HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-04, Page 1Brutality. T on The fb'inwinm -account of the doings of Federal so'diets in Arkansas is from a 1. F!' X r 'S I r Not 6ern jutirnal, tht Ciucifituild Commer. AN sE r TN. C at hi., cial: lv,v- %Ir E!Wood. 10: 1 The men of the army become dewnralized. N 1. 1 Y.. The). wou'd -steal the public proretty they &c.. G. 0 1) weie (h. -ailed to guard. and have become lost ITYSIVIAN1. EO. e LA P rcitit H. U- Mr. LiAv-lv I to iiiii eisvipiiiie or restj nt, and after der&*. ai 'flit.0 like cOuIttly, pillatring and plundering F. Mell .11I -M. Ill.. t. I I- 11 Y S I (r I A N. E )N. until there was nothinc, 'left, they united in 0 ,'.I Y-11 small 1-atids, &Ind overian the country to hunt H 0 110, T ISE RL A. whi, h thev itna;nned %as buripd i1i the 1-1 tT R, O� NNT AND -B it U C EA XDV E 111 DINGS I G 4 W. aith. Wt,m;,n wbos#- lorally cannot be e. - - - - - - - - - - - questiot ed �ave been toi turdil by these men 131r. C in lhe woft baA,arous ard fiendish fbinnefl. 'Elit3r atid Proprietor. The Greatest Fossibla Good to-. Ci- 3 it-ost Possible Number." I to ednipt-1 them to tell.where they had crin- - i ITF. Wo T. COX, -nit d their money.- In one instabee, only Will j 131V 1. '62. a shoit iin.e sinee,'a band of fifteen or -twenty IL 4-7 J86 VOL. 3-.--iN:O 61. cf the 141b Hansas tiavalryi visite;a es i iseveral'bit,us . there I lie woulau anti children -30' E"IC119 G. TUE'SRA 7 DR. A:. WORTHING 1`32VI, .5 E it A N N I N AD G D were left aline. G3old 4i idewandedu pain P tend, part;cularIvi'to fl;�eLl,.,cj Of rLd sur;:cal' - - - 1,_b* L 1avina tizeir houses burht. women isperatioln- upon the eye. of -they Ladito gold.-butmere I replied that I Willi, � l.. jAO%V1GK V. lice - I'a lzi; 2. W47 -1V K3j C�!5 CC 13irCCt r1j.. _1311�jj __Sfl 4, 1 FOR, Zy nVe oil all Jill C 11 _�j ellse they bad. After 1, F- R A n,� LI SY-0, A31 -in-, ost shamefully �,outrag & x4t bt In te fiends AND- �clluilo ihe. women atid lield ibeit fec on IW �ff;. A RRY-STE 11 ANM XTT0RNr&Y-AT- IN.WLAWANOSH if& dth- a all III biiirijtn� ron's, t i ictint e elli to 1#11 1 - ta m-aud 1% 'em 61 P fauufa 4 3-U .1 Ittre lhoir b;dden gold wds. In � sorat ist- upilersioned ofl (__4 �DRUG S 'Ing �stances tHey of ta 1 ud sniall amour.1s, Ilat Ze!� f ni -salo flie Ulo%% RRL IS Ttlt" -s tuatc.1 o 4he Uravel'Rwid, in tortuies I lit! vilbut that (IT, vrown Attorney Ir returneti cr�rjr 0, U�t 10 it Gwat House. v of j&nduC-jkd 7 (if Fazr�a n-id'rown arji d iheit a such C. e ship of wai.'44)-):�h. E S T B TIC\ �X; k�\ K. C 0-11 ANY L a Witit linj Wijjt�.L ves h-1vin-- :a- It.- de.