HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-11, Page 2P-1 'ass ! 'A T WE W R F-KLY S,J- G, N A 14,01 S E -M I Flirst of Apirlill. U0910 Ai prosePt they had neither the A 00111111.1a!D ilitary Ilian lakes' At Godetith, -oil Saturday ry ing thopolleY Of gretlt� to. 0 _I Bill inaL -29� hiti6n pervadi venels-nor the gudSrt0 arm till 0 with- 6- tills 1bi,Jdlloir.1n4 it D EXZa1r, infant scia t N Stage -Richmorld#,between the picket Lord fALMUTO _Sir p I am, sor We -Of�.tfie world should its;ws citizes us pe Intel; ? - The exac w rem&AX from - - read I e S Aftera,fe' Mr' G. P. Ban- conierning, Lit koat orpetrated sged 13. he an eW$". li that we rhall' no th teach us thittag far as the, danger - of dinval; i k . -drop$W. .1 Alnusipg Story net of the twof armies.-, it) r -line an&CiLpt jerfil ithb:. subject on the Ist'inst jw�l n a AL was rmingliamt-but. ank %tion is con Mm I fion in t have the I vote Of th icerned, that an e iti that PlWe -L good joke Ve - f ember f6t Bi . - I - & Olt nd annezi at olp't se"tp trated upon a -wellAnown, portly; to.Canada, V111CM5909101M I. tu LEE, ilo;ilch hi hits Pit -.'would be.ingreated _perpe Very r6p77, Y b a separailon 4 'for the c6niplimen t E at seai bain'ster, whois 1. him ien she is dqprived Ap giking - CILlawity good natulvd., rising Yod0a gmm %;OlAma - u rell Wkwhs .61. IT*.'Lien -Goil. Gri�Anti to the"Goveramen - 0 be inilitarf Power. and himselffaqlif of a little fum tiow-that t L190 - WHOOL DRK Of LEV'S 121111 at-' (Rear and a In �.h_)L frooa�G, ;ritain, and mI i,--and,eojoyedthe� O'D He -the protec I'lleers] BilyiNINd OF THE uNiTicly STATEN STEAM' trick play -upon bim,.wbe States id that the 1preselit proposal is'a of ate dlicoverO it, Wl� C)Spit� Armies of the has sa may afford. V It resourcetofthis liouptrY TRkNSP conduct purstW by -did-illose who Coa- of t e usu, ach zest," n concutiow of' April 9tb, 1465 Ge; R V Leet Corn specimen tri6iiIial- *ovincee evire to oRT Gzx. LYOX-� With just ad ill ote If -these A -should d 'it ourl n made'a pr6po "Jopt the maxim that d1carvied- MISS SICIMPAIN" Ulatiolu ldk C S Army, ral-Your - . US -that iwto say-, we have eparateytesh6uld4ots crived'an floe. mandi - ed I haveino authOiltY. usly-fro1m, tye bon. -atembe for TUDEATH*OR In the course of the.worning, Somb person. ILI re -open -her Selioulp-a"i yredi"y Jereceill It OVE 1500 PER'RONS LBURNT - - r of o meeting isal which I thi k the - result will'shOw Is fell- unco'scio r happe yesterday 11�1i6?jopertV to treat an the laubject of pence, th 0 iho great. tnaj�Flty. or the Birmin;gthami who maintained that. the worth Deir-to, Yaws in hisAmneSSIOU A oth A01, inst., aft*rtfie 1hoW. 1W to 'by ion of the whok telegri forms, und'also some of�the Ards, itut for 10. &. in. y could. lesid to no supported a rebetil blan sphle 1, will state, how I . , the n. apt -bit maxim and By arrival -of.. thi steamer Gen- envelo I Poll ilsed b7 ttle-Telegraphic CompinT, -Piati0forti-) AM W* 10 ver,to -namilyi that our South. ..WimORV. adi GrEd therefor6 I licept the oolill)li, was right ia, suppressing th Ate inatrucW this ad P 0 rever, General I House, a a branches, Music,( tumea, g rself. ment'which he pays us". -rig t to­supipr�ss' the New York we. are in possess- Ileft, him a pretended. deepatch rom, a gendo 1004 186L. ull-SOF ly an idus, for Peace-- with You e a " h Sedgwick Ai Goderich, April - a ill ent I ortaiD, the - aside ral course is sohaped as t� think that'we hav provinces.. 9mitmalviiish in Offi- 111te- and -the. who[ -Not usual and zone rebellion Of the North, Ala6licall 'Of. facts of One L of the- most appalin- I man in Kingatc OlItice"t 1glide-arass be enCral support.- ton &ad impilosed to be "a Power It u ers bad -are we for- many earsp, mvdI ving Q - -ottsms- b� feelin., rit whiclipeace Call -receivo the usual and 9 bild -We should take a diffl�rent, line, am Occur jist, position -i as him TTAI The rms Ill (41- laugh.) itiis by fire t sea that has 'to4A. By the South laYing C Hear; hear,. and -laughie Sir;1sh a doubt, and- if these - Provinces Mi them- 941 th -ION of life behind� the- libro '%'-wbielb -informed, I tillat most f6- Norfolk enough 6 stand upirtheir Own that the said fflend would be eir a the fiope. that the. hon, member. r P. selves strong down Ill ground, slid If tiger 521 souls, includin -.and- &-string Wild to win TIEL-19 WJ desimb' two saw ho hae moved �,the Ir =d tLY, -To. ds' of hUmAn sanight ly stiould, d(sire no 16 of ate 9 men women, the (rat -that evening, LR VmMv e" thou"n operty.botL W in Molt HoUlli --the We audehildn e 21 -to Xereh=t 'Tan -or, and Of lious of Pr e- debats 91am it connection with'.1101, m nearly four-fiftlis of whom -agaze rooms it th lives aind hund our 'thi ft which th L to tain nk ont the course owing to the dastardly listinguishord barristers, Whom �e W&ehin.-rton, April 9. 9 -deitrotill. cerel�. hoplag -ibat all n at it would be 'welt for L him should say " God speed you and give you the more burned to death, invite -two 4 be si�tded -Withcut the IOU f has take' th *kaiptaili yourselves 92 a I!Ationl'� conduct of some' few who were 0 named, residing in'the city 0 a board the to dine With him. J[A3L= SamX. Going Aiffi to - oSayin 00 Diir, se W t t& a- sk the RouW to -dome 6 a 'divi- uieans g Cial "Ot er.1 meibi, myset 9L no d -bat, On the contralryp ship and bad no thoug1t bat 'for -preller' Highly elsted at the HAS DWRAND A allit6eiied- the- offil ill etfully, your obed t Be t ImSelf, If I That has not happenei elf pe ry they mu of annexation to ati In a troubled with 4en.AWr" t r tbill-jai of Geller&! *11. sion.upon I -ell dislike the notio On. -the' U i great a mini. and not W 117" Lt.