HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-14, Page 3mum. .sion. t‘ea fo- the . be bete at i..,.i cou.. S. ,0 next. a: 1Q : ownship e ToWnship &lav. at 11 of optical* toe assessment mtgonierv'S 2ittn day of ocn. aN,NaN.. suf.*, trier. wIltd .Ashessment of. Pryer, for the se. deterinning. Pc he:d rt -t- or. Fri4i- ..`nour. o 12 r 3, 3:t Trev antes Tucica T.5th day thecoek f Rot 0. e and renew ,seatte day. iambi* 6 a / 2was TEL e'S..cisoot** 1,24/aerie:, duEing itur Is _Mate Ite21... • -ant. Frtday W., be actuator • r'oota oppo seelT. GeograPal FO d etteoce for „red.ecation so N,..111110front 011te "-c.d. tor Latta,. neoi.. ad Hark - an to be fo;tow- vomit. It Sence,Stre4 rites. Titret Tame Dottaso 1 QF 1864, P.7-1 COPE - lc' tromeat ettt In* OTe Act, tome; •and they aft - In two months pat,- specifying t live waste act the whote LEEC rit vouches* p. it'll at ove AttOme ft they are re - 4s months frost - the wane of it, Pwitolootteated - iiieNABf!-' • Assitgoe•-• - sw63wIl°2w ot a Writ of Eximoosiwood Facto* issued Altoecres tesiemedissa ammo of ..70W5,11'. oat tad -Arcane wend aad taxon mod iitioteetelitet_ show Thyttlittims„fis tie see-. prisaint Road sad Fot it the lawhaae. hop et Noun. elsotatoing ftft/L witsealme&oner 0 otyellisseistilme Whancit, eat sosialter noes-- DONAIM, flitiessiatAls - thimt• weft- oniN fare,F rench Protestan: otare, o• worstni Li. Part, there art' a'so v • char,-ne- wne-t Engnsti &onoi nosen. two American.. two Eng•ash. Anglican. and. or, 1:. Ortto: tat. processes 0: steel -pen makin; dkrie b% temste, at Birmingham. -a quiet; worse7 cal out in one da N ot to worin 11 turs zross. Y 3i;.boiJ pens. whtet.. ilvo.ves ...toOt• distinct motions ut the arm. two it: every second: Cne Aiivrces iron Hon- Ron: to Ja.anarv - 25t.i: sa5 that thy authorities at Canton have prohibited tne exttortawt.i 0:: nee. Ttus news has caused tnat article to go ut. in San Francisce. where there are man' Clunese . consumers. - - . ',Ulna." ' SQU ARE, G 0 D ER1 C H view otb- raniAtv with which the, --i HAS ON EIA -NDA THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. ELECT SCHOOL. INoirinnoF REMOVAL iss SKIMNIINCS 11 N the 1st MAT, the BANK OF MON WILI. rt; -open her schoo:. on Nyednesday. 0 TREAL will be Removed to the buildimr 1 Mt . Api i.. lust -atter -the Laster, vacs- at present occupied by the Bank of UPPER -Pupils instructed in the usual Engtish.I CA N. -IDA. branches. Music (Planotortel and Drawing. licalencii. April 1.0th, 1463. w11 -2t* ;IOU. ABRAHAM SMITH Nercha,nt Tailor, - are cipa; dlriri,z, the:. reeotutioe in Lai, -the South, a paper &a -5s tnat if tit,- 01.3rtaIlty ge & Well -Assorted ne;„•roeS goes, on for ten years= the rate of the :It -STOCK OF two or -three. there w11, not be enotizli tett - t tor barbers : The Waterloo Advertiser states tatat old . • loan named Dion. Of •Lialtou; went to sieer the other -night. on tile 'floor of. his .tiause... -which ivied on the hanks- ot a stream -ntuzli *plc gave way duriruz, the night, and the water ' - kancy Artieles,suchaS . And a //anew swollen by the freshet. Some- part'. of