HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-07, Page 1U 4 ! a wr,Z (,r �A, -,"Jed ont- Z'�,N a- I tene- t �-! kl' 1' ans �M- the eZotUll I shail IT 6 9 Buginc95 -Directorn. Corill. $MM1_a.1?�0bqJ1l0W. V A. NIcIllutt-.2XII AN 111,, 1,11-:1) UP 1*0 1 0-;A_�I-, A writer in the Country Gentleman saysf C at his re--:!enceon Norti, Sireo, next d,wi I- I consider it a Poisonous fung some. us Stvialk ofthere-,idenceot Rev. M r. Elwood. 10:1 what similar to ergot in rve. w" also found it) vaiious other grasses, and � I to- Abe presence 6f whieb.- -,Par4; I -Aitmlitik�--Ibe 1PUYSRIL�Nl,s ctv;EoN, GOD fact that 0jitilevill not thriMe '86,ffd -iin—sons b; & I C 11, U. W. 13:4�- 1 y as at others, eveii with t _Zp 6 'bandence- he eatest a Ei'. 'wj[c Y,oan.- AlL. of hay."' 11 ys t c 1 .1 x. S U R('# I-' ON, (Late A correspondent of the Prairie Farmprmyt,-� House lZior--t-on. Kiwg-itan tlospital).� he lost three oxen,- three 'Cows ai�d' three calves -last winter, & supposed' fi6ffi'ea&in-g' 017ricc—At Arthur's Boarding Housc. I -AND "HATIR-ON AN B RUCE ADVERTIS ERS f. - Godt;rich,c. W. tile smuts ofoornsisklks. Hexiiiised.,,one."k a half acre c ;f King 'Philip c�rn, '"icb was very smiaty, &9 not only many cars with smut� upon tbem, -bu ut occasionly bunthes of7plftr ATIE OF STAXLEY—CLINTON. TIT W. T. COX,Elitor and Proprietor. The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatast Possible Number.0' y? L . liox fload. (-Nlr.,rN%Vaitt,:��%fori4itr-4tore acked. IVII ' cold Y;either bows 0� fhe JUIV 1"62. s is en cattie were fed plenteomly, on tbe4' sts1WP DIR. A. WORTHINGTON, On t4je morning of the Aird day he faboilD $12.w 050 PER ANT one dead; the- eight died- within �twa Aljyi. tend, parts' GODERICH -3.-- NO 624 They were supplied witifwater daily. -'I HYSIV, IAX� SVRGl,',0N,- will. at N. IN AM P C W.9- FRII.),AY. APRIL 7, 1865..' 1 VOL. he opon I Ive cyc. s ale weum;ess would..liel P) woe Howicit. ViLLAG 9. Vcc. 15. 1862'. .1w47Z-1v walking. 140ying down, .wbuld lie pparent] easy for two hours, then -begatt. tq. ty YZ -gr- Business rator)). Orl 'k in the Aliouldors, 'breathe at ro 18 Ira I�exvxs. Cwfff] FARM- T01R., $_1' LE er _B S f 84 --ou. hICS5 ir r. 0""EAN ENI lr,'X' Arl' d V an r 4 1,aNv, and Soliettor-in-Cliarto tinty g!rr, Co L t;iow-*.kttorneyG-�derich,'�laiiada%'Ve�;,t. office _0L Gouxt Y14n40 c lands# ay of ApIrk!" 0_ clanxeran, 1� LRR19T9R4.XTr_6If-TI?-Y- WTACITOR vVer Of See -Blix chaaciry�. A-0 11arket Square,' ee to, whom- . . ....... Uer the Acwiw BAR"T" SOWITOIR, GON-V1-:Y. iilokld, the 21st AICOER.* &C. 0 fiec�,: over the Store of J. Goodi- appr;,uged,' dt�htri e4e�ted_ landlord'K varrantz- reated, Div sio lz 27 - .44i C=I-Irt, u-mie.4san &Tt S D� irtli&' rauW'Aab� '"--r. ��;­ �___ X� _x_ --do jks fftf ter f tiv�tuaouwesk rwao J L �fi f r4ter L CountItL (9 Hilton" vwage or countr fsa�c, Ruch&- 0 7. bf thoe. usder- T ICENNSED AUCTI(INEER, for 11UROW �JLI-and 44vtie� -Sales pittitctualtiallendelyto. Bniiaegse& of CELMP L 'ed will eon- Vorrimmlofterin Queen's Uench, fortak-ing kti.�,&-&. bAccon Broid their I? way, 9:9- -resent P COMMISSION X_ Xotekin� .4 9 �.11144inesw of �sny kta i V A ti im M�a ;Vt to I Ili eVelVe prompEattefition. M 'W .1101111 Tcalnp. C0`11.110;810\1-�Elt IN THE' CO.UR-T'OP . tbtet�nlx Ben- ch ., Convevattlyer, Am. -A Reg valrykeptof-R-trin and'[Vviin Lots iloir Safe-; par- u0sitayinir '.Jts ftirs;-A, r 1o. purdiase- will picaiiiisen d rull"patt-milar;i. 9:.g COMMERGIIAL; HOUSE. Q_&TE O.InKls.) EAST STREET `00DERICH. sincercIr to, X - thank- his triendo attil the travellin-public getke- -r�� I patrotiagre'hL I - rally for the, vt Jtbera. In$ enj&ved for the p;"t nine. and Would - re- spectfittly n4k a cootinit-inir--c - or t scir. patrom Hisnewhowile has�bjen thorna:,-lilvire-pat-ed,ai id found complete iii every paiiticnlar. Juii-N DOXOGII, Propnetior --%v7 RMIUMBUTEL GODER11"T WILSON, -Pe.OPRIETO4,1 ab(iVe is ni . o�st . pleasAnih-satiated on all eminefice- 1-20 feet hizh. the Harbor- and'Lake Rural"%ValLsattaeh�d. 'Board -$1 krda.v;_iinqle Nfealrzor-Peds. 25 cents- vT5n10rlv �D,A T- S 01-T E L WROXETER T$_sauatedotilthe QTravel Roadl7- running fionx� L, Seaforth to -ot.thampton,' one - nille north of. where it leads off to W roxcie' and �.nyont� trav�. r., Belmo-fe,M11keitni solaf��amptou.- or atty p!aet i ' Lk that dtre,vtiCoxv',:i fir.d-ace oillplo- ,lati�)Ii _.%jlvq �b, tie oiltv -expects to find at first class ICE -A LW. AYS �'OIV HAW 1) Folt HIS Trout-Fishiiig. Friends I HUNDRED 1-Y-1) FIFTY FEETI C11ARLES DAYS, w4&.4. Proprietor., COU3 mere, ial A itel,31it ell el I C.W JOHN HICK -S,- Proprietor'.` This, i% the tam"t and 'best Comitry-, Ilatel. in Wexterri Caha&c,an-J.eharges as Good'*t.abilogi,or I&O--k1orses. tfoj�sesarta Carria-ez if, ) �,for IC Oil 114-7 CABINET W, En `A_ (THE �OLDF,3T 1-N THE COU:�TY. GORDO Di, N9 ,AND UNDERTAKER1' 11artufnetur'es.alin itas--now on blind a complete assurtmellt, or Furniture, aL his VVareroollis g WEST STRZET9, GODFRICH', -Bedistead _fasl` Bureaus, Ta'61e4l, air, Canearid %V61A.Seated ell -Airs, (filt Rouldinf-r- and Lioking G lasses, in. variety,, ot flome Tffaiiitfacture,,and� Jmported!! V G. har, -.tlww.q on.