Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-04, Page 4- - - - - -------- 7 TH H SE.111-WEEKLY SIGNALO I SHERIP IS SALY, OF LAND& Mortgage - Ule United Coi-,'Mie,, o,1 Y virtne of a vrrit of IN 1111-11IM' -,,OF PARTITION; fltirofi at OF rid I �B!Fieri Fa properiv -Acd t,v tnke Dig Is Th -ty-two Sixty fourth shiLres To w.f of -Her �'ja cias Iflued *ut 17 the -NO -'I" IC E WMANGE21 jesty's THpF,.c`,a`o0,, the t1l,r,I d-tv of, M.'relt in't"1111. 8 E T I VE E.Ar Court Of 1-114-Uniled C ounties Of Hit ron an dr=ctye lt� under a power of $aje tit -I. Nlorl�agv iretil 1, lilt of the smioame2', ship or vos itud Io ine direeted -a-aln and jen KENNEDY TIVXDMAI� st the lands -e - N i L, , t The suit of LOnzwoah anti witi- to Jolvi M A BY-LAW. sel olled the "W. H. Mer- ,iinis orm a Mondavz tile Oth tia bt A pril i �AN D AT THE "gi -eiz -en t1journea to ritt., I Blackwell J b Ve. A anduh - -n -e V1 d acit, at lite. Atictiort %lart of Thiint-li & I lilz'e To raise4r � way 6f Loa'n the sunt of I the rialit. filleaud hltele�-tt or tile said -de4lid. UE\MY COWPER UYNDMA\ AND OTITFRS.. al Xl?rli and bv Virtue fal?ovi r ot-'-qale con - burst, Ylousand Dollais for the 40 we h baltof lot Eleven, in the an. In and to.lthti nort eleventh cot U tained in a eertain Alortgage in.'rd,. 1. ty ALL V. CA %I h Runiltall, of fix - in I�e*s on of Vie 1ownship of 14 bwnep lite Coili)ty,40f I' irron, W tt - . itb 1heb6ildingsthere- -4t4witor for Xlortaat.,ee tO T[tr TIO.Yole.41TT.m Tim, fur)GES par1juscs therein mentionud. Tho'nas B. Vanevety.and George wq C E It. Y: L_ Tj Town of G(Alcrieh. in ti -e. Count.%, 4f Puron, f -h lands -ond -,t J)F THE Co 1,TR TOF C11�11V on erected 3 WbI neraI, _ej :njs 0 e 0 7HE REAS the Corporatiall I Forwa rders, of.tbe FirIt pa.�L, and 34;hn V. Detlor �Illlny office, in lbet-ourt -flouseltr abov named t and 16ainuel I -L Dmlor, tiftlie atme,,ruil Town of ibe Iown of Gdde�,40 Pairit-kKenne.1v tirnJailik. of,the vl'��Zra -and Brute has re j.unTuesday,the_%ight .0 of e Unitrd Oiler for salt a ff .AND On OES117 it and penvillre, A Buron Goderfeli. Mci�elrauL-4, ot tilt-- --V'ondparl. 'whiell MDT or F'Veter injile!(Ititilm- (if [I riv any of ATril llext.attlie botur �61 T.A,.dve i If. - In solved to Grii0e,'Gravel and improve ce -aid.N1,vq,-*e is didv recovied in the -Clistool cl 0,ta Eli 0 ALE ock, xroon.. I N "'.CHEAP. TOR-- CASH it - SlItTARIX-Faft -ts, ry Arfinit li.qvjh- and Highwa3s, with the ti6i �a Roads a-, follwWN. 1 J110M. been inaJe )if thi due � virfrut -of arid due Af"DONTA05, ildewon,'in the -Brid,ves for th-e'same, within the said Gount%- pli thert. if, H 1. lienty Hi-ndninn, lite of [,it I- P .$/ter all p -ij U wif-li,pi of Vi)lrwrae, �fi - the it), ice lialving- beell �Sarx ed oil. -it --s ejjtiiled 6 - - -Publa Poy"Locw, Deput­v Sherim SP1101" ID SUDINIM WEAR, (,t)lltltv or ofice,'will fie gold ljxr A' (tion, 'till to' if _u I ALL mprovements at e. Trietsday,the l8th daval-April nrxt, at ve -1, _)f I TER Am) wIIERE d ' b at sii-d. was at tile t tile AND WIN ron -tit(! Pe6vitice Ort !onipleted th.eir F AS ilit- -said i shuriVsOtfiev,Go erle of,the fee All, l'ols, Jan,:J,2.1h. "in tile -),.-lock; nooll, it tile -juellon. Ajju�j ol je��rs. ClEzt.�I. T'STOOK wilicli article nedessary,for the.tkad,c viz entirely within the County,of Huron, and ill,:: Met -oil ('Piltitv of 1111i'011, C�xjwn5e of - iiiaking tile Same is tu be defi ayed Thonim . Zz ijazieluirst, op Kitir-,ion streel. in Sell tv.1-1wi ot'Coli,orne. lit tho ]Dj ve -tiie sahl,Town oi V'Aoderieb, lite Fu low.Ing- -1) rl f by- rrespet, . % James Collis anti (if tilt- cast riv 11.1 the s�id* Oo'unty i ti of Inv vant Act of IM44- f VO itia-iiii ­re��;iee County of -Bruce the'Loan or -Debt %%,ill -be ay, 1111r.tv-1wo �-Ixtv feulth the sehooner, ,hit) or vesql c.ilied the -- W H. KINGSTON- ST. ODDERMI- .,,P,t of Nortit treet�`ia tile toYn of Godericir, and the 4�0*r paidby, the 8alii Comily of Unroll Creahors -of the undersiviied w4if7 � 7 . - - ­ery Merritt -l"- then the Properly- of VdLIE t rw DS9 G-11- _CE.RIES that isl . 