Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-21, Page 4.......... KLY -SIGNA-L HE ''SEMI WEE' 7 - MONEY �To -3 Vr Sale 0 1" AL RN AND- r-4A0R1),`EA 196 (-;1101() a ro OTN,1-V!?ROVEDYA 8, ft 1A r &0 it. I t A.r -acting of tilt- purchase- monel - AT 8 PER'CENT I Ig P heap. i -OR SILE - V ERY. IST S-H� UW, sw ADIES' ANIYGE.NS' -aliply t culars 01. U. L�odvrich, or to 13 40 C> rr S_ IN 113 ... S� 1-14--' XH; S Some to InVeSt b Towli w4l-ti 'AT DUNCAN'S. V. B. GORDA NT Land Scrip for Sa,16, n ffo YA- Barrister God A. Goderiel), ept..13, 1864, -BW3 if p-1Vn1ent*,WoV!1 rall.11tr falkle fit file croti. I AT DU N"AN'S. A R- F Land -i ri fle.-at lit t!ar4 11 OR.SALE N' N 0'"R NOT AND",,, SHOE M .1. . .1 - STORD P A e Moll to , (lion. A, To%�tigllip of-' IIO%Yick, nds IS BOOT A -DE RICH I CaU- LUIc trom r,�on RAND EVIEW6tDUNGAN XD SHOV STO C�Ej Go and un G se the beat ock Of 110M E-AIADE VORK fn the t Esu bscriber bali $20,000 to loa on reaon able tenno. icular _Pl 03M JL�o Till. TH E GRVEL ROAD _10L TW 3W 1VM 3L -OK:W XV, M U1111:11 ARL JK igw _B RACE wi-slws to Teturn 11iftoks, use hndbarq-'� Thousands baie ivied Daneart'sBoats and Shoes, afid found the 11 that-wa represented. Gwerich, 19th August., 1864 Log ho The� subscribe BE, - T 0 UNDtRSOLD'1jy arty to a o,n6 doing a legitimater.bw ine -to tile public for past rayovi received at theirt hands. and would be- to i0thnate that be uft 02 ACRES, 28 CLEARED .11�member th6 place West side 9/ V426ket -Square, ergo JUVENIU BOOKS9 lGood-Nortgages' Walited--to Purchase otine to- sell wa-9915ils; 'A EVE Y GDDDS.' V. W�A!HGMAS I I Esi., SOUTH SIONAL:k,OFFICE- �A to' D. --SHADE GOODMG, Apply -to TWO DOORS .of'the pply CHEAPER TH WILLIAN DUNGAN 'Solici6r, West Sireet. Go,lerielf-IFe Godericb, Sept. .206, 64 Gbderic!;, 2 6ith Dec.. 1864. 1 will Pell you a *agport 'Col*fijilete ro"65, flash, and -all other things it, proporiion.,All ort trranted to g1vt Sa n sortments r%1W. Large As Sititable .1 r 1161idky'Gilts for both old and. MONEY. -TO LEN11160 All kinds of Farmin- Imple' entsfilade, lor4er. AT in 117. -13, 77V near the RA I LWAY to 1T CD- STATION,God.eii-ch for 8,151) eaplip EI61- -PER.- d'PNT Goderiab, Jan. 9111, iso, ars .,Cr-edi At Five Ye IN sums :or. IT THE. CLINTON ROOKSTO youn,-,;, just received GHO. L-ky(,UCK.- W700L N .-CAR'DI G One' Hundred Dollars... and. rds.� -G-OD ERIUR - upwa CLINTON. I fth Do e. or lc�nger if required. Apply to, Apply, to NIERO -C. CA "itors. VRABB NEW BLOCK. Pa a -,T r Almanu- 1z I . 0 M. TOXb &.1ff-ODRE, Wit 9 ON er 0 1. God' April 8th'186 'LAYCO CIV S s4 6 Ca dta' Far 6 s' 17HE SUBSCRIBERS would beg toialdrai his customers and the -Vubliciliat h s new.prem- all godefich9 &jpt, Stli *33 if C+ strbet, F�im cextsper dazen..,.a ar e - ises ou E m Bosan t -f1T- FOR.,9ALE _K r 'TH SQUARE9 THREE DOORS ITON -A'T. qW9. r Ill, viu. will be o�eneA on the first nsactinir. the' Wool- Carding, Cloth Dressing an are' of June for tr, Book St' d .