Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-10, Page 4P mm" 1010o*oNfl(d. �4-!WAV7� Y All Vt. �'JAUJL J7 lip k -W I I T A f' V k�� r 77X f, -ON 1MPI VED FARAXIS wil I be: giv for a *1 f V C-Arro t- Yuctur E-MI1311- -GIVBN..%) 9,th cou.:Huron Aliply W - ii YDERICH- Wacres. c6pardil., wit goad.- GA,�IERON. 'Pavnient.- which ellli lib 114ade to the Crurr, roads.leathngttfte;�too Titiie - - 0 iteift in Lai d -�Ylri�. - See ard in larg base inonf%, r fulko AT` -18 'P91?v GEI Land , epart it I -v . ft80.,odiro Rruce-.W�4thK1nIos-N .4 R A� LIBER43, PR 0 "o U dricb.0i7tober 28. IS64; swt6 ft-nothercoluan v portiow-of twe pure - . 1. . Y eq ther partienUrail.apply. lool. B. GORM Z OY­ -A 11. F. R Y - 0 R I S T �b : 01112" - .1 . - " -11401 SoWe - tv- Juvest Tnwji -Jrnperty I . .,orto Quebec., .813Y MOXJR & Q.. w45 Goderich.4th November lifiS., 6�; '*4I`ntC A 1. 'NO AN, T B -60RD AT D-UNCA 8 Barrister, &c* Goderich.. Go-dewicb-, &iit.444, 18ii. - sw3-if It be -S H-0 - 1Y TO the nsbili of Ash 007- A 1. AR FOR A B F LE MON E. LENP; F1XL1Y!9^S0ffOOL HOUSE NO. 9 1 OT 3 CQn. A;, Tqvil.nphi�p'bf I owick. A ti .1 .. . I .. . . . AT -r'on Ry] MW 4t D17N It I -oncession, on LADIEW L mile jf6m. wroxeU; tAX1&'BOOT AND SH R $TOPI E ICH I Call and off the Oth t ty �A 0A -W `8�4 . - " - , 3? VJWA;.MA tkn" I * 11 z the bqt,-*i O�R.offl '061 Ah -e 20th d THE ORA M I .3miii"3112an -W- AiL Sim d1L or -.d a r z to set6rA t A t&'lbeph6li a d ShoOsj hnd found 170 nted. 0� Past lt�llo The Subscriber. . q4 0 Anc, VAR 1.4iii-itit Of 3 L 'house and batonj Thou'stinds have t! I'Dunc n A o A Fnary-next 09 tbPm all'that was' prese 14PROV BID, 40,4bo thfl ;V16PIL. W lit Yomiiikef fkqua at c7add *4*M Jx*joi"UWe 1h at1h#'t6dedfTeftW�VIq forenoon, for the Pi�OT BVe UNI)EMSOLD'Itynny pner 4 -,a hizitinAt'd J)usiuess., to sell waggons, "A taking ora. Poll to dedi'd4--whekUror not the 02'. C ES 28 Q LEA090 Apply 12 to J�w�pjB to D'S A ty 1,4v!� Is udo�ted by such Ace - 1, �L-v 9..FFIG-E 00. R&L-8,0UTI.V6f ZIGN W. T90MAS E B ff., �-VS G.00Tj sq.) TWO MOO -West St -titj a 11 *jy Goderi6h. 11864. W. 186lieltoii. rtet) office ovez, R.-Boothle Fw pt, Joill k"r "gs 1 Cwrk. Ashfield. Goderich. Se s*64 Dry good.store. x S6 Gc4tirich,11-June 9 h, 1864.. 0*81 �*'tl na `*Wz Warranted to Ar Xn A LE t t 177tw-1 Aj1 kinds of Farmsng I . 4 Sul 04�-"Cvlrz r9p eme foilql Y 16, *Ir I., . - , j CF A 77 -near the RA I LWAY OTS-13.67jo-13,, Mon" el- to Lend' STATIONy, Goderich, -0-eac -00(6 .1 1 ­, L L -Iforvia H9 subscriber -has.