HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-17, Page 1^ FM, -- • '="•• 11(.2.1- 411:111. Jew Factory St.,GMER,Int. wmhes to return, 4 fav' reeeiveel at their ultimate that he ',deter., • EVitit:. zoir, cot aplete for t$.0Co , ut proportion3'Altv.eark., tire Satinfliet 101114- akinezttsmade to (*den_ FEN MePEERSO.V. wlawn• ;RICH • 43t' t -tt' asi ••••4 nowacerat the.piiablie` tlar ha$. ora haiket al;wiage•-,. Wargoos, 4} heap eherip _for cash or sulti for mite cheap,' ncISLEICHilr' cir...kssmoirL, tocuidtreet•Goderkt& '14 emu. • es -east - 1111.•,01111 $aie • or Ashrreft Covnr.e of rt• snore res.*. inmate eof Port Altert. and nine and Leautifst ▪ whif-ft .60Vtzt Stero6g the arecha! re. being,coaven... pavet road inaialcipanori Towaship of Wawasiosh cieselear., well litsbered • Grave Read. _ In;voftrollorne. enmity of belorufuliVocated I. opposite the I:Wage of We mat bark., alse eweging.. witkirt.2 miles teontaininkeaek one fink •Ilourst. om the iftsthere . es of tioderiek, - "Ace Ed Met. townshi snaateon the Peaks of ill lioderiek. • erpost-pakt. ROI-BitTSON- Gt aerjely. wo,4,77.:tytax •t tO enter mutts 20tk • for pahhe favor on the 11 set out* ifs aim- - IR` altaltev• usueingled tostrty strife Jai*the.tatrEkstews 7tiews irons Caniiiian, re ;•, ad siefectea arti-• - ; the laadini ...jennies seat cemptitestrelis' 'tide el ate market?. and _ r Reacfrig ctiatinst a. etwer7suett isteresting Horticultural articles at liar malty ueefal its bot adonis nose raciency. • - r.'sasetatitier a selec- ereetiog matter or de foxtrot 25ets per ann., libel tett. If is de- Edneariew.tfilidreet teoleatitace; aro:Icon- saw fvetts Wooer the S. = MD. Preekk Timis, the anewthe beginning _ - mum& s per annum. ger rot iitiiitt_otioft. w7.-414- wee lisetthart isitirstie value iddreteect moss - ALL tSolt. at its liars. • PetPea-,4? - • wrp'ff•Itotia 1.3usin C9 Directorn. 1' A...McDougall PAN BE 17 J NSULTED CP TO 10 A.M., at his .-esideoee on North Street, next door 5 , oft he re•tdrneeot Rev. Mr. Elwood. 10:1 . Shannon. 3.1•13-• PilYSICIAN, SURGEON, me.,:xv., irvi.i. Ramo, c. W.. 13:40-Iy - - -- - - - - -- - - --- Thos. P. McLean. M. 13-, pII YS CC I A N, S E'It(EO N., &c., (Late 1-I•use Soya -eon, Kingston Hospttal).- Or rice -A t Arthur's Boardoig Houk. rswtiOw91 . Goderiel,C. W. -- - 1.)r. Cole, T ATE OF STANLEY-CLINTON, HU1 IA Kos Road. (Mr. Thwaite' -'s former Store July 1, '62. DR . A. WORTHINGTON, C 1011YsICIAN, SURGEON-, -ate., will at- 1- tend, particularly. to asese ol and surgical operations upon the eye. Idowica WILLAG g. Dec. 15. 1862. fw47-1v Ira 1.•eitvils. ' 111Q A. RRISTE R AND ATTORNEY -Al- -kJ Law, and Solicitor-IMCIiincery, COunty 4 ;Tatra Attorney, Goderieli,'3anadaWest. t office 1 a Court House. .. •,...- - v14n40 'IL , ..-NI. C.- Cittn:-ron, , 111Q ARIU-STE% ATTORNEY, CONVEY. 1 .1.1ANL:gal, Ate.,1Ciagston- street,Goderieh, C.W- . . • _ . 'Shaw lic ski,...fiLii. IQ ARTITSTERS.S.OLICITORS, CONVEY LPtacits'Sce: Oakes, over the Store or L.' I. bettor .tSon.,Godeliehr, and Queen 'streets - itncitrili ie. . r.O,Stsciata,Goderieh 1 A.Siiww,Kineardine. • 1223 • *Leary Nta Llertri- ,t., BIRRIS rE;Z. ATTORNEY-- XT -1;AAV . Notaries. Public, &c, West Street, !lode; - ,. 10:1 3 ofin-Davieon, . pt.tRals-rwa,A.T. roRN:E Y. simithrroR ---. EY it Chincery, &a.- Oinee Market Square. rfter.-••t Itiattstect St reet, Goderiell. 9:42 Lefroy ,2,7 nKR.BI'STEES, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, 1* Notaries ConveyanCers, AO Office Mc- Eay'scoriter, 411e.st Street, Goderieli. 9:42 -- John 11.: Groin/on, . . A TTORNEY-AT-LA,W, SOLICITQR IN El. Chancery-, N,k)tary Pubite, Convevancer are., Goderieii, Canada West. Oiliee-oi te South -tide Of Wt -'t Street, third -door front th• . . : • 4 ona-House Stour. e.r.