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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-18, Page 1
F LANDS a c :,41.114,11 out e . ▪ t. e • 8- I lure- : W e•teellooni end - 1 • .t -s• • ;•• !herr- ', l•-• 1 .il,a11 I • • -: t1.-1;t•r irt 7 9h.. E.- _virt h ot_tne 0.N7 A naf, 11 17 • 52 1864. zrei are mai- Frederick Viijarr- r ucea C• 'eeCTC:A.Att,t,' a-catetits 6f -t•co whom ader the above tibi-2111V ritGrs _an Geor▪ tt . ahin the Ole Erat part. the stecmci • wkict Town* k4.the third - :La in the dee. ‘t sold on rav _of Apri1 e:eekt ATM to asaVz -vic“ve.. of ▪ Wawanosh, acre of and, e Tall:dints -or Zee. )j IX8LN. tt are uotlEed tement of Ifs ion AO to me, - y 2140 re-•• -months front it cii t e the -salt* ot it. e wha:e at - &hers in of. ,A, ft 5R. et, ;5s -tied out .a.stes Court tke• L: aiert. degas. *th gra.% `.! Zed ain't:taken irderrzita:u *�d - d 1t tl.e north in, erten rztreet, pe Conatv t. 1 stin-..; ikffer urthUsto day of . ALTh fabsed irt R*t*a itaberi the C.'ourity- ed eke Janneson Executors of - the said . AT foiai res. - c. - Math*: sines& Peter Isaac Rocha.. BOCriaratai Dasioessee- the.anderr larigcrwanti Actim - or vernovtd wilt CM - braises' present ope,under MTS. , *65. irS4t 3usinciTO it at Li . 1' c.ta,T BE :th .‘• • ••• ‘" ; C4. (...!.;:t.ixtu.•11. IK U, ' • ly 1.'. I_ I L.. -1 3 Y Sit' : A N. s •.. •ose s _ i •,1 :.:').- Orru-a -At •:_ W. T ATE • K. -`1l 0.1r. fhwa • :•r July I. •• 2. DB ..A. WORTHINGTON, •i. wi at- [ tend,paIrticruarly. 10•111.e „Ise s : operatront. upon the eve:. klowictE ViLI-tt; K. Dee . I v rn. w - pit RI STER .kNI) .VrTORNEY,AT- : 15-. Law, and S-i!:.-11-.rnzr-Cirance ry, Couitte. Crown Attorney, GodergeltitadaW era.. g Geatratouse. . - _ 14610 Inr A N D W. T. COX, E and Proprietor. • - 61.ritex-eirr, ARR(STER, AT ruitNEY. C;ONV EY. .L5 aaaaa,,:to; ,1C,..U.sttoq•ereet Gridt4teli C W - r• • - sfinelat.r..• - pQ ARRISTER,. 10 •,(`-t)N* VEY' t 11 i'f':1-• the Store _of bettor Sou, tloderieh. rt-mx.EY - AT -LAU4 • 1-1 Sotanes Pt/bite, West Street. Gcder alt.t `"-• IHTRON AN BRUCE A.DVERTISER. _ "The Greatest Possible Goad to the Graatast Possible Number." ..50 PER. -AN;C: IN AD. GODERICH, C. W, TUESDAY. -APRIL 18, 1.80., VOL. 3. --NO 65 _ C95 Dimiorn. -- • .1011n Tilri.rne. • OMMISSI•ONER IN- THE COURT OF --Quia`ieN Reneh,CortVeyaither,,,-k."•e. A Reg ear, kept of tearin and Town Lotav-for Sale; Ray, havutg: LA'S 6!r• sate. or , to purchase 11 pteaae-.ten t 'rut; :Luta-11am.. . thutlantion„1:0, 24.1‘.,-,7_ • I JUTLAND :P311, GODERIC4 - B usin C3 Iidot.n . INSURANCE. .AVESTERN- A.SS.17 R %NCB -COMPANY V •British,A.mericia -AssuranceCom pan y; Ilea ():lit-CA.-Forel/Ito. Mantic, Ftre aud MI: 1 su ran ee ed.-etc:don favoi-ableterrn5_. . in J.B.Gonzox's Law Chem bersa- • ' -JOHN IIALDAN, Jr; Agt; .:Goderich No.0.24. 1660 ' WiL,;11N, PtZt)P-11.TETt)It. THE . ' above is- mos: ;tie :••• .-tiv s.tuatt.d int an -: :len, c P.1,-; wet let.-zd. -ote,:r,roktit,t- ,tfie I larbor 1 Intl 1, Yise, li::.-.):1:,--;.. lod 1/r...taraq. (lard -,:e.T, and --..-iis-tirai].c,., a Coral) , ilur.ii W.I':,.., attach...J. ll .-.,:: 1 51 per.t. tr ...'mtle idr-a-s.• r Is. :-... -1- cents_ v1 410,•11. , ItITA. -4:41 -FIR:Et AND 14'1=7E; ' a 7 _ v _John paeasoln,- _ D A ILT vot.I.R3I:4ATER,A.-f S,ILICITOR 7 11,1"•11 C!IriTAL--1-11a. rvliLLION DOtl.PriS- ta Chancery. r I've; Uarket z'att-trey I W RO x ET E - zz'orner otlitu4ston -3treet,Gojer:e:r. IL.etrtry,&•• .1J'attex•sort.,. - VIZ ARRTSTERS..ria1tNErk-,...%.17'11_i-W-; • Notaries, "Coaveyaneels, • thliee Me '‘aPacortier, West r.4treet.t.ioderteh. • A rronseil--A-r-Lw, Chautvry, Notar:v.,„ 1 Con vcra.leer. e., 5c, Godera-U, Canada. ft • south .34 of r ft' -.A tlte rurt-ncUse Squate, ; _ WtI1rm -r Max's. X TTDIINEY-A'r-,L.kW, St YLICITOII . 