-Gon not mainT th -Wedoesday -list -the kwtzes mid ient,aen, Grant, -ou- 4 mi der ad i,hb6ri,'and Cling to their connection oil A ted Sts es visions of Crown iminen t did D, son. rsta tie wit. will he A -4xia.mLyon sailed from. pod thiggsof oftlit future in -the shape STOCKOF not to -defend Canada, Wfth this country. And I say that it steam transpa, other Sc t tbe surrepile did ' t, poied b Gen. Grant. tain'that we. ought - , a n: Monroe,- having or! once placed the terms honor and cheors)-it wdul 6ington for 'F(irtre of fat fees, the Young-berfater at crton,- A U 9 By that we are bound in disgraceful to, this colintil a ily, as poeiible.;4 orLde d '66th Illinois,Repsuen be War - ment, ashing A011k.10kift . a re- to do so Irld ; it woul board 2ot of the himself in coftimunicition mitt the proprietor a Lieut oin -Grant banks . :to to' rig of,the wc t E., X. m in -I st A 1. he -wished us wee us it! the ej �Oqil 9f-30 a cences Third Division, Second. Bi4gade, Fifteen d engaged. r64mso! c ory with. of the Russell Houlet ab ry of War. be to od -for the dreat I notes to Secrets PjQZhtJ:'G t pone tlie present vote for weaken,our power ! 'AW: the uO was to' Pos' ia� the 46rld,j it. &tiny Otirpsy who --hid Served out their time, With equal ai&06110 Aespatched *4 lion hbehas his day cro;�j�iyota and don or -for gom6 -other in- injuritus to our Positio. the tWo MA whit The further informa their-eonuectio� d net*, slid 10ft0t4 z6o060 paroled and escape.. orm tingilisbad barristers; "questing callatititrarie utider Your CO al" aLshould be made. while they desire.to maintain ke. ..Every - A S., 4-.�30 p. f the government qtArv.which. lie destire. with'.6s;.we did1not do.whAt we could to usist A consi'derable'u'umber. of refugees, making a the -honor of their company, Avill. IM, Ileadquatert rodes of the� like of thii department, o our And& T& Stanton, Seere- be think' I Will see that.'with-ouly them in maintalFfiing, their Position. '(Hear, the ere &,of about 550persons. thing being thus satisfactorily "Xedt Aaiy"Artuteikwnbu -the U 0.( plii lif Dited Stait s -their But he. totalf includin, AprAgr.-T-allon nd of the pe -T ed As far As the ]bar, where yonig friend &waited -the arrival of tire even - Lei:. rendered PhO army a oil io th ink that, -on proceed been deserved as or -so, e vote has met th the Government are he Ly firY of War,-Gerl.' reverence anc h 'Or, have )si6g this vote -to - th� ock ith becomi patience, - in !the -Shirts,,0011 rs, Nodkfi",CA pon the i you and the- brave- and.. with the general approval of ,all. who, have be, remained over iiijilt, and about 8 6el, ins train V W& - - 1 0 UAW* Vir,-,'Iirkis this afternoon. u *Ir W rendevd. -to perfectly right in propq - . * h' - hi self with a )fine, oi oittle mi in the discussion.- -bon on th i vil'these ex- on'Tharsday morning resumed her- course. meantime- urnin tog in f. The.acco r -army for bly right tertas proilicsect. by mjset 111pany, salleja officers, sAd-SOldiirs Of You PstticiPatkd House. - We- art of opini at ilug I,-- in-orde -he - mirilit ade -will shd%;- the r for.Calnet- VAr alples whi . el iny right bon-. 'friend behind. me Nothing -of interest 'occurred - until about - 10 r that '6t; -:app:ic . able. oicloc�k on Friday morning . , w. en, in shoal US ic e is ition slosay. new F pMa, Ao *2 Chftf At ing add al cu�respo nee all "time. friend. -behind me, -the imembe hi is the iMPOZ Wh' `h I which.� if- I (Mr. Lowe) IRS adduced are n pre"ut an ap conditioni NDWIN M. 5FAX Lowe) hasi indeed, taken",that -the' thrilins cry of cc gon. In due course the train arjrivedl�- d Secratary. ot War, wereJolot afrai f beitig . accund f i . play e all know;thst in winter the allow. is 10 ff Cape Hatteras ar 0 April Ill !M. U S. GI; an from Kingston. -.4D in--army,shouldmaitch but not the em lent- Gen. G upon words, L should say-, -was a M'y low' deep in Canada that if 9 ritseJ, slid -at once the scene was 4rir gtb, -ran screaming on Atj [ - 18.65.-T- 0 t - k, And t as.- �w6men U. Army -.-Geueral�_J received, your- it could only be' in ime beaten rac 11191t heartrendii re o thinds, young friend thought it was strange and was 'ashincrton,, Ap ground. - �. (Laughter and -cheers r a- -arching for theirchild n ffer the *entlemen (101 War Dep tkrtment,, gallant sent it woulit be Ift 'Revisim on the . piliket line.. jalute think the bon tin leman*beside impossible to 'carry on seige decks a, troubled what excuse to 0' note of' this morning to -It it -orlered that a member - ror warl re'quite map led or frantic, geet j.ju -And aseer- 11till t0-�' - L I i -ter. We- know that Wit while men � we pa who 'Must shortly arrive -to partake Ofthe him (COI Anson), slid. the bon as in *a me were- theL only pea 6 to e till= er y. -.. Yin bitter I had, come to i ieadquartiars - 9 - 'thi in in the latiguage of ouw of the survivors, gentlemans hospiwli Let HE courf Re4on ATA Av"d fW 60 Birmingham I -bat atio --as it every one bad suddenly the despatch T W .