-iiring to Anierwa -1-�sxirallccrck ian� all; one wo. Ulu- Virtiateron,' c ,%u'raifees I -oth -e bui Odfil'�'A�TLW� 'III(). Al'arin -, Fit- m;llI di!,d,'L another had her leg am- i -,s. and Life In U]P" N 4C I _r -fhb i Wi ji 11 M Ms r -f Godi�rich 1 -ceslit cbearkin 1131itAT R& -A r eO 'SZZY. Ct)\ ly ututad; viod several trsliti zed tothei r!e Ap 0 ebritaiiiiiig 10-) ii e res, 50 of - rhieh are cl -r s - dl, - s.reet.0 j-'- 01 11 -%1 r. J 13. (;-tIED0N 4 LEE w C hathi.. Tily so 1). Tillai theyaill ba ipples 1of ............... hi- thex is a gIoa Fraine HaTn 36 & ig W-19. GIRAC]M.L: These outrages. w ch JILIIHN 111-A Atrt. N�qv.7 h--1 jg by 52, 1' good Franie jr6ung orphard— H'o -j S E- Goderich, 864 w4l'si n - 7 heiring. A -,00dl:cre&- ruall. bramilit, the,, eliaird. -by soldiet* I A I I S -;k [.-611' in, ifte L nit d worst Of ppiy to larim A ved States'-umfoijIt. at) 'tork- tit N:t:., ().rjee oVer tile S 'Minsas Cavall, u; an officer of tile' 14ai at IIP IfeV.' Mr.. nutcheson, an vx-rhaplain, Nva 1'. a n as 1), J �f I. Ar. tk-t�or& Zs;�n, voaerit:a-, atial Queen 0 -64.- -3, 411tron. of A t' 'T 'Velit L�W ae. EAST STrI �r I(Shecessortoit eynotis)- I n- 3* All 01 are impYrmted. Large iquitotiiies of -stolen 1) 1V SCLAM�Godeneh A�SIIA-w�Kitwl C Lrdine er wvs found -in their possessiotiv ey. It of' x *Tit -or- Th i1s'! 3 1: nre TUB- Cf)UNTY IV liftp in inen. were arrested- and �Was t !V" 4-1 qf Ctyna-tq, ENT -ed out, ith ahoO' �141E­j%.r, -r- jX7 )r- J'IL� 1; ra I ­ . V *I: ­ - "Ock lot vhorsiv - CO V. lfr 0 F, T 171 E rons to Mile R I spill 1-1 i irk 4-1 1% �T "Uped, ji s f6uatr L'ir, vi -r ".1tT.-ft 11, IU4-0-11-V Ill- If—' C64-illy,of flit tin., I -F x J'E D COUN 317 1 VIL s y will be f E- TIN r r'), .-:1 �-. AT L k XN =tvdiff - it I 7 -we Cwn-t,' 11101Z.: V'i-I I tv m, e of th U177frd 17 Teae- PL —N k- T ILL IL'iti Ouillipi of -flu ran I­Tlvl,�i 0F.'Rj,-R0N7 All -------- '7`1 C.T:NMIST iIUNG' IS T i2d Brit Bill �mir of Willi CATIL a AMC ee. ANIYUZICEI. a n& A, e7kier, n,lLnd-I inporte roi H R I -L A. menz-ber;g,, -clrantile -firm re - *U A CXACUI 'I-\- THE .-MATTE'It OY,R0131 A)00 Abe said Jefeu& v111,011Tv UK S a sla f a large me; I Eleven. ilit, t1w `v- )TACTTO 11 A-s-eann! tt. d -J.",L'Vt�'; �M '�-Vj -Yioolf,1001.-� fsh:p ct I-,-tktrue,6, '\T M, r tentiv lzave a bit his eaily - experience in "P 414 tj. I- N�'- 1-3 1.>. V CX- S I - - tit Ch-ul z;qtit Ere, G-111ID-NE 'i S 61 V Lt -N T. W""t (1)I1.-e;�-4trketL, I- - - ­ V .�.(�1.117114. _ 11 4.v , F . 9 4), V r uler.e�l- .1 .. 1 `1 vp Wise Z there., Corner of Kinxtiazx, ual me L OT 'is herehy- -un( is thii f!7T AiN seventeen years iciid wlien'! 1 ic L. " - ill L _C _Rj� I at fro lie ler nT ed t lie office -of I Iiii Glwl' John IffeDonaid &Co.