HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-04, Page 2' • 9 • MIS THE. SEMI-WEEKLY • i • taut, "A: lasarefrated ' On &Whaley . evening last we were - shown .by .MessrseEteMayt Bios ,-of -thie. POD$RICirs 1. tr., APRIL -Ilk 140. _ ownelt swinilleethat.comparessaeey fattor- --11:Ohlelt Do. eibef, etl. -. ably-.. with ‘ wooden aiutitiegea. ' letssttiood. . . _. . . , . _ ,iitE. ihissas shrat-evid",-. leains ' or -‘ slaoc-pcg oatS,' : Our yealtea . - _SNaw*Yotta, April leeseThe • 'Tribune's* 5th, . frienda- .-soitee , 'dine • since, .purchaead : a corps. epee:ate :deed. - on the 20tle. 6 p. 111, seas :- • s -7 - . , firkie. °Chatter .(as. they supposea) _front ,, , • - - Uri- criticisin .6.- which ever y fetlend jour- parties. who were deo-ona- ..ptirteday, rese " At 4 4-. in tlas day ebeeith.and 2tultorps Were put in march upon the: right:Of the One- nalist feels, himself tally qualified to lea peetable a but im tease theireastenishinent my's HO, the th Jawing: by the Quaker ' dulgee the ittritggle of tae past- few days in when they came to sell the butter to find road. • On coining to a _ point. balled' . Skunk . iloiloW and mon:ail-teethe brow, of the uppo- Vi%intala.to be the las-thaf the oaf- diet. fatly . one haY Of the .fitkite had he du site slope, mbreasteork was ..fouatt abataleued. 'Ulnas about t� a drop and the acters as-. filled up with zolzeitt previetis toapheking, by the eneiny., Vassing, abeut - three quarters it.f a mile beyond this, the head'of the column - sutne a new.role-th;t the thee of rebel= in the te_paayee of.•butter, ' Charity suge met the ti cf the enetilY's :line -.pasted on boa is about to he Lad - ill.' the' -dug, - ante gests that this. adiuixtaree of . Wad. `and the edze of a :. thick eine wood, "belting or . • . . . • es .. i . • , 'Political hbcrtya hancethrth Meted :out to butter might have been eaesed by .ne„sa elearinaa , . . . 'opetted upon otrr Sliirinisb line,. 4 -t -id it .was Tier:: -a-sudden ana heavy tireawas the brava but deluded - people "-of the take, butcommon sensc deelares inthe d ri. vett b:telc.opon -the line -formed, of the .first . a South at the pointf th&tip/faWe most positive teeins it was' •a.-atiee swindles lttieade. firet diaision, .whieli at -first fell back, . - oe . ,in.l.i • Can netther tleriy the tratliftances or. this that ,Inighta-Cotaien the perpetattors eto t yn. beiag supported by the scionbrigade • rallied -mull drove back.tint enemy with -Setae assumption, nor prnye- very -dearly. that- it the felon`e dock. itt thent. exassizes.- . Itless...hap, isonef's---.' In the Meantime ,Geiterat . . . .. - . is correct. One thiag, however as, very_ ie, : .n e etet, a- very serioue., bueiaess.. Sup, Warsett-drew up ithe rot: of the first- and - - --- '• '' . - a' third divisions -oftliefithcorpsiiiiindia-order certain. - The , &der ars; :from tlictr own- ii,ijse thit,..th,..,se- young mett-had 'onstgne - to sum -Tort the- attack: Aftet asi - a: tion of voluntary abed/mita of . the atate of afri14'S that t ,nrtteular firkin of butter to e houso. about three 'quarters' Of ail 'hour -the enemy. • .. . .itt and around -Ititihniond. ehoull haaa•-ia Montreal, -an1 thet they had been retreated - in beste leavang most. of -liis,4..4 easy gained WI charged withT one of the meanest :4e4.114ost.i ' ' - awl wounded on- the field. .The .5th corps now lies. on the: grdend Won, -The for* of- - -- e' • vietory. Las _veterans-, . were said hi have been desertittg by :the dierepatabIo acts that a. arieicliatit ' could theenetayeneaged w -as one divisien of their huadred--the- Confedtsrate leaders we•re he gailty ell ThOevil.corisoqueoees thlt fourth e.4rps Under -Gen.. at. Johneton, Its . . streneth beirtr about 6 000 Our losS may : .. _ - _ _. ., - . 1 . . • ' -, . , . ' parent,: r -i quatteling antettgst dusiae-elvesa-e. neatay. eakht eae.c_en?..ect .ire , VL 1 ) a p , t :telt 3.00 AO 400 men killed and wounded i of supplies Tee . arm_ very. (tencrouily .witlihol.1 the that of tae .eitema in killed -ana evoteided . . . every ivenne for the transport . , .r, csappears-A.1? be about the same, but . the • natn- or of retreat ia . a3/4.1 of .diseolutittira had .nami_.8 Of the sivindlers, but - we - do not _ . - -- . - - beret prisoners -.some la0 to 200 -retitle's th :' ' t- i'• 1 I -..- i. t - ti . ..' t<tr ..) a. .ols gr: a er tan ours.. . . • been cut off-nrimense qu:intities-of storesi i ce.a-y- thei-,t. feeling se when itbeconatielenhvre atel everathing . that- quail. ' east they aealtabe aunty of so 'base.- 1101 . Thenen-.- - . opt:are-de-the i crania:la an act. ^. , ally run, o11. theta eat. of the 29tli s"eys.:--ally ‘Tbtm'S' coespond.mt chttea 0 - amMunitioa subsist a great array were . _ . _ , the: movement of ei-day our ..oritt11 . line ' federals nualbered at least teheeeenen: to -1 : ,----- •=-.i,-. . _ • . . _ whica .ceeteridea on -the lea toll atchet-7S one,, and and yet iti the Lep of ad ti:ese, and - - . .,. HE Peon I. ot.,-No .1:17.1.-A -134field • -, s tee-et:ward adroSs the Vati Aran and' (baker •I 3 , . : -- . rr ---- - , , • - . 