9 eet &t Ahe' effi iot ' N-tinizer C, troat Csl�'Ma Y GOO 0 o lit, !�e Iz4-!owna z rillitilly, [it hert-inaller. ineutiontA will- be'rai 'If.- aforeza*.d, no -w: 1,ylum at the Port of TH-14t. ce cif Ft eneV dre"and trinct.."t It Lee W I fie UtIVII P0 of,6o4&irIt-ll; huinlin -z -able property vvithin the G.-derich, aforesaid. Deed under power -oltale. Prouffool: Barrisler-at Law, in lbe -VAi "A CUL I 171"17Y I ;AV Y'll A 1'. D W A RE) solely ul-6ti the ratf. LJ- - SHELF S -1111T Tel lixt. �a,4 iti-tiry wzi� htw1visvat AND 111L Sa �A_Nl) -wim-ILVAS 10 �1 , - - Ak A nrapthn ill tile Coutity'& Brace itill -It) Me of"111tron -M.C.0 MERON, of 'mutir. -0te id Coutity -agee 'DAY -V M lk;I,,IItMjhvrs tittle, te --t4e- s.vd recited olijvet ij-, w8sw5(;Id ;Sorit ot (brAlorta ie jtlul�e-a'llfl, Inlit'I'ttant carry into efrect I thirteenth day -of Aprffi e Western will be tie(essaty for the sai next, (1865), ut the boor of 1enezt.wkjsjn.j, -Twe"rity Thcasnud Dollars. um of li�r iljL p 0 ralse tile r se'of siatemerits of Vie BI in tile inatiner livreit,after mentiorjed.:, AND, affi4rs,,aii4 namiq--i -an Assignee to *hojn� till of abna tllv� nill;-teenith daV of-Soptemb, r in of , g Mortrar 0 - IS 0 'lit WIIEnEAS it is e e MayniAe an 4ssignment, I . - 1 6, Collittrite. 1- - -' ITG kp ilient to defitte thc! resjt6e- 1:he up`4QU zbeW F. 0 - R 'CLOTIM ACRZ:S�- of L�vt til,yeartfolir 1,q,rone nit�,,-ana t.j_ toad, 11ay. ur, haviim fitist%dutv itiQcb alud live umouiowt6 be expendi-if on each Line of or act. and we,_tainertt -in- writitiz rit;hl,,hel hi -i fa -,f v ill toad Arit,04 to be - improved. it sball be Dated at -Southampton *fore"4 9M 2110 Se hedule at 32'Shards: & rging- I tit]. fignirvs, fotlA1%vu1_,r, that I I tthe-%ytIr1�*n- - � the Anchors Rifa 865. RST- - RATE A -get out;itl thR y A L A N 0 11, or� (-It. I exI e a F1 j j, to,ay, 1, Henry livnifina E S I rided as: _jj_t­ Of th y of Xa;cb'1 W-und, e 'in Schooner"Jenn 'DWA EEO ISO dilu'rou'Diztriet of Londonjind end of this DI -La" formillf P &C. " h E in tl,e Cont,tv t, RDr L Terms easy.upy-ly tor same. RMOY11 F REDERl,�t PROU DFO-017, *RL 'D A' N I tit) herel)v -A Rulicior for Edward Tin awt te itinvit AS it will require the sum of wer Fer,,guzon. fw$tdliy DW ALD St. FUE _ND wnj virtur- of a 11jo Sn' R I . I le rl* A jrXj!j do by -on the* premises, or. of Tliousand Two- Haodi --d Dollars o - in ort'gaie 111.1 dor.,ed I certa T o- be rai§ed a0tinufly by -Si-ecial --Rate for' the Thalnazv B. VaiEvery d all,,of Mo, a? -IV ale of Mlids ill the Countyot'll u D e pa V. ilerovale !iir tit i- payllrell -01,4 0 Town v\ and Genus Falt -'-Hats,.-.& heawl'id L -,lit or Debt and or entioned f est as alsolereil. - .Uf'jeI_ m Goderick Ap�i 1,16 t. W I r'- 'It'd i n tilt, I fill ol and !�ajnuel 11 Octlor, N6r11 40'by Virtue Df a Power �of` Uw AND wfti.lm.is tire amount of the wb Q Merebanis. -of -part, Wbiell tollid Morriit;�- oct tit tile file -e idijlv revoided in th I file Stewart oNlie Wawanosh wisWparfictilarlY t0driw at tO their -stock of DRY &OOD whi T )1! th- ble pisoperty, of tile said LEM' ill the rn of ieh alftire,,aid; defnit. ]ill in evil.. Cou jjf flu'ron, Yeoinurl. ol'Abe first putf �2.