HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-28, Page 2r
hitn. I took hold of my father and
ta,.. he tore-illcQueen's Shirt. ` 'Let my Dither
go anti then saw .my brother Edward . on
. Belton..
GODS' IIKC « U. W. M: RG1I .8,-1865. iR obert. \te regor, recalled:. S.ti;I the
;iris were not is the front of the house at
all nor did he see :Patrick' Griffin.
-Tilt TRTATE OFJonnN: Qtt PFM.:
l John Griffin was _then 'pit upon his
trial for his share in the same transaction.
Mr 'McDermott; who defended Griffin.;
form should be retained `in custody till so far
improved in „mind as to ivarraut their re-
lease, or •till some other provision is -made for
ttwni.. . - - _
tVe think_the subject of - making provision
for indi„eut perstnt3 who have- no particular
claim on sonic minor municipality or friends
able :to provide for thein, deserves the serious
consideration of the County Itunicipatity,and
we-would:iespectfally urae,upon ttie.Pcovin-
cialGovernment the necessity. that exists of
IBA his best .fc r the olcfutanin his.adilress pruridiue m)re accomn od,tioa•
for those
to throw the -insane ersoas whose maladies are 'repotted
,•. d h
to the jury 'by en ca• vorm w be of such a character that by ,pro, er
whole blame upon -31e ae,en and the -wo treatment thev-tni ht a=rasa be wade -se -mid cn
O •, G,
boys,. -aid mak-he it. appear from the mind and thus . lie brought -back to their_
d b come-a•►ata useful. members of
friends an a O.
evidence of the witnesses for 'the -defense these=
The Counsel: for the Crown, in opening' that hews doing his best to quell the
the conee said that when . a party •of hien disturbance and keep She peace.
stet upon one man, as in this instance, to The jitry retired, and in about tare hour
abuse bins= each was 'liable for- the acts returned with a verdct of ',Guilty, With a
cotnnuttcd by the others. recQutnieuclatiento`mercy
rhe evidence given by Bolton, gears TUE SE\TE\C> OF t.RtIFE'LN _tNDat;Qzs'EEN
Ills Lerash to, :after `addressing .the
prisoners respeettl:ely upon the enormity
•and brutality of-thcritue they had COM-
II/Wed-which narrowly . escape•1., being
eating affair. GritFte•a=sed blur how ligthat of .muruer itself = and adverting ' to
hard left the patient hetoo! hocua. • Too the sad- and unsafe state into Which society •
• -him. he was very. had. -. fle,,, sail. .Craic- would be thrown Were such. _Mines to be.
ford, asked, hie' if it was wards $10.00 ,
adding that it was one isstuItnent and he
(Bolton) had to gut three o roar. more.
Ilei (Gr`i fi•)-was not to sary_ ve ry sober at 3•enson S. Bennett us. C.-:11a-skim:-
1s im:
that time. Witness affil prisoaer *ere on t etivaut. ' Y,:rdict i. r .plff•L2.1.1,6. •f -or
friendly terms.
gor and Dr. Woods was the same as la -the
case of :McQueen,
Hugh Crziwtbrl testia.el, that he saw
John Griffia, sea., om the- dijr-eifter- the
passed over wit a light punishment, sen-
tenced the 'prisoners to two.. years, each, in
Penitentiary, at hard labor.
litnens Me -Donald *swami- 1. live in •
Baylieta in the employ of Mr. Jelin
he as-kel me how Belted was ; I answered
that he was very poorly. Ite 13alton
had sworn -a, lie alien -hint, for -S3 help him
God he had not Iiid n: lira on Itint, and -in theanoeth of May- last.- --. As :usual in
added fdriher. that he would be hange
. such caies, the- story of the gtrl was . so
for Bolton y...t. Griffii tell Joe to :takze disgastilig that a repetition...pc it ie kin -
care how 1 went pest his plae-?, for h:iving
possible, but as the affair -has beeo made
" BaItods mare, ..T 'might he tak-en. for the
a handle of to -Mr. Bruce's_ great injury,
TheMas McQueen; sworn- - 1 was-- points Of the evidence-- shOuld be -briefly,
. I/resent when the row ' oieurrea at Joha. stated.: tliti:_aff.nr; according to the girl s
Griffia'S-. . 1t3rnaneher 13 Aton corning on ,' story 'took niece.: on- a Sitturdzty _ nieht
the tittft inst. into prisaner s teeere- scene time nea-i. Midnight,- aVe' the absence .
struck -at bitn. John Griffie jumped in of tjte accused!s: wife. _The girl. swore
between us and said there- would be - no that he accomPlished. his , purpeie-Ithat
fighting: in hii housbe He asked' us what 'she niade a ereat ' noise ---that the child -
the quarreling was about, and - T. think .een-, awaking, joined ; their cries with her's
Bolton Said; 4' about -two' dollars-"---aiiffin • :-1-that ihe_did Hat know there were .6ther
- pullett out &handful of silver and said to men -id the bouse at the titne-r-that after
and magistrate of the County. of Brtice,
was' plactid on hie trial on, Friday after -
the conitnuaity,_ while, with respect te that, are ieeureble we_ woulO a'so earnestly
--preee the responsibility that rests upon the
Government to .peovide some: suitable.place
for the treatineet. and- care of those most
aeplorable of all cases of human stifferinge.
