The Blyth Standard, 1947-07-02, Page 1VOLUME 52 - NO. •1:', IndUC1H n Service Tonight REV, W. J. ROCL:RS For «hilt induction ser\ic(s «'ill be held in the Cl•tll ('hitt d Church to- night t'I'ur•tlaY) :It S p.m. 'Hit, ser- vice \,ill he 111 '•!:' 1''•'• . f 110 kov, C. \\'ikon , f ilrn sels. PERSONA 14 [iti'1,'I( RIi,';l1' \Ir,. \\•. \I, Ilene\ ((turned holm nn Salurda\ after t,', , \\ tel., L„IiILt_,, with her farm';,nil ,;:•ler ,tt .\,'r. \I r. and \IIs. Sittig' I)1!r,\,'r.l at- ten'!rd the 5' t!1 \\ (:1(1;11:' .inn''., 1 •,.ry of \I r-. Inn!•\\;,rd' I,,o•, :its, \I r. and \I r•• I':Ihwurd \e\•, of Sel,rin.,\ i'Ie, \'hied \\;1, celebrated n Inn, 2oth \Ir, ;1111 Mrs. ' v have six suns and three daughters all of \\ limn here pres- ent Jul' illy "cea,•Ill. Mr. Jim I1;11' 'tll'.,t„n, til' 1':it11!n: t, BLYTI-I, ONTARIO, WED NESI)AY, JULY 2, 1917. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. WESTF IELD New Officers 'fake Over LONI)ESUORO Rev. W. ,I. And Mrs. Ro- ' 1,i4ti(m Frolic Was \II, and 111 s. A. Campbell, \Ir. , ., At Lions Meeting AI i;, !hark (.1,cel: ,( Toronto \. gers Occupying Manse Splendid SlC[l5`\\'. ,itcl : on Sunda}' «ill! \I r. and \Irs. 11'. I'. 1 :11 Lion, ;1111( one 411(-1 1111'1 ill the l itcd \\ ill! \I i„ Edith I','.lronl I1••I nth. ' !;1:,•. \\'. 1. and ,\!, „ I''' :,', .,n,l ,111' i'r•! .1';'....'•'1 J.:oh,' of til) tl, l ,l:;Ibe!L I \l i,- 1:di111 Al 11 1,'. t ! Ft,l •.••1, visited dein 1 ',I'.I,' I ,1 11 " :, 1, I ',:: ! \';u. III o , Li . i_ 1, 1 ,,:L.,,, .11 1.,'.';wl, 11(1(1 Memorial Hall \\ e. iusday ";'illi, Last \' it I NI ;;Inlay ler '.t r, \Ir, ,,,II rll, t' lr:t1" (Pity( tad," lu,-e- ,I, "t 1:!',• I.!,1', '" t!:, .\:I.''Altura: 1',1:1, "11 \,,,Illldt• All. and (\Irs. ('all Neirr;arlll of he(I;, for the final "!cryo!!;" before tat' ford, rec(ntl\. \\I II'.;II,I!II, \\ett• guests on Sunda \• at (IIIb dist l'r,I't 1„r the ,11111111(!' I \\\,11th. ( Pitt,1 1 !hitt'! 11:;:11,,', ;t",,1 M. !; ;, 1,IP1,l. \1 ;1, ;1 ,!'f ,I"i SII t'l-• I'. 11111- \Ir. Jill, 1'onnghl. 11 ha, ,11th••; , r, \\;!1 11,11' 1.,,,;1.,,,,,til 1., S,u„!,I,• tied ',go., 1,, 0''•1 ,',, r, 1,1,,ced I,y felt' 111,111( of \Ir. ;In l NI r•. .\. E. The .;11,-t \\'a,1)... 1). ( Draper. .\II wort: , n 11;, ne\\ h, ill the \1111((. ,•I \'It t•,. I',',. ;r. ' `,1r- 1 . L: ', 'n "I;,',! T I.i'rii,!l. \\,,I 'l' and II,. R, h \Ir\ itlu', of 1, ln)uycd a deli,;ht:ul 1111';1( pro\idcd b) \I r,. la, l: I,u"\, 111in:'l;,til, t II I'rize Winners Mr. ` \1 i. ' ' lige Ir„u, Ihin.oun„!1. a g r, u p from the e \\•rlhtc,,la\• rat tl:' home of \Ir. and • ''IL I lits i• t 1 ( 1;11!1'11, \I i„ R„bel to NI(' \?(tic, 1 „ 1 I t.'.t'll„II -el \ m c, f„r \f 1. I"':', r. I l • i it f: o ! ,' 11, (11(11; n of 111 percent :10(11`1 Mr,. \\'il!i, \Ion:' !,,,.,,,I 11111. \\ill be in ;',:.• I'll , , h;o'; f'r !u' ; Iv,-.. and \i„n,la\' 11;);11! (;ulleliri!, ,1)(111 *111.1,1) l ill( Mr. and I;!I 111.1:, I :1111( pule herr 11,;1,;1 to Ip club 11((11(- AIr,. koherl T,•,vn"'nd -Tent a i,'.\ tThul„I,,,t at x I,.lu. 1'.',,'I,,:"- i n_ 't, a- II" e',,,';,:,,I1 111. It. 1; Dodd \\:t, \II \VIII. \Ic\yin's. b,rs. Ila;, 111 1„1'„1111. 1,11 \\ et,:.:. 1:11',1 I ail, Ill. 1.111,', 1" the ('!,111 1',I .1,1 ,i iu•ini, ini(1- AIr, (;11((11111 Carter, Ali" \lildred; It has in 1(11 It \• Lion hill \\'121111 sl:.';11 ;rt'1 I (• lo,lo\cin;( li [Ally, \1111',' I "• •1 Pr,',t and \Il- 1)f i::t, rest t,: 11 ,, ,,,one l e,,;,lt• ' ! \\i:!n,y', , Lar \\ ''r(' (Incl,'(( vi."' 's „11 I'I•Iday': 111,1 I.A'II l:lr:, I:I1i tt tlt,lt ail !Inn"r• all,ndin; (1111;, r I :u'n;(i ,tall Innil,l, (;lath, Miller, ..f \lit' bel!, ,;"'rat t'n '!; :, tae I,u t 'hat 11r v.cie ;11111 Iii„•11 a, the ti•. krt, very: at Hitt to the ,nrc,-,,i\'c ,c(reti)n(, of \Yecl:-end at t' •• holm Hi Ail, and R„ 4er, ! ;I I,,cl, ,;,,,rt-' ,•II!i,ll-;;I•t' (lays:( it du the (!11((11: i l"as"t( 1 italic. else",( be granted, r, Ito;lctive to file \Ir, I re I I'1, I 1 11 \I r. and \I r- John I;Celt ;Ind \lar;- fir •t t'h;u ter ni, ill. Carrie 1. .it ,tet \ ear \\a, Il.tn,.i't r :'1 1 1, ill h,,,, prin', ti' kl t no. 8:••-1, a dinette \Ir• ;til' ND, 1 hart, \'" hien ;tool yarn, `! -' ;Ha!" to tin I I, ::::"! .it : 'f1 d Pollard. 1',11, rl h•telicncr,\\rte, \vt'cl,-elol It \va, report'. I that the band tattoo I VP" `.., ! ^, ;,I the home of \I r. an 1 NIT-, date i, set :or .\uett,t I.hll. \lith 1 2 \Ir. ;11!11 \II;, I 111 I p' ":111"1 11(."1 a t', St;nnl'Id 11' ;., '1 :,, Lc a':It rad pr:,,, 11'1°1' 1' , 1' 11". 7_, \It•. and \1r,. t.'rt 1 :ire 111,1 I:I 111;! . 1" di -noir :I Iu : I n!, 1,. 'r CH. 11"11 t 111,:;1. ,1„ \\ Ill:;han'. 1". \Irl),;.\ell and AIr,. 'I'll,,,, (;(•;u•. band, promised, of Auburn, on Sunday. tlltl'1't' •, I ,; I I t- Ilii,. Third I'ri/r, t!, het 111,. 21 1,1, PIc\'('ie : Lite,(, at t'o• home of NI r. and \Ir,,i Trea,ur(r Non:. I:yle pre,enteI the tl All•. ;111'1 \Ir l ht;i'I'It *tlln,trr sir, .\ 11 1?', 1'rl(', ill i' 1' I; rr„1 i , I:'!10I'( 1, 1'., r, I;.,'. ,I. , \\ III. l ;1rIcr on ~((11th\', \\( c, \Ir. Inllmving re•aort ter the \'ear: 1 ! , Fnml''I I'I'I/e, (11'1:(1 IIS'. II,'i; Set ni ,;11111 Airs. l Mare, I, ekhooll, of (.'lin t ,( 'twill the \\ et ;-(1111 \\ith \Ir• an, 1 1 .I,', I1,,:,el, and C.a.,' .\::11 t" t'I I' C11 rercip , Jur )'ear I,))I.;II \Irs. (art; tip!\ ig, of London. t„mluuntl\, li.he-: 1t i I.:ti':h1\',, lath. toll. f, 1111 rx'n n ';lure, for Yc;u 3,ii 1.')'I \I r. Intl Mr, (1(111 Robb, of Pcllc-I All, :tit! \Ir... \\';II Manning and ' - Fifth Tilt.(., ticket no. II(t5, 1.a\\t 1 I?>penlliturr; divided Is follow`' fanl;lt' ',;'col I' r heel: -end at ;(attic , \ 1 , \in't\er: (,lens! .\•k;ns n, 111\-th. Ville, \;`lied rert'ntl\' 1;111 N11• :111,1 Band :\ (-vaunt _ $1,21La'I .I4'It;V(, 1III(, IIt!Rt,III,S ! \I r, \I'!nrirc Bosnian Service 1 'nl • and \lu,hok:1 I also-, nth I IiZt', !;rhe, Ii. (M,ni!I, 11 i.• Brit)' Potter, of (lint"n, i, BLYTH UNITED CHIJRC11 1,(11 spread: 11(11 Mehl• AIr, vIli \Irs. Duncan1111McNichol child \\elf;u'c llii Td:n'in;; 11;11 \lis: 'I'll Ina Shob Sunday, July 5111 Luck \• (;ate Prizes i and Phyllis, .If \\'slay", \;shed recently General .1crou111 ViS.I'S hrool;. Meru;"(' Seeman 'tib;, et : 11.15 a.1 ,' \i;rror, ticket no. I-18170, \1r-. henry' \\ith \I r, and AIrs. \I, Bosnian. \lajol \1r. and \I r,. John Freeman and ;;; Mr. and )Ir,. •\. I:nlo>: ;ail family "The Task of the church,"• lonnt;, Nitvv League, .\I;I•icnitural Su- I 1\' ralhertne, Itrant ford, \Irs, A. N", vitt)•, $iu; \\'int;ll:lnl 11o•p:tat, $2i: the honk ,'f the foruler's parents, \Ir, keV. \1'. I. kngcr, in ,hal:'(•, I,iut;, Johnston, Mr, Morley Johnston, of Clinton Iliapitti 2,; \lith \I,nnni:tl (tit ),I r,, 'I1 the Knox, • ---V- 13111 Game Attracts Many • \\'e•t \\':nvanosh, \:sited Sunday witlt 11;!11, 5500: IIurnn County 'I', I1„ ``.3i; " 1 TRINITY CHURL Ij, BLl'11! The 111118 feature of 1111' c,littil 1 \larj r;c' Young has ((turned honkgait' \I r. and AIr,. I I'nlarll Campbell. :\ill to China, X15; 1111;;( P,stit;ll, SI0 leen" t::,' Clinton Public Hospital, Fifth S'mdat .\ih'r "I rind 1. \\a, a '1'111' 1'!!1:11 league softball \I r. and \Irs, k. \;11((111, \I r. :111'1 i It \Vas rcpurtrd by the rMairnla(! rat , b, 1,,y( et! I.+:n,l( .h1,ro anti Lucl:now. \Ir,. \ rnlan hatlforll and Sl,lil'lc1 "1 )• .. «litre ,"' I ali ''ct• tonsils retnut•ctl l i 1 ; 11 a.m. Sunday 5th,' I. •the 1.111, Committee 111;11 150 t!'pe; `;allirt!;I.. :-''1 ;t [laughter of \(1•.' This teatin0 {'('over! quite popular, :Iltrl Ili \th, here \Vestficlrl visitors on titin- had been pl:nrted on the ,'11th side of ,1,., 1 - 11,30 a.m. Holy Communion miI':,ttralred imam- •n',torter, i the Lon.. day. j at tt , I, (,',lit 1'utng• ; Scrmun, i the par(:, - - - TRINITY CHURCH, BELGitAVE I1esbor„ team. '1•Mc gaols was a thriller \Ir. \\'til. \1(.1),,,,,11 ,pent a couple After consider tide discussion for I f, r nine innings, and 1\a, 11 on o\: l 1 7 11.•15 ami. \(ur"i"c; 1 ra,rr. f ,!ay, last 1ccl: with \I r. and \Its (late for the third 1111111:(( frolic 1Ya, : I lll' ' l 1?ytiiatf' (-tub NIC( R pan. Brandon C,nu er\' "(hies`. I,nchnu,\•, •1 run, to 3• Londe;boro's \\•„le' Stackhon,e of Brucefictd, left in the banks of the new executive 011 '1•;::1 „day, .Ice's' 'I,;•1, the flay- ST, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN int. (1111(((, \\'alter 'paras, 1\as on the I Several(11 from this vicinity attended to decide, neat, (iib inti : t the '+ tyle "( \Its. q,Ij 1.111, Sunday School, tuotnl'! all the way, Ihtc to t!tc ab - t n memorial 111( service at Ball's s ('cute lion licit Tasker made ine prescit- lioOgle, f, r ,1 , call t;+11:• L.1,i,1;' tltcir' 10 seine ,\Ic)rning Pra\•,r ,!nil tieritmt. -once of Ralph Brompton, third sacker, tery on Sunday, nation of a Linn; signet ring' to Lion : mother, as t''',•'a 411, `:ls• 1111' 1.(01 de,bor' line -tip \vas shuffled \tie and \Its. Ru)'- \ob11', \Ir. and Dr. l)ttt 11odt!, 11(11 was attending Iii, j Ibc ;,r . r,ul,:n; ,\:;- i' ,,,<, \,,i;', HOLY BAPTISM n, dlrabl),•Iiiiuthcan1 wws catch_ (n St, •\I:u'k', church, .\tlbnrr., on `•pent a Icw ddy- \11111 III, Imol!rcl•, Alt•;, ; Mrs. Norman All'ih,h'l'll hely, Sarnia 1;1,1 meeting. The prl's,'lllaln`II \Cas I,,;Illi(, Iln''I1,1!I, l I,` ,I•'I_ : \\ r'!• ,• . „ , • 111,,, an! Sati tdercock, the regular anti I roil I ltt•nn visitors on 'Tuesday. replied to fittingly, and --feelingly, by • Sunda), Jun( 1th I S1, Peter's ter'; Ua\l, ! \largarct Ilarrington, ;old brother. \\'1 ,c. Inc I\' I,.it\' ['it! 'I :Ir nuetl" wire baptised, Linda Patricia, (laugh- 1'.ttc,ll•r, 11ts on tint base, hit:( Sh:ul- i;e„r r,', \piss \I;ugarrt \1'ighUmut i, spend bion I) -n., «ho lei„ this h•cch for hi, and 1111•;,(:.0 was rt.::(' 01: :liter v.h;ch nth tela\Mg third, in r a few da) s this 1111 1 \t itll Miss I to of 11'11(, I1. and \I r;. (;o it r 1 \I ;I r\ Mr. \\''ll;anl \„!lift of Tornn!o I (nrmcr hunts' at 1larrin',1on llarbuw•, 'each girl repel a c'rims,,I!tlii;s, 1er,t'; innied;atel)• follm\•ing the hall game pearl lanli,s n of .\,ilficid, 'The 1101' cxecnti\•c 11t resented to !, 1111 I ttitl \t•hitt, g'odpatitthl. :old is In,lidaying lith her sister, \Ir,, P. ' I 'dam, o b\• kMea hall; t':e Sc,S+c II) Carole I\itlde,n, daughter of 11 r. :111+\like \ori„u, games strung into action Alr. Junes Ilea!: of I.tcl:naw, \Iia, the ('Int, ulcnlhcrs, :1111( h'cr( addressed !hon ;',.t\, a I,ri' i :1111.(((.: til, nig; 11 \ire. ('. \\'. O. 1rn11'n 1\I r. and yr,: i;"vl were 11(11 1itroni, '1 throughout Brt,nn and brother, \Ir• Jame, Stalk , ! I earl Jamieson rat' :\,III'icld, tisited on b) I)r, lhuleh iii" I the r'.'h 1111( :,','I:cl1 eleven for (.\ming. .\nether popular attrac- lr. 1 Sunday with \pisses Phyllis suit( Violet Feb -7'h' s. I111Lttt, godparclll,). popular \I r. and \I r,. AI. II ltr.lctucr >t,ent Following a valedicti ry address by thee'" -'s ha been Mels( it -_-V 'tion \vas the open -;fir dance flu' (, foul:, lion President \urns, (;•!well, Mr roar) It ill (!111(11.1 a l'::rit' t 1'1(11(1_' , \Insic \\'a, pr)Vidid by Garnet licc- a fc\Y I!'t\'s in (;alt and Pre ton and at- 1 'I'hc sympathy of the community is handed the r .Vial's(( Sisters I-IOiiollre(1 tended 111, 1 lob/hatter rl'-111mn11 111';11' ! gavel over to Lion Bert allyl•; •• I , Bel,, P ',:,I1: '.::tit , solo Incl'', orchestra. extended tt, the fau!il) and tricul,s of (.ray, the inronlin+; I'rrsidrnt, who Rose A!a';. \lili'l.,hl; (((stet;: n, \lar- 511111( I1Ycnt\' )''roll' peep(( g;rthcrc,l 'Throu'ghout the early part of the l(itrhenrr on July 1;t' \1r;. Albert \tthery, Ince Violet r. at the htlmc of \I r, and \Its. I'I:n t; ND.. ;ld \Its, (;vote( 11;!;11,; and lock charge of the kala"(( of the ,ill \1'alsh; 11(11, cite,' t t ttutt ,\rain), the (;lith Lions Boys and ('1111!:1 of 1taitiotun, \\h('' passed to the meeting. Lon Bert outlined s;Inc of pi:nu, duet, Mr,. \lurritt and Janis; \larsha!I last \\'cdne.day ((.ening, to (;irl, Cants provided musical cutcrlain- \Irs. Earl Call! \here 'Toronto vi,- . yle great beyond, on Saturday', after t enjoy ;t game of car+!a, :1111( :t sin(;-! Ittl's 111',1' ill, week -end. the (.!lib activities for the coining year. solo, Jo:mite IJur ),Ills, Iltl'111. serious illness, Mrs. Nether )• \vas the 'The meeting closed with the singing .\-:istant Secretary reported on the ;only. Jost beturt' luncheon, a l'ircic -- ---•.--.---- \lies 1.11,111 '11\111( i, \i`i' irg with daughter of the late \Ir, and \Irs• of "'fill 1\'c Alert .\,gain and tMc hurl: door during the past fi\c nunnlo 1Y:Is formed, 11;111 Alisscs lune 111'1 Attended Field I)ay At her sister, \I r.. ,,i t-tt1- tol''1' 1 I)a\id ('onk• of illi, vicinity, Lion; Roat', \ number of tray- fa\'::.ttl'; were !Hadi. Pett)• 111(.11 sc:tled in the centre. 1 Afr, Norman Garrett i` ill Toronto. rlielph t tt tit ; a summer rtnr,l in t;nt I to ', het•, Harold Snell preached his fare- --\'. -.- (I r Sl. 1' ilitit s llay ;1111( l?aster, also ; \lies !:raid Brigham sang a (arrh'cll heli sermon on Sunday and tool: as r ixh'cn good cheer cu\rlope,, and one addre“;, accompanied at the piano b\. l'h0 1ttth (unlet Fanners and Jun - \Ir. and Mr,. I,. I). \(ills( of I;: d,-' I[: C. ('dlt S11000CC't U1, , !t'r Institute attended the Junior Par - 1 his text "The flanging heart During sera , hook, all h'cr, sent to the tiic1: \lie 1 Itylli< Shepherd. \piss \terga - rich :,{11'111 Sunday \\ it!: \1r,. .\• Col- lite '1ittte the induction of life ti(1 IIO(1(1 iii School Board Children's 111sItal in Toronto. Fite ret Marshall presented a ;pray of nuts' Fi(Id Ua) at the Ontario Agri- Five and Betty 1111( Atkinson titolt member 1 f session, \Ir, Fred Coral:, The regular meeting of the lititi I lanneletic nighties (or babies \\tr, orange Idoss„nt;, decorated with a yn!itii1 Cull( -•(-11'• `(;1111th, 00 Friday, J t 11 as held, and five of the yntntL peolde School l;nard was held „ii Inns '5th, al made and sent to Victoria hospital, stmt(.( of han'li:lr•rhiefs,of each aycnnl_ lune _sibs '1Itt 11\11(1 of a bits 111:1 with t.\1`11Icter nc \\ al,hl for a t,1 days het iittt members of the Church. \ 8.jll p.m, with Trustees ;\!Instrong, Lond(+n. 0110 Moll teas die;sed and i Panic+( h)• :t humorous verse, from the a tar \vas, rrtluir0'I for transportation' 11i ; Pauline Ronin<nn c'1 I:itnc ller large uttnlhet• partook of the Commun- Piilp, ((111(;(1 n, ilodd and Sinl, {u'c, to he sent to a hnule Ica children, also,girl, and AIr. hay Stead, n bell -lamp, 'i'lu l.l1, softball team, comprising is visiting her fricn I, \piss • Iain;lo.it inn. ent. \linutcs of last regular meeting two scrap books, one quilt tot, \i•:1, (tont the buy,. On het;tit of tier 1is- laches from Brussel, Zhu represented Mill,. tItt folloling is tllc list of moult), 11i i 1 on nnotinn Of Philp and Ilud,l, made,1111The Treasurers report \Yas ,giV , ter and herself, \lis; Jnne t!lankt,(l the girl, 1(11111 Iiurun County, Will the Miss (;(all,, Fawcett, Toronto, spent 1 tions and standing in class of the I't!_ \(need by h, 11. Philp ;ld Ili, Ilud l en as follows: Fees, •15 rent,; cull,(- 1 their friend.; in a few \yell-yho•rlt sofiball tournament. The first );;lute 1, I t { , t t pins of the \\•e,ttirld school ; 1'ronu't('cl that the School Board turn o\cr the tion;, $a!)i; 'lyra, 82•'0; I)onalious, her.(;. Lunch tti ;((Veil h\• the ho;_ "Pencil at 10 a.nr•, and was forfeited tt, , It tt,ch-,n,l holiday 1;111 her mother, to (;rade \'111, 1 Iitt Iluch:lu•tn, Huron Comity grant of $,125,43 1(\)141 $'.•li, total, SI 3,05. 