- anil F, T -LAW MAITLAND N IFI.A.Ra AT Y�� Ila 11air rootll. And nrvistiles . . ­- 4. L . I . ­ I - . . se v _a ult�jnrliv in-xiiiiii.eis or his THEIR NEW- "Iref)UIL-se, to ppear iobe b st advitntive. I -credytors who -lie 1(,Sl ly'­'creditors' for' e $COLORS "DVESTrFPS, ofone htind.-ed tlollarsaiid- upt-a A el A le Facloq a!;)Ve, k;u r are now preparctl to tat orders sj- it .it; nusal pf -lime and tit I s and. .1 le C p, Bj - yo toanvlextent.- Fronj their lojig,experience in ILd u in und' -ivten it vas to I,'ho mprest-Ett 'Ibrpe f urths ill lite of wzrknjep-nnda , I 6urvt ved rriv. -llec -I TTOM and F lbu. fir el-ofirl-l-Illnery, t41ev41at;,!r-thc rt Two Ili ie g!am V11 -RA-IES r.0 11 --Tu liabilitic ilid an mos6AR "NONDAYtt- TFr-1-1 10th DILY OF P A a e4,- 0 MT I seal I an -�jj. h I -ed Ut;j it L -WAL seritilons d e 0 renoon, or as W R 0- R�-Fer----c tia Bo--Lrd of At-tert of it cl'c4- W iliLe --fib -T=R- -` .41rieet X kE Tile I Vill I dijyj 01r 9 As7zv Iwritt: soon ts counspl Cn a 1 JILd ej)Uft for a.e0lifiLl.m. -4 e Said, -, I_- i I ork wuld do Wel to, -to A, IL ac 1EY, Q 6ut �: -, krT03\ SULICI-To' T% t'le Gravel Ito 0 4r_73 '11� 7 -k -I ar P-ir Vp on -one side Age t ti nof -T efTeeied in his 4!%W Wt LIG ibe :0 c t ar-�e, tb P re Sit, L A fle oter—with it -success. Brim vor under the"s-ii-I A(.t. -at. I T 7GHT fil =and IAOJ,4t and WLjjj oa ROBEtri"AT. C-11RUNE11'. I herc I,.% als 4uan hipried towards' ibe lost. tLe cletts a Inew ny tity 01 buisiless tile lnon)iijil I enter"LA the 401-r, L 'Noixey-'t6 Lelia -on.Rail Prollertv- B r TO OCT,,r 0 B -b 2 C^ TL_S x- co -,k 41 *dly tit -my A ackjo- the right- TA TTORNRI, floi ture as I passed out. But nature ettdowcd DOORS & HIDUIDIXOS 'hey w'L1zZd 'I' i'Dilrni Tz AIATIING MILL ------ Of pin andd o .. ......... n ,I) OjIS f d tile mith a ood Jogree vf ek6tPncy,An 2% 1;3 -.U. I a. - - -. I -., I . - Tlf- 1. started Tai ;. Tow4rd Uoou 1 lext day ar, Ill '9L ON I E I Ar D e(I a Et.x e �,%Ijeres n ede'rly genifleman F0 Sille IkV r. ;JO P i or tract, - '71 -Go erwh Jan., "Lie) alsooffer jj�. - , d - I . -1-1 Ili -y 'by the _dPori ortillsideby 50.. stoed wrh a Ind 4*1311111 Ot-t-Aer 13, 1�-T I!! G 06i;ch ad Ii,a 11.0 T T-0 R N I 1 Tra W ijed ill .file visitor'liad left,,a E U ",No the answerz0veii in lei M 117 F 0 R1 To Ca7zpenter' 13 ilders torris and Turn -V rmh -0. -\i;w H-RSUBSURIBE!113,11, --S TO, - S U n ef fluron. 4 pecuiml. Arlisp aiA decided monner- _ail T -tb inh-Afta itz oi tile L . ?�WVZ C1. V I I JODI thedijFcourageme River 214111i ev:� to Lend f.#ALc T- raX%- —A— b6gan to for te ef u jonef 4,1.