HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-17, Page 34" 1", WT I R IncreaSC Of the Vorce% ill Canada IMORTGAGE WLE LAMYS Lt. SLIt. irLZt: LIM1,1, Ot W" Items. reader dv,,LL,�. tho Ox c-REvn.) The Muni If till. Liu, ill Mercury Orr, V - 1 4- of tfiPwi� Raw. Th- Quefie( Ives curreficy I( e calf. iielp iL I t,:Iam Ln,,. — I-Lanior atii� prevails ill MiliLan, -a., a- UE11 ai,d I,\- virtue at a wwcr vI Salt- con-' lop.—W-IMbe held su-* -tc"T- i circles uird' 6vc 6ITU .1111L np.--kr Tris;. phTsie'an wa."alled liere westwar�, Ittiul in �M, r"E SMMOLMAMSTE a �­d t1tictritiond a,L-it -necurpse of another Irishmal.. will' Eaents, which ate orderell'homa. t'r( Ei ant 'Trittutr avdtJo-i4h "I'pintrr. of ti�w vAlow.,L)f ted tha I I I ffr� Quin- jare to -of ass statenteu-, is reAers ed. uud u.L- oeen itsullaLed 13V tioult: of Ll--. tit Ill Gabodit jDty the opeam 11 14 tile Uutl#tl- tit 61 Uat, �yeofnin 0. 4. 'Id.1tillop, VU , be Demo . I I -fturna Y--4- *9 1 I a r,411t. L rit L�)Ejrtand 3 A&oUm of, 6he I-! qxs lit. afte- 11191?e�etitl-' of tli�, ritivirltitcM. h t UnIrriday, thefttfli ItRYMEMMIAry lTnii said FW E lAt n re. ant. C%a a 101?1i -169 q _ , i die in.. I, o:! ar­­- � " - - "'" " "" I ", tn'. re;-,iment-�;uou Ftailulled Ili bi jusi, tb ILJ DJ I i. , WAS stv I, Mal i Ut Ild" lail:l- MZVIIII.: Let';j Iliddt' -111 I.It' (list' 1)'Fklllellt f rluu Are,&o lx� milre&aed Lo I l-Ut a Eu. Tauruercu nt, would have t:� dea%j v4e iltu i tiltuet" I wta;�De ol".0APiphir Lit tbt*om par- \11p-plear . .7gW,9'0941�, 2!� -4, *r' Moi tat whM ShL Ila-, a n-! eu6b toid to Ill� p ace,l on at -war i neidnv the 2lhiff-"'titv df lkiiir�n 'nrm it, tweive toll ru I'Llse tit volitilz yea."4auy to decide whether nou- betore.' ldred st P. 0 Ulm 4"t. It "Cott: S&�te 3 11"It- Ili tilt: Ali ld Ant LnZill.-i'd bV the last 0 Cluck, 1104m. U. -ol Witte' h, pr, iiads lfbtr�.thi! traitgp&l W. J. SHA'3M ON. tL, twill her up- %eel. lit I or am the lusio-witaig 1�yAlIaw 4e 41dopee& b! peace ill. r4oli. tilt- lo1wrim., prolicriN 4 tcnow on eac Ini-ric-aii exenanz 3 1 IIIUA:� Illelilliat, thin. airaiijetvcnl� welf-tilel; IaRt- of )btate and divarce court ol Lou- L or hi, sj.dier:� :ne� Ith 01:. 11, uk- j jkjol AV A I 40evwx"4010e 1 beiii& Mi I " h.. exhiba fill, �4% Isiv: itt, 7 such -uov� c�liea tat: re -probate cout. ed f.)r Litz, a 'CloIniada in ttiespi r Iments,.Eif cavftirr to aarl;,. -g " W -, l u? tile �erhie,*pLuct. ht 110p, jAn. 174hr.McL. fortun.4teiv for the inter e .1att 0, J�!' -I-' uas- -V rttv occupirEl as 21, barritel, i A ISO At I Ile 981fle Little Rild jPiACV1 OF C UL- h power Of za-e 111 at verl it M t1tiltIl' I)IL11 W'a<C, milde bV crests, 11 0P , SE and fortunately 'for Oie int tl`4),'� 01 lilt.- lille. lilerris ?�-Jule iali� also rrfl�lio cie-ar prdailol Opliortunii-1 for Dema-0,211tes. I - Aoritlanin West of Iliv said valfive. .