1{x'011,,';, $l9i; I ti' -s' after \Odell more music was un - c;1 lou!Uy h'h0n Peel County fail- Irs. A. i aterelt' Franklin Campbell, I.: thence Cauls'- Continuation School, to the C r• lora- 11,ritisti \\'itr Victims Fnu•l, $5.00 Bat_ 1 juye(l. Mr. Verne Sm,ir:ul 11101 et! a rel to appear, The second (ante was Ali, ,\illy I:)le , f , 1. Catharines I 1, between Norfolk. County 111,1 Ilutron, bell, 11111111 1ttl; to Grade \•11, Jut lion of Myth, to compensate the Cor_ ante . n hand $3,10; 'l'otal, $1,;115• rt) \etc of thank, to \I r. mar_ spent the wee(:-rm,l «ilk hi, parents Litt/ to (;rad, \'I, Betty Rod( er' ',oration for the c ,t of (rans',ortati„It :\ vote of thanks \Yas tendered :,lea. shall at I his i tinily, for a splendid a!1(I las a 1111( >idell score (: r ((11(1111, Mr. and AIr,, N. W. kyle. I _-i. (((lion County h'on the next \Ir, all \Irs. Scott Fairservice and 'rl;tld \Icl)n1'cll, Lois l•;imphell; to of ltl•th Pu;,il; to Clint." (.11ctiate \\illi:liu Murrill, b)• C;Icn)(•c, ("r her (\'t'nin,,'; enjmment. 1 t;rrle \', Israel (;od, h11t11 Cuoh t it)Ih). Carrirll, part int sponsoring the Cinh, ;tier 111 ' follo\Yiug adllrc;s to the hnlr tltrce .;:ones, ap,l iu the finals al ainst Allan, f Sarnia, spent it heel:-tintof "The \lore \\'r Get "1tl Perth County, \Yon the tournament 1,\ «•it11 the former'; parents, \I r, and John Buchanan; to l;radr 1\', B,bl') \loved h) lt, U, Philp and N. 11;1111;(- which everyone joined in singing "Isur 1 Together" 1ya; t Carter; to (;rad, ills Gwendolyn \Icy , ;he's a inn!. good Icllow." Nits, \!orritt ' (,resented: a close score of 7 to p. 'Pie Brtts,(11 ;Mrs. Iola( Fair„ry:1.e, ion that the Board accept t\ith merit.;' 'ir! actually the) comprise the 13rus- 11r. and \I r,. C. I.. 'foil ;old lilt, of 11, well, hilly Lutz, Muth ifo«•att To the resignation of Dr, Ifudd as member then spoke a frh tvnrds of a',p:c11 "Dear Jun, and I' tty.--\1'r hop,(' i !;rad( II :Shirley Lutz, Barbara Smith, ,( the Board. CarriOcl, ion and tli tii:c l the !rids for their you'll remember, \\'e hope you'll sol, softball Icanl, deserve a that deal Trail, P.C., ;,re Welting the foritier'. i remember the friends whom you !rat (tell(, :Ind bt (heir h'in ran now•he Donna \\':dden, Harvey Snell, Doreen \loved b)' \, HM1110011 and I, Sims.itaithillhtcss and \villingness of c:u'h to brother and sister, ND'. key 'toll and considered iii( c'hampiuns of \\'ester" ;piss Attie T:•11. Mowatt, David Wharton. that the Board appoint Howard Tait lo; do their part in the interest of the leave; Congratulations are extended to club. For tel• won't forget you, we're glad Ontario. They wire the recipients of Mr. and Mr. Rrlt. :\(4,111 of \\'cl fill the balance of the term on tllc land air Visiting this tveel: 11';11( tltc these pupils and the teacher, \piss Board, caused by the resignation of 1)r,' :\ di'int)• Intek was scrt•td after I tit have tact you; Our friend -a ('cry fin( cup, emblematic of the;`, Pearl Jamieson. Congratulations are hold, Carrier. «•hick Bernice Johnston "loved a \•oto 1 ship', like a gold chain, «'r hope i achievement. The cup «as presented frnnui's father, \Ir. I tell :\rgrnt. , to the catcher, \Its. Harvey Stevenson, \lis; Paean,, r Pn,hnr, \\'in hall(, :11`.o extended t ` Norman \\'ightnlen ;\djourntlteitt ntut•ed by Hamilton • Ili thanks to the Mist(..,,, for opetlitt); you'll hclittt • nd Jim Buchanan who «•crc success- and Philp 11; ((all, S(cy. her home for the meeting and her You've alttits been so frieudh', sr, amidst the lusty cheering of the Pl•tit is Vsitint Miss (;poria ,,Ibthrn'p1c, Int in passing their Entrance on their I kind hospitality. The meeting hill be ihnnghtful, so helpful, ' boy;, Anderson pitched the entire scr- \Ir, and Mrs. Scott Atm to ; r'I G,•'1- los for Brussels. She was assisted by Year's work, llisrontinu,'I Jur the sunlnncr in units. In all our social functions you ha\'e fl) of Trenton. ,;,int the weekend witlt Air. and \its Cox \ialicd on Stat- a r 'r --r--- been must kin,(. \\'illi;. The happy group landed back Ill 11 Scout l Win I I:ilcM,n,r, !,1“.•111 the nc0k end at I?Vt ging 11'orshi,, i{'.til. a ni, t:cLct n", 1 I ''Ir,: Ray' 1lnn- Miss \I art t: t 1Iirons, lint and Ifo- y l COlI 100[) i tin, now, plrasr accept these gifts, not in Myth each Saturday utrnniug. t!:!t with \Ir, and 'Mrs, Gibson Gil betty At Huron Mee Myth Junior Farmers plan to holt{ les sir of \1'hileclnu•cll Mii(1(10c1CS - McI)analtl for their value, ' Mr. and \Irs, A. R. Ta•kcr attended I I their rcgldar monthly meeting on the funeral of their aunt, \piss \Jinni, \Irs, Staple, of London, Mrs. 11:it I'h0 Illth Put Sruttt 'Troop,, the \ 1 itirt wedding was It ilttirell a(i hitt jest to remind you of friends left F' 1 old Sprung, and \Irs. Donald Sprang, youngest Troop in the district caitiff- behind," -:\t Myth Jul 1111;(, in the •\Icnun'ial hall. Boys Campbell, rf ('limon, which (1111(: playe Inc lirusecls United Church myna( on _____V -- of are rclnin!ti! that rope Ivor(: Will be of ( Millett visited oti Friday \\dill Mrs, ('d the batt urs ata district Scout Meet -- \ -- --- I ' (rota 1!11' Monk of her brother. Harry Saturday, Juno 21, at ' p.m., t\hcn the C,nreratnlwlious to Ronald \\'wish, discussed and demonstrated It Billie Clarence Cup• held in llensall last Saturday after - Campbell, of Pclgrave, on Tuesday. r leu. Hugh C. \\';(sett united in "lar 1'unnl; and ((Vine it «r;. :\ll num- ___-V noon. Attending the Jamboree were nage Florence \Icl)onwld, Of Myth, 1\hu crlrbratl'il hi, tib birthday om Interment \\ as in Brandon cemetery. Troops from Clinton, Goderictt, \\'int 5th• hers arc mmindrd to bring a {end n` t n T ! 1111 .\ihcrt \laddorks, of Bclgr;uc. Saturday, July AIr, \ieghi ('other, f ' and Mrs, EAST 1vA/vANOSH ((:1111, Exeter, IIcnsall, 1mean, and r 1,ttLi;lullwtion, to 1 ttttli Sim,, \,'lin length of tope [or Itactiying purposes. Has visiting his brother, J.:\., and \Irs. Tbc bride was gu\viied in a pond •e -_ Cowan, over the «•tr1:-end• I;col•gu lir, and Mrs. C. 1':, 'Tull and Jill of Myth. Following is the list of coin- onto dressmakers shit, t\iltt watching celebrated her I,th birthday on 11'ed BLYTH GIRLS DO WELL AT petitions and tinners: accessories it white. She carried a "(slay, 1111\' _rad. is with the Highway Department. frail, B.C.. arc visiting relatives here. lnl'ploviscd flag pelt, Clinton, 1Itth, Congratulations to ('\111111( Gib-, n, WATERLOO FESTIVAL Jnr, and \Irs, Robert Tnrhet•, of \Ir Milliard; McGowan spent' the corsage . (ryd rests. \I is; Marie \Ic Pith, 1111( \Ir. 1111 \It's. Ross 'I'ntV,t, week -end with \Irs. .\lex \Ic( twao, (iodcricll' I)onalli was hridesnlailI. gotene,l ,,iii \t'hn rcl(bratcd her 5th hirttttl)• ua Three Myth girls competed at toe llluevalr, attended the '!ittt t I'h (lips who spent the past \Yccl: 11;11( biro al Ideal Campers circ and p t hnol:, nine crepe with «hire accessories. See \\cdtle'd:t)•, Jnl)' 2• \\'aterloo,\lusic 1 t ti\;11 held 00 Sat- \\edrling it the \'tilted Church at Eu- Fergus. \li>s \l atgare( was also a vis- Myth, CItttton, 1teti aln' carried a corsage of (,ink roses. ( I nrdat, and "lade a most creditable gonia Falls, on Satutlly, Jun,' _lith. icor, Kraut icing( team, team of 0 buys, Mr, Ross Anders.'" of Prlgra\c was 'MISSION BAND TO MEET j:hotting, In the alto (11,(11 class, tom 1'10 groom is a nephew of 11 r, Robert \I r, lila \\'alsh f l,rf don is spend Myth, Clinton, \\'inghani' the nest nl;ln, i 1'(1;11) 1(1;11,1 10 r.thlr contestants. \\':iter boiling team, Goderich, I fen- 1 The Mission Band t of Loving Service Margaret \larch;dl glared fourth. In l hr\ l')', antra 1111( of I.ol•ne 'Tory? ;i llll;`III''it:\\' holidays with pHs parents, hollo\•in r toe ceremony \I I'• :111 1 1,will held it's regular meeting on Salm- the cornet min class, comprising „ \Ir, and Mrs, \\`tel, Ualryinple and sail, \\'inghatn' A[rs. \I;t.iocls loft for rt oriel hent !\. Jul,' 5th, at 3 o'clock, \\'ill the, folium Blyth resident. ( - \li:s I{Vel\n '1 iitt" 1`:as a coos( It \Iailgal'l't, also Mrs. W. 1)wlrrmple Sr., Dressing and Neatness race 13 en- n,r`n at the lake. I.It) siert'! r contestants, Irma \\'aft placed sixth, children pleas( bring t gift of Ipo''1:<, vol Marjorie the teed ling ((.((.;soon : 1 Lila Agar spent Sunday in Lakeside. tries allu\Yrrl), iii the h:\,lets i;xrt, r. J` tie \\'aft, thirteenth, The Utl:en 1!{e residence in ltlYtli toys, chil.!ren's 11(.11 and second-hand(, and Cus(((s Ila)•, tt Zurich, on Salto•_ , Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott of (tip- 1 Signallint team, G1(11 ick, \\•;u,,,- ' I winner t\w; (;mule Miller, of Ingersoll, ham, Myth. clothing, map, 1haso cloths, etc., for toe .tlsu a student of A. C'. Itt•ninson. In day, June _')nth• Ice visited \II•, \\'anter McGowan, and,box to go to Labrador. t\ picnic lunch 1)c,ntinien 1)ay was celebrated ntttc It j Mr. 11 tsfor'1, on Sunday. 1 \Icssag0 relay, i:\1Itt (lens; ii, Speaks Of Ohl Friends ,;.11 Ile served on the church lawn at competition with 15 others, Irma and in Myth on '1'atsday, Many citizens I ---\' i itlth' this "meting, \larjurie \\'aft here placed third iu either enjoyed the ronq,an\' of visitors, first :\ill 1(1111 of 3, Blyth, Godcriyl!, •1\'ritiit to renew his subscription t,, _ \,. the come( ducts. 75 ATTEND BENTLEY RE -UNION Exeter. The St„ndard, R. P, Carter of .\;,iii- • The adjudicator for this class «'as or eke occluded the '!a1 h\ VisilinC, AT CODERiCH Blyth 'Troop scored ? out of •1') bola, Sask.. irks tl, be Ir llrmht'r,ll t GUESTS AT HiGH MASS DiNNER \piss Betty Semple, solo trombonist of or ct \'. t other forms of recreation. It' j points, thereby winning halt nes (111111 AND RECEPTION Mr. \Yin, C+'e ghten of London + :\roturi 75 relatives attended the an I 1 old Pltth friend;. An extract from his the Cincinnatli and Kans s City Sym - points, ent the „'eel: en I with his parents, 11(11 Pentic)' re union held at Harbour seasoned tronps \\•Mich have been or- letter ft,!tcm,: \!r. and ,Irs• John T. McCau:;oe1' phony orclestrat. She had nothing Intl n i 1';soil for Year;, e();;;Pared tied with our 1 1'tr.: Wel Mrs S. Crcizh(oll, I'; ri:, (;el'er'ch, t n lh,ntirion 1)a\•. Re_ g: t ; - i "Please r'•nnvnbrr nu• l , i,'Ixtt'r \I,•- vr, rc in I:itcienrr e'1 timl(lay to at- high ,raise for , nil Myth ),iris, Irma t Brant 3 Months. \\'ith 11(11(( es;,cricnr: :\ (ter, star foothallet of ((iron t':uT'!\ toed the first High NI a,,,, Diener ;\Iold and tti tic \\':'tt were the only girl ;Mr. flurry Short of Ingcr•oll is vis- latices \,tyre present from Barrie, Tees.. 1\\':tier, 1 tido", St. \lar\':, \\'orad;tock. and practice the Blyth 'Troop •[\ 111 be 1 51) h.•• r< a,; 1. Al:o r,militl,cr me 1,, Ric'iiti,in of their ttcp`,tcr', ltcv. T1tto- competitor; in the r'rnet r!o class. ItlMI'1O"t'r< !(ere, , hare( t,` beat 111 succeeding coni eti_ l' ' , \si Mr. and Mr'', 13. \\i!; ius 111'1 Val- \litchcl( and Ll.:th, f)inngl• 1111( sop- 1 ' the \\'at:en, Culon;.,n<, Jim Sin,(; and nr.'; \ . l:i;lora.(, ,,t the I,e urrrcl;,,lt I;. L.. lt'.hitsous f:, - (silo" eric, of llrantf''rll, arc vii'itini «vitt) tier hero served to the entire gather- dols. Etlll:a McKay. (;tics: they ars the OI ler. It \Ya; a very pleasant occ;l;- hand \Voir first pri,-.c in the juvenile V oily eo't 1 know, that li\-t` toe,'"' sir', it 11(:11; too thirty-lir<t wrtl:lii!,_ class, and pl'tced second in the senior \I r. 1111 \B'<. 'I'i no!as \nhlo, lint, and hall game; and contests were I ' i'•' .11's: Il'ur) (((ohne of \\'ingham 'enjoyed.;Mrs.Dodd, Jean and Ralph left for Mr. tarter i; a it/ember of the fit -iii :t' 'versary of \Ir. an 1 Mrs.'I'h+ Inas clay", '1'h;, ' 1 ill \\ ill he the feature with Mr. :Ind \ir J. A. Cowan on Next tear's re -union \\ ill be held intheir cottage at Bogie's Beach en j of Carter t\ \\•right, 1.td., t!iit 1;is1 i,:i' ran Sr., parents of the young attrticticn at the tattoo here on .' ugust \\'elln0sday, \litchcl(. Wednesday evening. 1 and sial;"!urs, cf .\ssiuihoia, 1 Pri st. 1,..111. To Gain Confidence of Indian: Scarlet Coats Adopted by RCMP The adoption of that most sltil,- ing detail in the >tounted Police uni- form, the "red serge" \\ as not a piece of tnlpty s\\agger, nor war it merely another tsplcssioi of the !strong British sentiment ill this Country. It resulted from sound dip- lomatic forethought. To trace the season I0 Its crigtll one must tura the clock back to the frontier day of the \Vest, \v'hula rifle regiment garbed in green replaced a red- toated line regiment at Fort Garry. Perhaps further than that, for the British Military scarlet, worn as long agi as :lou } cars, cause to this continent about the. beginning of the 18th century. About the tint of the transfer to Canada on July 15, ]5;0, of Rup- trt's Land and the Northwestern 'Territory from the Rousso '5 Bay Company, the Go\ moment at Otta- wa was receiving \igorous com- plaints that the Indians of the plains were being debauched and robbed by whisky traders. 'The la,sless con- ditions in the West coupled with the t � need for maintaining mnrcriul-e\ sov- ereignty ereignty there, led to the formation in 1873 of the North \Vest \fountct1 Police Soldiers of the Queen The pre \'loris year the Govern- ment had sent out Col 1'. Robert- son -Ross, adjutant general of the Canadian Militia, to make a general reconnaissance of this untamed realm \with a view to ascertaining what constitutional Idles the pro- posed force should take. Accom- panied only by his 1G -}'ear -old son, one guide and an Indian lad the col- onel left Fort Garry on August 10, 1812, for the Rocky Mountains. Before he had gone 60 miles, iie met three large camps of Sioux In- dians—part of the band which but 10 short years before had sought letup' in Canadian territory after participating in the bloody 111111 5 - uta \Meier&—:end on another oc- easion \elen far out on the prairie his surd; part} was ridden down by 10 mounted Sioux Velli "became quite friendly in manner, shaking hands with us hcarily" upon learn- ing that the colonel was a British Officer. Not once during the \\•s01' 11,000 -mile trip we're Robertson -Ross and his three companions molested, u fact which is attributable to the Jndian's respect for a soldier of the Queen Tradition of 1890 In the light of today's tradition, the colonel's most interesting ob- aervations wcrc based on his own ()ittrnntts doting that 11 i1' and they tinct 1 n tilt 1111401 111 10 lir 55011 h} slit Ill'55' "1 )111 lily cruised 11 of the North \\tst", In it ported, "1 asicr- tained that some prejudice existed amongst the Indians against the Color of the nnifornn wort by Coen of the pro\ isional battalion militia 0 Manitoba), for 11811 of the In- dians said, '11'ho are these soldiers at Rtd Rl\rr \veiling dark clothes? Our old brothers who formerly lived there (meaning 1I \I's title Regilnt lit of Foot ) wale red coats. \Ve know that the soldiers of our great mother \wear red coats and are our (fiends" So, on (rounds that it \would gain the confidence and respect of the Indians as nothing else could, the militia commander suggested that the proposed mounted police should be provider( With the tinge -honored scarlet coat. Ile donhtles, had in mind the tradition already (stall• fished by the troops in 1141; and the natural (equines, of the Indian for bright 1s, but he \\ as also 51c II aware from personal knowledge of the power the red coat held over the unrestrained Indian of whom lhrrr w(rc at that 1110 sono 25,000 on the ptairit No Fuss and Feathers 0, .lay 2), 15; J, the North \\'est Mounted Police cause into exist- ence and in police matters were modelled partly on the Royal Irish Constabulary and partly on a system followed in India: however, the sim- ilarity of the conditions under which they and the army would operate dictated that they take after the lat- ter in dress and interior economy. But even here the Prime Minister stressed that lie wanted a plain, mobile, purely civil force suited to the rigors of the country with "as little gold lace and fuss and feath- ers as possible". :Mime all. ile in- sisted, there was to la: no ostenta- tious display. Thus was the traditional red coat of the British soldier introduced to the plains of \Vcstern ( anada. Tea For Britons Ansious Britons, Whose cup of lea has hung in the balance during negotiations with Indian merchants and govertunent officials, learned re- cently that supplies are all set for next year Britain \rill get X309,000,- 000 11,1„2,v),000.000) worth, enough for her rationed net el., There She Blows!