HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-14, Page 4L y 'E' S: T11Z -�.b 31 1-- E k 44- gi;Az INA .3W if, - -, a .,7 * -.11 . , , i. - ; _� . , , . . -. r -- , ONIT ID(I g(4 ill O� A [VEVI th Pon. 29 For �,Sale oheAps..._ 01 jkavc .20, 4th Kinloss' A an .fluton. Alipt r G 0.6 d i�ie .0 -Cruwlr� RICH, -60acres cleared, With Op Pal E it be, If U.1-0. CA I Rd e tti i he MPROVIEP FA'1X8jF-.,(T! Liand, t)rparlinent ilikIllullif 't,06p. 'Sie CaW I Is roads leading0wreto. - T i given lbr a "f Codorich.. tober oney. For fl ir., _2S.. large portW pffy 4 4,47 the, purchase in_ AT—a-'P L 019 t Ifentilavill6h ea A D 3WIG sry GENT their partli�Wgrs_ npply 101). B. GURDON4 Esq" OF ALSO vu� S, JE3 ome avest :in T -own pmwrt bec. - , - . I 640wls- v N - 3?, 3 -a -- I "- GRIST Godeduh, or to Solicitor, Que -4b&* 7 P GWeritt Deb, 4w 181111o' %% I Goderich. 96W jov�ejntirr 1,463. ff, B. OORDA-24 sow" 01 th To wriship of 0 -15 41relly juver, at a eeting of the Mu-" T_ FARNIF, OR, wiL --I . L 'Nat CE'. - Ash A Is OR 'a field will:bv Id ja' 4T, -MONEY TO LEND, dfi' A, - L -0 To'wltgfiip 'f -1ro-wick 6110 A ROUSE, M. 9: o LADIEWAIND GENTS Irom- W 'Keter, OIL AT fro. 10RA19D.,4' V.M`W t PUNC.4XIS BOOT. AI)SHOR T09F GOD H 1. CaU Ott the 9th ei 13 -ERIC iind ow eWion, om 'tee MeJbei. of HOME-MADE 11111ONK-iti $lock jE:'JR 0 :8 W W 'I - - 71 JG11to-SOUSE St., 149L. ?:W,% -111111a W iML 1r... Xondity Ae 90th da THKGU11KVt1L`R0A1) 1W -;iff M � y 6f 3P6 ]ROES -.-I og uuse aldbar4' ve MM SlYWRIBElt-wishAl h nio u� fids 40 t Dundan's4lonts find Slinei, and r el All that resprited. I pubik for Past A b i t 1* the "forenoon, -fue the. plact.— West tft.qOLD hir W ED' P RNS.. sit th at'de hour of Ton itil PROV W"Y Mxty- The a . ubscriher CANNOT BE YNDE a -10*g!ilZ1a1t8? as nest,— L Icnils,,lik illabu beigit R�rntirn er the i4e. of* ffaf-A�it i�qars. ruined tosell wAggons Iluking of a Pqlfta 'decide whetlitir or not- the Apply to; OFF R. BRAM GOODING, ,h4Aj4_M! f&low Ui BY Law I ted.by suck Mee. V.-W.VAOXAS Esq DOORS of the: SICNAL TWO A R WjL11.LTA ton jjwfigi .1 OoKii:,, ff UJWCAIF. Solicitor, ."West t-treeti ofice over R. Tog Soo (Ndo�richJ80pt.,20thil 1_84* Dr Good Stoke. BA p. Clerk,.-Aslifield. L*94 bkher 1-hingeli Drol Drown ual, to 911ye 6cldericli. J tie 9 lifiel b, tail ill'10 B1W F. All A 411la- marAe 01�, I ljWAT VITST3.67, to'13,7L ut to L -ends -0150 each, ST.4TION, Ggderich. for Gode"ll3i iberas $20;000.to loan on reasda- mown t e @WTI V -tilars-ap -to or partit ply T'larble teirits; BAV] --tictm of d. hereby %; ec- C G: )TIH9 Uncle, v e'!-.,. q � -6 .1 il d:1VlInie*p8l'El A -t Fi Years redity VAR X rAshfiel' WO HORACE' amnaire it drlon.orifr.e-qqired-. A itt"ir e m 0 -m% of the: pplyto, - ;;,GOD rildlioift Augglik. IN64. sm Vemperance, -Act 'of IS 4, to- determiner a. 11 be tai en in tit W�, J. 0 0 it d d 1 86, 1964� etc a, i h 60 16 t Good Mortgages- Wanted to 1) asid "66V�ili -e hy.L j KSUBSCRIB RS would beg -to info.