- a tit Il'i MR% of n vxeF BZmt ��I& ' . Xt tioniaict;oditt�. wt ILE -audemijened qualified blvinitoRal Xlee- L-V wem 113 be.-atiU 37 ol.* PU . ila&lphia Ni "kic. ill If Mll*ct. ill tile t It -ill" rL-1WVLd 11aul'Ituii alid inakvi- tu It e,,4aid T [I be swa I 17a:1. il' e- nlanat*­nns o� tb, A T -I v� : I - All Grii -71 �,,iav el) wid fitv - proini , a PAl Vbt, Uimn in terms Wt auttip"Miez. - -.1- " 8 ftz rejA. . 0 �4 40 at a aLated. %vaute (-.Luadi&a presu­o; syu.- Another I'Vester'n Fir'e'. 11.. LIV',10 Ieetdt!ej;, %V1111d IdUe ILL titt require th tha- tilev ilad to 6". amp C.v,lil two f -1$64, to d u: the rebei rait:erzi. -orfo-lialft; -ill auld bulan crill., - Ili 11 nts of Seven 12"nionths with Inter- i1im 4opone ned,,the try e,,i wbt;her,or notAbe qpg.ilfied 'Rae -*4 C:j�- Pena-lylva:11-1 utere arc equal i'll-tittim,lits lit b and ik All �. L;a!�4& 5 '1 UV '.AIDI., COUNTY OF -MMULESLM I 8b Ivor L vt b� )'-'V I, h 1, isbit; Vapor In'. A D E. t -al eight per cenl� Ile C 65,Lco-ul wTi i 'Istoula "laic been delivered ati ,wr*m1---4dd,-tg*wnshi.p wiH*d*pt-v A61 A so boat the `)91i -d I. and -a§ it is now Itite or forento -.of asid A-vltLth�e1Rv4om* which fu- u teu, hoursloukt 'February 13", lS63- ll or -23rd Deceniberiast' 11, jj� Statjon here' A ,R4WVJ)F0,0T, the 11-Al4viv its rerment- Oft pupils. o:�� nonbern hori'zt -,veil k P�-, , '. - - -P - - at al, 1t;1lowittg which we It 1b; their 'Latt 6zlit"(Sun"j)'. itt --f-710t 4, eldc Y �115 M i c* It b, :�e6 P., iu o k t a 4� .. 'I, - they ivill be su 9 ontalned therein, treify �Plvp use W ption-of ou.; W. v - e in the S44ouTor the descii fz �ds c W.:..am w;:L, Zaz. 0'.. ta� war norse, 1:, ham -strung fire �ruke-out an- the laqc,,e�bltitl jm Ill. Oih�FC4.*, IH6. -p . . - ::�r tzeqeM� - -- - . ­ saci.ifiee it) er to make sale Of th�ui before the season is over. iab, -to wit: t4e 1 ilt. ult s butir has now arrivOl. E, at( ord a do rA j4�-ultry az Uj.. CaultualluW1, Ll- 1116A.- Ad,I !1 kAvIlskliv, ah"IT, three lilij�vs :ILII;l wha.il -N -r1P X 11 I Daniel-- on the _teatont The sale ol Tatoxicatling Liquo;*Aa4 Ti Said slatub' "Zaw *:p, 010 t M % Ile bviched N%,it4- itnuujav- 'Mr4t.irov. -v- PurclMse By-law wilbiji tlie lluniciL)klit 7f Me' Fact. lsov*g B-� C. li.,. fall njiliarent that! 4T uld o well to Note at olfee Me, Vatbro eiiid the A$rKt.1i Ai,k f, [them AN -au - on prohibited 6 ofmcxijjo�p, an N: aNcLiu,,CY nal. AUL. pe I oww5ap der, pr6lzi-ess of tilt, haInt:b- "U, R. G I C. A L & M H Q [-I A'�\U C A L NA1411 that our.- Imu, . - .-.1 . -6 thil -QP00TtVnitT 1Pf 4=.; tau A-461=1, W rtlliuc� a Q& ta R -.,our To drw'�, fit infoputio "of e We wrould I], Idtt*ts, and that 15X tz­� 'Wet twhen dist-ilvered tlwy Nvvit: s l IIII-11 at' "I i;i,, (Avce.