Wen Oeareile concur in the sentiments es:_
security given ta our personae, religious and.
eivit liberty iturnaintiliaing-intact Cur -Grand
Jury syetem whereby We seeure tae declared
opinion: of twenteefour of our peers_ before we
can be deprived of ddr liberty: .
We beg to acknow;edge our indeb ness
to the learned and genelernanly -Counsel -for
the Crown tor his general Sfibistiity of manner
auformetiOil required in the discharge -of our
We re rret that the -room- assi;iied to the
Grand Jurors wesein such a position, corn -
pulling, them so frequently to dieturb the
-proeeedings of the Court by .pisein-a„and re-
passieg between your Lerdihip Petty_
United Coetoies in the capasity ,of adininis-
trator of those lasts which fox 36' many gen-
eratilms Lave aeon. the pride .aad beest. of
British subjects, we beg most respectfully /0
congratulate your Lordehie -upcin receiving
the confidence _of oer beloved, Severeigna
so honeyed, and' distingniShed a position as
etiet ofJedee id ode of our SuOerior -Courts,
and permit us respectfully fe pray thet your
Lordihip May be long spared, an ornament
to the Juliciary of our country.
Grand Jury Room, Goderich,
24th Mareh, 18O5. Se:
LITERARY :NOTICES; message of this dItte; in regard . to the. pro -
- - .... A....n{ uwa rnai Inc nhieet_ beim terms of
'1HE CANADIAN QUARTERLY REY/W.-This peace,. by meansof a military convention.
neat- little review, published by Me. 0, D.1
Grilfitt of Hamilton at $1.06 per year, ale I LETTERS OF THE PRESIDENT. : .
men,' challenging- attention by their boldness, %Stu --You will learn by the letter -of Gen
if,notreonviaeinz the jud;traent by their logie. Longstreet the result of his sccOed interview_
ft should have a wide circulation. ------. with; Gen _Ord..; The point as to whether
(30.1)E-1, foi, Apra jA a spjey number. F" ay Yourself or Gen prant 'should ipvite t.he other
to a conference 13 net worth discussmg. If
up to- the •high !standard Of this . excellent you thtnk the statement of Gen Ord renders-
Letlya flocik. For' sale by eto Moorhouse. it probably useful *that thd conference Bug-
Ameseno Meseitey FOR,. -APIIII.. - The gested should be had you will proceed as you
*present number is •quite as good as the last, I clothed with all the
., -me, " Pay him oat of that." That was the oceitrrenee a man darned Robert Wal-
Jr.:fore I struck at It,olten. . Polton theft lace ethe into het roOm Tor a light-7MA
tacked out- of the door and piaci. up a she salt nothing Awn. it. to_ her peoPle--
,stich that 1 was making; a maul handle toe oe.ele ,least eight - or-- ten days. -
..cut. OE John.Griffin, j.i. Pulled it out of fled. there been no -means -Of rebutting all
his shand and 111111g it Olt a pile of wool this, Mr. Brace wotild have beed in-a-liad
Bolton went-- to his cutter and - took' uP il- fix, as the law now stands ; but the whole
,black snake whip and strifek -him with it. _EA:my was met -by the overpysvering adverse
AA this, thae Griffio- hui hold- of Ine- testimonY of at least Six witnesses.: Mr.
.trriffin'sboys had a scaft4 with- Boltoo -M'Le.an, a divinity student, swore that he
Ana throw -bird d°wn• Edward Griffin was in the house on that niiht in MAY;
get on top of hini took him. by the hair and althoncrti he'slept . in. a room at nO
* and 'WU heating hurt in the face with his -great distance, he heard_no noise what -
fits. Griffin held me so tightly- that he over, and he considered it impessihle that
tore the:shirts-off mi. _ McGregor 'came so much noe ;You'd have _been Made with=
out of die house and said We were going out hie hearingit.. Mr. Robert Wallace
_to eciminit.murder. ' Thed Bolton' got up was _also in -the house" at the time,- and
and ran down the road, and the boys went heard no noisee He did not -ask the- giil
into the house. ..it. the beginning...J*0bn for - a Iamp On- that Or any -other night.
Griffin,sen., went into the hitchert_with. Wiheit the 'girl came diem tO the _last
Griffii's from early id the morning till- 5 man and -his wife named- Whalen.' In
o'clock in the afternoon, and *as a little 3L1') Pherson's tavern, Goderiehr she. told
tipsy. McGregor was not -fastened- into Whalen whit she was geing to swear
. - Bridget Griffin-, sworn. The prisoner at a "very palpable inconsistency hatween her
ohichin our. OpirriOni shows 4 marked tute, supplemental_ authority yoitemay heed in the
Coneiderationof any proposal, or ler a.- mili-
provement upon ,the issues of preceding tary convention, or the- appointment of a
months. The :contents._ are:--Adventuree of cotnmissioner to enter into such a, arrange
alone Woinan; The Spaniards' drives at ment ai will cause at least, i'temPerarY* 813-:
the Isles. of Shoals; 'Gritf -The Pettibone pension of hostilities. : -
Lineage; Up the St. Mary'S; Robin Bedfellow;
Citizen; Needle and Garden; -Memories Of
AtHbOrS Thettaore.lIocilo and las Friends;
The Chimney Corner; Mr. llosea BiglOw to
the Elitor of the . Atlantic Monthly; "If
Massa pet Guns iuto our: Hen 3, I! or sale _
Very truly yours,
-Head itiarters Conf. States Armies.
have the effect ofdrawing an immense influx
Of people many of them wealthy, into that
country, the younger sons -ot our noble
families would flock there, And brists
them op sinall umennt of enterprise. - _Infect,
ia _very few 5ears our North -American
with an ever iticreasing, hardy, adventurous,
and thriving popelation. That has long been
twenty miles,.but in ibis instance only lealf*a
ton Was used.
diled at Br-ockville, on eveniaa of lire
16111.March; -Janet MeNah, wile of Mi. 13...
