HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-03, Page 1r e Fecundity of the Cod -Fish. BuElilless The cod is one of the most prolific of rishes -_ - 11 '1L.11ilevou""ll asmaybe-supposed, when we call lomind AN BE ('3NSULTE.1) L;P,ro JO A -M-, thev;stnumberg which are caught at the next door a principai fishing station& through a long sue. U�at his re-idence on Surtik 6trecip -s, v6 here one man ii, New - cession& ut'yeai _I,, ItJ of the residenecol Rev - Mr- Elwood - 10:1 futindlaud has caught 552 in a day, and up - Lip TW a - waidiot 15,000 in a voyage. 10,000 cod- HYS,ICIAN, SLTUGEON, &c.',&o., GOD, -i e reckoned a proper yearly capture i fitbes wL P 13 -.40-1 y tor a man. The fact is well burne out by an examination of the multitude ot grains of r -to spitwit which have been counted in the, mass &c., (Lite H y S I I -A. ofthe civat ws. Iu a fish of 21 lb, the roe P House Surgeon, Kin4ston Hospital).- AND HURON AND B RUCE ID VE U TIS ERS or move than half'ol the whole wei-lied 11 ib, Godaitch.P. W. tilk i but, iftanother which weighed 30 lb, the pounds and a quarter; roe oniy wt ighed foul 13r. Cole. ance avid vet in this last inst. the ful4owing CLINTON, Hu W. T. COX, -Editor and P1 oprietor. The Grea'test Possible Good to the Greitest Possible Number." ][,ATF, OF STANLEY— roparlion wits fairly calculated: in- rppeated Igo, ites!s foiruter Store P Road. (Mr. Thwa July 1, '62. trials, two andins in weiht of this lob ave the number of over 423; 96 that making, VOL. 3. -NO a tull allowatice for the m�ember mingleedi DE. A. WORTHIN AN IN AD --I GODERICH,�--C. W, FRII)AY RCH 3, 1860. GTONt $2.50 PERi N MM 52 Ig s supbGEUN, &c., will at- wiiii thein. III,- number of living individuida ElYbICLI whicL might have been produced from ibis DMCH P terij, particularly. to diseases oi rand surgical. ti -ill in vitilch this roo wits of less then ust &I ess than operatiorif upon the eye. 14 CAM 11 MJ p -portionate wei-bt was little I' LAG w47-1 jr GERY a blowICK VUL 13u,stness mira v 7 ' -,v many of these eggs TRfarn thaaks NvOo,,000. Tbat ve �Buqillcqq, Divector Jor I _U RENT e�vr,+�at their IN THE MATT Ell OF PARTITIO X neve rreach a useful size is hi,�, bly. probable i IrilL ]6e,%V1L6._ and yet itis to bererniirked-thatayoungcod B E-TIVE E -N . L_ . TTORNEY-AT- rz�'AWEXC - ELLENT a thore rarely fouiid-.jv the swinuch �of other y, County 0011111-S-SIONER.IN T T OF PATRICK KENNEDY 9 YN D M AN -.shes itan' the �_,eneralitv of its 10 flow -natives DRUGS A a 'k P. a I S T E -K 2.VN D A, .1 o1kn Mitilne, 1T YERY.-STAND! -EVE Maw, and Sel, �ttot-ia-Chancrr HE COUR -INSUR"CE- DRUGS, AN D. Crow&,Attorne GoJcric4,-,anada%1-est- k klueeriN Rench, Coinvo�anberj &c..' , LBeg ESTERIJ ASSURANCR, COMPANY, -0auchsFisAejvftAeBii �.e for $55.0 . a Court House. vl4p4o �4trj kept of Farm and Town ots for S 11ENRY eOWPER HyNr)MAN AND OTIIERS.. -T1"E LVE RO OMS, with of I lie dee, d�iiL ta. par- W UNSISTING GF jam, Britih kinetics AssuranceCompany; Head Islunds.. tie 1,�hed, pump arid large garden, _111k -c* wQr pill es,Torouto-i Marine, Firetind Life Insurances !s having- tots� for sate,or iring tor 01fic Stable, -send, full pat tcutars. 740''. . erroWVsbipO vinil please priible terms. f Turn. efleaed.onrhv� h' L -e ofj3luevai. k, T r) I I , nnon.Feb-. 2N 1857. TO.-TrIB BOA10RABLE, THEi-TUDG-ES in t e Vilh 0::) -The is Irom the iEy, CONVEY% Dunza YJ FT Office ill �Mr. J; B. (1*011,I)ON's Law Chain- B hermand known I.Y tile vie BLU N�tvs.�-rwith the -fall -of Cbarldstoi�vi col:6- jDn?,%4f+&treaQoderich C.W OF CHANCERY. name bftl 6P TRE GO UR T E itinible klition of -the above named. -oce pati It wetwea -the tugoif war.