-,we;e etilb, ed in � of 200 plas be fired at the I k rs- who 'ee r rig- must, be limited. anKinkstori It taill, definhely what terms ty a ind department . and at, -tQ o -o' Ltio e cap, by the it-scemid With The 0e;j Lat. the Raw-. eattirday with refert-nee of eve r Ufited.,State -emed, iticlinied te op rl W - township of Witwarlooli, *ill be UM 44 on 0f -I . I . . . so ppose the, vo monthevandwe think3liat made -and NO .1 your propositt'. I nl�w request every post a a arsenal in the must correct Tuyielf even as to that, becaust,- fortilieatiolls now proilidied--some to U� -come bereft of their seinseso the Place House, to show to the gintleman, as evAien' Ahe residence ofJon Tiodde. lot 27. em S. OfL ood Lf the surrender 0( this army- untry-r- d dium.' - Soldiers who had hill Sitb, bar joung Iriend, I'." on. Friday, the 12th 4y of X the offier volv� andL'at th militAry so lilealy at Wet, my right bon fried d 'said that, notwithitand' by theVapadians,and some by this. ro was a very pan emo, DIXtis 0 d'* for that po receipt of this iall.his"Ob' h would votef(ir tl e' to such a state of defence that, been with Sherman. -throu;h ll his hard. us of any,trick being - Played- imp me tzioe& in, your letter of yester- ay on - the Jections, . e piit'Canadwin oupht ba, nown' unsuspiclo of wa chamber to boock Pew, int, day of F Wer O;�n popu6tiong f his �Q JAXES the recesses memorat surreadei- motion. (A laugh.) But, Oil keneral tone witli the exe tion retirill to er, �lu CO ion of the r . 5 01 le --'and 'had never I been A the '-disappointme ta And -assisted by. dit irt" ary- f6rce of this n'the thickest of batt e, became as Ord -were so much. in favour h *lit Zlir i't meditate oil u ,of life.- Tawllslitf respectfully'your, ol�e or Lee and the army ot North- and tine ot argument very . t e mi rself less as little children rie by Gen. R. -1 think it wi" - '11' be. abid- to defend he hel e was aroused from his rave *11 3t Ary, site mi he 'L, Genet -At. thikillot ba th t oulld be Presently Aril. Grant The. fire was caused by the burstinj of -A Another tele b" A na to Lt.' n. And the �Of bon.. grap to es tcb Ge us estra -that there con' MY the.'receipt oil Va Gen. R: E. -bee, e6m ern Virgin an& hd d * ble on tLis Occasion frora attack. (Hear, bear.) 1865---: ruly un M RQp6rt of t Membe for Calne a - 0- 1 - porter's. room, been lu Her rien jtllk� miig hi e -in the de his co In r rgued it 'a the trend is t� of this date' should apperr'to be a difterence of opinionin f d'the barrel of e whicb-intormed binf.that hi� S. k-�-'Your no . -In receipt and -ion Sirp� this e at incolisif - directly over I. bi -detained at Pxjsc6tt,.but would leave d� of this order to. be mself he b"let, andin less than fiv execut L . tl House. (Heir.) JSuot a Cana mamier som wh opeCiill tie At you can- w 154M 1. -50-1& in.) reeetVe. He saA th' viiiitites the'flameg - ere breaking out oil deck, at the VOUr bwethis momeat'(11 Genet;il, -Wash- �addn,- it isnot a'. local queationj it is foe what did he say ? couise of the -evening by- conseque passed from. Atka made io to -the Ad 14o" dian qu'e the n' of u.strong -sale im- to.orider supinr and wmUgs of-Hurft -nee of.my havin U, because ited States and with the� 833i ta[100� awe lime making 11 I thet Farm - rton an liaperial question. It is a quesilon-which not'defend Cana' fedC -into the field much- spread very rigidly. The mate of - the ship wine for five oil Nri - Ing ed'� 's the position an -4 characterp-the ho4or. military -force persons, and to awt him jet the Akuce, oki'l t sim at, this t -caiv bring a a -and Ile ar"t Lynchburg- r gn -OP Once -to work to - out the bOW2 train With 8, cirraiiii. of this grea hich'you can to . POse at -Went get eit, of %if aitees' Cliurch, nd the duties ice A 'hereby evela 1"t'st or ing, about four miles iv Secretary of W ai the interests, a t I superior LIO that W in SQ SAYS but- the excitment Were so sreat our young 1DUBLIC Not Yet thii right ton. gentlem slaorn and Mind accordiagly gave the age SOOP after I'll* PiMtjoa -of You t that but litth 'y be,front for the pur 4�011141yl and I hold it to beof the ut ostim; them. ged a 'carer push forward to I ought. no progress could be� made- toward ers, and'ongs ex ani wilt racter of th' nation "16 we o4ght to defend Canada. seqttired. ordi 14 tice se'n.t to me ok-1 portance to, the ell'% e time the ealo pow of weetinir You.. :ion, he says, bat You exti 3,; the fire. * In the mean call -for bim'.st half-ppet ten Ck 'that 'from th cation will it tile- interview Y-0 take mse I Ike this, -and Whitt- the great mSiOl'itY Of to reli`nquish the connex aggaishii e date hereof appli this road. where yott wis here I and'in -the molt frantic, or ear of- 06 same opinion, should defend Ca a'9 oAda elsewhere captain came up ht. At,the appoiiied'. ho * -the- -riS90- to -this court ItOAPPOInt Jane Simpson, Iow %17 .1 miet me. the Ilouse s'nent to be to cope with the manner extilaimled, 11 sho's rone I the's one I Waiting; Land being Still linens 6iouf June of the Township of SIN-'ery.L . reepectflly-100 Ott- seryt- oipa... that it should not vo forth to the world that W by, as you are hot'abl... aLLthe I re's a o- sawo-fierl" 'A rush was In t9 R here you have o use triing of being hoaxed, eft his comfortable quarters Smith, in: t1le County Of 'Hurou oonseA L Is United.State difflarence' of opinioll-On ill* in. Canada, w n a' -of -which a led) U, S. GU% life -boats; it the lissell H TrI Lt. 0 there has bee join *one e for the ouse to encounter Ill ofKary Giiamillp Aged law ywl I Where- you call was then mad -notion; but' that it should. L be seen o hive large',isrmy and. thL u3e,­-1LpriI 9th, e Ge aged It Appom-nattoi C41111 11 � -you should th'-e were bu%-*64 on board, And- ey we ess and meeV the 11 special rrive At Agnes , mmill tht Yaw; Auto It te by an unanimou.4 House of to tbose f the Canadians, re 'on a tbe:.qt&t* lba --To Gen. R E. Commons. L(Hear.) Sir, them are, '!