Wylie,. Editor of ehe 41e,conier, mod
years. e
aye deefily sympathise with friend Wylie
our remedy for the grievances of tles Canalise, te the irreparable loss he has eustained, alter
and it is tne only one that will eeure per- thirty-oneyeamofhappymanied
torment peace and prosperity 4. that vast -
with it would --be even greater and more profi-
table than our present trade with the United
States. *Its undeveloped sources _of wealth
are immense, nor can they ever be made prof_
itable till it ceases to ben volonye-littU Ad-
Eipuision front -the Howie. -
The Quebec correspondent of the London
Free -Press says that among those present
in the gallery at the proregation Orlin House,'
Was a lady of publie latneia tame not -
March, 2, 1865. --who had managed to cbtam a card of ad-
To.Lieut. Gen. /ZS. Grant, COmmanding mission from one of hei votaries; but the
- dates were oruel to her. The Speaker of the
-by Moorhouse. • GENERAL,-Lie4t. Gen. Longstreet has in.
past there has been observed on -the beaeli of
pia, .a large 'quantity of what was- called
." black :land. "- Smile Of the iron miners
observed the material a few months ago,
aed. at once pronounced it iron af a eery
excellent quality. A Specimen of it was sene
to 1.3rofesser Greft, 'of Toronto fez' analyzing,
and the. professor's report .statesOhat it con -
lent quality Of iron. John MacAroy, Esq., of h'9Pc that aP°T1 an taavtallange (4 views It
the largest bed is found, and it is -saiO - by a . ject of eontroversy between the belligereuts
be founa.praeticable to submit the Bebe
Point lidwar4, bad -secured theland on which- guaY
competent enghteere that, in the one bank to a convention of 'the kind mentioned. In
there ii at least 370,00a tons and that a to ?
P ...- U such- event I ate authorized to do whatever
, His Lordship complenentea 'the juay upon
tie efficient Oischaeee. of its duties, thanked
the gendemen composing it tor their 'kind_
allusions to hiiiiself. and :premisea to bring
the recommendations regarding:. the' insaue
before the Governor General... .
n Saturday meriting-, j eat before the riaing
of the Court, Ira Lewis,* ' Eve, County At-
terney, by request, read the followine Address
Tb the Honorable Mr. Justice John Wit'
- son, one of the judges Of the Court of
Common Pleas for Upper Cuna4
Gederich 'end. the Uaited- Counties - of
Huron anti Brace, would' on, this tbe first op-
portunity WI- have had, offer you our con.411,t-
elptiOnS-OR your beitl; elevated to -the Bench,
and ere would. express the eatisfactioa end
pleasare which we feel at this honor conferred
en you by the Government, From Our pre-
vious_intercOurse with you and our knowledge
of your peny good quaaties, We ire -awore
-tfiat you mill Jill the lsigh p6sition to- which
you have been called in a manner elike
creditable to yourself and for the eood of the
entitle. It is our sincere wish tlaa''t you may
long live in health aed haepare is to enjoy
your well merited, honors.--._
the liar is. my father. I remember the words then and her evidence at the trial.
Sth of this month, and the row -that took Then, again; she had told two widely
IC. Mackenzie, . Henry MaeDerniett,
C, Cameron, . A.-Lefroye
B. LI Doyle,
D. Shade qooding,
His I;oadsaip said he felt much gattified
by the preseneition of this allrese. •fla had
been. eonnected with the bar, for five and
twenty years, and he coald appreciate their
kindness oa the _proseat occasion. They
could all appreciate, and Mr. McKeezie knew
Jamul experieneeothe arduoui duties- of the
Bench and the almost cainplete isolatiott it
involved. They bad forte -tritely had men of
great eminence on the Bench otehis country,.
and it was -difficult for juniors to keep up its
,reputatione but he should do his best to sits -
lain the reputation of the position as well, as
, place at -my father's tavern.- Sair 3.1c-• different stories upon A limy important
Gregor and Bolton going up..itr the mornr Point to the debtor by wheat she was ex-,
and have- -something to drink. Bolton was evident to every man in the -croWsled. •
said they hadn't tininthen, btit would call court -before -Me trial closed 'that- the
when they came, back: Whed they eanie charge had broken down, and that Mr.
baCk front Godericlia „in the_ afternoon I Bruce's pharater was: trinniphantly _vin -
and •drinlr. was standing:at the 'door. 31r.- McKeniie; of Teronto 'into whose
- They got out. of the cutter and went in. hands the conduct of the defence had been
I then went into the kit.than. When the entrusted by Mr. Cameron, managed the
row begaa BleGMer, my brothet E lward Cate With constimMate skill, and, delivered.