- Tke to Wict u- A ut VALE HOTEL, and'in. the u 0 HN HALDAN, Jr.,- Agt. -its.f &A --i - ead1ii . tit TH PUGH. -. The property", -fo aisti' bo �COMXERCI 2 Pat-ri6k.Kennejy ffvndmi it, ofthe Vi'lage the propriet9r, H. 0 in. ercest, lo _haslarg_6 additions nd improvements, -and is as to AL HJUS'E 4, 'ro Goderich.No,�. 4. 1860 '30WITORS CONVEY-` 3r ofExet&.intheVouniy6fW n -and, Province 41C> =L3C> '46TV lere is no Jonger any phase." T -iaf Land- Sirvey�r, shew�th L - I worthy then6tice. ofany idawwhij- ii seikin 1) lu the, ash B tbe Store or of Ca kda, Proiint .9 the temper ot the S uib. es a the t. T. Ikilor SomGoderwit, and Quelin, .5treet: asfollow-�: a home.. -of its - r"T ST-1REET,--Q0DZ:1ICH:0 -doomed city, -the lbotsteps 1. Henry Hy0man, late of LuDdewon, inj e PUGH. Kinca d --their determination 41 _hipi.of Co I *wKlacardine. T was lborile, ill the Coq6tv.,01,Rll- proud defenders tragle.- Ila -Comirwi s- u__ r. ce, V Med i colL &L 9 on and Province afortmwd, was a ie m- w-3 7ft. to onquor independence, whaieve Inigbt --be big death the owner of thii fee sim-ile of Lois of intiort ------ 4. thank- his friends and tke,tivelling.pol 'lie property and lifi. enemlly I beraL p -N tv rfour avid live$ in in the atronage - he b ribe Ieltond Fast, _tfiarl�ston was -to �tbeCgioliuiafiv -kol- IREVAND LIFE'. Ir _Hl 12:23. T HE IT'_qDERStGkED'-8EG14 sincerely to t 0 ti 'e of October Sth. IB613 - W tor the verJi. _li hat enjoved for the pa -it. nine, -ve%,",' and woiild I -v:- towvv�hip of Colhorne. in the -Count� of lion he RL F -to V figl'. a coutinviaACCL jif I.Prtiviucft-aforesaid,� ow Was to.t ussiam irlbqond Ji, West., Strteet;Goaer e I T.� ind of the.iiiiaterly halt luethey reytremed it loriho buhet-of ililbeL t We, 11*011t of of lot r weit ofNorth treet, in'th wil oi it V�i e to f Goderich, ..wisocialions that lieked th Hi-xitevirtiouse 4s been thoou-blvirepair d,st id CAPITAL—TWO, MILLION' DOLLARS DISPENSING CHEMIST DRUGGIU NO-TICE �wdt be found colulliete intryery parriculaf. J Q 11 N DO X 0 G H I*aleryn,and Invllorter4 oilierwis ining itinriber of pride arid affection. If thty- -bad oil I . . and' $a 000 000. 1 . � � :� . e known a3 rini r"I"AY., SOLICITOR iccum��ted!Fwn4s on h tired-andiiinetvitir4��ot'.thet(-,iv'n plot ofGoderielt. G.,]F, N_ U I NL ]F, s likewise at -A tose vniltzlited-to Wn 'E. 'Ckk "by their inel'ifialions -by tv� OLifie %W1 - ._ L I - I - I , - .1 . ti. -CH. t e, 31aiket Squam� Goderich- Sept. D RIJ G. 8'. Andibe said Henq H�nd`ihan. wa. Ililig 1jivir the t1n16 -if hi entitled to Up fee. Il note or book account, PI er 9_ -deaili -eql.ilabi s utobtrs-nme, ten will; ilease, the city -to the hist, s earn tit Kirq-stotstreet,00derkell. Asnual Incoi4e; Exceeds $2 a d op -drop in its defenei. - But -the limir -11 b concesAjon, Western In and elevitin ill the eig had cuttle for the -to suci ifi& all lom PT ju� 30LIND HOTEL, -GODER1011 simple and inher rallip of CaMun) CILL IND Ori JIL 17.ZE trisiirarices eflbetpd at the-LOWES7 mair JV-66-thl, a2id Wait l3x%xs lie r0.1 t4vusion, ofthe-said town e -7 FRATBSeeusistentwilh�afety.- 2. Theanid Henry Hi ndinaill depoirteJ iblis lire� Th��bame ithout delaILVI.- Office 1-witial consid6ationstb to tbe`cgvse� in WILSON, PiCOPRIETOR. -THIT, PAINT89 OILS, COLO11,18g, DTIR STUFFS, on or-abitit tile nivv�tee*iith daV of'Septenibit,rin 1t,1, they bad tnibailve 9AT- )n LighthOUSe 6 d., � Tbey - did n9l, hesitate. earner, %V:egt �Stv�eet, Godetle ai i the oli-and Eight Hun- office 4 �OATTLE_M-EDICINE*F ded Fqur� having first dulv- iiia,.e -and Next to Air.