HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-03, Page 2-A TH E S.EMI-V EE--KLY-. S 1-0 vr 7 'V L also tosuccumb. (Hearhear,) s.ejjej*- our. `io- �`.-the `Ttbii fid Secretar su Should that By uniting the business -and commercial their elevation; -kl PYA am' 'intelligenc News liem voting u, ATAER10" WAIR. ,,jre tIV increased 0 es. of integrety, qj,�, onor He believed 6, a'. U be ao me - a of the . cities tWfl i -rijuK6 'il U01t tak place tio doubt the charges would e of the leadi of P-13 , ion Weyer thai it was kbi J of the country a power will -be brought. to of Q speCtAb. a ofinnoce of the 0overnmeta, to watch Over- be raess,'sud-of decen -ma. -, 15*1 9i., I itle- rogre pry Ii h. ar which, Cdhgiessl cannot de�f '01,4004.1ie.1 may'litwreti od i ;New York, Veb. 2$. and -*p'r'otect the interests ; - y. a to, ;—The e the Railw�)rXoftllnittee �w e W no matter whethet:-AA " I . Tague e�.. a X.- C., D` iotrst-�otihe2lit liks--a mad of th people in t. is 77 ��p I � 11 , .,- - xz GODU 1CM. 6.. 41V.)�IIARC11t, 1.865. �,uatte.r way coinpanies-vonid, tak(i i DrAGUTSTIRD.. %e *e4or . of e ]K v in - Arrival of' the New York.1 'Iruman-oi--cluid, undei fourteen- years - mr!I6 rumour A it R Krffill or Cheatham, frola- pr*oi� A -carWof flielilselves and if amal-traination was- cordine Review gefid0ait, aftd may- be an alien, - he - or she is- liable to the Hood's old army, had- )OL6inlpre an old -man r �%,pertfiitted, he lioped t to riff. or -V& legal Owlk to, b ha a ta Sh0mal -t4ik-4 -w& pains an, an 1keuple, Mon1FfA-,-1APXed Uws#� of -�--es M .-New driviiw- the goose. quill for IP thors rpar ilad captured 8,000:priso e esi&s NEw Y 'm, Fleb. 2& I'll - tia er d Oenhities-of thi: ac4 for -the #in A�mnlgauaittlon Bill. char" froin, the,dl,reretfit statio,is .,to. tile- eg A, short time t A n rs, 'th th3lutepretation. heigallerj or VIP' It York, from Soutliampton oil the � 15thv It k6dred in dikmt- tit theiiettleiiiin't li number of waggons. A Dun varly ITIP'sh prilippal -markets would be.attaebed. to the as -has postscrfp� says iuo�uiuz. to rim the�. The c- stata r;.el,'Odeg: 01 ude We make- room to -day- with. ell and the compa-ty COMPCIled rrived. ottidn-market -entirel V'wlkclV i 10 rsku ec is un- was. Uheatham'slroops, and th e fight me ;b r -,uW4 , h , 1 9 ittle or llothinii-doing k ae-e at Altonj S.. C. * hu beiala The y -the Colinty'To'win"qu6stioli. Iffe returns. the masculine, � this -bill expAses both On. too pl� f�)-A � I f, -- , pkasuMr�r the following excellent; spee-01 `Iecess4i�y num!)e' (if trains to njovt the pro- ;ett4d Wednesday 404� ders separately. As, his$"' 61 her," .19 himself mQre rentunera't 'New, Yol duce of the counti If sumethih;r of this to the ive . and.: no le.4slila 6111111 i no,rnin 8 qu%litions ndminal. The New, Y Ily oar worthy, `miiefilber- on the.Amal Confed,- herself.' The ilro-noithein feelings --oll ork, March 1; -Vimes!� -since the was-eleves yaW-og "a- kiti&we' duties vt his, profession. wVich gp,46 of tbo b*mhd­- and has "1& re notAone itwould-W necissary, for portant� rate steamer7S rs of -the present -h d tonewall, latii the Olinde,. last Govera Witsbin-Aoi Aspecial despAte sayo.,in an. ize ion- Bill. 31 Dickson' -has'succeeded tile t--ople of 1ijs se tion ot the c- (r - .- . . % E.-) - c oulary aain e known, and to such as they iicipation of a battle between Sherman And o I, q nj put into'Terrot -ou.the 4th will h iieefortli, receive. his whole- atten- ment are well . aim bef their hands in t4eir.poehets an-djal- roin Copen-lia,,e I . - - - -in briagin on wh -tire R. own Ot V thii Aou§c,,'ih hi' pr harbol A.o'tl 06 coast of Uake liurou. - ast. Site was still'i here. on, -the.- IA -1i. Th e A., very sensible 'decisidn. 'The 0 Icok,t6 Washington; or *ho . Yankee Johas6m lei Zi "d Saturdit to We we ma 'y 1�jja 1W y 'pec * rly forcible style, vi6i receive inteI. %V9 held by -born, or who have- pectini-try self-friteyested: about bill )0 Illy 146�M-atsay -moment, h.13 be-elkabl6d to send th�ir tO Dluke -of -Northumberland- ied on the.- I hb. d t vVill- bii' reaae44 with the- war depaTt- t:jr�plrili- � 4C ;IWJrn�W d. c itor'slot is onovof hard' gritidillg, trdad- mottvixj­,t6ia'.* 1!71! despatched well ippoin 1p 0 MOM by�- water cum-utilaicatio ninety-ninerohandreiths of his c ristituents in, an-. e -mebt has T ran I The Shen(indoah burnt th6 foilowiiny- shi mill work and wretched -remuneration— delight. -11at -`�y'the balle -of --the �ebple tea T. -R. at Sat ve Ve hearrr' of hat his1stat metits are car- 'otsargeons and aurses .,BIN maw a inow-t and we L -c Canada -it will: be- reX4r4ed..Wit4,sbame and' to wrim a on, by 84043-0131110tive on The 22adand -jo -01* �ilt, -off tki Cape.of-- Gilod Hope at- all. B-arques freque t -none is ourTrli., its f mc�rtificaifon­ �7 e f nationw from �rht&7 Wint they. will b rect in every- partiqular Where, 0 e dwardi ..Aleria D.,-­66djeed " -brig -------- J*ty war i4kW that lie died withip sbqat 1*,�, Usim- re well army' are Enplish jopiety 6 zie. M. Staup 11 -receiv4 , ads 9 Fraca� in' the'- Housew ality gone—whene-our boastp _ds -,to Sherulge"i- MON -1, e - -F e -b 20 f flasah, schootiers-Vz 140 n rlerOalc The Tbaes �says;­;We- are ason;Ad elti E.g. amply provided with hospital stores and' In the debate on .11 oil Lire was'quite a row -in the flouse-on: . . i wth -thirteen -gentlemen am i i we 'i i ldrt"Ina b e-- in Canada la t*s m -)t* fo r It 4econdireading. of his Bill m c "ured