-HE UNDERS . fGNED - offersfor-sale ort tur' usiness'- in conii.ectionith his. WO, L FACTORY, viliere all orders and r o let- Manufac L lot 20, township' of-Bosantluet, work iirth * above- busines�__ ill be pu The most i1seful Alni.vnae tor Farmers there e w actually attended to. Likewisci a ............. variety of County'17 Lanibto;�. Thetrailcoiloists.of 0 i,*P!kbl* h, 166 ed. tt space for mf -m, andums fbi every dav in the- y"e'fqr, Lesides as 4% 23 'XX :rAo t C:3� V ONE..HUNDRED ACRX.,- Cloths Blaiikbts-, and. oc much valua8le il�ll REubseriber wougatinouncello Ixty of wlitch-are cleared. and situated nekr a -e.xeh 'for ool. Havin, thise* 'Of'Ruroband Bruce tha 0" t oc Regillations station oft lie G. T. Railway. There is. a OG 'illbe k pt on ha dAo, anive w -1 - T W. e n ar added anothor t he hai va is i vid DWELLIXG - HOUSE- AND FRAME T A� and 1*111 male -to order Carrieggeq, W. 8 NIP, DUTIES, -1?� -oil the lo -t. tZows, which *ill be sold rhes� ved credit. WE LL T11.1113jOICE D &'UrATERID -on hand and or mle ]USTS BAWS BA Y ASS ADOUBLE CAUDING XAOHIKE sppro FIRST -41 0 s9b lar to li;sestablishmeint, hb-tvillbe �repiredlo execute fa me�rliiwfirk.to any repsonable exten �or,*pafticulttrs nplli� to it. CUTTE and SLEIGHS' on short ioti e.. Custoib t 1the fh6t 'th inselirbi ill be pr6mptly attended to &S A.\ 0 -ers coming - o ory e w ill be.paid to those from 'a distance, Wishing their 0 ---hsfor,merly,.Atidpirticiiarattentiou ary # Godqrich P. Judidair-y & Partainent" Lists' �ugnAlith,1864.. 5tre W-foriab -et,Goder;._, t i U Ever Mei sAauld Aare one. psil 104386.3. 496 40, w - rd U e y QEO.-LAY COCK. CD SAERIFFIS* SALE OPLAIMS.- N. B.—While thankful for the liueral� -abvii Clinton, 19th- December'. .1 1-�64. [W19 .. I W I . itronagef formeryears in the -busineRs the: . I , , .. -criber-hop( I 7 ubs 4 bysi t:ict.attenti6n to bu.4iac-is and sparitt se in meetintr the iyaots� a,, no e pen Un i ted C -of Y tue of five Writi of of lli�`Customers, to stiltreceive it sbare Of the same. in MUM'S BLOCK sty"s Court IDTVIT C+ Huron and Brucei JJ Fiert F s iissued em6mber"the ce 4 ast St - 4I JU To'w' 0:1p. Et eet, second door: fro ES, I GUNS I ofit. of Her Nlaie, To-unaL Pl; or Qll�icjl�% He4ell'anit Goltr t of )IT ergs THOXAS'. -LOGAN and to life directed ag-,inst the Lauds�aud Tane.; at tilt- sitits 0 MI.] 864 nients of William Pr utK)ot f Sir Godericb, April I C+ James Lukin Ilobinson�.aiid James Ifendergonj William Good . er am, Ames G.- Worts, and J, Wtlmot,JohnJS.pra,, John Sproat, JaiAes Lukiii Rebinson and lines Reiiderson-, I have iwized d and taken - in Esecution alf the right, title ap interest of the said'dvlimdaO� Williain'Proudto6t, e� fillow-Ing land the 5th (.