HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1947-06-18, Page 1VOLUME 52 - NO. 11 LYTHn ,F O /:TA Congregational Gathering Honours Rev, Arthur And Mrs. Sinclair A cnngreg:tti nal yet -tot abut of the Myth United Church w;a, ht I,I in the 1'hC `t>lhllb" Ferry Waits 1' Oil' church ba'tII tit nil 'I'ue,day „kid, NOb(1[ly for the purpose of t ii ur•n; and Mrs. Sinclair, wll , t\ ill he letivina , \\•c there w;o iia l 01 tae conscquenee, on Monday for their nett charge at 'f tee pnhli,hetl the f 111111 ilia, brief ac. \Vind,or. A progranl (i entertainm •itt 'aunt of a h, Iidah thee, end by schen :was Melnik], :lith \Ir. l,ts•ir 1111 It 'cont; 1000 frnnl this c„nl.nnutiiy. as citairmatt. Nltnthcr, included, conte The Y1'111111 taco, whose names the nitwit). singing, led by Stanly ' tiil trill nut divulge, tit•;dr a Sunday visit, thorpc, :with \lr. R. 11. Philp at the Iia the ferry, from 'I'obernnory Io the Piaui); two piano ;lad twaibers b\ ilani;otiliu;. .\, they left the ferry \li;'.c` 1 an \\'hitfiei,l a+'d Frint•t• they ingflr(l carefully as to wheat time i-lollyntan ; ; '1 rid it w nitl depart for '1'ebernlory at jags alts. lanae tiro,-; ' ,1 , .lanae. night, and were assm'eil that 7 p.nt.was latterly; 2 quartette number,. Missy•; the time. .\herr ;111 enjoyable day on ]lett). and June \larsh, !hare Lear and 'he IsLw is they returned in plenty of 13LYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1917 Subscription Itates $1.50 in Advance; .$2.00 in the'U.S.A. Dr. Dennis C. Uraper i -- SPORTS -- i Succeeds 1)r. 110(1(1 • , , Dr. Hodd Shows Labrador Pictures Dr. Dennis C. Draper, who has pur-; LONDESBORO MAINTAINS UN- To Lions Club Meruoers rha,rd the n:cdi•:,I practice 1,f 1)r, 1).BEATEN RECORD (i. 11 (Id, :I•uulril the Practice this Playing 110 :brit ho t(• dial!! as 1, be- i ....: '`1 Th, la. .1i., h. 1.1 Their rectuitr Ftt!,i,t•r \heel:. Dr. 1)1.;11,rr, wIto i, a graduate fore a !Arai' crowd, , u •Pnesday night•1' (\'C Ball ii1111C''i This Week tirt`n> in tit Memorial Hall Lootf .1l, (ills 1'nirlr. t:, c;nne herr it In 1 the 1, ude,!:oru 11-,1 .,ofihallrrs kept l filar, :.ah n, no \ionlctn. Ile and \Ir,. Draper are than:' tonsil 1 ,tr'cal, t'Itayt 11e (hailing Entlllt,:;t,: ' ',Hirt Ian-. are tir:,l 1111 1.1' u Pi. -akin \,sial. (,irrett was now (awing:Mg the 11(vld residence,! their rivals from \\•c•tfield to the tun, tht•nt,cl,•e- to five hall gamy- tili.. in ,!Etta:,. au, they have a baler daughter, 8 of 7-1. The gaunt. \vas 1' okr•'I for\vard week, iiondav nlght a telt fan, fol- pair,. w.:- Istat;ir,,'ll n , bnsine,, month, old. 11r. Dram!" served three to oitti k ('it ;:otic dation, a. \\ estftt'!,I !loved 11<e intermediates t , l.'Icattow, 1„ ,(t';li \t I'll, sets a t„t,,1 r"I) 1,1,1, years its the Medical Corp. d11ring the and I.ondt'sf> r:, have tlho pitching but the majority watched the t.t.rl, tn,per owls •er\y,1 1 a 1', \i•. A. of user. ,tars, \\'alter Ta .is and 'font .1m -dine.' play at borne. "tunica} night h;,It Ca, [ 1:it,,, 1 hur,:I. \\ e \\elenilte then: a, nett resident! i';ut, :acre not daati'pt,illte(I-lar,h+lt ' of Myth \ya, ;it thy 1.•IILle-I ro Ilia- I The ani! tl'ri, (,,tiln:ttat. to ai,orn,rs of our community. and 'Para, !,itch.,( the cnt're gamy, lanai mon I to witness the straggle between i r. i...rt' (j. I am titan. S Iihorpe, on the fora inning: it t;,is a ty ,icai ,it •Iter's i [.ondc,bor(, and \\'e•tfic Irl. \\•crines 1 'r;(;,1 -a It l i u ,, and L.A.)) L', rt •I•;I,k1r on lints,. \Vc,Ifi 11 thre:trnial in 11w:11;13' night fono.l twiny of the ,;Inge fan, thy i ark. Lott Vern Rutherford ask, - first first and second inning viten they hail' watching our \Iidt:et- and \Ionkton cal for a tug of Char team 1,, compete • . * tw•o men on base, in the first, and agaitt ' fight it cent on the 111.0 It li:atoms. •1i - ;.t thy c' lel,rati n being held at the 111 the .1'{'011t1 ',all the bases loaded., night the Blytit attic \\;Ilton lad c , Lel- 1:!inion :\ir School on Saturday. !.ion Smart playing b, i. Inds•;h,.ro '1:11• 011 111,' 111hth rli:i i otw 1, alb tounor Gror e Rath -or 1 test: named captain, playing gill them itt , I Ilntil ha'1 II les. 1.011,1e -I r ,' rote flight, Friday, the game , i the hilt 11'r ttIt.lt•f,talltl he Cunl•l find (It) never really thr attened until the sixth •,l•a,')n i, scheduled for the 111'1 11 dta ' one who :has ihail,thle• to Lo. inning, and tin n suddenly a h'trrag, :Honk ttilt:u thy 11lt•th and Londe- ! Leon Berard Barri, rrvui_'e,l pian., It on Saturday, Jute 1•bh, when Nee, IV hit, ;Ind err r, combined for seven boyo int,riiitj ites meet for 11)1• first 1 for illy Boy Scouts g..;ng to camp, and • Kenneth Mclean, f ;enters). Of \Vint;- rntts, and the h li game was ;ew•ed op. time this year. It'; good cl,:ul said they thous.) 1.t ba!ly need some 'I hang, united in marriage .\da Mae, ' Tarts had a shut -ora spoiled in the sport f r the participants. and good nn lley 10 finance the It tt,- It was 11 (Lily tl;ttlaltter of Mr. and Mrs, It, Il•' ninth inning when \Vestf'eld scored pass -title for the i:tls. (live !show all also proposed by lion Buu II:I!1 that a S!t rtreed, to Elgin hobort, illy salt ' their Ione tally. It was the fourth Your support• a tar:ttion for one or ttto of the girl, consultation, and then hopped aboard of Mr. and \Irs, Robert Johnston, a'', straight loss for \Vvstfkcl t, be sponsored by the Lions, 10 one of their passel truck, and started the Ione \\'ingh:ult• ' Line -u. s: Londcsboro: Sunder(' cl<, the pars,' summer cusp This \\a; journey over the sciatic`, into Surlhury, 'I•he or:de %rott a tarn; of ttttgtilise c; Tarts p; Miller 1b; Ler ,31; 'fawn North bay, Etc., back to bion: Head. crepe with small :white hat and w'llite ' Idyll s;; Brompton 3h; :\rw,.tr:••tt and Former l.11yth sports are popping, The minutes were re•arl and ndn,ted. They travelled all night; and arrive,) 1 l i arco,sorie,• l ler enc< itte teas o t Carter rt : SIi tddne!: cf ; Riley rt• up around the circuit t,1 ball field, •1 letter of ;tp!Ireciation was read from Karl: at their rant.:, shortly after ') Matlitt i11tfer(II' roses and fern. \\'e;tticll: litig•gttt c•; Jardine p; in the iatertteaiate •cllcdule this rear \Ir,. starer). \Ii(•,tllunt, for 11,w'crs. a.m.--15 hours, and the its t' r never The bridesmaid, \tis; Katherine ale- Snell lis; ('nil; ?b; I.. Snell ss: ,\I. 1 last 1trj'lat night Iat'h :\t, n.on ,for- bion titan. Slhth,arpe sang :t much- ,inl•.pod, and went in 11 11 without any Ostitic, thorn a dress of dusty much - pink McDowell 3b; A. Snell r(; (;. \Ieft; \v-ineer bat roes tinin here, was having his 1 appreciated solo, accompanied by Miss 1101'' sill; jersey, trinlnted In navy. Her ac- ell et; J. Snell If. say,:, \lith the "I'ec water b„hs. lark, l:Iizahcth \l ills. The young 111111 were stwttt (tttt ,w- ,•t s, or:t s were navy, and lie wore a 1, ('nii,ires : at the plate, B. Gray, w, un'!c•rctand, is c aching that tt (1 1, Lion Don stone1 showed a series of ccs of the Radford ('oustrnettin Co.' corsage f hill:n'n'y roses and fern, I Blyth; on the bases, (i, Cowan, Lon- \\ noticed his dart, 'font :\tl:ius„ tt c„.loured slide, on the Gana'?ian I.ah- it was truly "blue Monday" The groom twa: at fended by Mr, dcshuro, 1\1'11(.1 , is ;ort .,f on the ft sees stun: tcith I rad r, drpirting sewcral scenes from __ _\____.. Gurdon Caldwell. 'V- - -- the Blyth hobs, and spent the even- shortly 1latbonr, 'where lac will After the ceremony ti \rodding din- M- ing on the IilytTi ICtIOt:, j shortly resume his former work as 131'ide-'110-Be ,Sliowcred tier was served 1'1 the hrid,.il ,arty at .1 I(1 -INNING GAME ENDS IN TIE I, \irdiral Officer. Ile i \g nn on Grit ty night at Lnrkitoth, gave a most M - On \lonc(ay cresting \Irs, Harold 131}111 anti '1'cesthatct intcrnt0diatc tthn 1 :hitt Blyth hcy:,.11ngh ('amiss the Cunnncrc'al ib)tcl, Scafnrth. terest:ilg rotnmcntary, and the ntrnl- 1'hillips an.l \Its. G. Harris entertain- The bride chose for travelling a blue soflitallers battle l to a 11) -:stun; rh•aw' curl Glenn Tasker, were prominent on hers 11 01 have a eery clear picture of til' a number of friends of \Its; 'I'hed- shit, with navy hat and nary acre:- on Friday night, the game hejttg play- the 1 aid 1100 lineup. ilu:h at :,cunei; thrts( he will serve. sorbs, cd on the '1'c.'cs\t•ater diamond. Lion \'ern Ittttherford mowed a vinic tun Caldw011, in \irtr of her api>roarft base and Glenn in left lid.. In thei tu); marriage, :Nater ;t wedding trip to' Toronto and I 1'reenian Tummy pitched the entire r,aaur;tt afterwards, Hugh confided thanks to Ill, llurid, I'!u crena took the farm of a kit- Ottawa, \I r, and \1rs, Johnston trill' 10 innings for Myth, with Jack \\'al l„ the \leiter that he hoped airy th ul l :\ Vote c,f than!:, was tendered the ellen shower for Miss Cabin ell. Thr, reside near \\'inghatll, 1 soon receiving. I'cesswatcr used t tt give Myth a better gam, rl'nrn here. sialic•; serving the suq pets and it \vas centre of attraction a was a Intek cake r k * hurlers, nnke starters, and was reliev j 1 l said they only fielded a ":coli" reevitcd 11)"ii r;. !sodic. ed in the 5th by \I(•U110ald. to w'hiCh was attacIns l numbered ! :cant for Monday night. half their -`r Features of the gams' was a home r sU'c;uncrs. The guest of hrntoln• had Phelan - I)eitner)' players w•er•( either sick, or away, \\'y Three CountyConstables . rant icy i'reemau '('unset in the fir;t In find the l'nl'I'l';.pnllllltlg streamers :It titild w":'ilrl('1' It ill' w'a, k1dd 1]}, . Dues !sic curl of wh'ri were the carious in- St. Authrnsc It.G Church, 13russcls, inning s\ith the ha',,s loaded, anti Ilii 1 ,e not th'nk i9 0 5 is goal cnonglt: Now On Pi'o illcial Force was the scene of a b„ttI'tithl wedding batting of 1;;'11 ;e t r : r:,,'ht out t C'. tit rnla;i, 0 , f the appointment of gredicnts necessary to hake a cake. We were looking ar Intel for another ' atter ;all the items had been located, 'm \\'ednesday, June Ilth, when filar- ficltle:, y.!:., hall a perfect tti, ght at i11t•tlt huh, Jack \111•:h•or, u1,tr hakittg t. ha Salter, .1 (din Ferguson and miss ('aldtht'll lifted the corer off the g 'il•ct Catherine, elclest daughter cif t." plate, with 3 hits ill three ofttrtal silt Lttcknu\r, but failed to locate hint. 111,!nt;it Snell. formerly on the Muton Mr, and Nits. James Oehler, 11•as unj- times at bat. Ile walked twice. ('catty. Police Force, has been reedy - a and all that was underncatll Ira, K John!b'ti (tors o> g V a little elm cake. Alarm ).locks, set t'o ted in marriage to Lob's Phelan...! 1 ': I enc l with a bang. cd of their appointment to the Ontario only son of \Ir, and AIrs, lames Phcl- Blyt11 scorers robe runs in the first in , Prorinri;d Police force. fhc coufjr- riug at different intervals disclosed the 1r'Iitlget Soitl)all Schedule whereabouts, of the various , an. Two uncles of the groom offictat- fling, and 'i'ccst\•ater cater hack to oration rune from the Office of On. ring \` ed at the ceremony, The Rev, \V, 1, score fire in their half. Blyth tools a The following schedule of games for tori) Provincial (','lice, 'Toronto, ;mil it It dock rang the gust of 1100001 Phelan, London, performed the mar- c'. ttimanding lead in the third 11'ith the \widget softball series is released the three !mat ohere calors in last found her present, and t recipient it. nage, it'1 the l(er.• I.. 1. Phelan, St.' a file -ram attics:, but from there 011 by G. R. Augustine, c-.I1\•enor of the ' week. \Ij,s lovely gifts. was the recipient of ,\tt, llstille, sang the nuptial High wcre only able to score once, in the 'gr'tap: It i; :SIXtral.) ectedtatallthreemensillu1:ts 1uw01y gifts. \ass. Otiler priests present in the fifth. \leamthile, Tceswater keptJUNE- rrnraintioed attheir )resentlnca- Sc•teral amusing contest were hed,1sanctua'y tw.re, lic't•. Fr's. F• J. Brick- Perking away unt l they te'1 tilt score 18: \Iold:ton at Myth. lions. salter in Blyth, Mr. Fer- tfter which \lis, Betty Fairseryiee, List wcl at \\'ingh;un. \In' Gerald (fieri., and hiss Paige lin, \i'inghant; J. J. Cowell, London; in the eighth inning, The ninth an•.I glison in Exeter, anti \Ir. Snell in Sealorth. Citizens of this community will learn with pleasure that Provincial Con- stable Salt er, M rs. Salter, and (laugh- ter, Jane, are expected to remain in Blyth, where they have made many friends, r Morris School Board iloward \\'allac•e; sax r,hoa, s ,lo, I.o's 'int•. 10 be exact .x:,31), to raid) ill Jo1111tit011 - Sh01'tl'CC(l Ocher:).. ferry, They were enjoying a drink of ('awes Presbyterian NI ;like, Exeter, I I t nt:lin when someone lud- o o - lutnle+lia'cly L lllnlin i tit prot,ran'' u ,o( ., I., ( was th.. scene of a quilt wedding presentations were made in het, anis !t r t d, I ht to She 11 u". \11 `eve \I s. Sinclair. 'rho pros nt;ttintl to iligh-tailed it tor the 'loose bin tlt fit \Its. Sinclair w;1, made by airs. \fill, ry was l5 foot from her runnings all and Its Teras, with the loll 'tviug ac In ,pito of plo:irling:, would not retro• couupauyin, adth•ess : Seven crest fallen Yount; 111011 held I:I1lh, Our, June 17, Itif7 Dear Mrs• Sinclair: It Iva` stili the deepest regret that we learners of vont (IIIllIittettl departure for a new field of labour, \1'c ha yo appreciate I your generous contribution t f your talents in our church and organizations, and we will treisflrc many happy nt'noriy: of your presence animist its, Its ! 1 ill; forward to your return on future oc- casions. Our thoughts and prayer: will (cllctw Mr. Sinclair and your-t•I( as You take up Your new duties. \\'t• trust that God will prosper your lab- ours in that corner c ( His \'inevard to :which you are going.' As ;t small ntcnt- clo of your sojourn among us, the ass: yntt to accept this gift, trusting that jt will remind you of the pleasant days we have spent together. \fay, the Lord bless you and keep won, uta). the Lord make His face shine upon y It, and be gracious tort., you. \I ay the Lord lift 1111 His Countenanec upon you, and give you peace, will be oto• constant prayer for yon. -Signed on behalf e.f Sf. Andrew's \Vomit's .'1:- sociation. \Ins• Sinclair was presented with a mirror. The presentation of a cheque w is made to the Rev. \I r. Sinclair. :\ ver- bal address by Dr, Ilodd accompanied the presentation. Both Mr. and \Irs, Sinclair replied. All :home assembled sang "For 11es A Jolly Good Fellow." A short Lime was spent socially, and refresonttnts were served, V 1rieli,ds - Now Foes t:uncal cert t 'tile ex(•outit•t. I. 'I'. I aquttte, 1 arkltjtl; J. J. Mc- tenth were scoreless, and the gau>o' .-4: Blyth at I.istuwch 1 hillips eeshms' \lain \\'inghanl at \fonl:ion, Huron Old IBoys Association refreshments. altt' 11, and lies•, Fr. S. 1. \Ic- was called du, to darkness. befot•e the gathering di•'persld. eld Annual Picnic The forty-seventh animal picnic of the Huron Old cloys As ociat'on was Paige presented the bride-to-be with a basket containing numerous pantry articles. held at high ('ark on Jane 13th, suns Miss Caldwell expressed her appre• nmo favoured • in very appropriate swords. favoured wth good weather, was a Dig success. ()Id timers from all coot the County of Huron were out in large R. J. Bowman, Brussels, To 'number;. E. J. 13. Duncan, who teas Pres:Hain: cf the Association in 1900 took part in several of tic gatttt's. \l r. Duncan complained f lack of competition. Softball, horseshoes and games for all ages were run off in fine style by \Ves AleCntcheon who was chairman of the Sports' Committee. A quiz contest on the question "\alit time is it now in \'aucouver?" brought a difference in guesses of ole-. \Ir, 'lumina" will take over the ufiice von hours from the twenty contestants, 'it'riit'diatelt follnlwirtg the installation A fine lunch was served, tic -:o in- ('( J, \\r. McCarthy, of St. Cathar- charge being Mrs, George Toting, Mrs. Sues, as G:•au•l Master for Ontario. 1)avid '1'h nttusou, Mrs. C. 1lollhigs_ Delegates front 400 subordinate lnd- head, Mrs, \V. 1), Sprinks, Miss Vera. ',e, throtx,l m i Ontario numbering ap- Gardiner, - \liss Ella Bryattsl Mi•s. t,lroximatcly 1500, are meeting in 1lattt- Robert McKenzie, \Ii•s. 1•I. B. Sto'vc, iitou this week at the Royal Connaught Mrs. Donis Titania, 1Inter for the. 128th annual 4 -clay ses- i'hc 01011's committee in ciut•gc of skins of the Independent Order of Odd sports were 11. 