HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-17, Page 2• arat t a... 04itron ita .GODERW.11.: -0„ 17, FRENCIL 141011 .V Itt connection:with the pending recognition of th of the Southern Confedera we are informed that -th have actually pure -based a French_ ports two- iroto'ela they -intend, it is feared, bor of New 'York and nla , generally. Whether titer . stantied foundation for an rumorS, isbeyend our ken, _ esting to watch the ettiteni • orators and Writers in view -. danger of trouble With the we have mideavered to pr *Occasions,the greatest ene . has had throughaitt ' this] , France. It was rratfee, t of the Monroe Deetrine, "into Mexicoand set un a 3 the ruinevof an_ effete Be - the Emperor of the kren England two years age to. cognizing the --Confsiderac with tilich Would. have ied diate independence of the . doubt, -and it, is from F new have. rumors. of. in equipment of iron-cladse& all this received, by excit Why, the leading,organs o . Government say :- Lot the •- archy aiene atatit Will di card, because- that dennitry maintain a court in. the on ahla by kings - let ue no aggravetethe.:Eipperor .o who -might be only too gl -safety at Mexico by •espou ing the cause , of the lisergen ta or the S uthern States. "ket. eis ' rather.," say tiey, .in effect, ," "Ise our niother,*, tiotelande.-let us e forttat we drew from -her oer -love Of 11 . ,. that. her lavis and institutionshavefereti the model for 11 that) s good - iv eninein, and that we 6 erislt. in Sur heated -he glory of her orators and writers as partly -our own by inhet tenee-7-let- us • forgotall, and serve our p eseet ends by diespink reproach upon tbi noblest nation iimexistence."-• The hatred of England by Itli,people of the United reasonable and unjust,, and gained. hythe fact -that it , by the offscourings of the •. and those who pander to. a•selfish end. If the signs of the times are read. aright, France to ipterfere in. American a °- never done - heretefore, an capable- of sincerity, a 'e American writers must' transfer the e . • . 'wealth. of their great, abtisive power s to "Napoleon and. his minion ." _ Epic Poent on tile. , larder `of ot -- - - , ... -I, '....POrike,. It'isill be admittild• 'iv most persons' - that the poetieallcontribut one pablished • froaetinse to tune in the tgnal are, gen- eralli speaking, unsttpra_es d by -those of ' any other. journal in - the Province; end very seldeni etfualedi but we mist admie that nine and then:the rii me helonge to the .slipshod persuasien. ' 'here is, how. e ever; in our "rejected" rawer a collec- tion otpoetical effusions th t we reed from on. rainy: and doll days to laugh Off the blues:, Ir is mighty:0e,-) stuff -the off- spring.of minds entirely ticultivated, be- yond a sort of dim • instiriet • that teaches_ * even. chilffien- to rhyme a stingo " Wilt, - .!"jingo" awl ".bees" with". trees:" The latest- addition to thee epertinent is a bona Ale kpie . on the der, or malice afereetiought, of a fitithf 1 dorg. Time, ._February, 1.865 scene, alwood-shed near • Pipees-Xills; villain, on of the best -na- tured men we have ever et ; witness, !! servant gal.' The said dorg mist have :been a pretty:tough artier , for we ar.1 in- fornied in verse three the the nitirtierer shot bini . gidve tines,. • . And them did not end his ufferin,ga; ' But, let ehe poor harmless (10(4-)31- " - Lay.salfering in ids- own lood In a most disgraceful stat, • Heethot limey part qt.his the dore's) jaws, * s And 'smears and brains, •':Were smattered all throu h the shad.' . -. - • A doggy that -could' 'lay suffering!' after -that deeerves lo: iinntortalized with the famous. Kilkenny cats. -The murdereen excuse for thii deed of blood Was -that he thought the trorg Mad, where- , - ea, the poet ill another verse says he - was filidcmtly pia& himeelf, Ite is .satisfic- . tory, however1 tolknow_that; the fiend has • beet wiled. 4 remorse,- and asked Gun to pardon hint," .W.`„e fitte•e no room . for nsorelengthy.titiotations, but 'the moral tasked into.tlut whole. traneactiOu:is that It is eight and roper to . ' .- _---' "Let deo delight to hark and bite , Yee Qua hes =We- them ;met We bale ini objections to theenierel, bat Mc 'MU Apia that- licrsons _sending: in rem, of thissort,--eovering two pages of *limp, shotdd it least pre -pay the . :_ - LADS,. =ors of int- i depen den tie y by- France, Confederti- es d 'fitted' out - in e with whieh enter the har- the ;nimbler is any sub- ... one of these- batit is ihter- of Anterican of the evident_ E inperor. As, ve on several y the North struggle was • at, id the fee! .(red to carer. onarehy upon ublic-it Was h •who urged. °in him in re - compliance to the, mune- outh heyond'a- ance :that we ervention, the • Aeitt how ze ble America ? 31r. Lincoln.% Mexican Mon - of RS own ac7 is too poor to style endure by any 'mane -the -Frei-tell, d to seek the • • which the :audience Was evidehilk eeply inter_eated. Comparing the preset with the past condition of the Countrie the loco - rater Canted° -the 00401114On that in netist sections, netwithstatiding assertious to Ore econtrary,-- peace and plenty had taken the' piece of squalidity and wreteltedrihss.'44_ We re•rret that the length of in &gee tile 'ready in head- will notondutit of a more N . lene,thy sketch. of the addrese: At the conelesioe, on motion of Mr Le - ho, seconded by 34. Hugh !Johnston, a vote et' thatii(s ryas eonveyed to 3Ir. Gar- inichael tor the inotsement and itiforin tiotOe had afforded to the audience,. - Rentamber. that Ree:•Mr. Stephen- son preaches' in the AVesleytin -Oh each, Ninth on net, 'evening, 'apd...thut the Teeenieetingeoinea off on;heMondayeeeteing.folletving. • - CArtlitCK. ATT