-�.s r t,? a m6re. vvid--de.nv tha, order ior 0 Is of the Minufa -P 14L rilleal, tbe han ur�SPIMNG STOPRA ki 1v --onjerv* - toel-, fazn�ta.fu!es lite ave. ti tivan ein wiM, !,C� -4L,�,6esfk .4:1 -Pe - U wait �fiw�a a- S of 4i it a, i; NUrchfa,,,o­jil1 0 fac s amr-ensewpet, �qjitix-e- pre, *.a be, aeady t tile ini - .- . AiI t 411 ni qav ne- e­a! 16 IrRo oijis ).ver Mr.% Arjus I F.Ji IM t'.- ad to thdr: view ut Vod old GMerich Town. er haa pre�edt Goods sac 1. as _7 1 bat fiAl. 1311i IS& Allnutivreu an lixty- ve. 3 -0 T I Nat" 4andier. the DE Tvf� YEV matte. a- 0 -etters - stateaoe-o. de0;:iviuv1i vils"ed uiwu Alm b, iliav,.Int. ta--. li..- r0tit f A"Nva-4Z Ust of L 1:i- ne-it w, tilt.- Ammiew: (*,I -.1.UE IADIES T A nit,11jet', ltr�lyvd wt-- :1 thre:4i th cusiiijus v, ­ a posiesbia.-; Ea 4wa��, cuaU....1 itil. IS Utt 0 w- J. W NMT, L -3 01, wheat a qualit4v 0!� Oats. fia i's the -meu, La-,zee;l.- tit- -t-t' thu (Itidul'"wi'vat, office, I I , A 12 D itto. iti re, hx$ at'aii -tr tilt, xajuawl)4, 01,11.Liltl,1114 1. - r Fe'bruary� meet," M -ow ou;Jbeq..an4�jinq, -e , ir appreciAion of our T 14. Cle0c. virida4yors to --4- s"; t aat er . th=ks �Orjb I . r - 91 - , *. � - I" [jo- h%if near, too vart., Lai�ydr-Thotnas 11.terua Oust hibi;-*iUQL Ili., w, ­ - i and a cu,�ID-an-1 sam.i I.. th, ...Unr'. w tq, 1.4 thto bzttiv at lgrat...- atreutiv beea torme... a wit" 4 call.us�� u weatian. at(. them. 'A' , , " a. , ti nvint'lls le suitable. to their requitements. Oar to i.i� kn,ij%Y;ed- for six M 178 tilik Will t6eat'Ains 'esilid 4 if �k-verz v NVITY ­hi:�vlqm�.aet.vz lztm*iv ii -ad bqtli Lemll Win al Aviirbe stia.t please id 0 M. 'Lit A C 0 Zeliler,A- F- - graui, 01 1=4 all,� 'e. tit: .1t ji�e ice -of;fbe4m—and thol-tbe %sdrk-' t - IT �rry ell& tat, LiGaertasta, b1z.- to ca Ull I , I buzei ne (3> 2--t . ..... t: e., Tlii4 v' -rods front tit Ruinett (2), ' . : I . . I OFF4 hry s the 'ft olT,OUL'to' all, al'Pear-A GLASUOIN' HUM SOt IAiien BiAs -6v me t�anadiau re.b r 1865. 20 h-)ti:th fire ad -been it r r v Geor-,e Iniment ont� 6i tho sl� P4a'- tho. t 1 Cof. E. 11, Tuomsex, "Presid6t. R� 4. Dxr.;. The ut Zoo" t; j:i imw itr lift et)­ lelvired it, r —ova or -ed by tLv propeRy 1 t fiblawr BU ffi, ngs a Wit .1, I;t df� tile have asKea Wall afi�LUUye, r sjawl' BrOaXha t kidd� olnjiam it -e_ onl jnSurances van 1W e4boteakchh-er Blio -Tue veaefrubi. all.! t,_XIL 'Too. W lei �Jwlfee !tu* Wj� ezret h. din ha- uut,' Co. 1 he now id c n hit, tell-, LL wlti-. atter 1" L 41 aitt" I Lit; or inor�, ba hoped AT THE - I01 tie L -1 JIL, : . . wid, liscover tile pLer-. I? '0MP11Y aft SMOMbly, _d E, ie4, Wje i131air- 11LTTME, Nov. 181tb 1864. tv�t. U��ku W i I liltt U. etrat.iib oll div crime. Ilideed, so d;sl oinas U,;e to tav na that lit. expressi-s aft� Ili - %1r B: W I t tie i� D.L. Ft6i Lit, -d thert at. 