`hand� a complete ps� ;ortment of -COFFIKS..- Alsoy. HEARSES ro HIRE.." 0!:5*.Lztmber a-p:d. Cordwood. taken, in- ex- artge for'FurnituTe.- Godezieb. 2,�,th Oct;. 1863 wP7 - RIFLUR "-.SHOT -.'OUNS. J FC_ A. A" MADE TO�-03&-D,1412167' V 74_ TORN opposite -t Mar -et. , t e 6:1- All -kinds df-re-nairitig, ' - done --on -most redsonable terms.-4�0, Goderich,Aumist Zft 1864.-: sw94 SNITH AB'� "A -X...-__ QUAIZ G 0 D E -R-10 X_ 1�1. �KAS_ T, Raclu Large I & Well -Assorted - AN D, I I V VV /A W/A 11 V, -am 0 - INSURANCE. eli the side with e reme pain 14 -die. within six'b ftef SliowinW:tbe 1-1tit *y,�Vto6r --G -DRUGSI:- BOILER7 for se the JallowilIg DRUI $I ETERN. AS8U.RNNCE,.CO.A1PANY. 'a 'Pig sittiate -on the: Gravel:Ruad in FOR SALE Witi..hAill��(iaksstiianceCoiiij) waises of astut Wa W of the -di r the Township flAawanoshi, A to 0116CA.Toronto L.- on COrn parl WIN, within 11 Miles'of Odderich.l. iain sh6uld: be carefill edj Jr Al'aride, Vire and Life I nsu rances Dr soy ofthp -eirsej oflecled oti favora6leterms. TJIPC>W 1101LUBIDIL t3­01ficeln Ap _v re not midt; w Cham- _plyt3. contairt'ing..100 acres, 50 of which are cleana.. GPLACE eed iif- �Ibe!4111110' premises lheic Frame Ham 36 irliard sumedb T� Jr., A&L 06derich, TZqy.7th, 1864. *41s*19 y4 r n JO [I,\ JrALDA yma or beast a gm! F me Hou4L, young oi lirough- the g. '�_goad ergek rurinxig L -HUGH M6 &TH, furtir Apply W A SINGMAR CASE.­�A nctritsm X;L'X)ii a6 1VO M _yP 1�ot 4tb eon. . YER,— .ttimessortolt I iBXeyno s) iw: Glover; a deserterfrom ls�b#talWw,4� Comp 11y n the 1 inskranoe, 1 1 7th 11egimint, -was brought to' _CI -in ctarre oferjitantof the .-d i -E- COUNTY 41fli Provin�e of Canadd.. TN'TH 0. aitll banded jover to 004 'H a FIRE AND LIFIES rt ouseSTis r*,Go4i,%;fi, COV10- OF THE �sse ii§ a ismgularbue. Re �&A"WA one (f, the United UNIT D I from the'quarters �of Ids- regim l PLANING 'mi- L! .Vountie,i-L6f,ffuio��l,�T-'rr�,�, or, i-witox C� CAPITAL-74WO MILLION DOLLARS.. DISPENSING THEWST.& DRUGGIST -a-nd flid"Ce., J�ANDBRU(t- 1611T oight. years, ugiit -an& after -A Sa6h, Dobri, and A�czwdated Funds ow h $5,OQO,000 Dealcrru-,arid linpo'rterot' 11N THE WATTtli 0F ROUR _H an T afferVear jof strah"ge adventureall in cwmai Lt 1RDNER AN-111i8OLVE.NLZ. out r Welssitudes GA tainie back -to N_'0 I N) E I U G S 0111, W IM 17TT D -1. TAI& - - " 500 000. Animal Incl)MO Exceeds OTrCE is: �6rehy gliven tbat-the under--. brought'to Quebec.' Glove . jr INS Aerv.qd. iN -JdhnM 1-,E An-olrances efli!eted a I the LOJVES2 _N1 has filed in t0he office 6f:this Courl dDnt0l .&Co, m ir rooth...-.dnd INTall 13rushds! 81-ned d a'co' " . 4.--- 1 - . . . . - I tneFederalarinlyana -seen lire" "idnemll nsetit by a -mi 7-4t J ority - in numbers of his scale,- .4 z - ­ . 'I �­ _' oil the most tut PPMM L -d" 0 EW`. felt so disguaXed. with the �PAINTS,Oy 9 'COLOR, DYE STTITFS, c e. rs,­tfo are reslfOctiVe y- 06 itors t 'r T-TAVUNG COMPIX TED THEj r dito w d awge,lirt eIet sums of one hundr�d dol ars and upwards nd _LX Factory,'aii,6 now preparcd to takt� in ord Life lnsnrau,.e'e.� Ample Seicitit lio RSE nt. Froinilleir-forigeiperiene er" that he preferri-d to surrender Pnd et , -th 'Who -represent -threefourths in to any exte be value of his I btullness, and. penalty of his desertion fhaw to remain An N US. AXD� RA TES LOWER THAN ha4ingexpeiiehecd workmen,and a LARGE BO.. s to his dischArie aild that 6n- rs - A ofniaellinery, theyflatter fheniseiv.ej utcast and a 110STENGLIS11 ORFICES. _-C. RDE,NSEEDSv&C".&C--L 7nnderer4—[Q440 -Chrovablej THE 20th DAY' the,,YL:caff JO Or, . -1. XONDAYL OF] April Orde - rsfroM AltedICdine!) purictijallv'Wtende"ro, Lo'sxes Frompl Seitled"'Without at Low-st "r)-(j(le _P) 1rff _AYRIL� WEXT, _e>C>C1 NOTelt VEMA, GONEI—It A N.13.,�_Pllysieqanl'� Preser'irtions'. -carerully dlo_ ten of the clock. iri the forenoon,,or as teicad' Re&r'euc- t6 a Boar"o Dir'ectors pened. our duty this week to: 4nndhritet1e!*&th,,df` soon s couniel can be .heiird "he will 'ap !y AanvEstaUihmentsp. Canada. Tartieshav CHARLES'FLETCHELR' Godefich. J an. 10. 1 85S.- 4.9 to P ork would do weli to aiiother gallant - old soldier. -who bmvefy the Jud nfir e of the said court foe a co. m.li. t of battle, - His race is..w IGHT 1 LIGHT.' -favo'ru'rider ffie-saia- Act. carried himself Cn Agenl� tiou'of the disc!Iarge thereby effectedJU I field Goderi,!h,M&r-. 1864-� LIGRTJ --L un 4 ht 01110 'to his lorfg home.. Jgtmeli XeNrhef� V" ROBERTH kIPD.XER. hereis also any %uantltyp.r born oil the- 10th of Jitnuarj� -:COAL"OILS Counly of-Vermanigb, And �Oied -Iii North -British- and Xacantile. Bayfield', Feb. 3rd. 1865.