4. , ba- weeds; facine northward to- within Oho t 2' in:any' at-inientioacti disadvatittiged- of- ep,seerreseonderta, who,-hirnself, in all prts . a u e , - palieg rnagnitudei_ Lee and his band of bility, Weare a ginger,colered nmatache," miles of Di C. It - '1 he Lietialeene accompanied,by Generals -Williams- And Ing_. heroes feunht se nobly, sc terribly -that -eade.aVers to adMinister---a easfUatiOtt to - , , _oils and:several-members of theiv tiara, mine -President Lincoln, at ._ the 'end . of the oar .clever - frinnd ."1 The: -Poor Young ,; tip tolfurup`hrey station near Hatcher's run - < , days confliet.wee utrible to, teljgrapit from. Man,"- Ifts efforts' to bring scripture and. -at I. . . . _ City Iona the ineWS ofnny deeisiA-e :vie- onedieal Science. to bear aainst a piece of e . - • tory We, danot know as we write wileth- I pure hninor, reatiadS os -foleibly .of. Den • ni a . _ . - • .. .. p -' er I Lee Was -able,- to- hols1 _ his. own, or Qiiixeite's encounter wtth the evindinale-as runGenMeatle.acedin artied our adaen ea _ wedo know thie.that 'if elle son of. the. of the Poor Yotina Man's literaty eta tehe.s, - earl a' Whether his arney waa utterly routed, but. - The writer would - do well! to *keep blear -else -he will And-hiniself handled, without Southern. Confederacy has _Set, its going' gloves... , As for as We -cal leant_ .the mesa,. ' detin was terribly -glorious. There is tache 'article: vets: eacellett tl a . received by , . '.. semething sublily-tgrand in the lest the ptibl:c, and the It:La-field • letter . before heroic strtio•r Aei .1 a truly great • human. ns - Only prOveS that some orthe hits told - soul., . When nbody of Men 'come to that . _ . . . , • **fel strait that they forget,' ia the pres: We deelate to pablieh the -letter for two wee of deatlii.. -the . trifles- of earththe reeSor:s.: 'firstly, bee:lase the postage was w - . r claims :of ,kindred, and the holy ties of not -paid,: and -seceedly, because the 'waiter .line . Cite compaesitati and bring forth a cry of - Sae home, it is a eight to dieartn Prejadice, et- does not. *Fe -as: name. ... pity Irene the heart Or every Man capeble or the higher feelings' andoobler irapalses or our dolumou humanity.: .It ibu. lust hopes -of the Goofederate soldiers are to be 'Wept away -if. all they have: strusseled AMERICAN WAR - GRE B lux rouarcur . Iti!3.4R" PETERSBURG-. If vre are to-bhtleve a tithe of the mili- -1 o'clock -this morning, and soon after sed the run, visiting different pointa long line, and estabiishing headquarters fdr the it oti the V '1 igliam road _neat:Gravelly_ several points on ihe. old line last -night, for the purpose, evidentely, of ascertaining. whe- ther the works were held in force. They did not gain aoything aowevet, except the in- formatioe that hie was strong-- enotigh to, defend itself. _ This explains the firing heard at City Polite on Wednesday nightsand early On Thursday ineening. Nothinsehas yet lbeen received hem as to the operations oldie cavalry, but they will, . it is not doubted, .give a good account of the miel yes. - . A -battle . excepted tombrrow, _ ftir the possession of the „South Side _railroad, and' judging from the confidence antialigh spirits of the officers and man, there will be a good result. hea 'fro To Gra e.t.a brig ser see Gra _wh ler in the motnine. Mad. likewise has Ws dinarters the-Vauehaaeroadetwo miles m 'Lacher's run. .- • ' - CITY Poems, Vae. April 2-8:30 a, ms -- Hoe. E. M. S"anton Last night- Gen. ut telegraplied that Sheridan, with'. his airy and theelth carps, had. captured three edes- of infantry; a train of tvegons and eraabatteri s, the prisoners aitannitingeto eral -thousands. This morning General tit having ordered an attack alone the de line; telegraphs as follows :-" Both i and Pa •k rot ethron sh the enernyas Ttie baltilee eow ra2Ce -"furiously:al richt and married a Ynnag beautiful 0 - ridan, with hie &entry, the 51,11. corps and of whom he Was exCeedingV,fond and jeareus. ha the meantime his co -areas Scught their lost son, -.far atul witle,sbut m vain: At leegth an old negro, Who lied long been in the family, diecoverea the whereabouts of Melchoir, and informed -the father end mother it. The .old folks, without any previous notice ea theeheme ieetantly set out, to -Passagem. They arrived at Melchoir'i house. but he !es ahanitiroin home. Ifis wife, • however, re- ceived them cordially. -Findine .theinfatigued by _their joureey, she gave theneher own bed. e A Curione Featbrein New York -4 Society. 77 - - The. New. York Lead& -fPrnishei the fol- lowing .infermation TespectIng Ilk :beggars who sit around the streets holding babies in their laps to excite the pity and charity of the .passersaIya = "These children are kept by 'unworthy- Womee, and hired out at many cents a day. Some oe_theto are draeged, to make them lie still -told pale on the beeg ,ar's lap. Some are tortured with pins,- ar1fu4 disposed. so as to consuiply irritate them and make the -in -wail: Some are tied and barida red with exerucia- ang.iighteessaseee to cause thein to gasp for breath, All these cruel devices attract the inert -ion and eantributions of the e_harit- able. Holiest poverty does not sit ou stoops and bee. in tlie streets. . Real -mothets de -not 8, TUE ATLANTIC TELEGRAM. -Extract of a IMPORTANT NEWS. . i letter dated London, 2nd March, 1865, from 1 tbe Secretary of the Atlantic Telegraph /011NoND TAKEN . . 4 . 4 I quantity ofeanle manufactured up to the time Company, to a gentleman in-Hilifax : "The this reaches you will he over 1,500 miles out of tke 2,300 miles intended to be taken to . We stop -the press to announce that -I -teal upwards of 800 miles are coiled away Richtnond was:entered and taken . posses -1 cooniibino:ridstheGreat Eastern, and the further SiOn or by the Federals on r the 2nd at 8. • . . 0 progressing TfinbitrellediS 1113cywas fast- as possible.- - 5 o'clock. The pity was in flames! tnhoe:-.dmouidbdtitehaotfththeeefiahrslteivivieellk be The Confederates retreated end efforts June; all that has been accepted is in mate - 1-rial and manufacture of the very highest were being made to capture their ar.my. I ordsr, dnd largely exceeds even the %Mara There is immense rejoicine, throughout' ' time or' the contractors, which 'itself pre - the North• ,.