HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1947-06-11, Page 1LYTH STAN
VOLUME 52 - NO. '10. BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEU NESDAY, JUNE 11, 1917.Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A.
East Wawanosh and Morris Music Festival Well Attended
Miss Josephine Woodcock E'ectedMinister And Sunday School Federation Fifth Annual
'l'eacher Presented With Field !lay On June 18th
President, Anglican Church Group Parting Gifts
The spring{ meting of the Ifuron
Deanery of the Church n; England utas
held in St. Stephen's l'liiiieh, (inrrir,
on Friday, Jilin' loth, nosh a good at-
tcndanec. 'etre day,' promo. ,','ng, wire
opcn'c:' with t:u' Sactat,l'n1 of tllc'
Lord's. Sty •er. 'lilt I T t. It, 11. Dart,
of Goderirh, htlrtil 1)e:in-elect twin;
the l:elebr;dot, assisted by the Rev. \\'arson, present. tiful table lamp. The address was as
Cale}•, (if (;orrie, and the Rev. •1. I.. II. '1'hc minutes of the last regular full ws:
Henderson, of Il?;tli. The clergy and meeting of \lay 5th, 19617, read and Myth, June 8111, 11)47
laymen com•tned in the 1..0.1.. IIa11. confirmed, on motion Of Councillors -pear \Ir. and \Irs• Sinclair: The
and the \\'nnl:tn', .\n\il:acv remained
r their turfing in the colon',. \lis
Josephine \Wootic ::l: pd c,i 101 over I!ti
meeting in Cie abscnct' througli be-
reavement, of the 1'res'dhnl, \Irs
I)nuglas Iirow•n, of Go .erich. After
the general r•o tine of business, \Irs
(:ald.er, of London, Dorcas Se'•ret;u•v nt
the Deanery, gave a very inspiring ad
dross on the \vork, esoeccllly ;it the
Muia\vk Institute at ll'anti 'rd. Noon
day prayers were sad by the Itev. 1..
llorg,an, of Rayfield, aftdor which a de•
light fill luncheon vas served by Olt
ladies of the congregation of lord-
w•ich, Wroxeter and Gnrrie• \t the, d\loy.cb by lotuitttI 1s Watson and with the \visit that the joy which
aftcrnonn session \Irs. Lorenzo Stith,, Robinson that the ()trituration have atone, through wall;tit.•:tt,trted unselfish canneries, cheese 1;ictot•ie., tmlotr C11 1'llillins, rt ;I. '1'hucll, pinch -lotting in
of Rodney, convenor of Deanetits •ig{ns, ;Is requested, with lights at-
service may continue to he }'outs i)r nanufacUu'crs anti other; twill also • the ninth.
pave a splendid, addre-, n the w ort; of tachrtl, erected at the entrances to our nonny years. —The Illyth United stake an interesting display. 1:lupin's: at the, elate, (;. Augustine;
the smaller churches. 'I'Ite nominating village, and that tits street committee
conn»litte, \Irs. I'o\vtll, tooth, \Ir, mid; after this platter. Parried.
I'irllln,rnc, Gnderich, and \It's. \lid \loved by Councillors Radford and
dlcton, I:xiler, then brought in their hobitls,,n, that due to the fact that the
slate of officers for the \oat 1'147, and
Myth Rand instruments are no longer
were elected ;i, inll,m;: 1l uta I're .: in possession of the Corporation, that
\Irs. Caine, Goderitit President,\lis, fire insurance coverage on band in -
Josephine \\'ondrnt'k. Myth: 1',l \'ire strunlctts be n t rcnoved, Carried.
\Irs. \i. Swanson, \\'inthant; 2114.1 Viet. Bilis and Accounts
'Mrs. Holmes, (;nate ; Scc.-'I•reas•, Mrs. George Law rence, lafiour ...... . 24,1)0
R, \liddlet'it, llensall• 1.. Dace, fence posts ._- 6.011
At 3 o'clock a joint meeting of the \Witt. 'Hulett, salary for \lay _ 45.11(1
men. and: twonu'n was held in th ,I1:111t .\. Cowan, salary for NI -ay 80.1)0
church. '!'his was presided over by Russ. Dougherty, hire of tractor
the newly -elected Rmrtl Dean, the and trailer .........
_. 17.34
Rev. B. i!. Farr, (':,deric•11. The len i CK\\, advertisement ......... . 3.00
Archdeacon Townshend, London, then •Crawyft rd Hetherington, legal
introduced the guest s•peiiker, \lr. 5. advice ........ ........ ............ 15.(X)
C. 'Phomas, of the Syrian Church of Shell Construction Ltd., concrete
South India , 11e4 is a graduate of blocks .._....- 211,(10
Madras University, and a senior stud- \\'. 11. Merritt, auctioneer _. 3.00
ent of Wycliffe College, Toronto. Illytlt 1Ivttru titin., tveigth scales 2.00
Those attending the meeting from' Blyth 1l3.41ru Com., shed lights 2.(1;)
Blyth were, Mrs. J. B. Watson, Miss Blyth Hydro Cont., street lights233,44
Ella Metcalfe, Mrs. F. J. Slorach, Blyth Hydro Com., pump house._. 2.0))
Mrs. R. J. Powell, \piss Josephine II. Letherland, salary for May_ 20,00
Woodcock, and Rev. J. L. 11. !lender- \loved by Councillors Robinson and
son. Radford: that accounts as read be paid,
The regular in' ntlity meeting of the
\lunicipal Council of the Corporation
of Myth, \vase held on 'I'Inn•,dav, June
:th, 'It)47, with Reeve Rainton, and
C, uncillors ha :surd. Robinson and
hiring the Sunda} Smit o1 Session
nn Sun(la}• rttorning, presentations were
made to 1)r. 11. G. Ilndl, and hey. :\
and \frs. Sinclair, who swill soon be
leaving. Myth. Mr. N. P. Garrett cal-
led \Ir. and \Irs. Sinclair to the front
,nd read :in address after which Rhea
Hall presented them with a very beau-
\\•atson ant hobinsou. Carrion. members of the tion :ay School feel it
Communications: would not be fitting to allow, you t'+
1.e.tIL'' m'e'ld' 1 ;tltll read from depart without tltatll:lttg you for Velli livestock judging cotll;,t•titiott for 1110 ceiva'^ wits F. I,'\ lc until ,IIr t\';I, re- marks tiajor McCord referred north
'ado:tilntss ,is leacher; and helper; in county will be• in at t) ;tail. (• ntest- liewed by heroin' \Ic\all. \I. Hun- outwit• to the excepti. •• ' •,hilit\• shown
I rankcl Brothers, 1 011 ted, offering
War A'istts (i tt iati, n .\ir Raid Si- the stork of the school during yr,nr ants are ask.,( to regi•ter at 8 sepia ling on the tnonnd and I. NIe('i i they by several boys taking part, and he
rens tear sale as tiro sirens. (:lurk in nine }•car, of ministry here. Not every (1).S."I'.)eatrllin., with It. 111vll:int relieving,
complimented \lits \Walsh on the high
eructed to ,qct further particulars.;ch o1, \Ir. Sinclair, demands so much :\n attractive program of track ;old ,vi the battery for Auburn. ,,tatotit l set. :\11 classes were heard
:\ resolution received and read front froth it's minister, to teach the Bible field event, has been arranged. :\n ; 'Line.ti -.\nbtrl'11 i. \Icllinche\. d•; 1 in preliminary c mtietition (during the
111)1•11 Brandt ;,,i the Canadian. Legion (.'las, every Sunday„ and }our faith- added feature that shoal f pri.ve pooh-' 1'. t':,c'k, 3h; ,\I. 1iitt kintt, p: J. Rt adl,, i afternoon session, and in the evening.
No. 42,1, asking{ the council to lake fulness is very nnull apprcriated, Pu lar is the running lu+r c racy. ?h; Il. ('raig, ,<; I. \le( linelicy, If : D, finalists competed for chs honors
action by hawing speed limit signs cr- you, too, \Ir;. Sinclair, our thanks for "\liss Huron" trill be the title el\ on Ilunl:int, r1; \', Cool:, 1b: A. An and trophic,.
(ctrl at the entrances to our village, ).our ,sec's: til effort, as teacher and to the Huron ('aunty girl twinning the drew, cf. Final Results
Intl that the ,peed tat be strictly cn- member of the executive. On behalf "Sweater Girl ('ontest." llivth: I. \\'a>nlan, lit i• l.ag;ut, lh; ('tomos (, rhonts: No, 8, East \\`awa-
iurred as a protection to the children i.( the executive please accept this
1 ( 'fhc usual display of educational ex- , T.. D. Itt'rty, it; V. 'I'bnrll, ri ; 1). \Ir- nosh, NI iss Dorothy \\'odes teacher; S.
of the tillage' small token of appreciation together hibits twill he presented, Commercial I Nall, ,,; \I. Kyle. 221); P. Toyne and il S. 8, \lorris, \frs. Elston, teacher; S.
displays by farm machinery companies, I It. \i -Nall, c; \\'. Johnston, 3b; S. 5. 11, East \Waw atiosh, M. Higgins,
teacher; S.S. 7, East \Vawanost, Miss
Jefferson, teacher.
('lass 7, unison cirrus: S.S. No, 3,
Church Sunday School Executive." 'floe president, I:ttssell T. Bolton, of on the bare,, Rill (r;;ie. M(irris, Mks Mcflurtey, teacher; S.S.
Rev. A. Sinclair then cane! 1)r. \Valton, says: "\We are planning for 'I'Ite Illoth girl, entertain the I'rt,• 17, East \Vatvano•,h, \piss Jean Mc-
Itor''I and read an addre•s, olid Bev- the best field duty w'e have ever staged. set, girls in the Rlyth thant•,td, Ertda}
erly \Vallace presented the I)octnr with \le are particularly please 1 and for- night. (live them your owl: rt.
a (lest: fotttttait pen, Following is the lunate that "I lcrb" l t•tnnvn is going — `—t'
address: to be our guest. if we are favoured BLYTH INTERMEDIATES WIN
-- SPORTS --
Plan.: f, r the fifth annual field da:,f BLYT11 GIRLS LOST CLOSE Capacity audiences greeted the pu-
nt uon CoI'e iratit,p opu-
pil, frost the vari,,ns ,c )it t, of East
:11n•irIltcultnIlrc,rt„ b, heldunt} at I•:'rter \1nl-
DECISION AT AUBURN \\";n\an I and \lorri, townships, as
orial Park on \Vii.d.nesday, June 11th. In the f:r-t girl,' softball g;our n{ they gathered at the \letnorial Hall,
are nearing cotmlction. tip ;';frns the Rlwtb girl I,"! on the Il!tit, I;,>t 1Wcdn's,ia ;,.tet,;tu11 and
I I. I I. Hannam, President of the .\nburn niton, t l l it Friday nit;ht b '\'tong for their anti nal nntsic festival,
Canadian Ft di ration of :\grirnitute, the ego„ r re of 111 I„ 8. :1 tenon► helot nyder the >punsurship tf the R t-
rvin 1te the gtt',t of the local ledera- : croo'! w:,- „n band 10 watch the twvo grove School Fair ,\ssniiatiim.
lion. \I r, Ilann;nn, tall Int, just re- ' veld \ -matt ite1 teas:s battle f,,r tins, The festival \vat held amidst an ap-
turncd from the Conference of Inter- inflow,. .\t•1,nrn woo the goo' in tit,' 1proprettc setting of spring flowers and
national .\gnicnitnral Ihcducer, in I,,1 of the ninth , :. a rally. I'riu,r 1,, blossoms and Meludcd pupils from the
11olhtWI' will nlllvtaldy npl'll tilt fit•!,! that Ihr. -core ha ! h,', it 8_7Int favour 21 ,elf '„1; of the two lotensltips of
day at I.15 pent. (1),5,'1') and will a1 f L'lw'it. \It!t, t;ph the „fficiai „e, r, which \piss Elaine Walsh is music
dress the audience at that tint'. vaso 'I(I-7, .inborn red two u' :rr' `ttpervior. Adjudic;ttcr for the festival
t'n ter the management of the Ilur- ren,
before tit•\ tier' r,tired ii flue.; wwas \Fijor Ilrian \IcCnol, assistant
on (.nonny
..\ . ul the Ontario IIc nonoi. (In lttc to tool f„r tae entire
ttl„'wiser for nms'e of the Ontario
parUnent of :\gdricullnre the annual ,tame f r 1;10'1 tv;i- I oi, Dohcity. he-' Department of i:dltc;itiun. In his re -
Elliott - Nicholson holiday time. Carried.
A w•edb ling ceremony ;If local inter- The matter of a grant to the Clinton
and that John ;\. Cowan's salary, at
his request, be paid in fall, and his
time off fl r sickness he considered his
est was solemnized at 3 o'clock on Ilo;pitai Hoard was discussed' by the
\Wednesday, June 4t1, 1947, at St. Council and it vas moved by Council -
John's Anglican ('hunch Rectory, ilrtis- Ions Radford and \Vatsolt, that the
sets, when Velma \lay, da,lghtcr of Council give a grant of $250.00 to the
ti r. ;toil ihr:;. Charles Nicholson, of Clinton Hospital Board for the build-
\horris tow•nsh'p, was united in nus'- iug• of new addition to the Clinton
riage to Robert !levan Elliott, son of Hospital and as this expenditure was
Mr, ;std Mrs, Bevan of lints- not allowed for in council estimates
sols, The ceremony \vas per( cntcd by for this year, that •we give this grant
the Rev. J. 11. herr. and recommend to the 1948 council
'I'Ite young bride locked lovely in a that they arrange tis pay the balance
\\Mite silk jcrsoy dress, with t\hitc hat of the grant in. the amunrttt of $250,00
and :Plies to match. in the year 1948. Carried.
Attending her as bridesmaid was \loved by Councillors Radford and
\liss Evelyn Elliott, sister of the 11'atsnn, that the elect: contact the clerk
groom, who wore a yellow sill: jersey
dress, with white hat and shoes,
\Ir, Gordan \icihclson, btu tier of
the ',ride. acted as groomsman.
111}•Ih, Ont., June 8, 1947 with good w•t:athtr, 1 believe we will OPENING TUSSLE
"Near 1)r. llodd: 'I'hc cztcmtive of have a record-bm'e thing crowd.” !'laying their first game of the sea -
\V. Sunday School of the Myth 1.;nihvl \\'. \'. leo}•, lanole,born, Secretary -.:+n the Illytlt intermediates eked out
(11111Th express to you our sincere re- of the [.otlnty 1'edel•'ti.11, speaking It fl flus' tlt'Cl;lilt over \\'l',lllcltl ill the
gret on ar.cuunt of your early depart- the year book issued this year, says: local diamond Tuesday night. Roth
ore from our midst. We Relict' it is \Vc have hied to make this booklet deed ball, consitl : r} Cook, Tommy Bridges, Bruce Riclt
froom, played lair(} g
your deep sense of dot} that prompted trot oil} a tonrplc11 progl;uu of all file ti•itlq the lack of practice, and both nmncl, :Vbcrt \lasso'',
you to return to a field which you so; events of the field day, but also a story Lor -
snow(' shrnw improvement as the ;c;i (lass 3, girls' sols, grades 4 and 5:
faithfully std efficiently served for so • of the aims and acr:'ir.,plilenootti of son adt•titit. Errors were cn>tly ton' Edith Dacr, Marlene McKenzie, Lor-
Ilu. Cor,nly I arners and their Intl rotor ],sola, Lnis \1'all:er, Ethel
many years, 1 ou have felt that this both side,. hrocnnan 'I'unncy pitnc cl ,.
great need constituted a call, and putt Oration• \\'e h pr it will find a place the entire gator foe Rlylh, tont did a Pierce, Mary Lou Ilallahan.
are to be commended for your tulset-' in the bloom} of ewer} farm Renu ;n Class 8. two-part chorus, open: S.S.
n:rc jnh. lar(: Ilan on was in the 17, East \Wawanosh; S.S. 3, East.\Va-
fish decision. \Wc want you to know)•', the county, to he followed in later I (tat. For \\'cstt•icld Murray \IcDow•cll
that we have appreciated your faithful }'cars by annual crlittnls.' :,;irted nn the nmuntl, :ail w•a, relieved wvattosh S.S. 3, Morris, S.S. 7, Morris.
v__—.. Class 5, girls' solo, grades G, 7, S:
wvorl: in the Sunday School. You have by Tont Jardine. 'Pole 1laggitt did the t „Ilan hath, Eleanor \s 6, hash,
been a very buts} man, but yott have al -Bride -Elect Honored By r.r'iy ng. (;Ding into the n nth inning Doris \farlatt, \larjoric McKenzie,
'vat's responded to the call i the\lestfield wwas on the shirt end of a
Friends Slinky Bradburn, Shirley Falconer.
church, and ive thank you utast sin 13-7 stere, hilt ticy gave the hems i ('lass •l; b s ' solo, ides 4 and 5:
cercly, :\s a slight token of our ap- Mrs. George Dale entertained on fan; ,onto anxious moments with I r g'1
predation and esteem, \Ye ask you to \londay afternoon in honour of \piss ninth -inning rally that netted theta 4;('tel Cumming, Russell Fear, Donald
accept this gift, assuring you that our Mae Shortreecl, whose marriage to NIr. runts. The final score was 13-11 fit Craigs, hilly Nahrgang, Israel Good,
best wishes and ourprayers will fol- htgiti Johnson, of \\'inghant, takes ]"1}'th. fan Griffiths.
Class 9, duct, open: Colleen Rath
low you. Also that you will always place on June 14th. :\s \Iiss Short- Linc-ups—\Westfield : G. \ItDowell. : and Shirley et, olu•n; Mildred Cook
receive a warm svelconlc whenever you reed entered the living roots. \Irs. ,•f; 1•:. Snell, ss; \t. \iiIo.w•el1 p anti; and \larjoric \Icl.cnzic; Marion (lull
return to cur community.—From your Dale pinned a corsage on the guest of 3h;'I'. Jardine, p and 3h; T. 1iaggitt, c; ` utand \lar} Smith.
friends of the executive of the Sunday' ion ur tt t, was then shown to a chair .\. Cook, 2h; Gor',n \IcU,necll, if Class 10, boy;' solo, grades 6, 7, 8:
SchuuL" decorated in pink and blue and white, \V. Carter, lb; A. NIcl)ow•cll aril \ I Ilodie Craig, \lac Taylor, George
This \vas a complete surprise to with streamer; Iead'ng to 111Hihe,n gifts r Snell, rf. Umpires, at the ,slat', I. Bridges, \fait}• beautiful and useful gifts tvere Cowan; oil he bases. 'Fred Cool:. I \farlatt, 'Harry Badges, lwoncild Camp-
thosc receiving the gilts. Suitable re- t bell, Keith Anderson.
plies were inade by Rc\. A. Sinclair, received, It was Ole second 1' „ (nr \\'rstfirl'I ('he 11 k,niye Cu -operative Associa•
and 1)r. llodd,
:1n intg,ortamt feature of the after- Previouslynth y had dr,t'ped •t dcci,
noon was a stock 'wedding which cans- i 1 n on the I tesw•attr dconow.
Donald, teacher; S.S. 3, East \\'aww•a-
nosh, Ni iss Amy 'Poll, teacher ; S.S. 16,
East \\'awanosh, Mrs, Toll, teacher.
(lass I, girls' solo, grades 1, 2, 3:
Phyllis Fear, (;wen \Walsh, Doris
Johnston, June 11ackwvell, Lois Bone,
Darlene Pierce.