11. McCreath (i'resi- Fellows, Myth Delegates at tiie con - dent), \\'es McCute.hcon, Fred Elliott, \'elation will he G, R. Uohltvn and H. 13. Stowe and Ed. Floody, Baillie Parrott. Be Installed As Odd Fel- low D.D,G,M, hobo: 1, ltosolatt, of lirtt:sels, will be installed as District Deputy Grand Master of the intlependent Order :c.f O:Iil Fellows, I)istrict No. 9, :with juris- lictio'1 over lodges at \\'iugham, Brus- sels, \Vroxcter, 'I'eestvater anti itlyth, in Hamilton, on Friday of this week, MISSION BAND MEETING - Huron County Crop News o The \li•si('dt Band of Loving Service 'I'Ite (ollow•ing information is issued matchless Carnations. The bride- opencd their regular meeting (>y Lc hay G. Brown„Agricultural Re gre:uu's mother %care a grey flowered day, at 3 o'clock, with quiet music and,,,rescntative for !futon County, and silk marquisette dress, black accts the repeating of the Ca11 to \Vonsliip vire, sante indication of crop pros- ' sones and corsage of white matchless "What a Friend w•C have lit Jests," ;wets in lltiron County: Carnations. was sung, followed by the Scripture "(irowth-of hay, lrlsltuc and early The bridcgronnl's gift to the maid reading by (:1(0)01' II;Iinton. Joanne sown 59n111 grain is quite goad of lu,nnur \vas rhinc',tane c tr iu a S-lodwits then favoured with a piano throtl,,hnut the County, Some have instrumental. The laciness prriotl continued to sow barley tap until the Donald presided at the ,organ, The line-ups: Blyth: Sim;, 2h; 't t' ss; 31): tttgh.on at Blyth. altar buy,; were cousins of the bride Gray ib; Ttnrltcy p; Thud!, cf; John- ,\\,.stow•ci at \lonkton. and groom, NIessrs. Ross Uciticr and soot and Pollard If : 1lamau, rf ; Do- • JULY - Louis Lane. ' betty, 3b; Watson, c. i •I: Blyth at Monkton. 'Phi' bride, given in marriage by her - Teeswater: Blair, 1); Brown c; D. i1•iughant at I.i,tothcl. father, looked lovely in a floor -length \Vies Ib and p; Thompson, 11; T. '): Listowel at T31cth• gown of white sheer crept, with long \Vitss ss; Ross, 3b; Drew, rf; Million, \lottkton at \\'ingham. full sleeves and sweetheart neckline, cf; Cooke, p. I 14: Myth at \Vinghanl. Her floor -length veil fell front a halo \lonkton at f,istowel. of lace net and s,hc carried a cascade LUCKNOW WINS 19 TO 5 --•--\t bouquet of white Olivette Carnations+ Myth intermediates suffered their and Stcpllriautts: Her idnaiI1CIils were first defeat -11 \Iont',cty night on the a pearl ncckklcr and pearl rarrittgs,,,•1itcknow diamond. The game was a the gift of the groom. listless<, rather chilly ;affair, with a "small crowd. Blyth quickly adapted Ovic li&. o CI CJRCA Regular meeting Morris Township School Board held in Township Ilall, June 5tit. :\I1 members present. :\ representative of the Grolier So- ciety addressed the Board re -purchas- ing 11.ok of Knowledge for four V schools not having a set. No action • \li:s Norah I)citner, her sister's 1i taken at present. nand of honour, wore a floor -length themselves to the frigid surroundings, j ' \liss ,\1cBltrney and Donald Lawless dress of !rote green net over taffeta and while 1.ttcknoll• played very good ! BLYTH!UNITED CHURCH I also appeared before the Board. Res - and \liss \lacy Phelan, sister of the hall, they arc not that 1110011 better ( lune 22nd , ignitions ltaec been received from Miss bridegroom, as bridesmaid, wore or- than IIlytb, if our boys were playing I 111.15: Sunday School. ' Inn' \tarsi, tIiss hart McDonald, chill net over taffeta. 'They wore up to scratch, Weak batting :end er- 11.15: Children's Sermon, "\Vriting; \lis, \lay \ICBur11cy, Mr . Elston and braided head-dresses, lace mittens and tort was the main cause of defeat. with Ink." Regular Sermon, "Jesus' 1 \I rs. Howard. Three new teachers t'arricd c_lonial bouquets of sunburst Freeman Tummy started on the First Sanson." j have been engaged there are still two roses. ' In-111nd for Blyth, and :was relieved by 7 p. in.: Farewell Service, 1 vacancies. The secretary was instruct - Mr. 'Phomas Phelan, Saginaw, \likh., Sims in the ninth. Hackett pitched Everyone \\'eleintc, l'(11 al Io adterti`e in the Beacon herald cousin of the bridegroom, was best the entire game for Lucknow,----v-- and the Globe and Mail for teachers. man. The ushers :were \lessrs, Gor- Line-ups; Myth; Sims 2b; May ss ; TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Itt ftittrt tic p0rrhasiug of supplies don and George Blake. Gray 1b; 'Punnet•, p; Pollard If; 1lam0t Third Sunday Afier Trinity and equipment by the teachers mast The wedding. dinner was served i0 I•(; Thud rf; Doherty 3b; \Vatsinn c; 11 a•nt.: Sundae School, he authorized by the 13 'aril. thy Brunswick 1 totcl, \\'ingiam, to Atkinson pinchahitt:ne in ninth. 7.31) pm.: Evening Prayer and Ser- Thi' i;tyt>n'Irt of the following ac - thirty -five gte•'ts. 1•uc•know•: Greer e; Andrew, cf; mon, counts was authorized; Ilardnvare ac - a c•eccptiott followed at tate home of Chili ,3h;--,\1cl)onald ss; Cuniug 2b; TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE count, S_1t>I); advertising for teachers, the bride's parents in the afternoon Ccok,, Ib; 'Tasker and 1lal1, If; Tho tap- .10 :45 a•11t. Sunday School. $17.311; Hay Stationery Co., supplies, 4Mr;s. Deittcr received in a grew flow• son rf ; Hackett p. 11:,30 asst. \lorning Prayer :end `-1(17.')7; 1, \It•:\rttr, $i0.IN); J. 1'. Nelle). ere. sill: jersey dos, w:tlt black ae- Sermon. )..3.111);'Miss \icl3urncy, 52.(10; Mrs, An- ces:orics and a corsage cf white GIRLS LOSE TO,BRUSSELS ST. ]11ARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN (Jerson, $1.30 Miss Marsh, $205; D. v 9:15 a.m.: Sunday' School. Lawless, ;4.(N); Accident Insurance 1\'lti1P the mets were absorbing a , Premium, $199.85. 19-5 defeat in Lucknow on friday l0 a.m.; Matting Prayer ra)'cr and Ser. Meeting t again our ladies were taking it on the 111°11• g adjourned o e recite a tin _.. at the call of the Chairman. chin on the local diamond. Brussels Na', R.Sholtlice. Chairman, Ralph S. _latlics \here the npp'sitiotl. For two HOLY BAPTISM Sha\I, Sccrctary. innings, we are told it was a fine gantcs , The Sacrament of Iloly Baptism,V C()NG 1tATUI4ATIONS Brrsscls team started zooming out (tits, r,e!ta, daughter of ,lames A. and Rot.- Cotgratulatinns to Miss state Rich - 111 fore the game ended the score was mice (Dexter) Toytte. Godparents to :'ton(, who will celebrate_ her 8th birth - 28 -2 for lirttsset:, Ruth flcmugherty the child. were Mr. and Mts. Herbertday on Tuesday, lune 24th. and Lois Osberty divided the pi rhiitg Dexter,Congratulations to Master John 1.1- chores for Myth.lion, :who celebrated his 7th birthday on Saturday. June 14th• --' - \ Deanery Laymen's Dinner. ('(sage;llulatiotts to Miss Joan Philp MONKTON WHIPS OUR MIDGETS •Pitt' first springs dinner meeting t,' who celebrates her 1511: birthday on The Blyth \liclgets kept up the the Anglican meat of the Deanery ill' '1'our sday, Jane 19th. week's losingst yak (: r our ball teams l iuron will ht' held in St. George's at by corning out 011 the short end of a (lurch. Godrrichm. , at 7 p., '1'hurday' RECEPTION FOR MR. AND MRS. lune pith. The linker will he 11. G. 3(011 scone 011 1V,dncsday night. Blytit LOUIS PHELAN V ' _ u;c_1 there hurlers, Ross Tasker, h, at Ucir, of Sralordi_^ \ public reception!wdll 1 held 111 BIRTHSsoba"ton awl George Hamm, but Visiting In Listowel the \i,nt,riai 11 11, i on Tues - could not hold the strop: Mcnl:ton,' '.(rs. S.:\. Peltlestone and \I:s; 1)vr- day night, Jutte ?dth, fir Mr. and )Irs. BRADLEY --In Fort Erie, Ontario, oat batters clown. The Midects will be of y are visiting 1)r. an 1 Mrs, C. D. Lout; Phelan, recent newly-weds, Ey- Friday, June 13th, 19.7, to Mr. and gunning for a vict,'ry en Tuesday night K•' )atrirk in Listowel. \\'e are sorry mom. i; ',1 't ', Music will be fur - Mrs. G. 0. 13radicy, the gift of a when they play their second ratite its 1•, +•('port that ales, 1'oplestrue is not niece(( by lack, m's Orcoe,ti,l. and son -Eric Allen. Listowel. ' enj-,yiug the best of health, :.•ilex : r; a -ked to 'ic :' in: hutch. the bridesmaid a g Id brooch, to the 1 withthe score at L-_'. Then things be- was adnitnlstered on Sunday last, in 9. -mins tan a leather wallet and the 1 gat to happen -,the lar::•; • I'^(s of the Trinity Church, Blyth, to Bennie :\n - was conducted by the Presulcnt and middle of June. A large acreage of ushers, gold tie pias. Secretary. Offering was taken by OI' beans and torn is being, and will he 1 itOr the happy' a,ttplc lett on a ivy. \\'ilson, Beth P.ow'ci( gave• tit• ,,,twill \\•Iter the weather permits. 'I'be 1110101' trip to hite•ltencr, Gluelph, Si. "Peace Herald," The birthday sots "set" of cherry and peat• bloom is Catharines, and Niagara Falls, tate was sung forseveral members. Mrs. moderate, but indications are that titc bride travelling in a pink sill: jersey .ick crop twill be lino. w•Itit the ex- dress with pink and black accessotes, Sims continued her st••ry of-" Siiera of the Punjab." lattice \lorritt then Ie,,tion of a fewearly varieties, Con- and a corsage of Rose (harm (arta read a story. "Far :\votnu) the \Noel's" tinned sort neither may cause an its- tions. was sung and Linda Sims gave the crease in the apple scab iufe. talion. Guests were present firm Saginaw, closing prayer. The shipment of sass from the Calm- Mich., Loudon, Drayton, on, Dub- -V liar, St. Allgustiue, Brussels and Blyth. ty to the abattoirs has -been exception- GUEST AT W. I. DINNER ;1113' heavy during the Iast two months. • ' Recent shipments of choice, steers Mrs. Fred Deter was itt attendance brought 161/2 cents in Toronto, A at the 50th anniversary ,-f the \Vo- limited quantity of buckwheat seed men's institute., at (loelph -on \\'ed- which was imported is available at nesday, June 18th, and was a guest at Fergus and \Voaabridge Co -opera - the dinner. lives, w CHRONICLES OF GINGER (FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke ,ybc I had better start a hos• pital for sial: and injured birds. I,a,t svock it was a green linttct 1 rescued -today it .vas ;t )',,tmg robin, 1 w rtit out tic (cont door and there was this poor little bird fallen not of it, nest on to the step. So 1 st,,t the ,tp-(adder and by its help•-ttnd without breaking my own neat: --1 osis able to out Ilse bird hart: s,irrc it brk aged. Of coarse \I.''.:,ar haltiii tea, lacing a.,nutd tbirping her ptute,ls, then 't, 1 out the tulle bird in the nest it ,tart,') ii: t:it.:; all I:inds of glut r ii i,a- live!( as if it were being; lune. 1 uu slutuld Itayc heard Il;:,t robin! t!11' darted nett:ltd my ;Id in a terrific fuer')'. Had she local a hi;; ci bird—a cross, for in tancc--1 ,Mould hate been (ri• s;!:hued veli, (kinking I might be in danl;t'r , I gettie.g: tutu eyes ), eked out. • • • iin,rc aac three little birds in tl.e nest 3111 I could sec the ledge 44) )1 the dole was not teally wide rn,m ht to iol(I the nest properly. So I tint shallow hos, tore off the vitt1 and one side of it and tit n slid it under tic nest, with 5101her protesting all the teliile, 1It o ter, I think now they h;tse a (sure around the nest the rledt:lings should he all right. There it certainly nothing pretty about half-grown birds, At first sight I thought this little robin was sonic peculiar sort of frog. The tray it was squatting with its head and legs tucked in gave it that appeara nce. * • • Last Christmas \\lien we lost our fourieett-year-old ltitcltie I felt pretty badly about it—and have not yet adopted another house -cat. But now that summer is here I find I ant compensated for not h tvirr; a cat by the increased number ad birds that come around. The trouble is I often see and hear birds that I do not recoignize— and wish I (lid. • r • The other day there was a bird on the clothesline, mostly dark with a black head and tail feathers very daintily fringed with \•line. It was a bird 1 had never seen before, Another time I saw one with brownish back and swings, grey breast and black and 4white stripes along the side of its heat!. Yesterday there were a couple of cedar -waxwings malting a real off the blossoms Oil the cherry trees. I tell Partner I should like to borrow "Mr, \\'imple's" Bird -!look! Maybe it NV011111 give inc a greater variety of birds than do the ones that 1 have, They are nice little books except that they deal more with the rarer species of birds. I would like to know more about the different I:itxls of sparrows. w'rcns ;rid other ordinary ctcry• day birds. For instant c, are there two hinds of starlings—otic with a ) cllow tical; and one with black? r 0 • One day I saw a little brown hind (!uttering around the lilac hurls—it was so small l thought at first it was a humming hied and than 1 knew it couldn't lie localise 1 lint' always understood that a hummingbird is always on the wing whereas this little brow lie wort it li it on the branches just like awe gate r bird. Perhaps it was a species of w ren, halt that's what 1 don`( (,ste),. Amato r time. after a heave r;.1), 1 lucidl urn and vase too or three wvatcr•w— they were the tit I hail seen since I Ic't Lioil;,nd, I inn after time we see blue boron go sailing by and one ti' ie when 1 was feeding the ;h'r; arts a big brown l o tI flew nut from a nearby tart: tree, It certainly wasn't a haul; hitt from 11.e tray it stretched out its •ncclt, aunt Irotn it- silt. it timid base a bolero. • • t!I ire are 10141 one can g:t ascii 10 anything: in time told :u inclined to think that is right. .\tis way we are getting more and mute used to Iain—to rain and twill and rtutini' P ditches. in fart it we pct n tine days in a toss we t!nink tint is something to write home about, •'`annetlting to write hoots about" Ik1, of roursc, i; just a slang rsg,ressiun -and yet what a lot it rats \\;tan if we Luke it literally. 1 ant think ns' now of the numb:r of sludt.'its alto have cmtle to ao end of their sweating for exattnitta- tiots. \\ Intl a marvellous feeling it most give them to know they has c passed. .\nd is that some- hltiit 14.1 is r;le about! Our niece her last year at \Icrtll, is poops; those who now feel they cin lireathc more freely. Like many other, vie was just about oti edge in case she was down in some of her subject-. But she wasn't— and now she can write B.Sc, after iter name, Chelsea Flower Show \ fir(' an irilCrya1 of sight years due to the war, Ili itain has revived the t helsea Flower Show. This is regarded by csptvlt as the world's pr: mire• horticultural exhibition and has alw•a)s (,ern a leading event in the eardenrr's r;dendar, not only in Britain itself bot also itt utast• other countries, U. S. Naval Air Unit ■ I I OIt IZONTAL 1 Depicted is insigne of U. S. Naval Ate Station ?Chaos 13 Planet 9 Symbol for radium 11 Persian fairy 13 Biblical pt'ullotItt 11 Bucket 111 View with dt:.plcasuro 17 Paid a visit 19 Entomology (ab.I 20 Hearing organ 21 Treatise 21 Intrepid 2(1 Of the thing 27 Sloth 28 Pains :31 Fea r 35 Individual 36 Contend 37 Wood 40 Pompous show 43 Weary 44 Virginia (ab,) 46 Vein 47 Symbol fur tantalum 48 Is indisposed 60 One (Scot ) 51 11 is the Insigne of one of the U S. stations V'EItT1CAL 1 Certain 2 i'C)(w nlcxico (ah.) 3 2 1 hours 4 Anger 5 Electrical unit 22 Skill 6 Verbal 23 Afl iirtalne 7 Birds' homes 21 Possessed 10 Otte who ails 25 Ventilate Il Writing tools 23 Torrid 29 Distinct pact 42 Bellow 30 Forgive 44 13y way of :12 Avoid 45 Everything :33 Assistant 411 Average Gala; 34 English itt er 49 Symbol for 38 Mythical king samarium ttioiier 1.1 Preston, Pulte ,1 E E H ',a &Naas: e•�,_ VE1_EA,- _1141= 1 f-1P�t,in C-. p I N 01'1!P • R IJNtc, N AL•L A.f L,1E- R't N cJ JL''yL o H AS I�uf=,b .JQIva5,FsAalit-4 3ERNE E CL's'51l ail T•,,WAt S 1 >I14YJI-1 -r,' : O I L A I P 1DI RGC� DRONEPr of f3ritain 39 Early Eng- lish (ala.) 41 (adieu mulberry 12 Within 11 Father 15 Conduct 16 Scottish sheepfohl It3 Arid TEEN -TOWN TOPICS By BARRY MURKAR \fail until 1 get my hands on that Susie. A 1 lie thing 1 A guy asks a friend to do a little favour—like pounding out a thousand words of interesting copy and what does she do. Tells everyone that I'm nothing but a pack of trouble. Well, the next time we go to a show site can pay for the bot!; of us instead of just herself, If I ever ask anyone to write a column for me again there will be two moons itt the sky, • ♦ • I'll have to tell you a little about the holidays, The fishing was good --•but f didn't catch any, Pitt not sunburned because there was no sun, 1 had a lot of fun though, There was plenty to eat and noth- ing; to da, Anyone could 1:at'c s good time doing that. ✓ r e If any al' yott fellows out there are in the habit of reading the 'Open Road for Boys" you will remember all the helpful little items that used to appear by Deep River Jiro, Well Deep River Jim has written a hook titled. "Outdoors Guide," It carries just about every- thing anyone would care to (:now about hunting, lisping, camping; and woodcraft in general.:\Wrong; the 110 odd chapters can be found articles dealing with tents, reading the weather, tracking game, fishing the wet Ii)•, treatment for snake bites and hots to free a snagged hook. This hook would be enjoyed by any lover of the out -doors and makes an ideal gift. • r • 'I here are always uc•sv dc•n-das coming along as post -Sear time• sayers. One of them is the handy P011:0 pants -presser, This nifty little gauigml, attached to a cord can I:c plugged in any wall or lif:ht soc':- cI and run tip and do'.': n the weave, l'icy are quite reasonable and arc jtt t the titins; for the yowl): ;:'rut who is in a hurry to get (1)11(1 tap. 