§pective. of' any futtrie in vaise ill -tile ToA % T DD f 'to b -BE-STLIPASSED inade fit the pyinent tb4�rqpt.,.qiid P vl- and incis Stewart Itis and irresI)ective o an"Icoule e ' i - - 11 - tile seaDa QU4L -owa ned, -ana (lilt- notice 11 owIFOR TY Al D-IrIDUCE CANNOT siosi Iliair eri ed fom tbe tPinporary investnietif oftlie tri, and Milbarn V. Betirielt, -of been scived oil all, p-IrlieS en t1eit to notieLe,will- P* iaid T4D*,4. It bit All DY_M-1DE.'CLOT11I',%�1,G is most complete and iu.�nLfactured in th oe sinkina--fund hereinafter Mentioned'or any -old by Public Auctior on Mawal It-,fvu' for iier be t hioib, Esquim,'bf The third Appi tOL 1part4heredf, accordiur to the1a'st ricvis-�d purl, kdefatilt baving, beetimadein jU dlie 1� I _. a 81.11 dq of April inext NVIO -.111 tAssessment Rolls licin-i for- the -j-rear one intint thereof) will be gold on a rnittire, to ly a -thousand ei'llit, hundied and sixqfuir was at twelve t tile Anelion 31art of pay 15 h -i ble -_S les t,2,s3 Lit, d towt I i ) Goderijh, Tuesday, the I Bast and. - Fas ona _a V Zl,l.l Two hundredand Eighty eiht Sheriff 58 9 --hanai y. %%-It tlIThousson Sr 1-f;izleburzt_ on Kiiiast()n st, lWdneirday -the I th A it ult-1, its w lilt idli, millions Ei, - 110 - 'it the jsaid T.wn of Goderich. lite foliowineP antea lb.uaiand tAred-und-Ninety A. D. 18,G5. a -lye of the clock- A90 lie Y'virttie of 'a wr4t' (-I - .t Itv It -;it t bu rty,that is to:;ay�_ Tidriv-two undi�rided'_Izbare; t Twe ­ . it" iI LAME.91-FURS-OF imported aL larre--fIantity of etl:er It )r A -ND wilFitFAE uron a nd Rrace, F�orj to, tit- Iny. IS117 P RIO R QU- ALI TY. 11 0 for-paying.t--i i:,terest und pe at the or uarts of anti it) -all if r I'V all cc Fu i I d fo r f).tjInl;ajl3­ then- tile peop,nly -of Vat)E al anti To wit: #j ere, tE. y_07. 4ff. True=n, r" 617 Twent tille Pol Coil ho_(TaftedCo fin: 3. it- 40 ayini, the sid. sain oLl t L p, - . r tile fit - V it itt-t t1w icatil I - re re t,_- anlintl buil, -a and itneresf hereitiatter r Dol hit M ARKDT �nchor, -and aptiarel e, i, -mg, Au SQUARE, GODRI�TOJI, raelim"jof I -bilt 111i. ria- rnitme., laekle itw.lilli-e�uir.eati�eqii-.tl.tiiiivaI 11tate ' . --- - __ A r of dividw_-- thereunt -at-is th tt' Suit of 1 I'Ve ire ellibled to sell them o beltiidaig Or In- nny xvise .,spj-cria;ji-;-The Property WIffia M rVa�_, j W't, - th in all b - 4o, _z I,*& or f ur-ten 14 of, a mill ill ititjV(jjjjLL- pr;xpt-r tbt- fittraittire. 0 e Dollar nthe villa -of n 3.- g# qi6va-to all other raws ail 1 1titaxes to be levied Al. C, CAM LIWN, Dun --ar.n..on. in sat Vawanosk ;it each 'd Tu;nsbij of wtdI Sol,citor for ort-azees. 1. ind ultere� I linder 11tv Itand. in I T it.year. olle Ell tht6�iiefdro enacted by Mie less, -toethecyj b. P1 -q by�,-jkm sm- *f jandy IVi.-t �vild'a-id.- te;tanieid or I - .111. - 10H RUY C 0 40:� Mr All T Be rati' that certain p4rve! or tral't of fluron and l3l tagre or. Mee -the bildings itinited ()OUTIM 0 mill Block. �ait a-a"that vcr�i --el 'n w, witereof 11-wben ir. Town-' t-tbe EMPORM ai�id i e t their lbertioll' DLed under Fowq,6f,qiile. olijile,11 eeN,., not foffret to ea A2 f the U #e hale 11 I e X�wi Ell til I Tbatitalli-sli belawfulfortheWaidti lands, w ivh ve, -let 10 5ein,r of' the said hist-itne nt;,& LEWIS, W thblitne 1. Rt -or * Ott the b 'OF y ay. -Loati, a] ' ,v;, G ro hncbetW�ea the A, mu- G�qtiiiclr, March 28, 1865. i9id berry,at ow thv- L V tile wtt ar li!V any person or 0eisous, body -s col - 64 Sh es &3%_aTs G"us 0, k oi- 0- w Doti las of Ult 1119to SW e Ch G a --.or bodif to t %�Vtr 11. IIYND� C Ili,! same 2tition Snzal.lArnzsc.?id'.4.1.,I)izi,tc)za7t- litntf,,.wittv atir witter it" V be 1 ratr w1io !r,iy.be w gr to advance lit-oribe Debetitur-es upon Elie cret ces), oj-_- 21 a Rt E.