HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-21, Page 3HIS
ei amra► ne is tee
'e,1 el., 000 air inst
r:1�S'J ` 1,,Stain ti by
ern `i:ehiean flea
D so ♦t dere as to
,et•rt upon the: Isee
e.a.eetit tee Penne)
• t::e i'ttigj) Broth
' to eery es view..
r esi Jin: at Ports:
.4op the bet -'h
eet ex c aced at the
, on the- dretraitte
pie t>_y dogs on.
or 9'bedi
. pees.. that teepee
telt engineer*
• eE17Fe le cause -
F' irs- frend, as
List. ..tad my -
'r::a1ra fot6 hie re-
kement that atipha.e
ed in ireuand et a,.
:a f tehristauity«.
is young men woo,
• trmitar. srhoo:c
to the 1 Federal
serving) io the
Ira for the money.-
the marping t*`i
rs- `reafL That
'father t -t er died stall-
streeeded; to the
t spare ofi twelve
three, desieese
€`ra t, d Elude . '
D. statedlit re-
reent ;s= staaperior
''. i:mericstr gea us
t :e ne re sot- .
+. with hie'pensket
eek, in the cattier.
',left for Europe
1'ersl ty of .his
or testimoni:is,_
c:ilde one, has
-aad itr
h:rnhh, and he
et, Hie friends
it,' pleasure•
aii:}. future. •
ra Yshes the Stte — I. .t Sift'', bran,
f cap" ectiu. , to
E : dra tern tache •
atiring' the frac
• atter.'
from Gsilop`e
week, ey tart-
e he visited his
the,- pard ock f •
.. na at pnrsiei,
kee from c
•ereteue m cire
,severiteen shit
eked Leri iLFxam-
vau:Te. . The
bousw. d, li }iiteii
.e:te- s is M.
seventeen shit*
>i -t.—A circ-
fund of erieti.
tet it wager ° by
said by the
eery impitse4-tie`
rime 'Jaye both
re reteu at :it a
eec the couple
. itien tier same-
• erineire a _ear
ne, r6 Wonnei
r•t+t F.crrtdied up
e n the carriage
the husband,.
-;:•r face. On
hie sugposed.
L other gueeste,
:red the s eti."
bus- iaed scab.
ed a turret of
tctctpai streete
n one ,of the
de a liberal
his little
h he brought
to begoM
el that" -the
`ed in au oitt
arid agother
upon: fthlio
ted in their
to hunt-- up_
disburse -
nett Ttonjp,,-
tot Board-
ofe• and-
saying that
fere*. The.
what had'
arias,: taboriri
. ,
bad sup-
trhe= had -
a shovel toot
wen. Not
Nut been
It,siaee gave.
at the time,
ber, Air 'net
own- 1
o that
ort Vhn-.
charge t sT
iy. ro zbery..
4o$ out i
vier written,.
°:tiptTn ted -
yet sown;
lie cell i ,
as whelk
The London Post Office receives some.
tbing else besides letters. For instance, in one
month ot 1 e64 there were posted seven thous-
and one hundred and tifty samples of tea,
three thousand three of sugar, one thousand
a cribbage boa:d, two un canisters; an um
brella handle, a bit of. liquorice, and a pair
of stays.
• Crrr Poly; Va • Feb. 18.— To Min. E.
M. Stanton, Secretary ofthe War De
The following . is taken from to -day's Rich-
_ 'mond Desfiatch :—
" The tall of Columbia—Colembia_ has
fatten. Sherman has marched into and 'took
possession of the city yesterday morning.
The intelligence was- communicated: yester-
day by Gen. Beauregerd In an official des --
patch. Columbia situated ott the eorth
bank of the Congaree fiver, just below the
-confluence of the Saluda aed Broad refers.
ell HE humble petition . of the above named
a Patric•k Kennedy ilvnilinan. of the Village
of Exeter. in the Uottitty. of iron and Province'
of Canada, Provincial 'Land Surveyur, showeth
1. Henry Hyndinan, hte of Laindersvon, the
Township of Colboree, ia the Counte Of .Hu -
run and Province aforesaid, was at the time of
h s death the oWner cif the fi:e atm* of Lots
town.hip orColliorne. in the County- id- Haien
end Proviuce,aforesaid,and of the- easterly halt'
of lot Number t are, front ot Maitland Terrace, -
Front General Bea-aregarde despatch it ap. west of.Nortn street, in the town or Uoderich,
pears that on Thursday evemne the enemy siothaerwtse known a t running nember faiiehnie
approached the south bank of the Congaree, en aimeninitity t I tree of t hetowaplot otliode_rieh.