Class 2, boys' solo, grades 1, 2, 3:
Donald Maines, Douglas Gibbons, Lar -
tion trophy won by S.S. No. 3, Morris,
and presented b} Stewart Proctor, to
ed great excitement and lots of laugh
ter. Those taking part were as fol -1 the teacher, :\piss \lcl3urney.
Staples - Duchartne lows : Bride, \Miss Isabel \lcf-)onal,l: LONDESBORO WiNS AT HOME \Vingltatti Lions Club shield, present -
Groom, \Ins. \\iii. Brown ; \I aid of AND AWAY ed by School Inspector Kinkead to
Miss Saturday, lune 7th, 1947, Rev,, Miss Dorothy Wade., teacher of S.S.
Fr. Ruth, of St. Louis Parish, \Valor- Honour, \Irs, ;\lien Searle; Ik•st \lam, Last \Ved.nesdav night the Lunde, -
loo, Ontario, united in marriage \lar}• 1 Miss Edna \Iclonald; \linistcr, \Irs boyo intermediates won an ca;} de- \o, 8, East \Vaw•anosh.
Catherine, daughter of Mr, and \Irs. I Lorne Badley; Father, \piss Kathleen risitm over '1'eesw^atcr• The game was 1'he officers of the fcstit•al are: R.
A. Ducharnte, of Dublin, and \Villian I Niel)ooalt); Suloi,t, \Miss Phyllis Cut- played at Loudeshoro, with the final Ii. Coultcs, president of the school fair
Gordon State's, sot of \I r. and Mrs,111111; hill; Organist, NI•rs. Harvey Brown, ,core 17-5 for Loudesboro, Ben Riley
association; Stewart Proctor, fair as
Gordon sociation secretary; C, R. Coultcs,
started on the mound for Londesbm••. chairman of the festival committee;
and was relieved by \Waiter Taros, who
proceeded to handcuff the visitors
Mrs. C. i1, \Node, secretary of the
while his team-mates piled up a score festival committee
against three Teesw•ater hurlers. The \r
Londcsboro boys looked quite Nimes- Live Wire F0ruill Picnic
sive in their victory, and were cheered Held At Harbor Park
gait'. by a large crowd. 'Hie live \fire farm Forum of the
"fleas' accept these gifts as a On Tuesday night they played int
of tltc Village of llcnsall, and secure John Staples, of Blyth, \\'editing; .\n addscss was read by Miss K.
vows were repeated at 11 a.nt, \Iclonald, as follow:;;
the none and address of the engineer The bride looked lovely in a street- , "Dear \1 ac,—\Ve have gathered this
leaking 1lets;ll waterworks survey. r afternoon to honour }ou on the event
Carried. !engin blue facconi crepe dress, with '
hatching nylon mittens and flower f your i mproaching marriage. \Ve are
Following the ceremony tlltr wed- Moved by Councillor's Radford and hat. She carried a corsage of r\neri sorry you are 1ca\ing us, but realize
ding party re'urned to the house of \\'atsett, that Clerk w•rite.the Ontario rtut
the bride's parents where a luncheon I'royincial Police and request that they •
was served to the intiltt late relatives. give the council particulars as to when
NH.. and \Irs. EIliot•t left int:nediate- the policing of the \'illage of Blyth
ly fn• a honeymoon trip to Toronto becomes effective by the Ontario Pro -
and other points. For gciug away the vincial Polite, and request that one of
bride donned a grey wool shit, with their officers be stationed' in Blyth.
matching accessories, Carried. ,
On their return the young' couple 11 \vts reported to the Reeve by
will take tip residence on the 7th con- I)r. 1), G. I Iodd, \1.0.11., that he re-
cession of \l orris township. ceivcd a report ft'•tini Dr. A. \Vat', it
The bride, tww, was (orntcrly tun- Queen Atenxender Sanitarium, London,
ployctl wit'' Vuddcn's Bakery in Blyth, Ont., that the work of wcig,hmast,i
is well and favourably known herr, and was not injurious to the health of Air,
the hest wishes of many friends are \\'a». Rowes, and said report recom-
extended to the young couple on this mend that Mr, Bowes be taken back
happy occasion. old the job as w•ci.ghttaster, but it was
V--- . decided by the Council that in view of
the satisfactory wort: of the present
Former Blyth Resident w•ciglnuastcr, that there be no change.
Dies At Ann Arbor,Mich. Carrie:(.
Reeve Franklin and \Irs,lkiintott'Moved by Councillors Robinson and
were in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on \It•u• Radford, that w e do note adjourn•
clay, attending the funeral of the for- Parried, Gordon Elliott, Clerk.
ntcr's aunt, \frs. James Lcacli, w'ltr' The,(re Calendars Available,
passed away on Saturday, June 701, at -
I'hcaUe calendars Tar the Hoxy at
the home of her son, l Ener}• Leach.
Mrs. Leach was a former' resident of C'lintem, are now available. Anyone
Myth, and before her marriage was
maty have one free by. asking at the
Elsie Bai»ton, dau•rhter of the late ticket office.
Mr. and NIrs, \Villiattt Rainton -V
\\'Then here her hmsb;utl operated a F114;: `','Clnetlt Announced• shop on- the present site of The
Standard Office. They later moved to \ir. and \Irs. George Caldwell, of
Goderich, and about 20 years ago Ri}•th, announce the engagement of
took up residence in Detroit. ,r, their daughter, Thelma Elizabeth, to
Leach died about two years ago, and \Ir. \lack E. Cardiff, son of the late
since then \Irs. Leacl\,has residied with \hr. and \Irs. Frederick Cardiff, of
her son at Ann Arbor. She was the Brussels. The marriage will take place
last surviving member of her family. I quietly, on Saturday. June 28th.
She was attended b} her cousin, slight token of our esteems. \1'e hope I.ucl:now, The game produced man} 13th concession, Ilulhtt township, held
Miss Mary Kennedy, eoft Dahlia, who .fhc} will gine you tutu} pleasant errors on both sides, and was afree-
a picnic at Harbor Park, Godericlt, on
wore a pale pink street length dress, ! \Ionda;y, June 9th. The members
memories of your sincere friends who scoring affair. with Londesboru finally
free -
brown accessories, and carried a cur slithered in time for dinner, following
sage of Johannahild roses,
eauty roses ants vasa >Icpn:
that what is one's loss is at. tier's
The groom was supported by his
brother, Mr, Kenneth Staples, •
Following the wedding ceremony a
wedding dinner was serval ;it the Roy-
al hotel, Mitchell, and in the evening,
a Buffett luncheon was served at the
'home of the bride's parents.
Afterwards the young couple left for
a honeymoon trip to \\'indsor,.1)c(t•oit,
Blyth, and ether points. '1'hcy will
take ftp residence in \Vaterloo.
The best wishes of many friends are
extended to then',
l'hc regular monthly meeting of the
Blyth \\'um en's Institute was held on
Thursday, June 5th in the \t emorial
Hall. After the usual routine busi-
ness a very interesting and instructive
paper was given by NIrs. A. R. Tasker
on "Rock Gtrdctis and Preservation of
Wild Flowers." Mrs. Tasker illus-
trated her talk by displaying a minia-
ture rock garden, and also displayed
various wild flower plants. It is regret-
ted, that space will not permit the pub-
lication of this splendid and instructive
address in this issue. It will he pub-
lished as a separate article later.
wish you many years of success and winning 18 to 13, which a program of sports, under the
Iii' pinc,,s, ---V
direction of Mr. Inc Lyon and Mrs.
--Signed on behalf naIt 1 o" your friends
ti CONG)tA'I'ULA't'IONS Clarence Crawford. Results were as
and neghliOurs." \piss Shortt•eed ex,rccscd her Congratulations to \V, G. \IcNall, of follows: Boys and girls, mixed, 6 and
delicious lunch was then served by lilwth, who cclrhratcd his birthday on muter: Phyllis Vrni drn, Billy Craw -
lune 11th, lord; boys and gals, i to 12. Marlene
Cottgratui:tIb u s to \Irs. George \t c- Walsh, Beth Powell; boys and girls, 12
Nall Sr., of (;oderich, who celebrated to 16: Bert (.yon, Vera Lyon; young
her birthday on 'Tuesday, June 10th. men's race: Jack Clark, \Ittrray Lyra;
AMONG THE CHURCHES Congratulations to ;Miss Shirley voting ladies race: Vera Lyon, Helen
Phillips who rrltbrated her lath birth- Ilt.tvttt: married Wren's race; Bert
BLYTH UNITED CH' JRCH 141st• on \\'eInesdav, June 11th. Shobhrook, Joe (.yon; married wio-
Sunday, June 15111. Congratulations to \frs. Gerald liar- men's race, .\Irs. Clarence Crawford,
A111111111 Flower Sun' ..• and Father's I ris yah wil- celebrate her birthday ,tl NIrs, Bert Shobbrool:; towel tug-of-
wvar: Jack Clark, Joe Lyon; banana
contest: Murray Lyon, Gordon How-
att; 3 -legged race: Tint Tiotvatt and
Ray Shohln•auk; wheelbarrow race:
Melon llowwatt and Gordon. IIow•att;
thanks uta few wvell-chosen word(,. A
the hostess.
10:15: Sunday School,
11:15: Children's Sermon, ":\ Little
Prison Flower." Regular sermon; "A
`dnndav, June loth.
\lcssrs. Arnold Falconer, Bill Pol-
Fathe \\'ho i)id (lis Duty." i lard amt Jack \\'atsrnt were successful
7 pent.: 'The tail} of the lyiol;L" in passing; their second year exams al ladies' kicl:ng slipper: Helen Ttowatt;
TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Quclph 0.:\.C. \1t•. Stan. \'tntgblutt mi'tt's l:iclaug slipper: Jinn IIow•attI
successfully passed his first year. 11 r. hop, stop and jump: Ray Shobbrook;
_nt. Sunday after Trinity Bob Pollard, a student at the Ajax
relay shoe race: Frances 'Lyon and
11 a. m.: Sunday School. Bert l.yott ; utas'azinc race : Tin How-
T)ivision of the 'University of Tornntn, `
7.30 h. m.: Evening prayer sort set._',urcesslully passed h< timet year in alt and \Ittnrav (.yon; old-fashioned
nt,n, dinner call: \Irs. Wilmer Ilowt•a,tl; hog;
el,•trical engineering.
v itllies; c mtc<l. Clarence Crawford.
Those who did mit t. •'mate in the.
BIRTHSsanious events enjoyed watching, and
I: \ONE\'—it Clinton Public Tlhspital, spent the time socially. At the M1='
,•n Monday, June 9t11, 1947, to Mr. elusion of t'.: picnic all gathered +to
;• -td Mrs. Leonard Rooney, of 11111- sing "God Save the King". 'There
i.tt Township. the gift of a daughter. were 33 present.
10 45 a, tn.: Sunday School.
11.30 a. »t.: Holy Cctttmunion.
9.15 a. tn.: Sunday School.
10 a. in.: Morning Prayer.
By Gwendoline P. Clarks
So this is June! Cold, wet over-
head, and es en wetter under foot.
Storni windows still on and the
only comfortable loom in the house
the kitchen --that is unless the fur-
nace is ali ht as it often is when 1
get tired of 1 ing cold and can sum-
mon tip enough energy to gather
wood and chips for quick heating
widiom wasting good fuel. Partner
says he is looking fore, at.,- to win-
ter so lie can he 55 arm in the house
\t ithout feeling it all extlaivatattcc
to burn food fuel.
Of course there have been days
\then a few Fright rays of sunshine
have penetrated the leaden skies and
we have been foolish enough to get
optimistic—"Alt, it has conte at
Last," we say, "that bright, warm
weather we have been waiting for l"
And we feel still more cheerful
when we listen to the probs, as told
by Ananias, the weatherman. \We
hear hint say—"Tomorrow, clear and
warns." And "tomorrow" we wake
up and find clear, warn weather
more of a dream than any we had
in oto• sleep.
* +.
On fine days we work like fury
to get a few jobs done outside. Last
\\'tdncsday we moved the chickens
frum the small brooder house where
we start them to a larger pen tvhcre
they have more room but no heat.
On this exercise extraordinary 1
did the catching and Partner the
currying. And believe mc, that was
one time 1 wasn't complaining of
being cold. It was a fairly warm day
anyway but about an hoar after the
chickens were moved the tempera-
ture began to slide- that was the
night we had our first late frost. It
was also the first of two nights That
1 cat ricd hot water botties to the
chickens. \\'hat do you think of
that' ale hot water bottles tvcre
quart sealers wrapped around with
heavy stocking legs, and 1 placed
them among the chickens to keep
them from crowding and smother-
ing each other. Even with that ex-
tra precaution 1 went out next morn-
ing prepared to pick up the dead,
But there were none. I-Iowever, the
next two nights 1 did lose five but as
they were evidently members of a
nudist colony they certainly were
not much of a loss.
* * *
The foregoing was written last
night. By the time I had got thus far
with my sped the furnace had burnt
itself out so 1 went' to bed. The rest
of the fancily were already under the
\\'e slept—in blissful ignorance of
wind and weather. But this morning
. one look outside was enough.
Rain pouring down from grey un-
broken skies ; apparently it had been
raining all night. The creek had
flooded its banks and part of the
pasture fields were awash, The cows
were the far side of the creek! Nor-
mally the cows walk through the
usually ;shallow creek because that
keeps the back lane from being
churned up all the time. This morn-
ing—because of the swollen waters,
Bob tried to drive the rows to the
gate at the back of the field and on
down the lane. 1)o you think they
would go? No sir . , . cows can be
the stupidest, atttbbnrncst things on
the farm. They broke away, came
running bade to the creek and
plunged into the swirling water. I
was watching from the back of the
The first cow completely dis-
:tppc:ural for a minute—i thought
she was drowned --then I sate the
nater churning and the cots scram-
bled to her feet on this side of the
creek. The rest of the cows cants
after her and swam the creek. All
that is, except one. Eva will never
as much as putt her foot in a puddle
of water if she can help it, That
cow has personality. She allowed
Bob to drit c her down the lane to
the bridge But here was more trou-
ble, Brush and debris swept clown
by the fact flowing creek had dam-
med the bridge. The water, as wa-
ter will, had diverted its course, and
flowed 011 across the lame below the
* * *
Incidentally, before any milking
was alone this morning, the men pad -
(11(1 around at the bridge and re-
moved all the planks so they
wouldn't gat a chance to float away.
Now it is ten o'clock, still raining
and the water still rising. A ditch
at the back of the house has risen
higher than the outlet pipe from the
cellar so water is backing up into
the cellar. Things are beginning to
look mighty serious. lith. hilae the
scan without any shoes t ' pitied
himself until he tact a ratan without
any feet, so we in this district have
much to he thankful for, r\1 least a
tornado hasn't conic our way. wreck•
ed our homes or killed helpless vic-
tims. Thoughts turned inward and
confined to the boundaries of our
farm and family are bound to be
selfish and despondent. But if we
look outward and onward it is niore
than likely 0111 owl; troubles will
grow lest as we come to a better
understanding of, and Than e a keener
sympathy for, those other folk
whose ills are so often much greater
than our own.
Former Official
1,6 Pictured 1 Sleeveless
former U. S. garment
Secretary of 2 South Dakota
Commerce. (ab.)
10 Greek letter 3 lie seated
11 Plunge 4 Level
12 Consume 5 Demigod
13 Us ti Gibe
15 Mischievous 7 Boat paddle
child 8 New Testa -
l7 More concise stent (ab.)
19 Offer 9 Sways
20 Heroic 10 13earing
22 Black (Ft'.) 14 Rini
23 Circle 10 Tubular part
24 Asiatic 181 'es (Sp.)
kingdom 19 Feathered
20 Great vertebrate
27 Nevada city 21 Glowing
28 Extremities
29 Accomplish
30 For instance
31 Regrets
33 Belt
36 Swiss canton
37 Brilliance
39 Remainder
40 Battles
44 Friends (Scot,) 127
45 Winglike part
46 Flyers
18 For
49 Symbol for
50 Greaso
51 Ventilates
63 Symbol for
54 Mournful
55 Spoke
Ane,ver to I'rreloto Poway
▪ T RNAC _,f5AD E1
PRETEND ..,02—'
E Y X1-1 1 T S S VII.. -A(,r L
N EAT E= D I T s 4tLlsINSO;
with heat thunder
23 Search 40 Ruse
through 41 Morindin dye
25 Lax 42 Thorough fare
26 Rent 43 Ado
31 Staggered 413 flog
32 Constellation 47 Standing
34 Error room only
35 Intense dislike (ab.)
36 Naughty 50 Either
child 52 Symbol for
38 God 'of tin
2 3 `I 5
10 - I
15 Ib; :,ill 18
-- 21� „i;422
r, fi
39 .1'.4-', 40 AI
45 Z,.'ei 46 R
44 j'4 50
33 34 35
3 �;:�
41 4 Fly
51 54 ? 53
\Well, Barry ' finally left for a
week's' holiday up north, and lvhat
a time we had getting hint off. 1Iis
mother is having a much needed
rest and I ant looking forward to a
week of peace a,lid quiet—instead of
booth shattering days.
It was quite a struggle to get the
privilege of writing his column,
Four nights and days 1 worked on
Hien and only during a weak moment
on the last day did he consent. It
was too late then—for he had pro-
mised and I had accepted. Barry
likes the names of the kids around
the province and the different things
they arc doing in his column, and
the thought occurred to me that
Barry is doing things different, day
in and day out; so why not tell
his readers what he is like.
* * *
On thing in your columnist's life,
is the fact that he can get in some
of the finest messes without even
trying. lie was helping his mom
paint the ceiling of the living -roots
a few days ago. IIe turned round
to ask her something, knocking over
the paint can, Lovely while paint
poured down his trouser leg onto the
hardwood floor. After the excite-
ment had died down and Barry had
stopped admiring his tvliite flannels,
he sauntered over to our house to
see what was cooking (taken liter-
ally). On the way over he decided
the car needed fixing, as It wasn't
picking im speed properly; and we
were going to a dance that night
(Saturday Nile).
is hatcher happened, I don't
know, but about fifteen minutes
later I looked out to see what he
was doing and the largest black
cloud of smoke was pouring out
from the back end of the car. To
make mailers worse, he jumped in
and roared up the street, gunning
her as hard as he could. \Vhen he
carte hack everything was normal
and the usual load of kids was
piled in the back and hanging over
the sides—just like any other day.
* * *
One Sunday last summer the gang
decided to go up to Lake Sintcoe
for a picnic. Barry said lie knew a
short cut. After wastttlg hours going
tip and down sideronds and farmers'
lades we arrived 0n the scene in
time for supper. Then everyone de-
cided to hire some canoes and go
cruising up and down the lake before
it- got too dark. Carry picked out
the best canoe .of the Minch—giving
nuc a line about the different kinds
of wood, the hest built boat. While
I was standing there listening to
this, the other kids were way otit on
the lake,
* *
Finally we got going and 1 settled
myself comfortably, handing him
both paddles in case any question
came up as to who was to do the
work. Things went fine for about
five minutes until Barry saw some
kids he knew in a sailboat, Nothing
would do but that we tie the canoe
to the sailboat and have a free ride.
\\'e were really clipping around the
lake—me hanging onto hot' sides
and Barry waging at the gang as
we flay by, It scented as though
we flew part of the way and bounced
the rest. After lions or naybc fif-
teen minutes of this torture, ]tarry
asked if we could ride in the sail-
boat. I had had enough of boats
to do Oce for months and politely
refusal the invitation — meanwhile
glaring al harry and drinking to
myself, wait until 1 tt;t on land
will 1 ti II loin off' Feeling much
better st hen Cagy let me off, 1 sat on
the beach and waited for the sailor.
