HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-03, Page 3THE SEMI --WEEKLY SIGNAL'. S. THE MARKETS. Dog Strayed. FBI 11190171-111 Ad 01 18K Jo k been toads DERICH, 3rd, DOG about 8 niontlis,old strayed from -Fall Wheat,. he Ott&-~ au;d "$'0- 84" (4�' 0. his muster in 11adericb, on the 21st inst. THE I 'T III III 1�" IN TH9NATTER OF THOMAO 13. VAx. A fire occurred in Mitchell ou the Spring, do ............. 0!75 Ud) 0:76 Bei a dark brown i ippioaching to black Oil I ;. - E V ERY and GROPIG E l&U"AG4 Oats . ..... .0:39 0:40 the ck; with, white, on legs autt strips on 0:60 rap around his neck, kors of the above rainield I" Insolvonts. -rk of A* Dank 28th ult. The UniOn Hotel was con nd A BY -LAW - Barley ................. 0:55 Torehead and ' bada st' HE Cred' man named Small was reas .................. 0:00 Ua) 0:75 hair showin, -that of' the Colley. Any per T vents,hoth individual and of the fim on Tues I hi u1self over sumed and a 17 iday burned td death. Pork -1 ................. 5:50 4 0:00 son givior; olormation regarding the same raise of Loan the sum. oj I � I Twenty Thousand Dollars for, the VanEvery k Rumball, are notified to mint — ------ B--ef .. ............... 3:50 Cd 4:50 either to Mr. A Black, Inn"keeper, GOG"PrIcht 3 at the Low Office of -Alessieurs Tom& Vowr moo ket just sr. -r-lpid L-Lmbs .................. 2.00 0.06 or to John Gordon, St. Helens, Wawanosh. purposes therelit mentioned. at tZie Town of Godirk%. in the C"arl n the business —We have had quite a - - 0# r kies each ........... 0:45 0:50 wilt be thankfully rp.ceived. 1i uron, on Monday - At Twenuelb- A ef has rul. thaw during - the pas few days. The I"' ? --- -=�illillilillillill - - � y - - - i� � (3aese do ........... 025: 0:00 March. A. D. 1865, at amf the elrA, = dw �e' Feb6 22ndi 1865. 4-31* 1 HEREAS the Corporation of the United snow has almost diappeared from our 0 ickens, 'V pair ......... 0:20 0:00 St. leq . so 0ountieslut Hurn and Bruce has re- firenouti; Jor the public exuMinative of IW used in ftev*r. a Majo-Alty streets, but we are told that the sleighing lbeks, do ........ 0:00 0:25 �olved to Gra�le, Gr.tvel andjuiprove certain daid Insolvents, and -for the ar"g of Or I des (green). 2:75 Roads-- and 11i,liways, with' the nevessury OF CAN ADtt, unfortunate] for the intere'ts of the Proprietors �of the GLASGOW as is as good, ever a few miles out of town. �6- 0:00 SHERLFF'S SALF; 'OF 1ANDS. - y kirr of their estate genemfl�,- twh as ................ 0:00 (it Br individuals and as mendien of ft fm 4* 0:15 idges for the same, within the said Coutity OLHOUSE and fortunately fdr the interests'of those who may -want -hinart on tho 0:35 (go, 0. 3 7!11 United Counties; f Y irtue of a writ. of Q Huron. VanEvery Rumball. .--ttr a. 0:00 Huron andBitiveI)BedlIveri Facine re�id-ie ­ - ;*a over A&- A correspondent is verYL-MUCh M'S- od ........... 2:00 . Am) WHERICAS the said improvements ate r.d so serioftli s -10*- 'to Wit: IOU 0111 -of' Her Maj "11"" entirely within tile County...ol I Huron, art I d the Dated- at Goderich, this lot Wank MS. in-, that in our remarks on .................. 0:08 0. L- -SHOES I'M two homn. takeia in suppoS Uounity Court of tile -County of Brant. and to BOOTS AND expenie of toilikiffir B. GORDON. Apples-... 0:40 the same is to be defrayed directed against the lands aiud leneinelpt4i. of re . I' Ani the A' DoiC, ItAy., !!