'Urtlet Wtit Moil -nd A,Capt, 1ire lnsueanee Asmwidtion am ro OX red McKa-y Catherine -77 Aieliinjian Arelid U. F,' n exAfide Ti), -.r-,. ai I A SALE. -E�l 1� bm rab -0t 0 Met) inald Donald tu, vute. *ov jlpl�j . ... ................ v. ors Fy"r AjAoLejuilon, Aii1i yu�, lor7 of' fou bf the aft Henry (4) been . ACUMU�T u r d -wid Thilee o.� thil:t, -illaw t-nearjy,. Id John D tAlvc; - T� I - HT, SUM 13SGRIBE'RSL bovi Conipjeted t CiT -*,Ij r;A e b L AX WE TE11 41 f I ('01W i1aliCAM. ' - A tie nb� 0 Id Donald ndec, comprises almost- every article. necAjajWf6r the t0e' TiZ 1.12- it rel rp u I� C -L! (I M(� 111i Lis 1: jtfjIU JL STOCK, vffii6: -itusured in truin, unien your Associalion ui der, Politiy,5599-m claim jor Tn t6oh P1 4 - F-ejera.- s4tce-st-t.- coupie i U. 'if- otu end I I tied h --hester Demeem' ES- aL CURCe: Lied Builtiv - has u'readv bee. ERI le r peace rumcvr:� e. may -be tfI in a-. earLy yl,: ini u., alid his prababie tat Vvr -lostautme: �ul+filll bartieplars lit"lly to - . I � passport Mysteli.. says, from fILCI tjl4t. tile IT'nurtial A. H D iT 'i Dem� B -H 8 L hi: as.4ocitle Capi. Iu! t* a;,' i a. be-] BIT*, i�tt YW �*.� - -e t een;*ed our C and YfTor very a- ol%i I Itentiv. it i N. rs r V oil "'ood tez-m� W;tft I. It -ii.. us it C I 1)' Id J ti UU, tive, ant! ;�Y, memall.-s4cal I wItL ali tilt, res- tilt- w,.) niS. a tat;� ues, cause -era[ s4caoss dby is df �F e ing 6- tilt: cauatrlt:8 are n, repor or, -.1u, the ina��den i and thel- Tbe tm�pi&deAw, of York Eichd&Franz L Am- ijuh has mexisied for -TF C at:on 0.-Cailada, art, bulk P00UL t MCIlWaill W Ili 7 DEPAUTMEN �Pvow,$ LAWDS, had o tha� we cannot but, tiaturA'i'v sj.n.-- thne past, appeared onxec?n settie -3 IS ar, i joitt. n *Utt' regawd e - t- - F61I. 17,4 tn and na. a4- S' 1865:�w - i - . -has bee litat Thowas all Chat etou=t: in-urew at there; lie jots 'Itf W Utl 0' 4- C4r 4 W-i'v-lz wal. era.** a usa to cave; bi-ar,sa.es P OM Rs sc :40 T,, TH9� '41 Praser Alextz ation hagbeen: '0- -Adler T A R closed at 47 1 iLi If ty rn ralait Yu IIEHELs- cutol rin. e AL W - .1 Ila. ere sP o J'bw 0:�o (a, 0 .4 - '11 -et that Uw- h4s been croo -1 ` Fa-yan Cather t, t: Ct mu'. r.-,- uw ft, tit ...... ......... ille Ha Ladilus -lato all -,.ent =11 111 ... =��.. �.. i- our: a:, unti i ;Th receive4w. Was . -to ,tX the F (POO &A-ar 6eei. siLl by th n urs rf e, 4:5(1 Vishe Josef Pot ine"Kinbros L. 14' ritiL 332 ex.. diV. Tat: Live.,Puu-:- cut.lon particularly- to'drAw ttteetion to -their stoc -Dj upOn*4441ion W Twph 5)- The 1. s a. 'Imnlelllilitetv, !ffe aisl I- Ltutbzi KowW Am k jQf Aernmeut rebels, a. 111tt Isia, d a )h They Mr 604 wwah as the - W arkei twd rec--wered froin the depressio 50 fi at -Ate. tait lskmi� in9 quiet - et' ceutg an previous, uld wen' tLj:oausel'hv'tl.e Asia7q news; aw! Y. pitliSt, Rif-hLrd UA� LT- I Y A AD TRCE CANNOT SUMASSED Ves -)"ia. the r Oz2u - TWe ": Fra d tulit fu lb'savill! 