They scented to be taking the cor-
ners much too fast for my liking,
and I was glad to be on dry land.
They nearly- tipped about five times,
but what was worrying Inc more
titan the boat lipping was the girl
with the honey coloured flair and
the trim bathing suit, Barry's quite
dependable, but forgets himself
sometimes—especially when there is
something extra nice around, Iie
was sitting beside her. \\'hen they
landed he helped her out and stood
there laughing quite excitedly, Well,
1 just tripped over and put a stop
to any ideas that might crop up, and
things resumed their usual fashion,
We were just sitting down to sup-
per tonight, when Mrs. M. phoned
to say that Barry was back on the
scene again. This time by telephone,
asking for twenty dollars. She is
sending six, tie had trouble with
the car and took it into a garage to
have it fixed, The man at the gar-
age had two bear cubs, and Barry
bought one and was shipping it
So friends you now have an idea
of what your columnist is like and
the life lie leads ; also the disturb.
ance he causes wherever the goes. 1
can just see hint and than. bear cub
sauntering over here atter supper
every night. \\'eII, I can tell you
now, I won't play second fiddle to
any grizzly.
Oil -Rich
The newly rich oil farmer, unable
to write, depo,sited This first royalty
cheque in the bank and arranged
that his signature should be two
crosses. Soon, at cheque showed up
signed with three crosses and the
banker summoned the farmer for an
explanation, "Well, my wife is get -
tin' into society," he explained,
"and she thinks I should have a
middle name."
Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, trine out corn,
heels quickly, no scat. 25c, 35c, 50c, 61.00.
Rob your Rest..
Many people never seem to get a good
night's rest. They tum and tou—blame It
on 'mine—when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
adds from the blood. 11.they hit and
impurities stay in the system—disturbed
rest often follows. If you don't rest well
et and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
the kidneys so that you can rest
better—and feel better. 136
"Can All You Can
i aiming methods, like Everything
else, hate changed greatly tinting
the past decade or so. They ale no
longer haphvald. When each step is
followed with cafe there should he
no tout about the keeping quality
of the round pi millet, success is
aeoliai 1, For up- lu tlt('-Itlililite can -
nine information. the home econom-
ists of the Consumer Section, Ito-
ntiuiun Itepattinent of Agriculture
i'(oiun(nil their new, revised bulle-
tin ".hums• ;inning of Flails and
\ egetables "
In this 1,001;l(1 tun will find the
es.,(nti:d steps of Canning outlilid
in a Clear, concise and easy -to -fol-
low matinee. It nit es detailed infor-
mation on such topics as the cquip-
ntcut used in canning, the prepata-
tioo of containers, the selection and
prcpalaliou of the product to be
calmed, packing the product, along
tvitlt the processing, cooling and stor-
ing of the canned product, It also
contains a Question and Answer
section, where the reason for nlaliy
failures may be found,
\'ou may obtain your copy by
writing to the 1)oncin'ott Department
of Agriculture, Ottawa.
4 quart boxes strawberries
OR 8 cups crushed strawberries
6 cups sugar
Wash, hull, crush and measure
strawberries. Bring 10 boiling point
and precook uncovered, for 15 mins,
Add sugar, bring to boil and boil,
uncovered, until jail stage is reach-
ed—about 12-15 minutes,
Yield: G! cups.
\\'ash, break off tough ends of
stalks, Remove scales if necessary.
'Cut i11 lengths 10 fit containers.
Tic in uniform bundles and stand
upright in 2 inches of boiling water.
Cover, bring to boil and boil :3
minutes. facia hot, all tips up, ex-
cept 3 with lips down in centre.
Add 1 teaspoon salt per quart.
Cover with boiling water, leaving
hcadspacc. Time to allow if pro-
cessed in:
Boiling Water Bath—Pints and
20 oz, cans — 2 hours
Quarts and 28 oz. cans —
2 hours
Pressure Cooker (10 lbs.) Pints
and 20 oz. cans — 30 minutes
Quarts and 28 oz. cans — 35
2 lbs. rhubarb (7 cups)
1 large onion
few grains cayenne pepper
'la teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon cloves
teaspoon allspice
teaspoon whole pickling spices
(tied in cheesecloth bag)
1 cup vinegar
11,i cups sugar
\\'ash and cut 1hubarh into
pieces. Peel, slice and rook the
onion in a small quantity of water
for 211 mins, in a covered pan. Add
rhubarb, seasoning and 1, the vine-
gar. 4.001: until rhubarb is tender.
Add sugar and remaining vinegar.
Continue boiling over low heat, un-
covered, until the chutney is of the
consistency of jam --about 15
nes. field: 2 pints.
'1'0 BE POPULAR insist
on Nerving Maxwell
I-Iotlse coffee. It's packed
2 ways. LI Super -Vacuum
Tin (Drip or Regular
Grind) or Glassine -lined
Bag (All PurposeGrind)p
Ford's .Answer
A favorite story about Henry
Ford is the one told on the occasion
of the Ford's fiftieth wedding anni•
vcrsary, when a reporter asked:
"Aur, lord, to what do you attribute
your sucre,sf ul mai i•iagc i"
The kindlly automobile loan an•
stvcred: ''The formula is the same
as one used to ural:e a successful
car --slid; to the sank model."
AduiI•purpose DD'l Pow.
der. Mixed with water
one pound stakes one
gallon of Barn Spray OR
five gallons 01 Livestock
Spray in their most effec-
tive form Convenient,
economical and no fire
hazard V2 lb., 2 lb. cans.
•Reg'd trademark
/1 11 Ill\"\
11t iI G GST Po�IsH
REG'LAR FELLERS—Bigger and Better Business
(irS GONE.T'
MAKE. 0000,
tilt S
Pc A
GIMME. 71•1'
110T DOG
t' -
a If you've never tasted Lipton's delicious brisk
flavor ... if you've never felt the exhilarating
FLAvon-LIF, you get with Lipton's Tea, you've got
a real treat coming! For Lipton's is the only tea
that gives you brisk, mellow favor—plus a lift that
picks you right up. It's the blend that makes
Lipton's—and the blend is Lipton's own secret.
Whenever you're tired or depressed, drink a cup of
Lipton's and see how much better you feel! Ask for
Lipton's—the tea with the Ft.Avon-LIFT—at your
grocer's today!
Copyright 1047—Thos. J. Lipton Limned
t>'AUT THIS! //:•
.,,.... ,,1„i,IM Mara ti, C . 3
uality Tea
CIIAI"IICR XX: Karol nnroborales
LcCnle'r nurulfao about rho totally 0101 1.0
kelp conhol of rho torluno Ihrwtgh Val-
lable(urt. She else nays that It Wall
Veronlea Ilio found a scrap of a Ichor
In which Vollain.routt tipped 11133 lona.
Chapter XXI ,
When Christopher Slone bound-
ed in with his quick virile stride,
IsteCale turned hurriedly to shake
the young man's hand. 1le looked
into the ele;m-cut fare and spoke
"I'm in a hell of a hurry, Storm.
You can answer just one question,
if you will."
"Gladly." Ile faced !1It(ale with
open Candid eyes.
"How did you happen to give The
Nest to the bride and groom?
For a moment Storni looked rat-
tled, as if the question were far
from what he had expected. Then
he explained.
"You see ,\IcCale," he said, "I'm
AU architect. The Nest was a little
hoose for newlyweds, 1'd built it for
a contest. It's a )modern affair, as
you know if you've seen the model
—all to latest gadgets, stns decks,
and stuff."
* * *
"Yes, yes," \IcCale interjected
"Well, Veronica and 1 had work-
ed on it together. \Ve were prac-
tically engaged and we thought
when we (lid marry it would be just
the place for us." Ilis eyes were far
"Exactly," \IcCale said. "1 un-
derstand that."
'"Then Curt cane along." His
voice. Was bitter.
'Then it was a gesture? A defi-
nite, backhand slap—"
Not at all, I never svotld have
done a thing like that. 1'd had it
in for Curt, all right, but after I
had a talk with hint, just the day
before is—his death, he convinced
me he really was in love—that he
wanted to stake Veronica happy. I
—well in a great big st'ittimental
glow, I decided to decd them The
Nest. That's all,"
* 4 *
1fcCale studied hint. ile said
finally, "Yes. That's just about what
I'd expect you to do."
The telephone at his elbow rang
and he made a .motion for Storm
to answer it. The young ratan spoke
a few words, then turned to McCale.
"For you."
"Af cCa1e here," he said, wonder-
ing who could be calling him there.
It was Ann, She sounded fright-
ened, urgent.
"is it all right for me to spill?"
she asked.
"Go alt end."
"Duke, Pm down at the drug-
store tinder Shari Lynn's Hotel. 1
went there an hour ago and could
not raise her. 1 thought she was
still asleep. I carte back just row.
The police arc there—our bleu('
Donlevy, and the homicide squad.
The bellhops won't say a 'sword, but,
Duke—Duke—docs that mean—?"
"Hold everything," McCalc said.
Ignoring Christopher Storni, he
ma(lc a grab for his hat.
+ + *
Shari Lynn lay on her back, a
weird, tragic figure in death. 1-Ier
head was half under the table, as
she had fallen, but not too far un-
der to hide the staring eyes and the
look of surprise and terror on her
face, The patent artifice of her
dyed hair accentuated more than
ever her age and dissipation.
McCale's eyes were grist as he
noted the neat round hole in her
chest, the pool of dark blood that
had spilled down her side, saturat-
ing her gown, soaking the carpet.
His eyes swiveled around to en-
counter two calm gray ones which
contemplated hint from the ex-
treme opposite corner of the room.
Ann Marriot sat astride a small
theatrical trunk. She was holding
the hand of Veronica Bigelow, who
sagged, white and haggard looking,
In a straight-backed chair.
"Ann, why did you come back
here, after you called me?"
"Well, I saw two officers escort
Miss Bigelow—Veronica here—into
the lobby, I thought: 'Gooil Lord,
what arc they up to with thait poor
girl now?' So i came on up in the
sane elevator,"
"Good girl, But how did you
manage to invade the premises?"
"That was too easy, In fact, 1
was brought in as a prize suspect.
1)arncd if the elevator boy didn't
remember he had taken me up lett
hour before, so, of course, being
properly awed by the )majesty of
the law, he just couldn't help whis-
pering that bit of information at the
floor, \\'hereupon I was rushed in
nith a firm grip 00 my elbow."
She turned to \'crolrlca. "Are you
feeling better, Miss Bigelow? Mr.
McCale is going to get us out of
"1; 11 (10 what i can," he said, and
there was genuine concern in him
that carte as a real surprise, ile
heard a soft tread behind hint and
turned to face the lieutenant.
"Johnny -on -the -spot as usual, 1
ser" 'There was a shadow of a Mile
on 1)onlcvy's lips. "Sorry 1 had to
detain Miss Marriot, but she rather
arranged her own entrance, so to
speak, together with one of my
over -zealous squad."
"Surely you're through with her
now? ,\IcCale was devastatingly
"Quite, quite. Site could have
gone a half hour ago, but when I
learned she had phoned you, I
thought—that is—Miss Bigelow was
a bit under the weather." Ile dis-
regarded Veronica studiously, itis
manner to her hard, restrained.
-- So that's the way the wind blows,
131cCalc thought, and said to Ann,
"Von run along now. Wait for the
.at the office." He looked a1 his
+ * *
Then he added p0i1 redly to Don -
levy, though he faced Ann, I'll see
that Miss Bigelow gets hone safely,
unless, of course"—he turned steely
eyes to the lieutenant "—unless you
are not willing to remand her in my
"t).h, quite all right," Donlevy
Ann nurinere(I a few cheery
words to the girl and went out.
At the window, Donlevy spoke
with an impatient gesture which
took in the whole room. "A little
111ore of the same muss," he said.
"Eh, my friend ?"
MCCale sighed. "I-o(iks like it,"
ht said bitterly. "The worst part
of it all is that if I'd had my wits
about me, it ntiglit have been pre-
"I was here in this room talking
with Miss Lynn about two this
morning. I'm convinced by what
she said that she knew something.
\Vhen T cane in I had the feeling
that she expected someone else."
* * *
"A little blackmail, what?" Don -
levy's eyes showed their intent in-
"Yes." \1 cCale began to prowl
around the room. Everything -seem -
cd just the same as it had been.
He stopped before the collection
of snapshots and photographs he
had noticed on the wall the night
before. Ile pointc(1 to a space.
"Someone has removed a picture,"
he exclaimed.
Donlevy came right over. -"I no.-
ticed that. But whose picture—that
we'll probably never know. You
didn't by any chance—"
"No I looked them over last
night, but didn't recognize anyone.
What about the rest of the place?"
"Oh, the w'holc joint has been
searched. Bedroom torn apart.
What they nem looking for is prob-
ably gone."
* * •
alcCale let his voice drop to a
nmurnmur. "'Then why itt God's name
are you determined to pin it on
that girl over there?" IIe indicated
Veronica. "Surely—"
Donlevy shrugged. "The motive,
my friend. The motive always conmes
back to that. The motive has piled
up in the last twenty-four hours."
McCalc sounded st1len. He knew
only too well how it had piled up.
"You satisfied?"
(To Be Continued)
Chinchilla Thrives on Baby Food—Charlie, a 1 wo-day-old
chinchilla, is an orphan for all practical purposes. horn in
the California State Exposition lnlilding in Los Angeles of
parents kept for exhibition, the mother chinchilla ignores her
offspring, born in captivity, 'l'hc caretaker says he is making
progress on a diet of strained baby food.
Mother Blames San's
Wife For Neglect
DEAR ANNE. 11. IST: 1 and a
* w•idoty svilh a married son whom
1 get to sec only about once a
* month --on act-
s count, I Ile-
* licve, of his
* vife. I don't
* think she al-
* lows him 10
* conic to Sec
* ole, for when
* she visits her
* mother for a
* few (lays he
* wants 110 one
but ntc. They have a line son
* whorl l seldom sec, and it is
* grieving me to death.
* 1 ant 52 years old, and work
* hard at a very responsible job. 1
* can't keep my mind on my work 1
* They live only a few doors frotn
* me. I have utter to my knowledge
* interfered with then).
* I told him 1 hope his son .will
* never treat his parents as they
* h:»c treated Inc. Don't you thins:
* it will come home to them? And
* what do you suggest 1 do? 1 just
* can't write the tvav 1 feel about it!
.—I7rokcn-ilearIed Mother.
* *
One way 10 rein friends or fancily
07.'Cr 0s to Make one's self useful to
them. Have you offered to sit with
the boy while his parents take the
evening off! Reliable sitters, I hear,
are hard to find, and I expect your
help would be appreciated. You
could have the child 10 yourself,
which of course you'd thoroughly
Since your son dot's not scan to
know the cause of his wife's in-
difference, it is probably due only to
her thoughtlessness. Assume that,
anyhow. 771e fact that you live close
by, too, tray be another reason. She
Search no more, my lady, for
that slim, trine summer casual!
Pattern 4795 is the flattery you've
'teen waiting for. No waist scant
makes for easy sewing, good fit!
Pattern 4795 comes in sizes 14,
16, 18, 20; 82, 34, 36, 38, 42. Size
16, 2 1-8 yds. 33 -in.; .1/2 yd. contrast•.
(25c) in coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern to Room
421,'13 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-
has to phut ahem/ to visit her own
mother, but you ore so accessible
that .she probably dunks each day
.she'll run in tomorrow — and then
sant Kling arises to prevent it. You
know yourself that those whom it is
tiniest for ns to .ser arc just the artt'S
7('1 0/1011 .1,0111 10 rleylei t.
1 underslmul .how deeply you feel
about (his, and I hope you will not
assume There is any personal reason,
unless you have to. (.o out o/ your
my to 110 little thoughtful acts for
your .sort's wife when you can, and
ink,' it for granted they rein be
1'ottiio people, particularly in their
eearly ',tarried lift', often scent
selfish and thoughtless to older mem-
bers of their families. The:. Id their
own friends absorb all their leisure,
and o/ course they like to be alone,
too, in their new privacy.
Try to remember this, and so re-
lit 70' your 1300),? ar.d heart of this
strain, 1t will do y( ler health no
good, you know.
* *
ES1'E.C'It\1.1.Y in in -late situations
* is it hest to believe the best. Anne
* 1lirst will help you to. \Vritc her
* at Box A, froom 421, 73 Adelaide
* St. \Vest, 'Toronto.
Your Handwriting
andYou Alex S. . Arnott
Handwriting and
Reserved Friendship
When letters f, g and y are written
with small loops below the writing
line, about twice as long as the
letter above the line, it is an indi-
cation that these writers are reserved
and select their friends with care.
Although such writers may be
friendly and enjoy companionship,
they prefer to select a few people as
their particular friends. This does
not mean that they are snobbish;
on the contrary, they n181(e excellent
Companions. '1'lmcy do not regard
everyone as a close friend but prefer
to associate with a few•.
There are many signs in hand-
writing that td1 of unfriendliness
or deceit. The most common of
these and easiest to recognize is the
open space at the base of the letters
"a" and "0". It is, however, always
well to check this sign of unfriend-
liness with other signs in the hand
writing. 'These will be discussed in
a later article.
Anyone wishing a more complete
analysis please send self-addressed,
stamped envelope to Box 11, room
421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
There is no charge for this service.
To Antarctica
A combined British-Norwegiatl-
Swedislt expedition is to explore the
Norwegian territory in Antarctica in
the fall of 1948. Under Norwegian
command, scientists Is 1i1 study the
geography, geology, 811(1 the plant
and annual life Of Queen M8ud's
Land, practically unknown until 20
years ago, but visited since then by
several \(•rtrei;i;ut c\p,dit,ons.
"Maxwell House". It's
the same marvellous
coffee blend whether
Tracked in Super -Vacuum
Tin (Drip or Regular
Grind) or Glassine -lined
Bag (All Purpose Grind) e
ISSUE 24-1947
Sunday School Lesson
Judah's Last Days
Kings 23:31 to 24:7; Jeremiah 36
Goldin Test --'11)0 /car o/ the
lend prolongeth clays; but the years
of the 7eickcd shall be shortrlu'd.—
Prorclls 10 27.
The No1Ibet11 Kiugillan had fall-
en before the hosts of Assyria, and
its people, carried off into exile or
dispersed, 111,11 become "the Lost Ten
Tribes" of history. The Kingdom of
Judah, or Southern Kingdom, lasted
another 136 years, but it soon met
its downfall and the exile of its
people Io Baby tun, From that defeat
and exile, however, there was to be
a glorious return and a r(building
of Jerusalem,
'10') things most be borne firmly
in mind if the are to understand
those times.
Such lessid1' are particularly ap-
propriate for the United States and
Canada, for these democracies face
n(w and unforeseen responsibilities
and dangers in their relation to the
rest of the world.
The two things to remember about
Israel's situation are that the pro-
phets of the time were more im-
portant than the kings and that Is-
rael, too, had lost any isolation it
might have had.
A small tribal group, in the era
before rulers and empires, had set
out for world rotionest and had now
become a Kingdom situated between
great contending powers. It was al-
ways, therefore, in physical danger
and in the additional danger of al-
lying itself wills one 111'atnst the
other and of the consequences of
making a wrong choke.
It was under these circumstances
that the prophets urged against
entangling alliances and appealed
for a high integrity in Israel itself.
The prophets could not alter Israel's
physical situation any more than the
can alter our "one world" situation
It is quite possible that even a
highly moral and spiritual integrity
might not have spared Israel a fate
of martyrdom, But what a (lit (cr-
ept fate it tvo111d have been from
going down in weakness and sin!