�,t tte4!5 hi&Dlvellt Act, of. Clyde -street, a' I in tbe tr�entioued, aum of i�y nw.ekeeelli 3� Th� --wd Pute i Ivn ir Uvildill-ta Itild cl!even I r,,y in iliattlie'y-are com�'elled - i I - Lainusi and're-ternents I, fii-t 1-1 Ytaur uet.tithier Rotick 6un- thewhole -tile z, -m of.Twenty -sand D E N I'S -tito �U .plained-in 'Weertairi mude by IV Tff-E, MATTER OF0LINSW f.T�NDER and by- virtue of -a. Pow ail ttt at 1,1V 0, er of Sale i -PT PAY, offive in ti�e C-Ifirt tl6ti'o in tll;�- to iiisist-on PRUM U lars,-and-to cause the-sa - me to bei paid rich- oil TueRda I the fh� teeittli of.1 Line' Ilext We I . . . . - . - -1 -11 ol 7� - -United tile hands of the Treastfreir of the at. the hour ot twOve of tile k n -in. Th3ulas B. Vanb7very and Geor_,e Rut art of lite ies aloies�id for tile purposesand with Clu I nt tred4jors of the Itistilvnt are notified �j 0-11, MAC00-2 a Of tile Tflwn of Godei 11, In tbe'vounq of rz abuver recited. ect. flu-ron,�'Forwarders-. of ibi i!st )?-at t7 nud Ims made an assi-nr�ent' V -f -Vs L i 'Sus A I I ' he oi;j v.. I�at THE lit TRIDS. 0 91T ANT: 'RL GO -J" Urff M 'I hat it'shall be lawful for lbe said F4 ru'u-17 arnuel IL DOtlor, oft, e I-,fore�aid Toivij :-of G,.deiicb, -Merelgints. of: p lit to lo, v 6 Wajden,to.came r,,stai Ilects under the IINI i Nalizi number of DL-beritures J61in-V., Dello' b ofthe tk)Wl ilit� ikjAdvr,,i:rnvd assigriea� and they ajue to -is may.be Parl, which OI-tla e is inalle for such surng-oi money the.-Secot)(I -lit Pravi -e - d quirMto I"urnit,11 41e, within 1w -D iwnths frbm nOne Hundred Doi J V. DCTLOR Sort, re( dui� recorded in the Custom 11 so of Ibe 5&LE 0;�, 1,AN tifor Tr SHERT-FFS. ly.;)S. I i Peal, oilllibu haviint, iith ilicir claillits, Specifivi the -es sba Y e. and, tha Poft 1olitreal d LoW, if avd thq value f 1 e S lid D thy -0 Inited Counties o olln o -lie V'i'llaze or the said- Corrora� 4, dw6iqlie* t in-ille due pyrreilt Illejeof, art A if ton silitin't tl!e fat be wholt av Id. U­d'si,hied by lite s';,ia Warde lat�D tit and Hruce of B �e spilled with.t e s Huro in the Sept. 26, ISG4. betji sery� teil oalb..,with i1fe vuchem biftp- To wit a --t �ihe said' Debe-To uries shall be be isold,hy- Nblie Aucj:jo stv,postil to be it )w Th w -of Qtt icul:4 d- orNew w0l' are illimmi, man suth tl.� Ills. at n the Ctitin v of lite day for this- o_A9_ D. lineritzi of Wiltiain er.'t-Tr Ifo, iW -s at -ay, fli 18th day o nif A. yL-,tw to eittliel in, London, in E lethies Lnktrt Robt ort aneU He triadepavable in tct-yeat I Tiles j' and, to me directed ax, ftst :CAR Bv -tn it-1-hunstir- f- low 00 IC noon 1t tile Atifnion 4. TRe.-a;,. 11vilb)i ietlPtIr%- C(3X%-- some place it Cana(la W -bed art of yl Thom mv ae, hurst Wiltuot.1olka. Spr.-art Jobtf per. 1fvnd.'nu it. Marla I-] vridnian.1 -lye VIIIIIISTOPHE R CRABBO �ed ll the -s..AU Dlienitiles. and I n Ili Co -ol' Kintrsto 'street. insad Town-91'Godericli. # attached to- flf�- -the' ayment t 'is it; rav- S. _V� .Robtaso 3� C� a anzi; C1 still takeit' itt ail e� la*.e a­tl - iP TOMF . 04.4he of fivie.test. the intorestol. tire,-, vid Wil.iain- L'rott-kotif. iiMv Anunt'"'a lla-r-et7 I j"Ifil 'four-rin-divided Simms- or parts of nZ4 ii� E�11 Vai- tile 4 Nia z or Insolvent. V. Tha�iffie,siid. Debeitures and C El - irtanduaUe fjalowtng� kttid�. idin then file de out ill eiflit-r ssion, in lite otvw4it i -it Atli W -r -to into in his customers and the- publi� thatis new.prem- the 5th conew tsS U 139CRI BERS would be -polls shalt be ma of VanEvery & Rumball ufo- Eitzab tit contailin , n jin - EIWO e�hiitidr'e'd fie th4�� T IT vinvial curv�ncv (if -this Pro Ises Oil E ast inuou or Pro More or less- - Lot-, nutitbers.3,4 