$20.000 tar loan-onreasain- # go%rtl -Opp ly'to' ableteritto :fi VIP A -Yeart Credit CH At FIYO W YPHE u*rziig.neq, qiiali -of A -s .0 DIN- G-1 I T. -L."-*t-be-To;i�.%hip� lifield. htir�by AR -HORI ON. oiloniz& i6d C'E I)ERI r"Illip &C�;L jiolrl) vt`;6til in ternis 9f the Goderich, 19th August. 1864. w3o 3ni -to detern!j n- RON.,- T A t of 064 AOON go C. 0AXE ej�WAf4 jMiiuf(;ipW Erk�- Gollerid A CrC C) rilgth.1864� -sw,62*11' to- ftehase. n ­ ho%akokill aft0iiiii4mcft^ -d Good Mortgages' Wanfe a I- 'Ab 6kme`nt-'of said A&PL ­ . . . . ­. - I &I ell i 1 11 . . �w . . D -SHADE, GOODING Apply to - thi-BY-Law I i�g, whito-h we hereby pro. ow SEjBSCRIB�R eg E would b to inform his.ciistoned publi and th ic that his new prepi- 6olicitur -vir., Sir Y Bo e ar pa 46t pbselor, Itleirlau It, to wit: 41 onq "I IT .. ., . L . .. . - - Ai?r.3 on Nast stNet, 20th Dee;.., The 06 6F -2, Viclitirl- 11, 00�eiich, 186i. quors'alid the- FOR'SALK CD issuing of licenst�a therefor is. bv the rre!ient 4L Api: Teinpqra,�CerAjS of 1664. Cloth Dre n r M fiy!j#,w*pr@hIhhed i ­ - "- -U, E--D.'OOR THE-:6QUARE, - I Olt X 4D er THR iithlt� Ibe Townsti .6 der inutUor4y slid for e MONEY TO LES SIGNED ullbraror sale�ertolbt will heopened 6 ih6 A t of June, for transactille the !Wool. Clirdin tr, d C+ j HE UNDER. saing an �AT Witness I L 4 , '. 4 our hanils, this sixteen4h- daj of b in connection vith his -and L. 14t 20, 12Lh "con.. township. of Bositfiquet Af a a ufact� rin I) S' " eq.8, VTUY, where till orders W06V FA ]EIGHT 'PL;'R 'C' F, N T JsAuarri in the year of Vur Lord oh'e thoun- Countv of Lamitton., 7�he farin consists of Wor S !biusinq�s will -be' unctually. attended to; --Likewisb ay'ar*(Yof - p ght-lidnAtOdand'15tty. lite-, sod eig ES1. �,N Sto- AIM te ars- Mpui��j�er would awrille h htc�arecteifed- itnd'iiiituatt�d n 007 Hund I toll anf e fo� A e plVie oy 1011N� Utjll 019S.19UNDRED.,ACR (S*e W.H. afid-81 -othe Elevid Qjoths��, subt -A - Apply to A True.CqM. liar it �9 T -aidSmi ', thitu 4jj it sr �oj It*" tatiodfrilieG. To Raifway. Thvre, is w -LOG. or Hirlobn 0 iirgr this Ye ar a af "P,PL Cj6tk;,AS46elj. / . . - . 'e es r MOORE and makria--ordi-rVer Ina JOWN, COOKil D IVELLIArG 110USE AND FRAME :will be kept on han&tb ex&aitke -f 0 Hav d d aitother TOMS ring". Zwonal JR&r-- EARIYon the lot. i0h* U I b 4WAA, r 4-Ambor 4 hand an4for CRABB1.1 ME WB 00X 4ppFovederedft. -.0 -sale WELL TJ .11 B E MED *-WATEW lot Goderich,Sept,'Sth, IN4. w33 tf CUTTERS, and SLIFIC Forparti.tilarsap ly to C+ e ar' to -.