---- -7 - l .. - . Niro lialyt -17 IIr•-yR. ..1 1:71'0INTEN.7-..A.T-141.W.: SOLICITOR IN -1. Cha.leere,Notart:PaYie.Cortveyanr er 41 leo( h, O.W.--.011ice, co.rer It, Gardiner .v. co' lia MA-an:7 Store. . * ..., . , - v 1:in2g 111)aeY t� LeAd.on Real ProiSerty: . - • - - --- - - .-- , .-4-.1.1.116 (-4-' pod.t.rig-.,, - .. . rr .) z.V.".:_ C.- :i /-1.1.7,I ro ?,. ..t-,-.-.. (Toot; •, ..!._ ar.-q..-0/-01-:: Irp-Supi--4 Wjit-•on-- ;', ,:t,; Oily thee', Finit Dooi we -4 s• ,--st •••:: t v ao-r4e, • • ,_ _ _ -_ _..-...- , y • a"..-mr.-k-Zic Ntoore„ ' % T r r.1SIV.;• i. i'.411 -31T011,<. & -..11. .,I V Pea, C. 04 r . 0 , fice -LB k B.rv-, zi•(..1.7.1c. ... • ' , Ir k- ICrt/1,A t•-ro-4 27tli, 1564. So.l.03W31 • .1 -......•...... ,.••••• . ••• • ---- , . 1 VW F..• 121-;yte, A T r rIvig-t% •;;JiAerfoRA-... OFFICE, :i -Ar ii0J1C,Cktklencill, t".. W ' C.Iimeron Stive...-id. ---• -s- I-ZARRIS rEttS.A 'rroit,NEYS. CONVEY: / atteers,Mc. Goderich and Clintoit; .; .11.c.cAilgtow. .1. Y. 111.-wOOD. i tionerich. . canton. . t./Mee to Climon-a "few doors north Oithe Post -Office. . vl2n47. __- -Willt***** flraser,- . i r-ronsii.,T-Ar-L.kw, soliierroR IN a. Gh *Remy, nonveyancer. &e. Wake -tog, 4. of Bruce. . -trI6n151-ty .. _ Frelerick Proadfoot, ill-A.3:•?.t.i 1'31. A TT 0 itNIEY-A.Ti-LA7ir, 7 1- Ctiveviveim. N.•rtite Funt.m..Nr.a. 1-1- MCI t 'ft:iti. a, G • ltr•tie. f o-12-6ni* ' 414,....1;004•411,11•04.44,T,R724.,..- : ........- .•:.• ....,.-...1141•111.0 .. • ti.1.,-,--ei.-t-:. --..-- --t,t ..-10-r•-1.: -17. 1V[L EN il •;...; t A iii.P:t4 VINCIAL f 1. band Surveyor. . 0.fiee land itesidee,,e, I 1. t•iill ion St reet, 1...; ,,s.mne....• v1fin3 . • .A.. :Hay, - 1 IORVINCE.th. 1., VN 0 SURVEYO-It AND 1 - (Neil lifiginee ,Clinton. , Jut v I, 16I.... - . . ., 1A. H. Flamini, - t 11,VIL ENGENEXI AND SURVEYOR i .1 Leattil Agent and Conveyancer, Kracarduit . . .atzt.,:.VE .i.i:S- S.3.1.-1.- / I.J 1.4, _ . - ARCHITECT', ;;M$ it•Nti SrVXIFIGATION4- of Botta- L lags Z.t;c., :rot up ia a. neat and correct -style. l'•"".0 ice at liarda Anemia -Mart King ,au 4treet.Groderic1t..-. " .1-4w YlnIqyly Alma pamswes _ -Cit;.."7-.S1.. 'L1t TT _.01t A INT ' LAND *CENT, . 7.tt-trket Square, - Goderich. r .o r, :r.[ITCLC w:aor ivednesday,from 11 a.ni at. - :!!..> ol:10 - TII03ISON & HAZLEIlt7iS.T, • , (Likrz .3utli:t..& T.u.3isos,) . Aioiion, dl•Cooiniission Merokants, CV-7411'947st Btoe4-, Kin :stalk; St., Godertelt ; And next Door :to Strong's Hotel _ .. ,. S ID A I'• 4:; !JE IL. QALF...4 of Roaletioht oluid-,_ Horses, Waggons, 4e la atiaa mut, every 84tarday-at none. Panieuhir attentioa paid to the :tate of Sankrupt Stria, Fanu Stock, .te. ';•ash advanced oit'goods left on Coutniwion. Owls appraigeJ, (lents c.,ileeted. landlord's 'torrents exeeeted.laartgag:.-sforectosed, houses reined, Diviiiou Court Sikcinetaanended,to. Sates at the,linniek Auc- tueretara' Seaforta, every Thursday. ,Cea-letr Slier att3.rdo et _ to ea reawanSfs resii - ooderich., Itdy12tk.13114; , - • • w2Z•tyi . 1 1. .51cDouc;a11, . r _tdENsEDAITOr IONEERE BA.YFIELD, la Comity or Huron_ sales ia_ village or country 'uneaten, aftendeire. . .. . iaNtyrio Alex. Findley, ' T _ICENSED AucTrosna for HURON , .1-4- and Bever Sales punctastlyaderided to. Address.Bodwit P.O. • W50-Lyr$o - ' John Vampbeti„ ,f11{N Elt Ala CONISLISSIOY AGENT -NJ -Comrsissionerta Queeit's Bench, tortaktnc affidavits,Coavevancer,ate.,&e:- Office on Broad. Wav,VillaireofKineardine.C.,W. - 9:9 ' Pieter 0$'3ELEse• I paRWARDP.a. A X D CO IMISSION Merchant. favaaainioa„ C. W. Notes and ' .Aceounts etilteket. Besinest of any , knal en- , 'tasted to hint wilt receive prompt attention. . ., . . 