frotn�iciw Yc�k - omt President Dhwis Oft. Uonda- morninglast welve at if her every thing accessary to the -sick and Zmh Z, i't!g el�a ritabl e 4ahaeript ion p�,,,,ce would bei.set-on their heads, and under'' a wn and's,' and can slid, one 6'clodk,. thu'Victo6% Hotel,- in - 1QIIn- 'wounded. e an;- wreement �betwevtl f4id `- tiaffiflo 0 t onfirin . a6d We - between I. dues'll-ty, Ist Soine-of the 'Oppr)s'LtI*OU as tile ir nI6 ia.:hig 0 It ;e9gliz t act �t6y.,Avould­be banished from the, 0:)-A case is .pending ini 4W y4& and Lake Huron; itad th Itati. tricinbers -Who charj�e the Govern t cure the-independitice of the 'South either ion, belofiriaw to bir. Wra­ -Campliall Province. T himou that Schofield has formed SuPreme. Court,in whiclil a- tinlill vaa% d irralld run tne.0 The r W& 'ho have ith Ndi-tifern assent or -despite -of it,. accord- d. WAS he brave southerners, a Junction with, She r1l. DrTledge isco"vered to be. on 6 ro- --ANIr ffered---"* �66- , ered -'for rman is regarded here Pal Mr -the payn;ert o Wa Compani6s. havin '-bribed the fres*s- to: s rt -the& Donald Camp -180 people evev s@T M I . UM 13,6r'�Oalspeasureq -Thectliol'thiss- 0 Bill graf ex -as altogetherprobAle, butthe .0 -The bill said, when thti Cionfeilaaflon scheme in *hich there.1s �t i1stuy is bell wits the fliedt-10-discoverit and giv the national Wet6tice.-before,minstbe hunted vemineut 'd- the -state%ment forime v go to�put alaves, inAl "Illba- came up -for a. 'second read' d in e downin Caul erate ArOy- which passettfie-jeM How f6un it won ida,,wnile no;thern b146kiqs are is confident of Gen Sherman's ability e ays�- w to the- - Von t redited in America) that the ; - remembered that a dia'm rd of truth Hexiean Empo' lavtn-.-- The, fire- was'then colifined y -of eiht d as not a,wo vrib beUieve, -renewed r nermitted 16 Anfest the Country., Re#reseniitive And. to . 9, wat c r has conveyed in trust to -Napoleon the attic bver.the private dwe a, e est - obtained in order that pardes'-wishm-w-- to . without Schofield's forces to take . . . defeated in ow- Sealkia Ili cr hous attached roe the, Coa- titiolt- for- or aggainst the measure mig nami�V'e., any. fo their attack.' Mr. Dufresne illov kdnap our yo4tig -niell'and-sen them to worse by ja 013JOrity of o@y*ne. f6chmond -ht- ed f6r� a ..Tbrtherii portion ol Mexico to be' hold and t the esouthsidi. .A sppedi, thauslavery. iMothing is done. to intprfere 'Jurv. 0 premises oh th are -very ind1guens a The fm w.-' Since til FS 4:11 Wk ne to against -TAWsville ession -As lee will undoubtedly use every aailar reaso A nteen-petitiotis I en entesre � I ve an opportunR of doin return - of orde giveav to Mr. Cote for a 46red'by aFrench Viberoy, -in liquida- ly -burst, out fir'out under' the.roof 9n, the 'with their d6irigs—nothina do pre -fed able ta send he Frenchelai soaleycico.� Vent seve beeti. received fifteen pri6ting-and stationery on 6f them from sed4eing Britjoh soldiers to desert te . rc ion-'spran- up etwee gi 16r'- and, n ' -abouc two h edeAl army. it be so that. effort to - check� 8 tOmtonishlbeworldi­ -e o y - - viliereupon an al-. til nition 'the, South, -6y ours,-,4he toswelf-the f a -the army expeek. - "ft of which- wet pposAd to the. aiid Only I USL entail � r�co, of nt6kno ifiat&Wjs t, -b n- the mover lrance,- Rigland - and Europe-- Caidinuf Whole bu Able resou i iw'o in favor of it..'- -- (116mr, hear.) Jir'would I ildingt' dwelling hous0l.tad He arilpospro 44 ve-iip dictated by 14a Stii*-h mates audacionsadvince, thes' dyiUne- The a llitd -rUW st 0 iIt anced Wisemin-was not -expected io livi as thuvbe seen that a � r nt;­fveling, existed d 31r.: Cauchon, who 1i ally a&v e.. A Ituyal W" buriied'to the X con idprpblet eint#eq! pp9W et ee uut -.ground" G -armies is .4 culation. -o f the �*liitth, jt t1on ro ry ii;htid"t in, viiflft�rid moi�Ihan apythi t to 44'�. u hoar -the country against the propos & hurizes the cir ortibulof the' ainittir ken of the two., tf�ftpiirt Brotters tbro ed to 31:r...Dufresne and made' some an" .: _ thet - , were b I . h d;4 in_ n,, e5ii to we& 'making as4ui ly, sure. i. abrupt covel ation, e pe uslon &A St., Geo law. itrary to 1 - instituli me W two 'Thiii.'latter thert gve the lie icYclical, .'admiii;w, progos't'orts, house 4is saied, thou h, necessarily. a' I Nd'onfv had th opleof e lion -2 Liance doub ibLi counecoo rentmunicirialittei thruafi which the, rem. lirks. c heoils and le,,iAIat11On:'o1' tPerhaps.' t4--, r. n Whig, government of -The arrival of desertirafroin the p ole The -iu&ucei -poh the diffi-' er o rd Om, me, rate army comes the a Ile it so. Ifthe men td do the .�rope lying. England may es NY p1wrotm rid Lake 1 direa.'t and w is A 'ed in at By p Buffalo,& Auron passed corldletrined app, - -the face aly. Lehe fr tiorne state tho the Pope P0qion­:was7aIso con. de in a stea4y s0eam, to Cotialade- a cotteordate 'pJA 616, o f Du e idtion, *J je" the Hill, buti also, in t � 'e. cxtie* of Toronto 6clines with exeitiOns -of the fire in plidt abd:t this- - uch'for them and Were ob- paitis'. In the colutuotion thit, arose, 11 -on. 66 ie,,A pri,%6, f-bae Inapy.of them Wbre �hefleavj oar IW4 V1 � � �t I - I ih tqe ulicto and exico but. wi i -.ton and London.and other places J g O'not withdraw d ba are separately examiin6d, I ind- their testi- Davenports. Gtet-co fuaZ11 w K raj Ahe-liro was- -prevenied from commurti. couqtry is 86C d iradation, even the. most unrthi t State -Government has- laid - 'n Canadii Will It MOny 1br the -past �few days, is to th ffect XcDanaril -requested to htve,tll&.