What is more to the point, the
only real hope of Israel's safety and
contribution to the nations lay in the
preservation of her integrity. Inter-
nal honor and honesty, avoidance of
intrigues and entanglements, and
wise diplomacy would have been her
proper course—the course 01)7 coun-
tries should be following today,
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. Is it proper, 10 fold napkins for
the dinner table into fau.y shapes?
A. No; the correct shapes for the
dinner table are either the perfect
square or the oblong, although the
triangle may be used for breakfast
and luncheon.
Q. Shouldn't a hostess have some-
thing to read in the guest room?
A. Yes; a few late magazines,
and, perhaps, a short, light novel.
Q. Should a small boy who is ring
bearer at a wedding svear a button-
niere ill the buttonhole of his jacket?
A, No.
Q, Should word be sent to the
hotel to hold the room that has been
reserved if 0110 finds he is. unex-
pectedly delayed en(t cannot arrive
on the day stated in his reservation?
A. Yes, because hotels do not
hold the room if you are not there
to claim it within a reasonable
time after you have stated you
would be there.
Q. What are the two most im-
portant rules to follow in conversa-
A. Refrain from asking personal
questions, and be attentive to the
person who is talking.
Aid to Burma
Britain will contribute 5.12,000,000
toward llurma's 1946 budget deficit
and adtance more, than ,C 18,0 0,00(
toward 19.17 rehabilitation costs --
all end(r the Anglo-11urnits( finan-
cial 81'reenu•l1.
On 'CERTAIN DAYS' 01 Month?
This fine ,medicine is very effective to ;
relieve painful disttens pad tired, uer-
voua, irritable feelings, of such days—
when due to tamale functional monthly •
1 disturbances. 'Monolith) report banelitls=
MA E. P/NK/MMS'c't5T UN0
SrvicDoea Rc111
MOTHS; etc.: :
• ,hii (eel on the lobe)
+ Guaranteed by
Good HousebeepIn4
es lure—say DIDIT
For Immediate Delivery
')'"tn-h. 10,1 l n "n hvl
leather n' 'tn reeur.ly
alltehrd to nII.,ubbrt
1,13111,131. Slade under
rigid C.S. rbn•'t apnel•
1)ra1Iona. ('on"' tt 115
lmlernoh•a and rn,1hub:
Incea. 10 8) (ma het re-
*iat;um) for 51331,-, a,
lunihet•Inra. fartn,l'a,
1ele. 017,,a f to 113 ,113•
.....) ,ler mgular ab,". eizc.
12 IN,
HIGH I'l 11TI'A t n.
Order la Ala II—NOW:
la0)13('NI) 0.11.1a t'o., It11V Gas?
I'lne.miaU, 11.1..
I:1rl010,41 la 1 .. ( 1 1'111:('11
( 1 MONEY 01t1/00 fur 1:(s,
SNOW I'ACS, slzu 45 Is 113
ADM 100S
There hl nothing ho destructive to
beauty and attractiveness as chronic)
Mien you can't rest. and sleep well
--when you have indigestion—when
you feel tired out and 001 down in
ealth, start in at onto with Dr.
Chase's NERVE FOOD and von will
soon know why this Vitamin Ill tonic
is so popular.
Ask for the new econ-
Ony size bottle of
Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food
GO pill.9—GOcts,
1S0 pills $1.511
Dissolve 1 tsp. sugar in 3i c.
tokewarm water, add 1 en-
velope Royal Fast Rising
Dry Yeast. Let mixture stand
10 min. Then stir well. Scald
3,6 c. )milk, add 3 tbs. short-
ening, c. sugar, 36 tsp.
salt; cool to lukewarm. Add
1 c. sifted flour to make a
batter. Add yeast mixture
and i beaten egg; beat well.
Add 23(s, c. sifted flour. or
enough to make a soft
dough. Knead lightly, place
in greased bowl. Cover; set
in warm place, free from
draft. Let rise until doubled
in bulk, about 2 hours. When
light punch dough down;roll
out into oblong piece, about
3:i" thick. Brush with 3 tbs.
melted shortening or butter.
Sprinkle with ?q c. i.Orown
sugar, 1 tsps. cinnamon,
c. raisins. Roll up length-
wise in a tight roll; cut In
1" slices. Place cut -side up,
1" apart in greased shallow
baking pan. Cover; let rise
in warm place until light,
photo 1 hour. l3ake in 425°F.
men about 20 minutes.
'AGE 4.
11.4444-44:44+++ .:":”:" .� + +4 +4.;H:. 4":"1"1. i :1H8*i":* i'l" r ":.:N..• i . r...i".• i,N. *1".0. '... .: •:Hi7
Sunne(lntiRnc+ for Father's Day :.,
Dress Sox :15e, 50e, Oe and $1.50
Ties 50e, $1.00, .$1.50 $2.00 and .$2.50
Shirts - dress and sportS,;2.00 to .$5.00
Belts $1.00 Suspenders 50e to $1.50
Slippers - All sizes and prices.
Jackets - All sizes, shades and prices.
Work Clothes - Shirts, Trousers, Caps, Boots,
Braces, Gloves, Socks, and Coveralls.
If Dad is a Fisherman, get him a pair of hip waders
---he will appreciate them.
1114 1. ., 11,.1 1v„_..11..11 44,.1111. J
uction Sales
: Of Farm and Farm Implements Of Farm Stock and ,Implements
• \t 1,.,t 11, CI ncession 7, \lolris MONDAY, JUNE I6TH
IIARBIS & A'IIdd.9.Il'S s
,, "The Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario. ,_,
1H•H•H1Hi11H•1.1 .4.40.:•++.:• •:“:.,O♦,O .... •:•.:H:• •4.•,.••,•.1,• 4. •.. •.. JH6 •:H0.0•S x.4.010•.0 p'Hh i •0..: 4, 44.4;P ♦j.
1 tt• aunrencing at 1 :,ill p.m.
commencing at I pan. 11).S.•'.t
on the County Twat adjoining the
\ Wage of \\'aLun, which %till include:
2 ,gt'tl:l til rk horses; 5 I)11rlia411 colt's,
1NII'I.I{\lFATS - \fit•;e) Barri; frt•sb and due shortly; 1(1 Durham andhinder, 7 -ft. cut, go. tl as nece, cut less !lure' rd vuling cattle; lugisteretl
than 10:1 acre,; \Ic('trod •1; -Deering Hereford 1)1111 (Domino breed).
manure >pt•l•awel•, in good shape; steel- , Dull line of farm ntachint•r�• inctu!'I
t :cd tw;:gt.n, Ntthlc hand made; mg a 11) (:uck'utl standard tractor,
11;1Yrale , dump style ; set huh sleighs; 111'‘‘in 19.16. 501 bushels of grain;
di•k llarroty; single -furrow stalking h•,rnc• cur.
11"": twalkui,t pl, tv, two fnrrotts; 4- j TERMS CASH
suction hat rotws ; sprint t ot11 cuitit;t. The sarin Is I .cntcd,
,,,r• \•,1.,,1 .,,,,,1 :read; „•nils„r• (:In -•1 George Jacks. 11, Propricl'I•.
Harold lacks -}n, .\u:t:onrcr.
P. Chesney, Clerk.
ning still; steel -tired top bu,.gy; port-.
land cutter with po'c anal shafts; hay
fnrh and sings with c'rti:tge and rte, e;
turn)) and lining) II s twcr; root pul-
ler, tato I.•u,, la!''tr., Fr" ••1 fi \\' tl
n1 .tic: ; rlu unity t f `m111lC • : about 35
halts of strati n or 7 tun f Timothy
hay : set cl .Ills l -I1). scal%•, ; S or 9 pieces
of timber 4 by 1', sltitahle for hay rack
sills; two It trj I1,L rl1•tins; several ct•lar
posts ells '1 suns lnl' 1)) or 12 wit"' wJJJ sash; pig crate: stt2,ar kettle; burse
Mo ers and finders y t articles. Iran less, an' ether nutter `u,
F.\I:\I-'I'!1.• f"u"n1 tw:n ais, he offer-
▪ ed for s•tle at the smile tittle and place, 1,1 tt lit Call; sp ,I U l'I I \I I \I Robert 1
subject to a• reserve hi,1. 1 4 I '
• old; 4 1te•Ie s, 'ism); _ years old; 4
steer, 4th st 'll(IJ 11)
I I 1. I 1 II
Rubber -tired Farm Wagons; Milking Ma-
chines; Cream Separators; Electric and Tractor -
Driven Grain Grinders.
Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases.
All Work Done on a Guaranteed Basis.
Cf Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects
.\t n Teti half Lot II, Concession 5, t.
\lorris 'I'tt;t., 1'_• nt:lc, east of Bel- travelling uta lams` green wool suit, a
(;rave, on
Wednesday, June 11, 14)17
will speak in the
over the C,a,C. Ontario Trans -Canada Network
Monday, Juno 16th
10.30 to 10.45 p.m. E.D.T.
Niagara Falls ares '1 tar this the bride "'VEGETABLES
dark brown hat with halo britt and 1 FR V 8Ts AND
brown access Ties. On their return the)• `�
will reside on the groom's farts rat
sale c1 'rn;t•nres at I pant. (1).S.'I•.1
111)t I'S -\latched lean' black I'cr-
cheron nl:n"es, 1 and Ill year: old.
li.\T'I'I.h:-,i 1)in-ham cows, fresh; IIULLT�:T:f
1111111a".1 I kii • •, i ; If ; 3 . HIN cal-
Il 1111': t .11' I'. alt '
we ycu,i; errs r:sng -,yrs' J;tuncs.tn, \1r, and Mrs. Artllttr Colson
alttl Mrs. II;u•vev 'favinr ;Mewled the
OIt fruit(, tern,s arr::n;: d lata,
1 Inn 'f. \IcCangiity, Prun"iuti'r.
Lewis I:otwla11,1, Auctioneer. .i9-3,
\lav Rctt.,ui s•,ent the week -end
with London frit•nc'•.
The heavy rain on S:ttn•day las the
call e ' f utr•'y twa h nuts oni the roads,
Friends tt ill he pleased to I;now that
NIrs. Nelson \Icl.au"ty i; recovering
Men's Work Clothes and Boots.
Newton Yarns - 2 and 3 Ply.
Lifetcria and Pioneer Feeds,
Royal Purple Calf Moal.
Oyster Shell and Block Salt
graduation exercises of the Stratford Nursery Plants, Dutch Sets,
I'Ol I. -75 tun,, year o,. hospital. The gathering was held in
Mange!, T d L G Seed.
I'lli--I yt ;:usX s1 w, %with I %ler ,tI the auditorium of
ditoriuthe ('aIle tc tt In,°lige Turnip
an awn rias ee
ix, 3 t-cchs old ; 1 y svgs s. tw, due g;: King Bug Killer, 5, 10 and 20 Ib. size.
time of sale: 7 chunks. true. \lis"; Luis little>.tn, I. N., te:1< Black Flag Stock and ,Barn Spray,
an honour member of the graduation Contains D.D.T.
1Ntl'I.I',\II•.NTS- \Ict'ttrn'irk-Iteer class, receiving the silver cup and also '
int: tractor \\'-,fit on rubber; \IcCnr- a spc,•ial -ward sur •urgir;ul t'chniytlt', FOR THE HOUSE -Fly Dcd, Moth
'nick -Deering ,i furrow plow; \IcCnr --\' -_- Dcd, Screen Spray, Fly Coils, Fly Pads,
thick-Detring stiff -to 11) cultivator, 71/2 and Sprayers.
ft., W"•t't is ower I'ft ; Set sp1 ng -tooth POUND TROUT GRACES 1 Anti Rat Bait, Rat Nip and
harrows (3 section); set drag Itarr.twsMINISTER'S TABLE
Mouse Seed,
Iro% a serious illness in (ildericlt'(4 section); \lel:•rurck-I)ect'ing hin-
▪ ho; hospital, A one -pound trout, caught on Tues
P der, 7 ft. cot; \Icl'nnr,cl; leering
NIrs. :IIfr1 1 .\c. qui h 1):t. returned l In day n.gilt: I Y 1 avid (ittynn f East
I stutter h It c u \t '('rn mirk I )rcring
\1'attanu:h lo%wn• I. frond it's fun;,I
resting place on the table of the Rev. j
1 her 11"111' ;'ittr .'mn.l n:r the \011ier 1 at• In ,Tarr \IcC rnt'cl;-I)eerint; side
with •11'• 111111 NIrs. \Ir1'rtcettc al II. tw- delivery rake: \Icl'orttrck-I)ccrin.4-
nrutwille• j 13�.!'s; ferti'izcr drill, n.arly new: . and Mrs. Harold Snell, of :Auburn.
\[r, F O \icllt en ` it I' t n1 t\Ir, Gtwt•nn Unformed The Standard
I i t t t tt ,tt \las ce-1la rt> staturespreader;
dump '
▪ will.. Rett. .\,rluitIs, of Toronto, \lar) rake; steel laud roller; twilling plot%; that the trout tt'eigitcd one pound, ar
F:. ;\squish of t' tchener, with \I r• Bis rl I;: r; set sleighs (gond a: nen.) ;1 cording to the scales of Ralph U.
For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth= and Iles. CharlesI':. .\ 'pt tl1• cutter; bttg*ty: F,ghl wagon; buggy' ! Munro, :\%%burn meet ant, and Incas
1 Mrs. \\'aslant \lair: with her mother
pow • t,• I1•,, .,•I.iit„r ... seen-
, „• ural 13 inches. ,\I r, Snell, who is an
1.ardent fisherman, has been t.,) busy
1 \\'ilf red \'cstcrf est of \\'tnrl, tr, spent g,.:,,1 .. twat, speed jack ; saw mandrel
Wednesday, JUNE 18
PARK Exet r
Field Day will be officially opened at 1:15 p.m. (D.S.T.) by
H. H. Hannam
9 a.m.-lluron County Junior Livestock; Judging Cumpctit:on.
10.30 a:tn.-Girls' Softball.
10.30 a,tm-Junicr Farmers Softball.
1,15 p.m. -Official Opening: Speaker, Herb._ 11. 9lannant, President
Canad:'an Federation of Agriculture. Presentation of
prizes t winners of Essay Contest ;old I.ivcstock
lodging r, n"gtetition.
1.45 pant. -Running horse Races, 1st hr:ut; best 2 out of 3 one-half
anile dashes, open to boys and horses from Huron Co.
1:\1-1e for bows, limit 21 wears) -515.0(:, 510,''1, $5.01.
2.00 p.m. -Section ":\1", men's t;z•nsile f, t race, r :en. Prizes $5,~3$2
2.10 p.m. -Running bor:c race; 1)c:% ' out of 3, t." -mile (lashes.
First Float. Open to girls from aures Cn.-`>;15, wl)), $5.
2.15 p.m. -Second heats of Running Ilo.sc Races.
2.20 p.,111. -Softball (lame, \Ion's.
2.20 p.m. -Sports for Young and Old.
4.00 p.m. -Sweater Girl Contest, winner to be crowned "\liss 1(mon."
Prizes :25.0( and Special Prize of ;illTIC, d nater!, by Snell
Bros. & Co. Garage, Exeter. '1','t;tl, winner.
415 p.m. -Hurdle i.vcnts, open to ht•rses from 1 Itirtt only -456,01
in prizes_.
4.30 p.m. -Square Dance and Fiddlers' Conte;t: 45`I,1 `) in p••ize:.
4.30 p.an.-Men's Basehal-Prizes 1)30 and 5:11.
1. Dominion Department of .\griculturc Exhibit.
3. Provincial i)epartntent of health Exhibit.
3. The Story of a Netwslt,aper by 1.0n:'111 Free Press.
4. Films by National Film board.
5, On.alrio 1-'! •dro Electric Exhibit.
6. \\',men's Exhibit.
7, \lachincry Exhibits.
8. Motor Exhibits.
9. Canadian Canners Exhibit.
10. Cheese Factory Display.
11. Display of News and Pictorial Photographs by Stratford Beacon-
_ Herald', in 1iynrasitutl.
12. Home Insulation Display.
13. Boys' Shop \\' •rk Exhibit.
14. Girls' Home Economic Exhibit.
Welcome -• Band In Attendance
Dance in the Gymnasium to the music of Norm
Carnegie's 8 -Piece Modern and Old -Time Band.
Dancing £.30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Presentation of CKNX Shield to Townahlp having highest number df
points in Sports Evens. )
Russell Bolton, W. R . Lobb, W. V. Roy,
CARS 25 CI•:\7'S,
Vice -President.
SCOUTS HAVE SETTING a sating of pheasant eggs, and
PHEASANT EGGS I h;o'tv hen it now; bray hatching out
The 131; h L'^; :ecu':, have ..curc•1 porti-.0 of the setting.
NIrs. Thomas 1) tyle.
cr; 111'' -inch ,I.1lettc hal!-beating
the %woes; -end at hi; Iwtne here. with f-attu•; 2 saws; 2 g' d belts; set
1I.,t`,11, Sallie and Rest. Carter of I000 -I1). sealer; steel -tired wagon and
Port E!;in, and NIrs. Nelson Hill of stay rack; rubber -tires wagon. 16 -ft.
Godcrich, were Sunday v'sit.'r: in .\u- rack with r.'Iler carriage; set 24)1.11.
▪ hurts. scales; fann`ng still; Renfrew cream
\Ir. and NIrs. .N11 C1111'01 01 have Se•,parator; gratin bags; sap pan; 75
t left for a ttvo weeks tutor trip.
bucket's; s iIcs; r,ot eros emery
' \Ir. Fred Ross, I)t'nal' Ros, N, 'It ivhee1; 2 nark barrels; carpenters t,ols
i jiant T. Rohi:rn, Edgar Lawson a.,),4(1'.Iia})' lurk; car slings; 14(1 tett 1)t)' (ors:
\'ict'r 1'ornn.trblut vis:tctl with James. role (new); \\'ond's electric oat roller
, \\'. Medd, who is a patient ill Si. Jo -'i (*new);'_ 11.1'. motor 25 cycle; chains
solus 1` Is,pital, j (,arks; sl`1 vel; tt•hiffletrees; and many
-1 Reith Arthur nal',, is taking a course other articles too numerous to sten-
- in Till -Mu spent the week -end at his tion.
, home here.
(TRAIN -125 Int.). wheat ; 100 bus.
HARNESS -Set doable harness ;• set
\I r. and NIrs. Spence 1lanrn, of single harne•s,
chener, spent the week -end with the II(1L'SI':.I101.1) EVICTS-\IcClary
tatter's parents, \Ir. and NIrs. \\'illi;utt range; 11 r,•n'a ratite; electric cleaner:
Got i,.I•, j barrel churn; 6 dining ro un chairs;
\liss.es I)ut•othw I.ilttle, \lary ('aid- Ic(lruml sure; table; h I;itches chairs;
air' Ferre \Vats: n were Itotne (t•r cupboard; chesterf'el'I; rocking chair ;
the week -end. music cabinet ; rope bed ; occasional
_ \Irs. Laura Sundercocl; spent the chair; etectri•' plate; oven (new),
noel; end with \I r, and Nit...). I.. llnt_ TERMS CASH
_ ton, of \\'ine'altt. No reserve as farm has been sold
• \l irs \lary Grainger, of 'I'nront , ll (-'roil \\'heeler, I'ro;:riot: r,
spent the avers; -end with her sisters, t l':Ibcrt P;ttri,'k, Clerk.
NIrs. Rilev and NIrs. Ge,`rve Cowan. 11,at•o',d Jacksua, Auctionee-. 39-2.
