HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-21, Page 2-7 C TH-Fj SE:M1.'W,E,EKLY SIGNAL.', C�, 11 so IoIin,; forf-tit in such Im h Her)ftvii ?lice To the Editor of ilia' 611uroh Signal t llich shou;��lways'exift among the re a. S. I,- feialing w Or tnort4a�ree uIld to be recovered u a debt C ptai eptiour itilis desire to' mislead !Ijg'; -delinlitlents recommended I Gotintor, Feb. 20th, 1895. -men ofthe Volunteer For F or iL - conjunssion. moi - officers and IV 'Y Cell enry as to the,facts of the,case. he must lave- k4owil tbafthe due -to -hint 'three ti- 4 Itlia se-receved, although NOW -5 -Ite I-. have- the honor-to'l) &a., 1. have t c, individutil said 'bs�'r boif,d Drmrsm;,� Ili. the ht.�t issue of your valull. he honor 6 be, -U , . . i had shainefull'y broken -all tfie o e in V - --------- �-- (Sigyned) POWELL (Signed Meeting 13 A.- K- ROSS picidaes fig - had voluntarily made Wt;tParidan delleaq. Tite 73a i I n1i ble-,-paper., I fin J a, noti6h or r, -solution. fi�tssed . . a on Ate a lieut.!Cfil t -of tile C-)unty of c -D A G��.U.. V-� C ps -b Board of Diiec. ors C mati6n of th� dor JL U. N., PER. 24 1865" 1 -by the' Co.. for een reduced C::)-- A man has T�cvired'181*0 �w.,riiiult AFT." ROS$,,, ( - and lad mndiiiir�' Vol. F oot LII!,(A.. by me- to the ninks for wilf OL POWFU .�The T e' i -Huron Agricultural-- Societyf -it a. I . oetit,g 0a e C f;odericl - De� ut and c9nteiWp NIM X-Ork city lbr damiges suiltieltIQ -,tit';- held th i TV esl6y - 1. a - - - ' - a. M`= till ry, umpainy 11 1. A djt. Gen. Militia, Q�ebe C. 11e;d lly­tlI0IW QIl the 11th in*st.; at 141.1i's, ttrou's dMobpdtence Oford-ers, in tire cuse of f4fliniinto a coal hole. W Is A t Mon. x1r.'Dorion: on Liberty ot all c1luieta 114A. ni'dit (-!-J th) the other man ill' gally enlisted by Capt. Ho eg ss, flutel i-1 0- owllt4*f 6U:� K-X-lCiCT H% TilL AmovE; a irross attempt at ulutilly :"-The cold iii Southern 11ficlillgart s4d 8peecfio Splelilid success�` T Ila. hittatitlatIC not- God,!ricf1.,t 'the foil. Icir Y%1.aRFD TO IN Ex -CLOSURES nEweimrr) TITE ronF (soe No,'.10' TO IN Northern Indidna, Lisheepso severe xt the GoIN(; these papers) ha , A to 'be -added to his wilrul kill oll. the pe truost vxceft 'ithstanliow ilia A-trjlinj a' - �i - T - -' au I.Tfi-at every penion obtaining, a, premium at I tile Soeinz welpre.-'AA there -was neither W'o the uudersi�ned embers,orthe o t113 wn and coil disobedience: of orders. Itis - next 11j"Chibit,ion, will f)a elvarged it p -r, ectit- -i61t-hoAnrand *E liprit de 601ps. ilia Council ill 1$62 liereb state riott nt op- sliflic thoW ill r tilluous siloie. 36. Do I is it precat in viole t it ra, price- of tile tiakziFs`L-(37-;'i,, 6ts.),- *&s 1.ilid'C,InipiL�itC)*t��-lt%ve inefroma-li lily On I hope, tiunecessary, %to add that this illegal' -d. The oplim.)a an applibatibi�� -to S '0:Jl---An or -ani U, it,,—tlie amount not'iiamf abi nent and conse- ve, . Y I I - a, men posAt not .1cs'i .014h. I sou dit r Nef li� f)el The Coureil On and discredi tableen list ' it took place during -J -Zation called the- Ftlaw ion: to.' the. Qverni 460 people inearred oil flicir beluilty InIr of � the Wilittebr. C I felt r1ttlier - th - --my abiencibi in Europe, bad 1. been here and - alan Bra*, reason for w1iieh I supprise is, i try ompanies in tilstcl-hood, un auxiliary -quentlyl,' enle2vorT to thraw - ev-�ry, .-lipplyin" to,the COUII�jl.dnd if the p,.,I)1icItV e to.the pp possl-. havin-- ass.�hiblp 1, nriinN-, W;). noticed ashit aled'to ve ik at resent.- 13ta -ullon .&a..tllus .1'01#11,to�vdlo the wtote su-m. necessary er no -tz P, ,Ivan t6the delinquences of' I' to 1had Qipt. Ross atieln�ted a coural h d, and with the same tl�jez 'ble dillicalty in the -Way 6f tite consumni-t- 6 r .'a iry, I -was laid b - �1111 4) lRei al vie Coin -4recrithe Drill Shed or'�n the $ cepiling a of Pro. laNew York. ts in t*'W.,. inqu 400 consid inji beenatatied frojln Clinton, B.q1HAJ 'Mancliest id t1at ilia pank is not agrethtbie to tile membe s f ih-ed necessaryL in. addition 10 the L so iOt:AI1"ubVel-siv6 'Luf all nillitury. n of on rat o a a IS toL rawle "ran discipline, I should at C:Jt- A' married couple zkgrl� .2. e Ill once havoi brought the 4ohot residingat Po -ar;nei,;hbO. nit -have beteen' C - I .. filer: cela, 1� - eio* -the Ue ion - 8 IfL, Ili :ill ' I from Five to Tweiity vOlfi- Cornoany t vifa - - - 0- 'I Tile- -rep1st Y by tile County Council 1 would eced No" -I, Mr. LEditor, 1 would lil t to blattle." havle the matter ui Ila ins. -IV consideration child On the hezrtk some, -titst, as,: ��et forth eq in tile. I per cent I t a $150 -which was A� respmts- his:-argatpL a ed to, ider tile immediate Of 164 tli4 set -oat Ott -tho. niumeroas CAI id t i;a is Excellency the, Commander in-Chieft but h-eing i'doxiewted a& both Of the 'ill I important idea- was C all tha't,.Wi! considered in the speec4 of last week' are plau:sible basement 10 b -ht'itirtllly.,� know, for'why, 'such at' voted.by.us was. enior- ubalteroeitherFFdid not kn when The ciandle fell on W arratized and apt Ross to Militia p 9 'a OW or art town oi as arat a o, al could air -d,aiid w' -the he1A i Ment. L not brou lit- Lited the' TY tim" -forward at the Allnuaftlieetinti se intents alre -Yrasserved­ oat without noke or c0tlfil-Si enou.-h,. but so of his at* nl! not perform his duty. I a -in told tha t 11 - child- and it -'�"s bur i to4emb* to ly. ill consideration of -tile". I, ies e a n ,and the sense i by.. the mainbers 0`olitaticix, OcL 181b, 186-1. 'as e was on very intimate terinirwith Capt. Ross 0:::�- 31r Joseph Carte of"it takel .0 -in, -strait re. ever uttered "by-. 4 the greatsati,;faction of tho. guests�-- 1,there li.--semb'edl lam afraid -that ;f suiell SIR-— I have t A�Ivlels agret to contribute to al , r, lve.