HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-17, Page 39 marriva. Faznning Lands for Sale &M &bofield's Ton Per Cent Diseount. $51 AGEITS 11110 1 11th, SaY3.— At the residence of the bride's town -of lot No. 10, lot con., [Bayfield - red to break on, Wednead , the 15th iust,,.b, the to PART OR CASH will be showed as the balance Elwood. Joux. A .wsy Gravel Roadl Goderich Township, about ofthe large Stock of MARY F Fifty Down SOO rrible-Z.1 NOT C E aughter all o' 2 J miles from Goderich Town, containing I 10 or 4 _ kille4 country where fourth daughter of Ms. JOEIN- S"AliLDs f acres, more or less. The land has a beauti- -XiseeUmeous Books I — ----- AND AL16 EMPUSES � PAM. SUDDEs TUAW.�—Ill erich township. GP4 04 oft 04 04 4033 in killedt God fit frontage on Lake Huron, with a gravelly ,t times greatery,- the weather 4anges from one-eltreme to mommommommom I .. SEEN beach ; will be sold in one lot, or as may be At the I Signal, I Office'illook and Stationary tk-f pardiftuft apply, either per a week, predictlons come Store. R f" fitid and tha. the other twice For Sale CheaP- agreed upon. or Wy " *ith stamp, to ALSO: -Part of lot 24, north of the —A lh.� A. J. ARCH jL TJ.&1=oC3.:8 SWO03M 1 our iiaul:is. From the indications at oul to nought. IRK ]HAS- -0 NED A lat at tho froute inter would yA)TSG,, Sth con.. Bruce; 20, 4th Ktnll air Bayfield Road, in the Township of Stanleyp lot writing, we thought the w between Bayfield and Brucefield, containinge 1i 9th con. Huron. Apply to Unt to New- hold sway for at least two weeks longer , M. C. CAMERON- 74 acres of land, more or lea, known, as the Writing Paper and Envelopes I lie*, and it is SW16 c tbw'armift of but a change has taken place so great that C oderich. October 28. 1864. Bannockburn property. �4 These lands will be sold cheap. AT THE SUBSOMBER are almost bim If Ver street$ and roab Apply -to G. M. TRUEMAN, REDUCEI)sRATES- EGq to i6form his old friend* md the public 9061MIly that he has, thmond papete the sudden break up is not arrested by LMd -for Sale, ftdp Auctioneer Land Agent. AT Tax -Whick wital to -Bridgeswill -B RE -OPENED in nv,�,LA W- thiU request or' fteet it is rmvd that the Co. R A UBERAL PREXIUM GIVEN an Goderichl March 14, 1865. W74m I SIGNAL I- GFrI013s; A.P JL 0 payments which can W made to the Crows, -0 at in Land Scrip. Seg card so &TRAYED into the premises of the under. a a a signed$ lot 15, N of tn plot, Lake Shore, i poor Young Nan ylkiivimd POR W, r before fliem.�- Tile be OTICE �BL Ashfield, early in June lost, 2 *biw and one P N'S Quebec K4w* 47 - later the necessity of allowing the con- 74&;Wr black Sheep, which the owner is requested to Godefich. D". 4. 19111fe, lie on to prove, pay charges, and take away. -elusion Of hij Mustiche article 111OOK--ff ORE whiate eiveirbi A; F&TW one 70� JOHNI)p fag in – 'EN. A LL A indebted -to John ff. Wbeeldqn. Next door until next I" eq, ly r - Mar. 14,1865. w -.We, have M late a the Village f St,, Helens, in An Oil to* W table Ingo, t.. Towns I R% h* f Walwannoshl 1611 Sliscond Von of 1864 ;Wt twa fkr it, in &is issue. 