—hcsidrnts of Iloujuhana, lagan, launch this bilge l5 Ly 12 -foot kite, probably the. largest in the world. 'J'hcy made it for the resumption of hitt flying contests, sus- pended for the past ten years in japan, Weight of the kite lint] string to control it Totals 1430 pounds. Some 850 sheets of paper, 20 bamboo poles, and five gallons of ink were used to make it. MQPSY ,ray. 6Ld DYS PARKER MADAM, WILL YOU t?LEASE MAKE UP YOUR MIND SEF,OREiS,.THEY ALL .v.• • 1,,rf:ecp OUT OF STYLE.! "V Vacation Time Again--'1-he Russian child i'- no different than Canadian moppets or young people in any country in the world --he's happ v to wave goodbye to school when stoniner holida\ s rontc, 'CII 101 011(1(11 for the first th r(0 grades in \losco\w early this year and at nc on of \Ia\ 19, the children cheerily waved oodhye to "pencils anti hooks and teachers,' „ Young Blade By GLORIA FERSCIIT Danny 1):110, his teeth still chat- tering from the wet chill of the night, twisted his head on the soft warm pillow in an effort to speak. \lon1, 1'551 sorry, honest I ant. couldn't help it." The tall blonde 1•oy pulled the warm co\crs nit?c closely around hint. Two dimples, which he had not outgrown during Iris Ia }cars, \Vint 051:11 nti\v siSible in his cheeks among st•\eral scratches and a deep gash slightly below Isis tight c} r. It w'as not unusual for Danny to wander off by himself, especially \vhcu ht \Vas angry or disturbed. 11e often spent the entire day swimming or boating in the lake, but he was nets r gone overnight. :1t one hour past midnight, \I r, Dale and a small searching party had found Danny lying on the beach, cold and wet. 1)1. Scott spoke softly to Danny as he applied an aoiesthelic 10 the boy's bruised face. ''.\re sou warm, Danny?" Thae was a Curl reply. "Sure," The experienced country doctor could see at once that Danny was straining himself to keep the tears back. "\Vhat's the !flatter, son? You can trust old Doc Scott, and surely your have no s(ircis from your par- ents. \Vhcre have you Dern: \\'hat hate you: been cluing;" Manny pulled himself up and leaned against the bedstead. itis natural color was slowly coming to his checks, but his eyes showed fright. He slowly parted his lips to speak. "I loved her so much." The doctor showed no sign of surprise; he remained silent. It was Danny who did all the talking now. "Mom and Dad tried to keep it a secret from me. They wanted to take me 10 the city. They knew 1 loved her, just as 1 loved the coun- of grief. "i)ad said I couldn't sec of grief. 'Dad said I couldn't see her again. Jeanne has always been so good to nu; I couldn't live with- out her. \Ve always have picnics to- gether, and she can SW1111 as fast zs I can. I loved to go bicycle riding with her too. Going to the city is bad enough but losing Jeanne is the worst.' Doctor Scott began to set clearly the whole situation. This 15 -year-old youth knew what lie wanted. Jeanne had been his constant companion. \I r. and \I rs. I tale had very sull- denlV decided to move 10 the city'in order to open up a small business. They knew, how cer, it was out of the lintstion to have Jeanne wills thou. The small apartment nllicit they had rented was no larger than a cubh} hole. Dr, Stott motioned \I r. and Mrs. Male to leave the room, and, after opening the window for sonar fresh air, Ile followed, Dann}' was falling asleep, but the old physician Itnew• that it was a trembled sleep, a rest- less one, which ;light haunt the boy for many months. " Doctor Scott," \I rs. I lade began, "\I y husband :nd i were wrong. 1 FCC 11 011 now;." tilt spoke slinvl}', a faint smile came upon her lips. "I )army's instincts are healthy, sound. Ile loves the woods the lakes, the open fields." 'There 5115 a short pause and then she added mournfully, ''And it. really loves Jemmy. I did not think a 15-yeetr- old boy could possiltl} 1 11 c st much love for anyone." There was a sudden hush in the room and then a ruo\enacnt of feet. Iter, )tale, who had been silent all this Inci, no\v jumped up: "Doc- tor, in Danny's room, that noise." "Quick, I left the window open. He is climbing out," the doctor re- plied. Mrs. Hale was the first tc open the door. She saw tin long curtains flut- tering in the open window, which framed a full moon and myriad stars. One glance in the bed explained the noise and the black footprints which covered the neatly polished floor. Closely snuggled to Danny lay Jeanne, dripping wet and covered with nnuh '110 dog had loved her young master enough to s\wiul back across the lake and find the may home. Danny's ryes were filled with tears, big hats. full of lost and joy. Scientists Find Pill Makes Child Bright Now a child call take a pill three tints a day ;nd grtiw anorc inti.11i- gcnt. The pill, it vats le arm el, is gluta- mic acid, a comma] chemical that you can buy at the corner drug: store if you 11a5e a prescription 1t is one of the amino acids which are the building blocks of piotcins such as you gel from 1111 :I1. ht an experiment, 311 children were given the acid. ;After a year of treat- ment they had gained up to 1i points in intelligence quotient and their melitis age had gone up two }cars. The intpro5enunt 11110'ts not 001y intelligence but pet soualitics, the meeting of the American Psychiatric Association learned iron the cx- perimwnters. The children got along better with others after the treatment. 1f a child is not bright (sen after he has taken tete acid for a }car he might just as well give up. The greatest iinpru5eulcul, the re- scarchcr9 found, takes place in the first six months. 11\' the end of the year the ceiling of 11111 (\cnl(nt seems to be reached. Work For Thousands The Canadian National Railways has ordered 5,100 freight cars and 98 Diesel-electric locomotives. The orders mean work for thousands in various industries in building the cars and locomotives and in sup- plying the necessary material. Used as Museum '1'ht .1L1. Oswiecim Auschwitz) srlhwitz) '� Extermination camp was opened by Premier Josef l'ryankicwicz as a national musennl,dcdicated to the 4,000,000 persons said to has(' been killed there. j'k lr �. What is Red Tape? It's Red Tape—Plus u1 1, no\r. in all I Iiollsncss, what Iti 11.11 'apt .1.11 1. 5\ l}' Imhlisht tl (•a11.1 w ity Testier Dictionary, a 400 page vol- ume published by the t.alla\vay \lilt', of l aplaugt. (i,t defines it thus: 'Ted tart cotton tape, dyed nd, originally used to lie up offi- ial pipets. na Fnglish late offices in thi' day. 0f the ttld Middle That, of t out se, is OR its hnii a1 weaning, and the dictionary con- tains only tit t \tile 'ocabulary, says the Ciuistian Science Monitor. Nevertheless, the authors add at the putt, ui I the dcii[lit it n: "'The term t mcrs lout h more than this now " The comprthrn i\c dictionary, the fir•t of it, kind, is 11 consolida- tion of the t\olio: of three men, be- gun separately, some yea's ',Igo. Only half of all homes in ('anada base a pri\att bath or shower. $TOP1TCH of Insect Bites— Heat !lash Quirk( Stor itching of 1n'ert bites, heat rash, eczema, Itisr , pl nitlr s, Eralr,,Fr;thllR, atlh'te''R foot 11111 01110' exletnally caused rkiu troubles. 1'sr t ntrk•atting, rout hi ng, antiseptic D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Ca noodle=s, Ftainlesv, Itch stops or your looney back, 5'e,trt, dtu[igii _,_„ taut l:r D. D, 0, PRESCRIPTION. Ales Gasoline bze Tave Lives ofT,:a )11 JAMES GRANT OF OTTAWA averts tragedy by cool Quick action The car had been in storage and Jaynes Grant was having trouble getting it started. Watch- ing hint in the garage were Morris livraire, 9, in the rear seat of the car, and Donald Finnessy, 11, standing nearby. Grant decided to pour gasoline into the carburetor. Donald, wanting to see more clearly, struck a snatch. In a second the gasoline had burst into flames . and fire flashed menacingly into the interior of the car. Quickly, Grant grabbed Donald, whose clothes had caught fire, and pulling a windbreaker over the boy's head, dragged him out- side ... beating out the flames with his hands. Then he opened the back door of the car and tried to rescue Morris. The 9 - year -old boy was in a state of panic and "froze" in the far corner ... his clothing and the scat cushions burning. Grant was forced to enter the car and pull the youngster out ... once again using his hare hands to beat out the flames. All three required hospital treatment, but no lives were lost. We are proud to pay tribute to the bravery of James Grant, of Ottawa, through the presentation of The Dow Award 711E Ix)\V AWARD 0 a mason for outstand11lg 410, ism and inclines, as a tangible explosion of appreciation, a ,Floo Canada Savings Bond. Winners are selected by the Dow Award Committee, a group of rdito4 of leading C.a,u dine daily noespnpus. ,)ass as Grant starter) to pour (gasoline Foto' the carburetor, young l)toalr/, uuauwre of the clanger, struck a snatch. holier/ia1elr, the gasoline aro/ fumes burst into /lames. Pulling his windbreaker over the boy's head, Grant led him from the garage, beating out the flames with his bare bandy. POP—Running Comment ‘'HDO 944r Wa ' GAATLI. Ao `IMAUN ' WNO'S BSEN "='�/ A LUGKY IN I...-,... , , LOVE, POP By J, MILLAR WATT A DAGHELOR CL4SIFIED' ADVERTISING 11 1'11 I \ 1.'4 4 (11'1'111: I I' \III 1'1 I1A\ to, n 1••w 411,1 1014.0^11 + ,!, , . ,' /3010 130' I: 1:1111 1(pUu.01'. \ ,.' I;` 11141 LI1101;01011h 41101, 1':,111 lot. 1.4'.,4 001 111'310 111 11,111114' 1111;0/'• Ain • 11011,1 1 0t 64, 100, 1.,9, gnu n, 11 141,E 10th I,: ,1 „ I4( good 1nl'a 1,14 0:4111 101',11 p,,,''.I fl en, 3%0'14 up .1. 1 . Lol,;, I:,,,1 1:'11014'• I::,d„n ll' .•r, '4, I no 1 414 AI; 4:\'144 t••.►1'Ii II OILS, GREASES, TI it1';S ]onrrllc 141:(0 I:Irrt r4(• 11.04(1 t ,,,,ll o':nn IlH• a • n 1' 1,041,1i, 11,1:, 'nu l'0'a1Nm•1 t '. f 1 1u t , L end to I 11” , wanted. \\lu•e 4\.aro 9: 1;1'•1• S , 1., ed. 'u 110. 1 I 11 I Io:001141 fel4 to n'4'l.)x tot on hou4r1,0L1'l 1 ((.4h now i'''nt 0,,/l 1 ❑a ,( 0101ltical m111.1i10,0 mot on mals 1('I 1,0;0 {s 1''11111110. 1:(.4,1,11014 If "1,101 (11,111 (0r,, 1100, • on I11111rn 11a -0.I1.14 1' ,1 POI .1 1104, 11 41,11'1.0. 1'111:1111. RAR4 ('11l('K1 w1.: ARE pun moduli.; 44(1((wt.( 4,41 g:,a Plumpt (101.014}' un 4Lc fol l,a'1t'(4 11 .1* breeds. 11'11110 Lefh.n'n1. It1:r'k 51 11('l. 111 1'0l1110r, 14111'011 I,41I,1u1, So reed 1.0, 14 Whitt, ]1011.0, New lionootlot es,11601e 1(11100 L'rdx, wbilr 14'4andnites. Id4ht Suns"r, I;!o,a Ansi] :timing, Jersey 11111110 (41.4'4('1. 1 111049• mark 11u(nrca X Whit.. 1.'•4101na, 4\'hllo 14.1110111 X 1111'11,1 14o,'I:, .\II'(1.1 write lYhllt 1144014 X 11'Ililr LOg1100n, Trw Illu- siile .X haired !toll,, haled 1:1,111 X \e4( Ilampshil'e, New Illulp4hint :K 1.,41;14 `(44''4, Light Sussex X Ne1V llnn111:(b.'0, Lit; 11, :,1.:44 sox X 11aried Rock, .11so (0.') 1.411 111114 w'O('II olds and older pullets •4146t 10'10•! n to laying, 1'114.14 I;t'eally I edm'.',1 un• .luno ,In' July, Free catalogue. '1'0444,1,11„ Thick 11.u- chrrien !Moiled, I'ergun, (Into!,u BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prl(tp for Rah) ('1(1cks and sl,tu,•d ('0'0• 1111( hurprlae you All ('hicks 4)111,4 111(4,41 tested Block Carleton (Inlelery, In lt44anul 1Ii'I hln, Ont 1'.\T('iI 1'I' on 11(1 .r•a10n Trott, ),nue 111 out 1sat maturing 1114( and (tree we'•), old Htlll „1,l chicks In aur -sexed, (.4(11,•111 and 1„ 51.1'•110 llnvn the following 1ree,ln for ('nnnpt d'11vrIy It to ed Itnrko, J11111, Ails% Morns, N. 44' Ilnlun- old ties, 44'hite 1ostli'ion, NVItit4 114111:1, Light 1114410x, New Ila ipshire X 111 red (10' I:. I:ar- '•'1 Rot 1, 4: \r4(' 110111ps1nes. 1,4014 44111(14„9 X New 1lirmpshlres. 41111,' I„'g)4urn \ 14111rd Rock, Aunla \1'111.•0, ilai 11•4 11,01 \ 11 bile 1,1401010, lend for 0(4r0114I pt in• lint UHo pullets eight '.014141) 40 Luing. '1'0.,•,14110 ('hi4'k 1(11,'14-1 les,-- 1.i 101,•1, Nen;o1,, 111,1.)1'0 Al'(1l'S'1' 1111014) should to, 1,1401, it now to nom u 41110'11 y. Moot 1,11443 .4 ,1,L)I'Ir. v1'11018, nun-s0v'd, 10'141 ,'lo 110 ..111 1,VI, 1 11111101110n delivery V1144114, .144 H"rl,• 1,1:11' 1. 1411(9' Hilt( 1rly, 130 .111111 f , II. l ,IIo,, (44,1. EASY 11, 4(414') )1111010. NO 1 rw1.130j 10.11 le. 14(0111. '1'4440 11( foul' 14ee40 14111, 1pr, ial elites 121.75 In $10.7:,. ('1(H' la 0.4 10311 )4} 8)4,114, Alba 311y 014 cbirk) any gnu•. \VI me f''4 Prices 00 send $1.011 deposit (o( 1111 shipment. I'(nhor Un'ha1 d',, It It. No. 2, Verona n. (101 R.\It;.41NS 10 ('anadlml .11'111101,1 ,11', k!) I'1(' 111144 4440014 tool 114,41. D.I1 red 140,').4. Tl:nnpnhiro,4, w'hil0 11001:,). 1,1111) 1us',''., Mad, Aunu'nlol pa, Ithode Island Ihv11, Ilauglmh1ro X 1:awed Jtu, 14. (1arred 141,,')1 X r' 10' 1(4n,eslire, New 1 101014s1114' X Light 111H80'., 1,1,1111 14111)11'',4 X New 1lamuslin r. I,U,111 444(:1940' X J1, 104 1:Orli 111/11-319, ,t1 1'11111311 12.914, (001401 014) 8.95. .1,4orted (('11y 14,cedn 14044-14ec'(I 8,93, 14 ,93, 11.9.1, (4.1441• .•Is 7.95. 4Vhil0 511:114(10 X 11.nI'1'4 Hort,, Black Aung'n101I/ X 1Vbitl 14401401'11s. while )tuck X 14.'hilo 1,01110110 14.93, 44111119 17.9:4. 4ul0'rels 7 945. \\'bile 1,e)ho1'ne 8.93, (1(111114 1 ..95, roc), refs 1.00. (.Assorted Light or 1,1 (burn 01(00(4) na11`s'•'Pd 7.9,4, pullets 111.93. '('44.0 (40ek 013 11311 0.00 1111'00 week 4014 add 11,00 Per 114(0410,,4, F11ippeJ C.O.U. '('1118 Advrrlimenunit must 1111(mnany >our order to Ipeek, Bleso ljerlul (.rhes. Also Pullets right weeks to laying, Top Notch Clurkecics, Unrlph, 1l411nt1o. — DI'I:In(1^ ANI► ('LB.t9INl1 IIA4'10 YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. 111;7 Write to us for information. 4\'n are clad to answer your questions. Department IL Parker's Dye w'o'ks Limned, 791 1'on4e Street, Toronto, Ontario. ('.1(3171 1'1111 8.11,E 300-1,(1111 farm for* tole. 75 tillable. well watered. balk barn, frlun0 house to good pn(9('li)011 silt time. A(4.1)10 Simpson. 1.008111 Station. Ontario. tom Al'I(11 form Chum to good toad, dint ch, onHulidnled continuation School (paid for) 41104 se 1(401019' and Post Of fire. Enough bush to pay for the properly If handled by owner. Tied Cannill5', llallvllle, Ont. 97 Al'It1a for sale, (Inst Innen. near Money: wood,t boring water, hair buildings, orchard 1.11,14, hay, (mature, Apply DUs, Florence 'Ttuoi Psora: 'Corea Nova, Out. EBR 5:41.1: (lilt 141.1. 11U'I.I': S1 Itl'1' 11 11'1.144 h11111, 1917 01044. I1,'11,,moIl0 1411149. . •, 1,1,(.00x. John AL 0116'npie. Ahhol4fu0l, A. I"))1\I II'I4-1 11411 em4lago 1144) vesler, e 111, stund,udl.1rd Power I lk,:nf1. Used he 1 days 11.1 test your colo tl Iva hest 0:'011 100 4(r Icon wen. i'Ilen ((11.111,4 reduced. o r„•Inca 4••51,4.4. 18011, Slalom 11111, 1',,.r I1',4I4r ((h,. NEW 131x1) OUTFIT ,1,•v' 4.,1'.....1 f I', 1,,'I bc,l. non -sig boons 043 I041',104 :1 1;, 14''1 forfive ra 0 ,•ma 1„ 'r 1_ 1 4(e f1 •t 1111 f l4( ib„drr Unnlll or, 11'olchuu0r, 179 l'arlla• 11,44(1 141.4 41 \Ili! ,,I,1( Lo.) --� 1 150 . 1 rolls 14 and 16 feel, , 850.00 earl 2 (4,0 810040 110010 11 (net wIth 011.1 he en, h, 1110.4)4 che114 lumber all dllm•4xums Abel 1'1011411, 4'00l,311l1e, Que. ( tN1) ("CGS111"1"1' and 0110 Ibld new 1917 g 41.111 4,11 11111100. ('nn4Ple1.• 14111, (w4( flir- t ow (.4110'.11 1104 14,4,11,14 1111119. 1111111e,1'.310 033' 1100510.1. 