HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-18, Page 37 R OX
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. return of better times. Scores of our
finest young men have gone off to better
their condition in the States; -rather a
'doubtful exteritnent just now.
Es L D. -T he armies of the to ited
States received an important accession last
week in the veluntary enlistment of some
half-dozen Goderich boys, who went to
Buffalo for that purpose. They received
$100 each, as bounty. The young heroes
might find it dearly earned money before
they get through.
• A WEATHER StneltIsE.-Saturday
t 14TON.
Poisoseee.-Mr. Shaw, hotel -keeper, late
of Clinton, had an encounter.v(ith i noseless
tellow named Bigger. Shaw challengedlem
to have another battle; Bigger, not coming
up to the scratch, Shaw tossed up the bottle,
or rather its contents, in McLeod's inn. Shaw
became violently itt �r iesane-a doctor was.
called and, with the aid. of a stomach -pump,
evening last was one of the finest experi- emptied his stomach of what seemed. to be.
enced this It ason. The wind bfew softly poison. Shaw_ suspects foul play someWhere.
from the South and the gathering clouds
seemed t� portend a warin shower. - 4p- . ,•-:-
paarances were so favorable that some - of ''• SPalsG Sllow--,ettor moSreers.
ottr _gardeners were ahnost tempted to °
, - [Front our own Ctirrespondentr 1
-leave their hot -bed frames open.- ImagThe, . The Spring Show of Stallions and Buil& in
Vten, the surprise ot.everybodY . when the ;connection with:the-Clinton BranCh Agricue
first peep out on Sunday mornitierevealed• :.tural Association came effort Thiirsday , the
a -scene of stlow-covered ground r and. -a 1.3th. inSt. _ The -exhibitors were few in nein-
• eritelhere there being
four in the class of drauelit stallious and four
but eight horses exhibited-:=_
regutet drift from the N. -CV . It was
- told all day. In, Otis country of extremely- - . - - -
, . - In that of general purposes ---while in bulls
endden atmospheric changes we hare neVer- there e -ere but five, three Thorough-. breds
seen a tiore sudden_ transition. . ' and.two Gra le. The ahimals were alt anise.
, rior -enes-the thorough bred_ 'bulls particu-
Losp HIS WIVE, ----e& 'soor. fellow. living -Iarly eliciting iaudatery remarks from all who
in this- UTE: was 'nearly -distracted on Saw them. Mr. Wm: Jenkins, of Goderich
Thursday night and triday last, by the Township, exhibited a noble-lookin r Tour -
good-looking year-old thorough-b,red called "Stanley," but
loss of his wife a rather .. .
dope& Mr. Htunphifey- Snell 'carried off the.. prize, Ins-
,yonifee woman, who, it is said, has
, neablookine pretty two-year-old "Claude'"e
‘;_kh...7. a fast young man about town; 1.417 (from the - herd -orthe. celebrated Mr. John -
lag to diseover her whereabouts; .
. thehug- SnelcOCChinguancou-sy,;) .t.'eciu-gli sustaiuing _
- band applied to the Mayor. for a eeetrch a hare cc:latest with _Mr. :Edrneird Mannans
warrant tw eff,oet 1* purpOse; Wives not -"St. • George,'! - (only twenty menths °lie)
being fifiallyedeclared the best : This animal
of?fe. Manning's_ was illifh admired by the
largeeiumber of fanherwi-rom the surround ng
neighborhood whom the fineness of :the day
had brought out, and there were many dissen-
tients from the opinienof the Judges, as is
often the case ou like occas;isns. The exhibe
being in the category of goods and chat-
tels as understood by Canadian statute -
makers, .the request could, not be granted.
The erring one has not yet turned. up, we
The residence of Mrs... Brown, Aaron
Road,, at present, oecupied by Mr- V xlliazn1 tors. of Grade- hells were Mre Appleton
Stewart,was entered by thieves last night, and
a considerable quantity of clothing- stolen. -
NO due to the eriety party has yet been ob-
. tained.