- During the night they moved up the -river , simple ante iiiiierei`tai..e-eglii ...,..,,wessi:irne.niviii.e:tettr.:
an.4.threw a number of ahells into the' city. lot.,),-ruriiitin e....10, tbse iye
stud yesterday mernine forded the Saluda mai and eleven in the ektfitk'
Drina rye ra. Whilst they crere crossine Division, (dem oard tot•VItsfhp of Colborne.. -
.-- these rivers, Our troops,„ "under: General tohne.re,,,,r ,,,,i,.totuereLlit,„reet z.),,,e1 ley ..,/ eeptemeee in
Beaureeard, evacuted Columbia, S; C. -the I' 1 i eand. .Eight H int -
enemy suoti after .took possession. Through drt•dlettd:Itxty-Cotirt, hiltitt-iite, first duly maio and
private sources we learn that two 'days ago
*when_ It was decided not tie attempf 'the de.
fenceof_Columma, a, large quantity of medical
metres which it was themeht unpossible to re-
move were destroyed. The females of the
treasury departinent had been previously sent
off to Charlotte, N. C.) a hundred miles south
- "L• ' Presume t e .reaserY first place my exeetitrie do provide ter the pay• .
t a "Ini,v-iiti debts, and in' theitext plie•e STALLIONS '86. BULLS, Averay Win kis
NOD Nblitrtisnurnts. MORTGAGE sALL-sqi LANDS,
Agricultural Society.7
a N E.11-11BIT.ON connected with the above
.171 Secte_ty, will be held in Goderieh, en
Thursday, 2nd of March) 1865,
NI:lien-the following. pr•linimns v‘ dl be at warded :
Best 10 bushels --Spring Wheut :08.00;
.7.00,13rd do 5.00 beta 10 buidiels-c-itt* 4.00, 2nu
2nd. do S3.00.- 3id do S2.00.: best 10 .litisleas
Tanetey Seel a.00.- 41.0 2.0 ; best. 2 bushels
yhe wheat taking preintiens to be sold -to -the
meinliers of the Soi•ietv (tidy on -the -Show day at
publiiihei Ins last is di and testament in writing- it Price hot to exceed. S .per bushel. The-- Tim-
whtell the words and figures fullOwitig."that othy S ed taking premiums to be .sold to meni-
is to sav: "I, Henry kivnitman, -of Lunderston;.• bets only at a price not to exceed, three &Hats'.
in the County of Huron:Distilet of. London and. tier bushel-. All other seeds taking premiums to
UNDER am! by virtue ot ;ower of Side eon-
tamed in a certain Mortgage made try Ili, h-
ard Tranter and Josiah 'framer. of village or
Of the litst Court, and Tommie: Godfrey., id* Lite
fault having been .inatle ie the due ;la yment
thereof) wie ne Mild by public it tietilm on :Wed-
nesday the 22tid day Of Mater' next at twelve
noon, tit 11111,eit's Hotel, in the said vil-
lage in South impute. the 1.01,p -wing prepert
ti at is to say : Pare Lot No. 16 on the west side _
of Carlisle street. in the atm esitie village or
Soiithaniptim, cementing six att•res and tnie half;
more or -
4.1so at the :mime time -.and - ;dove. under a
power of sale in a certain other mortgage, made by
Abraham West. 4If the said vi gage. ea but t-
Illliker, to ti••e said Thomas Glide* yi will -he sold
Wien. lot No 5, tiorth izh street, in the
said yilluge of Southampton, 24 lite Groavehor
st.. tettt deep, with at lane nitre, tent.
equal instaitheete id and 12 Mini -tits with hoer -
Province of Upper Catieda,-ctu make and publish 6 sotir to Membeis of the Seciety onlY:not to ex -
List of Letters
this my last will Mid testament. do hereby ceed yri reuts par bushel .over nee, Above the.