-.it Yrid, GWP14, the 1creitihat w6 to 436 o acknowledicethe the eit!ction - f. but this r)HvatefiFiefiddhip -ouirbi not to have 6a Zfl'vultable sheepAcilled lly.ldo. he hono�; 1 0 the s�me, ga can -get whO�a­s' due to the Tu.!sday ieveningg last., and soma,8 �or 9 badly ral -he c 'iCrii of the 'to im wA oik proliwea'libc ed politician H ' e. aTucs In It cl s. a ever- ramalaCiiin be fuliy-acted up n, it re. receipt ofyour l6tier- (Z�ir led) s' him to fb 0 hist., inform51g- abert Gibb 01 Si Re tr e c-- -me that is ..Tee ell tbe'. Gomman er III- the b I onor to hold u bitten. that Copfed6ration can: never a-coltitately* 'n tree-latic'n, with all in inner of can-- mi'.tAe. Cy of J. V Detlor, Dep4 eev e. Corps ih which he had re 11, If .&IirlQt oloubt, but that ommission, he has been unto Chief� harin --h� 'I'll( 'ler conside I., died fruil-s and illitminateol-:�y numero-u� Horace Horton Munate �atid is :"-Sir -11enry Jam pmvitle for the dofence of Britislu N on a cor- es repo .to -ood of tile Society n6ii bseuti ill -shall nc rts thit respotitl-neIe which li-fol taken place betwees� erefore I it' TU'rther -IV Jobtf F i L11301) and the pmty of English eugruem, air, America againat the powar of the Unite wax 6molles, placed ia the'. bratteics ,ut,heart*-;. and theii united wis6s ii its coin A fter merit oil his extraordinary condu -maki Terusmelft. rs- :-Catitain Seymo tilrd mv--i-elf relatini? to. t1fe John Kay., are now 111,7 a Survey AD -mattar." I transcril tit in this Who 0 f tates and fie cila only. olie for ottip&- t It pf!rit�., I can only su ,:r be the whole yassa, 1) -th above tile obtioxiofis expense 6f ereIi.iin' if I - sh�.d, hits ' been get ns� have discOverfta jAnarch -of the Templectluse C ilia corup iny enter I a church. RumbaU. It it is-ilmost impossible firin thealpyonli rid, rom the Minute R.Joll; pleased to dire et t 4 U ,m re.io ution be erased i u'part (if iny COMMun, zymen oedby-josepbui - mvnCwn-a& wdistinet p--ople by o r',- d ani when all were s-,hteJ it- U Int lit be Said un-rammatical o -this cation tt: Capt. Spyina, f Portion Recent invest , imation in . I and never* a lillbwed to -show itself to d -.,Ly pf I savdistinctly- yi-but he en- ur.of23tolMaylast, T. 13: VanEvery, rel vat I 1 1) of his lotteri. lie lit �t is qt- devo a -to charge.ae with arid tOYAI Irish Avadem behavior. towards the Americans.* Wi�, I With. truthfallias that few niqre Ilgrit aml.lii ' "If notme aci 4 iri e wi h -di, communicate . - . — C lite ible, Ila n extri It. huticituan, r ol,to.. thel good in li�gcnt or bIL:! �La .11 Ve re est- Chat �_A.. SML according to - 31. DorioliL - are to be tal the hoiio� to' hence vne of _y _ct.a Vs of the' I - C. IV L 11.0 t qu till. -the �masons why'l deeired, bef by M -r. 8 F�egusbn, *ell knowa* for his ia a S *1 rears the A-ricu tu al Society yt ased tto furnish'.me" wit it It cot noticed .1 ip ifl.be ple o -e. akilid have ever s'�einblel` Wthis'tlwn.- the false statiments allem bqys and. iake care' that we r -do noth al 0 ill 'Ps Py s;urch, 'zonfirm the ldslatementthat�w. that can by Ithy.possibilkity rile Broth-- 0,:l the"pl-ttrarta %Yti Gonritici 13-h Oct., 1864. to! be furnished with a copy of 16- 66niplaint was in- Ireland at JL in OF thi iCouray of-flueoll, ty b- a t the of .04,11b'in Seyaxoifr?,s- c6niplint and -of t6e pled Lto be made, tnaccompany-ill.g.. it.. upon which that used usd t' it, `S which have- bee ni. papem a. Copy period before ille intiod-tictionOf Cbr- 1 11 s-110-581 Esq., and the- papers accompaliryitic, it, which Or J., and above'aU he advises ille. pastor -and ell li v complaill t based with has in R,- '& t::)- It is said thitsp* yours. (ruIr not been done,,.and w i eml� Toung UWilwho, report n or received by the Y. D -bet: q throw bome ???P, ­ 0 Steplidrison, Plhilps,., J Wiliti-ti Sa liv - :�I have di Govefnment- to co' el the-.Pr&.3. t to' acknowledge. haves ' died idl*e—pr Upolly i ie, meating to tu om tim receipt of -Or impartsou ovine lintlitaryschOOIX. Depit -11 it f'matter. fi for e hit I tendemd theil rtment rv:1'6r' I.. o iis yours df yesterday a3king itis gbmie--of the American hathori- .-an oth6r ve cease --d After a: f.:.Y IF p1e.t!;Ant- n� Brigade. Major. Bareetto. T�ask­ ois nec' 'gertain iuf6raiatiop in oth rwise tiflintelligiblelanguage. fpresUllie r services &*,the Federal ause regard to the cir cum' however, from what 1have learned fro government,' and Are nOw Aerring- moherl This is -a dircet insult tl n c, nlrks-fr6m oil- -or twa,of the cler� ave'Seen list tat c; b P &plain Sevin6ur'sklette which. I h stance's - 'under -which the To*n Councif yinen army., statements which are 11 rant um of$126 ol -bad teitura J*.r tbe4a ro�ked, I Dun-, n ed;!he si sicources, that the'en ment. into m' northern co , several In v '-in's lbill lia-i becusustuihed in. Donia'tiville 'and bee, ly of Something which is not -istAted, refiIii-is a ower Canadian id OWN r thereabouts to a ill b even from. Mb2in c illdl 11' :)n I u truLe pal ent on their edueatio6. nuse he refet 'a I- on in dischanrin;, -the Drill Shed indebted. lie td-certAi:1 eaclo- Y C M egislator, p*essi 40livpred a I�ctura up- 11 frtin Lather," I Thexi)te'at the -close of -the second day sui.e-gyhip,ll form a,pak dl- cf, are ness atiolin reply I rSt, that in- libe-al proclivities.' to two individwils, Mr. Kirk my 11irst Lieut. lll�Lcident hall justccurea L 11hol 'wit: may just state nou efian -slid bfr.--jE[ -4iner 'ormerly March was llLfricd inhe mor.nin- ugh. bat , Ss _My COMP r of a made in. all r.- Dofion, reads tbepapers at- all,.he Which. fo� vi r, or, f6r the 6 sell t - i'll sup�ori-: of bls� conlp!aint, which I the grallit in. qbestion was -not considered by inember of y, who were I believe Colap hus beiame Xvs at contest -"s a hot olle no br' roft Thi� ry li-neralizitiolit,­ an -1 eu---Il (if the �er !,en,7alld tit ourport which ti liance with any atone time� members. f the Iliffe have lif. ie �Couticil` as Mr,Crofty and 111111-st know that the pre,4 of tlliA- cou coclagticia, gainst ll2'.,�­Alt1wuh And because ave- b -by the late same evenin herhusbAndras rather dW sad. Very eda given Arti p6ace occurre sthictly stated to are, whou I Major promise said tol� h oil, 40 Calit. Seymnu ut the_ -he has ill no casa7'acte c-iintrary to the spirit di. le�e it, Mayor, 11r.