HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-28, Page 3• ,c.t only half reataz or the ie uf Mr. D. -der. aged 54 f;cJ Wylie ids: a n ed., after d 1:re.-Ed. S. eras. HITAL -OF MON: ta the buircling • of UPPEA sw59ttirf e Subscriber- ,...--kritgbastness;:; year QSUL tA.M. .2tw8 - ••<. derickat tier day and Thant- Bayfiekl oath* o be 15 ban& Vin -zoo& desk; ted 141 bandit rice paid, Nog A:LAIR qt CO* - - rOr rta. fie- side. a„Srart • Grep-e ▪ kaiven. )gt t tqt PROI.Inie- rrecik, iendifferene s, fettle Pears &' wgu'A 'do well so ;.•ori nodersigte. :amPISELL,. in for he.arirs, essment, Ice., of witt be heti at at the hour of )NESDAX, the smr, otos* ciei`k. w9i4 bearng AppaTs be held at 3. R Saturdarro, Stephen. 9w3t power of Site 'Made by Thoma* Eetprsmitit, infthe f the ion pari,. -to; Town of Godee-. Esgulte, (clefatilr Poyment thereoff, lath day of April. let. noon at the asoo +link horst, reofUndeneb,the y: all and Mugu-- .rtiet of bon& and og in the Townstip 1tisoce„ in the said easerement bait ilia r saki l-premiSee may bet • that is to stiy:. ekii. -three auff four • Skin Road, in the Vfliaxe of ii,-*eicie eiebteen in, lebein Road, in the Oeid, by one John d Load Sunreyor„ Pelt. anda map or ,K.,d at-event:0 to the us the office of the. - race. Deed Under - CAMERON', • t Otor tor. Morteageo-- . 7.4u'iti the payment 'vett by Joseph dding Society - mooned f heaame ewer of See ia oak' sa at the rooms of wftot Ooderieft„Ofl IpriI next, at twelve Zer 8vein the 2n4 * of Goderich, in the g aeres, more oe eu*Ii.the butane. Maidens of sale may by previous *KA- FLO.CE, the City ot London Siding Semety. pe of Lands* 0 a Power of Salo ire made ny George - iWawatteell, ia that a, of the firat pert, rife, of he seem& onett of -M,.4 Towa- wire; co! the third it outdo in; the dee ikt bei soklion itk day Of A it the clock, itiosri. M..artof GODEltil that is to say z- Lot, DI the village or Vrearstoosisr no acre of tapir 'tlt the -Wilding& e. IS; leiter for Mortgagee.; watit 'en OF LAND& meow of a writ ot, hest Facies isseed oat Her Ilfejestfa. Coast we &mate& sgwast th Mee*thlbgrl.defea-- Elesabeek Bragg as& hawitscinedase ak * of redemption esti net woad p the seek: ie. on Clamed* w atreet,. wok* tbe Cgaety terialfeter s aceirt Horter„ in OH, witeb.tlie fourth eater twelvott of_tbs *ego 36A.CDONALI4 81,040411,1i Zan & Colurtio NAVIGATION FOR 1S65. We believe it is now settled upon that , we are only to have the following sr- '. rangement for the season of navigation, Which will probably open in a few days: The steamer Heron will take up the Saginaw route, same as last year. The propeller Niagara and baruge Maitland to run between Goderich and Chicago,and onthe coast -route there will be the Bruce and Bonnie Boat. We are not informed a&to :running of the Canadian. The, Chicago and Sarnia route will be kept up, wo believe, pretty much the same as. last .year. 44111111v. THE _SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. LET GODtRICH FLOURISH- ! THE MARKETS. GoDERICH, March 28112;1E65. • . .$0:85 (as; 0:87 . 0:77 (ii; 0:78: . 0:371 (q}. 0:40 .. 0:55 0 0:60 0:00 0:75 .. 5:50 (J40:0500: 2.00 Qi), 0.00 045 00:50.0 025: 0 0:00 (f_t 0:25 .(si: 0:00 (r_r; 0:17 037/ aod 2:00 @ 0:00 Hub -0:08 ® • 0:12; Apples 0.40 @ _0:50i Ray, ion. 15:00 18:00 - 'Stnaw. per load, 400 (a) -5:00 . SEA14RTH MAitHETS. • Fall Wheat, Spring do Oats, Barley Fees Pork Baef, Lambs. l'urkies, each t; eese, do niekens, pair 0:20 I tacks, do . . 0:00 I tides (green) 2:75 15ntter 015 retatoes . 0:35 Rtuoyal...--By an advertisement -in another eoliiimo it will be seen that the Bank of Montreal will be removed in few weeks to - the building at pie.seut used by the Bank .of ttpper Canada, the agency ofivideli is about -beium removed frau this town altegether. 0 • FALL WHEAT..--Frony all the information we can gather,- it appears that the Fall Wheat bas passefthrough the winter remarkably .well. The fiehls have mit presented such a promising appearance at this season-- for eeveraryears past. Thus far the appearance •efthingsfoi 1865 is very encouraging, Md. Farming Lands for Sale. [Reported for the SIGNAL by Currie. McDougall & Co.j Srsise.-The weather seems to be fairly -opening up for spring. The soft South wind has brought. with it the birds of summer, and .4to4ay (Tuesday),clouds of wild pigeons have passed over, flying Northward., The frost is out of the ground, and a few fine days mill enable farmers .to set their ploughs at work. 