John Maeara,
formed me that it. a recent conversation be-
tween himself and Meier Gen Ord, as to et
ment of,. the present unhappy diffcelties by
means of a military convention; General Ord
stated •tha,t desired to have an interview
with you on -the subject, you would :not de -i
cline, 'provided I had authority to set:
ecrely desiring toleave teething untried which
may put an end 10 the calamities ot Wary -I
propose to Meet- you at such convenient
deemed. plece.as youlnay designate; with 'the
: of the material is worth at, leastI25
T here are other materiels m . it of eufficient
valne, to pey for working it The bank is
about a quarter of' a raile from Grand Trunk
station. We mey state that it is knosvn
that there is a sheet oi: bank, of the. same
several miles -in length, in Lake Heron, at a
short dishinee. from the shore. Lumbernien
fannerly used Otis bank for floating their
note; se the water on it was only about -fair_
feet deep, wnile on either side it "was- from
Otelve to twenty. " If it •realy prove tO be as
is nonadently antiaipated, the fortune, not
only of MacA.voye bueof - Sarnia, will soon
-the result of the proposed- inter.vrew may
render eecestery Or advisable. Should you
accede to this -nroposition, I would suggest,
that if agreeafiie to yonewe meet at the place
selected by Gens Ord and Longstreet for the
interview, at 11, a. m., on Monday next. e
Very respecefully your obedient servant,
LETTER= OP GEN. 1J, s.-ortsxr.
Headquartera-Armies- U. States;
March 4 1865
Gen.R. .0.14e, Commanding C.S. Armies:
GENertaLe4-Your two letters of the 20th
be ramie": We may ada that capital is better ult., were rechivedyesterday. In eegard to
11-"— " think there need -be none. . Gen Ord or -Gen
Tile " GLOBE!' cm-. ANNExATrolf.- The LonOstreet has pro.bably misunderstood what
Torontci Globe, ia disclosing the question of
Canadian defeesesomakes the following very
o We have little dolibt that a majority .9f
-the peoela of Canada 'belie -tee that annexation
'to. _the' lJnited States would benefit . there
pecanlaeily. - We -think that an error, but it is
wideopread. and not confined . to A -party.
l'he expressing- their
If this be sor Eneland will- have reason to Atulford asatstant tweet of exchanger &a
Legislative Council espied her throu,g1 a cor-
ner cif his weather eye, and quietly instructed
the bead messenger to take with him a blue -
coated gentleman of the clue vulgarly called
44 beaks' in Cockneydorn, and they -both pro-
ceeded to the gallery where the frail one bad
esetblishet herself in a front seat, among a
hundred or so of the wives and daughters of
Quebec. , She bad apparently noticed the in -
IPT:the Ise MAY, the BANK OF MON:
TREAL will be Remover! to the buil
at present occupied by the Bank of urP
wanes a boy learn the Taitoringhustsest-,e
one that hasbeen at the trade 1/ year or sopre-
ferred. Apply at once to
Cioaerica.Marels 14th, 1865. 2twit
liHE subscribers will be in Goderich at lbw
gentle beck of the courteous inessener 5th and ith April, midst Bay/old on the
terest she was exciting, andreceving a very day
Western liotel,on Wednesday and Thine-
ith April, to buy 60 horses, to be 15 bands
hegh and uPwardse sound, and _in good Beide
Also 50 Ponies. to be 134 and 141 bands
high. The hiahest market priee veld& NI*
Mares taken. awn A. SINCLAIR is Co.
forefinger, 'departed in peace, but. polo ly
not _without a sense_ of disgust at havmg been
so reibiicy reminded that she was a pestife.-
ous outcast, whosi-presence could -not be
permitted to taint. the sacred balls of
Legielation, or insult the virtuous:. woman -
among whom:she had had the impudence to
intrude her meretricious chaims.- Whether
strictly legal act I shalt net debate, but extra-
judicial proccedinas are somOtimes deemed
neeeleary for the -vindication ot morel eights;
This little seene occurred jest hefore the en-
trance of his Excellency, and all was perfectly.
serene when the representative -of Majesty,
attired, as is his wont upoii State - occasiOns,
in the gorgeous -Wiudsor uniform, and attend
ad by that permanent institution, "a brilliant
Staff," ascended the Throne steps, and,seated
himself under the magnificent canopy which
casts its .gold and crimson folds. over tbe
resplentlent-chair. On this occasion hie Ex-
celleney had, as a supporter ett his right, the
brave soldier who reposes upon the grand -
I aurels he plucked from the tree of immortality
by hislierom defence of Bars -Sir Fenwick
Williams, the Commander of the Forces, *
Crimpy -Arrested. -
1I said eci the Toemer on the subject, or I may
A few days before the interview between
Generals Longstreet and Ord, I had received
a despatch titan den: Hoffman, .dommissary
General of Vrisoners, stating in substance
thafell prisohera of viar who -were, or had -
been, in closaamilfinement or irons, whether
under charge's, otsentences, had been ordered
ea City Pomafor exchange. I forwarded the
substance of that despatch to Lieut. Colonel
the people of this. coentry will have- to pay -
for seme time to ceme in consequence of this
war, will tend- to -lessen the _belief of the
Canadians that annexation to the United.