%n to. b;s estiblisfiM'e`fit,'he v)ill be prepared to executi f me VA v ren onable 3r. C. GORDON,'. Xtent o; .-Goderich- P. 0 on shniot notice.- 10''Storn ii to the fiseliorv.-themselves will be promptl attended, to: cu ?pa' in Sheriff is sale,q)IX cTs (IL -th ir.: Ark 0 - August Ilth., 1864 4s ormerly,.and g;srti laeattention wilfbe, d to those fro an a distance wishing e 3- IwAl It+ :United Gounties­oqpy irtue of a wird ot ov C v �e d. I 0 -UAW W 0, A 0 Hurou and Bruce, Fieri Faciaik issued oui... To- wit 4 Vtyls ;Coon 7") Her Maje, ty YARM- to NT P W N.L"B.�Whi - le thapkffil for. the li oera] patronage of former years imilie above husinem, �tbi-C6urt of lbe United Co-inties of Huron alid:18tuee 'o. oi� BRIrK (30"TAGE on ilip. $0ulb -rtl, p�jl, y.ilrictat aring.no expen ands and jeoe�i of A& TANCY GOODS.,, �llubiuiriber ho i b tentiontobuilnegsindsp, dito me directed again-Av.the I stomers, to 4still r.e I sa.me. olLAI.exander $Wjolon� elder, itt -th' hi cp ve a sliari of thf ot opv�,-- se in meetirrg the wanta. A -ments -H A R EL S of IS CU Iq -L-E T 0 N't h;rhomasB-VsnEveiY,L Remember the place- Easi Street, second door feQm CRA1113's BLOCK. suit of James A. Burwai X, &a., &C "A -C., and George Rumball, I have serize4 ta'ken in 14AMIL 0fkj'.0T11EET -his lirm in Col. IGNEIj will let executiodthelbilowing property,- all, the right Xnz GQPD -40and 11", 9th con.- either TH GAN'. lots title and interest of the said Aerendant, in and ­t� Fn I U C I Fi. To - 0 s V R Eli' C 4 r r Ann T.% oYn%e Gode'rich,.Ap:ril-I0th, 1864 LO ro .+wiw,asmay.t)e��ggedupo'��l-The . 1 12 the NtirthIflilf'orLdt' w nual *4bieteen. aad 1of 0 shaitapi . ther tarm comprises uym lef Tw�utyiaron"ksion js in thti-Township Suitable, lor ]Ro�iday Gittj tor both* id and youn;, Jun received of Vrrlin, in the CoUnjyL0j'LBrijce1 which,lands 41 pieeot 000p Th"I All, and tPhemen.t0shall 6606rogle atiny offleeir 4a ib'.. Two -HUNDRED A. thif � onirt Htiusa- ior, the Toww` of Gbdejoie1 T Ir MM CLIMB BOX 10-1110111", C Sevenilitlay of March next, al on Tuefiday Ilid, nd 8 f itumps, ar� cleared, a' DXT: I thcAutur of Twelve of theelock, nooli. For fuli vaYttdiflit0i tipb Will watered -within #: V.T.TVTOV- 1QijV'n,0ft&­ A GE0,'LAYC0CK.-- 160 of which free o �h. I Q9 C+1 IT TT MA �DIYNALD WV41,4ERALDl -JOHN C MIL -98 OF, GODERICH FIVE CD and only thr�diniles from two Saw-nitil.le. Burns B� So POM.061(l Nplit3o SMriff. 