- • -; ' ' TachrelbgesreaatveeasryellYnhd sfltearviidb4irliatyooffeizteeinneencicieli.-no, It is announced . that Virginia itii to be is also highly satisfactory,and we afeel t at ' ll h *" taken into the Union again at once. we have -a right to be hopeful of succese, everything baying been done on the present Hard on, the Fenians. occasion to deserve it At a public meeting -in New York it few days since, an audience of :three thotsand- American ladies and geetlemeu raptuouely applauded the following remarks made by one of the speakers:- - 'Let us urge upon. our Government the necessity of giving *rites. to the free black Aniericansan alder that their Yates may kill or at least neutratize the votes et the low Irish scim which cometo Our shores in every ship atid-p011ute our fair land.' . • Montreal Items. _- - Mosream., Mardi 30. hold their babies in the face of the pubhe all -.Mr. Daoust, M.P.P was tried to day for day long-.- whether it rain, or- snow, or the forgery. a he Jury is locked up.- . sanbeatns come sioi•ehing down. Women er air Penton, manager of - the street cars, worthy of relief do not drus or torment their ' awn tideless or anybody's else. _ lt i ievident, after seearat votes.- Hee is said to be very Police svithouta division, was elected Chief of Police that those who contribute to :these competent. _ ,. . , Ilea -rats. 1.66_ balms n it- only throw their_ . Coulter watt to Cote St. Paul ell nseily away, bet they actually foster vice ant! johdri C d- ' f d but has -since diseppeared. Tbe -NeW York Express Affirms -the fact " -_ - , -thus stated; and strongly adiocates the e The ice in the river is brealiing up and establishment of a foundline hospital.-- ' 1 sheaina- The Water is raising- We have •: 1 7 Thurs ay last, returne to the city a terwar s, encoarage enmoutts. - _ beautiful weather, The saw has nearly - A Sensation Story. disappeared. It is ramoured-that the United States Con - On the ,autherity of a private' letter, from sut is to he recaliede • . • Brazil, the Europea tells a story to which - Companies of active vol. -withers, replace no one gives credit for anytbing else but those nowatdig' frontier, Will; it is under. ingenaity. It is in substance as follows :- stood, be „drawn from the -undermentioned Some years no there lived at Pilar de Tapia, places in ITpper Canadia-Torontiella.milton, iui Batzil, a man anti: his wife named Antonia 13elleyille, Picton, Ottawa. Stratford, Chat - and alargarida•Ma =Leib ions. They nad an ouly ham St Catharines and London. - son :mimed Melehoire One day Metchoir went to an"- fortune teller to lesirn his ter At the Wellington Assizes, h. ell fortune fate. .4 Yee are doomed to aill your 'ae-Guelph on the 22nd, Dr. 'Smith Was father end your mother,' wieethe hcirrible predations Tenified by this' treat* pies- pect. Melehoir fled froin his home, went abroad, and 'resolved neverto see his parente more.. After six areare had- paseed, re:- tuyned to Brazil, bat established himself under a feigned name At, Passiteema a place . far_ distant from • his native village. He grew - : Rgx-_tivAvi..---7-Yesterday,- (Monday), - . . . . . waa. an intensely exciting aity-for our' re- porter, who wiattessed Iwo runaways and 'played one game of billiertle. A.bout• noon a span. of -spirited. horses,: drair,Ang :a load them, rata ft. ...oia_the.Ntirth for so manfully. for four eventful years is of hay 'atter , • i_ . doo-rof. the Market house to .:the'erassing - lost at last, -,le it wonderfat that they : Opposite Mr.- Cassidy's , thence :over Mr. -should smile alien' and, welcome. the .ap. O'Dea'a salt barrels L -one or two of -which proadi of the grim monster - Who closes .Were badly smashed, and Woutd Up- the ' their eyes forever to their coantry's d:s: . ' - e performaneebiendeavorinz to rtia straight .- honor? - They care not to . live to b over the Market house. .' rha. tongue of dragged,, figuratively speaking, -:chained . the *aeon struck fit*, and Was broken I:Ito - and helpless, at the chariot wheel of an - *silting- and -/-ainglorioui -Victor, , and horsee mould have .had as . much trouble .ar hence, Mr. Lincoln Was compelled to _tele- *tch the Market question as some of oar .i.! _ graph No_rtkthat the men who had so of* _ . councillors have experienced.- --Tilt/. other: -ten driven his generals before them, in dis- runaway was perfortned -by .a Yok:.; of th - grace and confusiea were...fighting lp WI, 101,- at OXell: ' " . The-excitemsat-. caused- by . the' exampled valor t - - . ea - - - overcaawiled state of the squire, or some; `eo - Wes cannati, possibly glean -_ from the present -anent of evil at home in Colborne an eomeivhat - confused dispatches before us Moved the* for they went ciciwn Hatnia Si . 1 LINCOLN." ton street .at a treinendetie pece. • A matt on, horeebaCk trietl to stop thenhani eatne: 'precions. ne a- getting run over for his pabia. If the furious -', brutes had net- stoppedsat 131ack's for a drink they eroula', imaging -front alipaiences, he relating' yet. Our raporfer, then ate a 'emelt and pla-yed 'a game of billitrds at Wright's, by whieh means ais eervous-system - .vas gradually cahned down. He Was able :this moraiog _ . .. . . . to go his rounds pretty lanch as usual... .919L9'7' 4 STEAMER ITERON.-Sxys the Detroit- _ P.i..ee Press, this well knoten eiaft, which, luringthe past Wrater, has been undergo- ing an overhauling Lithe line of repairs -and caulking -at Campbell ''.Se . Owen's dry deck; his been dropped- .dowd" from her re moorings, and now , hes at the fcot of Griswold Street. - She spresenta quite a gay appliance from having'aust received. a freili coat. 