- w2' -in RO K& Xsuranm Co., SASH. 1)00RS & xorLDINrTs tht- Township of -is, 06ui UV*cl the 27th itiat. He wos umig �mnW L,,mp Qjl Office in Mr- Gordon's Law Charnbefs. yearof hjit#6 7 [For Sale by' ANDI�� Diagooni-i�'_jUpe" IL11#'�Lia KINIJS ON' HANW. 5t 110y OHN IIALD.&N, Jr., Y. JORDAM. foughtv the 4istfle-ofAthlo"T-6 w- Godarich, J n. IT, Uspfi 40 ofier,.' Af a -Jhe�wax�vmusferlied fir Goderich. Oetober 13 ISE3. aw,124vir. the 12thLight-Dra;goons.-.-,Ile-fou in 'bnd -HE SUBSCRIBE, R BEGSJO I Uri 0111f CArlienterS&BUilder, TO. S gyptiricUt6okpartntbe bittle-of L B, Xoney- to. T the inhhbila,its of the Counties. 4r.t Huro L dria. He was in nbarl twe -battle ofithe and Bruce 6at heis -itill A Aftaufacturing, an 'y - ry ,n ar, on hand a number of his Peninsulwr.. W rete*ed OYTery reasonable te_rws.__ -Aliply to I Vittoria, Sa1bTq*Tl& Bind ETYP; and a #Aer UPERAL DISCOUNUOR THEIRVOk. I al for servidetifr6m.179Wto IS ILiTi-ROBERTSON IqA"P and SUPERIOR FANNING MIL -LS &poMpS. med DOYLE -ff wiWpairlicularly draw attefition to his� T Z in 0 Cittlib's -npw Block* he� Will warraritthein reeWhiatfxQm W1th0Ut'1)i9tii1Ct10nW48t be'�CASEL -tn. &C; Funipimade t ode6ch Oth'T, ont.A4 apek 0 Order andwarrantid.- w8al rd T -Ne T r, TT R e ta 6eti�eeia lriiior stre. -be in _. . . I - . u Ay, in _16 - I -oderichi'-Ilitlk August. 1861.,, ikt so "A '6101if so GODERICK a,� -e-sal4wf ft)rminls prem! - 'or th um I 'I d__ has neve patent CULTIVA-.Coll. r vet, ri icu e cone u- IV-Ietheir- fililedj!� �-ive;�cnemlsatlsfaction to. farmers. 0 -he is the have used them. A1Jxsns'- Ptote ;,v MANUFAPTURER "I i7 11 t" OF HE&RY D' unother ilhlstr�tionof-Biffish As, ODDI outwi W 4A to dischug4p still dd ELEAV N C TR E SUCH A!�, Executive, and tliore is some abow'9f 4 _0-T_ C' ofeads in M.. Ti varietv; AVfrdrobes,- Book Alattrasse-41 Ce"terTables, DirlinzTabl"j 6reakfast Tables, ead :CD remind C&ux&v(. 4ituthorilielif s - Chairs, LL tlrose� indebt6d to tiloin 11. Whi-eldon and-, a)id ulani, le ous. To ietTahleq�'Wasti St A -late of the Villae of St. lielens, in: the Judivia arres an! grqwi�j;. n, In d other ardeles,�too umerous 14�,�uefltio iill k,. *1 Township :of- Wawaiinosh� -an abs6an an Swith arel no. aof zh I Is Jeaguw and ympathimov-&nd.emal ZZ & rf by, book account otherwise,. 14 UTZ INYIN 0r the C�nitda bixtich, flie1itiet. shau14JW r hereby notified not. to pay he a. -rue otherwise tha__ �Uto tfiia� cvurag4u tide heir blushin v 114e Proin'tly.atteni ERYinallits, G7 o ce. TA of-obseati led to� To m33, blcit4; Table-- vs et W" JOHN XACDONLAUX tfials before judges xho icaj -bribilig B., &C to defy tho_p)aiu4t_-proyidotm;of` tIWA111111111" -G -,&c UNDERTAKIN 'hcriffs;Office Gilderich, wLich - ibese ire -4demi S -titilly invites air.eXanTinatitin 0l-"1=' - undei -k. Warraw�A to.be Of tlle-heSt nia- 'M -C' W GODER'CH,L v5 td (D' Garinda�weafiis Id execute that t1riatrAct1ir te I an -I rkina'sliip. and at. mativ- reduced ria WO 11 7 49 'it without -40-T mori VLQMft8%_ cn )rice,q. CaRandebinpare, and'-bpsat�sfied beficire LEYTARM 1. TMI HAW not migan to execute it lot lier say Ah44And �ve can om. Goderich od: the, Hiliron necessary to obtain ifidewnitjffiiklhez'� - A4 I lie all Undsof Fariner'sPro- 2 then decide md4srex W goma iere. ]a V, --*I lut -x- Cyr 1.1, CordwooTwid w6i DEP.ARTMENTAL .- un lgin treet. �secuiijt fog the, Attu Wareroom E S AND, re." TO. LETLOR Pal'. amentary nt, ELLq ir awes Nrli '�Ptr to titk# a d OOL L ibov' r W invitod I. rive im. x L.- cl V u it IF The ill be let or sold on Tery -MCI reasonable terms. 'Apfiy- to Tom -P *Ari ;vff The Doctor.. "doiret irritae �h al RANTSACTS -BUSINESS WITH -'THE - - J. T I d - f' -so;ibaybar horse - Jem _Y� S Aemmulated Fund. qz.ptlal.. 42.,OOOPOO, T _r6wn'Lari(ls.an4:othe'r Government- De... Huron koltA�: - MYS $5,671,71i. out Patelits otit me.- 1&f me -down, Ze -0artmont,4; Take4, fi)T' 31ar0i 6, I.K.5, W�if Itakes �horgge.of Private Bi)I&Ouring the Drafts anti -ma -tb&1*ipt*Fz of *W -Wild Grittallia Life Assurace N. of E61adond kc.., &a , for Nrl.ie residin- in - 60 *asehanged. X0W,4Iiln)mV rel WWX S�WIEUX g M.uEundersigne(Il�VirLpheen,appointee lini alh- a- o-hquer bi D r., P It- 'TO" in P A entforthe tbove highly respect "rQmpanies_l�lp epareatoaceern URGICAL NIcA, OT -AS A AP sup.cesus-or to T.B. Mont- 4, hn a Atind n9wX. ith FlieaTd - - - wa1k:6Ac& l,lier-islcs,atm,oderAteritte-rolor liomer'y,)"(socieriefi, C. W. A� Jr 'Goderieh JulilSt 18159-' W.12 21 -THE ITH, 5 kettiv� and- otliek uppwatus,' 11-1tooms ovair ,.Tordsn�s Druz Sore, York �f W in good worldn- orde ' ilituated in j6� 0 na -of Coldtri-efill.- nThe pint i -Tbwn: 1% .0 T1 �c P, # _:�T ' � r .11� -,each �end, 1P F R ohnetW .6. AAG- . Y, For sale' on reasonible''terms. -Titne,!given E' d' -iog1werev -dared..