11* Chaseere,Notarc te,( tioer.A e, ..deric:h,C.W.=-0.tiCe, over 11„taardirter&-(Vs it rdware Money to -Lead on Itexl Prriperty. 1-ahrette "IN )LT1-I Tt A.: a... peva .T,t1x11-11. - ztottx.w.--ryFiple-zz -1-pssitzt ra trai,aiaa: - • ek, West 'zt.; eritr.tnee First weat -• • -an 4, -ow House, , - -.. : eed on ta- -amtve! II.:1•:.1. running CrOni -; :',41s4f,,r!Et 1,1 -ol.::ce It:A01. one tutl..cnottlr'ut , w•_,t.r....:t ...t.1,1; otr to IV.,.-...etert_aust at,y o:fe tt'ar- e:In4.- to, . I . „ :„. - ,1 , - r , . . ,,... , , B qmove Walkartn. Soutbm-oton, i.... . , , •.'2.. - a, :v..: a„.ii a a-, enttio- • . le en '1' -2 a. he 0 1%. i"x-.)67:7,10 tia.1 at tirst'class ...-Itv hotels, to 1211 re -'et.- . - • ! - IIC1/..-C1 m Al..q.A.7.s--6-7- rr2..1." . _ ..-A, . l'...,: JD • . - FOtt. itIS* t orn&rt.---------- A TTORNIES, s91,tc-t-ro.t. 11. a- *tea, c. W. 04.1,=e a Azirs _NEW izt rani- • - .4.** l'odertelt.Auzust 27tb..1.-564. Goderteh.'0i-tol,er 13.1,Se3.- --sw-12-1yr Frith ; t'OV EX, A 2 EXG-TI1 OF fil__M)11-El) 1.19. FWfl FEET! CH,ARLE'S Proprietor. eo:12uerciJi! e1.31.1telt C ;VC :•..14rat • • JOH11 N ' TeR:S. Pr.amiehi tar. TI- 1 'is the largest:Ind best ..7';ittn.try Ileitel in %:-Itern $1,00 0,6 00. - • _ ": • Alinual income Exteeds $2:500 ooa UlTlE ei1i--ted -at -t he - -WES 7 — RATES1.7utisten1with safety.. - - Life insuralice Secitity. ARGE 1O\'' A Vli .11.4TES 271.4.N E: -.V(11,1:;1'1 OFEJCES. • 1Losses Prompt*. Settled- Without Bieferenc; Co -a Board or Directors CHARLES PLETCH-E-R, Agent. G-syleri,-1, Mar, 1864, w15 aud-7111'e:.:cautil Insurancl_ Co., Cauar'a. and eltarze.5 as node as any /1 ()Mee Cididop'..s- Law Chninhers. „ _ ,11 Prof.Irrett.r. tirrod W'IsT. Ilteseit and earrrages for titte3 JOHN "'ALDAN, r, - iia• 1.)rte....t 14.7 - . " • " .- trOIOEY. &c.._ OFFICE.- • Crahhts New W. - Cacramerors IRRISTEItS.ATTO ltiN N BY arieera,&e. Galetichandc-liaton-_ • -atac.adaatE.Ri)N.LY EL%tX}11 Gadertch. ' • 4'01 CaRt#44-,-,4 few Csfic!: rt,+^ v12..a.17 _ • fTOREY-AT-LS9 A.W. LIcITO:Z. • Ghaacery, Oonveyancer, t IfEtrtioe. • v16615v:y czr cam> _ .Mone3r to •Lend, N very reasanablO. terins. Apply to W66.F.46.6 - 6 , 417 's (THE OLDI-IST IN THE COL STY. • D. GORDON,TI U.:N.1317c Eat 1./NDERt. Ait Fiedenek Prom:if:dot, RJ Rlianutaetures awl nos p.:.,tv on hind a eoin_plete sIO:tv'SE&NeER.SttrILItv.P1.7.1LIC.k("- a*?ortin_eut uiF`-arain;,r,,,,.. at hig Warsrooms, Senthamptca, Ca. Braae. WESi s TIE _ stvit "N-Nrea,ttri-errIct. . • ENI•GINT-1.7.,11, -AND PittYVT'NTrIAL Sa.t)s-i- 'Bureaus, Ti..thie;; -11-e-ditra,ls, • Load Siaraevar. _ and C4tte aa.,1 V. Chtira, Gi't Moulding iattoaStreet,t; 1 v15:13 -wad 1,44'.-7.in2; ot rray, - • e • 'bur -AMIE -a and' Imported I tOVINCT.t14 D SCIVEY0 A.ND - Civil ErigineeaC.inicai: = July 1 61. D. G. 'Las aIwava on aani a complete as- .. aoittneitt of 'COF.FUS. Also, HEARSES TO- - Laanber and Gorda -Ls -oil takea -in es - change for Farniture:_' a:Qt.:rt.:h. 27th w27 ilianiain, EXGINEER. AND Land:Agent ant Couveyaneer, .41 A.,24 US- S.N1 f, _ ARCHITECT, rarbt•trtvS•rtoN a. of 13tidd.- laza, Sae., gJa Iv) in a neat an I eorrYtt,t.ityttt.- ,f. 0,fiee at -the Huron Anrtion \tart. Riug rti Stieet.Goder•ich.• v1:1-41,-131: 1113=a113W3111971:Wk Mt. '11.' 1 t_T IF; LD ACE.,NT, .11arket Square, Poderie1l. ada-Catsiox earez-v W'ednesday,from i tn t.Pi1' 8 11i ALCMS= & HAZLhatiRST, aetiOn. 4 Camitissi011 YEerohautsi - eanemes Bbek,Kihgstrin ..R.,,Goderirk4 And next Poor to Strong's Hotel S -E• A', VC, 1"-''r *Tits et notischgid Good, Iforscs. Waggriins. CY 11 the mart.. everv SantrdaY at o too- ,t'orttetgor aireatiea paid ti the Saleofitau-krupt Stock. Parm I- tack. &e. eashadvancedune,-arsisteuoirCotrour.