'of paint; .both insid.e and -out.. Ere the season's business :Commences she . . . will be in complete readiness to resume_ her route, as last year, .-betivemi - Saginaw and Goderich. 0.: ArT,- : Cl*t.. :Dories Cole . . -continues in. tow:nand.- ' regulai • Irish a" smithere.ensi else the e frequentlee coning in. All is going on Miles ' division ot the 2114 corps, which- was sent to hint this morning, ts do,* sweeping down from the west All noW.looks.highly favorable. General Ord is engaged, but I have net yet heard the result in las front." : . (Siaaed,) "A. LINCOLN." New York, April 2. -President Lincolhas t..aespatelt at 11...a. in., shows aegeneral rah up of the Confederate tines of works ie nt of Richmond -by Wright, Parke and d, whOhave-joined in the fight.--Shefidan's to retiose upon:. The vid couple retired, and las sat ire Or Ca'airy, the 5th corps-anct -ana part of the d are coming in from the west qa the eray's flank. ; ss-fro7rn: .perhalis she -had gone to he down. He went ijot bi'r°f:rillej911(8t.iitAelee:-).1.A1:3rii-%1'eEs2,t.hM1:34:02Tstzi:nNeT:ON: aria jealoesywas insuintly excited, and he Washiegton, Ge -'al Dix : The I-'residerd, 'in tile up _toiler room. It dark. Ile placed his --female figure were -reposing:there side by side. hand Upon the bed, anlaafaund that a male and i` Cite Pobaf;April-2,..11. m.-,DesPathhes 2n en 811 th the wife went out to seek her husband. While sht was out her ausband returned He called_ his wife, - and , getting no answers thought EximNSE oF SiismiNG AN OIL Watere-For the benefit of those about to engage in tte. business of boring for oil, we give die fol- lowing estimaie of expenses to sink a well to the depth of 506feet:-- I engine, 10 horse power,- . $2,100 Derrick, .., ' 100 Walkittee beam, Sampson podt, .50 1 set qf drilling tools. Z._ 300 lf inch harseKand sand Pump . . 100 500 feet of tubing. - . 450 50Teet of drawing pipe............ 350 Two engineers at §.3 per day. 360 Con tra ets for boring 500 feet at$2.50, 1,250 Miscellaneous tools...ea...se ...see 50 Contiogent expenses; 350 • 4 Township of .11 rpnE CourtOf Revision and ,Appeal for J.-lownelkavrill beheld at the larentitaMte It. Douglass, Xitiburn on Saturday the Ai flay of inst., at oic oek, A. '10 • - THOMAS SLOAN. - - -Towpath; Clerk* April 1st, 1365,.. srlOtti _ _ INSOLVENT ACT,Or 1864 IrliR Creditors of the urAersigied are noe- 1 fled to meet at the office of S. 421-111cCanr hay, solicitor, in the Village of &email's the County of Huron, on Monday the twenty.. fourth day of April, A. D. 1-1365,. at twelve 13# thre100, noon, for *e purpose of veriying statements of his affairs and of inisung. nit assignee to whom he may make as sang& ment under the above Act. • Dated at Seaforth, in saulCountyofnuting- this 3rd day of April, A. D., 1865. telOtd HENRY WILSON. Total $5,460 - PROFITS OF AN ENGLISH -Rooc.--rThe Lon- don Timei-says :-The report oldie Agra and liasterinan's.Bank, shows the profits .for the year endines _the 31st of December were £263,120, out of which distributions have been made equal to 20 per cent. per annum, leaving El6,p2i. to be carried tor ward. The reserve fund now steeds at £500.000. The paid-up capital is A11500_1000; the depesits are £5,97,756. • . ittarrtert, At Ghderich, on dm 21st-ult., by the Rev. R. Ure, Mr. George Grant to Ann daughter of the late Mr Thomas Kneshaw. AfGoderich on the 58th alt., by the Rev. ReUre, Mr. William Cooper to Mary dangater of the late Mr. John McKenzie. - was convicted Ogre char ge of makino• bad gimmoimm.m.mmerammo..ir Coins and eirculatine- the -sante. He was _ - %ttV Adrediottrouto sedenced to two years and six moat s rm- . • prisonment in .theProvinetal lienitentlary. troweea EXeccenotra-a-Hartfoid, March 30. TOWnSiliP Notice. -Three powder Mile!, occupied by Hazeltoe . . , _ * 4 Co., " Canton, blew up at two a' l'a' this riniE Court of Revision, for hearing appeals_ . =amine Six tons Of power exploded. 0. • - No i itga:nst Assessment, ic., will be held at . . . ' the house of Mr. William McPherson,' lot 11, lives lost. , _. . . THE TREASUffEit lit account with the Corporal= oftba , Town _of Godiarielr.-Abstract JAM TRAGEDY AT Ni4GAEA Fsua.-The Roch- ester Union has the following in relation to a at the hour of.10 o'clock in the forenoon. h suicide at Nitgara Lalls :---" A gentleman -JAMES J6EINSTON, from Niagara Falls informs us Btu a tragedy con. 71 on Friday, die 21st day of April next, ,Townshipelerla Turnberry, March 2fith,A.D. 1865. - w 1 0.2t. occurred -in that aillaae on Monday, of -such a nature as to- taupe considerable sensation. A woman, about 25 years of age, went to the -briclge. connecting Goat. Island with the American shore; and threw herself into the 'water. She wee of course instantly borne f 9 Wilily through the rapid and over the Amer'. can Fall. The woman was - the -wife of a man who is in the army! but was co -habiting with another residing at the fallseend ettgaged in the hack business. She left it child -a little girl; The causes that induced her to commit the act of self-destruction are not positively known, though attributed to the unhappy stale .of her -domestic affairs, as mightbe expected to result -front the course sh :had pursued. She was seen going to the bridge by a person whom she `knew and -ayowed.her purpose, butshe was not credit- ed was allowed to vs her way de- struction.