'The indications are that the season will be ain unusually forward one. „ - Too F4s-r.- If those who are going about 'with * petitioil in favor of a mitigation of tbe sentence of John Griffin, vrish to secure two Iutt yeark.of Penitentiary life .for him, they wilt persevere in. their zealous efforts. In our opinionthe Government will be much more likely to do something for him if ....property asked sig months hence. S2APORTH, March 2,71117 1865. Flour (1-1 barrel) $4:00 .(i4 4:50 Fall Wheat, bushel....$0:90 (.(t 0:92 Spring Wheat, 11. bush_ u:78 6_1,1 - 0:80, Oats............- 0:40 0 0:00 Barley _ . 000 -0 0:60 Peas 0:70 ® 0:75 =7. Potatoes 0:30 0:35 Hay (111, ton). ..... i8:00 Per (V hundred). 6:00- 7:00 3:50 - (a) -3:50 Butter (11. lb), ,0;16 fe), 0:00 Sheepskini 1:00; 0 1:50 .Eggs (7r3 0:001, Op, -.Timothy Seed 2:00 (al 2:50 Wool .. . . 0:26.. (Li; 0:32 Cloeer'Seed. _ 9:00. Q_)t P:50 ...... • , • , - Toronto Mar. 27. -Flour 4.50 :F ill Wheat 93e a 96e.. Spring do 90 a 93e. - Barley 70 *76c. - Oats 45 a 47. Hay $14to $18. DART of lot No. 10, 1st con., [Bayfield Gravel Road], Goderich Township, about 2; miles frora Goderich Town, containing 110 acres, more or less. The and has a beauti- ful frontage on Lake Huron, with a gravelly beach ; will be sold in one lot, or as may be agreed upon. ALSO :- Part of lot 21, ncrth of the Bayfield Road, in the Township of Stanley, between Bayfield and Brucetield, containing 74 acres of land, more or less, knowu as the 4annockburn property. These lands will be sold cheap. Apply to G. M:. TRUEMAN, Auctioneer & Land Agent. Goderich, March 14, 1865. w7 -1m lt1013.11,18...* Clark's Bridge was-sweptaway by the recent fre.shet. TO THE FRONT. _ 'The Huron Rifles are furbishing np_their arms mid calfini irt recruits with /I view of - going to the front on the first of Mai; to relieve some orthe returning colianies. It woeltIdo the corpa good to get a few months - of caniii fife sad daily drill. , * SEAFOR'1911`.. IEi.-P4PEIS- ( -LARGE ASSORTMENT or Wall Piners Lit from =le per roll upwards, AT THE SIGNAL' OFFICE. EVERYTHING.. - .toy Ir.. Mrs. Dix, who, according tof my kat, Lad nleped, has thought better of it. She return- ed on the 2kb, and is now, I hear, liTing with her injured husband. The wicked boys talk of a chirivari, but it is to be hoped will _ think better of it also. 41111.• 'NOTICE. . PHELPS, SURGICAL & MECHANICAL :1 DeNtiscr, (successor to T.13. Mont- gomery,) Outlet-1th, C. W.' Booms over Mr, V. Jordan's Dm. More. January 13th,1865. sw28-VIY _ THide E Sof the property advertised to take place on the third day of *March instant. under -a power 01 Sale in n Mortgage from John Longworth andwife to -John W.. Seymour, is adjourn.eo to Monday. the 10th day of April lest, at the Auction -Mart of Thomion & Reale- burst, Kingston Street, Goderich,-at noon. M. C. CAMERON,' - w8 Solicitor .for Mortgagee, anil tat[enary AT-TIIR LOWEST PRICES, Military School: INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. THE Creditors of the Undersigned are notified to meet at the office of Frederick Proudfitot, Barrister at Law, in the Village of Southampton, in the County of Bruce, on Thursday, the sixth day of April next, (1h65), at the. hour of ten o'clock , a. 1111 tor the purpore of ree4ivin3 state- ments of his affairs, and of naming an .assignee to whom lie inav make an assignment uader the above Act. Dated at Southampton, aforesaid, the 15th day of March,.1865. - GEO, CRAIG. FREDERICK PROUDFOOT. t Solicitor for George Craig. w8sw56-2w* flANDIDATES for commissions in `lj Service Militia desirous of obtaining ad- mission to either of the Schools of Military Instruction air -e -required to make application in • writir.g for such purpose, through the Brigade Major of the division wherein they reside.- * WHOLESALE 4. RETAIL AT THE • SIGNAL' OFI,ICE. B.--COliNTRY MERCHANTS., sup- -plied at NVAIVANOSII. Deseix's Bits...Doin.