- AndTelw Dono&s- 17 above' is nio-n plea.& itiv sttuaied on ]E[01SE& year ot'#Jur Lord One Tb k iing if -Harbor 'Life In' The appeal wus made to Ilipir woral cuisge, ende 120 feet high',L o%ferlooL le r Se, �l . Ail -IQ la,,t -will and te-sta 'jai dit,wfisattswertdAy a dewion -e th.st ffo-ha 313. f-worao ­iood Orenards, 0ardens and nielif iii Writing Ind Lake 1-turcia, �pnb hed bi. &C &C. n red the _sacied.tity f4he- 1 '18 TTO &T -LM. 4LIGITOR IN itural Walk* attacbed. Roard-�$l -per singlio LMglg B(),VU$ AND RAITS OWER MAN CAIMEN SEMBO kq which is ill Ilic w, rds a d figures following-, that R N RY day, �0 15IvI0V1V is to sav: enry yndinan, ol'Uinderston. pahiie, Convevarve I Aealsor lli�ds.25 cents._ aZoSrENGL1SR OFFIC S. -ened niin 1u the public AChavicerv, Notary er. V E For Salb und gave to the invader A black -imat. Medica! men punctually attendedto Nstrilit of Londo:and h24 on baU4 I in tile ('oil ty o0i &c-, G-oderieh;_ Caaazv XV Uron -his ptize and a desert foris land vf Hal- % et.tiklmdoroi frout the Province 6 -00 rCatiadq, do make 4nd'publish" he Soutlit side of Stre PV ithout ai�`Lolqesf Tiade-Pliret.., ' - . - . ; it. I do. frorapty 8.ettlea . t4ismvla. will an&test' ter cas or &.B.�Phy6c4n1s_ Presicrirtivins' carefully dis. ainei DAYS 1EEOTELp.Tsomses 2LQO BARRELS e- $ALT YN Death of H n* George $,qua[ i�. T- 5 Directors pensed--'_ deaY.1vile Augusta Harriet Elizab R appom Hyndinaurrysole executrix-land­ote :,guardiall 1--.1efirew- to aBoud of W FLOX E it. Jan. 10. 1858. 49 AT G oderic j1dien, and I do fit rebv direct That in the SLJL[C.ITO& IN IrS gittiated 04 the Gravel, - Road- .-running from- 1, . : - rih.of , - . I ay ZH LES. FLETCHER9 .- - , - - - - ; -_ ' to u ir eh We regre toriave io annonce fle deii &c.' L Seatlirth- ti� -oathanipton, �orve -In1leL no Agent.' - ecutrix.do provide, f6r.thep. Chaee Notary Publie.Cpavevaneer, ofthelln. George Rpfltl�. Of- Idolit4elf 7 first jilace iny BB er&Gol�s '-vbero itleads' off to.. Wroxeter, arvit arty one ,trav- inetit ol'all my law6d dehis. and ill the next plave PER. I- IT LIGHT'! $1 ied".ou Saturday, moining,'iti 1864 -W15 *Gardin LIGHT! 1IG over It. 1fi HT! she i r which ogeu elln­ to trial . LIO Make � Stlittible proVi.,ion formy de t - V;O& X. 4 dinan, equal o the -life A QUAN '74�tb yeal of bis it "oe ay0i :that w49 firm Itar4ware Store. V Inother, Ahi. -arah Rvi L TITY OF ge, 'The t jalinuil otf 110tLey te Lan& on Ra -A TnPirtY- 3e1mv.e9LW;t1ke'rt0n' SoUth'lMpton,_'jj� 10rhisk- aitd--Wrea 50MCrlinx Znouu�ed irk rpy liivor n Friday be vasin good hoalibi i;teif I irth TT Q or It! r �nt ofibe farni of Giirgo.4de, ;o The -thatdirectioa wi'dfirdaccomino- -C IAL 011-4 nd tl�e li the Mayor, andas life ben jr, arty place ii) "vCK & 0. iijq Se Ila expects to find at first cla$& uish of Largo atid Coitility o0live, its . o n IGODE P. fie "riii liclue, he wais seizedWjtb jvshivr� laiiiin iitell as he onlir hair Hyndinan, 0 tTT G -ttv hotels, in all-re-speets. istelk-sold oy heriand ire tu Jelin illy - dear'urife. 1J`wa8_f1joUg11t­lve would laim re. Mi. Gordon's Law Chanvib�rsw wrati't; tee in r V - 10ff �o 4. UpitaLfs oil conditioi of her -Assorted, -]at e;1. vered -but lie ed F�ilt Door West, WAYS-- HAND renotin Ock" West tloge b1l;_ life the lots. o. I 2b3,, Lake roadeast,towbt-hip I we ER 100 PPDUNDS was e -wag- 4 leave f6r er Co' unexiviectedl go ICE OX- Sale by, ho right of d)iv on )of ness tt,ilicse z- . 