'J'Ook. sveon debtor _Aot t., r at orwise, are hereby thatified. not to rtthe saime'etherwas oNrw -bb mid ZOwly y1m id CoNcElim-4he Conoert, BridkA for ItAND iihin,inow cort. than in -this office. ee- . sa ortiie, xfaw;4 Chureli, and R GNAL. AwWwmitzas t fag AW staff 41. A. -Dairy. Produce. It 'esift off �-tory Fwdr W be held in C A on military eat. h�ao� for 0AW or in- ricbenge, -1�t COLINSIN- JOHN MACD 010 CLAIR -be rabb's H an lmol� sold el kc. -will tW werichy wS - td A - 9 be intends --to'devote I eptn ified "Sherifre Offied, C to rpHE, creditors of the Jiloolvent are oti his- �itenjiou pli i 9. Tuelagy uc pak She rectifyin of expenia of sAing thesomb -made n assign e t- 6f his 25thFe.b., 1865i. Pe ''of'. the -116 that hia has' t by the mme County etivs, c tis DI]DA ES for . olumissiO -in Militia desirous of oiii&teur entittaitiment of the kind, '11AN Estate and,effects'und4ir the above Ac to me,. rim obta* re- tOL the� undersigin and they pre. ;dver given in this tOWIL -odla - of Military- -from The,in1luential V . itymit either of the Sell ied anignee,-- 46ired to furnish me, within two iuont�s imi" �iuissioa wjln�tw bag secured the be4t m make application- air . e simet at Be, he01111,111or a!" lostiuction,are -required.to I tecifying the 1; =U -616, r"-faillepopiity widill the ON& wevw laid the tbisdate, with th sole asW-4OWtJr4MUr"JylL a in writing for such- purpose thr A Of oyleels, X84 Tau takfit Of the: town,' and� programm security- thei hold, if any, and the value of it� Son in or di Mej of the'. vi where t ey si�.,Very pooa iudee& V01- -stating. t- the whole at due and if none, -the fac ei" -will be necessary fbr -4M- MW and the; AppNeents te led utider oath with,' shown us is reside. the.vouchers I" sup by,.enabling bim to se Unteerai are L P - . . -itate th Id - such, claims. ;1114 i)ecW in uniform must kir age, rest once,. port of raw - a"er -om of - aterspersed amongst Post office address. and native country'L and the TIMwThownd Bould Sojer Boys", i t f- Hu. the e in - wRzszAz A* **,Piliest ffliiney ity where they live as to ido - rsl� character. -towflmust add material t6, the,�b# CHRISTOPHER' CR&BBe �Asd- beaut, and from wdergyman or agistrate-in �IiO loc t1re=sasf* �io eXpeadedon 611i6h 1M at wile z Ast they' orth- transmi4. with their �%pplimiiuni a certificate. ated at Goderich. in the Colin Y, 0 db" ir I 'Avg ron, this Thirteenth day' f March, A, D. ri c e& .9 Road intended- to be IWI be W. POW - - ­ a t- . 1: . ly - _Thecallwisagood ELL, Liiiultx0l'. " w get iM in 846dale At I e as" we ones jould urge for a bum Nouse" -D -T 't MOOREv e;Yof Wo aft am mg 4. per. . -- .. . I . - 4 - W7 rs Ave a :W7 feeling very- Adj*utant Geneml!s -Office, Deale there '41 ------ Solicitors for -Ins in I do eft. to gi him call. Quebec, March 4tb, 1865. S WINZIRZA1114t Milt AYD rgr, rammir.