*'e thi p&66 -'h if - 4Ur. for, most of s sti 3EL3M1W4C>' o repire -Coxillt of Revigi6nii-for' the -Township-of 'A THE; reeded by t f, �0, A _4e cen sup -An _� "I lRertin at a witiholil its fi-ret-, C', -sh* ite -Council Room', -!To]- on-'M� nd-4y' andw _T -0- ro W or gb_ri�lrhl -WQA-. IT the 21th d4y*;of A prir6;it, - forthe purpose -of aff el'ard golden fr,%wbwork--ev* ith tools suitable f r erms,. Y he )iirt ash­-�alance dn,tivad. slagai t 1,4P I sifin ills sseLpmen ilt-be-iold le PrOper It:* W OE -The'iz;�st elikboij4 _bf -their valiiue.-� A 66 d 'Zowas S WARE dt iwei-thirds o d*el. w1welsii iwkspol�e voyare4 ititk Age umb& e W 186 attadhed-to .eth"proptirty. A P- at CAN.= ZAT lue -GENUINE A AT nyx,sea 3, wit 'Pen "Nous WATCRX.A1K2A_.,& IEWELER SEWING, JATAQ X019" Jeaiyes; o ericb, Mar& 9th, 180 SW54; vim WEST ST tCH, GODF�R "Ov '.ta ken the Fi rst Pri t�k i des 01: 11b 0 C sip Fi c i #nd zes, ae of t 41 1011. foUdw t wit Lfids. ww.olre or�ssle; on .Vext doo'r-W6stof AIr. Sto FRQ'VMV1* ENMWTION heI4 Montr�,iI;'SeptwD1;er14t1i0 Ath _JXn.1rU#x Am.-, I 11th, 11%3, - over.aill othert.; andff1w it tlift aowe.pellsongi, N g*v Be tmbe -y- r L 'td t ee A22od.,33rdi and-Zib and Of:& in.B. R-,1Lge,nt`,6tV; NAfOES'v- -CLOCKS" AN#* W -le SHORT NO, _Tl C 3ef, R9#Al1tEb'0 C (;bUffS OAVeyan jimilar character, wcre-idik) awgirded -t -us Ott Ill -he best 6 Warranted.- BUILDER' U81 110111T 11100 0 TAR fullet"t and CONTRAOTOR9. were tilkeu ont zi gt the Fir,6vincial Ehibition held. at oli, sill, of tlel evil, *Irddireoier ALS03 A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF (For woo4en structures) ill. turnisir'i 'BAIIANCE IN ifidgitiotiss moderaik charge -4 - and. wimm"llt TH t 51 , I I ,PJ-.Ated,JeWe1ry4 .Wall, -have* RAueed'l - - 4014d& ."Ptitim �.'Lhe.,:EkmeloiKi.ve-s!ttisf'acti6n.* All letterfi-oll.alipisl- - Mile U R11RAI fillistilineats, must -t'- paid. and- if - aluswers are: new be po, b4c 'on _qxrepremented wanted�eontain one. 4W stantlyowhanij and. wiirrant�d JQL' friot..Momij refunded. - witil morney, else not relew4ed. - Theabo-iie-niiiiiia yllf GoNench July 21th.189t'L': and fiAdi. 0 u g onrinitifg)-liClolig itit wbibh liss fd6kht -the Wtfei eft he may find it.to pay. -Botith T. T AtIpatrolis �Peals W ll� to south� jtj1,st-oon.j 5.0 a zeta*. 11 fil 2d-seon.' 100 Acres 31arket $q -*A-#n f4st k'' -M T A I L"O. R, IN G iti,3& ;1V0 4(cre Or.dertich. 14mv-27* �XW(,Iv qui tiorti is it -CA rece 400 aeft ent ga e in 4h'ipdn Dua IW4*-I.( F n burtOug_' -of fip #841A - liklil H THANKS: 14DO�ftdre T D 23 ih4Vt6h L jkV .:: JLA, for th,-.tLv�e %7 Douragemem. he bw �4 veeivedqinc-, mmep ed busirfm _W6 bii-xt the Iwo VNSM' P- ()F TCK, Auil a -varie)y Op I . - . - ilk. - -'HOW 15th con 74WNUM", TS.T.03IBSTO bag heco 6' is in Gode�- Farmf t-LaAda ich, iitot.being.-able to execute over One-whalf o tl ., .1 qiLlieftilon also soMM111 su descripi jo�t�� No. l6­,_1jfL�0j.'j. n to ; I - . I the-ordersbrou,;,ht to bun Ia- 1 haviiiii - - �--:: Lots -Z 3 and 41 100 aerbs iii -1 - 33 :Xt.3 is 124 No* pbbtt it V 0A. V OF --GREY-,-- men lair. test ro &AVING madd arrqfige ts';W111 -1). J - at 1i T4wnsti-N* u "ce, d], 411111111ilmoilt glwilill *ritlt:� e1ofeasil. 0 kT 4n� eri'd conia Mel hki IwLia -I A. to -IX -X6PREGOR, Book-buider-lan4 Mar"W nan", emons.­rw -0 os26in1stcone r6dim i Ora in 60 Sol, Qihe�p for tPrJn#,Si&fi0ner.,(wbo hai labpTf� iviurned ff"Ofn e if ih fut fr ty- r-,1iot&,,34%nd .36 iwA 0011.�100_4&91111 W XtandL beMd"6i&b0.ft DesigiftsOf-Alonume aU.7_ acres, inorewor-ilexs-­ The. livii bAX -Military ats & Caf-fling OW, Risi-08111yolAgosivi , It re,ort 'k4I14roii,with_s -gravel a, -Ipbiawi Ji'large stock -of BindingiLkhd may ()etob� ]Stj� 4L oying. none tradesnxen. Qaorbsesab,. , at' a app JCa Wen. atthersh 4 -in 6.eoul, 10 It w12 and emiJ b4t 6st- viilt sold im one Iot, or as mq be. Ws .31 and 32 D""I ifn p4pare&4eFurAish Nlk4 I' r _c v 37 i5o be;%A t _U wt, -I- ­belieVewhis expe6itrice all ;Cutter is - ­_ - -, a Z60&w, ads. sixiondsWep --�withpqAy.ak_ And caerree upon.*,--, L seco id' 4, vep ,cenkelicajory out Printed 110 -ii VA.P, -at W ALSO— of -lot '24 oronto plapelif , P 4 a nessextefisivety and'iu&6essfiif Urflantiltiln, A*iy h T b siL _n�tf_ fring 84(*4 Xi ck'n 9 W11 I I Uft lifid, 1fislu ag all I havi beeir 'Hwilli in 'Wilt free ofneftarge. the� Wilt Adoft Ily first-class On B� Allkindsof Binding faction 4wilt j J re raiterfitonedf tbe.r-Leiticipt&tEgioblishmen't..iii-,- ired U iLi !b7o -2,0NNWIP, Q qw. ulk it 1� 3 1�� pts - ofi� Edibburgh; &otlanit, he- -fearlesslyst - I I BUTLEPP - and, 4,03-40 A.- 74 zere'g-bf hifid idorew-lessi kiliown s*4( 21 -better -dii th t imizing 0 %V - :W. f Pril: 43iittTcwl��- -50 400A,,: t rIg scoritinit- pub�ie thitt Rainnockburit Oper TP - . ",­ , 4 R; - tantieV 0 tat F -,Alt cpm�., ifW: di fGrea*WjWin.�' t W0,6 & Im P510cla IbIA, t urcua - u t "M di*iltbe4did Ul" in, thi-� TN t quality,. with about These. lark e. Tim -*I*hd ji.of -.ozceUetk 0 C*xkL at, e ewr. miles Goderich CLOT .3-_ 'DR Aipptyta "'WIffiVo �H"-,Godlltie% IN911P90 119, )WA 60 �D, �GQODIXG, ppy. 9 J, 7 1. 