-" arose. The they. 'Weri equally hostile to,ii. They we�e Tile, uttinsrtomii ofthLi-s hich­%v s -done nd.- the' h !fore-the-Chrblber it pro y one loyal. ople J� Position to increase is were sinadied a idjoinlilm'buildin"s, ardly wiiih its of �pinion that rf tile sche'nie were Oarr:ed` lcrieg,clered, 'IF a continuance. - Ug - e 20 alloalof E r1aud..must dot ailk ot us t %� t re ca In r ssia estailli-sh. 164—tkat occupied by gr Gbb Laycock what. wc� Hill's coro has eft, for the A -was discussed for several houri'with t - , osed bythe pofim D-stuah a igantic a.4 0 -of the'13, k'of -.P u of wh' at A� ]�. out it would. fend -to build ital CZ11 "hid tobw-a feel. Would degrade us., - She. must -She'rmati, lf -d job-- give nip the -gA,orious railway -th(onopoly- as Avould prove hi,h1v bratich6s in othel German States. The as a dwallin house,, book, store an South, to aid in resisting a . I lof ask. of 65 1 tiae, it is clo'-sed- d t, is stat d. 0:1�- Mr. -C ardwell, Secretar detrimeniiit td the ;�-.rrlcalturlt, andeoi. , oors. e 'that 31r..Caus: [ nited litates steamer Irilquots"arrived, at prititiag Office,, was so. near'to r"'ht illisshould ffrovd of the burnin& of #abeas,Vorpus. She'muirnotask.-� deemecl for'Ifie Voloniti, has a OFUS t"t Irred ISO interests of the people of illi coutitryi-- and. chou apologized to the Hous i for his share Table, BaTpn an0ti:i *iLh tfie'crews of the buildt' so e .8 mi, el that to enact is , espowip, Whi -6 - ' - -- ee, must O� t460 f#Wrtts Un& Which vacant ws.alm6st ra d lite ec ar e nip that'it ge�6, Jr.. that I It) r(fue Edw(Ird and schooner Ltzizie. �Al makes ui-bl ush. became' a is -he only Months Aim by-the'resi lrerbus.t& the saf dA ety . and. ine bi t Aitics. He believed that -one reason of the tace -by the SlienandoaA. They -0 fate. of the. hotel.- For�' P�ri`Y br,its nAlle rausa 1611. It I a pity that*a it did not share th po y, bilrned 0 -%nalion vt the g Win all tanately the win47wao ve�ry, low,.'and ron d fbir the rumored evacuation- of Anders -w on, D. D " now Jbcajn� teat Iiichd.,cistedin'.th,--mi-.idsofiliepeo rav bly sho' d be -disturbed. by %vere laiidedAt- Tri train de.Acuuba w Lence Ple, JOB of Clifton �oa the Rev. R -o IL oi�.* he ban 11ach itidn -of tenfper. f strose fro& the fact'that siace: the. azrcement any Jill e�ixhibi the eeetakeftbythel T other -favorable directioni and" a great quantity-' o en- �and How to ay on the roof M 116W f is say noticed -Abuve, Xr. ClimplieWs. loss Cambridge, vicar GrAMTAA;nffl0V 'do it ette -f 'Grant'sheidjuarte- ' an and ­Fe between the Gnuld'Trpa- Tal rs ro 4 k'and Ruffain and beeft']repoitM, s -low 1 L&ke Huroa Railway.-Compani-es had been p revious - IV. that though all is'quiet in front of Kicli. of -Ru* i-oor Feb. 14.'-Cottob dull and-dc.� Znal mondi Active operatioub WON long 4tUEBEC. is ve' Aaqie� therg'being but. tour' hundred To the Ediio is il LXTESqT FO -11: ry C eLaterid intN thl- fai-ilities far r�-al-ovill- the Huro� 0.0 square dollars in's Wrance n, hi are t inSteitil'o sales 'for two: diLys GiO00 0 an inade to extent,, jtiid has -a poj�uaucu *f 2" -1 preuiiseg i c ined. .14, to f The produce of the b -D R1 The, olIo ng- prqctical looke d. for d,the titaiist vigilance iwol)- annual income is 97iDL00fA0# creltied, ha4 been very premises.- toss P '81TION secure 9 mortagiethere was on th ' i - i , gAlt -aA 0 e OF '.r GE' e� CPQrlel's- ed F 66 grafffi frogn the, colquial Its serv�d in oar-li w lai%e quan 'low %yeocies goods and ,ties, L are-derivid _muvh lessene, and TuF.. Am -AL XSTIOX�BILLS fitles, nicludin­2 00 0 b -ales to speculatoi�s and tities of produce ha4 been at I . onii Bo.xfls.. GL:,olt q ' dull but steady. Wheat Mr- L itE BRA&IT Flou prinqu i� miy� n6t be unace*'ble g material co dul Beefull and were�.--all, 4, Rudwall to accumulate, to, th6 -mreat loss and in Ti4oxsov 1N QuEBEG. T P (I liet.ind steady. Cut tolany of The, military railroAhas be�u, priels Fund, and X300 from-" -rem. ve a - t e*h-ouse Somewhat yodr subscribers hrough the HE UULIC n 111itial; r o d, Aid positioti of. Cmpany. - The nelir- liishop Zr veniente of the, holders. (lie T L m�t e -b . leted to the the left of,the rAda -AccoUXTS. 'UniWd 'Counties. down of 55 Whell he Was 34th wJ*ugkr.:;, JU a1r, hean) Vo k ouiet; rk it are. damtged by the tearing H an honorable mover of thL- Bill,had -rererred to, ,doon of the otomac on, Hatch er '*eri laid dow 'The 0 commence running regu.� a, (Froin the-- ffloliOil releg'r'ain.) .-Stationery oodi and book- I vicarim of X dingley, Which becomes -Co . perat May, if stoc the petitiolithe hadrecei ed firout. the.1111' -lite 8. ion. o tgraftin 6 and trains will e -very And 0ions are season Oed nd ply fills to the gifNf he -B T A.',S*- Sprilig Show., r Agvatiii pat Council of the �Vdlkq�e of Clinton by on th'. snow: p th6 street, and'. -must be on it to -d QUE' Ably.- pro..c.ur 4arly time Un Friday last, 190 0 nf favor of the -Bill., He (Ur.� Dickson)� h4d The. Spring Sho ousiderably 1njulrid fro in, b ine treated pro�etiy� at any -0 10cl of Mir. Tlie-Otta' , - m. haii, e6o be performed ederate deser.t. wa and Prescod Amalgama w of 8.eed Grain &c�.�, c As . 