Mr. Wm. Campbell, -East Street, Gode-
rich,bas received a large consignment of
superiOr standard and dwarf plum trees,
dwarfpears ind apples, and fire varieties
ofSiberian -Grab. His stock of grapes
has arrived and will be ready for delivery
.to-ntorrow. Mr. Campbell has the.privi-
lege of seleding from the best nurseries of
Rochester, &a., and from what we 'know
of carefulness and success tiering the
past we can confidently recommend persons
wishing to obtain first-class 'fruit, to give
- htm a trial.
Elcoat, of Tuckersrnith, and Mr. Edmund
Menntne of Htillett. The -exhibitors in the
c:ass of " §tallions ..for . General Fu!peses
were Mr. Thomas Dodds,(" London Toni")
John Nott, (‘‘ Rainbow Roekinglinm '`) Fran-
cis Falere ire ("Royal Exhibition,") Heze-
kiah H.elp, ("Duke of Wellington.") 11:e
f011owinir draught stalliene were exhibited,:
"Young -Wawauoshr by Mr:, George Stet 7
bury, "Hard Fortune," by Mr, Joseph Pisl -
ere "Robin- flood," by.:Itr, Charles Mason,
"Prince -of Walea,". by Mr. Henry Lano.--
I append the list ofsucceLsful competitors :
General Purpose., Stallions.-lst
Francis Fowler, ere ; 2nd prize, -John _Nett.
. .
Draught - Sfailion&-1St prize,. joseph:
Fisher .2nd prize, eleorge Stanbury.
itioroirgh bred Bidts.-,-lst .11un.-
phrey Snell, 2nd prize,. Edmund Manning. _
Grade Ifulla.-4st priie;A:ppleton Elcoat
2nd prize, Edieund Manning.-
The Jadees were Messrs. . juhn Moore
Sri .GEORGIeg SOCIEtir Drxsza.-T he
Alexander Broadfoot ane Robert Hunter. .
Anniversary Dinner ,of the Goderich St Sr a meeting of the Thi-ectcrs of the Sock.
7George's _Benevolent ,;Society writ be hem ty field the same day proposals for the Sale of
at the Maitland -Hotel; on Monday even.. a piece of ground forhe/cling the Society's
ing„ tire 241h inst., at a &dock p. m.-- Shows on were consideredThere were three i
Tickets SIM. It is hoped there will be -°Ters made ofsuitable -plots, one from the'
a fall atteadaribe of members and the Assignees Of the Owed de Rettethury estate,
public generally. • one from Mr: 1e..me Hattenbury, and one .from-
- _ _ ' Mr„ Crombie. That of. ;Mr. -Crombie'a was.
-Pouct COURT. -On Monday a bevy considered the most etieible as sv-ell as the
ofelz hopefiet boys were brought before most favorable, and an 'understanding was
the Mayor and 11. tiortone Esq, on a crime te thate,Joint Stosik Company _shoeld
- be immedidtely formed for the purpoSe of
charge of stealing from the station: he v.i.7
-ewe wareot fully proven and, his Worship
dismissed the fuvenika With a suitnble
warning. Same of them ywere only big
enough to rest their chins on the tablc.s. -
During the heavy gale of
the t2th inst., the roof was blown off the
new trick EpiseopaI Church in this place,
' Tit will cost considerable toreplace it.
WA3YA-N-0S1L •
TheAssesserforthis township has been
authorised by the Council to take a vote
of the ratepayers on a division of the
township into two AMnicipalities=North
and South. It is believed that there will
la a, majority fey division of at least 200.
In the event of the scheme being carried
out the division line will become a county
GOOD FnIDAY.—This day was observed in
various ways. Divine service was held in the
Episcopal and Catholic Churches, stores were
closed. target practice by the Volunteers, and
the day observed as a holiday generally.
LtNeofees ASSASSINATION. -Never did the
inhabitants of this village receive such a
shock as on the 'receipt of the telegraphic
report of Mr. Lincoln's Assassination. All
parties were struck dumb at the thoughts of
the audacious desperado and the cold -b1 auded
murder of the midnight assassin. Those of
Southern sympathies condemned the- perpe
tratorsof the fearful tragedy in unmeasured
tering. —
Wn EAT MEncuANTs.-Eis the Wheat Mer-
chants cannot Obtain cars to remove their
Produce accumulated through theevinteethey
'speak of buying in Bayfie'd in the Fall. -
There is a-go:rend desire to -improve the har
:bor aad thus be somewhat independent of the.f
Grand Trunk.