the noshed into tlie house. The family eseaped. ColTars, Neckties, Caps. tint returned aft:Orwards t fid that the old -- man It= been surrocateu. arta was stiif. lyitie• Which he is .prepP re& to sell Chdip for on tile floor buried under two feet ot -water. Cash. . . - Gotlerigh. Apra It:. !Sea. - THE Trim's SferitISE,—A .French paper - - relates the followin,, anecdote of- the late Ettgetle Delocroix's fatherwile. was Minister of Foreign Reiatiow -.under the Directors' :"..An env* of the Sublime Port,. on. ihe - the point of' returilino' 'to tonstaritanapie, was, takirig leave oi the Minister. When a letter ritc+AGE lois deiiiered to the latter- M. 1.)eiaerorx.. liroe the sea: and read tiii contents. It Was; his dismisaa: from aline. "1 tiro rejoiced said he "that you liovi. come today,. for to-. unarrow.1 would not have tile borior of receivrr i ing you,: 1 AM disritiSsed." ., " A::Ith !" 'ex- 7- a s ulairaid the Tiiriz. who, crossing his arms . 'above his breast. and taking leave with- a . i . . . sorrowfundr. anittd, the room. . _input. an hour aftmAL-peiaeretx iefthis cabin -el. and -[:-:Nti,Ett and t;v virtue of a Politer" of Sale . I . , ,. , cont_amen te a certain- otartgage-maue bv coh i7rosstur, an ante. room, was surpri4eti on weing,the envoy plieth. seatedir, fix, e Eastern .Thomas B. 'Van Every and George- Rumbalf. fattitionand appearini, to be in' a -reverie., or the-- T°wil.;-€'r Guderca' ill the .C°11i11.1: °I. GOUtZ Ur ta: him, the minister' said, .. have , Huron, Forwarders, of - the _fast pert, and you forgetteu to axention Something to me Robert Gibbons; of snid-Ttiwii . of f.indericli. that You are hereIT- -,n, nut .1 ant Vraiting.':- Esquire. of tthe second part, - ar.d Which' said -4:For what.,ulay I ash, r . A. For the c-frid:,. Mortgage was dor sold, assigned ' and isiath. over bv the sa.ia Itobert Gibbons to, F. *12 OF • 16- SHAFIES- & ANCHORS Ti . solemnly replied the Turk; turninit, his `evesi - - towards illeaven.-.. i- What end9' ;. the - Wolferstan Thomas,. of the said _t own of you are! Godeiich,L . s Tare, agent of the Bank of arrive': of tile bowstring with which . ti, be stritoztea-, : 1 - *Lilt v. `, know now ,-/1 , Montreal, in satd towtk, wbielt said inor4raee Western vizier - can die !-• AL ‘Delacroit: and ii4signment are dulyrecorded in the lougbed;-and_sa heartity that" the .Turk lost Custom- House of the Port at z Goderich, ex , (default having :been ntaile in the due day, of •.ol-nessing- the drtma he was ,.. reetin:,... ii,„ rm. t4p disappolitttd. Sayin ,..,,, meat thereof and due notice having been "At Constantiacifde, when -_a :vizier isdisct -served on all pattiesi entitled DE notlee as mink, heis aiways ittit iyi , --, that h * - requirer said- Mertonme) will be sold. -be- nr. eu, so t e may , d h.. e. c nOt dirage - the secrets of state. I • t is.. „EMI ex--" . --' , Publie -‘41'Crl°n (mama preeaation. and 1 eta sorry .to age , On Thursday, the 16th- _ that it is not adopted in'France. ' • day of March Next swum - At twelve o'clock; noon,, at the Auction Mof _ doderich on the 3rtl init., thart e wife - of- . - - - • Mr. Atfrecl ot D'airghter, George X. Trutt -Dian _Fall • . nprinl; en IF .ss am a +074! 