7fpoi:.* mytlear Wile Angtista Harriet -Elizabeth market price on Show day. _ EVAIleiNGln Pust Office
yrulmaii aole ,executrix and sr.le guardian - THE EXHIBITIoN 10th Febtuarv, 1865.-
- of Columb We h to it ir children, and I t.lti hereby direct that in the •
though as to this we have no. positive infor. tnat she do make a suitaide prov sten holm dear 117. a ' '- ' -: at Goderieli -on. Weenesday 26th.
enateen. The •faJt of Columbia. necessitates, mother, Mrs. Sarah Lit:adman, equal to the lite " in ''''`e pdt"e
day til April. N65, when the following premiums.
we presume, the evacuation of - Charlestoe annuity et .F.50 sterling renounced in my inyior
cation. It is ii ' ibl! . _, parrsh of Largo acid County bt" Avr, in Scotliiiil. .Pta'ea..r - ,,, I i best Bull or ank
nposs to say where Sher- iatelyseld i‘iy herand mete John Blair Hytichnan, (- *- 4' • t.'n't c'* ' ' ' • • ''.
a he Stalltens taking premiums nowt- travel
man will next direct 'hit Co titnikl. - The Estptire; td my -dear virDe „on conditron or her
within the limas (Witte Count/ Soeiety and stim
general opinion is that lie wet go to cheeks_ renouncing:eel right ot dower. . 1 leave for !ter
ton arid establish a hese fhort, but we confess me the lois No..1-,2t.4. le-ake road test, township itt tit* tbik"ring* titan" not.tater than ever!" matt!
nook.s lines, eareeies, ville, Clinton. Nianebester, and Smith's. Hill;
*! buildings. (eremite plate
• which we think is alread in focese. of eves and ti•e lifer. nt of the fatin of Gorgoside, t
for -general- out -
will be a warded :-;1,est Stallion
0 00 2nd best do` 5 00
day, viz. : Cioderieh 'rewn. Porter Hill, Holmes-
-we do not see what need ee bee of a bas - of Colborne, Western Division, wi all lionses,
is to be et -teemed that he is subsisting on stock. cattle and 'utensils ee Inisband'ry which and continue throughout -the season as above.
the country, and he- has had no battle to ex- may be on the same a:. the _time of my- -death ell .., G. M TRU:EU:AN; Srewe'4eid.
` haust his ' aminunitiore -Before teavine other proPerte. ct hether real or personal, I direct
Sityalinah he deClared hie intentioe. to marth to be enitnifeti'vided among „my children, share
- ‘' t t.-. t . s . and share alike. and give and bequeath the said -
to -uharleston. This was ettered as a boast. lots No. 1. 2a34Lake Hir.ict East, wit it the hoes s
and •buittlings.therehn idler the deiiih el.nie dear
wile to iny eklest so :,. Lastly, I leave to" nly dear
and to hide bis desterne We are disposed to
believe-tbit he will next strikeect Cherlotte, wife the power of thviding among uur childreo
_ ',litchis a hundred infles north of Columbia as she inaF thief: prOper. the furniture. plate. ;tc.,
on the Charlotte and Coluliitia railioad; or a't t uf whic4 she has the:lie sent and 'reserve to mei- ---
' Florence, S.C.. the junction bf the. Columbia sell
add codicils tollus my latst will and testament or
the -right by ally writing under my eand to
eel Witimegtan, and the Chirleston And to make -special bieptests as may appear b) the
Witiningtoa roads, some_ninety :lilies east of Irmo tiine-to:terte. re cessary. 111.WitIlet,b whereof
_ as a report yesterday ,,tha-i.r aforesaid. the nineteentiree-h1111;:1S3-1. before the .
Augusta had been taken by the effeiny. This witisiessee.William Ress mil Atria
we do_ not believe: We have . reason to feel (reigned) - IL IllieNDelAN.
' "sl-redlitat lIeurie. the whole ef Sheernan's ' -CA) N1' AL 111'88.-- wanes -4- -
army is at Columbia, and that the report that -
untrue. • " - * children, flamers, :' 1."--l'Inr ;it -Wiener Patrick ..t,ti
Ginl,•rieh,Fels."13th 1865.
Ten. Per :Ce\ nt Discount -
- leen the Whim we learn -that the nedv Hynantan and the said Henry °weer.
Charleston. Mercury oci Satarday anuouaces a :dike-kn. ilia part -of the Kingdontof Greta; Bettatil
briefsuspension eit that paper with a view
to ite temporary removal to, another point.
— This ie Tendered necessary by the progress
ot military *emits cutting it off from the mail
f acilities for distributi , its paper to a- large county or Perth and Proven-it:aforesaid, *pewter,
portion el its suhscribers, while the lack of Aegusta Harriet Williams trormerly A ,igusta ...„
LouisirHyndinait„ of tlie town. ot Smutted, in the
Belcher A
Burnett Elijah (2)
Bennett M. Miss
Brooks Jetties. '
Hemel ban k as
Barr 'James ;
Biew. Malcolm e-2)
lirewn Richard!