it fid -3 in he 4t It llow -Iyilj-, .,It tile Port 4 hwt- a ct�iiii -for -dower- a It (if I lit? 1-tilds, o, . n -ull V111ce, t I -lie' i -iii) of tile said. W-ittlen so lIntel --lid h -is vi-eilipi it lit) .e aillowit of .,said DeLentute.,. that t[Ie wlii� S T9= Stutionceoion. lots nunilwr% I -rt%- to 111tir S U r -ill not exce'ed t ie ie ore und ther*, ikrttitir kivad-nft" wilt) have stace belo -atly wise -is �116 -win f Her A183edy"s Ci�u_rt -eis -a, anJ lot wrim! -fie 13th convc� THRIEED FR I 11urorl. mind Brinte JUMaii Facies ispued--gur conc 6o .)er 3 iu,z mention, d sun &4M di- -ill Twenty Tliousaija Doll-Itisi atid'th -y shall -vX the ind ulit-i - fit.(.- rail i of six pet '40, rst of Ju ie, or- above mentioned. lipeed u eXleavitizoo � � - � of ader Po"wer of wil I be noeti�-d ort f fit fi flit., Wool Givliritr, (' lotli D IVninniori le2s, a d tome iljrft ed eiLrrt Itpridred and trder$ tn beat, ilAvIc-st, at linds anti ieni!n1knis of Js_, -epi Chlbert, W& -stedtat attakWir I I. iix lite -till actu, -villi hiz� WOOL- FA!CTa-,1Y9 EBy* tell if busif ke-lis. , Ill - I - I . Cl, UtIlluill, hi h inwrest. shall bi, Litt, nit or Darre Elizaijeth the Town�shipof Carritwl�, cOnt 11intV "Ile worh it, oic-above be- punctua, IVLtt-,iid(,d v-.iljcl3 U cer.1111111 1� PT T, 31. C. tajii pa id it, the ac". more or 611 in tilt- contliv of' January and first Jollill ay ble.on lh-� li4t shty t Solicitor fo Uo' equily of redemnlion An&, - in.Lm,eutitin all I ittitcothet ell every yea - -ing w7tdj -A which Usbaltr'otler far.,ale at IIIV in Illejir%�D yi I . .- tv 1he north dav�,ol*Julv, in each - at d e dul -r inferiv.4 of IbeA-ftindial in Mild lllz� contiliLance of tile- wtid Debentumsjtt Court: ttoir%e.- iii lite to wit. of oil L Ili's (it i -it lot j n day the fliurth dayof prif nest, at e )ur w� arn e ellvur�s are in �% . jumberlo Ostrecip 11;-e- ana Ibe - e t it)* Ibe vt di �11 - . nd C1 14-f Y" I place whet h' Deli ade lbalulijon.jr The CAMMIT40f payable. - Having this ye'ar:ided another Titat -Ilur�osd-'of foi- a,, in ilit-Court Rome. in -1" will be ke pt'on li, for ilie mt ilV LAtnds -Tite%day,the tb4ab A* . C j- Wreu' oil tile Ca nd -to -e- fonwoql. �;(l r Mort Me of gage- Sinkin:r- Fun -d lot- -the- paym of lbe, -616okI, By 9. POLLOCK, Deputi and taos'aid offit, -co- ent -of Lite said -arid' ti -v r D,beniures and'ibe interest at the tate.alcre M .1 , and bv -V-Irtue of a -power -of Sale t"FIRST. CLASS'.' C. 11 Pt Z416 Dec. tS64 41? it Ille'due thereon'. u by Thomas said I,( bec,j ail e(lital ipe.vii containvidrit a JO AAMIGNAUD. rille -Is work to ariv,re-isonable oxterit. I� W it Is establislimeni will h r teliths of -a 11611 in t. -_Doi Moore of-Ille nilb, lit 1*4ie ra te- of ro u, NOTICE P1 t coln I efactory I will 6e oroinit y ttendvd to fterijr. Cowper )ti!e.-- Clst'ifnel addititin to -all alter. jaies and luxe saw sh-di in. ;161yof Hllrojl� 611110 fir-st parl, It) l"'y f PoLl 11: be pid.to-t,hose front adi 'i their' ffive,Goderi�h , form rl-y,ad p rticu!ar all �1111 1011 Avi Stance %V snill Wi lain EInOnd .11ince, tit thpTVWn. ol'Uilder- Sherjfl �sb tTHECourt (if RevWon far hear' itie. (if tile fjaie as e be raisell, leyllat nd colletted-in each year 'lur Alarth Ifilib id,:the ala0lint %,I p I id" by I lie iati;uble property witttin fivil-linau Ili r cly upull'all agntinst Asst ssm�-rtt will fie' t thf- t i V U', U kc, did t I. 1nada uQa x p t- �d aidCounq 17 Huron, diribig the continu, the 1 4 April, the will bcp.j;d oil ;5til Jay 4 It -at tAve ve,'Welock Moon, at the vtpri !T- datte-the 1110, -G G (in S-tturdav 11, 10 ofg,aid or anV.,of therni A D. 3A e tit OF Ali; il, at O'Clbck 7. Dido--il POP I it oven I v fir eight h i A p--itrowie of forniei- viiars in thti above tile vi. Frilafthis 13 aw sbal) take effeci Anctiort,Mprf of Toorri-on. t� lllai:t bur.,t, E inday title thons.ind _AXhile tfi v*fu,, t r thp.1 !)or. DIT) It neeting tile wants nib.sie.riber li�lpf-s in �I. e into o1jetat willig�oj -Sav all ALEX and com foil upontlieNlinevejab 14i WiNativic nd tiarrict, Wjljiaiii�, ttie4 r.e, s e.