14. 411; tila13,t • BarieY , „ - 0:55 Jr_ . 0:60 DUs. s• s s *se.. sso 0:0 it 1Y: 7Z -F Pork ..sk mr_st 111 Eit 5:50 0:60 Beef, ;10 t 4150 ta, 0_00 Turtries, each .... - tleese.- . 023: t a t", lickens, pair 620 (5 000 tteks, do .• 0:00 to ilides (geen 2:75 D;00 Bitter. . ta 017 .7 - • ISE MARKETS. - Cht the Majcet Square rn Said Town of God . ertchthe f property. that rs" -10 stty Sixteen nil ivided shares or parts -of.and in 111:- _ Gpriglucu, April .13th, 1865. hat vessel. ce.ed ;the iTectunszth,. then the 4* - 3 b f tit 020 / said, now sing, at the Pert el: GOderich, Jta, will. '.,-"Property o, *S. anEvery and Linn a i, a ore tit* aforesaid, -t g.eiber-witrian and singular the anchom‘riii furititure, tattle and apparel thel-eunto ion ,ing or- in anV wise --.apper- taining. eedunuer Power of Sale: III-% LEWIS. . Soircitor for Woiferstun Thomas, ; . Agent and. Asitignee. atoresaid-, Goderinh Fee 23rd 1.465 . w5td. . _ The above saleis postponed till Wednesday, 26th of Aprilf iust_ . PtatPe'lv "*" — - "" ("3:5' l* 6-371' SHERIFFS:SALE OF -LANDS , Wood: ..,..... ;,.....,...,--,..- 2:01k ea -. ,.000 : -. . . _____ . , Ilizos ............ . ,Ctos (a, 0121; L'Iliteil Counties or? p y 'virtue nt. a Wrn ot Apples., - ....._....... ---- 0:40- „to -0:50 Huron and Bruce, 2•111 Venditiorillixponas and toy. ?ton - ..... - -:. -. -15:00 te '17:p( ! T" wit i- ). nem Faeias... tor -residue. trser,.p.t. load. . ,.:.. 2. _ 4i00 ta -5,00 . nkso,t,.. on: c -f itt r Majestv"s, County Court _ • - - t Of tine Co-untv 44 Oinarni an a -Court .01. Coro- SJEA.FOIrrif .'41A.RilL'EP-* , . and. to . Me threaCti acamst the . t Landsalidteueineasof;t4epben D.Crawford F.II. ' r I. - IReported tit.e sic,v,u. b2,.. c.„12. 31:110' ugall ....cti.j: LyneinStatititon. Enoch '(;. Dow liag--a-nd - Glitinnir,-at tire sails of Isaac N.. Howard and: 1:obert fc,r -- :ST-Aro:ern, ..1..prit. Flour (-1-1 barrely .t. *Fall I'Vneat, bashe: rti Sprig; Wheat. ybush...... Oats_ - 0:40 - Barley Peas - Potatoes 0:30 a Bay al ton). , . . / 6:00 -t a „ Pork (3 hundred) - - Thdes... 350 tg Butter (1A11».. . 0:1,6 te_ Sheepskins L'fitt Eggs`(e. dozen). 0:00. I- the Corporation of tae Towastitp cti-E1.* er-54e, I 1.1t15. have seized and takan KtceentIon_ all tire rtalat..., ' 4:,10 and interest Oithe &card detenuanu,in and, It Park Loi No. I5.,Lot and tolhe South hal - 'of Lot No O. East tide ol Queen Street North 'I 0:5A hew,: sulkily is:on.‘ of eat% Lot No. 4 in - the 0:0P ' laze of 1-taisiey: Sotitii halt ct Lot 2I -on the East • ?Side Queeil...Street South Paisley, Park Lot No. o ft15 Nortti side or ambralce Street_ ar.d 13toei, 35 Wet side .of Queen §treet,Nortli Paisley, South'Side and 13 and.1-1 N orth sideofCanihridge j8 00 street, Paisle3, North liaIr of kit L La idet • kiuronstrecti,SoutlininittOa, 50 feet- of -toe North " 3-5(1 part- ot -No. 4, Noi,:th- side- of „File Street,1 0:00 S,o,,t1t.liatopton. Lets 29 suit a0 on the North side lot taiareadort street, Southampton t Lot Its