States would benefit then pecuniarily." While
we have no doubt that the Canadians- are
etrongly attached to the mother country, _a
is altogether probeble -that this attachment
would be greatly impaired, if they shoUld be
thoroughly _convinced -.that the conoection
with the * mother country 'was decidedly.
aeanist their pecuniary interest. The Anglo-
Setrons, the world over, keepLa pretty sharp
look out_ for the in iin chanee-yin Canada as
A Rotas of Advertasisents.
We have from tane to time received from
'an enterprising American Advertising Agency.
advertisments enough io fill up agood sized
newspaper. Tbese gentlemen always propose
t accept of our bill for any one of the ad.
.vardsments as _half payment for the .article
Vies brought -before the publie-of Huron and
Bruce. Some of the anicles offered tie in
this way are uniqoee , Thus one firm wiehes
U3 tO take pay la Rocking f-lorses, which;
however much they might delight the little
-would .considerably- surprise our
joureeymen,_ if handed oier as wages, oh
Saturday night. Another firin offers a
pauble Aeting Self Adjusting Crank Power
Washinfr Machine, INA know -that- no any further adeance. Qne or two attempts
and one of myliisters were with 'mein. the a pctiverfut and telling address to the Jury.
- kitchen_ talking.. My sister Catherine - After the :delivery of- Ills :Lorclshies
suddenly called _otWto tdward to come charge, the jar, retired,- andin 'about five.
MA for father was doing something': to minutes returned with- a 'verdict of, irot
Jans--4 mean my brother John.. Mc- Guilty. At the annotincement al -suppress -
Gregor and aliens went to. the door. I el burst of .-applauee. rac through the
_opened the door for Mr. 'McGregor. Saw thronged Court Room; and Mr:_-.BrUce, as
my sister Catherine in the bar- - e stepped Out of the box, readied the
looked': ontaide and Saw my' youngest congratulations_ of a -number or friends
brother holdinee my father- ardund -the who crowded- about hint. The verdict
-waist. Saw Bolton with a-. stick in :_his
My father hid hold ef Slogueen and tore
hit shirt; be seemed to te. holding hiin
bat& to -keeps the peace. - ani almast
lure it woo that, ,After the fight 'my
father took Mr. Gregor intu the house and
introduced hint to.my mother.
Catherine Griffiiv sworn,: Salv Bolton
and McGtegor in the tavern on the fith.
inst, Tow McQueen and Bolton had
struck Bolton. Father cmight hold ,of
--McQueen and gaid he Ivould not. allow
Sighting. ',opened the dear and called to_
sty ,hrother: Edward te- edme out of the
kitchen. Father was trying to make
peace Alt th-e-time. -- He held *Queen.
Bolton went out first. Father:wag hold-
ing McQueen outside also._ ite then lent
book -into the honse with MCGregot, they
iRy father iu to see what wits going to
tdicloot see what became °Molten;
!la owl: !molting 14
Woken wheu the reit conuneneed„ Watt.
lieqtteen, who seemed to be cluarreling,,
moreing, nt halOpast four o'clock, tae enemy,
by a strong -and sodden mina, ,captured Tort
Steadman, but alter a vtgorons centeet the
fort wes.recepturea with 1,600 prisoners, 'two
flags and all -thw.guns unitaured. Gen._ Me-
Laugalin was taken prisoeer by. the Confed-
erates who assaulted Fort Haskell. but were
repulsed with great loss: The °facie' report
is a ebjoined. .0
CITY POINT, Ira:, March 25., 3 r. et. -The
from Gen. Meade signed U. S. -Graut,
4. The enemy attacked -my front this morn--
sionsOunder conernand_ of Gen. Gordan. _ By
a sudden ansh.they seized the line held by the
third brigade, bast division; at the foot of the
hill right 'of Fort' Steaelinan, wheeled, add
overlipeering the.gairison, took possession of
the tuiniag our guns upon us. --Oita
troops On either flank stocid'firni. Afterwards --
determined :attack Was 'nook upon Fort
Haskell,. whiefi,eeas. checked by ;part of Mc-
Laugha lo Willcoes division, and was
repulsed with gieat loss to the enemy. The
fitst brigade of Hartsuff's division, held in re-
serve,was brought up and a check given , to
presented it arobeble that he had commune
catea it to Cbl. Robert Ouldo A daI Or two
after an -offender,' who was neither a pritoner
of war nor a P.olitieal prisonet; was executed,
after a fair atilt impartial trial, and id accord-
ance with_ tile laws of war aud the nsage
eivilieed natioos. It was- in explanation Of
lases of e',nses I told Gen Ord to epeak t
Gen Longst et. •
Reierenc o my letter of Feb. 16 will show
my uudersta idine, on the subject ot releasing
political or eltixen prisonera.
la regardnineeting jou on the 6th lest.;
I would state that I have no authority to
on the subject proposed. Such authority is
vested in tee0 l'resident of, the Unitei State!