6 - 'L Aj�60tii0k lAnd Ag" - , :- t 1p to bat FAlablisho' or U y W101 Aq IT 0. CL. 'AS Sti, .141 -Int! ft� togws 7"M 4; Ar., B.GQRWN.. n1p6jili V1�61116' h i:4 "'.. *7' 9 20A WC Gjaericb.- xarvh 6...j86S.: SWI 4 lwlrl Z, NZY XT - LA NV_ D& SS Elt, A.*I:,u0'.tN_ L JLJ Notaries Pabay., &C.' XVCSL Ciod er -4- c lands# LRR19T9R4.XTr_6If-TI?-Y- WTACITOR vVer Of See -Blix chaaciry�. A-0 11arket Square,' Gearge Street,114 CorixerotKimpitort roderich.. 9:42 _�!x im the ]RARRISTEM, 1TTO1_1.,\_-XY8-AT­LAW` Town - Notaries, Collveyanci:".* &C: offlee ''NIC .0 the -due, ��Iy A61iiacerV, -Xot.uv PtibIte, Convevance, a God ich, (�anada We.,t.- Od-live-On e r It -siXeof' West Stecet, door front the - U�6-4, ni ooar e thirtl 7 OpOurt4l"s&, �&Lualee W_AT_1,_kW`, SOTICITOR -TY X �ChawervNotary 3y Lot, tioderich, over ff. 1,11ardiner&Z�o�s 'LlardWa ra W ;vw 101 arty x0n6y lo- lena. on Real PrOl 4�4 C-4 hcnd*_�_ fw7aading� - VTO, 01,101TORS &c..F, 00DIE- F-lock, NVest St_;�. entrauec� Fzist Door wi!:-�t of (Isiagaw Rouse. ri*,76. &*AC 7�Xexs.- Ct04rIc�*A;Uzu&t1Ah; 1864.. ow'103%vat LTTORNEY - SOLICUTO0. &-c...QFF ICE', r- 4 "ttia Cra nr­f - e Ar�t t,> me, re- 1431wood. 11ARRI&CEft toalt-,,.-Vs, GG-_qVEy. N _'r A--TTOR T -AT -:LAX, im er­ o ruce.. -7 -rick- Prouffoot, Frolu WT t- EY -LAWj ATTO R\ y-ATt W&T 9 i --AT LAND& Sogthamptc a, Cu. Brave�., �r4 Z- 6 m* 44. 4D a vric of. r,4.qued out Court (11VIL, EN -101 9Z 99 AND PROVINCIAL J Land Suriieror_ Office and- Rc�ideilee, V15u3 L eft BraiMC awl Z� take ROVINNCIAL WIN't) 8 IIRV EYORAND d tJ t" e nort!x -ruly IL, 161. I t I si.z: �4 Zo�r W -EL BV_G1N_-[Z4r,1R AN -a SURVEYOR Q, glid, CO 4,0�nj!erj 1fteard C of N sg_ IL it A.RCHITV f)L,&NS AND ZZWEAaFIGATWX'� ot Bull& "Ic'e., 'LWa stvIe. ing% got Uii near and vorreet 01riteti, at, the- fittron, Auction Mart., K� 13w Iliz, Art Street.Groderich. lyly' y _W tuft- AN __r_V It TT Nf.-,A. W'. L4NDAQENT,* Market Squarej Goderich. 0 11 M:It co. ty .81. 0- t 114t. �v# X & T Soy H,&ZL]gZUrUST3 In the ftoAT C 4MAILL 6; TlloXswv,� )TH VAT OF AUOtion r & Gommisaion' Merelhants, 1wovirtag -a it CittliteriWs Nock, Kingstpa St., Goder'trk SMIL an,' lZ cresr to ff0tel JLjd nert 110or StreneS wnh 12V acres M _x 10 0 1�.k �W ]a. AL'E&6ff&Lseho1dGrjrod-� Horses. Waggous,- &c Saturday -sLx., per centi" attire, tlliw4- "err at n6im. Var%icular Att1da;1#a -PUidr t& the .4ato of Dan;uapt Stook, Pdrul -3to ':k-, _e Goodi- appr;,uged,' dt�htri e4e�ted_ landlord'K varrantz- reated, Div sio lz 27 - .44i C=I-Irt, u-mie.4san &Tt S D� irtli&' rauW'Aab� '"--r. ��;­ �___ X� _x_ --do jks fftf ter f tiv�tuaouwesk rwao J L �fi f r4ter L CountItL (9 Hilton" vwage or countr fsa�c, Ruch&- 0 7. bf thoe. usder- T ICENNSED AUCTI(INEER, for 11UROW �JLI-and 44vtie� -Sales pittitctualtiallendelyto. Bniiaegse& of CELMP L 'ed will eon- Vorrimmlofterin Queen's Uench, fortak-ing kti.�,&-&. bAccon Broid their I? way, 9:9- -resent P COMMISSION X_ Xotekin� .4 9 �.11144inesw of �sny kta i V A ti im M�a ;Vt to I Ili eVelVe prompEattefition. M 'W .1101111 Tcalnp. C0`11.110;810\1-�Elt IN THE' CO.UR-T'OP . tbtet�nlx Ben- ch ., Convevattlyer, Am. -A Reg valrykeptof-R-trin and'[Vviin Lots iloir Safe-; par- u0sitayinir '.Jts ftirs;-A, r 1o. purdiase- will picaiiiisen d rull"patt-milar;i. 9:.g COMMERGIIAL; HOUSE. Q_&TE O.InKls.) EAST STREET `00DERICH. sincercIr to, X - thank- his triendo attil the travellin-public getke- -r�� I patrotiagre'hL I - rally for the, vt Jtbera. In$ enj&ved for the p;"t nine. and Would - re- spectfittly n4k a cootinit-inir--c - or t scir. patrom Hisnewhowile has�bjen thorna:,-lilvire-pat-ed,ai id found complete iii every paiiticnlar. Juii-N DOXOGII, Propnetior --%v7 RMIUMBUTEL GODER11"T WILSON, -Pe.OPRIETO4,1 ab(iVe is ni . o�st . pleasAnih-satiated on all eminefice- 1-20 feet hizh. the Harbor- and'Lake Rural"%ValLsattaeh�d. 'Board -$1 krda.v;_iinqle Nfealrzor-Peds. 25 cents- vT5n10rlv �D,A T- S 01-T E L WROXETER T$_sauatedotilthe QTravel Roadl7- running fionx� L, Seaforth to -ot.thampton,' one - nille north of. where it leads off to W roxcie' and �.nyont� trav�. r., Belmo-fe,M11keitni solaf��amptou.- or atty p!aet i ' Lk that dtre,vtiCoxv',:i fir.d-ace oillplo- ,lati�)Ii _.%jlvq �b, tie oiltv -expects to find at first class ICE -A LW. AYS �'OIV HAW 1) Folt HIS Trout-Fishiiig. Friends I HUNDRED 1-Y-1) FIFTY FEETI C11ARLES DAYS, w4&.4. Proprietor., COU3 mere, ial A itel,31it ell el I C.W JOHN HICK -S,- Proprietor'.` This, i% the tam"t and 'best Comitry-, Ilatel. in Wexterri Caha&c,an-J.eharges as Good'*t.abilogi,or I&O--k1orses. tfoj�sesarta Carria-ez if, ) �,for IC Oil 114-7 CABINET W, En `A_ (THE �OLDF,3T 1-N THE COU:�TY. GORDO Di, N9 ,AND UNDERTAKER1' 11artufnetur'es.alin itas--now on blind a complete assurtmellt, or Furniture, aL his VVareroollis g WEST STRZET9, GODFRICH', -Bedistead _fasl` Bureaus, Ta'61e4l, air, Canearid %V61A.Seated ell -Airs, (filt Rouldinf-r- and Lioking G lasses, in. variety,, ot flome Tffaiiitfacture,,and� Jmported!! V G. har, -.tlww.q on.