1•40,-IvSeskir ti Ei II MARBLE WORKS =sin Street, slew.. Ix- At A. WOONNET.414- - . • .. - WItiumENTs,TQmasroNEs, Pests, Sta., of every-. deactiptiOa and - *tyre or workmanship. furnished on short notice,. and. at. the lowest prices. ',rap Liberalredaetiott made tor eash. • ..c-. -.I, -N la U11111 fIRCIIIIIII 111131121- Ti sms. - . - .. .uningusoi moauments &amay be ,- seen_ atthe shop. . Exeter. October Ist•1864. s- wItelit . - ,* 4. BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE Woo Acre's in One Meeks •14.kluE101 litPROirED mut cones meetly attested Zh4Ixkllialteintitliti'Goderich Station hither En& irisbaultoctheitivesMaitlatid.oppositetbe +.41,04.;01•0016.4411111Ina.R4147ast.C. W. 001tbON EEL -.we Solicitor. Goderish:C7- -% . 'AND: -HURON -AND BRUCE7iVERTISERZ . T. COX, E litor and Proprietor. ...•••••••••• "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." 2.50 PER ANN. IN AD- GODERICH, C. W., FRIDAY. FEB./17, 1865. VOL. 3.-4N0 48. Business Mivettorg. John kaane. 0.11MISSIONER IN THE COURT -OF Queen's Bench, Gonveyanber, arc. A Reg try kept or Farm and Town Lots for Sale; par- es having -lots for sale, or desiring to purchase 11 please send full part.culars. • Dansanrion.Feb. 20.1857. 9:9 0 liTEROIAL HOUSE,. 1 : 04TE DA.Reso E ST STREET, GODERIOIL VRE1• UNDERSIGNED BEGS - sincerely to • think his Wends and the travelling public enera iv for the verf liberal patronage he has njoye 106 the peat dine years, and would re- ... r pectiu ly ask a continuance or their Patronage. Hsne hoicte _has been tho: oughl reparedialid ill be found complete in every_ particylar. JOHN DON09-11, _ . empiotoy •God deb- Sept. 26, 1864. sw7- . IAI LAND HOTEL GODERICII ItgilICSS atm. - INSURANCE. IXTESTEliN ASSURANCE COMPANY. V V British America Assurance Company; Head Offices,Toronto. Menne, Fire and Life Insurances eflected on favorableterms. 11:37 Office in Mr. -f.. B. Gozoont's LawChata-• bers. • q• WILSON; - PROPRIETOR: THE • above is most pleasantly situated- on -an • mute ee120 teet hielt, overlooking the Harbor nd La -e Illuron f-gooci Orenards, Gardens and tura! ;Talks attached. Board $1 p:rsdnali.0-1;_siv. i n .9,-1 e_ vreals1 r Seds. 25 cents.- I HOTEL,.- WROXETER " : IIti atett lin. the Gravel Road marling from •••ie.t'orth to -outhampton, tine 'nide 'north ot Jere. 1.31 r any atton itv -2* t leads etto Wroxeter, and any one tray- . •• eling to 91e, Walkerton, ‘SouthaMpton, lace in that direetica, ti 1 intd accommo- 114'1 as he only expeet•to Jima at first class els, ttt all respects. _ ALWAYS 0:.'T IIAND . • •FOlt r. at--Pighing Fronds - T BrILDINOS COVElt LENDTII OF- •- !1 NDRED .AND FIFTY FEET! CHARLES DAYS, . •. Proprietor. . vr !wits• neretala ate t _ IIICKS, Proprietor. This, is the / la gestalt," best Country Hotel ins Western .:anad „and eharges as moderate as any 1-1 use n Mite lel!. Stage Proprietor. Good ssabling ler IGO I-10 ses. Horses arid Carriages for Hue, on Sli rtest Mance 14.7 GODEAICH -(4 1AR3LE WORKS' rr; W C. TFLELEAVEN 7:11 • stone$_ • . Tai . L., 1`.07*3f- &C. ot• GpiERIC1-1, C.. W. • DEPARTMENITAL Axo Pa liamentary Agent) C.?r11033Ma„ ‘NS&CTS BUSINESS WITH THE partrt Dral Semi Ui)D2 rown Lands and other' Government De - tuts; Takes out Ritents for Inventions: - and takes chorgeitiPrivate Bills during -the are. for Parties residing in Canada- or ;Ise where. GO ERICH .f-ANNINGMILL - AND -- ind on h • ituftro 1F1 a,6toi& E SUBSCRIBERREGS TO INFORM the inhabita its of the Counties :cifliuron ru ce that. he is still Manolitcturing„ and has aid a number of his • - . SU ERIOR_FANNING MILLS 86-PL1MP§. He would particularly draw attention to his MdIsI. as he wilt warrant thein to free Wheat from oats, cockle, chess, ate. Pumps mideto order and arranted. *„.