- ely. General's Parke, Wright ana' Ord's es are exteeding from th 4 Appomatcot to atcherel-run: Their have all broken. thro" e eiseley's entrenched Hiles; tekina some •ts, guns and prisoners. -Sheridan with his very. the 5th corps -and part of the 2nd is Mitig in from the west on the enetny'_s flank, d. Wright . already -tearing tip the South de Railroad. • whether or not the Confederattes have aost, or are likely to. lose, the last stake.-- - We shall be kept in. suspense. only n few hours. ; • , An Act to provide for the PilniShMeni of Grinipz.. Tht following_ Act, which -we _hope to seecarried out rigorously by our Magis- tag', was pa,ssed_towards the close of -the v.. • recent seision of.earliament • An ACT to facilitate the convicticai -anti pun. ailment of persons enticing- her Majeity'a subjects to enter any foreign servize, oon, ttery to the provisions. of the Foreign Ea lastmeat Act. _ Her Majesty, by and with the ad.ice arid cofisent of theeLegislative Coancil and Assembly of Canada, enacts as fialosvs : • ls Irony person whatever in this province Shalf.hiree-Tetaeini engage Or procure, or shad' attemptOr endeavor to tare, retain, engage or procine say .natnraL-born subject of her. Majesty, iserson or persons whatever, t.) - Or to enter or enease to enlist, ortoserve or lobe employed, in_ any warlike or military ' operations in the seriice of, - or for or under -- eel of any foreign. ranee, state, potentate, :colony, proYine.e, or part of any .prOvince- of people, or of any person or person% exercising or assuming ter exercise the powers ot got veo ment,,iit or over any-foretgn coinurycolony, -province, or part of a peoviace, or plat of a - *lance Or people, either as an officer, soldier, sailor,. or marine, or in any other military or.warlike capacity -or to coma& - any when -offence - wirstever agttitist the - provisions of the -Act of the Parlament._ of . the United. Kingdoms -passed in the fifty ninth -year of the reign of Kina George the Third, chapter sixty -tenet and intituled:- "An Act .to prevent the enlistinent. or eagagemeat of -his Majesty's subjects to serve in. -foreign _mike, and the fitting out or eiasipping, in • his Majesty's &Minions« -vessels tor wArtike - purposes, without his aleaesty's licenee,e- Sitch-offetiderenta,y be_proadeuted eitlier in the . .manner provided by taie:Ace, or in .a sums nary manner- befere any Judge, of tie Superior Coare for Lower Canada, or any Juke of either of the .Superior - Courts of Common_ Law for Upper Canada, or any " Judge of a County Court, -Reeorder, Judge ot Sessions or Polite Magistrate, or before; any two-Sestices of the Peace for the district or the county where the offence shall lave beeo COlantitted, and if coavietet of -such offence cut the Oink of one or more _credible ivitneSs or witnesses, may be -condemned to pay. a penalty of one hundred and sixty dollars', with stoats. end may he committed to tne commoa gaol of the dutnet, county, or city, 'for -a Washington, April 2. -The Richmond Sen- tinel of Friday,. March -3Ist, Contains the fol- lowing : - - Headquarters, March -30,-n) General J. C. 13reeeenridee, Secretary of War : 'General' Giatdon reports that the: enemy at 11: o'clock R. of jumped at the coalusion that bis , wee had been unfaabful to Lam. Ile drew his knife and struck the Unhappy pair dead upon the spot. No sooner.had • he executed- his Yeti- eeance thee he heard his wifes ;voice. She e" came. up stairs._ with e light. The canoe - /nerd may easily be inmained. His dreadful destiny was accomplishee'd. Dramatists and novelists will probably take note the fact that the author of this " _true story" has not t • . reserved the usual legal righta. _ A GOod Irishman. The -old. country journals are it present filled with an eaeount of the - liberality and goodness of one niaaaBenjitinin LeoGuiliness, the -celebrated brewer,- of Dublin. --At his (Oen expense; he has re built Ste Patrick's Mortgage Sale 'of Lan Is UNDER:and .by virtue of a Fewer of Sale . _ _ 1864. To balance Brought torwarninalit1863 $1847-211 Taxes railhated Ift 1364** * • 1•3 AB49446 311 Shop 0**Al..• 330 or - Tavern- * •vmslo******* :MOO lavery Stable do. -* **O. pi 4000' Circus _ do.. •••• *a, •• s• • ***O• 70 14 (*.Road Co.,interest clue Dec 183*.2511 Mt Non Resident IMO 22 Magistrates" . It 219 . ,Mitalancl CemeterY Coflections... 196 If - Toein Treasurer's Conitnissma..,.. 114 7151 Government School Grant...... 187 00 contained in ir Mortgage made bY. JOP• ethan D. Bieck,. of the town of Godencla in the County of Huron, Gentleman, of the first part, to the Huron Diatrict Baddieg Society, of the second -part, (default having been made in the due payment theme° will - be sold on Tuesday, the Seventh day of February A. D. 1865, at Twelve of- the clock., noon e at the Auction Mart of: elfesare. TliOmson Raziaura KINGSTON 'STREET. 60Dgitlell ehefollowitee property. that is to say; Lot Number ten- handred and thirty-nine (1039) Harbor Flats, in the said town of Goderich. CAPTURE or a WRALE.*, A 'whale about t Decd ender Power of Sale. twenty-five twig was captured off Sandy - . - - M. C. CAMERON, - I Hook, on Tuesdayetanina, by a fishing snack, e _ . Solicitor for Mottgagees. and towed 10 the steamboat basin neai the Dated at my thambers this 51-11 Januar'', Quarantine Latiding, -Staten lelated, wheee it now lies: - , - : A CLEAN DOCEET.-At the Spring Ai -sizes , . for the County of Halton, which- -opened on the*. 