East , • side of Norfolk, Street. Sinahampton, Lots21and i -0:10 '22 South -side of Louisa. street.. Southampton, all Timothy Seed 2:00 (o 2:50 in'theCounty of Bruce- whteh Iands and -wile- ' .Wool 0-30 *Qt., 0:3.9 t mentsi shalfofir to- sale at. my office ut the ov Cler Se.ed''. „ mo (a 9:0,5 i t-ourt House, in the Ton n of .yedertelt, ou Tues- . • -- Alay the Twenty -Eighth day of Fgbruary next, at --.' ' the hour , Twelve or the dock. [soon. JOIES. MACDOshNeri...„.1L,•D, ir4-B f -Ry S-.11oLtocit, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, t 25thianualy,t865.' - Is I . - . The above sate it postponed till Tuesday, ' the 4th day of April peat. The above sale is further postponed "till,' I Tuesday the 9th clay of May next. jwil,/ .1SEE0 7P.AILIN.1`SAEL I N GODERICH. C. W. febritari12,..180,. _ .$47wo T.-7 • s - T. W. THOMAS, Goderich, 17th March, 186.5,. swA•LetrItitti- awls 0 A. GOOD FARM FOR SALE, Containing 140 Acres IT AT -El Oti the Lontiqui joail. adjoining LI the Village of Exeter; On the above there is a -good d Frame Rouse and Barn All new. A good well and a fine young oichard. It will be sold very cheap. Tne land is of the best clay loam ani eel' tine *ed. Terms made known on application, if by letter 4ife-paid, to Exeter- p. u., or on the premisestu • - A McCONNELL, _ wl-tf Exeter. - Sheiiff's Salo of Lands. 1.1 nited C aunties of - Mil lr.: virtue of g. writ qi Huron and Brece, ...13 ,Pieri Facias issued out - To wit : of Her Majesty's coOnty - - Court oft he United CO,int ies itialurtinand Bruce i . and to me directed a.gaiiist the lands' .a oq tette- ' ., mews Of Nesbitt Biggar:4na Geerge Biggar, at'. the suit of , Oliver Macklemt . John Thomas, -Willianyirring, jr... and Ames Macklem, I have - seized and taken in'Executicin'ali the :right 'title: and_ intereit ot the said defendants, in and -to Lrotir N timbers -.IIS, 113, 11,4t- 115, 116, 1'17 , and' 65, in the Village .: of Blue -ale; also -that cer- tain parcel .or tracr of: lands _Th. -sown as the MitlBtoek, and also that certain parcel or tract of land, which is bounded on -thnNortnside ItYthe -11r7er.Maitland, on the &kith side liv_theTown line between 'the Townships. of Alorris and.-Turn.7 berry. and on the East sideby the West boundary. line of Lot 119 to be.viteinicd to the 'River Mint. land, with. any water privileges which maY be derived irom the B.Iver Maitland as fan East as Clyde street, anti- the CoUnty of Huron, which Lands _and Tenements l-shall.ollei tor sale it -my office in -.the Court House in the 'town -01 Gode,. riith_,' on Tuesday the Thirteenth aay ofiune next at the hour in twelve of the dock noon. ' JOHN- MACDONALD, . : .