EnT. RAP& --A colored man , hy: the earn°. Of Caliph Butler, attempted to commit a rape on a little girl, aged' 11' ;ears, daughter. ofeldr. Slienewer, of *BC oklava on Feitlay; the ';12411 -tilt. Tbe brate was caned befere he acetenplishect his hellish purpose, and te en to ef- . ten, .tt'llere he will -remain in dormice. until the Sessions, This:: is the secotid time, within a few years, ;that this monster at- tempted. rape, but evaded • the law until now. • The Amalgamation Hill. Tfli INbIGN,.:.TiON 'EXCITED BY IT. • • . • The Quebec corresponilent. of theVlobe says the „ nu:met:oaf .petitifeni- presented agtiinsf atnalgathation " yeeterday had a decided -effect on the Honse, by showing the sentiment of the 'country to be against Mr. Wood's Bill Mid the creation of. a tnamtnoth corporation: • Tee:Void the six month's hoist waich Mr, MacEir- Imp proposed moving, the Grand Trunk people poilpotiO4 the Second, Members are retieivin telegrams Of • peti- tiops on theeway against the 13i11,. Among others frotn the Cciunty Council of Perth and the townehips 'of itehell, Mornipg- ton, Fullarten and Ellice,. Carronbrook, &e. If the country centinue to pronounce so. unmistakeably auaipst -aneilgittuation, the till will have to be dropped. 'The Grand Trunk isStied. specious papers yea- terday favor of the Bill, ittid with the view- of dernaging the Great Westere: 'rimy have been powerless to tura the feeling., of Parliement, which strongly. tereinet the measure. 4he'gretierTennk, ihear, is atteinptinget6 cajole meniiiipali- tiei, and firothisingeto:benefit one levelly at the injury Of another: The Bu elo and Lakeliuron COMeapy is under writ- ten obligations to retein their workshop at Brantford. It is aetually said that a telegram has this day: been eeceived from, the Mayor or trattOrd, intimatingl that it has been offered that if Strati...cad Will • petition fog Mr. "Wood's Bill, the Brant- : -.ford workshops shall be -removed ni Strat- ford. States is up-. can only be ee- ls engendered other eonntry hem to secure actually intends airs as she has if they are rtain @ass of TIE -1 E S E .1VI , Toantend the Act reepectine the Buren) Ofleri'eultaralitel Agrieultural.Societies, _: '"11serw.°:,14LPe*da,4.4re-v5altei.‘Itiltiolfitlidenicielii4timIJer 1111 - In' define ;the. right of prePerty in swarms of 'fees, and to-44eiit'llietn from seizarehr certain eases. -NI% Geoffrion. To ammidtht Proviiiiotis of thtclaw for -11.0 entouragerientof Agriculture, ke.X.Loefer Canada. -,31r. Perrault ' To atnend sections 73 and 97 of the Muni- eipal Institutions Act et Upper Cantaa..--Mr. Jones. South Leeds. _, • -- " • To' amend the Lewer Canada Consolid teed Munici; al Act, enttp. 21 Coneolidated Statutes eflower Canad,Ce-Me. Redeem. 7- _ To " maks Reeves- and ,ll,oplity,-.Theveg ;!lective the -"direct vote of the peoille in Upper Canatla.t7-11r...11,1i.ellar. The. House -adjoerned at a quarter tO I twelve.. - _ EYKLY the pericid of my going leaYei wiStd ;therefortf; prove but a Beery ierson to raise 'funds byittubseilptione now that eat taboUt to &art( Aolti'llid corps; Molt/oral ioclined, -orwere it proper for the 10 take the i hint. :tereitit of the hand; or the gentlemen with whdlii you consulted and arranged according to your letter, and who, .doulnleset will carry oat henorablyeant pledge they may have given you oa the ubject.,;* I;ani -ready to give nate tux:lids any effort that nifty be made, to pay off the claim for which I aer in no way either morally or legally res- . I inmsible, and which had been here should -have done all in my 'power to nreveut the Rifles from incurring- but I envier- have asked, nor.will a man under my -emit. mand far motteoe for per _purpose. e engagements they triay have , entered into slihtild he honOrably-discharged? and no. one would be better pleased at the adoption -of such a ceuese than . • - ; Yours verytrulr.- (Signed) ' PAY. SEYMOUR:. sCorresp,Ondeuee Between Capt.; - 'IOUs atu'd SeymOisr. ~GODERICII, Feb. 4th, 1865. Tojke Editor of the tronSignal DEAR you kindly publish . • ' .6aist Ross to the TOW'S; • To the Mayor and dOrporation of the. Town of Goderichi,- _ for the in -formation Of the members of the -Gsee Lee ex -in December 1862 'Alr Wallace, Lieutenant it commend ofthe-RideCorneanV, two Compenies' and the ptiVie who my and I on the part of the At tillery Company, be interested, the enclosed eeeeeepondenee petitioned 4-ou for a grant Of $.200 to aid„in which kus,„ takeu place 1,0tw4en •Qaptain tha.ir`ti" etion of a-brilr. Shed for the use or the Volunteers in. the Town. . In that peti- tion, we proonse subsc.ii on 4 Seyineur and myself 4n...reference ••to et:Onion of the Drill Shed.. The' differe -(1 to Pas by • i trout, the, members the Companies and others $200i -Which with tit. i200 usWerl from your bouorahlo body, .at.el '11.‘• like sum which had beer' granted by the County CouTheil, it was 'etniiidered- would. cover the outlay for. Pie construction of the building • :You ;thee- .• made it, grant of .$150.- in additioa to soine _unexpended balance of a fernier grant, which was foiled to be $38,04, makieg in. aji• 04. • Upon that greet -the. building was cum- menied and shortly- complete-tr.:A cortiriduce of, the officere ot the two Corneanies was named to superintend the construction; bet as f had a little -pra,:tical knowledge of such !natters; the arrangenients were, unfortunate:- lv for me, left elthosewholly* upon my-shbul- ders. . 'A subscription list -was opened' for - each Company,. and I mn happy to say that. my 0•41 aly hate henoti,b,y the premised made on their behalf, our subserip- . . lion le motley and labor atnounting to $133.