+ton at by the said County. irreepecti of the rr poem," ire -meant to give ud� - -tin t detained the tTansit i 7 . . . . . -Walter Ren*ick the snit of Willi. vlartin, slap at him. We are peculiarly sensitive Straw, per load. 4:00 �(4 5:00 1 linve seized and taken in Execution all theright, County of Bruce, the Loan:' n Soibe manner-unknowwto, these deponent& of Seven TON'S MORE or Debt will be -titkpjindiittere�t 9fthe said deficlidant in and to Assinee. - .1 Cas $of Boots i3nd Shoes which should ha7e been delivered at m the subject of poetry and feel it a duty . numhtrotj I e in the tenth culivessida Soutit, of paid- by the said Cauuty -of Huron, and the I - Mew York ;lot the RAwity Station here abbut, the 2'2nd or 23rd Decemb r last, and as it- Isnow -1 SEAFOILTZIF rARKET S. Rate hereinafter mentioned wiA, be-yadsed ate con best for. -In - ot Tuckersnoth, ill solely upun t e rateable prope the !I wast feft-,� to,,pu, out what we sider-the -Season for descri tion of Goods contained therein, they will: In sold at a- of Ia" p [Reported forthe SIGNAL A the Couniv, of fluron� whieb lands'and tenements rty within the in the 11noolvent X of a debt., p4lication. by Cu.rrie,X,cDW1Al1 co.1 I shall o&'rtor safe at niv office id the ouriflous" sa.id County of A%D WULRICAS 10 ske6ficeinordeO make'mle ofthein before t1fe season is over. ........ �to` the- -in the, Town of Gimlerich."on -Tu stitty, the. sixth carry into effect the'sad reeiied. llbji�et it -of b -2' -at th li�our oi twelv :notified'to meef,.at the -09we Oft, waideri. SSAFORTI�, Feb. jibo- 1865. day if June next, e e. of the ,�el RDUSe. Boo will be necessa -for lie said Corporation to In e din Would "do well to Note the ral6t. T"': cmd'tors -ills Ill g Purcha erg m.of'Tw-6nty'-ThousUIId Dollars. aise tile - all �rjianed, Willistim Roberts, in 6e- Villa 4:50 'barrt!). Flour $4:00 vf JOHN MI LdD0A FalI W6at, �ef bushel-..., .50:82 (,4, 0'85 -in the mat'luer herei.itfter' mentioned: A i., j) out ampton, in I cWtity er as a- 1)t-.gK 's 1�im AD6PTED nCKmLoss. 'We wo app inity of informing our numerous- Mends flat Out. T -fourteleuth day- euld alo take this pr�l BV -8. POLLocy, De Sh 'ff. ay,, the vf MO. -it all ko. do isjownship�.-came off: -Xpetia'-doli each Lipopf order.,lor on SPRING ST CK is now in the -bands of the, Manufacturer. -and that at. mehour of ten elvIor ­�­The, Totink in, th 0:40 0:44 tivle tiouats td, be e r 0 Purpose ori Monday and -Tuesd i�o 60 v�b Road.intendid. to- 46. impr ved, --it sli-Mb lilIn oi about tile -I at rel -to 'wait upon them with a tock -of of receiving staterseatir of bis gre- todel as sdt *to I rich Towii, -27tk and of Ria 11wewill be ready �Sth Barl4, .,0-0,0 -out in t -ho Sebedi 'and- of in en d view in good. as ing an be ult�, resitiltinio, in'the adoptioa: of the By- 4�:50 expe ile. atLifie Goods such as th have had prei;e te th old Gode ey end of this"' By!'Lav4 and for '01 Dted at he Village of Sotfilia Low. Whighydrihkersai 31ri Hiy (V ton) se of the Wbseriber, lot. aif�stfttioiwof , , - - A i. , irt Lull) Lr lial't tki �make an astinment under thexhove A4 P ta a& - 00 CA. lZinto the enclo. TO THE, DIES- OF ODERICH I* r04 thriw- havei'now Pork .(V hundred)... :00 -4:50 �AXli WBFREAS'it'will reqaire t, 6 surn-of. UWASMpsin.it b4ock 4. 86 con.,.'l awnihip-of Colborne. nbout:. A i** Halt* �Ltv%w Hides. ThQuaand --.Two Huiidred/Dollurs to', 3�00 e at 'a r R id 186' oss- -mb rt t' Da k- e -Heifer, :bmma prohibitor vizi—Kinl Bqtief 1b): -7 0:19 - c mill- 3 years old. 'The . owner is I . -eque tw raised ail', he WILIJAN RABESM 4 two gendl� Ash thezIst of-Nove nuaily-b� Rate for ate m pmed too, The tavern- keepers 0 payment oi ihesi*id Loan 46r-DoUt and -iiiter- We owe-our,best-and sincere thanlks -for their a4 iatio ofour endeavors to meet ozen). O. -Oa .