'v' thewivaluf th- #M 2(&j; at v* -)VIL t -but eiFiiz--era1d,4 0: 0 0 1 1 1 1 . I . . - ' E - an -land The RllrM ete d juant lI iei�cd fl4tn' IM* l0 la: -v- tatf rep*rt, tKue, tG CLOTHU\ 0:00 -n 4 lie. reen win illoww'to p4h "all 00 '(a Icathril nit tie etalloes nave - 1Eve- 0.35 In. nhio e-. -z�T settleme -n Yless lcjlhorp Joseph :Robe! ton d namely, 'a Its, IOU -and 6 abi ff 6t- w ell": t -(m 44 zas 1 de ajA yo P Istely been sinA-wnaL exczwk, ilfver ta� tll�6 0.ft. ji nA and Ong0mes cleared and nder-erul, of the evie OF n7 retaima e ci, 40 i ir im antity of d—ilw*' = " ILM II')Iln UTY. hitudad 'S* r Tar Ilarge qEC Lit* E cre,lit'no to :.%A od. u wor j;AJ j,#r fo r . - 1 *1 vl�l f 400 LADIE UHS or -Pt this 1:1" tu�j 1-7; 9 hl �hv acres. Tne F'iarefvune:�, 1IL cam- i4ea wmcfi i ae a T..*'.,;k new oa-?. trom examinw )p ta'- i.e. tilt. eVe ki* tilt - i;z Ain-ricn entarge ,e Jtmes' ru whict, was dt:scucaed'�itn' curre!Vt!. Htfd--rs -e are ell fo W4 W, a -dim oqtaties-ot' a FJAV j Olin iiatiression res;Lai;4 ;VULL t or fin fa�neiwi the r c�uld- m* -humatt man.Y. : i the ieature., u. 4 maa elide. j ' * e njuk� ch . . 1. -.., H oil Agnes krs."Shaii4ol, D who nasbeen Arrested. fif 14" A � . - -- 'Vi a P.)wer.of Fale eon� -W let* en, -t: withot hi It N-DE11 and bvl rtue at -der. gait ma _i6litijile &ad artig1c. XF.Tit.kI se,lut,. in)�rcl it re- ot, M- 6 nindt: by John -flutchison Math Shaita Jwe j*jQ"MkY1 T -11F4 10 L 1I ag ir f roff, 1# of'Vrodt�rivli. nAhw"t -1tailli"'d LE t)A� - - iU it ry WRI zand �4 4a UAT, . it Do not bge isspeet . . iiy ex ft Ahf- pfe worttt� ot the Town at the nen f part, and %Ile 11-.�rl-in tiij 'oll J their inability tol-arrite ats bi-quire.'ttt the.fivA tare uatiounat her-uif marder the i ea. o Tit - TAM M niluk and -B hei I Lt m:zwortk,.,,. his ib J� will be embered that in Ili e C Of La isto W the same -test was aita tho! mst Ed a-eis frout AN defatIluaivel nt� -appiriag, ted z but a -iade- tit the doin of'rl�lnce!o �;.-�qull E it nird'part. IN 'TH PUT tQ.L bl�en, in,adr, in- the dite sl�nth. ao ., satista& - m . rualo-ed ctlssati -it, io Franae,'a.,; -a i - imi-inent thi!rq�ol thk *Se o.1 rir.srw A_� Strain Hobt ,iz t- tL.,e Cmdf- a:-�Vfur t will be zioid on Fridav iu- third, iiq� 01, Irish. E K rAlled irti. tr td6b A El t CIE A-� Ix toit* irn Stindiecock 'Ifi in;, ict w , as, it I-; re 1:.L5, at LWJ�Iye )UL, iollatue mar- They, wish to it to in , �s ow counts and n0jeS it diazovery,tar 'more. s;4 than that. of pri 11. 4ry rowitv 1t) t'.'-; e� t portu.n tietinn Mart Thrirnson- and jeftey-Joseph Sag -it W ff to insist of, ncltdei a-, tfi�t 'at V --L A ICE is 'hereby given that 41te, uder just- been, porieJ.-do i I ter eirl o a . ,- Z. --It fit( the7 alleged sour�e of %�e Nile, has hurt, Lin :to,, street, Godem olio,-iing t ",Johnston J��Jutherland �Nv in K�) No.