'C Shirilps.0ificti, Goderich, Or WILLIAX-PERM- A14rWq4 '-LA- T- QC]" WD - - d%Velling-hotises&e.ingootl'orddr'. Forfurther AM 'K a::]- L M '10,44 B sq 24th Nov. 1.8"d, ber' partivillork apply to ROBEKT.GIB UNS E Goaeheb,,Octo 17th. jU4. sWA Godericih It , 6 ises to or_on t e prem )Mae DAVID: CLARK.' VT e derte... 0 A -A 5 Too C ON z .1rh V.-. jdf_rQ #t j,%tjt _ 7 4- %idli we 14, - MUM I �ik'jwblfi Wcoritams spabe -for' lnionior­ Th* m98 0 .7 tor Farmeyo tli6re 22 M WIST in* -the -yd*,� tojidds X 7 V UN -0 AN. C.0- M104LB Two 10,01. Y 4 41 le.,information, such as 0A !A40 ­ - R's A 00 W" Reg A�jatj STA' etur zi. -9st:.o V ons NP DUTIES,' manda" ors of and Flbi4n� Xfflsl WATC RIKAX ST.. GIODFAICH" V dam T (THE OLD14,S IN THE COUNYTY ar M-79 , S - WES7 -0 -"MASK A r e M?, -Y 0- V WATCH,E I OCKS' AND JEWELAY 4Z .3 REPAIRSO ON 81101Vr AM - ­ V ­ , .- ­-, . . , ­ . I - -*1t-,.W 1, W. ILT- &NDIN OF H 'D Next door W- GORMN MUM Oh a h Lists Jor t S C1.6 T i IA -Part a nta W i arfitfuld have,me. - �91 n B." e t Division ERTAKIE 0 U01b j onveyanmr, L GEO- LAYCOCK., , . . . .. , .- _ �: " - rjV1EXXt.&S1�11LN4Gt­ Ntaji ano his now on: hand a complete Sq In -the est 6 &Warrant" t of. arniture, at his via" RUILDE, It- aad-W&I-f-rRACT014 Wirreroo, -AU01AG00;1A S1 P �WRTNgPIT07 -wonitn struclures) -will lurnish plans and (For StIMEET....'GODERICH vks k - 16 wetiry -Itpet-ificaltionbL tit moderate cliargem, and warrant s All lettersonbusi- 4 0 ness lX- po-A - paid and if -answers . are ConAttintlyon.band aud. w Ae, ax�rprr4eu?*d BP 'Flair :. fua�tntoimyrarujide .. -: ii I :... - . . wa -d"vonta"i u -ed *oW14f9-?kn4 Rewpins Machines, Wood -Saws' d a. -ed. i he abtve nanied wu qSi�tlldi. Ut NL F Soffit, IT? U.G. iii, u ne cal'iattiau. Dollar, mark 111olley;e1se not r�le (41ane and Wool 'liat�d C I 1 . 0 . . . I . '10 Incil July =th: ISO' Patt in nd L ohin� 41asses, vari�ty.ot Zen unaran y al .0 'r TPX-V,� W4j:>X-LjW.* CA. 4m) 3PXaCYT Isayfield ourts, -(health permittin,g) .40 101% as a 0" f)1903 to infartirthe inhabitants 'of GrocierfuL he inity thid it to pay, L-Amiths, work -do4b 1h -a neavana sabstatti - h6y afid Blac FJUjta4t'be baR.IL41AIDYI�Ato too shop ulide_r ot 0 uld patruns he appeals w.tfi'confiden'ce;�L to - * 4W '"ss Cas�iil idbi.. Als6i all, kluds.of map Cas Home MA fichirit, ind, �'!Mpofted H descriptiiin madd to o' LOD intendtag. ofies.,� hV -G.