(qj '0: 1 zA away. beirwishesin furnishing tb -with,in article suitable- to their requirements. Oar solic, or for Win, Roberts. W14twS.2t; , * entire 4gs t e4i ppree n field an(I Wkwanolsh . it 0.70, 4y, pay charg;is and take h � 0 th�, Zbeepskiiw 0:60 a to prove prope FREDERICX IV VDFOOT, orLuckriov 3ay,the - - (I . . I . ebt-as also libreinaftermetitiond v ll. clow: up E 4 d' V liv -Seed 1.-75 2:50 NICEI Ai� wimitgAs- t1w amouni-'of-thi whole ed' but their h, will Inot OL&SHOGA.I...., aliuill be -still to ple"d them. ly., md I am. inclined to thfikk -sue '0.26 w5- *3 t vf' lie, aid- Municipality wool.- 65. rateable' property -- t abe the aaw- me of them hivin- taken irrespective -of aily f6tu're ifibrease in the so insolvent Adt 16f 1864. 1roronto. same,.. and irrespective of ally,ificome o be -d from the temperary.1livestment ofthe hwy pecuniary - iesponAbilities. D- KERR tipoti Feb- a 4-�30. F Lit Wheat derive tho biao mi �i --hareitlafter mentioned crediors of &undetifobdarezod tfietowlvdi without ever dreamitug, of .192cA94c.--Sprin,-do82a-84c Barlley,-65 fund any. -GLASGOIV -HOUSt 30"Fhl January, -1865. 7, THE -he h - Giind fied, to meet at. t Hotet of Jo a DuukWi Bil -will, be ruined. u, 66c. Oats�44 a,48. part i9ereof; i to the --last re Assess Rolls- being for the year-oile epe M-sh 1tinke rin Hoviiek Village, C-ount*Botoa, �W-w on Wedni-sdiiy:i-tha fifteenth Jay _4 '11allielf, eight -1tindred and -sixty w.011. -C fliu r at -ten O'clock in -ibe forenoon, for I" iving statemepts�of h idred a`nd'Nint purpose Of recei is AWN eiftts,,Peas. and --B arl Teth* Edotor6t the IffuronigmL rac npA . s fr payi ' it-, - t6o ititereit'and way Mail 0 to thousand Si but ND WHE and of naming a anignee. to' witoin im mak 6 under the above mt. �at* year wrote you croAting uti equl annuZ.Sinkin- -F6n4 for v an anitrument ENDERS a d t I r s- e d to nister 0aying the- s�id sum - 92 DDDlOcruinz a fbirful.disease which prov�d TH-Satscriber remainin.' on lane the Pstm -6f-Twenty Tholis4nd ated it ge the 214- day of - I .- - 'r T �Genen­ 1. wilt he received a"t Quebec until Dollars and- in ere I I in' a February, A. D. 1865. els, P41aff- and I at as ere after mentioned, 9500 bushels Oat -4, 500 hush :F 0 JR S:E:E:D; A -T- C:0 fill wil El fatal to chfiWeu im the Southea-It Noon, orl-FRIDAY,' 7th Xpril, for the Cot'-* itwil I -require. an enual a Sliecial Rate 4miat Bi-im. a quantity 6 -will sell cheap w5 A JOSEPAMPELM. e inhuat 'AT %,!tyance of Her Maje iU&0A!* RA r gty*s Mails, On a propos�- a 'Mill --III Aft- cornir of thii�. township. In th-e ak-on'th. fo, - cash. d Contract -for four ers, I three t' of tbur-tenth 0. e Dollarlift ad, -T= s'ffofel to linell - Per ditior to all otheir' -tea and t to be Jevied. 'and of January, this Year,, w-& hm#e been visit- Appty.at A-ndrew Doti bet e6n EXtTFAR ru sRS MA ted V% w bek each - w Y, W 0 FFE ter, UEL SWANN E. in eai:h year. w1a with: a disease4 somewhat siml- fm and from the Ist 31ay next. LOT 931, Ethe IMvid Seith 161]'vM come* vaclh* V -Be it therefore enaeted by the Corporation- We of beve. w t Goderich, r- eb. 27. 4S65. 526o- Oo,-nv- an6e-tix be made in- a FOR -111odstieb lar, nat hi _yj Wag- of the United Coiuntie�- of Hurcmi and Bru e, 4 pueopat reow ehdarriedoff`3� or 4 'cron orSlei,,h. —7 fa�vful W 31 Pa. .-I.. Thatitshail.ble. archen veived',ti -drett in 20 or' 24 houTs., '-The symfftoms, In -bein- of the said, last mentione idays, at 10 a. in., and arn nThe vrwhich are as foll9ws.---.t eelino, of fie(lays and Ft ve Cor&ratiuv AY Uf Loauo�� 20th Of 'TICE- purchase 11 lftie* gaili to leave Exeter, Motida�si lot- the ti e d L IN arys at 2. n. m. i to by Ailliness ancl-wearirk6sss comin-. -on: &ad-- any person. or pen -sons, bod'y -or bodies Corpo- T 41, Thepartiet 4ahing to inI X %J %AELSH! I 9L RETURNING- IGN SA HEAP "R "r -7A rate -who may be, ddvau�6: the- same- thpir cash *Ter, -asalso onatteditafsevvir4 4enly -and'soonfollovreil-by se 0 ver'le'-pain oleire-St. Maiys at 3 p. m. and arrive at - Wheel A LL'tbose-in&hted. to- J4-iltn H. 