# tory me Nelson st., between Victoriasrect anti analwia R,oad. . A Ka, agentfor the side.of Morgan's; premium and atent CULTIVATOR. *hit+ hos eever yet fail to give generalsanstaction to farmers who •• hsv used them. •. HENRY DODD, G. ereb April 22id, - AND . ' 0011 -BINDING. • • JOHN FIALDIN,-470, Agt• Goderich .Nov.24. 1560 ROYAL Insurance Comp'ny FIRE. AND LIFE. CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. 24.ectentulate.d Funds on, hancl,$3 ,000 ,000 Annual Income Exceedi C1,500,000: F1*.:E insurances effected et the LOW:ES 2 RATES e,eusistent with safety. Life Insurance -Ample Seenity. LARGE ,RONITS AND RATES LOWER mos T ENGLISII OFFICES. -• Losses- Promptly Settled: Without Referene.: to a Board of Directors - CHARLES FLETCHER, Agent. Goderich, Mair.1564. w15 Lir MG/ made arrangements with Mr. D. McGREGOR, Book -binder and Manure°. tor' Stationer. (who has lately returned from Phil iphia with a large stock of Binding and J the t•teria9 1 am prepared to Furnisli thank - 800 s ofall kinds. size anti. styles with and 'with, jut inted Headings, at tea oer cent cheaper :hap Toroako Prices. • : - 41 kinds or flindingncA giving saVaractioa will - r paired free of charge. 1 s 46w21 JOHN IIVTLE11. OTIC parties indebted to the Estate of the late Jolla AMA*' either by note or othe wise, are requestedto .settle tIte ;same urt iitely with the undersigned, orithelr sec ata will be placed. in the hands ok an Alt' ey for collection; at)allunliquidated tilt against the estati of the eatC;Taii Ail „deceased. up to this dater are. to be brou lit in toithOexeentor*-11t onoeforel;am- 12 and adjustment. 1" 2 Business tirettorn. DRUGS, DRTJGS .1 a. c) x) --.1s: "7. . . . (Sneeessonolt.11.1feynolls) • -t INC e al •IL1l A- • Oinert-HousiSynare,Gode• - \ 4 . • DISPENSING CHEMIST 86 DRUGGIST Denlerin,lind linporteroij. GENUINE 1Y1UGS 'eke/a/rata, .Perfumet • Hair root.h. :and ZNTail.'13ruskties PAINT5,011,N, oftotts, eve wrens*- . HOSE ;54 CATTLE 'PEDICTNEt= • _ CARDEN SEEDS,. &C., &C. Ordl,rsfro.m Medica' men 'phnetuallit attemleato at Lowest P tires •' Preseriptions carefully dis- pensed. Goderich.lan. 10. 1558. ; - 19 LIGHT ! LIGHT ! .LIGIIT! [ROCK & COAL 01-148, Burning Fluid, Lamp O1s - !For Sale by - F. JORDAN. Goderich,J an. 17,1a59. 60 North British and Ileaantile Insuyarim. Co., 10ffice in Mr..Gorden's Low Chambers. - _ JOHN HALDAN, h., - Glidertch. October 13,18E3. • sw12-1vr. 1- • in% ROBERTSON, ANUFACT-URER 0rAL.4- HINDS Or 1 t; - T R SUCH AS Bureaus, Sofas, Lounge, Bedsteads in ead,ess variety, wardrobes, Book Cases, Mattresses., Center fables. Tables'Brenktast Tables, Toilet Tfilit•-4-4--W ash ;=ztands, Chairs, and - mativ -other articles (o0. numerous io mention. Ail kiwis • 01 WOCIT) .PALtUNrIN Promptly aftetilled to UPHOLSTERY. in_ all its - brandies. -• •- UNDERT 4K1NG, &oe * Altd • Mr: R. respeettully invites an examination oi his'stoek. Warranted to be imide.olthe best IT111, atrial workinanship, and at anntli- redueed Money to Lend, .4zi • ON -very reasonable terms. Apply to .0. L. DOYLE, Crab's new Block. Goderieh, 9th Jan. 1865. w50 ler .EY! TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT C31•CaTtIEFFLICI3C GAIIINT WAREHOUSE - I (THE otimsr IN THE. COUNTY. . D,GORDON,: CIA.131EINVal.' MAK F. 1R. 1 AND UNDERUKER, ' Manufactures anu mis now girt hand a coMplete. • assortment ot Furniture, at his Warerooms, WEST STREET, GODERICH, Alt Sofas, -Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, Cane and Wool -seated Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking Glasses, -in variety, ot HOMO Manufacture and Imported ! ! - • , D. G.. has alwars on hand a complete as sortinent COFFINS. Also, HEARSES T. °4•Ilaltotb. pr -and 'Cordwood taken in ex- . chareze for Furniture Goderich. oet..1863 w27 ISAACIREDRICI, 3ELMMCVNTJEIII, TOY. NITSCRES' OLD STAND, Vir.t.Tr ITDIAKER. iTEW_EVER .