�',hfls idws, on hatO -4 darniletpfis- Q.L 4h(jrt I, 12otice. A law stock.of lowma Lands atmet one -mi ror a Vie-dAisfid-01.0firi 1- .01 0. rR . , la weed n 1- gir- V wit snrtme ! 01--vurrinti. Ve VaUta, jeolull rMZ_ tudirrialitirn,otit.e. TO:HIRE. 0800XING9 PARLOUR --AWD Box STOV *.kiF0C-jF-W .-K Q U, 3M 30 houn,.Q6L.19th., 18"64. *48-ff Duiii-hit 0:5- Ltimbel aind Cordwond. taken m6exT. r' �npply of Always r aq;on and'Pipe 8,itos. As our pattd fis'of the abo-ve;*are`-0NE:;-,-TEXj chanze for-Furiii.ture, tn hapd, 1% aLt Kettles) W LAL MLY 1F i Godarich. MhOct.,1861 pf the most approVOldlilid, -,iie would soliditan ins ERIFk6tz SAjjz OF L pection of out stockbeforeftureltasing. ABIA 45 -,01r TRZ era ive - 'prices FjU at the lowest ribmun t -or or a ODS Is' 8-d elseWheri,'as �e are " ff4 & be, above *.44 IALL 110 - WIN -TER o, rin for, cash, pi f6taloBrass, Copper, and.41, U e -,t I ake 9��d credit. Old nds�.df vroduc .n in e:xcha XUACRUS 10111 J1,031 IT T -01 aefich, Tricle. which he Vrttied f Y- of writ of ngO Cotinties o �Virlue R. Cmirt orta �Utiitelf 0ounilles 61 Huron and licuile - ri ..e ober., AXD Htlio6li atid'ttru6e,'?,R ii -Facias osued'pbt. - :'Gode t 1rAk`1*i1-iftci fit I - -1 �! - , �1. - . . - .1 -W aj-eisty a" Coun j# rei i1a.ull at, - Y NOT I --T4. wtto. �4,,Qf Rer, 'M 9.,.0 AT$ 11 'it T1 M I#" R PRICEP u SA and!oltat!directed akaltist'ihe fands�a#4.lehe -thesuit of William nt, muriltil. Yof 's Fj&REBYXnVE%N,.TbRt meeltbit.-,al the ­ot%&o&b, qui IStlitt18.641 w67,v ta'ar Hugil Nmon,dit witu taterettal, 1. f, - �ji@ (a ke a' Ajuniviral 41"rs of the, I A.Njj w2 xecution. t e:, owirsal �O df -f dekeremith. W in tb th'6n6rth in. the -of . . . . . . all, the xi;�ht. �1111'91nl- d de,en(t-' W C all. in iM A*�f'fdr E16W& M TOWN8WP OF MORRIS- Svhpo(hii4iZ-*JN 8,'- S go 7 in Ist con., 50-acrts, nib . . . . . . . . . . t or, 7-8011ti" -011LS rROALt Tag' W*�, -Vav OF U syr & w.on­�tif:ther township ofZ60ilip., 10 in.1hecountrof 11bron'.W 46 16R ash .10 an'a in Y NB T (in ereelt�d f whjeh- laids a d. tenements I -,ohall 8 * '14.con., `0 acre -11BRUAR, -7� ower The s4t at 14Y­offic U tw"GOWL, 3111J oth 11 in' 2d .6n -- M 61 Wil, 11th -iotlth 211n, id - res so CANAD UK PATEBT jf4oji I - e4�4W� ..Q 11* 140 .qfyotl Y6's1orN*yto-4d*-jd#Wbd.dNq or 4 day of Akril ner-to at the Ii active of* the, 'o Now, - #At A nam W North 0-400, !&(we& it V, -4 j2lti Ahmoa.j 140 n itil the: r1r, `j0jl'VL-. "C" IV' �-'j MCD6n A.&M.' -Not& at T to AUCHINESC16F] itoan, 20Ju "J00. rth 'H. 4 Looftl izies I' - No j 23 in 4h -con., 140' B' -A T Jim' 12th 1 . .. ... 