-Cani-er but who- some mbntlia before Ilir -it to�.iny'oratorie.tiLLellf,)rt'ot the T. qu j dently, and thebrideroom sueceided to t Coiiiipu ly was, formed, together with a @umber baro or the Qaeens'. Proclam rvu,".Ustlust'- withe'the View. simply, -As. lie 80leVill colisideration..of the fact which was hetcyto -that within thespaceo. ation of Neutr:di-� kind -we hAvc ever h3.ird. of the more . respe LL f buth n , to- e-lde nown to- tile ers of that a bj�cfs re- a rive Iv citable m, or legs. -tire bridie bore %three desi ty, an -1 that ilip; tre tatent of su 0, vorl ar' ounpil, thatyou were he:,d as - hou got. i t listen to -'4L disdo i of tl compa pied their Aiectio ' th that Clara, v!Z :.Miss Mare mrs. cro tit a ny; n wi ars, hit -kind to ap: Correspondence DeViveen Capt. friendly arrangement of -the diMereace personally re.4poinisi b:e for the amount of the t7 au� fi"L I e r etweL company, lit COusequence, astbey in 17 LakCroft.. 12ii�i to or beiring upon tit American Uos 'and' Cupt, 146yanual '. 1) , 'Seymour o the failliri. of- -Capt.' Seymour 8 getieral ungentlematl preci--tte tha thrillin,* pawer -of-aa-tdult 'u�9�' if Capt oft a - -forte me lied indebteolnui, owing t persiste in preu lit and if 0 tllpLny to pay their'.. ol'i s;i;g Ilia. complai the pari -of the Itine Co ' " v conduct'and hearing towards his ZO Excell-ency the Cominfider-in -Chief cost of said site of at to talent ;a --imlic Wirliasia.ver iwinstincesifany,given te , I- Sxon-when us --d. by a- Ili hly-ealti- .,(CJ4 4 f M 0:��-Ralpi[ti Wildo, Emrson stated N T p oportion -of ceut.lectute that American etse to a &P;1!tar6 from that freedom* of vated mI the id -and also ofbis refusal froin- personal differ. throu-,.-,h- or�"rltlls took any notide' of it of relieve you'frb tfiat liat.i.ty. Second, That tior W lieb he was of inlieadde ences ith Mr. Kirk to recommend .,that to n is :-American Z";* U which is now the cheristied Captai ful, - I. fiat- I would, 'have nit -opportunit of. tile promise of tile. late aror "IOrY 1 tr tie. n 'qt"1011Lk to- '11.111tia Be y 1(3aplain fin its comprehensiyen 'r ess in the- negro sal speee 41 - d -,to it a. loftie'st cloc it . pikirtment'. emalf for Lie4duent of his comfla�)Y,Q i ve to -,riv :1 ., my.reply,nnd, ifneo-esiary,of proving it eye, Was not men- act:," dance with the r die- WL110 di ' in the trenclit-a with bisrinak ofevery iiiii Briion. `D.-pri' . us 6f that bilities.. Wt. sl;-.tll nut' genii aitcaipt m kill Seymour. r�ferred to b Xpressed desire the truth of lily statemwit b"fore 'Cr oi' tiotted in the on freedom-1hackle the press, and ilizit-too it. uri.- I Q nail until afodi C. 'Of -111 in 0"ne-liandeas GODF b June,'. 186 ry ally- -it thereof..'- Thi subsequent caunec. -ehi -book in t-heother. nd his tip ing yen a -iketch of aniaddress liver -J. 9-;cjui' hare'therefure'not' sent Seymour.bu& prese6ted "a petition t the tioll of, L , I . L � 1 0 ith the Ardil fromifea- r,,the most aliject o f-rud ves, S the lionor to report" br 0 - and.. Si 15�r Ifte- reply to this complaint, itr have -ell- C�ulleil praying to be relieved from -a liability these -rentlemeu. w erY A&- Genera McClellah left for X more than i6n-hoar, ever part of which EXC,tl. L -lily as a follows: At the 1ite, when . 0: Comp. asked to do so. A' the e ask respectfully umz)a-ntiii.,iloal).o'tit$139,iiieurred"bj him in on thelZth. All the, liberlity of his -wherewould the retrog-ressive S tep land [is inseperably­ concete-1- w'ith tfie W infii i-ttion andconiideration Of.11is Col. Wiieyivas her6in the fall'ofl.862 F c wof.11is- Excelle 0 that Cat nuer. be guspeiided procuring lamps aud 'oil tbrtbe Armory. ' n desire I e frieu& couR do, by monl e; lency fhe Comill %nder i'll.-Chief that the di: e'ti-i 'Of tesi6i wA- Who can. fathom the, depth aft -I)ss, ofth In oce; lied a meetim, of ail -those deLiirou's it to' say'tht it w.-ts- listened: to Fout A ompany o: this unlit.1 have au..Opportu- for-lbe- first, time, so -f4r* ai:1 of formin ta"make bis trip an agreicable one, 'has -themselves into aa-Artilleil Coin- phlee, has de Ined p' 4411 the i 0 degirstolation -td whibli we should ink a roper io offor O�F am-awure,, mail with breathless- �tttplitioi rievous ofevery tion was 111'ade lthe Council It an that e panyi. at which a laire number attelid beeri done. x up U to criticis.e -cr I atId unwarrwitable instili 1�ritiA sOject, of muking 6 ly'plel-610, -or the promise of'the late Mayor to C taiu ed, aud Thirty thousana 11urai Once ostracised of the H- a, was - i to -the fluruii -Rifles . lily reli Itit. which abGut 37 tia olhu -been itt in,*.o Vis t mpeatedlir appI Ld 1d -It of WILIL of honor and �and of heiair I evill0ur.. mes -were- entered l 93 rd i� tny-5e!eiice'JU$d.1O and be iea a 11-45 lirilling to serve in such a c6mp cih.hgve more. if.he want-% it. 'His ffionds freely ..all, pasin- eviitibr the pressil -e respectfully that I may be furifis-h- (Si tied) alls 0 esprit do 'h� It' tht 11"lLout its delLvery. Us, ful.the-- hilly I desh r -flusi yettQ be-nottlinatvd, amon 0 nd cor- g a t say he goesout not �Sim ea4 its tuissioa as the offimce 1) Kwhon requested by ed �Fith a cou, i 11 ffill of the complaint under office a tile. service) to. witliti, aw, ei I ritay'lii . �l but to llke'ehoir, anler the abla.1ca-l-om"lip of' M. tyor.' whom were the oy f and fettered would c aeudemen uam6d, who siLrri I . 1113 'his -senior I respon-lence-.relatin, 'W6 dp undiii-sig ed ho'embers ofliIhe-Towu tile rgai- 'lie p i - prepare himselMi the futa, T. the, Of Pub -�our e ay i equest or so lellation asI kutpn, -and roll not at �ny . K4rri Jr. E i V st]lch ll Qift-US ire,$ iatseilletit, re i -epared t6 lat a e6u­cil fully concur in the stiae q acei IF cry �rkim., thitt 4ate IhAttl am lit provi, TI merit of tile had never spoken, to them on the subjeot, A It t -it it was made waa nal -oi- auile.ved hereto. I it baffle3 vireditor puishes t populations would be maae' -to feel iha his letter. -in- 411if di:iiiiiet-areatio�t,iiieiit',wds entered into be tIve6ii la! he h mupaia.11 joined olvertisment: ,WaTA-d, u th'.ti on t, few -days afterwards, the.parties who had sine mthey had .