- Sheriff, R. 6:-. Ii* Sherirs Office, Gotlertelt., HOOP SKIRTS 1 2 ID 0 1\TMW ST IE. SURPRISINGLY CHEAP; ,At the Glasgow House. D KERR & CO. Goderich, 7th April, 1865. JOHN FAIR, A 'RE" SELLING OFF their whole II.. Stock of - Dry Goods, Clothing & Groceries AT WONDERFULLY Low' PRICES' To make room for alterations in their prem- ises befote Spring- Goderich,24th Jan., 1865. sw. - --------------- O TS hereby given that the _partnership here tofore sabitistine• between the_ undersigned as-Blackamiths is this day dissolved by mutual cement- All ;debts owing to said firm, and A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE - all claims easiest the said partnership afe-$0 i be presented to William_ Duperour.by whozn -1060-1Lerest in. One Iflocir; : - the same will be settled. . , LAIlkiE4A-11.MPROVED and convernently situated Dated at Andeyville tith April, 1865, T tair tee _ a of the !tiver.Maitlartd. oppdattethe ' WITNEss. - 1 /CICHAR1? BAYIAt, lathe (Todench Statute of the Bur " ifismasit Lake HaronDanway C w . w10-ati WILLIAM DIWERON. Applv.if bylenerpost paid to - . 60111KM. ESQ.. yea attoticator. Goderich To Rent or tetite. T,OTS five and six rn the First" Concession, 4•1 township of Colborne W.. D., about two Ind* from Goderich. Apply to - MART .HENJ,EY, Lighthouse at., Ooderich. Deeereissv 5th. 1864. .w4.5tf In lipr s Sarni - Court of the tTm- Oountiez itigUron ancl„Bruoe,, iollIBLIC Notice * herelrit given that it -or -AL soon after the expiration of twenty' days frets the date hereof appiication willbemade le this court to appoint Jane Simpson, late -Jatte-Grommill„ of tb� Township of Tucker " - smith, in the Coluty of Huron aforesaid, &midi= orMary Gemnull, aged ten years; - Agnes` Geounill, aged sight yews; Jane GemmulLogeal sax pars, andJantia Gemmill„ aged fear yams/ infant Children of the said Jame Simpson, *tidier late Iiiihead JANE SIMPSON, I III leseatiorney J. B; Gordon,. oeec. batelat acapich, egg 14th day of April, How av63 it - NOTICE. ALL those indettedto Wm. GRACE by nine or bocitraccount,.will please The same 1without delay. , Office ortkighthouse .fie.zito /fr. AratretP Dowees• Por sae BAWLS S 1125 A QUANTITY OF 0 AT? PER .BB $2.50 Ciodoricb IlI,w. 100 POUNDS! Wx.L GRACE, r22pd, 'J1is4241 _ - • Stephen. THE Court of Revision for bearing Appeals against Amassment, will be held at Z. Oke's Tavern ' Crediton on -Sitar& -41th s Yrs May, at 10 forenoon. - C. PRO urz, rip Clerk, Stephen. - March 27,_ 11165. Svat 2tidiMarch.-1865..-. BOOTS S 0 • - SUITABLE FOR . JITST R EEI.VED AT James Co s,Sen.'f. KINGSTON ST, GODERICH. AIL ICALL:: IS SOLICrTED. - *_ For Sale. at Bargain. . HAT Valuable nnd eltgibly iltualea proper* . 1 in the Town- ot &Wench; frontinr, the Court &mat" Sqnore, and for eighteen- years known as THE FARMERS' INN During which time it has enjoyed one of the largest -portions: of that business in :the town. Connected with the hotel is a general store. The whole'are hult of stoneandbrick, 47 V37, three stories hjgh. and commodious milers 8 feet deep.' Attacned to the hotel is a two storYframed , house. outhouses, "&c., ALSO ;--A small farm of excellent land. handsomely located one mile from Goderich on the Bayfield Road, 30 , acres in g.ond state of cultivation, wel[fenced, 25 of which are clear of' .p:betaedusrintiaiter-.psauli„,:af.rwrrsbnia.talr,is:ipa,441.3nb:detzso jnii4:113o,tgi;.hh:le,thiof::::06ccee3:0.:arid2h0a,_s,ni.odnga with dwelling- nonse and stables,' eic.,ore °lithe lk...en kept as such. Terms littera- to stilipurchaters.