'Exet �rai T'p. p.-. - ervin-fr' the- . Post affices upon the-erkdit of the Deblentures-liere, yirs at f per ent per 4imnum. The *%r n # 1110ney no, ex corWide Township of. WIM'annosh, 'an - absconditil, its n Each 4ay, or.. or ib6 V" itt thle head, -when vomitin, begins, but A late, �of the �'iilaze i&f I St. Helens, i -the mentioned, a ium. of ceedim, in red , =ost. ald -1 f the bodi of "at Wcodh4til, and Wench" ol- RS have nearly -completed their FALL -AND-NUTER tot& ofthe late Mr. an oWy to the exteAt-of unlottain- tile st6m -D A T the whoie the sum of Twenty, Thousand 'r1D,HR SUBSCRIBEz i9tniAth ende �s may be.sent in -"To- leave St. Mar -ail and parties no I debioro by book account- Y-81 cause the same d' iatolerance of- ]ti,,,-,ht.andsound hereby notified it it to pay tle same otherwise me days of ,he r1se"most every articl e- necessary for the'-tradet viz.-.% 'Morer "cularinforthationWill.lbe K*. *he* or -oth6rivise, larq;- and to to be,p into STOCK, hich camp fified minedtately. U Ex'erterand Return,. op the sa'. -�asurer of the United - _hand of the -Ti iutu this office '6)u,l -aforesid; for purpuses� Lind &.�e regular and;udt iteoele6ted—ikin than ndes �bj f;a,"rVnP- Eq.,, 1wrtimer, At.# OZ - t --�-e. s *e, i1i dilating, and- con- owl e pap tion aq 'to conditionst of-, pr6posed'. Contract sh&iff -H..4- B. tz. - hat, it shaW be lawful 1or the said- hirward thenil -the ull�� in lie, steeni aiid� Wank f6ruis of Vnde venient Sheriffs, Offi�e.I'M40cli, Warl-debo cause any number of obent''i CE tracti z alteruatel , on, the least 1110 nolticL-s contiiiiin- further -0 e -"o 'lie "wank aaa JORV� ACDONALD 'he object abluvereci DRY 1 --GO D -S 0 R[ES y ures i of the head, which, seems as if hun- on a '25th;Feb.�. 1865. :he otiltained �,at -the Post,01lices- of Exeter tu Wade -for sueli sunis ot money -us niiiy be WARE, and St. 6!:Fs -aud at the of the']oub--� equir Hundred- Do;- SHELF -AND HEAVY.HARD Berlint 101b -Feb. 1865. liw4fltd o0k;e, d,. not less thau One pivoL The brain: throbbing mositv�;(-leatly scri ter, and that the said D,-.bwa urr' sha.1 -G] as if wish' to from its bonev 1IFFIN he sealed with the -seal 'of - the said U- o MORTGAGE SAW 0 r haWt�tioa. In this dondid6a, fney ke- MADE -CLOTHING, (03F -CAMM slid r P; 0. Inspector.- tion, aA si4rued* by the said Warden. R 4ADY Rzat Office, 111f1pector's Offic at fhe said Delleatures-shall.be 00-1 In to= n"awouly &-short, timewh6u'delid-ula.. with 11L -Tit W.: 24tb'Feb..1865. Sw-31 m.lde pay0le ;lit ten years al. furlhLstf firoll NDER and by virtue Otis 7owerof" eno Ott- file- day, ht"reintifier mentioned .for thi; By acertain Moripga made stuoDr-leading t6&ofoutid coma --:-death ard-Triioiert dlosiah Tranter,offbevXpet n "Mclosing ihe scene. �In 'my- op�tliou Law to take afreci eitt ' i ' er in Southampiq, jin the County of 00d" it in esi-,Iiat� 4$ thaideseasti, is acti coila-estion -of the land, or somejolace i U' ada to tl� d' of tile i6t v urtf and 'Thomas er the 'B�OOT.-S'-- OE -S to d. for relief.