-Tery-- little left- orth strugglin written' tviiho'ut.due*conszderatiun a I I fileer."; oft'lle.Ride Com�any and thyselt, (Signed) R. Gibbons, Reeve Ernma. Andr.,Wfft- readdr--ol nd that- t 'a 0 a .6 . met arid Hiomilitited'officeni of *hum e or' t%vo, �Ihe cOnduct Ofthe -R-jid Calftl2any nterilcd that the Rifle Couipahy shoul contribute n' .1 the Rol I Who is used to the bwtuem tif sell -onei arid and several se'le woUA knost, equal amount with the' Artillery Company tewart,. action is s flicie' Y.,,Wallace, -rh kryholes and find Ad f)r. very little.refl, U nt aat M Kiik was Cho rawl tbrou 4b ho et icces in --a fh(t stale-nent. W I Chisdalled enliflan-tit, took ylace as-Cupt. S� are never 8 aryt, nothing the Amt AO coninbe any�.intelliggent wind that th p fully submit Afiat ueli corild ct- is not only. to -wards the cost ofthe Drill �Shed; and mour rilojuet., SLY -it 'e idently eat satisfAc- Geo. Rurbalf,, oub 4 th: rl.)st reprehei-isible,' evtrenie ell kn6ws, not olluring hit absence ;n Europe year, zo, be d led eiC yeilr after. -b ? . . - cod only but Couilcil. should be- -petitiqued T -B VanEv6ry D. Reeve. ams he states. but whell he was in- The Towii �adt V, 'the ple -ind cause for tioa tothe audience. We. do ;row I - y JI - not- tend dinireroui, one armed Ill -dy umper princi] pre the offic6rs m.'ejusidaratioti'of ths -eOnt �ibq A hountyJ deserted fron IL -anada is that her to be a 'ninsi At criti :but I - ofGoolti6cL and persouallyill COMMAtid.6f.tio Islujid, 'tc rote $ItJO ill'uid'.of A. Smithill loist -week, An. ricmi. dislike or to be iiisultt,-d by the couiniander -of ariothe coin pupy, nd it i ey if it isl not un tion by the Comintnies to B results in iv ensue, the same ]lion a very ungrenerous the most disit4ilous- that a, pet as 111CCOrdfugly to suy 1601in-41 ghis irons. A ifirl who TWI 3wople, geaemllt,- eiTrws a Strong fiteling pazFdon4bly--i tvidlous we m H. Hor ted itini rould bi tort IiLid a kel made wbiich 6ted the I* lock of the least, for Capt. Seymour to end avor W a ciaily if tile insU4611 c0rpS he �6mtnaiideol i�y sl"I)Ied. Ili. Ueut. -Wallce'on behalf.of th J. d ati. the U eutetiatit, Mr.Nalluee Whent she kissed -of attAchme t to. the -throne and person'of thebeiatifulso iiho was evel* -iiany custMatne upo' his- Lii PrAno, solo of 1 lit tit cer ut'vioient 1ee. Rifle Coin d b(-' me Ott bellaif of the irons. whil is not here to delitud bim.-i&Ir for rews Watelima-in. tell I of the- necustomiA to obevi 60 h Artillery Compally,' askill- the, Couticil-to all blie mitliaxted to transfer alleged -are Britisk-to. And in rot a was raised it) en Victoria. -that tllqy Spoil 0 is Capt. I di, eliclion -of duty, forwhicb.if blame the IkI frOID, 1Kf usia we de �C,hnivandw - A pet dernee Vote ill 'and proinisin oil - tbp Dept,,: Adjt-. Gen,! S* rgogs. all inteati and-- ses-� If we are to as j6 0 tIfe kind. �6.f al of th6 coi hmedt, mou Wnto 'Ills withoui being-len parpo -us 0 is'tu be attached, be'- himself h- thanreabii. ect . et t. lr)ss -part-u The ecent,diacavery remove from amo all. that.'ean h owever much OtI16 f tile Companies to pontribute.'6200 Qrvilt A1?S 0. To. conli -lit that Capt. eoc! %vill Sliew vuu dl it,*Car, ADJUTAN h rat mysttem rs ulay be.1 towardA ilia same. &P., 1864. of sove It t in- It to -ut-� thil Town Council, Quebw, eymour Of tie � Strt.:-1 have' the -bon' was not u6sent but. ir GooJericht- I may culation worth not m -re bilend the �yes,or eats of Americans we -Pleased with the heavier harmo*n* t [IlCtaneeL th s. of d he- part cost o'fa drill sfied with a ood - eal oir'the part of or to sidnowleol-" men- n sstyentftu, all, - e tatet ln�ast tion, that dn the very'day nit which 14 caused the Bank o W hh, It tile 11 sunie member lie oft.p.,stilon of the receipt of �Our letter of conunitkbe by d'"vowing, oar- at- more ithpoSing 6horuses.. Council llad'proihised Fine -a arid witli, ti tire -18th til, with more Limit Avo �-y� i�nclosul-es, arid havin--i-submitted them to His r -was. field -at which Mess Kirk urla ine all' the zorerei,-,as; irk 11heir-'raulw Tke OfL e, frith and in tachme'lit tothe mother country. Hence, ..At the conclusion Vack to. frtivid a ad othen did vote $150, -upon 2'rolinerag-Zolwith othM- trs whiell they &are lat at -t h n. Excellency,- tire Corbinander'in-Chiefi 11 0 for -in tbelw theevenin S um er was nint; hinii-dred ihousa-4. Whkh rlu paid /ol T, ed kv aq liery . selves llto4u'll -til Company, Capt. Sey- were runt. -separately by four tellers �-,Luk ei shew.�.huw I;orrectl I _,Lot illl, Cititipwiies. That:the.amou it astu desired to ai.quaipi ypu I -it under no' eircit �0 . thi conclusion of L NIr. Dorion's c adings ill Cameron, and me to be h. At V inEsq., rose;. tenda).z.. onlythreeoft eelk ilk liability Of Lite stances can Y06 be justified m0urmperson commanded liii;tompanyat he seyeit 11 suggestion if' adopted would be the ke- moved a: vote of thanks. to thd Rev. Mr. s on lily cr)rl)q tho 64ch " Company uiider- tile then makiii use of which Col. - Wi:ey - as- I Jag, �coins were discovered. tile o6jectiouable'litnuagIi -target. practice.. at w diainctiv suU and wrole . tilat 11' th' to ofthe Cost wai $I 00-w and it ad so alluded to in my. letter uirder da e -of 6th ullinio believi) present. I therefore briefly - ablishers and. editors Stel'h'nSon, ey flad es6m, ecipt by nev!Spaper, p e tor his able and clorlitent ruLde''Any promises' ac . distinctly ai,rerd betwroul tile offi urs'; J)Ilt it, - t I am pe or ell d g, my amence portion c e." is Ax- Amrst"Ne. PUACTICT. s GqYornment circular running � in hey Otl,r ;equenceofth. cost 'exceeding theesti. h6wolirectea toAn1brinyqu th.tHisE.Vee. - f Cap,&- Seyinoues. lett Jjrxm,--A -Cin. some- loicture. In- thirty. years' experience he ht*:.to.be Col's - o I that this It a - 0 - letimy insists upon 1. as untrue as a] eady proved other lel"llati merchant and his wifemw--fuad of pratti. lite lt'larier slit thanat-firit- Your I'Ulfi I r a M. eiifilled bon, and -that I- ws ready- POSed WILS his directions - -to r 0 cal -jokes rpeenil iintered into a Wager ily So to.".