—The, sudden rift of the rr 11 IF .111 PJea6e44 -d pecia.,11s* foe nent Thtes, Tbousesid Twi 1"ell ftud IV AU ball a 'I'vaittand, river has: placed sobift. Of thi-ConutT Inso1v Act of 1864. M Call le be mind aunuall b to -W an Vett Those In e e rend reXtJeOpW�dy`.L We'are informed lay ce payment 0 %Muiry, the b atL 00 t Uet be Ineurrede t thi aid; AN IN -THE MATTER� OF- ALEX ethe planking of tbe'*Re kats, p6rtiou, of UNADI isi so also heieia'after 0"W6A 6009 &M Side 001M ef So-wbolis OUL e J��- y Sly UGLES, an In luent Not it ltw be iularly draw t eatti ntioll if carried ..DER DO 0 prd It wnzszxs ifinous tb, lit& Millar bridie: was away thir Morning OF AID. b#41 0, Insolvent a and,' 41 feelt im I" gh); ignit that. the ice it allut- 3 WHE creditors of the re notified W --settleraL on their. othersy to Tateable- pmperty of, 410 #4 (Friday 17 64 Share& & Anchorsil, Riggingi, -L 6ut he -bas made -an'assiwoment L Of hi - L tbe-8taiate 23- Viet. ca�­'370-makinj�beiter a h� 1865. sw53- irrespeetiVe a any future .41 Terrifiedy, -Mill&; X -jam, at the - MARKET SQUAREj 00derichl 7th X re feet higk above Pipe the punishment by fine an it &e. in Steamer. o-Bruce,,f- Est�te and effectff under -the above act to me provision for din-� e and irrespeefii of 8ILY 16e~ 10 1W 1 ut of personisteiling.Timber. Maitland Bridge- het -e may sweep the atructure the undQrsi -ned'ani -nee, and th ral ==")I- ey, are - re prisonine -deriv fr6rn the tempol .-TTNDER and by virtfie ofli P-�wer ofale lithireil to furfi7wh -Me within -two months from COU And the CANADA PANY`'� haieby oil Zorsed on ind, forming vart of' a certain this date with. their claims, specifying _the Offer Fifty Dollars to be paid. i;6 "an'y,'person dW jai* t reo 0 an -36wax 11, of the Town ofGoderich4 in the t A at -118 bein $;)r, 11W y Mr. P. Flanigan, lc6r- moitgage made by Thomas B. VanEvery and iecuritX thei'llold. if.any, and the value of i George-Runiba who will give -stich- ipformati a will lead citizen,; and, ifnone stating the filet 4he whole at-- to no �wsp nerst, an old and highly -respected, f Huron, Forwarders$ of rst - part4 the conviction of any per�bn or perso th eigit huna:3 Q six Count-vo 0 �,.ofthe tested under onth,- with - the in sup' ste Eight 1001111 TWO 101141""d JUSMY-0 .1 and John 1r..Vetl 'r and Samuel H. Defloi slitfir Titaber from any of the "ads, Of .and the following. Monday in*. .-died on -the 3rd. iiaid:Canada Cono fty colm, bUck - port ofsuch, claims. own -of Goderich, Aterchant2l, Of the Se inet &421 Y41K d, -his said T th thialund Sixtunared snid.Wi gage A liiocabs behind Tely lo4e fmcrat procession escorl cOnd pait, which saia Mort is duly ret-orded A. SPR9AT . MACDONALD, '"D WILIM11iis, for tbo --io. "'d 0 on herfimeyE. to the R. 0. cemetery, Bi4dulph. in the GAistpin, House of t&e- Port'of Goderich; eres4bg as eqt* -annual gin) Agin defult having beea MqdeL in the dile "payment h4mpton, March 8,1865. -[sw5Sw.1-2w. AT T= ==,-of !twenty 'Goderich, 2510i FeWy, aw w id -compat ed 80ut ying the iii T ther�of, nd in. the pirovision.4 therein.x.oniain. -ell sen '011 a P teir, hav anddue not ing be ed di Cr ia Vis JWUS led t ' tice will be sold- by public uction tit 011110 r1f Cqmpapy- -of a- T6-membersofthii:Artille' Inolvent �&Ct- l'of- I Off" eutU (In, T-Ws4ay, the oa� of A- ipn Eex drtll at 7J . k, :. . L �� - of itior. to all other re"este& td -creditors of -Um