creast or milk. Horse -or -lid) Sour Cream Sauce 2 cup heavy sour cream teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons grated horse- radish \\hip the sour cream, add the salt and sugar. then gradually stir in the horseradish. \list well and serve with meat. Yield 2 cups, Cour Cream Salad Dressing 1 cur) sour cream 2 eggs 7,!2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons sugar t cup cider vinegar Few drops of Worcestershire sauce. Pest the eggs until very light, add the sour cream and the other innrc)licnts. ('wok in top of double boiler, stirring constantly until thicken, d, about 20 minutes. Yield I cup, Four Cream Muffins 1' cups all-purpose flour 1 tccspoon baking powder tecspoon balling, soda 1; teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg 1 can sour cream 1 tablespoon nte'ted butter Fist dry ingredients together. Add beaten egg, sour cream and melted butter Fill greased muffin tins 2.3 full and hake in a hot oven, 400',F. for 25 minutes. Yield 10 medium-sized muffins. Freezing Cherries (Sour) Choose fine, ripe cli(1ricti. \Vaslr, 1011(1 and pit. Pack in cold medium syrup 10 cover. To make medium <.ynup: allow 1 cup sugar to 1 cup aatcr. This will make about 1;; cups syrup. Cherries may also be packed in dry sugar using 4 pounds prepared fruit (about 9 cups) to 1 pound sugar (2 cups). Canning Cherries Syrup to use— Swett cherries -1 tin; 1 cup sugar to 2 cups water. Sour cherries—mediutll, 1 tup sugar to 1 cup water. Cold pack method—\Vasil, stein, pit if desired. Pack, cover with boil- ing syrup, leaving hcadspacc. 1'ro- ccss in boiling water hath—pint, 21) minutes, quarts 25 minutes OR in thermostatically controlled oven at 275°F, glass scalers only—pints :to minutes quarts 35 thins. loot pack— Process in boiling water bath— Wash, stem, pit if desired. Bring to boil in syrup and simmer 3 min- utes, Pack hot, leaving headspace, Process in boiling' water bath— pints and quarts—I5 minutes; in oven—pints and quarts -20 min- utes, Swiss Air Force Switzerland, determined to es- tablish a modern, efficient air force, has placed an order for 75 British single -seat jet fighters at a cost of $12,000,000. The Swiss government says that a gigantic revolution is taking place in the method of aircraft propulsion, end especially great progress has been made in Great Britain. -3 J ust Testing .l he rlecIri, ion 1411 "I ley, he culled to ha.1 assistant. "Put your Laud 4 n cite of thou 74vres." 'Hie assistant dirt as he 7011 told. "1'141 anvthimut.'" ,..\'o„ "Good!" said the rleclrici "1 'wasn't stile 7chi4 h acus ;chi h ; don't touch the (rifer t:r you'd drop dead." Mere Sugar Fcr U.K. 11rit.lin's sugar ration tr111 Ile increased ;root 8 to 11) ounces \vcckly from July 211, the British Food Ministry announces. increase has been made possible by the gradual intprot(ment in the world supply of 551)1411 1Ititanl has not failed to obtain it, proper share, the Mini -try added. TELL YOUR FAMILY yoti intend to make ]Maxwell House your regular coffee. They'll all love it because it's Blended by Experts for Extra -smooth, extra -full° bodied flavor. FL.lES,( MOTHS, etc• aN YOUR GUAkAN'II 4(0) 41.111 on Il,(Iirl ;row. ,' c$oront.ed Good House iepiol WWI,. II 0. /o rpm—S.y DIDIT DISTRIBUTORS— HAROLD F. RITCHIE, A COMPANY LTD. M11NSNDDts-- 1411,41.NIIC1 IIA GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS IF YOU'RE NERVOUS, CRAN KY, TIREPIUT On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! Do female functional monthly disturbances make you feel ner- vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and "dragged out"—nt such times? Then do try Lydin E. Pinkham's WHEN YOU'RE DOWN AND FEELING SLACK Vegetable Compound to relieve such nym toms.'Phis fine medicine is very effective for this purpose! . For over 70 years thousands of girls and women have reported benefit. Just see if you too, don't report excellent results! Worth trying. e.V'llauiW VEGETABLE COMPOUND LIPTON'S TEA WILL BRING YOU BACK ONLY L1PTONt BRISK -TASTING TEA GIVES YOU THAT FOR A SWIFT...FLAVOR-LIFT GET LIPTON'S TEA BAGS, TOO ! 0 if you've never tasted Lipton's delicious brisk flavor... if you've never felt the exhilarating FLAVolt-LIFT you get with Lipton's Tea, you've got n real trent corning! For Lipton's is the only ten that gives you brisk, mellow flavor—plus a lift that picks you right up. It's the blend that makes Lipton's—nnd the blend is Lipton's own secret. Whenever you're tired or depressed, drink n cup of Lipton's and FCC how much better you feel! Ask for Lipton's—the ten with the FLAVOR-LiFT—nt your grocer's today! Copy'rlkht 11)47—Thep. J. Lupton lit/11(1A REG'LAR FELLERS—Fish Dinner By GENE BYRNES Z 3 4 4 9 5 12 7 8 10 •11 17. 13 ':a-` 11 sa 14 18 15<f�'; 16 19 Fr - � ,,,,, ZI I ,�;Y':: 35 a 36 21 ,• V 47 A / i1. , ��� 32. s ire:Z3 - ,41/: �E ;l. 1. 1+ i:6 , z9 i?9 vat 3o 30 2.4 25 26 31 33 34; 31 �y.9 ; 39 40 f 411 41 42. :' `-".-7--- — 143 goo i 15 Correspond—Juts \Ve:-111 It Tern clubs in the C.S. I a\1. a lot of fun corresponding with eac11 other, which no (101110 can he In- teresting and a lot of fun. Throe many teen clubs in the stool, end of the province cn'1111 write to members in the north end, An et• change of ideas on chili prog;ram- mei and projects is well worth while, as you may find a real In- ierc,ling pen -pall, los, send your notes along{ to the president of the tern -club of the toren and they will be well rccei\ell--sye b4 tcha. 1-Ielp Those Service Clubs \\'e would like 10 sug;g4 -1 to your tern club that you give as•i•t- :ou'r, when possible, to the service club or clubs ii your town. \\'hcth- er it he Rotary, bions. I:itvanis 4 r 1�insnun they can possibly u•c members of your chub to good ad- vantage from time In time, Ity so lending a haul' In those who are t ying; to help others, your Huh will he doing a great srrvicc, and a little tvnrk along with the fun is often to the advantage of evcry- or,c---so offer your assistance 10 the local service club president. If by any chalice you take part to any scheme in your own town, let us know about it. Jack Miner and the L'irla \\'e have always taker an i.ttcr- est in the wo•1< 0•; the late lack \liner—and now of his son, \lanly 1". Miner. In 1922, jack \liner wrote a book called, "lack \Iincr and the Birds" and in lie wrote "jack ,\Iincr on Current Topics," Now \ve have a nu'nu\rial edition of Jack ,\liner and the Birds. There are twenty of Jack \liner's hest stories in this book and we think that every teener will be pleased to read it. The hook is j" 1 off the press and will no doubt ht in your library soon --so ask for it. \Ve think one of the nicest things ever said of lack \liner carte from our J ]'rime Minister of Can- ada: "Jack Miner has rendered our cc entry great services. The in- spiration he has given young and ole' of many (ands by his life and work will live after him," Dick Tracy Back on Screen 'l'hc square -jawed detecti\ r, Dick 'Tracy will be hack out the screen soon in the third of a ser- ies, woven around the exploits of the famous comic strip character. Appearing with him in "I)icl< Tracy's 1)ilcmma" will be his girl friend 'Tess 'Trnchcart, his assist- ant Pat Patton nal his pa!, Vit- amin lalintheart, the broken down olcl actor. The kids will eagerly await this one. A Mistake Somewhere A friend asked us the other day wily we didn't welcome letters. we were very surprised to hear this and hastily rectified any such idea. \Ve welcome letters of any sort, as we have mentioned sev- eral times. If you have a sugges- tion, any news or even just a friendly letter, we'll be pleased to (tear from you. Send your com- ments to this column at Pickering, Ont. One thing we have bccn try- ing to do, is to get news of the various clubs. '1'o date it has bccn a hard job. We think that we have hit on an idea that will work and will have it in order by fall. • R b TABLE TALKS ... Sour Milk, Cream Sometimes in summer when re- frigerating facilities are not what one would wish they were, milk and crcant sour. This soured milk or cream should be put to good use, not thrown away, because it still contains the valuable nutri- ents of the fresh product. Sour milk and cream can both be used in cooking. Sour crrani seasoned with a little vinegar or lemon juice, salt and pepper is excellent on salad greens, It alsr makes a delicious, rich and fluffy pastry and every- one agrees that there is nothing much better than sour cream cakes and cookies. Other uses to which sour creast may well be put arc to enrich the gravy served with certain meat or fish dishes and to snake sauces for vegetables. '1'hc home econo- mists of the Consumer `section, Dominion Department of Agri- culture offer the following recipes using sour creast or milk. Horse -or -lid) Sour Cream Sauce 2 cup heavy sour cream teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons grated horse- radish \\hip the sour cream, add the salt and sugar. then gradually stir in the horseradish. \list well and serve with meat. Yield 2 cups, Cour Cream Salad Dressing 1 cur) sour cream 2 eggs 7,!2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons sugar t cup cider vinegar Few drops of Worcestershire sauce. Pest the eggs until very light, add the sour cream and the other innrc)licnts. ('wok in top of double boiler, stirring constantly until thicken, d, about 20 minutes. Yield I cup, Four Cream Muffins 1' cups all-purpose flour 1 tccspoon baking powder tecspoon balling, soda 1; teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg 1 can sour cream 1 tablespoon nte'ted butter Fist dry ingredients together. Add beaten egg, sour cream and melted butter Fill greased muffin tins 2.3 full and hake in a hot oven, 400',F. for 25 minutes. Yield 10 medium-sized muffins. Freezing Cherries (Sour) Choose fine, ripe cli(1ricti. \Vaslr, 1011(1 and pit. Pack in cold medium syrup 10 cover. To make medium <.ynup: allow 1 cup sugar to 1 cup aatcr. This will make about 1;; cups syrup. Cherries may also be packed in dry sugar using 4 pounds prepared fruit (about 9 cups) to 1 pound sugar (2 cups). Canning Cherries Syrup to use— Swett cherries -1 tin; 1 cup sugar to 2 cups water. Sour cherries—mediutll, 1 tup sugar to 1 cup water. Cold pack method—\Vasil, stein, pit if desired. Pack, cover with boil- ing syrup, leaving hcadspacc. 1'ro- ccss in boiling water hath—pint, 21) minutes, quarts 25 minutes OR in thermostatically controlled oven at 275°F, glass scalers only—pints :to minutes quarts 35 thins. loot pack— Process in boiling water bath— Wash, stem, pit if desired. Bring to boil in syrup and simmer 3 min- utes, Pack hot, leaving headspace, Process in boiling' water bath— pints and quarts—I5 minutes; in oven—pints and quarts -20 min- utes, Swiss Air Force Switzerland, determined to es- tablish a modern, efficient air force, has placed an order for 75 British single -seat jet fighters at a cost of $12,000,000. The Swiss government says that a gigantic revolution is taking place in the method of aircraft propulsion, end especially great progress has been made in Great Britain. -3 J ust Testing .l he rlecIri, ion 1411 "I ley, he culled to ha.1 assistant. "Put your Laud 4 n cite of thou 74vres." 'Hie assistant dirt as he 7011 told. "1'141 anvthimut.'" ,..