11, Clc("off, 11111011 Cold South, 11,4(.019 tint. 4.14 1!11'14'1: 0'111, of rgllipmen, I,,1( half ('d. 4111n5no hal! s„ mg shovel. Mato' ('01,440 and 91,114 1,'1,44, 111111,01 neo• n141i(110, 13 - floe 01(, err, 1931 1: ton Turd 11110); 8750.0)4, tine 1:1.17 4 tun white iturlc, 112110,00. 1101)4 eolulpprd with steel plat form 11(.41 horst. 'I'i lo'l 11,,41 1064(111 Inst 90.11', N0,0 4.111.1 1110 1'I'ol(IIH'IGI(a a011 10:11 ends. N"14' rear ('4 es. Ideal 11.10.•1 equipment worth It rune oion•y 1'1,10,1 for quirk 8.11,• (a 1 ha t'0 no 1.111.1 110r use (or (('4(u'•. 501.11,•3 01 Uro 1.4(1(. 11,1. .1(.814 T. 14. ('4,(,)'4((,, Inn station, ()mai In ATTENTION t'ARMEUS FUR SA LE—Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 115.00 each, rear wheels: 17.60 each. front wheels. When ordering elate diameter awl width of 10)10(8. NnUnnnt Rubber Cu. Ltd., 6 Wilt• ehlte Ave., Toronto_OnL.�- _-.- AD1".\NUE ) Registry Y''I 1181114 1'41 11e4i41/003 I:xp1'es44 prepaid. (Beare about ready for .8'', vice 050. 01118 duo August 175.1100. Douglas /tart, 11'oodnloc)c, Onl, 01:111111'1•: SUPERS, (nl1 depth Lang44t0ogla used 3 Years, (11110144 $3.00 each complete with 10 new frames fitted with full 4411441) of foundation. 11. 141111118, 11.11, No. 2, \1'(1181111, (Marin. 110WSEIt Dry Cleaning Filter with pump Onu'lele, Beco'd Allen, Godorirh, Ont. CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Alanufaclurere' clearance, first quality for double and single beds W beautifui Iwo -toned celuurn, worth double the price, Money re. funded If not satisfied, Hunt C.O.D. Plus postage In Canada, Handicraft Dintribnto's, 2141 Sherbrooke SI., W.. Montreal 18, Que. TIRES 1544 4440 ('001:11010011 4(i (he nrcaenl of toad ((H'•;1 Ilnde l4( 11101) Iguarnnlee, ('4 144 In el- r0ne1(t 600 X 16 — $5.00 All 0014 1d,lPPed (: 0 D Sue, al row( merit (or 04'3 11171411 '1'10,44 and Unna T..Ixn01 Tow. 111:%CON ')'((1(: ('„fief (;1001( 44(11) fel k Sts , Hamilton, Uel 0\'I' 0RIO'S )(0ST 14IUI'l1nh 1'(,'1'll'I'I:D '('11)1': slum pealuut TOILETS For 54(04(,01 ('ottar.P0. ration-, 1, hoots. and ('14)1149, Can 6" m,0',) v.ilh 1(1 (.'11.0:(4 l,nn(4Ig lcatrl•, ('1,044),,' 1an,Lof,u. L1,1, l'1 1:1110, 1411,1., 'Toronto (1o114 I i,,. kill ift1 1l1111-1''017111,ou, In'n 1101''mnicll- Iteerur4, .(4,4,14 Oi-ere 1'. (e'. 1.3. 111 1'ulMick ,II"I ('I0111y 011104, 114,• 10 1.1.014 1'1111 14,1101 .'. 14'(1' 0101 IIF -•d 44 .1',111,.. 't'1 a. for )•1148411, 'rine), 1.4011111'M 41(' 1 ' , 511, 1114(4(4( I11('. 0114 14,1(1. N1)1) 1101,,•4 1'11,,. 11.•044:0 :.1.111 11, 1 411 11,1 111, UIII Watchnlal:er1 Attent icll ----- Electric Power Plants 1 EVA (3,000 watt), 60 or 60 cycle, 120 volt, Onan engine and generator. A g1nIIIY unit. Ideal for lighting, refrigeration, water pumping' acid email ,L'nwer t0nln In camps. (108ed and waterproofed fur ahipnlen( Priced low. Willa for (1114411x. SHEPPARD 1':LECTRiC.4L LAB'S 101 Sparks St., 01(0101. FLAGS .All 0)0044 Union ,incha or Canadian ICnsl4ne, sown 1}031 bunting. Special (4(4011111 00 4 VI and 6 font 410100 Jacks. hast dY0 sewn cotton. DlRconnt for quantities. Brighten Your community' or bongo by flying a good '11)81(1)' Dag. John Leckie I.1mited, 11 Wel- lington St. West, 'I'urllnto. ::.1P,NL'y9 :Ind -•1,';1'44- rTPP' .p-:' 44(1,1 10101 and also belt splicing equipment for Rale and alko It 7 40001 2 store)' brick Lonna. Immediate possession, For particulars write A. 1', 1rwltl, Cottle, Ont. 11UN'1'(7(18 a)OcIn1-11004 new war assets t3011 0011 u'eh rifle ellugo, FILO MA1111nrd e10)01in. Tlut bargain you have been walling for—lvhilo (1140 last only 600 each. Sling ewivels for these slings 760 Der Pair. Ell- wood Epps Spurting (lauds, Clinton, (Mini 10. IRON AGId Pnln10 Planters—one or two role, On steel or rubber. Immediate delivery. 11. 01. I'lembng & Fuue., Blenheim) Distributor. FOR F.\T,II 161 acre farm, Lot 18, Con, 8, lb'verly, A. J. 21e1(nI4111, Rocklmn, Ont. I'I:A'I'III>It 'TAIL Irish itet'lover Dimples 11 unmtls old. Parents wonderful bunters. blale44 820. I'anlnle44 815. Thee, Chlnnlck, Chatham, It It. No. 1. 41,4.4' IIA11'K Ilny Loader and Blacker (elevat- ing buekrake) will handle 60 tons per day. used one sennet( only, II. 1(1111111, It, 2, Welland, 08)1100. LA RUM quantity 4' fuel woo'), (00,wood, mixed body end (11111) won.' shlppiug Pointe Duilia% and 7'4400wnler. Also quaulity soft wood 44(11')) ss elm, molt maple, etc. 4' lenglhl, mixed body Rod limb wood. nomo ehl4Dln0 eoinls and \Vnnn',lnn- Apply Hendon & Gloss Furniture Cu. Ltd., Walkerton, Ontarle, 1,1,1:('91 ll",4 (11 ('1411(8, 413 14. ma.11Hp111,O44. 11401.110 4%011 11 1.1 1\'111'• for PI'I(e 11'16in comp) 11,, 11,81.-5, 71 1414!1.4, '1'0101144, IIA1I11/11ESS1\(. 1.1:,111\ lloir1ro44'ml; the 1106nlrom mambo Info rm:It'u, 00 1114(111 re;::41'11011 ('(04401.0 Vrlet(4011'n Ihit drotling Ar•11onl4. 131 Ave nun (4(14. Toronto 11141,1' %AN'I'1:11 - --- 11'.1,\'I'I•:U immediately, Ilorlor for !batten and dint., 1 1lea IIh 1'101 11111111,.1' 11110. 1'01'11 grit 1.101 10,1 3'0 flit 4(r wire 11ra. ,1. S. lloon44. 1.'1141.1), 111.1''1.,'0 Hospital (oaI41, 'trachea, 11( 414. HERDSMAN 111,;11, r'l,'Io1II, ed 44'11II our, hlcd Ila11y (.4111. ,II It (1.)', lie(,•, 1'111'es I':181.111':It. 1'1:141,(1 1'111 004 1114unVille, Ont. GENERAL DUTY NURSES For 118r1411al, 14.110(1) 1108111181. 1100.00 month and full maintenance. .4p)ly 1/r. it. 1, 1',O foot, 5Ia9;418le, Ont. 11(11'11:1:1:1:1'1:1:-41iddlo aged. (apnble of 1,114(0; full hi g,.. write Itnherl 11;01,x, 'Nest Lorne. tint. CHESTERFIELD SUITES ('hestcrt141,1 :Mites absolutely 1((w, full morin¢ (1110.1 eun011ucgo, every 111)1e. finest Mohair, \','lour, Trio,, Ilrucaltele, hilts, Damasks nod other Lee hard wearing uplo1Nlettug f16rlcN 100 NI:n' CHESTERFIELD SU1T1771 7'11 CHOOSE 1'1(0.41: ('(11:1) 11E1,14'i:It1' '1'(1 1'UL'I1 NI•:,11tEST 1'l'.1TION. TODD 1110 been 111 the chesterfield Hullo lunlne.ei for 30 Seals nod Is recugnirant in the bade as a specialist and the most (.411111 ular 110441 In the business. l,leled blue' 110 0 few of our cash prices for QUALI'T'Y CIII:S'J'I:It1'IEI,D SUITES. $119.00 $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 3 Mere Period Suite — finest 111010118 clrered 1111 Over wllh (1110 41101113' 11010111'. 3 piece modern mulles. (1411(4on Imlln(11'. Beautiful 2 Piece 1.,4%son Salto. Finest 2 pleco Chat les of Lnn• 11,411 Nunles. Many other uulUlnading values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Huy uhnnlulelY new ma111fncturern factory 1II(uwruon( altitude suites dlrecl front TODD. S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE, (Rear), TORONTO. )'hone (MOVER 41113 ---�_'1111CDICAI. ---- I'I111'1,04-.1t 1I'l%V I:U (1')' 10 00.111— I1'I(3 11111011.1 b 1'44(441 25e 5 x 7 odaigou"•0lN 1,10/1(144 7)I1 Prints rop'i0'I Inc, Item ints ::e. Ideal Snapshot Ker• fur 14(411 stun. Ontario - A TIIIAi,—Every mutterer of Rheumatic 1'ains or Nouritia should t')' Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Sloe, 335 1':1111, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breenalone of. fere Prompt lasting relief. One months' treatment $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vau outer. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE '('fes MG tt•Ilublr 1(111'110 4(409 flit:ill), 4! AT LOWER PRICES Uva I 440k your films ' Send them to Star Snal'llhnl Service. .1714' 1117.144 11111.1. 44( 8 l':xpmule1 DIA I':I,111'E1( end 1'110,4 Ell Cllr It 0111118 Irmo your negatives 4c. 2 rnoolnled 001(11,111.1(19 4 1 6" 26r. ICn• I4(4401.,1'nte framed 1 r 9" 1n Gold, Filter, tritium (ir Itlurk Frames 741.. If picture cnloled 94c. Print. and enlargements 1(1a•I,) from prinln of lost negatives. 1)03)1, M STAR SNAI)SFDT SERVICE b1(4 1214, 1'4151' 111'1''1('(.: A, 'I'111t1IN7'O '1'14.4(11114S 44AN'I'L1 1,(10\.11/0 1.1, 4:11 1 10,4111108 I,mrher with Ili tit clnn4 crr1111rato effective September 1st. Salary 11,5110 year, fur:united toacherage, fuel. Apply mating nlarllal status and qualifications' 10 Al (: Ite:d. Sec.•troan., AI mulct. Ont 1'j4(1'1'):7'(aN')'-- lea (low waded fur 8 1101144,,. 0,illrn l0 601478 Sept. 211d. 1947, .11.11,4' stating /.Nary and smali(l('/(faun to Daniel el l;udarlrk, 11,•1:-'l'n•as , ('alines ltnpldn, 1'1,10140, l'I:TI':I:RI'(:1) ('1rt' N'I'Y--School At ea '1,p 4,1 Chandos 1'e(1nlre1 le,,rher Frplem- Lo•I 3141" Keret r0(, 31:,0, 419 110, ero0l'10nee 44/14 qu.11(1 (411011 1,,n31,10,1'ed. 14:11(1 • Nelson, Se' I eta,} .44111(4., ((111. it.4''I'I\4.:: 4,f font '1111(1(1.0,114,101rin 1n111 - ,•d for School 17 ea X1(. 1, \1'mle:ulle and 114, a he) for 1(l Imola No. 3 and 3, \luntl•:111e: 1e n101 11. 1101001,01. 531.00,4', JI:,144, 1411leo to 1(,m 11lc,re heel.2,19(44, .444('1}, slating 01141,10 11 ',ohm, to Oram; Jlnre, Sec. '1'008., 3114'nnatlr 71101 (tat. 11AVI.7 Y011 011:.\111) about 1))x14(1') Neurltin (114(1 )th,umal le fain Remedy? It gives good results. M tutu's Drug- Sloe, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. ('nslpald $1.00, CNwVAr-sTr'11) lour VI•ruumeutly ruuu10c(1, (hal'll(1P8'), 1410(0(11 Compound. 12 and 14. Delndu Institute, 800 1'nris 111,141., 1\'(nnlpeo. Mon.FOOT AILMENTS I(Irx Foot 011 efferllvely remedies corns, cnllounen, cracked feel. No Milstein, no pads, n0 caustic. Price 50c. 1.Oulstock Products CO., 701 Ottawa. Electric Bldg.. Ottawa. Canada. lll'l'11RTUN('('IES FOR $411.111N BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S '.•.ADING F('IiOOL Great ODPortunity Lenin llntrdreening Pleasant dignified profession. good wages thousands sueeeslfut. Marvel gradus(OR America's greatest system. Illustrated 0111., Matra free. Write or Cell MARVEL NAiRURIIISSiNU SCHOOLS 358 Moor St. 4V., 'Toronto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa OFFER TO INVENTORS AN 0E10E14 to every Inventor—'.lel nt 100'471 Hone and full Information Bent free. 7'110 Ramsay Co., Regtelered latent Attorneys 171 Bank Street, Ottawa. I'A'I'EN1'S 11'.4 NT ED 14' N'114)—All 111401s of messed (.4(0109 'rel prices for lop 1141'40 .l,' ph ('004(1.1 Limited, ('011161y iter( , 2051 Danforth Ave., Tornntr 8 1 44'e d, 111NImn grading( LOGS REQUIRED 111011. .\till. ('110111 mid I:.I.O. rr"1,d 10:,04, lo.ul••,I nn 81'11:11 :4111 (4)r 1 lo -h. Writ, p:n';ilnL(.) 01, 15e, 117, 114,• Pile,. O01'1140, FIOTHERBTONAt'011 & Company Patent Solicitors. Eetabllfhed 1890. 11 Ring Welt. Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL -- LONESOME — Do you desire lespeclable friendship? Flurry, time Ie fleeting. Home - where your future sweetheart necks acqualnt- auo. Splendid positions; means. Information free. Canadian Frtendehlp Suclely, Bot 148. Durham, Ontario. Elmira Shows Wav To Clean Up Weeds I 11111':1 l4(4 ,"1 ;(11 4\;110(.11• to 1erp municipality in the country. This y1;11, e% cry bit of land in the 11111P )own of sullllnccstcrn ((111010 (1.111 1;11 Ino sprayin)0 with 11'(0(1 )tilling 2-1-1I. I'.u'hs, ;want44(lots and roadsides, as well as all pri4ate prlp:rly, gill be treated. Here i; a 4(131 -up campaign that i, really going to gc't sonlca hl re, r,mtrnrnls the Financial Post, In oilier places there will be community winded ciliycns who fill spray their law ns, only In ha%e them rciufcsted w i(I \\ ccds from the unsprayed was next dour. l'nless his n( i(hhors and his muni- cipality co-operate, all too often the ratan 11110 tackles his own dandelions and plantains fights a losing battle. The spraying and w'cc(ling must be dune over and over again. Iliggcst delinquent in this fight against weeds is the municipality. liti'cns are exhorted to clean up their own Lail:yar(i5 while weeds Ihri4e along the .i1rccls and m t0oy 4;11411111 141, To a\oiO discoloring sinks and L;hi1144 \411411 11 tap is dripping, drape a cloth limn the faucet to the (1111(11 unlit the 44asller can he replaced. s TIES mo. 0. 9'S25. 414 1 n 4",'N 4f Cult lJnli�i -; ' „11I 1 ."14 And 15 other prizes of $5. CONTEST &I — Which sentence is collect? WILSON'S flT PADS ARE DEATH TO FLIES WILSON'S FLT PADS IS DEATH TO PLIES The Rot eighteen conecl enswen drawn will wind Contest 01 closes July 83, 1947, Winners names will be published In August. Send void answer &tong with the top Rap, label, or targe) from any of the WILSON PRODUCTS below to:. CONTEST 01 — WILSON FLY PAD CO Dept, 0 Hamilton, Ont 'RAT DUST INSECT REPELLENT ANT TRAPS INSECT POWDIER FLT PADS MOUSE TREAT WILSON'S INSECT REPELLENT Noted; you hem Motgsilos, Biting Flies and other insects, ''All as reliable at Wilson's Fly Pads" ask for WiLSON'S WIltt THE RED WHITE AND BLUE TARGET ISSUE 27— 1947 To Plumb Ocean Depths -- Prof. Auguste 1'iccar(1, first man to penetrate the strato- sphere, will try to descend to a depth of 13.120 feet in the Gulf of Guinea tiff the coast of Africa. 11e w'ilI go down in his bathysphere, a steel sphere about 1IVO yards in diameter with walls five inches thiel:. 11i.r reservoir of buoyant gas, hanging above llle sphere, will II(' 7104'1411 yards long. Shorts -And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit dritic") :\s 1111. philosopher said—only using four -dollar 4lords instead of this nickel kind—if this isn't a goofy old world, at least it \fill (lo till 111.4 real thing shows up. Por months 1014 1110'14 mall of the ((1(01ble condition of war - ruptured Europe, and the solemn r,:lr4int;s that, unless the New \'4'orld conics quickly to the aid of the old, the entire Yorks are clue to collapse 111111 a rush '('h1'n we sec it calmly announ(14(i 111a1 a European promoter is paying Jur Louis three hundred thousand dollars to take some light Public 8'\erciS1 in such spots as France, Italy and Spain. * 11 .1s for .Mr. Louis, both personally and as an athlete, we have the highest admiration, To sec him in action We lime even gone SO far as 10 spend some of our own money; which, to anybody in the sports -writing dodge, is tantamount to parting with a leg. Pint when we hear of something like this, and then remember the folks in ]lritain being asked to cut their already -skimpy rations in or(ier that starving Europeans may have more to eat, the whole thing just doesn't scan to add up. Maybe we shouldn't have skipped so many mathematics classes 1U school. S * r 1?.l.\'1)091 'I'l1O(;GIIT ON NA- llO.V.'Il. VRI1)L: lI'e have been led to believe That ('hada is a nation ll'e ktlotl' that she entered the war by choice, unlike Most of her .lilies, 0110 did so in sheer self-defense. So to us it seems that' putting on Canadian soil n memorial 11'llich bear's the names of any individuals whatsoever, yet omits that of any Canadian, is making shalt indeed of both our nation and our Tear-eJJ•art ; and that it would be just as reasonable—perhaps even more so —lo er'ec't 111 T'ar'ts a memorial 7('Ith inscription ending "and to our na- tions' leaders Churchill and Stalin". 134(1 somehow'' we can't help wondering just holo the French would react to any such proposal. $ * S'I'(1.1, SOME 1/iST-1NC1: TO GO, Fashion experts inform 1(0 that women's skirts ale to be definitely longer; which may or may not be 1\'('1.41)111.4 tidings, all depending on the type of, well, architecture involv- ed, 11ut somehow we greatly (1011111 if there will be any large immediate demand for that heavy brush bind- ing the ladies used to sew on the holloms of such garments to prevent too much wear from trailing on (lusty sidea81I 44 Russia's Wheat I'ru,plcts for a good 19.17 crop ill Russia w; ere increased ilnllwasurc- ably by reports of steady rains cov- ering northern and western Russia. for the 111st 2.1 hours. Winter \}Leat IVas repotted in fine condition itt virtually every part of 111e t'olllltl'y. German People Must Learn To Co-operate 1 111 (1('1Ilan people, IiL,' ;III other ur,ll,r,ul Ilrlli)4t'Ienl; of the Ir(.4nt 4431, hat I,ertl hit by the blight of hung' r, l.nt Ihc0 hale Leen making 01011 [u" 811,4111 it (hall anyone eise. In 04,1,11144 11 1111 11 1131'4 V31 11,'11 from whining lo 11elligcrrnlc, they have demanded In be fed. J3111(4 :\'t'1t'lllall, military '(gover- nor in Hesse, has loll) them off in no uncertain term';, according to the '4 epointed Chatham .'