••. WEST .GODBItICH, Nat door lust. 91:Mr. Stotts! haddlely,- --iir. mans 07 WATCHES', CLOCKS AND JEWELRY - REPAIRED ON 'SHORT NOTICE. In the best Style 4t.Waiirented • mAct, • owe ASAOSTMSNT Or - Vold& Pt .101. Je-israilry Watches. •• Clocks. Bre , Ace . = 7 - coastainly on !tannest! warranted -to be asrepiesiented •_ (nt. mooey ramie, . . Gnderta ' July 27th.li444 .111a21 . • 1•111•••••1 J. ji 114e. 41. 13: .A.MS DEGS to a afloat-if-et:obis 'firmer pattona and _ .1.1 the public .generall, that he, has .0..pened- a RIFLES.' 8110t- .Tatioliza..±.3TABT,Islimplin • - •-. • - 13.1STOLIS, aro' IN His OLD STAND, West ,next dour to _Fair & Co.'s Store • W'ith a very nice assortment or . • FAS11,101I/LB LE - CLOT:E..rS . suitable forth,: . F.A.Lt. AND WI5iTER TRADE! Which he is prepared to make up in first -el um style and very cheap :for CASH. A splendid - of • 0 V ER COA. T S ancI prices. t:alrand compare, and be sat.sfied befine 0 going else-wliere. _ !• tine texture anti remarkably clieaP. sw,ji , *JOHN -ADAM4. .. Cordwood and all kinds or Farmer's Pro ' - Goderich. Octooer 10. 1864. - duce taken in exchamte, D'-'Wareroom on Elgin Street. . • Ooderich. March 24th. 11463.. •, • ...- 8 W59 ANTioniy•- &any), • cizolvez cox-- 6'14'1° _ . • -44_64,1 *4,4, -• _ -\ „- - 40 • 3.VIerelta.nt BEGS -to inform the inhabitants 91Goaeriet. tnat he bas REMOVED to the shop uiider. :Johnson's -Picture: GaWrjr,- Where he Iota a large supply -of FALL- ltil) WINTER „ GOODS ! Very 'suitable for the F/oderich 'Which he is readf.to-sell at •• . 9• TKE. LOWEST CASH PRICE,_ . • • . • , Gederieb. Oct: 180..1864, * .w67. . ABRAHAM. SMITH - Merchant Tailor, MARKEI SQUARE, GODERIC /I' .HAS JUST RECEIVED A Large & Well -Assorted STOCK OF o o 3D -s • *aid i vanely ot Pitney Articles, such asi Shirts,Collars, Neckties,Caps, Which he is prepered to - nen Cheap for Cash. - . Gueotricn.Oct. 1 1864. w12 THE LIVEUPOOL &1.0D01 _ . .Copstai, 42,000,000, Stg.; Accumulated Fund . • = • $5,671,72. 41.1•MMEMS FINE & INSURANCE Co. Brittan4, Life Assurance ro.efLOndon. THE undertignet liavinp been appointee - Agentforthe above highly rsancetalile Coinpan tes.it pre pared to after loot', Fire Ind Lit er moderate rte'o1 °rem Hitt , A. Nt:aoss 'rleide*Ich-liils 1 Iwo . FOR 5 A r. ()TS 8 mid:9, range, 132 in the township, of .L2 Stanley, -*I* per sere IlOttibres of lot 29. Lake Shore; Itahlield, $6 per acre; East 25 Mites ofineth.easter:y quarter .01.14_ 2 in Inc 9th cont„ W. D.AnbAoldl. $7 per awe; Westerly 40acreeof lot 61, con.. 1, 'math of the .Durliam itoid,loiligihip of Icticantine,Sdalitim per acre. -.`" ' '4 • TAXIS; t.$4.TgBAALTS ' 34 Ovelench. - TICE. tt LL Vicse itulebtedto Writ. E. GRACF,, by I - note or book account, will please OALL AND SETTLE . The same Without delay. (Mao on LiglithouSilltp, NextloMr. Andrew Donokh' For -Sale 200 BARRELS SALT! AT 125PER B . . A >QUANTITY OF Assorted, at . - • ,pzit POTSFDS ! • • Wu. GRACE. Goderich„ Dereinber 22nd, '864. ssir32-tt AND MAXIE TO ORDER II. _C. ll'IliTOSII Opposite the Market. Cji• All kinds of repairing done On most _reasonable terms:43 Goderich, August 2n. I864 sw94 .1/011S6 ,and Sale. AROOT -noun and OUTIRILD.INGS, at present occupied by Thos. Weatherald, Esq.; .‘ 7e. Pgr. HAMILTON 'STREET; TW ELITE HUN DI; ED noLLAits - For further vaiticularsapUly to •. itVEA713, E,.RALD, Gocierich, or WILLIAM PERCIV-A:ALm. hEsernsiisiana. •-Ooderich, October i864. sw1341- , •41-olvent AO of, 1864 prdance of Canada, T.TELE' enUNTI" ' Okay of ! COURT OF THE one of the Untied ). 