- For further ALSO -:-In the Village of Port Albert acre , . _ ()MON, Esq. _ or ANDREW..DONOGII, Proprietor. - N B -Alt those indebted to nie either by mote or book at count are sequested to Settle. the.saine withoin delay in order to save costs,. - Godurieli, April 3Ist, 1564. w9 td . • . -.- T--pTs 13,67. to 13,77, near the RA I •STATION-, Goderich. for $150 eaeh. - At Five .Years Credit, or longer if requiftd. A p* to • - M. C. CAMERON. Godeth April 8th, 1864. sw62w11 Township Notice THE Court Of Revision, fir hearinn- appeals a4a;nst'Assessment, &c., will be held at th eho use of It r; IV tiliam M el' heison. lot 11, con. 7, on Fiida), :the 21st day of April next, at she hour of 10- &clock in. the forenoon. _ JAMES JOHNSTON, „ • T.ownship 'Clerk. TurnberrY, March 2.7th, A .D. 1865.- w 0 -2 t Mortgage Sale of Lands --ve-(-0•)co -WIEIC13.30Mi IA e.,-2) GrapeVmesfor Sale T111:niitiersipter4 win have on hand for taleabout tip- within. of April. a large stuck of Grape Vines, ti I fir 1.1 :ng vont lie, : IONA. Ow earhes: and best grape known. CONCORD. .ADIRON DAC. HARTFORD PROUF1O j. DELI :"..VA R L. Di ANA. Ais(,. a tam- stiwh ot very fine Plum 'Trees. (20 different . varieties.) stand:nitwit] Irwarf Apples. Dwarf Pears At rqt.,tian (rab,. is rarreite...) Names net.: me any ol the ahoyr would du welt to torwaol their order. at once. or call upon the antler/aru- m ins ir.idetact. i•-ast street. -tionerich w9 WM. CAMPBELL. JOHN -BRETT,. Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith,- . EGMONDVILLE, C. W. - Stoves, Cultivators, &o., for Sale.- liepairing Dom at Short isse(, Girls', & Childrens', In Black and White Braids, at the Goderichl-Ith i&pnl 1865: Of Our Spring Order of FARM for -SALE._ r•OD :SALE, East half ofieet No 11, ,eon Tt.waship of WAWA:NOS/4 eihnprilting - _ _ ONE HUNDRED ACI!IES,- -no cIesranee. Tering liberal. Apply -to ThC- Execiner's of -the Estate ofiltelate Win.. liveries' Dungannor - 9...utTanno.t4 - 1#374f Is tb hand, the THIRD WM follow next week, the Glasgow House. D. Kerr, Jr., & Go. Goderich 7th April, 1865. il OPENED AG THE_SUBSCRIBER EGS to inform his tId friends and the *public 'generally that he RE -OPENED in has Next door to -Mr. BUTLER'S BOOK -STORE, where everything in UNDER and br virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage made by James Hart; of the Township of Wa.wanotch, in the ,County of Huron, Yeoman, to George John Gager, of the 'Township of ArcKillop, in the said County. of Huron, Gentleman; (default having, been -made- in the due payment there of,) will besoldby Auction on • 'friday; the Twelfth day of May, .. - A. D./1805, at -tiveive o'clock, noon, at the Auction .Mart of • - CEORCE M. TRUEMAN9 On the Market Square, in the Town -i -if Gode. rich, the goliowing property, that is to ray : All and singular that certain parcel -1r tract of land and.premiseS situate lpng and being ifi-the Township of Wawanosit, in theCounty Of Huron, in the Province of Canada, being composed of the north east -quarter of Lot Number Forty-two in the Eleventh concession of the said township of Wiwanosh,coittsining by admeasurement Fifty acres of Iandi.be the, same' tnore or less. .Terms „cash. Deed under Power of Sale - - JO HN 'DAVISON, will] Vendor's- dohcitor 111HE_Coort of Revision and `Appeal for this 41- township will be at tbe tavern of Mr. R. Douglasa, Sinhurn, on Saturds.y. the lath ihty of April, inst., at 10 o'clock, A- M. • THOMAS SLOAN. 