4 1 1 - 4BTLEMN93 reason t6 believe that pet.tion was a damp6d; his print6r's forms and d44 f�rout the CAR, 6f the leat till the buds b e in ers came into the n4t it:) fit :t A place in Hotel es of type, -two -armies 'of the o- SHOOKING wa the- insti-ation of the Grand tion Bill s-berord thecoin mit-tee, -dvi� yesterday, s,; -Thi to tomac and- the J4mes. They riport.that iiE e Recorder -says -that ou -too were. knoci6d into :pf,- and 'ltogether to burst in SpriV the tre6-beffie, an4 ]hurriedly pass- n-d-inst.)O Notwi at, Q! thiough the Counci' The pted. to thstanding -the thaw of - P . ouse near I contrary 4 as. f. the premises bad be in -as I .or actuid topidi osee a epree ate th -burnt; He is inqured-16 XiA. The ai 6411C f fruit trees -in this section of when it'became known a petition numerously be`prbp6rty,. say- fbderate ---over ment beii verybluo le, atid d a d cons quent softness of'tbbf. roads- th tyll ished t promoters of the Bil httein were as 16a period, of glen the Petersbur- theatre filla *ith Cdn- fatesof A -farm h to� the wishes. of the 1)eopl e �en . 4. , e value of i rea#- stores, has - a It wtub _tfia r 8000 in ille to thi family ttendane enter flie yardwi.th the 0 apple. trets, batbed an a e - of farmers Vag good,. and the ra Aluttial and Provinciali *bich' will p i rind this stancedas' ua�j- signed by the­:Ilem6rits, buvers, aud ing it was "not -worth m -or is in e fifty cents 8 low bably 6over his lost, by damaryd in ro-­ the ed avy- is 6mppsed. L 'f -born -child, -coultiletely Ir0*10, ,a . Anew is 6 other 0 1 itself'":Was. decidedly. the best that -emoval.- the 'inten inhabit ints1of6linton and nei.,fiboillood- r tional proof of ar 0 tion to eV- oneFt inquest was bela on -the body f the all ' :,clainl. of' man Xt:bresenf,�utterly- *ortil.. -e4 w re 10 e' he cuilte'that to*n. was forwarded aainst the hear.)- It ev'er * So satisfied was every one ho 841?� the fi app -ared eld ic 4hissection 11161,,Ahii -direction e thiebild a I that the whole 'a 1 0 � giveh been h both a btobk, of- f�amd houses would ut a, The Heii1d's St.1ouis despat some Article Aung pens- Bbbw Ville Com ny� of $60 9 len ust Uvel The Towittouticit of Godei ie4 had also beeit .0,000. Mr 0 �ara. bon Wt. a umbel -of samp�es shown,and be-buerit ihaf-the nei4hbou v d the- belo tAining- the demoralization in Kirby Smith's tiranx. found froz�n ip r(- r& -the h elles i;present oonta* req.u!ited by the pro'Inoteri of the scheme to, Shanle'y, who. was formerly '0 M retno. e a Orc the b y --jad, Utica in its f refuq.-d th6 road state(I he quality 'nothincr, bat trashei " - 1 t, avori but they utterfy that it was worth $246 of'the irain' There were- in 14 e buildimys liorth.ormc Layeoqk`iii. seedlings or itifirior Mississippi army to be equal to t -the pp6ari pe een.abie to. O-ccup is varietift.,of graftea 6 of as porpons -of t, to.doso -it resAution strongly �er mile,. and th a thirty-six Urtyiebek has uot.b' other-Coafederate arm ea in add passed e road being 54 miles lon,r -entries principally of '4 0 41 ees, m- 116 s*� ew I ario b �? - - . premisegi -.�i yeti h condemnatory -t &measure. The people -41; we,su e he'will be Of the counim. WPM rs "hie'i ruit,produ�ers wultewasbin. 300,000. bushels each' o4a , of Goderi6h., 11arDurhey' woald-mAe-it worth about' 'ind he P -in 1-hed A( fWIIL in a day or tW b* c�zd.464 kto numbers bf -desent AlitelieA rizes were a%.varded oi from iiare constantly coming nto the Unidif He lso said it waA- absurd th;A- the Ebbw a,% folip- ad� in -04pa, -audlgtratford� had' al w 4 T6 9pe Of grafting lines at Little Rock. � Two-ttirdg of his men At the present. elmei po-. Jos fligis Ifleei S. 'BIILLG-. iecti THE ALIETY lag sitn ry ate said -lobe conscripts. -Vale-Corupany- sliould -lia , the 'oad for le tha�-aoy,�Wy. Of ordihs , *h a"pination. The- people of that. on the ve r .,P, Joliq Cok,'�th -*bo'&* 5"'fia -pages o�f the VdZeUe are occap Abilities is aftera, few trials -able to'graft that the. C ofthecountry whi6h.he.represented Ila& a mere cost Of the -ii!6W) which, was all onfederacy a .64 %.SOL lailuie, Aiaguate$ �ent notices, includin --hundred g. one ��p interest in this matter. . it D a n k, i n,- a d 'Only Md 91 AVAlt mAii, b- tlicj-_advance- (S -the-service. and Aesirous- of 'liplicatlions. Each week b ga im-1 wuld e d to Meiilii 2nd;James Lo' BRITO. NEVER'WILL BE 8L eaw an success.: with The I A ited couhties-of Hu- Holton- and -J. SO Macdotiald-spoke iii tb. heir escape and getting backo their lio ea. theen-to *twenty- new andi remembered that, -the un mas,64 %s. XTEsi -- T% _ and BL 3rd Jame Elliott; 63 lb slhblgiga of -,00driwl 1&tw for 11 .1 s To the Editor of Itte'Huron Signsf. -Tribilineli Wasilingto ist, despatch and as The times are bardi and rou, Perth ruce had "givea L500,000. to stron-est.termi a;rainst this -species Of 'Idwis 0 The ATS.�lsj, Tno. keld. I sto�Vs� whereon to" n sper. n��y belm commence opera IOn Ra, ilon" a says't at -Gen, -Joe Johnaton -assumed the itis likelythat the nambir *R.So a �ib building. the kiliffala and Lke Huron la law' or h , ud- recommended a gi 2ad, live, rol. t*ay. Thismoneywas-obiaineAfro When thev betinid the brare oppressed with ndds, 2nd i scions." or .1 graftsil aad,3rd itistraments co'nimancJ-of the farees,-ia fr6niL.Itaif -rear Uib creasing. m the windin- up the -aTa of insolvent- rair�q 3rdi.Juo. Hutile- desire: tAhield or sai�.,, -and mpterials.1pith 016h.to�4ritd the grafts -its Municipat Loaa Foul, and they. were pune- -Ir ess w I as . ma r. kre.touch�d- with �a She,rrn pri Thursda Gen:, -Lee -11 ne6a existed to sp%re a s, I companies. -No P..O, deAvith th6 B.&RLRY.