- 95. ;Owing ti, the nonfulfillment bY the Itifle Company of their part of the agreement,- I ara now before: von 'n'S a petitioner asking Yoe to melte good their defitiencies.: Their subseriptici'a, ;RS you Will. see by" the acccoM- panyieg account, pnly amoinkted tb 6 days. labor, value $7.60 ; that is all that rita been. .paid-pf-it to)vards the Drill -I Shed,- with the' -- exception of; 1.think...$6, paid to C. Horton, but of this I nave no Poiitive There are dc1)18 now. "due on the .She'd , um- eunting to $125:96,- as per aceompensying .etaternerit, for which I tun- held :personally liable, and .one_of whiOris mow in a lawyer's hands with inetructions.to sue nte if itot_ paid _iiinnediatelyt ,K,pcier .-theseldreentatances I tome befbre your iinnorable Body, asking you to grad a isufficieut 'sum- to cover thie uidebtedneas,,as_l.think it.would be top much • to expect that I should haeoto, pay it myself,, I have long deferred laying -this matter before you, ender the vuitehope that the Rifle'Corn- pally would:make some effort to meet their 'engagements ; this, however, I see as hope- leeseitideed., Came. Seymour repudiates all. responstbiiity in the matter, .1rite example the beiers !lava not been Slow to 1 ollow. Trust big that eele:Cli teite this matter into your level:able -7•.consideration, . and ..make..such a grant as will relieve me -friont the restionsi- "bilitr-IliavA the:honor' t� -fie,. lre; • , (Signed) • • - A:Ms-ROSS. °flees' between the Coniganies hare lieehtne public, and it is well that the correspond- euce should -become se too. - : • I ani, Dear. Sir, Yours auly, A. M. ROSS ; Capt: G. G. A. C. Cap.tain Rosa,to Seymoisr. MT DEAR .S1R+-I ben-. formally, to bring under your 'notice a matter about which lately 'had a, mini:ors:L[4m with yeti. viz the debt- due -on., the Shed here,:and the diabilite of the -Hurter Itidee commotion therewith, - .As- you were absent wheo the ereCtion el the Shedwas. -undertaken, I Inlay erielly recite the action't :le Jane 1862 appiivation was made to the County Council for a _gritui of $200 for the: ereetion of an 'Armory ie the. Town,which was granted upon coeditiori thattlie.,lowe Coutied.would'inake a grant: of an o4uni sem for thestutie pereose. In -the fall of the yeer it was foundehat the Gym insitau, Which wae then Used by 'both Companies as ap ill Itt-iorn; was siniie insuifi• cleat. for the. hUrpose, and- as. the (Acme of both COineahles, were notified by S %vase o • e 0 who"-tiSsamed to have con trot of the .buildine. that he would therealter.charge a rent foe trte age ot the building. We began -to lotilt :about es for a More iuitalile arid - permanent .arthoey bad been tealliorally - fitted, up b,,y the town, which; :With e lettie 3tdditional ()allay, it was deemed-would:14'e sufficieet for both Companies,it was stig ;ested t liatan,endearor. old - be made:to have ;the g'rantenade'bfilet Ceatity Council applied- to the erection if Drill Shed, and that the, IltWit should bh:asked to grent 000 to Wards - this purpose hi additiOre to what had already been experded ttpon the A query,. and -..that the' tkien ee might- b4'nified_... bjF .. co niri hutidn feom -membersOf the Compiniee. eon -milted witieLieutetient,Wallace and E sign Hays in the mattersandifie suggestiOn was - approved of by -them, and 1 believe by the members of bout CoMpaides.generaily.. •The estimate. at ;that •time made Of the cost was abate, $600. $loo. for material, and $200 ftir lar. •The gratiefrodethe Town- end County •heioe, $4001: weittkletivek$200-to be teised: by the. ,Ocrite paines, or. $100 &tap 'eaele- This r. nee sititl he Wile Sure there *would he no -diffiquity in raiaing,. and he and,.I tiect-,rdingly, on the 'part -of the two COmpaides,„ joined in a peti- tit:in to tha.Toirtt Connell- asking' %them to errent,$206 and -agreeing. that the -Compenies - suould-Turarsh the VO0 required for .1alio TIie Coutqcii esraiiied-Str in O ite'nedrtiqh to any Unexn# ed ti• te,*,kei grant tnaflejle 0141 .for the :krinory,.- which balance. was helm' afterwards to be VSS•,04. Under these eir- Ceensteocee. he was 2 o4-raen t.;ed „ 4%1140 ?abnjOititk NI- Ments for inaterial and tailor: In a very -short•. time -the shed was erected, and 'Occupied by the Companies. . The -cost _was hued to be 'About $6704 of which the Coteny -paid V200. The Town t18.8.04, t he Artillery Company $133:9,5, and the Rifle Compliny but .13.50, its you Will.see by the statement posted -up by -mein the Armory, leaving iof 'debts due. _fur thateri;i1-Rnd labor,$126. • The -severe'. parties to whom_ this is dee have :dunned me repeat- edly,foethe paynieot, anConeolthetthreat - sits id sue rue Miles& paid at i• once. ie therefore :time that 1 should urge the per. fortnance by -the Rifle Cotnpanyef-ther i -a?•( sUIfl vof' tire t:the4re:elmheetii.ift%).7!.iizu.,Q-itryd, .cf_puireintisi.11,ti4entgerq..zit ,ereetionOl.flite shed, tee( -which if it were weuld be sail...dent to pay the debts' due On it. . I ani,infortned by, inetrkbers ofy,onr Company- thet a largesonount whs. subseiitied 'for the . . - .C. S. A. Iron -Clads at Oen. TsEArt . BETWEEN FRANCE AND Ms, ' coNFEDsnAc • The Yew Y6r-V 17.iii !CAI IA iitarday lest pobliehes. a , lettee from. its Lender% cote respondent: to which:It giries_4toat :Pr.intii [fleece; adding Viet the. corn seendent• hat never deceived ienA to faces and thet he luta hien singularly Corteiee:as)to theories , The , letter is A lone One; but Its pu•-port may be biefle stated. - The writer affirms positiirely i. thet at the present moment there -are two formidable iron -clads afloat in the. open sea wider the Coefe4rate flite,. These vessels; he says. were built in Orakeei they are -called. the gplivnx arid the Cheops.. The Sehemx is under the zotninatel, of!'lpolity- de; Itiyiere -7, the De Itiviere of: Writhe Moak eotoriety.