- London, M U said Debentur -a an;V inthe due joystat am -At err "Any ed. in, the es:. on brain- �2��d b y exposure to -cold 0 tfil�w Coupons fvr t110:1)ASyment, fiult having bei u, Luation 44 WA& thiireof) will Dffwtd lov bli ' SMALT, yellow eolored- Scotch Vriier, fIteliest. Pit to 'A' FURS cause which�kreatly- increases. t6e. Aow .0 tht " L J�V, nesdayiheUnd dav of Mama wow had an. a thaideollar, ansi,eling.to, That tbe:sald Debentures anI Clbu- j"Xt it I - ----- o9clock noon., ill Hilbert,* WAA, in tim said iril,7 Any person bringing -the, offilood tor th or which ireatly - - I - , . - I e �e ;rt, nameof;TQBY. S an jmWes ia -reflux, iWay give rise, to a t, st iv 10fty-. Lot So. 1160::6L= v this Pro currenc' f lewariled-. a the RMBO-. t I of Carlisle stWt. %If I tious shall be- -wade out ill � eidwr Sterlin'r La -Gont Fel lage-919uth41n%oft. the "I �sa me th the Crown, Lands Agency will rdie S in'tbe allonisitid coggpste4l stata of the brain, vilic�, at ilie option. of said rdel) so In outhampton, �dontaiuing-six acrev MW JL@114 ;-Goderi&lt, 29 'd 0 Styfio A fliat'ilie- whole "amount of' 4aid Debeilitures 600 ed -ia a. chil More dr 1M. 001 d -lation to their stock of DRY cil Wki& �ntioned an 6 6,00D8, whi "k -at on- Aall not exeved 'the bef6r6n] Ill They wish partieularly:� dr, �w att, Alvoj at the same eime and lsm,, wWkr 6 pearauce, in; perfect prl!tviously to AIL dp,�' oof Tenty[ Thlausaita Dollars, and they shall* power"ofshle in sivertain lato.1 Abraham Wist, -of Able -said v14lsg4 rallavoll, er" iWrOst'ar- afid -alter tile rtite '0 U bear it six -pei. FORDUA PRICE CANNOT BE SURPAS00JIUDD -er, 19: t TpoinitsGoiffity, win be centual P�r annuIll'-. Which iniertiA sfiaw-be. risk he mid The extern.1 ap at _our ft N UaM maf. terminate- iEt death Ili .01 T. Y ilz and twenty hours. pe OF. Town -101 No 51 north An% 4 be'a t* iuk--- GOITIPANY pay -able oh; the lirsC day tif J ail pary dtid first tiDY CLOTHING.is most coinplete.and manufactured in-4he f4iet int6weator le oil of The RE.. XIDE of the bo aftl6r death is sliotted V arly -Jul, and ever);' y�ar: dring 'OULD parti 1. drair the atIctiti ity.of y 16 SHAL FS'AIM ANCH C17. S inew:1 -v 60 feetdoop, withiii fitet'= boa raw. D 'dilr all -'�'ttlers on their- Laiidg., and it er.9'. tor, -Of'til Sala - vbi:tutures at pwple erent, -sizes not at Alle t0lithlballCe, e ere the "Debentures Ld knotalments mt -5 &W IS amthis WA61W 'S uoucea irn, better t :" a. es. the place wh ��.Frav to spo lie Statute 2.7 Viet' �cap.-37,, mak est. CA 1111,4101 per cent. ble before deatly, and owih, to -COL _are B and t ion ble, Stv provision: , for the, punishment,:by �ne and im. 1E ' - Tit FREDERICK PROUDF00 As ra- gestiol't of the 6appili!r circulatioa. The pri-3onment of pPr%ons-­stealin.c- Tion1fer. T, t.. - � - I ScHns"TEGUNSETH11" V. �t for the ,purpose, of fortwIllf a PoAtion, iii W NIPNY hereby- Pti"d for the -P.tyluent of '.tlii� said - And the- C.IONIDA �CG, . Ay- hi6h the bvdl was- lying when Z- . iADTES'FUj,,,S OF SUPE R QUALITY. Havintr imported a large Alt-- lotTer Fiftv D !Wnivirt,4, and khe interes 'tile rate qua�VIV Of. Dated Oth Feb., 1W. ol.farq to he paid. to any pet afe re- ile death. took plice- showing the, greater N d -1 -ower of who wf1l ' -PE-Rnii )y,virtue of aP give Euch, information as will Said to 66coule.du e- tliereon; -all:eClual splecial Val]! stealin- Timber rrotn any� of tile Lan& of iont other rates and taxei h Ped � L� contalried. iri ;i certain lklortfra,re made by amount. of disco6rAtioij. 1he -ravitatiou.1 to the conviction.. of any rate aflurte-tAs -of a'mill in Dollar person �'or persons Bribs dd s Thomas B. blood to the surfaca (-ipoeu of by 4very and GeJ dd t I wn (if LO '-ich -in tho County of, We are enabled to Al them of t! e To'. odui the said Canada Collipan T. -! ..J VIZ.-' sed,levied tuid collt�c(ed in ei�h uron.