-the solitary W&tch- Ula n- C;L We adop d - forces APRIL 11191865 on eipeditiori and atiack the People Of soon launched. Two of-thei boats we enquired &Red e or mad an i to emmill. vesse ar At age Irraccordan t their own homes an I aud AS 89 011e� Wall hero, ihe ho -0 -ODER id in the bow ofthe' ra, i;fant Children eel will, thit substance I GODER ordle, A" A.:' nk it the United StUies in to ity slid- -man, Whom be found t 4 four yew gth--illst., I propose Ey two Points. with.'regaid- to which- I thi - - I " , , W ex cted. herlete ally letter to Tom Of the from -some- do6-; fthtir own - resoUrcesp where. thev latinched, the sprang, in said 11 Specie he Tne Simpson. right to express my dissent the ens ii us A med. army of North- on Canadian Deten the Centre o - imvolng his own . lifle. mew tsuspic receive the ;urrender ot.tlie' The Glibim '91 - r6eee: to. repel our invasion. pushed off, Ju it on watchman looked at Ill -, , , - . fi- - bepa, laid down. - any" can btin%r a.larger dece followin terms, to wit: tnues which live we shall iber, of company K, tatlydoubta w ther big- interro. JANE -81"SoNt em Virgmi Olt the fend, Canada Cptain James We a, rzued* this'questidn as if If We are. unable -to de ly, appan to be 'It mus! be. -ratify. in, to Oc 88 f it, 'succe, 'in getting into �b YJ- EL 60tdOOs - -00 &b. fait he Qffi.�, m and Then the -people of atlemert'lilive a ed d -y 10rattpAw -St Rolls, girtier4l Impression,and -belief: not have -much better prospects f5dece I Illinois regimei e gator was ofsourid mindTr whether it was 0 k or anv same boat, - which in a mom tempt to make ail t Ap�dl fool A" Re C.30Y to be given. to through the there v tacKL. $ew. Yox the eut atter Wei � . A Iduplicate-.ol anada 9 rhen thq learn -1 that war with the United States- will,. I'Milkil-"L In 4my to it Nted&t-GodeA*WbI4dt&y6f - we nd an o struck ty the, -Alter eyeing t e yo, ope that t wheel, and thi hil m. -other to be fisofthe that apart nent2 and that %big p really h 4t D captain f -the at h unir gentleman foe in it) will be ship WAS instantly - killed., 'Weber, man Bel -T atei!l by me:; �as -for other '14 an .0 icer desis way'. desig- editorial- 0obe 1, roposal of ou.-S 0 impol-tanVe co ' uded that it rewaiabjsu0.?ffiFerA.-A3 won pf-meetillo'L a�suddell dadger which hon.,gen r. Bentific he watch 7 from I thw purpose c dem n oposin'k this berr.g uninjuredt -clung to -the swa6ped boat, some time, t -a rolive and correct Answer. -id cap- amead was beeLto ritarn hel individual by OM- we ap ow, e atisfiied by,pr, -far as, his- jolff G A-AIr 101 ivhe Irast naval an4 litati a* A prehended to be hanging -over tis. N not Y but subsequendy. as he was being,haul6d on He accordingly stated that, as E the fiel Ri y it- vim - ll-Tbg offi, -eis. able of be ing readered'toL in t no danger of war wi#h Amer me it, and that e� Mll Ali raja igainst the V'rern, to isturb. illieunanimity of he Houseby board the Gen,,ral Sedwicklabout' 4L (juatter knowledge extended, there wimid to ar- Nod �absid indi- d psiolei not to take a the unhappy event"'Of a W iriv that has receatly (Hear, Fly Britain it pr atet- until prope U. -t sistilner Upon our moing to a divisio a mile dislaw� Pe social that night. ittear -of the Unitei, StL a cates. soy hostile disPOsI%lOR Oil he puk of the n Or �is � hold on-'tbe ro 'Ourfriendfre I re-Antental 'States Cimada a's ed. Our informank Joseph as a very,vvinf� am 4schanged. and each company or i witW th nited. Urited Statos towardaL as.; -and �thirefore slid was drown the watchmai 16 SHARES AIM NOR$ 91 bear. I ke parole. -for the mm -be sneered. at; b A, Co. 1[p.56th Illiaoisp got into the ittionn a barrel of floor, i, A er, i not to. we , base ibis - motion. on i GOING, at.. V­ .comisander to -21 POW -ut . he ground that Fitzgeral, took up his poii not m the how, together th,: ourcotemprary goes� x tillieProbs d ink pt on - with t ' lie othirsp and while. eudia8vorms 0 upon -Vi the' I - iij prop6rty to li 11ty r take place -betwein thl -o1'siNVar be- other boat launched ir. lighting it cigar, resignedbimself to thedis, a I'leetl's too we 5 - in in theinte tweenE Tbs are* silillery, an COWIryind America. 'Bat is" it necessary 21sland and Anterlicao we. were c inforts thus iia� ansutairned. over f et on board the Sedgwi�kp, all but five' :ests of friendship. For one fall hour there. 0111aud overlooks important Put A country in a RL parked and Slacked, ar in do iriicti t _,Ilike' Patience on Oftoaia-' TEUVRAI ays ce Y()a �S U W consequence. - of other rzapee or aefen, Pe to be I that wheniyou propose to e 'rough sea he calml tq the officers. appointed by. me to, receive o Ill _ Sho thaf_ -goinir Comm -e `oa the &tiny arbwned. in till y all ilt liof�embrace the side -aril'". Pd upon. the s: tiumber of other poisonp got into -the third. is w lowetfill neighbour is im ba ment," with eyes wide open tbsm.