Subiefibty meet -fim the Auction the undersigned are notified el" prpdody On Tuesday at twelve 6IWock. noott., at UE aieri4bu"iiiisp- ineselt1w., ­ - ov;", �& Hazle4urst. On Klng*ton -Jam Sha to ensefeiil'b eVening. UeXt, Th Til to meet at the Is* office. of go t yea be foltown Be it glererb r or W- Pit o-Goderveh,'the Insbilvency dr th6 United -'M i, . in -C st met, i n id TOW it of net r, e a of'Goderich- ' 31 7 ted Closatibs( Slit,' They site also hereby nodW nIQ ptopertr, that. is to say, ixty-lour undivided piij A 10 Of tbaL Ulij CASH -an in, all that Steamer called Counties of Huron a Bruce. day FOR the -first day of A next, at twelve, that tills Company will meet for Inspection sharcsj;rLparts of d ON 1,; -That it lawim AW noon, the - 2L*& "tBruce,"Itheathe ropertyof--Va6Everv& parpose 9d recidy"g.16 77 77 -dawbeing of tlw' the, p for the by -Na pr Barietto, 'oii Tueshy, the 28th, Rlinball a,- ;DfG4Ac­ :Andrew:--Robortson - Plantifr - 4. Andrew statemen j aforv;aid,nowlyi attlieport 1119 an, t of his affairs atid 'of. ami ? pan, wation Wallace, and Robert 'Far�y ts, amienee to whom he may -Imake all a"1*8ft- rich aforesaid. togetherith all and vingularthe V""4* 9.0ti all tilelde and apparel SUBSCRIBER& have ni WINTEB AV choes, -rigging, farnitu ni�t under the above Act. - early, coinple"d their FALL A" irtiole f I A. X. -Ho Ja any Wise tau who 4;noa� app;rAainiug.� - -- I at the- Villa W* or a . -- " the 9 ale. ION -the'application -of tbe Plaintift, and Dated ge of Clintbut, in the prw� or NJ tj�& Of every o'Haibn- AU ieiond 4iiy"dt Mimill U Qpo Id at *6 Busioess, p, re4iing the papers filfA it ii ordered County Contederatt . on Vt I su-st of T- 0 ffrow f Poift Pte, Solicitoribi Mortgagees, thatameetinx 6fthe creditors of- the above A. D.t 1865, -as wito 6f 6beld Ore. the-udge FREDERICK RUMBALIA,- -a:A intm; )PPlialits ta=r Globe of the County,Courtaf the Couui)l :Of,Pttth.. J. S. SINCLAIR, OD IS CER -IE The. Quebec correspondent of ibe', DR- C -Sionallid oraoPlUPUM ion, On the, Confidem. v6.2w I says t t now the divis at such time nd plum -us: the said, Judge -may iciti for into f Uk -f ­­ -- - L � SH appoint. or the-purposegfii, 9 lev ILI the UX&r- lace'the ving their idrice t"Vi, tion sebome 'bw OUL P IWA f -gr ffieW assignee calin pmveits, Thow'w1ho have. 6 as to the allipulintment -of. an .0 IL That it shall be ,ted- yea, rfectlyzatisfied. If any inquietude 32 Sh a -res Andhors,,- -Ttigging, f the estate slid propert of thef said- Indol To - Lewee Wardento -cause any nasiber of -to Made-for.such assis at ---DY as -'REA =rvy "ffiir it is. hy those Westeril 'members vidtay. 116rount to.the Statute-, ADE -CLOTHINCKI P - Schoolne-k 41enny 3r-_T;=fiie&w of who havlo refused to endorse aschemeFgiving R. COUPER� IT, HE FARM 'ar STGXKAI�WELD'. For. *at 111111111 ;a atoldolf jaL popUla JWj repreale r chambdr eat- Rumball." Judge Huron Maruce. A -apply lemerpost0aid) 4. *sol wi i3th, Februtify,'1865 to., bftd at th Britisix Provincei. One Goderich, T T-NDER--and. by virtueofa Power of Sale Mortgage mad X ast � night manifested. U dorsed- on ii certain, et -by. .