-iuil. t‘uoda appraised. uete..4 collected., landlofirit .carmins vriunited.strurt.pgesflieelosect houses rented.-Div::::ter court Bur1nessanent1e46. Sates -at taolkaael: AUC- tunklidart;Sertforth,eesry Thursday. „ flatcar -.S.iles tateakgt oi reav2a:able terns •Godervels...linv1W: 1261. - w2.2-1,vr I T teRNSEDAUCTICO.TEER, HAYFIELD, .1„1eoluttr of tiaron. Sates ia or errantry .panctaall*alleadeita. ' - w0.-/yr$o FLES- ST Oi GUNS • • Y. : - • _ • •I - AND •-• MADE_ 'TO ODER, - BY �1 M'IWtOSIL Opposite the Market. Alt kindof repairialt done on most reasonable ferMs. - -Goderieh, Au„Taist 7.a 1864. - •sw94 AXIL 1300E-13ENDING irtitc113r. - Lum.tsErt Ctf 0 NEE a Tor litaox - and Baucz tiales'linriettiaify attend-eilto. • Address. Bochena P. wad-IvrSo- • - aohn-CainPbell. c_INTERAL COMMISSION AGENT Commissicinerm Queen* 13,eneh, tortakma On.ittstinivevaniter, dr.o., ace. Office oti Broad' watra-VillazeofKiricardine.CM. 9:9 Petr FEORWARDElt. AN D OckSIMISSION Atetchant,Istreaucitorr, C.W Notes and AceOunts-oulreeted. -Busities.s of any kindpa- rusteiltiakint ion reeetireproinpt attention.- - _ w-10-Iv$osi •im.6.1111 PEW MARBLE WORKS Imain street, :Exeter'. P. so A. Ikr9d,NNSIJI.4.. 110141trIRNTSA'05IBS,TONES,- I east* aticc-or every deSeftptton and style of workmanship. farms -lied on short notice, and at, the lowest -prices. LiberatrediretiorimIde tor caz4h. ILL. Mini 131.3C117,1ILI ATIES0H1, TO. -Dcatigasor itoriument.s 6rx. may _be: _sine atthashep. Exeter.. October Ist.1.864,- ,— pr12-Iv7 TTAVING.- made arrarig,emenr8 -with MeGILEGOR._,_Book-biader' and Ntanufac- turins Stationer. (who ha i lately returned from phila ipina with alarge stock, of Binding and „Aber z terial),1 am prepared tan:weigh Blank - Books oral!ktnds. size and Styles with and witti- dut Printed Hemline:8, at ten Der cent cheaper :han Toronto prices. . - Allkinds of Bindi nc,t giving satieaction wig repaired free ofeharge. sw4G w21 JOHN MIT LER. - STEARI ENGINE voit AL - lErT!tlegf Anti tit • - W. E. GRACE:. flederielt,lie 7041864. v41sw19 - ISAAC -FtEiiIIICK • TO F. MIT CHET OLD STAND. VirATCH,31AKE4 & ,frE'WELER WES-T ST. GQDRriTCH, Next door West of Mr Stotts' Saddlery. - XIX/W ViikTCHESi CLOCKS AND -JEWELRY REPAIRED ON snotrr NOTICE,: -' In the best Style. & *arianted. qt. auto, k GQ0IfissoRZWEXT or theidEla Fluted jewreirycilTatches* Ciooks, Sno "Oenstantlyonlituidand warranted ti be asrapresented fnot,ranuerrefundect. Gaderialt Jahr 27th, if's*. alSaZt - - . B L. DOYLE). Cral.ris new:Block. . ' waF'ryr OBERTSON, rizANUFAC.TIYEER or KINDS sucti • • Bureaus, of -Lou:if:es, Bedsteads ni end ez4., va.riety, wardrob6s, 1) 201s t;ase:•„-c.Aiattrasses, Center raMes, Main.; Tables, Breal:tmst 'Fables, Toilet Table..:, Wash Stands, (nait'S, and many oilier artieles too numerous 10 mention. All kmds N1T C)I 'at UTN NG :Prompayatteuded to. 1....24t2,1.8TEI117.. an alias aches. ITITDi-ntICTItTbr • _ ate. kLV, • ke.....I • \lr Et resii-ettully tavnes au -ekamtnatton 01 In--- _IVi-irrivited to be .natle (lithe best ma- terial and w,wrionanship. and at g--matly red,urpd. prices. • t'alrandebuipare-,--und.liesaLstied:beftire guintt elsewhere... - • ' - 2 ordw0.).1 and all k:_uids1,1 iearmerts Pro- doeetztk-en ex.,!liange, Witrerema Go Elgin Street. _ .'tidderien. March 2-1t..11, D•63. .. • _ • THE LIVERPOOL at LONDON Runt k LIFE INSURANCE 'CO. •-•••-• Ciptial, £2,000,000, Stg.; Accunuilated Fund. ' 55,671,725. Brittania.Life Assurance Co. ofLondon PlIE iindersigne( having been appointee E Agentforthe aboye highly respettable Conipanies,i.prepareoto accept oath Fkeand Litensks,atmoderatt rateotoretniam. • ---- A. M.ROSS ;Airett`,. Goderich-iti1L ISM!. • ',1.2n2: _ _ .,.. GO. DERICH- L-.. c-4 _ ,.. .... = -a MARBLE- (IRKS "i t w .0.' TRELEAVEN, fi --. - - c, e; © .. 