- . These mtinsterti. Of the dew) are repreeeited at heing the most powerful of their kind; armed with. the :heaviest and meg efictive Ordnance, and ineuliteribfe to a,.iiv prbjeetile "lised in warfare.' Ihey ''.00tild with .itnpunity steam in -toffee/ tork harbor and reduce the eliy ashes, or exact a ransoin that Would fill the Confederate Treasury with greenimeks. The second staterhent of .the correspoaderiejs th it there exists ;ft scret, alliance -between France and the . $ lather') COnfederaey, and chit t' t Ite Ea*eftrit's o wn .lie eetnietetfew ill *I be torte elelaysea _ • e- ;'• e -. 'ir. •ee : : 4, • The Londott cerrespondwit of the Herald contims these stab. meek i • Poitais- The Lechirtt lust Etroodills Rev. Mr. Cartniehaersetituie in the Coe* Ulnae luteyening (16thYwas well Ateaded,. Ott 'body of '1.he Tom being • S104117 respectable and istel/igenteudt- ,ecoe. Bev. Z. L. !tweed oeespied:•the eireg4:4.0tietket4 th o speaker of `the **shy /40,13iiiiiihi4:: in, lit ion,' ellerseet*Faie, pve senes of mental 4*d:toll-W.-trip to 'relent 'id ha,ek its • etterseerire AsSESIDLY. " ' 14. t - - • endey, after. the ijouse met, a.7inessege from HisE5celleney was read, setting forth a copy of his !desPateh to the Iuiperial Gove. erntnentr bearing', date Dae. 29, 'relative to the calling out of portion of the volunteer force for service. on the frontier.; also, a dispatch from bIr! *Cardwell, dated Jan. `23; expressing the satisfaetion of Her Mejaitys Government at the reediness with whieh the volunteers turned out. • The Report of the Coinmittee of the whole on Hon, Mr. Peckburn.4 resolutions, respect in fees of registrars, 4c.„ thipir Canada,. was read.. • •-• The House went a Committee ot Supply, oa mbiron- Gale,•"Mr. Street in. the ()hair. .1 . • • The dretiteht (if stipplementary estimates, being the *Ann required . l'or- the volunteer force tae adtipt4d; the sect:Mit item,- being the sem of $50,000' to make good: the amount iniproperly eur- rendered to the Si. Nbans. raiders, was oats° ' After i'ettig 'debate; 'the 'teat thitfee• 'then arose andrepooted the resointinni.• The• i. port of the of 0.,01,!etsee_ .,ty! received:0a. ?.._f_fouse atijohrfied frh .tir -to '11- =0.4 Wednesday -15th, S. 'iteDotkald movedlue atritepropriatuer to erect a mond. meneto theliteonory Of the.late.Hen. Merritt.. Al:lean spondence between' the Imperial and PrOliinciat 30vernthefit$ is tO,- be; laid &fare a fere° Wes: enacted en thelunkuni Rill •of fdeCcinkey: to reduce:the tielemtiity of. member* .frotti: $6.96 diem. '-Very dangeil of abet* It Ipelog carried - tinnier' nature' etdes'even leeielatore and the bin was theown, out in Cuututittea ' - The folfewitie 13111; Were read a - aecond leiateend referred to counnitieei:e- . -L-Ca14:'SeymOur -to Capt. -Boss. Got:Tots, pth3tay, 1864. . DEAR Stn -Ott My return:hely last evening I was informed, very.:muCh to ...my eStenish• ment. that you had stated in a' letter lately addressed by to the Town Council ,tvith referenee to the Drill 'Shed,.• that ." Captaie 4Seyniour hacl tepudiated till responsibility, "eneexample .Which the remainder ..of the :"COMPaity were not sleWte"follOw."-, 1‘*. as thissetitence Would. itnply to any one un- acceminted with the menet, that IAA repudi- ated. a responsibility:Or debt towhichI was eporellv take the l eatliest Opportunity of calling you attention', thereto.' and OtTe• questingyou-et once to disewn Snell an (NORM in a -letter tte;the TOwn Council, as . . :will -not believe until so itiformed by You that yoti had any intention of co -greying :in lesinu. admit, so utteelYgreundless. . You are aware. that'When you addressed ine an the subject settle: mo hs titek, itisteadz'Oradvieing diatiun in any shape,- ' way or form,' dist' it et ly stated, though declining to ...make'. myself. Fable for that done without know- ledge and of whieli I •disapproved, that I was ready indifichielly to - 'subscribe town:NS the. disehirie the _debt; `mid that. - iitintgier eagaernpats Were entered !uto .ought etet-_,4 fullpeaMed inn; 410O=setif yen leiteetio Lieutettatit Widface,the officer -you mehtioned as having arranged .with,•reqaestine his hume• deft e tate 11 ti ou ethere t Ant* 'subsequently called on and tild4titti that ought to see giat,any arrangement, -:,heinadw,with was Drill Shed, also- that -natty have paid their subscriptioes, and that many others are yet til do so when -asked I ill-end/ire think that-it:you Would • take the matter. no witli the energy and zeal of whiele:I know you are capable, that 'roe could speedily raise your eiibaeriptiop •to • an ,equalit,y-with . . _Ours. -I am certain that .the Men of- year company are as well able to pay as the Mem- br. .or , Mine, and think that it,properly. represented th ehein ,th4 e, ;v1itifig. I would -entisegsealy ate you _before you resien yeer ceintuand uf the Com pariy.-which you informed me- it was yout intention -shortly to do, in see that these debtsare paid. ---- - ' - am, my •-deur'sir, A. M. ROSS,.. Co. • RifiCels.P. T. :SEY310.1.3,Re egniilintider, Ramie • Captain Seymour to Capt. RoM. - GOD'EttiCii, 21st Nov., 1863. - , , Mt Dpea'Sia-I have your letter respect . _ . lug ehe. Drill Shed. As all the arrangements. ;elating to it Were, as you sayonade by Lieut. ,Walleee d4rittg oty absense ie. Berepe,.,1 clean) it peeper to hand your ecimmtnneation le tnat gentle* , :who. IC eneverisant with the subject to which it refers,. and --)--viice•A suppese,will carry out env -agreement he may have .nutde with! you. Xy opluitta always has been and is, that Towns shoidd at leaet orevide Drill Sheds. for. the len who ewe theirtune and; so , e• pf -them .niueh Of their money for their clefelice,inid On thisprboiple, hail" been here 1Wheri -the question of the Drill Shed was mooted. I ihootd have recoil'. mended . the Rides not to have silbseribed towards the- erection of a building, which sbouldr have „beenegretefullye proyided-. for theta by IfieeibuptryeKend Ilitionidbavg4tan sttliitgtheaed in th' a cinirse by the ,rentein- brance did on the formation '; of the Ofirai. 