-T. J.� MOORHOUSE. plesung fitature was I d cleoig; Itumball, of Aft seess &Yorable to vnioa—objection were Thomas B- Van'Every'an of.Goderich,.in the: County ofHaron, InLiso one County ofPerthq =ode Val" iii 14 w49 0 S IV, y particulars, r B0 T Five 1 made simply to details. ernbers 'only ""e 7the First Gode-rich, Feb. 21 t, 1865. tf Forwarders,. o parii and Jobti V Detior wway abs"t frm the diviiion—ldesers; Not-, and ftmud,1L petlor, orsaidrown ofooder 10, -David Lewis and William ick Kay, VC vm� slid, hfutitro hsA gone home fro Merchantsi of the Smoiiid part, -which said Stort. Low jo takereffnvoitW, U. Plautifflip v;& Atidrew Wallace and Robert A6t Ur. Abbott -irageis'duly recorded- in the-Custo' office, of the 1836'Vent bf is" DM Ar. Dankinas absent by leave - Ins is ru*-;�- Town-ot.Coderich afordsaid; default hatring been Park,�Defendan JWJ D taistar adL11 ovt-, UPO was ill. here., - Mr. Dsouit: obtioluell leave of having nee w n6tice and the dediamtion.thereto�-scitiezedy'aiid It fied- to meet a of Mr..James, ma& in the payment, thiereor., and in the pr lvading the writ issued is matter. - trHE Creditors of -the undersigned are '.n 6 abole - for Aw n. Mr. Dunkin- only. A16*9 theWili oontaiied,- and dt t the -Hotel' affi Ud Gents d notlee _Will L es would have voted, an& that even doubtful beellscrvt�don all partiment;tle liag of Blue- theLaff of3ervice theieaf 'thereto an Tul. davit Johnson,. Iniikee.per,, in the Vi IV. :That be sokl bireublic Auotior, on- Vale, in"the-County - of'Haron, tin -Nonday, nexed, and' the return of L the Sher'Iff of ;he -0611, As -Uwe ea -in April, n he T I wtuty-seveath Any- - of -'W's""sn thei *A& of D.RY f�WDSit w1iiih iwellanc4ply Tr4idir. County of -Perth thereto-, -thereoiCendorsed. t Theyv h tOL d' Pon 18th day of ext is jfioflff Provincial- Mr�pol rt- f n stay proceed. 11 oreuoony� fbi the purpose or to of the f SUMANED: OP'm at twelve o0ciocir -noon. at ,the Alletion'Als, 0 and o tietition to quash -UAUI ITUBE of At"NIU011111111 �AWOXAIK BUILIT- TO DZAK. -N aD FRI09, CA W" ivogA L 'of his affisirsi and F0111 -creditom of receiving Itatements Messrs. Thomson W Hazlehiast-. on Kingston A.: beinCr filed,1 do order that the One of the most -extrodthary tragedies' n ofGoderich, the fullpwilig pro- of the aho-ve named-Artirew Wallace ke U, Sal W, and ofaming an assignee to whom he may in& *hkh has, ever accurre4 4z this towls was that. is,tasay,r Thirty-two undivided Shares n1 emend the befa* -shall meet before me at my an assignment under the, abloveset. ought tolight ye&tL slid in ail thatVessed called the sfjcnny� -READY.IIADEL.C%OTI"GiB-MMt"=PUW.Md MaalihiiakUld Of gobort Park The T*ouiy DAWN i ardiy afternoon, namely o torts, of Dated at lRluevale Village - this a Flerk & chatubersi in the Town -of Qtratford,-on 19th: d y the discovtry ofthe tharred remains 'of an Rumball," en -the property of VanJ bear, kwilestistAad *ftr*ilsili�.W 111t, 01r RUmbialt aforesaid, now lVing'_atL the Port ofGode- Thursday, thf Mar in her shanty P" -rich, atotesud, tog� G;-PUGH. iyahleL on OW &Law& 3 d witoesq], -- - : Fashionabi %iWW111119, ! twenty-third day of Mirch, AA of Marelly A. D. 186.5. - -� - � / - J, mi4 their irith- allane sitigular thi noon ue not -1865, aVtwelve ofthe clock Best, and mo P -Ningwastreet�.