\'o„ "Good!" said the rleclrici "1 'wasn't stile 7chi4 h acus ;chi h ; don't touch the (rifer t:r you'd drop dead." Mere Sugar Fcr U.K. 11rit.lin's sugar ration tr111 Ile increased ;root 8 to 11) ounces \vcckly from July 211, the British Food Ministry announces. increase has been made possible by the gradual intprot(ment in the world supply of 551)1411 1Ititanl has not failed to obtain it, proper share, the Mini -try added. TELL YOUR FAMILY yoti intend to make ]Maxwell House your regular coffee. They'll all love it because it's Blended by Experts for Extra -smooth, extra -full° bodied flavor. FL.lES,( MOTHS, etc• aN YOUR GUAkAN'II 4(0) 41.111 on Il,(Iirl ;row. ,' c$oront.ed Good House iepiol WWI,. II 0. /o rpm—S.y DIDIT DISTRIBUTORS— HAROLD F. RITCHIE, A COMPANY LTD. M11NSNDDts-- 1411,41.NIIC1 IIA GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS IF YOU'RE NERVOUS, CRAN KY, TIREPIUT On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! Do female functional monthly disturbances make you feel ner- vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and "dragged out"—nt such times? Then do try Lydin E. Pinkham's WHEN YOU'RE DOWN AND FEELING SLACK Vegetable Compound to relieve such nym toms.'Phis fine medicine is very effective for this purpose! . For over 70 years thousands of girls and women have reported benefit. Just see if you too, don't report excellent results! Worth trying. e.V'llauiW VEGETABLE COMPOUND LIPTON'S TEA WILL BRING YOU BACK ONLY L1PTONt BRISK -TASTING TEA GIVES YOU THAT FOR A SWIFT...FLAVOR-LIFT GET LIPTON'S TEA BAGS, TOO ! 0 if you've never tasted Lipton's delicious brisk flavor... if you've never felt the exhilarating FLAVolt-LIFT you get with Lipton's Tea, you've got n real trent corning! For Lipton's is the only ten that gives you brisk, mellow flavor—plus a lift that picks you right up. It's the blend that makes Lipton's—nnd the blend is Lipton's own secret. Whenever you're tired or depressed, drink n cup of Lipton's and FCC how much better you feel! Ask for Lipton's—the ten with the FLAVOR-LiFT—nt your grocer's today! Copy'rlkht 11)47—Thep. J. Lupton lit/11(1A REG'LAR FELLERS—Fish Dinner By GENE BYRNES iA(E 4. THE SmANllARIll Wednesday, July 16, 1917 ■s�reru�.r.•..-....•....,— - -----:.---4,..-� ..,le..- •• .ice,,.. 414444§4♦r•1 ♦iar,♦.1♦..•r♦arji.0 .:♦•:' r•• � •-•:*•:' 4♦.:♦r: .,•.♦• i•I.l+Ir1. :. i+M•ri• ir :•il. 8•4* 4. 1� r,a744a 41 :! l II(1!L' of 111't'ki ‘11t11 lll'C ,ktl•f, �,^ �. 1 .il\\•U/(I t11C11 •_. \Ir, I•:n!crson Rodger. 111,\.;111,1111,t trey ulh'lr:tiling I'r,I,lin Ilcnul ' \Ii,s Thelma Snell visite with kir tits thin sung awl the meeting 43: •_•, cousins, \lis 1, N lnlil ;old Isla 'fay+„r• rl,'s.d hl' eserlenr rc;,ratiu, the hcne- x:Hc)liday C of zes,t, 1 \I1 Illlnll'!, Ind Il \'lilt', tht } 1 I \e hn,ire s n.., 'tI be l e- >+ '_• lied "ill' lllelld> 111 1!11, \'!1'llltl\' I;l,t \\ hie!) N:1, l'11)e1'C,I h1' all. •a j . .t. w eek. \I r. still \I t �. Jack sinilv.' and Lon - ..t: ,t, \li'. and \I's. Jail. Little of Clinton. ill', i I�il!;�cn. visited \11th \Ir. anti 1 • . is \1 e: i Rlli,t • till �llllda\ at 1111' 1nl11l' til \Ir.. -. \\ III. \lit 11lllllg on sIIIItll11'. Come in anti see our nice line of ,t, 3a \I r. ,,11d \Irs. \I. Ito.ulan, \Il,. S t :otlr and Nils, Ruby \le- >• >t, \I:• Iran t',uu,:hlll 1'f l�il(hrr.cr, i; \ ittir Are \'i, ting irienl►, in Il;un Itun. _t• Sl OIt1 51,.10 tiff, SI OR t �IIIIZ t S .1N U ;, , .!tin4 her brother, Mr I:l nneth \Ii>. Ia:ln. of Toronto, i> , i,itl!g -• l�;unp!n•II. \furl \I r• and 11r,, Sidney l,;uts•'n;• ... , ' 1 i T \i r. ,1nd \I r,, \\•isle• Stackhouse \I r. and \Irs. re:Ty barter an l \i r r•. S(..A�\II LRS FOR 11E . (• 1,a Ind \lis. l:vas of brulefiel , \Ir. an, s ' ' ! ! :I11(I Mr,. l l,!1',lu!I Radford spent file :. \I!,. ;',!.udry \tale ant rhillh'tn, of week -cell at \i1c;•a I2;,'I,, . A1s() Play Slippers For Woolen and Children. >• (;itis,',.', I;cw, 11. C. \\ il, n, NI I— Muth \t r. an 1 \!r•• \lu sill l inetattd and ''.1 illi ,,11 \\ If -till, of Ii1ll-,l'l , \I,IIc'I k.all'_"lte•', lean, til Coillralle, VI,Itt'd, We carry the best of Work Clothes 4 Work Hoots. :. ,vt Sun'l;ly w i1! \I r, and \I r•. 1::01 „ill! toe folmer's parents, \I t, antis \\ •::Ipso oi• NI 1.-. J 'ul l'in,dan 1, ' ccently, .' \Ir, 1114\IF..., \„rn!an \IuIow'rll 'tlr. and \I r,. J. 'I'. \1vCno1 from! Be Comfortable at Work - Neill' Thar Best. ;11111 shill! en, \fere (;odrli,'llv 4.11,4r; .,\Ian dolka, vlsite41 with \I r. :put \Ir,! on Sunday. , •Tann,, \le(' o1 .Intl I'll lli,, hist week. _ ” Mi.'',\!tester 1\110X, of 1•;itelien . • 1 \1r. ;u11 \II \1111. 11'iflitl'; are' 1111.. n In 413,,.1,IY I,,lu.. LI J . Y�.I r 1 JIIIL11.111111 by "• Sun ) ;. ,pent 1;1>' \lith her i' u•in, \I r. !;, li,l l\i!1, t1i!h their son, Norman, 1'IIILLIit-n _, I�, i \\ -ii i';,hill ;,list his t,t1!''', ;1+ \ia':,u;t I ...r: HARRIS In \\ ttt ! ou II. , t 11 eon I \I', . 1\•:it "n, \I•„ born \\''!t S; '�• lull' nth. to \I r. at:d MI,. I<ennctlt "The Corner Store".Bl;'t11, 011ttocio, 3,♦ (',In';,''ell, the !,...it I i a ;,Iu„ntt'r, ,� r 1 left "n tinnda\' 011 ,1 tt:p a!„ng `.I the St. Lau.: once. .i•1•♦•OPi r• •� •. •• ♦ ♦ ♦ i, •;• ♦ � i l��r� .i 1•; O�.W� ♦Wj�•SO�i 0•; rO rel P••�. OJ • \l l'. I ltll 1),111 ,'Il til I ),'t r It, h ♦ ♦ ♦ . O •�. •�. �.�. •: • • 0: :.:p .�..�•, 6•,. t•,• r,••♦•i,•r� • •a.• • • ♦ • 0 • ♦ 1 ♦ 1 i iM I .\ til: 11;111, 1 1 (;ndcrich, w;s:tcd on • Thursday 1, tit \Ir. and \Ir•. \„ride ALCOiiOLICS SYNONYMOUS t ores showed farmers in the 10,td with \Ic,Iwl ll• A source with which news;,;lper4ltet11,i-17 case;; ,:do'm'e ne\t \\ith kiss~,! \II'. and \Ir<, I. I.. \Irl),,u,11, are supposed to hate at hest only a and 1loiturs third with 'tilt, Int i t tr Snell ti•ltr(I on 'I'hnrsdal wit'I nodding ac(tuaititancc la -t w'cek pro- -- --v—.— \I r. \\ til. I•:I,I-\ , of Itcti t ilir. duced sobering stat•stic: on the hard- Minnie Snell remiti•11 to rare for \Irs. .\tint Ia lr'. \\a, drinking newspaperman of II- Ilv'wood \VES I Ir IELD \\!:o "'. ties. legend. The I•:eclev Inst tete of Chi- I finest• :It the home ,'1 NI r.:In,l \Ir, I:Isley l as,e11 ;star, "11 �und:1” nigh. cago reported that of 12,01! drunks \!Auris; I!,,.„4„„ last wrcl: were, \Ir I'Ic ,.;a.pat"l iI't•., i'uimunitl i• treated between 19.10 and 194o, only 95 \Viiliaul \\•il•t•n, Bill,; and Ittar aret exicndc 1 to the fries t • an,) rilati;,'•• were newspa,,ernun. Ann \\-;f.nn, of the S 1. Mr.I tt; \lc- \Ir. 1 1,1 \\ i !Jur;;t iul 1 \!!ss \lac This pttt newsmen in fifth place, a lntyre, of Toronto, \1r. Henry \\•il•ott, \\:ght11tan, \Ir'. l'lalt!e. tiiuit'n, \\et•c notch above clergymen 4(0 and a of Dungannon. I tt!- 1 t'ittl'e• 1'11 1:1:d•1y. notch below saloonkeepers (133), As \lis, Minnie Snell of Toronto, k vk- \Irs. liar 1d Sprang of Iltillett Town if this \weren't enough to convince iting her -iter, \Irs. 14 L. \Irl) tll ship, spent the \\ eek -end with her s;,- city_rnollt rolltant'e, that nt.vspapers and \trs, lilt\til +awl"I• ter. \firs. (libellee (1'\• have gone t , piece,, the Keeley fig- mi... l':It \\'a!her, of 'f' r ,nh), ,,lout \Ir, and Mrs. Flank Campbell spent a couple of day, tie last of the \\ eel; ---_-_ with relatives it St. •I'honl•I• and Cout- _ her. \li,s \\'iunifred Catn,dhell re- turned home \v'ith diose• \I r, and \I rs. NI elborn Cox, of (lode - rich, visa-! it Sunday \\ith \I r, and \I r.• C l:trcnce Cox. Mks Alice 1Iavden, of \\'inti ham, l visaed last week with her cousin, Bar- bara Smith. \iia Evelyn Cook, of visiting her cousin, Ruth Cook, The \\', \I, 5. and \lissintt Band. �i nut :It the honor of \Ir,, Norman \Ic• [. /' ^. M t' Af -' / �7 •�''!}t• Vii" I) -well on Wednesday afternoon, with 2(1 \\', \i, S. members and visitors lit � / 11 '/ •<t -`.(I r .-. pre ens, and Ill member, and several <, % 4;;1-__,�:,• ,�' \ visitors -I this \ll:slnu Hand resent.' The \lis inn Band with \1 r;. Norman \I el)nvell and \Irs, (Marie: Smith a, leaders, lust on a splendid programme.. The meeting opened by singing "Jesus bids us shine" Scripture lesson nils read he 1':wclvn Cook. Praire, by \Irs• prank Can' 'Tell. The Iland repeated „(Jur purpose" with Laurence Camp- bell as leader. Ducts were given by Barbara Smith all f :Vire 1Iawden, Leis Campbell and truth Cnnk. Pian) duct. Irene and (;I;,dys \I-eClinchel, I'i:nu1 Foln. Lorna Buchanan. l eadines were given by Gerald \Ict) swell, (_;swcndolyn \icI)ovcll, Johnny 1111chanan, Ronald �nrll, (;orlon Sttutll, Harvey Snell, 1 \irs• Marvin \Icl)uwcll told the child - res an interesting story, which %vas enjoyed by all present. The stn ly book vas given on India, by \Jae \\'ight- nlatt, The president, \Irs, \\'til. \tr- \•ittie, had charge of the business, The toll \'as called each present responding with a terse of scripture, The presi- dent reported on the \Werk d, at the church, and a splendid d'•natinn \vac given by the ladies vlto were unable to help at the bees. The meeting- closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the group and Band members, and a social time was spent, Mrs. Stanley Cook spent the week- esd with Mrs. R. Vincent, at their cottage at Bogies Beach, _\r -_ LONDESBORO The :\int yell Mission Circle held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, Idly Sth, at the home of Miss Lois \\' rod, with the President, ,\Irs. John T'ipc, presiding, The meeting opened with the Ca!! to \\'orship and prayer by Frances Lyon, - I Iyntn 24) was sun- followed by the Scripture reading- lx'ing given by Frances Lynn, 'Thelma S!u)hhrook read a ('lu•i,tian Stewardship story followed by prayer by Edith Ileacem, The offering was taken while Doreen Armstrong sang a solo. Business was then disctts,ed followed by singing -' *4-21,1,11.4,!! `` i 11, 1 . 1'i l;lrrrtlh/ 0 What's scarce nowt Lumber, nails, plumbing or wiring equipment ... the list is endless. Pio sooner is ono problem solved than another comes along. The scarcity of materials has delayed the completion of many new Hydro projects. This, combined with a greatly increased demand, has limited the power supply. Never has Ontario ured so much electricity as now . ; : net even during the record-breaking war years. Another half million horsepower could be utilized almost imme- diately, if available. Hydro plants to generate that much and more have been planned and are under construction. Some additional power will be delivered this year • . . more in 1948. But it will be 1953 before the big new Hydro plant on the Ottawa river can start to pour its 360,000 horsepower into the Hydro system. Why so long? it's because of the shortage of building supplies • • • a tremendous quantity of construction mate- rials and electrical equipment must he sought and bought to build such a plant. The Ottawa river development alone requires a concrete dam nearly half a mile long, in addition to the power house and the thousands of items of electrical equipment, smell and large. Building a new power plant often creates an entirely new community. It takes a long time • . , especially when materials are as scarce as they are now. Few places in the world have as much electricity available per person as Ontario has. However, it must be conserved so that now homos and industries will all receive a!-eir share ... so that the wheels of our factories will be ;rept turning and maximum employment and pro- duction maintained ... use Hydro wisely and there will be enough for all. ;ipllll ; 11(iwcrs - r I \ r I,I e s', i ti -tit of .\• I?, l' ,eh) h„earl i< ,ire1'n l'ot's 0;11, and his \,',rl; 1 I„',"! II ',I\' pr:.rid t tea- cher, tri l titer-. '1'h's yoent \\ as \\rit- ten just a 1111 nth :.esti: l hi 11;1 s n : ti''rou'_:h the wo. -. t 'lav 1 •11 e,1 s -re f111\vers ak;11c 111'1 I, 111" tel and did behold re.i do, (half :ids like rart,t g, III, `I\' fiat hn;'nie t0',t(•o1) and pie+; Some raft",I'n. \tII( rr Ihcl wcrl• Thick, I iheilke,l, and left then+, to terrain, Their t'irgin he;ulty t retain, .