'They m'eri't supposed 10 fres' 01 sc:,rr:t COM • • A ucw fad antot:g due 11:111< 15 Ili: painting of initials t•n toe fingernails, Apparently Beatrice Kaye started this one as a no•( Ity, and now it is catching on, \Vitt' the warm days coming on, tltc guys will be hack at the old trick of putting their initials on their backs by means of cutting them out of adhesive tape, sticking them on their backs and hying in the sum until they are par -boiled. The remits are sometimes cicctisc if you arc the type that tans well. ON THE SCREEN Carnegie Mall—Iferc is one of the greatest musical pictures to c'on'e out etc the screen, For truly great music and artists, 1lolly- trood !tad to go to New York for Cat's One and Only Trick is Good One Fluffy, a year-old cat owned by the Phillip Petersen fantilly, knows only one trick—how to get into the Peter- sett home without disturbing any ole. Fluffy climbs tip the Mick wall near the front door, opens the mail• box w•itli her nose, and plucks her- self in—joust like a parcel. Then she leaps out of the mail box and down to the floor. The Petersen children, Beverly, 1, and Bruce, 5. used to stuff Fluffy info the mailbox for thelr atouse- mcnt but Fluffy now desmonstrales that she can get in that way unaided. this one. Almost the entire filet was done in Kew York, The tone reproduction is the finest ever to be put on a sound track. The di. rectors have cast more than a doyen distinguished musicians to ceercate successes within the very walls that through the years hare echoed with acclaim for titent. The cast includes Walter Daut• rosc'h, Bruno \\taker, Arthur Rodzinski, Lily Pons, Arthur t6inw itC,I) Rubenstein, Jan Pearce, Leopold Stokow'sl:i and others. Injecting a fen' popular notes are the famous band leaders, harry James and Vaughan 1lunrce. '!'Itis picture contains a wealth of high-cl i'•s entertainment. • * * The Macomber Affair — Ernest 3lemingw•ay has trade another hit with another he-man story, Owing to the fact that Gregory Peel: is the star, it should have so tie drawling ability for the gals, Other good pictures currently on the go are: Farmer's Dau:h:er with Joseph Cotton and Loretta Young; Dlaae of Noon is an action thriller about air -trail pionecri^g: and the Late George Apiev i; humorous show' on the staff skirted Boston society group. It's always tougher to Crit stopped when wrilin' Illi; cutin than wlicn starting it, but our space is gone for another w•c"I:. The most of you will be in tote middle of final seams a: t•0 ntontcttt and we ;'•''sit you all the !test r,i bock. \\'e l:row• iusi ha), lista it is 011 a person at (his t •' ,' of year. ('lug lased and y,.•.t';' make it. 1',o Sooner Sir! Than Dor: 'I.t't's g:o on a onset's Said the couple, line to another. So they packed tke.r tl ing'> and ss 01 •1'1) visit her lather :ltd mvttar'. .� ti,i "Gin Pills Helped goy Sore Bock" says Montreal mart. "1 bad rheumatic aches and stiff hack—could bardlr straights.» up after bending. A friend advised - Gin Pills , . . note I'm eter so much better".—I.1'., Montreal. For more than 40 years Gin Pills have brought relief to victims of Rheumatic faun, ilackache. Sciatica, Lumbago. Get s package today. Use - proses their merit. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 10 Pills (In las V S.I. Its let also PA) National Drup es Chemical Company of Canada, Limited 0 tt • TABLE Veal In Season . tltc Ice. !er ruts of tc,t1, %% hi, It 11 e leg-, loin, and sbouldet,, the Inoue es„tt;tti sts of the ('on sunur aaotion, Dominion I)cp,i1• (hent til \erti tilt ore, recommend coolsir l at a low to moderate tern• petattr,, Hi iia head. r\ uwdet,te oven 3-'; 1:it ale, F. should tic ii t,1 for the crtli(r r„„(;ing /xiint1. Sint a ural li a ,Ire meat with !cape 1111,' sal, It i, rt•tnnunended that the 11.1, t.1 the roast be lightly ,preaol wit!' fat. fork fat, either fresh or ,nulla 1 i, ex'ellcnt for the ouritt,se as it gives a very nice flavour to 'he meat, It will also mean it.t,it more gravy of good colour can he ut,tle. Rolled or flat roast; :t c placed on a rack and rolled ones are turned every half hour. 111 veal roasts should or (tasted occasionally, For well -doer veal, roast approximately 30.35 minutes per pound in a moderate overt 325-350 deg. F., which you will notice is longer than the time allowed for either beef of lamb. I,es, teodcr cats like breast. flank, neck or stewing veal require long, slow eloping in moist heat, this means eithct braising or slew• ing, \\`hen those cuts are ground they may I, pan-fried or made into an ovcn•cooked uncal loaf just like any other mince(' meat. In breis• ing, the ntcat is seasoned, then browned in a small amount of fat in a heavy pan. The meat may be floured before browning if desired, The liquit,, which may be water, meat stock, milli, water from cook• ed vegetables, tomatoes or tomato juice, is added, the pan covered and the cooking done either on top of the stove over very low heat or it a slow oven, 325 deg, F„ until meat is tender, Raw vegetables arc sometimes cooked along with meat, The liquid in the pan verse, as the base for the gravy. Veal Paprika 21's lbs. of veal shoulder chops cut 1” thick 1 egg 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon water ?; cup dry fine bread crumb.; ;; cup chopped onion ?.a cup fat 1 cup water 1 cup sour creast 2 tablespoons paprika Cut shoulder chops into serving • pieces. Beat egg slightly with salt and water. I)ip meat pieces in it, then roll in bread crumbs. Cook chopped 0111011 in fat until golden brown, using heavy frying pan. Add meat and cook until lightly brown, :\dd water, cover and siin- ALKS ... n tea ,Banti 1' i hunt t ur 1111111 tender. \(Id sour maul but do not stir. Spriul.1,• paprika os or .ell, rover anal cosi!: 1' minute.,. 1"i servinas. Veal Shanks 1'iquan(; f, three•i.sclt pieces of veal shank, cup flour t•j teaspoon salt !-a cup fat 2 cups tomato juice 2 teaspoons Worcester.;hire Gantt 2 teaspoons horseradisf 1 teaspoon salt few grai,ts pepper Dredge steal e. ill. sr.' uneJ 11o11r. Ili wit in fel t',iug a trews frying gran or Dutch utt'n Com- bine ton14110 juice, \VonssIvrshire sauce, ho,scradislt, salt and pepper. bring to the boil and pour over creat. Cos er and bake in a slow oven, 3110 deg F., for 2 hours or until tender. 'Thiel:cn itt with seasoned flour left from thcdging Serves si•-, 'fitrt)c; letzten unerring]) to their (tonus if rcatovctl man} niilet, rite !Zeal Price "Slur, tlnn list price of the dim• lu•r it $2," , tial Ill• wailer blandly (o the new r ar salesman, „but lint Iloweri on the table bring it to ,je1.75,"--('ltit ago 1)aily News, • • (,ockroaches, Iledhuf;s, Lice, [leas; Ants, Crickets in buildings::: for head (hotly and pubic lice and eel.' sona� dcloti.s1 g•.. As used by allied troops to dust tlherllselves, bcddiug• clothing, etc. Quick acting at# safe to vse. *Trademark Roil A \ "GREEN CRosr (�• PRODUCT I Vt� t 1 AT YOUR DEALER PARKER HO1JSE Ro//8 Better Bake Plenty Add 1 envelope Royal fast Rising Dry Yeast and 1 tsp. sugar to 1 c.lukewarm water. Stir; let stand 10 min. Scald 1 c. milk, add 5 tbs. sugar; add 2 tsp. salt, cool to luke- warm. Add to yeast mixture. Add 3 c. sifted flour, heat until perfectly smooth. Add 4 tbs. melted shortening and J c. more sifted (lour, or enough to make easily Ilan - died dough. Knead well, Place in greased bowl. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk, about t! hours. Punch dough down in bowl; let rise again in warm place until nearly doubled in bulk, about 40 min. When light, roll out thick.13rusb over lightly with melted shortening. Cut with 2" biscuit cutter, crease through center heavily with dull edge of knife, fold over in pocketbook shape. Place on well -greased shallow pans 1" apart, Cover; let rise until light, about 1 hour. Bake in 4007, open about 15 minutes, WHEN HOUSEWORK GETS TCO MUCH FOR YOU... `:ari LIPTON'S 'BRISK -TASTING .•'' TEA GIVES YOU THAT A Yes, it's really exhilarating—that de. li';hlful rLAVoft-l.tl''r you get with Lipton's Tea. It's a grand combination of rich, full-bodied tea flavor , • . plus a lift that just stakes you feel gond all over. And only Lipton's 7'ea gives you this Fl,Avoa. Lu:T .. , because it's the blend that makes Lipton's nr.'l :he blend is Lipton's own sect -el! Try Lipton's! See what n de- licioua, brisk -tasting tea it is .. , what a stimulating lilt It gives you! Ask for Lipton's, the tea with the Ft.Avott-Lire, tit your grocer's today( JUST SEE WHAT LiPTOtN'S TEA CAN DOI Says SNR. 8/2/ 4'1‹ REG'LAR FELLERS—Not up to Size By GENE BYRNES WELL, IF 1 REMEMBER, YOU'Vt . GOT A NOUSE FULL OF FURNITURE, AH' WE NEED 0151.1' tLSWER i'a ONE IlIN(a• • KHAT DOSS 1'OUR- ADVER.TI5I I9' SAY' rop `"•\ PM's SAKI;, • GIVE 'EM A DIME TO GET MD OF'R•t' n.�,r n.,,, ..w..T �. '"",--31 _vie,• G ERALD i'i N0I'HIS (NUAPTI:it Mil: Me('ole to tu"un"nevt In Wrf Lynn's apartment, (,111'111 Shari ham b.n shot to death, Ile notices that ■ plrlure le In!enlno Sian the wolf. Chapter \'.\'i/ Donitty wrinkled his brow, "Conte now," he said. "You're too sonlantic, Duke. I've got to be con- 4lnced, Ilf'sides, sonic of our clever- est murderers are pretty young women of good American family and background, Then, too, my in- vestigating staff, the D.A.—they're all satisfied. Everyone except you." He ensiled, HIe was very sure of himself and confident. "Yes, I know, 1 scent to be unique. You're not arresting her?" "We can wait for an inquest, 1 think. And you—?" "I want the truth, of course." Mc - Cale showed his teeth in a danger- ous smile. "I'm going on with the investigation, as you know." • M Beside AlcCale, Veronica Bigelow lay back against the seat of the taxi cab, silent. She looked drained of all vitality, a figure of carved gray stone in terror of her Inner thought, There was the distilled absence of Tragedy in ,her young face, a face too young to be so barrassed, so bewildered. She scent- ed to have grown up overnight, and the growing had been too sudden, too awful. McCale spoke to her gently. "i st•ant to help you; Miss Bigelow. Really I do. But first you've got to believe iu mc, I must probe deco- rs: than the police—maybe hurt you more—but your Aunt Adelaide ex- pects a miracle from me, and so—" "I know." She opened her eyes. "A few more questions can't matter now. Go ahead." • r • "I'm taking it for granted that you were nowhere near your home yesterday afternoon at the time of the murder, Right?" "I wasn't, Mr. McCale." She was Intense, earnest. "I can't say where 1 was at the exact moment, but I didn't hill ('ort. 1 couldn't have. 1 couldn't kill anybody, least of all Curt.' "Did you lute slim: Her eyes grew big as the question startled her into a consideration of the fact as it was. "I—of course -1 suppose I did." She fumbled for words. "It was like going round and round in a great surge of something—some- thing exciting—whcnct 1'r it was near mc, whenever 1 thought of him - But it's now—now that 1 know that it's over, that he's gone forever-- dead—that 1 wonder if it vt as love. I'm so empty. * • * "But hots can 1 he sure it's the emptiness of lost lore? "It's more like—oh--" She broke of f, burying her head in her arras. "I don't know." "I think 1 understand,' he said quietly. "About the scrap of letter- you found—a letter to Curt." "Yes, that. 1 vas sure it -was from Vicky. She's always been so funny about Curt. tier attitude seemed to be that because she had known him first, she had priority rights over hitn. Something like that. 1 was shattered by that note and what it implied. And when 1 accused her, she was so hard in spite -,of her denial. In a foolish moment 1 gave 1t to Aunt Addy. I was so upset." "I know that," he said. Ile hesi- tated, not sure whether to go on; then decided to risk her shock at what he had to say. "It is cruel, perhaps, to tell you now," he began, "but necessary. \Ve haven't touch time. The inquest is the day after tomorrow and—" "Oh, but do. I'm able 10 stand anything after—" she shuddered— "after this afternoon." "You see," he said bluntly, "the thing you suspected, the plot to gain BROWN W.N.U. FEATURES control of your inheritance, was real It leas a diabolical plot— all were in it.' "Ilut ori no. You're 11 l ung, Mr. lift( ale Oh, I don't mean about the plot. You're wrong in thinking 1 didn't know about it. 1 was so horrified . . ll, I wont fits( to ( lois—and . , . * • * "You wt 1t to Chris Storni?" A signal flashed through his mind. Ile clamped his teeth together hard. "Yes. Ile was furious, of course. lie wanted to have if out with Curt then and there, but I persuaded him not to, 1 said it was my lob and that 1 would do it." "And did you?" "Yes. 1 went right to Curt before the rehearsal, the day before—before he died. But you see, 1 was wrong in one thing. Curt confessed to the orginal plot, That was true enough, but—" "But what ?" \fcCalc's mind was w'or'king furiously, conjuring up all kinds of absurd visions. He pulled himself up abruptly. "You see," she said carefully, a tremor in her voice, "Curt loved nuc. Ile really did. Oh, 1 know. 1Ie'd been a hellion all right. He told me a great deal shout himself that day -- about his past — about Shari Lynn. But for once, it was the real thing with hint, Ile could hardly understand it himself, but there it was. He was truly in love for the first time in his life. Ile was going to turn his back on thein all, \Ve were going to he happy together. There wasn't anything they could have done after we were married." "I lad he told then?" ]lis voice was soft, insisl(nt, "Oh, no, 1 think he realized the danger, It cause someone waS vatch- ing hilll," "You mean---" "Yes. Ile told ole we'd have to be careful right up to the hour of the wedding. Ile joked about it a lot because he Considered it funny. IIe said, 'Set a thief to catch a thief,' or 'When thie\ es fall otlt.' 'things like that. He supposed they were sus- picious because he'd been seen with Shari Lynn. The papers had got hold of it, sou know'." "Didn't he know who was follow- ing hint ;thnt ? Did he say whether it was a man or woman?" "No. Ile said I wasn't to worry about it. That was all." She began to cry softly, So that was it, he thought. IIe remembered interpreting the light that smouldered so intensely in hurt's es es. Ile renumbered saying to hinlsclf, "1f ever a than lowed a girl--" * * • llis revciie was broken as the cab came to a halt. Ile looked out. They were, in, 1.1nm1 of the Bigelow house. Veronica had stop'.(d crying, was pulling hers( If together to face the ordeal of homecoming. llc helped her out and paid the driter. Ile didn't speak until the t;txi had driven of f. • • "That ;eft, moon—the one before yesterday—when you and ('mt came into the lis ins: room, he flashed you a signal with his cycs," „You noticed that?" "Yes. What (ld it mean?" "It meant that everything was all right, that he'd destroyed everything --his letters, his associations, every- ti1ing that tied him to the past. It was as if the said"—her voice broke —"as if he said, 'Look, darling, the past is all finished. I'm clean." McCale blinked his eyes, cleared his throat. "All right," he said. Then, "1'm not going in with you. Things to do. Lots of thein. Chin up, now. 1'11 see you tomorrow, Good -night." "Good -night." She made an at- tempt at a smile, "And thank you." ('I'o Be Continued) Music in Bed --At a music merchants,' convention in Chicago, M arry Ann 1)uus demonstrates a new invention that prom- ises to make confining illness or long convalescence more bearable. It's a small, lightweight fibre -glass piano designed for bed -ridden i)atients. �7 �l?S-I A Wife Who Is "Supremely Han Y" DEAR ANNE HIRST: I think my * marriage is as near the ideal as * might be found. I am a supremely * happy wife of 10 years, and have * two boys. We have a goal, 'happi- * nese for all.' 'this goal cannot be * reached except by careful and con- * tinuous planning, and WORK. * You can plan, but without the * work It is no good; and you can * work at anything, and without * planning it is no good too often. * We all love each other, but we * have worked and PAiD for our * happiness. "Bi/ore I teas married 1 made a Study of marriage and of home- making just al you thoroughly learn the basic 'Studies at school. I did not read cheap stories to Jails/y my de- sire to learn about se.r. i rend books and lift which were rec- commcnded by my physician and pastor. 1 took study courses offered al school and church, and 1 still do, 1 learned how to rook and how to seta I chose this career early, and I preparers for it with all the earnestness and hard work you would prepare for any other career. "1 was married schen 1 ,cgs 20. 