�m his customers an I d the ppbliq that his ittew pre�m- o foring, ch: we liei siolicito We Street. rA&ptioni to wt: 08 H E' . '. I . . - . I .. . . A' -for -erf6reei -- Act, Apply t� D, SHADE GOODINGJ je my rid nt of said the By-Lutir f pro Yar*m -in B liet T,� ises ow-Easit'-stmetI, oderich,-20thDee.# 1861A. sak of -intoxicating fill The' c -uors and jssuin- of licerws therefor en is by the pies t FOP, SX�F, by-law prohibited w.ithm THREE DOORS -:FROM b4i Towiiship of THE -QU A :E MOWEY TO LEfdD j" ia I i Uridej jitt A Ity_ and- for :!,Will be opened on the fi ' est of Judii, for transactini the:Wo'o)�Carding Cloth*Dreissin; sod, HE UNDERSZ��E lerllfor sale ertolet Mandfacturing h AT o r the T,eirt-peratice .1 ct of 1, usiness,. +n connection -with his ..WOOL FACTorif "where'all'ordbraland Witnew our hands, thi's siiflerith �dav of it0*n_4hlp--,if` tild'AL60ve busitiessi ettially Jxauarr, in the -year - of U o work in. to 11 be -pun tenlikewi�e a �IEIGIEIT tri rd, one ihou -------- io, CoulitlilufCaiubton. Therarinconsistsof pEiC cENvr DANA IN sums 1bT a.n StOC]d, ng. t'"NDRED &C One.Hun dreC Dollars and 37 otherElect' A UN RES (Signed), JOHY XURPOO h k , -B1 nM upwards. org. I- - sixty of which a cleared. land situaiiA neR 0 a Apply to = *O'Herron and jimPle statmilif,441he O� Ti ltailwave .There is a LOG 111 6 kipton hand kp,exch4ligge, f6r-wool. Ing TO31b -4 x0f)BE, T hat he ball 0W A Tr'l L,[Are, 'HorUS r added aficither. and Wl jp4l; -;tp order f i e1fd. OT "Will T Clerk. Ash b IVEL R ND FRAB this y�4 BAR -Nan -the JJ4' _0L 4. 4P.111 CRABBIN NEW BLOCK. or ASS BOUB�39 A DING INACHINE ..WELL,71 M BERED & WAT ERIJ). -Godezich, Set, 6thj, W= If For to hiq-estahl e _P ork to a' _Partioubirs apply to le-will4e repardd6executet �es arm V reasonable xtent M. C. GORDOXV -on short notice, -Ciistomera,ei)miii--rto.tilefactorv.themsdlveit . will beproinotly attended to* And *LJEICf 'a to thoSeL f rmer and pArticular attention will be-pai row a distance wishi their ( - Au.-alat JAI. ISM ng W 0 5109 Of 1A1148. ;,Aviv.- lot IM3.. w0fc d Io 10.X P e, IL nited0ounti Y'virlue of rlt of B. ed oul ie inkfultor the -liberal pat 'PerrFaclai issu flnroi es ill 6 and-Br=f B geoffornier rsinthe,aboehasineaflie f Her. Mikjenylol County. rona, pa 'her hf Itt' To Wit' 'r r efftion 14 go expense -in in tingthe wants :Court orilibla, United Co-inties of 1110ron and Bruce DS. Pe of his custome: ri;,* to i receive w share of -thf' sarne.- and t'o firteifimmed agifti.14 -the lands and tone. st-Strveti�* second door fr inents of Alexander at M a RAUB'S -BLOCK. vrjnlon� the elder, Pit -the 4 TOY159 suit of Jurnes A� Burwa__kThonfas B_VsnEv"._ land Gr0rge- Hurujino, -1 h�ye seu pod tgtkea in OGAN THOMAS. L r ent8L 194LE,- East half of L&t.-Vio. -17 con 3 thit-f6flawaig, j* Largi-A40 -Goderfe ril 19th...1864 ,operty,, aiU the Aght, p -WIL2 title arid intefeq of the swd defendant, in and to Tr the North halt otL t ot numbgr itiet If juid 16t e youn'-'r jliist mct 4 iturn fter Twenty In eonce"jon B for !0 bo fi old atid iyed iA CRES of. Irran, in 11te County of Oruce - WhIrk lands enbutenti; I shall t L andt ter orshleatirill lielr' , I,+. . . I . I . - I , 4 te�ofth - -T , , - I T the Couff House in' 1114'Town 'of bdericb .