Burrows Sarah
OR cAsii will he allocVed on the !Wince 13uteress Thomas
of the leree Stock of \
Misceilanbous Books 7. -
At the 'Siena ' Office Book and StAtionery
Blair WM
• Burnet Wm.
Writing.Paper and Envelopes !
transpartatiau renders its supply of paper
To Lease.
46 Semmes has been made t Rear -Admiral, ueorge Ilyntimag, supposed. te be now God elate Feb. 21 t, - scaled
and will Mee eemmand of the james riyer reeding in Australia or New Zealand, whip are
rival- your vetitiOner.and the sM t [leery Cow- L''OR L'il.' 9.34 [the Davi I-- dinith loll west
Per DYntlenan.Maria Carolmg tiviulitiana,sabella ' 1 stile of North excel -Goderiele wet be re'.
Hyndman, gii 7J, beth M..ry -Hyntinian; Anita 'coil- ed .1["1 • • - - - .
Oa the 18th thewife ofIlr.S. II Williams. iforinerly Augusta arriet Hvtalman] John
Aegusta • Harriet Eliz theft' Ilyndinan, with.
has uelaini tor dower out of the said lands,
. 'relit the 20th instant, at. his res:denee keit- and ; Wlet . is intended to be • and 1.4 .
Tow'...i.:-,; •;;-._., made a party ft, this" petitten., 'Mel Hobert Illur
'Iva .'concessioe, Gederieh tors Of ilie _late )1r. Smith will - be 'acde t - I -
The& ts Ginn, a ;e(.1 62 years, :al" Aur
. - . flyndin in anti Arther Hyndmah, wile here elite
died leaviog no issue. .
5 1 it the" Veal' one teoesandelgre hundred and' efore particehir iidermatem will lite! iriyeo
. tifiy-si:c the above named Htnry t e.wp-er Ilynd-. hi, -.3 .g. 0: cwileroa„ Esq., Um:lister,. ite.,
., man ;paid tit the. Canada Company-. op behaa et Gude' iel: who wit! also .reeeive the mileis and
. himself and the other co -hews and eo heiresses -at- -
. GODERICII. Feb.,- 22* 1865; .T La wr Ilitheiaid late Henry liVridinan Pie balance.
he 20h of Ma,rcia-p.ext.
their ease offer; as elso. on a credit pf sevetal•
yeare el 6 per cent per alumni.- The otter -
THE Meleft.liE is. .
• nine. len and eleven the eighth Conc•essiim ;
Diviston, of the: said towns.hip of Col:
. are entitled to alf the aforementioned premises •as.
tenants in common eaelit etageatitled to an equal
creditor of rite .Estate et the - :mkt -late ,tleary
. . dolt of France, Esquire,. olthe third pett, 'dam*
-Bar• ley — 0:50 -..r,gat,cre Sale- of -Lands.
0:55 executed conveyances. oldie said land te the said .
.Pork fN50" 0:00 DER and ev vireee era P Jiver of sale eon.
Bad', 3:50 4i50
14 tied 2:00 (ie 0:00
Straw, per 4:00 a 5:00
Toronto 'Markets.
Feb: 18.—Flour 4.45 a 4:G0. POI Wheat
90e a 94e. Spring -do 81 a 83e- Barley 60
• 72e. Oats Ceti
rim ereditors at the undersigited are notified
to meet at the Law pffice of Messrs,
Tome & Moore, in the Town of Goderich, on
Monday the thirteenth day of Marsh, A. D.
1865, at ter: of tt,ie clock in the forenoon, for
- the purpose of receiving `statements of his
affairs, and of miming an assignee to- whom
he may make an assignment finder the above
Dated at Goderich,in the County Of Huron,
thut eighteenth day of February, A.D., 1865.
Solicitors for Insolvent. [VA:2E
HE subscriber • has 1CW white-facel /flack
Spanish fowls, wait& he wilt dispose of at
reasonable rates.