117e have had problems, and disagree- ments, but the picture as a (chole is a beautffuI one, dly husband is finer than 1 will ever be. flow did I Det him.. 1f'ell, I studied husband -get- ting, aid mads myself Droit' sip to be worthy of a fine companion. Everybody would flOi want my type of husband. Ile is thrifty, intelligent, sober, hard-working—riot highly ed- ucated, nota professional urian. Ile is a craftsman, and he is a good man, 1 ,ray these things to point out the !let that you do not have to be a professional to have the line things; but you need all the education you can get, and continue Iv reel. 7 hat Is abut 1 endorse. "N.C." * here is something e\ cry girl of * 1( should read and follow. Thank * you for sending it. It is really up to you. * A PERSON can stand just so * much. 1f you need sympathetic ad- * t•1CC 05 to what 10 do, write Anne * llirst at Box A, room 421, 73 Ade- * laide St. West, Toronto, Night Blindness During the war, foods of high vitamin A content were popular with aviators, because of their value in prevention of night blind- ness. lind- ness. Carrots rank high among vege- tables for their vitamin A content. This vitamin, say the authorities, is also important for good skin, healthy membranes, such as the lin- ings of nose and mouth, and for generally keeping tissues healthy. HORSE PL"WMEN! Plan to compete for the "SALADA" TEA special award at your local branch plowing match of the Ontario Plowmen's Association. The winner of this award—for the best plowed land in jointer classes using horses—will receive a $10.00 cash prize and the right to compete in the "SALADA" TEA Trans -Atlantic Class at the Interna- tional Plowing Match being held this year at Hemlock Park Farms, Kingston, on October 14, 15, 16 and 17. The winners of the "SALADA" Gold and Silver Medals for this event will also be awarded a trip to the British Isles—all expenses paid. In addition, there are twelve other substantial cash prizes. For full information on how you may qualify for these awards, please communicate with your own branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association. THE SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. TORONTO Your Handwriting and,] �,1] By oU Alex S, Arnott The weight, or the thickness of writing tells us how sensitive is the writer. When the lines are fine and slender it is a good indication of deep feeling and a desire for finer things; the finer the lines, the deeper the feelings. Such writers are unassuming, modest, shun boastfulness or anything which would belittle another person. Medium weight writing indi- cates a person of average feeling, who does not take to delicacies readily, hut tends to prefer sub- stantial things. Heavy lines show strength and power. They reveal lasting emo- tional tendencies, perseverance, diligence and the ability to carry out resolutions, Writing thrt is free from a mix- ture of heavy and light lines and is consistently even in pressure throughout indicates the capacity for progressiveness. The above analysis can be made only w hen the writing is done in ink and when several pages of writing are submitted to evaluate the consistency of the writer's feelings. Anyone wishing a ,.tore complete analysis please send self-addressed stamped envelope to Box 13, roost There is no charge for this service 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Peat for Fuel �crltland is 1(1 make industrial use of its peat. A company has been formed in Edinburgh to exploit the existing large deposits, The peat, which is comparatively easy to ob- tain, is to be used not only as fuel for lint( kilns :md similar works, but adapted for the manufacture of chemicals. Only NINETY 1\1INU'rES to sew this darling drawstring frock! So very easy! Pattern 4751 is one piece; NO buttons, placket, or arm- hole, no waist or shoulder seams! Pattern 4751 comes in girls' sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10 takes 2! yards 35 -inch fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) for this pattern, to room 421, 73 Adelaide St. \Vest Toronto. Print plainly SIZE, N:\\1E, ADD- RESS, STYLE NUMBER. Sunday School Lesson Fall of the Southern Kingdom 9 Kings 25:1-12; Jeremiah 37 Goldt0 'hcxt -- Riglitrousnrrs ex - thrill a nation: but sin is a reproach to any propic.--Prov'rrhs 14 34. The Kingdom of Judah was a small kingdom 1(t lit twrul the great empires of the ancient world, It was always in some Bang( r from its pow- erful enemies and especially from their ambition for conquf st and world domination. The life of the people and the policy of their rulers were affected by factors oter which they had no control. It Would scent 11,11 our great North Ainclican democracies have little in common with that small country. But our domestic life and our policies and actions are in large measure detertnincd 1,3 conditions in the rest of the world. + * * It was always so. The oceans once kept us comparatively isolated and we used our isolation so well that, instead of having our borders bristling with guns, as in Europe, we established and have kept the peace along an unfortificd border of over 3000 miles between Canada and the United States, Despite the peaceful attitude and achievement of our two North American countries, we have within this 20th century been involved in wars that were not of our own making, We know that we are not, and cannot be, isolated. * • * What, their, should be our course? We can learn from the lesson of Israel and the fall of the Kingdom of Judah. Whatever safety there was for that kingdom lay in the preservation of her own integrity, and in honest dealing with neighboring nations. It was this that prophets like Jere- miah proclaimed as the only right course. But neither King nor people would listen. They turned their own life into corruption. If we would 'Iced the lesson of Israel, we would correct the evils in our internal life. Nothing would make us stronger for the inevitable part that we shall have to play in world affairs. Big -Hearted rather: "\Vhen I was a lisle boy, 1 always ate the crusts." Sonny Boy; "Did you like them, Dad?" Father: "0f course I like them.? Sonny Boy: "Then you can have mine." * ISSUE 25-1047 1 Everyone rrcr' ir.erx Home ---11's S rc.:trs t. Toddy, turn, lil;ul I'„ Cb'r the final era'b ul t,rlli,luil', I3ritain's numb( r our .t1 to oli- lenl is housing. lllillious of men, tt life n and children Ore Mill living In inade- quate, tuba(• wham lucent at I.nottlt lg,- n -nl 'ty Aneurin lir van, liriti h 1l mister of Ilcallb, thatthe Gr,ternotcnt had to abandon the 1917 t;uget of 240,000 completed hour, was a blow to everyone, t'notlici,Il ob- servers now hclirse that another five years will elapse before the first postwar objective of a sep- arate dwelling for eve'y fainly id achieved. Dr.Chase-s Ointment for(hafing, Skin Irritationsand Baby Eczema Amami new manual IAIa how to matte looney at home, 'parttime or full time Start your own business, be your own boa' Make BIG profits Easy, pleasant work Contains TEN big plans Including 'frontal( Flower Malmo' Started on 17 40"' ' *97S A Year Feon, Trete!" "A Living From Herb' In a e by Fool Space." 1183 I MADE A Year For 20 Hours weekly"' etc. etc $975 WITH ONS IDEA IN THIS FOLIO Can be operated by any. one — houaewlve' men, students, invalid', etc An easy way to make lbs money you need All 10 plane sent postpaid only 1108 Send NOW' FLETCHER'S Bowie, Maryland GIRLS WANTED Several openings are available for girls to learn power sewing machine operation. Piece work earnings of oper- ators, $20.00 to $25.00 weekly for five day week. No Saturday work. Excellent working conditions in bright, modern plant equipped with Cafeteria. Plant located on St. Lawrence River, 60 miles from Ottawa and 100 miles from Montreal. Apply Caldwell Linen Mills, IROQUOIS, ONTARIO "An important part of my diet ever since my first bottle has been Crown Brand Corn Syrup. Now, that may be all right for a little character like myself, but let me tell you, these grown-ups sure are lucky what with Mom serving thcm Crown Brand Corn Syrup with so many of their dishes. And she uses it in her baking, too, as'a sweetener. I can hardly wait until I'm old enough to have some hot wallies or pancakes stnothcred with delicious Crown Brand. If it's as good as it is in my cercal— ntmmmm!" For years doctors have recom- mended the use of Crown Brand Corn Syrup as a satisfactory carbo- hydrate acting as a milk modifier for bottle-fed infants. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD. MONTREAL • iORON10 Also Manufacturers of Canada Corn Starch tee AGE 4 I, it tit THE STANDARD d•'.': 4 is i so 4 4"1*.�..iS,� r4 rl, i, 1 `44 ';". I,ONDESBORO ! IVESTFIELD := I \I r. and \I IS ,\i tlnn' Brooks, of \Ir. a . uu'n n 1 \Iv,.�h. Radford re1.d 1 nronto, were acro\ visitors at the •I• h Inc nn Sudsy, after spen;ing two Itnnu i Mr. and \I r,. Maurice Ros- ie:urrk \wiUt their , mI auu fainly ;Il t 1',11 Ilnu-. \1r. tiui't!t, of \\`ii !iaili, ,;1rnl the Ih. n an I \I r,. Lyon, of Hot Weather IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER -- Get Your Summer Underwear Now While IVC week -end \\jilt h's >nt!, \1r. Gordon Llatningl at, and Mr. .\rthur I.) til, tintjtlt, and \1r-, Smith. ,II \\*hid, . , ,;‘,.111 \\•ednesday with li;r'r nuuhtl \I r• and Mr,. \\'este)• til;lckhun,c, and Miss Eva, „f Ilrnecficld, vi,itcd 011 ITa1'e a I''llll StOC'1{ el :111 Sizes \I r,. 11ir.nir .\uurr It f I:xrtcr' Sundae ni;ll \Ir. an 1 \Irs. Norman ' l ;t. ,t,cnl the wrek-en,l \villi her niece, \Iclh,wv11, :01,1 \Ir. \Vitt. NIcl)uwcll. Mens To ]s,.32 to 46 98e ..: \II',. \\ jII I.),�tt. 1 I Al r. ;,all Mrs. Norman, Carter, ,f _' \I r. and Mrs. 1\'. II. Lyon, "I'hnrl1 Cant u, Miss 1 yet,. Carter, of London, Men's Bottoms - small, medium and lar;'(' , . , , IJc ;I; 11;11,-, and Alf. GI. "mi I,)un, I.onllon, \vera ,guest., oil tiwulay at lilt' 1101111. Boys' Jockey Shorts - sniall an(1 nle(liiiiil 69e ;; tiunda) lv;tli the fnrmrr's ninth 11 r. and Mrs. I rank l';nu;d:ell. r ..h 1.r, \I r,. l'lizaheth I.),nt• 1 \lis, 1)tlrnt.hv \Ih\'iltie underwent :1 Boys' T Shirts til 1� 3 ' \1r. livor c Towle•, Lindsay, an:l lor,;il operation \1'cun1.>da)' morning t' Mr. I'ru.•c I', w'e,, :old ,'11, of Sirat- in 1; ilrrie!t Iln-,l,jtal, ' r 1 n .t. ford, \!r• a1111 \Ins. Lorne Sli hhrook' 111' -.<,,..:„.,m1 Mc!)Iltvcll w;l, a Lon - Lady's Cotton and Rayon Panties - white ... , f 9t' ;111,1 Lluljlr, 1),haw;l, ,VIth \I r. a11d . urn ri,jtur nn 'I'ne1,:I)•, Lady's Silk Panties - ;)ink , , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , (1;)c \Ir,. .1. 11, tilt hhrnrk. 1 \Ir. Brant Snell an l Nli,, Laura Children's Training Panties >, The P1der;Itinn of Agriculture are Snell, of lomde,h.'ri, vi,;tf•tl on Sun- -"' ,1.' 1. 1., - . \\- shim Irctorr< 'lit the Community day with \I r. ;Ind ,\Ins. Elwin Taylor. Ji t j R pjiJJJi1�s .z. tens, i.nndlii..i. I,n 11'e'nc2;th af- ;Intl f;tnllr. 1�t}i ,i; tcrn,•I,n :It'll 1.vcnin:, lune '.nh. at NI,. 11,1 'I',lilcr c;Ient a couple ul 4. 2:211 in the a(tern on i`r ,ellool chit• day, L;,t \., eel; wail \Ins, Sam Pletch "The Corner Store". I31v1h, 011tal'10, •_: ,Iran, and ') ;, in . f a. 'clubs .\ll arc of I;e!,;rtttc. • .'h tv.11• tile. l•1,,' II'I,ntii!c martin\; ,,f Thr \\'.\1.S. r.44-4,.+0.04.44,,..4.4,4411:04411:.4.1411 1:0-0:0 4:04. I:1 40 41+ I: I ,1`,:. +4. 0: . 1 : I 41-1: s 11;1, held 1; 1!Ir.ir 11 nuanher frr:n L''mlr,h,,r I n \\'ellrtc,l 1)• afternoon ;It (';In,l,hcll, If )1 1,1 r,t1 attrtt'Jr,I Ill, .\universar) Surview at the home of NIrs. \\'I.ii \Ic\';\tie, \stilt rrn•Ity r'' 1's, .+i I:) 1 \i, 1(11,1ll1,u•Ic, King AUBURN Wednesday, Junta 18, 19,17 CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS • No hl1 iii 1.s can afford In faro risks which should be covered by in,nr, mice, i.rt Its analyse your nerds, explain how insurance can protect )our bnrincse from loss in many ways and arrange plan. lied Pilot policies lo coverall eyeotisllities, 1\'e write Pilot Insurance to cover sr!. mrd risks in Aulnnutbilr, Fire, I'cr,onal Properly Floater, Burglary, Cargo. I;leva• !or, Teams, flute Glass, General ;nal Pub. lie liability, Fidelity and Surety Bunds, I. I . ,4, 1.t , \ r 3ERNAR1) 11 A 1414 ['hone 122, I3i:1'r1'II Representing ug Killer Kith„,„ nn Susi l,lv, 19 prc,c111. the prot;r;nn was Ili Stnjlh. If l,rolllr Saul tutl,iii1 r(.a11 ccntains 3 per cent D.D.T. and 5.7 per \tire was read by \Ir,. R. J. Phillips,' , char);'' of Mac 11'i;Ill tlt;ttl, who 1;,1t•r, I int, Chap. 15, Mac \Vi;lliot,ro. I cent Copper Dust. Will destroy in - Prayer was orf,, -,,,1 l,' Ivry. C. l'. utc fail to \\'r,rairip. The oltcninit yon art. Ili,rn'ita.god all, it )our (111rk, sects and control blight and other The Baptist i.adret' Aid held their , l:all1t). \Iis,i01151: 1,141 \vas taken it),tmn was "1' a„ Me Not 1) Ocnur read l',. _in, by Mrs. \larv:n \Iel).1\v dlsesase 1.f vegetables, :lnuersun. .1 rust \\a, ,i 't h} \I r. I,\ \Ir>, ('. l'. :\mlc,nt, •I'hc Incctinv ti;t: tic," w.th the I.'rd', Prayer re- II If \ n t I ' Three sizes, 5 Ib., 10 ,(h„ 20 Ib. monthly meeting at the hems of \ins. sonlr\ , hn t, n an I 11., 111111 dismissed with I I r . •,, ea''Itn 111\•t' yntti'''1\I1 \\II\•, Glen Raithby. The President. \Ins. C. 1 n was l ismisse wi t prayer t)' rev. prate'. in unison. The Scripture Ins read latae, ('h;lit, 3, by NH.- �;;tnl,'\• VEGETABLES, j%� �j 4 �j l+;aithhv, :\ reading In Mr;. knee- Anderson. A hot root hick lunch was ,,n on "1i 1'111 Have the Blur,", was l'r0h. hra;lilt,, urrc L4ivcn by \Ir.., i1 d:1�iLTABi11:/S A. Howson, was in charge. Scrip- Shaw. .\ i,i,nt•, ,,in I,\ \I j„ 1•:(clvuser•ed. rrau it lit I'-Ilnr 'i, hp \1'innifrr'1 Chas; swill? and Mr, Norman Al.:,1 Dowell ;tad \Ins, St;tul' (' t. I;. 'I'IIr IMPORTANT Respec v E N TICE e Control The following list is a convenient summary of the Wartime Prices & Trade Board Order No. 737 and is published for the protection and guidance of the public. It does not give the full text of the Order. For full details reference should be made to thc Order itself. .1 01 1111.1•1e1111.1M =I SR Summary of GOODS AND SERVICES REMAINING SUBJECTTO MAXIMUM PRICE REGULATIONS As set forth in Wartime Prices & Trade Board Order No, 737 --effective June 9, 1947 FOODS • All flours, flour mixes and meals. • Yeast. • Bread, bread rolls, and bake. ry products, • Biscuits, except those com- pletely covered with choc- olate, • Prot!essed cereals, cooked or uncooked, including break- fast cereals, macaroni, ver- micelli, spaghetti, noodles and other alimentary paste products, • Rice, excepting wild rice, • Pot and pearl barley. • Shelled corn, but not in- cluding popping corn, • Dried peas, soya beans, dried beans except lima beans and red kidney beans. • Starch. • Sugar, sugar cane syrups, corn syrups, grape sugar, glucose. • Edible molasses, • Tea, coffee, coffee concent- rates. • Malt, malt extract, malt syrup. • Black pepper and white pep. per, and substitutes contain- ing black or white pepper, • Salad and cooking oils. • Raisins, currants, prunes, dehydrated apples. • Tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato pulp, tomato puree, tomato cat- sup, chili sauce, when in hermetically sealed cans or glass, • Canned pork and beans, canned spaghetti, macaroni and vermicelli. • Canned corn, canned field beans excluding the lima and red kidney varieties. • Canned apricots, canned peaches, canned pears. • Fruits and vegetables in the two preceding items when frozen and sold in consumer size packages. • Strawberry and raspberry jams, and any jam contain- ing strawberries or rasp- berries. • Meat and meat products, not including game, pet foods, and certain varieties of cooked and canned meats, • Sausage casings, animal and artificial. • Canned salmon, canned sea trout, canned pilchards of the 1946 or earlier packs. • Edible animal and vegetable fats including lards and shortenings. CLOTHING • Men's, youths' and boys' coats, jackets and wind - breakers made wholly or chiefly of leather. • • Men's, youths' end boys' suits or pants made wholly ur chiefly of cotton or rayon, • Men's, youths' and boys' furnishings as follows: -- blouses; collars; pyjamas; nightshirts; underwear, other than that made wholly or chiefly of wool; shirts, in- cluding sport shirts other than those made wholly of all -tocol or all -rayon fabric. • Women's, misses', girls', children's and infants' gar- ments of all kinds (but not including- (a) garment made wholly of all -wool fabric, (h) raincoats, (c) jackets and windhreakers, except when made wholly or chiefly of leather, or ((I1__ dressing gowns), • I{nitted wear for either sex as follows: undergarments, other than those made wholly or chiefly of wool; circular knit hosiery of cotton or rayon. • Work clothing, including aprons, for either sex, when made wholly or chiefly of cotton or leather, • Uniforms for either sex. • Gloves, gauntlets and mitts for either sex when made wholly or chiefly of cotton or leather, except those de- signed as specialized sports equipment or for specialized industrial uses, • Brassieres; foundation gar- ments, but not including surgical corsets, • Diapers and diaper supports. HOUSEHOLD AND OTHER TEXTILES • Textile products ns follows, when made wholly or chiefly of cotton or rayon: bed- spreads; blankets, except horseblankets; dish towels: face cloths; luncheon sets; napkins; pillow cases; sltcels; silence cloths; table -cloths; throw.overs; towels; wash cloths. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES • Furnaces and other heating equipment, except portable electric heaters, fireplace heaters, grates, and baskets therefor. • Jacket heaters and other water heating equipment. • Soap and soap compounds. MOTOR VEHICLE ACCESSORIES • Pneumatic tires and tubes when sold for the purpose of or as original equipment on agricultural machinery. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS • Poplar (aspen, balsam and cottonwood) and soft wood lumber of all kinds. • Softwood veneers, • Plywoods not wholly con- structed of hardwood. • Millwork such as doors, rashes, windows, stairs and gates, hut not including screen doors or window screens. • Pre-cut soft lumber pro- ducts designed for use in residential or farm build- ings, but not including fully pre -fabricated buildings. • Gypsum hoard and gypsum lath. • Wallboards and building hoards, • Cast iron soil pipe and fittings. • Nails. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES • Practically n11 items of farm machinery, including plant- ing, seeding and fertilizing equipment, plows, tillage implements and cultivators, haying machinery, harvest- ing machinery, tractors, wag- ons, dairy machines and equipment, sprayers and dusters, • Articles of barn and barn- yard equipment. • Stationary gas engines. • Harness and harness hard- ware, • Barbed wire and other fenc- ing wire and fences. • Binder twine, • Wheelbarrows. • Feeds and feed products of all kinds except horse meat, pet foods, hay, straw, clam shell and poultry grit, • Fertilizers of all kinds, but not including humus, muck, manure, sphagnum moss or peat moss. • Gopher poisons, • Seed field beans and seed field peas. • Grains as follows: -- wheat; barley; oats; flaxseed; buck- wheat; rapeseed; sunflower seed; grain screenings. RAW AND PROCESSED MATERIALS • Basic iron and steel pro- ducts and alloys including pig iron; cast iron and steel scrap, ingots, bars, plate, rods and wire. • Primary and secondary tin and alloys containing more than 95 per cent tin, • All fats and oils, including Vitamin A oils, of animal, vegetable or marine origin but not including refined me- dicinal cod liver oil and core oil. CCJ • Glue stock, gluts and adhes- ives of animal origin. • Starches, • Fibres, raw or processed, as follows; cotton, jute, sisal, all synthetic fibres and fila- ments excepting glass. • Yarns and threads of, or con- taining any of the fibres list - cd above. • Fabrics over 12 inches in width, in any state, whether knitted or woven, containing over 25 per cent by weight of the yarns and threads re- ferred to above, including corduroy, bat not including other pile f,,brics, • Elastic yarns and fabrics. • /fides and skins from animals of a type ordinarily pro- cessed for use as n leather, • Leathers of all kinds, other than synthetic leathers, PULP AND PAPER • Wastepaper. • Wood pulp, except (a) dissolving grades, (b) "alpha" grades of bleach- ed sulphate, (c) "Duract'!", (d) groundwood and un- bleached sulphite grades sold for thc manufacture of netvspr•int or hanging paper, CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING MATERIALS • Containers, packaging and wrapping devices of a type used for the sale or ipment of products, whcn made from a textile fabric and including hags, cases, envelopes, fold- ers and seeks. SERVICES • Transportation of goods and servicesnssociatedtherewith, • Warehousing; dry storage of general merchandise and household goods other than wearing apparel; cold storage, including rental of lockers and ancillary services such as processing charges in cold storage plants. • The supplying of meals with sleeping accommodations for a combined- charge, except when supplied by an employ- erto his employees,dircctly or through a servant or agent, or by a hotel as defined in Board Order No, 294, • The pacici,tg or packaging or any other manufacturing pro- cess i,i respect of any goods subject to maximum prices, when performed on a custom or commission basis, USED GOODS • Used hags and uscd bagging and baling material: Any material shown above processed for incorporation into, or any fabricated component part of any of the above goods is subject to maximum prices. Also any set which contains an article referred to above is subject to maximum prices even though the remainder of the set consists of articles not referred to. K. W. TAYLOR, Chairman. FRUITS AND "R• hktur)' ri I';nm)' lr.',h) wrl, t,jv- j GROCERIES ES 1.n h)• NI at. swig It a., a. Tm. hn-int., 1 Ira, in charge ni tho i're•i'Icu1. .\Ir, NEW POTATOES 4 lbs. 25c NleVittie, The mjnn;1, Iv• rt. crap and Canada Dry Ginger Ale, bottle, 29c ;1; ,'rncecl. k II ua• rape:'. cac11 un'' SPRING CLOTHES PiNS, 2 doz,, 15c ;ot,tvcr:11, "ill a Vi''' 1'1. S'.1.11'1"11.' LIGHT' MEAT 'TUNA , tin, 52c :1 e:1111 of :•1111rrrryt ,'n i -'s rr:ul fr,vll Brooms, Dust mops, scrub brushes, \Ins. 1111111 tincll, 'file I'rl•.'dr01 ill- mop sticks, fly .Iprays and s7raycrs, nrnlrll 11 h&c, t' • t f 11,1 ,II t;ot ;1 itti'nt ` Men's werl; chiles and wcrk boots had hero eon•11rtr11 I" Ii:1•1. 11,' cL;n•r'I LIFE'l'ERIA AND PIONEER FEEDS 11:1 :,.1' 41 r1. 11rc•1r;;11.11 nn 'I'imrrs,lac' Oyster Sh 11 and Block Salt ;1111 I'rj'lay, an'1 plan, \10rc ma(1l- t ! Royal Purple Calf Meal. h;It•c a her ;It the (htcrrh nn 'lite tat' 1)r, Bell's, Rcyal Purple and Prat's remedies Inn,. 17; \lectin;; 01n,e'I \\ith the llenc(lietio11, 1.111011 ryas srrt,• 1. 11r,, Alex, \laming, 11)1h, on 'I'uc,d;ty with her <:,ier, \Ii' (l;u 1'1100 Cox. \Ir. and M1'rs. ('. Cox yi-j•rd ,rn Sunda)' al the Janne 1:i \Ir. and \Ir,.' (�I:NI'.xItAL S'1'0IZh;. i) nald S;:rtutg, I ltil utt. WE DEI.iVER -- PHONE 9 r, and \Irs. I)nugla, l'anl;lhell and 0hill'Iren, visited on tinit•l;n• with Mr, an•I \Ins. Ilnh (;nod, nf (;"drrjrll. parent,. NI r. and \I r-. 1. C. I,l,in,nn. '\1r. an 1 \Irs. (;ort!», tincll \I;-, •\la,tct• P,o1,1)t I'haunu'v of Otrcn janetta, vis.tcd on Mond l)' with Mr. Sound is vis;tint; \\itlt iii, t r,utlp;lt and Mrs, laptr ,Ucllricn, (; ' irril ll. ' en,,, Mr. and \Ir,, h;, l'hann,t'y. \Ins. ;Ilya \Irl)owcll •pcnuin+; I .\m c1i111yahlr rvcnint; \\a, -;'cIIi f(.ly Ila\, ;11 :4tt ir', Ilr;n h. the ha,rmlcnl of I)'1111.11,1.1H; rhrtrr'I STEWART'S DONNYBROOK 11 r, (;cnrgc \\ allacc, Mr, and 11r, \fill Iti:))lrr, \Ir, II. Jefferson, Louise and Il,thh) ;111cnrhd the \1'allare Inc 1. Ilion at trcnnari:' 011 Sit u•d.,y. Mrs. Berl,. Dainty ;lad .111,, Iljllic and Gerald, of Cant,' Itnrdrn, are vis- iting this week at the home f her 1 Blyth Ra tat Tuesday, \\ hen nIr'uhcr, 1'i tlic con- gregation and frit -di', t:citltrretl i't I: 111• r of \Ijs.. Irene Ithin.11n. 1)uriue the cvr11..,It1 this Itn;tttlar r to-11. \y;', called to the platform an I pre,r•mted 111th a ,hour,-• 1 f ul ,r1!l;ut eon, gills, the ;olds( .• \\;I, real 11: Ali.... Elsimc !l;onf n•d. Irrnl replied it! a few wr11-chosen tvor's, t'tankinc those assciniticrl, io Service NEW RADIOS IN STOCK--- Come in ,and judge their performance for yourrelf .STEWART-WARNER, SPARTON and AS'1'RA JUST IN -- Trilites, P.T1 Lamps, Etc. Also'1'rilite Bulbs, Sockets and Supplies. I'',LECTRICAL APPLIANCES The season is fast approaching when you will need that new hot plate. RADIO SERVICE All Makes dnd Types. Large Steck of Tubes Just In. You may possibly get that )card -to -get type now. Please make enquiry GLE Work Guaranteed. ECHNIE Phone 165, Blyth, ..I .1, I, 1 1 I, l ,I 1 11 1 a 1YYrr + I',114PJN1+,MtNrt,1.1JV~4.4..4. 4P.4, S I ,111 11 111,. 1 4..11 1 .11111111, 1i 1 1. , 1.. .-. 11 N.0 1 1, "BEST BY EVERY TEST" - WE HAVE I'1' Lowe Brothers White and Ivory Enamel EDITH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. • 1, e 1 11 �. ., ..X 'I. , . 11 1 , Y • 11 .'1 1 ,. , .. .. LI . .. 1 .44+4.1+N}I.+.4..04.*:":": •.f. .fps+Is.:11+1.4.4:.+0,s4#1,444.44ltk .4":".4 HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG �► Proprietor =: l,444.44.14 t'el"le4.140.1-444-444.4.++4,4..' Niednesc sty, June .18, 191 i Place You a :r er Now Bin 1VI IIAVE ON iiANi) A Coip Visher`k Electric and . ere ent ::xer for Blyth Farmers Co -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 oLYTI-1, Blyth Electric Shop ENCE CHARGERS AN1) BATTERIES (011, BA'I'1-1) PUMP JACKS. 1Ves1inghouse, Strfinherg Carlton, 1)eFol'est radios Agent for Universal Cooler Coniniercial Units Heavy duty Iiot I'1illcs, Electric Coffee Percolators Westinghouse Automatic Irons. Electric Fans Your headquarter;, for Electric Appliances. ILLYAM THUELL ar PROP. Telephone ii - Blyth. acc Vele FIND ANK IN THIS FARM ICTURE TI -IE addition to this barn has been made possible through the banking services and helpful fin- ancing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. You, too, may need to repair, alter or construct new build- ings on your farm. Loans For: Other Farren Improvement and . Purchasing Farm Machinery Equipment . Purchasing Livestock es • Modernizing Farm Hom Drainage roving Fencing and • Imp Electric PowerforFarming • Installingiand Brealing Land • Cleearring Investigate the many advantages you have under the i'arnt Improvement Loan plan. Come in and discuss your financial needs with our local Manager. THE CAI' :: I {' BA F ai . CE —BLYTI{ BRANCH:— N. RANCI I -N. W. KYLE, MANAGER. 112.47 COMING SOON SIIOE AND ,HARNESS REPAIRING . \lot's and boys' Crepe -sole sp1 1•I Work Guaranteed. shoes. Get y-vr order in NOW! liar- C. V. PRINGLE - WALTON, ONT. tis & Phillip:, liiyth, 41-1. - al-tf. GROCERIES Pc rk anJ Beans, 20 oz. tin Bulls Cocoa Snowflake Alumina Pitted Sair Dates Brex I0c 2 lbs. 19c i'cr Pkg. 05c per lb. 23c 29c Pruner, Figs, Ra's'ns, Canned Spaghetti Kidney Beans, Chi:lien Iladdic, Meet Balls. J'ffy Pie Crust, Sandwich Cookies Sweetened Pudding Powders, Jelin, Cocoanut Durward's Ice Cream Always on (-land.! Bricks and Dixie Cups. Bulk Garden Pees, Corn, Dutch Sets, Rne, Pi_ neer, and Shur Gain Feeds, ! Oyster Shell and Calf Meal, Iloward's Intestina{ Medicine For Poultry. BUG KILLER BULK BORAX FOR TURNIPS A. L. KERNICK GROCERIES — LOCKER STORAGE WE DELIVER --PHONE 39. .1 .1111,. •.I.!! l•,II.. IN 11 ► 1.1..,11.11• I. 1.1 ' I/IIII*****************OMAN *Ara% FOR That LATE FIELD t Sow Hybrid Corn Seed Cleaning Plan IN LONDESBORO Norm Alexander STANDARD PAGE I -•- — ,- — _ .11.11.111.. • •H•#tNrINr#N 4~4~~9#••N NII444,1N11N#IN V NIINN ~SY *444WROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL TH A'1'ItE REGENT' `I'IIEATRE CLINTON. r,00ERICH, _ _IiEA_FORTit. NOW PLAYING, June 19-20.21; NOW PLAYING, June 19-20-21: N_OIV PI.A1'INC -•.lune 19-20-21: "The Time, The Place, and the Gil I" In Technicolor: "The Jolson Story'' In TeclIaicolor, vith Larry Parks. h1cn., 'Tues., Wed., June 23-24-25 Rraalind Rursel, Alexander Knox Mon., Tues., Wed., June 23-24-25 and Dean Jagger. The e, ;Ilprl!III!( l 1) III .I I'ulll)I:,;- .it'nal1 tt l:ucul wly;l w.11e•I Illus• and. 11, nye tllrollg'1 her untiring 1 he ever-;1,1;,III;Ir (u pet- score. ;1 effort,. I new -twee-, in this unique ,tery "SISTER KENNY" • Gary Cooper, Robert Alda and Lilli Palmier ' CLOAK AND DAGGER" Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 26-27-28 Deanna Durban, 'tom Drake and William Bendix .\ 11!I'1•,•-,IIr Ill GII'e I:'I;it 11,:111. 1.f punrll amt a ieirifa llinla . Rand Iph Scott ire, "Heine Sweet Homicide." Mon., Tuea., Wed., June. 23.24.25 Adult Entertainment "MOM AND -DAD" 1 •''-.1121. ;II,,I ,!Un !<Ii ' ll eall•e 1,n the I,1-, 1,1, n;• • f .oci11 litv:et,e .hottrl I,I:Ir t , segregated ;u111ien, Women cnly at 2 p.m..and 7 p.m. Men 1 only at 9 p.nt. Is 21`!11' tit 1.(1 Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 26.27.28I:ili It I:Irll,, ill 1'1•I•,,n, "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" , Th •__ Fri., SPL, June I`ile •itg l ,1f a land I bet,;n11 Two Features the IIs. tthcrr ,1 :l'( -•til, women wit!: Chutes Starrett, Smiley Rurnette and 11 •,;i( -rate i 'n defied death "GALLOPING THUNDER" for 1 t•c and loot. Penny Singletc/I, Ar bur Lake and Henry Fcnda, I-.'nda Darnell and Larry Sinrms, Walter Brennan. ".LL BE YOURS" "BLONDIE'S LUCKY DAY" • COMING: June 30 -July 1-2: "I've COMING, Junu 30•July 1.2: Errol COMING, Juni 30 -July I.?: "The Flynn in "Never ,Say Goodbye" 1 Song cf. - In Color. Always Loved You" •Philip Dorn. Matine.es Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat„ Wed., Sat,, Holidays 230 pm ♦NI4III JN1••N NIII••N41#N•••1N ♦.•ref NI# Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. 11IN+ NJI NNN CARD OF THANKS I 1.1•i.+ « + + s ii+i i i. + '+ + .. ..,.•,•. FOR SALE • 1116;• I rrenrul Twine)* wishes 111 ,' \fan', I,iccc!e f •r st!r, t'.( Ll ( IL[J,NI.TLIEATRE + thank all the fr ends who renitmillen•Il J, WINGHAM—ONTARIO, .01.• e,,„11 condition. (111.1 tire, and saute;. here with cards ;:n'I flower, while• slit • ., (1e.Iv,• 1larrinnl ,n, I I\ih. 41-111. Two Shows sat Night 12,1_,_4_„_„_„_„_„_,..1,.,,_11._•, tta; n1 the Clint n Public I be Vital, 41-11) CARD OF THANKS ,\Irs. bunt \1. Nichol wishes to thank her nuns_• frim Is and neiglll) -lir,, the I-11CIul', suss 1111' I1111'•e; and stall u1. the Clinton Public hospital lir their kindness during her tunes:, 40-I11. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Alexander Ilrnrnnl wish to thank all the neighbors and friends for kindness and floral Pitches; Clinton 803r22, Blyth 25r8 tribute:, f.,r the loaning of cars; also ♦.... rN Rev. R, Sinclair and' 1Zev. J. 1.1 If. header.- In, Mr. Jamie Sims for his ,DOM • 1)AY lovely •eIo, ;.til Ur, llorhl arid \It•s, Naftel it r their strliresl •II -1p. 'I'UESI)AY ,1 ULY 1 Trinity Church Ladies Guild introil h 1 :in:; a Rail F SI'ECIAI, OQl9l1 aresJUNE TEA Between all points in Canada and 'td all United States border points. Fare And One -Third FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: any time from Monday, June 3D, until 2 p.m, Tuesday, July 1st. RETURN: leave destination not later, than midnight, Wednesday, ,July 2nd, MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - 25c Full particulars fn to any agent P ULTRY W.1c. NTE f 6p LIVE OR DRESSED I-IIGI-IEST MARKET PRICES PAID for 011 IIJRSi)AY, JUNE 19'1'I at the home of MISS JOSEPL,7INE WOODCOCK (`real s 'rt 1' I front 3 :.ill t i p.m, Adnliss'0,1: .\'lilt, ,{,`r; <`ltilflrctl ';,i• 411-2. AUCTION SALE Of Farm and Fe, ns Implements .1t I...t 11, Concession 7, \lorris to •. nship, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25TH 1.1!anumrncing at 1:30 p.m. (I).S.T.) as follows: 1 \I 1'1.1:\I h:NTS — \;fit:sty-1 Farris Pi, tures subject to change 1t•ilhll:1 nlllicc. ” 'Two shows each n!ght-7.30 and 9,33'” ;Mal. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m.” Changes in time WI:I be noted below,. Thura., Fri•, Sat., June 19-20-21 "GALLANT JOURNEY” Flenn Ford • Janet Blair ii;it en., Tuea,, Wed., June 23-24-25 w "BLONDiE KNOWS BEST" Penny Singleton Larry Simms • Arthur Lake :••,H+•-•844:44`444 4+44 + ++:444 4.#4: + #:#W4#: i. 11'IACI'IINERY PAR'I'S ANi) REPAIRS —ALL MAKES— Pumping Syst-ms, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Pumps, Valves and Taps, A.W.P. Smith Phone 92 - Blyth, Ontario. I_n_114M,P_p.l-•n.1.-u-„-p1-q,_u•/MU_GI1MOI,o1+Y- 4#414•#####4.1114\•1,...#1•414,.. 4•••••#• 11,1# ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH, • Our :Agency has the following !rry listed fur sale: 41) acre fartn lvitlin 1 toile I,f the Tillage of Blyth; two-storey instil irk rets( dwelling, 2(Ix3(i and 14x 14; frame barn 511x70, steel and shingle roof, reltint stabling; lien louse 31x14; windmill and 2 g1•url Tits; water supply in the barn; 20 acres plowed, 8 acres new stetl- n„ ticll farts, or farm inclining 1 implements coml,lctc.:11- umst immediate possession. 1!z storey frame dwelling on the south side of i)inslev Street, Myth; f)oe-eil;hth acre of land, hydrn, well, slot_cy stucco clad dwelling ni 1)insll-y Street XI binder, 7-f4. cut, we'd as new, cut less Myth. Immediate A , than 111;1 steres; \lcCerntick-f)ceting possession. ._.1 manure sprcayer, in good shape; steel -1 142 acre farm ideally situated un (:rel wagon, Nagle Bro.. band glade; Ilig hl•;ay J, On this faros is situate 1 a frame dwelling 33x_281 hot Neater ':' •• hay rake, dump style; set hobs sighs ; ,t. heating with two baths, (tarn + . disk harrow; single -furrow walking testae 90x38 with Hing 32x61), stone = Plow;wanking plow, t10 furrows; l stabling with water in stables; (rile ,1 svctirn harrows; spring d. olh cultita slued 28x60 tectal; milk house festal .til tor; Noxon seedDrill; sctifl'ler; fan- 10x111; chicken house 2(!x15; sil _. nitg mill; steel -tired top buggy; Port- - + land cutter with pole and shafts; hay J,. furl; and slings with carriage and rope; turnip and iii rrgol'd sorer; root p111- ; 11'est '!» lel art, cnnressinn 5, I art . per; two lung latllers; Frost c& 1V00,1-\\'awanosh, cnnprising 1110 aures, t •t• -Oa theris situate 11is store•y 2 elowcr; quantity of lumber; about 35 premises bales of straw; G lir 7 furl , [ 'I'im,,thy frame dwelling tiGx 2ti on stone Wt111 f Hens In Broilers, , , frame barn 48x70 r.n stone fotinda- ,0 hat •c1. u1.' I)(>1 -Ili scale's 8 or pieces ! lox -10 cement. This property is now operated as a tliairy farm wvitll I:,r'llll' antival return. Ilan with water in barn; testate (rile ; _• I of timber 4 by (1, suitable for hay rack ' , 3 +t,1. • shed 20x((), frame pig pen 20x20. 