- Sleben has been ned 8-M00 witti costs for selling Riven. - Proctor, was hauled up also, but the prose cations failed. The witnesses drank something bearing the name of coat ort, and although they could swear it was not petroledmi they :either could not or would.nat say vrhetherit was of an aleololie nature. Either these parties have already lost the power ot 'dis- tiogaishinz whiskey from water, or. they ate laying themielees open to actiens for - Applicants must state their age, residence, Post office address. and native country, and transmit, with their application, a certificate from a clergyman or magistrate in the local- ity where they live as .to moral character. - - -W. POWELL Lieut . -Col. .D. A. Gen. M., 1.5 c. Adjutant General's Office, Quebec, March 4th, -1865 w7 3m Toronto)WholesaIeltates, By eidering from the Signal! "Offiee you SNIT ttiTILTIME AND FltEIGIIT. Goderich, March 21st, 1865. PAISLEY. &TRAY EIVinto `premisei of- the under, si.,:ned, lot 15 N of tn plot, .stalce Shore, Ashfietd, early in 'June last. 2 white and one black Sheep, which the owner is reque.sted to prove. pay charges, a,ed take -ow -ay. - Mar. 14, 1855. w7•3 JOHN DEEN. . . iX�PICE TO CONTRACTORS. • Mortgage Sale oF 64 Shares- & Anchors, Rigging, - fze„ in Steamer Bruce.' TTNUM: and by virtue of a l'-iwer of Sale en- -Goderich, March 21st. 1865.. • w8 .C.-orsed on and forming part of a certain Mortgage nuide by '1'honias B. VanEvrry and George Rumball, ol the Town_olGoderielt, in the Clotintv of IItiron, Forwarders, Of the First part. J Petlor and Samuel II. Dettor, of'the rpHEundersikned Trustees of" School Section No. 3, in the _Township of Colborne: will , receive tenders uplo Monday, the 3rd ofAPril, Insolvent Act of 1864. 1865. New Spring Goods. 1865. THE SUBSCRIBERS beg respeetfully to announce that the first instalment ot their Spring order of IN THE NATTER OF COL1NSI1V- CL AM,- an Insolvent. frillE creditors of the Insolvent are notified that he has .made an assientnent of his Estate and effects under the above Act to me,._ the undersigned assignee, and they are re, piked to furnish rae, within two months from this date,- with their claims, 'ipecifyiug the security they hold, ifany, and the Value of it, and if none, stating the fact T, the whole at tested under oath, with the vouchers in sup. pert of such Claims. - - Dated at Goderich. in the 'Comity of Fla - roil, this Thirteenth day of March, A. D. 1865. • C11 RTSTOPHER Assignee. TOMS & Solicitors for Insolvent.. w7 - NOTICE, ft THE Court of Revision for the Township of I Gbderich, will hold its- first meeting at the Council Room, Ilohnesville, on MOnday, the 2-1th day of April next, for the purpose of hearing appeals ,against assessment, &c. •,..JOHN SHAW, township Clerk. ' s8 31 March, 20th 1865, TO LET. 0.00 THAT House and . Shop now occupied ` by A I to -• GEO. H. PARSONS. hfr: R. Ugiow. Pdtsession 1st April. At Noe:4 for me ef". a I New •113tick School House on lot 10,:8th cton.,E.D Colborne, better known as Young's School House. Plans and specifieritions of said Building vvill be Seen at George Houston's residenne, an yihne between the 21th and time of letting. The,Said'. Trustees do not, bind triemselVes to accept- the low6t. tender,- Terms Made known fort ::the day ol ft AME into the_ enclosure of the-Subscri5er S; 19,•10th con., Wawanosh. about the middle of Sebtember last, two Heifers BOOTS AND $lloEs Has been re ived and is now on exhibition at the HOUSE," CLAS OW _ Whieh makes their stet): very complete in all the grades and qualities of Ladies', Girls', Mena', Boys', Youths' and Childs' 1300.1S AND SHOES: Our prices will be found very low, quite in accordance with the necessity of the times. CDT..3TR \77". S PIZIN CI - 4.k. „ie -ZZr:irtv r r e to hand, -comprising' all the novelties in 11 is o drinspect our stocheven if you don't buy, •it may be wort] From New York have also co goods -very cheap! "Loc(k. in a your while 66 MAINT 1111(1 delimit having been made in the due payment ed to prove pronerty pay charges and take old, on? red and .w white e said Town of Goderiehi-Mereliants, of the be- cond part, which said Moitgage is duly recorded coming 2 Years in -the Custom House of the Port- of Goderich; otherblack and white., The owner reques- thee of, and in the provisions therein =contained, them away. PETER' RUTHERFORD. and due notice having been seri ed on all parties St: Helens, Mch 14th, 1865. sv7-.3t ertilled to notize, will be sold by public Acetion _ • insolvent Act of -1864 Oft Tuesday, the 18th day. of April Lext at li.velve no•in at the Auction Mart of - • - Messrs. Thomson & Hazleliurst,, on ICingston $5(11 AUNTS WANTED! ilifty Dollars a Month 1. AND ALL EXPENSES PAID. &1011 further particulars