1 wasluforinedthat the Coiporidirm .orGode- ileh' *Mild provide tont inf. Armory •and . Will Room, and that the laiteetihouldedWitys be lit and.wartned free °rap expense 10 the Volunteers, netivithSteeding which I have been dunned -fir $13 during the last few days _ 0 for locks,1 imps and. eil, "aide to have been supplieie fait year. for the use of the Armory, though lihave a distinet recollection of pay: ink tor oit On-. beitierans, OcCasiOnat 1.have never beeniu the habit of -asking the-Rifiei to subscriue to the general espeniei of the Company, ba_sing defrayed them myself up to A ,* ;either legally or nior y. tlispontsible, ;end' eSsillibled las% night at and lb the ueigh- ill with the Ynnees- life was hound -up e r:e e t 41 purpose, "that you „not hole y?uraelf mission, tint less than tertlhOusand people couttry. ileconld have no conterer-eoefee that you would not asfeszthele, ice' subscribe borhqo beset' that tinder -any -circumstances be eould diceng eve14kavenbe t'f aPPwaell'I° the' he an. ugeut of ate reconstruction- of oho building and spreading over open Union he mistook -every elem nt St re ` ground in its vicinity, eee • • With t.he'.,0eolederacy he woeuldifibe Trite _ • 44" thing. for it then, merelpinforreg ats:_that yet: had handed my letteeto Wallace, who you thought wituidearry ont any aerangeinents made. Such e position is not one that I should have assumed tinder the. clteumstakees %wiper pesitioes been -changed. Ithink t should have.; ItIt -it, duty. matter of ricrht and for the'honor of the Com - (Pig' the African church, the erowd with the Confederaey.1 and if Any awe -au - *THE RESOLUTIONS. Thank God he eepresented a peopletoo proed. to eat -the lea, or bow the neck to monde adopte.d by the. meetirlig, havine; been pre- (4:he follewing Were the resolutions. man G • cipated-that nothincr in the way AA . reat cbeering.)- Although he ettli, • Inlay I commanded, -to use every endeavor to faced by some patriotic reniarks of Gover-i could- Come out of recent conferencerts .relive ofneer Of.another Company who mor Smith, who called the -meeting to the enemy, yet he was not. prepared for made „ , 4 • ' extravagance or inselenaes they bed shone ha, - on the -faith Ofpromises of my subordi-. order - la_ vv.. , They -bud not so much as proposed that their for the construction of a Mites in my absence, becobinuildliiia)gbiefofroorudreuhsts --e-Arneriesn 1 tions which were the list. occasion of gage . 4.1 Whereas,- the com111-onwealtu 111 T '1.-1 States might come back even on those condi, 4ither,Company, could not have been; Main- States); did, in the year.117B, solemnly. sepointion from the rilioni but they ;Weer" --Fed, without -.1,vhich the organization of gum, tin Council with other that the,eoantry should prnvide Dtill Sheds. menrbeciinia desittiotitelifitie hffppItiege tain0d. I hilly concur with you iti the °Pillion set forth thae-ween any form of :govern- to etionthelnrteecke:t,st eleopsluaettieodu,p4elfopilhe,estiwbinailinittiat _ for .the Volunteers who give their time geyernment, including the aboliti,n. the good _of the-publie ; I. .t. such was . . , ..h -du ' t eleuse in the cenatituderti viva' for dr dan • eerous to the liberties of the people t tnii carried out, and thateiesiailt audit), stiliicrip- tioe Would be ready; forlint whenever he might ,calt for it. I bare el.ways 4oitebeadd- still Rai that Shekeleould,he f)rn'videzriy the .cditay. freeof alleek'ne &CI° the Volunteers, „sand ..1„ asked me I s 'weld -moat: willi ngl;F„.tuiVe4iblect-.7ou in a metriorial to -:the .Legielatiteel, or ,:.the Town Ceuncil,iewelefreer Illiedkindebted- [less:: the favor of an early re- ply, • • e- i4za' CAPT. ROSS, Crimmandee Artillery CO. Cargattitiii,:t0 • Z -!-f-- eee,,g - ' = ' 2§i•il; 1864. ' Captain Seyirunir; Huron Rifles, • • DEAR' Sin=r4 amt. in receipto ypurs of 2Qt in reeard -.to, the stetement 117y . letter to the Council inreference to the. Drill Shed, and to:the proportion of the.- expendi. tereneteed to be paid by the "that -you had repudiated all reSponsibilits in the -matter, an example ;0 others have net Nen slow to follow ;•.1.-i a •s,tatement which I did' make and which I do not -think is_ incor- rect. Ido not for a moment mean, nor do I so shi;iitliaqhfiree.ial /egiatrj1.1414tylin yog:iptsriVot:titierin raoially Maile dhy promises:which you. have net fulfilled I do not believe.