&Te I y,;, ply to*,., reas -mal)le lei. 11 Alt' t, 7th,. C. �t n - I oq hand 'nuinber ot.his US. &PUMPS.. -TflE you rixod Mul ing 4 Iiiin "I don, knew!! s 2 ON W UPE'ER10 L L flmy face flushed dot for sa!v at my B, L'. D L 13) list 10+RYL is� this he owiVing wir -ilia 4' T E It M S, I.)n ti") Y neWL BJOCJI�i . ��j a� - _tit if I *A:le in, WW.t�of Ile arrant the:11 to trVe Wh�at !CraW Ihswill %V5 U I Y r ithoixt.-Distinctibn =-"let b 'cleili, 1would not eligae younji, mim 'r ;�f G(Oe _()th ja�.-186 order. W 7 eCAS U TTr,,T-�; T �jjd 91&pI Ii ridnin-it A V�t toi�iastreel Foz' a moiftetir inortfied vallil pd Groabritz, Road. I f struggle -16th AEitanxi. im. - t�JF -a- and -*--I -i w ode. tah:4 v seuse; but se' got the vic. itisi ctiount) rise ---------- GODERIC e of in, . H I . - C.- * I - I ft Atqo,aaenir�',rdi Ilr�ei. V� -1-1 t wr i;.! I ofiic� Im ohn at6n.t c[TIM P .1 . tm vei whi -.Ili uf id�-11; linucli io'blids,�d n,711 I. . ra7 to farniers wio ;A I left lleat a Last, i e uscd-Ehem. so V U Ae V T tis I t out I slipped the -rink -in 'Po =Y nr W me Week iiiher TTOW E leflel, All il22tid­j064. -3 -4 A V -eft tile oN God- r ontil. AU Qtvry C. TRELEA E depot, I I vaue in ellarae - of the, - rk to be diftefed lavtr tj tlAt atly rate I ApTer tjow. for au�-ht I -Ttederick P udfoot ro calle& for it.. I but aftemoon I obtained TE P 'z + ATTU c - - --h 14a mm it'q, 'fit IIY. f w4StG:Et* if* It*;._, CD. situation witli thelirn, 4of wbi- h6d i n9jury-my prcspe LL et, the OD unfortunate; fin& J !vi Vill.Lze of n e C+ previou A ff;lj.11 ij,�ver hinow. but -1 stever think of., h f:T, ld tifletnau and -dealing th ut of his Plain Wi o J t -at the lime, I am. V 11 fno.-, I ly- "nk jiec-)ant Otherwise aj� DOES fc as -Ild him T Ij 1 Ct �7-1-Tj T (TIT!, OL e o erwise 1ana Survevor., 06e 'and it 0 4 )L T 'Illy. I'll a I it - JOHN 31. rDI)NALD :D -'Gu--- T on Timps, of March 14 pays lot the Xviiih Kh H. B. spealifit-.of the -vrar, that T's -.SUP. Y011, Givill, &nr (D flu �Pea 'ItI011 0 'W�_td - , outh u i =ter . I -1 th Feb- ady Oak the TI -i re., -'ri ous of the -.Confederates esat 'E*; 11anufat. Lal ry t riz 0 �i jL.HF fled ylevvr Ile held 1 .:s et F*deris pulattia it: , J ntit 1, urtl H.&WLET FARM I he -d hy VePI, - ., I . ­ li- -1 -1 -;.41 -N T. or nedit; by Ausfriz. 'Thn & on the Huron v -EST 8 :1112 r's Iro- Irlb 7 d, - E) bEPA it may harl life %vill. M ie oft -TIE q T N1 ZN T -A L: ly zeal A'.\'D And of ibe' warmust come b 11t (171 1 thkit ii the couvic eviin Of Sherman Wit -5 A _W The ab�,ove tarth 'IL be let or s6ld O r self." al .:.k 24th t IT. it. - T'O- LET, OR SE L L -y, Eirriva&-ij -and L N -11 M 1 A erT eat 2:-, z 1) LOVID0,1% ingw;&c.,zot up, tit a a U7 1. reasonable- ttnis App-'* -it). "Im xr.-Oificc. at iin Ireland to ral;xi -in -Nr v -Ki:' I y 11a Strii!c Goderich. 