9 _$2.50 7-P 4OHN H ALDAN,. h.5 F.:JORDAN -lie., Urestern Division,witli all ho W3i. �2 bond In The maritc-f 18r; ofColboi aseb, . as godd as their a It buildings. furniture, -plate, -boolfs, linen, farining Jhn.17Jhb9. 1G.RACE. 'December 22nd, 1864. sw32-1 &c-,'Godi, rout7i Friond's Oi ideelch. Orilober 13, ISM k, cattle and uteri -y which Goderick, -lie was one Goueml Spot. - stLing -ils ef. hu�bandi escort to iziou mein I -GTIt L 0 1 way be o e- ��anle a- the In rel' table moii& %T. OXI C TIE+.* BE71LDT GS'COVER, A LEN a ill time of in), death ;all s. arid vbarii -other propertv, u hether real or p onal�-f direct, ever',zealous. He was all active- pulitimim, er. BUD ANO FIFTY, FEET' I ey -to Lend lobe equally'divided aniut)g rity-cliddren, share and -was twice menibef for this city. jkfe-k- RIJI NATT ROBERTSON Mon d in 1848. The Board of Tiide Ojiitffi�pd r et , an app ; ry Lake Road I or. Ali IllY irri s.w1Q:1w31 -and i and give and beq�ieath the said (nxterielt., Atizzust 27th� 186, ClqARLES. DAYS,L' .0 ve resdoilable te ms. lotxNo. 1. 2 'ast, wiln Elie -houses E. D,R'I;C- on account of his d h JSA AG a Ri�d buildill- thereoli Wier 1he ivath of my dear Propriet to orty. eldest km ]a,.. 1G. w4G-1 Wife, leave to niv dear _9OL1GtT0 ;- OFFI' 7 olud Ing been pamteV - TTORRY. WI'47� DOYLE fe of dividing aiviong 6ur child i-tr6. pla -c., -Oderich o suniterelliall 11 atdl Wh ell C'W- wi -tile powt -re TO F* X EATI1 Cribb's neir Bloc ri e D FROM HTDR0FRoBIA�—.A7e1rP&M of'Much �he has the Te na--reerve to iny� lea --n h4t ow lcrpikslvankq� whql_, ------ id Wid w50 Ivr sell the right by auy.writing tjniler�. illy hand to bitten by aab dogr ion Idoi �Gode�tch, Oth Jqn: add pit to avake peoial bequ". is as inay appear to file. tobtirlast, iediatli r tresiderce, Yi&iu -t ji, e I S-", lie anV It inse ary. Ill wi Lneis-b hereof on Siinday --norning last, ite-101h-*4 At ' anada. and, charges as.inoder; v -time -she was -ORING 'et in), h Ltinderston. Wi is to' his iny last will and. testarn AT rOHNT HTCKSj. Proprietor� TlI4 iR thL tPodexich AD 'Clalf targest_;ind bi�stCountrr d Ion C'311ton. -n %litchell. Stage PrOprititor. Goodstablingtor NZW T_ A _11 I ha* e hereu nto- and a't7 the bitten. Ile Vaf8r;;0Z ges-,fioir,.- Hite, -on.. -Ju - before the C4 woman . sulfered MUC.Lb bodily pain unit fficii-�' 100. 1-forses. mrses and Carria ihiresaid ' the nnieteentri of ire 1834 k 4W,91& Ogeeiwe.lbltoa--afe-dcor*n4Drth ofthe POst X -ain Rqs dnJ Alexa -Las. witn es %Villj. inziety,'but-the wound liviialin." -her frklpos. --te 14,7 UCL ESTABLISHMZNTl d4er D" k vi2i07 up, illy farin servant -loin lime more an (Signed) H. HY-NDIMAN, WATCHMAKER Ewmilb, -conduded that ber d __ - ' � 4:; . .1 � would b __W U. 11()SS, Witno 'S.�. . . I pcome settled. On �gabbpth-,4wo WEST T. =)EhICH, 'V bile altendivig clurch in Rap J0 H - -X TTUR SOLICITO N A -DA Sr AL bX. DOC.(; LAS form EGS to announee to his er trons n &ddlery dog juniped at,ber, arid so tiijbiened vvA i T V d 3.- The -said late Henry Hv0dn lottv Bthe pubW. gen'emlly that be hits cipelj6d a vn had Text door West- of 121L.8 SUCH AS c1pl(Iren, naineiv.: Your'�betvtioncr Patiiekien- lthat tier Mind MA ;_,W'ORXS _Lqun Bedsteads -in endiess- T nedy yn L an L AINDS XkV affiectli"k and syllilit6me . Qf-'bydrop119Vw ;bra-, L TABLISHMENT I H cra' and* tl c saill Ifenry :, owper �jrrerlerjialr -Prout -Buredus, )e AILORING E3 ases, yndinan, ol',Spri -id'e.Lin-Ayr- WATt;HESj CLOCKS AND- JEWELRY -game apparent-., Mri John 3444TI011$ j44 T_of R I vatjety, %Vardr itf lift 0 H ngside, Wek Killi a z I *wp4t PUBL -enterTa bl es, ninz Tables, 6 that part of tl rea I shire.iii HVL P-SLIM31) DIV 8flon'rL NOTICE. XTT reaklan 'rables, tBI C 11 beifer bitten by t1b rabid doi4 L W.; -0. T'FL-E _y st.,uex or to a 4 aii Stands, Chiirs, and nia arid Irelandco'lled. _iiroline nd- RE -IRSLL Weekl an C.;i� Toilet Titlitc-1, 'V 11� had to 'be deztr(?yv4&,- F ir, & S mad LEAVENL`­ 116 -e, I-viuelia Hind - In the best Style & Warranted. x C L-j� tr etherartielew to)-inninerousioinention'o Adki ids Mst, ijan-.oftlle pla( pi fthe saine plave,,&pinsteii 4lizatieth Mark re rut aliks. 