-on c9saton, i n t lie I ownship Of Ama Weil f -nin- one hundred- acres oriand, betliesaine ifLand to ta l6m JN FOR.SAL �0 U, '0 contat 9 tilore 4r less, Lots nuniber-,0,4 and 5- in the 4th lia; AM -01 4EM �IE* AND, couression, and tots num bars 1, 23i 3 iii�l 4 in the sion, and I iti tile Mill conces- Zith lots numbers I and 2 in the tWiMfth concess, otritumber,3 XA-1)3E! T6 ORDER Townshi -ant,' sioni nil in the , 'tiontaining in, _p of Bi H -Syr -111 ohe tllow�and aeris, Ge- -niore GREIT 9 ovilloinninherl-I..'in the e',eventh o - i I arr ck,- c tie acres. more or vs, all in the Co(intv Of ftruc6 the,Tow0hipor�C i owaininq_ nintv-o whivil I �-Ilall oller,for sale fit ray oilice, in.tlit JOHNIFAIR.'& CON Qpposite,the Marlcet..` Cowtilouseisnitiet6wieot G erici, on Tue.%- FF theif whole 'RE SELLING 0 36d - I t day I lie flouq1i dav of1pril- next, at �.the hour, of e:>- -Allkinds of reairing- done on most -A stock of CD tWelve 61 tile cloZk, notin, 401IS NIACT)ONALD, rins & Sheri 11 -Is 0 flice reasontible te -RVS-. POLLOC . K, De Micrill. 09. at 2a '1864. Wy Goodsi Clothi Gracerles 444 Goderich, Aug AT VA ww nd U. W.C. UIM.-A. N. ea Roulty lucw PRICES! W WONDE V10, COTTA.&E 6n the outherlv P6- Manufacturors of -Gkist _-.ai�d WM2! To make -foom fdr alterations in theii pretn-� f ises bef6i _KP- iodi 'als er c SPRING- STYLF HATS B r i fi�s " .4 tw- oderich 24th. Jan., 1865 '-LTON- 6TREET ircul-wri Xw- ay and sa G_ 14AMI C S as VIZ; WITH GdOD 41 r R11 THR RDF.\,l3FRfjfl (AN -1 *-Now THE LMDOX (IT ARTERIA��,REVIE USE -ani OUlIBUILDINGS, 10ff-HO , ?R T nt Wpvvien oce ledbNfTh6s. �V t UP eatherald-, Ksiq_;. Xt) .r1l BRrrIS U Itt, v r, price -E 00DIS ED1'_\BVRG1l vWELV ',For ru le TO WOO rther,part, ula'm Apply to " , I Lands. lor Sale .14 ri anitietoreprintme PLILD, named periodicals, but ag the emst 4 iflenititig hag doubled: T. WEA-1HE tile prive orpaper itear',y travol,zi. SEPERITORS, .0 T 0T7fo.,2, In thc3edton. oi 1.*%bi4d. Cotn�ly 10 Goderich, T JJR9 are et(.,, -reed the) winlielled to 'adv-.ui*qe Air I XJ �ij X 0 or LLTAX PERCIVAL It#_ r jUflurtnt. rtsiflainlm,�90 acrei,4nore r less.- mimate I ollo%V, - 9.1 . . - . - . . . Mes ood Sa*s thns one inile ofilie Villa4feor Port Albe d,xjrJL- ' I . I I AT, Ae.kPing All A,Ae.r- t tijand. TERM FOR 'J'866. &M GdderlCh, 150; good. land Irollin , i . . . _. . . . . . . t . I . - . fttgadjollinq the 9n And bejXqif% Qodertch,q&toberA7th,-n'-,64. w i 3-tr We river. wlilell 6,wis, Across -1jie $ 1.*0 p annum.. n-riloa. 'Vits ta tilt: ........ .7.00 gudg good gravel sond �n ch 5ih' nark Go"derich. I aw56 in n..12.00 brass Cakinus m anil Blacki iths' �ork done in a neat and suhstanti I manner� -a Ltmal. 10, -con a, Tovnisbip`,of CK Omit-' '9S all kinds of michinery in- f any descripti6ii inade to order, Also� ubtinfidone Revie-tv... -joo- aired oas'ho�rt notice., A large slockof a the Nortlienl:GravplR�a� 10. - 00 the To% vus); rp ofe.ollmnle. Cowity-oi t-kwoo and t1ireetifilte. 