The \\'..\. will hofs their 1tlot:tIiI'
meeting on \\'crincsdat, lune 13111, at her sisters attendant, wearing a rose
t'hc 'ionic of AIN. Bert. Sltnhbrn,tl;. crepe th'ess and a corsage .f Talisman
• .\11 ladies invited to attend, 1lostcsscs roses•
twill be, \I rs. I?. ,f. Crttt'fur', \fes, 1 \Ir. Gordon Channtey, younger
clarence Cl'aa•frn'd, 1(rs• \lercdith brother of the groom, teas hest man.
- \'oi lig, and Mrs. Fred Prest. 1 After the cereutay a reception was
\\'c are very r,'rry to report thati held at the British Exchange 1"lotel, in
• NIrs. \Iarrgaret \Ial'ning fell, and d's- Godcrich, where a wedding dinner was
• located her shoulder. served to immediate relatives. Later
Anniversary s':rt•ices will be held at the young couple Icft on a motor trip
l'inburn next Sunday. Rev. Hazel-
wood, c•f Walton, will be the guest
speaker. Serv'ee: twill bt held at 11
°1111. and 7:3)1 p.m.
There will he no service in the
Lon cvh.`r,t t'n'te•I Church on Suttd tv.
\I r. George \\'allace has returned
home after spending the winter months
- in Seaford'.
Mr. and NIrs. I1. Jefferson and fain-
1ily visited on Sunday with \fr. and
NIrs. George 'Thornton, at llluevale,
\(r. \\'arrcn Bamford of Preston,
was home over the week -end.
Sunday evening visit:•rs with \ir,
and NIrs. R. ('hatnncy were, NIrs,
_1 Craig ;mil\\'lit. Jr., -1 Auburn, and
\Ir. and NIrs. George \\'ilkiu, of (lode -
' \Ir. and NIrs. (--,t 'Tiffin and NTr.
and \irs. Edwin 'Thompson air"' family.
of \\'ingham, spent Sunday avid' ND.
and NIrs. N. 'i'hun'1p:nn.
:\ quiet hitt pretty wedding took
. place at the St. Helens [niters Church
Manse, on Saturday afternoon, June
- 7t11, when Lois I.., younger daughter
• of Mr. and NIrs. \\an. \Vebster, R. R.
2. Luck now, and Stuart 0.. fourth s -u
of \ir. and NIrs. Robert Chantrey, R.
R. 2, Auburn, were united in marriage
by Rev. (i, N. Newton.
The here was lovely in a street
length dress of twilight blue crepe,
made with surplice bodice and actor -
,lion pleated skirt, s'•e wore a shall
' blue flower trimmed 1)•'t, an 1 .1 (-ot':age
of Stwee-heart roses.
Mi s Jean \Ccbster, cf Ci:nten,
- Representative •
preoa,ring to n: 'we t , his new charge
at Exeter, to get , t much fishing, and
in view o1 this the gift from Mr.
Gwynn was doubly appreciated.
lyth Radio service
SPARTON (BATTERY) Tess Battery .., ..
.., $49,95
P1-IONOLA (BATTERY) Complete with new battery $25.00
Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth.
Just Arrived
`Sunworthy Wallpapers' - 'Lowe Brothers Paints'
high Standard outside
High Standard outside
White Undercoating
Floor Enamels.
Lnterior & Exterior.
Shoppe Open Saturday Afternoons - Other Hcurs by Appointment.
"Buy your Paint and Paper Requirements NOV,
and avoid future disappointment."
Plastique Papers
Decorator's Cotton
Paramount Parte
Plastic Paris.
Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SIIOPPE. Blyth.
1. a 11 n J . 1 I, f, 1 i, 4,11111.1 I. J....In1 I I 0..1 14
t•H44•44••1•H•11•H�/ 1•H•N••1.1 ••H•11•H•.1.1.•11111 •N• H 1 •:N1.11H 1•H••11 • 1� N111.1.1.•N 41.111{ 11/1•.+.84k408.1
M •
Meals at All Hours.
} FRANK GONG - Proprietor
t, •
:iH/'/' .-`,, --` �,}� was. �� two M�� ♦ {.�
-! i 4 {".H1H1••.H.+H1i ..:. 1444-44••1 04.41• '':'.8 i+:4 -}H1 . "141 ♦ .H1H.'N{"1M, 4
Wednesday, June 11, 1!)•17
NO �hJ . AV
2-1 Jai,
Goo upply
Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association
t•I ^ i;•E' 'il b�'a} 4 fi d r ":'`f i' 's `
Blyth Electric Shop
The Latest in 'adios
Beautiful Combination Westinghouse Radio-Phon-
grraph Model - \walnut, cabinet - All Nave.
The Latest Creation by iWestinghouse• See It!
Stromberg-Carlson and DeForest Mantel Models.
I-Ieavy duty Ilot Plittes, Electric Coffee Percolators
Westinghouse Automatic Iron, Electric -Fans.
Your Ileadquarters for Electric Appliances.
:'.t,•"•�'•':.t.i't`'sy' ;1. ��
•.k -
Pt rk and Beans, 20 oz. tin 1Oc
Bulk Cocoa , 2 lbs. 19c
51:cwflakc Arnim -Ma Per Pkg, 05c
Pitted Sair Dates per Ib. 23c
I3rex 23c
Prune:, Figs, Ra's'ns, Canned Spaghetti
Kidacy Beans, Chicken Haddie,
Meat Balls,
1•(fy I'ic Crust, Sandwich Cookies
Sweetened PudJing Powders,
Durward's Ice Cream Always on hand.
Bricks and Dixie Cups.
Bulk G,rdt n Peas, Corn, Dutch Sets.
Flower and Vegetable Plrnts,
Roe, Pi -.neer, and Shur Gain Feels,
Oyster Shell and Calf Meal.
!toward's Int stinal Medicine
For Poultry.
ff PAGE 5
t�#__ _ _ _ _ _ ________.....�u�..as...N,tNNI 00410V 41# VI**IlI NIININN•♦♦�0NNNI♦NIINtN•III•NNN�.
Now ('laying: June 12, 13, 14, "Song Now Playing: June 12, 13, 14, Gene Now Playing: June 12, 13, 14, "The
Of The South" Walt Disney's all- Tierney and Henry Fonda in "THE JOLSON STORY' with Larry Parks
time hest-roductici,, In Technicclor RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" A Technie_olor_preaentalion
Mon., 'tuts,, Wed., June 16, 17, 18 Mon., ea., We -d., June 10, 17, 18
"CENTENNIAL SUMMER" Playing All Week! June 10-17.18.19
\ Tetlutirtd r treat Ili Iltvc ;ll
1,o; I'Iti r fc;Itnrin:r, t'lc lilting tune.
u can't 1,1)2,f t ,nn,t 11\•
1came train.
Cornet Wilde, Linda Darnell an
Jeariie Crain
20-21 Adult Entertainment
Olivia dc Havilland, Lew Ayres
The "JOLSON STORY" and Thomas Mitchell
1 •ur f.Iv,luritc• star playing the title
A Technicclor Cavalcade of f I+r,n ,i ler iu ;I di;anatic
Glorious Entertainment rt,111;111rC
I lit ,t t „f \I 111,1 n i, stn chit• , "THE DARK MIRROR"
('burs Fri Sal June 19, 20, 21 of lac niu,lr;,l-, ,ta:1r 411(1
Jack Carscn and
tici, pet dnrti II i, r< :, t! Ir'-
Dennis Morgan, !�;�;� ;i; ,. rccn cui•��, n1� lit. `•tai rias
Janis Paige
I'h r t.\o funny nun are back LARRY PARKS as Al Jolson with
again lu miloaol ;c ucw r,trlua l u1 Evelyn Keyes, William Demarest
1,1w..!!1 -in this •rcrlluit' .l r musical and Bill Goodwin
Crmhng; June 23, 24, 25, Gary
Caning: him 23, 24, 25, Rosalind Cooper in "CLOAK and DAGGER'' l
Russell as "SISTER KENNY" _____ ___-__
Thurs., Fii., Sat , June 19, 20, 21
Randolph Scott, Peggy Ann Garner
and Lynn Bari
111,1,', H.11;\ i t xeitt•u:cnt and a
,',tsh of alter} in tllfs tale of a
;n dein
Coming: June 23, 24, 25, "MOM and
DAD". Adult Entertainment
Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m.
Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m Mat., Wed•, Sat., Holidays 2,30 pm ,I
aka..... w....wUJgd t l_. ,1W". I.1... ,
loving inciwiry ill Arnold
Lilly,' in action Inns Ilia, 194.1.
\t :he silent ,lar, loch d wit
'111 ;1 g:ave •n fat' II'u:ll bete
1•hcr,• ,Ice;;, Ibc onc ‘vii can't iinget
.\n l al+ucv, I cell , 1 dc;Ir,
\\'ills t hccric:t -Utile air! a )cart 111 gnarl
(Iia -c +\al I:ncw teal all ‘will knuv
l lot\ alai t: wr G„1 tla•cr year, ag .
ion! oils<r l and cyte rrnmuihcrcd
lirntller and Sl,tir5.
Card Of Thanks
•\1r,. I. Malley wishes In thank the
nci:1d1) lar, an I frim', for the hc;nl-
tifnl it"ucr, and l ,cels treat.; tendered
her Burin:; her recent illness. They on
Trinity Church Ladies Guild
intend ht.) ling a
\\ ere much ;ip,►rer;,ted; also the little rIHURSI)AY, JUNE 19TH
act, of I;indncss. 411-11'•
-----..._ - ---- at lire hoose of
I\ tame:, Katandin, groan frons rt;r-
tiiicil teed. Apply to I. It. Nesbitt, Tea serve:I from 3:30 t 7 p.in.
psi me 13-5, III_, ill. 40-I. :\d? iis,iou : Adult; 35c ; Children 25c.
On the Iliytl, Main
roll; Reward offered t•c
al •I"u• St;aul•.Ird 1)ilicc.
trtet, one 2;)
Pili:.el•, :\i:'ty
40 -Int.
Cooupnns ncr+\- valid are sugar -pre -
S'() ;Incl VI to Y5.
( 1VT t 11 i0'S progress and prosperity are directly dependent on her
ability to produce goods itt sufficient volume to lnect domestic needs told
the demands of world markets. 'fo keep production lines moving requires
thousands of vehicles, powered by gasoline and diesel engines ... and
these vehicles must. he maintained in first-class condition. Skilled main-
tenance men and operators are needed to•kcep a smooth and increasing
flow of raw materials moving to industry ... to move workers to their
jobs ... to speed produce to market. For those who toaster such skilled
occupations higher wages, job security and better working conditions are
within easier reach.
Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department of Veterans'
Affairs and other agencies, thousands of young workers are tieing trained
to meet the needs of motor vehicle trades and other industrial needs of the
province. Graduates of these rehabilitation COIIL'BC3 are now ready to
take their pplaces in Ontr:rio's industry. Available to you are veterans,
well started on the road to skilled motor trades such as motor mechanics,
service management, service station operation, diesel mechanics and
operation. Seek- them out with confidence. They are your future
'I'hc Diesel C^arse offers exceptional^�-
tnnity for the avcrugc experienced motor
mechanic. Shop work, with a combination
of theory, covers all phases of operation, mid
is designed U► give the student all essentials
for proper diesel engine maintenance. Course
available at (Hamilton only.
ittrod (rnlri big courses in the
arts, professions and trades are
reed at training centres !orated
the fig/awing titles nail tnn•ns
n Ontario: Toronto, Hamilton,
Kitchener, Windsor, 1•'t, William,
rockrillc, Ninth Bud, Ulluusi.
Rad', (Electric con,,dc) by Slrcn-
1 '\ (2I U,AI•`l'IIEATRE :f In ry 1 irl,,,n. Price $40.00. Apply,
WINGHANI-ONTARIO. :f k !n rt Winter.Myth. 39 -Ip.: Two Shows Sat. Night `r ----
Picture; subject to change 3.
without notice. ;;.
-•Two shows each n;ght•7.33 and 9.331
<•Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m./
„(than; e, in time tvi;l be notal below'"
Thur,., Fri., Sat., June 12, 13, 14:
Gary Ccoper, LiIIi Palmer
Tues., Wed., June 16, 17, 18'
'1 Dennis Morgan, Janis Page,
, 6 Jack Carson •
4,„••:••:••.:•+•:•••0:4•70.4.4••;••;• �•.;• 18* •:0814:1, •80:,
`,0#et #gIO 1f., ‘♦N1,410/04II4,0I4•14PINI,
Real Estate Agency
Pun►ping S) stem, Pipe,
Pipe Fittings, Puin).a,
Valves and Taps.
A.W.P. Smith
Phone 92 • Blyth, Ontario.
1•11.11 lo 111 .1I•16.• ._ I I ., f.., I. I
'I•hc 1tcst in trucking service al-
ways at your immediate call. a
All Loads Fully Insured.
- Rates Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
__ _ h,r the present phone 70c9,
Our Agency has the following ltrust sls, 13-tf.
property listed for sale;
till acre farm within 1 anile of the
Village of Blyth l two-storey ilt,ul
brick -clad dwelling, 20x36 and 14x c ^^ •^^••..^^^^,w
14; frame barn 50x70, steel and
shingle roof, cement stabling; lien
home 3(4x14; \yindntill ;Incl 2 good
well,; tvalcr supply in the barn ;
20 acres plowed, 8 acre; new seed -
g. Sell farm, or fatal lotto ling
stock and implements complete, Al-
most in,ntediatc possession„
1!•-• storey frame dwelling 011 the
�omit side of 1)inslcy Street, Blyth ;
One-eighth acre of land, hydro, well.
2 storey stucco clad dwelling on
Din Icy Street, Myth. Innuediatc
112 acre farm ideally situated on
Ili, h\yav 4. On this firm is situate
a frame dwelling 33x28, hot water
heating \\•illi two baths. barn
frame OOx38 with wing 32x60, stone
stabling \vitli water in staples; drive
'1 28xM) metal; milk house frame
11)x10; chicken house '0x18; silo
13x40 cement, This property is now
as 0 c'.iairy farm with }
handscnie ;wnual return. j
\Vest V4 lot 30, concession 5, Fast ♦
Wawanosh, c uprising 11)1) acres. Z
On the premises is situate 11. storey Z
♦ frame dwelling .2(1x28 on stone wall; Z
frame barn 48x71) on stone founda-
I tion with water in barn; frame drive :Y: POOL ROOM
shed ?0x(40; frame pig pen 20x20. Z ':
The land is clay loan particularly i 2+• 1
stiitil ft grain or hay crops. 2 +SMOKER'S SUNDRIES:=�
\n ideal building lot for rrsidcn- � +' '
tial purposes, comprisin; one- '�`
eights, acre of land situate on the t ,t• 'o
n. rth side of 1)in,lry Street, less ; tfTobaccoS, Cigarettes, Pop,3:,
than 0 block front the main inter- ♦ :t: illltl Otllel Sundries. �_t1
section of the village. '_'••t1
.• tr
. ,\ numher.of other dwellings and ,t,
t farms listed, Particulars on a1,1pli- 1'I •.•11 41"1-4 1•tHtHI.1tcl tH= 14!•.:11�..�H�•.�H:f4.4.44
j, cation,
,t , I., .,I Will 1 J it
Spring is just around the corner,
and the spring rash of cultivation
seeding will he here.
\\'c now have three tractor outfits
anis are now taking orders for
spring seeding.
Give us your order early and we
will Tie better enabled to do your
\coil: on time.
Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario
s • 44
• Anyone wishing to obtain whey from
the Myth Cheese Factory, phone 172,-
- Myth.
Blown Rockwool applied to walls
and ceiling, of homes save fuel with
more comfort and fire protection. 011r
truck is in the district now. For free
estimate and touts phone 136 Blyth,
or write Rowland C. Hay, 5 Thornton
Avenue, London. 33-10.
For the convenience cf farmers who
have liven linable to sow grain)wc I1.1\•c
available flax seed, sufficient to sow
100 acres. If interested, phone 180 or
114, 111)111 l iorilon Flax, ltd. 40-1.
President, F. McGregor, Clinton;
,Vice President, C. \V. Leonhardt, Brod-
hagen ; Secretary -Treasurer and Man-
- ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Scaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot,
-Scaforth; Chris. Lconhardt, Born -
110101; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John
I.. \lalone, Seaford': John It. Mcl:w•-
ing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
' S. 11. Whitmore, Sea forth; Harvey
Fuller, R1'. 2, Godcrich,
Agents '
John 1:. Pepper, llruceficld; R. F.
dlcKerchcr, Dublin; J. -F. Prueter,
L'rndhagen ; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, w'i11 be
prompts attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post of-
.\ goal pair of white oxfords, worn
one short season, size 8.\. loo s -mall for
owner„Apply at Myth Standard,
phone 89, Blyth. 40-1p`
Dead and Disabled Animals
Exeter 235 ; Seaforth 15, Collect.
JON'l'11\N [ANGDON waited
patiently behind the diamond
counter in \IcLauglIon's jewelry
store. Ile was one of the store's
oldest claks, quiet, dependable, cfti-
cienL Ile was pon!rting mer some-
thing this morning and his fellow
clerk, Philip Smart, in charge of the
';itch repair section, spectlily ob-
served it.
\vondei ing about the old
man," began Langdon. "Fur tltc_ life
of me 1 don't see Why we had to
take out theft insurance. \l'o've
managed without it all the years
I've been here and nothing has been
taken yet. Burglar Insurance, of
course. lint why spend money to
protect yourself agalist theft out of
the store when he must realize what
a smart hunch he has toiling for
him? \\illy couldn't he put that
money to better (usage by slipping
me the raise 1 asked for?"
"l guess it was that glib insurance
talesman he fell for," replied Philip.
"Sure enough, still 1 think the old
man is wasting good Honey—" The
interruption was caused by the en-
trance of a customer.
This was a posits., middle aged
gentleman, immaculately dressed,
who would have made an impression
anywhere, Langdon greeted hint
with his most gracious smile.
"1 want something in a vivo carat
solitaire, the t'cry best you hate in
the plan'. 11 is for my daughter, and
I want it as a graduation present rt,
Langdon hurried to the safe and
brought out a tray of sparkling
beauties. Mr. Illake gazed upon
them carefully one by one and
finally selected one.
Le -tion, gKn,
1-anedun went back and 11111 the
rest of the tory of rings itt the safe,
"Inst let me run up to the hotel
and gt t my cheek book. Putt kt t p
this stone out till I g1 t back."
Ten, 13, then 20 minutes elapsed
and the custom(r had not tenoned
to complete the purch,t'e.
Just then the door of \!cLau_hton's
o(ficc opened.
"\]'ell, Jonathan," he In gan, "1
mesuntc you still think s.. tin not
need any insurance and 111;11 I should
use that part of our budget towards
go ing you a raise?"
"\\'ell, yrs, l 110 think su tc;,fly.
'101 1,111Aw Illy S41(.5 It;tic almost
doubled in the last veal.
"That it true, Jonathan, and 1
appreciate it. Yet yon must consider
that in st Ilia, diamonds, the store is
taking chances. 1 don't mean in a
hold-up or a burglary. Pitt, just
suppose some smooth artist cunt in
here and got away with a valuable
"Oh! but they couldn't do that
with no.," returned 1. a n g d o n
promptly. "I've been here 10 years
and no crook has ever gotten away
with it, yet."
"That's what you tl.ink," smiled
s[cI ttgh1011. "Now takc that last
customer. 1 watched everything
from the start. You, of course, as-
sume That everyone who comes in
here i5 jest as honest as you. That
is why you left him standing there
with a valuable diamond in his pos-
session while you turned your back
and put the rest of the tray in the
safe. In the minute vont were gone,
he substituted a phoney diamond
and walked right out with the genu-
ine diamond."