-Yestercl*y,.after000nKrai�.ilichon, er nd. apm!el OR riggings furniture. tackle a orthis Ord to 6 given to eaefi of the NeGin% who iesides: -all King ktree4 and was thereunto belonging- otL in any wjse� appertain. C &I SUPEWOR QUALITY-� 'Having 'lit ell' QTRAT'-STRA _ _ _ __t ! - L - - creditors 'for, the purpose of. giving- th ED.—Come, into the Orem- iiiiiisailty vf -the contlawass of tW17 isftuskW with the deftj�ft and in the inf...Deed- under PowerofSale. M C. CA advice upon appointment' of 'An, Offl i ribei,lot 1; lot con.LG UW the. ofthe s4bsc Lod LAPIES'FU ()F ting r 6 so be cessionally, -went up to MEROX, tie whM as h&&t OrTzi Sillicitor for Mortogeeff. aUlgaei.',. about the lot November laity be soU by, W7td] erich township, rim *a. Tobin's maiden ' and was greatly ant- H. LIZAftS9 Ad.' The -rising 2--yea'='O locked. to prisslitt6 findt1w door of the shanty D a Brindled teer pro FT� -for as of0iinon- L - Judge County Coikrtt Counity of?e,rth oirner.W reilpested 0,6ye pe- yj Toy- sinking Fftd, la tu P"I"at at Abs ism 6d its t not visible sar plow. - She to sell tlioln OCCUP0111 Dated at Chambers -this let day ofFebruary' ;list*, snd.take him aws IKO- d severiaL fimo% and then an red to Noftep we Salet JAB.­DAVIES.. -din llbsriloa loa wedoes, 1865 awfi4td saw to bwom apen, the dooz� but hef.eff-irts. prove& anavoil- .. z .3 twdro OF', Maich 4 1865., bon Gi6derkill ?a wyoung in= naziiid Ham Shia i44W1dWM1 10 w wuLq; W.. -DEff siling. 04 tookintist r Shares saw AT Paulm. _yMg on iff-Is Sale ofLandi-i Sheii r, till htt* -he f1bairy, and - me�- 8m-- a U Ar fW to eal whe­ ill Town at the -101murvift sw 18"d jolt] irtue Of a writ oi a disk the window, and fromthi T a# _U -- - FFER-&-, at W- ma -!texas rpt - burst open. Do not f n ntia of aN, B A*, d -1OT 93: ruce, [, L(the David Smitb lot]: in" opened tho'doon wheu:'the dedejaw n and ByFieri Facias pOR Unly $140 debt ?,-and by irtue of a Power. of Sale TO wit: 01 NDEI 0 OUrtL r Ofthe'United Coaties ofHurOu llilld-Arucc ed till U contained is. '11, certem Mortgage -me y -dws& 8he wis lying on her foce. with her Thoulas, B. V' E d Georg6 94mb4 sUdiin bw&g. roinlit hef ve . 1��, in issued out iw . - ' L # I — r -Her 'Majesty -Is Co L f North stri6til Pod* will be waiffuniA to have bee, barat to desthi,her ae b' �cted sgainit the [ainds and' tene.; Stock and to ale dirt Woos wine, "r oTi� very an r� at hasiber. in which th ovez�dw c The .20th of MMCJI- AVIS menis of Nesbitt Biggar -and Oeorge By � - t Tli� em was ofthe Town OtL wilt bo sold EMerich, in the Coast the suit of Oliver Mapkiern, . John' om", desiring to I*ebasimill oufe qusatity of blood, wd a da bran candlestick 7 Pd' -William Irvingi jr� anct James Macklem, I have Huron, Forwardeis. at thi Fiiit Parts an 5 Owing- 'I, andtakert'in Eslicution all. the right tille their essh �oa &lab on a credit afeaTerid They wish to-intins" td tW'r Customer smim tbiovandlel*g