-General Oa could only have meant that I
would not refuse an interview on anyoubject
on which, have A "right to adt, which, of
course, wo d be such as are purely of a
.itter, and oa the subject of ex
hhas been entrusted to me.
honor to. be, very respectfully,
• Lieutenant General.
washerwonian -has ever been known to die were made toaletake the hill, and _wete ,only
oe exhaustion brought on by washing an temporanly successful until the airival of the
editor's limitecOstock of linen, and hence the c °
of sapererogatiert._ Another coMpany still driven out of tlfeatodWith the boas of a num-
for advertising segift enterprise. A.r. editor battle fiagtehaid'also been brought The
heard the evideride, and for -oar Own part, of eviekeY 1 -Haw ia file name (4 g°°das-sA.
are think there never *as a case in which
the kind so completely .Unternished.
gavii universal -satisfaction' to all -wha
could we wear it and dun deltiveneet
bers. never do at all. jolly
Jersey _man offerstee give ul a greets of gen-
%lied Catawba Brandy for advertising the
article. The preaence of the brandy in our
enact= if liberally dispensed, would, no
doubt, secure a great many calls from. our
Goderica friends, but it is doubtful whether
it would cintribute to the lucidity Of - our
ideas on literary -and other topics ; henee we
must refuse the generous offer. We Ciirs.
by- wholesale puffing,- !secure nine Or ten kinds
efiewiuff machines; but the classic shades of
P Our finet. whole Ilse was imaidiately
reoecepiedand the guns: retaken uniejuted.
Captured Fort Stedman ; oarless -otherwise
gl Great pralia is due to Hatesuff for the
iallantry displayed in. handling his division
which behaved with, great skill in thiSits first
-44 Major General.'
Major General' Dixe-eLaier reports from tied."
Grant ivhieh-ere subjoined- show "that the
The__Grand Jivers of. our Sovereign Lady
the: Queen. ler -the present ASSiZeS of- the
Gaited CoUnties of 'Huron stud Broce upon
their oaths Peesent .
we visited the geol. and have. 'great pleasure
in stating that guider the superviiion Of Mr.
William. Robert:son we :found cfean and
well provided with the neeesseries and com-
forts mg:tired for the imitates. We, Made
pareicular onquiry of the prisoners and found
them perfectly satis6ed with their treatment.
:We downed it advisable tO request the at-
iendance of the. surgeon to report On the con/
dition of the insane persons 'confined gaol
that we migat-bebetter qualified to express
our views ou the expediency of having _them
We beg tweipress our deep regret to learn
from Your Lardship'o statement that it1Saniti
ia our fevered Prievince is increasing "in a
decomranying this" our presentation your
Lordahip will find the gaol surgeon's report.
Thatour opinion in reference to, the posi-
tion of those confined la gaol for insanityie,
din- those parties net sepposed br-the our -
glom to- be dangerous tozsoctety, " should be
-released ; hete•hcitie hoeing nO person to cam
r them or Who will not be salaamed into the
or whose malady assumes a- 'Went
our private retreat are invaded by the clicke
olick of one such orticle, mid that is quite
sufficient, for present purposes. - One g,entle-
man proposes AO send es, for advertising, of
Course, an Eagle Gas Heating Stove. Now,
although there is great deal of gas -wasted'
in Goderich, it not proven, upon scientific
testimony, -that it can be utilized for heating
and culinary purposes. Bench Should be the
casee we will advertise the stove, for it would
nicer with a -ready sale about -these ports.
1 he patent cigar machine is of no use to us.
People don't smoke much in this localita ;
tic ". or serious,. just' as the reader- pleosee,
We ire not jelting about these Ainerican aa-
vertisements; They have:been salt to es in
good faith and ur.in the terms -wutioned.
If the advertising agencies ot our respeeted
Mend, Uncle Samuel, will pay their bids in
money, and in advance, we will enlarge put
Sigmit end stick them in ; until then, wo-
man decliue with thanks. Silver talcen
John McCulloch and James WHOM/ resi-
dents of -this place were arrested to -day for
takiag men to Detroit to enliee in the Federal
army. McCulloch was tried before the Mayor
and committed tor trial at the assizes. The
case of Watson WAS adjourned tiil Mondale
The evidence is quite conclusive, and there is
na doubt of the conviction of the risoners.
military ch
-I have th
your obedie
A Judge on Confederation.,
Mercantile Frauds..
- Two cases Of interest to the mercantile
community were _disposed of at the last Quar-
ter Sessions'. The first was that of Bethier,
of Three Rivers, who was oonvicted„ after a
tedious trial, of obtainine goods with intent
to defraud, and sentencetto six months' int
preionmente This penisliment tarries- with
it a wholesome warning to other traders titil
like stamp. There_ Lave hitherto been but
few convictions for this offence; bat- it is to
'be hoped that the merchants of Montreal in
all similar cases will not fad to ppesecute; so.
as tie teach the resells, that -with all their.
cleverness, they may " be sure their sins will
find them out." It is high thee -for the trader
to leare that the creditor in. Lower Canada
tas some say in -the manner in Which their
debtors dispose of their assets. Previous to
the Iusolvency Act, all the dishonest trader
had te do was to get hie wife to sue out a
separation of property, which -was allowed to
go by default, and the stock was spld out to
realize enough to pay the lawyer urging the
separation suit. Tim ecreditore in tinie _a-
mbit(' judgment, issued execution, and foued
their debtor tarrying on business as agent cd
his wife, by Which inanceuvre ha was able to
set" all their efforts at defiance.to collect their
claims. Bet iu a great measure this has
sincebeen remedied by -the Insolvency A.cie
The other case to which we refer was ehat of
De La Mar, who was found guilty -of countme
Gra elrinesfor
arinElilidenigiled WM have en hand, for sale', *bolt
A. she middle or _Neil, a Ione atrockof Grape- Maas,
of the follovring yartetio
• IONA, thoeuliest and best grape known.