*- There_ has_ been .great excitment in,
Glasgow, caused by the arrest of a 'highly
respectable medical nein, a Drerritceard, on
a charge of baying caused the death: ot his
wife and of his Mother-in-law- The bodies
have been disinterred, with a vie* to ascertain.
whether there are traces of poison. Dr.
Pritchard is not unknown to medical men,
having published severarviorks.
A fine -coat may cover a fool, but never
ceficeal one.
es5e. Two ceirductorse a brakesmau and a
beggegentan; 'employed on the -13.- & L IL
It reway, here beefielischarged by -Mr Brydges,
tor bees.. ceeiteed in the erennine husiness.
. o •
es Sir Pre Terick Brnee, the' new melba&
sector froM"Grett Britain-- to the -States, has
arrived ui New York, and is staying at the
Clarendon Hotel;
,ee. The Hamilton Times regrets to state'
that Col. E. D. Holt, formerly bookseller ancl
stationer in that city, was killed during the
last great struggle before Richmond.
• cdart't en.
On_ the 4th inst., at the New Connexion
parsonage, Goderice, by the Rev. Jae Shaw,
Mr. RICHAitO SlitoLLDON, to Miss Emzsisru
Wool), all of the township of Willmot. -
On the leth in -see -at his own residence, by
the Rev. ties. Shaw, Mr. ALEXANDER WATSON,
to Miss MinG.titt.:T M'KulsTEN,all of the towa
ofGoderich. .
• ..
wILL re -open her schooeeon Wedneeday,
int, after the Easter vaca-
tion:- Pupils instructed in th-e- usual English
ranches, Music (Pianoforte) and Drawing:
Goderich, -April 10th, 1863. w11-20
• -
131-alliAl1 SMITH
Tiler. chant Tailor,
Largo & Well -As -sorted
" And a variety of eaney-Articles, such as
Shirts,C4Ilars,-Neckties, Caps,
Which he is prepped to sell Cheap for
baying it, and putting the necessary buildin,,s poe.erie'n, April 12. !br5.
and tinprovements.uport it se ns to make it
suitable -for the &ciete 5s and other purposes
'w 1 e
-the Comrianv to be retisunerated for their
outia.y.by being allowed to charge . visitors a
smelt entrance tee for the privilege of viewing
the society's exlrbitinnse • The price- asked
for the land is °lily S500 orfive acres,so that
merabeis of the Joint Stock Company canner
ee anything by the speculati in in any event,
as the land can be sold at -any time for that
amount,the price behteveiy low. Parties
wishing to beeome niters of the Joint
Steck Company can do s by applying to the
Secretary of the Suety, Mr.- George Lay-
-cock, at the Clinton corner Book -store. '
1LOTS 13,67. to 13,77.'nenr the RA I LWAY - . gate. Court of the Uni-
th., 1st MAY, the BANK OF MON
V TREAL will be Removed to the buildirig
at present occupied by the Bank of UPPER
Goderich,-17th March, 186ei, sw59tdtf
RE SELLING OFF their whole
Stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing &-Groceries
To make rooni for alterations en their prem.
isesbefoi e Spring. •
Goderich,21th Jan., 1865. sw67
-In Her Majesty's Surro-
The Springweatherhei done more to cheer
up the spirits of the contmunity hereabouts
than anything that has hdppened for a long'
time. _ The 'bad harvests:- of tie past' three
_seasons had very much dispouraged the farmeng portion of the populatione and, of course,
_all other portions too; but the remarkable
road, with a bridge for the County Conn- mildness- of the Spring after such a severe
_ _
. .., . . . , .