apply, eitLer per sonally or by mail with stamp, to DR. A. J. ARCHER, Aslatield, Belfast p.o., C. W. .5 A BY-LAW To raise by way of Loan the sum of Twenty 2'housand Dollars for the purpoies therein mentionfd. '‘II' II.FREAS tile Corporatian- of the Duiterf II Counties of Huron aud Bruce has rde solved to Gelute, Gravel and improve certain- . ,R,foRadusioani.id Highways, with the necessark - Bridges fur the same, within the said County' --_- - Axe WHEREAS the said improvements ere entirely within the County of Huron, and the expellee of malting the some is to be defrayed by the said County irrespective of the County of Bruce, the .Loan or Debt. will be paid by the said County of Huron mad the Rate hereinafter mentioned - wiLtie raised= solely upon the rateable proper-ty -within thr said County of 'Huron : Asa wstaxas is i carry into effect the said recited object 11. 1 will be necessary for the saiaCorponttioa Ire IND 11 1' 1C-11.-VT2-74_.'' in themanner hereir.after mentioned: ,Age raise the suin of Twenty Thousand •Dollars, WHErtEAS it is expedient to define the realise-. -D. ICER11, -JR., & CO. .. Road intended to be improved. it shall be . tive amounts to be expended on each Line of expended as set cult in the Schedule at tile , end of tbiSBy-Law and forming ptua of the- - slahmArees.e1) 13:111h Eo 111:::s isi d' i t Two IlreglindireredliDete sillaralls °tot - ••• be raised armually by Special Rate for the .: payment tot the said Loan or Debt and inter-, est as also hereinafter mentioned. - • AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole' - rateable property of the said ,Idunicipality irrespeetive _of any future iumease la the SattlV, and irrespective of any itieellle to ir* derived from the temporary -investment -of the siiiltin„0- fund hereinafter mentioned or any part thereof, according- tofthe lust revised .Assessment Rolls being for the- year -one . thousand eight hundred and sixty four ants Eight millions Two hundred and Eightreight thousand Six -hundred and Ninety.rixdolhun: Alio imams for paying Ilre intermit and 1 creating an equal annual - Stoking Fund for paying. the said sum - of Twenty Thousand Dolhirs and interest as hereinafter...mentioned, it will require an equal annual -Special Bale of tbur-tenths of . -mill in the Dollar liked ditior to all other rates and taxes to be 'levied in each year. , e . . _ j , ' Be it therefbre enacted by the Coq:made* of the United Counties_ of Huron and Bruce, I- That it shad! be lawful for the Wardell for the time bean, of the said last mentioned -Corporation to rdise by way tif. Loan, front _ any person or persons, bey or bodies corpo- . rate ivlio may bewnglo advance the wee ' upon the credit of the Debentures berm r Glasgow 'House, 20th March, 1865. -street-, in said •Powii Goderich, the 'following IN THE -1‘.IATTER OF WILLIAM. shares or parts ot and all- that Steamer called ROBERTS, AN INSOLVENT . _property, that is to say : Six:IT-lour undivided R ball aforesaid now tying at the Port of Giide-' rry, Ore ditors of the Insolvent are notified tbe" Bruce," Chen the property of Van Every & that he has made an assignment of his - We have had a rapid thaw duringthe last few days. The saovr, which. was Very deep, has almost disappeared, except iti.theavoodS. The -rivers are very high. Sleighing is done, mid there is every prospect °fan early spring. There is an appearance of a snow storm, hoivever, at prelipnt. Yarn -leis wilt reja:ce at the departure or the snow, As cattle feed ii exceedingly scarce in this part: Mr. PLATT'S' LIOS.itES. • ALSO rs wig be received Alton the same plan, at the same tune, -by-Said:trustees, for the erection iff a trame building. " "GEO HOUSTON - . 'ALEX. KIRKPATRICK; • 27,ustees. Colborne, March 18th, 186. - w82t4S rich aforesaid. together with all and •singular the, anchors, ri-t--t-ing, furritture, tackle .and apparel thereunto belonging or in any wise apnerttiming. - Deed under Power of Sale. - ' M. C. CAMERON, w7tol . Solicitor for Mortgagees. -41*. Platt estimat9s his losses by the recent freshet at about $500% and, after all the trouble and anxiety he has passed through, in eonsequence otthe difficulty of maintaining dant across the river. Maitland, it is not to be wondered at that - Ie should rid very Much disheartened. - Itis feared by some that hewill give up the struggle in despair, but we trust, for * sake qf theieWn that he may `see his way clear for a fresh start. Nearly every butanes* man in town Will agree with im -when we state thiti permanent stoppage of the Mills owned by-kr. Platt wOuldle 'a calamity much. sto be deplored; and bence,we think every mania Gederith who hat an interest at stake in theplace, and every able farmer. in thevieinity Who can Appreciate the necessity of keeping up the Trice of wheat should now come forward and vehatteer whateverassistance may be in Ids power towards _restoring the dam with- -out whiett these fine Mills will be 'useless. Mr. Platt has suffered a loss that pros- liates hint for the time -being, notthioui,h • .drunksnness, or roguery, or negligence,but simply by an accident that no human . -*might caul& have prevented, and now for the business and, laboring people .pr the town and whnni, be haa materially benefited, to say whetinit they, ,-,cannot come talk assistance. About a. jun ago a large furnitirefiatablishment .bkOsbawa woo burned down.. There was ..no insurance upotkit and the proprietors wet* aimed; but the people of the town,, with eomatendable spirit,: went to work and seemed for thin: the immediate is! of $10,000-.. Tne consequence. was that in one year :afterwards the building trees fron it a ashes and gave 'employment . toil:40ot 70 mew, WC* need a 'park of Sbat 'plat ter& - Sonm of no ectdd give *few days work, and others could secure labor *by advaneing-e few dollars, Who - ilk Ate natter at? dottOON YOUNG, MORTGAGE --SALE. • GBEDIT). Mortgage Sale! •- 32 Shares & Anchors, Rigging. &c:';, in Schooner (jenxty RuMbalt.' TIN DER and tiy• virtue of a Power of Sale el-. dorsed on a certain Mort -gage mule .by Thcfmas B. __VanEverV and George Itunthall, of tile Town or Goderieli.-in the County (ictluron, Forwardek; of the First part, and John 17.Oct:or and Samuel II.,Hetlor, -of said Town of C Merchants, of the eecond part, which said Mort - *gage isduly recorded in the Customs office, of the ToWn ot Coderieh aforesaid; defitult haVing been- _ made -in the priyment thereor/and in the &net - ions therein -centa_Pied, and due notice haVing been served on all Parties cattle(' to notice, will be ;sold by Public Auctior ,*on Ttiesday- Ito 18th- day of April next, estate and effects under the above Act to me the undersigned assignee; and they are requir- e] to furnish me within two. months from this date With their 'claims,- specifying the security they held if any, --and the value of it, mid if none stating the fact; the %%hole attested an - der oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims. _ Dated at Snuthatnpton, in the County of Bruce,- this 14th day of March, 1E65. w8 2t ji A. McNABB. , . ENED_AG 1 THE SUBSCRIBER DEGS to inform his (-Ai friends and the Public generallylhat_ he has LP RE -OPENED in • DURsITANiT to a Power. Of Sale Contained in 1 a certain Mertgage, made. between Robert Parker, of tbe ToWnship of Arran, in the C minty of Bruce, Yeornan:of the firetniart;ind .Williatn Crawford, Robert Henderson a:fa-John-Jamieson all of the said foivnitup, Yeomen, Executors of the of the late George Altan, of the seeor.d part: will ue sed by Pullie Abetion„atIlilliert's frotet.in the Village -of Southalpfdow, in the said County:of Bruce, ON TII.E.;f*2_(),TH DAY OF APRIL NEXT, (1885), at dorm,- the following; lard and _premises, namely:Ai:a no..21/i the 9th eon. of the said ToWnship oft Azran, 100 "aeres, good new leg house grid loz barns, with.20 acres 'cleared.. TEKMS:-One-fifth cash'and:balance tont; equal annual instalments, 'S,vith per cent FREDERICKTROITHFOOT. . Solicitor. tor -Mortgagees. Southanipton, 14 March, 11565. w8-4t1s$o interest. . . Bale at -twelve o!ctoet: noon, at the Anetion Mart of Alessi's. Thomson ar flakteburst, on Kingston st., in the said Town ef Gbderich; the fidlowing pro - pert, that is to sity, Thirty -two -undivided Shares or riarts ot and in ad thatVeSsel Called the "Jenny Runtliall," tlico the property 'of -Van Every 6z; Rumball. af.)resa , now lying at the Pcirt-of Gode rich. atotesnid, together with aliatte siogular the 'an.chorq furnitore tac1-1 and apparel --1 r• - • - -*therennto belonging or in- any ,wise appertain-- ing;. Decil -wider Power ofSale. • ' - -M. G. CAMERON, , Wad] . ' Solicitor. for Mortgagees. Thirty-two Sixty:fourth shares of the schooner, ship.. ves II-Virr • sal called the w . Mer- ritt." ITNDEK and bv Virtue °es:Power or -Sate con- tained --in. a certain _Mortgage Made by Thomas B. Vadeveryand George Rumba% ot the .Town. of Goderich, in the County _cf Huron, Forwarders,of the first part, and John V. Deficit. and Samuel Detlor, of the aforesaid Town of Goderich. M.erchOits, of the second -part, which said Moitgage .is duly recorded in the Custom House of the Port of Dalhousie, default 'having been made in the due paymeut thereof, and due nonce having been served on all parties eiditled to notice, will he sold by-- Public Auction, on Tuesday,the- 18th day of:April next, at twelve oh -lock, noon, at the Auetton Mart Pf Metistra. Thomson et Hazlehurst, on Kingston street,rn said TownorGoderieh, the following property,' that is 10 say: thirty-two sixty 'fourth shares of the schooner, ship or vessel --called the W.11. Merritt.” then the property er VanEvery Bunibalt, aforeaatd, now; lying at the Port of Goderith, aforesnid, Deed under.poyver et sale. irtae Sale! OE' 64 Shares & Boats, Guns, Amu- nitiolhqntalt ATMS and .Anurtenan- ces, of Steamer Niagara. u/STER and by vIrtiM of a Poiret. of Sale U contained la a certain Mortgage made by Thinias B. vanEvery and George Rumball, of the Town ot Goderich, in the County ot Huron, Forwarders. of the First Part, and •John V. Detlor and Samuel H. Detlor, of the aforesaid. Town of Goderich, Merehents, of the Second Part, which said Mortgage is duly recorded in the Custom House of the Port of Montreal ;" default having been made in the due payment thereof, and due notice having been served on sill parries•entitled to notice, Will .be sold by Public Auction, on "ts • M:C.CAMERON„ viSsw56td Solicitor for Mortgagee. OREDIT SALE. THE undersigned initructed to sell me the farm of Thomas and John Bartley, Sauble Lute, near Bayfield, , __ • .. . .ON TIIIER8Diff,4PRIL 6041865, Fin. Stock, viz: fifteen head of cattle, nan & Co., of New York;.•an.c1 Buchanan, To commence at Vo`clock,p., m., the following comprising four present4calyers, one yoke of Harris & Co., of Hamilton, Which Businesses excellent plough. oxen III first-rate condition, will hereafter be carried on by the under- hged.'''.2 the hsisnee steer.andheifers °f different siened, under tlie same firms in Glasgow and ars, 2 good horses rising 5 years old -one a good„ undet that of Buchanan,Hope hear/ farm horse, •the -other well adapted for •14w Y°r1r.and service in saddle or carriage betties", 2. ploughs, & Co., at Hamilton. _ ' B . • f arrows, Sinning mill, waggon, sleighs, straw- The Dry Goods and Grocery. amnesties 0 ' a of their household furniture, The . * Adam Hope & Co.-,-- London. win be.removed to Hamilton and the undentigned will con- Tuesday, the 18111 day of April next, at twelve o'clock, -noon, -at the Auction Mart_ ot Messrs. Thomson & Hazlehurstt on Kingston street, in said Town of Goderich, the followino, property, that is to say; Sixty- four undivided Shares or parts of and in all that Vessel called the "Niagara," then the property of VanEvery & Rumball, aforesaid. now lying at the Port of Gederieb, aforesaid, together with all and singular the anchors, rigging, furniture,. tackle and apparel there- unto belonging or in any wise appertaining as above mentioned. -.1.ieed under Power of Sale. M. C. CAMERarr, w7td] Solicitor for Mortgseees. Notice. - ADAM HOPE was, on the 31stDec. JAL last, admitted. a Partner of she Business hitherto conducted under the firms of Peter 13 harem & Co. of Glasgow ; Isaac 13ucha: cutter, harness nearly newviiic.; tee., ited the -Ha ware and -Ream Goods business rtner the'N, Mr. CharlesJanies flepeiunder proprietors will be happy to ribtait this tinue , previous totheasle. • Lo don -*n connection with their present dr.c to the inspection- of intending purchasers TE11118:-All' earns ,Under $4 cask ; aboitit that amount 10 mouths credit on approved notes. As theproptietoMare'quitting farming, there w'id ti.soyfuerve. - WM, BUSSENBERRY, Auctioneer. Stanley, llarchlitti.1*5, w8-21* -14 - the fina data VACCITUCTIANAN, ADAM HOPE, ROBERT WEMYSS. Hamilton C. W., March 13 1865. w84t U13 etd 9 p91 poi e 1-4 For Sale. Cheap. Next door to Mr. R1T LEIVS BOOK -STORE where everything in . 