'So you saw the whole thing, and
let him get away with it ! 1 don't
understated ..."
"Yon can conte in note, ]Hake I"
called \lcf.atighton.
"\loot \ir. Plake, of the Depend-
able insurutce system," said the
smiling \icl.aughton.
"Sorry we had to make you the
guinea pig, Buddy," Plake begair, as
he took a sparkling solitaire out of
his pocket and placed it upon the
desk. "But 1 just had 10 convince
your boss here how essential it is
to hat the insurance."
"Take a look at that diamond on
your desk, \ir. \IcLaughton," said
Langdon calmly.
"Il'hy, it's nothing but a phoney,"
he cried.
"Sure," remarked Langdon quietly.
"You don't suppose I'd leave dia-
monds around for strangers to pick
up, do you? ].made the switch be-
fore 1 put the tray away in the
safe. Now, \Ir, \icLattghton, do 1
get my raise or don't I?"
The earliest balance machines date
back to at least 5,000 years before
the Christian era.
Rats For Almost All
']'here are almost as many rats in
the United States as there arc people
—130,0011,000, as compared with a
human population in the neighbor-
hood of 141,1100,000. United States
Fish and Wild Life Director Albert
M. 1/ay says they cause $200,000,000
damage to food ;done each year,
—Milwaukee Journal.
And Often
A value turned by error dttntpcd
500 gallons of whiskey into a Scot-
tish creek, and Sandy says he finds
it a \arra ittie(goratiit' stream for
talon' a wee bawth in.
—Ottawa Citizen,
If Then
glen are penalized by time in many
way, says a contemporary. As an
example, it takes a human being six
years to learn how to talk and sixty
years to learn low to keep his big
mouth shut.
—St. Thomas Tintcs-Journal,
We Almost Hope
Still, it won't be long before the
mosquitoes arc taking screen tests
--Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph.
A Wise Move
Mexico has taken a long step for-
ward in the saving of dwindling
forests by requiring lumbermen to
plant tett trees for every one cut and
by limiting exports of tine woods.
Some other countries already arc
almost too late fair such a nose. Let
115 hope Canada is not in the latter
—Niagara Falls Review.
Best If Self -Taught
The British Columbia \linistcr of
Education is offering $10,000 a year
to a doctor who will teach people
how to drink in moderation. Some-
one is overlooking the fact that the
best moderate drinkers are self-
—Fort William Times -Journal,
(gig, y6 /�/i, 1,,i ! ;/ // %/ ` //// G/,i/!/{hili
/ ��, , ..... // i EMERGENCY
1/ r` / /u _a �r. WARD
• ri.
ISt Ur 1 FA S1RY1Cr, INC. 1•M.1110. N.
4 'u
"Shock—he figured his income lax correctly("
French Mayor Sets Good Example—:Answering President :\tiriol's urgent appeal asking French
farmers to deliver all surplus wheat without (1 clay, the mayor of Ycrntcnottville sets ;t good
example to his townspeople RS his wheat is loaded on a "wheat collection" cart, jural police,
like the one at left, beat drums to call farmers' attention to current grain chive to thwart a.
serious bread shortage during the next two months.
Lindbergh's Flight Twenty Years Ago
()tic night, approximately 2(1 years
ago, it suddenly became quiet at the
Sharkey-\laloncy fight itt the 1'an-
kce Stadium.
The crowd of 40,000 straw -hatted
sten and short -skirted women stood
tip and prayed.
The Haut they were praying for
s•as the sante than at,out whom the
New fork ']'antes had 1(1,0(10 anxious
telephone calls in 11 hours. Ile was
the sante ratan 30,000 Frenchmen
stood waiting for the next night near
Finally, among the Frenchmen
studying the sky, someone heard a
motor, Someone fired rocket flares.
And 500 feet up, the glare revealed
the frail fuselage of the "Spirit of
St. Louis."
\'cry soon, millions of thrilled
people were repeating the salient
facts of Charles Augustus Lind-
bergh's solo flight across the Atlan-
tic. Ile was the first to make it alone
and did it in 33 hours, 29 minutes.
He won a $25,000 prize while his
rivals waited in New York for
better weather.
Holds Fame as Pioneer
Much has happened in the air
since then to obscure• the importance
of Lindbergh's flight. Today com-
mercial airliners regularly mike the
sante trip in 12 hours. But it is
doubtful whether any hero since
then has captured the imagination of
the world by a single act the way the
slim, tall "Lone Eagle" did it 20
years ago,
Ifistoriatts agree the sensation
Lindbergh made resulted froth a
combination of the Barin gact itself
and the mood of the twenties, a
time of many heroes of varying
talents and virtues,
It was ;t time in the country of a
soaring big ball market, jazz, rac-
coon coats, the Charleston and pro-
There were flagpole sitters, mara-
thon dancers, cross-country walking
races, channel swimmers, the Sacco -
Vanzetti executions and college bo-
It was the tins of the great chatn-
piuns—Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs
that year, Gene Tome}, Red Grange,
Bobby Junes, and Tommy Hitchcock
ruled their respective roosts.
Took Ofl in Heavy Mist
Charles A, Lindbergh was 25 then,
a chief mail pilot and a Captain in
the Air Corps Reserve, ile entered
the competition for the $25,000
trans-Atlantic prize and went out
to a San Diego factory to get his
He flew it to St Louis and then to
Roosevelt Field, Long Island, on
May 12. The cross-country trip was
made in 21 hours and 20 minutes, a
record for its (1113'.
At 7.52, Friday morning, .lay 20,
Lindbergh took off for Paris in a
heavy mist. IIis plane had a wing
spread of 45 feet, a fuselage 28 feet
long, and a maximum speed of 123
miles an hoar:
The lone flier had no radio and
all he took with him were two sand-
wiches, two canteens of water, two
chocolate bars, two flashlights, four
red flares, one air raft with pump,
five cans of army emergency rati-
POP—Traffic Note
GDI.onia. 1
MIS, rive, air tushi( u' 14111 OM' h;lel(
saw glade.
Bulletins Along Roite
1.'p along the Atlantic Coast, he
flew in fog and rain and before
morning, out over the Atlantic, his
ship was coated with sleet. 13y mid-
day Saturday he was flying over Ire-
land, and the bulletins were flashed
on movie screens back home. Then
came the Normandy mast and in the
darkness he was guided by beacons
along the London -Paris air route,
the searchlight on the \It. \'alerian
fortress and finally be the lights of
the Eiffel Tower anti the flares at Lc
Bourget airfield,
']'hen cants the receptions : dccot a -
lions and kisses front the President
of France, the shouts of hundreds of
thousands in the streets of Pails,
Brussels and London and formal
welcomes by the kings of Belgium
and England.
President Coolidge. sent the cruis-
er Memphis to brritg the hero and
his plane bonze. Near the Virginia
Caes, the \Icntphis was joined by
four more cruisers, six destroyers
and a flotilla of plane's.
The flier and his norther rode in
triumph through \\'ashington. ']'hen
came New York. \lillions lined the
streets and hung out windows, toss-
ing clown store than 1,500 tons 01
confetti. The city spent $1 1,1100 on
the reception.
']twenty years after his famous
fight to Paris, Charles A. Lingbcrgh
is living quietly in Connecticut.
ile serves occasionally as an en-
gineering consultant to several air-
craft and airline firms.
'I'Ite I-indherghs batt' fire child-
Golfers to Compete
at Toronto in July
Highest award in Can• dian gulf,
the Seagram Gold Cup has yet to
be won by a (Canadian, but there is
a growing feeling in golfing circles
that the symbol of Canadian golf-
ing supremacy is just about due to
remain in Canada instead of tak-
ing its annual journey south of the
\\'hctler or not the 19.17 Cana-
dian Open, 05er 'Toronto's Scarboro
layout July 16-19, will write t Cana-
dian -born champion into the record
remains to be seen — but certainly
Canadian pros have been coating
closer each year in the face of koro
competition from the top -nuking
golfers of the United States.
A number of Canadians have iron
the Dontinion's Open et an.pionship
since its inauguration in 1904, but
none since the Seagram (cold Cup
became the official symbol of vic-
tory in 1936. In fact, no Canadian
has (won it for two decade:, prior to
that—since the days before the Ca-
nadian Open reached sufficient sta-
ture in the golfing world to ;;.tract
top-notch Americans.
Newfoundland is known for its
blueberries as well as its fish , nearly
2,500,001) pounds were picked during
1946, over 2,000,001) of which were
sent to the United States.
• rift=_ SA',FMCT
r -(.Ace Is Its
TFC Ay1D1t.0
Asked if a year of college had
made any difference in is eldest
'on, a deep -South farmer reflected:
"Well, he's still a good hand with
the plow, but 1 notice his language
has changed some. It used to be,
']Whoa, ]Becky! Haw! and Git up!'
,Now when he conics to the end of
a row, he says, 'Halt, Rebcccal
Pivot and proceed!"
Tun ('III Iinloy` i1n; Ing Al
no St. Regis Hotel
e Every Ituonl 551111 11u1h -
Ahorvcr and 'Telephone
a Slagle,ap—
Double, t t.sn up
6 Dow1 ]'arid, lllning rind Dnnc-
Ing Nightly
Siierbourno at Carlton
'1't'I, 11 A. 4135
r.. ... , . , "' I P. .16.4tYylni.lit ..tt tar,
Itt)OMS BEAt'TIFt'1.1,t
FURNISHED $1.50 up
01'l'. — U.N.R. STA'T'ION
i n ?akes Heroic Effort
To Free Drowning,, toIorits
ONS ,0
dives to save trapped men
Orville Sweet, asleep in his
horne near the river, was
wakened by violent cries for
help. In an instant he was up
and, clad only in pants and
slippers, rushed to the wharf.
A man was clinging desper-
ately to the anchor drain of a
boat some distance out. With-
out hesitation, Sweet dove into
the freezing water and pulled
the weakened man to safety.
It was then that Sweet learn-
ed that the man had escaped
from a submerged car and
that two others were still trap-
ped in it. Down into the inky
water he dove ... searching
for the car. At last he found it
and began a frantic struggle
with the doors .. , trying to
release the two men. Several
tines he came up for air . .
and dove to try again. But the
strain on his lungs and the icy
water were too much. He had
to give up:
The gallant perseverance of
this man warrants great praise.
Ile saved one person , , , and
made an almost superhuman
effort to rescue the other two.
We are proud to pay tribute
to Orville Sweet of Ladner,
B.C., through the presentation
of The Dow. Award,
citation for outstanding hero-
ism and includes, as it tangible
expres.non of appreciation, a
$too Canada Savings 13ond.
Winners are selected by the
Dow Award Committee, a
group of editors of lending
Canadian daily tetespnpers,
0„t of control, the car with cls three
occupants skidded off the Elliot Street
wharf into the Fraser River and disap.
pearcd below the surface.
One man somehow escaped and, after
being rescuer/ by Orville Sweet, pointed
hysterically to the'spot where his frit nils
were still trapped in their car.
A 1R)SiNESS of your Own! \Vont a roar
fortable yearly Income? ,iohn It. (Se.lay
Company, tnnnufnctell la of toad 8l0e1altles,
flavouring extrncta, packaged drug•(, romps,
patent lnediclneH, etc., have an ntlr:olive
proponition for those who can qualify for one
of the en -Melva Cressy dealerships which ore
now 1wattable. 'J'Ims is n ploauant, profitable
Ordination for progressive, hnduelrious men
and women. %\'rllo today for full pltitirul.us,
Ritlnt It few details about You4Helf. lo: John
10, Cressy CumpanY,-1536 W, Dundas St.
5V nl_'1'olnnlo 3, Ontario.
'IVo operate a (luvertunent Llc0ne01 Wool
; 15'arehoune and tiro prepared to handle you!
wall either (Inert or through our collectors,
You can apply all or part of your wool credit
, against blanket purchases. We do not handle
used woolens nor customs watt!,
StaN.he you! avu bo8H.SYIito lar free folder
describing our "collection of 137 plans for
operating n nuccenafnl hominess of Your own."
Start In full or metre time at home. No
personal nelling, little or no 'overtiment re.
quired. fiend for your emY today. National
ilunineen Enterprises, 471 Colbourno St.,
I,ondon, Ont,
A11AZ1NU profits In 810 weeks, In your mea re
time. No experience, capital or investment
necessary. Send only 01.00 today for conn-
' pleto Information. Satisfaction guaranteed,
A. G. Henry, 10118 Madison Ave., No. 66,
Cleveland 2, Ohlo.
EARN MONEY gntheriug and growing Medi-
cinal Planta. Worth up to $12 pound. Ilun
lireds of (toots, Herbs, SVeolla growing wild
have cash vnlue.Send stamp for details. Write
Box G7 -Y, Islington, Ontario,
Our prices for Baby Chicks and alerted Chicks
Will eurprise you. All Chick from blood
tented stock. Cnrlelon hatchery, llrltnunlo
Heights, Ont.
(:A'I'CH up with these well started 1 Melte.
5IVo can glvo prompt delivery on two and
three week old inn-(,acd rind pullets and two
week old' cockerels In (ha following breeds:
SV11ito stork, Barred Rurlcs, While Leghorn..
New 11nm11nhlres, \Vh1to Leghorn X Barred
]tock, New 1Iampshl'o X 'White 1,eghoins,
Aust'n Whiles, bight Sussex X Barred hock,
New Ilantshl•o X Barred Rock. Send for
s41eclnl plico list. Also older pullets eight
lve0114 to laying, Twiddle l.'hlck flnlchetleo
Limited, Ferltus, Ontario.
Sussex X New Hama , hock � ilnntpn.,
Marred 1(0011a, Now 1100141.9., nock X Leg-
horn0, Sussex X Lerllon0, New Damn X
Leghorna and Pura Leghorn, 1 lc, fore Sur
sex, 1 2c. Aoo0rtcd Mixed Chlcls lc.
All heavy breed pullets I9c, after June 1st
17c, Medium llreedu and Leghorn, :lc. As.
sorted Pullets 17c, (Heavy Breed Cockerele-
All double bloodleeted, banded and culled by
lna41ectore, backed by high pedigreed fou0d11'
tints Block. Many customers report scowler.
tul nuccea4, "Best Chicks, 1 Fiver land,"
2 weeks add 4c, 8 weeps odd IOc, 4 weeks
add 15c, 6 weeks odd 20c, 6 weeks old pul-
lets GOc, 100% live delivery guaranteed,
01.00 per 100 deposal on day olds, 10I ,
on started otdtis. Order front and ENCLOSE.
thls 81).
A1t61Y Sorokin: Steel boxes, nmko exrellsul glad to answer your questio
x HAVE -YOU anything needs dyeing or clean•
x 1
tool boxes. Size: 2160 10. x 0'A x 9, 91.26; Ing? Write to u4 for Information. We are
84, 8?i, $1.60. 11. R', Com. Department
pony, Ont. _----_ If, Parker's Dye Works Minitel, 791 Tongs
ATTENTION !'cuu1111':Its Street, Toronto, Ontario.
VOR SALE -Tractor 'Iters, mode of rubber, ---
---Imitable for bolting on steel wheole, 116.00 811)141('A1.
each, rear wheels; 17.60 each, front wheels. --- -- — - When ordering slate diameter and width 01 DIXON'S It'vnedy---I'ur .`;,•1(r tin mud lthuu-
whecls. National Bobber Co. yd., 6 WI1t• nl.11b: Palos. '1'hou(nel:( 8)1141le1. Munroe
shire Ave., 'Toronto, Ont, Utah Slow, 335 Elton, utlmea, Pwiliet111 11,
IIILLI'OI,US, genulnn Ha( 11 loather, Ione '1'O tL1SE that --unto--- unto 001(4,1 by nrlh-
Winduws, rhun;n puree, stamp potkcle, 7,0-
per rloeing 1 10 drllvworl. Money rr(IIIuI l (1114 turn 'Ears 1,1n1 (twat', 1,111ga bottle
guarantee. Williams 611411 Order 1101111q, Ilea -
$I.Y.i, I'O_ISox_i11,5:11n1inlul�t_.It_
3:16,oruat" ItE:1D Idda- -Every ware! or of lihemnnllc
1>1,.54'1C ('orker Spaniel,
female-, ('4(10t'•rc,1, I'ulus or Neuritis should try 111.11'4 Hum-
hou4cbroken. 0114. 11. 'Pontin, 1t No, 3, wiry 61111100'0 Drug Store, 336 81(4:>, (maws.
Si, Thomas, Ont. Post pa01 11.00.
AgtRadio/ail ('Derlicldea. 4((1'434, polvdeen, why Hu0',•e Ih, physical and nnenlnl usonY
(I'niufeel 1IIH, delelornulH, sl lent ifirclly for -usually e0Lonll'an)iog 41101(01, 40(111, 11111011Winitialed for bent 1eoulls. Cortnf.0-iuo 'm I awl outer 817111 ailment,' when Formula 1)1
and m'it'es wide Canadian DisUlbulurs Ltd., I may help you. A safe, nnulhing, healing on'
27 N1111;11ro 51., 'I'uu01110, i Burnt. lb'Ilrv,•s Irr'lhini( 111911 lou. Anti your
('.\I,I,INei Al, iiivatubi. New 3'nnadna„ In• dttitmi'it for Vor'mla DI. It b1( eci n0l smutty
1)1(411)' 4(1(30 uloduriug Electric Invalid ('urn. I Sou, "1011 Ono (0,1111' for rho g1'0lnml8 lw0
Scud fur Illnnlraled folder. Bamford -Regis O001n 1311' 1untp1ld.
Limited, 104 solute 5t., Ottawa, (at, FORMULA PRODUCTS
1'.15'1' SELLING 011 (turner, Electric Blower (tux 281, 'Terminal A, 'Toronto.
'.13'pe, Con burn wood, coal or all anytime,
no changing necessary, all terrltoilee open. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC
Also plumbing fixtures available. 'Monne- and rheumatic torment when Dreenatons of.
Hon for stamp, Economy Distributors, King- (ere prompt lasting rollot, One month1'
Mon, Ont. treatment 01,00 poelpalJ, Indian Remedios,
Box 118, Vancouver,
All nizon Union Jacks or Canadian F.n,lgna,
0010(1 W001 bunting, Special offering on I% _ AN 01"FI:R to every Inventor-1.Ist of toren-
and 6 foot Union Jacks, Fast dye sewn tions and full Information Dent free, Th.
cotton, Dincnunt for quantities. lfrlghtell. Ramsay Co., Reglotered Patent Attorney.,
your community or hone by flying a good 271 Rank Street, Ottawa,
qunlay flag. John Leckie 1.Indt.W, 77 Wel-
St. West, Toronto. . PATENTS
FOR 5.11,t: -A money-maker for mumu one. -
I'I5'Cltls'ItSTONAUG❑ & Company Patent
Pully licenned hotel, beer, wino and hard
llquors, large quotas, (10,140 good hu(in0ns In /Solicitors, Eslnbllehed 1890. 14 ICIn1 Welt.
coons, dming rnon4 awn
1)0ve0n80 0001414, Toronto Ilonklet of Iutornlatlon on request,
well Hilo:sled in centro of ?links, lumbering -- -- -----
and farming district In Abitibi. Plied 1111,) PERSONAL
terata 1ca8unablu. Write ltux 1319, Rouyn,
(;1(e• LON1•:SU111)-Do you denten 4espec(able
1'011 5:11,1: -1'0(1 Beating Plant aur solo 11( (1I.11d4hip7 hurry, time 14 110rlli, . Some.where your Douro sweetheart 8001(0 acquaint.