-ls _y last. t, D-Aldliw-aitie. thell� obliptipns�-the united 1 - I D ox J U'A Pi. renia i arse smooft ually nieeting Bill. andatockf together. -A Istcick-' ii-sluiply a It and direct -the inswraner, -so that all parties I Wi nd 2nd, J, W.'Elliott. il!C Ina, move r Like R) '01 that *int as. well us ]I ind.le -his own oG­ Arm Pre". St --%wThle Alien Bill 11 is'now thp law of counties of Huron afi Brr�uc no, less Th n. Amal &ama- 3rd James 176un d. I th'; 0A a tm,., to which there are, payiu,(, e BuTald and Haro tree, or ortion &us 24,000 annually id,that -fund- In addi- the n Ink it ha'sAicarce een iniffi_ p army -for t defence of Richmond. tion Bill hati-s fire. I;AS.-ISt'Jno ]Y,b he a rs. P .. y er. some roots attac A �'but as. theses observa'. gl tioutothisi the� County- of Huron had spenc Weynis, of Brando An" ciently.cen'sured by ilte'n chmord pap A,, leave to-nirht for honie -2nd, d ews -are -kOse era, of Monday, are quiet= MftThe ChAnibers 1400,000 ist the, constrtiutiria of gra - M rews. paper press' ;Freacih, Lvel rc�ads tons -inielpilly intended Air and -the aeueral impressidn herp is that. 3rd, Jan. Salk6ld Q)ticed thaf-h-passad in theL House of -As em- la tre t -having to Sherman's exict locationt sad it is, a mat. on -the 15(h spoech from. dw -having 'ter ofiloubt whet6r they ireidly knoii de TiM THY Gordon- Young. bly by vexy nearly' unanimous ieri- The speech was xilai0bv empw armers to brin-their produce W`6od v011 w;ihdraw his Bill.'- rge es. atr,"Iy, ,to enable thi f 11e:has ca it- 0 eit-ablfshed,. where to tht diffierint - stations alon-, the line'.- Vbred to delude Brantford into: the belief th vote.7001Y small an.d- wort-bless'fruits, I -sliall. confie his main army reall cept 'that Be 'has d a2nd-9 W cr is, ex rea ai;eyen voting aggainst it. source of crossed irto torill Nrolina. 018�-stie airs, an or thei m'ulilcipal, loan fund it is some myse f to 41lai cl Siarely.after havimar ma6 so t, an eTort hr bo ids held fi M -L ass. - o prepare then a tree to,procure a railwai; tt. T JI P. 7 0, anquestion. ][i buly needsis the Amerio .Iiott evew.s&Ves were 'The World's special despatch sa -tithat A 0 -60. and submitted to, such ratigAtio'u. to feel th -�ctvance ire secured,* or at I -ea 2nd at sacriaeft, to meet their - oblf�,-aiions to the good a position . -its at of. tU6 Likdlfqf,g,. f present.. The absurditv 3rd,-NDueshewni fou, nd 10 proWsragaiait- this odions, In Wry Ri6mond papers o yesterday mainvAin ;settlement of- ihe Danish Ifunici It' ble- easute, toaw or out --Off -about 's'of the. tODH*t F n h -neutr it th Ivial pat Liian Fund, it vr'as on reasu a of this is I as clause 4 - of the a reserve in �re.rard to militar ii * - re e e Whatever the,maibrity e -Hoaso'bf As 'y opera ions t a e Lis braiieltes North 40arO inal, but as thp are ;Ot- in ar. ex. th Italina rfe- Af ter the readitio' of t xii - to expect.thit every facilitywould be afforded ment aii-th i( pre -f he*P I in th mind toifiave the surfate, so exposed, orizes the issue c �rence stock- e 00aVentionL and the co isiderable -sembly. may signify1th those seven As, a, them to send their produe.6 to the Eastert to he A fir9t, Thi quantitT.ofth eqa char,e'qn the net recelpts'.' IS. e grain changed mooth as Hkvin Acilei 12ou. tiltant mood, it is quite certain that Sherman 'to be eri. ved by luly as well as the, cannot.W done without piejudice to Brant. ha ds,, ma t6d.by a large hivea stock -at .- -A- 4scion! truo Britons Will b-- ioa�r le era -g thi markets hear.) The -Buffalo and ny farmers- leing glad to pay a ..n your comurau a has not yet encountered -any formidable ion See. The con U4 fluro-n Railiund was the principal iintlet ford's'. bo'nds, and so two le lwajority Ofille-icople'of:LCU ada. I shall 1i simply,* bgent o(A limb (if I his �ath.- vention perinil ading members of a 11 uu pper CA ada A on a fl fee dents extra for the i e of, n one seas raw' her troopoL wd isit, f(Wthe productgotthege large '6' ties, and the U obtaining u NEW Yokiri March L -The a w ithd bar have to -day declared ,ive a bt ief a growth (this. 1. find twstt though some coate A unit �ry of the bill, P0 t n teamer.Ai�ago work ef peace 4od concilisti(M. 'As when, it Was remetnb�-red that' aceordinCL to bv r their signatures tof 51�girs-- Clemelit and li�e look upon this4ho* blic that ii. should be 4 two; seasons, growth) cut orts when oT Chitries'ton harbar,- oil, lie pit may able to. "judge* *fbr ':them re the lastcensusl the ,�heat raised in Huron; Whileth Dili isthere'roregeneritfly as, ing'o At a titne-when-the sap is -got in -eirculitioni 9upthy, was in.foimed'tbat.Qdlumbia,..S.-O.�, had gards 4jx1w, the speech b,A* MaYs Alm- . 1. -e Perth and Hrum* was 3 000, 000 of b ne of the milst important,'and its objectioti-sb4oat .. I I u,re, rn the first place it been burned,* 'and -that new thr ne is b I ushels-7�- -QFpo.s6d,jn the ground dfdisi to A; Au-us:a had been capr - . 9 , I ecoming consolidrl:4- Vanta,cre therefore soltree of satisfaction th is, provided h and placed. in dry, or slight.ir damp sand t� on-e-ei-hih of the entire wheat crop pablic interests its promoters haveo ot ibe at t at 'a letter Addressed to the required'. , On e, h graft there s4ouId not be turrA by imr forces. btry is boing Pae1W'**d' its' ofUpper GanaiTa,­h' would be ai�once seen disinterested it s� im more, than three r four Weil. developed buds 40 support of a single municipality provino so-much.ffo Governor . General or Vroviacial, SeeretOry' reso that greit injury had 6eeh done to til wyear to year. It rm are WiIsg#ve4eiL One I - leml -A. TO STEWART.