3 Stc., will be sold cheap lor CASH or in exchange for Dairy Proditee. afte As he intends to devote ns attention principally to the rectifying of mentioned, a sum of money not exceedlnjiR - *1 the whole the sum ofTwenty Thousand Del - Ian and to cause _the *IMO tO paid AdO ESE I MI reby enabling him to sell at IS the hands ef the Tremiurer of the Uaite4- Counties aforesaid, for the purposes and with the object above recited. II. That it Anal be lawful for Avesta - Wanien to cause any number of Debentures to made for -such sums ot money as may bit reqeired, not teas than One Rundred Dol' _ liars each, and that the stud Debentures ihall leeS be sIealed with the seal- of the said Corpora- , don, and signed by thesaid Warden. , _ • 111. That the said- Debentures /bell be made payable in ten 'years at fertheett frois the day hereinafter mentioned for this By., Law to tate effect either in London, in Hes _ land, or Some place in Canada to be dodoes. _ ed an the said Debentures. And ellen kin attached to them -Coupons for the payment of Interest. - --IV. That the said 'Debentures and Coe. pons shall, be made out in either Sterling mewl or Provincial,currency of this Pea vittee, at the option af the said Wiirden so . that the whole amount of. said Debentures - shall net exceed the before mentioned um - of Twenty Thousand Dollari, and they iliall bear interest at and alter tbe rate or zei _per centum per annum, whichinterest shall be t payable on the first day of Jantis.ty mid first, day of Julytin each and every year durio( the continuance of -the said Debentures it the plate where the Debentures are made payable. - -. " .... „. . V. That for the purpose or Tomtit -st Sinking Fund for the payment of the said Debentures and the Intermit at the rate afore, said to become due thereon, an equal special rate Of four tenths .)f a vain in the %Rut _ Shalt in addition to all other rates and takes; be raiseiNleviedand collected -in each year solely upon all the rateable property vnthia the said County of -Huron, during the continuo once sofsaid debentures or any of them. - VI. That this Ily:Law shall take effect and -come into operation upon**, Nineteenth day of June, in the year of Our Lord One - Thousand Eight Hundred and Siaty.Five. _ SCHEDULE .... REFERREDMO IN THE F011ir ::. GOING. Dealers th rein will do well VD give him a call. _ Those Indebtedllto him will Please call and settle at once, ot erwise costs must be incurred.. MARKET SQV AR KIRK. G ode rich, 7th Alarch, 1865. sw53 FARM FOR SALE IN WAWANOSH HE FARM FARM OF SIGN/ LFIELD. particulars, aliply (if b letter postpaid), to . • 'MBE Undersigned offers for sale the following 1 preans.,s, situated on the chavel Road tu the Township of Wawanosh, Within 11 Miles Of Goderich! containing 100 acres, LO of which are cleared. On the premises -there is a good Frame Barn 36 by 52, a good Frame House, young Prehard- bearing. A good creek runn.rig through the farm. Apply to - HUGH WM AXIL Lot _3„ 4th eon. Oldie County of Ontario ai Willa anosh, Jan. SO, 1.865. wl-t m . _ Lands and tenements oftitepu ri D.Crayvford,F.R. THE IlAWLEY FARM! mon Pleas, and to me di eeted , against the Lynch Staunton, Enoch C. wiing and Bobert '• the Huron GilinOur, at the suits of 1sa V. Howard and MILES from Goderich On 2- _ the Corporation of the Town, hip oi Elderelie, 1 i Road, haie seized and token in Execution all the right, I TO LET O.R , Iendants,in and to SELL • T. J. MOORHOUSE. -'SignalOthoe. Goderich, Feb. 21d, 186r. Sw49tf ,SHERIFF'S SALE 0F-'LANr S. e I United Counties of By vir ue of two -v. -tits of Don Exponas and Huron and Bruce, in To Wit: Fieri issu6d out cf 1-11r Majes aeihs for residue s County Court Court of Com - title and interest oldie .,aid d Park Lot No. 15,LPt No. 8, of Lot No 6, East side oi being attbdii isions of Patti. loge of Paisley; South half 4 ide of Queen Street South P lb North sule of Cambridge West side ofQuceit Street, 'North l'aisley, J nt t3 South side and 13 and 14 North side of Cambridge Huron street, Southampton, 50 feet of the North , street, Paisley; North halt oflot „IA East side oi LIMOINCOLBORNE- olir Street, I _ _ f d to the South halt peen street North, No. 4 in the L _ot 22 on the East isley,Park Lot No. treet: and Block 35 The above farm will be let or sold on very reasonable terms. Apply to J.BLAKE Huron:Road. Goderich,Mareli 6, 1864 -2 avdtf part ot Lot No. 4, North Southainpton, Lots 29 and 3 ofClurendon street, Southat side of Norfolk Street, South 22 South side of,Loinsa stree in the Count of Bruce; whi nients I shat offer to. sale a 4 of wbich are gravelled. _Alp y Court House, in the Town of dederich, ou Tries - ti the hoar ( Twelve ot ,he el- -k, 110011. . ‘. J. 13. GORDON. day E" hth day Of February next, at . , t Sherif IL 4- P. By S. Ponnoce, Deputy GSher ff." be the orth side I - pton; Lot 18 East i T 7 in the llth con. D., is offered moon. Lots 21 art L.