4t „ 4 sills; two logging chains; several cedar l The land is clay loam particularly ,r, 0111' Truck Will Call cut •t, putt; cut ') foot long; I(t or 12 window suitable for grain or hay crops. 't Your Door, '_' I g g' ,t 4t, s;l:h; i rradc; su llr kettle; ho.r:c An ileal building lot for residen- -t* * * .t ,•1 liars; harness, mil other numenotis I sal purposes, comprising one- A.t articles. eighth acre of land situate on the k't' F.\R\I—The farm will also he offer- II.-rth side of I)insley Street, less X ed for sane ;It the same time and place, ( than a block from the main inter- r. nter- 3' idorden Coo +_+ suh)cct to 1 reserve bud f section of the tillage. 3' 41• TERMS On Implements. Cash; :1 mother of other dwellings and f:iritis listed. Particulars 011 appli- ; l4N:H,84O' +,{+:H:I.!.44414O60.0:44144444 +44,H+++•480 4i ••17( atter n P.n1, 1):1}• 39 •_• 1 hours: ,i, On Farm, steals arranged later. .t+. +b BLYTII ONT3, Irlln T. \IL('augrhey, Proprietor. 4;.4.•;.••,..;.•.t•0; :I410:444 4+.;a.+:N'•.04•,.4..;..04444•.••1 1.1.'11'15 ROM and, Auctioneer, 30-3. ATTENTION :\iivone requiring Building 21aler- WESTII'IELD A II .I 41 1.16. .1161 ,1 .n , I..,.1 GENERAL TRUCKING Thebt•st in trucking service al- ways at your immediate call. All Loads Fully Insured, Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .1. I1. CAMPBELL r the !,resent phone 70c9, 13rusesl,, 13-tf. Available for Delivery f I SMALL HAMMER MILL. 1 USED 8 -FT. TANDEM DISC ALMOST NEW. USED 9 -FT. STIFF -TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 11 -uncus POINTS POWER LIFT. OLIVER REPAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND. FLEURY PLOWS AND REPAIRS MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario . f •4-4 . • .: 4, •: •: 3'c SCOTT'S POOL ROOM. •t:SMOKER'S SUNDRIES; ;Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,•= and Other Sundries. Y4t. • 4 cote n1 THE 11'IcKILLOP 111UTUAI. FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO. 1'In . ,, korl•w 001 1 tali ials, such as Instil Brick Siding,:\s- \I rs. Susie 'Taylor of 5t. Helens, i; ; I I in to 11 alts HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. plialt Slate -Surfaced Shingles, Wool visiting with \1 r. au;l \Irs. \Vitt \1c- and ceilings of homes save fuel with Insuhllieu, Metal Baru Routings and \'il•tirl more comfort and fire protection. Our + Galvanized \\'atcr SL'elc 'Tanks, con- :11r. Cecil King, of Gederich, visitetl truck is in the disUitt now, For freer Officers stilt ur lh•.'ne 1.. 5crinl'ruu,r & Son, 0u Sunday with \I r, and \less (sore estimate and terms phone 13( Myth, President, F. 'McGregor, Clinton; 1gor write Roseland C. l.)ay, 5 Thornton \'ice President, C. \V, Lconhardt, Brod- Inn 5nlith• hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man - 41 -4. 3n, I,lylh, 41-a. c :lccntic, London., Brod- 33_10. ager, M. A, Reid, Seaforth. 1 FOR SALE•, Directors Young Torl: sow, Inc to farrow Aug- . Rhbald, Seaforth; Frank \ic\(;rego. rArc, Clintoni; Alex. Broadfoot list 3rd Apply to Harry (iillbons• Seaforth; Chris. I,conhardt, Born - 1 5 -15, Myth, 41-1p• holm; E. J.Trewartha, Clinton; John 1.. Malone, Seaforth; John 11. \IcE,s- , Mowers and finders MASSEY-HARRIS BINDERS - 7 -FOOT CUT. MASSEY-HARRIS MOWERS • 5!'2 AND 6 FOOT CUT. THESE ARE ON HAND NOW. FARM WAGON RUBBER TIRES -- TRACTOR TiRES. Rubber -tired Farm Wagons; Milking Ma- chines; Cream Separators; Electric and Tra;, Driven Grain Grinders. ALSO AGENT FOR IMPERIAIL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS TIRES AND BA'1” 1'ERIES. ELECTRIC & ACC'I'YLENE WELDING. All Work Done on a Guaranteed Basis. STEWART JOHNSTON For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth I FOR SALE ing, Myth; Hugh Alexander, \Talton; Otte Purebred Hereford bull, 10 S. Ii, \\'1litinore, Stator:11; Harvey months old. Apply, John K. Clark. Fuller, RR, 2, Goderich, _ phone 20-14, Blyth. 31-ip, Agents ASSESSOR WANTED John E. Pepper, 13ruccfield; R. F. F. Pruet, .\P1'I.iCA'I'IONS will he received Ilrodhagen; Geortge A.J\V tt, Blythe* - h1' tdr• ttndersi,;ned tip to July 7t11, Parties desirous to effect insurance 1 P17, f'r the position of Assessor for or transact other business, will be - the Township of East 11'awanosh. promply attended to by applications Salary $125.00 per annus, to any of the above named officers -R. R. REDMOND, Clerk, addressed to their respective post of - 11 -2. Ilelgrave, Ott• fices, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. } Majolica Vase 14y L. T. 111cFA1tLAN11 HARRY LANG }t;.d conte pre- pared to spend fifty dollars for the vase. 11e sat nervously watching the auctioneer, the people, Ind the door and prayed that Marjory Higgins (that horrid spinster who seldom missed an ruction, and always outbid him for his treasured had broken a leg or something so she couldn't ap- pear this time when the Majolica vase was to be put up on the block. He strained his neck for the hun- dredth tint- toward the entrance. Ile wondered if her knowledge of antiques covered old pottery. Maybe not. \ta)lc his auction - sparring enemy didnt' know a Majolica vase from a beer mug, \'et the t cry thought of those mapping eyes and that crisp san- guine voice sent his blood soaring, • • • "What ant 1 hid for this \lajolica vase? A rare antique! Rarest thing in this room!" the auctioneer's well- oiled voice boosted forth while his free hand gestured over wash tubs, kraut shovels, and the toil -worn carpet sweepers. There it was! Harry looked about cautiously and held his breath for the sheer beauty of it. "Who will start the bid:" the auctioneer coaxed. "Five dollars." Harry called out. The girl was nowhere in sight. "Thank you, sir, five dollars. Who will snake it ten:" Thus the bidding proceeded until thirty was reached. • • • The crowd was swaying rest- lessly. Interest `vas on the wane, IIarry tools a plunge. "Forty," he finally said. Now the vase was practically on his lap, but the auc- tioneer held on. ''Forty—forty— is all I am offered—who'll make it fifty—i" "Fifty," called a clear toicc near the door, Suffering cats! It was her toice. The crowd turned en masse to see klarlory Higgins make her way FUNNY BUSINESS ;tie bion►& : arc'; up the aisle to a spot nlino•t di- rectly in tient e f liar) She sto ;11 there, emits I t.tl., hits:idy l it tar- ing her pi end chit null tLc in her possession. }tarry gl onnd his tc t 11, till mut- tered, Sial'." "Seventy -foe" the ct i telae carte back at once as i\liss 11 ggins tossed a swift challenge back in Harry's direction. "Eighty," harry took the chal- lenge, and this time Marjory flush- ed and seemed embarrassed. "Eighty," teased the (rye r. "Eighty 1 ant offered. Make it eighty-five, Miss?" The girl nodded. "Eighty-five." Harry was really seeing red. "Eighty-five it is. Now make it ninety, Mister, stake it ninety. Don't let the lady outbid you." * • * IIarry sensed that the crowd to A man was on the lady's side and were inwardly rooting for her, en- joying ler sportsmanship—so he raised up and shouted, "Ninety." Now he had it, The auctioneer scolded and pleaded and begged but Marjory was immovable. She must be pouting. She heard the "Going—going—g—" Then it happened. Marjory Hig- gins whirled about and faced Harry Lang. She was trembling. "You cheap skate!" she shouted. "You penny pincher! It's not the stoney, but the principle of the thing that burns me tip. All this embarrassment over a measly nickel or too. Ninety cents—well you don't get it for ninety. I bid one dollar. So there! And now that the vase is mine, I'd like nothing better than the privilege of break- ing it over your head." * * • She stepped up to the stand and snatching the vase from the for - once speechless auctioneer, threw it with all her strength at Harry Lang's dome. Lucky for IIarry he had made his record in football catching forward passes, A mo- ment later it lay neatly tucked away under his arm. "Touchdown.' someone shouted and the crowd surged forward pushing 11a;ry Lang until he was face to face with his assailant. "'Thanks, \,i, dam. Thanks very touch for the vase—the clerk will be along 1.) collect your hid," ne managed as the crowd pressed up. And in the riot that followed, !Tarry edged his way outside. By I-lershberger Mas'SY byGiADYS PARKER TOM IS VERY MODERN, HE. THINKS MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL IN EVERY WAY. HE SOUNDS PRETTY CONCEITED TO ME! 'V(t 6741);'!". 5i% . Cream of Aha Tokyo Baby Crop—These robust Japanese youngsters arc part of the grot p of 25 recently picked as the healthiest babies in Tokyo. Mothers pose proudly with their sturdy offspring, 11'h0 regard the cameraman \Pith• questioning "shoe button!' eyes and \vould rather go to work on their prizes—sugar cantly. VOICE OF THE PRESS Lewis Asks For o Mineworkers Slippery Money Scientists are now staking mer- cury out of gold, We hope this doesn't mean that mercury is going to become the new standard unit of money. 'I'hc present one, as most of us have discovered, slips through the fingers easily enough. —Kitchener Record. Must Be Vigilant Small children who dash out from the sidewalk after a ball or in pure exuberance of spirits, often from behind a parked car, un- knowingly subject themselves to great peril. Vigilant motorists on city streets always drive with this sort of emergency in mind. —Ottawa Journal. Must Have 'Em Planning an corral! parade to pub- licize a buyers' strike, members of the Vancouver Housewives' Con- sumers' League are presumably busy slopping for the most attrtctIsc overalls lily can find, at any price. —\Vindsor Star. From Bottom Up The \lassachusctts community c[ Netthurvpurt has abandoned its month-old 10 percent price cut be- cause suppliers failed to co-operate. All other similar efforts to reduce prices must fail unless the reduc- tions arc first made by the rnanu- factnre rs and wholesalers. Better Wait First Time stead by crashing traffic is often lost waiting cur the anttulancc. —1.nelph Mercury. Radio -Minded l he Stmt!1 boy who was taken to the country for the first time saw a spider spinning a we h hc- 1tu'en two tall reeds and told his father that a hug was putting up a wireless. --St. Thomas 'fines -Journal. Neglected Language :\ 'foronto educationist has let the Cat nut of the l;ty by referring to the "lite languages now taught" in our secondary schools: Ile names them as Latin, (arae!, French, German, Spanish. This explains \shy su soma graduates have an imperfect com- mand of English, which is apparently not taught at all. —Areae tloruii li f.xantincr. Mounties To Get Back Their Horses Return of the high-stepping RC\11' mounts is announced. It is certain to win popuar acclaim. \Vith the force resorting more and more to the use of fast patrol cars and planes in tracking down the West's "bad men", it had been feared that the highly -trained police horse was on its way out. In the minds of people most et -u•\ here the mounted Redcoat is a symbol of law and order. Without ,the horse, the symbol is definitely weakened. The pages of history cannot be so easily and should not be so harshly blurred. Progress is fine but so is tradition. POP—Nothing Wasted oftrNATI.L FIT HtM• re. Couldn't Do Better Newsweek Magazine opines that: "Japanese closely associated with Hirohito are carefully studying the British monarchy as a model for the Emperor's future under the new constitution." They could do no tetter, —Stratford 13eacon-1lcrald Ignorance Is Bliss Everybody likes to be humbug- ged once in a while, so long as they don't know how it's done. —Guelph \1crcury, Then Education Begins Schooling is what you get at school, but education is what the rough old world gives you when schooldays are over. —Brandon Sun. ra According to the latest available figures the soft -coal miners were a\ eraging about $69.50 a week, says the The ' esv fork 'Herald Tribune. This is the highest average for manual workers in any of the country's major industries. The steelworkers, for instance, with their recent wage increases, have an average wage of about $55,50 a week, the auto workers one of about $59. Yet Mr. John Lewis now insists that his mineworkers get a boost of 35 cents an hour, or else, though the steelworkers and others have been content with one of 15 cents or less and the Northern and Western coal operators have offer- ed 15 cents. Approximately 45,000,000 people immigrated to the United States in the 100 years from If.431 to 1931, (Z4Y/ll'J /led First Silent Plant Developed By U.S. RtIonami,.11 e!Tim 11; have cont- l llll d ;III 1,m,\1 11 imi, • ti111'llelll g! dente to• 1.1i dn1e the flat " iIrItt" airplane. (/IA of ;n1.,tion'.; major drrrlop- n,e ol, in sect lit years i; the way .'tut I \p, rl , at ',angler Field, \'.I., 1,1 a demon•tration, de,erile the 1 e11 ship. 'taken up;ILore ;Intl felt the plane mad only •lir htly more noise tlt,ut a Hider. 11.4 live bladed propeller, w hid) revolcn s ;it a slower speed than the conventional ones but Kopek the ship at a higher speed, and an engine muffler contribute to it• "silent t ". It was pointed out that com- plaints about the noise near air- port, not only have caused adjoin - property to decline in value, but also have brought a number of law -nits and resulted in many metropolitan fields being closed. Doyousu fe,fifONTI y Milli Pil/ip '111is fine medicine is very effective to relieve /min, nervous distress and weak, cranky, "drugged out" feelings, of such cloys—when duo to female functional monthly disturbances. Worth trying! [MIA FFINNAN S COMPOUND You Will ISnlny Staying At The St. Regis Rotel • • TORONTO Eve Room With Rath ilhd'er and Telephone Single. /sato up— D9tle, IA3.60 up ood Food. Dining and Danc- ing Nightly eherboorno at Carlton Tel. HA, 411111 ROOMS Int %uTIFULr.] FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FAr.r.N — C.N.R, NTATION Irl'T///'may Ol Y/11)811le 1'I1E FAiti\IFlt !lis strong hands work the soil of !;;aunts in 111c service of the world. 11is labours 'milds the first essential of life—our daily bread. The Canadian farmer las won for Canada the everlasting gratitude of the peoples of the ravaged lands of Europe and Asia. Alen like this, some of Canada's finest, are in the public's service -al your service. DAWES BLACK HORSE BREWERY 011e of a series of adcn'ti scriil'llis in tribute to those Canadians in the dc)t'icc tf the public IF YOU CUT OFF TNF TAIL. TARE Ti -1I PADDINC-r OUT OF THE IE PUi IT" V\', IN THE SCAT' I OF HIS FCi4T5" By J, MILLAR WATT 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ali I;N'1'8 11'.1N'I'h11 A m118I^II'.S of your torn! \Cont a i Oil. Iot(bin 3'''arlY Income? ,I1)Ln 11. C1.o31Y ('.ulpany, too gumfartill i of two hIcclaltl(s, 11n'1)nrlo( rxirnrts, pat hatted d!Ii3', x0(1111, yalult Medicine", etc., IIOV3 nn ntlrnl live to opniit ion for !boss 11'ho ran qualify for ono of the t•xrluslvn CI easy dealer:! MO,, MI 1,11 are now n(nllnblo, Thim Ix a pleasant, piofIto hl.• of 1(3)3.1(1 for 1110sressive, Industrious wet. HMI woo(en, 6VIiln Iuday fur full Purl', ular1, K.) sur a ('w dc'Lllls uhoul \'sin3• If. I0; John It. (irony ('urllpalty',-1536 W. Uundaa St. Mat, 'l'o10o1n 3, (Illlttln 11A Ili' CHICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CI-IICKS Our prt(t14 for lin by ('3(113(1) Holt etnllu4 t'blrkn win Huioriea you. All Melte from blond tested stork, Carleton Witchery, 111lltinnln Heights, Ont, 1'111 t3,\N mull get '3oeIl1l t'hokv, v:u will Ien'e 11„111(11 hatele'( ecel3' week up until July i I1h, and they tvill Ile the sante \',6"11)1111, 11('1(13' chlcIts that have been doing mu well fur mti many people, ‘'Igor, (ase growth, early 1'(111 41,'vrlu0nie(1( Pur (1(1111' Important In (lin 1101 hs 3111 1)1:(1'1 fl'Onn now on. '('lir3' 111.111 you Inti h up and cash In, Ask anyone (:3(n 11(114 ra:8ed 'I'weddlo chicks luny They can take 1.01d glow and develop. 35'e have 12 Pine breeds end 12 hybrid ('1(41184 in lett-1403rd, Pullrl. and turkereis to choose from.. Prompt delivery on day old, two and tbray week old and older 11111111(1 eight weeks In laying, Send for re. laced 1111(1 for ,lune mot free r'It anr;ue. 9'weddlo Chick flan 11.0103 1,In1llyd, 1116111), 9c 1-IURONDALE CHICKS llc Snh1401 X New ilnnips. Rock X flumes„ Marred !tricks, New !lamps.. Roth X Leg. horns, SW1371 X Legho'ns, New 11atoo X f.rghorns nod Pura Lnghorns 11 e, furs Sus sex 1 2c, AHaorked Mixed Chicks 9c. HURONDALE PULLETS 19c Ali heavy breed pullets 19c, after duns Ise 17c. Medium Breeds nod Leghorn'( 2 le. Al.• sot led Pullols 17c. Ilravv Breed Cot kerels- 311011 1BRI:I:DliltS All double hloudltslyd. banded and culled 3(3 Inspectors, Larked by high prJ lerool (mond t• lion s(08(1, Many ri,tnnte4 report wonder. (ul Huccr1l. "hest Chicks I 1;v1'r 1114 " STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 w'EI'l(S T(1 a W'IClrl(9 (11.11, 1 weeks add 4(. 