„;yencapable,:of tais;-but I do think that a strong responsibility rests Upon you ,as :Captain of iho'Ritie COmpaity„ to llie yeeteeeery eficleaetie .tie urge .tlienf to meet theirobligations b this Matter. tny letter to the coaticil uistinetiv elite that it Was Mr. Wallatie; tlitine in, commend of the Company, that made'. the agreeine,nt, and- jijnedwe iwl.banetjtion Tte 'resnonsibillipi.ihichlt think rens npOitypit See that the _Rifle Comet:any Ray. their, ihare of thitvesipeiiditerela moral - one When 'I whale you in .'4Ovitnlier.of ;last ,.year. 41, 441 . not ask you, personally 40 .paY, the ennonne, although, thiuk it would -lie-inuck-mOre reasonable that you should :issuing -the liabili ties Of yone6Wii Cetrifstni than. the; 1 should, but I asked that:you, as coinniandifig'cleeer .of that Volseh -:eheekd pike :..swee.4teiel with 70111- 11 meer defiefesay omitted hy 'their default, and I assure .you, that it was with Much estonishment and Imo that liar:Plead your reply,- sayinz heti you been here you would have advised your Com- pany net to lacer any r, eponsibility for such I not dome, we had either to give op our orga- . the. rte. tend ty of the, people •to = - - "ael"1.44. - h f Congress, an'd polled with the enema -Item alter orabo`lishit ; in pursuance w ereo the construction of one for ourielves. Had ttizat'os altogether, or 'contribute q. share to they did declare themselves iielependent could arrive at Fortress Monroe. And bade; through that bode before the commissioners. you been here at the time . the atter Was States;iand Whereas, her separate inde- few days before this one of Air. Uncoil:tel. gone into I am certainyou would, under the spendence and ti 4 of the co-actin.e -Settee caabitnimetorheadi:atit flat the feet was afterward acknowledged by the World: B 1" ,g a g over the p°ifetBilereeellednirwi: 'and whereat-, Virginia did .subsequentl. -that Yankee arti * circumstances' in which tie -were. pieced, have concurred and joined in the action taken, lied I do think that although front your ahsente you are free, from any...legal oyet considering.the promises made on behalf of the Company of which you are _the head.' and • - • seeing that you and your Company have used and occupied the shed for the la3t 16 months, With a full knowledge. that a- member of another Company was heldliable for the pay. meet of co otlies for; its construction, which srinit ba paid by your :Coeripapy, n moral. oblitilifioie Orilla very strongest kind rests upon yoke jes;_enteinatidieg Ogicer le _see that that is met.. flied jell, on the -receipt of my lettee-taken the matter yersonally iu hand, insteati etlheedipejt to W"eallnee,..- whO had reeiened7his cunnectibtr with -your Company. and have asked -them to contribute. for this purpose, 1.e.rn sure you would have heeu eueeessful, if not ivhollyrat !east to such an extent ae would show e willineness to de* what you could. beee . waited Icing for somesuch ()aim), as I wai very unwilling to bring the matter. before the public, as could riot dose without reffectiug open th6 caudate: of the Rifle Cornpany'in the -matter, which 1 wits very tufw- Piing and also because consideied that you or .the Rifle Company should have been the Petitioners to the Coun- cil and not,me.,... Yet, nothing wastioneeTand even those ofyoue Company who .when fem. _ artistof wools, of the lone I 'fit bh el': ilini*.7,i-t,r,iihk,:ntbse4Ir....8:fitora-r,trts,La',46,11Tem:milinnleaFie-iinpecg:onvi..ttefihr-e::dri' 1Plit 1 Iparre_ii: sin; ie.eson isosts:!eldnti ene:e11;e1 veatli:bg-besreiet etsliti iltiPte ediebu: tgenb4:alia'releti 77m1Pne! en teriait case s'eeixel:oPep Jai' ilne e eia. iarmin:e dii. `10,114': and generallpurposes, which said common when he. SUgge . inertifid. <leauslitieur.), or further recognition by foreign -PceWers governmm4- or agency received no than as. the retiresexitative of the "several State Seldreignties already recognized : chteaoediareyrefed.ceein.aWtiredsatfoeni:firyhits rithnii;eaawleniziaegeo: Ifni:: ave occanon tosasesh such rwea $ tt hilt , association or federation expressly reserved. and whereas Virginia, :' entering into tlie'- bGareakat"inwolluledVje eiea'use-aliraTlessan for herself, and therefore for her co -States lad never received even ia his eventful rout the right,which ,attached to the act itself, or resuming; the powers granted. whensoever Difi.:,:htthse0oItan DbiedashiljG'l the 4mes..,* Beauregart - heldamother army . the same might be perverted to their ehrouedi Geo 0.' ° injury or oppression; and whereas the a 'eta commonwealth * of Virginia . . aid in: se'i . I 170e4, accept thew as lessons of wisdom for the Sherman's path, and it - •that Sherman's March his last. (Cheers.) If" nistakes in the past let -us eign convention,,' in .April 1861; deeide and determinethet the circumstances hail arrived which made it her iMperative -future. (Cheers.) Lotus:improve the erre* ef bygones; lei us unite eur lielels and our!, hearts, lock -our shields together, and we duty, as it was her indisputable right, to vell believe that before -the nett summer withdraw frotn.the association. known as S'Istice falls -*Tee us it will be 'Le .-ensol t he asking us' for conferettees mat make knowa ;our te- - her separete sovereienty • and whereas, lmtlids. the United States of America,end rescone. :leTer,s witioi, to , .. , (-Great cheering.) - , this,ter legitiptate-righ ,has been follewea, -.....„............--, 4s, an atrocious -war upon .ber, and upon the States with -which. she subsequently 4 LOSS by Fire 01 11. AI. S. Bellamy erly epoken th on the 'subject, always made i formed a new confederaticm, by the States) ! promises that endeavors should he. tnade- SUPPOSED LOSS or -93 ireen.1 pay .up, and expteseed regret that the default tP i from Which she. and they withdrew, for- ; ; the purpose of subjecting her and them I , had talten place, have-I:wet:1y repudiated ital. ,.. . . , . . . , =., , . - .. - The, followine despateh, ad ireesed to to tneabsolute and tyrant -neat emulation respohsibility, and either laugh at me or are • . Admiral,' impertinent when. I urge them ppy tieeir of the United States, and where is, afterLord Chtrence Pagetwas received at the - l _ Admiralty on biluday night:- • ' obligations. seefilg, therefore, • that iLeyer• four years ef hostilities,. conducted on the was veither'sufficient :honer pr e'e part of our enemies with a barbarity .