Goderteh Marble Work*
- titined.in a Mortgage made by joie) Long-
worth, of the mew a of Goderieli, m.Ilie.couptv of
-. Huron, Esquire, of..the first part,'.. -and- Ellen
*Lone -worth, his .wil.' ;lair the purpose -s4 barring
hint as aforesaid tu the said ile: _Canada Com- •
.1.- By deed poll b taring- date the -.1Sventy-fiett ,
will be sold on -Friday- the third day of Mareh,
day of Septenther.otte 'thousand eight • hundred -
Atwtion Matt of Ales:qrs. Thomson end Haale-
Williams and.' -Augusta Harriet Williaths, the
Interest of thesuid Augusta Ha &let Wilhatini in
, prdperty tlmt .s te say, part oflot -Number Five
all of the Afore -end lands was charged 'With tar in the Maitland cioncession-of .tpe said 'township.
payment of the sum 01 six- hendred and -seventy
ofGoderieli mid "which may be otherwise ktidwit
.dolbirs and 'interest to eainuel street 'Fuller, et u J3
d -descr4ett as follows, commencing at the
southerly angle of said•let_Nitinher Five, .theliee
is in enitseqiiete,e. therein made a. Pliny. tb this north. fo:ty-six degrees twenty minutes „west
LW° fifth* links to an.angle,.thence North. foil.V-
- ' along the Boron Road sixteeii chain:, andlorty
said late tieery flyntlinan,.- nor are there.any
three degrees flirty -minute*, bast twelve chltill$
aatalla witereout your petitionerand the said et her- d. .i•
co-heirs and co-neiresses-at-lav.., ofihe Said late
deg, ees t we'll.), minutes, East thr e t hunts ninety -
Henry Elyndman cap b supported sa Ye out of the
Proceeds (Attie araid lands. -- . seven: threet.fiths links to- an -allowance L'oe a
Road; thence -North . forty-three degiees forty
'9. •The said premises screw a great extent Ile, , _.
angle; t ence ort , tidy soc egrees twenty. Lewis or Benson 1)i ' .Woodward M A Mrs' -
productilie in their present state and they cannot th h d
Line Wm -
ee Leeson Wm,
•Alithar Annie
Zenon Fred (3)
Murray George e
Munroe-. Jeunes
Moore Lewis
Mathesen Malcolm
Mattel Thonies
Mee, im in -on
McKay Domed el.)
-McPlierson Mr
MeKinsey Mr
McLeen Murdoch
'McLellan- Mary Mil
McTavish Mt e2)- -
McKillop Mari Mrs
McIntyre eiini
Mellwaie Win
Cameron Alexander
Coy Beni,
Colwell John ,
Clive Johns\ :.
•CroW Lager Miss
Can don Sarah
Cowherd Phonies
Doyle E
Di num) Henrv
-Eiekler Franz
Elliett Gabriel
El iete Robet t-
of -the _late trliar.VTIenuni -
Paean- 61,1-her:lie
Fisher e
'Fisher Jeeeph
File rerald- Li .
Gimlet) Cathetine
Gi ahem John '
Gold; horp Jos. -ph
Golden .1ainei Bielimeed I) .'
Gordini 111. Raw While -
-.11Lbinson Win (2)
Ellen .
Shannon J '
Stanley Jno
Sayers Itose
.O'Connor \Via
Goldun Win -•
Henderson Janies
Hay John
Hese Jetties -
Hutchison Mittliew
Harris Mary .
Harkin` Noble e
EIteiry Thomas
Hamel -
Irish Eli
Jeffrey Joseph
Johnston...lames (a)
Jennings Themes -
Smith Role
Strain Rob!
Setherlatal Win (2)
Todd .TrIniel
Todd Win
Kerr Joseph (2)
eVilsoii John.
10 It will be advantageous for all parties in-
terested end itia necessery tor the support and
maintenance ot your petitioner arid thesaul other
co-heirs and co-heiresse.stat-law. of the said lute
Henry Hynthrian that the said premises should he
'Sold and the proceeds divided between and apIlied
[11 That the said premises may he sold and the pre-
ceetts mad to and apptied for the -benefit of -the parues
[2] Apdthat. your petitioner 'may be paid his share of.
the proceeds of such sale. •
[3] And that the costs of such sale and of these pro -
Feedings as between soluittor and client mu). be paid oat
oldie Said proceeds. -
• DI And that the said premises !rely be partitioned.
[5j And for the purposes al,we.saki that ail prop‘r dir-
ections may be given apd aeconitts taken.
[6] And thatyour Peuiioner may have suelifurther and
other reliefas, shall m_the premises- -deem meet.
:et] And your Petitionet, wilrever emir. '
IN CHANCERY, in re Ilyiximan.