'S WItft ii I,-, J LA 1% ilt o authoritips, An A oter.Governinent. De- Bu F it on oad tlit the Gotitat 7 1865� w6tf --,ai for fefti-in- soldieti al lizind t2y Un - D. G. has na mw)'et, 6 Go Ind th I* X010 of' u -&v. -kc.. A6-: �for Pav ies resi(iing-jr, r -c -1 asid LAND AQkKT.f X3iket Zjuae, Godefi�h.. To Brittania Llfc r,, -c Co. Pf F.Ondon. n punlished in A=oira rel - it �En or NVe(1aed--iy,t-rmi Ldn't-er an(t t.J�en i el u wiersi 'rt r itai., a pp id tbe,pircite role L, L r in of condnrelix 'is f the sw%oilx� J4 r - popular war ware, found, iq j vr 4 _I VICAL -Compant pity's trants.' Tile jur forty bours- Pireind LJOL 64., q'r to 'r. B. were. !in G- de7i;*. 2-�th 0:��t..JSCM -UGV- N A by ibe jud_,e, u -vim 0 MS That induic7ed -a belief thatibeia wj-j* MW 9trt a.i! ander' ­ C. Uri" etre.. then, 4 A. .-A Irich 0 I k5f)L #'12 n2.� mr Xr.' Jordin's llriL ore ku6tioft &-com,M13310ii ants) 0 C W" wacft& -rn tile --andr�,e Kill sh;F& St., Gao, lat EGS to ufoi "10 Blfat hL- Will Ls' Pct rg the UTOL Galli-ry' The Phisbu Vol Court of Reviision. fbr I hp,- Towmh;p of. tompitniem NOTWKII nc cng�s Uotel psliop uilder $a four A I next Door. to Str r -Mort its first rut -Colla tilt. -for th 4 eN - +1 Wt 6 -4 iaiu fir i3ankrp --tappiv ot gnftg# -4** where lie. has. a farm" Orode atwatim paid to XW, t Farin mvil Room, 14011th-svilie -olettin litzids at.%5.0 tile Co on 316nday, of Poo 1D 000dw appmiiiedi- dellts tile '210 day of A Ill ext, fo ill.", purpose of" That Vie anr,;mal -amount, of z1be il 1) floul the old wells is sufficient lopsy.ow 12 G9 7. A F "I VINTER D hear it I, aj peals &C 0 W FOR. V I'M erteut, per annuin on this tapit, oartSwtinessttiterdedta. satt4at the Rradc;t. Aue- JO 811 At I 'k. Ver r.thit:06derich Te, AND e& &"ed to, rowlighib C e7i is 5 L terms Isr dvto4ell t Ca U 'idurvil hitisp id ATFAT.. lhn the whole -)r-1he r'xillwa Go&.rich* July Ift- Is": -* 3 t dpiden r To GENUINE CARADIAN 7 THE -LOWEST GP SH PRICE ty 111. MOVOIX 1, the U-Mied'Stwe's., B A Y F I E LD, T D 1U OT 10 SALE I SEtWING 1ACHINES derieh. Wt. Igth,'1864- WATCHMAKE ilmm JLJ Caditty- of 1111ron. Sal'es ill village or rs 'WEST: S7.-. 3) g Lands Havetakenth 0 Ff t PrIZ68 ol'A U wait 0 ZLIM'. so nay r Empeiror . not* rffE-fbl1o*tn 1 ari offiered for sale on -eld Jbwdays shice. - ill cousipence f -a, Alex. 15!and Lr -et4. V T- THELPROVINCIA157 EM1113MON b Oppsite�i Lt 9z' k- advainageous-lerlils: lot, in her' thr6st,, IV'e 9 i 6 F If liery AND S xt door r tot N7 's Ver PDT - t i;l,%3, m-i-jr all otber�; and alw at the Pro- neare$t surgeon wu* nunted C aadHjtUCAt!