77 - 1- - U 110fleS 'ibItTbIe s, 1.'o-s&C. •GDDERICH, C;W. •••11 THE HAWLEY FARM! 717, from Goderich on the Huron 2 TO LEt OR SELL-. . — The above farm will be let or sold on very reasonable terms. .AppIy to • J. BLAKE, Huron Road. Goderich, 31arch.6, 1865, . ' W6tf NOTICE; THE Oeurtof Revision for the Township of Goderich wiU hold its :first' xneettn.- at the Council Roam, Holznestrille, on Monday, the 24th day of April next, for the purpose of hearint, appeals againsrassessment, Jrc. • JOHN SHAW Township .Clerk. w,R 3t March, 20th J865, B. ., .,.. ri• . t 1031..tClIzi "f-JitCf101:11. . - - . . . t ' 6,1 1 . - -. . Or S • It ! P *;$: . S, . _ _ - attendedto - dis- -49, DRUGSDRUGS1 . • • , . i ; • . ..,. .. .... _ . • ar-c:›i-3.3:).zA...rka- _ -(-s a ecess oil (, IL D .'lleyn.olls) 3r c (1 i e. r-Lelt, Ti c,urt-Iiint.st,Syngire.Gorle,rich, . - • . D!S?: -CHEMIST ,&. DRUGGIST _ Dealerin,a.nd'Importerof . _ • . G.ENUEN_E• -D It T_T . . • _ , cltelnieth;...Perfuznety, (Mir rooth. and 2.NT ail 13ro,fitieA • • • - PAIN:T.5,-01LS, COLORS. DYE ST 1:i ao 11SE & CATTLE- Mt D 'CANE CARDEN SEEDS, &C., df.C* . • Orderi,froin Ared:e.a.: men punetually at Lowt.Ft Zwele .1') ft -PS. ,13.---Phy•SiCialeS. Preserirtions. Carefully pensed. .: - G oSerich .Jan . 10. 1S3. • . . - ..„. LIGHT! LIGHT - LTGIIT l- .. .. - . _ .. ... ROCK&_CO-klOTTS • • . Bminiing Fluid -,•Lamp -Oils. , _For Sale by- - .- F. JORDAN. • Godertela Jan. 17, 1.4,..59. - " 50 . . . • Ur:A:WIN XIS ! ..... E-A J:4EIJ to T. 13. Mon t- C. AV. - -- Drug Store . siv28-yly 1) LIGHT "TIME J,. , . hands • ' mined , *CHE eash, Warranted All Di. -PIIELPW.- - 717.7,4 =SURGICAL & MF,CHANIti.k-L- .,.„-....,:Dv-avra.,-r, (tareeessor ••1-1 t 1 t F. gomery,) ixonerre it, _ Roams ovel-Kr. F. Jo -dans , J anuai47 13t1,:180. = - . - . . • - SITBSCRIBER willies to return that& IP the public for past favors received at Mei] ,-- - and would'ber to inturiate that be is deter, 9 •t3 to -sell -wathrtina . ..„ . _ ro - , AP ER THAN EVER. I will sell you a waggon complete for 55..0( and a Ilanher things in proportion. All wort . , to give Satisfaction, • kinds of Farming Implementimade to order JOHN IldPITERSON. . • ri4 . , _ *. .eta ...1. -,?" ' .' - .. - co . ,-.4 .4. .7•7"e, - . t ------s l'- ' . Cb• • _ ,. _ • ......„..__. „• , N., „I .......„ , .. •-- '' i c,...."...21tV -.•-•---e,: ) •..r1_3 (---, • . . ..... . ,, - f....... .. _ . _......L., ,---- 0 - ptsi • . , . . _ .. . _ .. would announce to the .public of Huron and Bruce thathe has On -hand will -make to order Carriazes, Wagons; Hai, -&c.; which aril] be sold eheap foi-cash- di credit. • On hand and for sale eheap-; and SLEICHS - . •- JOHN PASS3TORB, - ViatoriaStreet„Goderith. &waist. 1883:-. • ' - w49 6na FOR -LE. -- , . SA I ()TS 8 and 9, range 13; M the toaniship of LI Stanley, a21 per acre ; south 90 acres of lot.29, Lake .r,hore; Ashfieldi_ $6 per acre; East rs - 25 acres oruth eaaterlyenoher .oflot 2 in tne • 11111 0l1., W. D., AS1iilid.2, SI per acre.; Westerly _ 40 acres of lot 61; eon- 1, south of the Durham Road ,towaship of Kineardnie,t3 dollars per acre, Apply to _. ;.; - . • . - - - rHOS..WEITIIEBALD, - - w3 -t- - ' : GOderieh, . _ • • Farmirtg_Lands for -...