Atip,a large stock of very fine Plain Tr eearlieslitestat
Tylenol) Standardand Dwarf Apple*, Dwarf Pawl 1.4
Siberian ends, varieties.) .
Parties Alearing any of the above would a0 will I*
forward their orders at once, or call upon the andoraiga-
at his !evidence, East Street, Goderich.
't HE Court -of Revision and /or bearing
the Tovraship of Colborne, will be held la
Ress's Tovern, Smith's Bill, at the •hour of
len o'clock, A. X, on WEDNESDAY, the
Voivnalip Clerk.
Mack -234 1865. arfitd
Appesas against the Assessment, 41ke., of
Judge jonnston, N, F., has written a latter,
eloquently deocating a union of ehe colonies.
We niake
the proem
extract :--
ice offered to the leeislatures of
British iiiibjects in their- confederate and
their ongta, and a theatre of action sucu - as
nowledging the sovereignty-Maintainiag the
institutionsoultivating and perpetuating the
principles Of the parent state -and :putting
forth the energies of free men, they and their
descendants may under a gracious Provi-
the opportunity of along to de
itical influence,. material ',prosper -
teal end literary auinment,
ions! and moral progress and
THE Court of Revision forbearing Appeal
against Aisessment, will be held at 41;
Oke's lateen', -Credttone on Saturday, 7111
deuce, hay
refinement of taste, , and manners, which
cannot he reached itt sniall and contracted
The perpetuation o the present isolated
condition Itf the province • and rich ita she is
in raateria benefits, and prosperous within the
limits whi h entail- communities- may attain
yet, few i =mire, weak in strength, unequal
to the clev rooemeot of her own resources,
unable to umiak to ter own sons professional
edecation, or to retain at homelier enterpris
ing youth, she has little prOpect ter the
mate absorption into the neighboring repub-
age iof Lands.
TINDBitand tar- virtue of a _power ofSide
t..) contained in a Mortgage made -by Thom*
Moore, et the Township tit Tooketwastk, la lb*
County ot Huron, 3/0011/111,, of the- fwit -Se
William Esmond Airace, of the Town . •
ich, in the County of Huron, malaise, itZtr
timing &en made in the due payment*
will be sold on'Tuesday, the 18di slay of Aria
A. D. 1865, at twelve o'clock, ammo at As'
following property, that is to say ; all and sops
tar teat certain. Tweet or tract of land sad
Mises situate,IvingaidbeingiathsTowaskip
of Kinlossiin the 'Vanity of Dime, in the said
Province, containing by sidinessurement ;mum
acre, be the /game more or les*, which mnia
parcel or Itliet ot, land and peon*. awe lar
-otherwise -knosvn as lollowS, that is to sort t
l3eing composed 4:if lets numberi three- and fear
on the south -side ofthe Durham Sped, in ths
Village ofiCinhiss.whkb Bald Vitiate of Maims
has beet surveyed from lot number eighteen la •
the first range south of the Derbam Roads ta
Township of Kinloss, atoreanid, by -este John
Denison, 4squire, Provincial Land fitaveyar.
Civil El -termer, ofGodencli, and a asap or
plan Ofourvey thereof deposited acoording to the
statute in that behallorovided us the °See °fibs*
power of leale.
felting a traae mark but as this gentleman- '
pent will -fah OM the seouritieee-rf ride
The British IronTradeliltopped
disoicts of Eugland has begun. It was emu-
-pawl that if the measure was persevered ia
oyer the country ia accordance witb the
erimpact which: the iron -masters had entered
would he thrown out ofemployinent, aud they
and their families deprived of the means ot
subsistence. The London News, comment
ink 4011 thii affair,. says: " The North
Staffordshire puddler' - by that name are
celled the men who stir Molten pig iron about
in the- bed tif a furl:lance until it bac-onus
mallable,iron7-struck work rather than sub-
nat to a reduction of ten per cent on their
-wages, resolved on by the emPloyers some
ago. In the ordinaly.course of things the
men would have. remamed out supported toy
the Union until the emploYers, tiaed of losing
the profits -of trade; concedea their terms. -
Aware of 'this,. et meeting of irontimaters was
held. at Birtnieghaus three weeks age, at
which seventyisix firms were represented, and
the National Association of lroninastere was
formed. It was -than resolved that the North
Stalfordshire masters should not be left to
fight their battle alone ; bat that, ia order to
strike at the source from which the men Who
seood out, were supplied, the ironworks every-
where &build be elosed.''-
Some o the cleverest public men in our
-Ninth A edam" colonies have beeo holding
a Confere ce in Halifax; Nova Scotia, for
uniting uhder one legislature Upper .and
Lower Callas, Nova Scotia,New Brunswick,
Peince_Echeard Islani,-Newfoudland, and the
whole of the pdsseesions of the 'Hudson's Bay
Company: The Contereace was attended by
operations of our forces this- morning were the oetorney Generals of the Canticles, East
' and Westl the President of the Council, the
Ministers pf Agnceilture and Finance, and by
-gentlemen high in office in all the colonies.