-- pRuctantly attended to. djine 0, -fori .1 11no t RYL "jftS*,. Exilittitioa hed in Rin on kettlesaild zoilter -apprmus, iv;i 23tb und 2ith Al 11, F119 -WAT-0ES, CLCIC I KS. AND-. AVEL 'ONE. TENTE ONL-T-1, �Ptefllllkr but 4iund it iialitotsiWIto willid4w the *ve 4*qtionable ter. WITH 22, d, 23rd, "OF NUIVICE. -111 E, ittid. therefore, preVe"tjUff4Wjt.A, %w -D - order, sittiated'in the sizilitar el-aracter WLre also awaided to us at jhe t1kri St Prich I 'L . .. L in ood, workin, I it do% IT the thiout v l4 proypticialEibil"tion licid in To"Elto in U62janfl jitram" he In th e be'-st--Style Warranted. n -:of God TE-11ellISE -110YET 0 CASI AT TIA 01 FUIC11481 a rl c - fled .-TOW, al the Provincial Exhibition I at Lwdon ift w". lisi F or sale oil reasona4le Lertas Titne. 6ven orter in Queeiv*s Rench, tai ta ik 64RCID �9.9�071LTMENT Or. AND TILE BALANCE IN of. t4ez purchase money -if x.equir L ed. -Pr,ce a b0a GTally'] -r- Th ABR. SKIT pl -e Washintonorrapoildent of the -f,, axl�of4i4cAArjRt.U,W.. 1kol d -Also. Equal litnual lustalments' N. Y 'Expren. iiis W& e r e umber wi , tu tat* rest. at -6 pe c iltol:- Hamilton, 0 -1 ' , . . - . VVANZEa & Co., T419F .'-0: P E.R AL G -E . her recepuou nu S -ajaig vow RDER Ai N D With o a- a lor t ol 'suitable.for genietal -'W'Drk.' Terms lin--the- 4Y61431Z she �Pvo. 5' G,rlirwtt July 27ih. isgit D& sAo -DERIGH TOWLN.8kaP. OF. ORRI A: Sotes and 'XA=I-- QU GO ne : -SIM -coastaculketed; JejeAthaftwhe w;w �A'S JUSt JJEC joualto, him irdt recettra proulip "-t 1E1 Thti proPpilies %Vill. be"su4 'separately and 0 acres,1 tifintion, Bout -in.lit�cop.,- Agentj :A dood dwel- 8 two ihirds'of theirvalue. -South 6�­, 1.0 ACj*S h South It in 2d 1.00 aqreg,, V:�j­ Tbe iwoentale, Ao!diprx citputto -4 KIf OCK OF elf retex; ouse. attaviied to each -pron p East Side 31 id 100.zieres time sz with n, wad of too J. B. GO11-DO-N, T-- [L OR at W40' Large_ -Well-Agsorted- A N -G pt ..to erty. South 4 21 in . -Is "'N. Goderich. rieri, 91n. BLEWORKS -20 in 41f. -con., 1004eres North 112id-te -bu are now 14 14 sw5446i. 100.acribs - 'at Naslivill.e. Ther nam" &A.Wi if Goderlch,31arcl.i 9th'186" Worth.j 21 in 41i con., ar jXAin fil"tgxeter. rAU AND RUA - - ----------- h Ali e6n.,100 ack0g. Crosbj Its -scouts., aud U 44ret Heitir)'i Of TtWy- arti *aid to be .73D. & :R H T3 Al 0 -ST t Jhn46 -D SL I - . L . J III V1 A -Wort j 9-j irt 0 0 A -Jr— IL I for tht! very flattering eacouragernen, he Ila.* ip TOWNS0 -OF HOWICK'; received �-inc Ewell And: a -va"netv of, Pane -'6e corn'lle' lituxuMpni-Ts. TOMBST-6-N y -Articles, such as the rank und uWilorm of jL - tich, -not being Able to execitile &V4t�r oil"e-baff a 1,0t's%2- &and 4in 15th com, 140a.bres,-eaa- P0GUr&e.*of)every descoption and brieph Wi 111AM80". 