- Sale. (Bayfield .1 J 110 - has a beauti; ' a. graireily as be „of _the Of _Stanley, 1 Centaining as the • - .. • Land Agent:- .. ' - w7 -lm DART of lot No. lb,. lst-con., 1 Gravel Road]. Goderich TownShip,;ahotit 21 miles from Goderich Twin, containing acres,' wore or less. The land fat froutaire on Lake Huron, with beach 5 will be sold in one lot, _or agreed upOti, - ALSO :-Part of lot .24, i north -13avfieTa•--Itpad, in the Township between , Hayfield and Brueefield, 74 acres of land, more or leg, known Qa,nnockburn property. _ "' Theselands will be sold cheap. , Apply t? - -. G. M. TRUEMAN, " • Auctioneer:* ' Goderich, March -14, 1865. , - -AA ‘-4-... , t ,..., . illilittir e4)4)1 ,ir _ . 4 % . t in the l ad- _ of Military • application. d through the; i they i - - resiaence,' country, and i a certificate i in the local t Lieut. -Col. M.„ U. C. '- - VAN; D1DATES for comaussions- 1J-Serviee Militia desirous of obtaining miSiicIll to eitter.loithh Schools Instrhction are required to make in -writing' for such purpose, Brigade Major of the division wherein reside.- - -' • - .• 'Applicants must state their age, Post office address.. and "'alive transmit, with their application, froma clergyman` or tok,ristrate 1ity where they live as to moral tharitter,r. • - - ' -: W.TOW-ELL, . 1 _ "; ' D. A. Gen. Adjutant General's Office, - . irr_ _i_ ...44,1- 1 eg ( FARM for SALE. !Farm in. Bosan -act TFOR SALE ,r • L•wiiship W -A. WAN 0611, comprising 4C) -r-r T r011 SALE, East half 6fLot No. 17, con. 3 i . - • rr ONE HUNDRED -ACRES rt--;-JNij jtSj-NEI) dFerfor101 I no clearance- 1-itruis liberal.' Apply' to th -Executor:: 01111Q ,!•:;a1,.ate of the tate: Wni Harri Dungannon V. Daulaninia, all. tie, Y.564. W371t YOR '• .. E Q:( ACRES of Lot No. 32; Tak Lea- , Ilbad, Hay. FIST - RATE' LAND Te'rms easy, ap,ily to . DONALD SUTHERLAN on the premises, or • - M. C. CAMERON, Goderica. , _ rjoderiela April 30th, 1864. P-14-tr Mortgag Sale of Lands UN'pR and= by virtue of a P0et of Sal anIalea n a MartglAke 'U.:ode by :Tor a 'athari-D, plack, - Gf thetown dT Gederich, i the =Conuty . Of Huron,' Gentleman,of th first part, to the Duren DiLtrief ,SOciety; ",f the second part, (default Amain been -made in the due payment therecf) wil - - be sold iin. T nes:day:the Seventh- day of Febrnar . • , A. D. 1.865, at Twelve of -the clock, noon -at the Auction Mart of • „, , Areasrs. iltom,golk & ..ilitztenurst; - KINpziTON STREET, GODERIC tbe.f611thving_property, that is to -say NumbCr ten hundred arid thirtv-rtine t111-39 _ Harbor Flits, in the said town of Coderich Deed tinder Power of Sate. • • M. C. CAMERON, ' .fOr 5Iprtgairees. '-D Ate& -at my chambers this 5th. January ' • • w50 1. The abovn salc. is postponed until Tuesda the 4th -of April at the same place and houi. _ •• The above Sale. further postponed - til the IStItof of April, ipst.,. at the. saine= tin ad pl3ee . -• • - iN OT JCE. VITL those indebted to John EL :Wheeldon late of the Vrhge of St.. Helens, in th Tewnship of WaiVannosh, _ an abs•condin it,4for, by! book account or otherwise, at hereby notified not to pay the same othtravis ban =bite tliis office. • ' • Joir..sr. MACDONALD. _ Sherif H B- boriffS Oce. Goderich, • ' 25th Feb., ‘-1 865. - 'w5 td LANDS F IE fonoWing-fialids are offered for sale o _L very advantageous terms : ' " ONE - TENTII ONLY TilB URCHISIs' M3iI IN CASII IT TDIE OF ITICILLSE AND TRE BAT.ANCE IN Inc Equal lunual Instalments yrou interest at 6 per cent.; : TO WN StliP OF AORRIS 1 _ South 3 7 in 1st con:: 50 acres, South 8 in 1st con., 50 acres, South A 11 in 2c1 cop., 100 adres, SuUth A 24 in 3d 'eon., 100 acres,: .1.4oith 4.20 in 4h -con., No- acres. - North A 21 ip 411 con., 100.aares,1 North 3 23 in 4h ton., 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF HOW1CKt .- 39tS 2. 3' and 4in 15th eon., 100 acres eatli _TOWNSHILS OF GREY:- ; o_ 26 in 1stcon. 