`hand� a complete ps� ;ortment of -COFFIKS..- Alsoy. HEARSES ro HIRE.." 0!:5*.Lztmber a-p:d. Cordwood. taken, in- ex- artge for'FurnituTe.- Godezieb. 2,�,th Oct;. 1863 wP7 - RIFLUR "-.SHOT -.'OUNS. J FC_ A. A" MADE TO�-03&-D,1412167' V 74_ TORN opposite -t Mar -et. , t e 6:1- All -kinds df-re-nairitig, ' - done --on -most redsonable terms.-4�0, Goderich,Aumist Zft 1864.-: sw94 SNITH AB'� "A -X...-__ QUAIZ G 0 D E -R-10 X_ 1�1. �KAS_ T, Raclu Large I & Well -Assorted - AN D, I I V VV /A W/A 11 V, -am 0 - INSURANCE. eli the side with e reme pain 14 -die. within six'b ftef SliowinW:tbe 1-1tit *y,�Vto6r --G -DRUGSI:- BOILER7 for se the JallowilIg DRUI $I ETERN. AS8U.RNNCE,.CO.A1PANY. 'a 'Pig sittiate -on the: Gravel:Ruad in FOR SALE Witi..hAill��(iaksstiianceCoiiij) waises of astut Wa W of the -di r the Township flAawanoshi, A to 0116CA.Toronto L.- on COrn parl WIN, within 11 Miles'of Odderich.l. iain sh6uld: be carefill edj Jr Al'aride, Vire and Life I nsu rances Dr soy ofthp -eirsej oflecled oti favora6leterms. TJIPC>W 1101LUBIDIL t3­01ficeln Ap _v re not midt; w Cham- _plyt3. contairt'ing..100 acres, 50 of which are cleana.. GPLACE eed iif- �Ibe!4111110' premises lheic Frame Ham 36 irliard sumedb T� Jr., A&L 06derich, TZqy.7th, 1864. *41s*19 y4 r n JO [I,\ JrALDA yma or beast a gm! F me Hou4L, young oi lirough- the g. '�_goad ergek rurinxig L -HUGH M6 &TH, furtir Apply W A SINGMAR CASE.­�A nctritsm X;L'X)ii a6 1VO M _yP 1�ot 4tb eon. . YER,— .ttimessortolt I iBXeyno s) iw: Glover; a deserterfrom ls�b#talWw,4� Comp 11y n the 1 inskranoe, 1 1 7th 11egimint, -was brought to' _CI -in ctarre oferjitantof the .-d i -E- COUNTY 41fli Provin�e of Canadd.. TN'TH 0. aitll banded jover to 004 'H a FIRE AND LIFIES rt ouseSTis r*,Go4i,%;fi, COV10- OF THE �sse ii§ a ismgularbue. Re �&A"WA one (f, the United UNIT D I from the'quarters �of Ids- regim l PLANING 'mi- L! .Vountie,i-L6f,ffuio��l,�T-'rr�,�, or, i-witox C� CAPITAL-74WO MILLION DOLLARS.. DISPENSING THEWST.& DRUGGIST -a-nd flid"Ce., J�ANDBRU(t- 1611T oight. years, ugiit -an& after -A Sa6h, Dobri, and A�czwdated Funds ow h $5,OQO,000 Dealcrru-,arid linpo'rterot' 11N THE WATTtli 0F ROUR _H an T afferVear jof strah"ge adventureall in cwmai Lt 1RDNER AN-111i8OLVE.NLZ. out r Welssitudes GA tainie back -to N_'0 I N) E I U G S 0111, W IM 17TT D -1. TAI& - - " 500 000. Animal Incl)MO Exceeds OTrCE is: �6rehy gliven tbat-the under--. brought'to Quebec.' Glove . jr INS Aerv.qd. iN -JdhnM 1-,E An-olrances efli!eted a I the LOJVES2 _N1 has filed in t0he office 6f:this Courl dDnt0l .&Co, m ir rooth...-.dnd INTall 13rushds! 81-ned d a'co' " . 4.--- 1 - . . . . - I tneFederalarinlyana -seen lire" "idnemll nsetit by a -mi 7-4t J ority - in numbers of his scale,- .4 z - ­ . 'I �­ _' oil the most tut PPMM L -d" 0 EW`. felt so disguaXed. with the �PAINTS,Oy 9 'COLOR, DYE STTITFS, c e. rs,­tfo are reslfOctiVe y- 06 itors t 'r T-TAVUNG COMPIX TED THEj r dito w d awge,lirt eIet sums of one hundr�d dol ars and upwards nd _LX Factory,'aii,6 now preparcd to takt� in ord Life lnsnrau,.e'e.� Ample Seicitit lio RSE nt. Froinilleir-forigeiperiene er" that he preferri-d to surrender Pnd et , -th 'Who -represent -threefourths in to any exte be value of his I btullness, and. penalty of his desertion fhaw to remain An N US. AXD� RA TES LOWER THAN ha4ingexpeiiehecd workmen,and a LARGE BO.. s to his dischArie aild that 6n- rs - A ofniaellinery, theyflatter fheniseiv.ej utcast and a 110STENGLIS11 ORFICES. _-C. RDE,NSEEDSv&C".&C--L 7nnderer4—[Q440 -Chrovablej THE 20th DAY' the,,YL:caff JO Or, . -1. XONDAYL OF] April Orde - rsfroM AltedICdine!) purictijallv'Wtende"ro, Lo'sxes Frompl Seitled"'Without at Low-st "r)-(j(le _P) 1rff _AYRIL� WEXT, _e>C>C1 NOTelt VEMA, GONEI—It A N.13.,�_Pllysieqanl'� Preser'irtions'. -carerully dlo_ ten of the clock. iri the forenoon,,or as teicad' Re&r'euc- t6 a Boar"o Dir'ectors pened. our duty this week to: 4nndhritet1e!*&th,,df` soon s couniel can be .heiird "he will 'ap !y AanvEstaUihmentsp. Canada. Tartieshav CHARLES'FLETCHELR' Godefich. J an. 10. 1 85S.- 4.9 to P ork would do weli to aiiother gallant - old soldier. -who bmvefy the Jud nfir e of the said court foe a co. m.li. t of battle, - His race is..w IGHT 1 LIGHT.' -favo'ru'rider ffie-saia- Act. carried himself Cn Agenl� tiou'of the disc!Iarge thereby effectedJU I field Goderi,!h,M&r-. 1864-� LIGRTJ --L un 4 ht 01110 'to his lorfg home.. Jgtmeli XeNrhef� V" ROBERTH kIPD.XER. hereis also any %uantltyp.r born oil the- 10th of Jitnuarj� -:COAL"OILS Counly of-Vermanigb, And �Oied -Iii North -British- and Xacantile. Bayfield', Feb. 3rd. 1865.- w2' -in RO K& Xsuranm Co., SASH. 1)00RS & xorLDINrTs tht- Township of -is, 06ui UV*cl the 27th itiat. He wos umig �mnW L,,mp Qjl Office in Mr- Gordon's Law Charnbefs. yearof hjit#6 7 [For Sale by' ANDI�� Diagooni-i�'_jUpe" IL11#'�Lia KINIJS ON' HANW. 5t 110y OHN IIALD.