(w 11 . out that it is the first time in history that conquering armies have fed a people conquered. 1 f, in return, the ('.0(0(ans hoard, strike, and re- fuse to co-operate, stern measures must be taken. This i5 the kllguage the Ger- mans should understand. They have been overplayed in the role (1f ;4(l innocent, betrayed people which only they believe, '('hey shall be fed, but not through love, but of necessity. The sooner they realize this, accept it, and help themselves, the better it a'i'l be for all concerned. Welder for Farms \lauy uses are foreseen for new lightweight welder, operating on direct current for use on materials up to half-inch thickness. Produced in l'nitcd Slates, unit can be mount- ed on tractor in two minutes, can Ire used as stand-by charger for batter- ies up to 32 Volts, and will run any 32 -volt p141ercd electric 11(11..._Nul- 1(11('1)1 Post. 111'414L'S I1[' A[.1411 to the wise housewife tivllo i4('• l,istrt on Maxwell Ilouse Coffee. It's Radiant !toasted to capture every, atom of goodness in the Superb Maxwell 1[ouse blend. CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality Th. only CJ arette Paper MADEiN FRANCE elf sale In Canada BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free • Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Loaves For EASY ROLLING us. a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 2 yy "EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE IN 1 POUND TINS te`„ )444lOR,1'E44lI DfNDef • ? Guaranteed by ' Good Housekeeping ADt a 4111(1lvt 04 et, '45 ADVERl8tO 144181 • WITH 5%DDT-- lURFACE INSECTJC! LLC Plitt, M0044. 1111,1, lt J M0t0UIT01(, 0111', j10 Guaranteed .,1"4 b4 144 • fiats! Houtekeepint !� DIDIT.,4t ulediynnoidPet.44e&Camoaiy.M. MUTT AND JEFF—Maybe It Was A Grape Vine They Planted—Eh What? NOW WHAT CHA LIS NIN' To, ' J6FF? (sI. 4411 YOU LITTLE BOOB, YoU CAN'T NEAR CABBAGE GRoW! I'M LISTENING 10 THAT CABBAGE: GROW WHICH YoU PLANTED! 0'/ ),.kg. HEAR IT ,`T MUTT? res GETTING • LOUDER! HERE IT 1 COMES, j MUTT! � . ;t HERE IT �W' COMES! By BUD FISHER WHAT KIND OF CABBAGE DID YoU PLANT I�I�OS®�I MUTT?viz A • . 011 eta Int, PAGE 4. THE STANDARD 111414,014.0014460141411111W14111401141.14104. . 1.14104a4.11144.141100.4140 . ''-.144:•.•.• 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ C♦ ♦ �Hf1,•.I .I Rr. 4f.R.•i'1 • ♦�, •'. •••• 4":* r', EMINIMINEMINMEIMEMINIMINV 0.4 At Last - hits Shiris! �j .li •,h�;H11.�H�, .�H�H� •�f •� •�H�••�, �H�•,�.1,f �1 ��.�••�••�1 •�H�.%. •�.p'H�H4.�H�f �H4.0.�, �.•C r�H�. R�. dr��fOfOs�. �. �H�H6•�H�, We have just received word from the B V I) Company that a large shipment of their product., including 1VI-LITE SHIRTS, Pyjamas, Underwear, and the world-famous English \Voisey .Knit (goods is being shipped this week. Get your order in NOW. N . :f • • df We now have in stock Gabardine Sport Slacks >: i• 91 and Hollywood Sport Shirts with sleeves, many shades and sizes. short or long 1 , 1 IIY .•n1411,11.AYi 1111 1.u,IJI 'L r u I,. 114, IYL„I, HARI{IS "The Corner Store". SI! PHILLIPS Blyth, Ontario. .f •• 5, ..1 4 Exhibition Tilt Goes To, Benmiller In an exhibition softball game play_ ed on the (Myth diamond I I iday night between Myth and I ''\!Viler, the lat- ter was victorious he the r Ire of to 6. It was definitely an off nil'-♦ for tile local ,0111311, an.l 3 gI od ollt to get , out of the ,t,lenl in 3n exhibition game. hay I h.hbt 11 jI'trhr'1 the first three innings for Illyth, ;Intl tta• re- lieved by I' reenlan '1'111111, y• lC t n I Lt., - lett pitch(''- for Itrnntiller Niti1 II. \Ior,taontcr} r;,trirn;. 1:tank \Ir owers and ; : finders MASSEY-HARRIS BINDERS • 7 -FOOT CUT. MASSEY-HARRIS MOWERS • 5 2 AND 6 FOOT CUT. Ti -HESE ARE ON IIAND NOW. FARM WAGON RUBBER TIRES — TRACTOR TIRES. RuhI) 1' -tired Farm Wagons; Milking Ma- chines; (-Cream Separators; Electric and rl'1'ilctol'- Driven (,;rain Grinders. ALSO AGENT FOR IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS TIRES ANI) BATTERIES. ELECTRIC & ACCTYLEN E WELDING• All Work Done on a Guaranteed Basis. STEWART JOHNSTON For Prompt Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Myth .2.:1." :.14714 i•:♦. .vt•i.. i>'' irliael tta, uml,irc in c'.irl. tjeor'te \Ic\;Ill on the base,. _I 1 V)A \C.t.I possible that lits• thinner of t' i, group . trill met them in the llat••otts. Ileum Ger are the leading contender; - in the nrigll! r.uriIl geed;, run!pruill e j RAT:CN COUPGN DUE DATES tltu tjod't'irh I1111t1-.tij, train,, IIIIII-1 ('Its '•Il. It'tt' Cala art' S_t, to S51 volition awl Port .\Ibert. They hare :I':d 1'1 to 1'it1, all go')for the Put - not lost a g,ut,c t'e, •rl• 'n. It is Ilu'tr Chase of c't' er ;;tsar or 111,11 .sses. AN IPORT TO THE F r MESSAGE I:9 -:.G- PUBLIC Re: 1947 Amendments to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act Every motor vehicle owner and driver should become familiar with the new 1947 amendments to the Highway Traffic Act. The purpose of this legislation is to encourage safe driving and to assure the collection of damages awarded by our Courts for personal injuries suffered or property damaged. On and After July 1st, 1947 On and after July 1st, 1947, your driver's license and all motor vehicle permits registered in your name will be suspended if, following an accident in which any person is injured or any property is,amaged, you are convicted of: (a) Any violation of a provision of the Hichway Traffic Act. or (b) If, upon conviction for a violation of the Act even though no accident occurred, the penalty imposed by the Magis- trate includes suspension or revocation of your driver's license or motor vehicle permit, (c) or If you are convicted of a criminal offence involving the use of a motor vehicle, After July 1st, 1947, your driver's license and all motor vehicle per- mits registered in your name will be suspended if you fail to satisfy a judgment secured against you for damages on account of injury to or death of any person or on account of damage to property. Such judg- ment must be satisfied at least up to the limits of $5,000.00 for personal injuries to one person, $10,000,00 for two or more persons and $1,000.00 for property damage arising out of any one accident. Application of Suspensions Where a suspension is applied following the registration of a conviction, same will remain in effect until proof of financial responsibility is filed. Where a suspension is applied for failure to satisfy a judgment, same will remain in effect until the judgment has been satisfied or arrangements made for its pay- ment by instalments and proof of financial responsibility is also filed. Proof of financial responsibility may be filed (a) in the form of an insurance policy certificate; (b) the bond of a guarantee company; (c) the depositing of money or securities to the value of $1 1,000.00, Application of Penalties The penalties for a person operating a motor vehicle while his license is under suspension Include a fine up to $500.00 and imprisonment up to six months, also the impounding of the motor vehicle operated. The penalty for the operation of a motor vehicle, the permit for which is under suspension includes a fine up to $500.00, imprisonment for six months and the for- feiture of the vehicle to the Crown. DRIVE CAREFULLY AND AVOID ACCIDENTS o Y. 1 I I 1, .L I DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT Minister HN 147 Wednedny, July 19-17. Lifeteria, Pioneer & New Life Feeds Starter, Growing, Laying and Breeder's Mash and Iialry Ration. Oys;er Shell, Bran, Block Salt, 100 Ib. bags Salt, Royal Purple Calf Meal, and Dr. Bell's Remedies. KING LIVESTOCK SPRAY keeps flies off stork ;i11.1 lab, ,1!l in-,ct pest.- IIn l;lttl:, horses, pigs, p:'nlu.r and pet ,to. KING BUG KILLER 1:t.r dusting n plant,, i .tI ', :n -tet' an prevents blight THREE SIZES - 5, 10 AND 20 LB. BAGS. GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Sunkist Ore,nges 392's 2 dozen 33c California Grapefruit, 126's 6 fcr 25c Lai ge Lemons 252's per dozen 39c Bananas, Peaches, Mcllons, ::Irawl.crr:es, New and GId Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Radish, Lettuces Cuctnnm' e s, Chions, Tomatoes, Dates, Figs, Prunes, Dried Peaches, Apricots, Raisins, Peanut Butter, Jelly Powder, Salad Dressings and Canned Fruits ant Vegetables. Men's Work Bcota and Werk Clothes. Newton Yarn:, Ccates Thread, BLYTH. GENERAL, STORE S PHONE 9 WE DELIVER I Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTL). LEAR FAMILY HOLD PICNIC lllittstaitlt, \Ian. 'I•he annual I.ear family picnic was held at the home of \I r, and \Irs. \lillianl Ilunkinr, an \Ir. and Mrs.! I.I:;ttt' Ilt!Itktm; on the 13th concession I'f Ilnllett on Saturrlat•, Inns _11th, ttitll ®� Rail members of the family connect:on presort. Thuse 11 -111 a di,tancc came I from \lanitol-•i, Ih'c•den, Exeter and THIS SUMMER I.ondnn. The afters; on was spenl'I Playing game, and Contests, and par- j rl'O h:AS'I'I:RN QUEBEC ticipating in various race events. .\11 present had a most enjoyable time, and AND THis Supper was served. Results f 1111. Carious events follows: Dares, Girls, h years, h.Idtl hilry; bob;, b years, bred I,nh',; girls, 7 to lit, Pat- sy kei'cl;tke: bays, 7 to 10, .\rnoll hila ; girl,, 11 to 14, \'era Lyon ; h;,vs, 11 to 14, hart ',Yon: young ladies rare, brace 1.111'); young Wren's race, Jack hilly; married tronuut's race, \Ii•s. Stanley 1.yi 11; married nu'n's race, Ben Miley; guessing beans in jar, \II's. E. Stevens, Walton; oldest pers n at pic- nic, \Irs• \lartha I.yon; youngest per- son at picnic, Lobby \\'hittaker; per- CANADIAN son coating longest distance, llt:a'I.yon, 21-I)AY SPECIAL Fares MARITIMES rake advantage of these lots sunnier tares for your holiday in I.:astern (.."an - ado .. for tt visit home r away tvitlt friends. I:ettu'tt limit 21 days, tsith stot'_overs permitted Effective JUNE 23rd to SEPTEMBER 1st Inclusive Consult any Canadian Pacific 1 aihvay agent. PACIFIC Blyth Radio Service NEW RADIOS SPARTON, STEWART-WARNER, ASTRA (Battery & Electric). BEATTY WASHERS AND APPLIANCES PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. - RADIO REPAIRING—Latest type of test equipment tc deal with present-day service problems. We repair all makes and types. 1 SOUND ;SYSTEM FOR RENT Bring your oudiont a within easy hearing range with this new And improve system.. Write or phone enquiries. GLENN KECHNIE Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. isamommummiatommummit I 11 ,1.1 1 II u 1 Y, , •e1 , , I I 1,11 .. Y 1 1 1 "BEST BY EVERY TEST" - WE HAVE IT Lowe Brothers White and Ivory Enamel EDITH ,CRE j4 -N'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. I. 1 Y „ 111.1. 1 Y I 1 1 I I 11 I. .. Y . 11 1 „ I I i I ,I I , 1 $2.4 3.44:!:H+.444":":.{.10:HSI++.8..:44-4++.M.it.: .8.•:4•8.+444:0. 4H:1+4•1�1.+084:4_44H.It •t• �� IWRON -GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. .Ii i.1 M ti •i'Y +++i1'i"i"•i +4 4.11 f:.... ♦ •"i':444I'1"1.0'++++++.:'A4.4+1"C'C•COH.HI'''1` S4 >1 Y, EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG a.. Proprietor Webesclay, July 2, 1917 ( PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR NO. 1 5X SHINGLES. A C,11RI.o•\1) E :PEC.'!'.') SHORTLY. Place Your Ma Now for e \Vi'; IIAVE ON HAND A Co®p Electric Jlasher e� M: ■ atit1\event vier Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 - BLYTI-1, ...LS, d ill 1NA, 1 1 1 iY lee .1 lyth Electric Shop FENCE CHARGERS ANi) BVI1TE1tIES (011, BA'T'H) PUMP JACKS. Westinghouse, Sti'omherg Carlson, DeForest radios Agent for Universal Cooler Commercial Units heavy duty I-Iot Plates, Electric Coffee Percolators Westinghouse Automatic Irons. Electric leans Your Ileadquarters for Electric Appliances. WILLIAM THUELL • PROP. Telephone 5 - Blyth. FOR SALE 4 young sows, due to farrow •I weeks. Apply to Orval \Ic( Phone 12-8, Myth. in 3 to Iowan, • -I3-2;,. 18 ply _'3-6, Illyth, F(x1R SALE acres of standing (.lover hay. to Leslie l rid, R.R. 1, Myth, phone 43_1. THE STANDARD ' GROCERIES Deals Brown Beans . 20 oz. tin 15c Bulk Cocoa 2 lbs. 19c Snowflake Ammonia Per Plcg. 05c Pitted Sair Dates per ib, 23c Prune`, Figs, Ra's ns, Canned Spaghetti Kidney Beans, Chicken Haddie, Meat Balls. J:ffy Pic Crust, Sandwich Cookies Sweetened Pud;ling Powders, Jelin, Cocoanut Durward's Ice Cream Always on Hand. Bricks and Dixie Cups. Bulk Garden Peas, Corn, Dutch Sets, Roe, Pioneer, and Shur Gain Feeds. Oyster Shell anal Calf Meal, Howard's Int=stinal Medicine For Poultry. BUG KILLER BULK BORAX FOR TURNIPS r/ - PAGE 6 N+tN�##..tTNIW NNNI#NII#M1 M YeN.1,#.,.w#I+ NMtw ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT ri1EATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. I SEAFORTi•!. Now Playing, In Technicolor, with Now Play'ng, July 3 4-5: "My Dar - Now Yc:u ePlaying-July starr ng Deanna Dalrbhn. Yvonne De Carlo: "'Che Song I ling C'Ictnentinc", wait Henry g 1 Of ., 'Fueazade," Fonda and Linda Darnell. h9on„ '1'ucs•, Wcd., July 7.8.9 -- --- _ Darnell. Two Features Mon., Tues„ Wed., July 7.9_9 "SONG OF SCHEHERAZADERonald Colman, Peggy C Thy olu-ir of hiot,ky liut'sakoif, r and Richard Hady ula;tntiieent Ty( !mit•,'Iur and the 1 re,cntin an splendor tion,"") coined' ha""I enn ;t lit" exoticexosplendorUf \I nrnt'l'Il coin- Nuttd bine 1, stake the most ticl,ightnll I "THE LADE GEORGE A musical romance the wr;c r' !Arthur Lake, Fenny Singl Yvcnne de Carlo - Brian Donlevy Larry Simms and Je h Pierre Aumont Brim( gaol; Ple Iluu.stead- ummins Mon., Tues., Wr,: , July 7.8.9 Ronald Colman, Peggy Cummins en.1 Vanessa Brawn mimetic_ Alarl•iii the intrullnctltllt .If Peggy it/ l'nnnuins in t marantic -comedy PLEY' I ,.t,1 "11 !hili I'• \I;triittanc?'s cion and Pulitzer Prize `•;o(el. "THE LATE. GEORGE APLEY" Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 10.11.12 Gary Cooper, Pob‘rt Alda, 1 -illi Palmer :\ tense, lertifil thrill uranin 11i espionage and love "CLOAK AND DAGGER" H thl it lutes t:I;,Ir: ul,lr.;tl rarnit;tl "131.ONDIE'S LUCKY DAY" Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 10.11_12 Bobby Driscoll, Luana Patten and Ruth Warrick la the Tecllnit•ol, r ants cal lhant,a that 1i -s tion the critic,' Coming, July 14.19: "The JOLSON blur-rihh,m ant S'T'ORY". A \Neck of super enter•• SONG OF TN,tF, SOU Contin Jul 14.15-16• t'ainmcnt g' y A. L. I EI IC ; licrt Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat,, Wed., Sat., Holidays •11 IN#II#11M#INI11.' GROCERIES -LOCKER STORAGE WE DELIVER -PHONE 39. • ,� �� 1;11;. �1141a,;1,41;••;.1;11;H;. 1� •� 1;1 �H;, 1� 1;,:«:1;11: 1 1 ■pA1 11+:1. il.d'• ,Y 4.4•I. d11Y.Y .Y CARD OF THANKS i• \\•e wish to thank our friend, and •t• �. neighbours for their kindness in our retie .ail 'Ivreat•cinrnt. .\ special 4' thanks to I�. t•. Harold Snell, for tak- I t nl the ser •'rc t"I'')', t t ,tit I we tt t. It tt thank the h cal business non and friends, the Myth Fire Ih•iga•:e, and neighbour,, and all others reit., sent ! :• flowers and loaned their cars. 1 ;: ,\Ir. ;111.1 \Irs..\, 1.. 1\crnick and Joan., (. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • A• In the Estate of Joseph Will'ana Mills. '. .\ LI, I'I':hti(1\S having claim.; >. against the I'atate of Joseph William \lills, Tate of the Village of Myth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. deceased, \who (lied en the 27th day of I)ecember, 11)-I6, are hert',y n tified to send in full particulars of thi• claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th da) of July, 1047, after tvhirh data' the assets will be distributed, having regarol only to claims then rel'cived, D:\TI'EI) at Seafcr:It, this 26th day of runt;. 1947. 11ct'c)X\I•:I.I. ,� Ii.