2 - Township Clerk. • wl0td. April lat, 1865. Stray Steer. CAMEinto the premises of the subscriberabout the lot of Novembeilast, a Red -Steer, between 2 and 3 years old. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses, and take hnn away, • - _ - - JAMES NVALLA.CE. tioderielt township. Siareb.30, 1865. w9.3 INSOLVERT ACT 61' 1864. TEE Creditors of the undersigned are ntiti- Tied to-meetat the office of S. G McCaw - hay, ;solicitorin the Village of Seaforth, in the County of Riiron, on Monday the twenty. fourth day of April, A. D.- 1865,attwelve of the clock, noon; tor the purpose of receiving statements of his lairs and of -naming. an anignecto whom he may nalse_an assign latent under the above Act. Dated atSeaforth, insaideountyoflittron, this lirddey of April, A. 11,-1865: *UM ,HENRY WILSON, &c.-, will be- sold cheap for CASH or in ,exchange for Dairy .Produce. As he intends to delibte his attention principally to the rectifying of therebyenabiing him to sell- at 10S, DealerS therein:will-do viell .to give him a call. Those Indeht#dt0 shim will "Please call and settle - at once, otherwise costs must be incurred. • - J. Y. S. KIRK. MARKET SQUAlth,,Goderieh, 7th Mar* 1865. - etv53 GOD ER1OH AGON- lc CAR EA, 23 la ZS/C.-LC:, 21'7' - TELESubseriber woold announceto the public • „, of Huron and ,Bruce that he_ as on Ilan and will make to order Carriages, "Wagrins,.Har- rows, WhICh will be 'sold cheap for cash or approved Credit. Ou hand and for sale cheap, CUTTERS -and SLEIGHS - -JOHN PASSMORE1 Victoria Street. Godench. Apiillst.1883; w40 tint - • AIM AND LIC44TAIOUSE St.,00DICRICH ?THE SUBSCSIBEtt wishes lovelorn thailis 1 to the publieforpast favors received -at treir hands, aid would beg to inmate that he master - nutted to sell -waggons CHEAPER THAN EVER. will sell you awaggon complete for $55.00 IMPUTE NOTIO TN CONSEqUENCE bribe death -et -Mr. N.* Wearnettai.n.lbe business heretofore carried on tinder the mune ond style of Itobt. Itunciman & T'OT_71%71:31C-11-S,- must be closed on or before the. _ 1ST DAY1865 f - by notified that. all notesand book iteetnunsover - parties indebte:ftetoonthieh:b7e-fireinre. 17- 1st day of FEIII'Y next, will beheaded toil/en Solicitor for collection Thestock on,hand will be sold 1-4CONST -17110i1 -It consists ot alargeassoNinenlef Ploughs, Galli. v..atioOr;:liSalOw,lisT;Tait:DcItTniers: THRESHING MAOHINES Pot -ash and sngar-kettles, waggon and pipe 2 boxes, _- Cooking, ?Ariel- &Bo* Stoves,' A good seeciettland 411Eir.A/Iktr's HaEONTIPt..33%1-M dsonAltrjelPall:riles:calfrelaihnduiinrrunsgpeetjlreilitea4rinb4atlfaeockndariSattreon-87.11!"1:-ail' theywell set barglins. R. RuNcimANe, lareierence to the above, It. Riancinisn ,will be prepared, to carry on The businessof ' THE FITIRON FOUNDRY aaateorstraet for the election of all kinds et Ma, chitiery as usual.and will sunply IMPLE, NTS Stoves anCleastings,atieasollable rates;forCASII crshortecredtt. ooderihspec.2041864.