130, there were onlY.three Civil cases on • the -dockets• and in consequence of there bettig m. yesterday advanced aeamst a • position - Cathedral, the oldest and now-. the most no criminal cases_ the Judge (Chief Justice his line. defended by BrieadietaGeneral beautiful cathedral in Ireland. About the Drapery. was presented by the Shiriff, with se pair' of white -gloves. , etvis hut was repulsed. The fire of eitillerv ,sear 400 die -first St:a-Patrick's Church- was "--- , an 11 et d mortars continued several loge with ,auot thersite of the well in which the EXTRAotioiNIRT PROLIFICACY.Mr• John ]nitlerable _activity. No damage to our' eood saint baptlised his --first convetts. About. Cannon, of the '3rd con. of West Oxford, is nes reported. 0, (3iened) • - - the year 1100 a splenditi cathedral was built the owner of a ciaw whiolt hasgivenbirth to ni -st 11 " E..LEE.. en the site of this smalrehureh art' lin thre years 11 At the ag,e or 4. " In °ead clesnitch from Gen. Lae lest ale Guinness re -built thia .cathedral tham the three. years ----------------------- -shgave birth to two; at tour eht settes'. that there was slarmishines near fotieclatioe to the pinnacle, leaving it exactly years she gave tIvii mere; the fifth iftweldia Court ,house •Yesterdav -without as 11 stood seven hundred years ago. The year aae- was liar -Owe arid one night last week emcee reenit., Reports from Petersburg cost of this weak was enormous-eav.en hue-- -not quite. shryears old -she gave birth to ate that the city wessmuch- excited' 'yester- ..ared and fifty thousand dollars! But die five perfectly-formede healthylooking calees. -generesity of this princely Irishman does not The weight of the largest of this lot was 36Ihs. ate by neeetints of great *battle" on Wed esaay night near Peterahuree. The aecounts, stop here. e He has -philantrambia plans to the smallest 251bs., aud 'the total weight of ere that the Onemyhad: attacked Gordons -carry oat-sweeemg away:, dilt.pidatecl old the five was 1571bs., The calves diedshora Re sate forces heaeue .ffiessoe, and were streets M the -neighborhood of the cathedral ly after their birth.' The etiW, we may men - Pulsed with:great slauihter in .five assaults. and ereceing parke anti avenues in the* place, tion, is of the Durham breed. If there sla an- ur cotemnOrary the Petersbueg 'Express as eompletely taken in, and published: a loarine and fiteeiful aceount about the Yan- ees ..chareing, up ,to eur .breastworks and eineefairly _mowed down by the fire of our flops. the .sletrehtee beine terrific and the anirees diarneyedaitc: Althotigh it was eon- ssad the night was soidark that a man -could ot be seen at it distance of twenty feeteThe nth of the. twitter. as we 'Carried •on rater; • evenin&. was that there was indeed a rand exhibition of fire -works but no battle. • searcely any one Tuttle: The troops hold- ie.- Gordon's line. -taking •.advatitaree of the- arkness. were strengthertinz_ their ehevaux /rise nfici abattis frent of their works. he Yankees Opposite; hearing the noise,antl upposine Garden was coming. aftersthem g ain, opened a heavy fire of artillery, which as replied to on our side. .The two picket ines also °piled a noisy nineketry whica was ept up for eeverel hours ;A' very few wen ere wounded s on The enemy reliably' suffered no more. 'The exploaioe f tae artillery in the silence of the night -Was istinetly heard even irt .this city, and the elief animnertant en eaeement was nt first niversel, Pesseneers by lest evening's train rom Petershura repel coesiderable fightme n our right yesterday. Tt was alio; teported hat Our cavalier bad a skirmishwith Sheridan t Dinwiddie Court House." , Fleadgearters Army of the _potoniac,Mareh Oth, p, m. -Notwithstanding . a heavy rain howete which set in last-nazi:a andcontintied etil late this afternoon; the army has to -day dvanced.about two miles, and the 5th corps as -reaahed the Baydtovin near. ts junction with the White Oak. This is: the place wherethe2nd eorps. had an engage - meet with theenemv last autumn, in which ft suffered severely. Theegronna gained to -day cost us but. few men -the rebels. Making but light resistance at • Hatcher's'. ran, :Which:TS only a short distance firther on. e The hne have strong earthworks erected defended-wi heavy gum, and bere they will no doubt make a stand to oppose our further advance. From this point the new line extends to the Annsttongamille the, 2nd corps holding the right of this position. In - the :engage -- meat of yesterday . the number of prisonela taken was 125, with eiehe - commissioned officers. Tney belong telkshrod irolinson's cavalry; and were partofthe force that made the attack upon our lines last. Saturday. clear passage ways for steamboats, 123 feet .41.1.101 0 Ir fe fr a APRIL FooL.-Saturday last, being Alt Fool's Day, Day, was taken advantage of by d the young wags of the town, in the-euE.---T tomary fashion; A "great many small a seas were perpetrated, amongst which we w noticed cases of ladies picking -up valuable 1 parcels lost on the sidewalks, and gentle_ men pulling up their thams in great haste p to get out and appropriate to their special use and benet sundry :bricks 'done upjn t, brownpaper to represent genuine quar- tem' worth. of castile soap, ' t Bracx.woon's ManAelsr.