*ell to build over the Maitland; winter . as we have hade has kindled such
glowing hopes of a favorable and abundant
TUCKERS:WITS, harvest that it is the theme in every one's
Lsrp.tar.e-LtetizairrT.,,7The 3funkipality mouth. The "oldest inhabitant " has never
.ot this towrishio hat reiolved to eive Dr. seen such n fine spring.- The snow melted
T FitZsimmons 857 l'or Ids valuable c'services away pretty rapidly and did some daniame to
_ „
:during the prevalence of the small imalast mills aaid. persons on. river flats, but not mu_cle
• i
aummet among the Highland emferafits in this immediate neighborhood: The dans
:SPOTTED FATER.--This strange fe n
' re; . 'as at. Cooke's Mill on. the Bayfield, neer Clinton,
has been. caTried away, but this cannot be
appeared in_ „the English sett/emu
caste that of at young womeiseoffifteea years, subsided long before it went - It was, no
has proved fatal.- • • . - dciubt, some -lenity coristruction ot the dam
that caused the calamity, though probably it
has been hastened by the large body 01 water
dating the fushet. lir. thomai Sitnpson is
now the proprietor Of the mills, and is a great
sufferer by the destruction of his dam. Indeed
he hasbeen unfortunate) ever since he bought
the property, beintunable to run the mills
during all the tast strutter on :account of the
scarcity of water ceased by the great drouth.
t, -one attributed to the fres-het, as the wafers -had
TB& OIL Favita.-31r. Vivian, of
.Stratford, who bait beet ,engagedin/mak-
ing preparations LIU Kincardine for the
eammeacturtent of the boring operations,-
-Showed Ils„ on Saturday„ specimens of
-.rock bearing unmistakable trues Of
petroleuni. Of the success of the. enter-
Trion Its projectors appear to entertain no
The mire of Mr. James rate.rson
lintel -keeper of.this floe, died on the 9th
aged.36.years. Deeea:sed was laud%
respeeted_ty ,a large circle of acquaint:-
anees. Mr. Waterseats Infant' daughter
Haena'agecl 1$ °watts, died on the,. I2th.
:The Strati is pitching into Dr. Seat for
isolding an -inquest on the body of ape
Pearce, regarding whose death there watt
Do auspioion of fent play-
Via gyring has opened finely in this:
loeallty, sad farmers are rating a greater
_‘treadtktkan usual. in cereals., It is
Ur!! that *be harvest will give us a
HORSE OTEALING.-911_Wedne0ay night
at half-pait nine Mr.Byan, Grocer, missed
his horse trona the stable under suspicious
circumstances.. The day previous a Yankee
horse -dealer passed. thronglethe 'Mese with
a drove of horses and endeavored td buy this
one also.: Suspicion fell on him. Next morn-
ing constablesmere sentin pursuit.- Through
the day the stolen' hode found himself by
returning to his jtable. The halter and
bridle were found on 31.rs. Lapsly's farm. If
sack & practice is persisted int, somebody,will
pay dear for their ride.
' HALED TIMIS.-Tiozet 11311St. be had Whin,
Innkeepers failv and if the devit was ever
&Moog the tailors he seems to be -among the
innkeepers at present, for lately we find that
*salter has__"skedaddled,"1 McLeod broke
deitir Bixter died th ough fright of Dunkin's
bill,Fishleybecametankrupt,owellseized en,
Montgoniarr abliquatulate4 McBride nu
away. Shaw poisoned. Griffia sent to Peal -
Outlay, some in horrors and More in terrors.
ST.XTION, Goderich, for: $150 each,
ted Counties- of Huron
At Five Years _Credit,
or longer if required. A prey to
. -3L.C. CAMERON. .
Goderich April 8th, 1864. sAv62w11-
British American Assurance Co.
JOHN' ESSON A.eerit. -
Dayeekl, C. W., April 16, 1865. w12.
"tt„TR. NA 1S: , late Superintendent of SAtools,
/31 intends haring classes in tioderielt during
the Summer months, commei cling 1st Mqv next.
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
from one till four o'clock, there will he a claSs for
Fifth Book reading with questionsirools oppo
sites, and Englisk Grammar, History, tieugraphy
and A.rithmetie. This will be a rood chance for
those who may wish to finish their educatior•eio
Dn Wednesday and Saturday, also from one
till -four afternoon, there will tie a- class for I.rtin,
Books to be used Arnold's First Book, and Hark-
ness' Second Book; and from the plan to be follow-
ed, it is believed that with application, a good
knqwleilge of the language may be acquired -in
TwentAr four. Lessons. _ _ .