1..00 acres, Lots 34 and 35 in 4 con., 100 acres each, Lots 31 Pad :32in 6 con., 100 -acres each, Lof 26 in 8- con.: 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 eon., 10'0 acres, Lots33 and 341n 10 een., -100..acres each. -TOWNSHIP .0i? TeitrI3ERRY - N.B. 3 43 in 1 con., 50 acres! AfT,yto 03ABLES WIDDE12,ES4:,Goderie1t, r to thetowaer, . THOMAS GALT, -}7-5Q-1 W4 3a - CH RJ-S---T-MA-$- AND OLIDAY PRESENTS ToY Books, Prayer Boo,ks of all kinds, Church. Services, Hymn 'Books. BITATS, ..S.A.T.CHELSt -Ladies/ Companions. • ORK-BOXES CONCER.TIBAS, • nd varidus other articles, all cheap ; very suit- able tor HOLIDAY GIFTS! 72- , well laden With _resents for the Little Folks. ' 1LITC`...4.1DCZITAMZ'T'IMI4 - -.. AT BUTLER'S. U-oderich Dec. 18.1864. HERIFF'S SAVE OF LA.ITDS mte,d Counties of) V y -virtue of a Writ di -, : - uroa and Bruce; A.JFieri Facies issued out To Wit: - ot Her Majesty's Court 1Commbn Pleas, and to Inc directed against the nds and tenements ef_Jeseph Oilbeit.-_-clefen- ant, at the suit of Dame Elizabeth:Bragg and elm F. JaneiPlaintirs: I have i•eized atid taken ri Execution all the .e-tputr- ofredemption and ' ther interest of the defendant in and -to the north alfof towfit lot uninberone, =Clarendon Street, n thevillage m Sputhammon, ir the Countir of race. : _ WhiehlandSUnd teneinenta I shall Offer , rsale at My Office in the Court House. in the own ofGoderich, on Tuesday,the fourth day of ely nest at the hour of twelve of the clock lion. . 111A0DONA,LD. y S. PO.T.ocSherif x, Deputy Sheri'S.hen.it 11 :- -35 t. lierill-/sOffice,Goderich t 17th Starch 1865- 1 Conaty ONE; sixty o station DWELLING BARN " For I „ 1 -to: 2.0, 12h con,. township or Boaanquei of Lambton. The farm etinsists 'of 7.- . HUNDRED &CBES . .. of which are cleared. and situated near i of The G. T. Railway- .There,ls a L0( • 1101.74E- 4.1YD PIZA2111 on the lot.• • • - . . • WELL TI7111EIPZED A 7WAXER'I] particulars appty to . - - ' - ' M. C. GORDON, --- • Goderieh P. k Au ust Ilth. I-864. v..2711 • _. . ,. ! LEATHERfit:, , 1 ' EEGLYIILLER Ur:A:WIN XIS ! ..... E-A J:4EIJ IN . ` , , DINGS T _ : --pc., &es GODERIG. H - -0 W . . February 12,1i64- a-_- , . 'WILT AIL 1-41-- 111.- alb 3217 i .. ; AND Carriage Factory . 4, r-ir ..„ , , Atte . -,-.- ii\aZI,, Attax, LIGHT "TIME J,. , . hands • ' mined , *CHE eash, Warranted All VAF-41111r rilliairAl Ng& _ . -HOUSE St.RODERICII SITBSCRIBER willies to return that& IP the public for past favors received at Mei] ,-- - and would'ber to inturiate that be is deter, 9 •t3 to -sell -wathrtina . ..„ . _ ro - , AP ER THAN EVER. I will sell you a waggon complete for 55..0( and a Ilanher things in proportion. All wort . , to give Satisfaction, • kinds of Farming Implementimade to order JOHN IldPITERSON. . Goderich, Jan. 9di. 1S65, . ivibtv3', , . • TliE$ubscriber ' and rows, 'approved CUTTERS _ OODERICII WAGON liTARRIA-GE • ......„..__. „• , N., „I .......„ , .. •-- '' i c,...."...21tV Vrr • . , . . _ .. . _ .. would announce to the .public of Huron and Bruce thathe has On -hand will -make to order Carriazes, Wagons; Hai, -&c.; which aril] be sold eheap foi-cash- di credit. • On hand and for sale eheap-; and SLEICHS - . •- JOHN PASS3TORB, - ViatoriaStreet„Goderith. &waist. 1883:-. • ' - w49 6na BoOTS. .SPRING _ ., I James A , II . -AND _siltas , fICITABLE FOR ; . , - AND SUMER WEIR _ JUST REORIVED --A T a , . : ••Sen• ti, Collms 3 . 0. KINGSTON ST., GODERICH. . _ CALL IS SOLICITED. L.01' THE 92 Apply Go:ler/eh. ARM FOR -SALE 3, Cori. A,. Township Of Howiek, 4 mien -ow wroxete;r, on - .., • T GRAVE-1440AD." _ - Log house and barn, _ ACRES, - 28 CLEARED to : F. W. THOMAS, Esq., B. M. PPh 9.4.1h64. _ .