- VQrward-ars, of -the first pwrt. and MACDO-YA pwple, as mortific;ttion.) SkLue, feiv.cajacs LD, H 110rai upo'n all -the'fateuble property,withill THE Low -11TERITr ILEVMW,, Robert Gibbonsio f said Town. o GoderichEs-. iole y ID041i QXIA A rP' first it, durifig thee who h�iver borne the severity.' of the A�e the -said County of Huro olitillu or quire. of the 9,ltcondpa'rl,aild whichaaidort- in. TITION THEEDMIRURGIERIE Idlock, Continued t(k have pain: irt the head, Goderich,45tif FerVy nee of said debetitures, or any, of t6 WM %IV sw&w5lm: r re was difly so!d aisigned -o 've r' a.. at made THEWR MINASTE ken Do. not forget to tall *hen in To the E PURTUY,.and inspect their An(Isome of tha,,symptoms N-foresp -'bo -9 to Fi Wolferstaw- "V1. r Thit this, Pj�Law hall Take effect M K -AND' I)k thesaid Robert Gil) n wri at 14 Thoutas, tof -tile mid -,T6wn of Qo and come itm operati n u* n"h' Nineteent-115 ot such. as-. intoleraned -of' light an de'rich, 0 Do i e t 6f- 18640 ­ I nsolvent'-Ac POSEDINbUitORMAGAZMA a- soin i&en f t k� of -.Monteea of'.Our* Loid One PLACKWOO 'lay.of J une, pin: i e- of' the lo be Ban' iii -the year:* 4ne Which a aid m 4age tin ass triti, U a F" laip joint& the pain being pert- :ka-id towni ixty.-41V Thousauld'EightH adred --dS ort, -d C3 V e. w PlaintiT, Andrew - W al--, liamedpe Inds, Rahertion :Iment are duty recorded ;u the' C64toin House. rkXbcn* but Of the 051 �OfffirUgh-W IM odical,'— th4 state- in �: some e St' tk 0he' Goodi hiCaall Rber-, Park Deferdants. - -b- jarplyijeregilised *eyare;l�j�j; of the Port ofGode rich', (default havin een. etc., CRteit Aor two or three weeks leaving tue ina in the due p"rymetit thereof and due PLIT of Attadfirnient issubd, in'tbi3 de bo4y in, a very emaciated ctoaditioa;.l! NV �� uov-- -cause Of file'll 'all �personi. interested in" notice havinir- been - served dli'all- parties'en�- ' . . %ir CU -4 iat thq -are compell RFAS. FOR �X;Ftiag, be,- w es- They wish to intimate Wth-psir cul; mers.-owing accounts and notes tl* ed T Wou ARED TOIN THE FORE- toopiaitify ihe a' at of sutleripg the estate -of 64 d6fendants, and- all -persons titled to not ice as required by said ortm EF E 19 ­ .1 . - I I lit Farnyouliefthe Revievft ...... . loco vwmwmoge - on -PROMPT PAYMENTS '11, l- ''Old b F"Priulytwo ottbe Reviews ........ the- patient has. undergone. It has been. having­i�'their posoe�sion ct]isiodv k'pUb �-GOING.- r p?wer, wi je d lie, 'evro . -to," porany r Revi Ty asserted that - pholid Fever wdo the any ort 0 the A naantSo' "Villoo P it it of �Ife amstg of i� rbi SEL '0 - hent, are ow soft 91 ecu im. any or a -P way -indebted to t On ThUJrsd.-&4,, the, IX- 'Se'ven Th6usand.Dollars.: to be -expended ar Wired, abew--. 1- have not im any ........ For ]Blw'kw;xjd andille Revlew..,. 'IA* :[?A r 00WA say �wo orlbe -e b Road, -com- Isympt0m of that disedse, though, I �Lav quired to, tal ie tioti&. i. -e Aeenth-,d �jDf ]ffgj&. ay, mricin.- at A.- Alle 's T going brth--T ANO LANDS C F` Foor *w l6a tW(jolbornd slid.- As field .,SUSTAIN T91-1 0101 REA w4vor of auendedia-twoh6uses tencaseslof well �JOHX n averni 42 Nexty at twelve o'clock. n.lIon, at the A tion w rd. ShV-rifl*H.& B. uc a 3"rked typhoid �ever this iwint4r W601 1 5) lRoad views'. � .................... ... Sheri fM� Office, Gixlerich, Four Thousand Doi -on ForMwkwood &MOm Aw Reviews 10-10 am happy to say have recovered. �rith Feb.. 1 b�.';). wb-2w C a lars. the mail 0 4 leven ETLOIRta.soilip ORCE M.. TRUEMANY Stopherill'-between L'Is: Ten attil. E is VIID the bi 'rket.Square in,said Town. 'of Godew commencing I!Rthw prkes toolooloty-ftur eM" VW 'AN .0 a we at th� London Road.' As to treatment I shaH say.notfiing, all kaow that- Doctors (tiffer. - I wo C an ery aleW LaiiLs on OneZ6,usnod Dollars on 6ode riek Se .26- 1864. w&A aud Iris* etu rich, the foilo'Wing property. that 'is 16 say': -the Extension w12 tsy.wror "Aliterliew wen* So also add pt Hay Gravi that I h7ave uqt writte 16 call Sixteen. Undivided qha, r1sf-and in aft ofthe The-workowillhepd;�W res or ps id -ON& - ­ - ed in pnw 4w T"Vftd lift UL HANCEPZY.