- C ssa��.. Tivit- Artillet un cation. e1114 Arwarded what as follows,:- -Y .1. You . arenot to (Mr. Q 64 a r; listen�d to an: ad Iress aid tl;ein financi loun-I be s conveyed itilhat colum p rtioris f -it to lie, by docuu) V or ell if it erwan' ill, LI-lat lie w1ks aw-alff-of thiS,L ail coll Illibu tf--,f I Ill cc rd. vice with that'. an lionties however. avc`the h.n' to be, which tile one Yh6 should first -14�`sol it abuse, nit 6f'the kind with- mor I -Ila ytva in my last, That-tijese e p easure. Rob. -rt' A had.not om is they wfio are ahuded ther, ias to subruit to a pelial I lmlws�d hy Gibbons" -Ei' ppliud-to meon tile over $1307 und -paid the sum W. P I . risatter since last. No. -01VELL, great theptovocation., 2. If American o, wore never entisted y Uit after, expPssin" when ihey were not the triumphant party. i bar,. CApfa.11 - Ross,' dtirin- 'lice Otvakdsth6 -erection-ofithest Thit ill Lieu'+..Col.. D. A. :-)y me, but at a` time Forso^me d�Yll 'both vein in!,' a4se G. 3L ed . I -- - wt -re nulally ai.d ever 0 nembens of aiii other company, withoui 19111--lantal last -3 Coull -.I rCompaim -CAPT. ROSS,.Coniiiiiindin,, Vol. Battery my writen. abuse and inult ii. himself as equa ly delighted w-` a Oa te to tit el, th Rifle in puritiance Gur. Arifflery Gutittrich. One eveing, iis i1he vouple a -p -ted b the use-orvery -ros lan are the ''Inotioat which as rri�A unani- a4. FX.1 Mp e u i.riptioll, .1 91. -eement opened' a a bs r" were iLliont In, atu-nd 4 party kiven 1)1 statin had se e; s�Iiid a .-P - - - . . . mi)c r of,atheri- to. e a gnhi -and bear A! moust pudiation otrer their services as Vuluutt F tol't 3. Whereas Brit te.,% Of *y with the tilembe whe was not Cupta fiiendst tile lady Complained Ot Indisliositioll Y Itad not -b I was to! of dlic ut, $3 0 w 3 -Captl Ross.'to 11111i eea d6u) to Joiloig, , and wll&!-,, 1) I . . . . a, sui);cribed. That f4a 11)ePar aul the h ish-ind went �out to provure, a Tar_ 411,10yalty.1-is, to Some, d:stuteiul, youi Rev. r. Philps 0 1 t"` !kvt before Ithe rQuipany was in existem very moved and Rev.*.Mr. I.required t) witlidru*'t f t I was ir' in memberg Ills IlloSt iiii-encrutis- Also iolhy_the ow ail(] WL hen Capt.'Seywour W-29 not ill Ettiope, riakgre. While li� Was Zone.s nerro wonlail will,. ir. fatuiM be careful io strike strourg, -Stephenion seconded a vote ofthanki to I aud unsoldier-like s they colieci-d ahkitit �25.. That iiii-on the fie writes tire a - of the wife,s.siz' -arid w. -M Itundled 0 letter o.,-thriLie pages ..bit rUith. Of tLe. made,,mid. of"the GODMICH Nov. 21st*, 1864. but in Goderich arid in command of hits cont- expressions the choiri whic� ai bfsueh loyalty' -out of yon.r WAR. also carried. Pau. The redudaw of one of ithese gent e. in her vlo*k itind and wlieu the carrip" cam- took. -her lavo beside UCCUSIt r (if 10t 0111 atfid 'paid to the officeirs of Slil)'-I Irive o0or it acknowled-, ranks I learned for i6l I he Rifle Cupall. amount subocri the h' mail to It h- tIIU*IMUW eIfitoriiI articW. extracts and reports -of Atter a. v I ote of. tba'nks'to the. ladies who linqueacies bu t�of y do -my fo Ila applicd tawards the first, time "a want of hondr and the Rifle C ilia tile receipt of your letter of 10th'. -usin Capt. uchomp inst.'. an pet with a thick rail oysr 1er face... Un die'that un(er no circ 'JILSIanCes . Call h " led h4 suitpospd. It was public dinnefs, &c. 4.- If, in Speaking 4 had labored.. so.zealously in �etiing up the �esprit di�-curps.,`it a truei of tile Di -ill Shed, whicl coulmu form Seymour 6 I�tter. at _'all YOUL a - n 0 -e- otr -and III * It Capt. Wevillour in, t re.tching big destination 0 refreshments &e the CaPt-till 11ss:ou Flit to be� the'last person to nicated t-) ine'lly. tit i.-ers le of tillit I be Justifled in ma:!dn; use of tile. lartgruge qdoted. -ch.;' a me with aft illaal arid wire into the,-howe 'ami thelwar lean to dther side it ineeting broke - a P taunt us therewi?h of -as r, Into arrafigement d 11h Co i for contained in the estract of my lel'trr to ('apt- discreditable enlistment IF The sum realised for the trust-fa6d fio]I-1j, instuaces ofsuch Ak;- material at must be, to that of the federal go7ernmen. as two ith a Violation of when lifting- the vei lie discovered the 4-si%ll your next. day tho dise4iinfitted ht*b" si&- icie�ey as cou occur id lub br fo '06' said Shed, Seymour of' May 23rd, given Ill the Nifitia Law arid Genend orders, �with ell- Tile w re,by lihil e,icour�ged aud pitr ;"I(Frendered myself tie"i-sonlly. li-3ble there- coin uni S.: I)i3obedietsee to any one. of the instrue- the ineefing xill be 'aboat 8 100.00. a011iied bv in c Ition of -6th ult.2 -as foflows: 11 See-' -to tile petialty, arid wheeled h -T couraff"Irr arid patronizing two flagrant mitted fo r. -tit tilie Itifle Company failed to fulfil ing there:ord that.there.w 8 neither a , arrel ot ined aboxe Will lead -to the im- being'enliSted into his Coinpani ir. vl3lati0i'l all flour through sev ral of the pritroi strem - dons conts . .......................... fficient instances of deAci -lice of �e their promises inude, and'wr , I eney wilful disoffedie 'Pal a e 9 o or ei of the Militia -1 ov arid Geller I old r ngfully appro sprit de-, corps tal COU14 to his o%yn* door and lion r mediate discontinuance' by, fo�c., of y Literary Notic'es, one -of the delinqu prilited-,to tfiei- p Heve me fromi a ab inoar cuts recommanded. f, r rivAte expenses -the greater pany-to re ility iticurre &a.', Now if I werc. o I disposed I mi Plit reqdre Capt4- Seyibour to U Dorton, we hope a'n' colptnission, althuu-,rai, lie'. wust uney subscribed by th"ir ra d have