= - ••••5sw5/.1f • • . _ . . . STORY 'lc DAVIS ' ._ . . . . A,4-ANtritAcTuitEno., AM). pEALEILS IN 91 Stoves, Stoves, Ploughs and ca‘sungs ot •overy rle. licriptunt. Tin, Copper and itheet Iron Warerst_ the litove Depot, West Street, uotlerich, -00ILL OIL,- -_-.-,- , Coal Oil Lampei ite..,fre. 4.114 hon. Cop- per, Brass. Bags and Sheepskins taken in fa-, ehanze; •• - 4 49 A BEAUTIFUL. ESTATE FOR -SALE. .-1000 Acres in One _Week, " - r IRSELAr IMPROVED fadeonyententlyartsalorl 3...i atanithehankerthe airel-Mattbud. oppositetha _ Town of troderich turd the Galeria Station ofrhe Et& i &wand Lake Baron Itadtssy,C. W. Apply.ifbyletterpostpaid.to . - i: B. GORDON. ESQ, • - *494o1seator. Goderich C. - . _ .. . • : • , To Rent .,or Lease. - LI)" five and'six in the First Concession, , _ townshirof Colborne, W. D., stout two mites front Ctoderieh. ' App ry to ' - - MARY HENLEY ,.. - - - _ I" ts...141.it-.......2* atalearignif'. - December 5th„ 1864 *451f $ 0 . i auld nid n teirma daunton me." . — A JACOBITE MC. FC".1 .1.a...:_e0, w:th her rancou:ous. tongue, -m.y heart wl.en very young I.V.:.4 many a lure, and ruthless blow, She siitight to dash li:e's cup with woe; f he earliest hopes, whose radiaut beams { 1,lumed my litespring's holiest dreams— My foulest ams, and (-Torts true, 4 She sought to daunton and subdue. . moars. . ‘• To (Taunton me l and I so young. " Wikla dastard dart and syrcit tnague ! . .:: .1':: si:I:e;°Cciilun ifit).;r1r cliinjil'ott 1113.". In _rmtb, when vizors g'owiiirg tie Did fresh in heatt and brain presale, With etn'Irdy pace I uphill strove; My goal the sphere of peace and love- 0fjeace and love nuting'd by shame, And rannpetence to guard the same; !Still, Envy, with thecloven tongue, Esta) *•:ti to dainaton and to wrpug:, cnoars. &linter' met_ but &1 her Ani, • Tim! prone to mork my doirrifall _Some inborn -power sustain 'd my plea - _Anti lxye 'She faild to ciaunton In many a realm teneath the sty I've souglli my various destiny; Midst many hopes and many cares— . Reset pith nil:sand unseen snares; -- With industry and triitth and song, sahtude -and city, 's thronz, Tve brai-ed detraction's -direst power And sing undaunted at this hour' _ emit -us. alannton me? tho'.1 am oldi However crafty. liase 'or bold,; Whi,te'er his pride or title be, A false knave neer tau &sinful!' me.- 1F:or Why tbis maxim gt-Of and Wlte 1 . . • , My infantnund 1.93.5- taught to prize I learned it in -.lily crad:e son;, .1 Fresh glowing from my mother's Mor,rue That Worth, and truth, *Telco' nscienceelear--- s Whatever enurse in life rd steer would guard me still t5 land -or sea, Winite"-efmight on to danittou nre. extents. - ilaanton me need not tell What wrongs aro' life to me bad: . " Hui still despite ad perfidy, "They ne'er could fair:y Dauntou me.* -WM.DaNNATT:SX. AsIdielr, April nth, IS65; Sayings of .toslt Ulfliiigs T. 7 1 "-FAT AZ Troo. This little maxim kaz bin modestla at this sarviss ov the wield, • -for ages, supported bi - nn panilrler preteast uns tree Alcor -jet, cati- 11115(1, peMpus but brlinfull, and 1 rennin over, milli pavliihal philoso,..pliee, and • plebian ser.ee, aaapted tem the latitude atla. lOnghilde OV every humin kritter. It. he* *- tarna within its four blessed menitaillablea, anaiasis,uv whirr -Lit iz fortuis steppin stonea • -= and a letter Oycrcdit, none kan haraver if -gueg.. It iz bower a -; eioknemy- and -maid ov boner tew pler.zure , Cis the dui ihours with p id, and drives the baliff frona the nite (r -am. - 44 Pay ai yett -go," andyu will kno how fast yttre goingi; liow far yii hair geue.'aud when it iz time to stOp trodesmen.will bow when they meet yon, and -det, with its Imegry welf tred, wiIl starve on your frail, "Pay az yen go,' tern- pecz luxuryand chastens want, adds dignity tem the _poor man, siva krase te4 ;the, titch • man, wrongs none, lied iz Justiss Jew Here Is an antidote for zuptch that iz ihd phi1osopherasstone--#1ereialtniclitrfOr.Mati. bood—here iz a leaven for am/Sized latap.