-a viANTOR 3 OEM ral. di no elear"ce. Apply -t; tllc:� H ris 'Oft 6 - I awt Writ. CLII�TON, 19th Deeemb 4 buitgfitilljor IF. 0 arch next; at' 00 1 4. the hour ol Twel noon.- ve of theLcl'beli; 00t* 44. IS64,., W37 _T G LA�IjOCk. Ofthle r -FOL' `]D� Ry JORN.MACDONAM d U. -T CE"'S L.47 --co XD K 4c:;� AL Oepnty s1ii By S. P, 0611i,. SherifL"s*Oifice,�GFW�6, "(D 241thyov,.18". �-w414 1AU1 H A Man it Atllel t+Wy�o United Coufnt t D Y virtue of -five Writs of JL) --Fier! FaeiaSL brii df Her, Majesty's Court i -sued. C FIEN To *it auroill and :SA A -9 d 'd)-jiblion P IT. 7 119 $TON cfi at, pikit of t leallf and-t6a ate'di*ted ag; insithe'Ladificand Tene- *EON*& uit-,4 of Sir, 1ranw4'116k �Rohtns Alnes Henderson, -ITT( TO I* -XITSCRES',01slo on, ap A: The 1-0,1 G.. Wort, -and Solin - I . 'WiliiaruGooderharn, �a;n inost usef ul Ahitriacid Far ers. there -at, John Sproat, Jarn &Lwkio Wilmot,Jt!h" is pefitit'hed. rt coutittis; sp Ici.. Mentor I J_ I ijavj jleiZed inson ant arne XE N 0 1 N -in e-- 0 -title ard- A�r rEAM and:ttakv pr% - - - - - - OHIO .,:a DII iijt%rej&VoI the paid t�-Iondant,,Willioiw I rouJo0ti ill Execirtion all the right, aluatile intormat R!' -R-.0 f3116yrin r land In it No. 16 R -thi *h fie 'Iowf*htp�ol Alliribpl, -$ova; 01a jIld ed �acres elf 11a9d. be thesaine containfug one hundr Nabift brerg of Fl. iir.- Milla. Lotsutun"3.4'and 5 in the 4th ATC31111AIKER 41E'W, EIM an-Afid Ilits ndin66ts 1,2, 3 -and 4 in the, DUT 181 W Air otsinurn B'� bers I i! nrl 2 jn.�he f%,ielfth d lot hurn r 3 �nj Xillay; And,- 8 -S LIS Ulu 8.W- "bT.ST Nex t dook Wost d JtL x1sils - - I I . -ast fittak listso �ship of containing ainfv OnLel olp .0 19didary lie, ot W", I I WAT,(;ffESj­ CLOC' r -D IttUIA01 it la I 1rh C '�AND all one lliou�aad at"res, be thesaine niore urieeiks,, fStRIted Poll in t6 in O.V e'Conntwof.Hrudel all offer ifico REPA1118DON 25juOnT NOTICE. _$,olry a1wr Mlwd, / K& A -NO JiWELRY in Ili -oil W �flddeliwh4 vn Till' QEG. LlY CK. dav the fitur.th dav�itf April next, at 06, hour of twIg best Style Warranted.. 19tl Dece631b*er4 iosieph* WtIliamsony lisl4ellfeOlLh cloek-.�einorf. ALGO, A GUQJ) ASSORTMENT�017 "Courts,. ConveyaWr, Iry Wgileb Lands Po"WE Sherifr, 11. & -0. 6ld&-P1-ot4td We in B. R.. Agent R3 IC '10 U7; �'.OU;PEX -and C 0 -i TIRACTO9 78hert0s Office, Gitldertiih; ill g 611(1.- Reapingl Xaj01jjLjnejj9� Wo- VANX W4 od Sawf4 volin 'A -24th' 4je a atad warraittet4o be asrnprt;xeill HiroAtionjainig,90 acres wtpre� 4or �,V#Njpt �Colmtafftlyen ban L (For iroo&n'structuren) will furnish plans anti ot. refullded. ske a gs Grr.