TERAIS-For the English exercises, Twe Dol-
lars a rnonth, and for the Latin Three-Dollarsa
month -to be path' advance. .i
Trafalgar Street. 12w4
FR03I 4 cts. PER ROLL
At the Signal' CCM
Window Shades ! !
the matter' of JOSEPH COPE-
- .L ARA of the Township of Hounds,
Insolvent. •
!pan creditors of the insolvent are notified
that he has made an assignment of his
estate and effects, underihe above Act, time,
the: undersigned assignee, and they are
required to furnish me within two months
from this date with their claims,_- specifying
the security they hold; if any, and the value
of it, and, if none,stating the fact the whole
attested under oath with the vouchers la
support of such claims.
Township of Howiek, Gerrie p. o., C. W.,
this, 10th day otApril, 1865. wIl at
and Bruce, -
p1.113LIC Noticeis hereby given that at or
soon after the eltiiration Of twenty, days
from the date hereof application %nil be made
to this court to appdint Jane Simpson, . late
Jane Gemmill, of .the Township of Tucker
smith, in the County Of Huron aforesaid-,
-Yrittrclian of Mary Gemaull, aged ten% years,
Agnes Gemraill, aged eight years; Jane
Gernmillaged six years, and James- Gemmill,
aged four years,- infant children-eof the &cid
Jane Simpson and her !ate hueband Gemfrell,
de'cease4i- -JAN- 'SIMPSON,
by her attorney jt B. Gordon, one &e,
Dated at Goderich, this 14th day of April,
1865: sw63 6t
fended Counties of D Y virtue of a Writ of
Huron and Bruce,D Venditioni, Exponas and
To Wit: - Flea Fawns issued
oin of tier Majesty's Court of Queen's Benh,
and to me directeOlgainst the lands and tenements
of Alexander Traynor, at the SU WI Of James
Reid, James Boswell Stevenson and Arcni-
bald Cook Sutherland, I have seized and taken
in Execution all the right, title and interest of the
said defeneant.in and to Lot number Th;rty-nine,
in the Secoud Range, and Lot Forty. in the sec-
oneconcession, South of 1 he..Durhim !load, and
Lots Numbers Thirty-nine and -Forty in
the third Rapp, . south of the Linrham
Road, all IR ' the Township or .Brant.
in the County of Bruce. containing fiftd
acres ofland-eaut, more oa less; which hinds ane
tenements I shall offer for' sale at inyofiiee in the
Cowl House, in the town of Goderich, on Tues-
day the Twenty-renthday of. November next, at
the h --our of twelve of the clidek. ;I'llisiohne.rin..H• . a B.
Sheriff's office, Goderieh, t
Sth. Pseoput:bee,rDe. ipsuntit.Shieriff,
Thii sale is Poepened tie Tuesday the 2eth
day of March, 1865. ' • -
The above sale is further postponed till
Tuesday, the Ilth day of April next. -
Sheriff, H.& B.-
Goderich, March 28; 1865. _
The. above sale is -further postponed till
Friday the 21st day of April instant.
lltn Aprili 1865. - sw64,
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the matter of George Craig, an' Insol-
vent. -
THE creditors of -the Insolvent areeetified
that he has made an Assignment of ,his
estate and:effects' under the -above Act to me
the .undersigned assignee, and they are re-
quIred to furnish ale within two montbhfrom
this date with their -claims specifying the
security they hold, if any, and the value of it,
and itnone stating .the face, the whole attested -
ender oath with the yowlers in support • of
such claths.-
A. **ABB.
lilentimapten.54prill-18f.5. sw63w11-412w
12 DOZEN', 1\T MW"
- At the Glasgow House.
_ D. KERR, JR-, & CO.
Goderich, 7th April, 1865.