\\'S, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for Ills 1?xcctitor, -13-3. YES Our \\':U.I'1•1k Overalls and \\'ark Clothes have arrived at last. See then(. - Harris Xt. Phillips, Myth, 43-1. M LIVE RABBITS WANTED \fill pay 25c each for all clean heal- thy rabbits. Must be •I lbs. or over. Deliver in (rood crate, to Donald Arm- strong, Myth, Ont. -1,1-1. UNINSURED ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY • Accidents happen in a flash. If you are not in- sured, repayment may cost you your home, your savings or months of income. Let tis explain Pilot Automobile insurance to you. It costs so little. We write Pilot insuraince to rover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plato Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. OR BOTTLES I3ERNARI) HALL Phone 122, BLY'TI-I IILTRY NTE' LIVE OR DRESSED HIGI-IEST MARKET PRICES PAID for 2 ens BroiIers;= >: 1 3• •_• • * * * • . •: Borden Cook .t, Our Truli Will Call at :_: Your Door. •: :• Phones: 17o aflcr n p.ii Day 39 •_• • B LYTH. ONT. Y;• 1'11 1 �� Imo. a+1 X11', 1;. �1 .;{ 1;11;11;11,H;11;1 i;l 1� 1� I;I I;H;H� 1;• f,..;. ;.1;11;•• •.;H;1.;.,;11;H;H;H;1 ;r •�.0.,;,, .3 LYCEUM THEATRE It, WINGHAM-ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night Pict ire subject to C11,111C vithottl nntiCC. Two shows each n'g;at•T.30 and 9.30:. Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m.. "Changes in '! -NOTICE- '.i time will be noted below -. The Lyceum Theatre will be CLOSED from JUNE 30TH to JULY 12TH Inclusive 1; yl NOTICE The Lyceum Theatre will be Closed: ;: from June 30th to July 12th h inclusive. 1» '444:144;4 •44•;••;4 • •4 •, '• ••1 •'11H••H;• ••• VV.". ••H'•♦••11••••H••♦ j FOR SALE Young sow, first litter, due to farrow about July 20th. Apply .\. C. Kennedy, R. R. 2, Auburn, phone 20-11 Myth, 43.2p Thurs., Fri., Fa:,, July 10-11-12 Deanna Durbin, William Bendix and Adclphe Menjou 'fe!lit;� 111 �tlu t ri ;tit idl• rustic n' Linter ;Ind ili• r mantic sl Itt!•ter-,heel lin art "I'LL BE YOURS" TH" Gamine, Jrly 14-15-16: Giry Co: "Sister er in, "Clank and Dagger" Matinees Sat. & Holidays a' 2,:3 p.rn, 2.30 pm 4 N++Nf++MNNN+ _ T • +++ •'•f SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIRING •i \\..11; (Int;lntl't•d• ELLIOTT C. V. PRINGLE - WALTON, ONT. 41-tf. Real Estate Agency --- Arl"rI.N'hION BLYTH. Our ;\gency Itas the following property listed for sale: n, ;Ric tam ttitltin 1 utile of the \n i retluiriug Iluilcliug \latcr- ials• such as Instil Itricl; Siding, ,\s- llllult Hate -Surfaced Shin.11•s, \',ILt ;c of 1'41 tt t‘‘tu-storey in til Insulatil n, 'Mehli'. Iii of.nc, and brick-claddttcliing, '11x;():old 14x Galvanized \\'"ter 5t, el:I'luntb- II; frame barn 511x711, steel and ing Sni}phe. and Fittings, Deep and sltinglc roof, cement stabling; leen Shallow \\'ell Pumps, other Pumps, awl !,ruse 36.ci4; windmill and 2 g,,,o,1 Pipe and I'ittines, Consult or phone I.. wells; water supply in the barn; Scrim:4t our Y'v S ti, phone 36, Illyth. 20 acres plowed, 8 acres new ,ceil- ing. Sell farm, or farm inclu I:uq s stock and implements complete. Al- most immediate possession. 11ie storey franc dwelling on the south side of Dinslcy Street, Myth; One-eighth acre of land, hydro, well. s 2 stor1•y stucco clad dwelling on Dinslcy Street, Myth, Immediate possession, 142 acre faros ideally situated en Highway 4, On tit's farm i, situate a frame dwelling 33x28, lint seater heating with two hath,. Barn frame 90x38 with mug 32x(10, stone stahlinc; frith tenter in stables; drive shell 28x(0 metal; still: house frame 10x10; chicken house 20x18; silo 13x40 cement, This property is now operated as a dairy farm (with handsome annual return. \\'est 2 lot 39, concession 5, East \\'awanosh, c -:uprising 100 acres• On the premises is situate 1Y.: storey frame dwelling 26x28 on stone wall: frame barn 48x711 on stone founda- tion (with (water in barn; frame drive s?te I 211x60; frame pig pen 20x20. The land is clay loam particularly suitable for grain or hay crops, An ideal building lot for residen- tial purposes, conljrtsntg one- eighth acre of land situate on the }n -rah side of Dinslcy Street, less 4 than a block from the main inter- section of the village. :\ number of other 1 •eIlin s an'1 farm; listed. Particulars on appli- cation. :\n ideally situated property on the northwest corner of \l orris and McConnell Street:, consisting; of half -acre of land on which is situate one and half storey brick dhtclling with frame kitchen attach- ed; also ;a frame barn, drive shed, hen house and pig pen. .\l1 in good repair, This property is an excep- tionally good buy at the price ask- ; ed. f CON+�'.NNNNM+INI•I•II+INM+f tN� RADITIONALLY, Ale has always been distri- butedin green bottles but, owing to the present shortage of green glass, some Ale is being bottled in white or amber bottles. This is a temporary measure and. does not in any way affect the quality of the product. Published by THE BREWING IDUSTRY (ONTARIO) 'GENERAL 'Pito best it trncktn:g service al - 41 1 A.11 TRUCKING trays at vai• immediate call. All Loads Fully Insured. Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .1. H. CAMPBELL FA. the present phone 70c9, Bruscsls. 13-tf. le Available for Delivery1 1 SMALLEY HAMMER MILL 1 USED 8 -FT. TANDEM DISC ALMOST NEW. 1 USED 9 -FT. STIFF -TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 11 -Inch POINTS POWER LIFT. OLIVER REPAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND. FLEURY PLOWS AND REPAIRS MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario n•,44; ST\(11'515 C11A1'TEItticCaldn wound Is not werious, the bullet having been deflected by a cigarette coxa In Ills Pocket, Veronica Bigelow telephones 11cCale to Inform hint that Christopher Storni has been arrested, CII.9PTER .CYIi' The ease was beginning to irk hits badly. Not only was he not making progress, he almost seemed to be going backwards. "We gathered in Christopher Storm," he began. "I told you to tail him, not arrest him," \IcCale interrupted sourly. His .r'In was giving hint pain, and besides that, his thoughts were not encour- aging. "He sweais he didn't shoot at you last Right." "1 didn't think he did. Did you let hint go?" "Had to, No real esidence. And the lad's too honest to suit enc." "He carne light out and admitted he was the one Alio WAS following \'allaincourt- ;sound the last few days, howvc\ el. Said he had the itch • either to get his hands on hint and tear hila to pieces, or to get some- thing on hint that would influence \•cronich. "Dallied if he didn't meet up with the glamour boy and has e a heart 10 heart talk with hint, though. \-allain- court convinced hila that he was suing to d0 right by our gal, so Storni took himself olf to his law- yer's and like a boy Se0(11 sipped over the 'Lose Nest' 0r whales el he falls il. "\1'hy (lid you want ole to put a tail on hint?" "Because, my good friend, 1 began to suspect that the lad thinks a lot, that be has more than a glimmer as t0 what this mess is all about, 1 was sure that eventually his elephantine mind would Blit on something impor- tant. Would he conic to etc with it? Oh, no. .1s you say, the naive honesty of the lad is amazing. 1 was almost sure he'd start digging around by himself. A dangerous game." He p1ttctl."Itis'-bandage. "1 wanted to avoid another catastrophe." * 1 Dunlevy rotate. c„' to h i 111 self gitunly. "Instead of that," Rocky put in, "they had the mark 011 you fur the next victim, boss." "1t won't happen again," the lieu- tenant said. "Pee put a elan on this house." "Anything new besides that?' Mc - Cale inquired "Not a thing, unless you think Karen is the girl w'e're after. I've got a 01:111 011 every last one of them now. She drew $S00 from the bank this morning " "She did?" "Yes. Looks more like she was going to pay blackmail again, what?" He studied \IcCalc's expression closely, but got no visible reaction. He shrugged. "\\'ell," lie looked his chagrin, "glad to see you're breath- ing. If you think of an) thing—" \1c(.le's eyes were far awa\. tic finally persuaded Ann to go home. She wouldn't admit Blow fa- tigued she was until he callously, called attention to the droop of her shoulders and the dank circles under her eyes. Rocky watched her go with a wide grin. \\'hen the outer door had click- ed, he turned to \IcCale. "Well, chief ?" "I want to get out of this bed. Light a fire in my office, will you?" • * * Ile bundled himself into a bath- robe and settled (10151 comfortably in a deep chair. The fire crackled happily, dispelling some of the gloom of the afternoon. It was still drizzly and cold outside. At six o'clock Rocky cauls in from the bedroom where he had been getting some sleep. Ile pulled the curtains over the dark 51in(Inws. \fc- Cale sat wrapped in thought, staining moodily into the fire. "You's c got to go out for etc, Ruck," he said, his voice packed with excitement. ''Sotoehow, you have got to get into the Lynn girl's suite at 11te Baysrcutll. 11rihe the officer there if there's one on guard, or the desk clerk, if (here isn't. 11 the rooms are sealed up, get in some other there, way " "what do you v, and boss'„ ".\ list of the picture; over the desk in the living room. lust a description. There's one missing." "Where'll I look for that one?" "I don't want it. i want the others. If you can't get them out, make a list. Get lack l'ie as soon as you can." "light you are.,, I11c(aie was ;done ‘N lien the call came ;(n hour Liter He liftr(1 the received will) his t'•r'od hand 11, hear the frishtencrl voice of \dclai(IC Bigelow. BROWN W.N.I. FEATURE. "\Ir. NleCales residence?" In spite of the feverish anxiety in her tune, she clung to the formalities. "Right here, Mis Bigelow." "Oh, 1'111 so glad you're tip and about. 1 heard you had been in- jured." "Yes, but I'111 quite all right \\`hat is it?" lfe w'as urgent. "It's Sybil, She's been attacked, Eight here in the house. 1 ant fright- ened. \\'hal can it mean? I thought—" "Yes, yes. 1, she—?" "Alive ? Yes, but unc0nsciuut doctor's here." "Tell nuc, is it it bullet \wouu(I?" • * * A \IcCale was surprised to hear this. "flow was she hurt " "She is as —twaS struck on the back of the head. Oh, it's so horrible 1 cllppoSC 1 shouldn't bother you, but—" "Not at all. i:eep calm 1',11 coming right over." Ile telephoned for a cab; then hurriedly selected a lighttvcight coat from the closet. He had difficulty getting his injured side into it and finally gave it up, throwing the left sleeve over his shoulder. Il used a scarf to improvise a sling for his arm. As he stood on the sidewalk, wait- ing, a shadow detached itself from the cold, dark Februa) night and walked toward hint. That 3011, \Ir. \(cCale?" "Yes, officer --- or — hello, Hum- phrey. If I'd Luow n it was you, I'd have inn itcd you inside lung ago." "So you knew the of11cc had a tail nn you. .\nd nlc thinking it was a real mysterious job 1 /was given. That 1)onlevv Tells me l wasn't to bother you, but to stick to your door like it was the mother's" A taxicab slid tip to the curb and \IcCale got in. I fe held the door open. "Conte on, Humph. You'll get a dusting from the lieutenant if you lose your quarry." \IcCale gave the Beacon street number as Humphrey clambered in. The• big red-faced officer settled himself with a sigh. • 7 1f ever there was a muddled hu- man being, it was the butler, hang, who opened the door to \IcCale. Distress furrowed his face and every line of his old body was alive with apprehension and closely guarded terror, His hands shook as he re- lieved \IcCale of coat and hat. Ife spoke in an unsteady voice. "\hiss Bigelow is in the library, Mr. \IcCale." The hall yawned shadowy and suddenly grim. '1'he ss hole house seemed stricken. Quiet brooded and hung over everything like a veil of terror, broken only by the sound of the piano softly played in the upper regions, weird, dreadful chords, as if the player were in pain. Adelaide Bigelow seemed changed. Like the house, she was enveloped in tragedy. 7•o be sure, tragedy had touched her life more than once in the last horn's, had crouched on her own doorstep. But now it had enter- ed the very house, the room. 1l was this fact that scented to have shat- tered the last remnants of her cour- age. She sat huddled in an armchair like a paralyzed person, powerless, watching death like a slots -burning flame creep toward her across the floor, "Oh," she said, seeing hint stand- ing before her, noticing his arm in its hanunock. "1'our arm, I knew, of course, you were hurt, but—oh. 1 shouldn't have called you." 1 ler \oicc was dull, hopeless "\1 -hen did it happen?" ]lis lone was more like a doctor's than a de- tective's. ".\ bout fisc o'clock. She 11111,t has lain there a good hour." "N\liet•e?" "In the attic." An cychlow shot up "'The attic? \\'hart was she doing there:" "I—I don't know. Putting some things away or—" "Looking for something perhaps?" "1 couldn't guess." "\\'llo found her?' It flashed through Ids mint/ that someone nnist have hnnwn ss here she was, \would have 11,1(1 solely to icveal her hiding place. "Slee recovered her senses after— goodness knows glory long. She walk- ed downstairs by herself. Veronica found her pacing up and loan the hall on the third floor, in a (la7e. She—she couldn't find her own room." 7'llatt \was logical. Hotly people after being struck over tin head, regain enough of their senses to walk ad'ont ;'ntonlatically seeking help. though still in a s;'n,i-conscious (T1 Cc Contimeel) 'Comeback Girl' Comes Back Again -1u the late Twenties, Betty Comltson, famed silent film star, was called "the girl who came hack" because she trade a comeback in talking pictures. Now at 50 she is making another comeback with several roles in current 1follvwond productions, One of the filets is "Second Chance." Pictures shote her as "silent" star, left and as she looks today. ANNE. RIPST ouw,, Fa Cw.,,.ed,t_ Do You Get Along With Co -Workers? '1'Ifot'SAN1)5 of girls and ),,,ing * Wren are Planning to get their first * job next Lill, at (l some of tli nr * have already ;fished my ad\ ice as t" * the best (r ay to hold it. I t• onto) * offer any kite rule than to I(':11 11 10 gel it1nng with the people they %toll; will(. Yon 171,43 be a bright young thing, ',lopclly I1;tilled in the field you Mane chosen. 1'ou may be ('nCI1,clic and trilling, attract- isc and well • * groomed. You may hone a college * diploma flanged otI your wall, and * feel that the w,cu•ld is 301(1 oyster. * but in spite of all this equipment, * if you don't learn holy to get along * with those who work with you, * you arc going to find that nasty * little pink slip in your pay envelope * almost any Friday afternoon. * All businesses depend upon the * co-operation of every one of thcit * employees. And any single person * who becomes a disturbing inlluence * to that essential harmony is, from * the day it is discovered, on het * waw out, O YOUR OWN JOB' / could paint a thrilling pi, lure f your /iuture in your first jolt, assur- ing you that 41'rrybody will extend the helping hand and wish you well. Itul I have seen loo mach of Ihr dark side In (le,e:;'r you. 50 let's fare it: If you wont to irorn to be a restaurant hostess, for instance, you will have to barn the rudiments of Put your picky little girl i11 a utidtill sun -frock! 1t only takes a hop, skip 'n' jump to dress her , . . and how cute she looks; Panties hi Patient 4936 are adorable, too! Pattern 4936 conics in sizes 2, 4, 6, S, 10 . Size 6, sunfrock, 21,fi yards 35 -inch; panties, 1l.:t yards. Send TWENTY-hIVE CENTS (23c) in coins (stamps cannot be ;+cccptcd) for tilis pattern to Room -121, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. sc ravno. Another prl perhaps. hill try to steal your tables, she will roll you 11(11111'S, use all her 'colons %oil to gel you in uvvn1/ With the boss . , . 