known' part bf the. m eLm - in their hehalf�l sought re)ief by apply' AD— A -ear -one �d the -CHA411E re purpose 6t -beititr :applied- to thit tl' to .11tretrac, 'u'umariialittible siatements and to Id bo URNAL. We ha 'e the said individual-110i'ad shainefullyhroken all bers for the to Council; and fil t his in trust that, the. day is past, and one i'llen publicity. thus given to Lap,61ogize for haviligo madecliartriar so un- Syrvus�-N.T., schools, inade. a libeal u tile pled.,es he"'had voluti.aril -de' !1he erectiork-6f 0- (1 the offiz-eti of -oorho y ilia delin, -of the Co'uIpany, 14 -founded and'so,oppos his' Ht ceived from 1r. 1 _ill January, Drill- Shed, ail uetici6 liot-L d"ree- atch a dastardly. priti-eliple as that just lMul.Lt,u,I,.Or the corp3 a that Comp':tny, ed to iall.ulitury-eti- dilitribution of medals amonop t it -refused, when asked by me, to ablezto tile members-dfyo Rriti h on'thl L d had been redue-fid ur'.Co� 'and ask nat-him scho 'Ima 'from a hai which h No. -of thit favorite' old 8 tzike� owy 'steps or. arike. �a 'panv they 11 3uettt and aral tes. quiandiated, by youl ca7a be listenel to Y, by in't -to the rank for-ivillful-and conla�ov 'endedvors - to have themselves:to blaine.* I t and we tzious ditiolledience off) L relieve me tiom the liability incurred oj if suppose there.- before his resipaition. be -accepted, hich, I to -.school. A, must say that 1�w 'books. of tl�e rder, lathef-ase*or )eir forelam-" The medals proved to be tdd - justme in im re thatthe truth believe at the desire of -bis company he has eoi-a :and in flug I %Y - L,C half. That ivaitin over if moriths of mysia USsulknim with complacency ander the.B.-itish otiler man illegally enlitilt], by aptain ter nt�as tothe conduct of1be Rig kind are. o elconw. L etie tendd vestigation sitowed ibe he contents ered, wa. apany-iti tYs- case,. --.s briefly -act f` - ad t and afteriapplying--repeatedly to lite-- officers. it -the a-pplizationof the -same la --------- Col orth ar boy had f6u Whag secreted in 'an ida . : ' I . in quet.te which he ba ers) liad added to Ilia willful 0 Pay their my lettertif fsi6 iult� is n6i -by His- Exceil. a_ art ritriect and coaipritie-- articles suited to of these p:i, till membem of tfi t - Uompany t Inii ti s invoked to be-. a, clo e vyie-fibut 1 have- no sunh intention. L , ck, and that hU-mitither anit another t 'ay diree N6A-Uesideut Tax 1W., wid call6luous dis obedience of o. promised propordon, arid atter ail. account ail every -taste. but the utte�ly. vitiated rders. I t iii s in this 'matter called in 'I pr�afer treat.n tleh unibu had been fiin iipon public lion ded mf§sqrtions. hope, unnecessary to,addL that Iii ille.,al, due to Mr. Rhynas:,for illad�rial itirnished to -quetstion or -in -c I ompI3 . -incr with it - I arn not n an who k n comalund 'it to� the eild with � the contempt which they me -du - if my cha Die so has darin the present ordially re- h s. of SAI were tfie'possessor Faf-11,40-0 of ied was'hatided by Lieut. H adipittiliff thavany.st,atemetits I have own conduct �vill. not support my 'tharnewr -,-old, which th' d disers"ditable oulistine tit too k pla'de orin;� ys to any way families, ey had secreted -La thi& lily absence in Euroue - - yet, -be sued a--Ainst me, I applied to: made i; till orrect BeSsioll of Parl-inmint, introduced a Bill - I Y. h.,d I been. heiqt arid ` 'a", '. td s matt'er are untrue or ine for lionor 'or hones'tv,,t shall.not fA 'w.,Capf. h4ol-Cappiiii Russ attempted a coulse 0 . f. -_, 1 0 the Council.' ir rehea' fbav, t -he - Council bht, that the'lunpage object6d to infringes sharAy.. It pro . . I.- - took -some time to h=t to prQvido, for* :the more speedy collection C::)- Wd. -h;tve-. to,- thank ofir-'61d friend. eeedil so totaily, sutiversive of all f er"itivesti, rati-ag the mkitterby th6irFinance � some ra. Seymour's e)�arn'pl� by troubling His. Excel and iecov.br the lidle le of military etiquette or discipline,- leacy the Commaf of -IXon-Resid t Ta�ies and: Ot , ect in� lle ur dig�ioliile, I shouid at Qlce hve biaii lit the� aommittee, ituIed4he umQufit.t6 i e!ieve me... whi� deria-;Chief ith such en 10 pr for a- file of lie wspapers 6 matter how dishonorble the conep ments. lnaLtei�, arid I have only t1oliced this t of at Pro -rty, in ar- sent by Wim frot*x,the Pacific Cwist. rs -of the VoItkuteer force may now pL noeent ixtrebas6ri His 111 Clipt. Soymourla,letter being; on re- nder the -diate'considerat-orl of " Not (to use . he Words bC- a. letter duct of membe by the -Ala I -;veellency the Commander-in-Chier, Ulit, or a lol'tbe members.91"the Coun- be -i' their relAions with an 6fficer of the Ord in the Department, and a Court of Ell- Murdo Of IL Clothes Her". reamor Taj�p,..qf which -the followhig is - ! .0 . I . .. . - . - n c Ir uior stimiteva eith- did not know or cil iiow-be!-tirettie)4-incompli4neewitltariy' same my se er t6icetprecludes him white holdizige R quiry not having been granted metl desirei to ,e b'een7 givin by the late commisdoo, fr�m charae -Za- The very' �great of -the m 'his duty. I lie terizificr such conduct put on- record 00 my of - enial of the -statements AURIOUB cAst -.or -DzL-=Xvm Taimm" the text 40,not perfor' li, pr�hlis said to bet I - - a fold.thAt by the ket rexrie*tingf litis Caipt. wa on very intim,tti Nlayiir, t re Hilitary c e ter Xr. Cameron; ­to Caiptain-Sq our,- in the same manner or-frorn iiip;)[ying toit tile Whe spo e i hut Sole!! An comfideration of"the feet, wlii'-h -Sam� full tua cre he Would be justified I inve the hon6r to be -&a., 4c on Monday 11111ornIng il nd niia n .'th"- lasu' but this -private frendship 0' 11' - Hos- in f in do U, Otto ave the-amssirAitt or properties in, V Plier. Cn h in doing u be s0d fo_ not' holdincr such Lthat i n4medBrown, residing it deprives us ,f lunch of. the:space asslza,,d caused -him to lbi-et what was due. 10 the .110 vii to-lbe, CounLil,that I was held as if sio'l. I Z �t is. pravUed..that, ria land shal-I COMMIS I (Siggqed) A.'M. ROSS the foot of taxes: ua!iss some'llortion thereof has -been to othdr in-ttters. AJL we fraq.