It WAS Stated that the viz proyinces contained
four Millie. of inhabitants ; - that of -this
populatiolt more than three hundred and
thirty *Ousted were farmers, while only
some one hundred and sixty thousand were
laborers. 2 „The farmers were the owners of
the land 'which they occupied. - Thirla_p
millions acres were under profitable Oniti-
vationan au almost boundless extent *Nem
Con. - Now, the only way to unite these pro-
vinces is. to* adopt the suggestions of the
f Agriculture made by ourselves
succeisful. The Confederate
prisoners already secered number 2,700. The
Confederates? .killed and wounded General
Grant altitudes at Probably ,not less than
3,009O :Our lOss ioestimated at 800 and mey
proye less.
It Gounio$0, N. Ce March 21, via Fort
Grant, City ,Voint: I haie the honer to re-
port that I oeetipied Goldsboro thta afternoon
with but slight oppoiltion. -
The;Richmond Sentinel of the 18tle pub,
lithe* the following letters:-
- e March 13, 1864. younger
TO the Senate dud AMU Ot &presenter, every eneouragement given them to expand
tins : - themselvta into a great nation. We believe
I herewith iranstnit_ for your information the elertlion of the Canada' sad aim
coPies of °°IiesPendence referred to in my t. provm to the rauk of a Kingdom would
many y
rank of a
family o
ago -viz: elevate them to the
kingdom, and place upon the newly
throne Prince ..of the royal
de:intl. The Canadians might be
tare their choice of any of the
ns of our gramma- Queen, and
DEFAULT bowing beenmaiie no pros ,
ofthreeseveral mortgage* /lap! toy osepli
Lawraionto the -city of London &ulding
upon -the lands hereinafter mentiened- Thar
win be sell, by irinue of POWer oral'a ma
Mortitag_es, at Public Auction at- the rooms ar „
M. Mammon', in the 'ffnderietit,
Thuisday. the 17th Any April next,.at twat,*
eciocir, noon To: lot number frva la tee
Vounty of Huron, containing PO acres, morose
Terms of payment: one third MahAltekSiiiiiiir
Further partieWeasand Coaditfoas et
be had at time oresie, or 1,,y piciroms
cation tithe undersigned. •
Sob:aorta the City ot
h 25 1865 etradolf
London-, Mare
1101Ineed, two --or three -days ago, that the
President had tendered the French mission
-to James Gordon Bennett. The announce.
ment was received at first witb great incre-
dulity, but it seems now to be quite generally
accredited,' The Tribune's Washington cor.
respondent says the statement was received
with a "broad grin" at the caaital, where
some persons claim that the "appointment
wu tendered more than three years ago." -
The World's. correspondent says that "the
tender wes made about the 4ist of itszek
regales' for service -done in the Presidential
campaign." The Times correspondent otos
that the apiointment "was made pixtly on
nth:0016°n farOgthfil Ildorstella larZinrseg 1:71 °Itfartwdds,131°1"" The.
statement that it haet: bean declined is prow,
tare." 'The Washington Republican says
"tn. appointment VMS made before iM
Senate adjourned. Mr. Bennett. probeblY
not wishing to be defeated in the Senate, de-
clined to accept the post." If this tender of
the 1311111i011 to F1111201) has actimily hansom
in the direction indicated, there is siirely more
than ORO instance of official "incoherence "
at lfashinicton.-EN. Y. Com. Adve.-twer.
Mortgage Sale of liantW.
TINDER, and by Ate* -of Power 'LI
4.0 containedin a Mortgage madam
Stewart cif tile Trooltipotiviuwasesk
County of gum, Yeoman, of the
and Francis Stewart his wife, eit the
part, and Witham V. Bennett of emdi
ship of Ill/immesh, Esquire, of tits
part,(defaalt baying been
pazmeat thereof) will he ibidime,,
Wednesday, the Twelfdt by- ef
01. An experiment has been made oa thit
New York Central Bailroel by using peat in-
stead dowel, The molt was highly latbi.
factory.- The toad amount of fitsleonsasied
hy coal -burning engines a ton' to eve*
A. D, 1865. lit Twelvi of dos sink,
The fodowing property, that:is to
nuMber thirty-five (35), Att
Dangroon, la laid Township of I
containing one quarter of an awe --Of
more or less, to with Om
thereon. Deed Powaragale.
.irn:taroevrotendb:ef, Mirot aor-wirtwo, a i
`OttlounneePiSSig, and to she
lands aad*teneaseeta of Joseph
dant, at the esta orDaise
in Estecutioo an the agony an. reaessrama.
ha*tslr:Bto:Iwaloti)rlinibVrdieJsjplt"aahat.eIM4s:srrit4cla-readeaaa sislisigaii
towaoffaoderscat, *a Tiiisslay,the mina
Bruce._ Wkich leads sad iesesteess labial
tor sale at. say Oat" la this Coast Illieeetea is
July aext,atibe hoer ist. wawa of the
"Mel kikODOITAI/D,
--27th March 4110.