1/ you/ firs) lob (8 Iia1 n/ sr(rrlIry, r,,1, may /i;rd n! the nra•! desk 0 young woman rchn ;ranted the lob. .1h,''ll thrust (lrwrullie.r in your pally, sneer of your mistakes --all in the hope of ou.sI7U) you , . . 1/ you, guru .l 1101,1, urr .1/,(1 /1(11/ tit i1(1' 810(k. l'00111, the sante nhsla, lis may strut to /'('' 'nl the 11111, k odtv11i1 l•111r111 you onliripalrd. 111 111r basiar.cr 7('or!d it is r;'rrybody for hinr.lrll, ns jird out. I aI'r it racy. II .herevet you 75urk, t1r;v, .c n .superintendent (probably the our 8,410 engaged you) whose job it t' to .ser Mal you get nitrad—if you don't, then Iris judgment 7cns 'wrong. .\'i';'rr tell on anybody 7010 7c*r'd•s with you, You mny think your boss slow in recogni;:ittg your plight, bn' hr is !herr to maintain err-nrdin- alion among his employers. IJn your job. nod he 1(411 (!0 his. Good humor is n tremendous asset in business 13e friendly rcilh your (o- 7carh,cr.s, but not too intimate. Earn their rr.sper1 by your ((len restraint. give your lob all you've got, acid you'll reach That disk up ahead. (Inn' I heard n big executive say that he'd in't'er 011077' any son of his to marry a girl who had not been in business for two years, It is fine /raining for mar'r'iage' "I(1 ".1:111117 I(3ll5," "11/51 S7 . Ili 1 I:\G," r: l (.: You won't find big business as t"/iront of your /nulls to your family have been. .So learn to hold your temper, slay away from Ower polili,s. and corn Ihr good -will of those 7t•ho s(nr•k ',Till: you. bit Trill acrd it .. .. (,ETT INC. along w,alil people is im- * portant in escry relationship. Ask * Anne I first to show you how, * \\'tire h('r at 110x A. 1.00111 421, 7.1 * Adelaide St. \\'est, 'Toronto. )(color Handwriting and�j By Jl o1, Alex S. Arnott 1'he optimist 55 rites uphill and the pessimist (5 rites elow shill. \'o1, can be sine the writer who consistently ss rites uphill is self-reliant and will not else you the opportunity to turn hint down a second time. This t) pe of writer is a go-getter and has a healthy ambition that is hard to beat. /lis enthusiasm will carry him lhrongll ar diOicult lime when es Cry - thing else fails. It is difficult to dis- courage hila as a matter of facet lie takes great delight in making a come back after beim; defeated, belies ing than a cheerful attitude will make es ery thing turn out for the lest. \\riling that follows a straight line does not mean at great deal to the analyst, except that it assists in con• firming other trails of character the 11(11(lw,ri1iug. A writer in ill health who is (1e5 - i1 (ldcnl 30(11 \wawill 1vritc downhill. Ile is it pessimist and al odds with the world in his gloomy attitude and low morale, tending to be disc 1 l aged from Ow outset. :fn}nor wishing n more complete analysis. please send self-addressed stamped envelope to ito.t' 11, room 421, 73 Adelaide SL 'rest, 7 oronto. There is no rlrarge for this Ser?der. ISSUL 27-1847 LIU. BULLETIN Education Joins Fun In Teen Town at Ex. In sl,•p 151111 nu,dern lenlPn, "Tern 'I'nsvu" al the 1:K. w111 be 0110 of the bu77irs1 spots o11 the wounds down by the think on the nu'77aninc Moor of the Auto- motive Itnildinl;. "rlirre fashion show; trill be staged there daily, s11011 ing back - to -school clothes in the moderate priced lines, Commentating and modelling will be done by stu- dents. Teen Town Thcalhe will tun continuously from noun until 10 p.m, with spelling bees and public speaking competitions, var- iety shows by high schools, music shows by Icon -age community clu1,S and movies plus plenty more attractions. Everything there conics for free, too. The educational exhibits and class competitions in manual training, 110(11e economics, art 111d the like will be located in the Tutt n, Besides there is to lc a record bar and a milk bar oper- ating full tilt. An outdoor area trill he set aside for supervised dancing. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Blow can 1 Protect the hands properly before beginning house• cleaning, or any work around the house That is rough on the hands? A. Before beginning the work, moisten some white soap and work it into the pores, under the finger- nails, and around the cuticle. When finished working, wash the hands and all the soil will come off with the soap, Q, I, whitewash t disinfectant, A. Yea; it also preserves plaster and wood, and if properly prepared it acts as a fire retardment, Use plenty of it, Q. How can I prevent .411 0111eIet from collapsing? A. This can be avoided if a pinch of powdered sugar and a pinch of corn starch are beaten in with the yolks of the eggs. Q. How can I set tate fabrics? A. Epsom salts is excellent for this Purpose. Add a teaspoonful to each gallon of water and the article will wash easily, without losing its color, t °lois in deli - Help Froni Red Cross Last t ,u the l auadco4 lC',l (to,t :Tent •, tllll,(Iltll on 1 ('11l'I to Hilo!, (an (mow ies and ( hint nut of sun Plus %s,i hinds, :nil 10:1(1' $.3,000, null for Pcacetinu' 4,1,11; 0111(111 lit: Dominion A GOOD 'l'Il'lE is had by all when you serve Max.. well House Coffee. It9ls blended by experts ata(i Radiant Roasted fort extra flava►'—"Good to the Last Drop!" AMMEMININIMMINIKUMOMMIlk 1' on Will Enjoy Ktnyin' Al The St. Regis Rotel l'l)IIONTO • 14 very Room with noir Shower and 'Telephone • Single, $2.50 up— Double, 111.'t.li0 1,P • flood Food. Dining mad Dow - log Nightly sherbourne al Carlton IIA. 41105 6h0116 11FAOTIFl11,1.f rt'I*VIslll:n $1,50 up HOTkL METROPOLE NIAO.►tIA YAi,i,N 01'1'. — ('.N.n, STA'T'ION ANIMAL INSECT POWDER A modern and highly cffectiva insect powder containing DDT, Rotenone and other active in• gredients skilfully blended in R nonirritating powder—safe to use but deadly to lice, tides, fleas and other parasites attack.. ing farm animals. ' l rad emanh Redd, ORDER FROM YOUR DEALER GIRLS WANTED Several openings are available for girls to learn power sewing machine operation. Piece work earnings of oper- ators, $20.00 to $25.00 weekly for five day week, No Saturday work. Excellent working conditions in bright, modern plant equipped with Cafeteria. Plant located on St. Lawrence River, 60 miles from Ottawa and 100 miles from Montreal. Apply Caldwell Linen Mills, IROQUOIS, ONTARIO CONTAINS... VITAMIN ,,'4 ESSENTIAL'::.. MINERALS;..: FAN TANS ara fes/n'?/ RECIPE Add 1 envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and 1 tsp. sugar to 1 c. lukewarm water. Stir and let stand 10 minutes, Scald 1 c, milk, add 5 tbs. sugar; add 2 tsp. salt and cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture. Add 3 c. sifted flour and beat until perfectly smooth. Add 4 tbs. melted shortening and 3 c, more sifted flour, or enough to make easily handled dough. Knead well, Phtcc in greased bowl. Cover and let rise its warn place until doubled in bulk, about 132 hours. Punch dough down in bowl and let rise again in warm place until nearly tlotil)1e41 )rl bill ' abs,!�'1 ► Q titin. \Oben lig 11, roll out into rectangular sheet Ili" thick%' Brush with melted butt.r or shortening; cut inti strips 11V wide. Pile 7 strips together; cut into piece 1'! wide, Place inch. side up in greased muffin pans. Cover; let rise in warns place, free from draft, until light, about 1 hour, Bake in 400°F. oven for 20 minutes: MN- TOWN TOPICS by BARRY ft11Ft1(AI; At, 111; tn,l, 1 ;It,l1.1 1 111 :I 11,'1111 1•.1tot of Iht I Man. 101 I'o•t, Io dill d, "1 oliterit lion add I III/111',11111' tt 111th wt Iholl'tht 1.11 UI t1 .1 di1l,j1iI 1 .1 g,tail 41 ,11 I i roIII\ t 1, t Th1 snlr jcct 0l ItIII ` I iI i, tt h1 IIP I III not 11 Wool(' 14 .1 w14.11 1111:i 1. 11;n 111• wh4)t4 \'1111 111 ;1 ru111111} devote a peli0d to toi11L11t 11.111111W. Eresilh nt '1'rnntan has (.11114 lot ;1 plan for universal otilil;ny training for 1f' - year -olds ;su 11111111 a y1( at many Will be fu (:nor of 41111 a plan; While others 51.111 be litter against its dr•veloptor tet• 'I 11 r ditori.II in the F.1'. st;tris that lead\ a \oath would L4ne11 g,r arty Ly 411111 ;I plan, \chile 1111'4 ttoml,l find it 111111• nine than thancc to gel arta) (loon accustom• t(' restraints and the opportunity for Irnjuyrnrnt of the „Mer and sh'pt's" side of mutual} ttainnit: + + 4 As the w hale issue al1(1 h timers tlirccily, sec thought 11 would be a good idea to slop a Ir\V of them on the sircet and get 111 it reactions. From 16 •lilfcrcnt boys we got 10 different answers, but on the \vholc they f;tvotnutl the idea. For some lime now many of the schools have tarried tad'^t training as part of Ihieir curriculum anti the guys have (Quad tlhey have benefited both physically and scientifically. \\'ar to - slay is largely science against science. r 41 + Some of Ilse answers we jotted Clown were : "1 would like the plan ii there was it chance of making it a permanent \\irk" -- "This idea ' mild only upset my tdurUion and be a \vaste of time. Ily the time we have another war, the methods of lighting 54 ill be so chan1;( d that What WC would hale would he of no use anyw•ny."—"5unnds sts ell to nee, I Iikc the idea of being paid fora holi- day, Who knows, I might someday he a colied?" — 00111 country will have to be better prepa1vd for the next war than they \vete for the last one. 1 Ihink the idea s sound and good for any cost it would be to a touutry"--"I think young fellows of oar age' need training like that, es- pecially at our age. It would he a good stall on building a rood man." --"11 temptations Ivens placed in front of the boys like They \Teri during the \\;r, it would to far Hort harmful than good." We are in no position to say whether a country is doing right or wrong in such a plan. \Vc do think however that a great deal of care should be lane in making such plans for 18 -}ca r- olds and that whoever is working on such it system should lave all the pros and cons lined rip before piesentinl; such a plan for public approval. + * * • 'Phis is the first w((l of Jury and the hot weather is corning Dur way at last. Many of you will be loading out of town for the 53301111er—to u job on a farm or a summer resort or maybe in a dossnto\v31 office but wherever it is, you'll be Thinking of MOUTHS WATER when the fragrance of Maxwell House fills the air. This wonderful blend of coffees is Radiant Roasted to develop to the full all its extra goodness, Singapore Raider HORIZONTAL 55 East Indies 1,0 Pictured (ab.) commander of 56 He commands B -29s which a unit of — made longest- superfortresses range daylight 58 Sloth raid on Singa-59Foot traveler pore and 00 Tendencies Sumatra, Maj. -Gen. 10 We VERTICAL 1 Drinking vessel 2 Employ 11 Marks used to 3 Tuberculosis enclose matter in printing 15 Measure 18 Writing tool 18 Profits 19 Call for help at sea 20 Early English (ab.) 22 Symbol for tantalum --- 23 Yes (Sp.) 24 Sour substances 27 Waltz 80 Storms 81 Jungle beast 82 13e quiet! 83 Paid notice 84 Stringed . instrument 87 Antic 40 Arrogate 41 Eat away 42 Chinese measure 43 Bone 46 Transpose (ab.) 47 Dance step 49 He is a leader In lite --- States Army 52 Ea:,t (Tr) , ntlliiiio 1 ut 1, •,1 books so \\r ;re eialig lu promise not to mention thele emelt to \I Seplenrb, 1. \\r tet r1 id, ,I't i to t1ad the oth(r day thrnd], Ill •t \LIi\ IIIn, "01111(''4 :\('tier" I )ilootells I`' 111111}' tin ton p, I 111:111( lit x1,111 of I';u1,11b it High N105 next \I,lly Lott li.Is dont a };tall(' job ssilli 1111 uJunnl and etc hear that si\erll offers hast conte her tray as a I1'•1111 of the lint job slit has done. ,\ctmr,ling to NI ;icy Lou, sit \\riles h, r column daring tfu. tort small lunars of 1 and •i in Ott t,11nni)t; \\r don't. 'J'onwrri.t\ morn- ing is dead lint time •and tia;d it i'• silting hide t!Ii\itlg Its to it • h * No \I fall e, plan 111 t ,l,, ;1 •1111t- 5\11,tt different sly lc of colleen. \torr spare \\ill be ill toted lo you and the nt \Is and doings of your club 'I'hc cuhnnn as it is note will lo circulated pros ince\\ idc and \\c'Il open a "pt o- pal" cornor and let you go to it. We plan to do intei views with people you hate all heard and read about— p,oplc who have something just for you. IIID we ain't a giwin' }111 all the nems right now. Next sscrk we'll ha\e a new radio schedule of good summer programmes for you and some of 1lo latrst encases for .\ our record player. If any of you out there care to send along vont opinion on the conscription plat for terriers, we'll .be pleased to rccei\ c it. \\ bile on the ramble, thanks to 1ht Uiillia paper for the front page space they gave us. '1•haitls too, to those many people \the extended their hands and offered congrats on a recent 1 g -step \1•r made In closing this week's t;unble (wonder what the editor will say about it ?) may we suggest you \\arch that summoning. A had sent horn is equal to a third degree buil and, brother ,that ain't good. The Bookshelf .. A MAN AUSTERE William Bell PARSON AND PIONEER By Isabel Skelton \Viten flu foundations of l )i tatio were being laid four getleratiu115 ago, few nun had the time, the fore- thought and the persistence to keep a record of the daily happenings around them. 'This book is based on the Journals of \Villiam Pell, one elan who hail• the persistt Hct antk matte the tient. The Rev. \\'illiam Yell was tlit first Presbyterian minister in the haclwoods of t)ntario, inland from the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes' waterfront. 11 c arrived at Perth, the centre of the 1 iticau stlticnlcul in 11117, uric }tar after the first tree for the settle- ment mils cut, and he remain - (1I until lis death forty years later. 11e therefore saw the begin- nings of all sides of community life established in Eastern Ontario. This rises his day-by-day, or sone limes less regular, notes an unusual his- toric f reslutcss and %aloe A Man Austere, WILLIAM BELL, Parson and Pioneer...By Isabel Skelton... The Ryerson Press...Price 54.00. Anomer to IPrc.Ioue DAV ID5•IN T SEN tt^SHER EP R I NCe7D • NIE . T A Ma O O NL,y�NM IE :�L i NAJ.GEN. ECT S' HOVIAPD N C. E R FIE DAVIDSON N N U Guido's sc'tle 36 Court (ab.) 17 People next 37 Symbol for floor cerium 39 His planes 38 Skill raided -- 39 Of the thing 21 Dutch city 43lndividual (ab.) 23 Capuchin 44 Courtesy title 4 Man's name monkey 45 Denomination 5 Rescue 24 Area measure 47 Fondle e Lieutenants 25 Boxed 48 Ventilate (ab.) 26 Steamship 49 Umpire 7 Electrical unit (ab.) (slang) 8 Army post 27 Delirium.50 Palm lily office (ab.) tremens (a.) 51 Persian 9 Affirmative 28 Surrendered gateway 12 Symbol for 29 Symbol for 53 Sorrowful calcium erbium 54 It is (contr.) 13 Equipment 34 Sun god 50 Part of "be" 19 Note' in " 35 -Roof finial 57 Conveass point I . 3 14 5 10 .3' II 16 Ea zl 1516 30 3� 1�y Walt 40 la 13 I4• 8 9 g 41Jf 5 i 111 Z8 L9 39 42 '1'03 4 I 45 8246 50 51, v5i 5x54 57 11#151! 60 s, 21 U-1-ound Proof for a Fish Story—\1'hcm Ernie Keith of -atilt Ste, Marie, starts to tell hitt latest fish story, he'll have a hoar inti to prose to skeptic friends what a whopper hr lauded. Here Ill' is with the 2.0 -pound hear he shot t,n a trout fishing trig, near his home. I<eitli's •1 -\ ear -old nephew help( carry the "catch" away. CIIHONJCLES OF GINGER FARM By Gw(ndoline P. Clarke Actually it is \varin enough to sit outside and enjoy it—so of coarse, 1 ant doing just That Yrs, nature is in a smiling mood and we are smil- ing with her. All in all it has been a pleasant Week, st ill the 55 • (Its son pulling the rain to rout and encour- aging the clover to bloom so th.lt farmers can once again In gin to third: about haying—in fact a it w Ino t already started :Intl Qtr like expect to be at it in the \sly nrar future-- kV( atltwr pt rtoillint I was \wry glad we 1.ere not hay• Mg last \t cels localise that meant I could get away for a day with a free cunscienct'. :\ttI \dere did I go? \1`1•11, where mould ;any woman go \5 ho belonged to the \\'.I.