* D URSUANT lo 4 ower of,Szle eortuined im 3 3t� Town.,hia e _�nd If in Our ib I d* Oiie ers, to grill dav ofjulle, ill the or firlit-1. Of* land taterest'-Of tile Will'aillI it, si -S- BLOCK. t linade betw a id djoi: CRAPll eeti' #Jbm t itj un-.Ee a a.'I-uf the !antbr wa charpred waki tile iml 11 d A nd Sixty. -Five, Drem TAOUSAIld. E of ibvXvwniihip,af Arrjkn. I -tit Im lifilidred 10 3otinty of Bince, in I pavint'lli )F (Ile I'(111 V61tv -tanand Ira EEPMAS LOGAN fir- 0111 dollr;an I to of Provilit-46. colitairilig by 41 Crawford, RoLertpenderstin and John Jitinvem of �4traoord,. ih lite Gode'ricb, April 19th, 1864 w12- acre, e 14P. izarrie j�jore Or which *did .1p) F Bosapat partmel or of. land and preirii.Qep tinav Ile all AIM IS In in,ide a party to this S c iffa In -110WEI -2f; ill I itF to a y :I The -torge A A oAjerwise k will 4ttsojalfeklt Mon. of Ike phit-will ou-so'd by Publie. itwiloaltstjUlliflib are no: o0 'r debt-, o'r as!zet,,i of Ihe� REFEREE D TO IN THE FORE- lv�jijg coinfosed of lirs nuirilicra three and 4bur FQk.SALE I 'if a e 'id 4 onthe soulk Nde:of the. Vurijain- Road. in life tite:L_ nz the 11 1 f outhatir I In, The An aidfare' 1-feary nor are tilr" aliv 0 ro 19.1 Ur VF -q.whit-b said Villa- oun y, f B ce, ON TH Villize oflKinlos, -e 4 -Rini, ss G tue- [is wilereout y- Ili r pet it lilt the sit idot It -d number eij ZILNExrfibiz), at narou,--alie I.Wfa b s hev� sumeveill fromlot n in API, e Seven Tholli-sand Dollars: to be experided. tile firm range-situth uIthe Durliam Road, in A0 d -ill id fireini Wig, jlaniely�- lot jilik. 27 16 Heary liithuan call 1) 'upported, ave out of lite 0 let' An te-Colborn nd Ashfiellik Road e 70wn� -Kinloss aforesnitt, by,--6ne Jahn 0r, 148- UNDERSIGNED ffi4�rbr`� -_,-t-fe �rf e flip, of 4f the -mid Towashipof 1W LcM, Ri4antltiei, _&d.- ND-RY:T )-[lei -a'Id fth 'said . lilt, 'U'R F' 0 - log kouw and lox4larns, -with 20 agres lot, 20� l2dir d jrj�w The sqid 'i a great exten' tin- lim North- IX,nN-t)n, if ;;rllvjn(-ial Latta orelifis to AL A. Allen.T-A E uir. Conatv-ofLambton. The fit riaonslstt� 0 'oderjeb. and a milip or Civil EngiKeer, &v., of U and -b prodii-i ii7 I it f heii pru-on t tatc and I I-ev (-ail n6i waid. plan ttf-ur,toy ittereof -deposited aepording Ili ifte entiv ar l, 9%%T It o 'ur Thousand Dollars on ibe M- ail Road. ,tatijl'e in ifint bvhalr�provjded in tile offiee ofibe witih, six Pei a OR R HUNDRAD AUH3 'elo it wiii be- all' ntere-tedi and it ticce,--ry for tile -support lind -ofibe County of Bruce_ Dee $Ippheii,- bet Ten- and Eleven, Rea-istritir d under FJRE (9 red a it -merattil hesaid t,ther 196liertor for Mort 1� ourinericin(T at the'Londour R lid. powc-rf bale. DERIG TDF*M. jtty�of which are ctea. - till 4 uted near -.I maintenance of y6ur tietitt, C 0 station torthe G-. "r. Ra�jijv. Thi-ro I-- LOG 14 J"n-lit, I Doll4id ori the E t jYFV-RLLf%rG 110MsE Aimb I i w9td Solicitor for.Moutgagee. utliamploik, e proce f tile Hay Gra IV outhe lot. �ind-ih' c�ds:divided berween-and:ap?1ted 0 vel Road. I -e bent fit tsfa!l. I) Into* entitted thereto, artnerahip WEL Three -Thousand Six Hundred Dollars on tttlt!