60&e r C THEIR NEW Ju By a-,PotioCjtjD1e AL EXHIBITION h.l(r:- Shurifl"@�04119o,,q ED 0F,H()WTCK-t-- ;ij*;;tha4 eptetuber.1411i, I -A �A Or S ath. if and IM roh 15tb. U64i �nim;06.- gsluo2bpp,Ail d hit -e eptembet :Vq- ow r `1R 4 A Pmul them lo iott 2. 3 land 4in; 144h �w -117tbi-11$0, ovAimalf bthcr�.;,add also. Lft ji&ez.Wieqci i mq. -94 , b Am* 'Winciat Exhibition held in -tvingston, Z$ d irkmjA,,ajjd a, or E. ear f RUIN lte-clw, Nq of ll!lw Inlry, 011ay 119 NA)EIkP OF ZY .�br fte -Iowpomp of GR PAN" Aile �h: y4fil 9- -4 1 _T Atj� i An _35 la ]bt;: �P..52 Alt pol OF I" tha IW- can�do,ae jlh untc, 14�Z Alzipii, ­qiociai 9xiltbition ietd ini:ror 6 pl%�V*41 Boibitioa at LOX 9 t; IfA At %. Id rillin-, mot Mu Pal T t 'WI, 'ountids of virtue of a-*r1t. 4ch fill ited C t.. le w, tber or -e. Late and 321n 6 con., HjUcreseablit rjw .000 uAder Huton and Brut B� Vpnd itt6Ai E�iponiti a: I As 'R&tA614X**,ksn Capada. -Paiveshajifig -o'j;6jN --�Fieri'Fiikjai-j�r iihsidu 4 a Seres, !Y1 MA A- 4LO lz-- irclik would do *ei - been Greatly R ditiud Lot: 32 in 8 oan.j, -10 -so polpe, Aw e esty s #--,qurt o I sued out of Nei Maj -'Con nion t pie 34 in 10 con.; 100 aie 3r� Ir, to W�,t NZ= Mints of lohn Wi ter- 11 at The e or dtoutift 1*60'""WTOU & CO. as and -to- me directed itgaifisi the lands- and W -L let e n 11 MCI Hamiltair. - LT james Itatilel.Mackay, 1. have'l!ized 7ai�d leensw tberefer. -is by Ilrese4:0 'IL&W Y. An1(qujsntityo6.1 TITS. ER �akfqtip ox -&hit title and inteietst- Q A- ecliticifi all the ri _, 1 - pro ittited.wilblinibehl"a R 17 4- U (ft laoutu !It- 67.0disiaAerehit.ill, d%to [oWNlikii,441 I�Jk.4 43 in 1 50 act Otl - - �, P 7 01AULE VrrDOX Wi q xne J� -.' ir S. 7- 76' pukiey, bei 1XIlvislon ofI Nuhiber thitteen, it 090P d- ft� Fiivilerla Surve�.,- � n the -viiiiageof 44ar- M AX0111M MOO ZT: III illefirit= tod 61711e 01 Ageiit; XA., snjiC in the County of H "riii or nj eonlaining one -to the olsiert - &C., &i - 'e"; whicls lantis a fidt hu dr�A*ndamlyf.,ur" INU$ 0, lqD,- - of An acr6 more or. _1W 14e"tiiits ji we in- j OV1711t tA iloffer wn 7 rhirteeiilb'day of Fe"i� ',thjj-,0yjt-Y ujSjk,tbjii?tJwh of flodirk,b� elf F: ­qtt Ii. Tuesday flit t ie hour of Twelve. of th�icloelk� noonjL kislk brua. 044 Famas m -sued - Fit JUHN MACDONALD. Mori ft or Her Slafe T of q -Col* wAi&h�aid.' codir- ol 06 ten So Powaoqxl �,ep n Bv mly Sheriff. SROT GUNS 's Office, Gt erich,: and Wiii-fifift�dgtllu Lar4itongi Tene-.