4 Wt. oPt.514 iss):1"
'Till E undersigned will have on hand. for We, about
1 the middle of April. a large stock of Grape- Vines,
Alt theittrl;_loA.ut-itinge earearibeseutesi
aad beat grape known.
l:mtAE1.1.I. LONCORD. pliour.- lc, .
a MR° N DAC,
Also. a large stock of very fine Plum Trees, (20 diffeierit -
I. varieties.) Standard and Dwarf Apples. Dwarf Pears & Siberian Crabs. (b varieties.)
Parties desr in any of the above would do well to • •
forward their orders at Once, or call upon the undersign- -
at his resideiwe, East Street.; Goderich.
w9 4t$p WM. CAMPBELL.
Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper. Smitt,
11171M Stove -s, Cultivators,: loc.,-for
S -s' Girls ' & Childrens -
9 Repairing Done at Short Irotice.
5 Acute and Lot for Sale. -
In Black and Wnite Braids, at the
. \
- D. KERB- , 414.,& CO.
Godetick 7th April, 1865.
Of Our Spring Order of4
Is to Band the THIRD wall follow nett week,
the 'Glasgow House.
D. Kerr, Jr.,.
Goderich, 7th April, 1865. :
EG S to inform his old friends and the public .generally that he has
Next door to_lfr. BUTLER'S 300K -STORE, where everything in
&c., will be sold cheap for CASH or 1 nexchange for Dairy Produce.
As he intends to devote his attention prtnetpally to the rectifying of
. .
Thereby enabling him to sell at
is illery
Dealers -therein -will do well‘ to give hirn a call.
Thoselndebt#d to himiwill- Please call and Settle
at onc.eiotherwise_costs must be incurred.
J. Y. S. KIRK.
MARKET -SQUARE, Goderich, 7th March, 1865. - sw53
IN CONSEQUENCE ofthe death efter, M. M
WEATRERALD. the business heretoforecarried
on under th.: name and style of
Itobt Itimminan St -Co
. -
Ms 0 T.7 NI) E 11, 8,
must be-closeclOnor before the
RIGGING rte.. IN •
UNDEll nd by virtee of cc POwer of Sale
contained in a certain Mortgage made by
Thomas 42;VanEvery-and George 1Rumball,
of the Tdwn of Godench, in the County of
Heron, Forwarders, of the first part, and
Robert Gibbons, Of said Totn (if Goderich;
Eqqutre, of the second part, ar.d which said
Mortgage was duly sold, assigned and made
over by the said Robert Gibbons to -F.
Wolferstan Thomas, .of the said Town of
Goderich, Esquire, agent of the Bank of
Montreal, in said town'whieh said morteage
and assignment_ are duly recorded in the
Custom Mouse of the Port of GOderieh,
(default having been made mn the due pay-
ment thereof and due notice having been
served on all parties entitled to notice as
required by said Mortgage) will be 'sold by
• Public AuctIon •
- •
On...Thursday, the leth'
day of March, Next
At twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction
Mart of .-
George M. Trueman
On the Market Square in -said Town of God-
erich, the following property, that is to say:
Sixteien undivided Ames or parts of and in ell
thifeeseel palled the Tecemseth, then the
property of VartEviey and Runsball, afore:
said, now lying at the Poet o _Goderich,
aforesaid, together with all and singular tee
anchrinerigging, turnituee, tackle and apparel
thereunto belonging or in any wise apper-
tainieg.Deed wider- Power of Sale.
Solicitor for F. W olfensian Thomas,
Aient and Assignee atoresaid.•
Goderich, Fec. 23rd, 1865. w5td
The above sale is postponedfill Wednesday,
26th of April, inst.
THE Creditors of the undersigned are noti-
1 fied to meet at the office of S. 0 lacCang-
hay, solicitorin the Village of Seemly in
the County of Huron, on Monday the twenty-
fourth day of 461, A. D. 1865, at twelve -of
the clock, noon, for the purpose of receiving
statements of his affairs' and of naming an
assignee to whom he may make an allege
intuit under the above Act.
Dated at Seaforih, in saa County of Iluxon
this 3rd day of April, A. D.1/865. .
wl0td - HEMP/ WILSON.
A BRICK COTTAGE on the Southerly pipe
_T1: lien of LASSO, "
•.• GOOD
at present occupied by Thos. Weittlie7alds E11111
- Price .