'UNITED OWN - Counties of Huron 1 TIES 0? atgtox andifrice, • AND'BRUCE. IN TICE MATTER OF ROBERT IL GAI AN INSOLVENT. - NOTICE is hereby given that the under- signed has filed in the Office of this Court a consent by a majority in number a of his creditors who are respectively creditors tor Inuits of onebundred dollars and. upyranis 'and_ who reriresent threelburths in value of his liabilities' to his discharee still that on 7 _ 'MONDAY, TIN tOftt DAT01 • • APRIL NEXT, - stotnenunefdthuilespelltimakolien -htheaerafoje4reffeeneowtoeindli,::oiciiIr tas: to the. Judge 'of the said court for confirma- tion or t he' 4 iset are thereby favor under tohoe BERTT1stn. mNER. BaYfield, Feb. 314.1865; r- " ITHE undersigned• would be lehite io inforM. the inhabitants ofthe 'Townships of Hat and; Staaley'and ; frau edit* edam lit that he haii.been appciinted a .Commissionerlortikint A ifichtvite in the Court of.Queen's Bench. • nail that he will be telpared at 1 times to lartIte--, Otit Deeds, Mort- gages. Winds, arc., vitth neatne•s and 'Ms - paten, and arreasonahle rates - All prepaid con munications ha • • UGH LOVE, Senr.. . Hilis' Greta p.o4Hrtv: - Getobeilth.,1884. .• - wi7 T AIL RI .A.1:0=•stIi.11it . . - !D.P.:TURNS, MOST SIN° ER,E .1.11. for the Yen/ Battering eacouragenie et hav received since be commenced business in Gode- rich, -not-being able to etecute over one-hali the oldershrotight to *its lain seturan; hatinfir • • - saw secured facilineifor. aging al tHICSS X 311S1Ye -basitieseettintevetyandoceenfutly•ialtamaton, two.:::::".en:anevnbuittat mg: tor.:41,00adssrLisitaiir:I4iteei::: Anda. D. A. believe* hie eiperience we cutter is. Cutter inane of tlierrineipal Eatablishmee Lin second donate the Pniyinee.havingettrined tip bq S.('Othisd;. fee to a ("revel': rariling'pcibti:c_th$ : , , CLOTHING - • .: . -. '•• ,: -„-:; --- , .. CA7 -'24 = MAD} - I-0 his astahlittenintegeal *lie iing -44stikb$M 110:60.04ti eanTerPas.eirotik0601r0.. . swA• 447-•-•::1.1;, Mujelity the Queen had written lolartinntit VORIC-BOXES WRITING -OASES • - fin I , 1$10•••14.1-"' A Want Supplied posiotisir Toisi DAY THE GARLAND! ! Being a collection of SONGS AND :LYRICS, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, _ For Schools & Families ; rottemen N. D. Cameron, req., .1!rincipal of the Central **hoot, Goder.ech, • 'Price 10 Cents. TEACHERS who what to introduce the I Gat land into their Schools -will be allow ed a liberal discount, on quantities. Sample copy sent, postage paidon receipt of price.- Address -• T. J. NOORHOUSE, Publisher. thweignal. claven Ole*, t • Ma-Ceaigie Lego, I lo'e the minty bubbling barn, That Wimples down the rushes leaf. For in its sang there's aye aturn, ! That soak's its -music dear to me,- l'Fe paidlet in its iiller tide, 1- When childhot.icracloudlesolsonsamorousieep .Ind pu'd die -blossoms from ittside, To busk uirkissie's brow lallPine• • The bonnie burn the wimplias burn/ That itirigs‘in,Climenit woodY glen; , Nae ither stream_could soothe life's -dream,. Like thut sweet burn elaven'glen- 'Twos no' -that lordly tante harl tberei 13 .getnm'd the -soil wi!'eultnre'iliskill I.: • Nor rear'd nglittering palace sairr To grace the green -wood skirtechill. A prouder 'charm. nholier band. ' A grace whieli wealth could niecr importv, Was wofenittere byliatereei And -seined forever 'round ail beim- 3 1 The bonnie burn,. the- triintil;ge Urn; -Kr.. ift.tts ipntiomssryo_ti.:!1,rgninlisanfcte aol;:fer-ii7bors.- 1 It!! elfin Amid, et' svitdwOod seiren r; • Still haunt meantyfar AVile•i• • Tile robin?, curial trembling, Theblatikbirti 'hinder in his ; The seenielliawthorn birk. and btler,.f. That former/ lovetreartik-t -Mod to me.. - The bonnie horn. the wimplin'' Oh flistppy youth! jilt kindly -tier Ilk, sacred spell -14 gien andbreef -Within my-bosom:still defy , r --The envious blight d' time or Wan - 1865, Afar e'er many a distant setae - Beyond the oceates,bi-atting l' re sigied and sung •wi' tear 611e4--ne; , - TN CONSEQUENCE of the death ofMr. M.141. 