• LtenoN, January 11.), 2.30 leer.. Corps" in the Rifle Company le redeye 0110 equalled Only by the wieke-Thess of their Admiral Elliott reports the tetal JOSSOf sou;ht relief by applying to the Council, end 9 • • e • - es-h-tse• on the- 14th December. Mr. Stuallhorn if the publicity thus Advert to the didinquineies conference Wan a, view to the atesistant-surgeon o -f the offieers atone of the -Company is net RA•reeable to the mem- ment of peace, which invitation WON res• from a liability incurred _on their belt:el, I eeheenee their. authorities are invited t• M. S. Bombay, by fire, at Mentevideer hers of yr;iur' company) they have thsimselves ponded to by ..thb Co nfeder. Oa •authorities; missing, but 93 of the erew ere suPPosea _ tam, dear Sir, ke, &re,.• of the Confederate te Maine, ahd.whereas, et appears from the report 0 commissioners to said 'despatches proceeds by the ;French peck - be lost. Lieut. Starling, bearer of the. (Signed) •' A. M. ROSS., conference that it was declared on the et to Bordeaui to -day. - PAPtkAtffmoitk_Afi.Pavit•iltOsit. - , : .GODEDICH 30th May -'1864. • - -6, , letter •ditted 22rd inif.ewas heeded me On the- morning r th'e 25th & I have delayed noticing. it until noW, in ,order that tshould.ilti-so with alt the foil4eipito-oibibb ab-oiild ever characterize theoplidact opthose entrusted20th _military coinniandAsielities.which the runwartantible, insaltsputioncd in ycur letter render- it ;not- areoniy •task, -to exercise; • "bbwever, am ' 7 fully alive to 'the:serious responsibility. that devolves mettle theesenior officer of the organized:fin:Weary force of this County, L shall 'at,present 'merely reqiiest you to retract at °nee in the most unqualified manner your most insulting aisertion, as to the ;cant of honor ifncla esprit de ,corp f of the thron Rifles, -'and to express your regret for having made a statement us Offensive as it is totally incorrect. A very -brief reflection will comm vinceyou.-of the impropriety, of any offieer hetding 'further correkimidence, with: another who bad endeaeorediu Cast the greatest pos- sible stigma On his corps, until that insult had been properls dinned for. When you do this Isbell be enitewiding reply to your letter in tlie spirit -that should exist between/. officers -commanding military ,arganizaticinst width Iler Most 'Gracious Majesty has hod- or•ed by confiding to there arms for the defence of Her Crown, as well as the rights and liberties of this! fine' portion of her glori- ous EmptIrei.mve/thelo-rio_ •(Sienecl) J. W. SEYMOIT,R, dapt.liurte 4iffee. * , Capt. Ross to Capti'SeymOttr. • renctoca, May 3ist, 1864, *. Sett am in receipt of yours ot 30th inst.; as.liiiigine to 'refract av.statepisnt In my letter Of=2314,'vli.l. "Wit there 5wits ribIther suffi cienthopme ft,F4sprit i de! corps') in the Rifle. Company fi:t relieve me from the/liabil. ityincerred on their behalf." I be in reply_ to -state' thilt mtliiittertif Pnrwitanot Written withotit dhe'cotisidertitithi,4in which I ettti see nothing -to extenoate, Or Which is not strictly correet, and can asiture you that no one is toorelorry than I.that the conduct Of that Coinpatif.meritedthat itateteent:, I am, sir, your ob't.-servt., . (Signed). e: A.M. ROSS, ••,-; • • e. ; Capt. Vol. A. C. PAP v. ' (To be-uontinuea.)- TRE AMERICAN B. • fils6rnistsint.A4114mAce. 'iMs York, Februirye15.-The Washington -special say: --Richmond papers of Motiaity:cOncecje tpi4t; Gen enerreare hes ilardrecteRienthville, 'bath eliiY€Gee4.-N-044; and Hardee's:, comes- -dire evecuated that place. TliefalsOltia thaia'rnion column bad readied, Orangebueg 011 the :Columbia road, and ail. railroad' communication. with C• lfeeelietr is -AVM( .e4ceot., Or the 404 Ale Wilmington. • By these operations- the rail. rad, communication between Virginia and the South la blob ely cut Off, and rebel author• iiy over the Sout'.ern St &tea min no -lunger be enforced. - • . ' • 113 'Affatri Xevi, York, IN.. -The Herald's correspon- dent represents inatfers on both sides Of the James -river again quiet, interrupted cnly by oet4sionahnighto4eurstoos at some portions , of lines 'between the picket e and ha ter - les. The Army ,-of the „Potomac hod hs newly acquired ground 011 itn; on which eery strong earthworks are iow erected. Thereare_rutiore that the -enemy ie manningonethe Union forts in frout of Petersburg. Maj, .Gen.4:Wright:retureed to the army ow-Sundey .last. and resumed cent 'mend of,tja fitt; CorK tOidh be had: been absent', since lite ,early part dr !enmity.. Tke VoidedersicY•f 31EIDIECO•kialS. DAMN spEscH, -(Fr#4..411°,411-faiiiitiin - • In pursuance of a 'sill Of the Governor of, Yirginia:feir the .peoPlis getiernty to tate-bible to testify their- popular-icise of thereaults of the Fortress Monroe com- part ef our townies that -nothieg ,eheuld A later,despatch from Adiuiral Elliott, terminate the existing war but uneondi- Montevideo, •lleceinber lb" confirms the tionai submission to their pke, and. ac- sad account of the loins of ker Majesty's knowledgement of their absoluteauthorityt ship Bombay, by fire, oa the precedieg and whereas that the laws for the conlis- ,day„ ; it appears that the 'Ere broke outr catien of our property and execution of in the afternoon, shortly_ after the men hail our citizens shoal& be enforced by judges finished the great gun exe-cise, and, and ether officers %vhom they wonittinP* • though an abundant supply of, water was immediately' obtained, the flames spread with nneentrollable rapidity. The 1.4. _ nnrel thieks that the fire broke out an* to .the spirit room, and that the` spirit, casks burst with the heat, and, a muss, materially asisted the