\ little farther on I \vent, And -;11w st'hat must be heaven sent, .\ i,,ttl'll 111 \hilts••, ()II so illus'! Ile•i,lc the bahldieg brook the, grew. .\tit tint fc•r e'i amidst the tree, So t;-t!tl'- sltalinu in the breeze, ,\ fete t'''•tste trillium, dirt t•ip:,sr• .\sv'aitin:; th;re their blushing beaus, 1 Ir,l1"c fl'lver I met to -(1;4y, hcligiotl, fell,!w, as Fi'n'd sat hoe lac;, in -the -pulpit was h's name, good fclli)\t-'jitst the same. _ Aminna ming WE HAVE PROCURED THE AGENCY FOR THE POPULAR Kt; l eatty Bros® Equipment FOR EVERYTHING IN DEEP ANi) SI-MO.1.0W WELL PUMPS, WINDMILL REPAIRS, PIPING AND FITTINGS, BARN EQUIP-. MENT, WA'T'ER BOWLS, STEEL S'TAUNCiIONS, WATER TROUGHS, ETC,, GIVE US A CALL. WE ;TILL HAVE SOME MASSEY-IIAR ? IS BINDERS ON iIAND, 7 AND (1 FOOT CUT; ALSO A G -h'i's I•WAY DISC. A FULL LINE OF MASSEY-IIARRIS REPAIRS. ALSO AGENT FOR IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS :TIRES AND BATTERIES. ELECTRIC & AC(" I'YLhiNE WELDING. All Work Done on a Guaranteed Basis. GTEW ' l JOHNSTON For Prompt Et'ficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth 1 foals.l,►x�ut,Ir,�e..�:.irt!I�::;iib:.vru�rdln+,ulw,�:irn!.;.i,.:.,�:-�_ �:,,eia...,>,a..u:.�a.�:.tir�.-...1_ Mrs. Jacob Elsley \1 rs. \I ildre'I ,)nu Sneil 1•:1,l -v', \t 111 of of lac -h I•:Isle\, (1led Sunday at her here near flat ii:er, township, in her t'I!tll \- ar. .\ dateh ,- i ter of the late \Ir. and \Ir,. Cuorge ', SURVIVOR OMITTED �ncll, rhe %t;!, horn in 1I!tllc'it Juste-, ,hitt and hit l lived for tate p;t-t, 51 'd'1!:' nano' of Charles 1I i.t, itt, of years in C. 11)orie t"\ver:tip, Si- w'i Fresno, t'alif , the only <nit of \Irs. a member of L'entniller [died Church. ll,rt;gitt, ttIt1 .e• ,li,ith lue,;et' appeared Ilir httsland diel in 191". Surv'ivin'g' last steel; in these c0lntn:, \\as in;t'I- is one son, \\'illiant I'a,lel', ('olliorn' \t•rentll• omitted, as one ef her sur- tr wnship, The funeral sorties will ht eivor,, The Standard regret, the nn! - held at the Ilcnte of her son ;It 2 p.m. is•ion, on \\'c,lne,dav, conducted by iicw. \ir. 11av'w'ard, a.i•i,tcd by Rev. !faro? I Snell, of I•;t.•tir. Burial, was made in Colborne ieinet1 rt'. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROIVII'TLY, Exeter 235; Scaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. llttt \shoe at last I turned toward 11.411e, • 1 thought again I''! titter Io nn, ( tett' s, \\11ct1 I could ;Lend the hours :\dn,iring Spring's most lovely fl isvct•s, YOUR CHILDREN are your busineu r• 'b i \::°�`•' 11 =,'-r' ,1yth ? adio J ervice Come in and see the New Stewart -Warner Radio! Surprising performance, with new miniature tubes. We also have a good assortment of Sparton and Astra Radios. Battery Sets - New and Used. RADIOS FOR .RENT - Fill Your Radio Needs Here RAI?IO REPAIRING - We have a good stock of quality parts and tubes on hand. If your set has fallen down in performance have it repaired to play like a new one. We also sell appliances, batteries, aerials, and miscellaneous supplies. air +c ...,(,....re..e ,,,,,. t....x„xr•.r....icct'i.!c rl. r Elhott liis trance Agency BLYTII -- ONT. f I INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. • Car - Fire . Life - Sickness - Accident. il J. 11.11. Elliott Cordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Recidence Phone, 12 or 140 / 2, COURTESY AND SERVICE, Iqv Cni'Jl21dl.'Jt°ai3;DDra NDOi3i2I NDi`l1`,'i9i 1s?i91NiDIDiVA24:`Jt.1%:,i)i3iDaiJ7.1tYIDI'JiM31g1`nt,ZtOPti7A1 .ks ly .,.. + `r:' '•t;:4:r�`+11 ;# .1 .9•! ,. ;') =•i . Y • .1 ... I can help you to insure their higher education by means of a Confederation Life Policy to mature at their college age. I represent Confedera- tion Life Association, whiLlt has policies es- pecially designed for this purpose. Why not invite Inc to talk this matter over with you? Before you insure, consult Confederation Life Association HEAD OFFICE TORONTO G. R. DOBBYN - Blyth - Representative - 2 3 on Guaranteed 0 Trust Certificates 4 ISSUED for any amount . • , , for tt term of five years .... guarani ted bout as to principal and interest .. , . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on (Inc (Ink, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 years in Business L E N : E C H NI E Work Guaranteed, I. 1 1 13 r1 1.11 1111111 11 , , 11 . 1 J. 1 11 , 1 11.1 1 11 Phone 165, Blyth. .1.11,1 II 'M -1 4 11 1, , 1 1 .. .1 1 Ada" `�!^�NNNNII NJ Nf �NNJMNN•f MNJ1I1 N�N�I •I,��� NN TNI •MN�I�IfI'M�.� H .1...1s,, .1.. .I.J, I. .,1.,1• • ., . 1uI 11 111.. 11,11 11 ,11 YI, 1,.,111 1.1„111. 11 "BEST BY EVERY TEST” - WE HAVE IT Lowe Brothers White and Ivory Enamel EDiTH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. -e1.1 1 „ ,,,. , ._i .1 ., ., 1., 1.,.. i,J.1 •, 1 M.1 , . ...lis,..,-LA.11u - J,., ,.., L. . .1 .,,YI 11 . J- 1, 11 fru, i u11 1 .1161„, 1.� 1, /t(S1 , i YEW V ,L .'Id.,.. .0 ,. 11 , 4 -1 ri.•H{Hif1i 1{H•111H•1 •Hri rill 1 i 11•, 1•H1�1Q1•11•H•111M♦�.1� 1•a011•11•N 11111 11TH 11i,111•�11/ 1•, riil•11♦I.i• 11� 11♦1 i 1♦� 111111 •ua•�1•I.IH�11 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • { I { ♦ 1 { ♦ i ♦ ♦ { i • 1 • ♦ i ♦ ♦ 1 . f ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 • ♦ 1 • ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ 1 1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.+_,.. '14 ra r1 -,f f1 EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE ,t♦ Meals at All Hours. PRANK GONG -- Proprietor HUR t G fr ILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. I =� •'`1.441 4.444iii:-t~1i•1 1 ,1 444.4.ii44.1.44:+ i.: +,i.•4444'1:i14. 44:4.4HIii 4.”:4 ii.14.1iil444:4:++1N f K• YI K. :• YI •_{ {_• td,o We nesAay, July 16, 1917 Tffl! STANDARD PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR NO. 1 5X SHINGLES. A C,\RLO.\D E;:PEC.,.a SHORTLY. Place Yomo rder Now in l`5l P W+. HAVE ON HAND A Eectrc :asher e eni nier 1 • 15 Myth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 - BLYTII, -rn...1a./..l a..sa.u4WA1.i.4.. sJJ 44•.-- •-./lii4YW11•1144 4*. .4114 1 111 ' ■ ,r1 I I11 .1, 11 Gar en Part lyth Electric Shop FENCE CHARGERS ANi) BATTERIES (011, BATII) PUMP JACKS. Westinghouse, Strom berg Carlson, 1)eld'orest radios Agent for Universal Cooler Commercial Units I-Ieavy duty Hot Plates, Electric Coffee Percolators Westinghouse Automatic Irons. Electric Fans Your Headquarters for Electric Appliances. WILLIAM THUELL I. PROP. Telephone 5 - Blyth. ,0=0' lama, ,0 70' 01,1)-F'ASHIONED 0 El A Cl 0 a 11O under the auspices of the Auburn Community }fall Association ON THE AUBURN ANGLICAN CHURCH GROUNDS, AND DR. B. C. WEIR'S LAWN. SUPPER COMMENCING AT 5:30 P.M. IN THE BASEMENT OF KNOX UNITED CHURCH SPONSORED BY THE AUBURN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE An Excellent Program of Outside Talent Has Been Engaged AND WILL BE AMPLIFIED BY CKNX DANCING IN FORESTER'S HALL COMMENCING AT 10:30 P.M., TO A LOCAL ORCHESTRA. W.0, A . A . HARDBALL GAME :\dntis,i,.n to Supper and Garden ('arty — Adults 69e, Public School Children 2.5c Come And Support A Worthy Cause. Charles E. Asquith, Secretary, 11, I.. Sturdy, President ,O1:7Or 0=0, 10=0: • 10140 GROCERIES Red Rose Ccffce -. Toilet Tissue . Iodized Salt , Spic & Spin .. Per Ib. 47c , 3 lolls 27c1 . per carton, 06c per pkg. 23c Certo, Certo Cryst:I8, F1uit Jars, Sandwich Cookies, Hip:lite, JcIIo, Raisias, Dates, Prunes, F:gs, Canned Tcmatoes, Peas, Spaghetti, Sauerkraut, 'Tomato Ju'ce, Fluit Juices Fresh Fruit and Vegetabhs Pioneer Feeds, Roe Fcels, Shur Gain Feeds, Ca:( Meal, Oyster Shell, Chick Grit, I -towards Intestinal Medicine For Poultry. Bug Killer - Arsenate of Lead. Try a Brick of Durward's Ice Cream Always On Hand. • PAGE 5 Irrrllrrl 4~#,PNI IIIMNrrMIINI**r Y#IIrrl TNI mrIMMM 1 ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH. CLINTON. GODERICH. I BEAFORTH, Now Playing, July 17.18.19: Henry ilow Playing, July 17.18.19: Errol Fonda and Linda Darnell in: Flynn and Eleanor Parker in: My Darling Clementine""Never Say Goodbye" Mon., Tues., Wed., July 21-22.23 Mon., Tues., Wed„ July 21-22-23 Adult, Entertainment 1Mon., Tues., ;Wed., July ,21.22.23 Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and John Ridgely and Martha Vickers I and John Ridgely !leading a •llperb est in a big, Ill•w \"II wall.: ile futllld a'-lrrp during You won't he found asleep during dramatic sensation' that ha, the !hi, ia•t-Iionine Inlil(l,'r mystery. this (a,t nlu%ing murder mystery. critic, raving from coast to coast "THE BIG SLEEP" "THE BIG SLEEP" Now flaying, July 17.18.19; "The Jolson Story" In Technicolor. "THE BIG SLEEP" Adult Entertainment Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 24.25.26 "NI -VER SAY GOODBYE" The gay, leartw•a':wing story of two people in love ably portrayed by Errol Flynn, Eleanor Parker, Lucile Watson and S. Z. Sakall. Coming: "Till The End of Time theatre Aspp�� L. ���g'a1��yy��� Matinees Sat Jam & Holidays at 230 p.m GROCERIES — LOCKER STORAGE I N4• ,•"a'Ntlr-#e"-- 4,440 rIIII.Ioo9I+I k••IrN.orI.,II,MtIrIrIN�NNr+ Thurs., Fri,, Sat., July 24.25.26 Adult Entertainment_ Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 24-25-26 Dennis Morgan, Jacic Carson and John Garfield, Geraldine Fitzgerald, 1 Janis Paige ancj Walter Brennan , Hie two guy-. from \lilualkre re- turn in another r uv'11\ triumph, Ileal life characters step from the this time it's nmsir;ll and in pages of a story most of us have 'lel hnicolor either read or lived "TiIE TIME, THE PLACE, "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER" AND THE GIRL" Coming, July 28.29.31: Rosiland Coming, July 28.29.30: "Carnival at Russell in "Sister Kenny." Costa Rica." Mat., Wed., Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & Hcliday., a'. 2.. 9 p.m. 4.* *4 I IrrIINNIINrrrrm m WE DELIVER—PHONE 39, _.-. -• , I I 1, 11,11 11. , .111, , 11, 1 1. •!I .1i. Y 1. Ii .s IIARI)-TIME ce in nn' Blyth 1\'Ieiuorial Ilall on THURSDAY, JULY 17th Spohsolyd 0y The BLYTI-I GLEE CLUB with Ken Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing from 1(I to 2. Admission 50c Everybody Invited to Attend 44-2. Card Of Thanks - .1 - -• -- 4.:'",...:44.444.+•:.+44.4.444•44.14++++4 ' ##mer/ rr.•. .1 ._: • • • >: • POULTRY ANTED LIVE OR DRESSED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID t 11. :1;:Hes- Broilers- • . 4 I wish to than!: my many friends >+ for their kind remembrances of letters, I>: cards, flowers and treats, while a " patient in Clinton 1Io•pital, Special Thanks to Nurses, als,1 \Ir. Young and :: \Ir. Shohhrook. They were all deeply it 1111,1K : 170 after 0 p.m. • Our Triick Will Call at Your Door. * t Borden Cook appreciated, BLYTH, ONT. Mrs. R. 11. l'uhlllaoll. AUCTION SALE Day ., Of Household Effects p';•,•,•'+•';•,;,•,«,•,�•4,•4•b,•;•••,•;•,••;•;»`";'t At the residence of Mr. and Nit's. ;: LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO, Leslie Milburn, \Till Street, Myth, on ;t; SATURDAY, JULY 26TH commencing at I:30 p.m., as follows! l\itchcn range, burn; wood or coal; huechtcl kitchen cabinet; extension Two Shows Sat. Night Pictures subject to change without notice. table; 0 chairs; small locking chair; ',.Two shows ea:h night -7.33 and 9.30 O large rocking chair; three -burner coal ,.Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m. LI oil stove; t\vu-burner electric plate; -,Clnitltges in time will be tto4edbelow C low, Medium and high, with oven; , ,� flour container; 1 copper ,Vaal boiler,; 1 1 galvanized wash tub: coal I it heater; '. Beatty electric vl h:ng machine, just overhauled; small electric clock; 1 0' double bed with springs; inner spring 0' O 11 a h RINK—In \\'ingham General hospital annual race meet was held \Vednes- on Monday, July 14th, to \1r. ;old ' day afternoon, with a large entry list. \Irs. !Parry Rion, R. R. I, Bclgrave, a daughter. Last year's Clinton races were rained out \Olen the program was halt' over. Local hor'etncn, Lloyd Turvey and George \1c\all, were prominent among Its spite of had weather, the second the drivers this year, V CLINTON RACE MEET HELD 10=101.01a0s� 4000 .,.. 01G'.10r ,OR O' 0 11 0 0 O O O 4 Carl . Cox mattress; dresser all( stand; 1 3 -quar- ter Simmons bed with springs, mat- tress, dresser and `t•ln 1 : 1 mi.iire.,s; 1 toilet set; couch; dining room ex- telHi.'n table; buffet and h chairs; 1 leather -bottom arm chair; studio couch with chair to match; Quebec heater; 2 congoleunl rugs, 71'2x9 ft.; 1 feltol rug, 9x101/2 ft.; 18 -inch hall -hearing lawn mower; lawn rake; 2 lawn chairs; site, 15x17x24" ; word stove; buck saw; hand saws; 1 5 -gal., 1/2 -gal., and 1 1 -gal. oil cans; sprinkling rn; step ladder; garden tools, and other articles too ounce 1us 01 mention. TERMS CASH. \I r. and \I rs. L. 1111101-11, Props. \VIII. 11. \Iorritt, Auctioneer. 44-2. n ft uncing— S THE OPENING OF THE 0 Goderich Radiator Shop ° ON MONTREAL STREET • (2 DOORS FROM THE SQUARE) GODERICH Moitday, JULY 2lst — SPECIALIZING IN — BOILING, REPAIRING and RE -CORING RADIATORS For All Makes Of CARS, 'TRUCKS ANI) TRACTORS. ALL NEW AND MODERN EQUIPMENT. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. Proprietor.- Goderich, Ont. 0 101®01 C 0 O • Don't let one disastrous fire wipe out the results of years of labour. Let us study your property, estimate the protection you need, and write n Pilot Insuratu•e Policy to give you adequate protection. . We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property floater, Burg- lary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance, BERNARD HALL Phone 122, BLYTH =K N11 Thurs., Fri, Sat., .July 17-18-19 "SONG OF THE SOUTH" The Walt Disney Feature Mon., Tues., Wed., July 21-22-23 • "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" fr • Errol Flynn • Eleanor Parker '0...X.4:4-4.4+:44.4+04+4•44444.0:$4.44+:4+4. I 1 Perhaps You Are Con- = templating a Job in Decorating AND NOT JUST SURE WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE. • • • END YOUR WORRIES by giving me a call. Yon will bet assured the job will be clone O.K., _and! the fittest materials used. Whether Paint or Wall Paper. - .FIRST COME FIRST SERVED.. F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. LONDESBORO BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels. AUBURN \I r. and \I rs. t -ctrl Craig of Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. Miss Lucille Kellar, of Woodstock, with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. llarry Rinderknecht Jr., of Detroit, with Nit. and Mrs. George Beadle. Presbyterian Church. \trs, Gordon R. Taylor and Marion, C. Smith of Gowansto%en with Joan have attuned from the Angli 1 Mr. and Mrs. john li.. Young*blot. can Camp at Bayfield. \1r. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz of East Mr. au(1 \IVs. 30011 R. Weir and \\'awauosh with NH.. ant Mrs. Alfred Joan \\'r.r, have returned to Ottawa. Rov Mugford, of Goderich, with his ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency IILYTH• Our Agency has the following 1 property listed for sale: 00 acre farm within 1 mile of the Village of Myth; two-storey instil' brick -clad dwelling, 20x30 and I4x 14 frank barn 5{x70, steel and shingle roof, cement stabling; hen house 36x14; windmill and 2 good %veils; water supply in the barn; i 20 acres plowed, 8 acres new seed- ing. Sell farm, or farm including stock and implements complete. Al- most immediate possession. 11/2 storey frame dwelling on the south side of Dinsley Street, Blyth ; One-eighth acre of land, hydro, well. 2 stor.Fy stucco clad dwelling on Dinsley Street, Blyth. Immediate possession. 142 acre farm ideally situated en Highway 4, On this farm is situate a frame dwelling 33x28, hot water heating with two baths. Barn frame 90x38 with wing 32x60, stone stabling with water in stables; drive shed 28x60 metal; milk house frame lOx1O; chicken house 30x18; silo 13x40 cement. This property is now operated as a dairy farm with handsome annual return. \Vest 141 lot 39, concession 5, East \Vawanosh, comprising 100 acres. On the premises is situate 11r.� storey frame dwelling 26x28 on stone wall; frame barn 48x70 on stone founda- tion with water in barn; frame drive shed 20x60; frame pig pen 20x20. The land is clay loam particularly suitable for grain or hay crops. An ideal building lot for residen- tial purposes, comprising one- eighth acre of land situate on the north side of Dinsley Street, less than a block from the main inter- section of the village. A number of other dwellings and farms listed. Particulars on appli- cation. Frame, galvanized -clad, one and a half storey dwelling on Tlamilton sltrevt, Blyth. There is a small stable on the lot of one quarter acre. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Joseph William Mills. \LL PERSON'S having claims against the Estate of Joseph William Mills, late of the Village of Myth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. deceased, who died 00 the 27th day of December, 1946, are herefi' notified 40 scud in full particulars of the"u• claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of July, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard, only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th clay of June, 1947. McCONNELI. & HAPS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 43-3. FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME Blown Rockw•ool applied to walis and ceilings of homes save fuel with more comfort and fire protection. Our truck is in the district now. For free estimate and terms phone 136 I31yth, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton 33-10. Avenue, London. A. LCOLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience Rollinson. John Phillips of Ycllowgrass, Sask., mother, Mrs. George F. Yrurgblut, was a recent guest with his brother, Mrs. John Medd, :f Goderich, with Ezekiel Phillips. It is 21 years since James \V. \ledd. Mr. Phillips visited in Ontario. )Te Marilyn Killough of Springfield, with is 86 years of age. in spite of his \IVs. ,\thee% Bing. years he is remarkably smart. Ile A1rs. \l idler a former resident of spent the winter in Vancouver, going' Auburn, was a recent guest with Mr. via ,plane, making the trip in five and Mrs. Ralph D. Aftlnro. Icer hos- horrs. ire came to•Ontario by motor hand was a minister in the Methodist \it'I his daughter and son-in-law, \Ir. church here. and \Irs. Nelson Scott, Ile !las high - George Lawlor and Arthur Yung- est praise for the excellent highways, Nut are at present painting Knox and the trip was mast enjoyable. FOR SALE \latched team of bl;u•k c''lt', 3 year 11111, and yearling. Trull brothers. Ap- ply to Robert Ila rd, phone 19, Itlyth. 45 -Ip. WANTED :\ girls bicycle. Apply at The St•ut(1- ard Office, Itlyth, phone 89. 45-ip. FOR SALE Nine good pig, ply to llarry gibbons, Blyth. ready to phone ((can. .\1,- 15-15, 45-1p. FOR SALE .\ hammock, as good as new. Phone 127, Blyth. 45-111. CUSTOM WORK WANTED Any fanners having crops to cut and hind this season, get in touch with Earl Noble, fur contract work. Phone 114, Myth. 45-1. FOR SALE '1 little pigs, five week, old. Apply to Alex. Nethcry, N.R. 4, Brussels, phone .30-14, Myth. 45-1. NOTICE TO SCOUTS :\II Scouts are requested to be at the weekly meeting at 7.15 Friday evening, to enroll for camp. 1.: I I .. 1 I :GENERAL TRUCKING - 'The best in trucking service al- _ ways at your immediate call. All Load's Fully Insured. Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. H. CAMPBELL _ For the present phone 70c9, Brusesls. 13-tf. - 44 1. ,_ .; 1 1 I Available for Delivery 1 SMALLEY HAMMER MILL 1 USED 8 -FT. TANDEM DISC ALMOST NEW. 1 USED 9 -FT. STiFF-TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 11 -Inch POINTS POWER LIFT. OLIVER REPAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND. FLEURY PLOWS AND REPAIRS MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario SCOTT'S POOL ROOM. 1 ;SMOKER'S SUNDRIES.>•.'', i:,Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,1' and Other Sundries. 4.4 /444••.~/~:4.13 _ l" 3.41444: 1~."144.444N444il THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officors re President, F.0 . 1A1cGgor, Clinton; \'ice President, C. \V. Lconhardt, Brod- hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors \\'. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot. Seaforth; Chris. Lconhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartka, Clinton; John 1.. \[alone, Seaforth; John I -I. AIcEw- in,g, Myth; llugh Alexander, Walton; S. I1. Whitmore, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, RR. 2, Goderich. Agents John E. Pepper, Brt;d;clield; R. F. McI(erchcr, Dublin ; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. \V•1tt. Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be prontply n'tlsndod to by applications toi a•':• of the ahove named nfrtcr'rs addressed to their respecth•e post of- fices. Irascible Darling By NICHOLAS I{USiITA Generally Paul Brown %vas pic- tured as an irascible ratan with the customary vile temper. 'rhe graying hair to thatch his age and furrowed brows cutting deeply into .is forehead gave him a forbidding appearance. Now the picture was altogether different and he sat back in a comfortable chair and let his age creep over his holy in a nice relaxed position. On the veranda, sitting on the swing, his daughter 11iltla turned toward her fiance and said, "Ile is an irascible darling," and Paul Brown knew they were talking about hits. Ile didn't mean to eavesdrop but sometimes eavesdropping did some good. Paul Brown hat' been so intent on gathering up the loose ends of his father's business that he had gone on and made a for- tune out of •t near bankrupt es- tate But then Martha, his wife, had died and he had w'ithtlra\\•n to himself. Only his daughter's plans for an elopement had roused hint from his forgetting world and made hint realize what an ogre he had been, especially about Hilda and her young man. One tvcck to the day he had been sitting here dreaming tt'hert he, heard Hilda making her plans with that young Zack harnanl. There had been words and Hilda had stormily left and gone up to her room, Jack had turned and walked down tllc steps. The next night Paul Brown couldn't sleep Ile could hear the young folks 00 the porcl, again but Jack's voice had certainly changed, .ecnled a lot huskier. After a while he realized that it wasn't Jack on the porch with Hilda, "1 can't bear it at how," Hilda ,:as sayi:4 "1 1(11:1 1,:ke it any rU r: q,'r .r Ck1 1111 (1:t't: l'. There was only one thing Paul Brown count do. That was to get Jack F:rnam and put a stop to this nonsense his daughter was til. ening. 