1 Waantaitst.o. the business heretofore carried on under th name and stYle of . Robt. Runoman & Co. IP 0 T.,T D 11E must he closed on -or before the 1ST DAY OF APRIL 1885 Alt parties indebted to the ehovefirin are here by notified that all notes and book accounts over duebit the • ' 1st day of FEB'Y. next, will be handed to their -Solicitor tor collection. ' The..... on .hard will be sold , My native hanntalsy hover, And eye the barn, • • RANTATYNE. - Ashfield, Feb. 14,, 1/465,. The New f'stonipstigis tore*. shadowed'. The ibandonmant 'tit ail ?town -ear ism. on the seaboard and in 'hal listener, statue's conceotration of theentirttrebel ,ibeity to roam where they will. -.- They ran move from one feeding pail to enotherieiiht mole ease then they nvw diow togreat , tree their sup, lies. and we no.st-tO1 ow tip nsq. drag:Ai-4r rust supply tritins,'whilb are liuble, to constant cutting or; Or We, like tt e etielnyri- •must expect to feed upon the rouittry, they, having hr seven ce and first fe ditac fit in the, 4 Low fl A ground theinsellps. --It we eice;It. the march *1t Sheri/inn through theteurt of Geoitia,-.tha; OR sHowricRFDIT 1 war 70 it the Federal side bern..bc-,en It cornea's 01 a largeassoiment of Pleuglts, Cult"; wholl/ on the ed t• C Pf vaturs•Harrows•Straw Cutlers, 41 Whenedine to trifiliutte'tolentgensernicleri, turrret THRESHING MACHINES I L&flVflIIft waifaio: ,the ii,jetaoroe- ' s( Lib, we b mit b," nth. aims Foil-1'161'nd sugar -kettles, waggon end pipe "e • .3 .1111 th a lie - Quiticey iittys of Russiti has the Rowel; tij . • . Cooking; Pazior*Box Stoves, A good second-hand• _ AST3E1401draiMTGOCIRITIST and Inthre'a'ribinilvennIrt5.*;ereallwiloishid do well to call andinspect the stock at once. as they well get bargains. .R. RUNCIMAN' TM reference to the' above, It. .Rtincinian 'will be prepared tit tairy on the nosiness of • • ' THE fiU1-10N. toriNTIKY and contract for the emetic:on Of 'ill irincli of Ma. chinery is usual. and will. aunply AGRI( ITLTITHAII'lln*LENIENTS Stoves arid caitings,it teaionitble iales;for (.5A11. cr short -credit ' tioderichi Dec.21st, 186C tar32W4R -CHRIST'MAS 4WD. ItOLIDAY-PRESENTS Tov Books..Pravet Boeinitaf all bias, Chard; SCITHNNI•Ifyina Books. eatice .vitote'armiel into vial* 414clis:ofistiri' sation. it evident ibes this ,-.entinplartiewl the war will ecIse at tut. " The coneng cam- paign till be_sifte4ether,the molt ' -diflicVati most hurrassing bt the warliwitsvith acreltispi tz. lake, PO aeelcurte b*t,..111 nomadic arnifin the interadr, to pater,. Or a mist el Igneous guen ilia werfacekif illow‘tipt anywhere. -and everywhere iu tb.Soitit.': tier pommels .of Iieacefcar,i(Pt TVS q. co wilt anent, doitincierablY ceps than twAta test week at flarnpion k,adi; A golden li*poei2 tuoity 40both side! iratthen i�st. ,Thlearra ditikuties whic h the new ,eruport7n-il evitably bring.may 'suggest etice, to ascertainithere ani-holimeteincii&W by vegotiatibti ptieildlogiorgprhick protnia sea t� be ititeraiinabkbpiimsor-INew`Yoik Yfur)f,1•-5,-.01,r5n ?tr qti tuS ov7,041*,ITC11. Tjte ituteen diellifidlway ACC's' • ' ' 411014?!.; t,1 - 1 At the half yiarly tneethig ofitbo iIft ehetter. rshethost an4Litiee1oshiteiii41lwayA held liaityliester Ifedueschtz.chp$, 25111. tha chairman- 4fife. No11414'11. t.),saW"ft was a gratifying rellictintr shit ibe.,Sheratht Compitity.had tarried iti parse:neerk:leitik* ALBTIMS, • SA TCHELS71. 