11drou..coutainn 261 Acres., 11VIsis b"utirully-locaw 'Oil 31 Re PAP&LOU-it AND S TOT* VMS= I..... d INT NO T 1C 0000NC19 Oil the iii , hehl, -AVel- RG". fq)pogite file Vlffffge jif ..BOX OVES ForIlltetrnod Che fur Revie-tv., iiuo- ilburn-having agoodframe houceand lia -1 rit;. .40 iii Alivays an livind. Sukr Keitles. Wagon and Pipe Boxes.-" As our patterns. of the above are� Preekliabsti-gpearthe weiiing. wilhill 3 mi;m ulscrl bers in, tilt- 1, Vmviiwl . Avilir TWO ('O,`�,5EQUEXCE ofthe -death oral fth n f. MI. M. 0 PTnost�pprovedkind', we 'wuld soli-dit an - i spection bf. our stuck before �archasin dtofol I, carried, elsewheres as. we are off�rin,, the -above at the lowest remlaneralive L. Out -b one so WE'AT11J.-RALD. tile her C-Iifsape.t; ior-cucluit'-view to cover tile oil an style Of -prices for cash 7.0 iorap ed t. 7 -B opper, ah vr6duce Milbun). Oil 4110 xor*eft Old in d all kinds of -eu in ha aud d Cred! etal- rigs, C ofnaerein*iho yjifafke- eXC nge. Gtavel Roolid., prdv G�derich. Oc:tqber� 1869 Also two ckel-ilent lot in Bridge J iiA Place; lov"fAt r tuid it. wiy al; -kin; livult 'Wlg A Robt. Iftunciman 0,914, Colborne aWATCH AKER E 'all the, iu;kt*eC -1!.t 11w Vo JEWIff R �r T- lP1 -RO'Rt- RTS -ON, WEST� ST.;. G O'DE-11-EICH niust be clQsed on or -before the ally cifille VoIll C Iterivili-.2t, 2r on Albert. Oodirieh' with the 1865 TING 1 Next door West of Mr. StoLts. Saddler 11ST D AY -0 PLA -situ, LL at the Viesesit preitshnit en. -_�.)id Nvolild fie abspill Air, Ulm 0-11 IM KIND.% 'OF lotv, - Atid jo this All ulinu;t paynteny PIL fie fiti-t ihat we tuake ourt f ;to the British 0artiei; i. idebted to lbe ab.ove, firm are here. AN Ap CLOCKS A0 JEWELRY Pai -for eitriv sheets; and copyright'in by notified that all nzotes anA book fie' 0 ashp W-AftHESt cownts over. S oorp wid taue e 'V SVQRT JMICE WH11ry Bpi _1!M1 iienrly onth RED 92 reiiev, --- and e.trdst thn't lit the s-edle we liavo atiopte(i d weithall he entirerl Allis Legislatfi DfIlhis Province, ji�itlfie by oursubAcriberal and the I sV da' re 1 bit br Vareante'd. y n't _64 S 6 A -of -'FE131Y next" At r6aAin- public it medilliti, Ur an Att to 6nfl The interest oftheso Periodimls to American rentlerpt will behanded to their Solicitor for-colleclion t enterbil into by ind bet*g*j; I ip,-r'atheriiierea*etttlutztdiininished by 1hunitieles they greemen 6 We Wn The -'stock on hand:wiWW so.d J hn flufraloand Lake Huron R* 'tted Jewelry etm ai't'i)ti'oiwcivil%var..antl.'though soniel Pis Co. with prejudice, they may still. coosiderfiq their ; I t ere mod the4ftma rnmk I WJLy am D bilav ant] tho. diff -tit stnitil Point- frnm . which they OR . SHORT C! Canada -he'll 'Or' handald warranted to. lye Kstepresented eadailidUsidied with Fitivnilttige �ythe und datid -on r abcu 1. in arr, wKitten. be r RVDIT 11AV17 COMPLETED 'THE, IR NEW F, t2 Cit.) olleyrdfandcat.