-m­`The.New York e at part along the- whole length of railway front Fort �Vl 0. John -under health# shop being sufflui ut 15�r..�, J.aud )X) it will be fexcmber�dtorok -the 'shfhature. -of -any person,: e"b 0 of the country from, the want of the n6cesdary El'e to Goderich. oorm th first] the Governo-7- pondeut of the Bosian 7ournal saysi-TIf, ,ifar accommodation. (Hearg: hear.) Belot _d;,. piii:� for 1�prin- r iddividliqlly -to. order the dep:lr-- to mincome-& mAtter-kiiown only -to IiimselfO- o'William Swllield,.ef a Dau&ir. list, without. reference to -heavy, Mr. yL a difficulty George -Thompso, ed Agai fro e -Dr. -Puyiersou arrived' here_ Wheat laqt�edr. matiirisisi A entered into hetween the. Toronto. success thi; turd rom the Proquee of the Allen represent- knife having, t�ro adei, one -o which shoa!d -w't T-'Stew4r' To thisTown, t1w jai insk .1be agreement we I His s. year, in the face o ' P., -are 19VA good trong papers are very busy h A' the w, 11 putpanies, there was occasionaly' n SiRved Ao-dav:- f rom much competition- the c befall h i athe� -licfit speaks woll and - both He is the sole master. of all, that is bought in Procuring, 'cars. -.but. tuce thitt time th for the of-receiv k -en, at'id `posses6 sold. e ontreal, and is the uest ..of h -.Malcohn lble ?T I' OfL fecessity* of the aillein.: The' Alie' 9" -4 -He knows every- article that to �a qu, ty no a I - Ofea been altnost elitr-eiv cut Cauier -s-oil -an ai-ence o q and an the 25t1h inaL, -tu L wax, It IUIX- comes in or --ro Odf 'gMf tirig' ' - r* He lectured' Ill d the manner in is -be not�ified thrqugh:th� Canada Gazette straight edge; 2 goes out of the tore. --N-o 1b;*- �Mrjara eri 'eh it 13 C.'liltivated. alone, ily 'to dA wo parLd d,e leaves without a check. the iolling stock, having beeri tdketi frorn ti -.The A M lure composed of 1 -our parts- rosin, I ff respectable audience; subjee whi es Tisdale -of a daughter, alo,Q 1�gaLeHitro4l, persoual notiee� him. Dis- itrlpes-- 617 en 'a -ailroad to. carry can IV a r'.' beqff- 'and, neArl i!,psih lallow; shawl loi hit wIfe one day And neo0ecfi the, Dui it & � I I ch he- is not lifte- y Ong -3rd le�wi � 'eighi, Which -was JD need -gi�e ur. to diaAmerican. through fr -Grifli -Deputy Postmaster General, it. GOWAN. -This ,gen t -le- 7 a7 -one check i4ii could t leave the b4ildilig! -No ZATH- 6F M' n ce to tonve h man "who orjer,6fAbe-Gi:jpUe �uthor­ ilich'Widdy a vain, Coil ,yei at ruinously- to* rates, whit'st our was examined to day before -the F�ostal Com: bedien the lid -satuh�ted With the above c NOTK� AL more profitable, mission. was so, horribly. injuredly, c Jnaby own produce. thou tit mer hant.in ew Yrki works so In ent In izes. the immediate irrest arid iifiprison ixture, whi.st- t4 lawr is boiling I and 40.2 orgives such undivided attebiio'n 4o- htslluo on -Aa or. still, some- bass, E co -partnership he4tofore e *m e wAt ne led. Ge, We tern cars had been T�e fo "loin -P fifr t accident. is report a n�res.ar- -extracted' fr bY th -Free Press of the j)li ivithoult �lw- utlitChis final ex. -liness. His roollisiare in Wn Atore, laced upon, the, �BuUlor an& Lke Hu'roa the-Publie Accobuts laid oil Om ay, L the ta Ie ave ex' ired on- Tueid the 28th pi,ran'di a comes down -,early, takes h een the undersigiled un b of the t Thw' 94od dinnerAbout tw de'r the ar, P. ult. H five o7clock. returnsund remains a( -His disobedience Nruv-vs, After cutting oft arld aiyj at Paris. this fall, for ille'llurpose, Houke Yaksion fr6m'.the Province. whV the knife Ult 10 misdemeinor I Mrs. 15cantan, of London. of beiino sent w "'waforth ta bring ies in, a, al at II ,dowfi wheat 174c- still' 1* t revenue for �thp. six months endime 31st is made a aid iii4iliable one third of thib),,,.t p patost limbs, work till late at nighv. He fi s his pleasure Founder$ nit x1lihinig' ad ta, The But th " Wurr!a Com- DecemVer -was ri,400.00 very precarious Aate. -by imorisonment in Ch amer 'and with the 6 forth Dundns%ills. e: 0 Comm6n JA arge- -Iblade-. of - inbusiness.' Heigasdiffic Clikolt, County of H Approach, as uron U T414 .oIlR 000 of whi' pany refused.ta'talktr them. and ilisiruct, -$311 000 day ch came from - custouls. eachof the i4l ir�lch and you period not excee 16he yeit". the therand--Larna.. Gbitothe In' down iiplit, allout Way Will _W S& ef the at the b werWgiveit tolhestatift-masteri roif to "l-lw fr dexcii6,$230,000. frOr th ate 'NJ. P. P. close -to on 0 met 'the-firra --",44 .5 in- lek n e.Post Office. -1 - * balf Y a courteous - m to be forwirded which we -e intended �27%000 from- Public Wurks, all alknO, lith 91 etwe'eh the een id t1 0- ­ fi bi 1b dutside-of th M Who je re,at eL man once au'affluent 'ev pthis be. colloctod by 110 r# may , etat alien in, Then takethe-scidn. and'isharpen the lower Ste' d '8323,600- for H naviittiod of the'st.'Law'�6zbce' tli�Goitdrnor fitub,,Lor nea th i n rif itthe limb is small - own establitiliment. "Toou til &=-7" e' 6cheleffa chant r the Gre:at WtsCer&-Read. This order, It was trrito,�iar.. 'beda co' vi' ed of "dOrstood-bad beeri, resdinded.but, the char.ps �. The expendituri was $3 a et d , 'a theA rer 0 t ners, and 11,416b om w4eat irolaGoderich;C6to �,155,000,, of Which crimping.- He'- is- senitencid -to: pay a fi , - prison wartia Ing a response coulesi "What is your ne witho XF i's aftei the failtion'oU a by them. and' eaforth St SW2,900 was . for taterest - 41sion.