-geaforth�Hoad. comirlenclucr at Dayie LTtURETCL [1] TIL&T the taid may bre sold -tilt] thc'pr;,�. For pard6ulars 4ppry to paid c6and applied ft r tile beriefit.of the,parties Tavern' -th f6 B' I$6 elmore. R. ADAM HUP9 wes, oil tU:SM 0. GORDON, inivre.sred fliere. ill. h6i _-;_ . I . - (> And itiat your petitionor Thay be- paid Lis -liare of' -, ; 1';i I . - T" o.Thous Four� Hundred Dollars on God.t!rich p f . - - I . .. ' ut - i#_� i last, aalulAw a Partner er'th sm Au us the pfoccell, orsuch Slle- _- � p, ... 101:1j - - - - M161114;ale _ftle t lith. 1864. V..2- 5, t I L'I'wil"1111 the'line betweenj the Eighth altrUNnAh- Con- 4CL7 Vithrilo conducted widim thlit. tif suoh Qal6 and of thes 7' _�ommejjclfiir -at Day 1 WFINIGINE-WORKE r w - illi; �'11.-ISTF-A eeiisiotisto Hvick eficutinuybe paid out or Inchatlali Co., of Glasgo of tile $ald procee 4vern. pan CO -Of NEW Y-011*- 40d I RB4 4 Shtkrs Anchors, Rigpng, H P -enii:,eq My be �Two'Thousand Dollars onthe Clinion WIG -of Ru 'him, W% 4, And thattliesid . . �'artitionpd. 0 IMA4 *7 -.4aid that I Me U N. arrit A Co., im -4 40b nil fir the 1). *ararf I proper dir er d 'Lots Winghatp Roa thrdirg-b Twenly-Thre &c �S Loam Bruce,,' -SHERays SAIM-0Y LANDS.. Mons may. be kivenandat will uoreatter �h.e�zarified I.;T .;T Fo :-to' the Concession Line be - A ied. undor lid7went ther r6!ief a.4 �;hall lit I eent rueet. of. G d r Nut.-onef my have The zone -fir i Lo1wing Mills. -00 '14 ill" and Ninth, -and.thvnee: NDL It and by iriitue of a -r -ower of -Sale n.; T. virtue of-' a writ t'of rolf And your Perizioner will e%'�er pray. -ea- 1% -,w YmUjatid undet th teen the said ill t L*ne between sed rt� intj lorinitig. part W' a -certain &,Co� 'fit Hamilton. Huron %lid Bt lice, TaWit: B. L 6 'the Side lot by T&nias B. V;fnEvery and Lots. Twenty a d enty O;t�, and theni:4. Moripage mill eery ps�j ISlued out- or tier Mroular.. Xula-y ttnd S3W-Mj.jjS9 k4o of tile Town rood ):he Dry Goods and Gio' B My Court of the erich" in tile -Cou.ltv of l3r. A d 1-,e rli4 parl. fain -Rope C , London wiU E otire ioundary Line' Forwaiders,of ted azanit the titnd:4 and ienemeat,; or < file, County. tuce within the Zsaid Coutity nd t M91 e -fir Se saidTown life e 11uron.. - . - finite 41-Hat4wareand'HeayVa'alb re I;E& 29.1 -bud raft, W -b Ie h MidAll ith theili I hafveseizea aqd taken in E-teiatitin-all tFe ri--hi, CourtXCha bc � , - x orthe -s- - , , i LK l i . V - . . - - ;f-, - I at L,_�ijdou -tion w titter And inte Take notice that vits petuit-a wi I lie pres tited tohe D - 16r. Detior and -Samuel fl. Ocifor, rf tile it) HxnAlf6n,,u he unde ftd r s aid dercndivrit. jil'and to after Renwick-, at thesn't w vilti.inI7 mar in �khithef)r�nami. at tenof the clo, tto'rs for Petiti defitultbavink is K014,1 in tit )still). uner. r --A,- 4ions therem'confained of, and in tile i fovii, irm of Adam Ht!p6 Ca., lot numh *r Otte ill the tenth 4, Fnee-"'itwa souM oi- Ituroir DL 1KNI, X91ttt de In lite a + -5th Febr the f thi Collfitr of Huron, Willi nit ents Datgd I lshafrofli�rf,w salt-, ohavOg Wen sered oil all pairAiL ISAAO odrIMMst, tind lite at n lo llviiryCo�irp,r flpwnia�. 11rria Caroline �AT M , sle, Will hL bold by public A"diin. ill. thelrownof'Goderiell., the stX-111. ff rti led to notj� AMM 130M HE above is true copy of a prAD-posedy- IttmEhT Wnym-'! dilypt Juna-niYitat thehour we of the, h of bril Lext Law to, -Ise k -en into itionsideration b C. W in$. CwW&,jXoOn 0 -Tuesday t e 18M day -the T Il -Auelto Illiatits, Allilt,1171 in' Ill -L Harriet tlyridinanal o all wtiert Me Municipality of -Ti tied Ccunlips' of at twelve o'cloc vi The If Mari: 0 JOUN MAM)NALD ' 1 -1. C ruilt-ult- Thornso on Re Machines., W004- SP11 Huyoti-iLtid-Brui4;-uttlie-C6uiitvCourtRdom- eAs t ounty of 8 8--POLL(Ilix be the I'own of 'Godedch i'd­ 6e' C et, in