- people ofthisteountry.,ofevery crevdand. Party. Y, Are now propand -io take in orders It consisis, of a large astortment Of Ploughs, Culti- Jul -yl 1864y andfor other-purp to any. extotit. - From,their long ex Tho Four Review -15 for -ftrrows;V14tra*(;uuers;-,- perienceii the 1863. 0 -vators. H busjqets, and having experienced workmen, and a first-clas A few coples of tho aliore *,main all hand. andvrill 1�-w(ofruslrhiiieryj they Batter themsclves be $5 tor the whole fouror $2 for any ojI6.� THiR.ESHING MACHINES Lh t '%Ve also publish We th cando cc 'OF 1"u S Y witite of a- wr;t o4uhm- or FA'RMER S G'UIDE9 boxe CA-C)1C>C ilk 0V HEAT STPPURMS. ofE4iiiHir,,b. 1114 the 1. ie 1. P ic. of -Vale College. CoOkiuq ]Pdrlor & F4D sh and inigar-kettles,:wagg6n. and, -pipe SIL X �%Bl?ieci Favias j,,:sue&ottt 2 voli.� Roj%l Uc 4vol 16 A x Stoves, of Her- Aj�'es;t Iro . unty- AsawvEsta . Wilknerasn Clinada. partieshavt.ng 41; --would IHE follaiving Lands y am- oiffbyed for We an Goan ofthe United"Count "iron. and lleat-e PRICE svor the two work do wel to very ad iezr orH, �S—by hiall.post p#i$8_ A. good seco id -hand.' 0,7 ,a 'exec-ution i'aftd ulalest 0# the said- derend-w Ord juantity. ol �hnd it lot Mae y for 1 ;rist and Sa:* aitt Ff Xo,. U NVWker*.�trect. New York f. hiner. ME A uiring the w5uld :L it. the$tait (if Xvilliairf treated against be-landsr aurr tene- LEOAUD SCOTT CO. above ar a All parties req it'And forthe north haltof tot Bleveit in. Aw do well jo call'and maspect lie stock as 64 li*cloopnces eon.. ion of the tovruship of Usbo�nie, gecoargains. PARUJA-Aesirous of olk fullcmi 110111 ff QU IT Wor MOWS Wthd gotinty of Huron, with'the buildin- there - VC INA. ingporpooft RU, JL Ceder for Y c.nisind Build can supplied it any quantity, and on rjawasiWe 0n,qxeArq*i whvli Lands &0 A* ALUAWCX 1111 iiflliii Lotirt gonse Irt —0 by 11POA01910 ofp*,&�Ule it iny offteh thti low of Godetich,on Tnei�dak the'Zighteelth, te Equi 1"511 fig (to IN reference- to the a Wunciman will e du A Ve J� W. Z;,LI0 be prepifred to.earry TT. Gode fb�'etlf.l W2 noon.. 61 n th usiness of, rich ddy-eCAfttl. neko.atth h 'tot T el :4 - ofthe F OR S -1: E reL VoCarpeidors THF, HURON F. -NDR Rau 1#e -4 ever b f Ka-.� of—Lot.No.-92 E_as�" -.it andiontract for: the eyerti n of JOHN OU . . ,w :. all frind , W i A C S' t L ice Deiliuty-Sher 8-4 - phinery.as usualapdwill sunply Builders Road HUY' 'OP. J110 4m2 - South 7 in Ist con.j 59 acrali., iff, lit con., 0acres, RATE -LAN0 I st citsfin gtxea' nnble�rat WAN F XV XCULT.UBAL -11tR-LE ENTS A 4an-44h. IM. w52 FIRST- ove4and esforCAS.R. Z 3& 4. C r shbit - credit. in 23-ji Gode sw32w48 IBM CAWADI"UMT- A . UPERAL DISCOUNt FOR T EIR RKI Termg easy, apily to. rich. Dec.2fat, -1864. O 'DO.