� Th ' with. some r estimates another- de - erins W f ts - t. It 9 for ex 'itaC On 't a! rive 6 A POINW9 UU -horse&or amplej at, -lithe Southerners, taking the -war to ens saved, while othirs, toned ir private w- to take place ? America. Mr. '11. launch and were -to detect Ike light rom the T7XDZR jmd by A "148 Mortrr of the officers A.0F the- n millent. and likeli soo' possibility- or -Mar with subse.. the darkness d to catch- the -first, U contaiiied in a mankin ention of , the House. overboard doors'and planks, and mitre is -and. eats distende 69 divi a iamong thetti',, and the enmity d i Berkeley called the att ongir But el, was ii, Thomas B. TstiEvery and Gere, I&= Why, the whole -P�actiO Of andLina-, will -be foil[fd tirely different -assumption. ty, or. a.war-with- AmpricAp and quentli picked up -of its *PPrOAV-h. 14 in a 002MY. 4, TbI& dollop each. officer a aCk 6 i-prob.abili sound Town of 0OC110ne 11 ofibe, bl ion to the slave ed on -an -en . e L the fire bKoke out, Aearly A00 - lightor sound indicaU ofthb -be _POpUljt,L England is uovp� by th At the'ume No Dd t1wapetily resli -y w1iich is-abl first allowed to retim t& their homes, not' to e to do, contended that Raroti, Forwardera, f lihs Slat( to account.. cannot be 6 of the'Goverh ew -were allowed a authority sa long 16-Confikracy, in: ment a worse soldiers were below as but f ion of his hopes. - At lml�Xfltef a senous 0ou'r IS --LP neligetic Zat Said Town of disturlb*4 by United fortifies it frontier if its nefe the alartu *06'witb the wotChM&NL Robert Gi"Ohno of i6d give forcethan e suff1bred the on deck at one time and as sooki bell. parole stkdthi� it Conti& red stronger efen hich mighti if it thou -,ht - fit, p-ocsttpion tbs 1812, whipw w he consultati the sw sy observe I L: FA - "nd periv.sa V" as th powerful State w lbrit not I light he Iturep of -but not Ltyo-i,dan?td,-fend loge,of So tuutk credit. He believed that t *"given, the ladders were � pulled uprom him, where, they ON -rovine suddenly burat up 444,i�ikwd md.uAs, L atta-.k it. - ;lth it 11origage der a'deep-debt of the hatch* ibusp'L the B P es, -But it is said tha eduding thi�lbilfty of for. so North American No . w Ally looking for, '--Very res-�eitfullyj -1 -uttertyL deny that'proposition Xiiierican nation was nil ba4 beewanzioui the amid Robett ON60M is X Canad ower by m4denedheart be. retbnw -d T or - i and to esespoiL and there can. be no doubt that they i to his Illotelwhere S.� GFUNT, L�-Geu- were, by the North k that is assumin atonclaiiou he Riglish Governmen, which. [beer.] t Ilia gratkitte to V Those'- iemimiri on bad br- etI let "to Jim WV1 rat- A re an Thomas� -of *0 ny -of Northo vigor and determination man it entitle ue Does the both-Hiiases of the. Legislat re of friends. -who irn -Virginivil d to assuot a , for the deter- 4ere burned to death. "Ost Godefijb, Isgent of 40 sallik 44 Usidcolirters Art with which. -no- inai­ L _tl rowned. ton on untry tQ remain d and � were d naeU� 8 Grant, in iped bverboar Well Said moortj9T Td, Lieut. -Ge hive- been call4forth by A eiample evenof the war now 901111Z On tend ie part 4 the 63 deck ed secret, were ready to receive him. The Montresil,'-in said toma, W -M AoriL1865�. jm a to have bee -2 2_ odd wholentimberk 0 IS recip ion, itud what followei, will be,. 5. Armies. -General, ­l usiQn9.'-ThL-.territo. 0 Wdst -be self e lent' to, The ecam, --C Have eve . rybi thii countr -nine, of whom twenty re 'Sol ivid. It is artnecossary, there-, and swromm 4 isulding, U. Vy j ustify . that conel 99 4tro forationat.exidefice."' t nd extensive. Ay that yy if it had taken 4m,�.twmty ity co f the Cotriedirates is was a not only dier" and nine the,cm-lvf the ship. Or the er, as CUStOm I[Olm of 60 Fort your letter Of this -date, - con., zi at - r uld -fore, to sLy more. Our yqut�;t bairUt r Surrender of the: army of must -teach -comParl�.' th - atte'tripted to detead ever% ortion ofibit, the-p'afioftile Confederates, co tileflitilt having been smile mon tha"his eyi oI terim 0 is as prope ley have -for certain 'in, have been ab mand the safety -01 the 204 of the 56th Illinoisregiment, all. but four rgla t�rritory?- T1 we bavq a -A. To of ment Alle moo sed,by you The South- *aSL to Cam, A thereof and .-,ou i vp yes a, f bat spirit ot fillibui-ter- perished- including al the officers.. George Vi t to stop 11 1 rat -0 -to WAR" abstagatially the same 'all, thw ex tit, and those importan P919ts, -Canadas' but a: vexatiois consequent -on the first erved on all Vu" were portant poin lit &Oe, Of ericaus, and -to Willi y F) 56th Illinois, co the howto 'entered himself tally into. ar letter of the S,tk init., ther 4ingula y utianimo,39, and the blacks Althoujh the rest of the country may -have in,, which marked the Am r"uid said Iter.4") be SW T -1 wil heen overrun -on- w.P14nk.to tiIeSedgwick, of hohing, and none cm..now be ad PA"c :Gww it. proceed to desi4oate the tit of fength, whil On theL-Othe bave resisted attack—some f have put -i termirtation to that atrocious veyed a woman a ele at Ch WAS Opposed toLAII lit upon arriving there she was deA -, he was coca. the itip OrtU ibis o roe d�ctrme,� irhi more ready to tell the Whole story ths& be- ulatilins into hem even to And others for three or Un min earn, more bumor to On Iwo r to carry e shape Major James Files, Who w firm of A' (Hear. hea -.rithing-in th Certainly no one can hind British ProvincA . areL Qnf four- yea coate 0 and to evf saved. ThUr3dZ7i thO- 16db t Serit, aly u ivit lil)etty. . He Big* -inuod of the 56th Iiliaois,�refased tti leave tlw t#II. it With greater zed. natelT so nited as icltmond.;,is Richp�o d taken? Ot ivili ton AiC from bein at I Zat its reheirsal. L f "ViFY'"326CO. ;o'nr obed Look R Richinond,.beenLat- -biouib before the H0950 tile -fact of. the -s�ip. saying,he would stick to her as, long as lHas noi be. And theu. *,Lsuppose (Hear, hear. h left as large "his two 61 LEA* Gen they able of hgy re? And -what abseac --protecting t e therewasaptece LsE[ Etorguzitr.