-tentlygive corps in which lie had the - honor 'to: hold- -It pflisomilly resongible ffir the amount -of the assure His"E'x'- cellency- n -My man -at t coratni SI6Ii-. . He has Wen unfirt3nate" Drill Shed Indelliedues owitio to. the failure cations with- Capt Capt. U. 0. A. we - o the lfice sa 40. A f r-SuChUnger -periol und lem, thy. reports of country d monstratiOns - ariLIEUT.-COL. POWELL, 1),-,p - liver�d-he 1fvp.to1heVffi ers, "Yiq 1W 6r fivit years. 9. now absent) ti -I kof th(, Hille Company to Seymour, I had no, itiWa. rse of sucli, amount. as, 4 13y.1a; of the Sball not further pay theirproJorti6a tion ofbiTendim, inall dt in this e, o ve me. -proprieties, but in my i-notance -of I military -went to the house -to see i 0 y.!' Theseare the fa pellency's iuf6r= . er. Inonclusicli I of I thi cL*-st Of -a t ets of etiquette. considere 'Y Adjk.*Get . Militia, QtiFbec. -wurd proper -i a which.the. to�wa 'razider is nt'p Lruca- comment On his extraordinary condu aid sh �d at of - relie" Y.way "al'st 'Milital she had ered a man in self-defai, XunieiW Council. provides, and it frequently 11 fr m that liabilit te P we- al, ly reversJ have -, to" reques, P. S. -For His Ex �Jion I pens -that great. injustice arises . Irvin tile larly'in.teres A,, we. III d that in any case where anne . x memoranda of the cost -,Q . f the -Drill hapoined -that woman liborin beha' f of the Haroa Rifles that Captain Ross the tme, Whi rpe� I. respeetffil ly I was the victiti -6t t.. willW reyndation -of and found oy hilt 6or marpse, of non4esidput lands 'havia,, thiyeaqd one--, WhIlo'lit'. causing ail -under delidum from haril dri p. 0, n be ordered to reCract his submitt'a. full justifieatiun Ot4hatle Shed unct paid. unwarrantaille state. ons er leS and a owji P h0sa, arreitim. of taxes accrued i6ilion them. to der 'To cost of Drill Shed. labor and material oseda z1otei hqrse to be a man, who fl-� ance.-- stran-wers. ignorant oftix�t fact, who pay -._the mt,ful as. to the'=t of A04or 'and esprit the -.very tempe -ate latizatigge used by me un -twes-of-mordes ratlected for spe'dal her, whea she vainght -up A'shoirvo iA par- truck de cor acd to'apolo. t VE Ir - - $682-45 s in a e Huron he ro be4i6i giieiii ill ation Pose- -by t4e parbliam or mort-ar. money arid are after- -my commune in -embers of a olunteer Cam beat the� clotbes liaxses to p'nom Mot York. fur havin't made a �Lar so tinfound 'd to Capt. Seymour., L That -the foregoing pany. -By grant fro .0200 'doubling that , A huan- Jain Ima-b"It na The Beare In'New g6ti gf-! I had the ame ri-11t,-to m County Council- iarb eb ettedito paysuell taxes for the re- tatemeetp aretrue. lam pre6ared, to. provei ouldL h Ve in"Town Council. c1civery, of wilte quette and 1 '81. brou At to a sudden and byher aiiulijibe X&vIiI Ill 1116orm the purchaser, -they and so opposed t3 all. mijitary eti aa had hygmnt.fto have no av;4lable. recourse Therefor.; It appe�ars. from the latest inro�rmation that discipline.. We ask this not in-thIIi indulgence but to old *so completely and. in duet had been practiiedi6j, silly other in(livid. mad -9 on the p mise ofthe. FO herselfull. Sh 11W 1fiW dot clearly to contradict missitat',,mental uals. 0 $188j0l Her Mafsety, b7-'aad wit 4 the a4vice arid cow 'Mr- Pudley, thi L- onsul al. bt solely In'the Qr' I submit., howeve -to'Hii t3xcelleiicyls Ai tailed S'ates C of any vindictive Cumpaniestosuscribe,820 our Outraged by d,fram' Agricultural but. eMZY fro.M When sober, AUiss&, knowingly made CaptAin Septiour.iW his . better knovyle has* -honor. W& 0 , re, Vindication of and direction, and while gislakive-10aurtaitand AsapatIlly- L verpool advised his gorernment Am ow ire" 0 - of the require all 4 ry� for th III lainty" 15�r tb aintaimin -tile fact Mat undira dis.L Society, for ino of b d art, -woutanizind Uy'* -a 111016- as, leasets as follows : - Tolog -e unproroked i suit' comp - e purpose- - of p,rejudicing still m Holing 20,00 1 - sailin; of the two rams- with thedditional' dis.� Excellen6y- the Coilutrialider-i wilhatuatiages t6sumrtL* row lnL pUtL Upon us,. and we cannot and ought W a - Chief 1(no i. rra S h4criptioii. by '- Artillery U filer CanrtU shall re. tj t itiot t ngewnt soith f4e R#10 Company u childrew-NimbstryP64 Werald. L Cotiprry. -.money $8.5 7.5. ac that the dien, destia�d lied. w'ith. against I dosire to b f ed - ith -a and - upo n' the faith of -P r.w'tei&ny deed ot s4fiej nitiog for the� vemels- blid . be satis Lhave uzain to Observe. q- urman w arN aulapa romises made has Of dy akedt, when .1 then, I ' curred with 41teir knovRe4ge and labor� 48-20 men.;. orot -of.. The Sphynx e rs al rIia ber instrameat. convebying, or cha left, Liverpo thut the drill abed indebtedijess ka.* &Mpaid copy oft he pape u 5 bmit -for -His Subscription by Rifli-C 1B. U. B-Urleyt, '5' - o e coficurrenco itig iny'land uintef" the ch er ra liability 6W their' belial re-,heattached to sj three� h n6ed 'and filly horse poweri and h' byhe Town Council in compliancit tvia- will. u Excellency's c nsid -148ir pro,nhre to. VS8 u Atli illforuted- tion it full and . true sidt6ment of the fcts WItich theyfaded and-VeJU#�flLlo relleft -Me panyt labor 87.50, money Inistruisitat a certificate bf-the-Treasurer-of ram is Sie has two d laug)ertlevi4x rat-wwt, five feevia lengthi that the'only. fl�rson WhL 0 *as under advance sopIorted- by documehUry 'evidence'. and,, if fioin 16 ilte, ex1jut L L ...... .14.510 Count the COUUty Or Chl in, *111IWI Buell, land-., u*. -situ- turretsi pierced colleLtiveli . fcii -their prointses, or Grant made li y ow Saturday frol-in Detroft. vVill. elevea nfor� the. D. -ill Shed was Eiasiga Hay Y rove the same by y-Towfi Conn.