Take notice. that lids petition vii•I be pressented-to the
Court of Chancery on. Monday. ihe oth dayof next May
at tette( the clock iirthetisentn.- -Yours. •
Dated 15th February, 1865. - .
To Fleury Cowper ityndman, Maria Caroline-117nd;
.9ta ACRES of Lot. No. 32, East Toth Anna Louisa HP1tanant Atig"24-narriet
e%'" !Saari, Hays • • Augura Harriet oyndrnahind to ail others haVinc or
.Terms easy,apoly to •
Au Pe Premises, or
flOderick Aril 30041864.- Grleit-rtried.
-TNT°. the premises ,ot *mare htecabe, 6th
, .1661t a red•heiter with white soots; star in the
fame2years old. The -owner reopiested to
Prireertropartyipay chart:es, and take liar away.
Wastrantsh, Feb. 8th, BRO.. w3.113.1
A Lis themseindebted to the *undersigned tor
• settlelor *mune at oece ; as ale unpaid litter
theist *tree next will be placetimtbe hangs
°flue tor collection.
Dented COUntlea ot virtue of a Writ ie.
Heron and...Bruce, .L.Prien Facies- issued out
..To Wit : of Her Mejesty's County
Court Of the Ceenty ot - Wellington, and to -nie
directed monist the- lands: and tenements of
-Joseph tames andJohn W. &rev at the suit of
Witham AUott. Mee. seized and taken in
execution all the right; title and interest et the
itaiddeteudent ne and id lots nuinbeis 2L6 and 27
in concession C, in the Toiniship or Carrick, in
the County of Bmee, which /twee and eneincata
't shalt °Ter for sele at My •Offiee in' the Coprl.
Rouse, lathe Town of Goder:ch, on Tuesdey the
twelve ofthe-clock,reooa.
minnow, West seven ehains ninety-five one -filth T..",
nicely Ouie
links more or less to the Northwesterly boundary "!'"'"
Lomas James
tithe aforesaid Ldt number five- thenee North
forty-three degrees, forty soniutea'East alone that Lahart Mathew
boundary sixty-eight chants more in fess • to the
high vmer mark ef the River Maitland ; thence
up stream alengthat high water mark following
the several windingSthereol to the North-E4sterly
angle ache aibresaid lot; thence Soulb forty-
three degrees forty 'ninnies We.st ulong the allow-
enee for a Road between Lots FiVe and Six on
the afores.ai.1 MaitImul Concession of the ToWn.
ship of Coderich to the easterly, angle of Lot
sa'd Lot number. Five ; thence North
forty-six degree,' twenty minutes. Westtiye chains
ninety-stx two-iiiths -links to an angle; thence
'.Scuth forty-three deereee forty minutes West
six degrees tweety mimeo.- East tied chains
ninety -sot two-fittas lin ke tu the aforesaid allow-
ance, ler a Read between •Leet* .Five end _Six.;
thiere South eorteahree degree* forty -minutes
West along tbat Heall-titly chinas more -or less to
the place of begi n otherwise knoWn as Park
•Lots,otunbers One* Two; Three,. Four, Seven.,
Eight, Nine; Ten, Eteven,"ewelve! Tlerteen,
Fourteen, ifteon, Sixteen, eeventeer., Eighteen.
Twenty-three, ewenty-four,Twenty-five,..rWeas
hirt y-inie. and Thirty-two, into which said Farm
-Lot him been eittxliveled; etintainini one hundred
and fortv-one.ueree More 'pi less. Deed under
Dated this 31st Jaeuary; A.D 1S65.
-A-am to RENT
He UNDERSIG-NEDwellet histarm in Coe
kerne, lots 10 ale 11, 9th coge either ee
seamier otlierwise, as may be *greed upon. The
100 of which artieleared,aml Stiefree of stamps.
and only three ales!' teom two Sew -mills. Bins
dwelling-honseteeec. in geed order.' Far firthat
Goderich, or on the Orem:0'es to
Walters R
AjAm4S W 118°1g' 'FARM ,EOR SALE
' 1 I N.- -WAWANOSH - .--,' 'ANA' . ' '
.Church Services, Hymn Hooks__ . " containing. 100 aeres, 50 of Which ttr- e'en rim 1 Apply te ' - -
La4ies, 0-niontion:._. - - Ott the premises 1 Ite.e is a good Frame Bain 36 . •
by 62, a gime Frame Howie, young orchard.-- - ' W. E- --v,---•
flu A- rim
A , ad .. k , -1 -1, th i _God:rich, Nov.atlelefee. • - w4lew19
OIT CANADA, unfortunately. for the interests of the Proprietors of the GLASGOW
ILOUSE„ and fortuuately for the interests of tbose•who inay want
Cases Of Boots and Shoes which 'should - been deliveret ut
the Railway Station here about the 2ind or 23rd December last, and as it is now late
in the Season for the description' of Goods conLiined therein, they will be. sold at
• sacrifice in order to niake sale ef themibefore the season is Over.