—The Rugli I twelve. elloilk, 00011i 4t -a great. lew,,Woftl , ; , Eso L . of -guns papi tile -and uth . unite iaL the tacked L fol -coasts the a� or t* hands-. were to tb works, from ggression inI 'me per& bring do pement frm, areitadefeticest Why. chiefly --ear tails of an elol 7h : that power.. The disasters'of the last American -- In three hours froulthe iime thefite. broke 1psi *a ' thabdrdeteof Hamp- follow, ar—what oom- a force behind them -'and thou, Is littib market to on ww it 1865.—The 11 . � of prepars- out the ship WAS eo"tlrel� destroyed. The tfe Ge Wethington,- April 9t 01,01116L4 orce which :were entirely caused by war ffhire.�l -One of-th lartiall Wall a YMMS goo OrMe ace between 1 tit force is iuferior in number to the -f war atil toward nightp m;aII closely file we in --asid Town 4t is I vious. -corresponde parigo, have we in that eve .-e id in- Con-' ion- --Tbiecounlry then had. no ships: -crews General Sedgwicko -Jay by a to a royal perso0a6mi A on -1te 1(arket Squ derrid to threateus it,. it has hith rto r Americs'n -the officers W rL fittou contend wit - - in L and - then lefto and eve 0110win 0 tion -Of or in h � the dent at a militar ericb, the f 9 Prop :rcGrant and Gen. Lee" tederat hands. .-The mere' .-copa ns y aAdemy receiving the, witrils or Perlis of IA. -Gone R. OF .-LEE 1. ryt.hing'in their power 9wards rds Stu TKE OVILRENDE thrOug' it and i -0 was. 01. ustiall, education afforded -to - vadets.' This -raw �ly about the time whieli the done eve 112111divi" f6regping tele, terlitoq by an staly that traverses Ifeliftom''Wouset Va., Aprit'.9, 1865. TO, C quest. "r4oncluded 'that their Government betook cuing the unfortunate. beings ill the' Lyong, rig pe--- initmoredwith a inWe jUt jessel irAlled Secretary of War. The rho withd4t.r,educing its fortresses is no- on Be yes to re mi�re than A did YOU that them I' --prepars "a ROD. In 6mmon with liesily all Aip"N -kro tion.' They should butwe unable -to do� There were -property of V&DEVOY 410d R111111110% J4ifs" ton, 'rhe conquest is l4nited to' ilie. und -he -sea -1 tc beauty, poor but respectabl 'liar of I rough W I at. ilte P4urt 4 1011ming' correspondence hm taken place rig the Amid in, consequence I 'an seles tqa =a so isA no ern 10jaitYwr via AD ised 1here hm beleveathat the late of --the- South tile inladinic"army occupies, and when that member what'happehad -close proximity to the, b alters. The first "At and paroutid obst riise. Gen.. Lee'aad-. myself. in , of part of the -country can war, when an -A eridla ship of ir came re walldecided a*. This paffi oroll itioli ia- -the pursuit.during its depended in' a. very "t army Paw$ another itoll, and for three'or engineer of the Sell9wick was lost overboard an e!opement a -away with it. But all- ]ail at Brii d went nonk- andho am& larmwgwvf onquest passe into ther Chill one of the left the village bf. the train an Ise QViUS to MCUO Wor 061 f this noble sthe while ORNIP memuter 46a the anoceiSL 0 �rticular pointep -and when - her destiroijid our trade- before - ndeav ward. Itmas a day or wo-leforethetrawli 1hereunto 6 ortify ia I:U S c0autrie f to prejentt�--He-lisk suffere' -D" IV are For t ust- D' they­tr Ahat-jea- la 1116 . - were -founi 611A a-re'-s8cull Lin rsf -took-steps- t' d, aid 4hin-Abey-weriAiWO100-di ase pain -sav that they then-ez- W ",tAprit 7,- 1865—To.Goti 19 Lee. Lee, oon last, iral balk of the territory issafe from any per- oli merchants a small cottage Wore a turffirel at trfttfw4 JPA - alreudef ay. Ila Ing rdmille, wA e&ctedy swiator aw V. —The re on Sund aftern HOAdsp Act.'--A-correllpond and inj ­Geaeral� s queitby.anyonemy he Aime PA eat AL COMP comlimand injit, Occupation. or con, at if Tim Tcu -k wasteonvinceloii.ofthe with the �Fholeof his 0314intlAd, virtually ink itj � Ii is urized that Ciiiiada, ha, e among out ships, -and th Avat VA AMUTO gait, of-tbe last wee who may attlie making To I as list and the father of the tiommat beChurc, her resistan'.0 on thopart r but are a y hiA gdqethere.�hey laight hive done has kindly furnished us with the to lowi - 1 -(; el ided frontie. o other the -of townships that have dopted the Dunkin in a higt� f .1111, elessafts,of fift 1 -1 w2r whW11i has ad extei I Position in b of Za#land. tes the terrible V, termi rthem VirliaiL in tbli ased.'. ighty it4griant With big00% ultimate- of the. army Of o in set?, What .".4heyiple, The 10 area indicate the majority in affirsth states A ilstly placed iii that resip that it issa. and regird it as for r long;. -bloody. yaars as dosolited- What is Mr."Ipeicotke thought the ho6 gentleman bill converil 'hm the large 11 relentA stoug$e. , I -reel )ujtry at frontier T lavoi of the The a my aty t& shift from Myself 03 respollsibili portionit.of this Whyp -the don -e -,quite rightiti-calling-attention.to- Haldimand- 0 as on one. . w (hear, the probability war- o - tineaL We el own frontier ? 