1-(e nut lack in the tushes in front of the (louse, "1-1ilda's goiflg to elope," he gasped. "I thought you said she was 'lying;," Jack acc1scd. "We're through yon know. if she wants 'o elope, let het go ahead." "1 thiamin you wanted to marry her." "1 do," Jack protested, "but I haven't I decent job. \(r. Ilrotvn, I know how you feel about rel- atives in your business and all that, but l know just %vital you treed in your engineering depart- ment. Your production methods are old-fashioned now and if you \vould put in a conveyor belt on the style I've designed, it would pay for itself in a short time." "This is a fine time to be talk- ing about a job when my daughter is about to run awayl" Mr. Brown sneezed "Blasted hayfever!" He was seized with a violent fit of sneezing, Jack shook the old man."'('here's Hilda on the porch with a bag," he whispered. "There's a man coming up the road." The shouts and the commotion frightened Hilda and she ran back into the house. '1'hc fellow turned and ran back to his car. The next evening Jack Farnam called on Ililda and they made their plans. Jack had gotten the. job in the engineering department of Paul Brown's plant. Paul Brown snorted: "Eloping one night and marrying another uu the x ." f 01 gladIt ack was there to help you. It got him a jqb and every- thing's fine now, We're going to be married in a short while." "But," her father persisted, "who was that fellow you wcrc going to elope wth." "Oh, that," Hilda laughed until the Grans inn. "Hat was Jack's older brother." "11n1ph1" Paul Brown turned in- to Pae 111;?ire. "`7c's such an irascible darling," IIj'da told Jack. Czechoslovak Gymnasts in Canada.—\lasarvk !tall in 'Toronto last week vas the same ul t gymnastic display that cam all the way from Czechoslovakia, These' girls who took hart are just a small group of the gymnastic organization "Sokol," meaningn "a falcon,,, which is on an eight-week tour. The organization at home has a membership of one million, one twelfth of the population. Pottery Factories Of Britain Going Full Blas: Again Queen I?liiahrth ort ncd some Chinese porcelain cups ;old counted them among her greatest treasures. England itself, howct cr, did not learn bow to Make tine china until the middle of the eighteenth century, when the famous Chelsea works turned out some of the loveliest ceramics (ter produced. But it was not until fifty years later, in the time oT old Josiah \\'cdgwood, that Staf- fordshire earthenware began to sweep the mangers 0f the world. Ever since then the state of English pottery -making has been a prink in- dex of British prosperity. Now comes the good news that the factor- ies of Arnold Bennett's 4:rimy Five Towns (really six towns) are now going almost full blast :again, pre- pared to recapture the export trade they had been building rap for a century and a half, says the New York Times. Frcrt rather to Son English china is unique. It is individualized) and specialized to be sold on a high-quality level. Much of the old handcraft handed down through father to son for generations still }:nes into it. It can't be sent through the kilns, on an assembly line, Because of its gt111111y it tends a ready market in this country, even though it sells here fer four or live times what it would brim; in Eng- land. The Foolish get none of it. They are allowed nothing but the cheapest of undecorated utility china. Nor hate Americans been getting it. Since shortly after the war be- gan and until quite recently our shops have been bare of I':nglisll china. Now it is beginning to come in again, in the old transfer pat- terns American housewives have loved front cur colonial days be- fore we had a flourishing earthen- ware industry of our own. Profits Steep 'Clic pent-up American demand for quality bone china amazes the British. Many of the factories are doubling their capacity, and all of them ;are gradually luring back the skilled labor ,dispersed during the war. The potteries arc now booked for years ahead. Nothing the British can sell Its twill pays them better. They have the potter's know-how, all the native ingredients they can use, and their profits, despite our tariff, will be steep. This year alone they will put $40,000,000 in bard cur- rency into the Ilritish Treasury. No- thing could testify more strongly to the revival of British trade than the smoke -belching potteries along the 'Trent. Six Miles Up! l'olossukhin, Soviet weather ex- pert, ascended 31,000 feet (nearly six miles) in a balloon and remain- ed there for half an hour while natural scientists made weather observations, Radio Moscow an- nounced, Stuff and Thinks "I was supposed to meet George here an hour ago --I'll bet he's burned to a crisp!" The Old Lidice And Me New 1.11)1 C E, Czechoslovakia. The foundation stone was laid herr the other day for a new Li- dice to replace the one des!royed by the Germans.—as they then de- clared, forever—on ,lune 10, 19-12. The old Lidice was a little titin• ing village, writes 1., 11, 11, in the Christian Science Monitor. \\'rong(ully aceta ed of sheltering the two Czech parachutists from Britain who had shot 1lcinrich 1leydrich, the sleeping villagers were waked and dragged from their beds, the Wren to a farm- house and the women and chil- dren to the village school. 'There they were told that by orders of Rcichsfuhrer 11i11cr the village I was to be razed, males otcr 16 years of age shot, the women and girls deported to concentration camps, and the children taken where they would be giten "suit- able upbringing." Of the 493 persons in the vil- lage at the time, 192 males and seven women perished that worm ing; 189 women were removed, of whom 124 survived, and 105 chil- dren disappeared, of whorl only 17 have been traced. Etre co work- ers on the night shift in the urines escaper. So ,lid some others who \wcrc away from honk, Terror That Failed Later, the Germans blew up every building, ground the stones, including those in the cemetery, to powder, and even altered the course of the little brook that runs through the valley so that the name and remembrance of Lidice should be erased forever from the book of human knowledge. Instead, they graved their cringe indelibly on the roll of his- tory and lighted, like Cranmer of old, such a candle of indignation that it hastened their own defeat, Exactly one 111011th after the Ger- man C01111)11111itltte was issued say- ing that the name of Lidice had been erased, there was a new Li- dice in Illinois. Four weeks later there was another in Mexico. The name spread to Brazil, China, Cuba, and South Africa, where it replaced that of New Berlin. In Canada, a whole county adopted the name, Today there are dozens of Lidices throughout the world instead of only one, indeed, there may be hundreds, because a num- ber of children in various coun- tries have been named Lidice, too. Foundation Stone Laid 1n Great Britain, the miners started a fund which they called "Lidice Shall Live." It handed over £32,375 as its contribution toward building the new Lidice, which it is estimated will cost £500,000 before it is finished. in addition, Stoke and Coventry are each paying the cost of erecting one new hoose in the village. 'I'he plans for the new village were drawn up by experts of Co- lumbia University. There are to be 170 dwelling houses, various com- munal builddings, shops, restau- rants, and the headquarters of the POP—Solid Foci International inc\lSafety :\'so- cia%ion. :Cot one of the new buildings is to be placed on a site occupied by any of the buildings of the old Lidice, This arca has been declar- ed a national park, 'i'he fornier paths and streets will be market) lvith their old names, and there \vitt be a plaque on the ;actual site of each destroyed house hearing the names of those who lived there when the village was obliterated. 'The ground plan of the original church %vitt he marked, and a stone altar erected in the place of the old one. GL eeks Repairing Ruined Country Prom time to time newspaper ar- tit les have conveyed the inlpression that the Greeks have maple no seri- ous effort to tackle the reconstruc- tion of their ruined land but have preferred to await complacently help from Britain and the "oiled Slates. This is far from being the case, It is heartening; to learn from official Greek statistics selected by Mr A. A. Pallis, a Greek writer in London, how much the 1;reeks have done to repair the enormous damage wrought by the Germans during their retreat in 1%141. The Railways Taking Ole raill\vays first, at the time of liberation only oso Ions out of 2,tt;0 loos were in working order, although almost completely stripped of rolling stock. Every bridge on the state-owned railway system was destroyed, four-fifths of the workshops and half the stations in ruins, one out of every four tunnels was blocked. Port of Piracus The port of Piraeus, %which before the war ranked fourth of all Medi- terranean ports, w so dainfwed that it will yolk years 10 restore its former flourishing condition. The Germans sank ship; along wharves, which they blew up for good measure, so that ships now have to be unloaded into lighters. Only 20 out of the former fleet of :3.,0 lighters were% left intact, more- over, and none of the cranes, gan- tries, and other mechanical equip- ment Of the port. Despite these diffirultics, however, the port last year cleared nearly 2,000,1100 tons of cargo, well over hall of the amount cleared in 19:38 when all equipment was working. This has been made possible only through the physical exertions of the Greek longshoremen, Corinth Canal Neither technical shill nor bodily effort, however, can. avail the Greeks in repairing the Corinth canal, the essential artery of com- 411u111ication between the Piraeus and the wester» coast of Greece. The Germans blocked the eastern cod by sinking a ship of :t,500 tons across it; pitched a large number of railway coaches into it; amt finally blew the sites in at intervals. The canal company has been ruined. Brazil possesses 27,318 miles of navigable rivers. LOOK t I'VE FOUND A DUTTON IN THE SALAD Rt �. 1411 N• - f i. I l t `LYi. =tom:i Sleep Peacefully In Palace Garden Tradition being %that it is, Eng- land got a jolt recently. 'iThe English usually trail for invitations to Buck- ingham Palace. 1hr1 two young student travelers gave rein to their gate crashing instincts. The 1)50 students trailed their sleeping bags behind them, climbed a corrugated wall, sate some suitable shrubbery, crawled in, and went to sleep. They awakened at eight in the morning with a gardener peering oyer them, rather cxcitcd looking, they: Ihotigllt. 111 was. 1 lc happened to he one of the gardeners of Buckingham Palace. The King and 011ccll wire not there, hut the two Princesses had spent the night at honk. 'I'hc two youths were taken to the police station. They were found to he respectable citizens ;and allowed to see more of England—still trailing Buie (ping bags behind them. The %%all is being heightened. Impossible )cdltr: "1101,1 iar;h! 4'O11 pt'uprt' ;eho trusted fn yon " Prisoner: "ledge, people ;oho don't frits' you can't Lr' swindled!" Eligible Males Attention girls: There were (17 single male 1.'anadi;Yns making moue thall $10I1,000 a year in 19.14). Mar- ried men who carnal more than that number only •12, according to figures tabled in the conuuons cell! ly, ASSIVEMESUMENNEL 04'11416k Inn Kull Erato. Slit) lug Al The St. Regis Hotel 1'1lttl N'IYI • 1:\ cry 1400111 11'111, (lath, Showa :m11 Telrphunu • single, iS",Ln np— Iluuhle, $3,60 rap • Goml food, IY,nlul: and Ihutelula N1r hair Shrrhuurne u4 Carlton Tut. HA. 4 %;16 Vsh.4.JsJ�Mn,nJi.liII14 1 . 