�; ned has filed in the affice of ibis Coitd however o fiUide I Ir, is tha tie p pl, a oi: j; i trreat ornas at -a' div in nuthbers -,b-r lus m Jul, I-, mentioned. a portion P.f the isunts, �f One butidied dollars asid llp*wdA4o4 been 6aenod. between t' oigzs auf� Sontii�a by the Frence ana *whroh navle et*rWj-,AtI known Johnspii TIVOWaS TOM JiEIl1jK T who Hre n k�e of tit, I'le sn' it. -and c Ouse ti river Amazo�'has been-ioittia' vvbe- avizabie 11 til-�I sm&eip. 6,)nora. 0IlVtl!SN10n Of the said.town"Illp t tT irora one efid io fh(- wtii-.�r—that. i -L --th a diat�- ocetination Q. 4TO 'T its jbilows- at tij.� -1 new route b%* n, tbvi:. -n of 1lities, to hiu&(;�rge, andtbat t I ­ aVI ir 7 utherly-anirle oe.,:ltItj lot 14 r Five, -who re0resAV Attlande and'-Paltifia' Tilt- 1319rona m degrees av north' fil.-tv-s! eq .1 T- F4*-v4sta Tian teamei. ;4�ieh ww's sier t exrdori�r AP, -M, �ti.i.,pryri-iciaicutresljondende . , - he Ruron PxQad sixteen chain'.,- and iorty 4 aton- I. -rr Jose I is s I ,the- two, tifins to: an ang1q, thence -North ltv-,. Amazon,- has at -rived fr6m, Mayro-, about three o!'Ber:11i rations, J. V -METL bhiet� ou- tree&-rcidN- ininutes -fiat-J�Welve eitaW4 chiesiz Ed -t tim -A hundred miie8, irom. hu`n4. The "Morofiii'i u il Vililree dez -all an V nad tittv tin ks to e 6outll Leiris or 136w6ri-DrK" AN, 01) wa (iry e'hava so than two thou -wand xnites' oil Link jh. Vill rno", 4or as At ten of the-,clIA -and -two illoosand mites tar it-! z: v ;I. preciiii Aamzan frdper, v;anced a 'let, u fois.,bl Quov�a oe sevellthree-fidw linktit to--, n Lomas jamoif.- Iva -gel eavj -will app, 24 on the Yeajral;:4L Pathitea Rivdr4 I hich i statement -of titc� infili"ens �blf. 6�di tions and depres fort oil as cou me 4*ard le Iload; tbenct Mali. Jorty Ila court fr z confinna- C*� t,� 4�r=, -5even c Alm I liks 10 aii untit then had seen only ladianatioet; stirtulations the fulfi-inw-nit at" which- Pru" h and M lahart M . L la in, nutes, East -see guarant ad W -k44 W 4-1 by efected in his i: Of, Oa- any f er ste -angto; theW 'Wt t 01 Ce Ilc#=j couatryko�,4uuri�, inhabited by-savafrep wip e betorie ukh pA fkvor under tile saK Aist. ewi be atinutes,. PZIT iister. toi4 d X . �F, OR but. -it ii of waiiderfui fertilitr- liaLs moze ol-ews it) -tile - wif i We -,t�.ven chain -s I liety-five olie-fiffil- si til, A despatch from Con an nopb�announces of the a t tilt AND 2 to e ruffe.'AW1 "-URSdq, betweer, Uadia. The lirgCmes- bodrtdary Ore 'WAN - number -five. theirrFe cominti4ication rtirt hr,,e de --Tees. forty jiftnutes Fast a t1te openin, of tole -r. Soutk- L BLg-dad and- thenct; ati,--of the River aitland, G- 60 N; D:, I SjG;% at the t from the Governor Of Bagdd hia-h-water?m 7 A MisourL'postmaster thus expressed his sa re was sea ter a wa e oorrect. Q0V R, ft�a �o er.. f6r ,ftale Me the several win 0 OPMMI tgat his 40iaial via I her and --1 avet by Tlititeof a Power of Sale, Of the 16itr goi t ontau Countie Isla niair i�zht as I now he,, ti eby. - 1, i" �, . i� hence Soutti I that n -A ant-leoftlIe aforeiaid 19ts or IVA, 4h Ain, 0 e Cm.