° fur $1500. $250 cagh, balance in time. Southampton, a m effieo m the 60 acres cleared, within 6 milt% ef Goderich,- . h lands and tene-1 This land .13 of excellent quality, with about r JOHN CDONXI4Dr Goderich March 6 1865. usw6.8w Sherid's offiee,otierieti,: NOTICE. rathJanuary,1865. !wi TfiE partriership tor some time existing be: ' The- above sale is postooned till Tuesday, ,. tween Matthew R. Dodds and John 8, the 4th day of April next. leyville is this day dissolved by mutual con - Ireland, as Tanners, in the Village of Ain- , All debts due to the lete firm shall be colland Twenty, Four to tha contemn= us be, lected by Matthew R. Dodds, and all liabill- toeen ijle Eistilli and Ninth, and tune. ties of the same 'to the -present date:, Isbell be along said Line_to tha side .1,.:20 looney v Lei *Me Seyen Thousand Dollars to be expended" on the Colborne and Ashfield Road, carb- ine:icing at A:Alien's Taverns going Nortir weld. - - Four Thousand Dollars on the Nail Book Stephen, between Lots Ten and Eleven,. tommencing at the Loudon Road. Our Thousand Dollars en the Frateasiait _ of the Hay Gravel Road. t ' Three Thousand Biz Ilendesd 414r the Seaforth Road, commescieg at Dole Tavern, going North to Behoove. Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars on - the line between the:Eighth sod Ninth Coa- cessions of llowick, comineaeing At D•0 Tavern. - Two Vlionsand Dollars on ibtr OkstistAA 'Sr ham Road,--thcough Lots Tweet trim Notri IAZ Court of Revision against Assessment wi hons,e of Mr., Alex. Findl 0 on Saturday, the 8th of A a. ALEX. FI14 OT8 G., Sth con.. Bruce: 20, 41h Kudos.; 22, 1.4 Oth con. Huron. Apply to M. C. CAMERON. • Coderich.October 28. 1864. sw16 To whom It may Concern. IT is with the deepest regret that the under - 1 signed finds it Ins painful duty to have to caution the public aganutt giving Mary Dix, his wife, any credit on his account, as she has ieft his bed and board withuut any just cause whatever, -he will not be responsible or any such debts contracted by her, JOSEPH Dix. Sogrodb, March kttla, -1r5. w8 (w8 -3t .Towineh E. - r hearing appeals „ A liquiaatect by the same ‘party.- Witness our I be held .at the reio. el' bands this 6th day of Slarch, 1865. , . - JOHN S. IRELAW), movvia. Witnesies -JOH MN ACTIPOJEJLWIDRA:YIX:DDS. JOHN WILSON KERR. tw8s3t Lots -Twenty and Tiwasty _ along said Side Liao to the Baader, Liao ar. the touay of Bailee Within the Bad Cowl'. of Huron. NOTICE iInsolvent Ao of 1864. Insolvent Act of 1864. IN THE lifA2'TER ALEXAN‘ Tut cf-edi.ofth-e taidersig Pea are n'tifiegi tiell:14:71113plal'eisitytakil-otru6fenthersin4irtr tairif;e----1'1''''s"1111)"1".CI bt DEB DOUGLESSian Insolvent - 'TEE creditors of the In olvent are nolitie!I to meet at the law office -of James:Shaw Huron and unmet at *way Cosita00.114 anignment of ins Sinclair in the Town of Godericb, On Smut. .:...be -1.,.... hs ri....1...it.h in AN iieseser. r -... . a".,...= -,. ........--- < -r-- 1. ----so . ti two months from Huron on the that be has made an Estate and effects under t, e above act 40 me, th undersigned assignee,? aid they are re- s, specifying the nd the value of it, e vennbers in sup- ct the whole at - day, the first day of April next, at • twelve (o'clock noon, for the purpose of receiving statement of his affairs and of. naming an assignee to whom he may make an*, assign- ment under the shove Att. . Dated at the Village of Clinton, in the County of Apron, this meta day of March A. '1865. FREDERICK 111:31BALL. & SINCLAIR, Solicitor for Ineolyent: quired to furnish me eight this date with their clai security they hold. if any and, if none, stating the ,teetecl under with, with port of snch claims. :13e-srenth day of Aulaus A. APROAT, Aesignee. Southampton, March 8, 1865. (swli5w7.2w w1,2w 1-865, at the tow' pf three *Me* in afternoon, at whick lime_aad plan the am - hers of the 0ourn are hereby tellekell* attend for the purpose *foremast PETER ADAMS9114 rtossatios' Ole& County Cleric's Office, Goderich,22ndYeb.; 1845,