4,IJill loll .i.I:IJJ4) ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA I'Al,l,ti ore, — 4'.N.n. i'TA'I'IoN dorm Riks Life T sue Twin Nephews s DO A ARD W .BERT FRY OF TOTTENHAM, ONTARIO :hews courage and coolness in tragic blaze On the night of April 28th, tragedy struck et the farm home of Mr. and Airs. Richard Oldfield, half a mile cast of 'Tottenham, in Simcoc County, Ontario. Wilbert Fri, 28, a brother of Mrs. Oldfield, saw a flash of fire shooting from the kitchen door. hushing through the hall, he found the kitchen door locked. Using all his weight, he stnashed it open with his shoulder. The entire kitchen was ablaze , , , Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield were envel- oped in flames .. their 4 -year- old twin sons frantic with fear. Quickly, Pry ran to the young- sters and, taking one in each arm, carried them outside to safety. Then he fought his way back into the blazing kitchen where the parents had been turned into human torches. Although badly burned, Fry worked desperately to smother their flaming clothes ... (anally rolling the two victims in blankets in an attempt to save their lives. Despite Fry's efforts, Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield died within a few hours. But their two young sons are alive and well, thanks to the heroism of this young Canadian veteran. To Wilbert Fry of Tottenham, Ontario, we are proud to pay tribute through the presentation of The Dow Award, - THE DOW AWARD is a citation for outstanding hero, ism and includes, as a tangible expression of appreciation, a Sim Canada Savings Bond. Winners are selected by the Dow Award Committee, a group of editors of leading Canadian daily newspapers, '-14inti Alter smashing the kitchen door opera with his shslrlder, Fry snatched the kpear -old lain lint's frau the blazing itchen, carried thea out 10 safety. Wilbert Fr did all it, his pottier to save the lives o/Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield every roiling them in blankets in an attempt to smother the faeces. . By J, MILLAR WATT IT MUST HAVE DROPPED OFF WHEN 'TNS SALAD WAS D2E55JN0 Classified Advertish' g 131 tilN1:Nti 11I'I'0l('fl NITII.S ( 1,k ; a 1' 3( !;"1'1 lotions. ('1,6,1., H 0316,. ((0311 (yid) Opat t' :ktty. A r.ttlelw 11 ;'8') 131;53'k'nJlll 1113,3, 3'33(4: 11,1, 3,1313,'• +Nd 1.'.1,+,. 3) ('3.1(1(3, 6,1111;.'' ' :(iy1 ++0111.' r e) 1130 I",3(, 901 title (anon 33 ill+ 3 *(,4' u+ 1111•ttt.u114 V',61( 64+3(3*, x('4+'(31 nun+ 1:N+et, u+' ,I t;. lung. (teal 1;101i'lIru6c1, 3:,1)08113, AGENTS 11 ANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, in:,'c!1•Iden, 331,•r+rlr Neu,', t'IMO nllr)H IInoH,. ;tn.t f:ant 3'dh+t, 1131111 4 1a)11(:H, P+6. Iled le614 (36)11'1, (1•I;Ir 2('3(311 4141,18„ A. 011 Lo11ued, '1%,1f#1110, I:\('1;1,1.1;\"1 f(„930:4011: f++ n+;3nt1 4313'0': 114 hlunebo,deas will) bet) (*ol))ar 1)11,• of 1.1„ i+-1',11 41.1,1,,1 13, 1' net 3(r *0)3,' 0++) 33 (4) 4' 111 I',6,ude, 1in•111r1r3 ,((31131 Uun nun now .1(1 11('(1+8 3133 -et -l;:+) 3''3))•,•(,)l++,a. il:rn+l36'n. . Mut lYU(.'75b 131.1 ,,;:442.,333,3,30- ILu),'3 1:1.1:, ::e(3 1Ktroo.,1wt , \r3(' Ilnu(p3(lun,4 10.1+.0 It, 3::1 446+4,' x'•61 1 ,3)13, 3 tIrlti !:+ I 1 :10„\ 1 II'•;rvy 38,' '(r 11 1,11 1:. 3: 1+",, tt„3:'+2.18 I:3:.. White I,+.4b+u1, .\ is +3('•,l 12134))6 11111 31 .\,* I,'ab,1 p 1.• r 11'3 t, \V 33,• I,, 13,, n 13,16910 tH- ,*a l••*1 1L +I n1 .113'1 bight I'nll' 6+ L. !1'. Tilt fad +3,(d J 0+t )(16' )1a1141(1i, Shipp, (1 I'3(,((, AI,;' 10(11ets '')4111 u'c,d(s 111 I:0,114, Top Not, 1) 113)3')), 434x, 4;1341911, (t 1111,1; :re can O3III pr,3tise 311 n'Alal,• 3,.3iv- ery of In rnno: I,r'•,•d,r--d;n'ooi 311,1 ,3636„e• 3Lu'led-- w,• :0264:.,' Iunn1•,383 e 3,,11.1,02 .513.1 September , In2L, sh,,u61 er+perinlly 11'• 13211' red flux' 1111.'; 1fat* 11er; , )39 John N. I launl(uu. 4383. (\'1: ('.1N Ins',; 3410(133,1 d'•1,3''•u un the 1.11,,,t - : ,11,,n: 3)31",114 of :two and ihrer we*•1t 03,3 started . II, If:, unn•»„x"d pullc+H (31. (.0(1f(1•014; 33133111 .131,111*. NOV ll8ml'obires, New i1ntnisbire S (Luted Ilo''Its. 1'111018 111 111,• (011uwuu; (r''Qv• 53, 1 (i3,, L'gl+un 3(H, w11te !0'4;11*+t3( S 63134,1 P.m 16 1('311' ,lurk X 11'1164 11810)) o, 03:163: .53)1,0 113)63' X \who+' Legh')), , .\933,413',1 ilea 43' O3eeds at tori bottom pr3)6,9,3 Also 1)06418 eight weeks to Inynt,r, 1`re' catalogue. 'l'woddie flick llalr113ries Lnu+t,•d, 306408, Ono1rl°. M 11!'1:11(3 AND ('1,1,.1NIN13 11,11'1; YOU nay thing teens dyeing 0r cl(•un mg + 33'rlle 10 133 aur information \1'e are ;;ltd to answer your 1309811008 Department Ji. Parker's Dye Works 3,3 »11e+l, 7D1 Yon,' 6t33rt. Toronto, Ontario. ---- .- - ARMSFOlt w.vt.l•, _� �_ 5;3+3(1) 13113 acre8, well 1',•1(„•,I and +trai (ed, young urehw',l beg0111'w: (3) boar, .111 build- in:;H 1n cx*:'llcnt run11i141n, 30b+t 31'X813', It'1xH1dn, 01111111o, 1,1;;'1' NO, 5213. 3:xr011,111. !3 nee, located Oa' 4y1s+tit Luk', ,ton,, UM, 3', )tile:+ 11 60,0 town. r3) 14313 In Helmut and gr+cril'd 4031. )27 121.139 troll"u; kw! fail!)' Ir6eL (1311 1)1',101111 dark and black loner, 'lay nub - h1(1. Yearly (ay.!, $1(;1,4111. New 1+: storey .111c01m with but nod told 36811)0 33 pier' 6011); 911613'3(: 13(1130: full It:mon:tit; flat tee, 'k, 11,3,0 ::1 x 21'; granaries; chicken Ionise; other buildings. 2 +b'in'd 543.310; good 81)1'iug. Quad 013x9,1 [00030); 1U01,08Ithm, Priced ❑t 911.650 with 31,581) (mole down, balance 3 ,''aro 150) inrluh'o CO 8)1)1) 16111o1': 5 ur4e reg. o;*to-; 21 a*•1'1( alfalfa )2061 2!) ftert'H 1316,'4 hay, '1131s tarot e43 nuid Lr /WO) 13, 110 1113111.00;119(1.1{. J, Rollin& (lo, 1,td., lied 1)3'1', Alberta, 3'1,8)131 151. 3, ,1(3131:4--2', 343)8 11ton Ottawa, 33 111198 0311111 of 17»u1no,'e. all tillable, good hui1)- bu:s, Apply f,, 31. I1ruulrn, 11ar6eh'6Io, 10,1. ('111t SALT: FLAGS AL1, 4iz.x Inion .3.0.31) t3' c.t(s:oti.+n 1188141)14, 113 (c3( wool bunting, M3'''l01 offering on 447 sod 6 foot ('08))) J:14130. 11331. dye 111136)1 cotton, 111:,14)11)1 fur qun111111':+. J1'il;hien your corn- non3it3• (a' borne by 11311ln 11 good tomtit:: ling, John Leelde Ltwil•;d, 77 Wellington St, WVt'Ht, -1'ur0utt+. ATTENTION EAt(1t1:13S FOR SAL(,—Tractor 'rues, made 01 rubber, suitable for boffins on steel wheels, $ 13,00 eat 3,. rear wheels; $7 50 ('(1c3), r0n1 wheel❑, When ut'derink state diameter and 3610111 01 wheels, National Itttl+ber Co. Ltd., 8 Wllt- 411'II'0 A66., Tel'e1110, Ont, CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 3Luuofacturcrs' cleat once, brat quality fur k,ul l3 nod mingle beds la beautiful Iw1•toned 01001s, worth d)1131)10 2113, Price. Mw4c) ,e- Iurnied 11 not natio(1941, 13011 C.t).D, Plus postage In Canada. handicraft Distrlbulnrs, 2:13 $her17rool(o St„ W.. Montreal 18, Quo, CONCRETE MACHINERY 31. Cu, Ft, Hand or I'ower•operalcd Mixers —Ideal tar 1,10(111 mixing jobs on the farm, ,'3ther content or feed, 1 11110 G cu, 11, Power Mixers. llnud-hunted ,Block Mnchlars for the small operator. 3(r farmer requiring blocks fur 3(s own use. Immediate delivery. \Velt- lout cr•'(Velker llldllelrieo Limited, 1270 Bay Street, Toronto, On111110. 1 M 1111,1'. WIRE & BOLT CUTTERS Hun 01131,, urged »I,•, I, I,1" 1o11g, 11,112:4 111 9' 2'1313 tt u e and 130143 (3111+ (3(H'—• ;4) oc3,31 331 ria 3,0..331('3. 1,461(18, 671 (3110,'0 33',6:2, 'I'monto. Electric Power Plants 3 113'A (3,000 wall), 10 or GO cyclo, 120 wult, Ounn engin.) 111)31 generator, A 131181(16 unit. Ideal fur lighting, refrigeration, water pumping and small puwer tools In ramps. Boxed and wnterproof'd fur 14633,311031. Priced low. Wrllo far details, HII!'71'I',ll(I) ELECTRICAL LAD'S 101 S1nrk1 51;, Ottawa, FOR MORE FISH Tltr 3(30 new nrllllcpll minnow, the 171,1:C- '1'1tU1.C1t1S, Liles ftp only when 111 motion under water. Complete with bulb nod battery *WY 32.00 Postpaid. Ideal fur early 3(.111, 3(r 3(41' fishing. Also attractive quantity Prices, KENNEDY -SMITH ADV. CO. 111 W. Wnshinglun, Chicago 2, Mums. 1'l (UNI'('( ICG CIIESTERFIELD SUITES ('!u 3.2+•113.1,1 3031,1 n1,nn1111,4 n, a. f+lf4 np)no: fill.,1 v0118lun1.ln eV) (3' 14133', (3)111,3 M1101131r, V, 144', 3")17'', 0,18 at tele, :311)),4, I1:+n1:11,1+n - rood tube) (3('• (611,1 weal tog u)bnlsle(1ul la) 11*H 1110 NE11 1'I11:.'l'I:It 1'1E1,11 !3l I'l'(3 '111 1'1141t1S ' 111(1311 11111;1: 313:1,1\!.121' •1'1 ('141 It (:11.\61.4'1 VrA'I'iu?; TOD1) ba» been In I3),• 4114,,141 (111,1 wide ),1(141o'd3 for :;a 334)1) 16.1 31+ 1140';314.:,+,+ 134 (l3• oad' Ay n Hpec3,hH1 11, 1 the Inn:, 3:111.(•1181 Iot)c) ++I the l,3(*381': 1, 1,I, 1911 be1u(v * 3 •• :1 I, t6 of 3(++l 1 ,1',b p( Ice» 1.3() Q)',tl,l'1'1' t'tll.:•'i'i}3,1'0:1.0 3t.l'1C,, $119 00 ('+1 t'+' l'+t+i+.1 0403(e — linen* 7 1(:11(1,18 ('16')1,1 till 133'1 (('4th' I+lr' '+uabty ('61031. FOR 8,1LE, Intotin(Innal Nu. 42 combine. Apply J. L, 11'hitiug, 13.11 Na 3, Ihu'lM, Ont, HUNTER'S epeclnl—brood new war onsets -released web rifle Mingo, 1'111 standard swiv la, Tho bargain you have; been (('niting fur—while they lust only IDe each, Sling swivels for these slings 7.,e per pair. Ell- wood 34p11s %porting Goods, Clinton, Ontario. MA 1.1,1,, %Vitt'!' Al APIA; syrup, '1747 crop, 13cn8onnble Prices. No coupons, John AI, Uilleonie, Abbotsford, Quebec. McC01111ICl(•DEl!:IIINU ensilage Muvesler, with standardized power takeoff. Used four days. Harvest your corn at Its hest with ono or two men, ('1120 greatly reduced. Immediate delivery. Write Graham 11111, Pont Rouge, Que. %o' new J17 , 3(a Ford re 1 ONE CUL I and n U actor on Tubber. Complete with ((613 fin, row Plow and double Moen. Immediate pos- session, II, 0396011, ltllson 111280 South, 1)14hnw'a, (1113, 31 (33 a 111360 42441:30 pl(Ppicx for Male. '1'11190 modes ane f'umL, 1x11 8011111,9 011. Finest 4'1uadlait and .5(netlenn Llnnd11n4x. (;ra1d- rtire'H 33,3, l'3), Alrbn, Bombsight and Ch. Diarlac'H grin nate, Fifty Dollars not m+. ,1113,13 Mtn. T. II, 1lcl;u3,'t', 287 11113 61. 501116. llnullhtn, (Illluri),, TIRES Wo ate nrers(urll30 til the Present tit gond used 1('ad,;•In tires 1011nnmllrrd to be In ex• etilenl s11npel G00 X 16 — $5.00 A11 orders shipped C.O.D. 53,90113 equipment fur yulcunteing 'Truett nod Pam) 'I'ruvInt Tires. DEACON T11114 00.3306 Qllerll and '('elk Ste., Hamilton, Ont, ONTAIS1O'S MOST 01(1DERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOT' Dealers Winded Watchmakers Attention Lowest prices on stems, 14(0[[14. mainxprInge, ('rl'nl1ls, watch ports. Write for 111'160 list. 1(013111 lomp3ny, 1)r31.•5, 71 3141401'[. 'Toronto. 'THE 1103I'ITAL for Slck Chlldreu, 'I'orouto, ,offers n cert13101110 ('00.0)3 to young women in the rare of ( f, nls and young children, Length of courx(-9 months. Iequlrctnenln —Applicants Must be between eighteen rind thirty yen's of are with one. 3'enr of high ■01103,1. . Remuneration provided plus full maintenance nod uniform. Applications me bolng received now for routers beginning August first and %entember Bret. Apply to Superintendent of Nurses, lloaottol for Sick Children, 17 College Street, Toronto. $149.00 $119,00 If ,1.,x,1113 31 I,101r $119.00 1i,•rc '(+3,31117'. 111011„) 4+ 811'11'14 11.1111011 1',13.•11 2 ;deco Chat 41 1,01) 161(1 3010,0 M11311y 3,116' ou1013,111611a 3,3(3343. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 L'uy nhsmm,•ly (Ira' ananuLn'nlr'6x l.'9.6n) 813,4 130w 98)11(16' +',11140 dime( Indo '(1)nn S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. phone (13303'111 4333 _ -- 11,311(1(111331616 3 — — (.3,1131 11ulyd1rsrnn(: the 11010100d. 3)1•(6133, 10[0111131nm nn 400901 40114,1)1(8 1:01143('e Itolcrl31n'e I(+llrltrrxxlrin Academy. 