flAid Town f Oodevicii, .1 fijjjawtlla� A41. is,to say-. Sixil-jour wydiidlded� uron I 0 13-MmwM'V"- 3 to-ot and inoll thatz:ieltmer par e 47th-jan. on the w5 filie 6.6 Bruce,' then the pro, fly of VanEvery el -and BladIcsiniffis' w6rk -done ivy a nea and -substantial mhnher S -of tT=e Rumball lying at the brass Cuitings mild t _ fo h r of three o'clock in the rich storesaid. jogethj�r wi a] Litno ilin§rular thc- Castings of any descriptidn made -orderp Also allAinds of mijtelline ry at the 'h ID ggiag, urartu belonglissr in any wjw apnertiumug.,. -7' bers' of the C neill-itre he.reby required to flitaty thf mp ORTGAGELSALE. M. anch ji re, tackle, anj 4ppairl Ari ieDaire.d-6iis-botttioiic�..-.AliLi-cpe,*j pk� aftehioron, at. w tell time 4ndplace mmoD FARM M Detd under Power of Safe. �atte.nd for theP �rpose a _-PAR-LOR, EOX,�- ISTOV-zot -!AULT having beida jn:it;e ill thv� pavrneni MO BTERADA zeq; s -our p tire Coulaks'-Clerk.- D'of mottaages w7td Solicitpr -for Xortgasees- 'DIDATES for rom-mWk SALE _iven toy CGII.V-0fLondon Xlwrtysen hand 8bgarKettlesi, Wwro'plinaPipe-.13f) atterns orthe,abovb Lawrason to I it tW -inspectiin:-Of on County Glerkis nnZ, lid-) mentioned rilettaille if the- most. aproved kind, -we.- wold'solivit, an, r GtaWing ad - 40 rinee _40res Mice * ow. to either',or the Zehools" caibi'-w. 6r till be fie ot,powero n alid itrtbeabovea -for- elsewhere,- its we,arlY offierif- t the lowe.it remunerativ6 prices' _OT o d e r 22t d Feb 186 4 td -MSOLIMT L41F�U&TEDuti -the LoudulL Alor1g;.. at i Alb,it. Auctioa lire, rijoills 0j,- e6 pgo lob. - quired to mmko Appikatiao �reak. Old metsil Orm, r, and all kinds of prodn en,in- zq1M Nstruettion are Te inthe ttjwlrs)t (4mle6c of' P - 11160- VIVIage of Eetlic On -till rovedl, t k A, OF IES 1. nuss' the" above. fir wri g for PWPOW# hut�,day'.Alc; 27th day netj at. tweiv 104 , there is fsggpod oll April odarich er. ad Creditors -ofibe lindersignedre potifit�l Urigade Majo�,of the diylaou wbWAS -0ey 114 -luck, iroo.i, vdr: tfA number five Octlob 861k iFI tfle,17 in the 4orneetat -olfi�eT#fFct-,jprit-k.Proudii)cA- reside. CoUntr Of flurolt, djutaujill" �V Barf6terat. Uaw Pi tile Viiiage of 1-oulliamplon inore or. lat court. RevWilb and 1b, in the County of Britivejo Thlirs at , 110 len :address. xnd n a Jay. ifie xill 60 1 Tertn�of paini dav of AprdritaXl, I ];our at' flice FOR: S A 1X9 Pmmfj HaiLset -and Baft Appl6nts must -state iheilr Me" �A. good, w4t and -w finstjoung few. .0, -in the co vilphip of, eals a ust 0a Assessmen!, Ac., o ne -A 'th ont A OreUNVIL it wilt be sold. ver-jr ch eni: ot id third cilslij f OTS 8 "d 9,� rang, 1- . i P i of the but clay loula anj in twd etinal IV P j).0'a-erts of pil will t e. Township o :c4thforne, . -be h -1d at� their am] d -As field, Soper A lAffai%-and of i"�Ws Yurtber parti 4fitr4aull, conditions oisale ilia fot:M LaC4,:-kore, -b 01619nee 1.5acre-A of mritutli caa-ia-r:v (judr4w.' vildt 2: tn- Ite %_,f tfa lithad tit tile tittle ol'sat6. Or by preiviolls ajil AD -116ss's Taverni tW-a Hill, tit the ]four of., to,,witoln, jinMay"USke, an #0fKWn L Vkaj ;Ia4er e Teress as& . �y wher#Ibo known -on anpikittion, if. by L y live as to iii0r3til 4e*v. gned. Y' =Wpartrn� nt lit Land re Ho Bj ro avi URN BY GRT87. ES TEWSLET9. 'we -Pei 'eter. P. or 6' e W. P -O WM14 lhillkt4j_b� t Er t1l lier-acie-;. W I qwo'clo4, *a,MEDMPPAY, tbeL above- Art. - 41) at res ot'lot (if., 0a. I' onihof the reo until? C;f -we" ie, 15th dai J. H. FLOcK, of Ma h, 150 1 ._,4, 1. � . ujtF I .. . . ... �GZQ, CRAIG, London- D., Building, Si&-Iety. -,,Qua T6w=-4i� Milk. T Gemara Am", ,W4f D *1 . t *9td - - -Lond6n; March, 25-1 -ritos. VdAtHIMAL W914