- T�c`� L r o ­aid be' and Six oil 9- tween, d the iown of Ood in PITUATE on the Co, -report flour ddll thd aiiire.-,rad WajjIand..j(�0aCeVjoa at tilt: tt%V Ir , and Wakefield, N�ush if 'Wif -itif there is' erty-mistake it isnut�Duu a and inactive. D A athan D. Vach rea b1dre the. Cuunty ofIlOwm, Wien 0e of Lot Q - IM th stail"'AA, Mate'rly �,an, #Kefei r purpers- h, -to the e ViUa46 of 15 et. at 'I . . C W W pfill, to the -U4 ship at' (;6deritl OV. 1*2 lldtniva� W. hew, flat ittle euciury I tile Stlbdjvj�- a W Survt-v ti. ood ti rs t jIr -petrated. A a add pricesWeak. b- tkel r* by 62 a goidd-Frai S (1Y 4PAM 'th _d p"m 41'400d�vr� ma.,istrate, asked a prisonee it he I The r6iterato CR es a ve c ains ru rnftx*" use 6-rce twefit-Y arUL, ida: '" 13F.ra'niae� H-0 iLatid 1 11 eigh id The followiqt aradaitiz bair was v* Letter 13ja L.)111�wortll' F 4 CrIc niarr k), rep Mail. dectint alit- Abe Liverpo and-, Manchiisie� 4im-fittIlls lialls 16 :augle thence 1-Y W t�e iw new. goTcll Mw and -a' ff tip vou V -,r Then,". rejoined ifis ;�orslliji, amid peals. Of a rty niintifes �%Vest Al 0 -ketS but therl� Was& aeuer.feeliug SLLEithfortv-�tbree de- fo rite f co Sum 0 -wif in Liverpool at the -close. It was ent-rally -96-tins 40 land is of tlipftPeit ca 19-- in 'Wa-%Eanash,Jsn--3Q, IS65. ;wl, Oil thin fe rchard. tl� I, v ur e." now -five -U�ftg ti 'Tame surgeons a Landoni hospiial supposed thati-hefall-of,Fort Visher �closed Ott U mat WFT? -S will b4"ft to the afore.said ailo-w- lye, 4,TfvP*-o(Ahe 40L ninety-six two-fi a z .4"k -sidue -ee d6gr re 96di SowlE, ion.)41li TP kno*ik. on aollaca --if by a I? -had lol h jif fo -Riffulms mintneo rms �,.ro &e Or -L 5 pre -pa im6.4- -,out cf HE r 34 a .,ed in his th�roat, 'he ed *6; to Mn the 't -Lots % While_ Itislinks to - t,; � bered. -are operAting-!'ott a man halt strimfiFA b Nviintington to blockade rg-nners, agO dep ance for, lfcd be Five and Si lktice -0 Vend tioni AX Y is Nilrj Faci" etter jvIlmps County ("o ownas or Lots numbers Clr�e, Two, TI)ree, Four, Seven. and is now q�lte w, nt on theigrand Tritink. everl he followin properly, 3a to "t may-, ;ab st n p IcO, gz,41, r. TL -t -eitchin0kitig of flwud r IYedllt�eda%�, and ]or tine .4"- 401 th-t'! -coin, beat the m2ade 4,g 'lip w Un P k remi the plaft of.beginnkag-, at erw e see tm 'To 'lep N Arrd Ei-lit ;e. Wten.Men it t At a- bll' at the palacp in Me xi Tweh 'mc owlinjr.Hiid Numbe -mud tit 6�4.Mt W Lynch 8-taintion. folert r Aen -ted A of U The Guelph Advertiset says ;�;-Betweea.10 futWehi W - I* I" he 6W#* 4JE pres� appeare iq a dre -nite J'Wenty.ond, , I Wejlty�t.Wo 4nieieen. Twenry. he Em a" N. iME) Harbory to 4av L !A it 0 Mc 6- cideat'oc- le siik, embrafdc�­ed with go' wore Twenty�thriea," 0 t wpl llwrT�Wlw 4 WR on the a, curred Grand Txdnk R way WhICh L. .si=gIesPri410f`.