-»* Xing dIE.11,, • pay az Joigoln and,wbiny# gwitesowldillus anr Ins° yulserearrtabfrijoamt situ ar- naturhandsiu lie:Oast bittilttivti orttie better prepaTed to 1:15ay 25 , befences of Canada. 1 • / 61 The Olob's says :--The London Star, of ... the 25th ult., informs us that Lieut. -Colonel :- GallWay, or the Royal Engineers, ptioceedit at once to Montreal to tate ilie direction af the moils about to he oommenced for .the detence of . that city. f'.01... ,Gallany' is weil '1 acquainted with Canada, havingraily ;curried . thencc in 1858, after a pciied of serrrice_in - this country of seven vMus. Inimediately after his return to England Le was placed at obari,i-eZrasectiou IA the defensive wallathee , 1 about to be erected on Poitsdown Bill. Sub. ',sequently he --W!as appointed a Mt.mliar of the Ordnance .Selet.t -Committee, ad in the _ Spring of last gar he was sent out to Amer- ica, iu eonjunetum with Captain Alderson, a ' distinguished artillery officer, to report Wran the systeuror fortification and the ordnance - of the Federal. Armies, Actor haring bcitit treated -with the most distinguished -consider. mien by the Federal militaty authorities, au& after the fullest opportunities had heenafford. ; ed than to -obtain the information they lea's* in quest of, Colonel Ottlivtay *Ad.:Lis , vole league returned to.Fangland to ivport to the "War departmini the rwult of tbeir adisioit. ! . i BrSiIA--,=THERIGOVRS OF TIM iliTINTEL.-z- The rigour of the present Winter in ' Russia is excePtieW. and the public intiery:which pre - voila in consequence is aggravated by aim n. ciai eriss. his said that in the memory of man so Severe a winter has not heea known. - The villages are literally buried in snow, and the frost is *becoming daily more intense. Tbe celebrated fair, which lasts a fortnight, and the meeting of the landowners of the proyrnces of Volhynia, Pedehatted the ilk. raine, now taking place, STV V.011)pigielyWantrOl begrime specie is rare, aqd next, because long journeys- are almost impossible. in touseipterice of the state of ifie roads /TOM the snow. The.tbermopietermarki- twenty six degrees below serpf Fahrealtaite for the last sixty years ghats not fallen so ltre.-- From the scareityorroin, travellers at he end - # of each stave are oblized to receive front the postruuter paper money witit- his tare, and:which iseurrest only is * Jimited district. - NELiNelicit 2 DZATIL—Mr..loseph Orchard - utold and -very highly respected. resident tr' Inmsfil, ;net his death very- ssddenly oi ItfuverAerIsi eArVaalthrteir ral"Ildr.i4j1-01ebnhard'tt harem on firel'and without stopping,hlem the Whistle.- Mrs. °retard **ate toil* door, and bad the fire painted 43Ia IN.),t; 'J4e traiaS topped at ihe next **lop about thiree-quab:7 ler/ of* mile distant, and, there the' dilsiar., told -of thelre. Two of Mr. Orchard'g. s were there, who ran up along the -trit!ilia arrived in time to eatioguish the - about ten feet aquali oft e ri.tof was and to find their -fithe,r Alessi. it ithhtwtheito"old gewatatleermanon Witeentrreiiii;thp_ and on nreltteinrtni14:g,trii?.. t441°,ro torherikee, 331104006 found him lytng dead ta the- fiat of one ladder' his peck_heingdislocatecl.hy * tronfthe roof.: The deceased was,in his/44,1 year, and I:Ad-been * reskleit oJ maks".fr 33 years; estimated hy_all witio ;knew hi bo .re ;al:Teti:Leal-late% clesunofiathafileal.r:Thomee oaldtilTichloe:Iptugtilt:ottv-4farsofir4171,00.... dont.—Barrie am, ow, _ • *49! *,