kurehlisers Would 'do liven to Note -the Fact: -
We would also Like this omiertnnity of informinronr numerous friends that our
order .lor our SPRING STOCK is uow in the hoods of the 31antiftietarers, and that
on or about the 1st of 31.iich we will be ready to Wait upon them with a Stock of
Goodisuch as they lutve never. haa pre!-ented theireview in good- old Goderich Town.
We ewe our best and sincere thahks for their appreciation dour endeavors to meet
their wishes in furnishing them with MI article suitable to their requirements, Our
atm will be still to please them. • v
.KERR 311 & op
SITBScRItElt&. have nearly completed their -FALL- AND WINTER
STOCK, which -comprises ulmost every -article tiectsary far the tnide, viz f
TS hereby given tbat a meeting of the Muni
eipal Electors. of the Township of Mail -
lop. will he held
of Section NO. t, M. Kiliop,
On Enday„ the 24tII day _of February
Next "
ist the hour of 10 o'clock, a. me for tbe pur-
pose et voting yea or ney to decide whether
or not the following By Law be adopted by -
McKillop, Jan. 17th, 1865.
Copy of Requisition and -ArLaii.
tots of -Ike Towt.shm of .51e1LillNi bibtallt
require thnt a Pull be taken in terias of slitt-
whetheror not the qualified „Municipal Elec-
tors ef said tewnship will adopt tinder autlior-
ity or for enfortetnent of said —Act By -Lase
follewiug which we hereby ptopose for their
adoptien, -to wit .
ls-suing Liceuses therefor is by the present
and for eeforcement of the Temperance Aid
Witness oar hands this 15tli day of January-.
the year of our Lord one thousand. eight
stud 30 otter electora;
-T Clerk.
Farm 14suraake
OFFICE, 20 Tour/Rio 81'.1 iVIONTO. -
M.-faonsox President. R. L. Dia -0
rites, Esq.. 'Vice-Presideat.
THIS Association inseres Farts Buildinies
II and': 'isolated Buildings and property -
only. Insurances can be effeefen eithm-open
the Premium Note system or Cash system: -
The rules fur Ineutance are exiceediagly leer,
beint less than one-third the prices chairgtd
by Proprietary Companies..
Losses Promptly staid Mleatontlbly
Berme, Nov. 16th, 1864.
To the Manager of .the Beater Mutant
. Fire. inourange Association
Siu,-1 beg herebf to thank the Dire
ectors of yuur Association, through ytair for
vour :satisfactory settleinect of my cloths ef
three Hundred and Eighty -Seven Donets
and five cents, for -the loss of ply boa aial
hay and /rain, which were insured in your
Assoidalion under Police 5599• --my Claim ter
hay sod grain being paid in fall. • y-
For Insurance ane full particulars *rale to
DSPARTMS1101 or Caows taros,
1\TOTICE`iii -hereby given that this feasible
AI of 'the farm lotli in the Maud of at.
Joseph, in the Aodiciel. Diseriet ,of
Ladies' and - Gents' Felt 'Hats Ste
They wish particularly to draw attention to their stocic,-of ,DitY -GOODS, which
The REaDY-MADE CLOTHING is most Complete And 'inatudaetured in the
Best and most Fashionable Stylet.
-We are enabled to
Do not forget to call wherlin Town at ihe
ook of eap
Having- imported a• large quatity of
sell them
Goods !
They wish to ilitimate to -their enttdmers nwing accounts and notes that they are coinpelled
te insist eti FRUMPY 'PAYMENTS
Goderich, Sept. 2o, 1864.
And vatious ot!mr artaieiweessei"all eheit'te,Ve:elsa.ii;
As) 'ever), Wednesday; afid for One- week- alWr
muideatioug for the Countiete Clerk to he directed
to Saytieldl'ust Office.