--Weiave reeeiv- a ed the March uumber of Blackwood. Th contents are as follows: A. continuatiori of ; the interesting Sketch of the political career u of Gladstone; Willistin Blake ; " the second it part of Miss -Majotabanks; a Criacism on h Balmer's Poems; GuyeNeville's Ghost; the i second pert of Etoniana ; the Tuft- Hunter and the opening chapters of PiecadillY. and episodes of. contemporaneous _autobiography: ,peried not exceeding six months, and, i.fauch realty and coats- be not forthwith paikthen Awn& further bine as Ow saute may remelt. ?AIWA such penalty shall belong, one lot tupraiseutor and one half to ller514- 6, for the publut usettofthe province, L No proaacitioa shall be commenced 'by establishing a_ Fair in that town- for the virtue alibis At ors than onnsyear afterSale and. exchancre of etock comaisisiati 411N:4*one:ice. - • • VW' The Guelph :Advertiser,. under- stands that the tender of Mr. John Carter has been aotepted tor.gravelling-and grad- . ••• ing the Braman and grin Road; . . . Oper- ations bidomtnence immediately upon the sigainsr of the welkin*. - ft 8 - se- The Own settnd Board of Trade have, says the A.cluertiser, appointed a committee to consider the best means of Kr The Rochester Iltmocrat stat It .that litrobittly the aggregate of private toftai Sua Imilisd the city limits during the freshet ems* a azillionof dollars. • which wilt entail a further expense of perhaps other cow in Canada- that can beat this one a quarter of &million' of doll us so that in of Mr. Cannena we should like to hear of it; Mr; --Guinness, the Inodest, anassutning Ingersoll Chronicle. - • s - . bre.wer of'Duldin will have spent in those - - ; - public works the laege- sem of one million dollars. - -e , Thoie Who. wish to estimatethe magnitude of this gum have 'only to consider that the great ,Province of _Canada affeets to think that she has performed a herculean task when she appropriates one millioo of dollars for her own defence. And-ao enctimetist does :this sum appear, even to the Finance Minis- ter, who is always- dealing in millions, that he • will not endertake. to 'appropriate it • for indispettaable. -purposes' -unless the Imperial eovernment Will first attarantee the outlay. We do not knotv whether this comparison raises Masa Guinness' act, of generosity or lowers the value,we put oti our owe Indepen, deice. :At all events, there is a marked con- -.trast between Mr...Gumaess, in the fulness of his own heart spendinga a million dollars ar rebuilding and beautifying a national cathe- dral;z and the sight of a conteet. between Canada and England as to the outlay of a few million of dollars to fortify one of the most flourishing and important colonies ic the world. A.11 honor 10 the good Mr. Guinness! His name will live in the. affectionate esteem of his countrymen of all areeda.in parts of the world.-a[London-Prototypes GliNAT BaIDGE.-The, bridge retiently built across the Mississippi - river at Clinton, -Iowa, for th a use. of the Northwestern Rail road, is 3,6511,Teet, or more than three-fifths of a mile long. Of this distance 2,800 feet is between the Illinois shore and Little Back Island and 850 feet is between Little Rock Island and the Iowa shore. The bridge east of Little -Rock Island coniists of 1000 feet of piling and liven spank of 200 feet each. West of rattle Rock Island the bridge consists of three spans beside the draw. The draw is 800 feet long over all, amt built of hon. The abutment and one. of the piens are foimded on rock, a second pier is fOundad, on piles. and a third pier and the draw pier are built uereir crib work, resting on , loose sand These cribs are SW1E water forty feet deep. The large crib is 400 feet long, and 44 feet wide, and the Smaller is -166 feet long and 44 feet wide on the bottoms The draw turns -on. a pivot in the centre, and when open leavestwo - It is said thatt there are 2000 Poles in Paris literallidying-of hunger. Seven thousand steep were worried ley dogs in Ireland in 1863, _ . The 111-ormon temple at Salt Lake City wilt seat' 9, 00 0 persoes. • '- Horses are being' hi:night np all over Cana- da for the Federal government, but bring only low prices, owing to the tightness of the ,m_oney market. - Oa the 12th CI' 'Tannery last, in the Straits of Malacca, a vessel bound for London to Sittgapore, foundered with 550 -Chinese sena :Masers. - GREAT Dior. 'AT SYRAOUSE*A dispatch dated Syracuse,- states that the office of the Provost Marshal in that city was entered • by :burglard"on Monday_ nightabe safe blown open and $:,10,000 in cash and bonds abstracted. The names were successful in -escaping with 0 - their plurder. $1913210 To balance 1O-1865...* 4* -s** 1100 1864.2 - By Teach -ere' Salaries rd_.1 A . Stewart $281 25, v#•a* *WV** Miss Walker. . e 320 op IL' D. Cameron 67500 Miss C. Cameron.;.**** 225 00 gg C. Morgan. .00 46 A. Morgen....... 250 00 James Tbompson„...... 28125 ; James 9375 Lonyworth....... 135 42 a Newton .......... 2000 241017 By other Salaries, PP Clark 10 00 Bissett .7... 19500 NV. MecRay. .. 40 AD - Dr. 1.1cLetu . 10 00- 2115111 By -School Furniture,1. FredOP: - lac e 1600 Mick 5c 'Si:earth 29-75 2 D. Galion . 3125 Stall Prmting Stationery. Arc:, . 1006 Itepairs-E. Moore.. ... 354- 30- 11 ItuncimanCo 53 /0 Sundry smrll ate 120 13 MO 23 ,Prizes -Education *Ste... Si601 _Schtial Apparatus -do 23 65 Preeligundge... 9 JO SS 13 Sundries -A. M. Ross, in- * Nuance - 50 WV•11.111. Sundry Toed aus • 117 19 Labor Cutting wood... ••••• 23 oo Sundry accounts. _ Goodsolibonice 73 90 2E110 Total School Expenditures 3040 70 - Deduction allowed bootie 1-1olisonun Taw License_ Cash oiraccount LL. F. Debentures The above sale is postponed until Tuesday the 4th of Ape at the same place and hour. The above -sale is further postponed till the 18th of of Aria inst., at the same time and place. SIIERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. linitedaeounees of 13 Ya virtue of a writ et i -Huron and Bruce. .1-1 nen Fames limed out To wit: of Her Majesty's County Court of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce. . and tome \directed against the lands and tene- ments of William Harr on, at _the mid of Alex. anderWright,__1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, title and inweat -of -the said defendant in and to lot number