7oji heatim of ve W With's ry at assortment of 0 et* �rbLci ofth �ivv'ier. hd Anno AL A GoOD ASSORTMENT stance, became alarming' )i FIL, Ult wag- Lottima 11kndinany of the town ofstratfivrd, in the two prp VINCIA1 IN YT " y w"r" to her d case site bad, tq FASMONABLE ..CLOV uold& 4"Inted Jewelry. Wnlehesq id-Provinve aforemi oin vat Promptly ell orthe,- -William Ait-usta ci.rt�e anti n '11. County, otTerth ai uded to, UPHOLSTERY0 a a coub wil in I;ed Tim poor- w t5ila 14itaches s [tiirn�ierly ben conscious, however, excepijug- -w, .4 HaLrriet-flyndinaul nowiti, MA r, wIte:C61 Ha6y Wil`ballls Congtantly on ha!vduad %varranteAlto'be astepresented sliestris came oiland.th she. County of 11"J. Gollarteji July'27th. 1884 'I 46a2l dog screamM loudly, aucl-bamd7 at The r FALL AND WINTERTRATTI f)ftLile Sallie- pigee, Jelin Hyndinan,of thi� villa -ti Ynoto inimey refandcri. -UNDET, kK]N( L, tkg1y_8URVzy0R v -N oi Which,heis repared to indke trip in first-cl iss in the or, afo7esiii tullv invites a it -exainination. p d Deaih. bappilh stepped MRI ry ch . iv.. i 11U.1) style and' ve eapL fb illiain Hyndivi;iiii, euppotic to W 110W ! CASIL A. splendid mouth� Civil F�n,ined C' %va anti4S to be . de ofth& best ma- f �. - i , . - .. -ftir its lty t,.,61. a f oc Idin "�y - who are , , :-. t t 0 . - . I wit. e inAatral�a orliew Zealivid CWIMEd her JD nateitifip. and at - 9"LlItti _ieduced RC a 11. aatnAli 9 terial and *01-k all of age, nd Bijurffyjidniall. ana Arthur ILA. I-ittcoinpare satsfied before 47th yvar.,Ewra A06arr". i& r Wh 7' Hynd!)1an'_ new deceased h e rL- . - 'I PrOL ndmih left him sur- AND Table kinds Of E Tlie.-lid late Henry' I-IV Vtt, VN`D_LAU1JVEYO1? S: : I n, s. call a' and be C H -R I STIVIA.6 S7 :TORb3, T�01�3t3' 's 0 V OALI 0 eoaeyajtcer�j Knicardlat, Farmer's P J Lan(t r..; - Cordwoo t and all yo d.tlfc� saijilieury ow- -diviietaken in i rkablycheap. iiian,Mitria Can 10LIDAV ES 01,fine texture. and rema 111adinanU, li�ellq I It.- Iq .- I -,* - - . I . - nr vetitioner an To .3. change, ': per flynd Ware in on �Klgin Stree t ry- -NTSL irvg� post been invenled- 'PIR E Ali- iman; Anita iif'itiolitem %V59L, 6ndnvon,! Eli abeth JOHN ADAMS , Ifyii r'lt. 4C0nn God I 'swil L:, usgwita - Harti , Willianis IT Godench. A ut h Books; Prayer Booksf all kinds, back ortitiiie stamP14 the Am Wag guz�m*4. W. OY- 9 L L " - Atiausta .4larriet H_vj�dr%an] John T Churefi Services. flyjiia�Rooklk� dain ' tied imid placed OnA GODERIC-Li-i C y 4,-rri. wid nine ot� Build; heir$ ialmr r up in- a neat jind correct,�tyle vi;du. i -W Mid his wid' when Buch an impression is made an vw'u lie?ritsces- at I ow V- DUN LOP Wk-wroil,% Ike U*G11 C G11r, :1.0 ImX vg a ..H riie.t Elizabeth, H ]ELS! A u of e, ei a' �!n-dnian, who AhBUXIS, SA h letter as rendero til 'r relutwa or Liidi�sl' CompairvoI10, sible. It by any Pr4cQsj the .