3 week.' add 10c, 1 wooly. add Ise, 6 \reels add 20e, 6 weeks old Intl Lela 50c, 1011(7, 11vo deliver')' guar:unwed 31 00 per 100 deposit on day old'( 111'; nn Warted (41)18. Order Dorn and ENCLOSE lbw til HEAVY' AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Ila moo Gr, all other hes v3 brer'd. 6''•e A9,o'teil heat CoN 1,1 [Inch X Leghorn Sussex X Lvghoi m 2'ic. I)ay ul1 Cox only Ilurondale Chicle I-Iatchery, LONDON, IIN'1'• W'AN'T wit lled chicks? W.1 h'ne poll,'I4, con sexed end tui het els, of nnlpl ih'fpnu•tlt. Alwl Homs slatted. Alcoa Cowl%, but wt Ile 11'1.1(1 you nerd, and net n111' 1 sl. Bray 11,1• (Iwo'. 120 ,lnlun N., ILtmilon, Ont. 1.!31' 111 lase 31011814. No brooding heat Ie• ruirel. Two In four weeks old. loa.tl 121.73 In 13(1,75. l"irat 11:13.9 healthy *to. 3,. Alio day obi 13(11 h.1 any 011ie. Write fin 1.11004 111• meted 11.00 dolma't for elide a6, lone'''. Fisher Otcllaa'Aa. 1'.,11. No. 2, 1l emiain. (int. LAKEVIEW CI-IICKS 12c Sane/ high quality at tense low prlres. Here's your ooporLtn!Iy to get Isle high quality stock at these reasonable pricra, P01e 0110018, 1814. sex X New 1laInn., Barred Rocks, Rock x New Ramps,, New Humps., 511311(6 X !Pg. Lona, 11111'1( X Leghnrtl4, New 1lu111,'( X Le6borns, Largo Typo w'':I., l,rgliorne inked 312 00 per 100. As9o'led 81iyet1 110 00 per inn LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c All day 111.1 Pullets 201•. Started Pullets and 0 3314 r hicks. 'fwo weeks old odd be, 11 weeli old add the. 4 tvrck3 010 nd'l 18e, 5 week old Pullets 45c enrh, 6 week old Pullet!! 60e 1'1101 BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 ilett'd(131 All double blood tested, 11310e1 and rolled for body !Hie and ruggedness. 1latidied under Ideal condi lIona. "hest Chicles we ever had; Pullets ore laying swell, cncherels gond size," from Lincoln I,uco'he, !:den (;rove, Ont. "Never 113,1 much good 1111 I; with pul- lets." reports I;rueml C. Ihu'nlfrdl, 113%(X1. atone, Ont 01113r Rom (1113 1(d, or send Int i l'(1( !,IMI And Catalogue and full particulars. To receive these priers ('1011100 11114 1(d. 381111 your olden Laltcvicw Poultry ' Farrn 11'ein Ilrov„ Exeter, Ontario. 1,31u;.3INS In ('deka for 11111 week and next Ila led Itnela New Ila !nominee, M'l'le ltocic, Light 0118008, New Hampshire X ilarred !tock, 'iau'rd Rork X Nev 11:111(1141111.04, Llghl. Sus- - sex X Now 1lamp0111TH, 1.14111 Sussex X Ifnr- red Mick non Hexed 9.9.5, PullelM 15.95, cock- erels 8 95 Assorted Ilea vies inn•4Cxed 8.93, pullets 14.95, 1nrlteroln 7.97, 1%3(111 l,rghntn X Barred Rork, Auolra 11'h1lr 8.95. Pullela :1.95, cockerels 1,95. \VMite 1,e011orn 8.95, pullets 111,95, rorke•ela 1.00. Assorted Light or hiediunl breeds non -sexed 7,95, pollel9 17.95, Two weelc old 1441.1 6.00, three weel( ofd n,hl 11,00 1)81' hundred. ShlPt)P11 ('.o.D, TId8 advertisement must errom laity your 01 der t1a receive these special 0111(31. Also mullrls right wre133 In 131(11(3• Top Notch CL,che ries, (1(111113(, Ontario. READY MADE CAPONS 1) 3133.0 In Laine (':!pons. The price of Capons 114 111/11/X11113 (0Y kc Ib, higher than the price of c(rl1CI'ela. \V8' caponlza the cockerels at 1 w•ecice nod send the ready made Capone out Ill 4 weeks, no fuss, 11o1 trouble Send for 1'1111 1,1st and full particulars. Prompt delivery If von act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm ieze Web Oros., I;seler, Ontario. 1'.111115 11111 31.11,1; tun ,3('13E.o. 7- 111'1,•4 111101.1 111111\ 1111(1, 25 bnnh, nxr,•II''ut 'lay Ioaun, natiu:II di along* It. anninblI Lerma. Alta. l3( 11 11 afro, SIor• 1,31111131, 11111. Sun AI'ItIC (8'm 101 elle 75till a de, well let int, lulac (1.110, ft onto Immo, In gond r' 11'11, 0184'nslun any 1111(1). A 1, 3(.3 Nlutmsun. 1, (111111 4u111111, 3lnlnrlo. 1'1111 t1.1 LE ATTENTION FARMERS! Su 3'e lhnl hny, lllnln feeds will lie In short (ripply. Insure the m11 x1(11(11(1 value from )11'.(' hay e(p by' using the 1111A NOR IIAY II.\3I,l:lt-1(1(101 rnprrinlly for Illi farmer, I',;ht In welnht- Mounted virgins driven or p, over talcs off attnrhocnt -steel or rubber 11;es -01111111 In Nu (runtimes, fair In price and avail lids for Immediate delivery. Write or plume now for full 101 l'ttt'IlliII 11. GREENWOOD AND PLAUNT 55 Darling St. BRANTFORD, ONT. ATTENTION r,\Jt111:I1N iron SALE -Tractor 'fires, n)ndo or rubber. sult1ble for bolting on steel wheels, 115 00 enrh, rear wheels; $7 50 each, front wheels When ordering 'lain iliometer and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. 1.11., 6 Wllt• ehirn Ave , Toronto, Ont. 1.1.1,0 LDS, Kt•nulno blink lent her, four windows, ('3(x06(4 Purse, atarllp Pockets, gip. Per closing 31 00 do11vered. Money refunded guarantee Willtulns 3L•lil Order (louse. Box ^,30, 'I'oronln. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE :\61 irulluraI Rinicllclden, epraYs, powders, dhotifertents, deortm anis, sclera! flea Ily for - Imitated for hest 1 Krolla. For Information nml prices write Canadian Distributors Ltd.. 251 Niagara St., 'Toronto, DANT SELLING Oil !turner, Electric plower '13118', ran burn wood, coal or oil anytime• nu, clanging ner'•m'n0y, all territories open, Also 1(1nn1bulg (1xturea available. Informa- tion for stump, Economy Dlslributor,, King- ston, riot FLAGS 111 411... union dacha or C'anndian i311 bgns, 91w11 wool bunting. special offering on 4 45 and 6 font Inion ,13(1131, fast dye sewn cotton. f)Isr•.ount fon' quantities. Brighten 3 our community or honln by flting a gond mum IIly flag John Leckie Limited, 71 Wel. 1 am ton Sr. )Cent, 'Toronto, FANS ter ala.'k 1e romtleln, We now 11381 for toun•dunti del very 8" and 10" deal( tins 111.1 ed from 17.05 up. 8" ICllrhen tan' 321.50. In" 1(ulhen Fans 125.00, 12" to 21" IL'x- ll1391 fano for n'dtanrant4, hotels, hank'. L"lolles. 1'11., all guaranteed. 16", 15", 2,3", and 21" pedestal fans In both 1101160, c1'ilulu, 11(10 53((1,1 model'. %Vite.n ordering. pl. lse 'lain whether 23 or 60 03'tle, Order now In 1(041111' 111'111(1(1 4.11v08, 5101011 all 41;.13, 25 and 00 ryr10. Write now fur your 111'1 di In • MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario. 1"l(lt SA LE -Cried !hating Plant for sale In first claw" condition -Taylor -Forbes Victor holler Nu. 00 9,1, also Wolter and pump -only been In use a Lew years, suitable fur fairly large building. 1.200 gallon lint water lank and a number of mlul3ero w11h 1(11 cnnnrt'tlnn, with Indi- c dual cabllels. I'oi' particulars write Robert Chapman. Mitchell, nix 262. HARNESS and shoe repair shop end equip- meflt and also belt splicing equipment for Rule and also 17 room 2 etore3' 3)111)1 Inman, Immediate I'uasu44ion. For particulars write A. 1'. Irwin, Corrie, Ont. (1 E.1VY 5111.1'I',.110' farm w11(0(1s, send for circular. Perry J. Ilobridge, 110onn 305 Plaza 111114.. (111a (1a, Ont. 1110N ACI; Potato I'luue'a-nue or two row. On 'feel or rubber, Tlnnu•4ati dellveiy, 11. 93, ll•mlgt A Sons , 11101heun, Distributor, 1'1:.\'I'IICC '1'.611, Irish Itolriever pl(ples two months old, Pat wit ' wonderful hunters. 31alea 320, Females 115. '!'hos. Chlmlclr, chit tham, 11.11 No. I, 1.111111: White Pelc,n Dueklulgs,',ruu,' breast. rd bl'OIIZ. 'Turkey Poulin, tJualily Electric r3', iKitchener, 115'1, (lulnrio, NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed,' nol•4ag sowing and 1111111 r1'4'( 1-4.05. Write fol' 51'11' cat alogne. S1allorder Furniture Warehouse, 179 B'aIlla- inent Sweet, 'Toronto, (0 1,11, (i1 eases. ('313.4, 1119(l'Ileidl'm, Electric Fence ("mit rollers, Iloune rind Ihu'n ('a'u, Roof ('onllogo, etc. Derriere wanted Wal' R'nlrn Crease A 011 Limited 'Tomtit(' TIRES We are overstocked 441 lime pr•eRPnl of gond 01480 trnde•ln tires terra rnnteed to be In ex 11111(11 shape' G00 X 1G - $3,00 All orders shipped ('.0 D 800((0 equipment for vulcanizing 'Truck and Ca rill 'rrarinl 'rites. DEACON 9'11111; cornet WPM) 1131(1 folk Sta., Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S 01(189' MODERN u'Qulrrl:n '111(113 01101' Denims Wanted TOILETS For Sumner Cottages, Farms, S. hoots. and Camps, Can bo used 1(1(11 or Wilton/ running Witte', Ca UM SaniInlion, Ltd., 21 ltWl0y Blvd., Toronto. Ontario, 'FYI'/;\\'ItI'I'I;IL 1'ndrrwuod Standard 110.00 and Portable With case 315, oath excellent condition, Will ship 1.0.1). Write 637 I1r9• lrrer St., Ott,Wil, 0111. 12" 1000D Planer s. Jointers, (('nod Sha Pert., 11" Band Sawn, 1)01113, Portable Sanders. ft you need One write: (31(31(1 Mnchlucry. P.O. 1103 273. Toronto, Ont. 1'l'R\1'1'113(7 CHESTERFIELD SUITES ('hrnte•fleld Suites absolutely 0(w, full riming filled corral l'tlrlIon, every Wyk', (Merl 11o1'nir, Velour, Prize, Broca ltele, Silks, D,u'1ankn and other fine hard wcnrin1 unhulnle,iug 5(11.111, to '1'1011., (1183 and feed with 11103, (wO 1(111 NED' ('I1ES9'111FIFL1) SUITES 1'0 CHOOSE 1111)911 FRED: 1)ELIVIIitV '1'o YOUR NIC.\REST S'I'.\TION, TODD has been to the 1 he3lerfield mile Irt1s'Ir43 for 30 yetis Hud In I/cognlr,nnt In (h0 !rade III a specie lint Hud the must parr :Ali. buyer lir tl(1 lili'illl'na. 1,11)10,1 h'low ore n few of our cash lrlcea for QD.1 Ll9'Y C'I117(31 14131'1143,1) SUITES. $119.00 3 piece modern mulles. Balloon (unions covered all over \rah fine quality velour, $149.00 3 011'1, Period Suite - finest mohair. $119.00 Roo:afro' 2 piece Lowson Suite, $119.00 finest 2 piece Charles of Lon. don 11(111(31. Many other outstanding' values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 11(11 nbsnlul'ly new manufacturers factory showroom maniple !Wiles direct from TODD, S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE, (Rear), TORONTO. Phone (11RO1116 43-13 11AII6DR1:SSINO LEARN ilairdressing the Robertson method 11(0111100011 on tentreat rem' ldulg classes (1, 1 crlsnn'1 flandreesins Academy. 131 Ave' one Mond. 9'mnnto 11`I,1' ISA (31'1.13 11IDDLl;At1: Woman for honselu'eper, noel - Ole, lteterenee, reliable, Christian, fruit hu 111. I,en tl01s1er, 11•1n,tville, Out. 11'.1:':l'l:D Iminrluuel3, Doctor for Bracken and d'11det lie:tltl ('nit number one, fees guaranteed, \Veit" or wire Alrn, J. 8, 51nonl•y', Ser 'cl:,ry, 11,aekeu hospital Board, Bracken, 31119;:. Illld 111100 Week old started chl6l(s. We have the following breeds to chose from In inn -sexed. Pullets and co,ltrrel9: 13arred Rodin. New llnmp.hire X light Susses. New llunp- aldle X Darted Pucks, White 1,1313(00118, Blurl( Amil 'wlirl) X \Vhlta l,rghurns, 1(3100011 'loch X 56111te i.rghnrns, New 11!uu114hires, 9V),1le Lochs, l,Ight 31114984 X Bat't'ed Rocha, 7.16)11 Sussex X New ) tannish ires, Light Sun- n•x. Scald for special 11010311'31( also milli/II eight weeks In laying,. '1'380(1,111' Chick 11;31• el.,' :vs Llnlnyd, Fergus, (hillm', 2, 4, & 6 Wcelc Old Pullets Alec nixed c11tekR and cockerels. All raised 1n blan'I ne:w air-conditioned brooder plant under Ideal conditions 81.1111 fur Weekly SpartaI Int of Marled chicks, Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeter, Ontario. 1111'11110091 01111 1'1' 18 CARLOAD Of InlPorlel Bathroom Outfit" FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE conoiting (f: T111: 0' recess, Cast iron porcelain %811h chrome fillings. Shower and Shower Roil. 1011.1:11 9'm•u-niece ilirenus ch'n11 with 3131(11 nod cuter. 1RA31ON: Vitreous or envt Iron, chrome centre, nulrr 44uppl,v nod fillings. cumliele. iS.111..111.1;'In lots of one to let 0ut1lly 1"-;01111 111(11441 or 'Pubs and Basins (with 611((1:h) meP11171l e:y, 11 NC I.11 !mil Inquiries will be handled through r; Cabin ',Irate!' 11 your district. 11'rite to: H. J. PARR & COMPANY Inuto!•Irry - 11'hole'.nle 1►ivtrilrulora P.O. Inas 631, Loudon, Iltl, 1)51'1\11 ANI) ('1.13.1N1\(f IilAct; 11111 449Ylb'ng miens dyeing 0t (lean Mg'1;1 1144 3(11 Infnim0lio1 1('P nrr, 3IED►I(:1l. ::.\'N ft !:':• 111 1,1' -- 11;30u'1s Rrnlrily for fled to 1111801? (0111 quest mita Depornne,t 113(1 un:• c I'1( 8'v, D:.'nr(tln. 'Thousands B. Psr!ee1 a Dye Works Limited. 791 Yun. [noising 11 Monto's Dr113 Stole, 995 FIgln, Street, Toronto, Ontario. Ottawa. l'astpaid 31.00. 1(I':nl('.1t, WILY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and th,•umar4 1,11ment when Ili eerie tone DV (.'t1) pi 01111.1 1111!111g 111115. ono months' treatment 51 011 posIPaId, (niter' tt"nlerllee, nor 118, V:unuuc,'r. 131111 1tICSol,1;'I'IIN - 1'.vuly knffel erof Mumma! le Patna or Nem ltls 141,1010 try 1110,1'44 IG(ded5'. 5lunrn's Drug Slurs, 111 1-3(:111, in!awa. I'"alpaid 31.00. -- OPPORTUNITIES 11116 W'11911:N BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEA DINO SCHOOL Cereal Opportunity Learn flnlydreealna Plea 91111 dignified profession, good wages, thousands 8ucceririf . 51441111 graduate's A me:lea's greatest system. Illustrated cater, Ingle free Write or Call 51A1VE1. IIAlRURICSSINO SCHOOLS 358 (floor St. W,, Toronto Brant hes 44 Kine St., Hamilton & 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa omit TO INVENTORS AN OFFER In every Inventor -List of Inven• tions and full Information seryl free, The Remenv (:n., Registered Patent Attorneys, 173 Rank Street, Ottawa. PATENTS 1'IS'l'HICItSTONAC0i1 & C011lpany Patent Solicitors. Establlohed 1890, 14 King West. Toronto 11o0klet of Information on request. PERSONAL LONI:SOAIE - Do you deelre respectable frlendehlpi Hurry, time le fleeting, Some- where your future sweetheart seeks acquaint - ane, Splendid positions; means. Information free. Canadian Friendship Society, fax 111, Durham, Ontario. I'll(1'1'OGRA1'BI COAST to coast -Rolle finished 1 prints 16e, 6 x T enlargements Mounted 10a, Prieto copied 40c, Reprints le, Ideal Snapshot Ser- vice, Kingston, Ontario, GET BETTER PICTURES from this hlg, reliable ltudla AT LOWER PRICES Don't rink your films. Head tlleru to Mai Snapshot Service, • ANY SIZE RO1,1. ' 6 or 8 Exposures 10E0 ELOPED and PRINTED 10, iteprinu from your negatives la, 1 mounted enlargements 4 x 1" 26o, Re. le 131(41(101111 framed 7 x 3" In Ooid, Silver, Walnut or Black lrrnnle' 7131, It pictures colored 3lc, Prints end enlargements made front prints of Inst negntIves, Dept. 81 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOK 129, PONT OFFICE A, TORONTO ROLLS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 25c Reprints lc each BY CANADA'S 1108T COMPLETE PtIOTO- GRAPIiI(: 18ICRViCHI ANSCO COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR $1.20 enrh Printon Color Enlargements -prices on re. quest, Full stock of Anecu P'llm at regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE 1(03, 6, Station D„ Toronto. 9'E.1('IIERS WANTED 111X.\6,\ Si) , 7:o, 1 requires teacher with Met 011331' certificate effective September lat, 831111'3' 11,500 year, furnished leacherage, fuel. Apply statins marital status and qualifications 0, M. O. Reid, Sec.-treaa., /!loaf(', Ont, WANTED WANTED -AIL kinds of dressed poultry. Too, prices for top birds, Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2051 Danforth Ave., Toronto 1. (05'e do custom grading). Push -Button Rain 11 is reported that Soviet scientists, \chs 111611 had pretty good luck 111 persuading clouds to produce rain, are now working on a scheme for making it stop raining. The idea, says ;l Russian Ile 18Spaper, "15 atl- ptO1C11i1'g reality" Well, perhaps 111e elements may thus be 1111111\ cd from the class of uncontrollable things. Possibly, in a short time, the rain will 110 longer Lill on the just and the unjust alike, \\'ondcrful! L'ut it is hard to Izeep the enthusiasm Fruth tieing touched tti,11 melancholy. Is it not a pity that Science so far has matte no headway in control- ling ht111am contrariness? Somehow it S:cols a lot more important lo pre- sent push-button e,ar than to pro- duce push-button rainfall. NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Tough, waterproofed . leather Impels se: tardy (1iluhcd to 3411 -rubber nut lout. Made under 113311 F S curl sped. Mations. Conte with Innersoles x11.1 rawhide laces, !test weather re' Motion (07 huntcra, Iunlbetmen. formes, etc. Bliss 6 to 13 Or. der aegulat shoe !I"e 12 IN. HION P(1# '3'I' l D Order 03 111111-N0(51 11111111:1► (3.11.170 ('11,, 10131 56/11 ('Ill(.lGU, 11,1„ i;111hen '.1 Ia $ ( 1 510Nl:Y 011 1)1)11 nrr NNOw' PACS, sae 4A each. N.311E ADDRESS CITY I ('Ilb:CK 111.3 33 Us ISSUE 25-1947 Yugoslays Leave Canada for Homeland-i)eparting Canada, their adopted home for some years, 1,500 Yugoslays have re- turned to their native land to help in its reconstruction. 'These three troubadours seem happy at the thought of being united with loved ones, There tyere so maul Musicians in the first batch which left Montreal a fortnight ago that two orchestras were immediately organized on shipboard. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Those !lard -working Ilternational Athletic Federation lads have been doing a bit of pre -Olympic butt -end- ing and gouging, their bone of con- tention being the old one of just how much money an athlete may accept and still take that amateur oath without the tongue in his chccic showing too plainly. Over the years we have heard \'e this question c i ars o f t "What is an amateur?" discussed countless times and the definition we always like best was that of an old friend -"An amateur is a guy who can't play well enough to get dough at it, or else is too dumb to ase(." 