- she o, 7 11 �LIA R S NTTDA11914 Ipth Jan.. 1h E AL 016014 1 'jilwa. fjRWlfi)ot,.at- th-t'ifults of Sir :L Jafloos� Eukia tobin-n a J 3 tz -1 -i n WA .10, tlio E0111M. 1XIM4 iiiii 43oh4 -9.9 W 'I. inzo.��f -of t�- -'.T -1 0. JL WwT TPRN9 HTO MOST61-XV, E RE THANK f�m". 'A b" oo�-- 91 imo--c saw Am" t.Joba SproatiJimew1lukid dt4t Ai remewl 4 It 4h T tlie right. title and reeqt(dd0js(e#%l vvibinWp&W t Rdbea"nand1anieg Henderson; I hXvolmized R fdr the very flattering e�*co WW Y& business. in God ALE, East half'ofLot No. 17, con 4 old oats adjol in the #��ho 91d.Plax. 1111JASUre-c IL 0 tile oxaffJ74r, ft ibei 19#ce: gable to7exe,66te ov6r.oue-hidt 4��.ot la Ooti F01(8 h on V4 x�. 16, Mn jW 14 w1ifelli Saw# acrom thin t 7 11 bg' Illoo 1T�Ill!11%Lthe ownAtp-!)( Ar n d fa�dihtj rot. wl 164- 160l't, - ow. sec4r T M-141 con tiltbet, A -ONE. H-UriDRED, ACKES Ju in Ji - . . 'I I , NT -SEL . ;; 1. � 1 - Y'REIR.W.MEN, no ilearalice. lerms liberal. -Apply, to the IOM all(IL 41 RInt w: d on r snue I ront 1"EMEM W�k b 5811k,�'Iinj lots 113101mbem I slid 9. in the twelfth rjs,- of - . I 1pigsoV. �#a T t& -0-foi oe 11 ad -"D ol 4r*Wo-A 1.307 "'; �t �� #U 9xecutors ofth Estate of the late Win. liar H EX0 �j lthWTd4VM1uj*fW*-nt, contaii 'tar, a emlgQ�!n� none but e I atf on Belli,& appoid- 401 LA-;Y`tE-R1---N---w-­-8-T­ A." IRS#: ad Tottr .; - w3 he Tforibern e A e a" bor. eves is e met. as Cutter.- 0� Milburn. littying w We�refii spru V den" re Stat e-, e ipumpind largegar TV 1-1 . I . 1= "it -0 R elft -tiONSISTIN Xu ROOMS9 itfure or l6j,- And ati A. beheyps his e -i FC " j R SIM9111 JWLMloem -Culter io one of the Prbfejj%1 F . im r1do - ilm. principallyrfirst-c 0 in dig.'r&is Til bnft e., awe-�f�'- I q -e- j#! , Urij �W of. Isr jj;�kh Vill .19,TVArpsh 't , jp 4HP liti o iWirg i. XX 26 ij 1411ouloid *k -1 ry, 6.", ttfi vlz-� X- -Itkq� QQ;PPA. Arave A ide, I Utted. aW vdtla tjo Aud 1'6�rlesslj states toL '11. C T *1 et j[ron f -rA!IX 94 0 01ilv- -d of diawraing ptillfle, kbat,.!-, 2 -p tift'� of Colborne. vitidb- H-04i; i I - Alliiotwbexcelh off 1 2-4 rlff,. vii a 0. repnetei D =I! 7 r n rd VI -e. - ; batlargr MA . 66 - A 0 �;iddjti n I an who U see SEW, X�A f 46s;Ttil h "WA . lr� 4 ffA RUWkof inii done ow =0& Gamps,*c.,&e. 041 froal C;ot,-,' taken it 4"ab e term tre I oil r, Bress, sop ila: s ...ass. I ezoq . , - I ­ -,. 1 -1 -October fAU: 13 42D' MOC - *42 Codermb-.0et.30.863. few.17*Wly Sill. 449 Gode Acb, "0