-reerL leavesti- herh r� WQj tq;Q --N iteckite of g-mat,va-.ae, and' Wiout tvsm, 'Tiventy�,�ven, T rt�,- , L I- I d �!i rig &g -all Intere--tul e of diamoa& wenty-eight. r.hi ai ,'keb. I*h SAveral NO. 15,Lo�t N.o. 8,aud tit the South hall 49ne aide e ast of this town: by A:mevpjbT4 of Tordnio, post; office lost h4 No. - 5 4, latom -,orAess. Deed under' TS VoiAzsW*xWmnu Daled At my fboubM-tilk �kh, persons, were �more or Q athe into. ibe of hoj"4f a .7 -a-vt side 0 16ss. injured and lortir-one aefw. ILi ds 1'rmverB - , IM un '10 ut 'ht it to h it sttd'lir GAMBROY c iiT power tT a. U N 4jii lite vil-� low coutat _Zj6D the other night-- His dog 10.3t) witta some ffiirty -passetizem an boadl Toy- moin-east -left, ae$h Station: it asrks provide owaeml d Block 35 The'a1mvp is fes'".1 Xoral­Ut all ogt office 61L 5 North side of Hiscobleet. an MH lien baiedthis Siatjaliivary,�A-D- 48 a. Wit hArg .01 is o"AN& nOtTrateedfd viord thwi% e V V egatid iffkith6Vniaw&Y-' - -n -it knawaiwinn but had T�CH_Ej:; - NAM OrLb t aid Of itha darg - -h Ah West side ofQueeii MX -at ojrbe�. ti�itzk. in' ihi *0 the passeng-er car-,,, ll sAd -TU a-s!fdrawn by t e.en' ZO, 1 h* 8*ztbrsd� manner it w -n" fo steeer, L . . It r aboui -aW- --------------- 7-1�_j. 7' Obiol "Pro li"Div _I not I' j TNTo iU *%wd MaC .LB,r trriftoRy.—L a j�e I of ihe North - - X)iTr e uro, pmuiws oil$ -Of I'- .6alwo fl;uraal tells ,a qi"r, starr about a. Tvarried- tig lav Or. Of 11,41M Irk 'i :k Some tWentv or"thirm feet high, add lodged 6f, t X 009PIO iR that PIAMe. thq ht:04nd is a --1" ow ff upside down at thirbottom. tyrant. One eveningdazio,.iL raeqt`"YeM a neighbor e#%.Mr Ade of NiMT61 a1!1,, :�a Mno. 11X5 21 =W;Kj;5 M *We of Lo alt -Feb -leared-and fek 'jo Afwr whiCk tke- Jwr *ab ied, h fog -WA9 oampon, iOrt A-li 9 *ajo a -40 t 0�# stocni WAV out on 1er "fittra 'I L acres imas t% -when,it- � Ifa . - _, mW when she aptpliecl for �i�n tuma , 41 Plaige Of Sou almost' miraculanty no Or* i,wM a goocloghouse, "*1ftL&(1 naL,,t4-- know Of GI L *If ro Ir ,A* though severalw momor-lewfiurt. TbT kow -,, &-- - .- aw - - J=*,Ibt - 464be her. &Sumis I -ML =a 1quad tho .'Most Welut J. ser 'bUR SH 4-w, V--N.WV ?J*A* 4V 1116 'TAIMM 'IDS the door. Haviww jW ad L wAs 9OW c veyed, ­ , _oq that abo ha dbstiupW -te jou IV L -qM do hWij k h 1A=&A�- AU IL -Y 1 11 :,;I -r, 6 e7o iso I M im ikir t 17 61 Ol. **Y iW 23 his boas r *Mactiolt 4.1 r"O" � 0- Oil �e 2** !it Muk she p4w he -kt� Guw* ood MOT -Godenc Deice linTaists W 41ifftil Witt 4 "7 - its