her ll" ized John V. Deflor an4 Satinel H.. Deflory of the W PBoMn PAYURNTS -clotheoof� %M kiiek" out and set fire to the red most ad Soo LF, ant C"OL *0 if 61per cent jum; :10 -offer on oressid TOW to insist abowng fist b Yr AiWS" tile n, Of Goderick - Memliantal'of ind intemst ofthe said Aclendstaii in and to Lots vears -per e thaVeertainparcel-or tract of lands known as the Numbers 118, 113, 17 and 05, also - which said Mott conside antag a iov4i' 9F. will, be .Ttw the Second Part ads which is boi Nolrth ode by t 6 and parties -W been unable appmntly in tjio�- Custom HoUse parce, or- tnw t duly reiorded -t o gall the MillBlock, and also that certain f decom@4 wbw 0 tois of the'late'Mr., Smith h the nies, and was - addsl!Y PartafMontrea; de6taltbaving1een.-made is' galled oil the It South sidli bv the Town -more* --ladhifiba 001S t of a borst to desith it the. ipot where she had lain il ue'notice, Ri-er Maitland, on the "AID so *Pset, 0ift in tboL dise.psymint thereo t Morris and TuM-i by Am linebetween theTowashipoo been served oi� all parties entitled to -Wrg* bolol WWLb%Mt, in &or 13 berry, and on the East side by lhe 401M to ow - g West boundary nder- t. Godericlit who ifil! also receive the &A Dolum be iiedh tU coqmw, so- it is somewhat extra, -on line 6fLot 119 tD be extended to the Mai� At low dt notice, will be sold by. Public, Auction� watl any -r -privileges which May Im forword. titin to- tbiii andersigued. VO_ IRTLOR & sonsl, j* 0 41borme a low@ ths, the shanty, ;tn A* AU*irvvpiq�Aw�7 was. not.con- land -with Meld -BCH( rom the River Ta"T, *181h 44 of April derivedli and, as far.Esii twelve, noont faideedi, thii�isr Vbik- laost 'to a Huron, which. Q solo An, t the Atictiow Clyde streetI, all in the Countl 10tb Fe�- INA put oftboraWryforitia- of fOr sale at MY rii. _Th;o Lands and Tenements I shall bf iiiift that rry plus ej� -men--, noon to bum unfd li�ztia- iiiski Towit ofG, on Kingato 0111, soa -aw k4t- ce in t a street, in rich, onTuesdaythei-Thirtee.nth day of conexti -N oderich, he court House. in the Town of God6- A*" fly, waier, wbm fire is commUnIcited t tht following. property, that is to be clock noon. at *e hour of twdlve of t ruz o and at .-U*en� Tk*es"dwas a ioUry,.Wut foui undivided Shares f in I JOHN.MACDONA v -itrislas -woossail. we we inl1bruiedy, tha&veseel called the then' !lie nouxTIZI weee_b�Vj N or L# e! nesday.,and for one Xievery W r content& of her re"nee, property of VwEverf Rumboll tiifdrdsait� Slieriffyi Offie, Godericb$ eAwb mealla .0011 ad March mIs and -11M. � -qg� I iD i A46,4 tod *owit b. -at t r 41th oomy, X. D., 5061 -W nu yT " tin 8*11111fill Rosily most - T. ceessor TAN —39. oazUriw AburnaL parel IS 5 A 0: F 1 - Nib& immor infouniL ging, farhiture; tackle and them ATW 'S This lijAL ff of elleafleat jj&% wssfillodwiths; supply of wood w he Port of GodenN, afo "! pftvisiew i:A in a trunif or bor, a- sum of all and.4iijolar- -tho sh h twe -with �f�syw "Wise up 0211TIAT, (OU wi� ge*g ui� Two _U 61 "A"- c with lei --------- ofiging or in anr.wise appertsibing an feaio im OIL to sa ate bel Assisum bon- iranted of