4, * ,) That definition is, perhaps, a trifle on the cynical side. For there is a third kind of amateur -tile type who play tennis, golf and other sports we alight mention for the sheer love of it, and who scorn all offers of money for their efTorts until, of Bourse, such oilers get so big that nobody with common sense can turn them down. lint these, it might be noted, usually have sufficient incomles that they don't need to worry about the weekly board and room -rent -like the great amateur polo -player who said that the first essential towards excelling in that sport was all easy- going millionaire father. » 4 « And. not that it has any connection with the foregoing, we .would like to record here the remark of a small girl of our acquaintance, made at the time 7,'hen all C-anada 74.as tinging with the exploits of Miss llarbara Ann Scott "If Parham :lent has been practising eight hours n day O'er since ,31112 was Moven, like they say," ul25cd the little maiden, "1 guess maybe s3(; d;dn'f have to hop her mamma with the dishes and Ifousr;.'of k 08 nal, b 05 i do.„ ♦ , e F. ;;11nplvs Of fine, sterling sports- manSltip are allays vorlit) of 110112; and 1111 latest to cone to our startled attention wits that of \l,'. Fddie Arch( -hail('(!• in some (maulers, as "the w'orld's 2rcitcxt )113;1.2'" As perhaps you \\ill recall, JI r. r\rcaro had the 111 ''it On the favorite P11:11.;\ XX m both the Kentucky Derby and i'reaktiess, failing to get clown in front either liner, to the consternation of 1111110' investors. '1'hcn, in the Belmont Stakes, the comparatively 111110IOWII 1 ut105o was in the saddle, and won in handy style. And (1i(I \lt% Arrt'0, who only slakes seventy -floc thousand or so a yeat', rush 10 congratulate young 1)011050 on his winning elTorl? Mr. Arcata) rose to the occasion in a Critic") planner worthy of the best 'traditions of The Tut f, "Any one of the fifteen guy's in this jockey -room," snarled Mr, Arc: 8'o, could have won that race on PHALANX just as easy." Just 1 flint -Size tlalahad1 * '6 11 • C' -1 '1 L1/ IG-\'OR.1,\'CE NO'1 E. - Various American columnists are in n /sigh stale of agitation over the newer that 1?'if.rsian children are being taught that the Red Forces 71,05 tht recent 11'01111 War practically unaid- ed. If those poor Russian kids only iad the adt'anlape of reading certain largely -circulated American periodi- cals they would understand, of course, that this particular honor be- longs e'longs strictly to the United Slates Nat,y, ,'lrrnv and :lir Force. * * 4 You may have noticed photographs of the English Derby winner, !'EARL DIVER, wearing what looked like a thick white muffler on his aristocratic snout, this being al- most invariably tabbed by the news- paper caption -w'rite's aS n "White nose -ban(!." Not that it matters a tinker's dam, but just to show our superior fund of useles information, we may tell you that it is not a nose- band, but a shadow -roll The idea is that some high-spirited steeds, when they see a shadow on the tract( ahead of then!, get nervous and try to leap over sank; and 61112 shadow -roll is supposed to prct•ent this. \Vc alight add that the kind we have wagered on lately need nothing of the sort, not having enough life to hop over a rattlesnake, let alone a shadow. Lucky Seals The fur seal, says a naturalist, may 11a%'c as many as 150 elates. And all of them sporting beautiful seal coats that didn't cost 11it11 a nickel! -Stratford Beacon -Herald. 'MUTT AND JEFF -And That's Not All, No Rudder Either! GO ON! YOU DON'T) SAY! YOU'RE 'KNOW Nota To RoW1 I DO Too! pRETTYGOoD GET IN I'LL WITH THE GI-WW1/0U NOW OARS AT ' GOOD I AMI c111HAT! i Pe, o1�,Ttlls iS NOTRINII ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH Look First "Where you going?" asked tiff farmer of his hired elan, w'lao had just borrowed a lantern. "1'outling," 'Carrying a lantern is a waste ;2 money. When I went couttin)j f wept 111 the dark." "Yes, and look !chat you got." 5% DDT SUR3A(( IN3I(rICIDt DESTROYS FLIES, MOTHS MOSQUITOES ROPIHEs, etc, Stainless Economical YOUR GUARANTIO 1M11 11 Al OM IMI DISTRIBUTORS NAIO(P 1. J)!CI4IL COMPANY LTD. W 4' Guarantied ben Good Houtekeplet ,,.1(e •'-"e CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves The only Cigarette Paper MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER Headaches? Don't you envy people who never have head- aches? The fact that some folks are five froth thorn shows that there must be n reason why you get them. Very often the cause of headaches is found in faulty elimination. Poisonous waste 3ubst.ances accumulate in the system and the result is headaches an.1 depressed feelings. And that's your cue to try Krusehon• Start tomorrow morning with a small dose of Kruechea ill your tea, coffee, hot water u fruit juke. Your organs of elimination will soon respond and your body will gratefully experience a cleanliness from those pxiisoloue wnatee. Kruschea ie helping 311 u.:mda of headnchev, liverish people to feel bel14r and look brighter. I.et ICruscheu help von. At all Druggists: 25c and 75c, RUSC EN the markt -lelps keep you up to CIGARETTE TOBACCO You OUGtIT To. SEE ME WITH THE ANCNoR UP! By BUD FISHER 1111 •�-. `-M-wm(lha'y SAGE 8 t0®0 ,odor .0D0 Everything Ladies' & Meii' Weai' 0 11 We now have in stock - Girl's Slacks and Slack Suits See our Work Shirts and Pants For Men, SPECIAL REDUCTION FROM 20 to 50 Per Cent. ° In Sandals and Summer Shoes. p O Olive cGi1I THE STANDARD ala 1, PERSONAL INTEREST \Irs. .\Iht rt Trca an, Tor. 11 .shill \\'. \I ill, one day last tt cels. I \I r. an 1 \I I ,. Iii .nnas Evans I a'id f,uuil�, of Stratford, Tent the \\lck- n0 end ttitll \Ir. and \1r,. tietlrcc P'tt In. 1.11 11r and \I r,. Caitlin of I' rt I{ries vi, . heti aitll \II. an I \Ir,.:\. \\'. P. Smith on \Ion lay. I,\Ir,. I:ohert 1I I \cr and Miss Petit I. over, of Brussels, t kited a con•de of days this rued; with \1r. and \Irs. 0'' Duncan NleCailu,n. LII \Ir. I. 11. \\'arson and \Irs. lack 0 � (in,nunost', visited at For1ltt icll (11 Sat- ' ttrd:ly. \Ir,. lauu', I.' Ivan Zeit o11 Tue., lay Ifor Toronto t.l visit tt'ith Mr. and \Ir••. 1'e"gn, n, and her sister, 11 r-. Ill..',tn 6'1 \Ir. and \Irs Ilttw r1 \Vikn: n of /t' .3. -....rave and \Ir.::111 \l:, Ictcliencr i 10=10- OG0' •0=10' •01101 .• Finnigan and family, visited on Snutlat i ttitll \Ir. an I NIrs..1. 1:arr, \Irs. ko'u''1 \I:(ice '• wisitin'n lie! 1 •• 1•H •:♦••,•• I•••.•♦•I It♦♦♦•♦•••�•••••• • ••••i N: •..H:•.:�•• V:444.4 -444+1.4.4.....f ♦•'1• ♦ i • i • ♦ ♦ • • 11'11 •. i ••l$ ♦•'•••0•P•i••i"i' �• 11•'11 •i D' ♦ •• ,1 11 J'1''I;. ail I \I I' \I i Il' t at t, \Ir 1:.14.1 l'a'rd i• visit in; 1,i• , L r ..t: i fau•i'y in 11'nn ,ton, and Ili, hrotllur, • / }1r a N,r.. ,.a i� .v I SU 4_••>.. ,, 3, 11tn•111in. \Ian., an I •on. \1'esle\-, ,'i z1 -- F001) STORES -- ,, I', rt \\'1111'1;11, i' sit ell 1t I'll \I1'. and \Irs. C uls. Suit, erc irk last rte •k. Mr; r Ili Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents For International- 11arvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. RUBBER•TIRED FARM WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TiRES SIZE COOxlti. I I I 1, LaI 11 I , I SIMIAN ,W YAM., .0 II 1 1•1I 1•14111, 1, hill, 1... , 1 I ..I • I :4; Kellogg's Rice Krispie$ `? pkgs. for Grapefruit Juice 20 o::, tin 10c Stokely's Tomato Soup .; 1.0 -oz. tins 25c Snowflake Ammonia 2 pkgs. 11'' Clark's Irish Stew 15 o':, tin 19 FOR THE PICNIC OUTING Crunchie Sweet Pickles, Peanut Butter, Royal York Cheese, Prepared Mustard, Cottage Boneless Chicken, Sardines, Kam, Waxed Paper, Serviettes Sunway Freshies, Stuffed or Plain Olives. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LiFETERIA FEEDS We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 I hnzhl's is 11r. ck's si•tcr. \Ir. and Nit"... 1\'in Ilu'h NIT.. and \ir.,. C. Sun_lure cl; and \Ir. awl \Irs I�rtc. t' Yilar, visited in \li!chell, Ius- : • scld'de, :Ind I iensall, on Sun !at', 1 \Ir. rr. I `I'' le' n Colin • .1, 111+'tit, Ellie li i (i ,rlcr:ch, and \Irv. ,t I'h;'tuas 1'i''t•cc, Il'u r1••, left tat \Lon- t41t' to visit rel air's', an 1 f `call: in 1 the twe,t. •l• • \I1'.: nil \I r,. D.m 11 I NIcl<em:ie :1,1 ! ;� family are on a visit by n' 'tor tltroindi \\'extern l:lada. • Hullett Township Council I Tire regular meeting. of the Mullett Tott'n.l i'1 Council met on Iunc ?all in ;. the 1. nulc,!,orn t' n"nun'iw ILMI at >• 8 !'I,n. l'hc leewe :loll three areal- 1 hers of Council le rsrnl. \I r. '1♦�484•:N, 44440.14:41:14:••:•••••1:1I ••.,nS P. 4:•.0 (,..�.•.J..Or••�•',",,,r•O.�•.'',",.•�•••, i,.',',".••.':.*'.. hl",I 11 a, all•="It . NI I111't e. (11 1111' la't regol'r meeting of NIay 5th. and ad - i 'orae l nu'etin4 of May 7111, read. Moti:n: WN.IrrNNrrNINN4•II INdNrrrNINIIlN000000 IIII.IN IIII r#Nlrrtrrll We Specialize In dome -Made aking Of All Kinds. FRANK'S HOME BAKERY MNNN,INNNrNrNNr..•m I�I•IJINoArmeeNewommNII..fI♦I*IIM For Your Home ASPHALT SHINGLES damutii tQ DURABLE FIRE•RESISTING 111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItulin ECONOMICAL PROTECTON Barns . . . Factory Buildings r • • Garages • I • Homes . • . all buildings are safer when roofed to resist fire and weather. You get this protection in roofings that endure, when you use Viceroy Asphalt Roofings. VICEROY ASPHALT ROOFINGS Viceroy Asphalt Roll Roofings made with heavy felt • • • thoroughly saturated with as- phalt to make them waterproof, long-lasting and fire -resisting . . • obta::cable in either slate or smooth surface , . • will solve your roofing problems for many years. Reliable dealers recommend thein. London: koofing, ty.ision" VICEROY. MANJ,IFACTL), ING.' 'OMPANY' :, IIMITID Factory, LONDON . • Heed Office, Tol OPiIO + • a h W+ mi VICEROY OY LONDON ROOFINGS ASPHALT SHINGLES • ASPHALT SMOOTH AND MINERAL SURFAttD ROLL ROOFINGS .IPHSLT OR TI1RRtD SHEATHINGS & FELTS BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS ROOF COATINGS • FROM A SUBSCRIBER Y011p 3: SHIEiD,1F; Ri1T{CiittN MAILING LIST CORRECTED Rcnenin'l her su.hscrirt'rn, Mrs. F.I. The Standard Mailing. Taylor, of C'trtpbellville, Ont., remark, I,ee n corrected u;) to date. Please as follows: "Just Iuticcd that it is time � clltl k your label for the correct Latin:; to be rem -situ.; my subscription to wol•r :17Dst inte-esri• pa^rr. I_' ^I; firv;ar•I and notify this office if there is an c•r- to it every twcek, roc, Lists have CHOPS, STEAKS AND ROASTS. Herne -Imide Sallasage Cil::ice Cut of Beef and Pork Always on Itand h. Callum Butcher, Phone 19, B1;th. Deliveries Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday, June 18, 19 17 We9re eady For Flies, Mosquitoes, Etc. Why net start early to keep ahead of the insects and bugs, by using some of the following ,)roducts--- D,D.T. Barn Spray Bug Killer Artenate of Lead 2 -Way Screen Paint D.D.T. Htuschold Spray 2 4 D Weed-No•Mcre Tomato Dust Garden Guard for Vegetables Darley's Fly Spray fcr Cattle 6.12 Insect Repellant Half Lb. 62e, 2 lbs. $2.110 5 lbs., 30c, 10 lbs., 50; 20 lbs., 00e 4 lbs. 88: 39c and 78c ,8 czs, 25; 16 ozs. 43c 75c 30c 35: icer gallon $1,15 5Jc R D. PHILP, Pim. B. ' DRAGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 21,4. ' NtOleinlr2+tvttstiCktlatCtVCIAPCit e.t3tet4 'ite:14t-rNi ,t4triCteWt:tinWt•MtWCw'c:ti E1KlittiCtsal 0 e Recent Arrivals of Dinette and Breakfast v Suites ai'e on 0111' floor's, ready for your inspectioil, Also several new arrivals in Bed -room Suites, Spring -filled Mattresses and Bed Springs. We have a fair stock of Window Shades, Cur- tain Pods, Varnish, Liquid Wax, Furniture .Polish, A call will convince you of the many Jxcellent values we are offering in I-Iome Furnishings, 1 Brighten up your kitchen this Spring with one of these Modern Suites. 1•N •IINII IINY i/ L. CELE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODZRICH - ONTARIO, Eyes Exan.ined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Exrerience 11v \\'tu. I. 1 )ale and \\. I\. ,It'tt•Itt rINIINIIfNINrNJ•IINNNreirm tll::1 the nil ntcs 71. ;t'fv 5t1 an.1 7t11 II'erl!II'! ht' 1 (•a I'I'letl. ''.e 1. 111 1.a-,1 1, .,uu ,, , , Ian . I<'tw't1-1);110 I hat we give Scafortl, 't Perhaps You Are 1'ai,• I1,'lyd grant f S'5111Carried. I::1".nn le\witt : that ttt'''adiourn the + templating a Job in council n:eetinL' and ollrn a, a Court s, f Revision. Carried. :\rmstrnn>,r-kap•on: that two to+suer the Asscssanent of John hilt'\' 815:t.(L1 on land at Lot 15, ('on. 10, Carrie I. .11nrstrotig-Ictwitt: that we take 5700.00 off the as•c'snu'nt on the hnildinl:s c•f I. Stone, 1.1+t 13, ('on. 2. Carried. letwitt-Arn•trong: that we take re) 7ct'otl t'll ill ao1'lI 011 lads 31. Con. 7, \ is lot 31, con. It, lot Irl pt. 17, can. 3, lad 14, Gin. 3, 1.,-t \\''it 17, Pon. S, 1,01 lti, Gln, 4. Parried. Arinstron,t-Ietwitt: that all appeals on (I 'I, he granted. Parried• Jett -in -Armstrong: that we give the Clerk authority to a' 1 :111 mitt- mcnts as lyre oiled by the :\sses:or to the i:oll for 1047. Carried, Jewitt-l:apson : that the Court of l evision on the 1947 A'ssessnu'nt I:0l1 he c4'sed anti We rco"en as a ('nun: il. Carried. I(\witt-16p<„n : that our Clerk pre- pare a ily-la\w app,intincr NIT.. 11 ;te- as all :15;1,1:1111 10 0111' l'.Itt'inreP, 111111 11r. 17. A. I.dlrar. :\1 0 a Itw-law t'+' Dm: 'rat lllg AND NOT JUST SURE WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE. ••s END YOUR WORRIES by t,iviuc Inca call. lion will he' assured the job trill he done O.K., - an.l toe finest material, cse;h \\'iietl:cr faint or \\'all Paper, 1:1hS'I' CO NI I,. FIRST SEI:\'Ell. F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LOiIDESBORO; ;BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Paicts and Enamels, present durin.linl; of refuse on the 1 RATION COUPON DUE DATES ro:111: of the town•hip. Carried. Jewitt-Ibntuon: that all accounts as presented he paid. Carried. and 1'1 to 1'5. Each coup 111 is 'good Coupons now valid are 52(1 to S53 11:IIx lore tt : Plat see arliunrti Iu1!'1 for 1 pound 1'f sugar or2 quarts of Monday, July 7th, 10.7, at 7 p.m., E. 1 molasses. S,'I'. Carried. -- list,, W. Cowan, Clerk.1Is Youi' Subscription Paid? 301 on Guaranteed 4 0 Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount • , , , for a term of five years . , , . guaranteed both as to principal and interest , . , . Interest cheques trailed to_ reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allotted to accumulate at compound inleresl. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Towcr, Toronto 36 years in Business sal+tiVIIICIi+aacitnrsEttitiEgelixtaatetteatiVID scecMesMOLICICx IINEKIEKteanttctaWanR+a11 1 i I 1 v QS 1I Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH — ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident, J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, fipt fi BI k� lMPIAMDtAN112120t3M3t ultaltDr s 14:-LtIVt3IIADrPahltn ltatatikternatkitatMlk { 1 .1 �s I V 0 6)21031MDMDMMadaiDtaltDiX4101-NriankliThIMIVADLIMNNInZgraiDinMqViD11111;1?ilD121104 11 ll.,n \„IIYa•' 1.1 :6.6,14, 5V. C. , I,1• ® 1 Home eurnixher -- Phones 7 and b -- Funeral Director, • Speiran',sH ar 's��are Ph10NE 24. BLYTII. EVEIZYTI-IING IN HARDWARE. Pyramid .Jacks for Cellars, Verandahs, Etc. , Saw and Grinding Mandrels V -Belts and ;Pullies Hay Ie oi;cs and Sling Chains One Gallon 'Thermos Jugs Sports Equipment I only Marlin 25 -shot Repeating Rifle - Bolt action I-latmnerless - $35.00 Eureka Vacuum Cleaners - if you are interested in one give us a ring and we will be glad 'to arrange for a demonstration. Agents for PeLaval Equipment- Milking Machines, Cream Separators, Milk Coolers, Water Pressure Systems, Water Heaters.1 i I 0,. u, , , r,♦I,aL4 II,. ., ,IJ, n.l ._y�, IL ul sola-, •, d.\..1•.. Iu:,d1l , I -,obi 611 #0444,411#4.04#,•#* .04.4 NIIIINrrNrrrNlNrYrllrrrrrrdrlNlrNJNr1 Bread -Cakes - Pas!ry Have o r Delivery Carl at Your Door ,I 1 I.I. .1I l.I 111,111 11.- 1.1 411 11 -.11: :.I, 116611111/ I.11 mill ,1,11 IIY I.. 44, Y .1 ,1114 I' The HIME -BAKERY H. rI'• Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario `411.04,1NMNNNrN•IrMr44.4.0frN4,1.1,0NN044~4 MINIM #4.~4,•N44`N.r, p rrLLiliwtllultlA>IIIIbuaYSrtfl,Ir IInL+ielstllulidl-' Are You in the Market for a Paiiit Job? We are ready at all times to attend to your painting jobs, exterior and interior. We. use the best of paints, and our workmanship can be coin - pared with the best. Let Us Estimate On Your Next Painting Job. TAIT & HIRONS Telephone 56, Blyth Decorators 1 111111,111 .. YI a1,1 gale. Di,••iJ.i',tIli., I„rd,y Iltw1.11i•.. Ii.11611terlhSb.{11ad-Iil VIl11111tDsrlWaat I, N,•raa. ti.saiflrueer111#113t ilszoiri A ssi •ted In CIr'r h Servi:es NI'v: 1'.. \t i'l;, supplied taut i ' `r the Mr. St"ltl'P Sihti '7pe, N`i se; •folie allllite7sary ..rvice at the Cott�tance ant Betty, \1ars!l, accord aided b;' 1.'nited Church cn Sun:'ay.