Rent clans condition -Taylor -Fontes Victor no'• sot, 0,11,1 po0ltiona: (00000. Information
Railer No. Gn9A, oleo stoker 1(111 pump -only neo. Canadian friendship Society, Box 116,
hent In 1(40 is few years, suitable for fairly Diatom, Ontario,
la Igo building,
1.200 gallon hal (eater tank find n smother PHOTOGRAPHY
shovels with all connections with Indl-
(1dun1 t'abincis, 1'ur 1(1rlirul(ls 01(1(0 1)uberl (31,10'1' to roast --Rolls Ilei>h01 8 mints 25c.
Chapman, 01lichen, Rux 2G----- x 7 enl:n'ge1P•nlis Mounted 30r,' Prints
GASOLINE POWER UNITS „1".di;:iwll1n,mllgllurl ,1401 5m1,,4I1(1.5er.
Chrysler luau:Arial 1'1111(4' milts complete with PROMPT MAIL SERVICE
ndlatur ru"Iing, slect'i0 starling and Milieu,
heavy duly clutch and power I:Ilce off, Avail, '010s bin, reliable studio does qunlily work
able koro souk. Write Alfas ,'alar Co. AT LOWER PRICES
114., 617 ,tuvls 50, '1'olonlo, or 1557 \lackey Doll, 01,1, 1 u ((n4, Sind 101104 to
Street. Montval:
J1.111N1:SS and shun rr(air shop mod rqui4•
heal mill also bell splicing, equipm(0t for
mala and plan n 7 room 2 storey brick Imus.,
immediate 100aesaiun. For paticulars write
.1. ('. lewd', (lomat., Out.
7 x "
"A" 6111,1'1'.1 1:1' n(tn wugou4. H'•(d for 5\'01nu1 or Black Frame ¶lc. 1f picture
chculnr. I'erry ,1, Ihu04ldge, I1Ou 395 colored Ole. )'rlus and enlargement'
Playa 11)4 ,, Ottawa. Ont' made froom pilots of lost negatives,
largl•mons Itaned
IRON AGE) Potato ln:nnere-one 1(r two 1010, 1)t'Pl, 9 61 In Gold, Silver.
On steel 1(r lubber, Inunedlute d0llvl•ry. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE
11. 61. Fleming & Sone., Blenheim. 1)1811i1111101-,
Star Snal1100 Service,
,5N5 517,1: 1101.1.
G or 8 I':xl(osores
1181'ELOI'I:I4 and 1'ItINTE1) l)On
I0'?n1814 (runt your negatives 4c.
2 mounted enlargements 1 x 6" 25c. IOn•
For 8 cwt Army trucks, fully guaranteed.
Large stork (IV(er new Army truck tlreo.
Full line of retreaded tires, Firestone trend
design. Dealers wanted. ('lty 'Tire and
Ballet Co., 768 Queen west, Toronto,
0111.9, Greases, Tires, lneecttcldea, IClectrlc
Fence Controllers, House and Barn Paint,
I COCKERELS Root Coalings, etc, Dealers wanted. Writ,
Meat type. New !Comps 6c, all other heavy Warm Crenae & 011 Limited, Toronto.
breeds 6Sic. Aneorte,) heavy Cox 6Sltc, Rock PLANT' NO15: 1.001Premier Strawberry 1'Innl0;
X Leghorn Sussex X Leghorns 2'Ac, Day old Long healthy roots 1^-.60 hundred; 014.00
Cox only, llwueand, prepaid, Seely & Ellin, Stamford
Centre, Ont. TE.1('111{R8 WANTED
I10r 119, l'OS'I' 01'1'IC'1: A, '1'(111115'(
Reprints 3c each
21.20 Peel;
I'rh11014 Color 1801nrgemenIe-Prices on 08'
Quest, Full stock of Anseo Film 0t regular
11ox, 6, Station 0,, Toronto.
Hurondale Chick Hatchery,
LONDON, 051',
1•DAY OLD chicks, 1nmtedial0 dMh'erY, 181110 10'.
non -sexed and cockerels. J 11(111 for sue
fall and early winter production, \1'e also
have Dome alerted chicks, 2.3 weeks old. Write
for lint, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamil-
ton, Ont,
fiamo high quality at these low prices. Here's
Your opportunity to gel Ih10 bink qual118 stock
at these reasonable prices, l'ure Sussex, Sue.
sex X New hemp., Barred Roche, Rock x
New Morons„ New finntps., 808300 X Leg -
horns, Rock X Lesbians, New llama.' X
Leghnrne, Largo Type SVIiite Leghnrns mixed
112 00 per 100, Assorted 6lixed 510.00 per
All day old pullets, 20c, Started Pullets and
mixed chleks. Two \eekH old add 6c, 3
weeks old nd'I 100, 4 weeks old add 1Rc, 6
weed( 011 Pullets 4 5c each, G heck old Pullets
60c each.
OF 5000
Breeders. All double blood tested, banded and
culled for body type and ruggedness. !latched
under Ideal conditions. "nest Chick we eve
had: Pullets are laying shell, cockerels gond
aim," from Lincoln Lucetce, Eden (;rove,
Ont. "Never had such gond luck will put.
lets," reports Ernest (L Barnhardt, Hawke -
alone, Ont Order from thin 1(d, or send for
Trico Lint and Catalogue and full parllcul:u•lc.
To receive these prices enclose thin ad. with
your order,
Lakeview Poultry Farm
%vein wog,. EveIcr. (1nlark).
11.51111.5155 In chirlcic for this week and
next. Barred ltnck8, New ilnmushlres, New
Hampshire X Barred stocks, white Crocks,
3,10110 Sussex, Light 5118000 X New Ilampohires
41011.80x0(1 9.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels R.95,
Assorted heavies not -Hexed 8.95, pullets
14.95, 00rkrrels, 7.95, While Leghorn X
Bared hock 9.9.7, pullets 19,90, cockerels
3.95, white I,rghm'ns 9.95, pullets 19.90,
eociccrcla (loo. Two wee!: 01(1 odd 96.00, three
week old 4(1)11 11.00 per hundred, Shipped
('.0.D. This advertisement (oust accompany
your order to receive these omelet prices.
Also pullets eight weeks to 1:t3'ing, Top Notch
('hlcicerles. (rnelnh, Chtlarlo.
2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets
Also !nixed chicks and cockerels. All rained
1,1 1(180.i or alr-rondllImted broiler plant
under Ideal conditions. Send Cur Weekly
Special last of started chicks. Lakeview
Poultry Farm. Exeter, Ontario.
31 pays to false Capons. The price of Capone
fs npprOxlmalelY Sc Ib, higher than the price
of cockerels. We canonize the cockerels 1(l
3 weeks and send the ready matin Cations
out nt 4 weeks, no Dies, no finable. Send
fur Pelee list nod full particulars. Prompt
delivery It you act quickly,
Lakeview Poultry Farm
Wein Bros., Eteler, Ontario, '
THERIG8'8 still lime to buy 'I'lveddlo Clarks.
Thu ,lune chick Hlwuld be 0 ,iin1ey',n'lla'r
this year. Your feed bilis will bo loWer with
nutritious green grans available, lleto'e. you
know it your chicks will develop I(lo Pullets
that will be turning nal plenty of eggs for
You. That Is If you make Bute your chicks
t'ornn from a healthy, vigorous, fall graving
attain'. It they're Twedilleo-the3''1'e Rood.
fintiened customers have been Pulling (heir
stamp of 'approval o1( Twaddle chick for the
Past 23 years. 'We can give you prompt de-
livery of all the popular 410,9' breeds and
hybrid crosses 1" non -sexed, pullets and cock-
erels, In day old, two and three week old.
Alen 10111010 eight weeks In laying, Send for
reduced ',rico IID( for Jmte, TwedJlo Clllck
3)01eherlen, Fergus, Ontario.
FOIL 5.51,1:
We ate overstocked at the present 0t gond
used llnrle.10 tires (guaranteed to be In ex
cellent ethane).
c00 X 18 — $5.00
All orders bhipped C.0.0 Special egmlpmrns
for vulcanizing Truck and farm Traria!
Tires. DEACON TIRE corner Quern due
Souk Sta., Hamilton, Ont.
Dealer Wanted
Tra'ted•in. mono ling scales. 1000? slicers,
electric meat choppete, etc. ilerlcel Pt oducts
Co. Limited, 2199 [Moor SV., Tomato
I'or Sumpter ('0011001, Tarots, Schools. and
Coups, Can he used with or without running
water, Camille Sanitation, Ltd., 21 Ridley
Illvd„ Toronto, Ontario,
'r11O19C.51, fish, buy direct from the hatchery
and 0081110 )(1urarlf of a wider selection of
larger, healthier 1181 1(l lower cost. \Vette for
pries lint, (v ship anywhere. \V, G. ltagshn1,
GO Euclid Ave., London, Ont,
TY1'E\I'Itl'I'F:it, uderwoott Standout 540.00
find l'orttlhle 11'111 Calle 015, 1111h excellent
Condition, 11'111 ship l,1).)), \\'rile 637 Iles -
erect. S1., Ottawa
12" MOOD Planers, Jonlels, 11'uud Shapers,
1l" Maud Saws, iantis, Portable Sanders.
If 30(1 nerd one write: Giffin Machinery,
)',O. Itox 213, 'Toronto, Ont.
NO5V available for Immediate delivery. 1100
home, 1(r hobbyist, the 10(1,101 160 priced at
527.50 , 00lpdewe with hpr11)' gun, limo,', belt
014(1 tulle)', less motor, 'Tho wrholcr Modr1
'1t" Painting Outllt is a dependable machine
recommended for rminlennuce work In in -
40810101 plants, hospitals, He, Complete (('Ilh
boo., 1:1111, ( iilifIn''NHlll' 111111 2 gal tank. Two
and three man production painlion 1,01114 oleo
available, 55th, Durr to ussuro manila de-
PAiN'r UP, 11.I:.\': 1'1', '('111: \VI;nS'l'1:i1
('ompleI0 810(1 or household and Industrial
fano. S" and 10" N :(eIon, 12" 11( 21"
8x0 >4000 1'111(0.
-79 ]Ging Street \Vest, 1lapillion. 0n1:, r1n.
11.5T111101131 0I"!' 1'1'1 :.
Of Imported Bathroom (011(11.
Consisting of:
1'9111 ,i' recess. fast iron porcelnln 4)(111
chrome fillings. Shower null Shover 1)01,
'1011,1211 Tno-olere 410'rons ch'na with 01111
nod cotcr.
11.551x: Vitreous 1(r cast iron, chrome centre,
taller Nu14(13 nail fillings, complete,
AVAILABLE In lois of one to ten ((Milts
CI -place nulls) or Tubo lull 111181115 (tolt11
flllnlgn) separately.
SINGLE milt 111111111100 11111 be handled through
n rlliublo dealer 111 your district,
Write to:
Impo•lar. - Wholesale 1)lotributor:t
I'.1►• Ilea ((01, London, (1n1.
LEARN hairdressing the Robertson method
Information on request regarding classes
Itcterlson's Hairdressing Acadenu', 137 Ave,
nue 80011. Toronto
For general duly In 1,50 lied Sanatorium. M
tractive salas'3', plus full malnteuunce, 6 day
week. 4 lveel('4 lnralitin with pay, alter one
year's met vice. Apply staling qunlllicalios,
age, to Supt. of Nurses. Nagata'1',uinsuL(
R1111111e1'itll'. SI, (':lulls 1'111, a, Una,
(1I'P(111'!'VNIT1E5 COIL tY11S11;!1
Great Oppnrlanitly Lean
Unit dressing
Pleasant dignified profeeelon, Rood wages
thousands auc0Pe3(1(1. 61(411411 Rrnduate
America's greatest system, Illus0nted cu u,
101111P free. 'Write or ('all
111 Alt A'111. 11AIRIM MSS ING
068 moor S1. N'., '1'nr00(0
Branches 44 Klatt St., !Intuition
& 74 Rideau greet, Ottawa
l't'ID,i(' School 'reacher, N.S. No. 2, Cluct'-
Iolleville, Norfolk (.'nunly, hydro, Indoor
toilets, furnace, (11.100 daily hue, good hoard.
State eatery. Mrs, .5, Lee(1hnm, 1'orestville,
3115.581.5 S 1) , No. 1 requires teacher with
firm clans certificate effective September lot,
Salary 51.500 year, fur"Ishcd ((>9 ebero 60, furl,
,apply nulling marital maths and qualification/1
to Al, G. held, Sea -bean„ Minakl, Oil.
WANTED -Teacher, Protestant for as1101ont
111 Sparta ('unllnuatlol School, Must be able
to teach French and Latin, SnlarY 51,1100,
Stale qunhtleatinns. Sherman Smith, Sec.-
'reao.. 51111(111 ('unlln11.100u School, lilt No. 6,
S. 10nmae, Ont.
-------11'.1 N'1' 1:11
WANTED -Alt Iclnd0 of dressed Pool((Y. Top
prices for top birds Joseph ('00(0? Limited,
('09th0 Dort . 2004 Danforth Ave., 'Toronto
b. (t5e (10 (118(0111 grading).
\\',\N'r1111, 'I'hmshing Olach1ne, In I:ond t"1(•
(Idinu, ))0 1(0 22" ryliudcr, metal body pre -
(elle(. 1aymuud Nolan, Bluun,flrld, Ont,
/0 WAYS ro
Amazing new manual tells how to maks
money sl home epsrebme or lull lime Snarl
your own business, br your own boss Make
111G profits Easy pleasant work Contains
TEN big plana Including 'Profitable Flower
Dullness Snarled on 13 40'• "1075 A Year
trur,l Trees' ' A Living From Herbs In a 6
by 6 Fool Space'' •'9083
A 'icer For 20 Hours
Weekly'" etc, etc
Can be operated by any.
one — housewives men
students. Invalids. etc An
easy way to make the
money you need All 10
plans sent postpaid -
only 1108 Send NOW
Bowie, Maryland
ISSUE 21-1047
Communists Prominent in France—Maurice '1'horez, secretary-
general of the French Communist Party, addresses a crowd
estimated at more than 60,000 in the Place de la Concorde
during the May Day celebrations in Paris. 'I'h•orez has since
been forced out of the French cabinet.
Sports — And One Thing
or Another
("A. Sixbit Critic")
One of these days, if we eve' got
rotund to it, we :1('c going to write a
thrilling 'murder story, Right now
we can only give you the plot in a
nutshell—which !night be the Most
appropriate container, at that. Any-
way, it starts off with this husband
and wife going to '1'horncliffc Race
Track together, He is a deep stu-
dent, who sits up all night working
his handicapping figures out to 13
places of decimals; while she knot's
so little of horses that she thinks a
(((tarter, crack is a guy who calls
football signals,
* * *
The husband announces that his
figures show that BIG DICI( can-
not possibly lose. The wife con-
fesses that she fancies a thing call -
12(I CRUMBY because it itas eyes
like Fred hfac\furray's and the
cutest -looking jockey. Rightly dis-
regarding such nonsense, the hus-
band bets the entire bundle on I11G
DICK, who stops to take a few
bows coining dosvti the stretch and
finishes ninth. '1'IIe wife Men pro-
duces a $2 ticket on CRU\IBY, wlto
has won paying $39,20. Laughing
merrily she waves it in his face,
saying "Didn't I tell you s0, dear?";
whereupon the husband borrows a
bels). front a passing mining brok-
er and shoots her plumb through the
* * 0
IIT fancy you now saying to your-
self that there's nothing novel about
this—that it's the sort of tiring that
could happen to afrbody. But slick
around till you hear the big court-
room Scl'rl41. 1 he defence attorney,
who hos been careful to include
only horse -players on the lorry, states
the simple facts of the case; and the
jurymen, 111!holtt ka'ing their seals,
give n 7'ev'dicl of "Justifiable Iloai-
cide," The tale ends with the Judge,
himself a place -parlay addict, ex-
pressing regret that he cannot give
the husband a medal; and .7(.0 think
1114' Ii1Ie 7('ill be .111: 11.11) I7-
('(.111.V G,
4: t•
1Vhocv'cr it was that coined the
old saying "No News 1s Good
News" surely cannot have been an
investor in Irish Sweepstake tickers;
and once ;(gain we find ourself tak-
ing what satisfaction 55e can o111 of
having oracle another contribution
to these Irish hospitals which, by
this tinge, must he furnished with
gold beds and platinum bedpans.
1fowcl'cr, mindful of the \Yarning
regarding phony tickets published in
this space sonic weeks ago, SVC tool;
extra precautions to make certain of
the genuineness of the one we
bought .on the 1)crby. \\'leen the
seller assured tis he gets them di-
rect from a man who lives right in
Cilorea lerrs, we 1:118',) it must Lc
In these lroubloms limes it is grat-
ifying to note hot' everybody, with-
out exception, is agreed on One
thing—that the other fellow's prices
are nn(c11 too high, The esteemed
Globe & Alnil solemnly Tarns Labor
that it is threatening prosperity by
demanding too much; and Labor
conies back by asking the G. & M.
when it is going to wipe out the 6\5%
increase in its 051) selling price,
made 500le litre (1911,
* * *
7'11c 1101(18 sport of \Vrestling is
being still further elevated by the
inclusion of ratan -grapples -alligator
contests on the sante bill with reg-
ulation bouts. Outside of wondering
where our Governmental authori-
ties—who license such things —
would be prepared to draw tate line,
Svc have no personal comment to
make on this innovation; but we
rather enjoyed that of an old friend
who remarked, "11 must be pretty
hard on the alligator's self-respect;
but if the reptile can stand it 1
don't suppose any of the rest of the
supporting cast have a kick com-
ing," •
* 4 *
.Ater untold centuries the !larch of
Civilization has 1103(' Odl'alccd to a
point 5 1(40,, if ,llahatna Gandhi and
Gipsy Rose Lee were billed to enter
from opposite side's of the same
stage, 90% of all eyes ,could be on
the stripper, 10% on the great spir-
ittal leader. You (len' that those
figures are correct:' .111 right—make
it tifnel5'-eight and 17'0.
Business Forecast:
No Cause for Alarm
No pessimists are 11'inthrop W.
\Idrich, chairman of the hoard of
the ('hast National pante, and
'Phomas J. \\'arson, prc4ident of the
Inlernatilmai Jtu.inCS, 11:4chincs Co.
J'br_5' Se,' 110 ratiSe f"1' "boron and
lust" alarms and predict that the
!'2111(1 States Y, ill not snits a major
depression as the at1(11n:1t11 of war.
\Ir, Aldrich and \Ir. \\';Its nn could
he wrong, but (hey didn't t'('t where
they arc in the ('.11th of lllsincss
Ly llt:thin;; :t haltt of it.
Their forecasts ;Ire ,In the record
and for reasons they (mist r('gald
as sound. Time, it certainly is to be
hop( d, n ill lea' them 001.
the same Superb Max-
well Mouse Coffee bleed
in either the Super.
Vacuum Tin (Drip or
Regular Grind) or the
Glassine -lined Bag (All
Purpose Grind).
Protect your 11001(6 and 1A51!
from 1'11!11 and '1'1111;5'116 We
have a alae and type of Safe, or
Cabinet, for any purpose, TIMI!
us, 0r write tut prlees, elle., to
Dept, 55'.
115 !'roof 5L 11„ 'Pomata
Eat tbllehcd
Farmers Attention — (Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Staco Harness Supplies.
We sell our goods only through
your local Staco Leather
Goods dealer. The goods are
right, and so are our prices.