-NALD A SUTHERL 17 U 00acres on the premises or ND, T. E R_X:8 j 7 IQ North J 20 in 4h con ' 004wtft 31ACMN-Ek? wdriq 21[14. 41 i6bij 100 acre t worth 3 -in 4h ton.. 198t0tW` Sheziff Is 320" -of.-Land, --R- jNT X. C. CA.= Rq FAR� X- t6 t 0 ta W *9 f�r h. il 30t, 1864. - ivu-tx D3 -Re 0.oderi.c Apr _mptifibrthe^p _Jacb: (Wknie1ka 91d plax aa uce,. Ficri FRWas issued Au L4UMOntre4lvSePl1efhb-ef 4th -14th 16thjxnd 1,0 to A To w;t:' -- 1 -of Her Majestyls,.Cipi ImOt 3 nd 4 it I United Gounties of) 7DY yirlue of -a writ TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK.- ON'S-H-ARES!'_ 101 104 Zn A T THE rRovibicuis-E MRITION held Huron ad Bi rPRIC UXDEF.Sl isoat the Pjitio­ 'T' ap4s.-and -tone- 22rid� 23rd -intie I GNElYwifflethise STRAYED a4d Bruce INT .0 lu -k born ;rn, in Col- t drthe Uilited Go woffluitin vimiat Exhibitiott e, lots to, and I I, 9ih e either on and to fine directed _4sn,d 23th t. the' I prii" 'Oft .NTO: the preinis& of Bernard' AfelCe toy -26'U 4 us*t the two at�fd.int,,Torcwo ist j862,a 1864 it reA-he iter with white spa.ts _F 2miaLEAlibi 64 ist ; star in t 9 -and G#%)rgeAuMWl,,J �&Wwsejzed VnA taken in'. fac,2yeitm old. "The owner,is requested4o, ZXhitmtifthtld at lAndba n 1141 b6, 6th meats 61 A16xand�r -muat'character"wcrelo'o,&"Fdod 0 0943 ip ;3wintpa, the, e1qery at the -N Q -`-.4 cond� AVahnaslf, earlv in the jail of it of JamesA. Btirwash,Thbinas B, Vaol�ye AA VER athe Frovincial ts Stfind'95 i6 4 con.,, ex6cution -the following property, all.th T 0. TS S" q rig 40 in 6-coulti, WAS .0 l;x Tw1l --prpt yy�ay char_vems. andfale har awa -A(;I'E rt ffARD'McUABB. out, ineteen 6t lied --ilarge gatd UJMM ot and L ble 8 the North half ofL com, 1#0 W04 -99 prove Y, title.atid"interest. of'the said d6fe CON$1 TINGORTWELVh1iO0 9 BERN - - number, N arge Sti I pao4 n, Dip Prices live'llan .01a mica Lot -24 in ree of funips. wanc-sliXeli. Stb,181, w3*3t Well wpAerod—witula -p iti tbe=Villti�e,of Taw"bi Wyevalpf',rovn A& LoU 33 mnd 34- in 10, Qf-Irrad,in the- ty of shiijot Tur an emenis7l -Down iy 1 -namd orth'i BLU7Rd 111147r _t FIVE RMES _y,an JUST, R-EQFIVI shall oirerior sid� afiny� offiCeLir 01 IF A d Y Hopei' itfl'tfic� To%ia of A' a�d in't6 LL those indebted to -t.1k underVirsed foi he Cotirt LE 00M, o6cupati6n, of ingoottordet. Forfur Plans of the, Town of jGuderiW. will pleatie fficiSevenib day of March igzili. aii. the proptii the ns and imptote&ep U e sitmq 4orce;L all- unpaid. after 0onr; Jr q. settle 10 ao�fj t6L Harn, ot Two' Iias ltirc,6 additio I A C�`P IS irppertyi -. 11W 11" NMI art , 1% . , tl*h 1.04r, lve qf the clock.j. n od" the -lit. Zifrrcb7 1p the bpavd* JORN:MACDONALD wort0 t&B fioti 6 6Nfi wai �!L Agent 01,11is 8blicitor for clreqfoq. anw o isseekific, By S, POSLOCY -Deputy Sheriff. slwvifr. a , ST RICH . I 1 &.117 a homei� -to tu A i0i Otiffice; Goderi UGHo:` beri lsw4S-114 7f AVY b I?cv.'V. 1869 24th.\Z w44 IR W3 IL K 43w