T‘VELVE /11:11IDRED 110.I.1.44111i,
Foriurtherliarticulare apply ie.
Amherst laland.-
goderieb. October 17th. 11164. . inv134f.
.k- Good Farm lot within seven miles of the
Village of Soutlitunpton forty setts
cleared and fenced, with a ;odd; loz Isom
and bon._ Terms liberal. _
Apply Oft,/ letter postpaid) to
. D. 13LACK,
GodericIA -
Goderich. V. IF., Zan. 1865. win
or to .
For Sale at a Bargain.
rPHAtivaluableand eligibly eituated *open,'
A ic the.,TowiyefOoderich, fronting the -Coon
Hot's • Square,mid for -eighteen yearskeovie as
During whieh time it luoi enjoyed one of As
largest portions of that business in lee town:
Connected with the hotel isa general store. The
whole are built of stone and briar, 47 MO, ilifte
stories :highand commodious Avner/ Sfeetsieep.
Attacneil to the hotelisatwozteryframeewellfag
11lari: of excellent bind.
handsomely located one mile froth Goderieli on
the Hayfield Ruad, 30 Acres in good state of
eultwation,:well fenLvd. 21of which aranlearef
siiiinps, with a hewn log house 30 P4.$0, se* �.
pae dAi taLi agri barn-zl ipp let 0Xli 411Bilige.4Goird'oRD01" or'ttc...A:lbeitzsql mere'
with dwelling. house and stables, &c.,orie ofthe
bee tavern stands in thet place, and has long
b.!",1e4nerkneniptiiithe9r4sule;ht.osuitpu' rchasers. For tartbet
or ANDREW DONOGH, Proprietorie
N, those indebted to rne either bysots
er hook amount are requeated le SeRkl.ite asaig
without delay in order toasere costs.
(*Wench, April _31st, 1864. sase
Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
tinited0ountiesof TIT virtue of i writ- ot- 4
Baron and Bruce,MII, Fieri Facia* issued est
To wit; - of Ber MaiefitY'A Cowask
Vaud oftlie United CoInties of fluron and Brace
and to inedirected against the lands and teas. :-
menu of Nesbitt Biggar and ceeierge Biggar, at _
the suit oft Oliver 14ackletn, John Thomas, '
William Irving, jr.. and James Macklem, I have _
seized and taken in Execution all the right title -
and intere_sterthe saul defendants in and IA Loin
Numbers 1.18, - 113, 114. 115. -118, 317 "aed
ii5, in the Village of Bluevale, also that vet- _
lain parcel or tract ot . lands knoll's* as tile
Mitil31ock, and also -that certain parcel or Ina ot
lands/which is bounded On the .Northsideftlliss
Ri•mi Maitland, on the South side by theTosea
line between the Townshipsof Morrisised Tors.
ben*, and on the Lasesidebythe West boundary.
lineofLot119 to he extended to the River Mait-
land, with any water privileges. which _may ha I
deriveditem the River Maitland aa far East as
Clyde street,- all in the County of tfuroa,whica
Lands and Tenements I obeli offer ferseloot otT..
office in the Conn Rommel the Iowa of Goias
rich, on Tuesday the Thirteenth day otiose mixt
at the hour el twelve of the dock node. __
- .
,- - Shiriff H.ite In
Sheriff's Oilice,Ooderieb, I
2ad March, 1866. ' (
_ - ate
Mortgage Sal_e- oflatiOs
TTNDER and by virtue of *Power of sa•
ite contained:in a Mortgage made by Jame*
Hirt, of the Township of Wavranosis. in this
-Ctmety of Huron, 'Yeoman'to Geiorge Jam
'Gager, of the Township of MelCillop, in tisk
said &aunty of Huron„Gentleman., (defy&
having been made in the tlure payment tbers-
) will belsold bv Auction on
- All parties indebted toilie above firm arehere-
by notified that all notes and book accounts over
-due on the
1st- day of FEBgrnext,
will be,banded to them Solicitor for collection
' The stock on hand will be soul
LAO Flt,„)_FE
It consists of a large assortinent of Plougb8, Culti-
vators,Harrows,Straw Cutlers,
Pot:aili asugar:ire:Ida;
boxe.s, .