- t the, allenahat..vot been Wild 'Of it"61111 ther-'stif oil deb Ilk 0 ta Paris were stili so e on s bilsitiegaTT Want -to see t- uud- fOf of X I Q9 together with fiftcen in th Air. 11i4em' D. as to prevent the redemptiow -of �debt $1. t,60,000. QoavLted of misdemesiuof 0 wedge. forthe'led-th -of JiLineby taking The, rmot the ey raor Say i -C may u14 carep maIr W rwalopg the- Great ounci, W -A, GL Aide -)00. prisonment. 6t the dofer'r.'or a ooih andtibess.,p Isis p jol* with Westerif road frorn surql us. Ott-ihe half-�Qr is $644, lour rivate, rOSIewart p0tChaS'f2,-,PXt6nSiVe1Jr in t -.e. the cat clean.and, ft W31. R I - -you say. A L OUT "has no private business: I njust kno Taos. EVZONW, hese markets. The For the whole, Vest the tevenue- loir the. alieril'a excuse for obedi" wax or wax was 615- ence or cap the top of DIO. p. TO. may�gvauteitpnsion,of,time for eitpulsiSn if e'd cloth. Tie 13C I a- I so prepared are- W what hen Witness-AVA& You, vout,­ sir,,, lfjpu�statemeutis lotigra,- ore you an gain -t him, but is h the inner barks met by another bland, but port - u -est asurn i"ity of the char;i6s ihe lien- to-Wfilasert.ed Jort th, (quo -at ei Allowed to paw up stairs, Dated at Fitig#l, Feb. 21, 1M. wM -The �exp'��diture was $14-344,001) ih 18641- i demailde&- The Governor togi�e millers alabat-St. Cotherines ov'26090, againsi $14,382,600 in 1�63, I&'. Jame- 'a' Dickson,'- Esq'., a6d, other places on -the - -Welland CaRil. entitled to o r b thanks for' a first all ther side formerly, used t6 purchase largely atSeaforltli against7$14-900 00 in ISG3. I the Iiiiiih bi and other stationi the linie bat th.7 instalment' t The revenue, less the It erialsidking* of- the Confedera not requirbd to give name -df the.ilif6riiier." of the Iltoo" Malay matc.Vcumpletely,i. n UP fund ion Debates,' eu waited :c oufts�� o -the 6onfide4tial ui at 7ia*neat,a c q.or ed pu ula�r` granted ;hen blOdL. 'Bank, loan, ivhich� ard-prii C 8 -ige t4mail, ­bce- - a judge of on --of our Ten: ef Cot U0009 winteri owing; to the dilfietthy of woearing an'd -the 51ontre, -f� 170 - nd 'onientent 0 up -WiLk 0WAX., or was -$1 n W men 4gent cam; W Pirchased very paringly by a judge. but only -to, relieve the: alieaO..... qjolh� I! ering -every Wolin e Pa 0 o e -When 000'.-., Th`e ex:)endkure. lesa� the -',r6dempti 11 form for binding -when-c mpl'.ted.' rt d d' --y andvompanion of Mri Stewart. -Aw �Whom he ituiriso e4 for, ..disobedience for-,-iot 344- ti theffoitrid that Buffitioaad",Lke Huron or_ of the puhtit. debt, wai'�to,58T,000,­Showillg Whim it tape or --Grab& Trunk -c ro-- azurp s-of*594,00o.­ j, devotes I his -time,-' He subjqcts-you.to, Am could na be bad, they -p Aree- a TLA ­NT -10 - removing from the Proviacg..�.- The w, AGes esqeeW nece)ssa ) um, a re, Ing series of cross goes ioni FOR CAsH *111 u anoww a' A oft 11LT. -The lWarch OIN-T er sent to fo Puss carid Welland road. cgirs. which ivei a if you large Stock of t e the:iIiither the gralkid no. provid r .6 -if -tape I ;UW - irwill, U lie A. He -keeps you from 95h ortc iose of heitt, o. is upo ur tabli. Irring, the poli. wri *h weve'r r r "rY were on a stand at con r o1borae, for the pulp takL --The Trade. betwee th U. I t 0 Allay In Ifise use of to beafortkto, bdug their wheat. o% Would rti L S.- I . If he *h0nL._ydlI 4oq remov jftow a the iniddbe -of sul4m watt'if he Cal r and-Britiih Ame tidal a es.whi0h are Dot cal6alated PrOw6r 2941"It tte a tell.' q, cftrcivith th uConliML a it I* credited that hgw ca -0. 11� he aghera`Y6"Uto little bo w ere site t e-autoiirat--of the Ai a, month, althou jo,-, li, stm;. Suchis A suali'marl of thi ra were allowed lans t e list idia dr-fies edif ad* e to Say e Dr� Jo 9, �nrmv Wit hn �Eawird Ej�re' . es you -Buffildo, and Lake Huro 0 th --De t -r- oft -Do iii -4 -of poe to r -11 the- ike-of w] -inake UK -have r+p ed iml York noor h the At th meet' iliL-es eFE n tire it trains were passin good. tt. Notes was nev®r-exacted-iEk-any- un h f, om begip 'ng of bl4ule : 6 Tr4de;hst week, Daniuin Stewart, trr njoying ground wit Auc"o ountensuce 'And'* -cold, eye. - 3 1"eoe= 13 s Instridti,01166i oice is,sapp U.Jk. In advise anyone- to grift fpple trees tspectseernedind-ipicall.e speakin- toc resolution WiShed'to Sayr -press Well might Ike Ao Port Colbaru6 daily ? The management of -Esq., tr "anist and- Memories of Authors a 67e M rch �6- would v reased Iiis di;bre in the railway in this re ra rc wards- his air w sud inexcoable'r bear.) . lu eed- it a idles that will -be read with much plea-� -Ju�patient.' 'You hurlOy. -Ir ugueso And along that he entirel. -*a. -the views "16 _ need a plitar wif it were'tha #zed purpose concurred I _SUr6 by th idpe. b aif yoll to n At - e general 'public. For, -sale at nal ­vdight p 1' 6 '611 attempt t oftfis drand Trunk.Comoattyto. expressed by, the ge an, Joit -w- every tle-- that tlle� tim th acceptance,ib sl�tolo*y blit'Vilich they woutif gpi&; te' at A-MOUN A lava 0* notdaretoask L -311 e e jr-te REMO ED obstacteilt the way td revpnt 0e pr6duce.ot hs, come when busines.s.'alen are to de athat iietion of the country from - finditur at, we Lave' also' received Our adthe great questions of c' 017* You ever oepiIiiing to. P48, all iproetired car, y A F 08 for Al f genemly succeed ver fw4iDii outlet at ommerce an y CKC ote, Port colhorrie v sqmi,otir . ir, bere wiit-- law so W h ve n rmntmen iffer e T k -people, 0*� and indignation, has it ore& it over the Graud'Truak to Mon r Upffalo. t are stine aligil act it has ahirayfO'b' "Of gossip, with 1 .1 � I oys . -little and r , F. rs Messm iatqre8lBZ._ or,�� Llnr;! gig' 'b N U01111, th011-h- at -the ic nor & Fields. It be. -own r pnio, n0wilm its in this 006j;at-the insti Itani hikod f the Dadipy t)rs n ion swee qg away nic, little and dott- .In amome tof.pass '*40, Sibee the to vei plkh, Load in 04 Iowa. rand Trualt Compan - had crot. .for -to ihs. clation -land VW10S 51felff ism& a u (a of Wforei by -or.