- thAt ve&--0,ci%lled`t1;e OP Thiee Thousand Six .Hundred ollam on Out ariy dillleL asioa as tw,theL- real LY -C recdtdbetb;the�ithi��pr of the diieaga or. its treatment, but merely Rumball,aforesaidriow t#6 Seaforth e ' OTT illiffil A*i* to live the, symp�loma as I hAve lyi� at the. Port of 6adefich, aforii�aid, T rth'* Fielmore. fleniqe, a Asatter eoistabled tke on -ROBEIRT �PKASE Avern, 1roln'. 'SA of pre,,ent prkes will'be f&wdiis dwar, JlWillii Iq . - I ertv bf VanEvery and- Road, commen inj at D 9 M 1Y RET W ED. No' FARM -FOR I E Im ,he to S zrethei-mrith fill and'singular the'49chors, obwrielI thein truly anti flthfuliv Plaintif- Two Thousand 'Four Hundred Dollars -on --frimlterfuroll"W.44Aose 4aar 4fft *ft- . . . V! - FARM to RENT9 pefingperi%bealot-44cw 0WMly. itur, tackle -and appire there- -Vkhth 7alid. Ninih �.0 furni n, the -N W Of6e 0 WA eAMMMINO Yours,repectfull AN D L the4ine-betivele oAWANO H tuito belonging or in any. wise appertaitung' Y. temions; of mmencino, StL Pay -OR- atThe prolocat pritf"im va solkwwavilill 14 0 0m, AX 11tOBERT-H1WTHOR-NE,- Deed under -Power of Sale. 4L#I#) WO vliiix� Am. P. S;—T as. confir*d Defendant. Tavern. T. HE underliIigned ofli:rr for vale ithe": fiollowiiig, MA LE. WI !L ET -0 N S RA R E y he diseiasii- fi 1feen' a. t1=r1d We Jr i tan t L pieurm%j rablilibers Abir early ofteeb and 'Ora 'D '*T pursuance of.a. ld.ecrlie and final -order4n '50licitor"florp. mg! Tvwnship.� 01 'Aa T hous tid Dollam'oii the' Olin on a -id situatei-.6n. the' tit to lst=42nd cons. f My and HA. F Silhotna� o a, v!entyr--Three the' 0 i Ire '11101 his DERSIGNEDwi farin lit U- We wM" i"& y nt� W' lots JOAnd 14,-- 91h con., either on wes apprlobation of Godeneb, fet 23rdil I W5 -td - .'the above causi, t6re: --will be s- III b A and Assignee hIiL t* T Put Fo I ILforepaid.L -Wing n Road, throug -lie Atiction, -Concession Line - Id Twenty dir ior the be Vftbih I Miles- of"Goderich I o n i Ili ic a c rw e2 1 4'' 50 -f w -a kh the tVee'n: the- N16 and thetide i isbarealur otherviiiie, as may be agnwd upon. Tlw Tlke HA=11ton, -Military Hekoli$' Robert Cooper,. Esquire, Master of, this- Hon- t ng too eyes, 0 The iskeregrollbAso Pi Al 160 v a - guiiid From Sata 36 Jarul CQUIPfUl" !rewd thariAmbilW" I �4 ide Zi; etween a ouse, collot il VW Civil Ai'ar. sb& t1l orable, Court at Golderick.4t the. Clinton slontsaid Line t9' 11 0 my -dwir *bl Hotel iir the Village'o lint n ednes& 9XM go creek,vaun.'to J, the, sta.t-�o""Mg 'T 9 -ACRE ittaity and tile dlivent met IMMIN he militarl s he iiials. 'n t Lil:C.wheLBoundary Line of beitring. "A ud gh, T n wu ltpeuedto4a; it q-'-AV0ty'1o­ :5th lve- co 3pied day, t elve Lo Twenty aiidVP4i6ty-O&, and good; FrAiii et -hard- v a US, thenc4 b a O ul in thowsaid, ty are written. I OOLof W 1111*0 1W, I JU hilrb arecleared, and 20 1'ree of itil POO* at twis toltuttry, -a"Lverd %he.Counqf R :Couil in examining the, spolicantr of the for admiss oftturon.� th con 0. 48" Oms' fAAY- Ifeuttemkin Vol* -&4mitted manA 10 V ell watertml-wilhis W W&IM ast half of he our ReVieWs for in - The e t 'number nine 'in the Vai�sno�h, J also been -COX .... ....... .. -A fewcopies of Ilicabove Ilis"Cali*V9,; while a,itiumber was�rejetted byth6 exam - TIRR INSURANCE. PA" �FJVZ- MILES OF�GODEJR]CeHj, ittee., Clothing haa eightheoncession. 0e, Tdwnsh.'� of Igtill room" 40 ims callow .20 ronnsto ST.