&_WGI� 4-Alerich July AGENUM 40ANAD ifie tiorib-fill, 111(plerate eflargem, arid warrant 27114,11FIvAl YA '93T the saine logive.s%tistnetion. . All letWirs oil budi, from "lili9ch Sou cK4 4 #; , . , je 4 - be �o-t. paid arid if answers art - iii mills. brass Castings rhade, mid Blackinniths" work don frdarkitt,XWO Awl as, u6j 46citlip-tiollf ini de to or 'I kind f b T., Af A -ontain: one tAlfadian -Dol!ar. markett SEWIN( SPIRINS TYLE'LONTS JUS ikaintcd's re v s 0 Inischinery lleat-ed. itheabo e anied i& Cistingto jll�j.&j f[h6jt fio;jce gra�l du r Towim Hive*takentfie Film Pr. 86 attend Durizann'.11.6.0de fell. Clinton, Harpurhev Aiarg ao*-of - 31-�W1111111110 and ru At --PARLOU heru GravetRoff r wo. T"fe'rig Lands aft'afted for- *itie. AT;TH.E FRO11WtA1 EA 4113fT ON held he 00KING' and qnr intle from the Mort MLdI&eAj September 14ti, all -BOX to tia Snorai'X#ttles Waglon and Pipe- 8; ties. As urpaiteri�s; t"ll.he-MrIbern Grarol'.Road,-oppog 1863, lftv;�fftj other*," at&) and 0 f the ibove are i�7— villIK'Aaf Exiiibitiott- beld in lion, a!Pftt:M=r 105 i app k1l Fw6uld if pection of ou - 22-AlI23i4had- . 24tband=bli i3i" WS ofa ofthe'lT t so icat an, ove 'aw We as we are e aV . weat, rentaner.itiv L e r, stock before purebasii Mir character wtre also 61%ilinivlh attelo -prices ftir cash,, 0 ny a ded Address Dungannoii P. 0. until further rkptP ror * ONE ion - rove nietal'Braskil-C Der, and all kinds of vroduce take 'it! elchange. uwat t D� qL _144,wnd -Da flbec.lft, up- rovtociatExhibition lield in )rftu.i'_q . - 1864..L w48�.tf P.Qjr,T& 1, 1rahzi6rou The Gravel ItAta& jujid WI -thin 2xifilesof 4o'lidert' Goierich. October. 1909- =1hers a �.' miclustioul if ago AT .1m -6i lit: lit Also two excellentlots 13= P1&491,;ftM ern: Qreatly Ildaced'I AND THE SATANCZ IN 'if OtAbornei -IT altlandandaldlphlingibe Town of A� At - Wit 01 litsued IRS Edual 11ROW hot W a0 �SAO%AAW' lk- A! M—L- To :15thL 1864 :74 CA' and Bruve r h. No ilk Till; Ail o4e: ic wV oPLAIN -N AT C-11110100) ild Oil Untted'C nil" r t'virtue of: a. Fie iIAIR AM", -91n TL 1, e free: *against �,,ranVis I aiii 7 ;1 to iitf 62 49' Doory -d t 0, T0WPi8ft1P'0F MOR]Wz4. - 'd and takerk' -a exeg-fition tB 61 South 56 a6reilz - 7 - nIg all ill *4 fixsAl- the ll8 in bt-.tille4ndiiii-eir�#E-of-the'said-tI fid P ell FAst Side A arke, a t 1h renodica s- South I I in. 2,4, xo.� SW25 1 VIZ.: I a.3d. vion,it, in thaClivalultv 6T linvoi; W401he Uuildings there 80"h "h 2 i W&*, 3: con., bagr r -r t im;cted i W4 'If..1drids a tl: eV) J�rofiall THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEITV. C OF _ I t y10 de� lit' f lt6b*bt! -0, X:Wlll qa e. . I 4�'_ , d on tbo North f2l id 41 oz h - jalne- If- L epot: oloor a Pye& le'. t4 1 the town.of, Go&r(ch.lk T6esilay the Elgiftee fill' 1) THEIR NEW-. inAh don. 'Ito sates- 'it- kvw, V teulglo hru sh gmM rem& ptatter re ire, -,,NORTH BRITI'SH REVIEW (F eXhurpit' A NO- eqJ4k, 2000�-. Tfij *rcd fw take inorders, -an ex a the. q.11 0 tent- Fritintheir ong ekpe -.61 TOWITSIRP.