-BtW at th qurait Auction Nla�irs King' CIL -V s%v vili'lly r has a glaim I dower out of 11' s-aid,.land-c, %_ - 'A EiqTAL inte -to ibe ':arid is ile 16 in DL'CQA'TTM'� INETVAREHOUSE. and who is nded 'WOK -BOX -E& W NGTASES; e� off it must be,destrot�d, of GoileftL uAB made a parti to this a0 Robert 131.111. BITI 3 EC�S, -to intfirrh lipoii the leu'er.' .'TA* AN the inbabitants am!y Hyndman anti Aithur j4lvo. ave since h, x;o,. we:i tiwbera4 Ile 6a 'Jti��MOVND to the shop under vicAling Operation 'will ow ca. I Vin1k'no.1Z_SUt" diet lea amount of iime and labour in -4 ar 5 - in the year.one thousand eignt hundred genti, Pailiament ' _y arir ., johWn9g Picture a ry ifowper Hind- her ary6les, all cheap very suit- atinat being, ]*-V4 W Z G 11",yy fifty-six th0iiabove Ilailled Hcn And vaholits ot Atint insures security �b e V, nbehalf .. of able !or iman poid to -the Canatia tbieves. _T Goderich0- US[_%TZ iS.- IVIT11,THE M �&Xat SQV_�Ln=' other co-kems andco beire&ses at- wakin Z nia. , e* EArket Square,. R&N9110Tj 1, HOLI[DAV GIFTS! De- id late HeAry yndnian the balance e supply of Loa w o f the *a T nVentloll&_ elicale msdayfit at I I 8--ol (:rdwa Lawl's and oth r-Governmen he he bas a law I int-q-;-.TiLL--t,,ifout-Pltellts fi3r I of the tirch"e nloney at the said -lots nualb Iiihi ind d wid L -Bill- - - - - ----- - -- -of-thellestin wam wei*- partm( Drafts and ;re at, 'takes ch-jr,, ist beaction 'Webic Division,of the said wnship. !01- well laden -With slid be as co I I 1 -1 'a re fair In - TEIR G 0 to of t mp e, y poT al�le A f FILL IS ellgion or Varlie -sid e ny vioNSON & HAZLEHUBST, tVfX-T70t,7C UR T, pa elsents fbir the Little'FLOIkS. ent issue; whether ju -foldin lhej� thiq borfie, wiierviipon,thecaid tit Ca (TH -land veri-,4uita�lef;IiDrtt,,Uodtrich Trade- w1do-lih, --ofth - Fir executed eoriveyance e said uld not adhere to each therr or- I -k 46. WO wits )-'44 Henry Qowper 14 Q_T_TAU"r1DU*4 &,Tit 4 ady to sellilit kisdinati and lie aid a a 'AT BUTLEWIL as to di4figure ;9 Mm =L heirs and co-heire-4ises-at-I w, nd be and 0 y of 7aid..ta 0 � D. GO'EmPON the irizinetteVAicako, io* 10 . - 11 . 1. L ­ - - ''Jiletioli &Commisg .Xerchallts, GaDz,.%J01E'FAN: j re ASH 1�., Et a entitled to. all the ati-renlen Lo*EST C. tioned prenitses as 'G erich.'Dw.. 18. IF6 - s! twozo% Nic An tenantsin conimon each i to an equal:' od 4 - AND Burs A 4 Win, latk" 1864 -AKF Colbrieliv ifl* Z 71 *04 TA Yom v. -AND U 4 S*ngla_ Hotel (14.1trichi; udt. NbERT, y proportion thereof Alid =Xt tk�Dr �O _�ti.'The said Aeniy 6wper llyndinan is late Henry nae the aid on'brind a, complete Acreditbr of,:tlib `&ta Of SALE respec ive I ures. ana"Iftes now te -sp of at'his Wsirproomilii yrkdnia n in r� ec - id by 99P4C Furn t,C)f the droodat, "I 11VIF 1, 1,, -at A tb'the sathe :(fa Coffi- -STILL Axosugn G. T. IL AcojDijri.­T* -4 44 iturges, NVaggons.L &e 'it BE s --8 and 9, range 0,- in hil of6m nf'h'P . -Saw aLlr]C JXS�URAXCE UO r 073 at tb4 lud eirery- Situr B SUB. M - - - ' S J`PH L Gi.TO UTFORM STREET GODER t11%10A '01 Undu.Prte Press heard '*d _L Of rCH., lU Stanley, $20 per acre south 90 acres of on rd taL thA, 4air gankr4pt'Slock, Far- eink4bita it -s of the catiniies e(Hur.on WEST party. JeL Arm f' th da the' twenty firt ac :Zhore, Ao 'bit I Ut b4weeif istock.&& -C;jitaq q,00 D000 7. Bv d�e pod Lalie lificid, $6,pe. re; 'East t -he Grand Trunk and Bt SUM I 111L dl.afc)65epl�-' ber one thousand eight' hundred debts CillectetL ladtrd"A-'A4cranto bLr of"hIS a e Ot-silitti eastet'. -of lot 2 in . five, -owthi- uAck, -a a certais (in handL Dun 25 yquariet t, -mary's and r4n Bo W -ex fitty-t(;ur and . ecuted L by 91h eou_W, D_* Aslifield, #4 per acre; esterly ght cars rolled Jown the vint lvettreei� ths. 0eaus, Tables, dateads, ff�jry and s Met WilliarM the_,Durbarn Asgurs'nee Harriet, Williams tit particulars bud cope AQ band at rittaYla.1 Iteegoad township ot.Kiricitr4ine8 dollorhol per acre,. coart aviguie*i attended ta- d Chairs. 