-, TORONTO., T, Ica lind only three miles -from two Saw -mills. Berna- ble AnMlit ss 00 FF0 t* tbq" wbo "we betitt -ttlos in the antfof an 10 -'T-'- C ad�* IMP dwelling-housesbre. in g�od o en Ltak��L OFF!' -0ftrti(;Ul8iJ jIpPlV to IMOBERT Aq. will c,oin M'e'nee, Th S 'Kood 16gL [6US6' and a 16g- fiirn. F R, 8 ou t th coi.Z. M. Taomsqico Presid t. ILL Dz. - -1ES1 C CE im ilibe open am stick as will be- likely to prove The, lot is &4out two. giiies &w a. village ofspropliged jiy--- OUST Goderiieh,groidthepremisesto 1*816 - 41A dw sq. ident. week- alter �i I *DAVID M&RK. SAYM Sob#* --d Ekko, land H.E abdy, y Yale CAIC to &AvA - and ft iato, of Kinb M, aud.*��,oui-Torty acies.�ii i is is true cop �Weraiion by C By UVWXY STEPargo. qrm r FIA 'taken-' into. _go. 2vow jp� w to, 0 cot h h --t-- 0 be old' ity of ile�`Uni6d ov v are ckired. Tfij I — -.,I . Pla"Icl; U tWihapbuidai: -will i* k Mnises, will or i� directed oA� A. sit am, isi;;�,aitch tiff '111688d !47& - ' flo UP- h4urt' laraMent, h&'146 Men& a subject to_ i Xortgfiglli to the Plain' -p %A,dk h IPA=6 Con ode Ia so ated BuildingitL and �pfoperty 1ZONARD a the. ro*i 0 '6irt Room 'to,`Hayfie4-rtist offilm ekilf 8 . - -1 t ither upon' :rr x Isa ]EL of Tg d I I Mrnualeld iAMSOX, me boo4%. farosi 446-9- &c. ThE only. Insurancei'l6iii'lie-effeettif e Goderich in thLtViiun of PF.4TER eW le - .. OwIrk.. of JAoit--Gotonet 14wery, Omim ter H n the Slit. a W~ tot, SLY 0 o1em- r 1863 Th puphant ["td of -th.0 8chool. -are n d1i Avgtblli In liji ce excee 1111 Sewftth-'418Y ofj r- arged SURGICA -CW. Rwk -. 1�3 im""ge t;K ­ - -, , ne, nFSOLT=- bein less thai one-third the Pkwea ChL ACr bit 13 offli 1 186 - -withi eek r the p!neXi� -thre-er.c?elb6k 'in the t e �m. #a1e. - "t at til ee 4y Vroprietary'Companie's' 5; at afterhooni,-It2w in. -Squieryj OAooetteh, C. W. hich time and placethe -me -LOST- V" $ad, - --Ia' W"t witv every r�)Wbte JLOL e -required tol- yur r. Ow Irs -or t6w'Couacil arb her- i:b Note of Hand -jatIo April. a It Ott 1000 th thi *ft T, be: `d Boom over Jorlats Drw tow* Velwateer, V140rs,' PUS' at fesai A1864 --due 16 woniiwifter attew , of A. Doilanit A 404-o- of lu. PE -TW- 3 ON6f - iu--ii-�npd'by Jol n I i. to ls�rs eL Janu&rV 31 a*. kADA I ibe Oovnl�, a a � Df Robert Re 'In dfti t" Pa is *ith Vounuei in favor I AZI I yments bAereat 4X eil r. It personsIrbin, -pu ing we rown 4 fA 4D the baser mA the '�Xort- Uran in 0@'Vp' U'Beawr Alarval tirngo: aijflountifi- to �T -4 Ira, tun por. "veU4,. do, is�,to forbid, -or 6*rrw" 1411"Jillis -b 186 k Cb of ]9 WIT LW se PA y thelast in aw erw true fo'm iial OM& s office WIG *W. Fire In# cc �FO A -L 22nd Fe,., n Itating It ss, it 109 be 7th lay of Xneltil A. D,. 180t 10- 0.0 be* J* IWID1 -PATRtCX CONNEMY. gbi --44L I P., 1866.- � Awdw p tl gt es. b. o* *y Fast -i. In 4thet ir nor W5.3t 82 P. Ia-* -46w, Ilkibcaftww- 14 olid AiiiI6 4 tot -Lot No- 7 litour the CAO& *W A t& 004A bobc -1 4 Thw �ofo i4ft b tr and cMi�jqtlb ROT", t IUQOS ICU Ts We l9i o in .1bars- Wid .M4 j, 'RATIE -1"D I -10M89 aa "01" 4VJJ-:,9jg4ty-Seven Poe flund fw�ber co d F1 In exery 1B 4.0- Lim 5: clip 1or t -bit Johatici 0%0 -L= - 0 015611111111S 01116011111`04ft 4 boAd d* rel Is W.411 -0 he"holIde -AL - 1 14 Terms Is Ink "Inc 59 HAnhuld, ee ax, 'R *JUN. t"in the Town 6WO4 ofidw Auciilo 216A lei r . - -, : wkifdr LtrH _4 60.7 4 V. kilke etad-at 1hi�110ourf-111613isto-Iff. 1130 ff� NAI&SE AND EUVA" Wdg pW in fill. ntaW4144ch-eaii biml4iiie Y -10i , , ' - ' _ , - ' , -ft "Jlq� - . i H&_ ft is .4 pAnownt in I V a , W�— Tovno-tyoc 'Z�nr* I or L &.4p. card in -on the pire 0 6 ttm 11 NO 43- came J L 11, 1)*. ggOE� GOODlWG nft -N[! a is. 6 1 rtic WOW,? dw ft 4pli 4 Que oee.' - , 'M& 1, 7- W, b, 'ilif1j."t Vimirer It 11pp - ':ol� -0.10 jEfW. w4fiEw2! tent, 4t*ql - Gb&ricb"23id'FW 1865 '101d 6