-Ok balridgBxPerienc'i&144rkmLineadit N Y .7 6v tiliffW2,10111, 'ries pfiewil trim IMOR D 4 l8FJkN1kRG IiA Sent raph T!eputy Sherfff; WNW A& A at�� . I I . - 1, 1 V-78 --Is - - , , the �'A%eArnerican Pablilithe: a continue toireprint.the above that Liley difi 113TUIM qa I$th j;oa,, 4R jaitli t'y t411* cab 4 IF ftJews& IV@, -.001111 a he ub IANUF -dD W ours IOU. t price ofpap_er nearly troW.jWd taxelfduties.licell '*Mj largely illireasat they Ari eric ;1 -, W lid -1 t fro*!, 0 arv, lit M_ptuit Ip le, 6: 26 in Ist'vols. prieft �etlrqnt, TAVOlitwill Ot -35 in 4 T Iq Fa I f 865i,- itanOOAL 4111 TER 0.0.0mvisielt La &O'k t anif 12 irL 9, Ifte d** Foranyoueg -i , . .. ()lit 11pal Co ...h j4.00 perannum. Olt., 100 so - any wo ott e evIeWs � ­. 6 ' - . I : I., . , � "I I . - _Ft P_ #.Me t"'4011111 Q Um". &e.i - I I - -� L, :L- - ** 6"ilai Peri 91 For -throe fthe-Reiriews..... Lott$ itt a lea' ram ga, I Oil in C- FiDr 10.00 jil 149L H -22 in&coh-i, 140. icres, "etry; *10� sad Sheepsk as M4 ]EL" all 0, of e CVLCWS. .00'. aiy qivauuti�j' 33 alid:34 in 10 0 a., 0 d The Adverflang panulleftt and importat advo .40y.twoof.the. 1. , . *� , . i... -4 , -.1 10.00 _vle! 6A. zoo �nd tilreeof the Re�;L - k .0 and ane, Review F lac and -2 a _ IS Tilia TWF 43 in 1. con. 4�0 Acps., wo Fo oil and the f4ir Reviews 15.,110 Qn'ofthi bi -ft itna, ;n ou nces wo Adi. Y" A I r oftile (;ode �e .po i -MBACK111 seribers in tb "BritiA Provi T_j K &IMi WOD, Sul -tion to these Pirie" "Mity- ' fir a )car'-ff 'Wit neem - on IRf" wood and eighilit ap or each- Re -view tocover the' A: RIO" vutw Imes S. Posts T-04DXAB' ITO Tug tow L TNER.", t -DINGS Theworkr! lNe'pirfifie on'agrea y improved quality AS*, Xc A Be" - "d %din price or reduced if; #i7el Wfden - .: �t . ?f rhile, nearly fill Aintrivan, llferith#*s, are- r .11 - 4Fzlt6Ff;., . . �T. -M.; ro ;L E COP, eq -4a T-4 oPtAbW jisttii coubdif6d Id tho ilrig.lifil edilifillifi.1— ---------- le 4) H 4bbrfreoeri prices will he fjou id I # - n as che 4j=UUL- lea I or the f DOI r Avg W, --Cornpored with this cosi ofth tcom- L UW1 slim at- XNA e matter forldo.hed. as those of any 9 L i -O pitingperivilli&1shir this country, '% -1 � 4. 1.11" foup* n "a SIM* mine forin .1 atthe, setpretrittimong6ldt�ould.beal)out$loo�; hat we pako our annual pleyntionto to thei fln f, I .. 14 'V If' 0 DistiubU (d and c9pyrigot im If a LWIES OF, I 1 41414 - of" IM TX�lk 31-A DM jAdd toll.th t Ift ee or -we 1"j, ifearlyl- $246 inrk ctw Wait t na 00 7r7 11he h met th AU)plitti 1$0 w4litirely4tistifito.'by ourtubsel ePI406;t ?Pa"AFA�s *4 -E $`F �LE A R' W7 S r ld ad 0141ille-mopift mikir - lei 40 illIkOft AVON" go 004 to AT THE 3L4,1TA"FnCE. URICAti0flils rm, ipoutprifts its W9 vrolre=, as 11113 9C tre r SUITABLE F �*tiow 0 WV 1`110 AWn - C o"AMS Nim4LW" I W: Ills U n me vullMill X I ;­ � p- PIMe, r m I "I .- " t _J�L iho Villftif of -Bifibill1lll'T -Al- e "twaCrod0i k tam rills QrX4,1)41W1 11 Vol$. thetr e -p f6eb Att 16 t3.uuw CA OV -]C- RS tied lot oyal Octao,- 1# so R i PTT SWIMr LM jonr an AR. if tbo, "n MCI, mp ve IWISELfrr Gmulgg ro men I*ff Haw Tte %Wj" 14po" V ?Ai* eawch, or oq�tbepr'e Mittel All imk d&t bw6f 7h RK e e er St % �Ctob* SAII, 186. iiik Alygo CALL -Abd f0f ot 0&" 3 rt W"