- w32 *48 mush, and all otherilunge in proportion. All work VAIMI_LS desirou:s oi obtaining First Class Warranted to give 'Satisfaction. -11- Cedar -1°7F c•aglu'd BuildlagParPoseb can _ . besapphedinany title/silly, and on remacseable 411-Iriadaali.'"'"`g ImPlecutiallnadeSo-Aader. terms,biaPPIYisgto _ JOEN 31OPREtSON. _cb.Feb. 01111864. w2 W • BLLIOTT. Godenek, Jan. ochs 1865, www37 Gaden. ---, MEN IPPE SALE; THE Sabscriberoirerti far sale, Two Viike :tit 'itreYiattsold Oxit1/2,:ist.V!d_solidition. i • TP bati Gtoderiiitowitht. March ao; 1864, - irdU _ . i • - For Sale 'Clump. "1" OT. SG.,8tit'eon....Brucer.10,-ititroalesa_ 122 14 9th coo.lioron.- Apply to - ; 11.10.cAitEkozi. .Goderia.thiaber28, 1814; - saute :arrsux Bows,* -TA/WY-GOODS, Ants, SIci, InLargeAssortments- Suitable tor Holiday. Gifts for both old :and - yaung, jUst received THE CLINTON 1100iSTORE GEO. LATUOCE.- CLINTON. 10th December, 1.864.r ••••••1" L.itarcomrs Canadian TIMM O....Price 25 dentoper*zen.- AT TKE CUM Book Store!: fitentost useful Almonac tor Farm" era there ispublisbed. contains space for Ammar, andunis for every- d.aY .in the -year, besiilett much valuable tnformationf such as Post Mao?? Itegu1at1o1181 STAMP DUTIES, LISTS- OF JUNKS AND Judicia4 & Parliantentary Lists• ' Every farmer skoaitd itareime, GEO. LATCOOIC. Cliuttin' 19th December. 1864.' [wIS FARMFOR SALE I -4 °T 3' Con. A, Township of liowielc, 4 mile ;rout Wroxeter,tm TFIT? Q-RAYET., 11,-0A13,. .;Log house &MI 92ACREfiii2 CLEARED Apply -40 F. W. l'HOMA Esq., B. 11. U'oderich.Foli 86;0164. - sairasw41-tf Rouse an A Bliffriaoc°t for Saks AGE On the Southerly par - ON STFLEET, man ROOD ROOT41 SE and, OUTBUILDINGS, at *emu occupied Thos. Weatiairald, Feick; . price TWELVE minnutEsiveibidass For, tirtherparticulers apply to ' ' T. WEADIERALD, Cludoricky WILLIAM PERClTAL, Esq:„ Amherst Island, end). October VA. 1864. sw1241 TO SELL OB, TO larr• A Good EST211 lotwithin seven mules eflIte .-z-L Village of Southampton, forty acres cleared and fenced,with a good log louse and barn . Terme liberal, Apply (ifby. letter. postpaid) to " JAMES A. nuattastr, Sootharptorf# orto Di BLACK, floierich, Goderietr, -O. W., ;Ian. 31 18654 - vitt 0141-1MPROVZD PARISI AT 8 - PER. GENT! Soine to Invest in TORII ireriy J. D. GORDA-24 33briister, Goderich. Guderich, Sept. 13$ 1864. _ aw,3 if IVIONEY TO, 'LEND =GUT PERI CENT IN SUM. 07 - • One lInndred Dollars' and-itinratisT... 4pplyto. TOMb 4; MOORE, esediert. CRABWI4 19111V insainsE aodericb,sept.sth;isci, _ STOAT ifc DATIS liirANUFACTIMERIS AND 1 11 M. *ores, fionglia-aod Castings et every acription tjn, Copper and Sheet free Wimp* the Stove Depot, WmtSueeL,Gadeaath. • " • 00.41.11 13.Vu*i1M Lataps,tic.,.&c.,* Per, Bnig, lisis and Sheep/Inas Isles tea• bonze- 411 AND ALL EXPTINSES;14ID. FOR furilterpartictdan er pir Sith 199,a1lyor by zain with *tamp, to Ds. A. JiAlt011104 Ashfield.