4114.0:able tinammty from ac. .end:, Ladies' Con4attions. .i'I .., mentioned tbis more tiarticulitr j:be&tt • CONCEiTiPlits, "Sir Cherie" Phipps bat received the foise 41LOCICMEIL3WEEICIMTIFIL m,iniM;jQEfl'btHVIlit attention of the Directors iacreustag number. -fit acciAbof 1!.1011,illait - lately occurred Op"' !Intermit rme.. of ntil road,- and 'to express hir hope that tb0 Dirati•Ill of,the Will &It faliy cenokier srery means efoptrdetttgainfi, these 0ns-fortunes, whicli'ure„ni, atall tb j iiteesiary actoMpinittients Of 5-- 4;1, dolt it not. for her oro !get, lbot Queen: hu wished" to oroildelo'fhwi the attention fthe Coitgaity toltitivAtilr44 esters. Bel Malesv. is -nwefe4S,Ivbentiltifil treve:s. extraordinary precautions arp taken ... - but il ison tiectiunt 01 betfam1, or Welt trseeliing,upen inedflotopbopid ssoondlyo• tittit40 elperses kitelmeibkti the kale security may be insured fur allu ta, SO carefully firorldi 4.4110 tliseeu. hopeatt sosimacesimirjaiist her to recall 16. the recollection of ,1101 way Dheetoric the besv the .buve asmuated slum they have aueneeded- Hi aecuting -the `.thonOpitly: orther inciaktitof tra vel ling icf attnoat IhiEentiip the, -country. - ' * 00orne. jke: 2708$4.1v-, , And venous other articles alreheai; veris able 'tor - .1110LID AY GIFTST rell-11 ill ET well laden with - Presents for the !Attie Polka. IDQU4RTEBM • SUTLER'S. Unclench; Dec. 18.1E64, - • A GOOD FARM FOR . SALE, Clititainii* :149 Wales SITU thel.oridtm-Roid; adjoining there is a good Fraiiie 'louse and Barn All pew. A. good well and a fin. young orchard. Ti will be sold very ehOap. Tile land is of the hest clay loien &el well tim bereft.• • . Tering made known on-anplicietioni if by letter tirepaid, to Exeter ,p. 0., or on the premises to A. McCONNELLI• the Wimp of Exeter. Oa...the soon wl4f - cidirao& T111117L111 Elot "RAD ese "Jobly-lripood,v- Of Ste Mat.L -"Abiiut twelve years:ego 1 beultht. SA* a„ Frenchanin. a. Ivo *id cia C,Otilld. ni� sishgeoleiHorticiribiltr,tivoimrrytioinblee tiltdurdwoutiixokt..binclietitws,.1:771.41. .rosimprIief4vittetz' work In istriesi to destroy' Omni ":tbroAtist:lf vleCtortous, 'Ail 010'1'cm-wink thiraw rnot Ilhausr Ihtl3retitYe' 41477rallittibkgliiiittis3411-4 o?vrithtlitnii;ar thdlethen'iunsitthealt.'Ll.4... Dres.watesti or CRO‘i LOWS, , cazi,ge`hoifnigitaildoulitid" wabrikrintbienilk,..41(40044,1SOF ..wiebect 201k ifrrutirifc i1865 illatorisfilitfeliPalranculleaholl f:'71art.hfeY;911b6Call.121111v. Ariglitil-nd4ti‘thistvtiltbritiist NOTICE kr heretv -given that. the residue „ mer. ; • . of the -germ lots in .the. Island. of St. • aurvii'1i,a, Joseph, in the -Judicial District of Algt-mii, C:3"-rm 15.1ww .46.2 1.1-. C., will be oPen for stilton And atter the Atli Paella ol Limns bias,jeo , • • .. • Witb eitateliepoirest st OfItarchNext''"'-'magi"ndi-91bsitiwrits* reeernig a pension. rola t . tole, w busla Upon application to beepitiViison,.* (Ore,. eriabbisibint tolimatiosseOutcfrettkatior4t41 frownliind- Agent,zit. Algot. :deprived houtra fosforarop ingwr tel ere Milt eiothed rapt w t • vrentir Ce te a ni „ , „tt: Ile died miserable in a lone* fambig. -cr .:, - - -...1 - f h. Cash, and subject to actual flettlemenkop stew - --n-4-ist,t-gortlivsio, I ..(if* bY:10ier.1:9004,:,46,4091p470:- ;ft.0.444.710:7:ei 4:stktociHptipaoo.7rrwb_t4tbeib:::"r::t:er:::„.'' POr4.-101.44osem.4 /AO ,spAtiepent now 11#1410110 40.. Ilk !ot.';0f,11/WP.,:. kn.& , 014:1:011: lotf...,s044:44soili4h14111p:;04: .4/1n.9::osy 43:t104.: 41::r.:7.411._o,rt;:i!".he811:041e,A.71:46:677...06re:'4111414141#11141141°111' '61' all 9t Pi4Acirf. - • - ?,*egeg,- • - egered end fenced, witb eouil -10X lieui.e your Italicised iertill ilot tile chpfitAns tivi type_iitoiabei.iratimitiewda ism' gabs GISPrighe doestissimri Absetatz-~g44111*, ociderit, w,fibig. 011845, wit, - . i*D44041.4110$1PAIRC • *WV* , .a. 1. A „e".i,Va Iteritri";* -