mac, in the fourteenth coneesssion, of the Townithip ut Car- rick, in the County ofBruce ; which Jails' and teseinepti 1 shalt offer for sale at my office in the Court House in the lawn of Cloriche on .Tuesday the Eleventh dayot July, next, at tie: hour tit Twelve -ante clock, noon. - - - JOHN MACDONALD, - Sheriff, II. er B. "Am-I not a oak pale inquired -a lady./ who was rather Short, and corpulent of a erns ty old bachelor. "You look more like a big tub," was the blunt 'rejoinder. The Hamilton Spedator says it, is confidently- expected that navigation to that port will open in a week or ten days at latest. (1:2" The Berlin Tekgraph is sorry to learn that the mill dant at St. Jacob's which was contante;ied. detail* the summer, has been carried amity by title toshet. Praytfute 2Fiposilor states thin Mr. .T. BreelgesArratesin that town on Wed- nesday lastoind4.4-nost_. has ii that a satisfac- tory arrangemea ofthe indebtedness of the railway to tilt town has been come to. 01- The Welland Telegraph oflut week states that the prospect of an early opening of navigation on the Welland canal is. about 12 inches thick. How thick will the event itself be if the prospectis a foot. ner The Tillsonburgii Obseriler states that large tracks of land have been leased in that vicinity to American companies. -- It is expected that they frill eminence to bore for oil at once. Wort on the old The Cougalerates made* demonstration at each. The draw weighs -about 825 tons. well tO reettmett. By S. Podock,Deptitybhen2: Otficel Goderielt, 1_1st April, 1t465. S w10 SHE*IFTS SALE OF LAMS, Stairket Repairs. e County Bate. - 4 la 4 • . Public Works.-_-paill Jess (34157 Bel!. 70 00 - CeowEwanson233 93 P. -Johnston333-1.0 :lames Lemma 4. • 132 00 *Sundries ... . 41 12 1210 31 , Maitland Ceinetento:11- terest 011 COOPORS. A.* 432 212 vie • 811114lieS • *se * • Win -4111141" Fire Company.... .--1174et Military (31tants... 171 411 . Belief tienurettee, e Silarks-A Mackay, in'sd* iting Assestment MOM -15 10 - 'Mrs Iteynold,a balance - Clerk's salary ISL.* 500. i. skt.oe, bell-ringer St 75, 11 B O'Connor. Aseestur 100 Oa Thompson. Clerk270 00 Jaines-Stuaill. Inspector 140 00 (I:Fletcher. Trestuter.. 180 00 Returning inflicters (Jan) 13 50 .- James Sultana services Drafting Jurors.*** ** Auditors • Returning -Dicer, Mar - Ott 21)......... 3109 Constable's 11111-111 Intermit-4in Rititt's cop 11 Rent ol Knint's Cit Of* lesuntnee, Stationery, anteing,' ere., ;ere,. .. id 40 Balance carried to 1865... 116911 10 AMMO - We hereby --certify that we have carthily audited the Town Treasurers accounts frit the - vearli364, and find themoottect. TheTressater procluced vouchers tor all the amounts Ankstosat and gave us every Littfomattos relative t lie atrountsreceived. We And the befiteee the tell th.:=1::1. 311:01.11:2 hinufr:dmanttneighty &liras inglarrenoeelis. D. BLACK, - Asians. JOS4RERLOOK, 3 Dated at Goderich this Eigittla1 der ot-Mareli, 1865. United Counties of 'DY virtue of a arnt al. .1 Moron -sad Bruce, II Fieri Facies issued our . ' To Witt of Her Majesty's County Court of the United counties of Huron - and Bruce, and to me -directed -against the lands and -.teneinents -cif Robert Greer, at the tcnihi. of. Bans= W. Adams, ROben_Leech and *limes. Perkins, 1 have seized and taken in execution; &lithe tight, title and interest of the said defendant in and to lot number five, inthe eighth concession ot the township of Howick, in the County of. Huroa ; widen. lands and tenement* 'shad offer . for Sale StOlV °Mee 111 the Court House 111 the' town of Ceaerichs on "Tuesday, The Eleventh, day of July, next, at the hoot :of Twelve of the olockinoon. - . JOHN MACDONALD, _ . - Mari, li: 4-- B. By S.Pomocw, Deputy-Shenc! Sheriff's Office.Goderich,i - - -1st 'Aptd, 1865; wi0 antitirr's SALE 07. LANDS United Counties of)"BY virtue' of - if Wilt _Of liuron and - Bruce, D Venditioni _Extxmasand 'fa Wit: - - Fieri Fames issued ont of :ler Whackers Court of Queen's Bewh, *unto me directed againiit the lands inul tenements of Alexander Traynor, at the suits of James Reid, James Boswell Stevenson and Archi- bald Cook Sutherland,Illive seised and taken a Execution all the right, titleand interest of the said defeneant.m &unto Lot -number Ta1rty-nine, in the Second Range, and Lot Vorty:in the sec- -ond cone.eafsion, Smith plebe Durham 'Boad,and Lott Numbers Thirty-nine and Pony in, ithe. - third Range. eolith of the Durham Road, rdi in the 'Township of Brant. in the - County of Bruce. .,containing EN sores ofland each, more o. les; svidelilandeitne tenements 1 shall offer for sale at rny *Aye i a the Coua House, in -the town of Godeneh, on Tues- day the Twenty-ninthdayof November next, at the hour oftwelve of the clock, noon. _ A JOHN -MACDONALD, -- - '',-- ---- - Sherrill- 1; B - By S. POLLOCK, Deputy Sheriff, Sheriff's Cffice,fioderich, t. .5 - 27th September. 1884. - w3, S This _sate is rot4roned.tiri Tuesday the .2611i day of March, ises. - The above sale ii, -Anther postponed till Tummy, the 1.1111day of A'prislhuenextrt.g.ao 0 ' ' JOHN MACDONALD tledencit; March 28;, 186L. "2 . " 11 t 0 0 • _2(12 a se • 4 AD 4 - • * *PM • • A,• • * • • * ; • # • • • P fig;gari g fa. 4.4% 121.. 2P= boat g wills 2 :_ 0. 2 - iro or • • A.... •• * As. 124 ?'. a : • g • ,. -....... . - . - • : ;#. : i 1.1 ._‘1;Id . • ; gr. 4 P . c NM #: • • • I. • , 4: .„ 4 4 • 4 .14 0.41 4 • .4. P * 4 " .. 4 0 •-e- • . .0, • , 4 . P 4P-.: *, • ... 0 • •• * II .-..- 4 lit • * 4e 4 40 * I * • _. .1....nr"S * 4. * :. . • . * • • • e • , .. P tab' * • ... * • a 41, * * * 4 • * 16g60 7 • 1- ° re . . .x. *-8222stas 1•1 gg 1111 • • ' si