-- ss here, but to Guelph- to the monste r picnic and pageant in crlwluation of the .'1)111 Atini\ersaty. h t h And what a day it was! 1. hi re mere four of us in our car and we arriv' II about 11.311 a.m. \\r expect- ed there would be a crowd but the number of cars, busses and people far exceeded our 1•xpeetations. No doubt you will lime read the details in the papers so this account halve 10 do with impressions rather than farts. \\e joined the motley throng around the plat form in 11c afternoon to hear the addresses and to sew the celebrities of the \V.!. \world. 11 \vats very hot among the crowd and there were many who found it too notch for them. Those in charge of the First Aid tent on the grounds said Ihwy \vert busy all the time, they even had some stretcher cases h r + 1)uring the afternoon the College pt up its reputation for ser\ ing gem rotes and appetising refresh- ments. Our little party had their lunch in one of 11c buildings w here it was nice and cool but by 4c doing wt missed the bus. Not literally --1 mean that we were not ;'war( that the Lieutwnailli-1io\crnor and others were receiving in the Administration' building—at least \v1• knew but svt thought it \was an ulliciatl ;affair. Imagine us missing out on that ! + + * However, we didn't miss much of lite evening permorm;uice. Beautiful, is the only we. were so proud that ;1 few mein - hers from our owl' district were on the platform laking part ht the pageant—;end of course acquitting themselves creditably. 1 ;stn sure newer get in any nc5epaper writes -up. you will find the pageant very well \\ay to descent it ; and Ford's Legacy \Vhat has 1lcury Ford left behind hint? A great industry of which he was the pace -maker. A prodttctiori technique which has put more ma- (hines at the disposal of s1111) than ever before. 'through all these things a revolution of the world's social habits, A wider, more varied life for millions in town and country For these services the world rewarded him. Is it fair that one man should be ;Me to amass so mulch money' in his iiletinle? Certainly, if he can provide such \'aIle: for 1110114\' as 161nry Ford did. --London Daily Ex- 1ire'SS. described in your fa5ouriie farm paper as from Nu position hoar 11e platform we were able to sec those a1 the press tape and among them \sere Miss Ethel Chapman, \frs. 1leliti 11cNce and Mrs, Elizabeth 11:uotoond, names familiar to all farm %%omen. So you see i you don't read all about the doings at Guelph it won't be for tact of opportunity. S„ frit tots, read till about it and be pion(' that YOl1 are ;t member of such a worthwhile o1g; nization, and if poi are not, then for goodness 6)1,1 sec that such an omission is 111341 4 h \\'t uri\wd home t\ithoul any, r11is.1;1p -tired, nmin riled and pn.nd. l wit( nerd bccaitsc note we caul Say --- "The ,\nni\ersary at 1iuclph—oh yes, 1 was there!" Proud because we are int nth( rs of the \\.I., ;end tired be- (1Iu5e you can't mix with 11,000 other women and not suffer a little fatigue. \Nell, 1''c crate to 11e 11111 of ray space but not the end of my story. Next week 1 will tell you of a few amusing sidelights that you \\ill nw\tr g(t in ant ti\t t:plr ttrilc- up, Sunday School Lesson job, the Upright Man job 1:1, 27:1-5: 31:19.211 1 Toldt a '1 d xt. -- tl \ r Iglu, ouso( I hold f, t, and 55111 not 01 it t'1i: my braid 51111 not 11 proal 11 lot 4t limy a' 1 list 1' 1 r. Job Was a rt al, not a fit tenons pitson, porril1y ;1t1tttlating Jrwlsl: history. 111 seas a e ;dilly and hon- ored prince leading a powerful 1110, the family grit •t of 1i 1141,1,y hon•, hold. Joh Nva, "pt tit 1 t" --riot 5inlr5' and upright, correct in conduct, con- scientious and cotsi't(ut Ill ftarrd (;od as a tit tout and devott II sub- ject. Ile shunned 'sickednt ss; Its detested moral depia\ity; he could elo nothing that corrupted hien or contaminate,! other. Helping (5(ry- body, he harmed nobody. Job's charity for the pew allowed none to perish for \want of clothing, for the fleece of his shop warmed and covered them, 1is ton5id( r,ttion for 111 orphan and the di ptn,lent kept hint from lilting tot, his hand (or "shaking Ili'- fire") at tient: rather than dc, such mischief Job t\ould prefer that his arm be \Trenched from flit shoulder blade h o + Joh fought ;t false faith in the great w(alt1 he had \von, for he never put his trust in gold. 11c al - Imre(' himself no flet ting joy over his riches or his rank, despising self- conceit 11e engaged in no false worship, ar kissing his hand in ador- ation to the heavenly hodics—the Sun or the Moon or the Stars So Job remained "steadfast, im- movable, 1iIsvays abounding in the work of the Lord". :\ man "perfect and upright", his Ilalile stood and survived the severest tests and thus became an example of suffering affliction, and of patiolce. Nostalgic Sweetness You can 1,I%r ;III our n1• v.-LINO/if scents and high prised perfumes, lint there's nothing non lt more fragrant than an old-Ltshionrd lilac tree or a drift of lilies iti-the . ill's in full bloom. 5t. 7 huui, ' 7 not, Jam nal. The capacity of this handy household scale is 60 pounds. Use it for weigh- ing your laun- dry, vegetables, groceries, meats, etc. The Greb Trading Company, 837 Queen St. West, Toronto. I'Irn�r ►hiii thinly Ilous,•hold tirn len nt $1.'5 tocsin r errtald. Alone) ordrr metol.'('. Name Iprtut1 . ., Addeo.* lib or Ton 11 I'roi Info ...... A -t GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS If YOU'RE NERVOUS, IRAN KY, TIREDIUT On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! Do female functional monthly disturbances make you feel ner- vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and "drugged out"—at such times'? Then too try Lydia E, Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms:Chis fine medicine is very effective for this purpose! For over 70 years thousands of girls and women have reported benefit. dust see if you, too, don't report excellent results! Worth trying. oy &�iM4flA'9 G®MROUND WHEN THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH TO DO... LIPTON'S TEA WILL SEE'YOU THROUGH °NW LIPTON'S BRISK -TASTING TEA GIVES YOU WHAT Yea, it's really exhilarating—that delightful IAvort-LIFT you get with Lipton's Tea! 1t's a grand combination of rich, full-bodied tea flavor—plus a lift that just makes you feel good all over. And only Lipton's Tea gives you this NLAvoR-1,111' ... because it's the blend that makes Lipton's—and Lipton's who make the blend. Try Lipton's the next time. Ask c) for it at your grocer's today! ('oprrI tt 1947--T6uuos J. t.lptou 1J1Jttt REG'LAR FELLERS—Picnic Time! 1 wNDEv1.'rs HEARD OP TAItJM A rRIDeETABsE ON A PKNIC 7 isoy5r rr STAZINI 10 RAW HND ME WITH t 4 A NEW ,s VROSS! f, z 1•r, rya NO WAIT...THEY'RE GREAT... USE LIPTON'S TEA BAGS! Says AfR. e9f /,rK I HERES1 WHERE \ COMES IN I MY IDEA J By GENE BYRNES 1 PACE 8 Everythat Ladies' Men's WiL We now have in stock • Girl's Slacks and Sack wits See our \Vork ,Shirts and Pants For 11c11. SPECIAL REDUCTION FROM 20 to 50 Pc Cent. In Sandals and S;nunler Shoes, hve THE STANDARD PERSONAI. INTEREST Mr, and \1r,. Itett \lar:•',i I:tve niov- c'l t,i thvii- nt•\V li.ltltt' nuat' l\tltaMlft't'. hill Ir II: ;Irl t) !u' c i Ilc;n); ucrulltc,l h \Ir and \11•, i.t-. i.utl.t\"ou ;Intl \11..;11 ! \i r . 1... \\ ,1!fa; t' telt la>: a \:,it tutu rcl.tti\r, in \c \\,u'... .':.'\\ \,II,'!., l)i.,1:1 (.rove, :full \Fitts ,'•:un., \!r. :t;.,l N11". Iti c\., .:I11', ,1:,1i .I., .I rc';Iti\c, ib t!1,. ..10C10' 301=0 ;--.=01:30'"" 101=01/x._.:_ 1 . 111 . , ,1 4.• M-w-\,lAY,,+fY.MWJ.1C1111.144.0.:i+G..n.YMlYdrwkwLviYi6LLisw. 43....Ir n..P 'W.1W_1, f4.44.4":474.4i1.**0..Yw%11�.Y�.f�..�.v.:, H�. t�. Y�. ,� •:'1 :. Y�. •�, ,�. Y�, .�. 1�. Iv CARNATION MILK \i r. 11 II. 17 ? . I I ;.n I III, St 11t \Ir•. 12. :,n I `I t I'I l.c !Ile 1110111.11. Doherty Bros, GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents For International- 1larvester Parts & Supplies While Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting x111 Repairing, RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH Au'ro TIRES SIZE 600x10, -- FOOL) S'T'ORES -- vt a. K{ 1> IN PEANUT BUTTER TOILET TiSSUE DRIED CARROTS PURE ORANGE MARMALADE VIGOR -8 CHOCCLATE MALTED) BAB -O SPIC AND SPAN V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE BLENDED ORANGE and CRAP RUIT JU!C E SALTED MIXED NU'T'S 2 t,11 tins 21c 16 uz, jar 39: large 19e 3 23-o:: tins 11:';: 21 fluid oz. jar 35: FOOD DISI -IES, FRESH FRU•.TS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LiFETERIA FEEDS 15 or. tin 3.7c ''- 27: p:r p'cg. 2 c 20 oz, lin 15_ 48 oz. tin 35: 4 oz. lin 21c We Deliver. -- E. 5. ROI'i''ISON. -- Phone 1511 61 NrNrrNrrNN In :‘,E:'l11•)l"Ia'11 • },t Irl \\•., I,I.• .22. summo mine 1'(.}I? FIRST OF JULY WEEK -ENI) *lulu ('111!; of Smoked Cotinge Rol!. Yi: I1 !C`1'I:,''(i Bone -In o1' Hams :1ck or I,rcakI'aA Bacot and it (;:io:I Su p!y of Fins) Cold Cuts, • ?. Ir.I+lrllrrrlrr+rlllldllrlllYlrlrrlrrrrlrr+rN1 T We Specialize hi Home- ;'a Of All FRANK'S HO e ;gig Ing N ' Inds. E BAS 11, htr II :,':1 1 II., 1). \11.1,; +I I.I.i:a.. i', 1, a 'rl ,'t,,. T li CaPaSGn.; Perhaps hap 4 You .1,rc Con- templating 1-1 JOb ill 1''.'ecra ting Phone 19, Blyth. Deliveries Wednesday and Saturday. 'Wednesday, Jul)' 'L, 197, For Flies, Mosquitoes 2 c Uhy net start early to keep ahead of the insects and bugs, by using some of the following products--- D.D.T. Barn Spray Iiug Killer . A,•;•eilate of Le:,d 2 -Way Screen Paint D.O.T. llausc!,old Spray 2 1 D \Veed•No•Mcre 'rolnato Dust Garden Guard for Vegetables Darley's Fly Spray ler rattle 6-12 insect Repellant R !� Half Lb. 63c, 2 I:.,, $?.90 5 16s.,';SOc, 10 lbs., .`.Oc, 20 lbs', 90c 4 Pis. h8: Sc: and78c 8 czr„ 25:, 16 ozs. 43: 75c 30c 35: per gallon $1.15 5Jc HILP, Prim. 3s I)Itt (;S, ,SUNDRIES, WA1.1.PAI'I':R—i'HONE 2P, j I ref fgtac.:4.:;.:,:y.:.:.•.,...tscaim ouwastaz"�anstffity I t.+ zo.{4k41.;:.444.:'+:y...,l:%:c.:.'o:u1:.+YtylytCr.:l°.%itt ii4'C':'4..,Isii.t%; �;:;.ttlf:h:'.4',i;4k-:.t; J 1 1, 11 IV ii V 1Fy G ' n 'f ���' lE 1 ni 1; u 41 q w ItcW.. ti - 1 r•N+drrlf#S• LL L CLE 0, a � .4f MJ ,t • AND NOTJUST SURE WHAT , R.O. YOU WOULD LIKE. s OPTOT,H rrisT and OPTICIAN $ GODERICH -ONTARIO, • • � Eyes Crn:::incd and Glasses Fitted, - END YOUR WORRIES Yearn Experience lar+alN`Irrlrr✓+rNrlrrNrNN ' lit'.,. . +t,c a c'111. 1' t: \\•i1.1'• l 1u 1:,,,,ir,,i,..co, j' 1 \\;:I 1,; ,1, no ( ).1:..,) , an 1 t.'lt• U1'u,t ill:it.'i:'.. 1',."1. \\" et". c- !',lila or \\ '1 I'Y1! cr. ;i :1h: 'I' t'() \l 1': 1' l li: '!' H:1': \ El) 9 C. PRLST §! Phone 37.26, LOiJDESBORO :BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworlhy Wallpaper Paints and Enanel,. Nc'thng will give more pleasure to the family than beautiful comfortable Furniture in the Living - Room. 1 :c'p, scl't,-restl'td chairs and comfortable Chc:,tel'1'ield, add much to the enjoyment of the family and guests. You can ;satisfy every member of the family 1vith a selection from our Chesterfield Suites and o(1(1 hiving -Room pieces. James Lockwood r SUCCESSOR TO J. S. CHELLEW I'ER;1ONAI, INTEREST ll:rc 16,c1;'tt. \I r. and \1'••. ,1 ra "n :Ind11 luillIl r'•, \'cicna ;Ind Munn, Juan. t.1 \\'ind•nr, \i,ilcll with Mr. ::n,l \I r,. .111nr1 ti:r:nl over 11),. week-en.l. \\.' \l il'. ,114111a t '4V day; \\•t'1 11:r ,fs, \Ir, Earl \L'I, and I'an,ily', ffi \Ic'I�illcll'• \1". \lily attended the inn_ cral o her r.,tl,in. \Ir. l.rnr,t .\ ''bins, i of l'1 nli'n, which \vas held on \Ii•n+lau aitcre.f,.,:. iliiri:Il \\;u tisane in Clin- '(4nCtt`t'1' Cs."ti!"tCVOCKKYt:tt:l!'•dtZtttd K1CtLKt''KKWCtCICAT'K'YRtCKtORt[KtCtCVCICtLK'iKKICalKKVIQ 21 Elliott insurance Agency 114 BLYTII-- ONT. INSURE NOWT! ANI) BE ASSUItEI). Car - 1"ii'e - Life - Sickness - Accident, .1. I1. R. Elliott Go►'don Elliott ' Office Phone 104. 12 g Com, Residence Phone, or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, N AEA JNrrNYrrr.rtrr*rrr+trN frtitf•N MOAT. **r+rMAT (Beautitui DURABLE FIRE - RESISTING „Roofs that will still be Modern Tomorrow" Viceroy Asphalt Shingles have colours and patterns which will be "good style" throughout the many years which they will last . . , and that is a long, long time.. Asphalt Shingles and Roll Roofings which bear the Viceroy London brand are products backed by long years of manufacturing ex- perience, Your assurance of satisfaction is the manufac- turer's integrity which insists on a high standard of quality in all products which bear the Viceroy name. Dependable dealers recomm:nd Viceroy Asphalt Roofings, London Roofit►gi}',Divilit n ViCEROy1MANLJFA(TUURIlti(3 `C6 LIMITED Factory, LONDON titaJ'thy feE 1 f le 11 1, LL. , I 1 vi oy ONDON ROOFINGS ASPHALT SHINGLES ASPHALT SMRDTH AND MINERAL EURYALtD ROLL ROOFINGS WHALE DR TARRED SHEATHINGS & FELTS BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS ROOF COATINGS R FOR SALE Mrs. l:ini.il;:rat and1 1I :ill_ ren of \\*,,..;.,11';,nluo,', \i itcd tl,i. 1 General Electric \ea-!.riu , �\\cch \\itll leer parr'ut , \I r. and '.Ir:.! 1 year old, in good condition, _a r(ilr' ,\. motor, equipper! with ;WI nlatir punt' • Price ?I1'!).t•;;. 1ir< \.lurray \\`elle.. \1r, Jac!: \Icl:h' f'i It•I!)I;•, • Tres -rat, 1, f'.:;. , die \reel: -cud at Ili • Fii •nil n•e and Funeral Service — Thune 7 or 69, Blyth' it eiviainiae aiNDoi `ADINnx: amixY.NzlaaranDvl l:::,111;21.'•1:;Xini.212f.`;d P,?wDaYt)alaaiw 17111 1 m..1.Y Y.II„ Y11, d 111 11 .1 111 Y. 11 Y1. + 411aiai9'SIi1Y.,,1 Yu- ,11.1,,. f ...4:L1 Speirn's PHONE 24. lird are _BI,Y'I'H. EVERYTHING IN ITARDWARE. LA1)IES' DAY'T'ON BICYCLES. 'l'he Best on the Market. Toastmaster Autoi iaCc 'Toaster. Pyramid Jacks. - V''iceroy Motor Oils ONE ONLY --- MILLER FALLS I1ALF-INCII HEAVY l)UT1' LAWN MOWERS. YOUR DE LAVAL, DEALER ice us about a Milker or a Separator Rig'lit Away. j„• Mme.."•-.'••.+•'. i. l.,•b. . f. Y'.Y.,aY Yf.-..Y�j�Y,.,,.1,aY..rrwy .VIII. IA !'� rNY-IrrrlrrN+rl rrrrlr+rNNllrr+INl{'N .-des Nrllrr#NA . hi .5i12icioic't:ci'4r�,':;?,":%:air:`,.•,:�:r,�!.�K✓-'13,=`.d1i;: ^ h V i h i:.'ir9ia.�.�,i:`i`di!.Ji`diaic�gFi'atliiiiat t 40.4114 4411144144411144414.4 • *MAW 444,6‘ s there a NOOSE around Your home? In other words, is your home mortgaged? If so, could your dependents pay off that n)rtga„e in the event of your death? If they could not, then you can arrange with Confederation Life Association to have it pain oft by means of a special Mortgage Insurance .'olicy. It will be worth your while to inquire about this policy, wht:titer the mortgage was arranged with :u1 individual, a com- pany, or under the National housing /Lt. Write now for booklet "Pout' home". It tells you how your wife can have cash to payoff the mortgage if anything happens to you, RF YOU INURE Gil*si4�f�o'� Coni ederatioLife�, AEs,ociauuoa TORONTO ?:)!)hyo Representative 11EAD OFFICE Bread - Cakes - Pastry Have our Delivery fall at Yo r Door .r.ra..:.w....rrY.ww.+.;..++1.-...'r..16...d.1..Y,Y.YYJew -Y+4-Y+r.Y.+frYlo...r•.. The IIOME H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario ; yVrrOrNrNN+r****** ### OM Mil,•rr+rrNrrNN•wrrrrNM+rr+Mr Nr.�ry1, FYaNYw+�Y�tid. •-!. _ _ _ u/ffL1.IF.iY4L..i-tl.iYW �i,..4LL�d.�...:1......�� 1 It A it You - i urtite-Matizet for a Paint Job? - i V:re are really at all times to attend to your 1 painting jobs, exterior and interior. We use the i best of paints, and our workmanship can be com- pared with the best. Let Us Estimate On Your Next Pailltin ' Job. TMT & FIIRONS Telephone 56, I:lyth Decorators �. .� �.iYY �o:wL+.17Lasw�.v�es.t�. s•.c16�,Y:�+u11�viau:.Yd.+.r.iJ :.irs. A. '1'. ('•Ili- i• viiiting• h l \Ir• l�,'u :\:a`t:ni c, l' L'rus Don - 36J j' nr�hfcr. ',fry. lau;r- lfichie and Mr. itis \tr('allitni, visited n11 \\ednesda}• IMichie, of Belgra\'e, \\ ith Mr, and Mrs. J. 11 Watson,