We manufacture in our lac.
toriea — harness, Horse Go).
lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blom
kets, and Leather Travelling
Goode. Insist on Staco Hrand
Trade Marked Goode, and you
Qat nntiofaetinn, Marie only hv'
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
Famous Pre -Wal
The only
Cigarette Paper
on sale in
Free Burning
Double Book
100 Leaves
10=O. 101=or •Oslo:
e,„ the butter mother, please! It's
been a Tong time :i11Ce we've had ;.II
we \\alne'I on our toast.
\Vt. arc `on') !o , eport that \I1•• A.
\\. P. Smith i, confined this home
t'tr,lu!t illness.
\I r,. John Bailey is recovering hive' Agents 111(11' International-
ly fellot{in'g a recent illness.
\liss Shirley Radford has taken a Harvester Parts s Supplies
p, sition �t \'ud Ten', Hake Shol'• White ROSC Gas and 011.
\Ir. (:llar!t, Bell, cf 'Toronto, is vis-
ion:; li, uncle and aunt, \Ir. and Nits. Car Painting. and Repairing,
Everything -
Ladies' & Men's Wear
We note have in stock - Girl's Slacks and Slack Suits
° See our Work Shirts and Pants For Men.
Olive McGiII
Mrs. holm \\'iglltuan ,pent sev-
eral days during the week in 'Tor'ntn,
Acetylene an(1. Electric
Welding. A Specialty.
In Sandals and Sumner Shoes.
,o=no. 10 0!" -- """".0=or
�•� ; IJ 1 I, ,, IiY.. ,. lin .l. { ,1111E , I
' , u I. II„I 11u.,1111
�� :N:N.H:.1/H: 14N�N: 1�M+4+4. ,11�11a i111�H. 1� 1• i,M�•.�..�11:•.:• 1” •1 *...:. , •:•••••1••.:♦1: 1..111' 1:••:r.:•1'••
SU 31
1 1 , M i � • � i', � 11
Peanut Butter 16 oz jar 39c
Eddy's ,Redbird Matches 3 loxes for 23e
Van Camp's Cooked Spaghetti 20 oz. 13c, 2 tins 25c
McCormick's Fancy 'A" Sodas 6 cz. pkg. 12c
Quaker Puffed Wheat Srarkies 2 small pkgs. I5c; 2 large pkgs. 23c
. 24 oz. jar :Sc
29 oz. tin 15:.
7 oz. tin 53c
7 cz. tin 5'.c
2 10•oz. tins 17c
Lemon, Orange and Grape Fruit Marmalade
Choice Canned Pumpkin
Cottage Boneless Chicken - -
Tuna Fish
Clark's Mushroom Soup -.
r e Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156
Yl��y`j• •1 ♦H •1••11• ••• 1•H•N 1 �1 ••1 ♦�• •�, 1.111. 1••:111111•.• 11 1,.: -::1,11H:. 1. 111. 1,1..:.1••.: 1••1;11.1 1H�• 1.11.;• •�11•:�+
h~44 4,/~• N11NNNi-...~# •••f•INtNJ4tNIt*II*N I4'4,•11N1
We Specialize In
Home -Made Biking
Of All Kinds.
the guest of \1r. and NB's. Harold
\\ igh anon, ars'' her s stcrs, \Ir,, .\.
Bender. and \Es, i.'Ilir Ni. carr.
Ir,. .\ lice Fawcett visited in Strat-
ford', n Fri 'ay.
\Irs. S. ('nnin4 left on \Ionday fit
a \ kit \\ itt her '0n -711 -last• and 'laugh-
ter, \Ir, and Mrs. G. O. Bradley, anti
family, of Dort Erie.
\Ir. an I Mrs. Rnsscll Hr; i'' nv, \Irs.
lohn (ira.I y, of Jaineste \\n, v.s'itc 1 u:1
Sunday wit'( \I r. and \irs
\lary, \•i la and (i. r:!.'n Itra'i,h•I,v.
1•! I„I11r•,'n{111, vis't111 111th \!1. ,111.1
\I r,, lh a les Nirh rl on on Stoutly,
\Ir. ani \1r,. \\'111. N1.', t of Bruce -
field, v'sited ‘vitt \Ir. and \Irs. 'I'!r"na,
( hasty, , n Sunday.
.\ fey, irie'i is nut at the home of
Mts. \\•e,lev I' 'iiuic Monday evening
to hid hi rvwell to \Irs. Inez \Irl)otnl I
',lin lett on Tuesday f:(1' .\nnic'i I. ales 1
at •T1•niaca.ni where she \N ill spend the i
\\'. ,I. Sane., 1,t tical rill, is a vi,it•.r )
in town. \Ir, ti'uts I ;, rot Teen here
since Christmas -the longest time in I)eliverics
his life he ha, liven away frail Blyth
at one nim,, he \Vedlles(lily 1111.11 Saturday.
\Ir. and \Irs. 1' In ('airs rvice arc
11 iMac-1na(le Sauasage
Ch')ice Cut of Beef and
Pork Always on (land
Phone 19, Blyth•
v:siting wt 11 r, 1 t'vc • :11 t!.e St.& (II
Wednesday, June 11, 1917
Household Supplies And
_ 49c
. 35c
. 35c AND G5c
25c AND 75c
... iOc AND 25c
R D. PHILP, Phm. B.
ittitiit+ticku tMu,41,ktett(itC ,��+eut uV0211 deal+es;tf::OCKt. lgteteliMICICCI iC+ekitCtettC
_^ ~ I
INtIII I/ 44P•t41,,IJ•OOI••4`.4I•NI411+11 I
NII.,- I•rancrs lo1-n-toll, of Yoront-'
is visiting with NH,-I':tty I a'r ,,tars �M L. CO . ,,,, 11
\I i•, Eileen Robinson,I' ,, of ,earn'
s',rnt the week-t•I i 111 her ,tome herr.
\Ir. and \Irs. R' hent (-rate, of De- s
trait, \I irh., sllrnt the w eek -end with
\Irs.:\. Ouinn ail 1.:'I\v;1rd, also with OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN
ether relative. GOD2.111CH • ONTARIO. 'lif
Ni r,. \larttaret I1arringt it who has
been with her s'ster, \Irs. \\'csley
I,.erhttie, tor the last four tvccl:: ha:
returne' hone much in'•Inn•ed.
\ir, at I Nil's. Alex Donnelly, of.1
(4)11(n -it'll, visited over the week -end
with \I r. and \I r;. I ). 1141 t, `;te\vart.
NI r. Duncan Stctvart, 1.f Iicnsa11
spent a r nlllc of day this wrrk with
\I r. and \Irs, Douglas Ste\vart.
\Irs. I'. S. hntle;!ge and little son,
Frc-'die, of Ottatva, ;ire vi,it n:; tvith
\Ir, and \Irs. I', i.tttledge.
Mrs. Margaret Harrington, who his
,ten ill at the lama of her s'stcr, \Irs.
• \'c.slcy i<cchnie, is sonte\v!'at iii prov-
I el, and able t be in her own home
Lodge Closes For Summer
Eyes GxnnS
incd and Glasses Fitted, ; - "� ® `I-
V'ith 25 Years Experience
Iibi311` DID, 17%1itiN3i7Jt:31:tts.r9t31st2tiID vt2Mli. r7'IP'r2iri:ItP•rhtkI:.iD;Disi`aiitNN`cjli>i1]` ib'iNIID111D0i
131 ighten up.your kitchen this Spring with one
of these Moderil Suites.
Recent Arrivals of Dinette and Breakfast
Suites are on our floors, ready for your inspection.
Also several new arrivals in Bed -room Suites,
Spring -filled Mattresses and Bcd Springs.
We have a fair stock of Window Shades, Cur-
1ai-1 Rods, Varnish, Liquid Wax, Furniture Polish.
A call Will convince you of the many excellent
values we are offering. in Home Furnishings.
Y1111, s,al.Vr 11 ,1.19111 „ 1.14.1111, u,1,1 p, p 1,,.1,
Perhaps You Are Con-
tcmplating a Job in
! D cvrating
'a`,u•cd tat jt.b \vi;l he done 0.1<,,
giviu'_ Inc a tali, \'ru n•ill het'
t At the regular tne'ting iif itt3t!1 1an I the ,Inst material, used,
{ ' 1,1 1 e :\,I'. and :\.\I., No, 21)1. held on
Monday night, it was decided to t1is-
•NNNINN•N NNIJNNNMNm..* .••N•N•N.•IN•, i)i11,C w••,th tncct'ng 'urine tits 611'.11 FIRST COME FIRST SERVED
(titer months. This is following' the
- -- - ----- =— - - - - u
led yearly custom, and the next
Y., 11 o 001E1EtEtEt,. l; ;,r` 1 0 1 ;", 0.0 0ier4ItNttAKKtCICV ttt tCKICtOCtlPCX60419 I regular meeting' will lie held in Sep-
Teddy Chilcoot;Wins At
Whether faint or Wall Paper,
Elliott Insurance Agency
Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident.
Gordon Elliott
Residence Phone, 12 or 140
J. H. R. Elliott
Office Phone 104•
Clinton Legion Race Meet
ltd'Iy C!tillrn-t, owned by Ilan tiny,
Scaforth, and driven by 1.1o..(I 'I'nrvcy.
Hl;'tln, w• n t'rst mussy a' th'' Clinton
Legion tare suet hall Month- aftcr,I�^.-_.._..
Phone 37.26, LOr1DESBORO
noon. 'There wcrc s:x entries in the
race. In a II„ron-Pcrl!n s:hrdii1"i Hath, in his 78111 year.
hardball e;he, Clinton (",'Its defeated
\I r, Damon was a son of the late
Clinton Radio Schon) 1-I-1. In the cv- lrhn 111 laincit and S 1phia Pfrati nncr,
ening. ;t 1' •;t sac •e,stul hand tattoo and was horn in Logan townshipOc-
1130011-20117131Di'Jp/.l`0041Yi`ei3i31312•DIDtitlt3il/2,3.12t3t212t3t3i3i3t.7i113t31:312tidtit3t3t323i* was held at the I';trk. Seven hands tobet' kith, 18h9, In IiI5,i he 1uarricd
were included in the perforrnaltc.,,.I:\nnie Schenk, of Rostock, and the
- Prior to the taw() the 'rinds paraded couple farmed in Logan prior to tnnt'-
visitnr nn Tuesday. from the post -ff`.re to the park. in; to Blyth 44 years ago. His chief
Mrs. Fred Cook is visiting her sister, \I r. (Elvin \Viglttuan visited with occupation for many ye;us was follow -
Mrs. Albert Nethery, of Hamilton. :I u: onto mends liver the week -end. I ing the painting trade, but of late
Mr. and Mrs. De11'Sert Brown, of Til \1r. and Mrs.Earl \\'ightm,an risitc1 .\t i,re+cut there is 011' missionary for )t'ar's he has resided quietly with his
bury, were week -end guests at the with Mrs. 11. \lathers, el Luckn-w, c n every 30)4) rcnple, t''c.Christian Conn-' s..11, George. NIP.. i'tnnn'n predeceased
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell 1 Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook visited I --"
recently with Mrs. W. Kcchuie, of
13131111. , W. M. S. Meeting
AI'r, and 1tlrs. A. E. \\'-alsh visited 011 1 The \\'c,nten's \i s,innary Society of
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neirgarth, ! t,hc Cnitcd (:thresh held their annual
of \Vinghaut. ( "Baby hand" meeting on \Irnday,
AIr. Raymond Redmond of liingc' lune 9, at 3 P. lit. 'with a fair attcn'i- ,This was followed by the offering. I Private funeral services will be hell
Ville, sport a couple of clays with Mr,
,rc. The president, \Irs. Ilo:,
lrl, of IThe next meeting, will be "Mission l this 'Thursday afternoon, June 12th.
and Mrs, Joe Brophy, last week, I , g, g. 1 Land ntectin�:," and will be held 1111 trent the residence of
uud the meeting. �\ hcnut watt sun J. S. Chcllcw•.
Afr. and Airs. It. Vincent, of Blyth, followed 11y the urinates, rdi call and I lune 14th, at 8 1,,111, !
Service beginning at 2 p.m. Nev. A.
spent Y
,1 Cook. with \Ir, and Mrs. Stan the treasurer's report. I 'late hymn, "'when De Comets,”, was I Sinclair will have charge, and will be
e I Mrs. Grashyasked f.1r d'mations 1,f sting by all, and l,in•la Sims closed the' assisted by Rev. J. L. 11. Henderson.
Mr. Stet Mrs. Norman Ivadfvrd and flowers for FlowerSaul.;, J;'•ie 15th. 'Meeting with a Benediction. The pallbearers trial, he, Messrs. ,las.
\rntitront, Stewart Durward, Russell
OBIT' rAItY Dougherty, Jack \\rats 11, Bert Alen,
THE LATE WESLEY QUINN and I)om l;ts \lnl'1'Isolt.
Word was reeeitcd by relatives here Interment will take Place
last week,,tmf the passing at \Vinnipeg,t l'nillu Cemetery,
Manitoba. of Mr. 1\'cslcy Quinn, a!
native of E.ad \Vawai.'sh township, 1 Sister Passes Suddenly
\Ir. Quinn (lied on Thursday. l•tine 1)ca•'1 rams very s;�mlenly on Atoll -
5th, in Iris i.th year,
pttd Dies. Russel Good, of 1lttllctt• , Mrs. \Tanning opened this part of the s (lay, latae 9th, to \Irs. Edward Keller
11•''•+ t+car, of Kitchener, spent meeting with prayer, and the hymn.. 114' was learn in East \1'a\rannsl+, ;t !,urn, ot \Iilvetton, ynul;,,e t sister of
the week cad with his nitrite,, Airs. "Jesus (lids L's Shine," was sung. \Irs, son of the late George Qttinn and \Irs. John Doerr, of Blyth,
Gear. Mrs, John Gear and Philp gave an interesting s•r11 psis of 1 t lacl Manna, -11 October .11,11 187'. \l r. and .\Irs, 1)0111' were visiting
Alarilyu, returned hnnte with h,ao after the study honk. Chapter 7, "Co -opera- \\'tett ti }Dung man he moved to \\'in 'the Kclterhorn's at the time, and all
spending a cotyle of weeks with her tine through Christian Councils," and i 11ipeg, ile was ;n atone mason by tea '`'' trete preparing Inc a pleasure drive,
parents, \(r. and Mrs. J. L. Mcllowcll. "The Clhnrch and State in Post \Var Surviving are one hrothcr, li. F. when \Irs. 1<eltcrborn complained of
Mrs. \Vm. Kelly, of Scaforth, Miss lIndia." In it she state' that 75 per- IQ°urn, of Guelph, and one sister, \lrt.ldizziness and weakness. In a matter
:Babel Killough, of London, are visit- cent of India's people are still unable I T nomas Roberton, of Hallett town i of moments she sticrunthcd in her
i iihdn.
Sunworthy Wallpaper
Pairts and Enamels,
rill arc asking Tor nc for every 500. hint in It133,
J•he children of the Band sang very I Surviving members of his t;uuil': ;use
sweetly, "Jest!: I. yes Me." :\ Scrip= I ttt•0 daughters, ND's, John ('ole, of
lure story of David the shepherd hov, Myth, and Mrs. Fred Cravfi,rd, of
caring for his -hell,, was told by \I1•., I Kapuskasing, three sous, \\'illiam, Nor-
-Leslie \aft'(. Lilo,. Karen cool; gave neat, and George, of Myth, and 12
a recitation, after which the children 1 grandchildren. Two sans, Carlyle and
sang "Hear the Pennies 1)r t(ping," { l:ny, predeceased hien,
Shirley, of Blyth, were \\'estfiehl vis- Those having any to donate will please
itors on Sunday. notify \Irs, Grashv, and she will call
'Mrs, Annie Killough, of Dungannon, Saturday. The President asked- Inc a
Stas moved her household effects to press' secretary to succeed \Irs. Sin -
the house on the farm owned by \I r, cictir, who is leaving soon. The matter
Donald Snell, where she intends'* to+ was laid over until the next meeting.
reside. The President welcomed the habv
Mr. and Mr,. Douglas Campbell and hand and their mothers. \Irs. R. D.
children visited ,on Sunday with \It••' Philp then took charge of the p40.tam.
in Myth
ing their 'mother, Mrs. A. Killough, to read. One of the greatest hin-
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Campbell, 'Miss' drances to etlucatiam in India, is the
\Vinnifred, Mr. and Airs. Delbert: fact tient so litany do not want to read,
Brown, were Kincardine visitors on they see n.- reason why they sinttht,
Monday. i but the new' Christians want to learn
Congratulations are extended to Mr. so they can read the Bible. Follow -
Elvin \Vightntan, who was successful ing closely the influence of the r-tut•m"i
in pasriug his Second year exams. in and school; is the "Christian tlntuc
His beetle,, lis F. Quinn went to li'ter's arms, The doctor was sum.
\1'inni.icg for the funeral, definite! moned and pronounced the cause of
date of wh:oh was n• t l:rlown here, i (loath elite to a heart attach.
For malty year; Mr. ant \fry.
- •tcrb•lu were residcnts•of ford, Sask.
Alexander Hamm 'i•hey returned to .'t lis. Ctton :dont two
Frllowil'1t a brief inns -s, •\iexander years ago. \irs. 1'41:ell-mai was it
ilamnt, a r"sit'cnt of HI•, tit for 111e (',1st daughter of the lite \Ir. an' \I ,
Home furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director.
tQ✓11 411h11111.611.k,»1.1.1 .,,1 I, 1.111111611„06,1. 11511201C.7.11, 16,U'I^1411.1., ,1111,111.1111: .1,161,411 .11,1 ,., •,.�`.
Spoiran's �ardware
"FLIGHT 9" - ONLY $7,50
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Large Size "PRESTO" Pressure Cookers - $25.50
Come in and see the new Zip -Grip Clothes Lines
No Clothes Pins Required.
imam,.,, 1„f•,I i„rC'\.'Y, ,l. 11,11 .1.x 14/i1114313M11111211LIMIG' .641,1 x-11 6J 111,11.1 6.s..IU.I.
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Bread � Cakes - Pastry
Have our Delivery
fall at our Dosr
I♦,.1 ,1111, II Y,., 14+.,11. i1µ 11.,10I4I.I-.,1,,I,46.1.16,4 ..111. 11.. 11.1.,, Hill, 11,11.1 .1 rl
II. 11. Voclden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario
Ikr1(1. I11,YI Y,0,l4 1W 11116,aitelt•ilrl1 ba 1,1ti INN* ildillhi,[10 11i1,11111111.1 J1 II lil YNI I,JI1L,Ii1113.d 1111 r1 Y1 Y 11 1ld l illia,
Are You in the Market
for a Paint Job?
We are ready at all times to attend to your
painting jobs, exterior and interior. We use the
best of paints, and our workmanship can be com-
pared with the best.
Let Us Estimate On Your Next Painting Job.
Telephone 56, Blyth Decorators
ors and three rl,'ers, \lr. Albert Reis, two daughters, one at 'Trot•
Chemical Engmeer.ng at Ajsx. ` -7Tement” ` lnicis is wi'!cs"rca'L Thi` 41 years. died at the !tr're cf 1'i• 1 (.ie" rRe Rr'1<. of Milverton. She is c:litnr and publisher of The -Milverton the other a resident cf \Vesteru
NIr. Earl 1','iit!:anan was a London; takes third place in Missionary work. I \ir, Gecrge Hana, on 'llte,llay, Junc survived by her husband, three broth- . Sun, is a brother. A1s3 surviving are. oda.