&N, Jr., Y. JORDAM. foughtv the 4istfle-ofAthlo"T-6 w- Godarich, J n. IT, Uspfi 40 ofier,.' Af a -Jhe�wax�vmusferlied fir Goderich. Oetober 13 ISE3. aw,124vir. the 12thLight-Dra;goons.-.-,Ile-fou in 'bnd -HE SUBSCRIBE, R BEGSJO I Uri 0111f CArlienterS&BUilder, TO. S gyptiricUt6okpartntbe bittle-of L B, Xoney- to. T the inhhbila,its of the Counties. 4r.t Huro L dria. He was in nbarl twe -battle ofithe and Bruce 6at heis -itill A Aftaufacturing, an 'y - ry ,n ar, on hand a number of his Peninsulwr.. W rete*ed OYTery reasonable te_rws.__ -Aliply to I Vittoria, Sa1bTq*Tl& Bind ETYP; and a #Aer UPERAL DISCOUNUOR THEIRVOk. I al for servidetifr6m.179Wto IS ILiTi-ROBERTSON IqA"P and SUPERIOR FANNING MIL -LS &poMpS. med DOYLE -ff wiWpairlicularly draw attefition to his� T Z in 0 Cittlib's -npw Block* he� Will warraritthein reeWhiatfxQm W1th0Ut'1)i9tii1Ct10nW48t be'�CASEL -tn. &C; Funipimade t ode6ch Oth'T, ont.A4 apek 0 Order andwarrantid.- w8al rd T -Ne T r, TT R e ta 6eti�eeia lriiior stre. -be in _. . . I - . u Ay, in _16 - I -oderichi'-Ilitlk August. 1861.,, ikt so "A '6101if so GODERICK a,� -e-sal4wf ft)rminls prem! - 'or th um I 'I d__ has neve patent CULTIVA-.Coll. r vet, ri icu e cone u- IV-Ietheir- fililedj!� �-ive;�cnemlsatlsfaction to. farmers. 0 -he is the have used them. A1Jxsns'- Ptote ;,v MANUFAPTURER "I i7 11 t" OF HE&RY D' unother ilhlstr�tionof-Biffish As, ODDI outwi W 4A to dischug4p still dd ELEAV N C TR E SUCH A!�, Executive, and tliore is some abow'9f 4 _0-T_ C' ofeads in M.. Ti varietv; AVfrdrobes,- Book Alattrasse-41 Ce"terTables, DirlinzTabl"j 6reakfast Tables, ead :CD remind C&ux&v(. 4ituthorilielif s - Chairs, LL tlrose� indebt6d to tiloin 11. Whi-eldon and-, a)id ulani, le ous. To ietTahleq�'Wasti St A -late of the Villae of St. lielens, in: the Judivia arres an! grqwi�j;. n, In d other ardeles,�too umerous 14�,�uefltio iill k,. *1 Township :of- Wawaiinosh� -an abs6an an Swith arel no. aof zh I Is Jeaguw and ympathimov-&nd.emal ZZ & rf by, book account otherwise,. 14 UTZ INYIN 0r the C�nitda bixtich, flie1itiet. shau14JW r hereby notified not. to pay he a. -rue otherwise tha__ �Uto tfiia� cvurag4u tide heir blushin v 114e Proin'tly.atteni ERYinallits, G7 o ce. TA of-obseati led to� To m33, blcit4; Table-- vs et W" JOHN XACDONLAUX tfials before judges xho icaj -bribilig B., &C to defy tho_p)aiu4t_-proyidotm;of` tIWA111111111" -G -,&c UNDERTAKIN 'hcriffs;Office Gilderich, wLich - ibese ire -4demi S -titilly invites air.eXanTinatitin 0l-"1=' - undei -k. Warraw�A to.be Of tlle-heSt nia- 'M -C' W GODER'CH,L v5 td (D' Garinda�weafiis Id execute that t1riatrAct1ir te I an -I rkina'sliip. and at. mativ- reduced ria WO 11 7 49 'it without -40-T mori VLQMft8%_ cn )rice,q. CaRandebinpare, and'-bpsat�sfied beficire LEYTARM 1. TMI HAW not migan to execute it lot lier say Ah44And �ve can om. Goderich od: the, Hiliron necessary to obtain ifidewnitjffiiklhez'� - A4 I lie all Undsof Fariner'sPro- 2 then decide md4srex W goma iere. ]a V, --*I lut -x- Cyr 1.1, CordwooTwid w6i DEP.ARTMENTAL .- un lgin treet. �secuiijt fog the, Attu Wareroom E S AND, re." TO. LETLOR Pal'. amentary nt, ELLq ir awes Nrli '�Ptr to titk# a d OOL L ibov' r W invitod I. rive im. x L.- cl V u it IF The ill be let or sold on Tery -MCI reasonable terms. 'Apfiy- to Tom -P *Ari ;vff The Doctor.. "doiret irritae �h al RANTSACTS -BUSINESS WITH -'THE - - J. T I d - f' -so;ibaybar horse - Jem _Y� S Aemmulated Fund. qz.ptlal.. 42.,OOOPOO, T _r6wn'Lari(ls.an4:othe'r Government- De... Huron koltA�: - MYS $5,671,71i. out Patelits otit me.- 1&f me -down, Ze -0artmont,4; Take4, fi)T' 31ar0i 6, I.K.5, W�if Itakes �horgge.of Private Bi)I&Ouring the Drafts anti -ma -tb&1*ipt*Fz of *W -Wild Grittallia Life Assurace N. of E61adond kc.., &a , for Nrl.ie residin- in - 60 *asehanged. X0W,4Iiln)mV rel WWX S�WIEUX g M.uEundersigne(Il�VirLpheen,appointee lini alh- a- o-hquer bi D r., P It- 'TO" in P A entforthe tbove highly respect "rQmpanies_l�lp epareatoaceern URGICAL NIcA, OT -AS A AP sup.cesus-or to T.B. Mont- 4, hn a Atind n9wX. ith FlieaTd - - - wa1k:6Ac& l,lier-islcs,atm,oderAteritte-rolor liomer'y,)"(socieriefi, C. W. A� Jr 'Goderieh JulilSt 18159-' W.12 21 -THE ITH, 5 kettiv� and- otliek uppwatus,' 11-1tooms ovair ,.Tordsn�s Druz Sore, York �f W in good worldn- orde ' ilituated in j6� 0 na -of Coldtri-efill.- nThe pint i -Tbwn: 1% .0 T1 �c P, # _:�T ' � r .11� -,each �end, 1P F R ohnetW .6. AAG- . Y, For sale' on reasonible''terms. -Titne,!given E' d' -iog1werev -dared..*'e thi p&66 -'h if - 4Ur. for, most of s sti 3EL3M1W4C>' o repire -Coxillt of Revigi6nii-for' the -Township-of 'A THE; reeded by t f, �0, A _4e cen sup -An _� "I lRertin at a witiholil its fi-ret-, C', -sh* ite -Council Room', -!To]- on-'M� nd-4y' andw _T -0- ro W or gb_ri�lrhl -WQA-. IT the 21th d4y*;of A prir6;it, - forthe purpose -of aff el'ard golden fr,%wbwork--ev* ith tools suitable f r erms,. Y he )iirt ash­-�alance dn,tivad. slagai t 1,4P I sifin ills sseLpmen ilt-be-iold le PrOper It:* W OE -The'iz;�st elikboij4 _bf -their valiiue.