- to this vit 31 qf,th-, "peess p competent evers tothe e moniea rdlicted xje�t 6f ghe or relieve ate, that noL arrears bf taxes krd. due on. such' -%ad; plated with iru-n- four"* inches and three- er lie kad been to we-Xr. Barley, has num ses -h belbre (I ittles (JU Oobit, of eni bk hein.fol that special purps d white Za once. to us acquaiated luk olp certificate thit aucla land is not eightlis ill thickness., Her hull is- phited Willi As the'only just" cation which . -Capt. Seyinour Still Inailitaiuit)-y'Ge light to hold-- myown IOU from liability with some -Matters of ubw the honor to be, &b.. tfi n as (Si4lled) J. %ir.: Sgy�lo Ve Attt with reprd to do p ms -*ondlit, oft - I t 0 Ulu a _4 1111016-mi4eut and such Treaiurer s four inith-plates.- The.NeW-York 'persare, b6ioL lOtt 1wreby pa re Ilia Excellency fr he opinio re -of Riff retitlaired io" rive such 'ce ill, a p4cke'r ad to wh-3re these two veasels will n of Buell conduct,- art opinion sithred. in, C pal gmsn.`,Tt is stAteg on autli6nt :himself and his Company in this I belie've � by every pe fly ly to,pay their pro. payment st tender Ofa fee Capt,"Haron Rifles. 904duct.0t lion -in this locii[4 Russell tW Rarlel 011 U P �nd seeni to wish iftiley come at aft they ot Q!M AN -colltaiie wing ex rLa Al - - To L'eut* Col. POWEL4 D. A. General. matteriis d in f�ll t , M cquainted with thd ti d -they ho sbWt -be entitled for the"" should tr their prowess up tLheJai`nes river .1rcums.tances,.an #ton, Ottavra uunty, Ohl% on 1he ebw�r 'that thd Colitunissiouier of Crown Nattiral, very. TherElerild uebec. a re on �rhkhbVLw*sextradit4 A perus I -of the - c-iirresp,6nde`ijce- he in are well known.- 1: is alpliance with the 2. . Ifet I'vU& nor.any-ageut under him, shall ac(,,Opt The remed 1 in: bar hands" and it is' for enclosed'will- shew you- that Captain Ross direction of. -,His guAleticy, wi $682." OrLtM&f 21a alid anyazzignme4 8 Dep..Adjt. Gen. ite-Cfapt has.apparetitly wiihed-to tbree the Huron Objectionable paragr4h, and have W express IfAcquitted-le will have a safe W" Am a 411.1'am since -informed. tha - t it Lhe tfffted Stateiit Xr.,&w" U* is Excel uten 'WAX as to that ellle,:t 10 kr* Raudl, jaw%& land 'of L tbe Croyr", ut"e" to An -ah ei into paying. the �art Cost Of a Drill tpt len L t atlohol.outiu. Vnaigni N of any � till -t"?Ury M-panment to use it pioperly.' T6 R mely and jii-dicious diitribution of our large tot. Ud cymy reg -re wompulent itbs'fit beattached th -ADiuTAvT Gv,% i *a OFIrto Shecti which the Ton o, autil had prom- that commuilleatlon use either langult ant,. that Mr. Kirk W" States Darniti who vZ Cerlificate: of iro'4 clud naVyi, at reatened pohits oil tile ERA 1; E get T urerto tMLefe 'Weriliallea_ mo ars bick10 pror whit:hL neanfng Cle4r. nomiratdd. tbe ct �QISOUC, Gil sed rile ir� thin t*o',Ye i o conveying proper raw 0awl, wid espeeially at the greater harbars., 1864.' conduct thd prosii�uti* it U natt aw Aw NeXt prededing #eefwik. Wi OG idi, 'ifid which -they hdft lately paidjor, -Iyi and I cannot cuntylain that it. A" been :�His Ex elloLl' . � U -H be Jifli On Y prupvr Provitiod ag& nstthe aY the Qomm4 'iue 14(thounderlininis aut'Se 'urs) -Thfii misundergload y. Capt. q4nwar, .)*-he latest estimate.of thij furco of. t1j, wiles tbw trial will ean"Re"M ny :Aegistitur wkq shiAl agister any rider.; stone,wall. arid 1�apidau. Qur niumborless: C would a states, that -Buriq ill awfiaecil to; hk Awl a cor. fact shows how acted, in,'oot not havili �Dffeuded against military etiquette -and Confederate armies ipivos . the the me. U41fait hief havinr had under consideration i7lilt setti011 swilt blockade MI shU41d. be Alr8solY RePuring- respondence7which. has'take 'I's -00 my -nor fallen .under the disap -men, ard -the South 148 000. cdnli,,) Wit&W tihe C�Ortiaeatu b to glig'til"al Oth a plam � betwe liability.orthe Counq therelly required. shall- the set -gri iinposin; Mort ed in the -Tormto mour In espt.'Seymourl-s letter. of egiimzte I's �Qtfdrth Ily'sDruAY the wiall kindly perW - del��* P*Wty I 40f­­d4lI%tst, for eacir ptoac4 y latiqlatlaq e� ap, Yourself-atid Cauthin Sq commanditi t"a-And again '"I -have' td Excellency. This Of the ene - atir Jim plAds 'ill nod 1113Y. wtil -69 nek arm It VA 4nir e Volunteer- Alfle"Couipanr at- Godititicir' C=v -indebtedneass complaint the following. pas"ge person who Aall. selit shouI4,already be ell, route to. the p v 1 0 e that the Drill Shed kn re ati, e io the qlie , a f it Urs Orrespandento thiX. Yo V alto W of 6� has been -paid b Wn _ CoUnCa Lin - f - Wor4do, vey4he'ahme infivrorm asif 'morijage or 0 be-expen oe Til rk lion resident p;okitinus.3, '&-Were such accusation' -tru eaflu.- Ro and- Grant -480, s000 men -Lee biiin eir�tted Fbe�gntie MON 4olitee4ju i1* Am U erectin- 6'Drill'Shvid- in that locimit nt INA is uparo.UWA� laitl receive has pliance joit&� tlteir.�mmise -to me.11 ought to -be thelhat-person'to A few- days will see a great, flurry. 111L )Tew be tPulat us there with only FAY-0r,e4USWQratlUn for go Y6r�. d.betrk4od1Y*AA;,QUrV of ;a; e oar 3.) ini ds t iif`t6f.vabaft =0 or auathlw guiraw U it rlemed'to diredt. thitt that portion.of- (the itifiderlining.i"guin Capt. with as,two of as fiagrant instancel Such "bW* 4M §eym 1 �--& hilik.Lit -_bette "Ye that if W cutia the astattlaN. rour?,''entqmunication' to 040tain 'Seymour7 It on, the preitent occasion* deficiei He VOW. "M i1i"at-PPAving and- delivering to ley as'equld occur'were. b hi y Im. ell. towLnsbi tl1*pwch&nr,Aw.qXnw�4r 14cumbign th ivide 41rd cerf. P- ed nizodeby till_- aI;fisted Mr. Dan i" temperan Of giierr Charles, the Lz in His' Excelleilefs opinion fbers of the 04ancit in 16621 and wl ee act To th� trial would bescVW4 lba. ehalvib, Th ow cor#14 =I "jected ba' I tO *40 4*1 -M. fit )of 23rd May last he witkdr4wo, eat -lose two document"ixited by d a )Sao "s (towim) tas'al ;0,rpovatt. aquired br ;J;te, first vio! Ion f t� litis 655 to 4' At liar 0 ra tro fi-Vt 11111411 A Z% Z er a' di nreltallfUty. of ill of rQbbery, U hieutirely i nocent A thilk and t ud ,A i Is ina p -- I he �tturb the Ln�4 h in in in a W a ell r g;od the U Ild G e al Ordcls _and C.1 of a yoie the, jected Uh of 134 tj 12T.