1 crams 3ab Ofifif ki the the exte t of our America and- 1100 aoed too nine, Ilet, hole 'Coast of' tb. ni their f014 b this species of o elfugon of blood by as Ing U ted Kingdoin t with The tdoii of the nlay� ^this­Countr�- 21 t; go ure p, ate of Otousbele. 112 -Dammer g!=rmo states army known as the �cl it is ai-,eitbe, our de barely within thei bounds bear) mixht- 46 well my Alit it Also� to the A�Ieneeless at Emily, .52 Vera and we -did n - beliee th' fences, Hope; i28 --Cavan$ 146 i newel woullf, be necessary* for -the security, of this Ile 9t such lain. - � .3 , an --; 203'; Matt t6he T ibility country that wit'shiluld, line our whole coast di or the probability'of d"est Valted coultum I 4r of that some gre# military It -woiudd-bi increase jNriingttinj -283.1- to their ad Brow ho veisp 126 ; Fenelony 9.6 p Berm* fully, your obdt.. soryt.r consequence r with, defew a War diffnislied, in of I Brook - Pickering 1; ay. spring, up at the. deventli'llou live'workip because We mq To wit it 4 U.S. GRA ' cg:. -Of Boirmanville, I 'of Hir. �of that great ai.d exten- reniarkii-xecently made on the " subje North ii DzAm—The- W0011104k &MtiXd d at".1my point i 11olleghan, -83 1. StwoULA.— -imina �rge armies-sedl remaining, in tacke 'h 0outt zoist, OT 11�oitt,4ep. -Armies of thelue- a. tg I the I - (flearg hear.) I' maintain, Canada� � He'did not think it wag t 0. way to We J"M JW 00 4�01s 46 IIA V"k or-thie avoid -War with -hu neighbor to 90. cam - N 159;.Oarafraza, 131; "ys;`� sive frondej Brooke,.51; Ki.ftoe, piem,* am to i1i PAN the] t 'but it is 119111Y hi ig that has unscrupulous ins public 16000 at or,pirew th o viotwy; �Ijhat there is ne-t I ontag tberordime, -the tell her that.meere unable to Aefiud our Waw4aosb. 128; ippey its 1 112K Gann so tdrribl* orippl. -thxx is- nomp"siagg, between 80; - Chatham,- 27; ru. baker, or n*t-?,. 1865.--Gesera; pwr A` ed td, nothing had heard it - ptated1v 'ty xW bee —1 -hs�e ro 0 ur C I he wouldl Frout,of Youge Abe exabo& mi* of jam 0 Ap fia United. States and : 0 olony; - -He 92 Township - at , Kingstou, 4541 ratborAoovalliftifor ofthia datoo - Though not. *na 1340 M which Justifielt any man in-- ally. jot, say when ad lfilield, 12.1 lagW MY IS* with pow 1 d4 4m ywr­ anct trateO­ hardly be res , t to L dovernment of t Or where, that Cian a coal -- Vas, it 11110C - . xprest- of- the and -he thought each "ate- -South4olds $6 GrIO04734 -As I M r.tbw opinibir you 0 equaringiop so *Very- bara VVwd andUbso is COUM am entirely 01, state pro4pei�yi.,- An it is, it 'a perfect­� Utfilletl 91; toMtered not 41ho. WA tog that the relstiOull between the 4wQ co"' not be defended? 0rowland offurtberresistatica-M the part. ty milated to d6pre o r in 1 16 likely, " farms present Circumstances 'is were *41e ' lJ —i Thurlow, 17 -, lll�ody in the bervoomp, `at led t4mfronting a two oxton,, kl,, a 4 liar. 1%wLatilsk. At - Of -Northern Vir of Gen. -tries'. an. -the ordo big body Fa I recipra- t with the -6hitimter. of hospitity leading and- *oaken ability of -tho C&O"atit'w had be" my to assume a character (Hear -hear.) � Nor RK Ged , -to avoll ageless effirsipit of k1ritie offioer'sud higiv- inindiki ;too -hmoJA,.75;-...AI4borO know if he 414010. to, ut,.theii,.tho boa; meifier'for Bir� defend thenise - -" in Va Jimlep waaw -W gyOur Lee; to wee. B Thoroldt 17 ; Goderich, 80; Lobo,—; in sub&l . . . . . . ilnewer of tbitifore, before tonsiderin ould an , L resistance jugir which might Tile 11111fle I W wasitio*-ask the terms YOU will t an that he� should Come atbatr-Sey.48 woul , 1gression he warded off y Wiling the 73 ne"ter" offilr ow mitighant t&teS that wer6unable to detend tlW UT me, 28;- An -got Sp,aud Oab a terrific blow at'dw Of it would tit datea c-imara" pr powe Canada and our North- American Uni:N Of the Oroba- pap in toto., has adopted or gas*** rinLr,-,nUmbe14. when could only jud but salwil tOLLLL r fl. th he ounif;'Of ]9L�altl Ili* Wheelild round and fidl A intiod of itA ees am political disputes colony. We 0 bllj;by�& in as 61 ws W fm , in must itrilie �jonty of 210, f 10. 111"Afide. of life and, prov ited-Zteies by WA�w AM'W I e wi gro.wo etoit uselesO Unite0tates.- Audq N, is At only D Hil gland andthe bility.of a war with the Yes. lre dead upba The Roof &USt even: A Ulan of the beLwee ministers -and It the of t1w. blow _CapitQ 0 It is Step malandin't tbs- Ore. ittleman says the Cana. looking at the language f 308— 319 �Poftd *1 Fill -p 10 n itupl�y 209 ed baid bmtill if jr-To, Chm U S Granti Co art the boo go ment. of their Gov. umag- 11wet 0111010 11 find that thitu best securit I too a high in the Alood veseel's" Y so, no Pe 322 Arai" 09, Itill *iR be fouiid in another eolumn of dians mi Do, RE lose Com- I -f in British alivorip butin ornment. cluent y 0 elson ... Ir pan of L "Aptit 4, lsa.­�To G orgificadins or 113 BONI -A, to -d. 100 VA 1090-d -Lbow� r- Does&% it saw to* —Your note ilf 1"t %hemselves-from Great - Britain. I;lr H V# illogi.i sap' d that honorable N pow main& C 9 01111104, happens r not JOL 65 1" Al. int'ne:ofsame date asking [ace, that tabers d not irli-i.warwith America. avw%mw� )mi in the first Pl. I o0**011111114 f to uOr"tows.. be youtigy g 16vening ia W* bajo grievajcoil� but if, we wished 1111- "a *110014 AlvADIAN DRIFENVES- be on MI indul O&kil'lle. 82 a J2 soutit Arw6of Lomas 1110-tak c0iffifloine on Which Twill accept the lot 6-or-incliusti.. ofthwCatiad" Wo� i lit I ...... Army warit not_ desirable to go In thoigh be n Mi 01114 1610 is 11106 redil ois. jQStL je- CAlialliaps ate most Anxious to &%laid a * wrsp�ed ilkdOA;Ouat It tCheers.] The daa4r.