-� A 66 d 'Zowas S WARE dt iwei-thirds o d*el. w1welsii iwkspol�e voyare4 ititk Age umb& e W 186 attadhed-to .eth"proptirty. A P- at CAN.= ZAT lue -GENUINE A AT nyx,sea 3, wit 'Pen "Nous WATCRX.A1K2A_.,& IEWELER SEWING, JATAQ X019" Jeaiyes; o ericb, Mar& 9th, 180 SW54; vim WEST ST tCH, GODF�R "Ov '.ta ken the Fi rst Pri t�k i des 01: 11b 0 C sip Fi c i #nd zes, ae of t 41 1011. foUdw t wit Lfids. ww.olre or�ssle; on .Vext doo'r-W6stof AIr. Sto FRQ'VMV1* ENMWTION heI4 Montr�,iI;'SeptwD1;er14t1i0 Ath _JXn.1rU#x Am.-, I 11th, 11%3, - over.aill othert.; andff1w it tlift aowe.pellsongi, N g*v Be tmbe -y- r L 'td t ee A22od.,33rdi and-Zib and Of:& in.B. R-,1Lge,nt`,6tV; NAfOES'v- -CLOCKS" AN#* W -le SHORT NO, _Tl C 3ef, R9#Al1tEb'0 C (;bUffS OAVeyan jimilar character, wcre-idik) awgirded -t -us Ott Ill -he best 6 Warranted.- BUILDER' U81 110111T 11100 0 TAR fullet"t and CONTRAOTOR9. were tilkeu ont zi gt the Fir,6vincial Ehibition held. at oli, sill, of tlel evil, *Irddireoier ALS03 A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF (For woo4en structures) ill. turnisir'i 'BAIIANCE IN ifidgitiotiss moderaik charge -4 - and. wimm"llt TH t 51 , I I ,PJ-.Ated,JeWe1ry4 .Wall, -have* RAueed'l - - 4014d& ."Ptitim �.'Lhe.,:EkmeloiKi.ve-s!ttisf'acti6n.* All letterfi-oll.alipisl- - Mile U R11RAI fillistilineats, must -t'- paid. and- if - aluswers are: new be po, b4c 'on _qxrepremented wanted�eontain one. 4W stantlyowhanij and. wiirrant�d JQL' friot..Momij refunded. - witil morney, else not relew4ed. - Theabo-iie-niiiiiia yllf GoNench July 21th.189t'L': and fiAdi. 0 u g onrinitifg)-liClolig itit wbibh liss fd6kht -the Wtfei eft he may find it.to pay. -Botith T. T AtIpatrolis �Peals W ll� to south� jtj1,st-oon.j 5.0 a zeta*. 11 fil 2d-seon.' 100 Acres 31arket $q -*A-#n f4st k'' -M T A I L"O. R, IN G iti,3& ;1V0 4(cre Or.dertich. 14mv-27* �XW(,Iv qui tiorti is it -CA rece 400 aeft ent ga e in 4h'ipdn Dua IW4*-I.( F n burtOug_' -of fip #841A - liklil H THANKS: 14DO�ftdre T D 23 ih4Vt6h L jkV .:: JLA, for th,-.tLv�e %7 Douragemem. he bw �4 veeivedqinc-, mmep ed busirfm _W6 bii-xt the Iwo VNSM' P- ()F TCK, Auil a -varie)y Op I . - . - ilk. - -'HOW 15th con 74WNUM", TS.T.03IBSTO bag heco 6' is in Gode�- Farmf t-LaAda ich, iitot.being.-able to execute over One-whalf o tl ., .1 qiLlieftilon also soMM111 su descripi jo�t�� No. l6­,_1jfL�0j.'j. n to ; I - . I the-ordersbrou,;,ht to bun Ia- 1 haviiiii - - �--:: Lots -Z 3 and 41 100 aerbs iii -1 - 33 :Xt.3 is 124 No* pbbtt it V 0A. V OF --GREY-,-- men lair. test ro &AVING madd arrqfige ts';W111 -1). J - at 1i T4wnsti-N* u "ce, d], 411111111ilmoilt glwilill *ritlt:� e1ofeasil. 0 kT 4n� eri'd conia Mel hki IwLia -I A. to -IX -X6PREGOR, Book-buider-lan4 Mar"W nan", emons.­rw -0 os26in1stcone r6dim i Ora in 60 Sol, Qihe�p for tPrJn#,Si&fi0ner.,(wbo hai labpTf� iviurned ff"Ofn e if ih fut fr ty- r-,1iot&,,34%nd .36 iwA 0011.�100_4&91111 W XtandL beMd"6i&b0.ft DesigiftsOf-Alonume aU.7_ acres, inorewor-ilexs-­ The. livii bAX -Military ats & Caf-fling OW, Risi-08111yolAgosivi , It re,ort 'k4I14roii,with_s -gravel a, -Ipbiawi Ji'large stock -of BindingiLkhd may ()etob� ]Stj� 4L oying. none tradesnxen. Qaorbsesab,. , at' a app JCa Wen. atthersh 4 -in 6.eoul, 10 It w12 and emiJ b4t 6st- viilt sold im one Iot, or as mq be. Ws .31 and 32 D""I ifn p4pare&4eFurAish Nlk4 I' r _c v 37 i5o be;%A t _U wt, -I- ­belieVewhis expe6itrice all ;Cutter is - ­_ - -, a Z60&w, ads. sixiondsWep --�withpqAy.ak_ And caerree upon.*,--, L seco id' 4, vep ,cenkelicajory out Printed 110 -ii VA.P, -at W ALSO— of -lot '24 oronto plapelif , P 4 a nessextefisivety and'iu&6essfiif Urflantiltiln, A*iy h T b siL _n�tf_ fring 84(*4 Xi ck'n 9 W11 I I Uft lifid, 1fislu ag all I havi beeir 'Hwilli in 'Wilt free ofneftarge. the� Wilt Adoft Ily first-class On B� Allkindsof Binding faction 4wilt j J re raiterfitonedf tbe.r-Leiticipt&tEgioblishmen't..iii-,- ired U iLi !b7o -2,0NNWIP, Q qw. ulk it 1� 3 1�� pts - ofi� Edibburgh; &otlanit, he- -fearlesslyst - I I BUTLEPP - and, 4,03-40 A.- 74 zere'g-bf hifid idorew-lessi kiliown s*4( 21 -better -dii th t imizing 0 %V - :W. f Pril: 43iittTcwl��- -50 400A,,: t rIg scoritinit- pub�ie thitt Rainnockburit Oper TP - . ",­ , 4 R; - tantieV 0 tat F -,Alt cpm�., ifW: di fGrea*WjWin.�' t W0,6 & Im P510cla IbIA, t urcua - u t "M di*iltbe4did Ul" in, thi-� TN t quality,. with about These. lark e. Tim -*I*hd ji.of -.ozceUetk 0 C*xkL at, e ewr. miles Goderich CLOT .3-_ 'DR Aipptyta "'WIffiVo �H"-,Godlltie% IN911P90 119, )WA 60 �D, �GQODIXG, ppy. 9 J, 7 1. 6 - 'L Aj�60tii0k lAnd Ag" - , :- t 1p to bat FAlablisho' or U y W101 Aq IT 0. CL. 'AS Sti, .141 -Int! ft� togws 7"M 4; Ar., B.GQRWN.. n1p6jili V1�61116' h i:4 "'.. *7' 9 20A WC Gjaericb.- xarvh 6...j86S.: SWI 4 lwlrl Z,