Fiere Facial for resaidue
finited-Ceentres Oftn.ic wirtue l'iro;i1vrits Of
',Witch out el r Mieteity's County Court
'',AB51h1 1B0.01171
well laden with
THE' creditors ef the undersiened as an,
ef A, Douglass & C4i., of the town of Oak-
vtlle, in the County of Halton: are notified to
meet at the office. ot Alexander McNabb, -Esq.,
Crown Land Agent, in the Villa,ge of South,
iimpton,In the County of Brace., on Tuesdajt
hem; of 11 tif the clock; p. m.,• for the purpose
of 'receiving Statements of his affairs - and of
natzeng an assionee ta whom he may mike
iissigninent under 'the aboie. Act.
Hamilton Solicitor for Insolvent.
Dated at Southampton. iu the County of
-of the CountY of Oaten° and Coat* e4 Com-
mon Pleas, and he me eirecter.1 against the
. [ea. td - , haire seized and taken ln FEeentipti allelic right,
Gillnour, at the siiite.ef bisee b. =Howard and
Lynch Staentene•Enoph C, Dowling mei Robert
Ni)TicE._CIAnee into the enclosure of the titleand intermit oftheeaid defendantiein and to
imesenber. Lot _No 1, wee' 3rile'eeileker- • Park Lot No: 15,Let o. e, and to thee:Louth bale
smuh, two white firers one' year old.- The
owners ale requested co proi•e Peepertet ,pay
Teckersinith, Jen. 30, 1665. iteveat
of Lot No b., East side ot Queen street North,-
hige of South hall of Lot 22 on the Eget
side offlastelt l'ar,e Lot No.
)5 North side of Cambridge street. ind Block 33
OST.—A promissoir Note for one hundreil South side and 13 ant114 Naafi aid or Calohvidlt*
dollar* (e100.00) draWn by Jelin Thointrod
tin favor of John Drover. Any person Atidiat
• Tulikersatah, dam 36, fee& !tee 1-3t
street, Paisley; North ealt)teekit Ewe sideet
B erea street, Southampton, eilfeeet Of the, North
f• Clarendon target, Souihampton ; 444 IS Ewe
-0. seuth ;bide Of Lotus* *feet, eautliampion, all
Colin Hedges in the Twin of floderiele en 'fume
;My the Twenty -Eighth /ay Of February meets at
By S. Pomace, Deputy Shen&
Sheriff's Office, heeler:4, /
U. C., will be open tor saloon Ind atter x1111
Fiisst ofliarot
Upon &Elicit' tion to Joseph Wilson; Ifiquitop,
Twenty emits an Acre,
Cloth, and subject toictual settlement oat*,
land, and to current timber licenses. i.'
.tich settler will be allowed to ?stela. 411
four hundred acres and the conditions nf
settlement no! applicable to o lot of -tote
hundred acres, namely, a habitable him es
and twenty acres cleared, .and ander crop, ._
shall be deemed -sufficient for four hundred
Isw43 et
PrOrince of Canada, 1 IN THE CQUNti
County el 1 COURT OF THE
one the. Untied }UNITED COUN--
Counties of Huron j TIES' OF HURON
_and Bruce. AND BRUCE, `
ATOTICE' ni hereby given that 414 trader...,
segued has filed in theeoffiee of this Court
conseni by II mujority in numbers of hie
suins•-of one bun di ed dollars aud upwards stud
who represent -three...fourths in vans of too,
liabilities, to his discharge, and that on'
DIONDAY,.TH:d 10th, DAT Or
At ten of the clock in the forenoon, or ea,:
holm ea COunael tan be heard he eppli
to the Judgenf the said court for a ronfitmist
tion of thei discl'arge thereby' effected in lig
favor tiade_
ItIortgar Sale ef Lan*
UNDER and he Titer of* Power °flee
V contained *nose nAide ,401,
'attain 11 slack, (.4 the town of Goderich, *
the County of Harm, Gentlepia. of list
first part, to the Harms Beddiug._
Society, of the -second part., (default havisi
been made in the due .pepueut tiottfc-0.
be sold ou
Tuesday, tie Seventh day ft igitklut
A.D. 1865, at Twelve of she alaelts
at the Auction Mart of
the following prbparly, Oat it to sny Leek
Number ten hundred illtd Warlike flag)
Harbor Flats. in the alod town of Godorichi -
Deed neder Power al Side.
• Solicitor far
The alma* sale is postpestif, Taellei
a" Wig* Sotsilimiipton, forty
so barn. 'Tema Oberst.
'4PPII Obi le*tii4F4filkirmait
1 01-