conflagration- Th1V point -for that pureose ; thetethe oniy pantation of our wretchedness should be - the voluntary -mercy of those tvlio, fot four years :hive mtirdered our people and ravaged our homes ;_, that otir social sys- tem shall be immediately upturned and hereafter regulatedat their will, that the loss of men is reported to -be 93, bet as** boats were picked up by different vest* there is still room to hope- that the am- ber is -overstated. The boats had not got clear of the ship when the mainmast fa, uelforni- which enr`seidiers have made to honorable must be striped from their persons, and the, flag under which they. have so often marched to victory must he trailedic the ding and thrown away Ic'r"j,• as the inew were -clustering aboat the -ever ; therefore, be it anchors waiting to be picked op,, the to. , - " Resolved. That we the citizetis ; ehora fell -into the water, and mapy livts assetubted,..4-9 spurn with the iediiviation were jest in thin way, due to go gross ,an insult, die terms on Which the President of the United .,States has proffered :Peace to the people of the Confederute States. "Resolved, ',Mat the circumstancas under .which that proffer hes been matte add to theputrage, and lamp it us a de- signed and premeditated indignity to our. .people. - - 4.‘. Resolved, That Our profoundest grati- tilde is due to the soldiers Who for four years haVeinaintained our libertiesagainst the utmost efforts of our eneniiesland4hat; .while we ,look to them .totillustlitte in the future the fame Of the pa_st,we willsustain their efforts by every means and resource at our '6olumanit. •"Resolved, That in thispresence and - in the thee of the world, reverently invok- iirg thereto the aid of Almighty God, we rktiew•Aur-Xeeelve to plantain our liberties. and independence, and :to this ea& we lives, and omti;4u;11roypiileoidi.i.gci:e2:;:on*r. our. u spEtorir: President Davis appeared on 'die speaker's stand and addressed the people' for about half an hour. He said he would have 4iscapleased if the nieeting :bed boou. calied-*tci conimemorate a trethiy. But A was net only pleasant, he felt a proud and ecstatic joy to see his countrymen -looking --* -ticking from adversity new whatever disasters there had, been in,'d pi the face, courage and resolution; and it was lap this spectacle that hi,i'licert beat high with ;hope. It Was well that there,shoiski atinir mence here in Virginia that reactinttary. moyemenketithe-people in preparation' for a lie* Preelainaticin tomeetthe demands of the hoar. All Inuit now be laid on the eitan of country. If sueh afeiug shOutd, • nowtake pufaession of:thee:hearts of the people, tifthey.should givb a liearty unanimpasetetwee tQ tlee demands of the present -setigency-.,-44.-thei 414;i: he could say we stood now upon the verge of successes which Would teach. the !media enemy who had treated our :propoatioins with contumely, that in that oorlferenee itt which he had SO plainecl *hiinself with arrogance, he wasyutdced, -talkiig to his maskrs. ,(Tremendous.oheetin Lie Said he had 'never hoped atlYthing -frtim propositions otpeec_e made to the enemy unless'ailcompanfed with -victories of our arniti;7ibat ihe4rob fiVe sollierlitt Adficient number to contest her claims in the mili- tary Sea; but he Would havibeen:tegre natural estd.heasniiMe toI all II0Ottirytit;Inte.eytiedlrrpe.atdoet at ocas.sion,:bisepx(eti,his yearning .anziety, for•peace. He hid received* notice faun Mr.. Lincoln opening the way to an;unoffi- cial 'conference on the tfilbjeoti. He did nwahiictell'at iltinbigiiisdY 4-Ineeltneth.e*:1ilontenithilkt4twn Dassed.i)otweeti 36.14001a and himself nobe matter thetelsaitOae markeddliference., He (Piesident 1)1145),-spolte -eilwayit.4‘ Iwo countries. Ilr.-Lineoln Spoke of a eommoni • NSW abltettiSeMtla0. - OITERS VCR LOT 931, tthe David deli& lot) west . L' side of North street, Goderich, will be tile teived- fill _ 7.130th ofYitafron ApAral: The parties desiring to purchase will state their clishaffete es eleo eis a -credit orsevend years at 6 -per tient per annum. The -WO consideree1 most ;advantaged(); for the eredi., tors of thelate 11r. Smith will be soared, and -partiea trotilied tin Mediaitely. . More particular information will be Avert bv M. C. Caeieran, tie, Banister) -40-: -dodericii, who wit: alterreeeive. AlW,VIF,IP/arti forward thein to the'under'signed. C. 'scri0FIELD. Beilin! 11)th Feb. 1865. tsw • INso;a7ma ACT 01 1864. !THE -creditors of the undersigned asaft individuel and as a partner of the lent firm; of A. Douglass It Co, of tile tOWO Of OSIC-1 ville, in the County of Halton, are notified to meet at the office ot Alexander MeNalth, Crown Land Agent, in the Village of Soa ampton, effthe County of itmee. on Tuesday the 7th day of March, A. _D., nu, at 11* houaf°T4ffiec"inueigftlan:gfas,tiPt:Itzeennilleliktotai 1-iffsiowhorn xiristbi:Pinnwri anatagnment under the above Acts ALEX. DOUGLASS.- _ DWAIIPanilailatISToltillo' IIiltor for Incol' , Dated at Southampton, in the "Couoty.tof . Brece, ethe fleire day ef.Fehnieay, 1865. • . swOld TNIVERSABY or TIM esleyan Omni S=34.MseCOZTS WILL be preached in the Wesleyan Church., - JIF North Street, on Saliba Fab, 131111 F. 114 Of Vollottlanwin tuideflesse, Seat: - _ ; 1 TEA MEET On the following evening, it TeleMeeting will be bi Bonm of the above Cbrcb. iPs at helf-past 6- o'clock._ After AWL - Meefing will- be *Masted by the Rev. Mr, Atepheasonetnielkerre Select pIICSS MA e -Ticket& etielk May be ha at the stores of ILenica. Dedy,, 'Aelieson.* Um. 31eKeir1e 1" -41""L''' Family Tickets itt * reduced pries mai 10 :winedb; iipplionicbis toliescre. Obese* antirecrk.,_ • Feb. ttb, 110. A fel 31 A