- He I et which ad "ad a. 36. 62 oftbe, all be -1911to W m- f Y. Qtiobo6. Whielt W -thinkit for their ini re wing townships haverejeeW tbs lots --his c ho -6to in 40 to vou House, or-conkmons, to u maintain the in mi large ell lermould "T that,- Pefam- a 66 coidnexion With this coan"ij these eloquent recriminations WS110 &Wn theeftr *41 I as the lffoua�- JJWT WE hey are pr4 d of that connexion; they very emily made' on one side Well asbit Con" 110441�0�jalw jug sa- first dest .8, there iii 'but one condi. bowing f$A*t a" lisk He )uD %0 iha I-inentr upon 6en aide I on, the q"tioia or spriviatin Totals. a 110 that. the latest; they are willing to other. - r _ 0 at asJr it After go -general me me mem- *0 bell otirgendered shalt be disquidified � for* takin thit. their population me rksb The follm 150 000 to Maki), evory exertion orgunsi Hamilton, KdoalSt- Mary's CW his lg WA then 10 i=!%W JL t the an, atwhiolt- arm enable thim to SChilDT8,0nd n *t t'b* f0et of # i axond the intemfing th th And here a tho questiod potable more reso Tiff ekerainitit, Reach. -Wiilterloa� going throqjh dAK a W#rtWr aittigton -thi -part of -Tu exchanged an with the firorts of this co Marquirof H lito Whitilly, &CW*tts"� be rim� JQMM 10 Am *00y- offi%-eis to meet an&in our colupus 11141 Week. . Mr. ill coni cdoit. 4 doaot rise for"the me I inan-New— -" J111d is Als SherM app to . a -'that Connexion andL Prevent the Governmentp said:a ' y xcellontLU& outballimm, BY PC df$*rl will so" 70% oc Sign presery 'for B rfVj Brantford, Osprey, 014 t that of k1lomt7ng ilie-hon met for the. "me pur,-- Blight j&staW. I& men arpose pbers 'Pots ii *4 its beight, Ite IOU I& in iiing absoibedly a neigh 2" ft a themsel ftO and Maldon iato-1 on of peth, Co borne, rsburgi Milton. of the Audience T nger of he considered to, you, or the thei 3 was not, the slightest da bearing power. alike ristol a ;1saitadve P004L at Say lyttileterms upon if this country,- for the.probability of this countfy- entering into, 0akhUA St. Andr . OWN wMarnallil r fortifications, duty sad, in ar -of It, - paurnow if the, I.PaUd auderhis and that -T We mat of Nortiera witl� Am Lho'sake"Of ?itatiou hicb* is tbs war with Amorlc& g be.& WdMr'CX that rel I Whielt took 40 &Y pendittif )D, when we finr4 interest to. the- debatm place the UJUM wilt be received. would of a 0al:14 gain morlilat ww" Trered so or'sud strengti night e CoAti OIL DISCOURT.—OR XOndaT U-9� ally" Your oh"t as ither provinces desiibu-- other the of Canso la exasta VW7 napseo agreed thit Can and our C a West ey. tho'HoUse adas many of our citizeas become gro dissWon 10 Otbw 111dit011 .'Of IU ids is fw** Mra-V6 Of of ew U 8 GRANT. connectioir to do t to me, that most of - 1ho speakers P see 4u two Govern. 4f maintaining the ever the report diat, lar e.quaht-itioll, noulted b' _ _ _ -- —Ui— . A in who-oddroand 'the House, having iiny--, Some Tweillly� dw 96. _4j. 11A.4allf GM Armies Q4 She U. I thelyelations between tbe. ro leviomaneracont waill" 4own in which we may have 1118 motme of doing oil bid beeti discover" dly, it,--iduftli tv. upon them-, admitsAL is we were,ilarectly ion Iiiii.4 theta to. maintain that connextiott of retspailbi' i and Grind. t pustibility Getwial - 4U _to 3e . hour of going to press, %be -oz- on the prope!ty of Ments baw your slott of to dayo, -in. ahswer -the advieW of the J1111110"ter Britain? must i4mit, that While there is p Bliti Jr. Is werilli, 01 intend, to Mo.. Battles 11st the OuW orourbilog-engs joJty 6t 235. noun It ged *&V,4Wiih Amede&; *0 r way of North- 4y danger -state runs "p fli h so M'isfortalwili'very which mi sq-Wl*r Colonial b . our arbes robalm Qf am libill, ail an -on exhibition, SO& no iitteAw- P= *41i -51 Wofe lk dw aug"s is larger lieikil remote indeed He in dw iww an 13C POM Iffe .. A 0a the;i7rep* - W "L � M SSW at irA lave been dipped! 11"P bat to V C VMU%7 tho.terma'af-your Stu frum; a powert k VVIC11 I Ilrool quarrels botm flosting _ i (not that eew uirks all from %C" pKgo0jois. To bis 4 1 do not think ther be, &d to lay before ouroadeii Va - 1b, D*SW t precatedthe "moth of JET.- f oevil ostforsign, fit&*? I say Mr. Foster del so Afpw to odgiiso motbermilatU Suppose j0dJ !1r foal Mr. -1 O&M 6b a of Moo, should la the- di g#"&, e in 6&;D* be 4,111 Aam" lbs. sit mi or-a"Mudert tu *bi hit, f who joal oil- od9K- that WW9,1 w'-stoo to 111016 0*01 OtA 1 'WIfrolk this country in Amer!4'214`06 teu� bWielrep vith xxp-pw would be rage bas alrea#' fo ri 'k Ir rovinces, Opera jab no of t14 t6kausti pmplieton oy L nil atilt 11 6'V h. e lo 0 1 Wb J It 11 io [if - of-.1Md Meh: ibetnefeetltdLinto or tw&""n me the wol ail nXWO. 1 *essla limm. 104ba an&,. I 'Whiielt am hyj a tt lit. IV ted � with ft PC W 'r:p L -the %Wn FW in lots it- To MA Its orw-'Ot for othiir f oon th-wro"116 C It men Ate Ift W 11 . 4f ic a] thu jai r-oA ho** ist, . *0 1, orl" d a eyl screb WA W. I"M ASS" hero not AotivA ght lead a stroager fbidlit . ation,011ioutm bay -eel -lump 0 a a If sid tt pick a quat were very *on? [tie" hOWbVeL ret with -that ilete, e. ato,inwrest most, to its all HA". aaeOGSWIdd he", talld to ghtrthos Jam mustur,10he T"lity.of a wb6 bas: tbo lood be nof terfitolitj &M Steps to at ouce ear.] IS them 'bill'a plaw Suabosts on the