` it it more rougli:!. osggo- e mo6t gn; 0 !?)the wjpdj *c.,� thi It U his, a . creign'r P01 p er, t ougi Wife uch. illjary�had been4oue to tbia tijivil tre4ties ever establi CIER i*y What- 1L'b l'ut iW 61� h* ii-orobably fo- d Jim. '107 an -lial oacit of - th im for the ititteres possession of the Oil& se Huron. -port.ant oMmercial r Am o chi r6a - to an. r�wmd al ished.-, referred to DIR. BEE 11'� OPINION OF Nzw next 4, comink4a ejp. re. Alp- --way. rest Jo. an pD. 'Allieri i ulpany haviugdiverted* Y6RK CITY. -In the cou -of� a -sermon rse assured t Alt t iey wi I hardly -Alion sailor tor 11 -two, thilO 71W logo of Godench by the co , RAY be-morev t a'T treaty, betw st6 orous growin3 ren;425 e The mo'e 'At the ua wh ich.a trade .11 r. fj Said: Sunday week recDrocit- tile, Ultita tthe� ly. 'di,46, inser Oil tke traide, of tbe.westem cities, suck'as Chi- at Plymotith Church, last bill.'.- in pro rLion thf findr-.US- Ll &e,, from Go4erieh -to Sginis. ' tadl A podu -States and Willing to Ca a r obey, thfiy. Ill **LAY Telf Court V1— eedhe look grace exact. The Vanadiths' ctio.; seasot, Nara a teated ia aii iliar stated -'to have' been paid 11W Agrietwat befieea,the* two coin A -1-s- �irlf ng han that between -to oaf country 40 0 it !M man. iod the -wi&'and P gre the - C C, Psai8f, was eiiitered it -peoplet liv* qu;mon Council- of *elf$ generally. spak �c tralsferroo. The he ferable to. the-leelit UFA V.D Sto. fr6A ties*dldrsre�­t bayor the. suit -vf Q11vw - SAAAMN4=9 of th,- egg eeA.1T, -I I tiOns o New -York ivith t -be Mdyorthrowa I 149APAt wo "91-Ull a`pp ane, stated, -go- to-' altong the westiia sectib the BufF Eoirope.' a be., b6, _ I vendor alo, an ra oiWaWarAuk" mplb= iiiia 6 foreignersi nd de.-Atil; or Propagated b means-- ektia 'The who is 6 cool -of a proem Lak4i-Hiroft Rll*&Y, fjobilrSt rd to God. He, mcm ide LOA at them and -their unblushing Iaoued'-it a a curiouslac �s t ando' 2, -biddinj to legisate firtheim-rand mes iw; perly.eAlled inocu. OccuPY his In halfil out ragel agaunst ore *were lianderthir impreag athat-itwoucl wo 1. eiend to say that the oum esslr�d re- tion that the .9 - ivelf, aujd j�aj :15bilt explain -in i subjeeik *however,- 111tur 0 ts P -stuoyAnce 10 - I and then pt 4WIing be to t 3J8 110 1, 1 017151*11, -big neighboum of idfi4 advasitam,md. wet* ledla believe aU Le teachers 'of public moral roper 'from s have no- task be kK. b h, vourw we need got f Aso" , ho fore. them., J!1,PO! '4 itilaiso, Thu' X, -so- Z - ook at Niw.York with -its hd ess%led fdr'the' Shot the --not.. out t7 ire* freight woutd be, lowered Co t Earop.e put- togeik ;rja= so big- aellit, Aives and settled with Cam n ts, it9 light m. oder ercapital in'Qw-Ada. 'it ille Gra*4 -trunk tradsole Will ws would be afiorde& as a wa by. actual statistici ig -but liffle milliol :*Aerence,�mo if how" of i babitan e �rd , _8, doobit IS nor InTeSte wat -- wheat -other equal N;Q 9tate. that - over one-hdv of than- that of M. be _e bawad; to, R�ny he etween the Uaw ither -oiq -of d h, _iul I The: Exprew, train -which 1eft RoZh"- for �bail, atAjia �polbv lincliiiween AeN" fill reekin-4 th A htlbr- 'Albad 111" DIfift, &'day. Or two b __"y4aiWoa The E44 peadvee, amid 1aGW` be left to Mon Mate.* a�d A* Bitish- its streets, filth 1w sdweri* Ana it - - no to be �ext treat ru, ore 'North American ma 'of: y more' such --(00�mes III retence� and �i Voila .0, to, T�"= to rdiso.: 'Wei 10rortb A -20t lilliaijot.119 to t TI- WU A-0- tadid PF6 ca - A d --all thigi ha P hi - filli ,Ythawf di ug� 109 And inve4, here so�iij th i0yew-i644 -T -UtW wbeftir were eousurn tj P41r. Ai* AMRAW:01A 4 W-placm I um ly - - - -q been ea, of thieves, hated maw tht I stock�-& nest Zt- , - 4W in bskx w sacri a , I Yaakbii We, woug a4dit, be -eharged fi0ed bY '0011-reas Which h but"illih Uij I&W-111 cThey qs thereby dwv-4 W ;U�ftr WellaoT "lij, jit"Z roe ey,.,wi sor b se exampi I rises as country sumd V -1800FAbe Where ;Wi(k; Is *9 W 04 6 00 sx-dt. 4 our eitiz..�*$ 6 "'h --hum,equipitay W pillage, ith 41C WNW Oed a orality tho),-*ill wi from informers and 4" Theloo"361 1&4C7W- t pit f -j' tiale Of� oe YoUtli at the sataq thesem to be xq� t and doubtless those who are Will ept *1 ol so I 0�r, D 0 T And prmLitutes tbo,�' =f 0:�- The Hmnitten Ifilitay 90 TcrY iliiporian`� leae fofi"hwa,�ijhire there is overtur scud, jus at bewell r re �e 7unc y Mrs le a- the an -'I V ese id ire M of, he tal WU ci I r10 W, by or rl no dy meritioned -6 aniedudexposid, aid *a, Was 801i a pre* H4 mer Jowned with 42 - ,such more libeny D me's IN d hetter. 'Publi� Me' Aolda 1�d interests, of mum woeW be� brotight, be as� the leration. Thus will- the material ad 'obstrue, W Whieh 46 * Jay# Up P the j redi-f 0 eater Union. in FAtgpe in 03teM require of busiliess m3 1�10 people demand of tbom.apricii.,for S hired i0fo - SAM entation. of any rmer.,without: it girls!