'Gift L Moulding .4m Auguta Ila o. Mahn; vane W -se 40 res of* lot 61, ci I FANNING MILLS & P-UMPS-' t am. vreavaasMs terms sud LobvkinvGlasses. in riety, of 'Caigggyr siter atteadel fa� all ofiiie'sib -was chargeil wilb the to -press. rebaid,!�ands Apply to - 1UI3rl!fth.l8m 'vr=_tyr flewould particularly draw. attention o his �,Sy4neut of thezuin, ot�jsijC- hiindred and seventy e i net avivFbeenappOnted HoMe ffallftetUfa d rHOS. WEATHERALD, "y oarranIthein Wheat. from ah m1wrted. ullur, oi 'A revolting itidident. i& e hesbove and interestto Sirvineil Street Y iage of D ches. &c. rumps mad to Order erth--ho froderich _rted ftM oats.. cocklen'. si re-paredtO RccePhoth Fireand th6 tv*n OfStrli 1110rd.'im the Vousty`bf I` Till irinsleben.. A short Atme M y,to -this L- e bid Wd:x wal is in conseque D&UGI!IONEER. RXYFIELD, and warraintea. has Mwsri' nb d a th Oete sa ace t: r f of 6remium 414 part- ite i. oderatt fate is litborei �41ej JIMt 1W Sales, in village or countIFF St. betweeii Victortas V. t of 007F�11Fg- Also -t HEARSES. petition. W96tyrSo _M th6r'd6livot iisitels of the. five endl, of, mw V0 at A v* -is Count"t- llaiom A Ike.,. sortmen TO HTRB -Any 1)k -V Wileti, however saidlatti- Hea*yy- Hjudiniiii, nor -are ther" po. �,ZTORY _18 illud dwood a in, eZ- me4ais witere . onlyourpetili 'fid -at4aw -AND -andthesiid4ther T4- limidi 'e -aj %ale of Morgangfi_Prenimin oner., it. lhis-Appetite left -hilc _of thiei� said We ANUFAC "M A ir- WzV.$8U ACTIO, VKrOR which has niver ye -f The AigHk jotIJURON anji patent 6,tTLTI uto of the food ralsitisfaction to farmer1l W� Henry Kyralman7calt h st4pporteil save.6 19toves,-Plouirlis and CAstings of every d led to -give gehe. e 6 e time -aftdr hts io�rr oppeT i Sheet Iron Ware,- asi& ft11CZ lealptlilet"llyj&itended to. rai 919-TH riny and Oroi�ia;tdi of th ififid land, t'e�xt�vvl imp� 4b tile AM Depot, est StreeL30oilerich, Olk t, tRtf. v carfivol =".Y -DOBD -it - - _. JL td greiiii" ire VhC;1 10 for *a* ow- Addirew. Badv!ks� F (Ya irb�llvrfle hsvr-u, W 80:111h v6ro f0dild 6" UP aws" idi pr uptive-int elrpre� s' a of %rithine. *-t-Ofiveniently or'adv tit uily p ftion JKLUX 8At Taifl6rit' age6 s art - ed Gavieticio Aprit.22nd. JR64. COAL 81CL forill parties in -- 10- -.and -Some two, -or 011A -lbout1w no "W �dt will QUAP, 0OUXI&I-C]l 001SOP11 ieremlled arid it* twesiiiry or the support 136VO&I Oil -Lamps, kc. Old Iron, Or it 16, -tim ftft.�' rebap-weirt tn _co� ire& ol the said. late X.A commissiortermi Qqma7i Bench, fortakifig JECEIVED A ceof-pr.petitioni in ex -intent 460, HA:98 JU-ST heirs arid cb-lix illange. 1 .449 vevan r.i t JA We ase count )ORR in B.. lft�,. -Agent Diviiian mairitenarl rafilj thesaid.-atbef W'Brasa, Its a d- "evskins Orang k4a- &a OdiiionBroad ROKR=1�1,- - - - - - - re 1. sh�juld bi , - - d- '01 niewe AND Lwge siad CONTRACTOR Hinyy. Uyndmoan that doeen. and applied 11e4pent,$4,00 zu M -ER sold ano the rmeWs:diVidkd b a no show of ell, All Itis p - - ', gaw o�'the_ benefit f�all pii it ice en I itled thereto. Tdfli­ �*oodjn structdres) wi I furnisliL p1iiia'and pne ,i and the Qrsinge County =Sn- wn STOCK OF X eiter arnae. *arran oolv1s]ENDIENO 0, � I, t A_Na _COMUISSI�x iliid G ed -A: lappy tborglit ittril0ir ftj That the saki oreffiiiies may be ibld'and. the pro... and Le I.# Ive S � a C All letters on M- ceecis mill to at a e ve.fit of the PiRies bought five barrels of LVING made- arringern n i hi tion id pOliedfdr'ih' bij -OR N eira with"Xf- Q! "W" * bu� " bit on tr4lt, MOW � interesttd therein.