utteif�Couujiex td, offen- U of 10yUvJi"ueoUVyrOWV=o zoom om'Ift. IF. ;9rdn't 4�af **h SM'!o n4lition& Dead tinder Power to above, I -- i-and Bruce, JU venditioniExponasand & (M SAYAN, TO Wit: FieriFacias, for . residue 4 J. A.'GOBDON. Qnsmyietoris, ]lima Vaud cona on li itansd dat d­%j�_JgajeKV9f COUQfy Codii, o&Wt*r fbr�� afth CoUntr OfOntario of lab -and id me, directed' against the HERE d been VA& ill IF Mae, FA= do ad tenementsofstophei b 1Th# 00"Moir of 60 St"o OrIfew York JAM a D.CrawfordF'.11. W Mortgo, pywen W In ric ach wsrd Kel1ZL of the- Township of As'hfi Gilii ury at t MO mum reernitin 1 - fft goes on Ir the Corporation of the Township bf. Ek%rslie, I u 111fS.Spoin of viod Farm peo*- that the *U b* post. st4LUntoai,,cEimochO.D,o H 'nd Robert eld, he s itsof4saac 14. glia -and niilowwyl if gor. OT: -6 r'Huroa. yisom ad It Jew Kelly$ -M 0 10 Lois. a iA theyurp TO-- Aectition all the right,- i1.:'NAwsrd6l1y igbe- A A have seiztid,und taken in F V interestaftwaiaki9ohii1dadiiii,in -und A$ kettles and �`otber uppo u#A bal( -in t1w, ;i*. sit title ]NO. at aid ti, thw Booth of the Town'of0oderich the Voutfty-,-OL in the farm *111 Ile Aet or sold on TH19 M -TL a ry, aiiii'med TV in goo I d -working 4 ortli' dbo4 "rieb. Mareb 41 11*51 w6tr 0( 21lbrow no Gent ofLoM6-6i Rioit7 Aide of, I uftn stree liman. The follolilk sad 'bite Auct dlt JMUoQshU' Oro he zol& b- tApply ....... -intst premises wflt of Goderichl beinig oobdivmioosofNrk Lofffoli; -*tn - tbe:, vil- TO" Inge-of'rhalel(6, oftot'litatithli 1 8 22nd G M. rue or no& *61t f' 4we" . if ftq�ired.. st-.40--howof Nit M 0 IT4 INS. For sale on masomble terms". me given. SOO* Pii*y.'PVk Lipt So AUctioaL Marty -the Ain- -Qapwacx� lotthe Tin sideoU NOTICE qpwr* -E ot eat Polar t t-- certain 1p berm I;gn, Ill; no—" A AW;b %0 tract lof d: d WU ftuthampton. tot -O LB *60 39reer, vare;et Styltij of '01* 000,r]MRAGI *of Va,.: that is t6 --Z ta - -00iJI311*10ge - t(imthis Vto= Alw, a WeStaide,ofQUeen North faislty -Aa. _ 'i: _*and OW JA gh z r een -our street, Paisley; f4or6haltofl 0- toolt ania�le �or general wazkli� -TermU Hargastm PW -t lyinit q 00aders-suld -Thaptopot lmilt.be sold sollit _a# ;:j good- side.oLNgdo4k8doets I tbw CAUQ W'Ith or FAR ISA im. partofLotVa� 4,-Nortk sidw CAs&4mdsnce a time. iiii-Ae Oplibip'tif 4.5 0_ it two.ihiida of thei 2146-4 v�F lo dwel alt Abe *01101i hZeat the 5o: ling houss. attached -to 4 22 South &We I hick Ian& and teua-� rpHrell"irs, ide 14, 4dillowin 9 IL -14P to tbillibonomia of OF efe"i3iii,61 ". . 'JAl. GOWN,, on_ fW _,GMVel'XQ" a a The ISM T fiirm to be collected. iby 1p itil" Ora w�vaw_ot Ay," -v,, "id --a 'Court Hou io, in the Towil of Uddericho on Tbw. 1p ck&rkh� Mifth-96 -1065 IONA ilikal lit -1111t ds3rtheTweuty-!ZiJ jhw-day o(Febmarysixti at T i)Y 11161114: a -D 06 to a4.Qf 100% Ilk: Shenf, 4 May 10% KINT suns ww 7,' good It a be at tidjoid-1 libite the S�ADII gOODI . . . . . . 'tip" -0 4 fA hL onii. 5 Ng 0.1*2,* 1 - TA -KE, I PE GA -IN - 0 twin Alad Ill ROC Rl,'Es-- L11 0-'� ID, I P bt d i4h)r oth s con is postpo W ad ta bluk &a white, Tl* owner is uW . .... -d