137 Ave one Rood Toronto — —_ I:LLrIS'A3'1'I:11 IR 631 173(11'P•II-111'liIl' -3(1;9,3. (ap3(de of lilting full charge. (('rife "Abel I Ihnke, 1.1'(0( Lorne, ant. MEDICAL )'I"4 ('It35'331-1'Neff sufferer of Itneunlalle Patios 3(r S0urilin x3,0131, u')' Doom's 1101'13•, Munro's 31rag :tore, 6666,, I1I0n0. 111113(38 1'0310101 81.00, WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and thein„n to; trrmrnt when L'reonotone tit feet, 3))'1111141 Imo 111)( relic! (file nunitl,e' 1ratinenl 1 e0 3,13x13010 11111,80 II' *9'!149 100 118, want olive; SA'I'Itil••Y \'Ul'1t1n1,1•'--lacer) 813[2,44 3(l L'hrunulliv 1',11)1.' 3(0 Neun113 1,11,3111,1 II -3 1)33130'0 Reined), 111313413'0 11004 241ure, 373 1;4,9, 012:43543, f'o5)pald 31.00. FOOT AILMENTS 114'3 I'uut Oil effectively remedies corns, rnlluuaeo, 64391(9,1 feel. No ila8u09, on pada, nn "811x(13', frier, 506. Commork Products U,,, 701 Ot114468 Electric Inds . Wawa. Canada. 111'('lllt'I'1'N1'1'IES 1'1)13 333(31F;[ BE A I-IAIDRESSER JUIN CAN AUA'h 1,EA111NO tl'UOOL ((real Opportunity Learn Ilnlydrenxinl f niimont 118'13)!11)1 prafesaion, pond w1Gen Omuta/Ms lucceeshil Mort 14 1;0101.131i.3 Amerlcu's greatest system Illustrated cilia Ingle free. Write m 01111 31AIIVEL HAIiRDiRESSING 8)311001,5 358 163,3,4 Ht. W„ 1'brouln nrnnchrs 44 ((Ina SI., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa 111'11:11 '11 INt RN'I'lllt$ AN OFFER le eve,y Inventor—I,tal of (oven (Ions and full Information sent tree. Th, Ramsay 4 n, Registered Potent A(Inrney■ 273 flank Street, Ottawa PATEN1.% 1'L'l'IILr11STONA('(333 & (•onlpaoy Potent Solicitors, I•:stabll'hc3 1190, i1 (Gnu west Tot onto Mottle{ of InIOrlllan011 nn regnrel 1'613140\.11_- 01.11e1,51. 3'Lle?nlll 1)is1n6 lo' it. A�Jrfrer3' Including' Membership Ono Duller, write: 17:6Nnb 111e1n'ical .lnseclnllnn, 1'ulye(. Ont, I'IIII7'1U113AI'll3 '� SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 1111 titer Camillo RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You set hm•t "snaps” unu In irinp1 04,11139 from I1410 big, rcha(de ttudol. AN1 3112137 11111.1. 0 3,0 1 1'x14IHan1`9 1113131316103313) and I'I3IN'1'I:I) 30e Hemline 300111 your negatives 11. 3 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 25r, En- largements framed 7 x 9” In Gold, Silver, 1Vn1nu1 or Itla6k Frames 74c, If plclure colored 91e. Ih-Inls and enlargement' mode 1rnln prints oI Mei negatives. Rept, 11 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE (lox t431. pawl 011'1('15 A, 'I'11RDNTII WING'S PHOTO SERVICE A11 1)'1018 with 1lccklo edge, t or 8 exposure n011e-230. 114104113 3c, tach, Box 2, Station J_'rot onto. ' T1:,\U111:R% 1t'AN'I'1:11 l'11UT1;ST.1N'r Teacher wanted fur S.H. No. 8 Raglan. DuGrs to begin Sept, 211d. 1917. Apply elating salary rind qualifications to Daniel fludor)ck, Sec,-Trens., Palmer 133)0,15, OWnrio, TE,1('11'ISIfy 11'.1'1T1311( 1'171'6131101211 COUNTY—School Area, Nu, 2, Twt. 0) Chandos requires le/teller Septem- ber, Mole preferred, 11500.00 up, experience and qualifications considered. Waller Neleun, 1etlelnl )', Apsley, Ont. HASTINGS CO. 1•bur qualified teachers want- ed for School Arca No. 1, Atontengle and fletsehcl (Or schools No. 3 and 5. Moulenole; 10 and 11, Ilerscllel, Salary, 11500, Dulles to commence Sept, 2. 1947, Apply, 14101100 qua111icnlloos. to Drunk 113310.0. Sea 'I'rcas. 1laynoolh S1»Ilon, Ont. QUALIFIED, experience((, protestant teacher 1eindred for 4, %. Nu. 7 'loll, 111uc11 hawk, 1313303' ((Iver District, Ont. Grades 1-9; 20 pupils; tem:het-age awl fuel In exrlt:titge for Janitor dollen; school ammo Sept, 211,1, School 1311 highway ('lase 11) Mores nud Vo8lulllrr. Minimum ;Wary 91500.00 with allowance for 9x11: Hence op l3( 31500.00. Apply staling om)1111C)un,ns and salary to Mrs. l,:Inris Al• Liner n_t;ocy-'l'reas. 11.13. No. I• Sluall40, 0111, • IYA:I'1:1i N'ANTED—All kind's of dre101,1 pooh ry. '1'11( Prlees tut lop turtle .10093,11 ('upper 1.1(0114,1 l'o)1Ilry Dept , 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronlr 6 IWo d3 413x(3,313 grnd6131 LOGS I;EQUIRED 11'1: Purchase Maple. Rielly, AIM. ('berry and 131911111,01 I0:;n, honied on (might )tiro for rash. %Vi'1te parttcularn {u I3nt 637, ties. peter, Onlnr(o. Mapping Resumed Mapping of Greenland, begun in '1927 and interrupted by the war, 1''115 resumed itl•,)111(1.' 3)y ;m expelli- l3on of some 70 persons wording un- der (3)c Vanish (Geodetic lust:tlte. 'rite expedition has at its (14.110531 the most modern means of map - making, including two Catalina Hy- ing boats knight in the United States to help in the huge task of accurately reproducing Grccnllnd's lengthy coastline, No Tea Party—.1\'itll a Russian interpreter acting 'as inter- nIelhllr\' I'rc31(lcnt \'inrc'nl r\uviol of Frame. and \', \1, :1101- O3,IV, "u\'il't foreign i\liniotcr, enjoy an after -luncheon cull of (cal and al juke at a Marl'(\' given for l'ol'eil;n Ministers ill Paris studying the llarsltall Plan for 1�.11rolll'an reconstruction. 1'•ut the )lig meeting \vas no tea party ; it ended in failure, Sports And One T'hhtg or Another By FRANK MANN (HARRIS ("A SiJthit Critic") No dunk we're sticking the old neck out men further than usual by trying to size up a lighter we've newer come within several thousand guiles of Seeing i3( action, Still, 3543 hate 1i1118 he$it;)Un1 311 51(33113 that (IIIc T;umlbere, the Swedish heavy- weei1311 (rho scored such an noes- p:'cted win over lac Ila,;si, has a 3913112 heap to learn before he can Lc 1:1h071 very seriously. And we make this estimate, not frons anything Tandberg did in . that Stockholm rine, but on his unheard -n, and practically scandalous performance Adel' the 51110'1111!; x115 over. 11:d;si, the .\3)1)3 1111 loser, and his manager both 336,1 i11 a manner be - fining the occasion, screeching "\\'c will. robbed" in loud and anguished tunes, Ilia did Tandberg play the earl of a prop( r Winner and coining champion liy saying that, although llaksi had fought Well, hc'had never been in any doubt about the out- come? Did he say that he regretted the light lad ended so Stun 11GIIISC, in another two rounds, he would have knocked .1r. Ilaksi hatter than Kati un a plate? Did he (cell de- clare that he never felt better in lis life and could hardly wait for a shot at Joe Louis? No; the Swede (lid none 111 these things Lal—violating all Ile most sacred traditions of the ring --dumbly remarked "I didn't Lelieve 1 had won the (iglu," Ile may be a curling champion, Old age is hound to catch up with 1.011is some day, flat right now he certainly needs a 3511011 301 of brushing -up on proper ring ctlquclle. * * * 11:11'CI' 711000IIT L)E1'7'..\'ow undoubtedly the peosteel of 011)' colulllg IIto,R30 33(1 germ warfare is, 1)u I/O 3;11319, dark and gloomy in- deed„ Still, there is at /east one bright .spot in the picture. If these germs and atom bombs are ifs mur- derously and totally destructive ns claimed, after it's all over there 7(00'1 be any Dorollr) T11o61psnns or any of that clan around to s11)' "Didn't I tell you so." 3! 133 h is almost enough to make up for Ube fait that there won't be any of us aromul to listen. a( * * Front llouircal comes the startling announcement that any Canadians, to be eligible for our Olympic Hockey team, must be those who have never materially benefitted—either directly or indirectly, mind you—from play- ing 11131 great wittier pastime, When we passed o11 this bit of information to an old friend, who has been in and around hockey circles for a consider- able sIl•Clcll4.'his comment was— ”\\'ell, at least that will be snntC- SiOMiCN of Insect Bites— HeatRash Quick) Slop 11C311ng of insect bites, heat rash, eczema, It 1es, pimples, ecalcs,ecabics,llllletes foot and other e3lelllnlly caused skin (roubles. 311 3 1c'•3e'n, • U I k ti g Soothing antiseptic D D D 11 PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, staiolcss, Itch stops or ppour money hack. four druggist stocks DAD D PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 29-1997 MUTT AND JEFF --Maybe Jeff Should Have Brought Along His Min;', novel—to Hate Canada, mire - sewed by an all -girl (cam.” * 4' G 1'1 ❑lust folks it scents almost unh1lie able that, in links like these, such ridiculous and out -of -dale views of amateurism should even get an airing, in alone have a bearing on the conduct of modern athletic af- fairs. I1nt they continue to do so, just because I1rund:t e of the I.•nited States, and a few others of that ilk in various countries, still manage to swing far more 31cif;ht than seems possible. And these gents dc) this for the very sante reason that a handful of Communists can exercise far more influence in certain Unions than (lit 11' numbers would seem to entitle them to have, As one recent lvriter put i1, '"1'hc Commie is on the jug 24 hours 3 day, every day—the (Alters, just once in a while.” * ( * WAIF '111.[. '1IIE P:l1.17'S f)I\'l', 130)'S, 111 golf there's an ancient though unwritten rule that you shouldn't pick 11p somebody ('1.3, s 11(111, as lost, till it has stopped rolling, IIT understand that the retail (763(»nobil8 trade is thinking o/ adopting something siulilal'—ihey won't sell it ns n used car till it's ncuu111y oft' the assembly line. * 1 * One of the peculiarities of the game 1( baseball is .that the more perfectly it's played, the less inter- esting it 15 to watch; and in this connection we are reminded of a player named \\'cidcnsaul who used. to roam the outfield, many years ago, for the Toronto \133,18 Leafs. In pra6lically every game—sometimes several links i13 a game—he would pull oft running catches that border- ed on the miraculous. He gave the fans plenty of thrills, and they nick- named hint "Wonderful \\'tidy" and applauded his every move, * * * hlis teammates got many a secret snicker from these outbursts of applause; for the plain fact of the matter was that \Veidensaul ,was possibly the worst judge of a ily (,all who ever wore a Class A uniform, Long ones and short ones, high ones and low ones, he'd mi5jtldge them all, then redeem himself by travel- ling a mile -a -minute to grab then] just in the nick of time. Ile wasn't a great hall player, Ile never made the ,lig Leagues. But he was for more fun to watch than a fielding genius like Speaker, who could make even the most difficult catches look as easy as shooting fish in a rain barrel. * * D1irl.\'i)ION: :I suecessf t:l Poll - is n Winn who ion conic hark to his constituency, shake !lands 'with n /4043')' light in i13) middle of lnn)- 1061 3(r• hua'7'rsl, and thenthenconvince the latter ilnot laboring (107611 fu Ilial dreadful 1'arlilnnenlln')' hetet at Ot- tawa is 0 ('110.5' rls'.(,rl'i1g of the deepest sympathy. Britain Imports European Labor For Production it lo b2 is un 11461186 1 h /upsilon in Canada With regard 30 i l lllllieralion , In :1 modest (way, 3)1'6' laps, it is already under away, with hundreds of l'nlcs and 1,002) 1)1)3611 here, 7.1100 L'litons coming, All that Still 51'('1115 to be 1p113 to question IS 111313' wally of the Old 1\'orld's ;3(l •3114',, all told, are to be peunittcd to ronlc, and how soon, ;Irks the ti;+till Daily ;dar. \t such ;I time, it i; of interest 10 hole (433)3 the "slut.” llrilish are doi36, According to the British in- formation Services in Neve York, the number of European displaced Per- sons hying admitted to the 1 'tined Ikincllotn has risen loon 1,31(1(3 to -1113111 tvdcl•IV, 3 * • For the Last decade Britain has hall a steadily rotting refugee population. Before the war, Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria, ('zechoslOValhia and other countres swallowed by the Nazis came to Britain for safety by the thousands. I.:lst 34370er, accentuation of Dritain's critical manpower shortage resulted in the dccesio11 to recruit displaced persons from Europe, \lore Ilan 10,000 skilled workers from 3IIC 111'. camps of Germany already are settling dowel to new jobs and new lives in such United Kingdon, industrial centres as Man- chester, Birmingham, London, New- castle and so on. t: 1: r 131'1(1130 is now estimated to num. her .1:0,000 recent immigrants among its population, Ilul it is planned 10 draw still further on what 15 1101\' the greatest potential manpower (1001 in the world. 