� -A L mell at lis - d. , of ant kind on- 9z7p9A:�*id;,&nd if -. answirts iRl T o—.binder and Kanufab_- gem BQ 4dit _e' XcGREGOA� -mirkiftil: [2]LAndthat oarOtitioner-haYbe Wd.fiisshapao Itn' * Book to his vwpt altaqtioa-0 Pollan, e. �, � �-A __ , -1 - I I - will co"arei - --returned from dilwn the pipps. TheAM 4q turinvi Stationer. (who has lately Cd- b sog w40-FV9oM; 0 oneV �els"ot reliamd. thisbovi vilik the proceedi; o such wl -301. L X30 AL 3W lall. Of Binding an 'H the cAmt& of such raIr. ind iif i6se'pro� Phila iphia wit.1i vitock, And that tur t 4 isk Vianko well for $7,000; and 1efL I C t inp aX between solicitor and client maY rial), alit Prepared to Furn ceeii. be *d out 1! ancy, AfticWv, Such as a Ila wokilrorall. Trindt.size4fid d with. ofibe. slad procee& A10STS)NORKETHA And a JK NS HIS it to - I ea *ben boo ed. Blear pot a Hektunges Itt torthav -Der cont,chea M__ 0 llery flattering eacouragernept he 09 0 - i t; s--W1t1iV.0Z11%d"cC; U Aud-for the. purpooes aforesaid t r proper dir- . -1 � notlood - ol**t at than. Toronto Priem. Shirts, collars, Ne0tlesvi Ps receividltinenbe.coinmenced businesi; inGode�L.in.jo*th. IAO- -1de .- I DWA pp# ou ini 0 rd=your Petitioner iria� hive suchfurtherAW. ocesis on D& adsof Btttdingn:(,I'iiv-inggILtioactiolk will f icla-, not being able to execute o rer oue4alt Allki lAj s' la`114431180n; Awgh 6�rel*ireilflrea o f chargo. ot rteatf-"'64 Ui the ptelingesseem nfteL the orders brought. to - I prej?are 13 - PW VeL I U r JOHN�BUTLZIL Wich he If It -'sell Chdap for rod faediticii5b ice Ar #w4$WZ1 0. lantil further notil A_yo"fllidowrwMovorpray�� '19jb'L 18" wiffs up= A im W 11 t Vol I SOM& t .1 d F4 -a tkon: and -"A _MW of g 46 tw 04. St* Oro* an ip, fU&PAw- oa C t"a"k.od"ll 'lot' US10,80 X 802 bt4etl A0d Ale till brqui py,be6 Yin" ***W, *fit a n _#0Ii4sj and St tfi6rQW*"JvrIQW_ oying Ilope at' And thrA a man Ua. - arfies, To, and em b ce is Cuffer )i ble bown Ast4*111 b0ftl 4W inifebW ta the Estate ot- tbe A. 15elioveshis Orion � 0 by 166, PON*__ ('17 fululut Xi*6A,'Mi1ft bf'the'� Uf VRAIkght; !are second y , n 1i . id i* V 6iteeesvif i r&L 'il - Ull A] jom zium, either by. -note or �-Igoed Faft ot -witill in none in the Provjii�,�avjn J at irbe I business, ami t ...... k *11j10 . extensively And on, . , may e I�Ut�kattlpi6�9 . f6rty &Creg fliew to *I OUSe, ted, to settle, tbo gm *n h tition wi AfIllifti-Aft would beg lisifil i0l like notice 1114t tk- iho, h daya-qext r 02 , , retianoery oil, Ott rpnHZ,4ad 6ei ouda?� 9k Ma P", Sam the nnd$rstqkAL or beir nn 9 ad MAC attki shi'p 6f Hay ind 'ClWmed Od 99 couri4m the Principal Esjablisfimen IL tba linha tontsofthOTOwn' il r one Of, poor Ill"[ U VW%W)y *W f Jim vwni �Te b;nJ6 A" it Im cod in, the hands of.st, -t I �ft tide ;k iu4bef 1q. L W 2-1 -9ft1160m, "Youril Cuttein bi &�otlsivd, he tateff In a istlying A'o **ad, unt -Et Iwo. It be a ftim, &C Coll to 'g 'ESTATE, FOR -1 4WIL t estste- 6 ME ion and all unliquidated 11tt40_r_PWV$ j;er. divaroin P 11liat "efir d rouhdiWc� ry -0 0C col �4 d A brimf f OiA" D till to Ur YMPR()VL ai his esfabliobuienlegualit Chaim "N' ia" A 1i41Wr#,CiWPeT Yu , dAW 0* 46'1* r kilen, deiamd. tk X1 � tl!�# air Pon -4.44- , *1 %tm� on" for eyAm- V40- llpft F4W othis bijill info FIX or gal. t q esn"We" AIr t - 0 I r W 111�" I t 'k s �nllitm 0aw WA -Min- isymman, d W all hXV1 VX SWIXW P.o�i - am W44m 0'fy, L _ a - R" C W. W- 1IZNr- . - , -- Ay iut�regtvini file eirtati wo I, I ng*,Tyr _tj�& 'tf J. witDON ISO..