3300'hw -BINDIX%. other twel SHIP OF_�_kjp jheoudevjbrt�ught to Jlizn fastseason;: IF , .. ­... I lik" bein 006vird, "furnihed on Shillfits C �Caps, tt"'i' B. R.;� 'A'!*eljt ol lar Ne'QAti-es' secure&f"ilitt' for Divisi LEY t�4; OA rN made ib Mr. 0. ur S -arrangements wi 'Ott 11"M And at. the toest-prices. o t j7,COnVe aft-er'. "Peti6rit inade tar Xolher.'�siud Jemii" Spray -hwL yen. Uttr ATTUDIN -lately BUILDER bits Vvrhich he is priapIz all . MO]tL ' _ 0-26�n 1�ttjojj. iOO acresi and -11anitfac- red to sell Ch for NT IWO1110 tqc? x -and CO* RA X;;ho sh -4 and a sit in. -and T,!)fs 44and-36 in 4 con., ecub carril ng 0 Ir Duos tensivi aul'uternal j ellaii�� viietwm Monaingentg �Vor� woodtn- fiiructur604) will hirin plan. &q. nit lie, 06 c liber If terial) riting, me so-ji"r-W Opr*-- :, - .- 1, - I L&s 31 and,32 in,6 con., I a resacli w12 I Intyle 'Ile clia arran 'but r -clao tratlesine'll rae-4, aitdL . 1* all) prepared and einploving-rione trstw -A tit At kil cc ond I- notie iii iie-P-r6vince.h-iviltg:car.riecI On.- e(IL'_ -104 Lots'.33 an nnuA tiontidil OR allari inark- d 34 i a 10 con', jacits ea NOT The above arned Vill And tetion. All 101le -10 usi- 4 ds,.sizeaxEdLYAVft-.f� wilhand wbat aid you sell a ?I 911111 000� tat. Lot2fiin 8,con., 99 acres, Boot wlztv: a Cutter ii, _Tri Ild poA -'paid alid. if r., 11 b -100 acres, ,)Ut nied Headings, at ten Der celit cbe *an -­ swers re Lot .32 8 jeft)n-7 ted fg am im -& e. Cltqa4iall D edjadzvoad ad.' COLB9 -A-11kindsofBindi -will )s custorner., an 10ti . Iti-ri L n - one of- life Prill -13, rheit-s- in atten *f OWNLSHIP OF �)e repatrod, 4roer asked a -TU&v,BERRY free orcharffe�, d mi rizan lit tit, W!Icricli OHN Bi�Tfi.E& A CW"NTM MERV" Opert -,ty&.Id toF alid tj "wirt'S'Ptealth perinittiRg)solon sw46w2l rot. ai 1111111n W, u, it his pur*ui�L RW told viiii adnet,&V and., for lofte �J-OT 'I !a the colie ina: topar, 43 in. I eo�.. 50 *c toe, 4i -so y find it rp -625 in ti after tsh. balance craing public-11al confidextee to bad been Ae seclel of his own"006008 ;MUM 7' -'�hk. Ila- ro I;id patrons.he appeals wth aft"'WIF'Ot, t ountleeCounciL All till fa tOL be directed r E (13- 'Go 8 WARlea to' Furebase I Coffliiitijjj� Ojeric _ThiS Janif 'of ecellentL qdalityl, WfthL allolit, intending ones, Od Mortgage njin, xnlAr ATflyto sq., xo. erle r -Applyt SHA 60[acresclear.ed,.viithing�'m74esof:Goderie, 4C?wji%ra 313LImm ZL MLAI S 3r t6 theowdery 0 DE 00-01111, ze ift4kilit ia� _. t , S ath esttiblisbuietiteiinai-tothe -best Esttlbfiek- oti -D rare e is Alldress Darfganaori. 0 1114tililikah, -11101W QAI�T, Ram, PATE&A -AIMSON 4 pf which are It'd. Apply to -00anUm" Clerk Tamte -it W 49jj Godorkb, 20th Diet, 186,L T. -R. GORDON W4* Dun;& non.tiecA hj' 964. -- ---- W64w F V121