1n all the displaced per - 5011s camps in the 136711sh zone of Germany, leallels have been distrib- uted stating working conditions and pay—ill all Cases exactly the 51(11e a5 those of corresponding 116313511 work- ers—and inviting volunteers to sign up for 5818(13011. r. ')NooEY! DON'T You MUTT, WI IY 14NOW MY, —3IT O� � ITIT S01.10T? ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH From "A Canadian" A gift of $101,13(10 tsas made 'uo)nynpulsty I'3,' the late Lord 11e11- ,3,11 1 , the 3134 (1uilllfl,rd ( ;(the Iral Ilicl v, ill 11.1e ;1 cunu11cnlurative '11.1{1, I to marl( the gratitude of the people of till rl•y for the hell, of the 'ana,li113 forces during two wars. 11'1146 11 t'•'ao 3,i\ 63( four years ago as (''nitrll,Itli1' II 1113(:1x)15 the purchase of 1h'' cathedral site, it was ;immune. ed moody ly :Is from "a ('anadian." The Bishop of Guildford naw re- veals that the Ilona 11011 Was from the former ('rime ,Minister of Can. ;ala who lit + 'd i6 England (1,r years l,cforc his death, I'm PARTY FAVORITE among coffees is Maxwell House. It stimulates and cheers because it's Radiant Roasted to develop every last atom of goodness in its extra -rich blend. CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality BLUE COVER PURE WHITE The only Digeratio Paper MADE IN FRANCE on solo In Canada Free 6urning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a Z1G-ZAG251 CIGARETTE ROLLER � FOR THAT FISHING TRIP TAKE ALONG A TUBE OF REPELLENT CREAM a..at. f. REPELS BLACK FLIES and other insect pests STOPS SUNBURN t AIDS NATURAL TAN Here's modern protection against vicious black (lies, mosquitoes and other insect pests. Rub a little Tantoo Repellent Cream into the skin of face, neck, arms, etc. and you'll be free from annoying insects for 6 to 8 hours. Tantoo is the latest discovery of science... a modern and tested formula , , . odourless ... easy to use and carry. At your Green Cross dealer, now, A PRQDUCT OF Big, handy 21/2 -oz tube 40 4'Reg'd, trate•nr Overcoat By BUD FISHER CAGE A Iir1 1 i . JiIIiY�i.N� 0.66;016 —lo=o• oc�lo O ;;01010 r Everything- Ladies' & Men's Wear THE gTAN1 AIth W 'etiiieicilty, fitly id, itif -oczo=1 PERSONAL INTEREST a Olive We now have in stock - Girl's Slacks and Slack Suits See our Work Shirts and Pants For Men. SPECIAL REDUCTION FROM 20 to 50 Per Cent. In Sandals and Summer Shoes, 1 JC=Or . •0=10' cGiV t0=0.• IIIc, and Mrs. hfarvcv McCallum are ' on a brief motor holiday this week. \(r. and Mrs. Jack Tasker and sons, ' of II onitton, are visiting with Mr. and O Mrs. A. R. 'Tasker, and attended the 0 funeral of the former'; uncle, \!r. 11. 0 Campbell, of 13clgrav'e. \[r. Bert Colclough, and +istcr, \liss ,Annetta Colclough, of Dinsmore, Sask., were visitor; with their aunt, Mrs. A. Cole lough. nOIMk. Mary Caldwell and Miss lda \Mk. 1)avtnen, .1 London, were week -end LI eucsts at the home of Mr. and Mr:. ')lu• r,•in \1r, and Mrs. Frank f'ingL•und, and daughter, Catharine, of Clinton, called on \Ir.. F. Metcalf, and Ella, last Fri- day. We regret to say that Mrs. \Get_ calf has been quite ill for the past three tveeks, the result of a fall. Miss Thelma (rood spent a few days last week with her cousin, \liss Joan tiovier. \Irs. 1)r. Cull and c!nildren, l\ath!cen and Norman, of Victoria, visited with Mrs. Alex. McGowan over the Week- i1 end. I Mrs. E. Volker, Miss .Annie Vol- ker, Nit's, Hubert 'Thorne, and \frs Ethel Th.irne an 1 ''angter, Betty, of London, and Air. and Mrs. Rona', of Mitchell, spent Sunday with \Irs, F.'s KLIK! Metcalf. \Ir. and Mrs. Francis neer, of Mid- land, s;'ent ti's week -end tvittt \(t'. and \frs. N. W. Kyle. 01,1 friend: were very happy to see Rev. P. 11. and Mr;. Streeter, and daughter, Jean. as they called briefly t in Myth un \londay afternoon on their ,; Way home to 1 911(1011 ant r a t'.vo- week,' vacation, lean remained, and is yisitin,4 with Mr. and Nit's. E. J. Cartwright• Mr. Streeter was former. ly Rector of the Anglican Parish here, and was succeeded by Rev. J. L. 1T. Henderson. O 11 0s::20= 11...4.0+14.44.74444.4. +4.44 �. �..�,,�1 ,�H�1 .�H�H�„�H�H�N�,%I�H�/ 1,1,�1.� .�1,�H� ,�11� 1�, �1 .� ,�1 �, ,1 ,1 4f • Sup -- FOOD STORES -- ffif Aylmer Vegetable Soup .._ per t'n 0?c Royal York Cheese .. .. .. . .... ... .. .... .. half lb. pkg. 2!c Chase and Sanborn Coffee, Maxwell House Ccffee, , 1 lb. bag 47c Orange Marmalade . 24 ozs. for 35c Cooked Spaghetti ........,........._ ._. - - .. 20 oz. tin 15c Dr. Ballard's Health Food .. ... . 2 tins for 31c Sa!niflush ................ per tin 29c Kellogg's All -Wheat 2 ;,kgs. 27c La France 2 pkgs. for 27c Satina ... pkgs. 07, Javex .. bottle 1lc FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 • _, PrM.V.0+++44.i 4H1 + 4. IIN•I NI•I. IN w 1./W NIIIIJIIIIII/NINNIIIIIf11d We Specialize In Nome -Made Baking Of All Kinds. FRANK'S NOME BAKERY Groceries, Fruits, Vegetabies Sunkist Oranges, 392's 2 dozen for 33c New Potatoes 10 lbs. for 49c Seedless Raisins ._..... 2 lbs, for, 37c California Prunes 2 lbs. for 33c Pitted Dates per Ib. 23c Royal Manor Nut Crush per jar 39c Spring Clothes Pins ...... .. ....... 2 dozen 15c Cattelli Cooked Spaghetti 2 tins 25c Japan Green Tea half Ib. 43c McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas 2 pkgs. 21c Mother Jackson's Carmel Treat 25c Robin Hood Quick Oats per pkg. 24c Londonderry Ice Cream Powder .... 2 for 25c Tip Top Plums 2 for 25c Clark's Mushroom Soup .. 3 tins 25c Vel and Dreft ... per ''kg. 29c Maxwell House, Chase an,e Sanborn Coffee per lb. 47c Aeroxon Fly Coils . 5 fcr 10c PRESERVING SUPPLIES Zinc Jar Rings per dozen 25c Red Jar Rubbers 4 boxes 25c Parowax ... 2 boxes 25c Certo, Certo Crystals, Memba Seals and Glass Jars, Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons. Bleck Salt, Brats, Oyster Shell, Royal Purple Calf Meal, King Bug Killer, King Cattle and Barn Sprays, Pratt's, Royal Purple and Dr. Bell's Remedies. LIFETERIA, PIONEER, AND NEW LIFE FEEDS. STEWAIIT.' 1I i Phone 9 GENERAL STORE We Deliver 1 NEW SHIPMENT OF PENS A New Shipment of Waterman Pens and Pencil Sets, including the new Taperite Pens, and the Lifetime Sets. The gift that is appreciated, for all Occasions. We expect some of the new ball-point pans to ar- rive shortly. They will be priced cheap and made by a reliable firm. The Blyth Standard I.IDIe1ellra��y Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agenth For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES SIZE 600x16. TASTILY PREPARED CANNED MEATS FOR A QUICK DINNER AT HOME OR SUMMER COTTAGE. WEINER STYLE SAUSAGE (in Brine) WEINERS AND BEANS BEEF STE 'I'C and ONIONS CIH LI CON CARNE MEAT BALLS AND GRAVY KAM! FRESH and PRIM! SPORK! COOKED MEAT e're All Ready For Flies, Mosquitoes, Etc. Why not start early to keep ahead of the insects and bugs, by using some of the following ,products--- D,D.T, Barn Spray Half Lb, 60c, 2 lbs. $2.00 5 lbs,, 30c, 10 lbs., 50c, 20 Ibs., 90c 4 lbs. Bac 39c and 78c 8 ozs. 25c, 16 ozs. 43c 75c 30c Garden Guard for Vegetables 3Sc Dar!ey's Fly Spray for Cattle .. per gallon $1.1S 6.12 Insect Repellant 59c Bug Killer Arsenate of Lead i 2 -Way Screen Paint ........ D.D.T. Household Spray 2 4 D Weed•No-More Tomato Dust R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS. SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 11n. ts;t+tt(iCatig►ktQVt4t;+tR ti4414:4;RtaRttniktdt4104 4 144MCCIViMN R 40111{ il004 1444114109 GOOD FURNITURE The charm that good furniture adds to a home is always appreciated by people of good taste. We , have endeavoured to select furniture that will pos- sess all the character and charm that will appeal to buyers looking for the best that money can buy. H. McCollum II�, Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. I Deliveries Wednesday and Saturday. Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims NOTICE Recent amendments to the above Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before 1st September, 1947. All applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the Minister and the Minister may reject an application that is not made in such form or that does not contain such information. The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Dis- trict Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. All pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st August, 1947, will not•be accepted. Department of National Revenue Ottawa James J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenue. Y•ij E ROOF 40 LAST ig A L'NG TIME' You will have a certain color in mind, a blend of colors perhaps, when select- ing a roof for a new home or a new roof for your present home . , , but, it is equally important that you choose a roof that will long withstand the abuse of time and weather, (deuutitu. DURABLE FIRE -RESISTING "Rooh fhof will still be Modern Tomorrow” VcY ASPHALT ROOFINGS Care in manufacture .. . backed by the skill and knowledge which long years of experience con- tribute ... gives Viceroy Asphalt Roofings a standard of excellence which marks them as superior. Competent dealers recommend them. VICERO 1 LONDON ROOFINGS london,Roofings..i)ivisiorl : VICEROY MANUFACTU{ 1NG COMPANY•, liryfliEp Mn''t ' ' J factoiy, LONDON- • head, DROf4T0 ASPHALT SHINGLES ASPNAII IM00YN AND MINIMAL IUDMOSD ROLL ROOFINGS A,PNAIt oN 1ANlleo SHEATHINGS 3 FELTS - BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS ROOF COATINGS t SI4110t of 'PROTECTION J 6>alw OIIM> AMOOMP1> 1,, i >n>« 1 110 All the beauty or good lines and proper propor- tion, does not necessarily apply to high-priced.fur- niture only, but is found repeatedly in goods of medium price. We invite you to drop in and inspect the reduc- ed prices on our stock, at your convenience. James Lockwood SUCCESSOR TO J. S. CHELLEW Furniture and Funeral Service — Phone 7 or 69, •Blyth. Speiran's Hardware EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. n 1 Plymouth Red•Top TWINE Now in Stock - 600 feet to the pound. COME IN AND ORDER NOW Tat Ant Traps. Wood -Turning Chisels. Viceroy Motor Oil. Half -Horse 25 -Cycle General Electric Motors. Eureka Vacuum Cleaners. Tractor Seat Cushions. Ideal and Lifetime Aluminum Ware. Complete Line of Johnston Waxes. DE LAVAL AGENT. • • W • e. Bread - Cakes - Pastry 2 Have our Delivery Call at Your Door WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING PASTRY OR- DERS NEXT WEEK. • The BIOME BAKERY II. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario Are You in the Market for a Paint Job? We are ready at .all times to attend . to your painting' jobs, exterior and interior. We use the best of paints, and our workmanship can be com- pared with the best. Let Us Estimate On Your Next Painting Job. TAIT & HIRONS Telephone 56, Blyth Decorators I RATION COUPON DUE DATES for the purchase of either s••' --r or 1 Coupons now val d are sn,ar-pre- 1 molasses, the only two foods Trow ra- t serves S?G to S56 and Y1 to Y10, good l tioned,