COOking; Par191".10,74P.XS.t0r35,1
, A gocd_ Seg144/41it:Ita, 7
it'd a lot of MaehitierY tor' Orin ix] Saw -Mills.
All parties requiring thWahuve art:cies would
do well to call and inspect,'the Awe- ati once. as
they well get hatpins-
-.10,0411••••••=r ,
_ reference to the above, R. Runciman will
be.prepared to carry on the business of
and contract for the erection of alt kinds_ 61 Ma
• ehinery is usuel.and_will simply-
Stoves and castinge,at reasonable rates,forCA.SH
tr short credit. •
Goderich. Dee. Ilst: 11164, sw32vr48
IDART1b$ desirous a (Atomise First class
.1_ Cedar lorY c.ng and Building purposes can
be supplied in any quantity, and on reassemble
terms, by applying to
Godefmchj!eb Oth,1864. ist
For Sale Cheap,
eon.. Biacer,10,41h Kaden; 22,.
1.4 Itthicon. Moron. trig. zizmipAto4r.
• Goderich.Octobir 28. 1864. _ 1w16
Frtday, the Twelfth day of Sky,
A. D. 1865, at twelve o'clock, aeon, st the
- Auction Mart of --
On the Market Square, inAlse Tema *feeds. •
rich, the.gillowing property, that itiosty
Alt and singular that eertain prce1 -.Jr bees
043-infi Hij ah n due r Tenni vi and
str ehhiep"15°fProvinceWsalI t% tteCanada,lIaC 41. 4114"-I:
composed ot the north_ east quarter of La;
Number Forty-two m the Eleventh zoneessioit
of the said township of Wavranosh,coataininz
by admeasurement Fifty acres oflani, he the
same' more or len.- Terms utak. Dead
under Power of Sale.
wl Vendor's aotiator.
United Countierier Um If virtue at A writ al r
To wit: lien famaii, for tellies. '
-Huron and Bruce, Yeaditio
LP nExpowas awl
bawd out el` Her illajestra Comity Owns '
of the County of Ontario aad Cain at Caw. ,
ARM Pleas; and to ale directed naiad* she '
lenenielintoei t"frcePaels_ _. 1141"4""4L
1oles- Robott'
Gilmour, at the suits of Iiime N. ward and
the Corporation ot the Toweship et Ehterlie, 1 ,
have seized and taken le Exerautiou altlieright,. '•
ttle and interest ofthesaiddelfesdasts,in moist se
Park Lot No. 16,Lot No. S, and to the Soethliall
of Lot No. 6, East aide ca Quaint street Nerthe
being subditasionsof Park Lot No. 4i. the vili -
Inge of.raislen,,Soisthisaltpliot 22o. the Esst
4 igaeStorreetesaSontar4heraideystreets.tirdiineekLot Il.
West side ofQumn-Street,iforth PaiiiIey, 14433 -
South side aad 13 and 14 Piorthaide ofCambrattglf -
street. Paisley; Northlialleflot L East-islibi4
Hutonstreet, Southaniptoe;60 feet otthe Amur
part ot Lot No. 4, North Side of Mich
Southampton, Lots29ead Mott the Not*
ofClarendoir -street, fortharapteai Lot IS
*ideal Norfolk Street, gouthasaptoe, Lets21
22 Smith side of Louisa Mrcet, Soialsegykills
in theCounty of Bruce; which bias taml 4,10
mental shallofkor loo sale at arc Oitee IIII /hi 1 -
Court House, in the Toitsofa4cridt,o. Timis, :
the boar c, Twelve of -she cloak, baba.
day th•Tweaty-EigIgh day ermarirrobrea.:1seat;Eat _-
JOHN ItACDOffitb4–
By S. Posameir, Deptity Shen*.
Ifith.butuary,111116. ih
Thfalevealisitpa�i ttliwidgy,
thet, adisitY4APIliguit•
TileThes4sy141°Tathe tthlidedayllarItakeyrineSiggPals4s1,